February 2002 Whale Sightings
Wednesday, February 27
I have report of a sighting from Wednesday 27 February. Sorry for the delay. The location was approximately 49:22:26.1N/124:02:08.3W (near Nanaimo, BC)
The report is as follows: probably One female and about 4 calves first sighted about 0800 heading north. Two hours later the Orcas returned to the area and then moved off to the north. One large male was seen in the vicinity. About 1300, the Orcas returned to the area for 40 minutes until the Orcas departed to the East.
-Shaari Unger
Monday, February 25
Hi -
Feb.24 Cape Beal light, 1500 hrs. 1 Male Transient and 2 others going into Barkley Sound.
Feb.25 Transient T61 going E. 2 miles east of Race Rocks at 14:35hrs.
Ron Bates
Hi Susan
We were with J pod this afternoon, 25 February, off Nanaimo. They headed south down Northumberland Channel and through Dodd Narrows. They were still heading south when we left them off Yellow Point at 1600 h.
Cascadia Research reports:
We received one of our first gray whale sighting reports for the season in Puget Sound today. G.A. Lincicum reported seeing a blow and a gray back with no dorsal fin at 0945 this Monday morning off Point No Point in northern Puget Sound. Typically, we get our first sightings of the regular northern Puget Sound returning animals in late February or early March of each year, so this appears to be on schedule.
John Calambokidis
Research Biologist
Wednesday, February 20
The Whale Museum reports for Feb. 20th:
1 bull spotted near Vashon Island, heading north at 4 pm; came up past ferry dock through Colvos Passage
Monday, February 18
3 Transients: 2 male and one female going east from Race Rocks. They made at least one kill at 1354 a seal 48 16 .851 123 29 .710 The larger male may have been T96 from S.E. Alaska but will have to wait for the ID shots to come back. This was on Feb.18th.
Ron Bates
Friday, February 15
T20, a large female, a smaller animal and another yet smaller animal off Vic. at 1418 this afternoon.
Much milling, feeding and lots of gull action.
They made their way slowly to the east.
Last seen at 1557 now going east at about 4-5 knots.
Ron Bates
Tuesday, February 5
hi Susan,
wow, my first sighting of the year and it was incredible. I was out with a friend today at Cattle Point around 1430. J pod was tight traveling slowly through the rip tide, inshore around the point. There were no boats and no other humans around to speak of. The calves and juveniles were very social rolling, dorsal slapping and tail-lobbing. Then they reached a bird rookery and started foraging. Lined up 4-5 animals abreast and tail-lobbing, it looked like they were herding their prey. They continued to forage and travel slowly up San Juan Channel. I identified the J16's, J1, J8, J19, J34 and possibly the J17's.
Jodi Smith
And from Amy at the Whale Museum:
Hello -
We had 3 sightings of J-pod today! First they were seen moving south past Lime Kiln and Eagle Point in the morning. Around 15:00 there was a sighting of them moving North past Cattle Point - they may have been going up San Juan Channel but we've had no reports of that as yet.
The Whale Museum
Monday, February 4
Jpod off Victoria this afternoon. Time 1320hrs, 3 miles east of Albert Head going East they later started milling then turned S.W. towards Race Rocks.
Sunday, February 3
Tom McMillen of Salish Sea Charters called in a great report on the Vashon orca calf today, saying it looked very healthy and active. That's good news!
Saturday, February 2
Hi All
The whales were transients, photos were taken but not by me, so will have to wait for most of the IDS but T20 was the only adult male. First report came in about 0930 and I last saw them at 1550 still off Vic. There seemed to be a disproportionate number of calves. As I said T20 was on scene and at least one report of T21 who had been missing the last two times T20 had been seen.
My daughter and I (and a hundred other watchers) spotted three or four orcas feeding right off of the Dallas Road waterfront in Victoria, near "Mile Zero" (Douglas and Dallas Rds.) They were there for a long time, at least an hour. We saw one breech during the time we were there.
Also in the vicinity (closer to shore) were two large groups of sea lions. They were also staying pretty much in place feeding. No whale watchers to speak of, just one private boat and a kayaker kept their distance.
Peter Ronald, Campaign Coordinator
Georgia Strait Alliance
Victoria, British Columbia CANADA
And from Fred Felleman in Seattle:
Hi guys -
Dave Bain and I spent the afternoon with the Vashon whale. Mark Sears was out as well. Conditions were excellent so I got some good video and I see the film on Monday. David got some clicks and vocals on tape, but nothing he could use for ID.
Friday, February 1
6-7 kws N. side of Coal Is. just N. of Sidney near the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal, milling, today Feb.01 1425hrs.
MMRG, Victoria