April 2003 Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of April 2003 whale sightings.
April 30, 2003
9:15am, Cliffside, Jpod heading west in Boundary Pass. Some were playing in the wake of a big ship.
Saturna Island
Mike Rivers, an Oregon Park Ranger, received an email report of 5 orcas in Budd Inlet at 8:40 pm, saying they were very close to the Yacht Club.
Number of Animals Seen: 5 or 6
Where: 1 mile into the Henderson Inlet in Olympia, WA
What direction were they heading: as they left the inlet, they were heading West towards Boston Harbor
When: April 30, 2003, 7:30 pm (approximately)
What were they doing? We think they were eating. The sea lions in the area were up close to shore, we saw about 6 or 7 of them near the shallow waters in front of our house. We saw fins, blows, one whale breached the head and about half the body was out of the water.
Were there any males? We think at least one or 2. We have seen whales in this area before but it was 7 or 8 years ago.
Shirley Carlson
2 grays feeding just N. of Mabana Shores at 7:45pm until twilight on Camano
Dodie Markey
Camano Island
April 29, 2003
At about 8:00 this evening orcas passed by Bush Point (west Whidbey), heading south. One large male close to shore and a few more farther out. At first I saw only one female farther out, but just after I finished calling in the sighting, I saw a couple more whales near her. And the male was quite separate. His dorsal fin was pretty wavy on the back side, from the brief look I had.
Elsa Leavitt, Bush Pt.
Whidbey Island
And Bonnie at the Bush Pt. Bed and Breakfast also called in a report of this pod at 8:05 - 1 male orca and ~6 others heading south, very close in - about 10' off the Bush Pt. dock.
~~ Only out today in the am. Left Jpod going back S.E. at 1225 just west of Pile Pt. (Haro St.).
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
There's a gray whale off Langley right now (7:30 p.m.), heading toward Clinton.
Brian Lowey,
At about 8:00 this evening they passed by Bush Point (west Whidbey), heading south. One large male close to shore and a few more farther out. At first I saw only one female farther out, but just after I finished calling in the sighting, I saw a couple more whales near her.
Elsa Leavitt, Bush Pt.
Whidbey Island
Bonnie at the Bush Pt. Bed and Breakfast also called in a report of this pod at 8:05 - 1 male orca and ~6 others heading south, very close in - about 10' off the Bush Pt. dock.
Only out today in the am. Left Jpod going back S.E. at 1225 just west of Pile Pt. (Haro St.). Had a great encounter with J2 once again, no, no breach but just sort of saying "Hi".
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
There's a gray whale off Langley (7:30 p.m.), heading toward Clinton.
Brian Lowey,
Tom McMillen called to report that he and Dave Ellifrit were with J pod today, leaving them at 2:30 at Salmon Bank (s. end of San Juan Island). He said the whales then went through Cattle Pass and up to Friday Harbor.
...one adult male orca, two youngsters and at least two more...between Turn Island and Shaw Island in San Juan Channel. Time: 1520
Nan Simpson
...a group of 5 orca very close to shore at North Beach (near Ft. Worden, Port Townsend) at 3:45 this afternoon. One very large male, two females and a third female with a calf were traveling towards Admiralty Inlet. We drove to Point Wilson and watched them awhile longer. After ten minutes or so they headed out a ways and appeared to be continuing to head into Puget Sound.
Judy McCutchen
Port Townsend, WA
It's been a very long spell since we have seen any grays turn the corner and come into Port Susan. Around noon today my husband and I both saw one, maybe two, grays traveling south right along the east coast of south Camano Island.
Vicki Mattson
Tulalip Shores
5:00PM. Just saw 2, maybe 3 grays spout out in front of the house (SW Camano Island). The tide is in so they were reasonably close.
Barbara Brock
Camano Island
Three greys feeding 6:30-7:30 this morning in Langley heading up Saratoga Passage.
judyth ullman
Langley, Whidbey Island WA
April 28, 2003
...with Jpod for a short period this afternoon as they "woke up" they were all bunched up crossing Open bay towards Henry Is. A few turned to the East, J1 turned to the West, the rest stopped and milled. Then they all turned back South with breaching and a great show of exuberance.
A gray whale off Victoria at 1630 going W.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
1 Gray whale was reported at 8:10 pm just East of Polnell Pt, (NE Whidbey Island) heading easterly toward Coupeville, coming from the Mariner's Cove direction.
Whales came by the west side of San Juan Island heading south between 7:30 and 8 AM. They were really moving fast!
Helen King
Highland Inn of San Juan Island
Patrick of Bon Accord Charters called in a report of J pod off Lime Kiln Pt. at 1:45 pm.
April 27, 2003
Dave Ellifrit of the Center for Whale Research was able to ID one of the transients off S. Whidbey on 4/27/03 (many thanks to Mark Tavelli for sending us his photos):
The one female that there is a okay picture for, I believe is T122 who often hangs with the T46's.
Dave Ellifrit, Center for Whale Research
Time observed: 0800 to 1000
Location: Mukilteo and Clinton ferry landing mid-channel
Number or Orcas: 6 to 10
Direction of travel: Observed over 2 hours in the same location
Interesting note: Orcas appeared to be training younger Orcas how to attack a sea lion
My son and I observed a group of 6 to 10 Orcas mid-channel between Mukilteo and Clinton. The small pod had a large live sea lion surrounded and appeared to be working with their young Orcas possibly training to hunt and kill the very large sea lion.
Observed the following:
The larger Orcas would strike the sea lion and completely knock the sea lion out of the water sometimes flipping the sea lion in the air end to end then simply swim away and let the younger Orcas work with the sea lion. At times the Orcas would pull the sea lion under for 5 to 10 minutes then re-appear. The younger Orcas would jump on top or swim over the sea lion.
The small pod had at least 2 or more fairly large males and 2 or more large female plus 2 or more younger and much smaller Orcas.
Rowann Tallmon
The Whale Museum
Capt. Jack's whale watching out of Port Townsend reported 6 Transient orcas in Saratoga Passage at 1400 somewhere in the southern part of Saratoga Passage.
Cindy Hansen of Mosquito Fleet at 3:45 pm: There are Transients (the T-46's) in Saratoga Passage - they were by the Mukilteo/Clinton Ferry earlier in the day eating sea lions, and at this time are near Madrona on Camano Island, heading toward the north end of Camano.
Then a 3rd message: There were orcas in Skagit Bay between 5 and 6 pm, last seen at the buoy off Strawberry Pt, N. Whidbey Island, heading east toward LaConner.
...off Lummi -along the west side from about 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. - J pod passed traveling very quickly, porpoising, breaching, tail slapping, the works! AND we saw the new baby traveling with a very tight group of 7-8 - there was quite a bit of swimming upside down by a couple of the wee ones!
Penny Stone
Lummi Island
6 pm - At least a dozen 50 feet off the beach, right out front, and another dozen or so out deeper. With a huge pink run in September, and a reasonable sockeye run this summer, we'll be seeing them alot.
The Willows Inn
Lummi Island, WA
J Pod, south of Pt. Roberts, headed for Pt. Sandy, about 4:30 PM.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters, San Juan Island
A kill just S. of Albert Head and again at the mouth of Esquimalt Hr. (near Victoria) They checked out both sides of the Victoria breakwater before turning back S.W. about 1745.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
12:15 T-14 and four females +1 Juvenile east bound Beechey Head (s. Vancouver Island, between Victoria & Sooke)
Great Pacific Adventures
J-pod off Point Roberts heading south probably for Alden Bank 1300 Hr.
Vancouver Whale Watch
April 26, 2003
Jim Maya called at 6:45 pm to report J pod at the south end of San Juan Island heading south, after spending the day going back and forth along the west side of San Juan Island.
Jpod in the morning and afternoon at 1605. J2 did a full breech 20 ft. off the bow. Just amazing to see the old girl do that (J2 is estimated to have been born in 1911! - sb).
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
8:00 AM - Orcas on the west side of San Juan Is., just south of Lime Kiln Park, milling...
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters, San Juan Island
7:50 AM - we received a call from Mary Pacher reporting 2 gray whales back feeding off North Bluff Rd/Hidden Beach, and heading south.
My son and I have been watching a gray off of Fox Spit (SE Whidbey Island) about 9:10 AM when it went straight across toward Camano and joined up with another gray...
Bob & Joshua Armbruster
Whidbey Island
7 AM orcas were back n the west side of San Juan Island heading south.
Helen King, Innkeeper
The Highland Inn of San Juan Island
April 25, 2003
The Greenbank Postmaster had orcas in front of their home (east side of Greenbank, Whidbey Island) on Friday, Saturday & Sunday mornings (4/25, 4/26, 4/27) - she said it looked like it was a pod of ~4.
Jpod in the afternoon in South Haro St.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
...around 12:00 I found T61(Victor) heading west out the Juan de Fuca within a half mile of East Sooke Park. He was moving at a good clip with the outgoing tide. There was an earlier report from a fisherman that there were a few transients off of Victoria waterfront. We did not find any others as they were probably out ahead of Victor.
Mark Malleson (Prince of Whales)
Victoria, BC
Whales by here on the west side of San Juan Island heading towards Lime Kiln Lighthouse about 5 PM.
Helen King, Innkeeper
The Highland Inn of San Juan Island
...about 4PM ... Cattle Point (So. end of San Juan Is.). They were headed North... then suddenly they turned back South... then headed back North again. Very spread out... Maybe 2 miles between the first group and the last? and some were way out in Haro... none were close enough to shore really. Though one male was in kind of close... J1? While up the West Side and all the way to the County Park... when in the car I had 89.1 FM (live orca calls) on... never heard a call once. Some echolocation but that was all.
Cher - San Juan
We had J-Pod today right in front of Anacortes at 1pm. The pod was spread out in Rosario Strait and traveling south. As they turned around the corner of Lopez Island we were able to view most of the pod including, Ruffles, Granny, Blossom and her new calf J-39. Great to see both the old girl and the new sprout today!
Emily E. Bremer, Marine Naturalist
Island Adventures, Anacortes
Mary Pacher called again at 12:55 saying the 3 gray whales were still feeding off N. Bluff Rd, Hidden Beach area. At 1:30 she said they were heading south toward our place, so I went out and there they were, right below the bluff! We watched the whales feed from 1:30 - 4 pm, busily feeding the whole time - can't wait to see the feeding pits at low tide. They just kept zigzagging back and forth, north & south, east & west, flopping around with flippers and flukes in the air - it was wonderful! I was able to identify one of them as "Patch", and one of the three seemed smaller.
The two whales are by Hidden Beach (~3 miles no. of Greenbank, E. Whidbey) - 2:11pm
Woody Harris called to report 2 adult grays & 1 calf off North Bluff rd.(north of Greenbank, Whidbey Island) at 11:30 am, heading west.
Mary & Chuck Pacher called at 12:30 to report the same whales off North Bluff, ~3 miles north of Greenbank - she thought they were heading north, but then said it appears they're just feeding - I'm heading out to see if I can catch a glimpse!
April 24, 2003
...transient T61 was off Victoria in the early am last reported near Sooke at 1030 going W.
A single Minke East of Trial Is. (Oak Bay Flats). 1422 hr. Some Dall's in Haro St. morning and afternoon, just a cold and wet day.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
Received a call from Louise Salmin that she'd been watching 2 gray whales in mid-Saratoga Passage from 7 - 7:30 ish. She'd watched them from up near the northern end & when she called said they were headed toward East Pt (near the entrance to Holmes Harbor). We went out to the bluff & found them at about 7:45 - they were closer to the Camano side, just south of Elger Bay, & still heading south.
11:50 am - Jim Anderst of Coupeville called to report a gray whale feeding just south of Snakelum Pt (near entrance to Penn Cove, east Whidbey Island), heading in a southerly direction.
April 23, 2003
Two whales were seen from the 4:30 Mukilteo-Clinton ferry. They were first seen mid-channel, in deep water, right in the ferry traffic lanes. They were last sighted heading north towards Everett, heading closer to shoreline. They were blowing infrequently (we saw them surface only three times for the whole crossing), and seemed to be moving rather quickly. They were too far away for any identification.
David Freed
Clinton, WA.
April 22, 2003
We were with J Pod at 8 PM, headed north past Lime Kiln State Park/Andrews Bay, north west side, San Juan Island.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
On board the Snow Goose, we watched what appeared to be a false killer whale in Bellingham bay for about 20 minutes today at about 10 a.m. It seemed to be staying close to a dragger (Larken). It surfaced five or six times, was 12 - 15 ft long and then followed the Larken as it headed out of the Bay. A real treat as we had 24 sixth graders from Blaine doing our school program.
Sue Webber
I just returned from flying over the whales! J-pod came by my place earlier (west San Juan Island), and I went up with a friend to see them from the air. Pretty incredible looking down at them in the beautiful clear blue/green water. They were spread out along the west side of Henry Island with a few whale boats observing. It was about 2:30 PM.
Helen King
Highland Inn of San Juan Island
The theodolite tracking crew had J pod spread out and foraging (lots of breaches) off South Beach at 0615 today. We followed them as they grouped up and moved north. They moved pretty fast with the current past the Lighthouse at around 0820. Had some positive ids on J2, J8, J1, J16, and J26.
Jodi Smith
Theodolite Killer Whale Tracking Study
San Juan Island
Allison Engle called at 8:50 am to report orcas (probably J pod) at Andrews Bay, San Juan Island, heading north. They were spread out, one breach observed.
9:30 AM, J Pod, Open Bay, north west side, San Juan Is., milling. Were going north,
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
April 21, 2003
Left Js headed north at 10:30 AM today, the leaders near Turn Pt., Stuart Island, San Juan Islands.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
[orcas] headed (north) towards Lime Kiln Lighthouse on the west side of San Juan Island this morning about 8 AM.
Helen King
Highland Inn of San Juan Island
J pod is going north in front of the Center for Whale Research at 0820.
Ken Balcomb, Center for Whale Research
San Juan Island
8:42, J Pod, San Juan Island County Park to Henry Island.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
April 20, 2003
4:00pm ,East Point, J pod heading west, going fast
Saturna Island
J's going N. off the mainland earlier - a minke S.W. of Lime Kiln this afternoon and some Dall's in Haro.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
J- Pod off Point Roberts heading north at 11:40. Flat calm sea conditions.
Vancouver Whale Watch
April 19, 2003
Jpod in Haro St. All day... going N. then S. then N. and S. when I left them. J1 a way off shore going S.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
9:45 - J Pod headed south approaching Lime Kiln Park, west side, San Juan Island.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
J pod is here again today, but you already know that. I first heard them at 0746 going north, they went up to Kellett Bluff and turned around and went south with the outgoing tide. They are probably off Eagle Point by now (1330).
Ken Balcomb, Center for Whale Research
Just got back from a great visit with the Orcas. We started about 10:30 am and finished around 3:00 pm. We first saw the whales off South Beach (south end of San Juan Island), followed them to Eagle Cove and then waited for them at Lime Kiln.
Karl, Anna & Conner
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island
7:30am- J Pod is about mid - channel in front of Kens (Center for Whale Research, west San Juan Island) going north. Hope they stick around again. There is evidence of a lot of fish and a lot of bait. If they don't have to travel so far this time of year to find enough food it sure helps their situation.
Tom McMillen
Salish Sea Charters, San Juan Island
7:30 AM: Just saw three greys feeding heartily about 75 yards off our deck heading towards Langley. Highest tide seems to be the ticket.
judyth Ullman,
SE Whidbey Island
April 18, 2003
1215 1 whale SE of Hat Island, appears to be ID#53
1355 1 whale off the west side of Camano north of Camano Head headed north, appears to be whale #22
1435 2 whales mid-Saratoga Passage headed south then turning and headed north more along the east side. Likely ID 49 (Patch) and likely # 21
1627 1 whale (possibly #22 again) headed across from Camano State Park to East Point
1820 1 whale which I did not get a good look at but which could have been #53 headed south quickly just north of Possession Pt.
We will be processing our film and confirming IDs later this week.
John Calambokidis
Cascadia Research
We received a call from Larry Sevick from a boat off the coast of Washington - he reports seeing a pod of 12+ orcas 8 miles off the coast, north of Grays Harbor, April 18 at 7 pm. He said the pod included at least 2 males, and it looked like their travel was trending northward.
Jpod in Haro St. all day. J1 was about 2.5 miles away from the rest and going N. this was just S. of Lime Kiln at 1455. The calves look good. Another great Dall's show on the way home, they really look great this spring.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
1830, a large gray with the recognizable striped marking on his flipper/fin (?) feeding in front of Bells Beach. Later that night at 2100 we heard a lot of splashing and the blowing and heard the inhale this time too of one feeding up at the beach again Did he come back for seconds?
Peggy Sullivan
SE Whidbey Island
9PM just 50 yards off our deck heading towards Langley.
Judyth and Bob Ullman
SE Whidbey Island
J Pod was off the west side of San Juan Island most of the day. They came in from South Rosario this morning about 10:30. We spent about 2 hours with them south of the Cattle Pass Lighthouse. Both new calves look real good. I got some great photos and will put them up as soon as possible. Both calves were together when we were with them and appear to be good buddies. Lot of feeding activity so there must be a good number of fish in the area. They were going north the last I heard at about 4:30. J 38 has a very distinct eye patch, I will try and isolate it in a photo.
Tom McMillen, Salish Sea Charters
San Juan Island
J pod spend a good part of the afternoon today off the west and south west side of San Juan Island. They were headed north about 11:30 and then turned around and stayed south. When we left them they were once again heading north at 1500. That new baby with J11 was zipping right along!
Nan Simpson
Went out to the bluff to look for Grays for John Calambokidis of Cascadia Research who's out surveying the whales today, and saw blows from what looks like 2 whales at 1 pm between Langley & so. Camano Island, heading NW toward Camano & up into Saratoga Passage.
John reported he was with one gray off Hat Island at about 12:30 pm, and we have this report off Camano from this morning -
2, possibly 3 grays feeding deep, according to their blows, off of Mabana at l0:00am
Dodie Markey
Camano Island
April 17, 2003
J pod was sighted off Sandheads (the mouth of South Arm of the Fraser River) at 7:00 pm on April 17th. They were heading south.
Vancouver Whale Watch
We encountered J pod off the west side of Thetis Island (north of Salt Spring Island & Sansum Narrows where we had an earlier orca report today) at 11:00 AM today, northbound slowly in resting formation.
John Ford
Cetacean Research Program
Pacific Biological Station
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
And Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales was with Gray Whales today - he called in to report 3 grays off the south end of Whidbey Island, about 3 miles south of the Clinton Ferry, heading north at 2:30 pm.
7.30 AM whales cruising through Maple Bay on their way North towards Crofton. (this area is in Sansum Narrows, between SaltSpring Island & Vancouver Island, north of Victoria). I would estimate at least 6 to 10.
John Fowler
Vancouver Island, BC
4-5 gray whales feeding and moving slowly past Langley. We saw them off of the Inn at Langley at 6:30 am, followed them east toward town and lost them in the deeper water.
Sue Keblusek
Langley, Whidbey Island
We encountered J-Pod just south of Lime Kiln. As we watched Blossom and her brand new calf, J-39 (just 2 weeks old), swim past the bow of the boat she lifted the entire baby orca out of the water with her nose!!! We got a great look at the new baby's belly and I hope my photograph taken of this event may aid in determining the sex of the whale. Very exciting!
Emily E. Bremer
Island Adventures, Anacortes
April 16, 2003
Another grey whale sighting on the 6pm Clinton ferry. Looked to be two whales; was able to see tail again before they dove out of sight.
Mary Long
Langley, Whidbey Island
12:30 PM...J Pod in Open Bay, north west side, San Juan Island, headed north ... We left J Pod at Andrews Bay, headed north, at 7:00 PM. Regards,
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
Jpod going S. off the West side of San Juan Is. my encounter started at 1501 at Pile Pt. The whales were reported earlier further N. I was not off the dock in Victoria until 1400 but they were southbound at that time. All seemed normal at that time.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
11:20am, one gray whale spotted going past Tulalip Shores, about 1/2 mile offshore, heading north. Then again at 5:00pm , two large whales were slowly working their way north about 200 yards off Tulalip Shores. They were feeding and finning and stayed in the neighborhood for about 2 1/2 hours, rounding the corner and out of sight, still heading north, about 7:30pm.
Vicki Mattson
Tulalip Shores
Very small gray whale feeding just off Sandy Point between 9 and 9:30 am.
Jerry Valade
Langley, Whidbey Island
This morning at 10 am there is a whale diving and blowing in Possession Sound east of Whidbey island, just north of Possession Beach, close to the Whidbey shoreline. Not showing much of himself, and hidden by some trees between us, so no real identification possible.
Dave Cauffman
Clinton, Whidbey Island
Jim Maya just called to alert us here at the Highland Inn that J-pod is below. My guests are thrilled to see them and to hear them blowing. They seem to be moving slowly along the west side of San Juan Island towards Lime Kiln Lighthouse. 10:50 AM.
Helen King
San Juan Island
April 15, 2003
The J's reached Eagle Pt., south San Juan Island, by 6 PM.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
Robert Stonefelt called this morning to report 1 Gray Whale at 8:15 pm at Mariner's Cove (NE of Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island) feeding & heading south toward Polnell Pt & Oak Harbor.
4:30 pm Went out to the bluff to see if we could find the 3 grays reported by Barbara - and we found another Gray north of Cama Beach headed south toward Camano Island State Park. We saw the other 3 grays, though they were WAY on the other side, hugging the Camano shoreline. At about 5 pm, just as they got close to Elger bay, they turned and headed south. When we left a little after 5, the single gray was nearing Camano Island State Park and still headed south.
Susan & Howie, Greenbank
We talked to Ken Balcomb at the Center for Whale Research while we were watching the grays, and they were watching & listening to J pod as they headed south past the Center (~4:45pm)
We found a group of transients milling off Stuart Island at about 11 a.m. They went down on a long dive, and J Pod came up where they had been. The transients then went west across Haro Strait with the J's following behind. At Mantare Island, the transients turned north, and the J's continued to follow them. At Gooch, the transients turned west again, and the J's continued to pursue them, with both groups porpoising, and the J's slowly gaining on the transients. At the west end of Gooch, the transients turned south briefly, but actually headed north. The J's milled for a while where the transients made this move, then headed north as well. At the north end of the group of little islands, the transients headed west again. However, the J's continued north a little ways and stopped to rest. We left the transients as the Annie Mae pulled up, and from the radio chatter it sounded as though additional whales may have joined them. The J's headed east after their nap, then turned south back to Gooch, and then headed back to Stuart and on to San Juan Island, where they passed Limekiln Lighthouse headed south from about 4:15-5:15.
--David Bain
Univ. of Washington
T14 (04) transient, off Victoria going from west to east most of the afternoon, left him 5 miles S.S.E. of Hein Bank. Had heard of the whales off Gooch Is. but my info was they were not J's but transients. Started North for Dall's when reports came in of J's coming S. in Spieden Ch. and the Transients going N.E. Meet Jpod in Andrews Bay very far apart but going S. Never did see J1 or the new calves but only on scene for 15-20 min. Great Dall's show in mid Haro on the way back to Victoria.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria, BC
3 pm J Pod west of Henry Island headed south toward Lime Kiln Park (west side of San juan Island)... Regards,
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
There are three grays in Sarotoga Passage on Camano side heading north towards State Park at 3:43 pm
Barbara Brock
Camano Island
Patrick of Bon Accord Charters called to report seeing a pod of 5 or 6 orcas, including 1 large male, from the Sidney/Friday Harbor ferry today at noon (sounds like it could be J pod?). He said they were south of Gooch Island, heading north up the east side toward the Gulf Islands.
Hi- 1:15 Pm, two, maybe three grays feeding off the drop-off heading north to Mabana (SW side of Camano), Saratoga Passage.
Barbara Brock
Camano Island, WA
April 14, 2003
4:30pm, Cliffside,J pod heading southwest in Boundary Pass, spread out
Saturna Island
J pod just passed the Center heading south. We first saw them around 7:45 pm. Got my first look at J39, which was pretty nice.
Candi Emmons,
Center for Whale Research, San Juan Island
A friend of mine who lives on Mitchell Point , northwest side of San Juan Island, saw a very small Orca calf and mom headed south this evening at about 7:30. Could have been part of J Pod...
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
It was J Pod yesterday evening. Capt. Terry Domico, on the Annie Mae, first saw them at Stuart Is. at 7 PM. The new calf, J39, was there.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
We live on the shore of Hood Canal at the mouth of Little Anderson Creek (halfway between Bangor and Seabeck). This morning we sighted an orca about 2/3 of the distance between us and Brinnon. The sighting came about in this fashion. My wife is a birder. She was scoping the birds in the canal at about 10:00 a.m. and noticed a great activity of gulls. As she continued to observe, there was a large splash occurring every few minutes with the dorsal fin showing occasionally. My wife saw head and body. My son and I took binoculars and also observed the event. We interpreted the activity as being an orca feeding on a seal with the gulls attracted to the remnants. We continued to observe for about 30 minutes. We can testify to only one orca. The event occurred about 1 mile south of Oak Head on Toandos Peninsula.
Edward Roe
Hood Canal
Once again, a gray south of Cultus Bay at 3 PM. This time proceding southwest, toward Maple Point.
Deborah Houseworth,
Clinton, Whidbey Island
April 13, 2003
It seems the false killer whale (or pseudorca) from Roberts Bank (Pt. Roberts area, US/BC border) has moved back into Vancouver Harbour. The first reports came in this evening.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
Some spouting and breeching occurring between 1:30 and at about 4 min. intervals after passing southward through the Mukilteo Ferry route on SE Whidbey.
Bob Ade
April 12, 2003
On Saturday while on ferry traveling to Mulkilteo the captain made an announcement, spotting of a grey whale--we could see what looked like a smaller whale, body was visible and we also sighted a tail lob.
Mary Long
Langley, Whidbey Island
One lone gray sighted just south of Cultus Bay approximately 3PM. Appeared to be lolling about feeding rather than travelling in an easily discernible direction.
Deborah Houseworth
Clinton, Whidbey Island WA
We were on the 10 a.m. Clinton/Mukilteo ferry today and saw a grey in the channel closer to Whidbey. Right in the ferry lane. Nice to have them back.
Lisa and Scot Harkins
Greenbank, Whidbey Island
... a single gray whale finning and feeding off the NW coast of Spee-bi-dah (north of Everett). Blows were 45 seconds to one minute apart. I observed the whale from 10:30am until 1:00pm, when it then headed back south, out of Port Susan. I'm wondering if this was the same single gray that I witnessed swimming in Port Susan yesterday.
Tulalip Shores
Port Susan
April 11, 2003
We came across two Grey's at 12:39. They were at the north end of Langley. They were headed in a southerly direction and exhibiting feeding behavior then some travel south then feeding then travel and so on. We left them at 13:00 abeam of Langley Marina and they were headed for Sandy Point.
Dale Martinis "Captain Hollywood"
Two gray whales passed within 100 yards of shore here at Tulalip Shores (north of Everett) at 5:50 pm. They headed north to the beach NW of Spee-bi-dah, feeding briefly. They rounded the point north and out of sight around 6:30pm. One was large, and the other did not show itself much, but appeared smaller. Likely this is the same pair we saw earlier today.
Vicki Mattson
Tulalip Shores
Port Susan
Two grays feeding about 1/2 mile south of Mabana Rd., Camano, about 8:00 PM. The tide was out so they were quite a ways off shore in deep water. Neighbors reported grays(unknown #) yesterday (4/10) about 4:00PM.
Barbara Brock
Camano Island
Gray whale sighting in Port Susan: ... three grey whales at 8:15 am. We spotted them approximately 1/2 mile offshore from Tulalip Shores (north of Everett). One large whale was heading south. They didn't appear to be all swimming together, as the other two, one large and one small, were heading north. These two spent at least the next hour feeding along the coast northwest from Spee-bi-dah.
Vicki Mattson
Tulalip Shores
April 10, 2003
3:30pm, East Point, transients heading east in Boundary Pass Saturna Island
From the 6:30pm Mukilteo to Clinton run: There were two grays milling about a half a mile off the Mukilteo shoreline just north of the ferry route. One presented a good view of unbroken back from spout to fluke. They were keeping close company, but did not appear to be in a hurry to get anywhere. Average time down between spouts was 2-3 minutes, and the spouts came from the two whales came in quick succession as they surfaced. Ciao!
Scott Harkins
Greenbank, Whidbey Island
We had T61 (Transient Orca) off of Victoria waterfront (just east of Constance Bank) this afternoon heading east. The last boat left him 3 miles south of Trial Island milling.
Mark Malleson (Prince of Whales)
Victoria, BC
Tom McMillen of Salish Sea Charters reported 7 Transients off East Pt, Saturna Island (canadian Gulf Islands, north of San Juan Islands) at 3 pm today.
April 9, 2003
2:30pm, East Point, 8 whales probably transients heading east and north Saturna Island
...from 4 to 6pm watching two grays apparently feeding between Camano and Whidbey just north of Utsulady (in between Polnell Point and Strawberry Point on Whidbey) in what is usually referred to as Skagit Bay. They were traveling east and making long dives. Last seen they were east of the red buoy close on the Whidbey side.
Warren Brown
We just got back from watching 3, possibly 4, Gray whales in Greenbank. ...a little after 7 pm headed SE along North Bluff (just north of Greenbank, E. Whidbey Isl.) They headed across the entrance to Holmes Harbor, then turning up toward Baby Island and back out toward Saratoga Passage. We watched until about 8:20 pm.
Susan & Howie
At 5:17pm, spotted 2 spouts about 1 1/2 miles south of Clinton viewing from Mukilteo Beach State Park. 5:45, various breaches and spouts about midway between Mukilteo Lighthouse and Clinton.
Regards, Bob Ade
And off Camano Island: Hi Susan- 1:00 PM 2 grays feeding off Mabana.
Barbara Brock
Camano Island
8:50 AM. Just saw 2 grays heading north toward the Mabana Road on Camano (SW Camano).
Barbara Brock
Camano Island, WA
One gray off Langley right now (9:00 a.m.), heading slowly towards Hat Island (SE).
Brian Lowey
April 8, 2003
Speaking of Grays...in the passage between Mukilteo and Clinton to as late as 6:40pm three gray whales north of the Mukilteo dock (count provided by ferry staff, who seem to have been watching them for some time). From 6:20pm to 6:40pm I witnessed at least two whales about 1.5 miles north of the Mukilteo dock moving slowly north past Everett.
Scot Harkins
Greenbank, Whidbey Island WA
We received a call on our hotline reporting one Gray whale in Saratoga Passage at 1:40 pm, a few miles north of Langley, Whidbey Island, heading east toward Everett.
April 7, 2003
Sally Slotterback called tonight to report 2 Gray Whales heading out of Penn Cove (NE Whidbey Island) - at 7:30 pm they were at Snakelum Pt, at 8 pm they were past the buoy leaving Penn Cove and headed southward. She reported one of the whales was "Patch", the one with a white patch on its right side.
Orcas in Open Bay, northwest side of San Juan Island, headed south at 0745. Most likely J Pod, but not sure. Jumping, spy hopping and tail lobbing in high winds.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
April 6, 2003
We spotted the first Minke whale of the season! (-as far as we know) It appeared to be a juvenile and was traveling alone out near Cattle Pass. The animal surfaced close to a bait ball where the birds were feeding in a frenzy.
Emily E. Bremer, Marine Naturalist
Island Adventures, Anacortes WA
Regarding these three grays, Sal and I (and everyone else on our street!!) enjoyed watching them all day, from 11AM to about four, when they seemed to move at a liesurely pace north and west toward Maple Point (Scatchet Head, S.W. Whidbey). What a beautiful day to be whale watching!!
Deborah Houseworth,
Clinton, Whidbey Island
three adult grays feeding off of Possession Pt, (S. Whidbey Island) first spotted at 11:00am and again on our second trip at 2:00 pm.
Mike Bennett,
Mosquito Fleet, Everett WA
1:05 Kathy Barnes Called to report 1 Gray in channel leading out of the Oak Harbor Marina, near buoy 4 in 15' of water - apparently feeding, no travel direction.
Received a call from Richard Morris at around noon today reporting 3 Gray Whales feeding between Possession Pt. and Scatchet Head (SW Whidbey Island). He reported 1 larger whale and two smaller whales.
At about 11:20 Sunday -- Single Grey, must be good sized from the blow, moseying from North to South in the middle of Skagit Sound between Mariner's Cove (NE Whidbey Island) and (north) Camano, just taking his time!
Jack Jouett
Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island
April 5, 2003
8:00 am - Gray(s) are three miles north of Langley (east Whidbey Island) in Saratoga Passage, headed north toward Bell's Beach.
Fran Abel
Langley, Whidbey Island WA
Two grays feeding and moving (south) toward Langley @ 8am ish 4/5/03.
Peggy Sullivan
Whidbey Island, WA
Saw one grey adult really trucking it down Saratoga passage to Langley at 9:05 this morning.
judyth Ullman
Whidbey Island, WA
Noonish: we just left two grays between Hat Island and Mukilteo, with a third headed south at Clinton. Headed back out for our 2nd trip. A gray day. Cascadia research is aboard so we should get some positive IDs.
Mike Bennett
Mosquito Fleet, Everett, WA
April 4, 2003
Whales were spotted by our driver Jim Z. on in Obstruction Pass. J pod and all the members moving back towards the Strait.
Greg Dickinson
Great Pacific Adventures, Vancouver Island BC
We just left 3 adults south of Clinton headed south at around noon.
Mike Bennett, Mosquito Fleet
Everett, WA
Noon - Weve been watching at least two gray whales moving southward toward Possession park for the past 20 minutes, fairly close to shore. At least one is very large. Multiple blows in rapid succession make it likely there are two or more swimming very close together. Nice views of flukes. Diving for minutes at a time.
David P. Cauffman
Clinton, Whidbey Island WA
April 3, 2003
Tom McMillen caught up with The Whale Museum sighting report of J pod in San Juan Channel this AM. He called us and said that he thought there was a new calf, so Dave and I went out and caught up with J pod at Pt. Lawrence, Orcas Island (about 1700). The new calf is with J11, and we got some usable IDs so should be able to keep track of it. Thanks TWM and thanks Tom and Jim Maya, too. Good day!
Ken Balcomb and Dave Ellifrit
Center for Whale Research, San Juan Island
At last Jpod, my first report was they were in San Juan Ch. going N. Off the dock at 1400 and they have now gone into Upright Ch. As we enter Upright Ch. they are in Peavine Pass. In Peavine Pass they are going N. in Rosario St. At 1535 contact 1 hr and 35 min's. into a 2 hr trip, going to be late. Only on scene for about 15-20 min's. The wonderful sound of J8, the new calf and J1 all there but time ran out.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
April 2, 2003
More Orca sightings in Sansum Narrows, BC (between Salt Spring Island and Vancouver Island) by our Bold Bluff Retreat guests Wed. evening April 2. ... They thought perhaps there were 15 orca.
Tamar Griggs
Bold Bluff Retreat
Salt Spring Island, BC
My neighbour on Vancouver Island, Greg Caulfield, reported coming home from Maple Bay at 5:30 pm Wednesday April 2, and a killer whale surfaced about 20 feet from his boat at Octopus Point! He was startled. There were 4 in the group. (He thinks 2 moms and 2 kids). They followed him South in Sansum Narrows, hugging the Vancouver Island side of the Narrows. He saw more blows at Hope Point(near Burial Island) on the Salt Spring Island side of the Narrows. He thinks c. 4 in each group.
Tamar Griggs
Bold Bluff Retreat
Salt Spring Island, BC
Just spotted a gray off Maple Grove boat ramp Camano Island 1/4 mile out by red channel marker, east of Strawberry Point on Whidbey, came up blew several times, showed it's tail in a big fluke and down. 3:20 p.m.
Audrey & John McEwen
Camano Island, WA
At 7:45 this morning, Beatrice Morgan called with a live report of at least two gray whales in the shallow inner reaches of Penn Cove, near Monroe Landing, apparently feeding.
April 1, 2003
At 0630 a large lone Gray was rolling and blowing in Penn Cove, Whidbey Island, near Hwy 20 where the mussel farm pier is located. It was high tide and he/she was in no hurry!
Bill & Cathie Barnes
Mike said that there was a grey out by the mussel rafts (in Penn Cove) this morning, but it headed back out at around 8:00.
- Ian (Jefferds)
We had a grey whale in amongst the mussel rafts this morning and then again this afternoon.
- Ian.
Sitting here this morning (Tuesday @ 8:45 AM) drinking coffee and watching one very large gray out front of Bells Beach, heading toward Fox spit about mid channel and two other small grays straight across close to Camano heading toward Langley direction. Anybody else out there get sighting of these guys? Hate to be the one and only.
Bob & Josh Armbruster
Map © 2003 used with permission by
Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.