August 2022 Whale Sightings
Map © 2004 used with permission by
Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.
August 31
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Aug 31 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T60s and T69s) - Today with Bigg's/Transient Killer Whales T069s hunting close to shore going west and the T060s hunting a little off shore going east. What a special day! -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 31, 2022
Wed, Aug 31 - San Juans (T19, T19B, & T49As - minus T49A1 & T49A2) - Except from Encounter #53: "We left Snug Harbor at 1115 and got on scene at 1140 about three quarters of a mile south of TipTop Hill on Stuart Island. There were one or two whales that were several hundred yards from the others when we first arrived but, after a long dive, everyone soon came back together in a single group. The whales, who were T19, T19B, and the T49As minus T49A1 and T49A2, were usually non-directional and milling whenever they surfaced from a long dive..." -See full report at Center for Whale Research Encounter 53
T19B Galiano saying, "Hurry up and finish off that sea lion already mom, I'm hungry!" tonight outside Friday Harbor. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, August 31, 2022
T19, T19B, and most of the T49As spent an hour taking down a Steller sea lion outside of Friday Harbor just before sunset. Viewer be warned: while there is no graphic gore, the highlights do show the sea lion being rammed, along with some amazing aerials from the whales. Spoiler alert: also see a full body breach from T19B, who is simply massive. -video by Jason Shields, August 31, 2022
T19B Galiano - Our time would be spent with the 49As (Nan-49A b.1986, Nat-49A3 b.2011, Neptune-49A4 b.2024, 49A5 b.2017, and baby 49A6 b.2022.) After observing the 8 month old who has a pronounced underbite hunt with hulking neighbor Galliano-T19B b.1995, we nicknamed the little tike Damien “The Omen”. It is a whirling demon! Galliano’s mom, T19 Nootka b. 1965 was also on the scene. We watched them zig, zag and travel for about 30 minutes. The pack entered Wasp Pass where the shallows include outcroppings of rocks covered with seals. Our friends were definitely on the hunt! Sam, our naturalist knew the excitement was about to begin. She clicked on the microphone and in a slightly panicked voice said, “Michael, bring me back up batteries from the naturalist’s stand” after a moment she added, “now”! The whales took a harbor seal without so much as a splash. The poor pup was no challenge and was taken without fanfare. Then, we saw a brown flash amongst the slick, black bodies. They were on a Steller Sea Lion. Male Steller’s can get close to 2400 lbs! This one looked smaller, but it would put up a considerable fight. Stellars bite and claw. They can inflict significant damage to a whale. Orcas must be methodical and ruthless when taking a Steller. The battles are epic, and can last hours. When we left the scene, an hour into the battle, the Steller was still fighting. Y’all know I root for the seals and sea lions . I checked with Sam, and she called our Captain to see if the war had been decided. Alas, the orcas prevailed. -photos and report by Cindi Crowder Rausch, August 31, 2022
Orcas near Speiden Island. -photo by Karen Graham, August 31, 2022
Wed, Aug 31 - Admiralty Inlet (T36, T36Bs, & T100Bs) - 12:16 - From Point No Point beach. Saw a group of 4 together and 2 more a bit north of these. -photo by Rachel Kay, August 31, 2022
12:13 - Watching them [Bigg's] from Norwegian Point. Heading towards PNP [Point No Point] in front of Clipper. -Marilyn Deverolaux
Off of Point No Point at noon today. -photos by Wendy Underhill, August 31, 2022
11:50 - Aboard Saratoga, left them just off Useless Bay, mid channel toward west side, still steady southbound. Beautiful! -Bonnie Gretz - T36B3 Chip - Out on a beautiful day with Jill Hein on Puget Sound Express on Saratoga. We caught up with the T100Bs, Freya (b. 1997) and her only calf, T100B1 (b.2010), and the T36s, T36 Matriarch Flapjack (b. est. 1970), daughter T36B Tattertip (b. 1998) and her three kids, T36B1 Bhotia (b. 2009 female), T36B2 Greenfelder (b. 2013), and T36BB3 Chip (b. 2018 male) between Foulweather and Point No Point. The water was glass smooth, and the orcas were cruising steadily southbound, absolutely beautiful! We stayed with them until around Useless Bay, mid-channel. -photos, ID, and report by Bonnie Gretz, August 31, 2022
T36B Tattertip and T36B1 Bhotia - Had a wonderful day on the water today – beautiful water and reflections. We found the T36s (5 whales) and T100Bs (2 whales) leisurely traveling south down Admiralty Inlet, close to Double Bluff (Whidbey). T036 Flapjack (b.1970), T036B Tattertip (b.1998), T036B1 Bhotia (b. 2009), T036B2 Greenfelder (b.2013) and T036B3 Chip (b. 2018). I don’t recall having seen the T100Bs before – T100B Freya (b. 1997) and T100B1 (b. 2010). Always a treat to be out with Puget Sound Express aboard Saratoga. Thanks to our Capt. Christopher Lewman, and naturalist Colleen Farrell. -photos, IDs, and report by Jill Hein, August 31 2022
10:55 - MV Swiftsure is leaving the T36s and T100Bs southbound north of Point No Point.
10:28 - Swiftsure has the T36s and T100Bs southbound in Admiralty Inlet off Double Bluff. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
Wed, Aug 31 - Port Gamble (Possible earlier sighting of T36, T36B, and T100Bs) - Orcas were in Port Gamble Bay this morning at 06:45 right in front of our house. We watched them for a good half hour at least before work. I was wondering if they are transient whales since there are many seals who hang around the fish pens there and it seemed like they may have been after the seals though there is salmon in the bay right now as well. Some of the seals came in close to shore near our house to get away from them. There were at least 4 orcas. At least one was very large. They blew loudly from their blowholes, breached, slapped their tails on the water, and swam quickly in the middle of and around the fish pens. It was amazing! They remained mostly in the middle. A few went further south, came back toward the middle, then headed more north. Our friend saw them first going through the channel (south) into the bay. -Michelle Jones -photo by Michelle Jones, August 31, 2022
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Aug 31 - Possession Sound (Two Spot) - 12:43 - There’s a humpback whale going south between Glendale and Mukilteo right now. -Alice Thuy Talbot
12:40 - MV Swiftsure has a humpback whale (Two Spot) southbound in Possession Sound between Clinton and Possession Point now. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
We later caught with one of my favorite humpbacks, the handsome Two Spot (MMZ0013) south of the Mukilteo ferry. -photo by Bonnie Gretz, August 31, 2022
We also found everybody’s favorite humpback whale Two Spot southbound as he passed Glendale on Whidbey’s east side. -photo by Jill Hein, August 31, 2022
August 30
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Aug 30 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T2B, T36, T36Bs, T46s, T60s, T69s, T100Bs) - With early reports of a couple orca heading into Sooke Harbour that turned back out as quick as they came in we headed out on our morning adventure, and to our surprise there was a T PARTY out front of Sooke! Minutes from our docks we realized that there was 15+ Bigg’s/Transient Killer Whales hunting and socializing off east Sooke! Best account there was T069s, T060s, T046s, T100B, T036, T036B's, T002B, and possibly T065A. Wow! -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 30, 2022
T36B Tattertip & T36B3 Chip - We ended up East of Sooke BC with a T-Party of over 20 whales! -photos by Janine Harles, August 30, 2022
Tue, Aug 30 - Haro Strait (T19, T19B, T49As) - 18:20 - The northern Haro whales are heading south from Spieden for San Juan Channel - T49As and T19 and 19B. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Tue, Aug 30 - Haro Strait (T2B and T60s) |08-30-22 Biggs Transients T60s and possibly T2B
18:05 - 19:10, 7 Biggs Transients eastbound first seen on the Canadian side of High Haro. As they approached San Juan Island the group of 7 individuals, the T60s plus one, turned up island. I am presuming the 7th member of the group was T2B as they were together on the 28th. At 19:10, they surfaced as a tight group and then didn't surface again in my line of sight. Later reports have the group continuing north up-island. Viewing 1 mile south of Landbank. -Michelline Halliday, SJI -photos by Michelline Halliday, August 30, 2022
T60s from the west side of San Juan Island. -photos by Gayle Swigart, August 30, 2022
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Aug 30 - Saratoga Passage
17:35 - I think it seemed to be trending south last time we saw it.
16:17 - The humpback is still hanging out in the same area. Disappears for awhile, then pops back up a few times before disappearing again. Observing from Harrington Lagoon area, east side of Whidbey.
10:30 - There's a whale just south of Coupeville around the green buoy. Can't identify. Maybe humpback. -Camille Hartley
08:45 - A humpback hanging out in upper Saratoga Passage, off Onamac Point this morning. Direction uncertain, but didn't keep to that area. -Reported by Steve Boskovich on CWW.
Tue, Aug 30 - North Puget Sound (Two Spot) - 11:22 - Just saw it from the ferry! -Sara Young
10:00 - Janine Harles called to report humpback Two Spot CRC16017 (aka CS631 aka MMZ0013) foraging in North Puget Sound south of Possession Point out from between Haines Wharf, Edmonds facing south directionally toward ferry terminal as they were leaving just now. -photos by Janine Harles, August 30, 2022
August 29
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Excerpt from Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute: “August 29 was another Big Bigg's Day in the Salish Sea! Through reports from community scientists on regional sightings pages as well as on the water reports from the Pacific Whale Watch Association we were able to confirm 55 Bigg's killer whales in the region yesterday. Amazingly, they were all in the central Salish Sea between Whidbey Island and Howe Sound, including the San Juan and southern Gulf Islands and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
The whales were spread out in 11 different groups representing 14 different matrilines. For our part, we got out with a group of 10 whales in Rosario Strait that included the T34s, T37, T37A1, the T37Bs, and T101s. When we got on scene, they had just finished a kill, and we got to see some of the post-meal celebrations like this breach! The continued on their way north after that, with young male T37B1 Lance and adult male T101B Lagoon hanging out together apart from the rest of the group. It was amazing (and a little chaotic) to track all of yesterday's whales, but a huge thank you to everyone who shares their sightings and photos to help make this type of tracking possible! No one person or group would be able to find and ID all these whales and so days like yesterday are a testament to the great collaborative community we've all built to observe, study, and respectfully enjoy whales here in the Salish Sea. “ -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, August 29, 2022
Mon, Aug 29 - Active Pass (T37As) - On this sunny morning around 8am, the T037As swam eastward through Active Pass. Photos taken from the shore of Galiano Island. -photos by Karoline Cullen, August 29, 2022
Mon, Aug 29 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46Bs) - What a beautifully calm day with Bigg's/Transient Killer Whales T046Bs. -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photo by Paul Pudwell, August 29, 2022
Mon, Aug 29 - Haro Strait (T101s) - 08-29-22 T101s, Haro Strait, SJI - 09:45, Three members of the T101s traveling in a tight group southbound, 1/3 mile from shore, 1 mile south of Landbank's Westside Preserve. Just as they were going out of my view, one of the orcas lifted straight out of the water in a beautiful spyhop. A note about the fishing boat in the photo of the spyhop. The fisherman was at a full stop, just drifting as he fished. As the orcas came near he paused to watch the orcas pass by then resumed his fishing. It must have been an amazing sight to see that spyhop. Photographed from shore, cropped and enlarged. T101s ID'd by Monika Weiland Shields. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - T101A and T101B - T101, T101A, and T101B -photos and IDs by Michelline Halliday, August 29, 2022
Mon, Aug 29 - Deception Pass (T36, T36Bs, T65A5, & T100Bs)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ethan Glass
Date of Sighting: 8/28/2022
Time: 4:08 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Deception Pass/ North Whidbey
Direction of travel : W
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Could’ve been 1
Any unusual markings?: N/A
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
16:30 - Trending southwest and almost out of my sight.
16:10 - Westbound past West Beach Deception Pass State Park.
16:00 - Westbound off North Beach Deception Pass State Park.
15:35 - Visible from [Deception Pass] bridge, headed west this way.
15:25 - Westbound approaching Cornet Bay.
15:00 - Possible flip back west. That's where they were aiming, haven't seen since. North of Ala Spit.
14:30 - Bigg's orcas T36s, T100s came down Rosario Strait and headed eastbound in Deception Pass and just went under the bridge a few minutes ago. Edit w/ full IDs: T36/36Bs, T100Bs (not T100s) and T65A5 per Yifan Ling. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Rachel Haight, August 29, 2022
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Aug 29 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Humpbacks MMY0308 & BCZ0485 "Flurry" west of Sooke! Everyday is a special adventure. -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 29, 2022
Mon, Aug 29 - San Jaun Channel - 17:45 - Humpback passing Mineral Point heading south. -Dan Shelley [WSSJI]
17:45 - Lone Humpback headed south in SJ Channel: passed Mineral Point. -Alex Shapiro [WSSJI]
Mon, Aug 29 - North Puget Sound - 18:20 - Seeing blow of who presume is a humpback due south of Cultus Bay about 1.5-2 miles. Due west of north Edmonds.And at least a dozen harbor porpoise (including some itty bitty calves) spread out ~ few hundred yards offshore Ocean Ave, Edmonds. They are foraging/milling. Fish are jumpin. One porpoise breach. -Alisa LB, Orca Network
13:00 - Southeast at Mutiny Bay. -photos by Ashley Rendon, August 29, 2022
12:45 - Whales swimming south in Admiralty Inlet mid-channel passing Foulweather Bluff. -Dorian Garson
08:12 - Two humpbacks just north of Shore Meadows Whidbey side. facing south swimming slowly against the northbound current. -Rob Harris
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 29 - San Juans - 15:03 - There’s a gray whale south of Turn Island heading south. -Julie Woodruff [WSSJI]
Mon, Aug 29 - Port Susan (CRC2440 & CRC2441) - 17:44 - The Port Susan Grays have split up, one is eating at Warm Beach and the other about a mile out along the edge of the Stillaguamish River Delta eating. Some photos and video on my timeline if an expert wants to try to ID the second gray. Alisa here. I commented on one of your posts confirming the 2nd gray is CRC2441 another 2022 newbie. 2441 showed up again recently and then no confirmed reports for couple week at least. Maybe left and came back again or has been around but unidentified or presumed 2440 at times perhaps.
2 grays approaching Kayak Point, Grays eat briefly in the cove north of Kayak Point and continued swimming north along the shore of Warm Beach at 4:30PM. These 2 were first spotted a Tulalip Shores at 2:30PM and have been swimming north along the shore since then.
15:42 - 2 Grays Approaching McKees Beach from the south. One is CRC2440, the other has been ID'd by Alisa Lemire Brooks as CRC2441 ! Both new to the Cascadia Research Cooperative list and doing their own thing, boomers head north Gen-Z hanging out in the Salish Sea. -John C Storbeck
14:50 - Grey whale out front of Spee-Bi-Dah in Port Susan right now heading north. Almost certainly CRC2440 but unable to identify. -Joe Eichinger
August 28
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Aug 28 - Haro Strait (T2B & T60s) - 08-28-22 T60s and T2B, Haro Strait, SJI
08:44, 2 leaders northbound approaching Point Edwards which is just south of Landbank Westside Preserve, less than 1/4 mile from shore. Hearing blows and visual of one fin south of my viewpoint which is 1 mile south of Landbank.
08:48, 5 orcas northbound, 1 mile south of Landbank, 1/4 mile from shore. T2B and T60C traveled side by side and then were joined by 3 others to form a line as the group approached Point Edwards (just south of Landbank) for a total of 7 orcas, members of the T60s and T2B. Photographed from shore, cropped and enlarged. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - T60 - T2B and T60C -photos and IDs by Michelline Halliday, August 28, 2022
09:08 - Close to shore Deadman’s. Confirmed all 6 T60s with T2B.
07:00 - Report of orcas heading up island from near Eagle Point. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI] ”We had a surprise close pass off the west side of San Juan Island from T2B and the T60s. After brothers T60D Onca and T60E Lynx, pictured here, had been cruising the west side on their own the day before, they met up with the rest of their family for a while before splitting off again later in the day. Nothing like Sunday dinners with mom!” -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, August 28, 2022
T60D and T60E -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, August 28, 2022
Great to see the Bigg’s/Transient Killer Whales T060s & T002B still around today! They were bucking the flood heading west off Victoria. -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 28, 2022
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Aug 28 - Haro Strait - 12:33 - The humpback is just passing the crane and barge still northbound. -James Richardson [WSSJI]
11:31 - Humpback sighted at Lime Kiln moving northbound. -Nhoj Klop [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Aug 28 - Port Susan (CRC2440) - 15:46 - Gray whale just past Mckee’s Beach headed north. -Chasen Davis
15:30 - From Kayak Point. -photo by Doug Solowan, August 28, 2022
11:55 - CRC2440 spotted of Port Susan Terrace heading towards Bretland.
09:58 - Saw a post from another group of a gray whale in Port Susan this morning, near Tillicum Beach.
09:40 - Last reported off Kayak Point feeding.
07:40 - CRC2440 at Tillicum Beach in Port Susan. -John C Storbeck
08:34 - At McKees headed north toward Kayak Point. -Chasen Davis
Sun, Aug 28 - South Puget Sound - 09:12 - Reported as 2 grays (gray possible, 2 grays improbable) in Hale Passage off Ketner Point, Fox Island. (via Whale Alert App)
August 27
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Aug 27 - Haro Strait (T60D and T60E) - 08-27-22 T60D and T60E, Haro Strait. - 13:50 - 14:45, Viewing from 1.3 miles south of Landbank's Westside Preserve, T60d and T60E in the distance, southbound just passing Point Edwards about 1/4 mile off shore. As the pair traveled down island they began to pull away from shore, heading to the SW. At 14:10 they had made it across from me, 1.5 miles from shore, when they stopped. There was some splashes and lunging. I saw a porpoise surface quickly before being tossed in the air by one of the orcas. The pair continued to move farther to the west away from the island until out of sight. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - Tossing a porpoise into the air -video still by Michelline Halliday, August 27, 2022
11:00 - T60D and E now milling in Spieden Channel -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Sat, Aug 27 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T60s minus T60D and T60E) - Another great day in the Salish Sea with Bigg's/Transient Killer Whales T060s on the hunt south of Race Rocks Lighthouse! -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 27, 2022
Sat, Aug 27 - Admiralty Inlet (T2B & T60s) - 19:10 - Single orca surfaced directly in front of Fort Casey State Park. Moving northward quickly. -Debi Smith Stapel
19:05 - T60, 60F and 60G are nearby. We saw them as well as 02B and T60C. All traveling south. IE5 When we left 30 minutes ago, they were close to the ferry lanes. -photos and report by Cindi Crowder Rausch, August 27, 2022
18:05 - T2B & T60C passing Point Wilson close to shore heading in (SE). Mom has F & G more mid channel. -April Ryan, Maya’s Legacy
17:50 - Moving south to Point Wilson.
17:43 - At least 2 whales approaching Ebey's Reserve. Another one behind. Close to Whidbey. -Cyrilla Cook
17:15 - Correction on ID. It looks like we had T2B with T60C, not his mom. Still eastbound [approx. 48.151791, -122.801434]
17:22 - The others are still aiming east. 3 in the far off group but we aren't going to have time to see who they are.
17:11 - T60C and T2B (edited with ID correction per Bart) are eastbound, about 5 miles west of Point Wilson aiming toward Puget Sound [see location photo in comments]. Other animals are a few miles to the north....Too far away to tell, but they were earlier [heading east]. [approx.48.152792, -122.843067] -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Here is a link to my video of the T60s and T2B in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, filmed at 12:17 PM Sunday, August 28, 2022. -Gerald Graham
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Aug 27 - Saratoga Passage (Malachite) - 11:50 - He's turned back north, passing Race Lagoon northbound, Whidbey side. -Jill Hein, Orca Network
11:37 - Just saw it come up at Race Lagoon and Tasman. -April LaMar -photos by KJ LaMar, August 27, 2022
11:10 - Southbound along the shoreline [approx. 48.212854, -122.612643].
10:54 - We've got a humpback, Malachite, up where my maps shows [approx. 48.225064, -122.628343]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Aug 27 - Port Susan (CRC2440) - CRC 2440 has been at Bretland down to Tyee this afternoon. After heading south past Tillicum he turned back and has been feeding at Tillicum Beach sandbar still there at 8:15. First spotted in Port Susan at noon at Tulalip Shores traveled along the shore past McKees and Warm Beach and then appeared at Bretland. Eating and more eating. Also more video of him swimming upside down on the surface showing off. -John C Storbeck
MINKE WHALES - Sat, Aug 27 - Admiralty Inlet - 19:30 - Minke northbound Ebey’s Landing. Visible without binos! -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
August 26
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Aug 26 - San Juans (T36, T36Bs, and T137s)
15:10 - T36, 36Bs, 137s heading west after milling and killing near Deer Harbor for the last 30+ min.
12:30 - Orcas westbound in Thatcher Pass -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Fri, Aug 26 - Strait of Georgia - 09:40 - Very close to shore of Mayne Island, Strait of Georgia. -photos by Yves Tiberghien, August 26, 2022
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Aug 26 - Saratoga Passage (Malachite) - 15:30 - Seems to be feeding in general area between Long Point and green buoy. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:11 - San Juan Clipper leaving Malachite off Snakelum Point heading back toward Penn Cove.
13:41 - San Juan Clipper is with Malachite off Snakelum Point. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
13:05 - Just spotted humpback Malachite breach/lunge close to the green buoy in upper Saratoga Passage. Had no service to let you know earlier. No noticeable direction of travel. -Jill Hein, Orca Network
07:45 - Humpback breaching mid-channel between Onamac Point and Greenbank…pretty much hanging around Onamac, but moved a little north. -Tom Lange [CWW]
Fri, Aug 26 - Puget Sound - 19:08 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 19:18 to report: humpback whale 8/26 1908 hrs Spokane Master reports one humpback whale 1 1/2 mile off EDM dock headed South.
Fri, Aug 26 - Admiralty Inlet - From 8:15 am to around 9:30 am, located about a mile west off shore from the southwest point (Indian Point) of Useless Bay. I believe this is a humpback and was headed south after an extended time fin slapping and breaching for our community’s delight. -Jeff Blake -photo by Jeff Blake, August 26, 2022
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Aug 26 - Rosario Strait (CRC1100) - We came upon a gray whale northbound at Reef Point at Cypress Island on August 25th. Attached are images of this individual - having a difficult time identifying this one! Apologies for shots in the glare, but hopefully these markings are enough for ID. Per Alie Perez, the individual is "CRC1100, a PCFG individual that was first IDed in 2008 and never sighted in Washington waters before!" -Trevor Derie
August 25
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Aug 25 - Strait of Georgia - Some nice orca visitors off Mayne Island, BC. Strait of Georgia. -photo by Yves Tiberghien, August 25, 2022
Thu, Aug 25 - Puget Sound (T36, T36Bs and T137s)
16:32 - Group of 4 followed, then 1, then T137A trailing.
16:25 - Spread out, 3 of T36Bs just passed PNP. Others trailing.
16:15 - In two tight groups separated by a few hundred yards, northbound approaching Point No Point. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photo by Rachel Haight, August 25, 2022
16:34 - They are passing Point No Point spread out.
16:25 - They are heading this way.
16:18 - No direction of travel it looks like they just made a kill still in the same area several whales.
16:14 - From here at Point No Point I'm looking right at the Point Wells fuel tanks and Jack was between us.
16:11 - Just saw a large dorsal heading this way close to this side. I'm at Point No Point. -Jim Pasola -photo by Jim Pasola, August 25, 2022
14:20 - Seeing fins traveling northbound roughly around Eglon. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:54 - Just saw three from the Kingston ferry. Headed north. Looked like a male and two young ones. -Ophelia Howley Simpson
13:16 - San Juan Clipper is leaving them northbound just south of Apple Tree Cove. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
13:09 - Off President Point, Kitsap side, heading north. -Joanne Graves
12:16 - Report of 4-5 off Fay Bainbridge park heading northbound. -Orca Network
12:30 - I would say there were at least 3… my first time ever seeing any! [Off Fay Bainbridge]. -Celina DeJong
12:12 - Off Fay Bainbridge There were at least four - maybe five: one male and one baby - possibly two or three females. -Jennifer Borba Von Stauffenberg
12:11 - Trailing group of orcas passing by Fay Bainbridge. Saw 4 in this group. -Sue Surowiec Larkin -photo by Sue Surowiec Larkin, August 25, 2022
11:40 - San Juan Clipper is with them; they are spread out across the sound north and east of Fay Bainbridge Park, leaders nearing President's Point. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
11:16 - East side of Bainbridge across from Discovery Park. Slowly moving up that side of the island. -Ricardo Aguayo
12:24 - Jack and Chip spotted for sure (T36, T36Bs & T137s).
11:05 - There are several on the east side of Bainbridge. -Nicole Peters
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Thu Aug 25 10:25 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.58577,-122.46061
Submitted Comments: Seen from 10 am ferry to Bremerton. Very active and moving fast
Submitter Name: Carl Furfaro
Whale Alert App
10:24 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 10:41 to report: WALLA WALLA spot 3 Orca, 8/25 Vessel reports via 800MHz spotting 3 orca heading northbound, 1/4 mile off Restoration Point. [ edit to include that's South Bainbridge, Island]
08:50 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 09:18 to report: KITSAP spots 6 Orca, 8/25 Captain, F/V/SW F watch, reports spotting a pod of 6 orca whales feeding off Dolphin Point. Two juveniles were spotted in the group.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Shana Pennington-Baird
Date of Sighting: 8/25/2022
Time: 8:48 AM
Species seen: Orca pod
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: East of Vashon ferry dock
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Tail slap, traveling
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Photos available?: No
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Aug 25 - Possession Sound (CRC2440) - 14:40 - [CRC2440] - feeding just north of Spee-bi-Dah -Joe Eichinger
09:18 - There’s one [gray] in front of U division [Hat Island] now too, not sure if it’s the same. - Amanda Hanson
09:16 - Gray off I division [Hat Island] heading northeast. -Michele Sayed
August 24
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Aug 24 - Strait of Georgia - Orca in the distance off Mayne island early afternoon, quite some action! -Yves Tiberghien -photo by Claire Tiberghien, August 24, 2022
Wed, Aug 24 - South Puget Sound (T36, T36Bs and T137s)
20:30 - They stopped to feed right off our deck which is east side, Carr Inlet, just south of Kopachuck. Heard them before we saw them. They hung around for 10 minutes or so, then took off fast mid-channel heading north in Carr Inlet. -Sarah Richey Guenther
16:37 - They are past Solo Point heading towards Nisqually delta. -Ben Bird
16:00 - The same pod came into Balch Passage three times today from 11:20 to 4:00. 1st time: all the way east to west. 2nd time: from west to halfway. Staying west of channel marker, and then leaving out west again. 3rd time: all the way west to east. -Lee Ellen Bell -photo by Lee Bell, August 24, 2022
16:10 - Staying close to Anderson and trending south.
15:55 - Northeast corner of Anderson Island slowly heading east. Slowly. Deep dives. -Cari Black
15:25 - Northeast of Eagle Island, heading east.
15:00 - North of Anderson Island. -Ryan Guglomo -photo by Ryan Guglomo, August 24, 2022
15:43 - I have reports they are heading east into Chambers Bay now. Towards golf course.
15:21 - I have reports that the orca are staying northwest of Eagle [Island] in the riptides. They seemed to be all about those strong currents the whole time I watched. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
14:54 - Spotted 5 northwest side of Anderson [Island], heading east toward Eagle [Island]. -Barbara Roehl Boettcher
12:38 - Kirsten Amron (sp?) called to report orcas in Drayton Passage. At least 4 orcas (including one male) breaching, tail slapping, & spyhopping. Look to be feeding. Kirsten is leaving the area, with pod still there very active.
12:26 - Orcas just left from the west side of the Eagle Island and are now traveling south down the west side of Anderson Island. -Vicki Flood
Here is today's orca gratitude: dear T36 & T137 orca families, thank you for: 1) showing up on a day i was here and had time, 2) showing up in the early part of a hot day, 3) spending 2+ hours meandering back and forth visible from shore, 4) getting me 4,000 steps in my Orca Workout, 5) deciding today was a celebratory day in which you would spyhop, tail lob, breach and frolic with abandon. thank you for blessing me with filling almost 3 64g memory cards and offering the zen of almost 7000 photos to cull and process.
14:08 - As best I can tell they are trending toward Carr. I’ve completed the 2-hr Anderson Island Orca Workout and filled almost 3 64g cards. I’m calling it a day to process pictures for the rest of my life [approx. 47.192431, -122.731635].
13:54 - I think I counted 8. They are moving again and west bound.
13:46 - At least 5 stalled out in the same spot I marked above
13:23 - Moving fast east toward eagle island [47.194208, -122.702643].
13:00 - They seem to be tending east back toward Eagle Island
12:56 - They have been sending back toward the center [approx. 47.194670, -122.717385].
12:42 - Likely we just saw a kill. Still milling.
12:34 - They milled and went dark but were turned around toward Carr when they did. Still looking, but there was some adorable surface activity. Roughly same spot.
12:23 - Look committed to SW in Drayton Passage. They are right in front of the whale watching boat. [approx. 47.191381, -122.734344].
12:06 - at least 5 westbound [approx. 47.192467, -122.709991]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider - Rabble-rousing cousins T36B3 (Chip), T137D (Wright) and T137A (Jack) enjoying their day together. These 3 seemed inseparable in my photos. - Double Spyhop! One of them was T36B3 Chip but I don't know who the other was. -photos and IDs by Belen Bilgic Schneider, August 24, 2022
11:45 - Orcas have headed west between McNeil and Fox Island and are our west of Fox Island. -Vicki Flood
11:18 - Saratoga has the 36s and 137s south of McNeil Island westbound. -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
10:35 - Saw several orcas heading westbound at north end of McNeil Island. Maybe into Carr but they must have done a deep dive as I lost them. Viewing from north part of Steilacoom. -Jennifer Tebaldi
10:22 - Orcas are on the west side of Fox Island closer to McNeil island right now. -Christine Louise Groenendaal
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Aug 24 - Saratoga Passage (Malachite)
13:47 - Still feeding gradually moving northward.
13:28 - Definitely feeding moving around was close to shore now moving out closer to the middle channel.
13:10 - Humpback mile north of Cama Beach not sure if it’s the same whale.
12:33 - Baleen whale solo heading south midchannel-ish by Cama Beach . -Aaron Gill -photo by Aaron Gill, August 24, 2022
09:05 - Humpback Malachite between Race and Harrington Lagoons (in FRONT of my house!) slowly meandering north. He was about 50 feet from Whidbey shore. -Jill Hein, Orca Network
08:12 - Jim Sheehan called to report that he saw a baleen whale, believed to be the humpback who has been hanging around north of Cama Beach, Indian Beach in Saratoga Passage, about 100 yards offshore. The whale came up for a great breach. Whale appears to be heading south.
Wed, Aug 24 - Puget Sound - 15:00 - Some kind of big whale surfaced south of Edmonds. -Margaret Campbell
14:21 - Don't have a good pic, but I believe I just saw a baleen whale off of the Edmonds-Kingston ferry. -Devon Breithart
07:30 - Larissa Wright was on the morning run of Kitsap fast ferry from Kingston to Seattle when she spotted a humpback trailing southbound parallel to the boat and rolling, pec waves, etc. Time was around 07:30 and she thinks it was somewhere around Bainbridge. (Shared on PSWS w/video & follow up)
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Aug 24 - Port Susan (CRC2440) - Port Susan Whale Watchers tracked a single Gray logging heading slowly south near shore between McKees and Sunny Shore this afternoon. starting at 13:29. May be CRC2440. Unusual August Sighting in Port Susan. Apparently this one has been at Spee-bi-dah most of the afternoon. -John C Storbeck
August 23
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Aug 23 - San Juans (T37As) - Excerpt from encounter #51: “One group was found in San Juan Channel and then “Western Explorer” found the T37As in Boundary Pass north of Turn Point. The team headed down to Snug Harbor and left in the boat at 1250. We decided to go to the T37As first and arrived on scene in lower Swanson Channel at 1330 to find the T37As split up. T37A2 and T37A3 were traveling slowly northwest up Swanson Channel together while T37A5 followed the pair about fifty yards behind them. T37A and T37A4 eventually surfaced about three hundred yards to the northeast of the others, also pointed slowly northwest…” -See full report at Center for Whale Research Encounter 51
Tue, Aug 23 - San Juans (T124A2s and T124A4s) - Excerpt from encounter #52: “As we were wrapping up Encounter 51 with the T37As in Swanson Channel, we heard that the San Juan Channel whales were now heading west between Spieden and Stuart Islands. Since this was on the way home, we decided to stop and take a brief look at these whales who were reported to be the T124A2s and T124A4s. We got on scene at 1500 off the south tip of Stuart Island to find the T124A2s and T124A4s heading west in a tight group. We stayed for two series of surfacings and ended the encounter at 1508 after the group angled a little more to the northwest and paralleled the Stuart Island shoreline. -See full report at Center for Whale Research Encounter 52
11:35 - [orca] passed Point Caution close to shore northbound. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network - T124A2, T124A2B, T124A4A, T124A4, and T124A2A - T124A2 and T124A4 -photos and IDs by Cindy Hansen, August 23, 2022
This group flipped then went down Upright Channel then northbound San Juan Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields reports these are the T124A2s and A4s
08:22 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: YAKIMA@0822 08:22 C/M reports 6-8 Orcas milling about heading South near Willow Island. [off SW side Blakely Island)
Tue, Aug 23 - South Puget Sound (T36, T36B, and T137s) - 19:54 - They're past Kopachuk possibly past Maple Hollow Park & heading south towards Home. -David Bennett
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Aug 23 19:00 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.37592,-122.62395 [Henderson Bay, Purdy]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: wearbilson
Whale Alert App - photo by wearbilson, August 23, 2022
19:41 - Starting to head south from north bay.
18:47 - Group of at least 4 staying in this area, keep circling/switching directions [approx. 47.311566, -122.726523]. -Haleigh Meacham
18:45 - Eyes on them from Kopachuk. Heading south, then changed north. Moving slow. They're milling about in that area. -David Bennett
18:35 - At least 1 in Purdy visible from shore. -DeeDee Roland -photo by Deedee Roland, August 23, 2022
18:32 - I see them! South of Cutts Island. Can see from Kopachuck with binoculars. Wouldn’t be able to see them without. -Haleigh Meacham
18:31 - They are in Purdy!
18:10 - They are heading south now. Right at the boat launch. -Kennedy Easterday
Tue, Aug 23 - This late afternoon, orcas in Henderson Bay, close to our west shore, heading north towards Purdy, but then turned over to the east shore and headed south. They were in a group of four, might have been the same group as yesterday. I was excited to get some close-up shots this time! -photos by Ingrid Shumway, August 23, 2022
16:52 - Committed northbound almost passed Green Point mid channel. -Jami Cantrell
17:41 - Above map [approx. location per Kennedy Easterday] has orcas located west of mid channel between Glen Cove and Minter Creek. -Ashley Whitman
16:40 - Heading north from yellow dot! [approx. 47.261423, -122.713668]. -Kennedy Easterday
15:46 - A pod of three orcas in Carr Inlet ten minutes ago, heading toward the north end of Fox Island. Directly across from the north end of McNeil Island. -Laurie Paus
16:30 - We watched this pod until they went back around that tip of McNeil [Island]
16:00 - We had the most amazing 20 minute show from Steilacoom near the prison. They’ve gone back the way they came around McNeil [Island]. -Amy Sloan Bryan
16:46 - They are heading west, hugging the north side of McNeil Island shoreline. -Shelby Skaanes
15:36 - On the Anderson Island ferry, looks like two have turned southwest hugging the McNeil shore, almost to the prison cleared area. [approx. 47.196840, -122.643384]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
15:22 - The orca are heading east towards the end of McNeil no idea of any possible changes yet. -David Bennett
14:45 - Still southbound McNeil side approaching this area [approx. 47.222980, -122.657608]. -Jami Cantrell
13:51 - Now past maple hollow, traveling southbound. Definitely on the move.
13:49 - Went under for a while and now past Maple Hollow Beach, southbound, Key Peninsula side.
13:43 - Viewing from Maple Hollow. On Key Peninsula side! -Tedra Hett
12:51 - We saw three surface from across the bay. -Dion Rurik
12:45 - MV Saratoga is with the T36s and T137s currently traveling out of Henderson Bay into Carr Inlet. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
11:30 - Seemed to have grabbed a bite at Minter and are now moving south again. Roughly 6 - one huge dorsal on one of them and then a baby sized dorsal on another and then the rest seemed standard.
11:21 - Still headed south slowly over by Minter on the Key Peninsula side of the bay. -Bryan B McConaughy
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Aug 23 - Saratoga Passage (Malachite)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Paula Slater
Date of Sighting: 8/23/2022
Time: 5:17 PM
Species seen: Not sure. Minke, I think because of the size and shape of the dorsal fin. (reported as
minke, but probably humpback Malachite)
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Saratoga passage close to the Madrona Beach neighborhood on Camano Island.
Direction of travel : Back and forth (north and south) in a 300 yard path. Last seenheading north around 5:20pm
Behaviors observed: Breaching, spouting.
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
17:09 - Just had a humpback cruise by close to shore a bit south of the yacht club on Madrona beach. He’s been coming by the last few days. -Lucienne Miodonski -photo by Lucienne Miodonski, August 23, 2022
13:38 - Tuesday morning, 8/23/22 what I believe is a humpback whale feeding off the shore of Camano island @ Camano city. It stayed around most of the morning. It departed just after 10am. It was one of the most beautiful things I ever got to witness. -Patricia Philips
09:19 - Our resident humpback just passed Indian Beach heading north toward Onamac. Spyhopped twice! -Steve Buckley-nantz [CWW]
GRAY WHALES - Tue Aug 23 - Possession Sound - 08:00 - Alice Moyal (Hat Island) had a visit from a gray whale, close to shore heading northbound from middle north side Hat.
August 22
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Aug 22 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T069s) - What another great day! Minutes from our docks we found Bigg’s/Transient Killer Whales T069s again hunting the shore line for seals in East Sooke and Beecher Bay! Great find Skipper Mollie Naccarato! -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 22, 2022
Mon, Aug 22 - San Juans (T36As and T75Bs) - One frame of a breach sequence from today's visit with the 36As and 75Bs aboard IE5. -photo by Cindi Crowder Rausch, August 22, 2022
Mon, Aug 22 - San Juans (T124A2s & T124A4s) - Out on the afternoon trip on Island Adventure with Jill Hein, and caught up with Tamara Kelley on board. We knew there were whales southeast bound from Patos Island, and after a beautiful trip up there, caught up with the T124A2s and T124A4s as they were coming around Sucia Island. They slipped into the area that has Finger Islands, inside the curve of Sucia, in stunning back lit lighting. They cruised almost into the boat mooring area, then turned more east to head out. With beautiful Mt. Baker, aka Kollia- Kulshan, and glorious flat water, we enjoyed watching them play in the kelp, roll around, and give some Steller Sea Lions and a harbor seal a good fright! What a lovely, gorgeous day in one of the most beautiful areas of the Salish Sea! Thanks to the great crew on IE! -photos and report by Bonnie Gretz, August 22, 2022
Here are a “few” more photos of the awesome T124As found by Sucia Island yesterday, Monday 22nd. The weather was outstanding, dead calm water (sweet) and good views of this 5 member pod. -Jill Hein, Orca Network -photos by Jill Hein, August 22, 2022
Mon, Aug 22 - Admiralty Inlet
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 22 16:35 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.03449,-122.60068 (Bush Point)
Number Sighted: 10
Submitter Name: Jeremy Teasel
Whale Alert App
Mon, Aug 22 - South Puget Sound (T36, T36B, and T137s) - 19:52 - Still just north of Penrose. Been circling for last 30 minutes, not really going north or south. -Ian Mackie
19:17 - Lots of spy hopping, tail flapping, and milling. Best show ever this afternoon and evening! They headed west, toward Home.
18:57 - Right off Penrose Point. -Cari Black
17:50 - South end of Carr Inlet, closer to Penrose. May be heading toward Fox Island. Lots of tail slapping! [approx. 47.268553, -122.706065]. -Sarah Richey Guenther
17:07 - I can see them from Maple Hollow Park, they’re about parallel with the whale boat on the east side from my north easterly view. They're heading southeast. -David Bennett
16:43 - Between Horsehead Bay and Camp Seymour/Von Geldern Cove - they have been in this general vicinity & a bit north for hours. -Char Berger
16:15 - Southbound [approx. 47.323069, -122.716664]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
16:10 - Viewing from Kopachuck. Straight across from us on the far side. Heading south! Saw 2 females and one male. -Becc Doyle
16:44 - Same two heading south going by Green Point. Mid channel.
16:21 - Closer to Gig Harbor side and right now I see one between Raft Island and Dead Man’s.
15:51 - Heading slowly south.
15:44 - I’m straight across from Kopachuck and can see at least two to my left ( north) in front of Raft Island. I heard them first! -Lynn McCormick Radcliffe
14:26 - Southbound now. At least 3 including Jack [approx. 47.320771, -122.727904] (Henderson Bay).
13:38 - [approx. 47.324885, -122.680946] (Raft Island, Henderson Bay).
13:25 - [approx. 47.329741, -122.724780] (Henderson Bay). -Crystal Thompson
14:10 - I’m currently on the southwest side of Fox Island along the Carr Inlet. (47.2407638, -122.6339208) I had two sightings! Spotted T36s and T137s as they made their way north into the inlet and then as they left. -No name provided
13:37 - 2 off Cutts Island north end splashing quite a bit, trending N=northbound on Gig Harbor side. I'd also seen one bull closer to Kitsap side right before this, also northbound.
13:23 - 2 mid channel off Cutts Island southbound, milling.
13:19 - I see one bull passing Cutts Island northbound, from Raft Island. -Melissa Bird
13:11 - At least two females northbound. Mid-channel passing Kopachuck State Park. No eyes on T137A. -Ashley Whitman
13:18 - Headed towards Purdy I think. Waiting to see them come up again, but they are not in front of us anymore.
13:06 - They are on the Penrose side. -Jen Jones
13:04 - Going north past Kopachuck! -Crystal Thompson
12:14 - 2 groups moving up Carr Inlet towards Kopachuck [approx. 47.273957, -122.699080].
12:08 - Carr Inlet between south end of Bella Bella and McNeil [Island]. -Chris McQueen -photo by Chris McQueen August 22, 2022
11:50 - Map for T137A and T137D. They just killed a seal and ate it, now they are heading northwest again. We have departed the scene. [approx. 47.219048, -122.664658].
11:35 - Map for T137A and T137D. Northwest direction [approx. 47.219579, -122.648498].
12:20 - T137A and T137D are on the McNeil Island side Chasing something together. The T36Bs are on the Fox Island side. All still moving northwest. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
11:45 - These 3 are more near southeast side of Fox [Island]. Looks like they are just milling around. Milling somewhat as you see these two aimed northbound. Directional changes
11:20 - Viewing from above Chambers Bay Golf Course. Small group I was seeing. -Marilyn Armbruster
11:32 - Watching from Chambers [Bay] upper path. At least one male. Maybe Jack. Too far for a photo. -Rich Kuras
11:06 - Right off Chambers Bay. -Breanne Denise Gordon
10:56 - Got eyes on the big guy from Sunnyside, milling south. -Chloe Cooper
11:15 - Both groups appear committed to Carr Inlet at the moment. Northwest direction now. [approx. 47.212374, -122.619751].
11:05 - Update on the trailers (T36Bs) still southbound [approx. 47.215714, -122.601382].
11:00 - The leaders are about a mile ahead of the T36Bs.
10:50 - T36Bs so far southwest-bound from my mark on the map [approx. 47.237876, -122.585619]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
10:44 - They have now passed Titlow, heading south. Mid channel. Big male leading the others by a bit. -Amanda Bee
10:48 - They’re a bit spread out one is pretty far east the others look like they’re in the middle. They are moving pretty fast. Headed south. -Barb Pritchard Hulbert
10:30 - North of [Narrows] bridge. -Lindsay Muma
10:30 - North of [Narrows] bridge. -Teri Fields Matsen
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Susan Mott
Date of Sighting: 8/22/2022
Time: 10:30 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: South of Tacoma Narrows bridge
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Seem to be traveling. First we saw about seven seals playing, then they suddenly and quickly. Then, within minutes two orcas swam through same area. About 10-15 min later we saw three smaller Orcas swimming about 100-yards along west shore just south of Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
If orcas, any males?: Don’t think so.
Any unusual markings?: Could not tell.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: There were more fishing boats out than usual.
Photos available?: No
10:20 - Still southbound when I left them. Had crossed over to the west side of Mid-Channel.
10:08 - They've slowly been making their way south, zigzagging back and forth across the channel.
10:05 - Committed Narrows. Male and female and lead with small group trailing. I counted at least around 5 or 6 orcas.
10:00 - Trending south towards Narrows. -Ashley Whitman
09:45 - A friend of mine is working the Vashon ferry today and said he just spotted an orca pod off Point Defiance. At least 4. They're headed west past Tahlequah. -Sean Leacy
09:47 - Only seeing 2 right now, trending towards the Narrows.
09:37 - Passing ferry lanes in Dalco passage heading west. -Brooke Casanova
09:35 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 09:45 to report: orca whales 8/22 0935 hrs Sealth C/M reports a pod of orca off TAHL about 8, and 4 more off Neil Point headed West.
08:44 - David Brioche posted in PSWS a photo of who likely is T137A Jack (but unconfirmed) and reports seeing at least 6-7 orcas headed southbound towards Tacoma from Point Robinson lighthouse.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: E A Wright
Date of Sighting: 8/22/2022
Time: 7:30 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: South of Vashon Ferry Terminal, on south and east edges of large bait ball
Direction of travel : came from the south
Behaviors observed: hunting, inverted pectoral slaps, milling
If orcas, any males?: unknown
Any unusual markings?: unknown
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Preceded by large number of harbor porpoise, who disappeared when the Orca arrived. We heard the animals breaching before we saw them. Was only able to get a short video clip of a breaching.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Aug 22 - Saratoga Passage (Malachite)
09:25 - Turned, heading north now along the shore below Eagle Crest.
09:00 - A spyhop! WOW!
08:45 - Surface foraging/feeding close to shore at Onomac Point
08:40 - I assume Malachite, a humpback whale southbound, north of Onomac Point. -Kristina Trowbridge -video by husband of Kristina Trowbridge, August 22, 2022
13:55 - Humpback surfacing on east side of Whidbey, CLOSE to shore, again! Heading north from here, for now! Looks like a bit south of Harrington Lagoon. -Greg Smallidge [PSWS]
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 22 - Possession Sound
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Gray Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 22 7:34 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.94921,-122.30329
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Mike Harbaugh
Whale Alert App -photo by Mike Harbaugh, August 22, 2022
17:37 - Someone told me they just saw it near the Mukilteo ferry. Still southbound.
16:23 - Southbound. Just passed Howarth.
16:10 - Looks like southbound again from Everett towards Howarth Park.
15:45 - Feeding down north of Howarth Park. -Matts Moments Photography
15:24 - The gray passed Howarth Park just now, heading toward the naval area in Everett.
13:50 - Gray spotted off Darlington Beach. -Lauren McManus
12:51 - Probably passing the ferry now. Still northbound.
12:39 - Gray is back northbound.
12:36 - Passed the boat docks at mukilteo. Still southbound
12:30 - CRC2440 just passed the fishing pier southbound. -Matt Leaman -photo by Matt Leaman, August 22, 2022
12:19 - Just south of Mukilteo ferry lane.
12:06 - Visible from just north of Edgewater Pier. Headed south. -Dianne Riter
13:05 - Passed Boeing pier at Edgewater heading toward Everett.
12:20 - Passing Mukilteo ferry dock headed towards lighthouse.
12:02 - Getting closer to Boeing Pier/Edgewater.
11:45 - Gray headed from Harborview Park, Everett to Edgewater/Mukilteo beaches. -J.J. Newman
08:20 - Still hanging around Mukilteo ferry, headed towards Mount Baker terminal at the moment.
07:46 - Sounds like he might have turned and went north. I’m hoping he isn’t hanging around our dock again all morning but we are all keeping an eye on him.
07:25 - Gray whale is back at Mukilteo ferry dock, Moving southbound at the moment. -Melissa Simmons, WSF
August 21
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Aug 21 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T69s) - With a late possible sighting of orca of Port Angeles 2 hours earlier heading west, a few of us took off on a search. To our excitement we found Bigg’s/Transient Killer Whales T069s in the middle of the Juan De Fuca Strait off Sooke! -Sooke Coastal Explorations - photos by Paul Pudwell, August 21, 2022
Sun, Aug 21 - Puget Sound (T36, T36Bs, and T137s) - 19:50 - Viewing from KVI on vashon, looks more mid channel now. Southbound. I’m horrible with number counting but I’d say 5. -Grace McRae
19:45 - They are way over by Vashon shore and barely viewable from Three Tree Point. -Becca Myers
19:27 - They just passed Point Beals headed south close to shore. -Jessica Gasperini
19:25 - They seem very close to Vashon shore. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
Time: 7:00 PM - Type of whale, dolphin, or porpoise (if uncertain please report as uncertain & describe): Orcas.
If orcas: any adult males (5+ foot dorsal fin)? if so how many?: Yes, at least one very large looking male. - If orcas: open saddle patches?: too far to see
Number of whales: 6+
Location of whale(s): Central Puget sound, East side of Vashon Island, west/center of channel
Direction of travel: South
Speed of travel: Slow
Surface Active Behaviors: Back diving, LOTS of tail slapping, spinning slapping water with fins, milling about/changing directions -Taylor Hewitt
19:23 - Viewing from Seahurst 150th Street SW. 4-5 blows milling around Dilworth on Vashon. Seemed to be heading southbound but will keep an eye out for direction.
18:39 - They were just off Dolphin Point a couple hundred yards. Still heading south. -Steve Blum
18:17 - North tip of Vashon looking to go down east side toward ferry dock. -Mary Hartmann
18:40 - North end of Vashon heading south into east passage.
18:15 - Deep dive, are now past the tip of Blake, southbound.
18:10 - Viewing from Burien. Pod is between the cargo ship and Blake Island. Heading south, east side of Blake Island, mid channel. -Orca Conservancy
18:00 - Up to 7 east of Blake. Hugging the shoreline. Heading south. -Patti Waterfall
17:54 - Approaching Tillicum village moving fast sb about 5 or 6 blows
17:49 - Between Blake island and cargo ship
17:33 - Approaching Manchester on Kitsap side. 5 orcas southbound visible from Constellation Park. -Mary Hartmann
17:28 - Between Bainbridge and Blake mid channel heading south. -Chuck Foster
16:55 - Just north of Blakely Rocks southbound Bainbridge side view from 64th and Alki. -Mary Hartmann
16:11 - Saw them from the Bainbridge-Seattle ferry! They were really close to Bainbridge. -Amanda House
15:34 - There was/is another one closer to Bainbridge south of you. Saw 3 from the bluff by Skiff Point. -Kirsten Martel
15:45 - [approx. 47.478359, -122.423154].
15:30 - T36 caught what looked like a porpoise and T137A came over to eat it with her then they both started heading southwest probably to catch up with the others across the channel [approx. 47.675586, -122.457269]
15:19 - We’ve seen T137A and T36 so far spread apart by at least a mile southbound [approx. 47.689340, -122.475254]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
15:00 - Mid-channel off Fay [Bainbridge]. -Jennifer Borba Von Stauffenberg
14:46 - They are heading south from President Point. -Megan Lynn
13:48 - Edmonds ferry cut engines and slowing for whales south of ferry line. -Heather Jamesson
14:18 - We are just south of Kingston ferry, almost in the ferry lane! Still moving south pretty fast.
13:42 - Just south of Eglon. Only a few. We've seen 2 up at a time. Heading south. -Janney Jaxen
13:34 - Southwest off Edmonds Marina beach heading toward Point Jefferson.
12:58 - Pod has split. 3 animals including T137A are sb outside of browns bay heading toward Edmonds. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout -photo by Ariel Yseth, August 21, 2022
13:01 - They split: saw at least 2 headed around Possession Point, a large male headed south along with two others all spread out.
12:38 - Watched them turn up Possession Point. Headed west pretty quickly. -Sara Bowen
11:38 - Still heading south. -Janney Jaxen
11:40 - Southbound They are spreading out a bit more. We managed to get on the microphone and move a couple of boats away from parking in front of them [approx. 47.927141, -122.352539].
11:20 - Update all grouped up southbound [approx. 47.940061, -122.346353].
11:00 - T137s and T36/36Bs are southbound from my blue mark on the map [approx. 47.959053, -122.342007]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
10:53 - 3 orcas mid-channel between Mukilteo and Clinton ferry. Moving south. -Blythe Ferrel
10:44 - Just south of the Clinton ferry terminal heading south. -Greg Heiss
10:43 - T137s are just south of the Clinton terminal heading south. -Our Wild Puget Sound
10:35 - My friend sees them from the Mukilteo Lighthouse heading south. -Alice Thuy Talbot
10:18 - 3 sighted at Clinton ferry terminal.
10:27 - Heading south past Clinton ferry. -Janney Jaxen -photos by Janney Jaxen, August 21, 2022
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Brad Thiele
Date of Sighting: 8/21/2022
Time: 8:15 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Sandy point
Direction of travel : E
Behaviors observed: Tail slaps, travelling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Too far away to get good visuals on markings.
Photos available?: No
08:09 am - At least 5-6 orcas near Whidbey just west of Sandy Point. Lots of tail slapping. They are slowly heading east toward Possession Sound. -Luanne Seymour
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Phillip Dionne
Date of Sighting: 8/21/2022
Time: 7:20 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: +046.722939° / -124.503849 [Westport, WA]
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?: No
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We may have encountered a second pod several minutes later, further south, but only saw one individual.
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun Aug 21 - Strait of Georgia
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Aug 21 19:21 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 49.41406,-124.63803
Number Sighted: 80
Reported Animal Status:
Submitted Comments: serenade of the seas you are approaching a pod of humpbacks, north end of Lasquiti island!!!!!
Submitter Name: Peter Cassey
Whale Alert App
Sun, Aug 21 - Saratoga Passage (Malachite) - 08:30 am - Small humpback off Harrington Road shoreline this morning - northern Saratoga Passage, Whidbey side - circling and probably feeding. Assuming this is Malachite (born 2021) who has been in the area for over a week. -Jill Hein, Orca Network -photo by Jill Hein, August 21, 2022
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Aug 21 - Possession Sound (CRC2440) - 17:50 - Gray Whale CRC2440 is feeding northbound near South Everett. [approx. 47.96776, -122.236080] - Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
17:58 - Spout west of Priest Point.
16:15 - On the Hat Island ferry now, we just saw a spout north of Howarth Park. -Alice Moyal
15:07 - Looks like it's right in front of Harborview Park. Headed over there now.
14:55 - Seeing some sprays off in the distance south of Howarth Park. -Brian Svacina
12:04 - Gray passed Edgewater Beach very close to shore. Headed northeast. -Tamara Kelley
12:00 - As it got closer it looked more like a gray actually. Now all the way on the other side of the Mukilteo ferry terminal.
11:44 - Humpback [gray] heading back up toward Mukilteo Lighthouse! Mukilteo side. -Lauren McManus
10:40 - Just viewed from home, nearing Lighthouse Park, southbound. Big spouting! Still offshore, Mukilteo side. -Mary Ann Macomber
10:46 - CRC2440 is still southbound. We’ve called the big container ship (Thor Future) coming his way and he has agreed to divert his path to avoid the gray [approx. 47.941935, -122.323779].
10:20 - Gray whale CRC2440 southbound off Mukilteo. We diverted a private boater from running right over the whale. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
August 20
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Aug 20 - San Juans (T36As and T75Bs) - I filmed the T36As and T75Bs in Haro Strait at 2:48 PM Saturday, July 20, 2022: -Gerald Graham
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tom Reeve
Date of Sighting: 8/20/2022
Time: 8:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Just west of Flint Beach, South Lopez. Approx 48.417919, -122.858218
Direction of travel : Headed east
Behaviors observed: traveling rapidly
If orcas, any males?
Sat, Aug 20 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T65As and T75Bs) - Another special day with Bigg's/Transient Killer Whales T075Bs & T065As hanging out socializing together east of Race Rocks Lighthouse! - Sooke Coastal Explorations -photo by Paul Pudwell, August 20, 2022
Sat, Aug 20 - San Juans (T36As & T75Bs) - 08-20-22 T36As and T75Bs, Haro Strait, SJI
14:30, Viewed from 1 mile south of Landbank's Westside Preserve, a group of Biggs transients northbound near Discovery Island, BC. I saw a line of vessels but didn't see fins because of their distance offshore and haze. They were identified as the T36As and T75Bs by Ariel Yseth.
15:30 - 15:45, Viewed from 1 mile south of Landbank's Westside Preserve, the T36As and T75Bs traveling south in two groups close together about 1/2 mile from shore.
17:40, Viewed from South Beach, the T36As and T75Bs quickly traveling east towards Cattle Point 50' feet from shore.
18:15 Viewed from the Cattle Point Lighthouse, the T36As and T75Bs leaving San Juan Island eastbound heading towards Lopez Island. -Michelline Halliday - T36A, T36A3, T75B3, and T36A1 - T36A1 and T36A3 -photos and IDs by Michelline Halliday, August 20, 2022
Sat Aug 20 - Port Susan (T36 & T36Bs) - 16:35 - T36s are still slowly northwestbound after eating a meal. We have left the scene. [approx. 48.157261, -122.403386].
15:45 - T36 pod northbound in Port Susan. See my blue mark in the map. [approx. 48.117353, -122.402838] -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
13:56 - 3 Orcas seen off Camano Country Club Beach heading southbound. -Bruce Basil [CWW]
10:00 - Thanks to Karen Caldwell for reporting orcas in the Port of Everett Marina sometime in the past 45 minutes. We reviewed video of at least 2.
09:30 - Our ferry crew also saw three orcas by the navy base! -Lori Christopher
Not sure if you heard or saw the small pod, 3 maybe 4, orcas that entered the Snohomish River on Saturday the 20th. They swam upriver close to the Everett marina docks to the entrance of the north marina, giving those folks a really good show. They then headed back down river to the river entrance and back into Port Gardner Bay. -Michael Ryan
09:20 - The photo was taken by my husband from the South Guest Dock 1 at Port of Everett Marina as they swam north. I saw them again as I stood in front of Anthony’s about 20/25 minutes later heading south out of the Snohomish River. We believe there may have been a male in the group as well. -Susan Doland -photo by husband of Susan Doland, August 20, 2022
Sat, Aug 20 - Possession Sound (T137s) - T137B Tempest passes close by the Coupeville Wharf - T137A Jack - "The T137s travels brought them up the east side of Whidbey. I was off island for the morning, so they were already almost to Long Point by the time I made it out. Initially it looked like we would only get a distant glance at them as they took a course that led them to an area closer to Oak Harbor than to us. We persisted and were patient. Eventually they emerged from their visit to OH and headed into Penn Cove. With a bit of excitement and renewed hope that we might get a closer view, we all went to the Coupeville Wharf. They made their pass mid channel. I was really excited for several who we met on the beach who were seeing orcas in the wild for the first time! Penn Cove is just that, a cove, so they had to pass back by us to continue their travels. Pods can stay in the Cove for varying lengths of time depending on if the get a kill or not. Some stay 30 minutes- others hours. The 137s looked like they were going to take a familiar path to the mussel rafts when they flipped. They were coming our way on our side! We were going to get a close pass!!! We had no idea just how CLOSE that pass was going to be. Tempest, T137B literally went right under my feet! After the close pass, we went back to Long Point and watched the 137s end the day with 15-20 breaches." -photos and report by Cindi Crowder Rausch, August 20, 2022
My late afternoon with Jack (T137A) and family. It started around 17:30 as he passed by my house, a quick look as he continued northbound, eventually into Penn Cove, then back out by Long Point somewhere around 8:30 pm! Lots of new orca admirers watching this fun family, and good to see so many friends out there too. -Jill Hein, Orca Network -photo by Jill Hein, August 20, 2022
21:00 - Last spotted from Long Point. They appeared to be heading back into Penn Cove. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
20:30 - Eastbound past Long Point.
19:40 - Eastbound past Coupeville boat launch. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network - T137A Jack in front of Coupeville Wharf -photo by Rachel Haight, August 20, 2022
19:44 - Heading east toward Long Point. -Anya Sika
19:00 - Just saw Jack and another from my deck mid channel Penn Cove off Monroe Landing heading west! -Bonnie Gretz
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Janice Baird
Date of Sighting: 8/20/2022
Time: 18:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Penn Cove
Direction of travel : West
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
18:30 - Slowly traveling west along north shore of Penn Cove approaching Monroe Landing. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
18:10 - Slowly moving out of Oak Harbor. -Anya Sika
17:50 - Finally see them. They are just outside the entrance to Oak Harbor, eastern side, moving west. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:45 - [T137A] One and a half miles north of Hidden Beach Whidbey side heading north. -photo and report by Aaron Gill, August 20, 2022
15:21 - Karen Graham called to report the orcas in Holmes Harbor. First sighting was at 15:15, a male and female just the two that we could see, down by Wonn Road traveling north out of the Harbor toward Hidden Beach/Camano. Have submerged and haven’t seen them since.
15:15 - Two orcas in Holmes Harbor off North Bluff Road close to shore. One very large one smaller. We first spotted them by Dines Point, then a boat came up fast and they went under for about 5 minutes. They came up still close to the Whidbey side, heading toward Hidden Beach -Deja Brandeis
15:51 - Mama and calf! It looks like the male has rejoined just north of Hidden Beach.
15:43 - Seeing one male orca just north of Hidden Beach, trending north but not consistently moving. -Marlena Skrobe
15:10 - Two orcas, looked like it may be mama & calf, in north Holmes Harbor near Greenbank. Headed north towards Hidden Beach now. -Kristi Etzell
15:00 - I think I saw a single orca northbound Whidbey side of Saratoga approaching Baby Island about five minutes ago. Only surfaced a few times before disappearing so I didn't get a good look -Serena Tierra
13:56 - Just saw at least one orca in Saratoga Passage. About a mile north of Langley, headed north. -Stacy Estlick Wright
T137 Loon - 12:20-30 - Two north of ferry route. -photos and report by Aurora Bearse, August 20, 2022
12:07 - T137A appears to be a bit ahead of the whale watch boat. I have only seen him and not the rest of the family. Traveling northbound. -Tamara Kelley
12:06 - Enjoyed em from the ferry. Heading fast up [towards] Saratoga [Passage]. -Kayla Phillips
11:52 - Just saw one male by sailboats north of dock heading northbound. -Joe Dreimiller
11:51 - Just quickly saw one, pretty sure it was Jack, quite a bit further out from the Clinton terminal, still northbound. -Our Wild Puget Sound
11:48 - In the ferry lanes now, northbound. Trending back toward Whidbey. -Durand Dace
11:34 - Just south of ferry lanes northbound - mid channel again. -Dori Dace
11:29 - Flipped back north, it looks like all of the T137s are together now. -Our Wild Puget Sound
11:21 - They flipped! Slow, steady northbound travel. Mid channel directly in front of Glendale.
11:20 - Passing Glendale, mid channel. Steady southbound travel. -Dori Dace -photos by Dori Dace, August 20, 2022
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Josh Blackburn
Date of Sighting: 8/20/2022
Time: 10:30 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Between Hat island and Whidbey island
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
10:35 - T137 already passed the ferry landing and T137D is still offshore. Southbound. We alerted the ferry captains so they can modify their path to avoid them [approx. 47.976627, -122.343175].
10:24 - T137 is traveling closer to shore and she will likely pass close by to the Clinton ferry landing in a few minutes if she keeps her current direction going. T137D is further offshore.
10:19 - Map for T137 and T137D [approx. 47.992050, -122.341294].
10:10 - We just spotted two orcas southbound just north of the Clinton Ferry landing. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ashley Straubhaar
Date of Sighting: 8/20/2022
Time: 9:30 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Langley outside of whale center
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
HUPBACK WHALES - Sat, Aug 20 - Haro Strait - 11:20 - Whales northbound off County Park within about a mile right now of the shipwreck. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
10:16 - 10:30. Viewed from 1 mile south of Landbank's Westside Preserve, two humpbacks traveling close together northbound. The pair turned to the east coming to 1/4 mile of shore for a couple minutes but then surfaced farther offshore heading up island again. Both showed the topside of their flukes and one showed the underside but I was unable to ID the humpback. The spill response team monitoring the sunken fishing vessel was notified by both myself and Orca Network. -Michelline Halliday -photos by Michelline Halliday, August 20, 2022
14:00 - Just went by Onamac Point going south. -Matt Henning
13:49 - Just received a second hand report from Jamie Perry that a humpback just came by her cabin heading south of Onamac Point. She saw it breach. -Orca Network
11:46 - 5 minutes downtime; it's northbound!
11:40 - It's back at Onomac Point. -Kristina Trowbridge
11:50 - Back a bit north.
11:40 - Humpback Onamac Point going south.
10:40 - Humpback whale just north Onamac Point. -Matt Henning
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Matt Henning
Date of Sighting: 8/20/2022
Time: 10:40 AM
Species seen: Humpback, pretty sure Malachite
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Just north of Onamac Point, Camano
Direction of travel : Stayed in cove 10:40-12:00. Not sure where it went.
Behaviors observed: Feeding on large school of herring(?). Lots of breaches/lunge feeding (20+ I think). At 11:31 it did 3 tail slaps further out in channel.
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It was absolutely amazing. Never thought I would be able to get so close for so long and see that many breaches
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to - Bait fish that Malachite is feeding on. -photos by Matt Henning, August 20, 2022
10:15 - Just breached, almost out of sight for me.
10:03 - Humpback is southbound off Camano Island yacht club. -Serena Tierra
08:40 - Janet Wright posted in CWW about a humpback off Rocky Point, Camano. Whale was heading west.
Sat, Aug 20 - Possession Sound (Two Spot) - 19:06 - Humpback now headed south again toward Possession Point. -Kim Schouten Paulsen
17:45 - Humpback “Two Spot” (CRC16017) is northbound in Possession Sound. [approx. 47.933292, -122.348086]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Aug 20 - Saratoga Passage (CRC2440) - Mark Acarregui posted video at 19:10 on CWW of Gray whale 2440 feeding off Bell’s Beach this evening at that time.
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Gray Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat Aug 20 13:45 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.09543,-122.49832 [West side East Point, Whidbey]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Roger
09:15 - Almost to Shangri La Shores.
08:45 - Heading north. -Aaron Gill -photos by Aaron Gill, August 20, 2022
08:35 - Eyes on it at Hidden Beach. Heading north. -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
08:38 - The gray was feeding at that time north of Hidden Beach.
08:27 - Gray whale mid channel by Hidden Beach heading north. Our closer encounters seemed to ID it as CR-2440.
07:35- Gray Whale (maybe 2) in north Holmes Harbor by Wonn access! Heading north towards Hidden Beach. -Kristi Etzell
07:40 - Greenbank, Whidbey Island. Gray whale heading north along the shoreline (about one mile south of Greenbank Farm). -Martha Poppy Sinclair
August 19
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Aug 19 - BC (T2Cs) - Unbelievable. Transient orcas right under our noses hunting off Transfer Beach, Ladysmith B.C. and again in full view next morning when we opened the blinds. Believe these are the T002Cs (Tasu's family, which includes the late Tumbo who suffered from scoliosis ) who delighted Ocean Ecoventures' sunset tour in Cowichan Bay the previous evening. This was the one occasion I had decided to leave the big camera home. But I was able to enjoy watching the whales every move as they strategically circled an unfortunate seal which may - or may not - have had a lucky escape. Hard to tell as we didn't see any 'evidence', other than a few gulls. -Sandy Pollard -photos by Richard Snowberger, August 19, 2022
Fri, Aug 19 - E Active Pass/Strait of Georgia
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri Aug 19 10:41 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.97452,-123.16224
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Bren
Whale Alert App
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri Aug 19 10:02 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.87344,-123.30369
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Bren
Whale Alert App
Fri, Aug 19 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T75Bs) - A great day to be on the water with Bigg’s/Transient Killer Whales T075Bs off Victoria waterfront. -Sooke Coastal Explorations
Fri, Aug 19 (T137s) - 20:13 - Just spotted them from Langley at the seawall; they are south probably in front of Sandy Point.
20:00 - Last sighting of at least one, seen heading east [approx. 48.046874, -122.342915]. -Silver Hubble
19:45 - Last update, continuing their travels north past the west side of Hat Island.
19:35 - Traveling northbound, grouped up, North of Brighton Beach, aiming for Hat Island.
18:45 - Just spotted southbound at roughly this location [approx. 47.985889, -122.309121]. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
19:14 - Southeast of Hat island one third of the way towards lighthouse. -Joe Dreimiller
19:38 - Appear to be northwest bound towards Sandy Point. From where I’m at they are closer to the Whidbey side, but probably a still bit off shore.
19:08 - Direction change back north west. Appear to be hunting.
18:55 - Steady southbound towards Clinton [approx. 47.996535, -122.311345].
18:35 - Viewing from Edgewater Beach in Mukilteo. I saw one large make surface (137A) but haven’t found the rest of the pod. The male is east of the green channel marker. -Tamara Kelley
18:00 - Just off east side of Hat Island! -Tayler Rae Loewen
17:08 - Just saw one orca passing south in front of Langley, got to go ring the bell! -Missy Main
17:05 - Adult and a smaller just passed by Langley sea walk headed south -Nathan Boland
17:10 - We stopped to look at gray whale CRC2440 at the gray mark on my map and then T137A swam right by the gray at a fast speed about 100 yards from the gray. We saw T137 and T137D way off to the south (southbound) past Sandy Point right as we came to the gray whale. I’m guessing he (Jack) and Tempest are trying to catch up to Loon and Wright.
16:30 - T137A and T137B had an amazing porpoise hunt and ate their meal. They are starting to slowly move south again. Mom and little sister were on the Camano side but never came over for the meal. We are off scene now. [approx. 48.045323, -122.415210] -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
16:31 - Viewing from Langley sea wall. The group is northwest. -Nathan Boland
16:04 - Southeastbound and they are spreading out to hunt [approx. 48.077440, -122.463149].
15:35 - Eastbound. About a half mile east of my blue mark, near the point at Fox Spit [approx. 48.098006, -122.506842].
15:21 - T137s are southbound about a quarter mile east from my blue mark [approx. 48.103756, -122.528518]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
15:25 - Just passed Baby Island, very close to Whidbey.
15:16 - Seeing fins right at the entrance to Holmes Harbor. Looks like they are heading back into Saratoga Passage southbound. -Serena Tierra
15:12 - Hanging around, feeding now. On the Baby Island side.
14:44 - Pod of orcas Saratoga passage at Baby Island entering into Holmes Harbor. -Cris Sanguino
Here are the photos I grabbed today from Maylor Point (Seaplane Base). -photos by Lauren BM, August 19, 2022
14:50 - They are at Wonn Rd now. Just lazing mid channel. Lots of tail-slapping. -Amy Smith Norris
14:30 - We got an orca update called into our Langley Whale Center from someone seeing orcas from Greenbank store, closer to Camano side, trending southbound slowly. Can definitely see at least one big male dorsal. They've been watching for a good twenty minutes she said. -Katie Watkins, Langley Whale Center/Orca Network
14:30 - They've passed Hidden Beach, and pointed now towards Holmes Harbor. -Jill Hein, Orca Network
14:14 - Southbound now, just north of Hidden Beach. Get ready at Hidden Beach! Mid-channelish. -Amy Smith Norris
13:15 - Russ Cunningham watched the T137s on their return southbound travels past Shangri-la Shores, Whidbey.
13:09 - San Juan Clipper is with them southbound about 1.5 mi south of Snakelum Point. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
12:50 - All grouped up southbound travel Whidbey side past Harrington Lagoon. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:31 - Looks like they are headed back towards Hidden Beach. -Betsie Jo Lawler
12:17 - Lots of surface activity. Trending southbound along Whidbey.
12:00 - Heading east passing Long Point.
11:53 - Circling at the entrance to Penn Cove. -Anya Sika
11:40 - Still at Maylor Point. Four big breaches in a row!
11:12 - Watching from Long Point. Over by base housing close to shore. -Bonnie Gretz
11:52 - All 4 T137s are here, they killed a seal and they are eating it right now, milling [approx. 48.253418, -122.638588].
11:05 - T137 and T137B are southbound from my blue mark [approx 48.263361, -122.638798]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
10:59 - Whales continue to trend north from here.
10:45 - Appeared to be westbound towards Long Point. Not quite there, still northeast of here at Long Point. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:36 - Heading towards the entrance to Oak Harbor. -Arial Brewer
10:30 - Have trended northwest from marker but continuing to mill in one area.
10:20 - Right by the green channel marker outside Penn Cove. Possibly on hunt, tail slap, spyhop! -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:15 - Orcas this morning on east side of Whidbey, about halfway between Greenbank and Coupeville, heading north. -Greg Smallidge [PSWS]
08:45 - Orcas Whidbey side one and a half miles north of Hidden Beach at least three heading north. -photo and report by Aaron Gill, August 19, 2022
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Caleb Spyksma
Date of Sighting: 8/19/2022
Time: 8:00 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: (48.1125863, -122.5012108) middle of straight Between Camano Island and Baby Island
Direction of travel : West, moderate to fast pace
Behaviors observed: Traveling, coming up for air
If orcas, any males?: Yes, 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Fri, Aug 19 - South Puget Sound (T36, T36B, and T137s) - From the Narrows Bridge. -photo by Craig Craker, August 19, 2022
From Titlow. -photo by Amber Stanfill, August 19, 2022
From Owen Beach. -photo by Amber Stanfill, August 19, 2022
20:26 - I’m in Elliott Bay with the transients right now! 4-6 headed north. -Wendi Levy
20:39 - Moving northwest now under Space Needle.
20:18 - In front of Lumen field Seattle side view from Don Armeni West Seattle. -Mary Hartmann
20:09 - Elliot bay, right off ferry terminal and cargo ship slips. -Christopher Hanson
19:54 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 19:58 to report: Orcas Elliot Bay EB WALLA WALLA Reports Same 1954hrs: Vessel reports 4 orca SB just off P-48…WENATCHEE and TACOMA notified via 800MHz.
19:44 - Just received call from Monique Montanino who was observing a pod of at least 3 orcas in Elliott Bay, around the ferry traffic lanes heading further toward downtown. We have alert WSF and commercial shipping.
19:42 - From another group: they’re in Elliot Bay. -Liliana Mar
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Keith Davis
Date of Sighting: 8/19/2022
Time: 7:35 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Elliot Bay
Direction of travel : SE
Behaviors observed: Breach, swimming
If orcas, any males?: Don't know
Any unusual markings?: Don't know
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Viewed from Argosy harbor tour.
18:59 - Past Alki Lighthouse heading north towards West Point. 3 maybe 4 that I saw. -photo by Gary Peterson, August 19, 2022
18:41 - Report from a friend viewing from her home just north of Lowman Beach Park. She sees a group of porpoises between her and the orcas. -Jessica Gasperini
18:32 - They are heading north approaching Alki Lighthouse. About a half mile from shore.
18:13 - They are mid channel between West Seattle and Blake Island headed north [approx. 47.546448, -122.440639]. -Lorri Blum
18:25 - Straight between Me Kwa Mooks Park and Blake Island.
18:08 - Spotted in binoculars from Weather Watch Park in West Seattle. They were in line with the tip of Vashon from my perspective. Pretty far out, though. -Steve Rice
17:38 - Someone on PSWS just posted they were east of Blake heading north. -Lauri Jensen
17:35 - Some breaches seen from Kitsap ferry [approx. 47.528768, -122.461419].
17:30 - 8 orcas right at Vashon ferry terminal - seen from Kitsap ferry (captain made announcement!). Slowly moving north. -Amanda Herberger -photos by Amanda Herberger, August 19, 2022
17:05 - Can see them from Southworth Ferry Terminal. Hugging Vashon, moving north. -Gloria Pfab
T36B1 This afternoon in Colvos Passage. -photo by Lauren Beck, August 19, 2022
16:07 - straight across from Fragaria. Hugging the shore of Vashon Island - moving slowly! -Cameron Haslam
15:04 - Officially passed Lisabuela after a very playful show! Progressing north but they may have stalled just north of Lisabuela. Witnessed tail slapping and a continuous slap of the side fin (maybe 10-12 times straight!!) -Mollie Segall
14:45 - Passing Lisabuela now, island side of channel closer to shore after some zig zagging. loosely grouped, slow but meaningful pace northbound
14:20 - Working on a kill a bit south of Paradise Cove, drifting closer to mid channel, favoring island side. Cutie little Chip was tagging alongside mama Tattertip enjoying her slipstream as they made their way north, so sweet to see! They were pretty active on approach, unfortunately out of camera range, but lots of breaches, tail slaps and quick turns, as it looked like they were on the hunt chasing a meal. Not sure if it was successful, but by the time they reached us, it was a leisurely mellow pass from these beauties. -Marla Smith - T36B and T36B3 -photos by Marla Smith, August 19, 2022
13:58 - Just passed Spring Beach. Headed to Camp Sealth. There are three of them. -Geoff Wotton
13:40 - Just saw one more head up Colvos by itself. Was 10 yards off Vashon as it rounded the point northbound up colvos. This one is 25 min behind the other 4. It surfaced 3 times right in front of my house on the point. I can almost guarantee the flip is what happened. I was watching the 4 from vashon at Dalco point and saw the 4 get to Owens 1:03-ish then saw them surface more mid channel vs Tacoma side and watched the 4 round the point up Colvos at 1:13). We just saw 1-2 trail 25 minutes after the first 4 at 1:40. Seems like 2 split and ventured further east a bit before following. -Sarah Bradford Honeywell
13:04 - The 4 I saw from Owen Beach were past the ferry lane. Last surface I saw looked from my vantage that they were mid-channel past the southeast corner of Vashon headed toward Commencement [Bay]. [Sent back of camera photos that confirmed 36/36Bs and 137s.] -Ashley Whitman
13:33 - We saw at least 2 possibly 3 turn from the Narrows and go across Commencement [Bay]. They passed in front of the ferry dock on the Vashon side then looked to head up the east side of Vashon. Several people said they saw some go up the east side of Vashon as well. So maybe they split? -Amanda Bee
North of the Narrows Bridge. -photos by Heather Maher, August 19, 2022
13:13 - Just watched them head north up Colvos. Swimming quick, mid channel but closer to Vashon. -Mollie Segall
13:11 - Just changed direction and surfaced in the middle of Dalco going towards Colvos [Passage].
13:02 - Just spotted them mid channel just West of Owens Beach. -Sarah Bradford Honeywell
13:00 - Owens Beach. -photo and report by Cherie StOurs, August 19, 2022
Off Point Defiance. - 12:57 - Almost to Dune. -photo and report by Ryan Dicks, August 19, 2022
12:41 - Almost to the Point Defiance beacon. -Michele Riley Campbell
12:37 - I'm giddy with excitement that our Anderson Island kiddos on their sailing adventure had the chance to see them on the way home! -Belen Bilgic Schneider
12:35 - Just a pic of them before heading under the Narrows. We just happened to be there! -photo and report by Joanna Clark, August 19, 2022
12:29 - Going north passing Salmon Beach en route towards the tip of Point Defiance. -photos and report by Cora Reuter Foster, August 19, 2022
12:12 - Just saw them north of the Narrows moving towards the Gig Harbor side. -Sean Leacy
11:50 - Saw them go under the bridge towards Point Defiance. Thanks for the tips! So fun to see them! -Anna Marie Bean
11:58 - Passed under Tacoma Narrows heading north, still mid-channel but milling about, not moving quickly.
11:49 - About to go under Tacoma Narrows bridge. Mid-channel, heading north. 3-4 orcas. -Amanda Van Meter
11:54 - They passed under the Narrows heading north.
11:23 - They are visible from Titlow now. Heading towards the Narrows. -Kirsten Vacura
10:49 - Jackie Chryn Bean reports on PSWS the orcas are heading northbound past the Fox Island Pier.
10:30 - This group of orcas circled around Fox, exited Carr Inlet and are traveling up the east side of Fox Island heading northbound towards the pier & Narrows if they continue.
09:15 - South Sound Bigg's exited Hales Pass and were westbound in Carr Inlet. -Orca Network
08:30 - Chrisy Dorsey for sending this great video taken by her sitter Noe Schulz who saw & filmed the orcas when she crossed the Fox Island bridge this morning.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Suzanne Thomas
Date of Sighting: 8/19/2022
Time: 8:15 AM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: They came under the Fox Island bridge
Direction of travel : They were headed west moving at a fast pace
Behaviors observed: They were quite close to the shore opposite of the fox island boat launch
If orcas, any males?: I don’t think so
Any unusual markings?: Too far to see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It was a magical moment for me. The first time I’ve seen them in the wild and I’ve lived here 22 years.
08:02 - Amy Douglas [PSWS] reports Orcas heading toward the Fox Island bridge now. EDITED with: Yes. Hales Passage. Heading west closer to the island. I live on Point Fosdick so from my vantage point I counted 4-5 dorsal fins. 2 of which were long.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Aug 19 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Humpbacks near Race Rocks Lighthouse. - Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 19, 2022
Fri, Aug 19 - Saratoga Passage - 20:00 - My parents are on Camano and watch this whale every evening around 20:00. They are on the north end just south of Utsalady Bay. -Steve-Kristi Felbinger -photo by Steve-Kristi Felbinger, August 19, 2022
17:08 - humpback in Saratoga - sorry not from the area but we see him from our house on maple grove drive. Looks like he is going north. we haven’t seen him in about 45 minutes. He went south. But the past two nights we have seen one between 8-9pm when the sun sets! [approx. 48.263469, -122.565956]. -Shelby Stevens
08:25 - My husband just put out our crab pots just north of Onomac Point in front of Eagle Crest on Camano and saw a humpback surface every 5 minutes or so heading south, then turned and is now heading north again. -Kristina Trowbridge
08:25 - Humpback in front of Onamac Point heading north. -Matt Henning
Fri, Aug 19 - North Puget Sound
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri Aug 19 11:45 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.91023,-122.49384
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: David Bovay
Whale Alert App
08:18 - Humpback out from the Edmonds pier heading south. -Janine Harles
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Aug 19 - Saratoga Passage (CRC2440) - 19:11 John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 20:58 to report: TOKITAE - Gray Whale Report 8/19/2022 1911hrs: Vessel reports 1 grey whale SB just east of CLIN.
14:32 - Still feeding along Sandy Point pointed toward Langley Marina. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
13:15 - Gray whale CRC2440 is feeding along the shore back and forth north of Sandy Point [approx. 48.034646, -122.383708]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
12:23 - Viewing from the marina with binoculars - feeding in front of Sandy Point houses - close to shore. -Emily Wandres
12:05 - San Juan Clipper saw it blow once a little south of Sandy Point, but didn't see it again. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
11:40 - Looks like we have a gray whale feeding near the bluff close to Sandy Point. I can’t see it due to foliage but I can hear it huffing. -Luanne Seymour
11:13 - Gray heading northbound.
11:12 - We have eyes on him [gray] feeding just north of Sandy point. Direction not clear at this point. Katie and I need to get back to the whale center. -Jeanne Hamilton and Katie Watkins, Langley Whale Center
11:00 - Orca Network Board member Fred Lundahl sent message gray whale is off Langley.
11:00 - Carolyn Hazzard called to report whale sightings over the past several days from Sunrise Lane, Langley near the pier/wharf. Seeing the gray whale close in this morning going south.
10:40 - Allie Hudec called ON staff member Jeanne Hamilton to relay report from her daughter who spotted a gray whale from the Inn at Langley heading southbound towards the Langley marina.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Caleb Spyksma
Date of Sighting: 8/19/2022
Time: 8:30 AM
Species seen: Gray whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: (48.0964814, -122.4964696) Along shore between baby island and east point, Whidbey island
Direction of travel : East, slow to moderate with pauses
Behaviors observed: Travelling and feeding from the bottom in the shallows, very close to shore (+/- 10 yards)
If orcas, any males?: N/a
Any unusual markings?: Lots of barnacles
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Pretty small size, VERY close to shore. Rolling over and splashing around in the shallows, appeared to be feeding. In and around anchored boats and buoys.
04:30 - Heard about 7 blows of probably one whale (CR2440 again maybe?) heading south right along the shoreline (about one mile south of Greenbank Farm). -Martha Poppy Sinclair
August 18
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Aug 18 - San Juans (T2Cs) - Excerpt from encounter #50: “We left Snug Harbor at 1440 and got on scene about mid-Haro Strait between Battleship Island and Mandarte Island at 1455. The T2Cs appeared to be milling, possibly on a kill, as we were approaching the area but began traveling slowly northwest in a tight group shortly after we arrived. The whales were surfacing regularly, and we got some nice lefts during a quick pass at them…” -See full report at Center for Whale Research Encounter 50
13:15 - Now westbound in Spieden Channel - possibly T2Cs.
12:10 - Picked up again at Mineral Point northbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
Thu, Aug 18 - Admiralty Inlet (T36, T36Bs, and T137s) - At Sunset at Salsbury Point near the Hood Canal Bridge. -photo by Deb Limb, August 18, 2022
18:35 - Approaching Apple Tree Point, Kingston, southbound, west side of shipping lanes, long down times. -Sara Frey
18:01 - Watching 4 of them still steady southbound near Eglon. -Cayla Wilson
17:06 - 3 orcas spotted off Point No Point Lighthouse beach heading south to Kingston Ferry terminal. -Allison Conner
15:45 - MV Saratoga reacquired these 9 and can confirm the T36s are here! Still southbound with a wide spread from Foulweather Bluff to Double Bluff. -Justine Buckmaster
15:30 - Went into stealth mode for awhile, saw them southeast of Foulweather bluff/Hood Canal entrance, so continuing south in Admiralty. At least 4 were seen including maybe a sprouter, and maybe a calf. -Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network
15:15 - The orcas were spotted continuing south, midway between the north end of Mutiny Bay and Port Ludlow. -Susan Berta, Orca Network
15:14 - Kit Turner called to report, about 5 minutes ago she observed 4 orca about sightline middle of Lagoon Point on Marrowstone side. Pod very close together traveling very slowly southward. At least 1 large male, 3 others (2 med, 1 smaller).
14:40 - 2nd hand report at least some of the orcas are near the south end of Marrowstone still southbound. Not sure if T137s moved over across the inlet and met back up those hugging Marrowstone earlier (thought to be 36/Bs). -Orca Network
13:43 - I think you’re right! Got really distant looks but the T137s appear to be parallel to T36s who are hugging the Marrowstone shoreline. -Justine Buckmaster
13:23 - MV Saratoga has the T137s slowly southbound just north of Lagoon Point, very spread out!
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Curtis Schultz
Date of Sighting: 8/18/2022
Time: 11:48 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 9
Where seen: N48 10’,W22 46’ [west entrance Admiralty Inlet]
Direction of travel : Leisurely SE into Admirality Inlet
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?: Yes 1-2 could qualify
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Definitely young juvenile I’m pod. Unsure of total number of animals.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photos by Curtis Schultz, August 18, 2022
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu Aug 18 - Saratoga Passage (Malachite) - 14:59 - After the Clipper left the humpback headed straight towards Camano shore roughly a mile north of the Yacht Club. I last had him heading north up the coast towards maple grove boat launch. I can confirm that the humpback is Malachite, 2021 calf of BCX1210 “Slate”. -Sam Wallace
14:09 - Leaving the humpback now, it is circling in the area between Rocky Point and the mouth of Penn Cove, closer to Camano side.
13:37 - San Juan Clipper has the humpback headed in toward Penn Cove from Rocky Point -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network -photo by Allison Montgomery, August 18, 2022
13:31 - Humpback is about two miles north of the Camano Yacht club. -Sam Wallace
09:39 - Jerry Cochran reports on CWW a humpback whale in Saratoga Passage off Camano Yacht Club again this morning. This lovely whale has been out there for several days now.
With a humpback in our neighborhood, and an amazingly calm day, we found this elusive whale by Mabana on Camano Island! No fluke photos, so no positive ID, although I heard it “might” be Malachite, Slate’s 2021 calf. Regardless – the good news is he was feeding in the area, sometimes very close to shore. We also checked out the mussel rafts where there are always some cute harbor seals. -Jill Hein, Orca Network -photos by Jill Hein, August 18, 2022
Thu, Aug 18 - North Puget Sound - 17:45 John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 17:52 to report: MV PUYALLUP reports Humpback Whale Sighting 8/18/2022. 1745hrs: Vessel reports 1 humpback whale NB, 1.5 mile west of the EDM terminal.
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Aug 18 - Possession Sound - 18:47 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 21:47 to report: SUQUAMISH Grey Whale Sighting 8/18/2022 1847hrs: Vessel reports a grey whale 50 yards east of the CLIN terminal, headed north.
17:15 - Evan Minichiello called to report a whale off Mukilteo Lighthouse Beach. Was wondering if Humpback (was not an orca), but by description (grayish, a lot of barnacles) we believe it's a gray whale. Observed the whale breaching (surfacing) maybe within 50 from shore at lower tide about twice every minute traveling southbound. Whale arching back, never got a look at tail.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Patricia Duff
Date of Sighting: 8/18/2022
Time: 1:30 PM
Species seen: Gray whale.
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Off Whidbey Island in the Saratoga Passage on the southeast end of Langley looking toward Hat Island
Direction of travel : North; slow pace; just hanging around the cove not far off the beach.
Behaviors observed: Spyhopping, breaching, blowing, taking their time.
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It was wonderful to watch and was my first whale sighting ever after 17 years on the island!
Photos available?: No
August 17
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Aug 17 (T65As - minus T65A5 - & T77s) - This was the T65As and T77s. They continued heading west and spent some time at least north of Port Angeles.
14:00 - Passed Point Partridge. -Cyrilla Cook
13:40 - Orcas passed Point Wilson northbound, seem to be heading northwest. They were on Whidbey side of mid-channel. Good to see them! -Jill Hein, Orca Network
12:58 - Northbound orcas passed Marrowstone Point, east on Whidbey side. Lots of whale watching boats around them . -Sue Surowiec Larkin
12:30 - Watching from Lagoon Point as they slowly head north - spread out. Binocs required - they appear to be mid -channel. -Jill Hein, Orca Network.
11:45 - Almost to Bush Point midchannel trending north. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:20 - Continuing northbound mid channel south of Bush Point. RedHead on scene. -Colleen Farrell
11:08 - Whales headed northbound at Double Bluff. -Melanie Holbrook
10:10 - 5-7 T6A5’s in the northbound traffic lane .4 miles southeast Double Bluff. Sighting with Saratoga. Northwest direction of travel. 1010 - 1020. -R/V WDFW572 -Kwasi Addae
08:35 - Pod of Orcas right around the Victoria Clipper boat which has stopped for them. Off Scatchet Head, heading north. -Jill Lipoti
08:33 - 7-8 orca 2.6 mile SE of Point No Point. Circling in northbound traffic lane. -Jason Mihok
07:37 - Just now. North of Apple Cove Pt. LT. 1 male orca northbound edge of the traffic lane. Popped up right in front of my boat. Heading north. -Ryan Johnson
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Aug 17 - Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Christina Lee
Date of Sighting: 8/17/2022
Time: 8:40 PM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Near shore off of Stamm overlook in Edmonds
Direction of travel : Slowly north then south then north
Behaviors observed: Milling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Stayed in view for about 45 mins during sunset. Blows were pink due to sunset color
Photos available?: No
18:40 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 18:53 to report: [MV] PUYALLUP Humpback Whale Sighting 8/17/2023 1840hrs: Vessel reports 1 humpback NB, in the NB traffic lanes, due west of the Edmonds Ferry dock.
Wed, Aug 17 - Saratoga Passage - 11:58 - Humpback just surfaced out from Woodland Beach, Camano. Heading northbound. Observed from high bluff. -Krista Paulino
05:50 - Humpback feeding for at least a half hour between the Yacht Club and Madrona beach. Back and forth. 5:50am to well after 6:20. -Steve Demerit [CWW]
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Aug 17 - Saratoga Passage - 19:04 - Gray is back now feeding at Sandy Point. -Luanne Seymour
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Susan Matthews
Date of Sighting: 8/17/2022
Time: 14:10 PM
Species seen: size of whale about the same as an orca but all whitish back. [gray whale in the area]
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Saratoga Road south of Bells Beach
Direction of travel : north
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?: no visible fin, just white gray
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: small blows but loud enough to hear from atop the bluff
Photos available?: No
12:30 - Gray whale came into Langley marina and circled the boats anchored here! Headed back out and made a very close pass to the dock. Then travel mode northbound into Langley. Beautiful day!
10:45 - [gray] Just off Sandy Point. Feeding very close to shore and slowly trending north toward Langley Marina. -Donna George
09:14 - It [gray] is between Langley Harbor and Sandy Point now. Feeding slowly. -Luanne Seymour
07:48 - Gray whale feeding in Langley marina last night is still here this morning. No images this morning as it was in the light and couldn’t get images. Still finding lots of ghost shrimp! -Arial Brewer
August 16
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES - Tue, Aug 16 - Strait of Georgia
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Aug 16 11:50 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 49.32816,-124.30676
Number Sighted: 4
Submitted Comments: Spotted from the shore just off of Parksville Park.
Submitter Name: David McArthur
Tue, Aug 16 - San Juans - 17:41 - Just saw a pod of orcas off of Patos Island Lighthouse point! They were too far away and headed into the sun glare for me to get good video, but it looked like there were maybe 5-6 of them? Headed north. -Elisabeth Ellis [WSSJI]
Tue, Aug 16 - Central Puget Sound (T77C & T77D) - 15:05 - Orca at Ebey's Preserve headed northwest. -Cyrilla Cook
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Aug 16 12:38 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.96514,-122.55575 [Double Bluff]
Number Sighted: 2
Submitter Name: Colleen
Whale Alert App
12:48 - [T77C & T77D] Mid channel. -Jim Pasola
11:30 - Based on location and travel of Clipper and Chilkat presume the brothers [T77C & T77D] are off Eglon still steady northbound, directionally toward Point No Point.
10:50 - Saratoga is leaving them [T77C & T77D] Apple Cove Point close to shore, still northbound.
10:08 - MV Saratoga has T77C and T77D northbound just south of the Kingston ferry landing. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express.
09:58 - [T77C & T77D] Just moved past Jefferson head, trending north at a good clip. -Matt McCulloch
09:54 - 1-2 heading north in front of Indianola. -Jill M Rotset
09:59 - They [T77C & T77D] are heading north towards Kingston now. The two joined up.
09:33 - 1 orca heading north to Jefferson Head. Actually at least two. 1 midway between Bainbridge Island and Jefferson Head and 1 closer to Jefferson Head. -Brian Livingston
09:00 - Just saw at least two [T77C & T77D]. Heading north, just past the Agate Pass Bridge. Should be by the Suquamish pier by now. I saw one short dorsal, so probably female, Only saw the blow from the second. -Lina Heil
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Aug 16 8:07 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.69672,-122.58584 [Agate Pass]
Number Sighted: 4
Submitter Name: Bill Hoodenpyle
Whale Alert App
Tue, Aug 16 - South Puget Sound (T65As & T77s - Minus T65A5, T77C, T77D) - 20:03 - They just passed near us on Salmon Beach heading north towards Point Defiance. Absolutely magical to hear their breathing carry across the still water in the darkness. -Corena Martinson
21:00 - Going northbound towards Narrows Bridge, viewing from Day Island. -Karen Caldwell
20:47 - They're heading towards Narrows Bridge now. -Valerie Miller
20:25 - Still in front of Fox Island pier. -Shannon Barnum
Name: Jacqueline Plattner
Date of Sighting: 8/16/2022
Time: 8:20 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Between Fox and Day Island, area 13
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Hunting, tail slapping milling
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Video available
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
19:55 - First blows seen heading north towards the pier. -T.L. Stokes
19:23 - They have been playing here [Fox Island] for the past 30 minutes. -Julie Thorn
19:00 - Viewing from Steilacoom they seem to be south of the west end of Fox Island. -Nona Faber
18:55 - We can see a group with binoculars from Steilacoom. They still look to be middle of Case Inlet, between Fox and McNeill. -Samara Ballard Elledge
18:35 - Seeing 1 -2 orcas from Steilacoom north of town on hill. Appear to be moving east towards Chambers Bay. -Jennifer Tebaldi
16:32 - They are just about out of Carr Inlet now, mid channel heading south.
16:26 - I see them almost to Green Point now, closer to the Gig Harbor side, heading out of Carr Inlet. -Lynn McCormick Radcliffe
17:08 - They just came into view from Bella Bella beach. Definitely need binoculars, still heading south. -Alex Partin
16:20 - Drifting south mid-channel from Horsehead Bay.
15:51 - Slowed their pace and moved out to mid-channel.
15:30 - They made it to the north of Raft Island and are now headed south again. Currently by Cutts Island.
14:30 - They have meandered north and are now out in front of Horsehead Bay. -Randy Witter -photo by Randy Witter, August 16, 2022
14:57 - You can see them from Kopachuck right now, just south of Cutt's Island, meandering northbound. -Morgan Brownlee
14:30 - Still visible from Kopachuck! Heading further into Henderson Bay. Closer to peninsula side. -Amanda Bee
14:13 - Visible from Kopachuck State Park. Closer to Key Peninsula side. Trending northward from Lakebay. -Jennifer McKee-johnson
13:55 - Still hanging out near Lakebay with no direction. I'm watching from afar via binoculars [approx. 47.272237, -122.719162]. -Randy Witter
13:00 - Orcas in Carr Inlet! Stalled in front of me here in Horsehead Bay, mid channel closer to Peninsula side. What an incredible experience with the orcas again! Pretty sure EVERY encounter is incredible but there was something extra special about Tuesday’s I have to admit! As is often the case, they were a little far away from my viewing point on shore so even viewing through a long lens, I’m never quite sure of exactly what I’ve captured until I look closer on my camera after the fact. Always a deep feeling of joy when I realize I’ve captured something special like this porpoise hunt! -photos by Jennifer Swenson, August 16, 2022
12:15 - On the west side of Carr just past Pitt Passage, heading toward Henderson. I could only see them with binoculars. -Blake-Linda Worland Little
12:05 - They are between Fox and McNeil (closer to Fox) heading west. -Mary Jane Rumley
11:21 - Milling at the entrance to Carr [Inlet] trending into Carr. -Jami Cantrell
11:15 - I’m seeing them heading north towards the prison on McNeill. We’re viewing from Steilacoom. -Samara Ballard Elledge
11:13 - South tip of McNeil headed east. -Jennifer Salisbury
11:10 - Between steilacoom and McNeil! Looks like two in front one trailing behind. Mid channel just passing the McNeil docks north toward the Narrows Bridge. -Laura Heger Whelan
11:30 - It’s possible they met up with the other group to head into Carr because we counted 5-6 at last sighting
11:20 - Males are near Fox between Fox and McNeill. Second group is closer to Steilacoom north of the golf course headed north.
11:10 - The orca split. This group was midwater headed north. - From the Anderson Island Ferry Dock, looking toward Chambers Creek Golf Course
10:50 - They looked like they were headed more north and east, so we left for the ferry dock - From the Riviera Marina on Anderson Island, looking toward McNeil. -photos and reports by Belen Belgic Schneider, August 16, 2022
Around 8:30am, I got a message from long-time contributor Ashley Whitman asking for advice on viewing spots on Anderson Island - she and Jami Cantrell were coming over to try their luck with catching the pods here. After years of being FB friends and sharing experiences and advice, I was so excited to meet them both. We had some luck on the morning pass and they made the impromptu decision to walk back onto the ferry to see the orca, leaving a car behind on this side. It meant we had another opportunity to share time at the ferry dock that evening, trying with all our combined forces to will the pods out from between Fox and McNeil toward us. I had posted to one of our FB groups about the orca, so slowly but surely we had about a dozen folks come out. Islanders and visitors from ages 8 to 70 chattered about their experiences seeing whales, more about these transient families, the history of orca and the transient/resident distinction, then exchanged names, talked about professional backgrounds, their connection to the island…it became the most delightful gathering of orca nerds becoming friends! Ultimately, we didn’t see the whales that evening, but my husband coined a new term - no-orca’ing. It turns out to be a very flexible verb. No one intends to norca, but at some point you suspect you may be norca’ing, and then you end the chase knowing you have norca’ed, but were in good company. I’m still smiling today from finally putting faces to names, meeting new neighbors, and connecting my community to the shared magic of whale watching. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
10:30 - Second hand report wanting to be relayed by a fisherman on the water. They are heading north toward Steilacoom - from the Nisqually Delta area. Very spread out. -Kim Merriman
10:08 - 3 orcas heading southeast near Nisqually Reach station. -Arthur De La Torre
10:05 - Off the South tip of Anderson Island. No specific direction. -Piyakaad Barry
09:57 - Orcas at Nisqually Reach right now hugging Anderson [Island]. -Richard Zarate [PSWS]
08:30 - Large pod (6 or 7) heading east from Johnson Point toward Devil's Head. -Mark Clark [PSWS]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Aug 16 - WA Coast
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Aug 16 17:12 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.51943,-124.91406 [Swiftsure Bank]
Number Sighted: 13
Submitter Name: Steve
Whale Alert App
Tue, Aug 16 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - From Coho ferry yesterday, closer to Port Angeles, humpback tail slapping. -Anita Jones
Tue, Aug 16 - Saratoga Passage - 13:37 - They also said "almost certain it was a humpback". (Whale spotted off Camp Grande now, looks to be headed south, per Christy Baker [CWW]) -Serena Tierra
Tue, Aug 16 - Puget Sound - 20:10 - Finally spotted the humpback again (assuming it’s the same one) after it disappeared for about an hour. Right in the middle of Possession Triangle, straight out from Edmonds, pretty far out. -Our Wild Puget Sound
19:13 - [humpback] Still around. Heading northwest. -Kevin H Doar
18:25 - Humpback straight out from Edmonds fishing pier. No clear direction yet. -Our Wild Puget Sound
14:00 - Humpback seen milling around in the water between Point No Point and Double Bluff. No real set direction. -Kim Schouten Paulsen
12:04 - Barbara Endres Grove reports seeing humpback just north of Edmonds near the shipping lanes heading south. [PSWS]
Tue, Aug 16 - Central Puget Sound - 14:42 - I think I just saw it [humpback] from my paddle-board at Owen Beach. it was going south and we just saw a fin come up twice and it had a more subtle/long fin. -Alyssa Kate Niedzwiedz
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Aug 16 - Saratoga Passage - Gray whale feeding in Langley marina. -photos by Arial Brewer, August 16, 2022
18:06 - Gray whale is slowly meandering towards Langley harbor.
17:52 - Gray whale feeding near the bluff just a bit west of Sandy Point, Whidbey. -Luanne Seymour
We watched this gray near East Point at sunrise get shrimp in the area for about 4 hours. Simply glorious. - photo by Lindsey Mcilvena, August 16, 2022 - Gray whale spyhop -photos by Dave Mcilvena, August 16, 2022
August 15
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES - Mon, Aug 15 - Strait of Georgia - We saw a group of 5-6 Orcas including what looks like a calf at 11:15 by the Grant Island Lighthouse on Welcome Passage near Halfmoon Bay in the Strait of Georgia area. -photo by Duff Wilson, August 15, 2022
Mon, Aug 15 - Central Puget Sound (T77C & T77D split from main group) - 19:59 - My dad lives on Raft Island and was surprised by a lone orca swimming by his home. We have seen them frequently out in the center of Henderson Bay, but never in the interior of the water surrounding Raft Island. It appears the whale went under the bridge and circled around the island. -Kaitlyn Goodeve
19:32 - I have a 2nd hand report of the two who split off heading towards Purdy Spit. From where, I don't know. -Melissa Bird
18:14 - Current location heading north. Slowly [approx. 47.279126, -122.710782].
18:09 - It’s just the two. They actually are moving a bit north but slow.
17:52 - I’m at Bella Bella beach and see them out in Carr Inlet. Not going in any direction at the moment [approx. 47.268468, -122.698426]. -Shannon Snyder
17:11 - A friend just spotted them from Titlow. -Craig Craker
16:35 - T77C and D are now pointing at Fox Island bridge but doing a little circling. Maybe hunting?
16:13 - The two brothers just flipped back south.
16:07 - MV Saratoga has T77C and T77D gone duo! Currently northbound from the Tacoma Narrows going fast! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
Mon, Aug 15 - South Puget Sound (T65As - minus T65A5 - T77s) - 21:20 - Heading north out of Eld Inlet. Heading toward what seems like Dana Passage. -Kim Merriman
20:30 - Orcas headed north at Flapjack Point out of Eld. Looks like 2 males and two females. -Kat Donald
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Robert King
Date of Sighting: 8/15/2022
Time: 7:50 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Entered and swam NW up Eld inlet and returned about an hour later back out to Budd Inlet
Direction of travel : NW and returned SE
Behaviors observed: Traveling fast
If orcas, any males?: 1 large, 2 medium and one small
Photos available?: No
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Katharine Bauer
Date of Sighting: 8/15/2022
Time: 7:45 PM
Species seen: Biggs Transients
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Eld Inlet near Rocky Point
Direction of travel : Back and forth hunting
Behaviors observed: Hunting. Appeared to catch a seal. Lots of milling and splashing. Seagulls showed up in a big flock to find nibbles.
If orcas, any males?: 1 male and 1 baby (?)
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: A man had fallen from his sailboat and turned it over. He was almost in the midst of it all. Rescued without incident and his boat towed to shore before the hunt ended.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photo by Katharine Bauer, August 15, 2022
19:00 - Orcas are in Eld Inlet. -Tim Hoeks
19:21 - Orcas in south Eld Inlet Young Cove area heading back north. -Eva Arant
19:12 - Orcas just headed south into Eld. Moving with purpose. At least 3 - including one bull. No one around them. Not one boat. Super gorgeous blows in the bright sunlit backlighting. -Kim Merriman
18:00 - 19:00 - Came through Dana passage heading west at 18:00, circled at the tip of Squaxin and headed south into Eld around 19:00. 6-7 orcas, mostly blowing and moving fast. -Cole Baldino
16:50 - Heading north past Johnson Point. -Joan Ahre
16:42 - Watching them at Zittel’s Marina right now! Still hugging close to Key Peninsula, right around the area of Taylor Bay Beach Club. -Jill Owen Pelton
16:25 - Headed towards Zittel's [Marina] hugging Key Penninsula. At least 4. -Lorrie Dozier Hall
16:20 - A lone male surfaced right in front of Treble Point on Anderson. I can’t see him now. Others were splashing closer to Zittlle’s. I’ve lost sight of them in the sun glare. -Angie Johnson Vandeberg
15:48 - Nisqually reach. South point of Anderson [Island]. -Ben Huntley
15:15 - Now south of Anderson Island ferry dock headed towards Nisqually Reach. -photo by Lane Sample, August 15, 2022
15:05 - Lone orca spotted between McNeil and Anderson Islands, west of Ketron. -Melissa Hartman
15:06 - Between Ketron and Anderson Island. -Hannah Urlis
14:45 - Can barely see them from Chambers Bay! They are far across, right on the south side of McNeil Island. -Jill Owen Pelton
14:42 - They are headed south mid channel toward Ketron/Anderson Islands.
14:16 - They are south of Gibson Point (Fox Island), near Toliva Shoals - changing directions, moving moderate speed south toward McNeil/Anderson Islands. -Taunja VanderVaate
14:34 - Viewing from Sunnyside, I see 1 dorsal heading south just past Fox Island and red buoy. -Cherie StOurs
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Karen McDonald
Date of Sighting: 8/15/2022
Time: 2:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: From under the Narrows Bridge headed south past Fox Island Fishing Pier
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: traveling, checking us out!
If orcas, any males?: one male for sure
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Other than it was unreal no not really
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to - T65A2 Ooxjaa passing by the Fox Island pier. -photos by Karen Mcdonald, August 15, 2022
13:00-14:00 - The Bigg’s orcas swam by the Fox Island fishing pier today! My daughter and I have been trying to catch them all summer and today was the day!! Still can’t believe we got to see them so close. They made their way to us, swimming south from the Narrows Bridge. What a treat! -Kate Borgen [PSWS] - T65A2 Ooxjaa passing by the Fox Island pier -photos by Kate Borgen, August 15, 2022
14:04 - We just had the most incredible pass at Fox Island Pier. T65A2 swam right under us, rubbing on the beach & the others swam just off shore of us. Still southbound. - video by Melissa Bird, August 15, 2022
13:51 - One adult male at entrance to Hales [Passage], kind of milling but still southbound. A 2nd group behind him, closer to mid channel on Gig Harbor side, approaching Point Fosdick.
13:42 - From Fox Island fishing pier, there's some close to shore at Narrows Beach, some mid span, direction changes, but last seen heading towards Narrows Beach, one adult male [T65A3] off Day Island, he appears to he heading towards Narrows Beach too. -Melissa Bird
14:00 - Looks like they headed south in front of Fox Island. -Barb Pritchard Hulbert
13:42 - The group is mid channel between Titlow, Wollochet, and Fox [Island], heading toward Fox [Island]. -Caro Lew
13:38 - 5-6 Biggs orcas heading south just right past Narrows Marina. -Justin Foster
13:30 - One orca [T65A3] just passed Day Island southbound close to shore. -Karen Caldwell - T65A3 Amira -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network -photo by Karen Caldwell, August 15, 2022
13:16 - Passed under the bridge heading south.
13:09 - 3-5 orcas middle of Narrows, not far from the bridge. -Kelly Click Christel
12:53 - Saw them as I was crossing the Narrows Bridge, midchannel passing Point Evans southbound. -Melissa Bird
13:13 - Almost going under Narrows Bridge heading south. 4 orcas right in the middle of sound.
12:49 - They’re not to the bridge yet, middle of channel, moving slow south. -Gail Dallas Garnas
12:30 - Orcas southbound in the Tacoma Narrows nearing Point Evans. They passed the point around 12:30. -Ali Pankop [PSWS]
11:30 - Jolanda Selburg Ahsmann posted a relayed report her hubby saw orcas playing off Point Defiance and then headed south (or so he thought) down the Tacoma Narrows. He saw 4-5 orcas. [PSWS]
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 15 10:41 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.52330,-124.84083 [Swiftsure Bank]
Number Sighted: 3
Submitter Name: Pleuni
Whale Alert App
09:00 - I was walking around the Dockton bluffs this morning and ran into a guy who said he saw orcas on Monday morning around 9ish from the bluffs [Vashon Island]. Timing seems to check out for the 65as/77s and he was certain they were orcas. A couple of them were 150 feet off shore scouring the shoreline with the main group trailing farther behind them a little closer to mid channel, so it appears that group had traveled down the east side of the island that morning before being picked up at Point Defiance -Marla Smith
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Aug 15 - San Juans
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tom Reeve
Date of Sighting: 8/15/2022
Time: 2:00 PM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Approx 3.5 mi south of Flint Beach, southern Lopez Island.
Direction of travel : East to west
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Mon, Aug 15 - Strait of Georgia
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 15 9:10 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.79641,-123.12863 [East side Saturna]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Adam Errett
Whale Alert App
Mon, Aug 15 - E Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 15 13:41 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.35130,-122.86496
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Alyssa White
Whale Alert App
Mon, Aug 15 - W Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 15 11:01:02 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.52019,-124.88124
Number Sighted: 3
Submitter Name: Pleuni
Whale Alert App
Mon, Aug 15 - Puget Sound - 20:55 - We left around sunset, but it [humpback] seemed to be swimming in circles closer to Kingston side between the fishing pier and Kingston terminal.
19:44 - [humpback] Possibly northbound again.
19:32 - [humpback] Closer in to Edmonds fishing pier. Currently headed southbound.
19:22 - Humpback is approximately straight out from Edmonds ferry terminal. Not super far out. -Matt Leaman -photo by Matt Leaman, August 15, 2022
18:05 - MV Saratoga is on scene with a humpback whale circling/feeding near the Edmonds/Kingston ferry lanes! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 15 - Holmes Harbor - 15:31 - [Gray in] Holmes Harbor. -Hugh Gerrard [WIC]
14:00-15:00 - John Ficalora called to report seeing a [gray] whale earlier today around 2-3pm around Baby Island. Whale was just putzing around. They were hearing/seeing the spouts every ~ 4 minutes, and seeing the whale who had no dorsal.
Our Langley Whale Center manager Katie Holmes received a 2nd hand report from a visitor to LWC who said there had been a gray whale in Holmes Harbor in the morning.
MINKE WHALES - Mon, Aug 15 - San Juans - 13:30 - Minke whale about 1 mile south of Cattle Point, SJI. What a wonderful welcome to the islands. -Tim Ferris
August 14
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Aug 14 - J, K, and most of L Pod - 09:08 - Confirmed SRKW, likely all the whales from yesterday, westbound out the strait.
07:17 - Likely SRKW seen from Coho ferry between Port Angeles and Victoria heading westbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG’S KILLER WHALES - Sun, Aug 14 - Alaska (T49C) - This orca approached our boat in Snow Pass and Zarembo Island shore on Sunday. It was solo, there were about 5 humpbacks in the area. -photo by Andrea Laughlin, August 14, 2022
Sun, Aug 14 - San Juan Islands (T36, T36Bs, & T99s) - 14:45 - T36, T36Bs, and T99s are in Lopez Sound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Aug 14 16:09 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.57836,-122.83830
Number Sighted: 4
Submitter Name: Amy Phillips
Whale Alert App
13:09 - Friends on the MV Yakima saw a pod between Blakey Island and Spencer Spit direction southeast. -Bryn Black [WSSJI]
11:00 - Pod of at least 5 orcas in Rosario Strait along the southeast side of Orcas Island heading south from Lawrence Point toward Doe Bay. -Shannon Mullen Smith
10:01 - About 5-8 orcas heading south on the west side of Lummi Island. Spotted about 10 minutes ago! -Katie Exner Crawford [WSSJI]
Sun, Aug 14 (T65As - minus T65A5 - & T77s) - 18:49 - Just now saw a pod (at least 5 probably more) going south in Admiralty Inlet between Fort Flagler State Park off northern tip of Marrowstone Island and South Whidbey State park. -Margaret Smith [WSSJI]
17:50 - I’m watching from the dock in Port Townsend and saw some spouts about 15 mins ago, mid channel, closer to Flagler & looking like they’re heading east. -Jenica Sendall
16:36 - Mid channel off Chetzamoka Park in Port Townsend. Looks to be about 6 of them? -Amy Johnson
These are the T65As (minus A5) and T77s. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jill Ashman
Date of Sighting: 8/14/2022
Time: 15:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: N of Pt Wilson lighthouse in rip tide
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Hunting
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?: Undetermined
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Hi Susan Berta!
Your cabin mate on humpback whale seminar 1993...
Photos available?: No
15:10 - 5 to 7 orcas passing Fort Worden heading towards Port Townsend. -Sarah Marie
15:00 - Six or so individuals heading east between Port Townsend and Coupeville. -Annette Huenke, PT
15:10 - Heading south now around Point Wilson. Lost view.
15:06 - Eastbound, in front of Point Wilson now. Slowed down (had been moving fast).
14:56 - 5 orcas headed east, in front of Fort Worden [Port Townsend]. -Cyrilla Cook
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Aug 14 - Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Aug 14 20:36 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.21462,-123.41419 [~ 5 miles N of Port Angeles]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Ryan
Whale Alert App
Sun, Aug 14 - Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Aug 14 16:32 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.34292,-124.30357 [N of Sekiu]
Number Sighted: 5
Submitter Name: Peter Schloegell
Whale Alert App
Sun, Aug 14 - Puget Sound - 18:52 - Just saw the humpback off Scatchet Head. -Jill Lipoti
18:16 - A humpback whale off of Scatchet Head, Whidbey. -Trevor Tillman
August 13
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Sat, Aug 13 - J, K, & most of L pod - Excerpt from encounter #49: “They departed the humpbacks and traveled east to reach Point No Point (Canada) by 1101. A large lineup of killer whales had been visible for several miles, and the crew were guessing Southern Residents. Sure enough, L87 was the first animal identified, along with several other L pod whales. This group turned out to contain all of the L12s and their constant companions L22, L25 and L85, and the larger subgroup of L pod that L87 has been traveling with for the last few years, the L4s, L47s, L72 and L105, and L90. They were traveling in a tight group with good pace toward Sheringham Point. The L54s were not seen, for a total of 28 L pod killer whales…” See full report at Center for Whale Research Encounter 49
8-13-22 J-Pod, Haro Strait, SJI - 19:10 - 20:30, Viewing from one mile south of Landbank's Westside Preserve, 8-10 members of J-Pod inbound heading east towards the shore. They paused 1/4 to 1/2 mile off shore, milling, traveling south and circling back north again. A few traveled north as far as the Point Edwards area (just south of Landbank). One of the leaders was J39 Mako. Grandma J19 Shachi and her family were in a tight group. In the group with J19, her daughter and grandchildren; J41 Eclipse and J41's children, J51 Nova and calf J58 Crescent. Later J26 Mike milling on his own while his mom J16 Slick came in close to the kelp at sunset. The trailing orca was J26 Mike. All orcas were southbound and out of sight by 20:30. A large commercial fishing vessel had sunk near Sunset Point 2 hours earlier and a fuel spill was spreading during the Southern Resident's visit. This viewing area is 4-5 miles south of the fuel spill. The Southern Residents traveled father south to Eagle Cove and in the night left San Juan Island. CWR reported they were seen traveling west in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Photographed from shore. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - J16 Slick - J41 Eclipse with mom J19 Shachi - J41 Eclipse, J58 Crescent, & J19 Shachi -photos by Michelline Halliday, August 13, 2022
21:19 - All have continued to move away from shore and a bit south. A few breaches. Blows are getting faint.
21:03 - Wow, there's a lot of orcas over here now. Spread between False Bay and Eagle Point. Most have moved a bit away from shore. Everyone quietly milling. Can still see fins when I look north. But it's dark if I look out by Eagle Point. Just going by the sound of blows. So awesome!
20:48 - Between 15 and 20 orcas here north of Eagle Point. Everyone slowly hanging out. One group of eight or so is very tight. Kelping. Resting. They have the little baby in there with them. -Jenny Stands Wilson [WSSJI]
20:23 - Appears most the whales that were visible from Land Bank are now south. One lone male is still slightly visible. -Tamara Kelley, [WSSJI]
19:28 - At least 4 milling at Edwards [Point]. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network [WSSJI]
16:00 - Leaders are east of Race Rocks - very wide spread.
10:30 - Eastbound off Sheringham Lighthouse. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG’S KILLER WHALES - Sat, Aug 13 - Guemes Channel (T65As & 77s group) - Orca [in] Guemes Channel! Guemes Island. -LeBoutillier Chris
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Aug 13 - E Strait of Juan de Fuca - 17:45 - Humpback just went quickly south between Whidbey and Smith Islands. -photo by Sarah Geist, August 13, 2022
Sat, Aug 13 - E Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat Aug 13 13:03 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.13433,-122.86789 (Protection Island)
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitted Comments: Michi Sander
Whale Alert App -photo by Michi Sander, August 13, 2022
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Aug 13 - WA Coast
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Avril Koehn
Date of Sighting: 8/13/2022
Time: 4:45 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Rialto Beach WA
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Spouting, spyhopping, 1 feeding very close to shore
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?: Jagged flipper
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: First spotted 3 whales about half mile offshore,,, spouting, tail breaching, and spyhopping. 2 came closer to shore then one left southward and the other stayed feeding less than 50feet offshore about 20 minutes then took off southward flippper looked quite jagged...many tourists took photos. I did not.
Photos available?: No
Sat, Aug 13 - Saratoga Passage - 17:30 - [gray] At Clinton ferry terminal, inside north slip. -Marilyn Armbruster -photo by Marilyn Armbruster, August 13, 2022
15:50 - Fred Lundahl called to report gray whale traveling southbound off Whidbey between Sandy Point and Clinton.
14:10 - Just saw a gray whale in Saratoga passage, about a mile north of Langley. Heading south. -Stacy Estlick Wright
07:30 - [Gray] CRC2440 - Off Eastpoint Drive Beach (Whidbey), between Baby Island and point. Feeding offshore, headed toward Baby Island/Holmes Harbor. -Shannon Moore Kavanaugh
August 12
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri Aug 12 12:00 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 50.13043,-125.04359 [N side Cortes Island, BC]
Number Sighted: 4
Submitted Comments: mother, son and two calf girls
Submitter Name: Ronja Schwenninger
Whale Alert App
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Aug 12 - E Strait of Juan de Fuca - 14:10 - There is a smallish gray whale heading south toward Admiralty Inlet right now. Showed up in Friday Harbor this morning and headed south thru Cattle Pass. It was first reported as a humpback and has fluke marks that look similar to some humpbacks, white on both lobes. We left it just north of Smith Island. I couldn't get a good look to determine if it is skinny or not. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network -photos by Allison Montgomery, August 12, 2022
Fri, Aug 12 - Saratoga Passage - Gray feeding at East Point. Moved up and down the shore south of East Point - watched this guy for 2+ hours. Thrilled! -Mignon Buzard Whitaker
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Catherine Drews
Date of Sighting: 8/12/2022
Time: 12:00 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: East shore Holmes Harbor near Freeland Park
Direction of travel : Milling around back and forth. Surface swimming and blowing
Behaviors observed: Milling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Presume it’s same whale that was in the harbor yesterday 8/11, which we didn’t report but same approximate time snd behavior as today. New feeding pits on our beach.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to - Look at all the feeding pits left behind from a hungry gray whale! - Near Freeland Park -photos by Catherine Drews, August 12, 2022
MINKE WHALES - Fri, Aug 12 - San Juans - I saw what I’m pretty sure was a minke off South Beach on San Juan Island. No photos. Heading west. -Stephanie Celt
August 11
BIGG’S KILLER WHALES - Thu, Aug 11 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Our first encounter was with a rare outer coastal bull T227, then we had the T046Bs & T075Bs, 9 transients in front of Sooke on our way home, great to sea! -Sooke Coastal Explorations - T227 - photos by Paul Pudwell, August 11, 2022
Thu, Aug 11 - South Puget Sound - I have reports from someone on the Anderson Island ferry at 11:30 that they saw two orca near Ketron, maybe headed west toward AI/McNeil, so likely looking to pass on the north end through Balch Passage. I haven't seen anything else, but folks might want to keep their eyes open! -Belen Belgic Schneider
Thu, Aug 11 - Port Angeles - 17:00 - Diane Harkin called to report 3 orcas (includes bull and 2 females) inside Port Angeles harbor hunting.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Aug 11 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - We visited "Ace" a well known humpback today. -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 11, 2022
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Aug 11 - Holmes Harbor - 18.35 - One gray whale. Now moving to east side of Holmes Harbor and trending slightly north from Freeland Park.
18.15 - Gray whale feeding close to shore off Freeland Park. -Sandy Pollard -photos by Sandy Pollard, August 11, 2022 -photos by RJ Snowberger, August 11, 2022
16:45 - [gray] Thursday in Holmes Harbor. -Niki Duits Wright
13:20 - One whale heading south along the shoreline in Greenbank about one mile south of Greenbank Farm. I was working at my desk with the windows opened and I vaguely registered a noise and thought someone was down at the beach pushing a boat over the rocks into the water. I then suddenly realize it’s the sound of a whale blow! I ran out and caught this photo. Amazing, I've never seen one so close to shore here. -photo by Martha Poppy Sinclair, August 11, 2022
11:56 - Judy Moore called to report a gray whale who is hanging around in the Greenbank area at the entrance to Holmes Harbor. Whale came northbound from the harbor and has been milling/feeding back and forth, at times in front of the boat floats. Location is directly below the Greenbank store. - Likely CRC2440 -photo by Judy Moore, August 11, 2022
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Gray Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Thu Aug 11 8:21 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): [Holmes Harbor near Freeland Park]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: Center channel of Holmes Harbor moving very slowly north. Blowing everything 1-2 minutes. Appears to be CR 2440.
Submitter Name: Catherine Drews
Whale Alert App
August 10
BIGG’S KILLER WHALES - Wed, Aug 10 - San Juans (T37As) - Off to see whales again, this time to Friday Harbor for a super trip aboard Western Prince Whale Watching WEX II - with Capt Ivan Reiff. We found the T037As by Decatur/Blakely Islands, nice and close by. A family of 6, we had some great views of them, sometimes porpoising, mostly traveling very close to Blakely Island shoreline. T037A2 (Inky) a teenager - is really growing up to be a handsome dude! -Jill Hein, Orca Network - T37A2 Inky - T37A1 Inyo & T37A3 Spinnaker -photos and IDs by Jill Hein, August 10, 2022
Wed, Aug 10 - Haro Strait (T65A2, T65A4, & T77s)
11:30 - Now heading up the west side of San Juan Island off Eagle Point.
11:10 - Group of Bigg's killer whales near Salmon Bank heading north towards South Beach. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Aug 10 - Saratoga Passage - 20:06 - Gray whale off Hidden Beach. -Nancy Culp Zaretke
07:45 - Laura Persaud called to report seeing a gray whale south of Seawall Park, Langley close to shore heading northbound.
August 9
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Tue, Aug 9 - J Pod - 08-09-22 J-Pod, Haro Strait
18:30, J-Pod southbound, blows north of Lime Kiln Lighthouse.
18:33, J-Pod leaders southbound approaching Lime Kiln Light, spread out. Lots of glare on the water. The surface is so bright, it looks like snow. J56 Tofino porpoising a few times as she travels down island.
18:47, J26 Mike southbound passing the lighthouse. He turns south of the lighthouse, travels back and circles closer to shore. He glides and dips with his dorsal fin tip above the water marking his direction under the surface. He resumes his journey down island a few minutes later.
19:23, At Pile Point, a few members of J-Pod spread out southbound.
19:27 - 20:10, One mile south of Landbank Westside Preserve, J-Pod spread out 1/2 to 3/4 mile off shore. They are traveling to the southwest angling away from the shore as the head down island. J39 Mako was the closest to shore about 1/4 mile out. J46 Star was traveling with J42 Echo. The trailing orca was J40 Suttles, seen at 20:05. -Photographed from shore at Lime Kiln, cropped and enlarged. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - J26 Mike - J26 Mike - J16 Slick - J56 Tofino -photos and IDs by Michelline Halliday, August 9, 2022
20:40 - The possible trailer J40 passed Lime Kiln going south, and at the same time a friend reported hearing blows off Eagle Point, a spread of at least 7 miles! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
19:59 - Orcasound Lab hydrophone -- More slow click sweeps
19:17 - Orcasound Lab hydrophone -- repeated echolocation sweeps. Someone is still seeking salmon up here
19:07 - Orcasound Lab hydrophone -- sudden S01 calls at intense amplitude, then ~10 repeated S01s fading out. Assume this was a J pod trailer heading south rapidly.
18:48 - Orcasound Lab hydrophone -- A few variable calls, possible partial S10, and a buzz, but no more clicks.
18:09 - Leslie Nevin Veirs at Orcasound Lab observing 2 southbound porpoising about 500m offshore.
18:08 - Lots of echolocation clicks on Orcasound Lab -Scott Veirs, Orcasound [WSSJI]
18:02 - More coming into view. Some porpoising south.
17:56 - They’ve stalled north of County Park. Just see one out there fishing offshore.
17:46 - Visible from County Park looking north toward Henry [Island]. Big splashes. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout [WSSJI]
16:15 - It sounds like the leaders have passed Turn Point.
14:13 - J-Pod clicks and calls on the SIMRES hydrophone in Boundary Pass. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG’S KILLER WHALES - Tue, Aug 9 - Hood Canal (T65A2, T65A4, T77s) - 15:26 - Halle Phillips called to report she was driving north on Hwy 101 across from Hoodsport and saw fins ~ 4 orcas heading northbound close to east side of Hood Canal just traveling, then they went deep. It was exciting to see them. It looks like at least 4 with at least one male, it was so fast and they hadn’t surfaced again.
11:00 - They just popped up here near Arie's point on the Canal a bit ago, and seem to be heading back up the canal for now (west). Not sure yet if they plan to go around the point and further up. -Kimberly Smith
10:15 - Just passed my house at MP 9 but they are across the canal close to the shore on the North Shore side. Approaching the Great Bend. Paddle boarder in the pod as well as 5 whales. Headed west. -Lisa Lavington
10:28 - Just saw them coming back across the water on north shore heading towards Tahuya or Bald Point. They were traveling at a good clip. 5 of them, one baby and it looked like 2 of them were males.
07:30 - A pod of 5 orcas passed close by heading east from Union towards Twanoh this morning! -Sally Hoit Loomis [PSWS]
Tue, Aug 9 - Puget Sound (T36/T36Bs & T137s) - 18:40 - I spotted some orcas about 2 miles southeast of Point No Point, northbound. Looked like a calf with mother and 4 or 5 others. -Stefan Hunkler
16:50 - I saw them when they were off Apple Tree Point. Best I could see were 2 orcas. -Jan Pierce
17:15 - Off Apple Tree Point Kingston, northbound west shipping lanes. -Sara Frey
17:00 - Mid sound heading north toward Whidbey Island. Spotted from the Edmonds/Kingston ferry. -Melanie Flood Hresko
16:23 - Main group is at the sierra foxtrot buoy, there are more west of the traffic lanes as well. -Trevor Tillman
16:19 - Two mid channel off President Point heading north. -Joanne Graves
15:36 - They’re passing Golden Gardens now going north. -Liliana Mar
15:33 - Just saw a dorsal off Golden Gardens. Northbound. -Matt Leaman
14:27 - Northbound, passing Magnolia Bluff at 5 knots. 3-5 min downtimes. -Northbound out of Elliot Bay. -David Scott
14:40 - Pods still joined, grouped up continuing northbound east side of the Sound toward West Point, Discovery park. So beautiful.
14:15 - Pod all grouped just exited Elliott Bay NW bound. Was thrilling surprise while on a meeting! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:13 - I'm watching from 32nd Ave west beach access there are like 5-6 in a close group traveling west into the bay. -Liliana Mar
13:56 - Here are some as seen from Duwamish Head. -photo by Mary Hartmann, August 9, 2022
13:28 - T36 group tightly grouped now off north end Elliott Bay outer edge, bit more offshore than lead T137s. So deluxe beautiful in super glassy seas.
13:20 - T137s loosely grouped off north end Elliott Bay off Elliott Bay Marina right off stern of anchored Hodor vessel. Slow southeast bound travel. So calm out here Can hear their breaths from Marina. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:57 - Two stragglers passing by West Point.
12:49 - They’re passing West Point lighthouse! -Liliana Mar
12:51 - Second group just went by West Point lighthouse.
12:41 - 5-6 whales coming behind the first group heading south.
12:38 - Off West Point at the lighthouse! -Torrey Hall Volk
12:35 - Lead pod 137s I believe are still north of West Point, Discovery Park. 36s I believe, are trailing about 1/2 mile, now due west of Shilshole Marina steady southbound. Both pods east side of channel.
12:23 - Eastern most pod due west of Shilshole Marina steady southbound. Maybe angling toward mid channel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:15 - 3 orcas in Shilshole bay slowly heading south. Male, female, and baby. -Torrey Hall Volk
12:03 - Multiple dorsals.
12:01 - Just saw one dorsal just north of Golden Gardens. -Matt Leaman
11:50 - Orcas on east side right off Carkeek 1/4 mike offshore. Slow steady southbound. On a dive. Large male. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:40 - MV Saratoga has the T36s southbound quickly off Jefferson Head, aiming toward the T137s a bit further south! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
11:38 - At least three, heading south. Closer to Kitsap, off President Point. -Joanne Graves
11:29 - Seeing at least two others same area and southbound.
11:25 - Saw male dorsal south of Richmond Beach, between there and Carkeek. Heading slowly southbound east side of Sound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:21 - At least two orcas right off Richmond Beach right now. -Karen Jeanne Rutter Weber
10:41 - Heard that a group was seen in Edmonds heading south toward the ferry lane about 15ish min ago. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
08:11 - It’s just two: one bull, one other. Milling after successful hunt. Between Hat, Clinton and Mukilteo, slightly closer to Hat, appear to be trending east around the southern tip. Great way to start the day!
07:54 - Small group on a harbor porpoise hunt now, putting on quite a show for you H folks!
07:30 - Orcas cruising the west side [Hat Island], southbound! Thanks for the tip Chery and Kim. -Lori Christopher - photo by Lori Christopher, August 9, 2022
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Stephanie Fraker
Date of Sighting: 8/9/2022
Time: 11:33 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Unsure- left Westport, WA on fishing charter boat. I think we were off Ocean Shores and
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: Saw a breach, and appeared to be feeding. Was told there was a lot of salmon sign in the area
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Aug 9 - Possession Sound (CRC2441) - 10:45 - MV Saratoga is on scene with a gray whale circling just off the north edge of the Snohomish River delta. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express - CRC2441 -photos by Justine Buckmaster, August 9, 2022
Tue, Aug 9 - Possession Sound (CRC2440) - 13:40 - [gray] At Harborview Park. -Janelle Lynn
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Gray Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Aug 9 11:02 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.94753,-122.30736 [Mukilteo]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Jean
Whale Alert App
11:13 - [gray] Just passed the ferry terminal.
10:53 - [gray] Approaching Lighthouse Park from the south. -Lisa Villanueva
06:40 - Single gray whale in front of Harborview Park in Everett this morning close to shore moving west. Also saw one Sunday afternoon between Harborview and the Mukilteo ferry dock feeding on the shoreline. -Greg Heiss
August 8
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Mon, Aug 8 - L Pod - 08-08-22 L-Pod, Haro Strait - 08:48 - 10:26, 1 mile south of Landbank Westside Preserve, 4-5 members of L-Pod northbound, spread out. L119 Joy was in the lead followed by L85 Mystery, L94 Calypso and L113 Cousteau. L85 Mystery and L94 Calypso stopped at Point Edwards milling separately, trending west until they changed direction heading back to the south, and out of sight. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - L94 Calypso - L113 Cousteau - L85 Mystery -photos and IDs by Michelline Halliday, August 8, 2022
20:50 - Eagle Point heading south - Goodnight L12s!
19:40 - L12s being L12s between Eagle and Pile (milling, maybe trending north, maybe not). -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
18:15-18:40 - L85 and 2-3 others close in shore. 5-8 further offshore. Moving up island from Granny’s Cove. One youngster doing multiple breaches along the way. 10+ breaches so far.
18:10 - Small group milling about 1mi east southeast of Grandma’s Cove. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout [WSSJI]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tamara Miller
Date of Sighting: 8/8/2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: In the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We watched them from South Beach, San Juan Island
Direction of travel : Went east to west several times. Milled around for about an hour before heading west.
Behaviors observed: Milling around, spy-hopping, breaching, seemed to be transiting back and forth, east to west in the middle of the Strait before leaving west toward
If orcas, any males?: Yes! At least 2 or 3. There also was a much smaller one with the group, perhaps a juvenile male?
Any unusual markings?: Couldn't make out unusual markings. One of the males was very big, very tall dorsal fin.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It was wonderful! To my novice eyes, it looked like 3 males with a juvenile, simple because the 3 dorsal fins were quite tall and straight (not curved as much as a typical female). They were quite a ways off shore, so we were using binoculars to watch them. They appeared to be playing much of the time with the lob-tailing, breaching and occasional spy hop. Lots of porpising and going back and forth, almost like they were patrolling a certain stretch before heading off to the west.
16:32 - At False Bay with wind coming right off the water. Have heard 2-3 faint blows. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout [WSSJI]
13:45 - L85 and others visible from South Beach
11:15 - All whales are south of Pile Point still southbound, spread from about a 1/4 mi offshore to several miles out. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
10:03 - The few that made it to the lighthouse have turned back south. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout [WSSJI]
08:15 - Whales sighted at Eagle Point, at least 4 individuals, close to shore, northbound at the moment. -Lodie Laurieanne Gilbert Budwill [WSSJI]
Mon, Aug 8 - J Pod - 08-08-22 J-Pod, Haro Strait - 12:58 a.m. - 01:45 a.m., Many orca blows, northbound, heard 1 mile south of Landbank Westside Preserve. J-Pod traveled in two groups, close to shore with the individuals close together. At 01:07 the first group was passing Point Edwards with the second group less than 5 minutes behind them. They slowed after passing Point Edwards and I could hear them in the distance for 15 minutes.
09:30 - Js have indeed gone north through Active Pass. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
03:33 - First group now well north of San Juan County Park. Sounds like another smaller group is off Bellevue Point.
03:00 - Many orca blows at County Park since at least 230am. Blows made it north, but now coming from low island again. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout [WSSJI]
02:30 - Between about 2:30am and 3:45, Ariel Yseth and i heard blows from the county park moving north. It seemed like we also heard some to the south that stayed but it’s hard to tell. -Whitney Neugebauer, Whale Scout [WSSJI]
BIGG’S KILLER WHALES - Mon, Aug 8 - (Ediz Hook)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 8 20:12 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.14151,-123.42915
Number Sighted: 2
Report Generated: Mon Aug 8 20:24:58 PDT 2022
Submitter Name: Donna B
Whale Alert App
Mon, Aug 8 - Admiralty Inlet (T65A2, T65A4, T77s) - 16:45 - T77s and 65A2 & A4 spread out at the bottom of Marrowstone headed southwest into Oak Bay. -Brian McGinn
16:25 - Spotted Saratoga and another vessel near the orcas on the Marrowstone side, near Kinney Point, moving around in all directions. I’m above Bush Point, facing southwest. -Jen Wuest
14:33 - The other group of 3 is mid-channel closer to the Marrowstone Island side about a quarter mile behind the first group of 3.
14:25 - Viewing from the beach on Whidbey we see 3 southbound just south of Lagoon Point mid-channel. -Bart Rulon
13:58 - There were a total of 6 animals in two groups that we saw [approx. 48.088447, -122.678180]. -Trevor Tillman
13:35 - Swiftsure is sitting at Marrowstone Point in the southbound traffic lane with three transients heading south. -Emily Calkins
13:19 - Orcas spotting off the Port Townsend- Coupeville ferry. -Amber Rader Austin
12:52 - I just got a hot tip on the VHF that the Salish might have had orcas off of Point Hudson. My guess would be southbound with this flood. -Brian McGinn
Mon, Aug 8 - Saratoga Passage/Penn Cove (T137s)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Susan Frosolone
Date of Sighting: 8/8/2022
Time: 6:14 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Penn cove
Direction of travel : East
Behaviors observed: Running away from a whale watching boat called
If orcas, any males?: 1 male 1 female 1 juvinile
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
18:10 - [T137s] Tight group slow trend east past Monroe Landing -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 8 18:07 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.23364,-122.66790 [Penn Cove]
Number Sighted: 4
Submitter Name: Taiylar W
Whale Alert App - T137s -photo by Taiylar W, August 8, 2022
18:06 - They’re [T137s] directly across from the wharf, better on the north of cove. - Amber Rader Austin
17:45 - [T137s] Heading slowly out of Penn Cove more on the north side. Viewing from the wharf. -Bonnie Gretz
17:39 - Karen Graham called to report on the orcas in Penn Cove. The orcas are deep in the cove, north of the pens heading eastbound more on the northside of the cove.
17:25 - They've [T137s] grouped back up deep in Penn Cove, trending east currently. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
17:15 - I’m viewing from my house on Madrona and they [T137s] are weaving through the mussel flats. -Annalisa Hiroyasu
17:00 - Other two [T137s] north side westbound past Monroe Landing. -Tiffany Jo Cheyann Waldner, Orca Network
16:52 - 2 [T137s] more whales moving west into Penn Cove on Monroe Landing side. -Anya Sika
17:00 - T137A and other west of coupeville wharf. Other two further north and east trailing.
16:35 - [T137s] From Long Point westbound into Penn Cove.
15:45 - [T137s] Passed Harrington Lagoon still close to Whidbey side northbound aiming for Penn Cove. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network - From left to right: T137B Tempest, T137 Loon, T137A Jack, T137D Wright in front of Coupeville Wharf - T137A Jack under Mount Baker - T137A Jack -photos and IDs by Rachel Haight, August 8, 2022
16:51 - [T137s] Heading towards Coupeville wharf.
16:34 - [T137s] Super close at Long Point! Heading into Penn Cove! But elusive!
16:13 - Watching from Long Point. They [T137s] got to the green buoy and turned south and haven't surfaced again yet. -Bonnie Gretz - T137D Wright headed towards mussell rafts in Penn Cove - T137D Wright & T137A Jack -photos by Bonnie Gretz, August 8, 2022 - About to break the surface - T137A Jack -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, August 8, 2022
15:35 - Two orcas heading north towards Penn Cove. -photo by Randy Zimmerman Furnas, August 8, 2022
Per Bonnie Gretz, as of 15:16 [T137s] northbound close to Whidbey side approaching Race Lagoon.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ron Roberts
Date of Sighting: 8/8/2023
Time: 3:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: West. side opposite Onamac Point
Direction of travel : North, slow
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
14:45 - [T137s] Heading north, saw two 1.5 mi north of Hidden Beach. -Aaron Gill - T137A Jack - They came up to thank the WDFW boat. -photos by Aaron Gill, August 8, 2022
14:43 - [T137s] Passed us at Hidden Beach. Still headed north. Pod is split a bit.
14:11 - I just saw two fins [T137s] from Hidden Beach. Directly across, mid channel. Traveling north. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
14:10 - [T137s] Just south of Hidden Beach moving north. -Sam Wallace
13:56 - [T137s] Currently passing in front of Baby Island heading north. -Silver Hubble
13:35 - After stopping for what appeared to be a brief meal, T137s have passed by East Point, Whidbey side, look to be angling towards Baby Island area. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network - T137A Jack - T137B Tempest - T137 Loon -photos and IDs by Rachel Haight, August 8, 2022
13:34 - They got them [T137s] off East Point. -Sam Wallace
12:50 - Report in CWW of killer whales on the east side of Camano Head, heading southwest around the point. Assuming they’re with the rest of the Saratoga group and have just spread out. -Our Wild Puget Sound
12:31 - We are watching from Whale Bell Park in Langley! They [T137s] are closer to Camano side. Two are closer to Whidbey. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
12:30 - [T137s] Off Langley Marina northbound. -Donna George
12:21 - They’ve [T137s] passed Sandy Point and are heading toward Langley now. -Luanne Seymour
12:17 - I have eyes on them [T137s] from Langley Marina. I can’t tell direction. Still too far out. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:10 - Second hand report from someone who lives on Sandy Point that they're [T137s] just passing by now northbound, with a spyhop to boot. -Durand Dace
11:17 - 4 or 5 [T137s] mid channel off Clinton headed toward Sandy Point. -Ryley Fee
11:05 - Kathleen Handran called to report seeing small group of orcas from the ferry heading into Mukilteo. Boat is mid crossing, the orcas are breaking surface, rising ahead of them to the southwest, but heading towards Mukilteo.
Mon, Aug 8 - Possession Sound (T36/T36Bs) - Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Don Rosie
Date of Sighting: 8/8/2022
Time: 7:00 PM
Species seen: transient orcas
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: East side of Camano Island, half mile south of Tyee Beach, 300-500 yards offshore
Direction of travel : exited southwards towards Camano head
Behaviors observed: hunting and milling
If orcas, any males?: 1 juvenile male
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Started at 7:00 PM lasted until 8:15 PM in same location!!! 2 adult females, 1 juvenile male same size as females with dorsal fin beginning to straighten, one small, super active youngster. This group was very active for the whole time - lots of tail slapping, body slamming. Became apparent they had found a harbor seal and seemed as if they were letting the youngster do what it could with the finally exhausted seal before finishing it. (could you please email me if you have a good guess about who this group was? Thanks, Don Rosie)
Photos available?: No
[ON follow up w/T36s being only group that fits for time/location- ALB]: Thank you for the response regarding the Port Susan orcas. Yes, the times were correct - we watched them nearly to dusk before they left. Greatly appreciate your work. -Don & Raeleen Rosie
18:32 - They came into the Hat Island marina! Quickly exited and are headed up Saratoga Passage. Islander caught the exit from marina. -Lori Christopher -photo by Lori Christopher, August 8, 2022
As of 18:20 looks like this T36 group is at northwest end of Hat (at least MV Saratoga was).
17:54 - T36s northbound on the northeast side of Gedney Island [AKA Hat Island]. -Brian McGinn, Puget Sound Express
Juneau, AK (T137A - Mon, Jul 25 - 14 days later, he showed up in Penn Cove, Whidbey Island!) Per Jill Hein, Orca Network: T137A Jack at Tracy Arm (AK) on 7/25, Telegraph Cove on 8/3, Strait of Juan de Fuca on 8/6, Penn Cove on 8/8, amazing travels of the T137s. We have seen orcas in Tracy Arm Fjord a few times now but this was the first with an iceberg in the background. Seeing a large pod of Transient orcas in the arm likely after a bit of a snack on harbor seal was unreal with this close pass. -Photo by Wyatt Walsh, July 25, 2022
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Aug 8 - Puget Sound - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: 1733 hrs. 8/8 PUYALLUP reports 1 grey whale off Point Wells just hanging around. - [we wonder if this is the humpback who was off Alki earlier heading NE? - ALB]
14:15 - Adult humpback whale just seen from Alki, swimming northeast from here: (47.5982694, -122.4388135). -Raphael Fennimore
Mon, Aug 8 - Central Puget Sound
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Unspecified Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 8 8:10 PDT
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: Think it was a Humpback, not sure. About 100 yards on the north side of the Des Moines marina pier. It was pretty close to the dock.
Submitter Name: J.R. Evans
Whale Alert App
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 8 - Possession Sound - 17:30 - I believe there is a gray in the Snohomish delta. Close to Tulalip side. -Jaime McBroom
Mon, Aug 8 - Possession Sound
07:19 - He’s [gray] been getting way to close to the ferries this morning. He’s still hanging out in this area, going down by the lighthouse then back up to dock. Making me nervous when we get to Mukilteo.
06:21 - Melissa Simmons, WSF reported gray whale is hanging around the Mukilteo ferry terminal.
06:41 - Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: Gray off Mukilteo Captain reports Gray whale right off of the MUK dock. Vessel was in a slow state of speed and whale submerged beneath then popped up and continued on in a Westerly direction.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Vicki Sawyer
Date of Sighting: 8/8/2022
Time: 6:30 AM
Species seen: small whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Just outside of Silvercloud Inn, by the old ferry dock
Direction of travel : south wards, slowly
Behaviors observed: wandering
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: He's right outside our window right now, BEAUTIFUL!!!
MINKE WHALES - Aug 8 - San Juans - 14:00 - Minke whale in southern Griffin Bay. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
August 7
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Aug 7 - Haro Strait (Lpod; in the morning Js head south down Rosario Strait then west towards SJI, merging with L pod)
L-Pod, Haro Strait, SJI - 01:40, Loud orca blows 1 mile south of Landbank’s Westside Preserve. No direction, estimating 8-10? individuals. I’m hearing a repeated pattern of a quick succession of many blows followed by silence for 30 seconds to as much as one to two minutes long. I can hear the inhalations so the orcas aren’t far from shore. There were no other sounds surface activity and it doesn’t seem like they are milling; the blows are coming from the same spot for over an hour. Possibly resting on a calm and quiet sea.
03:00, The resting orcas began to travel south until out of earshot.
11:47 - 12:30, 4-5 orcas milling, seeing fins and distant blows far to the south, viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank. , I estimate the orcas are off of Pile Point and they slowly drifted south, out of sight. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
18:15 - Still widely spread now trending south and offshore from Eagle [Point].
17:50 - Still spread and milling between Eagle [Point] and Pile [Point].
16:45 - Leaders north of Eagle [Point] going north.
13:40 - Wide spread and trending south/offshore from Eagle [Point].
13:00 - Whales off Eagle Point and north of there, milling trending south. Does look like Js and at least some Ls - pretty sure I saw L25. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
11:28 - We’ve had 8 or so fishing off False Bay for about an hour but they’ve all moved out of sight up island.
11:19 - Lots of fishing off False Bay. Viewing from the road. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout [WSSJI]
11:20 - Still out of False Bay/Pile Pt. But they're definitely getting further offshore and most seem to be pointed west offshore.
10:52 - 5 more northbound from Eagle Point.
10:26 - I have at least 6 in between Eagle Point and Pile Point making good pace northbound. -Alex McIntire [WSSJI]
10:00 - Surface active whales northbound/heading up island off American Camp -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
10:13 - A few orca at Cattle Pass, right at the point, headed north against the tide, closed saddle patches. -Cathleen Burns [WSSJI]
06:33 - Pod of orca going south in Rosario. Lots of breaches and pec slaps. Unknown if residents or Biggs. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout [WSSJI]
06:30 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: SAMISH Captain reports 6 Orca doing a circular pattern North of Bell Rock in ANAC. [Anacortes]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Aug 7 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Today with Bigg's/transient killer whales T49A2 hunting seals deep into Esquimalt Harbour, quite the amazing experience! -Sooke Coastal Exploration - T49A2 -photos and ID by Paul Pudwell, August 7, 2022
Sun, Aug 7 - Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Aug 7 18:53 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.14199,-123.42978 [Ediz Hook, PA]
Number Sighted: 5
Submitter Name: Donna Behrens
Whale Alert App
Sun, Aug 7 - Admiralty Inlet - 20:00 - Pat & Kara Scott called from Bush Point, they are seeing at least 2 orcas: one headed northbound toward Lagoon Point, the 2nd one is heading back south again, but they had been traveling together.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Lisa Peterson
Date of Sighting: 8/7/2022
Time: 6:40 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Admiralty Inlet east of Fort Casey
Direction of travel : West
Behaviors observed: Milling?
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your encounter?: Made us very happy!
Photos available?: No
Sun, Aug 7 - Puget Sound - 20:45 - At least two orcas seen straight off of Weather Watch Park in southern Alki, southbound. -Steve Rice - [PSWS]
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Unspecified Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Aug 7 20:26 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.56959,-122.49664 [off South Beach, Bainbridge Isl]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Drew Welsh
Whale Alert App
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Rusty Lhamon
Date of Sighting: 8/7/2022
Time: 7:25 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: 47.65659, -122.46032
Direction of travel : S at 5+kts
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?: 1 large male with very large dorsal fin
Any unusual markings?: too far away to see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I will send pictures (and videos if desired).
The male and the rest of the pod appeared to split up shortly after I first saw them.
I was not able to get pictures or video of all of them.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
At 16:53 Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: orca whales 8/7 1644 hrs Puyallup Master reports 3 orca, possibly 1 adult and two juvenile, off Point Wells headed SB.
15:45 - I saw a brief look at one orca slow southbound from Scatchet Head. Never saw Jack. Very hazy out. Kingston side. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:50 - On our second trip and the T137 pod is SB [southbound] in Useless Bay. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
13:39 - Transient sighting T137s [approx. 47.939795, -122.523213]. -photo by Kimberlie C de A, August 7, 2022
13:24 - All of the 137s now grouped up heading southeast.
13:01 - T137A is at Double Bluff southbound. -Trevor Tillman
13:05 - MV Swiftsure spotted T137A southeastbound approaching Double Bluff. Others are visible about a mile to the south. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
13:01 - Male transient. T137A and family [approx. 47.988814, -122.564857 Mutiny Bay, Whidbey Island]. -Tabatha Hoesch
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Aug 7 - Cattle Pass - 15:27 - Some sort of whale just through Cattle Pass. -Hilary LaConte
15:20 - Humpback whale southbound, BCZ0414 Zephyr per Sara Hysong-Shimazu -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI
Sun, Aug 7 - Discovery Bay - BCY1218 Kata was in Discovery Bay again this morning at least. Thanks to Cassie Reeves for the report and sharing enough video for us to get some screen grabs and confirm.
Sun Aug 7 - South Puget Sound - 19:35 - Two whales (I think humpback, but am not sure). One surfaced about 100 yards from our kayak off Sunnyside Beach in Steilacoom. 2 mins later, huge breach at Chambers Bay! Appeared to be heading north. -Kaitlyn Schultz
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Toni Loomis
Date of Sighting: 8/7/2022
Time: 1:30 PM
Species seen: We think a humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Case inlet between the main land and stretch island
Direction of travel : North in Case Inlet by Stretch Island continued then south going
toward Herron Island.
Behaviors observed: Traveling and eating
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Humpback, Case Inlet between Harstine Island & Herron Island this am...around 0730 to 0800 heading SW. -Barbara Mercedes [PSWS]
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Aug 7 - Possession Sound - 19:00-19:45 - Presume CRC2440 milling and feeding out from Harborview Park off Mukilteo. Last viewed somewhat trending east and east side of park. I'm on the Clinton bound ferry now and will go take a look. -Marilyn Armbruster -photo by Marilyn Armbruster, August 7, 2022
Look at all those feeding pits made by a hungry CRC2440 on the southeast side of Whidbey! -photo by Fred Lundahl, August 7, 2022
16:56 - Seems to be stalled out.
15:55 - Very slowly eastward.
15:24 - Between Darlington Beach and Harborview heading east. -Lauren McManus
13:40 - Gray whale in front of Mukilteo ferry terminal close to shore headed towards Everett. Looked like CRC2440. -Melissa Simmons
09:30 - Lynne Malecki reports the gray off Columbia Beach, Whidbey milling back and forth, as has past several days.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Lynne Malecki
Date of Sighting: 8/7/2022
Time: 9:30 AM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Columbia Beach, Whidbey Island
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Traveling back and forth close to shore the last 4days
If orcas, any males?:Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Very close to shore
Photos available?: No
09:19 - Heading through ferry lane now.
09:05 - One gray heading south just north of Clinton ferry. -David Stern
August 6
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Sat, Aug 6 - Haro Strait (L12 sub-group, then both groups merge) - Excerpt from encounter #47:
"We left the harbor at 1635 and eventually arrived on scene a couple few miles southwest of Eagle Point at 1720. The whales were headed back north toward San Juan Island and were very spread out in singles, pairs, and small groups. The whales were active and there was a lot of breaching and splashing. We had a brief pass by L103 and L118 while a larger active grouped passed by offshore. We also saw L124 and L125 playing together again. We approached the larger active group to find L105, L121, and L122 rolling around and interacting with one another right behind a fast-moving group that included L72, L77, L90, L91, and L119..." -See full report at Center for Whale Research Encounter 47
18:55 - Inshore and offshore between Eagle Point and South Beach trending down island.
18:35 - Relayed report that at least some are still between Eagle Point and Pile Point.
16:15 - Relayed report that the two now-merged L-Pod sub-groups have stalled south of Salmon Bank. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
15:12 - About 6 approaching Salmon Bank buoy eastbound.
14:37 - These whales are just rounding Eagle Point heading east towards South Beach, some close and some about 1 mile offshore from what I have seen. Viewed with spotting scope from Cattle Point. -Michelle Savoie [WSSJI]
12:42 - At least 5 residents, southbound from Eagle Point now, further offshore than they were a couple hours ago 3/4 of a mile or so.
10:42 - Seeing at least 4, no longer northbound they flipped at Pile Point and are headed south again, one still milling north of Eagle Point
10:16 - Estimated 3 orcas milling just north of Eagle Point. -Alex McIntire [WSSJI]
Sat, Aug 6 - Rosario Strait (L pod sub group that later merges with L12 sub-group) - We've continued to have most of L-Pod and all of J-Pod in the Salish Sea over the last few days, and yesterday they were split into three different groups! We met up with "the 19 Ls" (L4s, L47s, L72s, L87, and L90) in Rosario Strait yesterday morning; they went south and later met up with the L12 sub-group off the south end of San Juan Island, while J-Pod spent the day up in the Strait of Georgia. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute - A breach from L72 Racer in Rosario Strait. -photo and ID by Monika Wieland Shields, August 6, 2022
13:55 - Angling offshore from South Lopez. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network [WSSJI]
14:05 - Spread offshore south of Iceberg Point aiming southwest: L4s, L72s, L87.
13:25 - Rounding Colville.
11:50 - Report from Southern Residents in Rosario, southbound off Bird Rocks. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
11:14 - Just watching 4-5 just off Decatur Island in Rosario Strait-headed south. We headed south so we could catch them going by. -Laurie Buchanan Skoroda [PSWS]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Aug 6 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Excerpt from encounter #48: "They began the encounter at 1722 south of Sombrio Point, Vancouver Island with three killer whales. It took a few surfaces to place the whales, but the crew soon identified the animals as some rare visitors to the Salish Sea: T132, T134 and T237. The trio are more well-known from the outer coast, having been encountered from California to Glacier Bay, Alaska, but are rarely seen anywhere and are poorly known. They were relatively mellow for a few minutes before making an obvious turn south and picking up the pace at 1800...." -See full report at Center for Whale Research Encounter 48
Sat, Aug 6 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Today minutes from our docks with Bigg's/transient killer whales T065As sharing a meal with a harbour porpoise kill! -Sooke Coastal Explorations - photos by Paul Pudwell, August 6, 2022
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kip Tulin
Date of Sighting: 8/6/2022
Time: 9:15 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: 48.196303,-123.074668
Direction of travel : Initially headed east then curving around to the north past the #2 marker buoy off of Dungeness Spit, the turning westbound until out of sight
Behaviors observed: This was at the beginning of flood tide where we get upwelling from the deeper waters of the Strait. If anything, I would say they were exploring.
If orcas, any males?: One male for sure
Any unusual markings?: Not to my uneducated eye from a distant
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We were in our rowboats in the Strait off of the tip of Dungeness Spit. The orca were initially slightly SE of our position before curving around and heading westbound. I took the photos with my Canon100-400mm zoom for reference. I cropped some photos in processing. I will let Alisa know that I can send full sized copies if requested. -Cheers, Kip Tulin - photos by Kip Tulin, August 6, 2022
Sat, Aug 6 - Admiralty Inlet Entrance - 20:06 - Maija Holston, WSF Marin Ops emailed at 20:17 to report Orca 8/6 SALISH 2006 hrs Master reports small pod of orca maybe 2 whales, 1/2 mile off Admiralty Head headed SB.
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat Aug 6 15:48 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.46200,-122.85462
Number Sighted: 2
Submitted Comments: Not 100% sure it was an orca, but the dorsal fin was pretty tall and narrow like a male orca. We were in Hunter Bay off Lopez. Also not 100% sure we did the coordinates right.
Submitter Name: Emma Offenbecher
Whale Alert App
ON follow up: “They were swimming directly into Hunter Bay from Lopez Sound and then exited the bay the same way they came in about 45 mins later.” -screen frame from video by Emma Offenbecher, August 6, 2022
Sat, Aug 6 - Rosario [Ls picked up later further south, but also mystery orcas in Hunter Bay, Lopez - alb]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Dale Robinson
Date of Sighting: 8/6/2022
Time: 6:15 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Just west of Patos and Sucia
Direction of travel : Heading south
Behaviors observed: Breaching, lots of tail splashing.
If orcas, any males?: Too far out. Easily visible using binoculars.
Any unusual markings?: Too far out
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Aug 6 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Fluking awesome day out west of Sooke, B.C. with 20+ Humpback Whales feeding and a few breaches not captured on camera. -Sooke Coastal Explorations - MMX0360 - ID by Mollie Naccarato -photos by Paul Pudwell, August 6, 2022
Sat, Aug 6 - Discovery Bay - 17:30 - Humpback whale BCY1218 Kata is at the mouth of Discovery Bay [approx. 48.094902, -122.911213]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Aug 6 - Admiralty Inlet - 15:15 - Alison Pepper just called to report she, classmates, & professors from Au Sauble Institute (Pacific Rim) were at Maxwelton Beach, Whidbey when they encountered a gray whale swimming about 150 yards offshore. The whale was southbound. A sweet surprise for this group putting their minds to learning about marine mammals and the environment.
Sat, Aug 6 - Southeast Whidbey - 08:52 - Blythe Ferrel messaged reporting a gray whale is on Clinton Beach 2 again this morning, just south of ferry terminal.
04:51 - He/she woke me up at 4:51 this morning as well. He’s really loving Sandy Point! [presumably gray] -Shannon Boss
Sat, Aug 6 - Budd Inlet - 20:35 - Gray whale spotted in Budd Inlet. Not by me, but by my sailor who just got home to tell me. -Vanessa Newson
MINKE WHALES - Sat, Aug 6 - 14:59 - Minke whale spotted Southbound just past Deadman’s Cove. -Paul Rudd [WSSJI]
DOLPHINS - Sat, Aug 6 - On MV Saratoga's evening trip was very eventful! We were surprised by a group of 4-5 Risso's Dolphins! This species is a very rare visitor to the Salish Sea and I was over the moon seeing them even if our encounter was brief! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express -photo by Justine Buckmaster, August 6, 2022
We had four Risso's dolphins off Dungeness Spit today! -John Boyd [WSSJI]
August 5
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Fri, Aug 5 - Haro Strait (J pod) - 8-05-22, J-Pod, Haro Strait, SJI
17:10 - 17:46, J-Pod leaders, southbound, passing Point Edwards (just south of Landbank's Westside Preserve). The pod moved quickly, spread out, most were 1/2 - 3/4 mile from shore with a few as close as 1/3 mile from shore. J27 Blackberry traveling tight with his sister, J31 Tsuchi. Right alongside them was Tsuchi's daughter and Blackberry's little niece, J56 Tofino. J56 is so small next to J27's big dorsal fin. I love seeing it tower over her and like to think she will always be safe next to her magnificent uncle.
20:20, J-Pod leaders, northbound, 1.5 miles south of Landbank. I saw 3 distant blows and a large male and then everyone just disappeared
20:40, 4 orcas milling 1.2 miles south of Landbank, no direction
20:44, 4 milling orcas trending north, 1.2 miles south of Landbank
20:47 - 21:10, J-Pod northbound 1 mile south of Landbank. After milling to the south, a signal must have been given because all the orcas traveled to the north. The sun had set but one could see their dark silhouettes against the soft lavender and orange light. They were spread out, a few in pairs. Easy to see because of his distinctive fin, J47 Notch was rolling around slapping his fluke. Photographed from shore -Michelline Halliday, SJI - J31 Tsuchi and J27 Blackberry -photos and ID by Michelline Halliday, August 5, 2022
22:27 - The Orca - Hello AI picked up the SRKW signals on the Orcasound Lab hydrophone. -Scott Veirs [WSSJI]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Bonnie Bunning
Date of Sighting: 8/5/2022
Time: 9:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 12
Where seen: From our home at the 7 mile marker on Bailer Hill Rd, SJI
Direction of travel : Heading N along shore
Behaviors observed: Traveling. One jump, one fluke flap
20:58 - Visual from Lime Kiln looking south. Coming this way but offshore. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
20:00 - Everyone has moved closer in to shore. For now moving at a good pace north. One large male by himself is further from shore. He's about opposite of False Bay now.
19:46 - Two groups of orcas, about five in each group. Off of Eagle Point are now moving north. Update: One group has more like 10 members in it.
18:31 - Several orcas are now on the south side of Eagle Point. Not too far from shore. Interesting that there are two very long fishing nets set up in their path. One orca did a breach right at the net. Everybody seemed to have gone around and /or under without a problem.
18:16 - Leader is just a bit north of Eagle Point.
18:11 - Orcas at False Bay. Heading south. -Jenny Stands Wilson [WSSJI]
17:30 most or all of Js have passed Lime Kiln heading south - no Ls confirmed. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
16:22 - Just coming into view from the north at County Park. -Kimberly Nielsen [WSSJI]
15:15 - Leaders near Turn Point.
14:25 - SRKW halfway down Boundary Pass heading southwest towards Turn Point. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG’S KILLER WHALES - Fri, Aug 5 - Puget Sound (T492, T65A2, T65A4, T77s) - 19:36 - They are just south of Point No Point headed north on the No Point side. -Kevin Campion
19:30 - They’re just passing Eglon continuing northbound.. Moving real slow.
18:53 - Looks like they’re heading northbound west side of Whidbey towards Admiralty.
18:40 - They’re hunting just south of Eglon. Viewing through telescope from Mukilteo looking at them in Possession triangle. Seeing at least 5-6 blows. -Alice Thuy Talbot
16:50 - They went right under us on the Pier in Suquamish. -Tom Stephens - photo by Tom Stephens, August 5, 2022
So good to be seeing whales again – We headed south to the Kingston area and found some T65As, T77s and T49A2. These whales have been in the same area for many days – no doubt feasting well and reducing the seal population. Our first view of them was distant, but within minutes (as we were totally stopped) some of the females did a close pass by us, oh what a thrill! -Jill Hein, Orca Network - T49A2 Jude - photos and ID by Jill Hein, August 5, 2022
We quickly headed south and caught up with some T65As (A2 Ooxjaa, A4 Ellifrit, A5 Indy), some T77s (77 Asja, 77C Neftali, 77D Alcyon, 77E Misneach) and T49A2 Jude just south of Kingston on the Kitsap side. As we stopped completely, the female group passed right in front of us (!!!) then zig zagged around, while the males were further to the east. They all headed north quite fast, with the slightly choppy seas making them lift their heads out of the water and create beautiful water dynamics! Thanks to wonderful naturalist Colleen Farrell and Captain Christopher Lewman, and the rest of the crew for a wonderful day! -Bonnie Gretz - T77D Alcyon - T65A4 Ellifrit - photos and IDs by Bonnie Gretz, August 5, 2022
15:45 - We left the scene at my blue mark with all of them northbound. T65A2, T77C, and T49A2 were hugging the shoreline and the rest of the T77s/T65A4 were well offshore about a mile away [approx. 47.737056, -122.463079].
15:33 - Wow, they killed another seal right after we arrived on our second trip. T65A2, T77, and T49A2 made the kill while the others kept traveling northeast. They are all on the move again Eastbound from my mark [approx. 47.737294, -122819524]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
14:45-15:00 - Swam under Agate Pass Bridge headed north. The whale boat was with them near the exit of the pass. Unsure of direction after exiting the pass, they seemed to mill around the orange channel marker. 6 swam under the bridge. -Kirsten Martel
15:00 - A group of people just said they saw them from Old Man House Park, we just missed them. -Devon Breithart
14:55 - Very close beach pass at Old Man Beach park Suquamish today. Everyone on the beach was so excited. -Sue Surowiec Larkin - T65A2 - photo by Sue Surowiec Larkin, August 5, 2022
14:53 - Peggy Mauro messaged Alisa she saw the pod as they came northbound under the Agate Pass Bridge. Sounds like close in shore at the beach.
14:45 - Here's an image of a couple of the T65A/T77 orca group just before making the deep dive under the Agate Pass bridge. Taken from the bridge. -Mike Maddox - From Agate Pass Bridge - photo by Mike Maddox, August 5, 2022
14:39 - Orcas swam under our pontoon boat. Never saw them coming! Stopped motor immediately. -Marti Bailey
14:21 - Orcas are in the middle of Agate Pass around the dolphin channel marker towards the Poulsbo side at least four of them still south of the Agate Pass Bridge.
14:10 - Orcas just entered Agate Pass mid-channel swimming north. -Julie Gerke Middleton - photo by Julie Gerke Middleton, August 5, 2022
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Diane Jennings
Date of Sighting: 8/5/2022
Time: 2:05 PM
Species seen:
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Between Battle point and Arrow point, BI
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Playing
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
13:34 - We [Clipper] are leaving them northbound just north of Illahee, one group mid channel, one group close to Bainbridge shore. -Stephanie Raymond
13:34 - Directly across from Brownsville Marina heading north on Bainbridge side. -Brianna Schroeder
13:00 - Just passed Point White Pier and moving north fast. -Bonnie Bakeman Harrison
I’m late to the party, but I caught this when they were at the hairpin of Port Orchard! -Crystal Thompson - Breaching orcas among parked boats -photo by Crystal Thompson, August 5, 2022
12:55 - Viewing them with binoculars from Illahee State Park. They are closer to the Bainbridge Island side, headed north. -Sarah Yardley-Carey
12:46 - Before they entered Rich Passage. -photo by Rex Warren, August 5, 2022
12:45 - San Juan Clipper is with the whales at the west entrance to Rich Passage. Just changed direction heading up west side of Bainbridge. -Stephanie Raymond
12:38 - I saw a breach by Manette Bridge. Ran down there but they were already around the corner. -Lauri Jensen
12:17 - We are seeing them from Bachmann Park. -Rachel Clark
12:18 - They did a long dive came up off of Manette, heading north.
12:12 - They are right in front of the ferry terminal heading North Bremerton side. -Jim Pasola
13:00 - Viewing from Illahee State Park.
12:00 - Viewing from Manette Bridge. -photos and updates by Benjamin Sy, August 5, 2022
12:05 - From a private marina we got invited to in Port Orchard about an hour ago! -Jami Cantrell - T65A2 Ooxjaa hunting a harbor seal - T49A2 Jude - The eye of an orca -photos by Jami Cantrell, August 5, 2022
12:02 - Leaving Sinclair Inlet heading east, possibly to Rich Passage. Last sighting approx. 300 yards off the Port Orchard Marina. -Kerry Truax - photos by Kenny Truax, August 5, 2022
12:00 - They are on inside of the shipyard nets. Going east. -Robby Johnston
12:00 - Going by Bachmann Park. -photo by Cindi Schaum, August 5, 2022
11:49 - Viewing from Westside Viewpoint Park, they’re near the shipyard. -Melinda Barajas
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Cheryl Olson
Date of Sighting: 8/5/2022
Time: 11:40: AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Sinclair Inlet by Thompsons Pile Driving
Direction of travel : NW
Behaviors observed: Hunting
11:30 - This morning Port Orchard marina. -photo by Korinia Divine, August 5, 2022
11:10 - They made 2-3 more kills at nearly the same time at the end of Sinclair Inlet and are slowly working out eastbound along the Port Orchard side.
11:00 - All of them are hunting near the end of Sinclair Inlet [approx. 47.535481, -122.672059]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
11:57 - They’re heading towards Port Orchard.
11:15 - They are past the ship yard heading west into Gorst. -Sarah Yardley-Carey
11:08 - Saw them 15 minute ago in front of the shipyard. -Ann Kim
11:07 - They are continuing southwest deeper into Sinclair Inlet. -Brian McGinn
10:40 - The girls and the young ones (T77s and T65A4) killed a seal on the port orchard side and ate it, then they headed north towards the shipyard. [approx. 47.541727, -122.646805]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
10:59 - Current location - red dot [approx. 47.548356, -122.661401]. -Christina Massimino
10:40 - A few spy hops in front of tour boat. Sinclair Inlet. No clear direction yet. -Loba Perkins
10:30 - T65A2, T77C and T49A2 are now just south of the shipyard close to shore on that side slowly southbound.
10:20 - T77s and T65A4 are on the Port Orchard side southwestbound. T49A2, T77C, and T65A2 were milling around about a mile away over by the shipyard to the NW. [approx. 47.546243, -122.635449]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
10:07 - They’re in front of Bremerton ferry dock headed toward shipyard. -Lyncoln Polkabla
10:03 - Next to Manette Bridge, on the west side. -Kaci Corrigan
10:02 - Here in Bremerton headed towards marina! -Sydney Villarreal
10:01 - Just saw them about 10 ago, might be heading into port Washington Narrows. -Kaci Corrigan
09:55 - They’re directly east of Bachmann Park now.
09:44 - We have them in view north of Bachmann Park headed south. -Kenna Huff
09:40 - 5 went through Rich Passage and headed toward Bremerton. -Bonnie Bakeman Harrison
09:29 - Orcas in Rich Passage. Heading west towards Bremerton (reported from a neighbor). -Alison Hatletveit
At 09:21 Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: WALLA WALLA C/M reports 6 orca moving in the westbound direction, just west of the SB traffic lanes.
09:32 - Orcas now exiting Rich Passage westbound. Not sure if they’ll head toward Bremerton or Ilahee.
09:05 - Orcas have entered Rich Passage, westbound. 3 moving ahead near the Kitsap side, 3 others hunting near fish pens on Bainbridge side.
07:40 - 4-5 orcas visible from Eagle Harbor, looking straight out toward Alki Beach. West side, just outside of Bainbridge entrance channel markers. Moving southbound. -Jim Reitz - photo by Jim Reitz, August 5, 2022
06:36 - Around 6 southbound orcas due West of West Point from Discovery Park. -Alex Meilleur
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Aug 5 - Saratoga Passage (CRC2440) - 20:20 - CRC2440 delighting folks in Langley - feeding close to shore at the sea wall park. -photo by Dori Dace, August 5, 2022
17:10 - Gray whale CRC2440 is still northwest bound along the Whidbey shoreline [approx. 48.045280, -122.419305].
16:45 - Gray whale CRC2440 is northbound off the Langley Marina, near the shoreline. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
16:15 - Humpback [other reports confirm CRC2440] just left Sandy Point heading toward Langley. -Jody R Harrison
16:11 - Gray whale traveling north from Sandy Point toward Langley at a good pace. -Jeanne Hamilton
15:20 - Still feeding, south of Sandy Point, Witter Beach area. -Chris Williams
14:16 - Fred Lundahl called to report Gray whale feeding, rolling around, halfway between Sandy Point and Clinton, Whidbey.
August 4
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Thu, Aug 4 - Haro Strait (J & L pod) - Except from Encounter #46: "We saw whales in Mitchell Bay almost immediately and the encounter started at 1130 a little south of Kellett Bluff. L pod had spread out since they passed CWR and we saw several singles and loose pairs from Kellett Bluff to mid-Haro Strait. At the south end of the bluff, we saw L105 and L115 milling together. L83, L110 and maybe another one or two whales were also spread out near the bottom of Kellett. L85 and others were spread out farther offshore..." -See full report at Center for Whale Research Encounter 46
8-04-22 J-Pod and L-Pod, Haro Strait - 09:38 - 10:05, 1 mile south of Landbank's Westside Preserve, some white caps, rough chop and light wind made for an exhilarating 20 minutes. J-Pod and L-Pod quickly northbound with almost constant energetic surface activity! 10+ breaches, 8-10 spy hops, 15-18 fluke lobs and splashing roll-overs. Photographed from shore, cropped and enlarged. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - J16 Slick and others - L103 Lapis -photos and IDs by Michelline Halliday, August 4, 2022
Sometimes people see bull kelp draped over the fin of a killer whale and fear that the whale is entangled, but this is a common and completely natural behavior. Other whales do it too, but the Southern Residents are particularly known for their "kelping", where they surface with seaweed on their dorsal fin or tail flukes. It's likely that, as very tactile animals, it feels like a whale massage! The kelp off the west side of San Juan Island is likely one thing that draws them close to shore there, as it is possible to see them right off the rocks within a few yards of shore as we did on that morning. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute - A whale kelping right off the Lime Kiln Lighthouse on the morning of August 4. - photo and ID by Monika Wieland Shields, August 4, 2022
The Southern Residents have been full of surprises this summer, including "appearing" on the west side of San Juan Island without warning, as they did this morning. In the lead was all of J-Pod passing Lime Kiln, and then we were surprised by another group behind them that turned out to be most of L-Pod! While Js were "all business" heading north, the Ls were in less of a hurry. They meandered into the coves and through the kelp beds, and were tail-slapping, spyhopping, and cartwheeling. The first breach from Onyx I heard rather than saw, because he was so close to shore I couldn't see him around the lighthouse! Thankfully he obliged with a second one after I got into position! Onyx traveled with J-Pod for many years, but since 2020 he has been traveling with the sub-group of L-Pod we call the "Greater L4s" - interestingly, not the part of L-Pod he was born into! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute - Now this is what we call an epic breach! L87 Onyx this morning in the cove north of Lime Kiln Lighthouse. -photo and ID by Monika Wieland Shields, August 4, 2022
Please enjoy this video of L87 with his chosen family and other members of L Pod, taken August 4th at Lime Kiln Point State Park by Cindy Hansen. Onyx is the whale breaching at the 1:20 mark.
15:15 - They’ve been reported going northeast up Boundary Pass. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
10:50 - Trailers close to shore in Smallpox Bay off County Park. -April Ryan [WSSJI]
10:20 - All of Js followed by most if not all Ls close to shore north of Lime Kiln still northbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
09:34 - They are now north of Pile Point. Moving out of my view. Traveling together. Seem to be pointed more west than pointed going up island. Lots of activity. Cannot do a count from this far away.
09:17 - Rough water. But could see at least five different blows. Two breaches. So for now I could see five orcas. Traveling north from False Bay. -Jenny Stands Wilson [WSSJI]
08:22 - SRKW trending south at False Bay, viewed with spotting scope. <1/2 mi off shore. -Miles Brengle [WSSJI]
BIGG’S KILLER WHALES - Thu, Aug 4 - Puget Sound (T492, T65A2, T65A4, T77s) -Kimberly Sylvester
Missed them going directly past our beach on Rich Passage by Manchester State Park earlier this evening, but around 12:30 am, went out to close my deck blinds and could clearly hear them coming back this way, heading south in Rich Passage. Hugging Bainbridge Island in front of Fort Ward State Park. Stayed a few minutes there, could hear them leaping, lots of tail slapping. Water was very calm and flat, so we could clearly hear them continue south toward Blake Island. Not sure which direction they headed after that. So loud! -Jan Fuller
23:30 - They just left Dyes Inlet. -Sydney Villarreal
A late evening visit to Dyes Inlet. -photos by Jami Cantrell, August 4, 2022
21:20-21:35 - Between Chico and Silverdale. -Holly Kessler
21:26 - Getting reports on my Kitsap Orca Watch page of orcas in Dyes Inlet. -Susan Marie Andersson
20:49 - Headed towards Evergreen Park.
20:38 - At the Manette Bridge! -Madelyn Messick
20:41 - Right by the Turner Joy next to Bremerton Marina.
20:04 - Just went under Warren Ave Bridge. -Michele Nusz
I'm pretty sure there were two groups. The group of 2 that Stacie posted were well behind the main group. We followed the main group up to Lion’s Park, and then back to the Manette Bridge. While waiting for the main group to come under the bridge from the west, two rose in front of the Navy ship coming from the other direction. A large male, possibly T49A2. I know T65A2 was with the main group. Last I saw them they were along the point of the marina heading back toward the Manette Bridge.
20:42 - They've gone under the minute bridge right up tight against the marina looks like they're gonna head for the ferry terminal.
20:30 - They are between Warren Avenue and Manette Bridge heading towards Manette.
20:15 - They made it to the Bridgeview Marina and have turned back southeast, towards the Warren Avenue Bridge.
20:07 - I'm at Lion's Park they are on this side of Warren Avenue Bridge and heading this way.
20:00 - I jumped out of my car and left the phone in the car. They went under Manette Bridge and last I saw them they were nearing the Warren Avenue bridge still heading towards Silverdale.
19:40 - They are in Bremerton nearing the shipyard heading in. -Jim Pasola - Cuddle puddle! - T77E MIsneach -photos by Jim Pasola, August 4, 2022
20:07 - Orcas are in Sinclair Inlet. -Christian Hanson
20:05 - Two in front of fast ferry. Moving towards Manette. -Stacie McDonald Probst
19:45 - They are right in front of the shipyard now. -Debra Noland Shizuru
19:22 - The 2 young males swam right under us at Annapolis, scar for ID confirmation. -Karalena Smith - T49A2 Jude -photos by Karalena Smith, August 4, 2022
19:09 - Watching from Lytle Beach across the passage. -Kirsten Martel
18:45 - Just spotted 2-3 more. From Manchester docks they are around the viewpoint of the Space Needle.
18:05 - Spotted from Manchester here. Still heading north. -Tiffany Dunham
17:41 - Saw them momentarily from Harper Pier before diving away from ferry. -Karalena Smith
18:15 - Epic seal hunt right where my last blue marker was. We think the seal made a dash for the beach and might have gotten away!! That doesn’t happen very often. They turned and continued NW bound after the hunt. [Per Stacy Hammrich watching from shore: he DID get away! He's alive and well. I think was in shock for a bit!]
17:50 - Most of the pod are at my blue marker but T65A2 is off on his own up near Blake Island. [approx. 47.528306, -122.517447].
17:35 - We stopped for another short look. They are northwest bound. T65A2 is in the lead. [47.523305, -122.497177]. -Bart Rulon, PSE
17:30 - Right at Southworth ferry. Went down for deep dive as soon as the ferry stayed moving (it obviously didn’t know they were there). -Cora Reuter Foster -back of camera photo by Cora Foster, August 4, 2022
17:30 - They are right in front of the Southworth ferry terminal heading north. -Justin Foster
17:21 - Passing Point Southworth. Still northbound at a quick pace. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
17:12 - Spouts spotted just south of Southworth ferry dock as seen from Emma Schmitz Overlook in West Seattle. -Steve Rice
17:11 - Orcas towards the east side of Colvos passage headed north. Just north of Point Peter. -Brianna Schroeder
16:20 - Northbound in Colvos Passage, central channel/bit closer to Vashon, across from Anderson Point County Park. -Amanda Herberger
16:05 - Update still northbound. All 7 are present. T77s, T65A2, T65A4, T49A2 all confirmed. [approx. 47.416585, -122.526048].
15:35 - Northbound in Colvos Passage [approx. 47.373415, -122.528962]. -Bart Rulon
15:18 - They seem to have headed into Colvos Passage. -Katherine Aosved
15:13 - Seeing spouts off the end of Point Defiance. -Lisa Connelly Richard
15:02 - Just saw 1 from far down the beach at Owen. Towards Gig Harbor side, among the boats. -Amanda Bee
14:08 - Orcas headed northbound almost to the Narrows Bridge breaching so much! Viewing from Day Island. -Karen Caldwell
14:48 - Headed towards entrance of Gig Harbor.
14:38 - Now milling around mid channel. No direction.
14:30 - Northbound closer to Gig Harbor side in front of Salmon Beach. -Stace Gordon
14:26 - Just went under the Narrows towards Point Ruston. -Kellyann Frazer
14:26 - Went under Narrows bridge northbound about five minutes ago. -Andrew Armour
14:15 - Northbound under Narrows Bridge now. -Rachel Haight - T49A2 Jude - T65A2 Ooxjaa - Headed under the Narrows Bridge -photos by Rachel Haight, August 4, 2022
14:05 - Heading towards the Narrows.
14:01 - Viewing from Lemon Beach. 4 or 5 heading north. Splashing around. -Rich Kuras
13:49 - They are still visible from Titlow. Though have disappeared south several times. -Amanda Bee
13:40 - Can see in Hales Passage from Fox Island fishing pier from a distance. -Melissa Stiles
14:03 - Heading north toward the Narrows.
13:09 - South end of Fox Island near the fishing pier, thrashing around. -Eric Anderson -photo by Eric Anderson, August 4, 2022
13:04 - Report from 10 minutes ago on other site of them being near the Narrows. -Amy Eldridge Bishop
12:30 - Orcas northbound off east side of Fox Island. Looks like they took left and headed west into Hale Passage.
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Aug 4 - Snohomish River delta (CRC2441) - 12:39 - MV Saratoga has one on the Snohomish River delta too! There are 2 gray whales in Possession Sound! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
Thu, Aug 4 - Possession Sound (CRC2440)
18:45 - Feeding north of Brighton Beach. Passed by in the most stunning lighting.
18:20 - Surfaced RIGHT next to docked ferry. Ferry aware he's there.
18:10 - He's approaching [Clinton] ferry dock. Feeding along way. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Rachel Haight, August 4, 2022
17:51 - After getting off ferry in Clinton, I headed to the preserve. Me and Lucy hiked down. Gray right off shore north of the preserve. Appears to moving a little north now. -Marilyn Armbruster
17:10 - Viewing from Mukilteo terminal, gray whale blow seen in front of Possession Sound Reserve. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:11 - Still there over an hour later. Seems to be feeding and very relaxed.
14:08 - Gray whale southbound about 20 yds from shore just north of Glendale on Whidbey! -Sara Bajus
14:20 - Large gray whale passed within fifteen yards of shore of Clinton, half-mile south of the ferry dock. heading south at walking pace, feeding. Presumably the same one i have seen a few times in the last couple days in the same area. -Noah Perso
12:15 - San Juan Clipper is watching in about the same place. The whale is still actively feeding. -Stephanie Raymond
10:45 - CRC2440 off north side of Brighton Beach, appearing to be trending slowly north along shore. Feeding a long the way. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:00 - Melissa Simmons, WSF messaged w/a video that shows gray whale 2440 is northbound off Clinton ferry terminal.
08:38 - Gray whale feeding off Clinton Beach 2. They are feeding and just south of ferry channel on Clinton side. -Blythe Ferrel
August 3
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Aug 3 - Admiralty Inlet (T34s & T37s) - 12:05 - I’m watching from the PT/Coupeville ferry that stopped to let the orcas go by first. They are northwest from my blue mark by about a half a mile [approx. 48.125258, -122.727868]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
11:42 - Passed Marrowstone [Island], moving north towards Port Townsend. -Meagan Parsons
11:05 - MV Swiftsure is watching the T34s and T37s feeding after hunting a harbor porpoise just south of Fort Flagler closer to the Marrowstone Island side of the channel. They are trending northbound. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
8/2/2022 was a fitting start for "Fogust" with a misty morning ride on MV Swiftsure. We were making our way up Admiralty Inlet when a passenger spotted killer whales! It didn't take us long after slowing down to view them before we spotted the familiar fin of T37! The group began very spread out so it was hard to get a count of every whale present. I thought I counted 7 fins but could only find 5 individuals amongst my photos, so I can't say for sure if everyone was accounted for, but we definitely saw T34 "Grace", T37B "Harald" and T37 "Rocky III/Pizza Fin"! They suddenly went from travel mode to punting a Harbor Porpoise in the air like it was nothing! Eventually they all got together to feed near the shore of Marrowstone Island but that was when we had to leave the scene. Time flies when you're watching whales! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express -photos by Justine Buckmaster, August 3, 2022
Wed, Aug 3 - South Puget Sound (T49A2, T65A2, T65A4, T77s) - 19:44 - In Oakland Bay passing Taylor's Shellfish heading north. -Michele Jennings
19:38 - About ten minutes ago they passed Walker Point headed towards Shelton yacht club. -Jami Cantrell
19:33 - In Hammersley west end, opening of Oakland Bay. -Lisa Gardner
19:10 - Heading west in Hammersley Inlet, passing Church Point. -Bill Pardi
19:08 - In Hammersley, coming around Church Point. -Jodie Johnson Pardi
19:06 - Walker Park! Westbound Hanmersley! -PS Osborne
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Angie Koellner
Date of Sighting: 8/3/2022
Time: 7:05 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Hammersley Inlet
Direction of travel : West at a brisk pace
Behaviors observed: Traveling in close proximity to one another and surfacing together
If orcas, any males?: At least 1
photo by Angie Koellner, August 3, 2022
18:23 - Around 15 minutes ago they passed under the Harstine Bridge going south. -Jami Cantrell
17:52 - 5 just passed Walker’s Landing southbound. -Heather Lum
17:50 - Approx. seven orcas heading south around northwest corner of Harstine in Pickering Passage toward bridge. They started out right along the island and moved to the mid channel.
15:19 - Just now saw one lone orca heading north in Pickering Passage almost to Jarrell's Cove. Traveling mid channel. -Teresa Saunders Westcoat
17:25 - Pickering Passage southbound. -April Basham
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ali Schoos
Date of Sighting: 8/3/2022
Time: 3:45 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Off the south tip of stretch island
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: One spy hop,
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We spotted them with binoculars, from the southeast end of Case Inlet, looking across st Stretch Island. Only observed for about 15 minutes and then they were gone.
15:10 - We saw them from the entrance to Jarrell Cove, they were close to the opposite shore. -Kelly Pankau
14:15 - In Case Inlet. -Leslie Blaisdell
13:38 - We just watched a single [orca] leave Totten inlet. Not sure if there were more in front of it. -Scott Miller
13:35 - [orca at approx. 47.292818, -122.881462]. -Jami Cantrell
13:31 - South end of Stretch Island now. -Paul Page
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Carl Hauge
Date of Sighting: 8/3/2022
Time: 12:55 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: 1/4 mile north of Harstine bridge, 47.25 degrees N 122.93 degrees W, Pickering Passage
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Traveling, blowing
If orcas, any males?: 1 male
Any unusual markings?: None observed
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We saw a similar group last week heading south
Photos available?: No
12:45 - Heading north just passed under Harstine Bridge, saw three. -Kathy Powell
Per a report to Whale Alert App: at 11:50 one orca was seen traveling in Dana Passage. Not sure direction will update if get that info. UPDATE W/DIRECTION: orca was heading west toward Boston Harbor Marina.
09:29 - I lost sight. They were moving very fast with long intervals between surfacing, so I don't think you'll see them from the park [Hartsine SP].
09:10 - [Bigg’s orcas] Passed Spencer Cove, headed south, middle of Case. They are nearing McMicken quickly. -Nick Wenzel
August 2
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES - Tue, Aug 2 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - After visiting a few humpback whales around Race Rocks, a friend fishing off Sooke gave us a tip of orca heading east. We found them, Bigg’s/transient killer whales (T090's) very close to shore hunting seals! -Sooke Coastal Explorations
Tue, Aug 2 - Admiralty Inlet - 14:50 - Two orcas. Unknown type. Marrowstone point. Southbound. Closer to Marrowstone side. -Vivian Peng -photo by Vivian Peng, August 2, 2022
14:18 - John Miller, WASF Marine ops emailed at 212:34 to report: SALISH - Orca Report 8/2/2022 1418hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz that they have slowed due to 3 orca SB in the SB traffic lanes east of Point Wilson.
Tue, Aug 2 - South Puget Sound (T49A2, T65A2, T65A4, T77s) - 21:50 - They ended the daylight hours with quite the show in the port of Olympia. At least three, all appeared to be female. Full breaches, tail stands, spy hops, with successful navigation around the largest log ship I have seen leave the port of Olympia. -JP Furber
20:20 - Heading south into Budd Inlet. -Kim Merriman
20:20 - Just saw two in Budd Inlet going south past Burfoot Park mid channel. -Aaron Barna
19:35 - We were fishing at Hungerford Point (mouth of Hammersly) and could see them hugging Squaxin Island. They just threaded between Squaxin and Hope Island heading southeast-ish. -Bri-Jeff Rasmussen
19:30 - Ellie Jackson called to report seeing about 6 orcas (incl one adult male) around 7:30pm while driving home. Whales passed Hope Island heading into Budd Inlet and had passed Boston Harbor.
17:59 - Heading south to Harstine Bridge right now. Just past Harstine Pointe Marina. Current location - maybe traveling north slowly along eastern shoreline. [approx. 47.310603, -122.801146]. -Jennifer Gedney
17:29 - North of Fudge Point but still southbound. No commitment from my vantage point
16:55 - I have eyes from Victor. Some long down times but lots of splashing when they surface. Happy orca. -April Basham
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Carl Hauge
Date of Sighting: 8/2/2022
Time: 7:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: 1/4 mile north of Harstine bridge, 47 14' 60" N, 122 55' 41" W
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Traveling and blowing
If orcas, any males?: 1 male
Any unusual markings?: none observed
17:10 - Almost to McMicken Island.
16:59 - Milling. Trending south maybe but have not turn toward Pickering. Lots of tail slaps and a full breach.
16:45 - Midchannel west of Stretch Island. -Paul Page
16:23 - Another report from PSWS says they are in Rocky Bay. -Dana Adams
15:24 - 2nd hand report from another group [15:12]: “Seems that this is the same group. Jarrell's Cove is just north of Harstine Bridge and they were going north when I saw them heading towards the bridge.” -Loba Perkins
14:15 - PSWS said they're headed north under the Harstine Island Bridge. -Dana Adams
Around 8am the orcas were reported between Anderson & McNeil Island heading westbound.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kelli Carlson
Date of Sighting: 8/2/2022
Time: 6:00 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Between Dougall Pt and Indian Cove
Direction of travel : Headed towards Jerrell Cove
Behaviors observed: Traveling, playing
If orcas, any males?: 1 to 2 males
Any unusual markings?: White belly as he turned to the right. -photos by Kelli Carlson, August 2, 2022
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Tue, Aug 2 - WA Coast - Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Aug 2 17:15 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.51066,-124.97661
Number Sighted: 6
Submitter Name: Steve Doucette
Whale Alert App
ON Follow up: Hi Alisa, I am the naturalist on the Carnival Miracle. They seemed to be headed south. I saw them along with the humpbacks about 2 miles in front of the entrance to Juan de Fuca mid channel.
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Aug 2 - Possession Sound - At 19:25 Fred Lundahl called to report from his deck he was viewing a single gray whale feeding about 100 yards offshore between Sandy Pt/Clinton ferry dock real close to shore having a wonderful evening meal. -photos by Fred Lundahl, August 2, 2022
August 1
Mon, Aug 1 - South Puget Sound (T49A2, T65A2, T65A4, T77s) - 20:36 - Watched them come up Nisqually Reach hugging Anderson Island headed west then they moved into Drayton Passage going north. -Lorrie Dozier Hall
19:35 - Passed Riviera Marina. Heading south hugging Anderson side.
19:20 - Past the Anderson Island ferry dock heading south. -Lane Sample
19:04 - Just saw a pod between Eagle Island and McNeil Island heading east. -Andy Klarman
18:08 - Heading west of Anderson Island heading north.
17:59 - Milling about the south end of Anderson island. Moving gradually north.
18:00 - From my vantage point, they seem to be traveling northeast close to Anderson Island [approx. 47.135363, -122.729407].
17:39 - They are heading north up Nisqually Reach, on the south western side of Anderson Island, mid channel. Viewing from Dupont Bluff trail w/binos. -Allison Cameron
17:05 - My last post as we leave the scene. They are south-westbound mid channel about a mile SW of my blue mark on the map [approx. 47.159081, -122.672740].
16:55 - T77s/T49A2/ T65A2/ T65A4 southwest bound from my map drop pin [approx. 47.174339, -122.671417]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
16:57 - Orcas just passed loading ferry on Anderson Island headed towards Nisqually along Villa Beach Road. -Lisa Elliott
16:42 - Reports from the north end of Anderson Island that orca just headed east past Eagle Island toward Chambers. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Elizabeth MILBURN
Date of Sighting: 8/1/2022
Time: 3:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: Pitt passage
Direction of travel : S, NE
Behaviors observed: Traveling south through Pitt passage, 4 together, and a minute later 3 together, the 3 then turned and hunted fish off the south end of McNeil Island before heading north along the east side of the island.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Watched from shore. 3 boats were coming way too close to the whales. A Pt Townsend whale watching boat kept a safe distance away.
14:20 - Three orcas IN Von Geldern Cove Home hunting seals - 3 seals hanging out inches from the shoreline. Now heading towards Penrose -Sarah Feagin Anderson
14:30 - Carr Inlet/Mayo Cove, headed south toward Fox Island. -Mandie Millard -photo by Mandie Millard, August 1, 2022
14:30 - Seeing maybe five whales from the sand spit at Penrose Point. They headed out of view, east towards Fox Island. -Valerie Aspée
14:12 - We left them at Von Geldern Cove, there were 5 animals present heading south close to the shore. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
14:05 - Clipper following group of three [orca] towards Carr Inlet. -Karalena Smith -photo by Karalena Smith, August 1, 2022
13:44 - 2+ can see faintly from shore (splashes) with naked eye for sure with binoculars. -Loryn Lee
13:42 - Five fins just passed Maple Hollow hugging Gig Harbor side. -Tina McKail
13:34 - On Kopachuk, sighting at least two. -Stephanie Hellekson
13:00 - Male just surfaced close to the whale watching boat. Viewing from Purdy Bridge. -Lucas Dambergs
13:01 - They already turned around heading back south.
12:45 - Two spotted north Henderson, heading toward Purdy. -Melissa Murray Schultz
12:35 - One set of three broke away from the others and are headed south just outside of Glen Cove [approx. 47.328824, -122.713091]. -Randy Witter
12:20 - San Juan Clipper is with them, they are spread out near the top of Henderson Bay. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Unspecified Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Aug 1 12:12 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.34607,-122.66282 [Henderson Bay]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Tim Grigar
Whale Alert App
12:11 - Fortunately the private boaters have been behaving nicely. They are mostly just watching with their engines off. We are slowly leaving the scene now. We can smell that the seal was finally killed and see the oil slick so they might be milling in the same spot for a while [approx. 47.349518, -122.668143].
11:45 - All 7 have converged on a kill. No direction [approx. 47.344385, -122.672937].
11:38 - Update for the main group of 5. The other two males are still off to the west. Northbound [approx. 47.331448, -122.679120].
11:25 - The rest of the pod T77s/T65A2 and T65A4 are in the lead at my blue mark. T49A2 and T77C are almost a mile to the west now. Viewing from MV Swiftsure, Puget Sound Express [approx. 47.319411, -122.691360].
11:10 - We came in very slowly and found T49A2 and T77C trailing the rest, still northbound. The others are about a mile north of my blue mark in the map northbound [approx. 47.294075, -122.700350]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
11:24 - Viewing from Kopachuck, heading north slowly -Becc Doyle
10:50 - Several in Carr Inlet again south of Cutts Island. -Emily Backman
10:42 - Found them! At least 4, one VERY active with lots of tail slapping, breaching! Mid channel off Horsehead Bay, northbound approaching Cutts Island! -Jennifer Swenson - photos by Jennifer Swenson, August 1, 2022
10:05 - Off the end of Horsehead [Bay], headed south [flipped northbound after this update]. -Randy Witter
09:55 - Actively traveling south, moving on!
09:40 - We have spotted them mid-channel of Carr Inlet across from opening of Horsehead Bay. Lots of active feeding, seeing several tails come up as well as a few heads upright (not quite a breach). I believe 4 in group total, 1 large male, perhaps a youngster as well? Although not traveling, seem to be going a bit southwest at time of spotting. -Sarah Richey Guenther
09:09 - 2nd hand report: continuing south in Carr, have made it past Cutts Island. -Brooke Casanova
07:40 - 5 or more orca passed under the Purdy Bridge headed south. Saw them as I drove across the bridge. Very surprised they were IN Burley Lagoon north of Purdy bridge. -Randy Witter
Also, this morning (Mon, Aug 1) at 05:22 daughter who lives in Horsehead Bay captured 3-4 in the bay almost to the end of the bay could hear their breathing was dark but could see dorsals too. -Bob Heacox
05:00 - Orcas spotted in Horsehead Bay around 5am (dark morning video on the Horsehead Bay Community page). Then between 5:45 and 6:30 orcas feeding just south of the opening of Horsehead Bay on east side of Carr Inlet (from a neighbor’s video on their FB page). Harbor seals staying safe on the shore while orcas were in the vicinity. -Sarah Richey Guenther
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 1 - Saratoga Passage/Holmes Harbor - 13:16-13:45 - Florian Graner called again to report gray whale. He located the whale 13:16 off Bev Beach in shallows just resting at low tied, hanging just in shallow water in ghost shrimp best heading south. Latest sighting at 13:45 S of Beverly beach heading toward Freeland Park. Still same gray whale been having, same markings, very unique [CRC2440] - 11 days now on and off!
06:00 - Hi there, We’re tourists on Whidbey island Bells Beach, and were excited to observe a cetacean this morning around 6am. Our house is on a moderate slope and close to the shoreline, but the shoreline view is obscured by trees and scrub. The animal was cruising so close to shore that it was obscured by this tree line. We got glimpses of its wake and could hear the blows about every minute or two. We saw one blow. Pretty sure we saw the blowhole when not blowing but never saw a fin of any kind. Could hear splashing at times. Only one animal was observed and it did not seem to be very large. It was initially heading south, then tracked back along the shore heading north. I got some audio recordings but no photos. I think 6am today was high tide. Wondering if we might see it again at next high tide. [“This sounds very much like you saw and heard a gray whale feeding…” -SB] -Tami Reed