December 2020 Whale Sightings

Click here for Map of December 2020 whale sightings.

December 31
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Thu, Dec 31 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 12:49-15:39 - "… When the animal reappeared Mark quickly recognized him as T227 (formerly U039), an outer-coastal wanderer that he has encountered every few years since the mid-2000s. The elusive bull was foraging for the duration of the encounter, but no predation was observed. Earlier, on approach to T227, a group of animals had been spotted southeast of him travelling east. Though no obvious interaction was observed, T227 appeared to have been shadowing them before pausing to forage; he had been observed doing this with another group on November 11th as well, the last time he was encountered. Mark and Joe departed T227 at 1358 in search of these animals.
The group had continued east, and Mike 1 caught up with them well east of T227, still travelling quickly. They were identified as the T073A and T167 matrilines, two families of four that are far more common in SE Alaska than the coastal waters of BC and Washington. The T167s in fact have only been observed in BC coastal waters five times ever! …" [See CWR Encounter #75 for full summary and photos.]
Sun, Dec 31 - Strait of Juan de Fuca/Port Angeles Harbor (T73As T167s) - I was on the whale watching boat on Dec.31, and I used the 2019 ID guide to identify the T167+A+B and T73A+A1+A2+A3 in my camera. However, there was on very young (probably 1-2 years old) orca in the group that did not appeared in the ID guide, I think it should be either T73A4 or T167C, here are some photos. (I was on the same boat with Justine and Bart.) ["T073A and T167 matrilines, two families of four that are far more common in SE Alaska than the coastal waters of BC and Washington. The T167s in fact have only been observed in BC coastal waters five times ever!" -Center for Whale Research, from their Dec 31st Encounter #75] -Yifan Ling
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Thu, Dec 31 - Strait of Georgia - 13:00 - We estimate there to be twelve orca moving north very quickly between Harwood Island and Savary Island (1:00pm). -Patti and Mark Perepeluk
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Dec 31 - Strait of Georgia
12:45 - two breaching between Harwood Island and Powell River
10:58 - two moving south (off Texada Island - south of Texada Quarry area)
10:19 - [humpbacks] two off the north end of Texada Island (slowly moving north)
. -Patti and Mark Perepeluk

December 30

December 29
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Tue, Dec 29 - Strait of Juan de Fuca/Sooke (T233 and T233A) - 13:20-14:19 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #74: "… The two killer whales were travelling west-southwest in the Strait at about four knots. They were quickly identified as some rarely encountered outer-coastal Bigg's, T233 and her presumed first offspring, T233A, approximately three years old. After a few sequences of slow meandering travel, the animals hastened the pace, reaching 7-8 knots and travelling in a precise line. …" [See CWR Encounter #74 for full summary and photos]

December 28
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Dec 28 - Bellingham Bay - ~16:00 - [orcas] Sorry this is old! We saw we think 3 adults and 1 baby in Bellingham Bay around 4:00pm December 28th. They were feeding or something - they were staying on the surface way more than I'm used to seeing. This is the best photo we got of one. They were actually staying a ways away from each other, and at one point two were on one side of our boat and the other was on the other side. Behavior I hadn't seen before. -Jessica Heidemann
[photo - Per MP: "looks like T36B2"]
Mon, Dec 28 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T64Bs, T75Cs, T77 and T77E) - 15:07-15:59 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #73: "… As they were leaving the dock in Victoria harbour at ~1250 they received a report that there were Bigg's killer whales exiting Port Angeles harbour. This made three days in a row that killer whales were spotted there. It was reported that members of the T064's were present, and it was believed to be them seen on December 27th as well. No members of the T064 group had ever been confirmed in the waters of the Salish Sea, and Mark had only encountered them once in southeast Alaska during a Fisheries and Oceans survey during the winter of 2009. Christopher Hanke on Saratoga/ Puget Sound Express out of Port Townsend came across the reported Port Angeles killer whales at 1335 off of Ediz Hook and reported to Mark that they had exited Port Angeles harbor and was heading north for Race Rocks. …" [See CWR Encounter #73 full summary and photos]
Over the last few days, we've heard reports of a group of orcas near Port Angeles, including at least one unidentified individual with an unusual white marking on the dorsal fin. Yesterday Bart Rulon and Justine Buckmaster with Puget Sound Express got out there and got some photos, identifying the unusual group as the T64Bs, T75Cs, and T77 and T77E. The T64Bs appear to be first-time documented visitors to the Salish Sea, typically being seen in Southeast Alaska and off central BC (per Towers et al 2019). From the 2019 ID guide, we knew that seven-year-old T64B1 has a white pigmentation spot on the left side of its dorsal, but thanks to this awesome snap by Bart, we can see that its younger sibling, the one-year-old T64B2, has a very similar marking! This was the "mystery whale" we saw in videos from earlier in the week.
Two descendants of T38 - T38A and T38C - also have white pigmentation marks on the dorsal fin, suggesting that this may be some type of genetic anomaly. It's super cool to have two family groups that have multiple members with this unusual distinguishing feature now! -Thanks so much Bart and Justine for sharing this unique sighting with us! - Bart Rulon T64B2 T64B1. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute - photo
12/28/2020 Quite an exciting adventure on Saratoga today! Early in our trip out of Edmonds we received a report of orcas in Port Angeles harbor! By the time we made it there, the group was exiting the harbor and rounding Ediz Hook before turning north toward Victoria. It took us long after the encounter to figure out exactly which orcas were present, they were obviously Bigg's/Transient ecotype but these individuals were mostly new to me! With help from many friends, we were able to ID the T64Bs (including her one-year-old calf T64B2), the T75Cs, and T77 with her 4-year-old offspring T77E. What an unusual mix! Where are the rest of the T64s and T77s? How do these individuals know/relate to each other? Are the white spots on the dorsal fins of both T64B1 and T64B2 hereditary? Once again, these amazing creatures are leaving us with more questions than answers! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Dec 28 - Haro Strait - 13:20-13:27 - 1/4 mile south of Edwards Pt./Landbank, the little humpback was observed making a beeline to the north about 400 - 500 yards out. There was no meandering but there was massive bait ball activity today, both eagles and gulls, so I would imagine the young humpback participated as well. Photographed from shore. -Michelline Halliday
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Dec 28 - Possession Sound - 10:44 - Gray whale [in Possession Sound] heading south, [south of the Clinton/Mukilteo ferry lanes on the Whidbey side]. -Lisa Corona

December 27
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Dec 27 - San Juan Islands - 13:15 - Group of Ts east of Spieden Channel heading east. -Monika Wieland Shields
Sun, Dec 27 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 09:24 - They are now out of the harbor and heading westbound in the Salish Sea.
09:06 - Group of 4 orcas leaving Port Angeles Harbor. They are heading eastbound from within the harbor. -Kyl Lndstr
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Dec 27 - Possession Sound - These were taken at 11:55 south of Hat Island. -Elizabeth and Arsen Avetisyan
Fred Lundahl called: "We had some nice folks, boaters from Everett who come over regularly. Today at noon they saw gray whale 53 [not confirmed -alb] on their way over. Nice photos of blows and such. I am suggesting they send over to you for the Whale Sighting Report.

December 26
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Dec 26 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - ~12:45 - Attached are a couple photos of orcas that visited the P.A. Harbor yesterday, Dec. 26th. There were 5 in the group (as far as we could tell). Spotted them about 12:45pm (they were there at least a few minutes before we saw them) and watched for 15-20 minutes, I reckon, until they headed back toward the mouth of the harbor. -Greg Marsh
Sat, Dec 26 - North Puget Sound/Saratoga Passage - 11:34 - Just watched 3 orcas headed north just off ofOnamac Point. We watched them from WI across from the Camano State Park. They were small orcas - females? -Marie Gill
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Dec 26 - Possession Sound - 14:00 - I was able to see a few heart blows and some swishing/swirling of water around that time (14:00), but was very far away and no public access down to beach, very remote area. It was def what I needed, warmed my heart right up....Marilyn Armbruster
13:52 - Bart Rulon reports they caught up to gray whale they've ID'd as #53 Little Patch. He's feeding south of Sandy Point, Whidbey.
Either a gray or humpback just turned SB past Sandy Point into Possession Sound. Close to Whidbey. Going slow. -Luanne Seymour

December 25
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Fri, Dec 25 - Central Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet - 15:46 - Between Point Wilson and Fort Casey Lighthouse, midchannel, very active as they trend northbound.
15:35 - [orcas] Appear to be on a hunt between Ft. Casey and Port Townsend, midchannel. -Rachel Haight
Merry Christmas to us from the orcas, on both sides of Whidbey Island!! Got a brief glimpse of them zooming past Lagoon Point, then up to Ft. Casey....these are "impressionistic" (getting dark, pretty far away, and windy enough to blow the camera around!)...but they were very active mid-channel between Ft. Casey and Pt. Townsend, obviously preparing Christmas dinner. -Bonnie Gretz
15:10 - 3 or more orcas headed northbound across channel from Lagoon Point at about 3:10pm. -Jill Ian
14:41 - Just passed mid channel buoy heading north.
14:34 - Four or more orca appears to be feeding off Bush Point near mid channel. -Gregory Roeben
14:25 - Anna SinghDeo & Pip Gordon called to report they are watching 7 orcas total, including at least 1 bull and possibly two young, as well. Group is just south of Bush Pt. Lighthouse, Whidbey side of mid channel. Milling while moving northward. Look to be hunting.
13:58 - Sara McDougall called. She is just between north end Mutiny Bay and just south of Bush Point and is seeing at least 3 fins heading north.
13:13 - From Sunset Ave. looking toward Eglon. 3-4 including one male NB. 5-10 min downtimes. Entering the Possession Bermuda Triangle. -Ariel Yseth
12:51 - Pick up orcas from Sunset Ave. in Edmonds traveling north coming up to the ferry terminal. -Michelle Goll
12:00 - 1-3 orcas straight out from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park heading north. -John Scheleen
Fri, Dec 25 - North Puget Sound/Possession Sound to Saratoga Passage (T37As)
16:00 - It's getting dark, but they're in the current line just east of Harrington Lagoon now at 4pm.
15:46 - Just passing Shangri-La mid channel, closing in on Harrington Lagoon. My husband thinks he saw 5 of them.
15:42 - The boat left them behind. They are more mid-channel now, very long downtimes, barely surfacing, swimming fast NB
15:35 - [orcas] Passing Eagle Crest now, north of Onamac Point on Camano side, just behind a boat northbound. Long down times. -Kristina Trowbridge
15:04 - [orcas] Viewing from Cama Beach. Still NB, midchannel, closer to Whidbey. Long down times. -Serena Tierra
14:45 - They were milling a bit on a kill but have resumed nb. I think? Camano side of mid channel.
14:25 - [orcas] Viewing from high bank mid Baby Island Heights in line with Cama Beach State Park. Camano side of mid channel. NB.
13:20 - Saratoga Christmas orcas have passed Langley, mid channel heading northbound.
----Photo taken at 14:36 from mid Baby Island Heights high bank looking towards Cama Beach State Park. at this point there were 3 that were on an active kill, foraging in circles here. -Marilyn Armbruster
A welcome visit from the T37As today heading north in Saratoga Passage at a pretty fast clip. lifting spirits when so many people are missing family and friends. -Sandra Pollard - photos - by RJ Snowberger [ID: T37A2 confirmed by MP]
14:12 - Small calf traveling alongside this whale with notch in fin. [Looks good for T37A (notch), calf T37A5 was born mid-2019. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network] -Rachel Haight
14:18 - About 5 plus baby passed Fox Spit! Mid channel, NB.
14:11 - [orcas] They are at the Fox Spit now! Going North mid channel. -David Haeckel
13:45 - 3 orcas nearing Bells Beach NB. -Donna George
Christmas whales! We had Orcas (Bigg's) on both sides of the island today and how lucky were we to catch up with both groups?! They weren't close (at all) but it was exactly what our human pod needed today. -Dori Dace
13:29 - Into Saratoga. They're well past Langley now.
12:48 - [orcas] Passing Camano Head northbound, appear more midchannel. -Durand Dace
12:27 - [orcas] Seen from west side of Hat, moving north hugging the Whidbey side. -Lori Christopher
12:05 - I've got a small group of 3 past the Clinton ferry dock heading north between Hat and Whidbey. Calf surfacing frequently. Travel mode. -Debbie Stewart
12:02 - 4-5 orcas straight out from the Clinton ferry dock heading north between Hat Island and Whidbey. -Danielle Pennington
11:59 - Christmas orcas (5-6) in the Muk/Clinton ferry lanes heading north, most likely will take the Whidbey side...Lori Christopher
09:48 - Really long down times and only came up twice. Last time had moved really far NE
09:35 - Orca northbound off Apple Tree Point [Kingston]. At least three. Think one male. Mid channel. -Sara Frey
11:38 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 11:41: SUQUAMISH @ 1138 - C/M reports 3-4 Orca whale feeding near the MUK traffic lanes.
09:08 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed again: Master reports a possible 2nd pod in the same area SB near traffic lanes.
09:00 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: WALLA WALLA@0900 Master reports 4 orca north of EDM Pier.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Dec 25 - Haro Strait - 10:00-10:20 - So close in! The little humpback feeding 50' from shore 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point. Trending north he went from bait ball to bait ball until he was 350 yds out, then submerged and I didn't see him again. Up close his skin is much lighter than what I had thought! He's very quiet when he exhales. This humpback has been observed frequenting SJI shores since 11/29 (possible sighting 2-3 days earlier). He has a triangle pattern of 3 dots on his right side. (I noticed a third injury on the little humpback down the curve of his spine past his dorsal. I looked at the previous sightings photos and didn't find any that showed that part of his body. It possibly happened at the same time. The wounds seem to be healing well.) -Michelline Halliday, SJI

December 24
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Thu, Dec 24 - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet - 14:59 - Very close to Port Townsend now.
14:53 - Right now, 4 or 5 [orcas] confirmed between Fort Casey and Port Townsend. Just north of the ferry lane. Headed south. One lone male closer to Casey side. -Jered Phipps
14:15 - Jamie called to report seeing one orca, looks like a female orca traveling south across from Ebey's Landing and just north of Ebey's Landing.
14:15 - Paul Ballenger (Sound Waters Stewards) called to report seeing a solo orca, not sure if male or female, at Ebey's Landing, ambling along heading southbound, lazily. Been watching for 10 minutes.
14:10 - Somewhat surprising just one male orca at Ebey's Landing. Southbound. -Al Lunemann
Thu, Dec 24 - Haro Strait [T35As, T38A and T38A2, T75, T75A, T137B and T137D]. We went out Christmas Eve and visited with a group of Bigg's killer whales who were enjoying a meal together beneath a stunning Mt. Baker. -Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
14:15 - Confirmed all the Hood Canal whales, leaving them between Salmon and Hein heading south after ruining the Christmas of a couple seals. ---- This afternoon we got out on the water with the T35As, T38As, T75, T75A, T137B, and T137D - the ten whales that recently spent ten days in Hood Canal. They were "milling and killing" with the dramatic backdrop of Mt. Baker. The only adult male in the group was this big guy, 29-year-old T75A Stone. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
11:56 - [orcas] We can just barely see them with the naked eye from up on the bluffs between Cattle Point and South Beach. Probably 1.5-2 miles offshore, aiming toward Eastern Bank. -Daven Hafey
10:45 - [orcas] Several blows rounding Pile Point, southbound. -Richard Daly
10:18-10:30 - A fairly tight group of 9-10 orcas traveling southbound together 1/4 mile south of Edwards Pt./Landbank, including one large male and a bunch of kids. Active and vibrant they seemed to sparkle over the splashes of water on a beautiful Christmas Eve Day. Individuals present T035As, T038As, T075, T075A, T137B, T137, confirmed by Monika Wieland Shields. Photographed from shore. -Michelline Halliday
Thu, Dec 24 - San Juan Islands - Laura L Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: 3 Orca in Thatcher Pass, 12/24 Log entry 0802hrs: Master, ANAC/SJI D, reports via 800 MHz an Orca whale sighting: 2 adults and 1 juvenile traveling in a slow, southerly direction in Thatcher Pass.
Thu, Dec 24 - North Puget Sound/Possession Sound/Port Susan - 15:07 - [orcas] I see them across from Glendale and Humphrey Road but on the Mukilteo side. -Jayn Goldsen
14:23 - 5-6 orcas crossing the Clinton ferry lane heading south. Closer to Whidbey. -Danielle Pennington
Whales right off Tulalip Shores this morning, at least five orcas including a baby. Were feeding for over an hour between Tulalip Shores and Camano, last seen heading north. -John Jacobs
Orcas in Port Susan near Tulalip Shores heading northbound toward Stanwood ~ 09:50.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Dec 24 - San Juan Channel - 12:15 - Humpback whale Raptor BCY0458 and calf heading south from Turn Island down San Juan Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Dec 24 - Port Susan - 14:05 - Little Patch is in the Snohomish Delta right now (about 29 minutes ago). I'm between Tulalip Bay and Priest Point. -Jaime McBroom
MINKE WHALE - Thu, Dec 24 - San Juan Channel - Laura L Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 11:49: San Juan Channel: Minke Whale, 12/24 Log Entry 1140hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz spotting a single Minke whale, traveling southbound at Point Caution.

December 23
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Wed, Dec 23 - Haro Strait - 20:52 - Hearing calls again. (LK hydrophone). -Cassie Barclay
20:31 - Still hearing faint calls on LK hydrophone.
19:59 - [SRKW] Hearing calls on the Orcasound hydrophone now. -Fred Horn
19:11 - Well there we go! SRKWs for sure! (Lime Kiln hydrophone) [Mostly shared call types but I'd guess at least Ks. -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI] -Traci Walter
Wed, Dec 23 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 12:15-15:39 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #71: “… The whales were well south of Victoria, still offshore of William Head and Parry Bay, and in similar fashion to the previous day, were well spread and foraging. The encounter started at 1215 (48 20.5/123 24.7). J19 was the first animal they observed, followed soon after by J38. J41 and 58 were foraging together near K20, the first K pod whale sighted for the day. Others soon followed, though once again the animals were multi-directional and would disappear for minutes at a time. …” [See CWR Encounter #71 for full summary and photos]
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Wed, Dec 23 - Central Puget Sound (T37As) - 15:49 - [orcas] Fortunate to see a small pod off the end of the ferry this afternoon! Heading east to west at 3:49 today. -Mitch Kent
Wed, Dec 23 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T36 and T36Bs, T36A1, T37A1, T75Bs, T137) - 13:46-13:55 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #72: "… The group was comprised of T036, her daughter T036B and her own youngsters, T075B and hers, T137 and a couple of oddballs, T036A1 and T037A1. T037A1 has been travelling with the T036 and T137 group in recent weeks, both in Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, though T036A1 joining them was news to Mark and Joe. …" [See CWR Encounter #72 for full summary and photos]
15:47 - [orcas] Watching from Anthony's down by Point Defiance, looks like a group of 4. Right now long downtime. (Most we spotted were 4, this time really confusing grouping, long downtime. Husband was helping to look since surfacing was so different than last time I saw them.) -Sil Pri
15:51 - They're west of the ferry now. On Vashon side.
15:44 - [orcas] Heading west toward Tahlequah. 7+ individuals. Lots of time underwater. -Charlie Wright
15:29 - [orcas] Three blows, and a separate blow in front of Quartermaster Harbor. Viewing from Browns Point. -Ashley Whitman
14:20 - It's definitely the T37As still traveling along the south side of Maury Island. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
13:55 - Per Kelly Keenan Burns they are Bigg's Transients and are south of Des Moines/Pt. Robinson still southbound. [Looks like possibly T37As per back of cam images by Kelly. Edit to confirmed 37As -ALB] ----More Orcas visit the island today! B and I nearly made it down to the beach to catch the T37A's attempting to hunt a sea lion. Lucky for the sea lion he made it out alive. Here are a few pics of Inky-T37A2 and his newest sibling T37A5 surfacing together.
14:22 - Really hard to see from my viewing point, (north end of Three Tree Point) but I see about 2 to 3 spouts just north of Vashon appear to be staying in the same spot, a lot of bird activity above the whales.
14:13 - I just went to the north side of Three Tree Point and seeing a few spouts just north of Vashon in front of Blake Island, looks to be about 2-3 whales, too far to see a direction.
13:19 - Actually I can see the spouts again, they appear to be mid channel off of Point Robinson, maybe closer to the mainland, but looks to be about three whales - can't tell which direction they're going. Too far away.
13:00 - Up at the top of Three Tree Point, pretty sure I just saw a few orcas spout, appeared to be heading southbound and look to be pretty close to mid channel. Heading down to the beach to see if I can get better visibility. -Shelly Short
12:03 - Laura L Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: ORCA at VASHON: Vessel reports sighting 4-5 Orca near the vicinity of the VASHON terminal in a slow-moving southerly direction.
11:45 - [orcas] Pod off the N end of Vashon Island. No direction. Just hanging out. -Matt Hahn (PSWW)
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Dec 23 - San Juan Channel - Humpback
Sighting Time: Wed Dec 23 16:23 PST
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 48.48392,-123.04418 [San Juan Island]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: My son and I saw a Humpback Whale heading South East by Point Caution at 4:23 PM on the 23rd of December 2020
Jeff Gillette, Whale Alert App
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Dec 23 - Discovery Bay - My wife and I and several neighbors on our beach saw 2 humpbacks - one big one and a smaller one in Discovery Bay. We couldn't tell which direction they were going but we lost sight of them after about 45 minutes. Although they were probably a half mile from us, we could see their characteristic brows and tails well with binoculars. -Ron Dionne
15:47 - Single humpback just passed Mineral Point heading south. -Dan Shelley
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Dec 23 - Southern Saratoga Passage - 15:56 - Gray whale currently right off Sandy Point on South Whidbey. Heading very slowly towards Camano up Saratoga Passage. -Luanne Seymour
[North Puget Sounder CRC53 "Little Patch" was confirmed yesterday (and now matched to last week's gray) so is likely him. Thanks! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
[NPS gray CRC53 confirmed by Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express. -gs]
12:30 - [NPS gray #53] He's still here, now southbound south of Sandy Point, feeding in shallows between traveling. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
11:07 - He's on his way towards Hat Island.
10:45 - Grey whale eating and playing between Sandy Point and Langley. Close to shore eating and now heading towards Camano. -Christy Grant
video -

December 22
Tue, Dec 22 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 10:48-14:24 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #70: "… Initially spotted near Pedder Bay, NE of Race Rocks, Gord reported the whales as northeast bound for the Victoria waterfront. After stopping five minutes out of the harbour to photograph a westbound humpback, Mark spotted a single bull foraging his way north in the distance. They slowly made their way to him, the low winter sun illuminating more blows to the south and west. The encounter began at 1048 (48 20.0/123 25.1) with J27 working northward for the VH buoy. From there, Mark and Joe began carefully working through the spread out members of J pod. …" [See CWR Encounter #70 for full summary and photos]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Dec 22 - Central Puget Sound - ~10:00 - I would like to report a sighting of a Humpback off of West Point (Discovery Park) seen today at roughly 10:00am. At least 4 people spotted it before it dove. It was maybe 300 yards from the shore headed south. -Ben Tonelli
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Dec 22 - Possession Sound - 16:18 - CRC-53 Little Patch is South of Possession Point. -Yifan Ling
16:00 - We saw Gray Whale #53 Little Patch circling Possession Bank, apparently feeding! Was able to confirm ID with flukes and flank markings. -Justine Buckmaster
[Going back now can match to the gray Lori Christopher had off Hat Island for sure 18th, and probable 15-17th, so he's been here a while. -alb]
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALE - Tue, Dec 22 - South Puget Sound - ~14:15 - I was at Sunnyside beach in Steilacoom at it was approximately 2:15 when I took the first photo. I could see down the beach to Chambers Bay which is approximately 3 miles from where I took the pic. I noticed onlookers and a lot of birds so I kept watching. I caught something dark and snap this pic which looks like a fluke. Didn't see any reports for related sighting for today in this area so I'm really not sure. Thought I would submit to see if you may know. -Cherie St.Ours

December 21
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Mon, Dec 21 - North Puget Sound - 12:25 - Hey! My wife and I are at Fort Casey State Park. We see about 6-8 orcas halfway into the ocean between for Casey and Fort Worden, headed N. -Anthony Paul
11:53 - Hearing the Port Townsend hydrophone now @ 11:53. [J pod calls. -alb] -Candace Gavin
11:26 - Sounds like maybe Ks on BP hydro? There's some other noise in there, though, and they're faint. -Amanda Marie Colbert, Orca Network
11:45 - Hearing faint SRKW calls on Port Townsend hydrophone. -Susan Marie Andersson
11:40 - Also on Port Townsend hydrophone now @ 11:40.
11:24 - Residents on Bush Point hydrophone now. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Mon, Dec 21 - San Juan Islands - 15:29 - Hi there - just saw at least 6 orcas in Griffin Bay, cruising east. From our house near the old Cannery. Too far away to say how many or which pod, sorry. Pretty cool though...I think I saw 2 separate very large dorsal fins. No photos unfortunately. It was snowing and not very light at all. -Regards, Dan Whelan
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Mon, Dec 21 - B.C. Gulf Islands - 16:38 - Pender Island, west side of North Pender near Oak Bluffs. I saw at least six orcas feeding close to the bluffs, one was a baby. Dec 21, 4:38pm, heading north. -Melady Preece

December 20
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Sun, Dec 20 - Central Puget Sound [K20 and J57 present] - 16:55 - Can just barely make out some rounding Piner Point westbound. We need a hydrophone down here! Too dark for any more updates.
16:39 - At least one adult male traveling westbound along the south tip of Maury towards Quartermaster Harbor, about halfway across now. Losing light quick.
16:29 - Multiple breaches next to the channel marker!
16:18 - [orcas] From N. Stevens street w/Binoculars can see some between Shore Acres & Piner Point, Maury Island, some breaching. Hard to say a direction or numbers, but trending southbound, close to Vashon side. Also at least 2 near orange southern channel marker buoy, just north of it. -Melissa Bird
15:57 - [orcas] Passing Dash Point now. Way over on the Vashon side. Heading south. -Arielle Stroup
15:26 - Trailers have passed Point Robinson, everyone through now, very spread out in channel from mainland to the island in mostly singles and very small groups, southbound travel. ----Oh man, I love surprises! Was totally expecting transients when headed to the beach on Sunday afternoon, then boom! Residents! As usual, it was so lovely to see them. They were super spread out in singles and small groups as they came down the east side of the Island. A big SRKW wave stretching from waaay over to the mainland all the way to the Island shores, it was beautiful to see them pour through the channel. Love to see that Js and Ks seem to be spending some extended time together too, so great! -Marla Smith
A great surprise to find J's and K's when we were expecting only Transient Orcas. Here is Mike (J-26) and my favorite, Blackberry (J27). -Kelly Keenan
15:20 - Looks like the trailers are all past the point now at 3:20. All were southbound only a few made a close pass.
14:45 - [orcas] Leaders reaching Pt. Robinson. (southbound). -Anna Stuart Olive
15:50 - Passing Summerhurst moving slowly southbound.
15:18 - Closer to Vashon side. Spread out with the stragglers passing the lighthouse now.
15:09 - They are so spread out it['s hard] to pick a spot to look. Larger group passing lighthouse southbound at 309.
15:00 - Seem to be all southbound. Main group at Pt. Robinson and 3 to 4 between Three Tree and Des Moines Marina. They are super spread out.
14:31 - Still north of the mid channel yellow bouy. Seem to be milling around.
14:23 - [orcas] Heading south viewing from Redondo Area. At least 2. -Steve Brown
15:05 - Big male, possible Mike? Most of them are now south of the lighthouse, way out mid-channel.
14:47 - They're just coming up to Pt. Robinson now. Very spread out, mid-channel.
14:37 - I'm at Pt. Robinson now and the whales are WAY out in the channel, closer to the Seattle side. One vessel floating along in front of them, keeping its distance. 2:37PM Vashon Island.
14:07 - I see them! Just NE of my location at Tramp Harbor/Ellisport on Vashon, mid channel. 2 or 3 orcas. Slow porpoising and occasional spy hops. I'm heading down to Pt. Robinson from here. 2:07PM. -Cheryl Richmond
14:00 - Viewing from Three Tree Point. Mid channel. Southbound. At least three - one big bull. Moving quickly. -Emily Marie
13:55 - See one male from Lincoln Park under 3 towers, Dilworth? West of channel sb. -Mary Hartmann
14:17 - Still watching from the south side of Three Tree now. The orcas are very spread out between Three Tree and Vashon. They are trending southbound still.
13:36 - Seeing fins in the distance from Three Tree Point. They are mid channel and headed southbound with long times between surfacing. -Connor O'Brien
13:28 - [orcas] Group of 4 just cleared Dilworth heading SB. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
13:13 - [orcas] SB still 1:12 passing Aroyos, not yet to Three Tree Point. [K20 and J27 present per Kersti's back-of-camera images]. -Kersti Muul
12:40 - Now ~100m south of buoy, from center channel to Vashon, angling toward Vashon. 3-4 spread east to west. Intermittent spouts, fins, maybe fin slaps? Losing my view, logging off. Happy viewing everyone!
12:31 - Spotted one big breach and several spouts just a little west and south of the yellow buoy off Lincoln Park, viewed from Emma Schmitz. Looks like 2-3, possibly stalled for a bit, but heading SB. -Russ Mann
12:24 - [orcas] Just near Lincoln Park but seem like they're moving south. -Nicole Reyes Sarles
12:34 - There are now more orcas mid channel Sb between Lincoln park and Vashon.
12:29 - Full breach out of water.
12:22 - Close to Vashon, long dives. I think male is leading, followed by at least 2 smaller fins. Spread apart.
12:14 - [orcas] Just south of Fauntleroy ferry, SB viewing from Lincoln Park. (spread out 2-3 fins.) -Brigitte van Hövell
12:00 - Seeing fins from Southworth coming up on Fauntleroy soon, closer to Seattle side 12:00 Lincoln Park soon. (I've been seeing 1 but there was a group of three trailing further back.) -Noelle Morris
10:38 - A couple more trailing behind, close to yellow mid-channel buoy, viewed from Eagle Harbor looking toward Lincoln Park. Slowly SB, some milling. (too far to see clearly, even with binocs.)
10:27 - At least a couple more further south near Blakely Rock. Looks like WB Bremerton ferry is stopped for them.
10:23 - At least 2-3 orcas SB mid channel, viewing from Eagle Harbor looking toward Alki Lighthouse. -Jim Reitz
09:15 - At least 4-5 orca heading south mid-channel WNW off West Point Lighthouse. Spread out over several hundred yards. At least 1 male. -Chuck Flaherty
08.54 - One orca off north tip of Bainbridge. Was headed south past port Madison on Bainbridge, one whale only. -Angela Gaskins-Weibel
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Dec 20 - Hood Canal (T35A present) - ~17:00 - We just saw a pod of 6-8 killer whales at Point No Point. It was awesome. They were pretty close to shore. It was too dark for photos, but it was amazing. They were probably 15-29 feet from shore. -Amanda Marie via BryAnn Bingham (Hansville community group}
15:47 - Orcas spotted just a few minutes ago at Bush Point on Whidbey heading north toward Admiralty Inlet...Carrie McBride
~15:00 - from Puget Sound Whale Sightings group, 4-5 orcas passed Bush Point northbound. -Jason Lee Bell
15:30 - Karen Jeffers (Sam's mom) just called. They are actually south of Bush Point, between Freeland and Bush Point so looks likely split isn't as distanced as I (Alisa) first thought when sharing Sam's report. Group of 4-5 they were watching was northbound off Windmill Hts. area, which isn't far from last report of the southbound group with the male.
14:56 - Sam Jeffers reported seeing 4-5 orca heading north past Bush Point. (post on PSWS group).
14:30 - Still heading SE toward Whidbey Is., now north of Hansville, more strung out, closer to Whidbey.
14:10 - Just saw the Ts again angling SE toward Double Bluff. Going very slow bunched tight together, mid channel.
13:58 - [orcas] Between Skunk Bay and Hansville, heading south in Admiralty Inlet - mid-channel. (viewed from 1 mi. so. of Bush Pt., Whidbey Isl.). -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
14:50 - Out 1/4 channel from Double Bluff Beach, sb, Whidbey side. Easterly bound.
14:20 - Marilyn Armbruster texted, she and couple others are viewing from N end Mutiny Bay. Sees the orcas, line-of-site entrance to Hood Canal, heading southbound more on Kitsap side. If pod continues those around Hansville/Point No Point should see them soon.
13:24 - Viewing from Shore Meadows (Whidbey) they have entered Admiralty Straits, line of sight Mats Mats/Jefferson County, nb.
----Heard orcas were heading north from Hoods Canal bridge this morning. Took dogs for beach walk/run at Mutiny Bay. Saw them as they came out of Hoods Canal entering into Admiralty Straits and were heading north for just a bit. Then changed directions south east. Watched from Shore Meadows and off Limpet Lane. Hiked out to the north end of Double Bluff and southeast end of Mutiny Bay. They were this side of mid channel. Not the best photos tho, but I think T075A Stone is here. -Marilyn Armbruster
13:05 - Departed north from Twin Spits.
12:58 - At Twin Spits.
12:45 - [orcas] North of Paradise Bay on Olympic Peninsula side, slowly north. Down pretty long at times. -BryAnn Bingham
12:45 - Headed straight north in Admiralty...about 4 of them.
12:33 - Headed north passing channel marker mid Channel almost to Paradise Bay. Hanging out mid channel.
12:19 - [orcas] 4 just North of Hood Head. -Karlyn Louise
12:14 - [orcas] They are north of the bridge now as of about 5 min ago. Really slow pace. Mid of the canal. -Tisa Annette
12:10 - [orcas] They are north of the Hood Canal Bridge on the east side as of 5 minutes ago. -Denise Hull
~12:00 - This was taken from Shine State Park around 12pm. 7 dorsals and you can definitely point out T75A in the bunch. -Amber Stanfill
11:50 - [orcas] Looks like they just dove to go under the bridge on Olympic Peninsula side near buoy. -Lynne Mackey-Moseley
11:37 - [orcas] Mid channel quarter mile south of bridge. ~7 northbound. -Neil Emery
~11:15 - [orcas] Past Kitsap Memorial State Park. Still headed slowly north. The male kept slowing down and turning towards shore before continuing with the group. (When viewing from Kitsap Memorial Park at 11:15, there were at least 7 or 8 total.) -Ashley Whitman
10:25 - Darn fog is settling in so almost impossible to see across the Canal. There are gulls with them so that helps with tracking them.
10:19 - 5 of them, now just north of the red day marker, slowly heading north but still being very stealthy.
10:08 - Just saw 2 at the north end of the base pretty far over on the Olympic Peninsula side, but they're being very stealthy and staying down for quite a while. -Keith Kriebel
08:15 - Good morning! Saw them this morning heading north up Hood Canal by Bangor Trident Base at 8:15 AM. I've attached a couple pictures of part of the group with the youngest. Could also see the big guy with the very tall dorsal fin, but missed getting a picture of him. -Ali Carson
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Dec 20 - Possession Sound - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: SUQUAMISH@1248 - Master reports one humpback heading northbound off of MUK Dock.
Sun, Dec 20 - Haro Strait - 09:25 - The little HB wound.. thank you Michelle [Michelline] H. for the heads up on this. After going up island a good distance offshore, the little HB passed by really close at the light at about 9:25 coming back down island. -Jeanne Hyde

December 19
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sat, Dec 19 - San Juan Islands (T46s) - 12:10 - Report off the water of orcas mid-channel off Point Caution in San Juan Channel heading north. [T046's. Legends! -Daven Hafey] -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
Sat, Dec 19 - Hood Canal - Few pics from today. I still can't believe how close they were. -Heather Berry
16:30 - [orcas] Close-in pass at Potlatch SP, 4:30. -Stacey Crofoot
16:16 - [orcas] Sighted at Potlatch about 2 minutes ago. 2 way out. -Felicitous Chick
16:04 - Looks like they are hunting close to the Union side of the canal, off the river delta past Union. 1 bull and maybe 5 or 6 others. -Amanda Mandi Rogers
15:46 - [orcas] They just passed Hood Canal Marina in Union. Headed west. -Debbie Englert Zeck
15:45 - [orcas] Hood Canal Marina heading West at 3:45. -Shannon Valentine Hull
15:40 - [orcas] Sitting at Union... And they are passing us moving FAST. -Kari Miles
15:34 - Straight out from Union Marina now and still heading north towards Potlatch. -Leanne Hansen-Stilts
15:15 - [orcas] By southshore near Alderbrook. -Jane McCuish
16:19 - Looks like T75A and another (possibly T75) have stalled/milling between potlatch state park and Ayres Point.
16:12 - Flipped east off Potlatch State Park!
15:34 - Can confirm the 38As are here so this is likely the same group that has been around.
15:13 - [orcas] Mid channel off Tahuya. Just dove a few mins ago. -Renee Chamberland
15:53 - They are moving on - headed toward Potlatch.
15:46 - They have stopped forward motion for last 5 mins, possibly feeding. NW of Union boat launch.
15:27 - Approaching Union Boat Launch. 1 bull, 3 females and possible calf. Continuing at good pace.
15:20 - They have picked up the pace. Have passed Alderbrook moving toward Union. 3:20PM.
15:13 - Now off Alderbrook Resort. Mid channel, seem to be slowly moving west. -Lester More
14:57 - [orcas] Just passed the east side of Hood Canal, headed north toward Tahuya. There were 5 that I saw. This was the biggest- very close to shore. -Larry Benesh
16:46 - I was there and saw the close pass too [Potlatch S.P.], with the calf. Looks like they all headed out of the bay north towards Hoodsport just after.
14:32 - [orcas] At Twanoh State Park. They were just directly across from us and went under about 5 min ago. Still scanning. -April Troka
~14:00 - Playful fam in Hood Canal. This was shot ~2p on NE North Shore Road around mile 10. -Christy Smith video -
13:14 - [orcas] They're still here. [Twanoh State Park] -Hope Beam
This afternoon from North Shore, opposite Twanoh St. Park. -Jim Pasola photos - [T137D ID: GS]
13:07 - They're stationary now. Appear to be hunting.
13:00 - [orcas] Directly across from Twanoh Park. Looks like 3 so far. -Sara Geiger
13:06 - Stopped, hunting.
12:32 - [orcas] Directly across from Twanoh. -Terri Sue Samuels
12:30-14:30 - We were at Twanoh around 12:30 but saw they were across so drove directly across. They were so close! About 7 of them with at least one small one and one huge one. There was tail slapping and spyhopping and breaching. They were awesome. They started moving around 2:30. -Tiffany Troost Arachikavitz
11:56 - 5 minutes ago they passed the 9-mile marker at Union and went north towards Belfair. 4 orcas. They are huge!! Not positive on the count. -V Jiggens
12:37 - My husband said he heard they were near mile marker 11. [westbound]
11:50 - The group passed mile marker #9 on Hwy 106 and they are heading towards Twanoh State Park. -Laura Ethridge
11:24 - [orcas] Just passing Alderbrook, 11:24, northeast bound, mid channel. -Noelle Morris video - video -
~10:30 - Yesterday morning around 10:30 spotted a pod of orcas swimming south between Holiday Beach and Hoodsport - roughly a half dozen. -Rob Hoff
10:00 - They milled around for a long time at Dewatto, then headed south at 10am. They're off Sund Rock now (10:05am). There were 5, only saw 2 headed south, but they're sneaky....Thar she blows! Orcas 3 miles north of Hoodsport, Octopus Hole. Saturday 9:20 am. -Steve Illman
~08:00 - Saw orcas in Hood Canal this morning headed south. They were off the mouth of Jorsted Creek about 8 am. There were at least 6, potentially 8. 1-2 very small whales and one huge whale. Seals were hugging the shoreline. So exciting!! -Tamara Cihak
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Dec 19 - Haro Strait - 12:11 - The little humpback milling just south of Edwards Point, trending north but I lost it in the chop. This young humpback hasn't displayed his flukes but has distinctive scars and dots. It's the same humpback I've been seeing since 11/29. It would be nice to know just who this little humpback is.
11:26 - The little humpback in a hurry southbound 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point.
10:55 - Just south of Edwards Point I was watching gulls congregating over a bait ball when the little humpback pushed up through the center startling the birds. It moved north towards Landbank. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
Sat, Dec 19 - South Puget Sound - 12:09 - Humpback spotted in the Narrows headed North. -Emelie Kaye Peine

December 18
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Dec 18 - Possession Sound - 12:40 - Gray was back again this morning to feed then headed north. -Lori Christopher

December 17
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Thu, Dec 17 - Hood Canal - 16:05 - They're now slightly south of the cove across from Hoodsport dock. Can only see with binoculars. Look for the seagulls and splashes. I counted at least 3, looks like one may be a baby? -Megan Cuevas
15:38 - There is a really cool rainbow that they are lined up with right now.
15:00 - [orcas] The pod was across from Hoodsport right on the east shore today Dec 17 at 3 pm hunting, slapping tails, spyhopping, breaching! A flock of seagulls around them for scraps. We watched for over an hour! Needed binoculars to get good viewing. -Kari Brown
14:55 - At the Hoodsport Pier, straight across the sound, 5 orcas. Too far for a pic. 2:55. -Julie Davis
14:59 - They are still here. Across from us in the cove. At one point we saw 5, one large bull. And a mom and calf. Very very active and having a great time.
14:07 - Port of Hoodsport. They are in a cove on the other side. They are very active. At least 5 of them.
13:40 - Just saw 3 blows. And the actual Orca. Heading this way. -Kari Miles
13:13 - Southbound, Sund Rock....4 whales. 1 1/2-2 miles north of Hoodsport, mid channel.
13:00 - Whales! Thursday 1 pm, 3 miles north of Hoodsport, southbound. Mid canal. -Steve Illman
11:00-11:30 - Hood canal. Sighting 11am Anderson Cove heading south. Hamma Hamma @ 1130 stayed there for a half hour or so. Continued south. 6-9 total one big male with the bunch. -Nich Olas
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Thu, Dec 17 - Possession Sound - 16:27 - [orcas] They are passing Tulalip Bay headed north on the east side of Camano! -David Haeckel
15:30 - Continuing between Hat and Whidbey Islands going north. Grouped up with long down times.
15:11 - 5-6 orcas with a little baby. Heading towards Hat Island.
15:08 - Seeing 2 orcas, 1 male north of the ferry lanes heading north. Mid channel or closer to Whidbey. -Danielle Pennington
14:46 - Looks like they are heading north now. Still on Mukilteo side of channel at a slow leisurely full belly pace.
14:32 - In between lighthouse and old cemetery old just south of Muk ferry. Milling and foraging. Back and forth directional changes. Very active.
14:15 -
Orcas in Mukilteo Clinton ferry lanes sb closer to Muk side. 4-5 including bull orca. We're on a kill. Many birds.
----I was on the 2 pm boat coming home. ferry captain stopped boat about 1/4 after leaving port. Taken from mid Brighton Beach looking over towards Everett. There may have only been 4 orcas. I could hardly tell from when viewing from ferry and Clinton side as at that time they were crazy active....They were not close to Whidbey, they were at least mid channel and on Muk side. I did watch them with David H from Sandy Point who posted from there. The orcas were over near Tulalip side. barely could see with binocs. Looked like they were heading into Port Susan last night. -Marilyn Armbruster
14:10 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: SUQUAMISH - Orca Sighting. Log: 12/17, 1410hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz three orca mid-channel between MUK and CLIN traveling north.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Dec 17 - Haro Strait - 11:50-12:15 - The little humpback was observed 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point. It arrived from the south and explored back and forth in a small cove before heading back south again. It is the same young humpback that I've observed in this same location since 11-29. Photo taken from shore, cropped and enlarged. ----The little humpback sustained an injury to its rostrum and an abrasion between its blowhole and dorsal fin sometime between 12-4 and 12-17. I noticed what looked like a rough patch/abrasion on the 14th and was able to get a photo to confirm on the 17th. I contacted Alisa Lemire Brooks at Orca Network and she forwarded the photos to NOAA and Cascadia. Thank you, Alisa! Our best wishes for quick healing for this Little Humpback. Photos, from shore, about 1/2 mile south of Landbank. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
["Thank you Michelline Halliday. Fortunately looks superficial. These are resilient healers." -Erin Gless]
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Dec. 17 - Possession Sound - 15:45 - There is a gray whale mid channel heading North between Sandy Point and Tulalip Bay. -David Haeckel

December 16
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Wed, Dec 16 - Hood Canal (T35As, T38As, T75A, T137D) - 15:07 - [orcas] Can see them from Potlach. -John Paul Fitzgerald
14:40 - A pod of orcas are milling about the Hood Canal this week. I saw them in Union on Wed Dec. 16th about 2:40pm, as did several others. It was pouring rain so all I could see with binoculars was one large fin and movement in the water around it. They were traveling toward the bend. I later heard and saw photos on IG when they were near Potlatch in the early evening/late afternoon. -Jeni Gray
[orcas] I didn't see them till I drove into Union and stopped at the marina. Saw one large fin mid channel and other movement, but I was looking through my binoculars and the rain. Happy I saw the one though! I stopped in several places from Hoodsport to Lilliwaup and never saw them again. -Jeni Gray via Harry Louch
14:27 - Pod just passing Alderbrook Resort. Swimming south [SW]. Fast. Spread out. Bull is huge. I'd say mid channel of fjord....but wide swim spread. Many thanks to all on shore today, and for spotting help. Cheers. -Kathleen Cage
Tough conditions for taking pics today with the distance, rain & haze, but so happy to see them again today! I was waiting between Twanoh & Union. -Tisa Annette
photo - T35A1 and T75A
15:59 - They appear to have just left the bay. Looked like they were pointing north towards Hoodsport.
15:03 - I'm seeing them from Potlatch State Park! Just entered the bay mid channel.
13:52 - [orcas] Just passed Twanoh! Headed towards Union! -April Troka
15:40 - They are all the way south, again, in Annas Bay near the Skokomish River Delta. Saw a single lunge out of the water.
15:30 - They are still milling back and forth next to Potlatch State Park.
14:37 - They passed Union at 14:37, still headed slowly towards the bend and Potlatch State Park.
13:50 - Spotted again further SW between Twanoh and Alderbrook, still southwestbound. ~6 orcas this time, spread out.
~13:45 - Saw through the trees, T75A and a female or juvenile male swimming southwesterly near the southern shore a few miles SW of Twanoh State Park as I was driving. -Gayle Swigart, Orca Network
15:58 - They appear to be heading north toward Hoodsport now (away from Potlatch). I love this Facebook page for whale watching from shore!
13:23 - We just stopped at Twanoh and they are heading south right in front! (toward Union). -Bri-Jeff Rasmussen
By the park on 106. Hood Canal. -Mark Edell
photos - [T35A1 ID: MP] and T75A.
11:27 - There are some transients slowly moving down [northeasterly in lower HC] Hood Canal, heading toward the end [near Belfair], but not quite to the boat launch on North Shore. -David Pim
~10:57 - ...Hood Canal, today 12/16/2020 aprox. 10:57am, from North Shore Road, between Belfair & Tahuya (about milepost 11) heading south towards Belfair... Pod of 3 (2 smaller, 3rd with a pretty large dorsal fin). -Mark Gibson
09:34 - They have headed south.
09:15 - We are watching a pod of 5 or 6 orcas in Hood Canal. They are directly off of Hoodsport near the eastern shore. -Brad Lambert
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Dec 16 - Possession Sound - 08:22 - [gray also seen on 12/15/20] Well he/she just stopped by again. Employs Earhart's feeding technique haha. (Small bright patch just ahead of the blow hole). -Lori Christopher

December 15
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Tue, Dec 15 - Hood Canal - ~17:00 - I only had enough light to see them heading past Scenic Beach down and back just before 5 tonight. 16:33 - [orcas] Too far for pic but viewing from Scenic Beach. So quiet I heard them first.
---- I saw reports that the orcas might be headed towards the Hood Canal Bridge so I stopped and waited. Was rewarded with seeing them from there but they turned South again. On my way home I stopped in at Scenic Beach. It's beautiful there and was so quiet. I was watching the mist starting to gather and the light fade. I thought I'll just try to snap a pic of the seal I keep hearing. Turns out it wasn't a seal. Was the orcas!!! I could hear them for several minutes before I could find them. The water was like glass. Such and exciting encounter. Just the whales and myself. -Stacey Crofoot
16:15-16:45 - Orcas were in Seabeck today, a mile north of the marina! Four females and one calf. -Robin Lang Shnuit
13:20 - [orcas] Just north of the sub base now on the OP side. Being pursued by a Coast Guard boat… [Sub came through at 4:30... per Shari Cloutier] -Keith Kriebel
11:23 - [orcas] Directly across the canal from Kitsap Memorial Park. -Leah Henry
13:42 - Pod still SB, south of Bridgehaven.
11:55 - Looks like they're all grouped up again and more mid channel as they continue north, past Squamish.
11:48 - Still NB off Squamish Harbor now.
11:34 - Still feeding, lots of birds but slowly trending north off Bridgehaven. So on west side of canal.
11:16 - [orcas] Due west of Kitsap Memorial Park. Wayyyy across the channel. On a kill. (…I'm currently working as an observer so it is important to document their location in the canal.) -Renee Chamberland
12:36 - They seem to be heading back south now.
12:32 - They are still south of the Hood Canal Bridge. They just turned and heading south. Closer to west side of canal.
11:00 - The big guy is putting up a pretty big spray today. Is what I noticed first. They are all really close together too.
10:36 - [orcas] They just passed me. They are almost to the Hood Canal Bridge. Mid canal. I'm about halfway between Bangor and bridge. -Tisa Annette
09:40 - There are orcas in Hood Canal heading north, approx. 5 whales. They are passing Bangor at 9:40 AM heading north towards Hood Canal Bridge. Probably Transients, one huge whale and possibly a baby traveling with them. -Randy Kimball
09:32 - They just went past the base headed north. Closer to other side.
09:24 - [orcas] I am watching them and walking beside them by base. In the middle. (They are going fast by base, northbound.) -Rachael Vlasak
08:30 - Saw at least group of 5 in Hood Canal, just south of Lone Rock heading north at 8:30a. Mid- channel, stayed around a bit, surfacing often. One large male, mom with baby. Heading north now pretty quick. [Lone Rock is between Seabeck and Bangor Naval Base -alb] -Stacey Urner
~07:40 - [orcas] We just saw a pod go by in Hood Canal, approx. 0740, Maple Beach (south of Scenic Beach State Park), heading north. - Jeff Fisher
HUMPBACK WHALE - Tue, Dec 15 - Haro Strait - 16:25-16:40 - The little humpback was observed slowly milling back and forth 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point. As it grew too dark to continue watching, he was trending northbound. So beautiful. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Dec 15 - Possession Sound - 16:46 - Just saw him again, about 100 yds off the north side of island heading west.
08:45 - Had a visitor this morning 8:45. first sighting I had to double take, with all the spray and chop in the water, he/she fed in our cove for a while then headed off for Everett. But a few minutes later, back again! or maybe it's a second one, not sure. But clearly one is still around! -Lori Christopher
video -

December 14
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Dec 14 - Hood Canal - 16:06 - On Union side at the moment, out past Bald Point.
16:04 - [orcas] Just spotted from Hoodsport dock to the south, look to be headed north still. -Kelsey Browne
~16:00 - Had this sighting at my house in between Potlatch State Park and Hoodsport. Happened around 4pm today. There was probably 6 of them. One, I'd assume male is in the back with a very large dorsal fin. He was very close to the house but not able to get a photo of him. They went up more north towards Hoodsport but not quite fully up and then went across the canal towards Bald Point/Tahuya and Union. -Julia Segai
~15:30 - [orcas] We just saw them at Potlatch State Park heading north at about 3:30 amazing! -Loretta Baker
14:34 - In [Alderbrook], 10 min ago saw 2 orcas but then haven't seen them since. -Julie Davis
14:08 - Don't see them now. I cannot see The Great Bend from my home, north shore, about a mile east of Alderbrook.
13:47 - About 15 min ago, heading west, then coming back east. Not surfacing much.
13:40 - [orcas] See them now mid-Hood Canal, just east of Alderbrook. (Sort of circling.) -Tori Dulemba
12:04 - [orcas] Husband just saw a group of 5 about 2 miles south of Summertide Marina. -Sheila O'Connell Brady
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Dec 14 - Haro Strait - 12:55 - Very far out, 2 adult humpbacks traveling together northbound at Edwards Point/Landbank.
12:54 - The little humpback southbound; only saw 2 him surface twice.
12:33-12:41 - The little humpback (triangle of 3 dots right side) northbound approaching Edwards Point/Landbank about 400 yds from shore. Photos from shore, cropped and enlarged. -Michelline Halliday, SJI

December 13
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Dec 13 - Hood Canal - 11:30 - Sighting Off of Camp Harmony - on the east side of the bay - 1130 am, 4 orca heading south toward Zalatched Point - one was very small. -Mary Jean Ryan
Sat and Sun, Dec 12 and 13 - Hood Canal - …over last weekend, both the 12th & 13th, there was a minimum of four Orcas in Dabob Bay, one large male with a very large dorsal fin, but I personally don't have a picture, sorry for that. Also, today there were at least two southbound out of Dabob Bay, again the very large male and a smaller one, travelling quite quickly, coming up only once between our house and about 800 feet further south. We are located at Lindsay Beach which is about one mile south of Broad Spit, being on Bolton Peninsula and we face east. Over the weekend, a neighbor more than one mile north of us said he saw 50-100 dolphins [porpoises?] in their area. So, if it's of any help, there's what we saw. If a picture would be worthwhile, I can try to get one but would imagine you're aware of what transient group this is. We continue to keep watch, fascinating!! -Lynn Stewart

December 12
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sat, Dec 12 - Hood Canal - "Susan, we went to Hood Canal today just north of south Seabeck, and we're doing a beautiful ceremony on the beach and boom we hear this big breath and we look up and there's a transient pod just a couple hundred yards off from us hunting sea lions. They were very close to shore; it was just beautiful. We feel so lucky." -via Susan Marie Andersson
16:21 - I just got a message from a friend who lives on Hood Canal. He says he sees a small pod of orca (3)…one with a big dorsal. Traveling southbound, north of Holly. On the east side of channel. -Kim Merriman
16:00 - Orcas off Tekiu Point, Hood Canal, heading s to Holly Sunset, hunting seals, 4:00 pm. sea lion, seals in by shore. One large male, 6-7 females, smaller ones up front. -Kayla Black
14:14 - Off Dosewallips State Park headed south last time I saw them, trying to see them now. -Michelle Ortiz via Susan Marie Andersson
12:30 - [orcas] My husband had this wonderful experience off Point Whitney at 12:30 yesterday [12/12/20]. [From video by Robin's husband: "I counted ~10 orcas." -alb] -Robin Webster
12:00 - At noon today at Point Whitney beach access I was privileged along with several others to watch a pod of six orcas cruise on by the beach for a quarter mile and only fifty yards offshore. They approached from out of Quilcene Bay and once past the Whitney Point Shellfish Lab they took a long dive southward to the open stretch of Dabob Bay. They appeared to be of various ages with one large male. I have a video available if requested. What a great day for Hood Canal sightings! -Brad Holm
PORPOISE - Sat, Dec 12 - North Puget Sound - Harbor Porpoise in Holmes Harbor-Saturday Afternoon-12/11 [12/12]. -David Haeckel

December 11
Fri, Dec 11 - Strait of Georgia - 15:04 - Southern Residents just picked up by Rachelle Hayden southbound in the Strait of Georgia so they did go all the way up last night! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Fri, Dec 11 - San Juan Islands - 14:00 - Secondhand report of orcas in San Juan Channel near Friday Harbor, possibly northbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Wed, Nov 11 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - I saw these two [Bigg's] in Sequim Bay on 11 November at about 1130. Posted it on ORCA Network when I returned home, but it never showed up on the website. An old orca tracking buddy, Jeff Jacobsen, recommended that I send the picture on to you. He figured you might be able to ID the pair. I tracked them for over an hour as they slowly meandered to the head of the bay. Then I left. I apologize for the picture quality, but all I had was my iPhone and I figured they get enough harassment around here without my closing on them to get a decent ID shot. Photos were taken inside Sequim Bay. I tracked them for over an hour as they ambled to the head of the bay. -Peter Jepsen

December 10
Thu, Dec 10 - Haro Strait (Js, K13s, K14s) - 16:00 - Stalled halfway through Cattle Pass and turned around. -Fred Horn
17:42 - For anyone keeping track, confirmed K13s were there, too.
16:28 - Back in Cattle Pass facing north.
15:16 - Looks like all of Js and at least the K14s, probably K13s too like a few days ago. J57 and J58 present and accounted for!
----It was a surprise when J-Pod and the K13s and K14s showed up on the west side of San Juan Island this afternoon - but it was even more of a surprise when they went north up Cattle Pass at sunset! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
14:49 - I am thinking I see about ten orcas. One large male is quite far out....
14:39 - More orcas going by. Playful. Close to shore. Just north of Eagle Point.
14:10 - Wow! Just saw one from my office window...heading south. Just north of Eagle Point. Yea! -Chris Wilson
14:00 - More orcas passing now, so they must be quite spread out.
13:55 - Passing Hannah Heights (SJI), still heading down island, about 500 yards from shore. -Michael Noonan
13:52 - Having already passed me, I just caught the tail end of the group. 6+ SRKWs incl. 2 large males southbound 1/2 mile south of Edwards Point. All of J-Pod, the K13s and the K14s present as per Monika Wieland Shields. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
[ID: Sara H-S]
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Thu, Dec 10 - Saratoga Passage/Holmes Harbor - 16:10 - [orcas] They came out of Holmes Harbor heading north, on the east side, went under for a while, then surfaced and passed Baby Island. I was viewing from our neighborhood beach right by Greenbank Farm. Two guys flew a drone out to try to ID them. I think one was a marine biologist. -Deja Brandeis
16:09 - They passed by Freeland Park and Nichols Bros going east to west, then turned up along the west side all the way past Honeymoon Bay and hugged the west side. Some of us were at Beverly Beach looking straight across as they headed north! -David Haeckel
15:00 - They're now moving up/out north. Holmes Harbor. Mid channel-ish, at a solid swim pace.
14:45 - We're on the lawn of the Freeland hall... they're on East side of Holmes Harbor!!! -Kathleen Cage
Always fun to see these guys come into Holmes Harbor - seems to become a pattern. I saw three marine mammals other than the orcas in the Harbor lately - and a lot. Harbor Porpoises every day now and of course in the passage, harbor seals as always but also California Sea Lions. There is definitely smelt here (I have images from diving off our beach and off Baby Island) and lots of Grebes diving on them. I suspect that's attracting everybody :-) keep it coming! It was already getting dark by the time I found them and I am not sure who they are - there were 10 whales for sure as you will see in this short video, there could have been one or two more. -Florian Graner, PhD, Marine Biologist
15:19 - Orcas turned and are heading north out of Holmes Harbor, mid channel, at a leisurely but steady pace. (To clarify - the orcas were south of Honeymoon Bay when I last saw them at 3.19. Longish downtimes so a bit tricky assessing where they might pop up next - but they're transients, so surprise is the key.)
13:20 - Orcas are heading into Holmes Harbor and Baby Island with purpose. -Sandra Pollard
video (Holmes Harbor) -
video (from Hidden Beach) - -Marilyn Armbruster
13:08 - Group of at least 5 has made it south of Cama Beach, Camano side. Bull included with this group. Viewing from Hidden Beach.
12:48 - Viewing from Hidden Beach, picked up big male and two females. Appear to be lining up with Onamac Point. Directional changes being made, looked to be turning east. -Amanda Marie Colbert, Orca Network
12:45 - [orcas] 2 passing Cama Beach mid channel. -Aaron Gill
12:15 - They just passed Shangri la Shores, still southbound and somewhat close to Whidbey though more spread out than they were a short time ago.
11:50 - They just passed south at Harrington Lagoon and were so close to shore! Large bull just outside the buoy line, followed by 6 others. -Durand Dace
11:52 - Past Harrington Lagoon headed toward Race Lagoon, closer to Whidbey side.
11:46 - Now out front of Harrington Lagoon heading south.
11:37 - South of green buoy and trending south south east. Viewing from Harrington Lagoon.
11:25 - [orcas] od heading out of Penn Cove toward green buoy. -Erik Anderson
I took these yesterday [12/10/20] at Long Point and in Penn Cove. I think it's T75A. -Victoria Greene
11:17 - [orcas] Just saw a pod heading out by Long Point. -Anya Sika
11:13 - Looks like they're heading out now.
11:10 - [orcas] Milling just out from Coupeville Wharf....not too close. -Bonnie Gretz
11:06 - [orcas] Just off Snatelum Point now headed back out north into Penn Cove. Group of around 5. (it was current at the time I posted. Very likely a second group.) -Jered Phipps
10:48 - Jill Hein just called to update: the pod of at least 7 Bigg's is now heading westbound into Penn Cove, on the northern side of the cove. She is viewing from Long Point, Whidbey.
10:00 - [orcas] I see them slowly heading north, from my point of view, they're in front of Rockaway Beach -10:00 am - closer to Camano side. -Jill Hein
09:50 - They seem to be napping for a while, after that meal, with long downtimes and seem to be slowly drifting NW towards Penn Cove.
9:30 - They are still here in the Saratoga Passage milling around with longer downtimes, I counted 7 orcas now. Maybe slowly heading north, but mostly just milling around, still in front of Eagle Crest.
~09:00 - At least 5 orcas, incl. one big male, milling around, having breakfast in front of my house on Eagle Crest, Camano, been here/doing this for ab. 30 min. No direction right now. -Kristina Trowbridge
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Thu, Dec 10 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca -
Sighting Time: Thu Dec 10 9:02
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 48.23817,-122.75595 [west Whidbey, just north of Fort Ebey]
Number Sighted: 1. -Christine Bower

December 9
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Wed, Dec 9 - Penn Cove/Saratoga Passage - Confirmed so far, thanks to Rachel Haight's images & help by others w/IDs: T35A1, T38A & calf T38A2, T75, T75A, T137B, T137D)
16.45 - The orcas changed direction and are languidly making their way north out of Holmes Harbor.
16:15 - Orcas are now heading south again toward Freeland Park mid channelish.
----We lucked out again today with a group of transient orcas in Saratoga Passage, heading south into Holmes Harbor. It's not often we see whales from home so it's an extra special event when we do. The orcas were super surface active giving whale watchers a wonderful opportunity to witness nature at close range as they passed close to shore at Hidden Beach, their exhalations loud and clear, before continuing deep into Holmes Harbor. After a snack, with gulls and two competing bald eagles enjoying the leftovers, the orcas turned back north languidly disappearing into the fading light as night fell. -Sandra Pollard
photo - T35A and T35A3 [ID: GS] (taken by RJS)
16:05 - They are now closer toward the east side of the harbor heading north, milling a bit.
15:48 - [orcas] They have moved further into Holmes Harbor in Freeland and are on the west side just south of the golf course turned north. -Cindi Bowen
15:14 - They're still southbound. Passing Honeymoon Bay now
14:53 - They're in the harbor [Holmes] headed south. Western side. 2:53. -Dan Gulden
What fun to hear that whales were in Penn Cove today! Too late, they'd left, but I did catch up with a glimpse of them at Long Point, and close pass-bys at Snakelum, Shangri-La and more distant views from Hidden Beach. The T35s, 38s 137s and 75s were traveling south along Whidbey's shoreline - porpoising at time and generally in a hurry. -Jill Hein
photos - "There were at least 7 whales present- that's T137D on the left, born 2012, named Wright"
*photo - T35A2 or 3?
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Wed, Dec 9 - Penn Cove - Pamela asked me to send you the Orca pics I took today in Penn Cove. Sorry they are blurry. -Millie Elliott
14:50 - Foraging/milling mid-channel between Baby Island and Greenbank Farm for past 15 min.
14:30 - At head of Holmes Harbor SB sure looks like they are heading in. Watching from Hidden Beach.
14:00 - [orcas] Still north of Hidden Beach about a mile or 2 milling/foraging but still appearing SB. -Marilyn Armbruster
photo (T75A and lineup) - "Taken from Honeymoon Bay off Rainbow Lane Dec. 9th. Beverly Beach is in the background. Altho they look like they are close to there, they really aren't.
video - (including T75A, T137B, T137D, T35A1 and more with the help of Alisa and Sara's id's.)
video - (Holmes Harbor) -
13:44 - [orcas] What a sight. Heading south down Saratoga Passage. (Yes, and they returned the next day. The seals were scared to death...they huddled together near the shore. These are clearly transients; they checked out the mussel farm before heading to Langley for lunch. -Bruce Porter
~13:00 - A pod of about 5, including one large male was off Snakelum Pt. at about 1 pm, heading south. -Bruce Porter
16:00 - After a successful hunt south of Holmes Harbor Golf Course, they are hugging east shore headed north.
13:15 - Passed super close to shore, southbound, Harrington Lagoon. I am speechless.
12:55 - Porpoising eastbound, full body out of water, super close to shore. At least 5, one bull. -Rachel Haight
photo - IDs: T137D, T137B left and T35A1 (right) and Sara Hysong-Shimazu concurs. And Sara adds: "Yeah, and that does look like 38A and her new one in the middle"
photo - T75 spyhop [ID: SaraHS]
13:30 - Close pass at Shangri La around 1:30 or so, just beautiful!
12:53 - (T75A) Bonnie Gretz called at 12:53: orcas are heading southbound fast off Long Point, Whidbey.
----Lovely day with Ts in Saratoga Passage (Whidbey Island)...raced from Penn Cove where I had just missed them, caught up with them at Shangri La...very close, tight groups, porpoising fast! Beautiful flat water. Then to Hidden Beach, though they had moved further out. -Bonnie Gretz
14:23 - Greenbankers, pod is just north of you. They are still heading south now at leisurely pace.
13:21 - Quickly passing Race Lagoon full speed ahead.
13:04 - Confirmed they are speeding along in southbound direction.
13:00 - Spotted them just outside Penn Cove. Blows and splashes from 3 or 4(?) whales. Appeared they were turning south.
12:50 - Looking through binocs, saw big dorsal in Snatelum Point area. Can see some splashing close to shore, but hard to see from my perch on Camano above Woodland Beach. No direction yet. Just seem to be hanging out there right now. -Krista Paulino
12:09 - From Hidden Beach and Holmes Harbor. -Deb Barge
12:00-12:30 - Three orcas were sighted at noon, on December 9 in Penn Cove, Washington. They appeared to be feeding and not moving from a position about halfway into the cove, and closer to the northern shore. They seemed to move on around 1230 to the east, exiting the cove. As I am not an expert on orcas, there seemed to be two larger and one smaller orca. -Betsy Lefebvre
12:33 - I am sitting at Long Point and they are headed my way from Coupeville boat launch.
11:51 - Orcas in Penn Cove headed towards mussel rafts. -Jesse E Chandler

December 8
Tue, Dec 8 - North Puget Sound/Saratoga Passage - 21:59 - Nice SRKWs = Southern Resident Killer Whales calls now on the Port Townsend hydrophones! [first PT report to Orcasound at 21:47]
20;11-20:38 - SRKW calls (S1s, S16s) heard from 20:11-20:38 at Bush Point this evening (12/8). This is likely J+K pod exiting Puget Sound so it may be worth listening next at Port Townsend. Thanks to Orca Network and Port Townsend Marine Science Center for hosting these two hydrophones! And thanks to our diligent listeners for tagging the audio data so thoroughly! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
[orca] It was so gray this was the best shot I got in front of Clinton ferry dock. -Deb Barge
16:23 - Pretty spread out now passing the south slip of the ferry terminal. Closer to Whidbey, southbound travel.
16:15 - Finally seeing some dorsal fins at the Clinton ferry dock continuing south. -Danielle Pennington
15:00 - Whales have passed Sandy Point hugging the shore. Still closely grouped at a steady pace continuing southbound.
14:40 - Large group of orcas out from Langley Pizzeria southbound closer to Whidbey.
-----There's nothing like whales to brighten up a dull, grey winter's day... Our pizza slices tasted even better as we watched a regal parade of tightly grouped Southern Residents, including (to quote Howard Garrett) the 'esteemed' Blackberry (J27), and newly named Phoenix (J57), Tahlequah's (J35) calf born in September, southbound in front of Langley Pizzeria. Closely hugging the shoreline as they passed Sandy Point under the watchful eye of an eagle, the orcas continued toward the ferry lanes as visibility diminished and dusk fell. (Photos Richard Snowberger, zoomed and cropped). -Sandra Pollard
photo - "The imposing presence of the 'esteemed' Blackberry (J27) passing Langley Pizzeria."
photo - "At Sandy Point."
14:39 - Today, one block north of The Whale Bell. Langley. Big bull...his swimming was particularly bold. Through binos I saw 8, 9-ish surface at once. Swimming, so fast, southbound down Saratoga. -Kathleen Cage
14:28 - David Haeckel just called. He is at Whale Bell Park, Langley. SRKWs are still just north of Langley still heading southbound. On the Whidbey side of mid channel, can see slow moving boat with them with naked eye, but orcas in binos. Seeing at least 10 surface at once! Seeing males in this group.
13:30 - When I left them at around 13:30 (1:30) they were out from Bells Beach (middish channel) heading south towards Langley. weather started getting a little worse tho, more fog and misty rain.
13:24 - Moving at a snail pace SB. Viewing from Fox Spit. Line of sight with Mabana Shores Whidbey side of mid channel heading towards Langley.
13:07 - Now just kind of milling foraging directional changes but pretty much hanging out in between Fox Spit and Camano State Park. They may be heading back south???
13:00 - Spread out from the west side of Elger Bay to west side of Camano State Park. NB.
12:51 - First group of 6 to 8 Elger Bay, another group of about the same trailing behind them by about 1/2 mile. Nb I think at least 12 or so. Open saddle patches looks like residents. Sending photos to ON.
12:37 - A group of about 6 to 8 orcas middish channel NB. Viewing from Fox Spit. About a mile or so south of Elger Bay, one bull for sure. A little far for IDs. -Marilyn Armbruster
11:42 - Large group of orcas heading into Saratoga Passage mid-channel. Near Langley harbor on Whidbey. One male at least. Looks like about 10 total. Heading northwest up the passage. -Luanne Seymour
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Tue, Dec 8 - Central Puget Sound - 10:15 - One large orca whale, west side of Vashon Island, about 300m south of Anderson Point. Seemed to be alone, surfaced just twice, then moved on. He appeared to be heading north, but he only surfaced twice so hard to say definitively. -Kyle Buffenmyer
Tue, Dec 8 - North Puget Sound/Saratoga Passage - 11:58 - Matt Williams had a pod off the mussel rafts deep in Penn Cove still heading westbound at that time.
~11:00 - There were a pod of orcas in Penn Cove around 11:00 am or so on December 8, 2020. They were in the cove between the Coupeville wharf and heading toward the mussel farm. I was on the wharf when we spotted them. -Lindsay McCandless
09:40 - We caught them heading N past Camano Yacht club. 5-6 at least. One big male (at least). Moving fast N - NW! Thanks Mari Vazquez-Fernandez That made my day. -Erica Sutehall (CWW)
09:03 - Good morning folks, just watched a large pod (7 or 8) of Orcas heading north in the Saratoga Passage. It's foggy but with good binoculars you can see them….We face west, on the Saratoga Passage. The pod is heading north at a good clip. We are just north of Cama Beach State Park…seven or eight, hard to tell with the thick fog, but a large male breached, magnificent. -Mari Vazquez-Fernandez (Camano Whale Watch, w/permission)

December 7
Mon, Dec 7 - North Puget Sound (J pod, K13s, K14s) - 16:12 - [orcas] Lead whales now in Fauntleroy-Vashon ferry lane southbound. One ferry appears to be waiting for them to pass. They were mostly midway between Vashon and Fauntleroy except for one male trailing nearer the Fauntleroy side. -Mike Yov
16:30 - Now trailers are just passing through them [ferry lanes] as seen from Southworth. By 4:30 last group of 4-5 seen... At least one big male. Ferry headed into Fauntleroy appeared to be at full stop.
~16:20 - In groups of 4-5 spread all through this area. Lots of tail slapping and spy hopping when I crossed on ferry. ~4:20 and 20-30 whales seen.
16:01 - [orcas] Watching from Fauntleroy on ferry. Spread out between Vashon and north Blake mid to west of channel. 4:01. (north and south of ferry lanes). -Neil Emery
15:26 - [orcas] Many blows west of Blake Is. North Pt., east of, near buoy marker. Tiny boat near, research boat? Blows spread all the way to Bremerton ferry lanes. -North Allen Aspelund
15:00 - [SRKW] Another pod, transients I think, heading south on Seattle side, passenger ferry stopped, whale research boat behind whales 3:00 dec 7 watching from Manchester. -Noelle Morris
14:49 - At least 5 orcas SB just ahead of NOAA research skiff. Viewing from Eagle Harbor looking toward Alki. 2:49p. Mid-channel. -Jim Reitz
14:37 - [orcas] Eagle Harbor southbound, view from 64th and Alki. -Mary Hartmann
14:33 - It is in front of AIki Beach now, southbound.
14:26 - Big male almost to ferry terminal on Seattle side. Watching from Pritchard Park with a 600mm lens. -Tisa Annette
14:58 - There are at least 10 in front of the West Seattle lighthouse off Alki. Viewing from Bainbridge with binoculars. Still steady southbound.
14:24 - [orcas] We can see them in front of Magnolia, from Rockaway Beach on Bainbridge with binoculars. Traveling south quickly. -Heather Paar
14:15 - [orcas] We can see them across the channel from Creosote Rd. on Bainbridge. -Traci Siasat
14:11 - I can see them through a telescope looking straight ahead (to the north) from SW end of Alki Beach. -Lorrie Scott Cardoso
13:55 - Hi, I'm a friend of Scott Veirs. We live in Ballard & just saw a large group of SRKWs heading southbound off Shilshole. Our observation lasted maybe 15 mins so and just concluded. Hard to estimate the # of individuals but I would say at least 20 and likely more. Several large males. We saw maybe 6 breaches and some tail slaps, but the animals were moving fast southbound. They were very spread out, mostly on the E side of the ship channel, but very distributed both N/S and E/W. We were watching from our house w/binoculars so no chance to ID anything. -Michael Dougherty & Catherine DeNardo
13:15 - [orcas] Just passed Point Madison still headed south. 1:15pm. -Lisa Bond Mize
14:05 - Leaving West Point Lighthouse, trailers have all passed, steady SB travel spread across channel loosely grouped.
13:25 - Leaders approaching West Point, SB travel, mid channel.
13:05 - [orcas] Eyes on whales from Discovery Park (whales still north of Discovery Park). Two SB mid channel and group SB east of mid channel. -Brittany Philbin
photo - "J35 Tahlequah (taken from West Point around 13:45)"
photo - "J35 Tahlequah with J57 Phoenix just surfacing"
photo - "K26 Lobo"
13:00 - Continuation of Emily P's post. Group of Orcas passing southbound Golden Gardens, east side of mid channel. -Sue Nilson Peterson
12:58 - [orcas] At least one whale north end of North Beach.. (Golden Gardens) midchannel southbound. -Sue Larkin
12:55 - At least 2 (males?) passing Golden Gardens mid channel, maybe south bound. -Emily Peterson
12:50 - [orcas] Mid channel from Golden Gardens. Two moderately close to east side. -Justin Bales
12:23 - Seeing at least two males mid channel heading south off of Carkeek Park. Some breeches. -Kevin Green
12:06 - [orcas] See the vanguard rounding Whidbey. Watching from Richmond Beach. -Tom L. Haveaford
11:30 - Large male breaching off Apple Tree Point, Kingston. Heading towards ferry route, south. -Sara Frey
11:22 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: WALLA WALLA@1118 - Master reports 4-6 orca proceeding South near KING. [Kingston]
11:30 - Two big spiraling breaches between Apple Tree Point and ferry.
11:25 - Multiple whales spread west of midchannel from Edmonds ferry terminal to Kingston.
11:15 - Eastbound ferry from Kingston just stopped pod should be right there and breach midchannel north of Edmonds moving fast.
11:10 - 2+ females Sb close to shore at Apple Tree cruising towards Kingston. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
10:51 - Orcas headed toward Pilot Point way over on Kitsap side. -Marty Jones
11:32 - [orcas] In the ferry lanes now headed south. -Annissa Chebul Walsh
12:33 - 5-6 including 2 males SB, off Carkeek, slightly east of midchannel.
10:43 - Long downtimes. Fast Sb. Line of sight now north Edmonds to Point No Point. 8+ animals.
10:35 - [orcas] Viewing from north Edmonds. Pod out in no man's land. Line of sight is north Edmonds to Useless Bay. Heading SSW. -Ariel Yseth
09:40 - Observed small pod of 5-6 adult Orcas and one juvenile swimming south past Picnic Pt. around 9:40 a.m. today 12/7. -Brian Helseth
We know K pod members present thanks to IDs by Sara Hysong-Shimazu from images sent by Marilyn Armbruster (thank you!) of the group when off Clinton around 09:30. (K14s: K14, K26, K36, K42 in photos sent by Marilyn) -alb
10:04 - Heading south west in the open waters south of Whidbey.
09:45 - [orcas] I see at least 10 with one very large male spread out. Sb past Mukilteo towards Edmonds. Zero interest in the sea lions on the buoy. -Alice Thuy Talbot
09:45 - From Clinton-Mukilteo ferry Tokitae docking now, at least 7 killer whales with large male present, SB already past the ferry lanes, west of mid-channel. -Brittany Philbin
09:35 - Fred Lundahl called to relay report from his friend at Clinton Beach who saw group of 5-6 orcas, including 1 male, heading southbound about 09:35.
09:48 - They have cleared Possession Point and are heading SB toward Edmonds.
09:46 - Just passed Possession to open water. I saw 5?
09:41 - I see them heading towards Possession Point (going SB), closer to Whidbey side. -Jodi Krause Poissant
09:35 - Passed Glendale sb towards Possession booking...
9:15 - have now passed ferry lanes Clinton side sb.
09:10 - sb nearing ferry lanes, now mid channelish. Both ferries are currently in port. Seeing around. 6-8+? with at least one bull.
09:00 - Viewing from mid Brighton Beach. Orcas closer to Whidbey 1/4 mid channel in line with mid downtown Everett foraging back and forth but appearing southbound??? -Marilyn Armbruster
08:18 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: SUQUAMISH@0818 - Master reports 3-4 orca proceeding northerly near the CLINTON dock.
08:11 - [orcas] Both ferries on the 8 am run have slowed. The Clinton > Mukilteo run has announced the presence of whales off the starboard side of the vessel, but nothing seen yet as we approach midchannel. -Durand Dace
07:26 - Male orca heading north at Possession Pt. Towards Clinton ferry. -Terica Ginther
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Dec 7 - South Puget Sound (T49C) - 16:41 - Just saw 1 large fin pop up a couple times off Fort Ward Park. Bremerton to Seattle ferry slowed down and announced it. Orca is heading west towards Bremerton. -Aaron Berg
15:22 - There was a lone male in Rich Passage just where it empties out into Bremerton Bay, I can't remember the name of this point, Lighthouse Point maybe. He came in circled around heading back towards Manchester. -Jim Pasola
[photo - "T49C, as suspected."-alb]
16:46 - Just saw the large orca head back toward Manchester State Park through Rich Passage from Point Glover.
15:15 - Large orca spotted near Point Glover heading toward Port Orchard through Rich Passage. -Kali Butler
12:02 - Anyone see a lone male headed towards Narrows Bridge. Husband swears he saw it following close behind a barge about 10 minutes ago. -Janet Shuster
Mon, Dec 7 - South to Central Puget Sound (T75s) - 15:31 - While watching SRKWS mid channel Blake Island from Constellation Park, we got a surprise close pass from possible Ts at 1531. -Mary Hartmann
15:30 - The first photo at 15:30 shows research boat just north of Blake Island while a transient orca made a close pass at Constellation Park. The research boat was following southbound SRKWs at this moment. The next two photos are northbound [Bigg's] transients one minute later at 15:31. It was a quick surprising pass. -Robin Sinner
15:25 - So everyone knows how this story ends...the T075Bs and T075Cs passed Constellation Park of Alki at about 15:25 NB after giving the Residents a wide berth as they continued SB. -Brittany Philbin
15:07 - [orcas] See them from Manchester State Park heading through Rich Passage toward Bremerton. -Brianna Schroeder
14:20 - Last spotted here mid channel trending towards Manchester.
14:21 - Headed towards Manchester, I believe.
14:00 - [orcas] 2pm just passed Southworth ferry lanes and milling/hunting off shore. We think they made a kill. -Anika Blake
13:45 - Verifying seeing at least 4 including 1 calf at 1:45 coming north to Southworth ferry. Lost sight of them, don't know if they were trending west or east around Blake Island. Viewed near Southworth ferry dock. -Jessica Richter
Just wanna say thanks to everyone on this page and thread, today was my first time watching from the shore and photographing. I couldn't have done it without you all! Here they are eating a seal! -Carly Kaiser
13:40 - Southworth area, close to shore! -Ashley Whitman
13:30 - [orcas] Passed Driftwood Cove 1:30. Heading towards Southworth. -Roxanne Jackson Johnson
13:45 - Southworth ferry dock headed north.
[T75B per and with thanks to Sara Hysong-Shimazu. -alb I ID'd as T75C and the newest calf C2 and had Sara Hysong-Shimazu confirm, which she did.-alb]
12:45 - [orcas] Prospect Point, Olalla, going north fast, 4-6. -Noelle Morris
12:45 - 5-6 just passed west side of Vashon, east Olalla- Anderson's Point. Straight dorsal fins (Canadian orcas?!), heading north towards BI. -Amanda Herberger
12:36 - [orcas] 5 just passing Al's Market in Olalla. -Robyn Dally
14:12 - Still at Southworth.
13:45 - At Southworth ferry dock. Likely continued north
12:36 - [orcas] Spotted near Olalla Bay. They were moving steadily north. -Carly Kaiser
~12:20 - [orcas] I saw them at a great distance from Lisabuela on Vashon around 12:20pm. Watched them head north in the Colvos for about 15 minutes and then completely lost track of them. It was odd. -Nicole Schleich Abbott
12:18 - Passing Lisabuela on Vashon, 4-5 orcas heading north at a steady pace. -Shelby Middling
11:53 - Fully committed to Colvos. Moving steady north.
11:45 - [orcas] Just viewed at Sunrise Beach! -Annie Metzger
11:27 - Viewing from Gig Harbor Viewpoint. Headed north towards Colvos. -Amber Stanfill
11:26 - Two adults and possibly a juvenile off Point Defiance heading towards Salmon Beach; also two adults northbound in the Colvos Passage, west of ferry. -Jerry Figuerres
Taken from the Point Defiance Gig Harbor Viewpoint. My only other orca sighting was about 20 years ago. Yesterday was a very special day. -Rick Scott
11:21 - From Dalco Passage Viewpoint, see 4 to 5 just North of Pt. Defiance proper, milling but trending northbound. -Melissa Bird
11:19 - We see two adults, right at the point. Viewing from Gig Harbor.
11:12 - [orcas] Viewing pod from the little park at the point, down dead-end road from Tides Tavern [Gig Harbor]. Pod swimming back-forth, west side of Point Defiance. -Kathleen Cage
10:44 - Milling and feeding between Pt. Defiance and Salmon Beach. Viewing from end of Goodman rd in GH. -Diana Frick
10:39 - [orcas] Appear to be milling directly off the point [Defiance], small boat watching from a distance, lots of birds. -Anika Blake
09:29 - 5 or 6 milling around Gig Harbor side mid way between Pt. Defiance and bridge.
09:26 - There's actually 3 or 4 and were milling around.
09:23 - Male orca heading north amid Narrows across from Salmon Beach. -Teri Fields Mattsen
08:45 - [orca] I believe this same whale [as reported previous day, SB at 15:30] is now headed north under the Narrows Bridge at 0845, December 7, 2020. -Betty F
ORCA UNIDENTIFIED - Mon, Dec 7 - North Puget Sound/Saratoga Passage - 14:39 - I watched them feed? I'm on the shore. And now they are headed west toward Whidbey. Amazing!
13:45 - I see orca from north Madrona beach off to the north! -Stephanie Davis
12:15 - We just had several orca go by Woodland Beach area of Camano. We are high bluff looking through some trees but think there were at least 3. One dorsal was huge even from our vantage point. We lost sight of them so don't yet have a direction, but reporting in case others in area have a better view. -Krista Paulino
10:26 - Orca pod spotted from Baby Beach Heights just now. One really big one, and several young ones. Pod moving north towards Baby Beach Island. -KG Nelson

December 6
Sun, Dec 6 - Central Puget Sound - 21:30 - Just got a report from a friend that he can't see them but he hears a "s… ton of whales "going north up Colvos Passage near Olalla at 9:30pm. I inquired what "s… ton is and he says definitely a lot. Like 20-30. -Kelly Keenan
16:40 - They are by Portage, Vashon.
16:37 - [orcas] Group of 5 or more spotted from Three Tree Point close to Vashon side. heading south. Passed KVI Beach. -Kasia Bo?ek
16:05 - [orcas] Spotted 2 port side of the Southworth ferry headed towards Vashon! -Shelby Middling
16:05 - SB spotted 2 orcas (so far) near yellow buoy off of 3 Tree Point. Viewing from south side of Three Tree. -Sandhya Ballal
15:56 - [orcas] SB north of Dilworth. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
15:54 - [orcas] Spotted 2 port side of the Southworth ferry headed towards Vashon! -Leslie Ann Sugiura
15:50 - from Lowman, seeing possible breaches, looking just past Pt. Williams/Colman. Quite a way south of the Vashon dock. Southbound, perhaps 4-5 orcas? -Trileigh Tucker
15:45 - We live on VASHON. North end facing east. This was a large pod. First sighting was real close to our home on beach (14xxx Glen Acres Rd SW). Then we observed multiple surfacing, most further away to the east. All were headed south towards Tacoma. -Don Olson
15:42 - [orcas] SB traveling fast and spread out next to Vashon Island - 400 yds from shore to mid channel as seen from Burien. -Margery Spears
On 12/6 when we were waiting for residents in the fading light, an unidentified transient group popped up quickly and buzzed southbound. There were for sure three of them, possibly four, no males. I got a couple pics, bad ones, but just barely. Not but half hour behind them J's and K's started filtering through, all spread out just as the light faded. -Marla Smith
photo - J47.
15:37 - We had a group of T's head past us at Dilworth at 2:50pm heading south, we are still trying to identify them (Residents arrived-3:37pm). The T's were pretty far out.
--- The whales were spread out across the channel today and I was definitely chasing the waning light. Here is sweet Notch (J-47) son, to Tahlequah (J-35) and big brother to little Phoenix (J-57). -Kelly Keenan
15:12 - [orcas] Viewing from Three Tree Point. With binoculars can see at least one orca, very far out there. From this view it looks like they are north side of Blake. Definitely the west side of the channel. -Shelly Short
15:25 - Melt my heart... lots of foraging and directional changes. Eat, babies, EAT!! still towards the north end of Vashon Island. Trending south.
15:15 - The Leaders, including J26, are past the northern tip of Vashon Island. Southbound. West side of shipping channel.
15:08 - And just like that, there they are. Still southbound. On west side of shipping channel between Blake and Vashon. Very spread out.
15:06 - [orca] Saw one foraging on the north tip of Blake Island about ten minutes ago. -Shari Tarantino
14:53 - Saw one or two traveling south just north of Blake Island/in front of the cargo ships by Manchester. Viewing from Beach Drive near Weather Watch Park. -Logan Bowen
14:49 - [orcas] Saw a few breaches from Lincoln Park, they are still heading south. -Elizabeth Petras
14:47 - As we watched SRKWs gather around the Fauntleroy ferry, this guy popped up at Restoration Point December 6, 2020 at 14:47 from Constellation Point, West Seattle. He was alone and apart from SRKWs at Fauntleroy. Moving west from Restoration Point. -Robin Sinner
["That may be J26. It is a little hard to tell but the fin shape looks a lot like his." -Melisa Pinnow]
15:02 - Several whales passed through the ferry lanes, more coming. Southbound travel, mid channel, east side of Vashon. Viewing from Fauntleroy.
14:48 - Large leader bull now in the ferry lanes, southbound, mid channel. An awesome double breach. Viewing from Fauntleroy.
14:40 - Viewing from Fauntleroy. From my vantage point leaders now approaching south end of Blake, lots following, very spread out. Southbound travel in mid-channel. -Pia VanHanen
14:36 - They've passed Mee Kwa and are heading south east of mid channel. -Cath McAllister
14:32 - [orcas] Passing Blake Island now from Lowman. -Ann Marie Ogle
14:22 - More like 7-9 super spread out from N to S, and Island side to mid channel., SB and truckin. Large dorsal spotted coming through like a freight train straight down the middle. Lots of spouts and splashes visible from Emma Schmitz.
14:15 - 5 or so coming through. Moving quickly SB. Mid channel. [map shows just SW of Alki Point. -gs] -Russ Mann
14:11 - Saw another pod headed towards southbound on the 1:30 Bremerton Ferry! Stopped twice and as a so many breaching! -Caroline Raganit
14:03 - Is that a baby orca behind the adult female near the bow of the cargo ship? This was taken December 6, 2020 at 14:03 from Constellation Park in West Seattle north of Blake Island. -Robin Sinner
13:59 - Off Alki, almost to the point heading south. -Cath McAllister
14:15 - They are heading south, mid channel, just slight north of Blake and Vashon.
13:27 - Possibly 3 Bainbridge side, bull in front. Heading south. [map shows even with Port Blakely, mid channel. -gs] -Lisa Corona
photo - [K26 ID: ALB]
12:35 - Still can see from Westpoint but they are very spread and petty far south. -Joshua Chessin-Yudin
13:20 - NOAA with orcas off Blakely Rock.
12:34 - I'm at Rockaway and can see them breaching off Wing Point. -Susan Marie Andersson
13:34 - They just passed through the BI-Sea ferry lane. Heading south. Mid channel to east side now...
13:17 - Lots of surface activity. Looks like a BABY in this pod!!!
13:15 - From Old Creosote on Bainbridge Island... 5, including a bull, steadily traveling south, still Kitsap side approaching ferry lanes but still a bit north at the moment.
12:30 - [orcas] Scanning from Rolling Bay on Bainbridge and I see approx. 10 whales, Kitsap side, several breaches, spread out into several groups spanning north to south. Some still south of Valley St. -Kimberly Sylvester
12:29 - [orcas] Group just off Bainbridge in ferry lanes, headed north. Headed into bay where ferry dock is. Two females, maybe baby. 12:29. -Neil Emery
12:26 - Whales have picked up speed and nearing Seattle/Bainbridge Ferry lanes.
12:21 - At least 3-5 whales south of Westpoint Lighthouse... mostly east of channel..big male moving southeast toward Elliott Bay. -Sue Larkin
12:18 - I'm at the light at West Point. They are just passing south now with more coming. Near the yellow marker and some south of there.
12:04 - From West Point seeing at least one adult male SB. -Whitney Neugebauer
11:21 - [orcas] Just saw several pass by just north of Golden Gardens heading south, on the east side of channel. -Kevin Green
11:11 - [orcas] Coming down far to the west close to Bainbridge side. Viewing from Carkeek Park. -MC Spencer
11:07 - [orcas] At Fay Bainbridge and see them mid channel just north of Golden Gardens. -Michelle Goll
10:56 - [orcas] Starting to see fins from Sunset Hill looking north to Jeff Head - long downtimes. Mid channel, I think. -Lucy Gao
15:30 - Js and Ks spread in all directions out from the Arroyos. Steady southbound with quite a few making directional changes, foraging behavior. Lead Male east of mid (maybe J26), another male mid (maybe J27) and another trailing tall slender maybe K26. Others spread throughout still in 1-3s Viewed from distance atop hill.
15:21 - MV Kittitas slowly coming into Fauntleroy is surrounded. With orcas on all sides of them in ferry lanes. Orcas heading SB. Little one making directional changes.
15:00 - One male foraging just out from Fauntleroy dock, south of traffic lanes. WSF Ops has been notified and asked dock worker to radio boats.
14:10 - Orcas are spread out wide in all direction traveling in 1-3s in this entire area heading southbound. Some are making directional changes, foraging. Exhalations illuminated in now burst of sun rays.
13:54 - Lead orcas spread from off Alki Point and to Restoration Point, BI, steady southbound, spread out.
12:50 - Seeing at least 1/2doz in a line e/w southbound, north end Elliott Bay. Those furthest east skirting outer edge of the bay with other fins visible to mid channel. Bull to the west. Still north of ferry lanes. Few tail lobs.
12:15 - Someone just breached east of mid channel off S end of Shilshole! I too been watching 6+ east of mid channel. Mostly females/young steady southbound over past 20 Minutes. Then big splash. Fun.
10:26 - Orcas I can see at least are spread Jefferson Point to mid passage Richmond Beach/President Point spread across the channel.
10:18 - I'm watching at least 6-8 from and directly off from Kayu Kayu Ac Park. Bull mid channel, females and young east side of channel spread in 1-2s including itty bitty calf! Steady southbound in scratchy seas. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
~10:15 - [orcas] Past President Point about 10:15 headed south, saw at least 5. -Trish Moyland Davis
09:48 - One just breached west of mid channel, in front of Point Wells, viewing from Kingston.
09:46 - And 3 more just off its port side.
09:43 - Ferry departing Kingston has stopped. Can see a couple orcas SB just to its starboard. -Jim Reitz
11:48 - Here they are Kitsap side in front of Fay Bainbridge, big male and smaller orca, big breach.
11:20 - Eyes on directly east of Fay Bainbridge pretty far out, midchannelish, well north of Shilshole, Sb, traveling at a good clip - single individual porpoising.
11:58 - A couple passed just now close to this side, sightline heading towards Discovery Point.
09:30-09:43 - Sara Frey and I have eyes on from Apple Tree Point, spread is from Kingston ferry lanes south - about a 15-minute spread N to S - travelling steady with a few breaches. They are also spread W to E from close to Kitsap shore to mid channel at least. Westbound ferry moving slow, eastbound is stopped and I saw male dorsal near it. Lots of boys this morning, but also several females. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
09:51 - Kingston ferries still stopped for them. All past Apple Tree Point. Leaders at least 15 minutes ahead.
09:23- Sara Frey called to report seeing orcas off Apple Tree Point, Kingston, all heading southbound. One male close in Kitsap side, another further offshore, and more orcas even further off in channel. She got a good saddle image of the one close in she'll send soon. -Sara Frey
photo - "From Apple Tree Point sighting. Think J and K pod. Seeing a baby." [K34 ID: BritP (verify)]
photo - "20 yards off my beach. Wasn't ready for him. First group had passed 15 minutes before and I had been looking north with binoculars and no whales in sight and then poof! Right there!" [J47 ID: ALB]
09:23 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: WALLA WALLA is currently stopped near Apple Tree Cove. [in response to ON alerting them of SRKWs near Kingston SB]
1150 - 5-6 Sb east of midchannel off Shilshole Marina.
11:40 - Male fast SB midchannel off of Golden Gardens.
10:24 - Leaders fast Sb approaching Jeff Head, midchannel to west of.
09:52 - One big male passing quickly southbound midchannel between Edmonds Marina Beach and Kingston Ferry landing.
09:17 - [SRKW] Seeing them SB midchannel, spread from Apple Tree Cove to Eglon. Viewing from Sunset Ave. -Ariel Yseth
08:20 - [orcas] Saw 5 or so dorsals passing Pilot Point, southbound, close to the Kitsap side. -Austin Iles
Thanks to Ariel Yseth for alerting us that Brittany Philbin heard SRKW calls this morning on Bush Point hydrophone. Scott Veirs, Orcasound - Listen for Whales confirms S16 calls at 06:16-06:17 and human detection at 06:07.
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Dec 6 - Central Puget Sound - [Bigg's] They were pretty far out. Right of Point Robinson. -AaronLisa Moe
16:16 - Group of 3-4 passing Point Robinson southbound right now. Mid Channel. -Shelby Middling
16:15 - [orcas] Leaders just passed Pt. Robinson. They were far out. Maybe 3-4 in the group. -Lindsay Ekblad
On 12/6 when we were waiting for residents in the fading light, a unidentified transient group popped up quickly and buzzed southbound. There were for sure three of them, possibly four, no males. I got a couple pics, bad ones, but just barely. Not but half hour behind them J's and K's started filtering through, all spread out just as the light faded. -Marla Smith
14:50 - We had a group of T's head past us at Dilworth at 2:50pm heading south, we are still trying to identify them (Residents arrived-3:37pm) The T's were pretty far out. -Kelly Keenan
Sun, Dec 6 - Central Puget Sound/Port Orchard Channel (members of T35As, T38As, T75s; T137B & T137D) - 16:25 - Two orcas between Manchester State Park and east Bremerton, heading south fast. Huge male and smaller one. Viewing from near Manchester SP; they were heading south in Rich Passage. -Sue Ellen White
~16:00 - Saw 6 orcas near Point Glover, spaced out, swimming through Rich Passage toward Manchester State Park around 4pm. -Kali Butler
15:55 - I saw three orcas today, Dec 6, 2020 in Sinclair inlet around 3:55pm closer to the Bremerton side. -Cindy Olejar
~15:45 - A short video I took Sunday from Illahee around 3:45pm., -Trip Paul McConkey
15:45 - Can still see blows in front of Bremerton Ferry Dock.
15:31 - [orcas] They're still in front of Illahee. Viewing from Waterman Pier. Can see blows and breaches. -Brianna Schroeder
~15:30 - We just witnessed 2 orca below our house in Sinclair Inlet near Illahee around 3:30 pm headed towards naval yard. -Bryan Hughes
15:08 - [orcas] My husband and I are standing on Waterman pier in PO and can see blows but no whales yet. -Jordan Schneider
14:47 - Off of Illahee dock.
14:14 - Headed south to Illahee.
14:03 - [orcas] Heading south now, towards Brownsville. -Israel Jeremiah Gamache
~14:00 - By Brownsville around 2:00. -Noelle Morris
14:50 - They left the area and headed back toward Illahee.
13:18 - Still in the same spot milling around.
12:41 - They are staying closer to Keyport shore and may head into Liberty Bay.
12:35 - Pod just spotted coming out of the channel between BI and Brownsville Marina. -Becky Whitlock
12:05 - [orcas] Just passed Brownsville Marina. -Daniel Joseph Ferreira
12:05 - [orcas] I'm watching from Brownsville Pier. They're hanging out off of University Pt. -Jmee Martino
~11:50 - Large male and smaller whale headed north fairly quickly in red circled area (seen from Illahee community dock). -Michaela Kratofil
11:27 - Big male trailing, just passing Illahee State Park.
11:23 - Just passed Crystal Springs headed steady NB up Port Orchard Channel toward Agate Pass.
11:14 - Can see 6-7 orcas heading NB toward Crystal Springs dock on BI. -Jim Reitz
11:02 - [orcas] Headed back out, past Manette. -Rachel McElvain
10:49 - Okay so that was VERY cool indeed. Saw at least four, maybe five spouts.
10:43 - Omg saw three spouts from my living room! -Jeanette Wolle (via Marilyn Armbruster)
10:43 - [orcas] Whales are outside of Port Orchard right now! Just saw a bunch of them in Sinclair Inlet heading back to the Port Orchard Marina. -Allisha Hadland McVay
12:27 - Still in front of Brownville dock close to the Bainbridge side, lazily drifting north after filling their bellies.
12:14 - From Brownsville dock looking straight across, they're close to the Bainbridge side making a kill.
11:40 - Leaders are well past Illahee. There is a male and another smaller whale quite a ways behind, also passed Illahee dock moving north.
11:22 - Passing the Illahee dock at a pretty good pace heading north.
11:18 - They have indeed headed up Port Orchard on the Bainbridge side just inside the mouth. I'm viewing from Illahee, slowly coming this way
11:10 - Last I saw, they appear to be heading up Port Orchard. Still haven't completely committed yet.
11:01 - Last seen approaching Rich Passage heading north. Long down time, haven't seen him for a while.
10:53 - They turned back north heading back towards Manette. Ferry's just about to pass it.
10:41 - They're right in front of the ferry terminal mid-channel looks like making a kill. That's the Bremerton ferry terminal in Bremerton.
10:22 - [orcas] Just passing in front of Bachman Park, one male, 4 or 5 females. Bachman Park is in Manette, and they're heading into Bremerton Harbor. -Jim Pasola
Transients that came in front of PSNS. Anyone able to ID? Looked like one male with 1-2 females. -Rachel Olazabal Newman
1132 - Spy hop from Illahee!
10:50 - They have turned and are heading north. Viewing from Backman Park.
10:31 - 5-6 orcas, almost in front of the Port Orchard Marina as viewed from Backman Park in Manette in Bremerton at 10:31am. -Becky N Woodworth
09:49 - [orcas] Just saw them come in Rich Passage headed to Bremerton. -Marcus Giovanni D'Angelo
09:23 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: CHIMACUM@0918 - C/M reports 6-8 orca feeding on the east side near the fish pens through Rich Passage.
09:18 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: CHIMACUM@0918 - C/M reports 6-8 orca feeding on the east side near the fish pens through Rich Passage. (S end Bainbridge)
Sun, Dec 6 - South Puget Sound - 15:55 - Single orca 3:55 between Fox Island and Steilacoom, close to Fox Island, heading WSW towards McNeil/Anderson.
15:34 - Southbound between Fox Island and Chambers Bay. -Austin Andrew Forbes
~15:30 - There was an orca heading south under the Narrows Bridge about 1530 December 6, 2020. Breaching along the way. Was a beautiful sight. -Betty F.
15:00 - [orca] Sighting at Pt. Defiance heading south at 3 pm, Dec 6. -Rick Fria
15:07 - Near western Tacoma Narrows Bridge piling headed south. Losing sight from my binocs.
14:56 - One large male orca southbound in Tacoma Narrows approaching bridge. 2:56pm. -Zeno Martin
11:11 - Moving northward quite quickly. Has crossed the ferry lanes, lost sight of him, don't know which side of Blake he went towards.
11:07 - [orca] Visible from Point Southworth, 11:07 AM, almost out of Colvos. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
11:00 - Single male orca northbound center channel, north end Colvos. I have never seen a lone orca before. Is something wrong? -Tim Ferris
10:58 - The lone male orca is north end of Colvos Passage, mid channel, almost to Southworth ferry. -Roxane Jackson Johnson
10:57 - Single orca whale at Driftwood Cove. Just south of Southworth Ferry. Headed north mid channel. -Kristi King
10:55 - Lone male in Colvos across from Wilson Creek. Northbound. We asked reporting party to post here. -ALB
09:16 - [orca] He has just rounded the Gig Harbor Lookout at the top of 5-Mile Drive. -Polly Middleton Brown
08:55 - Large single male passed Salmon Beach at 8.55 am heading north. -Gill Chard
08:35 - Just spotted a lone orca heading northeast under the Narrows Bridge. -Alex Molleston Luke
~08:05 - Single male orca just headed under the Narrows Bridge, northbound, at about 8:05 am Dec 6. At 8:15 he is just north of the bridge, closer to the west tower. -Karen Caldwell
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Dec 6 - Haro Strait - 12:30 - The little humpback was spotted traveling south 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point. Safe travels little friend. -Michelline Halliday, SJI

December 5
Sat, Dec 5 - (J pod, K13s, K14s) - I was privileged enough to spend time with Js, some Ks, dear friends, and new acquaintances. I had the chance to share the stories of these whales with people who were seeing them for the very first time and who were so incredibly engaged. We talked about the whales as individuals, as families, as a population. We broke down the differences between the Bigg's and the SRKW and talked a whole lot about salmon. We stopped some boats that were speeding towards the whales and watched these amazing spirits do what they do-live every day to its fullest. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu, Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
photo - "J37 "Hy'shqa" near Waldron Island."
photo - "J40 "Suttles" in Cowlitz Bay."
photo - "J49 "Tilem Inges" and J39 "Mako"."
photo - "K44 "Ripple" breaching near J27 "Blackberry"."
photo - "K34 "Cali""
photo - "J58 "Crescent" sure was energetic, zipping around mom (pictured here), grandma, and big brother as if trying to get them to play."
photo - "K14 "Lea""
We spent a memorable afternoon with J-Pod, the K13s, and the K14s in San Juan Channel. For much of the time we observed a "boy's club" group containing most of the males present. There was a lot of surface activity, including this breach from K34 Cali. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
J Pod and part of K Pod headed down from the north today, as if they somehow knew we needed them. On days like this, even if your mind is normally more science based, it's hard not to feel their spiritual presence. They looked like they were just having fun and socializing, much like we were doing on the boat. It was so sweet to see the group of moms traveling together, while their sons were hanging out together behind them, being boys. We were able to see both new calves in J Pod and they were active and playful. The most special part of today for me, after commemorating the anniversary of Rhapsody's death yesterday, was being able to see her Aunt Oreo, who raised her, and her cousin Cookie. Was it just coincidence that they chose to come close today? Perhaps. But my heart is completely full and my soul received some much-needed therapy. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
photo - J38 Cookie
photo - "J19 Shachi, J41 Eclipse and J58 Crescent"
photo - "J35 Tahlequah and J57 Phoenix"
There is nothing more amazing to see than killer whales in the wild. These are Southern Residents - all of J Pod with the K13 and K14 matrilines. They were in a very social/playful mood with lots of breaching, spyhopping, rolling and rubbing. It was great to see the two newest babies looking healthy and rambunctious with their moms in this big family. They do a lot of healing for the soul without even knowing it. Magical Creatures. -April Ryan, Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
photo - "K26 Lobo with his big chin"
photo - "Looks great between mom and grandma"
photo - going by Friday Harbor.
17:51 - Many many Orcas off the west side of Lopez around dusk. -Jeff Fagerholm
12:10-03:45 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #67: "… We got on scene at 1210 as the whales headed south around Sandy Point on Waldron Island. It was J pod along with the K13s and K14s and they were in small groups and singles loosely spread at first but the groups began spreading out as they turned toward San Juan Channel. The whales were active and there were several tail lobs, pec slaps and a few breaches. We caught glimpses of most of the whales present during the first pass south of Sandy Point and then went to work going from group to group trying to make sure we got a photo of everybody present. …" [See Encounter #67 to see full summary and photos] -
16:00 - Passing Friday Harbor SB.
15:30 - Nearing FH Labs on San Juan side.
14:40 - Sounds like southbound in San Juan Channel again.
14:00 - Flipped north at Jones.
13:12 - Leaders nearing Jones.
12:57 - Widespread between Flattop and Orcas, still SB.
12:30 - Js and K13s and K14s slow south between Sandy Point and Point Disney on Waldron aiming San Juan Channel.
12:00 - Sandy Point, Waldron, aiming San Juan Channel, Js and Ks.
11:30 - They are coming SW down Boundary Pass, Js confirmed 11:30.
09:15 - Southern Residents nearing East Point heading south. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sat, Dec 5 - Central Puget Sound (T35As, T38As, T49C, T75s, T137B and T137D +) - 17:00 - Verifying we also saw from Dune Peninsula 5pm. They were in front of Tahlequah terminal. We saw them reverse and turn eastbound now. Looked to be trending/heading east back across. Quartermaster Harbor.
16:28 - Westbound in front of the opening between Maury & Vashon. 1 male + maybe 3 smaller/females. Viewing from Dune Peninsula. -Stacy Gordon
16:46 - Approaching Tahlequah ferry terminal. One male dorsal and a few other orcas following. Some splashes. Still heading west. Appear to be close to Vashon side. Viewing from Pt. Defiance ferry terminal.
15:33 - Just left then from Maury Island 15:30, still slowly southbound. Mid channel. Some surface activity and one breach. -Ashley Whitman
15:35 - [orcas] Southbound slowly with big delays in sightings. -Jenelle Walter
14:47 - [orcas] They are out front of Maury Island Park about middle of the channel. Active and continuing to travel south. -Jasmine Myers
17:10 - Seeing at least 1 adult male off Pt. Defiance proper, possibly heading into the Narrows.
16:50 - They were in front of ferry terminal westbound, had the ferry stopped.
16:35 - Approaching Vashon Ferry Terminal, Westbound lots of activity.
16:28 - Off s. tip of Vashon now, westbound, very close to shore.
16:27 - Group of at least 5 including adult male about halfway across entrance to Quartermaster Harbor, Westbound.
16:12 - Beginning to cross Quartermaster Harbor Westbound.
16:09 - About mid way down Maury Island, westbound, lots of surface activity.
15:55 - Large group right off Piner Pt. rounding south tip of Maury Westbound.
15:54 - Still near channel marker, just north of it, milling.
15:43 - They are all over off Piner Pt. mid channel, behind marker and to east of marker. Some eastbound, some milling.
15:35 - Large group approaching southern channel marker, NW of it.
15:33 - T75A mid channel to the NE of channel marker. Westbound.
15:29 - From North Stevens St. just picked some up again just north of south channel marker, Vashon side. Direction unknown.
14:45 - [orcas] From N. Stevens Street.. can see them coming down East Channel with binoculars, can see that dorsal from miles away! Parade of boats with them. Mid channel, closer to Vashon side, heading for southern channel marker. -Melissa Bird
Marla Smith
photos - T35A
14:24 - I see quite a few Orcas from Redondo Beach hugging Maury Island. -Michelle Roy
s 14:00 - I saw Orcas pass by Pt. Robinson and lost my ability to breathe. -Joshua Chessin-Yudin
From Point Robinson on Saturday, Dec 5th. I think the large male is T75A, a first-time visitor to the Puget Sound from Alaska. The pod was traveling south towards Tacoma and included a baby... I could have had a few better pictures if exuberance at seeing these magnificent animals so close hadn't caused me to freak out with excitement. After 28 years in Seattle, numerous whale-watch trips with no luck, I finally met these visitors here. -Tom Haveaford
14:10 - Cleared the Point Robinson Lighthouse. Moving southbound. -Elizabeth Mandel
13:38 - North and south of the tower.. lots of activity!
13:33 - [orcas] Seeing them from Saltwater State Park. Just south of the red and white tower. -Aaron Berg
13:40 - [orcas] Binocs in the Des Moines Marina. Seeing them north of Maury. -Wendy Fosberg
13:32 - The T75s are in here too.
13:00 - More orcas are about a mile south of my last post too. We also have the T38As here too.
12:37 - T49C, T137B, T137D, T35As and more still southbound. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
12:29 - [orcas] Just cleared Tramp Harbor and should be at the lighthouse now. -Meg Pitman
14:05 - Just passed Point Robinson headed south.
12:10 - [orcas] Passing KVI beach right now. Vashon. Very close. -Shelby Middling
12:15 - Heading south quickly toward Tramp Harbor.
11:50 - [orcas] South of Dolphin Point, at least 5. Close to land. East side of Vashon. Moving quickly south. -Liza Dietrich Rohn
14:00 - About 10+ orcas passed Point Robinson, rounded the corner headed south towards Tacoma. Were very close to the Vashon side.
13:20 - Been circling around by the Saratoga. Slowly making their way southbound - about 5-6 ?? With a large male
12:50 - Viewing from Point Robinson. Still slowly making their way south (from near KVI Beach). About 5-6?? Whales close to red research boat and a few other large white boats.
12:10 - Saw a group of 4-5 pass KVI Beach heading south. Moving fast! Red research boat is close by!
11:15 - Saw at least one orca on the 11:15 ferry to Vashon. Mid channel - heading south. Just south of the ferry lanes. -Shelly Short
11:27 - They were closer to Vashon Dolphin Point area than mid-channel. Long down times right now.
11:10 - They are south of the Vashon Ferry terminal (Fauntleroy/Vashon run) on east side of Vashon around mid-channel. Saw about 4 (including male with large dorsal fin) in the same position for about 5 minutes. Seem to be slowly drifting SB. Viewing from Seahurst. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
09:18 - Orcas passing the ferry lane close to shore near country club. The orcas were just passing around the southeast tip of the country club neighborhood in Bainbridge heading southbound. Moving very quickly. From where we were it looked like maybe three or four? Hopefully somebody else from the ferry or from Bainbridge can update. -Tammy Jo
Sat, Dec 5 - North Puget Sound/Possession Sound - ~16:00 - I MAY have seen this (or another) male orca, but only once saw what definitely looked like a male orca fin from the bluff about 1 mile south of Bush Pt., at around 4 pm-ish. I was walking the dog, and what I saw clearly looked like a male orca dorsal, close to shore, possibly headed N, but I was never able to re-sight it to 100% confirm. -Susan Berta, Orca Network
09:54 - Single Orca heading South at Possession Point- close to shore- moving fast with the current. Large pod of Harbor Porpoises passed by about 10 minutes before the Orca. -Terica Ginther
Sat, Dec 5 - North Puget Sound/Port Susan - 09:12 - Orcas moving south in Port Susan in front of Mountain View. -Cecilia Pelascini, CW
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Dec 5 - San Juan Islands - 17:48 - Out of the darkness I just heard a distinct whale blow at Cattle Point. I only heard three blows then nothing (as of 1800)...fingers crossed KW are shortly behinds. -Michelle Savoie
[There was an HB bombing that way as well, went right through and bypassed the Rs! - Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute]
17:03 - [HB] Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: Update 2 grey whales and 5-6 orca.
16:57 - [HB] Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: Master reports a pod of orca and possible grey whale near Turn Island.
16:12 - [HB] Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: Master reports a grey whale near FHBR entrance headed east.
And a humpback showed up [San Juan Channel]! Change of direction for the resies? -April Ryan, Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
12:44 - Just saw a humpback whale near Lonesome Cove. Headed east. -Val Berglund
[This is likely the humpback that came down San Juan Channel cruising right through the middle of Js and Ks! - Monika Wieland Shields, OBI]
Sat, Dec 5 - Haro Strait - 08:41-0:8:46 - The little humpback traveling south with purpose 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point. Photographed from shore. This is the 13th time I have seen him in 7 days. Maybe he's adopted us. Wouldn't that be nice. -Michelline Halliday, SJI

December 4
Fri, Dec 4 - Strait of Georgia - *J pod south past Nanoose (Salish Sea Orca Squad/photo by Mel Vincent) in the late afternoon.
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Fri, Dec 4 - North Puget Sound (T46B3 and T46B4) - T46B3 and T46B4 present per Bart Rulon.
16:07 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: SALISH - Whale report. Vessel reports seven (7) orca in the SB traffic lanes, with no organized movement. [Coupeville/PT]
15:45 - Jill Hein called. Orcas still in the area. She was watching 5-6 orca blows and dorsals more on the PT side.
15:44 - Janine Harles called to report they found at least 5 orcas split across the channel in the Port Townsend Coupeville ferry traffic lanes non-directional. Thought to be Bigg's.
11:27 - One, possibly two male orcas NE from Hansville in Admiralty Inlet, about mid channel between Point No Point and Whidbey. Milling about for about a half hour to an hour but now heading south... Awesome! -Rod Lundberg
Fri, Dec 4 - Central Puget Sound (T75s) - This is first time sighting of T075A in central sound. The big guy is T75A and the 75Bs also present. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
*! Seen from Vashon today. - Kelly Burns Keenan
photo - "T75A and T75C2. Look at the size difference." [ID: MP]
From the Des Moines Pier, calf trailing 3 others! (200-600 zoom. Could barely see the blows with the naked eye.) -Michael Snyder
16:57 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed CHIMACUM - Whale Report 1652hrs: Master reports one (1) orca, 1/2 mile East of Orchard Point, with no definitive movement.
15:54 - Passed Point Robinson around 3:20! Saw at least 6 including one large male! I was just running down the hill w/my gear as some nice lady yelled to me: There they are!!" Thank you, nice person... I knew I was cutting it close! So joyous to see them. They are still circling south of Pt. Robinson past a large sailboat. Still trending south slowly. -Jessica Richter
15:31 - [orcas] South from Point Robinson, visible from Saltwater [State Park] with binoculars. -Bruno Neto
~15:30 - [12/4/20] off Mid Channel Bank we spotted T46B3 and T46B4 circling around, probably eating a meal around 3:30. We only had a few minutes to watch them before we left. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
~15:30 - Point Robinson around 3:30. -Julia Bernard
16:06 - They are moving south again.
15:50 - They have been hanging out for at least 15 mins just south of Pt. Robinson, not too far off shore. They're circling and were a bit further south, but they came back.
15:21 - [orcas] They are right off of Pt. Robinson at lighthouse now! -Jasmine Myers
14:38 - [orcas] 1.5 miles east of KVI, heading towards Pt. Robinson. Red research boat trailing. -Claire Roggero Gibson
14:00 - [orcas] I'm at Seahurst Park in Burien and they were still headed pretty quickly south on the east Vashon shoreline at about 2pm. -Brian-Nicole Jenkins
13:45 - [orcas] They passed us at Dilworth around 1:45, heading south. Could see the research boat for quite a while after that but out of view now. -Elizabeth Kappler McNally
13:22 - [orcas] Seeing blows from Colman Pool, research boat trailing well south of ferry lane, Vashon side, need binoculars. -Mary Hartmann
13:29 - Can see blows just north of the kiro towers very close to the Vashon side, read research for trailing behind (north) of the whales. Looks like 3-4 from my binoculars
13:11 - [orcas] With binoculars can see blows, appear to be heading south on the east side of Vashon Island. Blows can be seen just north of the tip of Vashon from Three Tree Point. -Shelly Short
13:09 - [orcas] Just past Vashon ferry terminal, sb. Vashon side, viewing from West Seattle. -Elizabeth Claydon
13:38 - They are going down east side of Vashon, just north of Dilworth now.
12:50 - [orcas] Staying on east side of Vashon still heading south. My viewpoint is Constellation Park in West Seattle. -James Tilley
12:20 - Just saw a group of orcas east of Blake Island. Saw spray and tall dorsal fins. Looks like they were headed south. -Marisa Firebaugh
12:25 - ~5? orcas now at south tip of Blake Island, headed south. Lots of blows and dorsals moving along. Research boat is just behind (north).
12:16 - [orcas] Seeing several blows and activity in front of Tillicum Village. Small red boat (research boat?) speeding that way. A little hazy today, so can't tell if I'm seeing spyhops or dorsals but definitely 5-6 spouts in sequence. -Russ Mann
10:21 - Group of six or more orcas heading south between Skiff Point and Yeomalt Point, heading south. They're moving pretty quick. -Melanie Wyman
07:30 - Sara Frey reports at least 6 orcas, including one male, off Apple Tree Point, Kingston, heading southbound quickly. Very close to the Kitsap side.
Fri, Dec 4 - Possession Sound (T35As, T38As, T137B and T137D) - 12:15-13:00 - Hunting and killing a seal then they headed north as we left. This group was at least the T38As, T35As, T137B and T137D. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
14:32 - [orca] Absolutely amazing! We were on a boat headed up between Camano and Whidbey. -Jenn Lane
~14:30 - Yesterday [12/4/20] around 1430 we watched a line of maybe a dozen or more Orcas swim into the tide line about 1+ miles south of Kayak Point. They were in a line from several hundred yards off of the beach to about a mile out. We saw them swimming at speed and jumping completely out of the water like dolphins, from our home on the bluff at Sunny Shores, on the NW corner of the Tulalip Rez. Eventually they grouped up and we watched them blow in unison as they swam up the bay. 1st time to witness something like that in our 20 years here. WOW! -Dougie Barlow
13:50 - They are swimming on the east side of the south tip of Camano. Not swimming fast. Playing, spy hopping and feeding!
13:30 - 3 orcas south tip of Camano Island.
12:24 - Orcas chasing porpoises east side of Hat Island. Looks like a feeding frenzy!! -Torrey Hall Volk
11:22 - Seeing a group of orcas heading southeast at the southeast corner of Hat Island. A group of 4-6 with no large males. -Danielle Pennington
10:11 - Heading west, south of Camano Head. 5-6, looks like one male.
09:52 - [orcas] They are heading towards Tulalip, they are east of Hat Island Marina. -Lori Christopher
08:26 - Greetings friends, 5-6 orcas moving east towards Everett directly south of Hat Island. What an amazing start to this day! I can add that there appear to be a female with younger individual swimming alongside. -Le Schneider
0815 - [orcas] At least 3 or 4 dorsals and blows north of the new ferry terminal very close to shore with lots of surface activity. Due to lighting and their backdrop, it's hard to confirm but it looked like they were southbound. Again, I cannot positively confirm their direction. -Durand Dace
07:31 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: TOKITAE@0731 - Master reports via 800Mhz a pod of 6 orca North of the MUK dock.
Fri, Dec 4 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T18s, T34s, T37 with T37Bs, T49As) - 10:08-11:54 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #66: "Mark received a call from Joe Zelwietro at 0911 that he spotted a few killer whales, with at least 2 bulls, southeast of Constance Bank headed west. …" [See CWR Encounter #66 for full summary and photos] -
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Dec 4 - Strait of Georgia - Humpbacks today around 4pm off Mayne Island in the Strait of Georgia. -Yves Tiberghien, Mayne Island
Fri, Dec 4 - Haro Strait - 16:50 - [HB] He passed the lighthouse at 16:50! -Lucy Lipscomb
16:25 - He's out here, surfaced about 150' from us off the bank of the 3rd pull out - Single Humpback headed north. -Kaya Maraya Silkiss-Hero
07:46-07:55 - The young humpback seen making his rounds again early morning southbound just south of Edwards Pt. He surfaces quickly, often just sticking his blowhole out of the water without rounding his back as he submerges. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Dec 4 - North Puget Sound - 12:45 - Possible gray whale 50' from beach a mile south of Bush Point, heading north. This is the only photo I got. I scanned for a half hour from north of that location but never saw the whale again. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
MINKE WHALE - Fri, Dec 4 - Deception Pass area - 15:35 - A lone minke whale west side of Deception Pass near about mile north of Rosario moving in westerly fashion. Typical slinky minke, lost track about 20 minutes ago. -Kris Holley

December 3
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Thu, Dec 3 - Boundary Pass - 14:15 - Saratoga is leaving a large group of transient orcas west bound off the north end of Stuart Island. They started out on the Canadian side but crossed over to the US before we left and may be visible from Turn Point. IDs include the T18s/T19s, T34s, T36Bs, T37Bs, T137 and T137A. (Quick note from looking at my photos: matriarchs T37 and T36 were also present!) -Justine Buckmaster
hu, Dec 3 - B.C. Gulf Islands (T18s, T34s, T37 with T37Bs, T49As) - 02:46-03:52 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #65: "… At 1446 he spotted the large group of Bigg's socializing and it appeared that they may have been finishing prey sharing as a few gulls were hovering above them and one occasionally swooped down to pick up the last of the scraps as the animated group sauntered south west down Boundary Pass. …" [See CWR Encounter #65 for full summary and photos] -
10:40 - Just saw a pod of Orcas headed east close to Salt Spring Island. -Laura Ryan
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Dec 3 - Haro Strait - 08:15 - The young humpback with 3 dots on its right side traveling very quickly to the south, surfacing twice. 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
Thu, Dec 3 - Strait of Georgia Humpback
Sighting Time: Thu Dec 3 8:47:30 PST
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 49.38789,-124.58972 [Qualicum Bay]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: Resting on top. -Vern Hattle, Whale Alert App

December 2
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Wed, Dec 2 - Strait of Georgia - ~13:00 - We witnessed a pod of approximately 8-10 Orcas, close to shore, heading south off Neck Point Park in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island today, Dec. 2, at approximately 1:00 pm. I saw one very large orca in the group, as well as a very small one - a baby? Unfortunately, I did not have a camera with me. -J. Ready
ORCA UNIDENTIFIED - Wed, Dec 2 - Strait of Georgia - I was out near Comox today and I came across this group. They were super difficult to spot. If you look at the video you can see blows (right against Harwood Island) and then there is the group that was easier to see that was focused on in the video. First I saw one orca (mid channel) off Air Force Beach, but I soon lost sight of it. Then, I could see the others near Harwood. After watching the video, I am glad I was able to also capture the blows against Harwood too (that is what caught my eye through my spotting scope). -Patti Perepeluk
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Dec 2 - Haro Strait - 13:45 - The small humpback very quickly to the south, 1/4 mile south of Edwards Pt.
10:40-10:50 - The small humpback friend that I have seen for 4 days, milling 300 yds offshore and then northbound 1/4 mile south of Edwards Pt. -Michelline Halliday, SJI

December 1
Tue, Dec 1 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 10:16-12:43 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #64 - "… Mark made his way downtown and powered up Mike 1 at the entrance to Victoria harbor at 1011 and at 1016 spotted them ~1 nm south of Clover Point (48 22.8/123 20.7) headed for the southern tip of Trial Island. At first glance, Mark figured they were a group of 8 or 9 Biggs from a distance, but once he was abeam of them, he immediately could see they were Southern Resident killer whales. The lead group consisted of 3 animals, K20, K34, and K38. Less than 1/4 nm behind was another group of 6 animals, K14, K26, K27, K36, K42, and K44. With great spotting conditions and confirmation from Gord on Big Eyes, it appeared that only the nine individuals, the K13's and K14's, in the area. …" [See CWR Encounter #64 for full summary and photos] -
Tue, Dec 1 (K pod) - 1349 - Still cruising north fast, leaders appear to be passing Kelp Reef now.
13:37 - Got them fast north way on far side of Haro Strait aiming for Kelp Reef marker. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
13:30-13:38 - Orcasound Lab S16 calls. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
13:25 - SRKWs on Lime Kiln hydrophone! K pod. (I stopped hearing them on LK ~13:38-39.) -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Dec 1 - San Juan Islands - 13:35 - [HB] Headed SW after passing through. Feeding under a giant group of gulls. -Fred Horn
Tue, Dec 1 - San Juan Islands - ~12:45 - My husband and I were at Otis Perkins Park on the west side of Lopez Island today, 12/1/20 at approximately 12:45pm and saw a humpback whale traveling south in San Juan Channel. We were birding with our spotting scope and were able to see the distinctive tail and whale blow clearly at high magnification. -Cyndi and Ron Smith
Tue, Dec 1 - Haro Strait - 11:19 - The young 3-dot humpback quickly northbound, same location. Throughout its travels this morning, the humpback remained 250-350 yds from shore.
09:55 - The young 3-dot humpback quickly northbound, same location. Like on the 29th, it made a quick detour inside the standing rocks where the seals sat. Today the rocks were covered in gulls.
09:00 - The young 3-dot humpback quickly southbound now, same location.
08:20 - The same young humpback that was seen on 11-29-20 traveling quickly northbound 1/4 mile south of Edwards Pt., identified by the distinctive triangle of 3 dots on its right side. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
