August 2020 Whale Sightings

Click here for Map of August 2020 whale sightings.

August 31
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Aug 31 - Puget Sound - 19:50 - Discovery Park at the South Bluff lookout. At least two individuals. They were hanging out in the same area for a while until some sailboats and a dinghy probably spooked them while trying to get a better look. I speculated they could have been feeding because they were kind of in their hunter's circle corralling zone for a while before they moved on. One of them definitely looks like a little baby orca! It looked like the two individuals clearly seen maybe broke away from the pod at least temporarily. -Ethan Oddy
Mon, Aug 31 - T65As/T137s - 20:35 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: WENATCHEE reports a sighting of possibly 3 Orca heading south near Restoration Point.
15:25 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: PUYALLUP just reported Orca pod 1/2 mile off the Edmonds dock.
Mon, Aug 31 - T37As? - 19:58 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Salish reports 8 Orca SW bound of the Port Townsend beach.
Mon, Aug 31 - West of Port Townsend (T37As) - Some highlights from today just to name a few - Orcas T37A's at south end of Partridge Bank. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
19:50-20:00 - Holy smokes. I've never seen orcas this close in, in Port Townsend. @ 7:50-8 pm Monday 8/31/2020. [Seen] from uptown, right above the ferry dock, on Filmore. -Brian F-S and Bryanna Mannis
18:09 - T37AS eastbound to Admiralty Inlet at McCurdy Point. -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
Mon, Aug 31 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46s and T46Bs) - Another KILLER day off Sooke! Cpt. Dan Pudwell found Transient Killer Whales west of Sooke today! The (T046's & T46B's with Tl'uk) were on the hunt taking seals all day long heading east in the Juan De Fuca Strait. I went out again when they were right out front! Whiffin Spit and the Sooke Hills in the background! -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Mon, Aug 31 - North Puget Sound (T65As and T137s) - 20:12 - Leaders (~10 animals) passing Eagle Harbor. ~2km to the East. Slightly more spread, but still relatively tight. Traveling SW. (Just noticed there are 3 additional KW about 2km west of Magnolia. So possibly 13 KW total.)
20:05 - 10 whales observed. Fairly grouped together. Viewing from Magnolia. Whales are likely closer to Bainbridge side. Maybe 3km East.
19:55 - Leaders are passing Yeomalt, midchannel. Southbound. -Michelle Savoie
Saw orcas in Elliot Bay tonight at sunset: a male and a female with calf. -Bradley Michael
19:43. [orcas] Off West Point southbound. -Joey LaMarche
19:12 - Heading south and a little west, not yet at middle of Shilshole.
19:05 - [orcas] Heading west and south towards mid channel from Golden Gardens (North end of Shilsole Marina). -Leslie Goodman
18:40 - Golden Gardens - milling. -Steve Smith
16:55 - [orcas] South of Edmonds Marina Park. Seems like they're going SW. -Shelby Phelps
14:57 - [orcas] Heading toward Edmonds Marina mid channel. -Elena Kelly
15:59 - They are just north of the ferry lane, pretty much right at the ferry lane, swimming in circles by those four boats and breeching and spraying.
14:51 - We are a mile north of downtown and now have to strain our eyes south to see. I think people on ferry can see now. Closer to shore.
14:47 - [orcas] They are headed into downtown Edmonds area now. On their way now. Soon to be near ferry lane. -AnaLisa Gerbig
13:47 - Just passed us in Chennault Beach, Mukilteo, going southbound. I think I saw 7-8 of them. There were many, likely both pods still together. -Alice Thuy Talbot
13:46 - Two groups just passed my house heading south, very close to Mukilteo shore. Mid way between ferry and Picnic Point. There were 3 in the front group, followed by another group of maybe 5? -Jodi Krause Poissant
13:30 - Janet Ploof of Langley also reported: Today, 1:30, at Mukilteo Ferry dock three (or more?) beautiful orcas cruised right along the fishing pier at Ivar's. Nice day!
13:30 - [orcas] Three groups of multiples moving slowly close, surfacing and blowing to Mukilteo side, 3/4 mile south of Mukilteo ferry. One definitely much larger than others. -Vicki Zellman
13:13 - We were on the beach by the Mukilteo Lighthouse (Monday 8/31/2020) and saw a small group of orcas swimming south past us. I saw three, but others think they saw five. Other walkers on the beach told us they'd never seen any orcas in their 20 years there. The orcas' presence attracted a number of small boats in the area. These boats seemed to keep an appropriate distance, or the orcas just didn't care. It was quite a thrill. -Howie Silver
13:00 - A Mukilteo orca video- from 1pm today. -Jennifer Gregerson?
12:50 - [orcas] Approaching Mukilteo close to shore. -Tyler McKeen
11:29 - [orcas] After about an hour of milling and a lot of surface activity south of Camano Head, they are finally traveling southeast, closer to Hat Island, and then they vanished. -Danielle Pennington
11:21 - It looks like they are going to take the east side of Hat Island. Spread out, southbound.
11:15 - [orcas] Viewing large group from Columbia Beach between Camano and Hat Island. Heading south toward the ferry. (I was at Columbia beach looking north.) -Donna George
10:33 - Last seen 1/2 mile south of Sandy Point.
10:25 - [orcas] 2 individuals ahead of the rest, traveling VERY close to Whidbey shore, southbound. -Rachel Haight
11:00 - They are eating a meal but slowly working south.
10:50 - It appears that all members of both pods are back together again. So, we have 10 orcas.
10:49 - They are split up a bit but still mostly just milling south of Sandy Point. A group closer to shore is about a mile south of Sandy Point.
10:15 - T65A pod and T137 pod southbound just passed Sandy Point. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Just like the first day of August when the T65As and T137s put in an appearance off Whidbey Island, the last day of the month heralded their arrival in Saratoga Passage once again as they traveled south this morning. After a quick sprint to Langley we caught the tail-end of the two groups, now complete with all members, rounding Sandy Point, and just managed to catch a breach before they did a disappearing act until a later sighting off Mukilteo, from whence they continued southbound. -Sandra Pollard
10:13 - [orcas] Just passed Langley, really spread out. -Allie Hudec
It's not often that I have seen orcas close into shore at Whale Bell Park and with low tide. just made it in time! no seconds to spare. groups were spread out but not by too far. In the sleepy village, there was only the Langley City's groundskeeper/garbage collector and a woman walking her small dog on the beach. I was able to alert her, and groundskeeper heard the bell, then the village came alive. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:21 - They've turned south now heading towards Clinton and the ferry.
10:06 - 6 orcas hovering around Sandy Point on Whidbey. You can hear their huffs. Some tail flapping too. -Luanne Seymour
09:51 - Connecting over the phone with friends at the Inn at Langley (Northernmost downtown), orcas just spotted out their window. Whale Bell rang! -Kathleen Cage
09:36 - Orcas moving towards Langley from Bells Beach, Whidbey Island. Appears to be 2 of them. -Kristin Platt Rose
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Mon, Aug 31 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - ~11:00 - Clallam Bay, WA. around 11am. 200 to 400 YARDS or closer to shore, a pod but don't know how many. All fishing boats in area stopped engines and let them pass on heading East. -Russella KRause
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 31 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 12:30 - Gray 2261 made a sudden appearance outside my house today (8/31/20, 12:30pm) and I was able to grab the camera for a couple of snaps before it made a hard left turn and headed for Utsalady. It was heading southbound and reached the southern end of Mariners Cove before heading into the channel. I only saw it for a couple of minutes close to shore and it did not appear to be feeding - no pecs waving or anything like that. -Marianne Parry

August 30
Sun, Aug 30 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - We are so fortunate to encounter Transient Killer Whales the (T046'Bs with Tl'uk) again today! They were breaching, tail slapping, spy hopping all the while training the young how to hunt a poor seal...It was amazing! -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Sun, Aug 30 - Haro Strait and San Juans - I've always wondered when I was going to see the throes of a predation event with Bigg's. It's unfortunate for some of the harbor seals they snagged, but so interesting to watch the 9 year old male and 1 year old calf trying their hand at being the apex predators that they are. Just off Stuart Island. These are the T65Bs. -Amanda Marie Colbert, Orca Network
~17:00 - At about 5pm today, we saw no fewer than three orca on the south side of Johns Island. Given the number of vessels already there and number of people viewing from shore, it looked like they had been hanging out in the area for a while. We remained pretty far SW of the other boats and the orcas with our engine off. Around 5:30, they started cruising SW toward the kelp bed off the nearest SE point of Stuart Island. -Katrina Lassiter
17:00 - At least 3 orca sighted south of Johns Island near the SE corner of Stuart Island. -Katie Lassiter
18:30 - Both groups heading towards each other.
16:30 - T36As near Zero Rock (Canadian side of Haro) possibly heading east towards San Juan Island (they were heading NW). Also T65Bs in New Channel (north side of Spieden Island) heading east. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Aug 30 - North Puget Sound - 17:00-17:30 - T65A's seen from Fox Spit over towards Mabana Shores to Cama Beach 8/30/2020 5:00-5:30 pm. A group of 3 in lead with other 3 behind. pretty sure there were 6? spread out about a 1/2 to mile between each group. was a nice evening. -Marilyn Armbruster
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - 18:24 - Heading north mid channel, look to be heading towards Mariners Cove.
18:10 - [orca] 3 or 4 north of Onamac Point on Whidbey side. (I am located next to Onamac Point on Camano.) -Matt Henning
18:07 - One large male and baby passed Indian Beach, very very close to Camano. There were at least 4 others, 2 and 2 out mid channel. All heading northbound at quite the clip. -Joan Smith
17:55 - 3 or 4 of them northbound, north of Cama Beach SP trending slightly northwest from Camano side, still a mile or two south of Onamac - 5:55 pm. -Jill Hein
17.52 - Blow and large dorsal heading north, close to Camano, directly across from Hidden Beach. Appears to be in a hurry. -Sandra Pollard
17:35 - Trailers are approx. out from Cama Beach, NB.
17:00 - [orcas] Viewing from Fox Spit across north and south of Mabana Shores Camano side, mid channel, nb. -Marilyn Armbruster
15:54 - Looks like they are now closer to Camano now.
15:50 - Orcas heading west up Saratoga Passage. Traveling in 2 groups. One male near Whidbey side and 3-4 others mid channel. Near Langley harbor now. -Luanne Seymour
15:30 - Got 5 with a male at Sandy Point heading north. Super close to Whidbey. 2 groups. -Danielle Pennington
14:54 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: MV Kitsap: Vessel reports 8 Orca NB [northbound] near Clinton.
Sun, Aug 30 - 14:54 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: MV Kitsap: Vessel reports 8 Orca NB [northbound] near Clinton.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Aug 28 - Puget Sound - 15:35 - Michael Cude called to report a humpback whale off Point No Point, heading southbound.
~10:30 - HEY two humpbacks just outside of Everett Marina roughly 1030 AM…-Katelyn Wynecoop
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Aug 30 - Northern Saratoga Passage - ~11:00 - I am watching a gray near Utsalady, heading north. I can't tell who it is through binoculars, but we would all guess 2261, right? -Marianne Parry
**Grays??** - Sun, Aug 30 - Possession Sound - we found one gray whale. They left and then this whale headed towards another gray whale and then they caught up to each other and proceeded to play and play!! Gray whales #2356 and #2259. -Janine Harles

August 29
Sat, Aug 29 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 11:31 - 2 Orca, T10's at Secretary Island, close to shore, heading west. Another magical day with Transient Killer Whales (T010 -56 yrs. & T010C -21 yrs.) -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Sat, Aug 29 - Central Puget Sound (T137s) - 20:41 - Baby orca photographed with the group near South Beach off of Bainbridge! [secondhand/private FB group] -Lauren Coates
Sat, Aug 29 - 19:10 - Bonnie Gretz called to report seeing a lone male out from Hidden Beach heading northbound, mid channel. They had seen several others when in Holmes Harbor but now just seeing this male, possible T65A2.
20:00 - Report from South Beach area of Bainbridge from friend who said possibly as many as four orcas, including 1 male, are milling near the fish farm nets in Rich Passage. -Susan Marie Andersson
19:40 - email received from Maija Holsten, WSF Marine Ops: Whales - Chimacum, Log entry: Master reports 3 Orca off the south end of Bainbridge Island headed South - SW possibly to Rich Passage.
19:30-20:00 - 5 (?) Orcas off Beans Point, Bainbridge Island, WA 7:30-8:00 PM 8/29/20, first seen headed toward Seattle, turned around, last seen headed toward Bremerton. -Richard Karl
19:15 - [orcas] Seen from Bremerton ferry, south tip of Bainbridge. Milling. -Neil Hathi
~19:00 - Marcia Lagerloef saw my orca pictures on Facebook and asked me to pass them along to you. These were all in Rich Passage, between Bainbridge and Blake Island. 8/29/20 around 7 pm. -Bob Towery.
[I see at least all members T137s. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
18:25 - Just saw two go right by the Southworth ferry landing. (update: We were heading south from Blake Island back to Gig Harbor and passed them by the Southworth ferry. Orcas are heading north.) -Amanda Babich
18:13 - [orca] They are right by Southworth. (NB, We watched them go north past Blake Island.) -Ronda Barrow Hempler
17:35 - 3 heading north right now in Colvos Passage ..1 calf.
16:40 - Orca pod in Colvos Passage in front Fragaria, 4:40 pm, heading South. (seeing at least 5-6). -Brenda Jo Legred
15:55 - email received from Maija Holsten, WSF Marine Ops: Whales- VASH Log entry: Brian reports a small pod of orca about 1/2 mile South of Blake Island and headed South.
[Note: this might be a delayed report or spread out group. -alb]
15:03 - Spotted the big one between North Vashon and Blake. I'm viewing from North Three Tree Point.
14:59 - Just saw one pop up closer to the north Vashon Ferry docks.
14:47 - They are south of Brace Point heading south east.
14:43 - I'm on the north side of Three Tree Point viewing from our deck. They are pretty close to the shore below Brace Point.
14:38 - [orca] Just spotted them south of Fauntleroy seemingly southbound. -Megan Hansen
14:40 - Sound Action reports Transients are near Dolphin Point (N end Vashon) heading southbound.
14:22 - It is not a calf. It's a male and a female including T137A. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
14:21 - [orcas] Just passed Fauntleroy ferry dock. -Carol Reimer Maki
14:11 - Hey there, a friend of mine (Mona Smith) sighted these two from the shore at Lincoln Park in Seattle. She thinks they were traveling S or SE (headed south from Lincoln Park, not too far from the ferry Lanes). -Alicia Harck
[First one is T137A and 2nd one (smaller more curved) is T137B. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
~13:30 - Hi, just wanted to report an orca sighting. Right off Alki Beach in front of bath house. Appears to be just a Mother and Calf. No other orcas were seen. About 1:30 today, Aug 29. Saw one breach…heading in direction of Bainbridge Island, Fort Ward and Manchester. -Stephanie George
14:01 - Moving fast southbound. Just passed Mee Kwa Mooks towards Fauntleroy. Close to shore!
13:23 - First orca is very large followed by a much smaller orca, possibly a young one.
13:20 - Still here and super close to the Alki shoreline. Looks like they're feeding. So beautiful!!!
13:15 - Orcas were straight across from Alki Bathhouse heading southbound. Saw a couple blows, 2-3 orcas that we could tell. -Melissa Kegler
~12:15 - We just spotted an orca headed south by the Discovery Park Lighthouse. Around 12:15. (updated: It definitely was an orca, however, I guess I was near the Discovery Park Lighthouse, and the orca was probably about a mile out, toward Bainbridge.) -Anya Rifkin
10:30-11:00 - I was fishing near Kingston, WA on the morning of August 29, 2020 when we made a sighting at 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. We saw a single large orca surface 3 times as it was heading south. It had a large sail and I believe it was a male. -Thanks- Joe Crell
Wed, Aug 26 - South Puget Sound - 10:30 - Single male orca milling near shore at Titlow, slowly following a sealion. No specific direction of travel. -Carrie Gelegonya
Sat, Aug 29 - North Puget Sound (T65As) - ~19:15 - On August 29th at around 7:15 spotted 2 dorsal fins off the address of 1605 North Bluff Road Whidbey Island. -"lwehr"
18:52 - Heading northbound, still mid channel.
18:47 - Can see a lone orca, looks like a male, kinda mid channel from Hidden Beach, Greenbank. -Travis Pommer
~18:45 - Seeing just the male from Hidden Beach, mid channel, long down times, heading slowly north. ---8/29: a few brief but lovely looks at some of the T65As meandering their way around Saratoga Passage. Raced from Long Point to Holmes Harbor to Hidden Beach with Jill Hein, Dori Dace and Rachel Haight. This picture is T65A, Ooksja, heading north off Hidden Beach. Apparently the rest of the family were milling around Baby Island. -Bonnie Gretz
~18:40 - Hi--Tonight, Sunday August 30, about 1840, two orca were sighted northbound off Madrona Beach on Camano Island. From the size of the fin, it appeared to be a large female with a smaller whale, perhaps a yearling. They were close enough to the beach to hear their breathing. Wonderful! -Debbie Lycette
18:00-18:50 - Viewing from Baby Island bluff above dock. A few orca north and west of Baby Island green channel marker with a few north and east of marker. Kind of just milling around out there. They were trending nb but at this time (18:40-18:50) really no direction. -Marilyn Armbruster
17:42 - [orca] I can see them from Greenbank!! Heading North, I can see three orcas so far 5:42. (looking off of North bluff road behind the Greenbank farm) -Natalee Bozzi
18:18 - Near Hidden Beach now. Spread and slow porpoise north. Down a lot.
18:10 - …pod slow north drift near Greenbank shore.
18:03 - Stalled near Greenbank.
17:58 - Slow n porpoising.
17:51 - [orcas] Getting near Greenbank northbound. Direction good for Hidden Beach.
16:55 - …can see spout from Saratoga Beach. -Daniel Laszlo
~16:45 - This afternoon in Holmes Harbor near the golf course, spotted 4 orcas traveling south then turning back to the north heading out of the harbor. This was around 4:45 pm. Several boats respectfully kept their distance. My dock is right next to the golf course dock and they were directly off my dock very close. -Jan Willis
16:33 - We saw a pod of 4 in Holmes Harbor Whidbey Island. (About 45 min ago. It was amazing!!) -Ashley Robinson
At 14:49 Florian Graner called to report seeing the T65As at about 14:35 off Hidden Beach, mid channel, between Hidden Beach and Cama State Park, Camano. No one around, the pod came up quietly and they saw Ts surface 3 times, then lost them heading in a straight forward trajectory northbound at fast clip. Also some porpoise and seals in the middle.
~14:00-14:30 - I saw 3-4 orcas in Honeymoon Bay, Whidbey Island, WA, this afternoon around 1400-1430. There were 1-2 adult females and 2 juveniles. They were clearly hunting. Cheers! -Garrett Johnson
13:52 - Saw 5 orcas about 25 minutes ago between Pebble Beach and Summerland, close in to Camano. -Lucinda Brezak
14:08 - 1/4 mid channel Cam side west of Camano State Park and not quite as far as Cama Beach, NB at the time.
13:57 - Male north side of Camano State Park NB. Closer to Camano. Viewing from Fox Spit.
13:45 - Orcas approaching south end of Elger Bay, NB, one large male in group. Camano side of mid. -Marilyn Armbruster
11:30 - T65A2 peeled off to the northeast but the rest of the family is almost to the Clinton ferry dock now from the south.
11:25 - After their meal they are now about a mile away from Clinton. Aiming right at the ferry dock to the northwest of them.
11:11 - Killing a seal mid channel now. On south edge of the ferry lanes.
11:00 - T65A2 is on his own on the Whidbey side while the rest of the pod is on the Mukilteo side/mid channel.
10:55 - You should be able to see some of them from the Mukilteo lighthouse now.
10:45 - Saratoga has the T65As northbound in Possession Sound about a mile south of Mukilteo. Very Spread out from Whidbey side to mid channel. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
09:45 - Good morning. We just (9:45 am) had a transient sighting at south end of Possession Point. 3-5 whales moving east and might be headed up the east side of Whidbey. -Josh London
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Aug 29 - Northern Saratoga Passage - ~11:00 - Yesterday [8/29] about the same time (11-ish) there was a gray heading north in the middle of the channel between Utsalady and Mariners cove, but I did not get a good look to ID it. There was quite a bit of whale-watching-boat activity to my north in Skagit Bay in the afternoon, but It was too far away to see anything. Have a great day! -Marianne Parry
Sat, Aug 29 - Saratoga Passage - North portion of Saratoga Passage between Whidbey and the north head of Camano, saw either a humpback or grey whale. Between 11:00 and 11:30am. -Mary Kelley

August 28
Fri, Aug 28 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T65As) - 18:15 - T65AS were last seen last night at 6:15 just north of Protection Island steaming toward Admiralty Inlet. -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
16:00 - T65As are eastbound at 4 knots, just NW of Dungeness Spit. -Christopher Hanke, Puget Sound Express
Fri, Aug 28 - North Puget Sound - 20:15 - A tugboat reported 3-4 orcas off of Edmonds to vessel traffic. No direction was given. -Joey LaMarche
Fri, Aug 28 - South Puget Sound - [Reported as orcas] under Fox Island Bridge in Gig Harbor at 1pm, headed south towards Wollochet. My dad saw them from Fox Island Bella Beach, four or five, splashing/hunting behavior. He followed them down Cromwell in his car for about 45 minutes swimming toward Wollochet Bay/the Narrows. No idea which way they turned after that. I haven't seen any other reports of orcas in the area in the last day or so. He seemed pretty positive… -Annie Hilen
[From Dave Anderson and Laurie Shuster, Cascadia Research Collective: "...The video is from pretty far away so we can't confirm for sure that it's dolphins. But we didn't see anything that made us think orca or harbor porpoise either. It's likely that it's dolphins since they were seen there a few weeks earlier and have been traveling around in the general vicinity…Thanks! Laurie and Dave"]
The amazing power of the Apex predators in the Ocean! These Transient Killer Whales (T065A's & B's) were doing 15 knots at times...heading south west off Victoria today! -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Fri, Aug 28 - San Juan Islands - Shortly after cruising through Pole Pass, we joined up with the T37A's near Reef island. We watched them for sometime as they cruised the shorelines of the Wasp islands and soon noticed two of the orcas were unaccounted for. We had reports soon after of more orca whales in Presidents Channel and headed that direction. When we got on scene, we discovered it was the missing T37A's and they were both out hunting away from the pod. T37A1 and T37A3 were around 4 miles from their pod but today showed us they are completely self-sufficient. While we were with them, we watched as they hunted down a harbor seal before heading back down toward where we had left the rest of their pod. -Tyson, Island Adventures
13:20 - 13:20 - looks like first group (most of the T37As) May go north in Spring Passage. Other two are still in President's Channel and are from the same matriline, but are now aiming more west towards Flattop.
12:10 - First group heading back east for Harney Channel, second group heading up President's Channel.
11:30 - Bigg's killer whales north of Yellow Island heading west towards San Juan, and more north of Jones Island going north. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute

August 27
Thu, Aug 27 - San Juan Islands - 13:30 - [orca] Today at 1:30 we saw a large whale and 3 little ones off the south end of Lummi Island. Hard to see but they worked along the SE edge going southwest. -Merle Silverman
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Aug 27 - Puget Sound - [humpback] Sailing off Shilshole (late afternoon) today. -Meghan Cross
14:30 - Just saw probable humpback just south of Kingston. Several blows. Still watching at 2:30 pm. South East of Kingston. -Shelley Fiabane
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Aug 27 - Northern Saratoga Passage - The only puffs I heard for a few days have been from my pug, so no whale action, but a few minutes ago I heard a big one - lol. Cruising southbound past Mariners Cove toward the happy meal mudflats, appears to be feeding. It's pretty close to shore now, but we know it has a tendency to head into the channel after the mudflats, so hopefully it can stay safe in the fog - it's beginning to lift. -Marianne Parry
DOLPHINS - Thu, Aug 27 - Puget Sound - Cinco has been following us every night from Pt. Defiance to Shilshole when we do our gravel run. -Ryan Johnson
13:45-14:00 - We saw a common dolphin (assuming it's Cinco) at the entry to Foss Waterway by the grain elevator. Just hanging out and swimming around. Came very close to the boat. My cousin got at least one decent photo. About 1:45-2:00pm. (email from Brenda Benoit: We were boating on Thursday, Aug.27, 2020 at the entrance to Foss Waterway. The time was 1:45-2:00 pm. What delight as the "common dolphin"? swam around the boat. The picture was taken by Brenda Benoit of Wenatchee, Washington.) -Mignon Marie Whitaker
["Sweet image! Yes that is a common dolphin known as Cinco." -Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON]
10:47 - [dolphin] spotted now at Point Defiance at the mouth of the Puyallup! -Tara Bailey

August 26
Wed, Aug 26 - North Puget Sound - 19:44 - Now heading south in Possession Sound past Sandy Point on South Whidbey.
19:24 - 5 or more orcas heading east in Saratoga Passage. Middle of the passage. I saw at least one male. Heading toward Camano Head and Sandy Point smack in the middle. -Luanne Seymour
Wed, Aug 26 - San Juan Islands (T65Bs, T49As) - 12:20 - Now south of Stuart aiming west for Canadian waters - T65Bs. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
When we reached Danger Shoal, we joined up with the T65B's as they were resting and slowly cruising west. We followed with them for some time before branching off to find more wildlife. Our search didn't take long and we joined the T49A's just off of Turn Point. -Sam, Island Adventures
11:20 - 4 transients just started heading west down Spieden.
11:06 - Orcas between Sentinel and Spieden making a kill! -Pat McEvoy
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Aug 26 - Puget Sound - 10:40 - It's Two Spot! Making big circles between Edmonds and Kingston
10:00 - MV Saratoga is with a humpback just north of Kingston~ mid channel. No IDs yet. -Renee Chamberland, Puget Sound Express
10:00 - Humpback heading south just north of Kingston. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Aug 26 - Possession Sound - 18:10 - islanders were out sailing and reported two grays between Hat and Camano. No direction noted as they were giving a wide berth. -Lori Christopher
DOLPHINS - Wed, Aug 26 - South Puget Sound - I'm the person that took the video of the dolphins. My wife Amy and I were walking across the Tacoma Narrows bridge and noticed them, around mid day. Hope this helps, -John Schroeder

August 25
Tue, Aug 25 - Haro Strait and Boundary Pass - ~12:00 - Several shots about 200 m off south side of Saturna taken about noon on Aug 25. Group of presumed transients heading west, under normal circumstances they would rapidly motor on. In this case they milled about in one location for several minutes. The source of attention appeared to be a large sea lion or seal (middle photo). Not sure but the orcas appeared to regard the mammal as a water toy rather than as food. There were perhaps 6 individuals in the group. -James McLarnon, Vancouver
We found the T46's traveling with T137A and T137B who are currently not traveling with their own pod. These Bigg's orca whales gave us an amazing experience as they came in close to the boat a few times while they traveled north in Haro Strait. …Sam, Island Adventures
Tue, Aug 25 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46Bs) - What an amazing day with Transient Killer Whales (T046B's and Tl'uk T046B1B) and Humpbacks everywhere! The orca is known as T046B1B to scientists but also goes by Tl'uk which comes from Indigenous Coast Salish language, translating to 'Moon.' The almost two-year-old orca was first spotted off Sooke, B.C. Vancouver Island by Paul Pudwell (me) in November 2018. - Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Tue, Aug 25 - San Juan Islands (T46s, T137A, T1375B) - Yesterday [8/25] we saw the T46s with T137A and T137B off Reuben Tarte, breaking our one-month drought of not seeing any dorsal fins - yahoo! I wanted to share this photo of T46E Thor because it demonstrates why it's very hard to diagnose "peanut head" from a single still image. Whenever photos are shared of the Southern Residents, it seems our abundance of concern about them leads us often to question the body condition of the whales in every picture we see. But single images, depending on the angle of the whale and the photographer and the behavior observed, can sometimes be very deceiving. It might be easy to conclude that T46E has an indentation behind his blowhole from this image. In fact, he is a very robust whale, seen here lifting his head as he comes to the surface to breathe. The fatty tissue around the head of the whale can bulge up when they do this, making it look somewhat like "peanut head", when in fact it's an extremely healthy whale! While we think of orcas as sleek animals, they do in fact have their lumps and bumps just like the rest of us. Depending on how they move, their bodies can take on different shapes that sometimes look odd when captured in a still photograph. Just something to keep in mind when looking at photos of any whale! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
11:10 - T046s north bound approaching Edwards Point/Landbank. T046E and T046F traveled together with a third individual farther out. They were past me when I first heard them and may have been the trailing members of a group. Photographs taken from shore, cropped, very enlarged. Thanks! -Michelline Halliday,
Tue, Aug 25 - Puget Sound (T65As, T137 & T137D) - ~20:00 - [orcas] They came past Dilworth headed north right before 8PM. -Elizabeth Kappler McNally
18:07 - Spotted two "blows" from Redondo Beach, headed north. Still south of Pt. Robinson. Still hugging east side of Maury Island. -Michelle Roy
17:34 - [orcas] Headed towards Pt. Robinson, eastbound, closer to Vashon. -Ed Rickert
17:33 - [orcas] 2 heading north along east shore of Maury Island, seen from Summerhurst area. -John Troup
17:04 - Headed northeast.
16:45 - [orcas]
Watching from Owen Beach. Headed east toward ferry. Vashon Side. -Heath Hollensbe
~16:45 - About 5 orca came through Narrows by Pt. Defiance. Super active, tail slapping and definitely hunting. -Missy Barnett
16:40 - Around 4:40 viewing from Owen. -Amber Stanfill
16:41 - Headed east between Point Defiance and Vashon. Kind of hanging out off the south east tip of Vashon.
16:13 - Looks like they're going east, Northeast. Viewing from the point at Point Defiance. -Ashley Whitman
[T65A5 ID: GS]
16:04 - From Gig Harbor Lighthouse, orcas located south of Salmon Beach, appear to be feeding. -Diana Frick
14:30 - A pod of what appeared to be 1 male, 2 adult females and 2 juveniles westbound in Hale Passage off the Fox Island Yacht Club heading for the Fox Island Bridge at 1430 on Tuesday 25 August. Small number of boats in the area, but they slowed down or stopped. -David Estroff
14:18 - Watching from the shore at Titlow Beach 1:15-2:30pm. Directly in front of Steamers restaurant heading south slowly, counted 5. Cherie St.Ours
~14:00 - Saw some orcas heading south under the Narrows bridge. Possibly 4. Few boats following and they were seen at around 2. -Art Werner
13:30 - There were four orca whales, two adults and two youth, heading south at Tacoma Narrows Bridge. -Betty Foster
13:20 - [orcas] Mid channel, heading west under bridge. -Karen Caldwell
13:26 - They are still just south of the bridge as others have said. Appear to be hanging in that area.
13:15 - [orcas] Buncha folks at Titlow beach - finally visible just passed under the bridge. 1:15pm. -Lisa Borkowski
13:15-14:00 - [orcas] From earlier today taken from the Narrows Beach Park - between 1:15-2:00. -Heidi Armstrong
15:26 - In front of Narrows Beach Northbound
15:21 - Appear to be Northbound in the Narrows up against Gig Harbor shore, just north of Pt. Fosdick.
14:49 - Regrouped back at Pt. Fosdick.
14:43 - Split into 2 groups right now. Some hunting off Pt. Fosdick, some a little deeper in Hale Passage.. milling.
14:35 - In Hale Passage, mid channel, heading for Fox Island bridge.
14:27 - Still in the Narrows at the mouth of Hale Passage between Pt. Fosdick & Fox Island.. milling, drifting south.
14:18 - Not finding them or the boats following them.. in Hale Passage.. probably continued south past Fox Island.
14:03 - Possibly went into Hale Passage. Boats went that way.
13:54 - Past Narrows Beach now, traveling southbound with more purpose, mid channelish, breaching & tail slapping.
13:44 - Breaching and tail slapping under bridge, heading southbound again.
13:36 - Drifting Northward with tide, munching on lunch. Under Narrows again by Tacoma Towers.
13:18 - On a Hunt just North of Titlow.
13:16 - Approaching Titlow, Tacoma side, slowly southbound.
13:11 - [orcas] Still under Narrows by Tacoma Towers now, drifting Southbound. -Melissa Bird
13:10 - 5 orca, 1 bull at least, southbound under Narrows bridge. -Sky Myers
13:01 - [orcas] Can see 2, so far, from Narrows Park. Still headed toward the bridge. -Kirsten Tucker
16:56 - Off south end of Vashon between ferry terminal and Point Defiance, headed towards Commencement Bay. Slowly NB with intermittent periods of milling.
16:34 - South end of Vashon Island, NB. Closer to Point Defiance.
14:22 - Headed up Hale Passage.
13:00 - Grouped up, still SB. Passing under Narrows Bridge. -Brittany Noelle
12:46-14:24 - I went to the Narrows Viewpoint at Point Defiance's 5 mile drive today, and starting at 12:46 pm I caught some Orcas on camera, I also followed them down to Titlow, and watched them there from about 1:23 pm to 2:24 pm today. There were at least four, boats were nearby pretty much the whole time. While watching from Titlow they were under and around the bridge for a while and were very active with lots of tail slapping, splashing, and some breaching. Then for a long time they disappeared and then popped up near the Gig Harbor side of the shore further south. They disappeared near Fox Island. -Sally Milligan- Smith
12:40 - [orcas] In Narrows, heading south towards bridge, mid channel. -David Hyde
12:40 - [orcas] Across from Salmon Beach now. -Gill Chard
13:05 - Heading south under the bridge in two minutes and there are five of them.
12:29 - Don't know what pod it is, but we have orcas, at least four, spouting just north of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge off of Point Defiance. August 25, 12:29 PM. They seem to be feeding and moving in the direction of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Good distance now between the whales and all nearby boats. -Patti McCoy
12:28 - [orcas] Heading toward Narrows Bridge. -Kathy Cappon Eliasen
12:11 - [orcas] They're heading West just north of Commencement Bay, in amongst all the fishing boats in front of Owen Beach. Viewing from Gig Harbor ferry landing. Large pod. -Amy Bliss-Miller
12:11 - [orcas] Southwest tip of Vashon. Still headed west at the moment. Viewing from Owen. -Ashley Whitman
11:56 - [orcas] Looks like they just passed QM Harbor moments ago, still headed west. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
11:50 - Aproaching Quartermaster.
11:39 -
Got em'! Headed west. -Ed Rickert
10:45 - There is a whale watching boat near south end of Vashon, whales are west of the boat closer to Vashon shoreline. Still heading south. I am viewing from downtown Des Moines. (approaching Quartermaster Harbor closer to Maury Island). -Susan Peterson
10:35 - T137 and T137D are also here! Total of 8 individuals.
10:25 - Looks like the T65As now heading SW past Point Robinson. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
Went out on Saratoga with Captain Brian on Tuesday! We found the T65A's and two of the T137's near Des Moines! -Janine Harles
10:16 - [orcas] Headed south, main channel, directly across from Des Moines Marina. -Susan Peterson
08:30 - Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: KITTITAS C/M reports six orca near Dolphin Point traveling South. [Dolphin Point is east side N end Vashon. Orcas are going down main channel. -alb]
06:30 - Per WSF 6 Killler Whales headed south from west side of Blake Island. No other details at this time. -Michelle Savoie
06:22 - Tuesday 8/25. 6 Orca headed south off Blake Island at 0622. -Burt Miller, WSF
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Aug 25 - Puget Sound - Humpback - Sighting Time: Tue Aug 25 19:09:00 PDT - Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 47.81985,-122.41074 [Edmonds, N of ferry lane -alb] - Number Sighted: 1 -Adriaan (Whale Alert App)
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Aug 25 - Possession Sound - Went out on Saratoga with Captain Brian on Tuesday! … On to Everett where we found gray whale #CRC2259 and then home to Edmonds! -Janine Harles
DOLPHINS - Tue, Aug 25 - Central Puget Sound - Seen in Commencement Bay tonight! -Dwaine Weyland
[confirmed by ALB as long-beaked common dolphin "Cinco" from video clip by Nalani Weyland]

August 24
Mon, Aug 24 - San Juan Islands (T100s) - 14:30 - T100s near Point Doughty aiming SW down President's Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
Mon, Aug 24 - San Juan Islands - Received 12:39 email from Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops: SAMISH Master reports via 800MHz six orca North East of James Island in route lane. [Time of reporting is delayed since at time report came in Samish was in port at Orcas Island -alb]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Aug 24 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 50 Humpback Whales all to ourselves! With so many in a tight group we were able to capture a few more fluke pictures for identification. -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Mon, Aug 24 - Puget Sound/Elliott Bay - 18:35 - [HB] Saw in the distance, mid channel, north of ferry lane. Couldn't determine direction. Just saw a few spouts. (6:15 Edmonds to Kingston ferry). -Sonja Yates Seymour
16:13 - Was the last time I saw humpback who was heading steady northbound mid channel in middle of ferry traffic lanes. Whale was passing port side (Edmonds side) of the westbound MV Spokane.
16:02 - The humpback is further north now in middle of ferry traffic lanes steady northbound. Surface ~4-5 times that I saw then shallow dive. Commercial vessel traffic has been alerted.
15:50 - Humpback is just East of mid channel, south of Edmonds/Kingston ferry lanes. Sightline between Edmonds Marina Beach (my position) and Kingston ferry dock. Whale was deep diving, fluke presented. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:52 - Just spotted again heading into Apple Tree Cove.
15:24 - Nearest Indianola at last surface.
15:07 - [HB] Appears to be headed north. Watching from Edmonds Marina beach shore, and he is still south of us. Have seen several spouts over the last 20 minutes. Slow moving at the moment. Saw him surface clearly once, but mostly spouts. He appears to be in no hurry to get anywhere. -Shelley Fiabane
13:50 - Thar she blows. Humpback whale in front of the house. Thank you to Puget Sound Express "Saratoga" for pointing it out. They had stopped several hundred yards north and the whale swam up to them. Sadly other boats passed very close and did not slow down. This was 1:50 PM just north of buoy SF west of Richmond Beach. -John Slomnicki
13:45 - Sighted humpback mid-channel, still south of Edmonds. -Jan Lewis-Newby
12:35 - [HB] Heading north towards Edwards Point. [Woodway/Edmonds boundary.] -Jonathan Davis
11:28 - [HB] Northbound, viewed from Sunset Hills. Mid channel. -Ben Gaskill
11:30 - Updated location, still northbound. [NW of West Point Light, mid Channel]
10:55 - [HB] Still northbound. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
[Bart's map indicates location just south and west of West Point Lighthouse. -gs]
13:45 - 2.5 miles south south west of Edwards Point doing circles 1:45.
10:48 - 3/4 of a mile Southeast of West Point traveling 5 knots toward port Madison, probably 2 Spot. -Christopher Hanke, Puget Sound Express
08:12 - Humpback in Elliot Bay traveling southeast about 3km west of the Coleman ferry dock at 0812. -Scott Markowitz
09:53 - Slowly trending NW.
09:00 - Moving NW off Luna.
08:40 - 800m north east of Don Armeni boat ramp, possibly moving Northwest.
08:30 - Fast ferries are still moving quite fast into Elliot Bay.
08:20 - Still moving SE in Elliot Bay. Closer toward Jack Block Park now.
08:05 - It's still near the anchored cargo ship off Elliot Bay Marina.
07:45 - Humpback in Elliott Bay. Milling south east off Elliott Bay Marina About 1500m. -Michelle Savoie
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 24 - Possession Sound - 13:05 - Two gray whales are slowly working their way west off the Snohomish river delta toward Hat Island. Looks like #2259 and #2262. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
Mon, Aug 24 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 06:00 - I didn't see this personally, but my next-door neighbor said he saw the gray (presumably 2261) in front of my house at 6am this morning. No sightings here other than that today. -Marianne Parry
DOLPHINS - Mon, Aug 24 - South Puget Sound - ~20:30 - Hi Friends, short video clip here of dolphin/fishermen interaction last night (8-24-2020 around 8:30 pm). Northbound travel in Tacoma Narrows in front of Salmon Beach. Video taken with zoom camera from our deck. -Zeno Martin
video -
20:10 - Common dolphin heading north through the Narrows past Salmon Beach at 810pm. Looked to be chasing a boat. -Teri Fields Mattsen
18:50 - [dolphin] I saw this guy tonight off Gig Harbor. I killed my engine when it shot out of the water and splashed me. Scared the crap out of me! I immediately killed the engine and floated until it left. I didn't know what to do. -Mark Ca
["Thanks for the report! You did the right thing by stopping. Cinco is really attracted to boats, and loves to bow ride. The other option would be to continue without making any drastic changes to speed or course when he's around. That is when he is most likely to get hurt. Never try to approach him, but as you saw, he will often approach your boat if he's interested in playing." -Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research Collective]
13:00 - Dolphin today off Old Town Dock [Tacoma] - 1pm. -Sarah Marie
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALE - Mon, Aug 24 - Possession Sound - 18:11 - Whale spotted. Think a humpback. Possession Sound. South of Tulalip Bay. I'm on land so hard to see but it keeps spouting. -Jaime McBroom

August 23
Sun, Aug 23 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T60s) - I found transient killer whales heading west! (T060's). -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Aug 23 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 30+ humpbacks and was able to capture around 20 fluke shots to record who we have now in the Juan de Fuca Strait. -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
[photo - MMY0058 Calamity ID: Valérie B Messier]
Sun, Aug 23 - Possession Sound - 20:00 - Humpback (presume Two Spot) southbound, mid channel off Edmonds! -Renee Chamberland
19:52 - Humpback in ferry lane near Edmonds with oncoming ferry from Kingston trying to get message to WSF to look out 7:52 pm request to pass…Donna Green Van Renselaar
[Alisa/Orca Network, notified WSF]
17:54 - At Edmonds Marina Beach Park. Can see large blows mid channel. Seems like humpback blows but cannot get a firm identity. Traveling North. -Kevin Doar
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Aug 23 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 17:00 - Gray whale just offshore of Hunskor Hill, just east of Mariners Cove from 5:00 pm to 5:10pm on Sunday…Paula Despins
17:30 - Gray appeared outside the entrance to the marina at Mariners' Cove (to my north), but not super close in. Everyone ran out to watch, thinking it would come down the beach, but it was camera-shy today and headed out into the channel again, moving toward the northern end of Camano. 15:00 or 15:30ish - Gray was suddenly at the happy meal mudflats just south of Mariners' Cove. I don't think it came down the shoreline so it prob came in from the channel. It did not appear to be doing much, if any, feeding and disappeared around the corner to the south. -Marianne Parry
Sun, Aug 23 - Possession Sound - 15:35 - Saratoga is with #2259 and #2262, East of Gedney. Traveling and intermittent feeding but not really associating with each other. -Renee Chamberland, Puget Sound Express
11:00 - Two grays east of Hat Island, 8/23 11 am. -Sarah Hartwell
DOLPHINS - Sun, Aug 23 - Central Puget Sound - ~14:30 - Yesterday we were boating from Blake Island towards Alki Beach. We got some video of Cinco, I believe. We saw it around 2:30pm on Sunday. -Brittney Mitchell
[per Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research Collective: "That's a great picture, and it's definitely Cinco. He picked up that distinctive scar sometime in the last year."]
I think this is a common dolphin. Maybe the same one reported off Whidbey a few days ago? This guy was just off Alki and played with our boat and others all day, he followed us all over the place!! -Jessica Gasperini
[Even with the distortion, several spots appear to be in the right place for it to be Cinco. While I can't call it a positive ID, I'm convinced that is who you saw." -Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research Collective]
Sun, Aug 23 - North Puget Sound - 10:00 & 11:00 - Saw 2 dolphins at Crescent Harbor this morning at 10. Then at Oak Harbor an hour later. -Matthew Sika
UNCONFIRMED SPECIES - Sun, Aug 23 - Anacortes - I believe I saw one (dolphin) today in Anacortes at Sharpe Park. The fin that came out of the water looked like a dolphin fin. Sorry no pictures because it happened fast and only surfaced twice. -Autumn Kristen Hall
Sun, Aug 23 - Puget Sound - 11:05 - Another possible (dolphin) sighting heading south near Alki Point playing in the wake of a couple bigger boats....too far from shore to get a picture. -Jennifer Buksh
~06:45 - Possible (dolphin) sighting off of Point No Point this morning! Heading south. Sorry no video or pics. Much larger dorsal fin and solo. About 6:45 am. -Tyra Erickson

August 22
Sat, Aug 22 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T69s and T41s) - Awesome adventure today! 10 Transient Killer Whales (T069's & T41's) -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Sat, Aug 22 - San Juan Islands (T18s) - 19:02 - [orcas] Watched them from shore head north along the east side of Decatur Island until they passed by James Island. -Gerard Sidorowicz
16:58 - Annnnnnd now back east again.
16:50 - The T18s are heading west through Obstruction Pass. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
13:27 - The BIGGS are in Aleck Bay right now!!! -Michelle Roberts-Beck
13:00 - 4-5 orcas headed fairly rapidly west to east near shore. About 1 mile east of Iceberg Point, Lopez Island. -Tom Reeve
["They were ID'd as Bigg's Transients, the T18s." -alb]
11:55 - T18s near Smith and Minor Islands currently trending north towards the south end of Lopez. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
~10:00 - We were on the Puget Sound Express who saw it [humpback]! He was being elusive so we only saw him from a distance, but after that we got to experience a transient group of Orcas - T18s, 2 females, 2 male children.... got to see a harbor porpoise kill, I caught a shot of him jumping behind the orca and also one of him being punted through the air by him! We left Port Townsend at 9am and saw them near Smith Island around 10. One surprised us and popped up directly on the port side near front of the boat!! …I got a pic right after of it starting to go down. What an amazing day it was, so beautiful!! One popped up right by the boat out of nowhere, and we don't know why the 1 separated and did that. I was shaking and had tears. It was near Smith Island. These creatures are incredible!! -Jessica Richter
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Aug 22 - North Puget Sound - 13:00 - [HB] I'm in Edmonds off Water St. and Soundview Dr. Just resurfaced after 20 or so mins nearest Kitsap side, slightly east of Point No Point, facing north at last sighting. -Shelley Fiabane
11:09 - Two Spot [CRC16017 (CS631/MMZ0013)] is back! Possession Bank area. -Renee Chamberland, PSE
10:10 - The Humpback, Two Spot [CRC16017 (CS631/MMZ0013)] is back at Possession Point right now! We saw him inbound from Dungeness Spit two days ago and now he's back! -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Aug 22 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 19:07 - The [gray] whale is back. Polnell Shores 7:07pm 8/22. That's three times today, I'm worried he/she isn't getting enough food. -Terra Parham
15:30 - Gray on the West side of Polnell Point, feeding very close to shore, not even high tide! -Suzanne Sewester
~17:15 - Gray 2261 must have snuck past us in the northbound direction because it once again showed up southbound - it came right down the shore feeding close in along Mariners' Cove around 5-5:30pm. Much more leisurely pace than earlier this afternoon, with loads of flipper waving and slow progress. It parked at the happy meal mudflats for a long time (prob 20 minutes or so) before slowly moving on toward Polnell. I can definitely confirm that I saw the white line…
~14:30 - We just had the most amazing sighting of Gray2261! He came screaming by Mariners Cove about 2:30pm (8/22/20), close to shore and heading toward Polnell. It fed a little bit here and there but was mostly rushing by. This is probably as close to a breach as I'll ever see from here - lol!
08:11 - Gray (prob 2261?) spouting and on the move mid channel between Mariners Cove and Utsalady. Heading north. Love hearing that familiar "puff!" and finding our old friend out there. Have a great day! -Marianne Parry
DOLPHINS - Sat, Aug 22 - North/Central Puget Sound - 20:23 - (common dolphin) in Elliot Bay. Right off of our dock at Pier 56. Didn't get any shots this time, unfortunately. Came right up next to the boat for a couple surfaces and then was gone into the night! -Joey LaMarche
Saw Cinco on Saturday just off of the Edmonds oil docks. He was headed west, swam next to my boat for half an hour. -Brian Coyle
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALE - Sat, Aug 22 - South Puget Sound - 12:05 - Whale blow outside of Horsehead Bay at 12:05pm today. No fins. Possible grey? Unfortunately, we weren't close enough for good pictures at the second blow and that was the last one we saw. Did see a pectoral fin out of the water momentarily. Mignon Marie Whitaker

August 21
Fri, Aug 21 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Had the pleasure to visit Transient/Bigg's Killer Whales (T018's with T019B - T019C & T090's) off Sooke B.C. today after the fog and rain went away...Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Fri, Aug 21 - Haro Strait (T60s, T2B) - Our sail today was cancelled due to a forecast of rain. The rain had cleared by late afternoon and we watched the Biggs/Transient orcas T60's from shore as they came around Cattle Point Lighthouse and headed up San Juan Channel. We met two of our upcoming passengers there and suggested an impromptu sunset sail. We met the orcas nearing Turn Rock and were able to sail alongside watching the sunset as they passed Friday Harbor. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
15:45-16:10 - At Edwards Point. The T060s had turned somewhere up island, heading south. I saw the vessels pretty far out in an orderly row but for many minutes I didn't see any whales. Puzzled I looked to my right and saw a male's fin extremely close in 1000' away. They pulled up in front of me so close that I had difficulty photographing them, so big in my viewfinder that I was clipping off heads. (250mm lens!). They went by fast; Matriarch T060 with her newest calf T060G eyepatch still pink, T060C, T060D, T060E and T060F southbound. Still speechless.
15:11. The T60s (as per Monika Wieland Shields) came easterly inbound towards Landbank/Westside Preserve area. Raining, hard to see with binocs I made out 3 individuals incl. 2 lg males. They turned north up island. Photographed from shore. -Michelline Halliday
06:45 - Today...Small pod of Orcas, swimming close to shore about 4 miles north of Lime Kiln Point State Park, heading south, towards the Park. -Spencer Cutter
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Aug 21 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 15:35 - Gray whale off Hunskor Hill, east of Mariner's Cove at 3:35pm this afternoon. -Paula Despins
15:00 - I just spotted some spouts across the channel toward Camano - looks like a gray heading toward Utsalady. It's hard to judge how far out in the channel it is because of the depth perception being so whacko in binocs. I can't confirm that it's 2261, but can't imagine it being anyone else.
11:00 - Gray 2261 came up from the south today (8/21/20, 11am), quite close to shore and feeding. It got up to our place (southern tip of Mariners Cove) and turned around and hustled back toward Polnell, with almost no feeding stops at all. It's very windy and choppy out there - maybe it prefers more protected waters. Hat tip to the Parhams, who alerted me that it was heading my way, and they txt'd me that it's still heading back toward Polnell Pt. as of 11:30am. I took loads of photos but it's a little challenging to spot the gray whale in the gray choppy water. I can confirm that it is 2261 since it was kind enough to reverse direction and show me the white line. -Marianne Parry
10:45 - Gray Whale feeding at Mariner's Cove in Oak Harbor.---It was another one of those wonderful and cool days for walking our beach, and we were visited again by Gray Whale #2261 (right?). Have a great day! -Greg & Terra Parham, Oak Harbor
["Yes, this is 2261. Thanks!" -alb]
DOLPHINS - Fri, Aug 21 - Penn Cove - 13:00 - [dolphin] He was in Penn Cove today around 100PM. North side near the entrance. -Damien Cortez

August 20
Thu, Aug 20 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - We are always thankful for early reports of whales off Sooke! …we found 12 Transient/Biggs Killer Whales (T069's, T109's & T101's)…-Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Thu, Aug 20 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca (T60s and T2B) - … We passed Goose Island cormorant rookery and Cattle Point Lighthouse and headed out across Haro Strait to Middle Bank. The T60 family of 6 orcas including accompanying female T2B had been milling in the same location for 2 to 3 hours but began slowly traveling North as we arrived. We were able to sail alongside wing on wing and a beam reach while the wind held. There was a beautiful view of the Olympic mountains to the South of us. … -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
~13:00 - Transient orcas in Hein Bank. Heading north towards Middle Bank. -Yina Arenas
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Aug 20 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 18:47 - Just spotted a whale (gray whale?) spouting and spy hopping just off Strawberry Point on Whidbey, slightly south west of Mariner's Cove entrance. -Kate Hall
18:30-19:30 - Good old gray 2261 came back for dessert tonight. I watched it feeding in the happy meal mudflats just south of me from about 18:30 until 19:30, and had to run back inside because the rain started again. The tide was really high tonight (12') so it maybe had full access to all the yummy goodness hiding under the seaweed.
~16:00-16:35 - Didn't expect to get a good look at our gray friend today with the stormy-ish weather, but my hubby happened to look outside at just the right moment and saw a big fin sticking up right outside our house - yay! We watched from about 4pm until 4:35pm as it moved from our place (southern edge Mariners Cove) down into the happy meal mudflats before the rocks. It was moving veeeery slowly, feeding constantly (fin waving, swirling) and clearly not in a hurry to go anywhere. Finally, after over 30 minutes, it turned into the channel and headed out toward Camano. I lost it at that point because it started raining and I ran back inside and couldn't find it again in the choppy water. -Marianne Parry
Thu, Aug 20 - Possession Sound - 09:25 - [gray] Whale watching on the ferry in to town this morning. Thank you captain Shane for slowing, and Kyle for the alert so we could enjoy. 9:25 transiting from SE Hat towards the port. Distinctive white patch on left side before dorsal ridge. -Lori Christopher
[ID'd 2259 from video. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
DOLPHINS - Thu, Aug 20 - Penn Cove - 11:00 - [dolphin] 8/20 Penn Cove 11am. -Terra Parham

August 19
Wed, Aug 19 - North Puget Sound/Saratoga Passage - 15:48 - 2-3 orcas moving east. Right now at Rocky Point heading south east. -Taral Patel (Camano Whale Watch)
Wed, Aug 19 - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet - 16:10 - Julie Bessie called to report seeing 4-5 orcas, Bush Pt., heading southbound, Whidbey side, mid channel.
15:45 - 6-8 orcas southbound about 2 miles north of Bush Point, mid-channel. Too far away to ID, at least one big male. Watching from the beach, Spotted by Alex Vanderzee. -Bart Rulon
14:50 - another 2nd hand report of 4 orcas in Admiralty Bay off Driftwood Beach heading southbound. Let us know if you see or hear anyone let us know.
~13:00 - Saw 3+ orcas travelling south at Fort Ebey. -Jamie Rose
Sat, Aug 19 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - As we travelled there was a shore based report of orcas off Salt Creek heading west so we hoped we could catch them. We found them still heading west and very close to shore about 6 miles west of Crescent Beach. They made a turn out towards us and then we started noticing lots of harbor porpoise all around and even a harbor seal. There were quite a few orcas and they looked like they were in a semi resting mode. We figured there were at least two families there with the large number of Bigg's orcas. They traveled for a bit and then started milling in one place. Thinking they may have found a snack, we watched as they dove in one spot, and we never saw a chase but there was suddenly a lot of blood in the water and they were feeding. We believe they had found a seal hiding and flushed him out. The gulls also showed up for the meal. There were the T109's, the T109A's and the T69's. There were a few youngsters in the mix and they got to tail slapping a few times and we had one huge spyhop. -Lee, Island Adventures
Wed, Aug 19 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T65As, T30s, T137 +) - Another great morning with 15 Transient Killer Whales (T065's & T030's and T137 and others)…Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Wed, Aug 19 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T69s) - 10:30 - Pod of Orca were off Port Angeles (10:30) off by Salt Creek rec area. There were about 6 to 8 of them. [secondhand report and photos from Sandy's friend]. -Sandy Thompson Baker
[ID Notes from Sara Hysong-Shimazu: "T69s for the PA group. The male looks like T69C and I see T69 in there too."]
Tue, Aug 19 - Hood Canal - ~06:45 - Someone reported seeing them in Hood Canal heading North around 6:45am. [third-hand report]. -Brooke Casanova
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Aug 19, Northern Saratoga Passage - 08:00 - There is a (presumably) gray spouting at north end of Camano. It appears to be heading a little south and into the channel toward Whidbey, so maybe it smelled my coffee and is coming to join me. Update: I can confirm that it was Gray 2261 - through binoculars I saw the white line. It looked like it was heading directly toward me (Mariners' Cove), but then there was some boat traffic so it disappeared for a few minutes and popped up further south, cruising in toward Polnell Shores. I lost sight of it just south of the rocks/happy meal mudflats, but I could hear it breathing, so I know it was just around the corner. Love that sound! -Marianne Parry
Wed, Aug 19 - Northern Saratoga Passage - ~12:45 - Update: A whale-watcher followed Gray from outside of Utsalady all the way over to the northern part of Mariners Cove, and when the boat left (around 12:45p), it turned around and is currently headed back out into the channel toward Utsalady. Visual confirmation that it's 2261 (white stripe).
11:30 - Gray (prob 2261) was hanging out near the strip of beach south of the bay at Utsalady (not sure what it's called) for a good 20 minutes or so and then did a big arched-back dive and popped up north a bit. Currently heading north-ish, but not sure if it's planning to stay on the Camano side or head to Whidbey. Looks like it might be moving toward mid-channel. Thanks! -Marianne Parry
DOLPHINS - Wed, Aug 19 - Penn Cove - Wednesday, August 19th a lone common dolphin spent the day in Penn Cove, Whidbey Island often bow riding the boats of Penn Cove Shellfish staff as they transited back and forth. Thanks to photos submitted by K. Cameron Dean
(thanks to help by his dad Gordon Dean) both Dave Anderson & Laurie Shuster, Cascadia Research concurred the spot pattern were a match to a known dolphin named "Cinco").
Later that evening he did have a companion. Additional info: In the evening we saw him passing by the house and coming out of the water. Almost immediately there was a second breach that followed so quickly we assumed it was a second animal. We never actually saw two at once. -Thom Vader
["Yes, that appears to be Cinco. I can see his distinctive notch in the dorsal, which we use for long-term ID, as well as the more recent spot pattern from his current skin condition." -Dave Anderson, Research Biologist, Cascadia Research Collective]
Here is the dolphin that was in the [Penn] cove today. -Kelly Stenson Stadler - photo - by Charles Camlin
(comment from Matt Williams: "He was in Penn Cove all day yesterday! Riding the wake of all the boats at Penn Cove Shellfish!")
Wed, Aug 19 - Penn Cove/Whidbey Island - The people who took the pictures and video work for Penn Cove Shellfish in Coupeville. Their rafts and loading dock are located to the West of Coupeville. My son, Cameron runs the boat at Penn Cove Shellfish and he is the one that took the pictures. He is working today (20th) so that is why I stepped into the mix. Now that he knows where to send stuff, I think you will be getting more. Sighting notes Cameron: "…He was there when we got to the water at 7:00 am and was following boats from the beach to the rafts. He was still hanging around when we left the water at 2:00. He would follow us out and wait for us to come back. Same at the beach. Every time our props spun up, he would get excited and speed towards us and breach...We made trips into the beach about every 45 minutes…" -Gordon Dean

August 18
Tue, Aug 18 - Admiralty Inlet - 16:40 - Kit Turner, Lagoon Point called again - just saw another/same group presumed Transients, at least 4 (one male, couple smaller/mid size) hard to count how many. Directly across at Marrowstone Point milling around, but seem to be heading north.
Tue, Aug 18 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T11A) - What another amazing day off Sooke! I found my old friend "Rainy" T011A (42 yrs) hunting close to shore off Beachy Head, a Humpback off the bluffs and of course "Ollie" the sea otter at Race Rocks Lighthouse....Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Tue, Aug 18 - Puget Sound - 18:50 - 6:50 The rest are headed north with the three boats approaching Ebey. The one was way ahead.
18:30 - A single blow in front of Ebey, headed north, close to shore. -Meghan Davis
18:13 - [orcas] Just went past Ft. Casey. Standing on beach. They are heading north. Nicole Mrozek
18:06 - [orcas] View in binocs from Keystone Ferry parking lot. Heading north in shipping channel. -Tenley Martinez
~18:00 - Today off Fort Casey taken at approximately 1800. -John Files
18:00 - Orcas spotted on the Coupeville PT ferry. Heading North towards Ebey's Landing. 6pm. At least 2 big males. The sun was blinding so it was hard to see for a bit. -Melinda Killian
18:15 - Directly out from Admiralty Lighthouse.
18:05 - Turning back towards Fort Casey.
17:43 - [orcas] Just spotted Admiralty Bay. -Samantha Lorenz
17:40 - Think they kept going North and past Ft. Casey now.
17:15 - Right turn, into Admiralty Bay!
17:05 - Still trending North in the current towards Fort Casey.
16:41 - [orcas] Group is heading north, mid channel between Lagoon Point and Fort Flagler. -David Haeckel
16:32 - As of 10 mins ago, there were about 8 playing in the currents off Fort Casey. -Catrina Vitez
13:33 - Right now at Fort Flagler. For sure one Orca. (NB). -DeeDee Mille
13:30 - 3 orcas appear to be mlling/hunting in Admirals Cove. No direction of travel. She is viewing from a distance at Fort Casey. -Jill Hein
~13:07 - Saw 3+ orcas travelling south at Fort Ebey about 3 hrs ago [reported at 16:07]. -Jamie Rose
12:38 - [orcas] Moving towards Marrowstone, within 1 mile. -David Scott
13:56 - Kit Turner called again to report the orcas are definitely hunting. She is seeing a lot of splashing, at least 4+ different animals, different body sizes engaged in a lot of surface active behaviors.
13:45 - Kit Turner, Lagoon Point called again. She is again seeing orcas, now just off towards Fort Casey pretty close in shore. She cannot see how many. They are just toodling around, leisurely wending their way around.
12:10 - Kit Turner, Lagoon Point, Whidbey, just called. She caught a brief glimpse of at least 2 orcas heading what she believes was northbound directly out from Lagoon Point, but closer to Marrowstone Island side.
05:54 - Orcas North of Shilshole heading north. East side of channel similar to last week. -Joan Geraghty
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Aug 18 - Strait of Juan de Fuca….at Race Rocks - MMY0149 ID: Alethea Leddy

August 17
Mon, Aug 17 - Puget Sound (T65As, T137 and T137D) - 20:05 - Now a Port of Tacoma boat following the whales with blue lights flashing. Out of view now, headed north past Piner Point - the "Destiny" and the whales.
19:59 - OK, 4 whales total between Piner Point and Dash Point, closer to Piner Point on Maury Island. Not really going north or south.
19:44 - Now headed north between Maury Island and Dash Point.
19:32 - [orcas] Now 3 heading east off of Point Ruston. -John Troup
19:21 - [orcas] Headed east towards Tacoma. Closer to the Vashon side. -Karen Widrig Pickett
19:07 - Direction change, meandering mid-channel off Vashon/Tacoma Ferry terminal.
19:02 - Heading north up the west side of Vashon, 7:02, 3-5.
18:40 - [orcas] Blows off of Gig Harbor, Point Defiance side. A lot of boats following. -Mallory Piekarski-Rabinowitz
18:40 - Headed towards Gig Harbor from Narrows. [NB] -Lauren N Brett Ware
18:30 - From Narrows Park today around 1830! Such beauties!! -Shannan Van Houten
17:45 - Carl Straub called to report seeing the orcas in Echo Bay, Hale Passage (between Fox Island & Gig Harbor). They were milling and meandered around for a bit and were last heading back towards Wollochet in the main channel, back towards Tacoma. He reports boats were all moving slow...
17:42 - Lost them... Seem to be heading back towards Tacoma.
17:35 - They seemed to have changed direction and are heading towards Wollochet Bay direction.
17:18 - [orcas] Eyes on them, seen 3-4 so far. They were heading south now seem stalled just west of the Fox Island bridge, 5:18. -Brooke Casanova
16:57 - [orcas] Headed west along the north side of Fox Island towards the Fox Island bridge. -Bob Allen
~16:30 - Saw a pod of 4 or 5 heading south from Narrows Bridge on Gig Harbor side. We were at Titlow Beach on land, approximately 4:30pm. -Cherie StOurs
16:20 - We saw this group of maybe four passing through Gig Harbor at 4:20 pm. yesterday. All were just swimming along towards the Tacoma Narrows Bridge again. A boat was stopped but this group swam pretty close to them which must have been a real thrill. My husband Richard got a few photos before they were gone. Always a treat for us seeing these guys out back! -Pauline/Richard Proszowski
16:40 - Viewing from Titlow 4:40 pm. At least 4 blows seen for sure. Looks to be headed towards Fox Island.
16:27 - [orcas] Can see blows under the Narrows right now. Viewing from Titlow with binoculars. -Candace Gavin
16:52 - Headed to Fox Island bridge area. We aren't following so can't update any further.
16:24 - Under the Narrows bridge now. Gig harbor side. Heading south
16:10 - [orcas] In front of Gig Harbor now. Headed to the Narrows. -Jarab Daniel
16:00 - Headed south now past Pt. Defiance.
15:56 - [orcas] Headed north on west side of Vashon island. -Christine Snyder
19:05 - Not in Colvos yet.
18:20 - [orcas] Close pass by Narrows. Tightly grouped together and traveling mode. Just passed under the bridge headed north towards Gig Harbor and Point Defiance, closer to the Gig Harbor side.
16:31 - Passed under the bridge and Narrows Park all grouped up. probably six to eight orcas. One male, one juvenile, the rest females (or young males). At
16:34 one did a Half breach, they all dove, and I lost sight of them they were traveling southbound with a purpose.
15:49 - [orcas] Viewing from Ruston Way. Saw a blow in front of Quartermaster Harbor. Very close to Vashon side. -Ashley Whitman
15:35 - [orcas] Just north of Browns Point LH, mid channel. -Dexter Cummins
15:22 - Just went by Dash Point still heading South. -Janet Staats Hominda
14:34 - [orcas] Just passed Pt. Robinson at 2:34. (southbound). -Jessi JB
14:16 - They look to be moving to mid channel away from Vashon, but still heading south. 3-4 orcas.
14:10 - [orcas] Spotted water spouts north of Pt. Robinson. -Jennifer Nichols
14:08 - South of Three Tree Point in Burien between Vashon Island in deep water closer to the island. [southbound] -Nathan Sielaff
13:55 - [orcas] Spotted across from Normandy Park headed south! (still along the Vashon side) -Laurel Robinson
13:17 - [orcas] Cleared Dillworth. SB close to Vashon shore. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
13:11 - [orcas] Off Dilworth now, heading south at a steady pace. -Elizabeth Kappler McNally
12:32 - [orcas] Blows visible from Emma Schmitz, just north of towers. Vashon side. -Mary Hartmann
12:23 - Steady SB travel, appear to be closer to Vashon, west of mid channel. East side of Vashon, between Vashon and West Seattle.
12:16 - Continued SB, now past Vashon ferry dock. West of mid channel.
11:48 - [orcas] Watching from Fauntleroy, in a tight group just passed Tillikum Village, steady southbound travel, east of Blake, mid channel. -Pia VanHanen
12:10 - Have been stalled out on a kill just north of Vashon ferry dock For quite some time.
11:07 - [orcas] Just passed Alki Point, just west of mid channel heading SB towards Blake Island. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
10:28 - T65As, T137, and T137D southbound a mile north of Alki Point. Tightly grouped. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
08:35 - Now I see them! Must have a kill going on....LOTS of big splashes, etc. Pretty well straight out from Point Jefferson, Kingston, in the middle of the channel.
08:20 - Good job Kingston Fast Ferry for changing your route because there are orcas out there. I saw one surface heading south, pretty well in the channel, but so far that is it. I'm at Point Jefferson. -Chris Beamer Otterson
10:10 - 8-9 KW. At least one male. Moderate travel south.
09:37 - Off Manitou, Bainbridge. Headed south/southeast Slow travel. At least 4 animals. Spread.
07:11 - Ferry master says orcas (5), southbound, crossed the Edmonds-Kingston ferry route 10 min ago. No other information at this time. -Michelle Savoie
06:50 - Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: SPOKANE Master reports via 800MHz 5-6 orca near KING [Kingston] traveling South.
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 17 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 15:00 - I just spotted a whale-watching boat quite far out from the northern tip of Camano in Skagit Bay, and there is indeed a gray feeding out there. Hard to imagine it could be anyone except 2261, but if so, it snuck back up along the Camano side while I was emailing you the last report. It appears to be creeping toward Utsalady.
~12:45 - I tried to keep an eye on this morning's gray and as luck would have it, it decided to come across toward Whidbey and head south directly toward Mariners' Cove prob around 12:45ish. I can confirm that it was 2261 based on the line by the blowhole. It cruised past our place (southern tip of Mariners' Cove) a little bit further out than usual, but the tide was only at 0.5', so that's apparently where the food was. Feeding lightly as it went along, it arrived down at the happy meal mudflats and spent quite a bit of time feeding heavily (circling/waving/etc.) and letting out enormous "burps" now and then (way bigger than the usual ones! Ballast?). It ate for a while on the north side of the protruding rocks and then slowly worked its way around them to the Polnell side, still feeding and waving flukes/fins. From a distance, it looked like it finally had enough and decided to move on directly southward.
12:00 - Just an update on the whereabouts of presumably 2261 - it is spouting off the northern tip of Utsalady and appears to be heading toward Whidbey. It came by around this time yesterday so I'm hoping it makes a turn to the south and visits me shortly for a snack. Update: Gray never showed up for snacks today (Monday) but kept going up to the north of us until I lost sight of it.
11:30 - I'm watching a whale-watching boat following a gray mid-channel out between Mariners Cove and Utsalady, prob closer to Camano than Whidbey. It appears to be feeding because it's moving very slowly north. Prob 2261 but too far away for visual confirmation. Have a good one!
10:53 - Someone's been spouting way over in the channel toward Utsalady, heading south but slowly. We'll be in the lookout if it decides to come by once the tide comes back in a bit. Thanks! -Marianne Parry
Mon, Aug 17 - Possession Sound - 12:48 - Gray whales #2259 and 2262 in close association and traveling/feeding along the edge of river delta. Some really cool interactions between them! -Renee Chamberland
12:45 - Gray whales crc2259 and crc2262 are together on the edge of the Snohomish River delta northeast of Hat Island. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
DOLPHINS - Mon, Aug 17 - Puget Sound/Elliott Bay - 17:15 - Good morning, I saw the post on the Orca Network Facebook page asking for common dolphin sightings/reports so I am getting in touch and attaching some photos. I captain the Sailing Seattle sailboats out of Seattle's Pier 56 and this past Monday I had the unique experience of having a dolphin play in the bow wake of one of our 70-foot race boats. Having sailed the waters of Elliott Bay and the Central Puget Sound for thousands of hours I know a dolphin sighting in these waters is truly rare! I took many photos of this encounter so if there is a specific angle or image of the dolphin that will help you in your research please let me know and I can send more images your way. Direction of Travel: East bound from the middle of the bay all the way to the downtown Seattle waterfront off Pier 56. Thanks for all you do to promote the conservation of the Salish Sea and all of its inhabitants! -Craig McMaster
["I'll agree with Alisa that this is Cinco. The spots are a match for his recent skin condition, and I could even see the notch on his dorsal fin that is the way that we do long-term matching." -Dave Anderson, Research Biologist, Cascadia Research Collective]

August 16
Sun, Aug 16 - Haro Strait (T10s) - The T10's were hunting and punting Harbor Seals this afternoon at the south end of Sidney Island! Andrew - Five Star Whale Watching.
13:00. 3/4 mi south of Edwards Point, matriarch T010 "Langara" and her son T010C "Bones" traveled north reaching Edwards Point in 10 minutes. Not surfacing often, I only caught a few glimpses of T010 but her son's massive fin couldn't be missed. He towered over her as he swam alongside. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
12:15 - T10s reported 1.5 miles off False Bay heading for False Bay/ currently aiming up island. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
Sun, Aug 16 - North Puget Sound (T65As, and T137s minus T137A and T137B) - 20:12 - [orcas] They just passed Picnic Point, 2-3 mid channel, and 3-4 closer to Picnic Point. -Lauren McManus
19:50 - 3 orcas just passed me going south, mid channel, between Whidbey Island and Mukilteo. -Jodi Krause Poissant
20:00 - These beautiful animals. Looks like they joined up together. Heading southeast towards Edmonds.
19:50 - [orcas] A group of 2-3 closer to Mukilteo side, and a group of 2 closer to Whidbey side. All heading south towards Edmonds. -Alice Thuy Talbot
19:29 - [orcas] Just passed Mukilteo, almost to the south end of Whidbey...heading south. -Andrea Swisstack
17:38 - Location: off of Camano Island, right before Langley. How many: 3 or 4 Orca. -Maria Mason, Bainbridge Island
17:24 - 3-4 orcas just rounded the corner of Sandy Point, SB. -Mike Ferdinandi
17:20 - Alise Quayle called to report seeing ~6 orcas out from Langley, Whidbey, heading southbound about 5 minutes ago.
17:31 - Passing between Whidbey and Hat Island, heading south towards the Clinton ferry dock.
17:11 - Heading south at a good clip, passing Sandy Point south of the Langley Marina. -Danielle Pennington
16:29 - Saw four orcas feeding off the shore from Bells Beach Road, Langley, in the Bells Beach area. -Kate Poss
B-U-S-Y with whales and a melee of watercraft sharing space today as the T65As and T137s [minus T137A and T137B] spread themselves across Saratoga Passage between Camano and Whidbey Island milling, breaching, tail-slapping and cart-wheeling as they wended their way south. Occasional directional changes surprised a few boaters, keeping everyone guessing as to where the whales would surface next, the 'whoosh' of their exhalations carrying on the warm breeze on what must surely be the hottest day so far this summer -Sandra Pollard
15:40 - [orcas] Passing Bells Beach headed south at quick pace. Langley bell just rang!! -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
14:48 - [orcas] On Camano side, approaching Camano Island State Park, southbound. -Rachel Haight
14:12 - Just saw the pod heading south ... we are on Whidbey/Saratoga Passage watching them in front of the state park on Camano. -Marie Gill
14:10 - [orcas] Looks like they are heading back south, mid channel. -Aaron Gill
14:10 - Kathy reported back at 2:10 they had switched directions, headed south toward Hidden Beach.
13:48 - Kathy Fritts called at 1:48 to report the orcas ~1/4 north of Hidden Beach, Greenbank, on the Whidbey side, still moving north. 1 male, 2 females and a younger one.
~13:30 - Breach sequence all the way through the splashes - Sunday 8/16 - Saratoga Passage. This is T65A5 - born 2014. Zoomed and cropped images. -Jill Hein
12:25 - On Camano side now possibly heading toward Cama but have been milling so who knows where they will end up.
12:12 - Allie Hudec called, she's observing the orcas who are across from Fox Spit on Camano side, off south end of Camano Island State Park area. Some orcas are making directional changes, but in general appear to still be heading northbound.
11:53 - [orcas] Up near shore heading north for Baby Island! Another group out further. -Janine Harles
15:25 - All have passed Fox Spit, Whidbey side, approaching Bells Beach at a good pace. 1/4 mid channel. SB.
15:07 - Spread out from NW of Fox Spit to mid Elger Bay mid channel
15:00 - Viewing from Fox Spit. In Elger Bay, southbound.
13:06 - Camano/Baby Island/ Hidden Beach triangle, pretty much mid and somewhat milling...
11:50 - Some have rounded closer to Fox Spit appearing towards Baby Island. Some across mid channel. updated: 4 orca headed towards Baby Island, while other group more so mid channel and further towards Camano State Park. these ones near northside of Fox Spit making it as far as mid-way to Baby Island.
11:40 - [orcas] Viewing from Fox Spit Point. Midchannel and south of south end Elger Bay. Milling and trending NB. -Marilyn Armbruster
11:25 - Jim Lovvorn called to report seeing the Transients mid channel in Saratoga between Fox Spit and Bells Beach, Whidbey. Orcas are too far away to determine who they are or if any males, but presume same group reported earlier.
12:27 - We saw All members of the two pods except for T137A + B.
11:08 - Just spotted T65[A]2 with a female on the Camano side approaching Elger Bay from the south.
10:58 - Still northbound.
10:53 - So far we are seeing mostly the T65As minus A2, and just T137, so there might be others elsewhere.
10:35 - Just confirmed the T65As are here too! Still none of the big boys spotted yet.
10:30 - Saratoga Passage. Still northbound very spread out in search mode. So far we have the T137s at least and likely more. See map for location [north of Langley, mid channel. -gs]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
09:42 - Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops emailed: TOKITAE: Master reports three orca one half mile off CLIN and traveling North towards Saratoga Passage.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Aug 16 - San Juan Islands - 15:30 - Approaching Cattle Pass, not making much progress against the flood - on San Juan side of the Channel.
13:30 This humpback is still southbound in San Juan Channel abeam of Griffin Bay. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
14:30 - He is still southbound headed for Cattle Pass - has breached a few times too.
11:39 - Humpback whale Two Spot at Pt. Caution, southbound. -Barbara Howitt
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Aug 16 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 11:30 - Gray mid/channel, north end of Utsalady. I'm watching a large whale-watching boat as it sat by a gray heading north at northern tip of Camano. It's pretty far away so no photos or ID, but it def looks like a gray in binocs, and odds are it's 2261. It may have been feeding because it wasn't moving very fast, but too deep for waving his fins at us. -Marianne Parry
Sun, Aug 16 - Possession Sound - 10:16 - Janine Harles messaged they were observing 2 grays near SE Hat/Gedney Island both heading southbound, but not together.
photo - "Gray whale #2259" ID: Janine
09:40 - Lori Christopher reports two grays together, sighted from Hat Express, southeast side of Hat Island. No direction given.
DOLPHIN - Sun, Aug 16 - Puget Sound - Hi! I've attached the two photos of the dolphin we saw in Elliot Bay. Thanks! -Joey LaMarche
[Per Dave Anderson at Cascadia Research: "Those do look like Cinco's spots….That's the farthest north we've gotten a report for him yet, but it's within the range of the groups that seem to show up every year…"]

August 15
Sat, Aug 15 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T18s) - As we got closer the only boat on scene was about to leave and said the whales turned more northerly and were aiming more towards False Bay on San Juan Island. Two of the four animals they lost track of. We changed course to intercept the orcas and scanned with the binoculars. Alas, there they were - the unmistakable T19B with his massive dorsal fin could be seen about 2 1/2 miles away and his mother was traveling with him. We didn't see his younger brother or his (presumable) grandmother. We paralleled the orcas as they traveled into shore at Hannah Heights and they turned south. Another boat spotted the other two family members further south (maybe 2 miles away) and they were northbound headed towards the others. Both pairs of orcas traveled down the San Juan Island shoreline and we stayed with them until Eagle Cove before breaking off to head back to the barn. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
18:43 - Orcas in False Bay this evening! We saw one that was significantly smaller. A baby? [No, T18s]. -Karen Hadac
17:00 - Sounds like they are SE of Discovery Island now, still in Canadian waters, heading north but on a course for San Juan Island rather than up Haro.
15:45 - South of Discovery Island on the border: T18s heading NE towards San Juan Island. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
We are always excited to find Orca off Sooke, B.C. and today we found Transient Killer Whales (T018 & T019's) hunting south of Race Rocks! -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Sat, Aug 15 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca (T65As with T137 and T137D) - The T065As were all back together with mom, and traveling with T137 and T137D (thirty-seven y.o. Loon and eight y.o. Wright). Making their way slowly down Rosario, they seemed to be heading back to Puget Sound after their three-day absence. Jack (T137A) was not present, and there was no evidence of fourteen-year-old Tempest (T137B). The two of them were last seen Friday night heading down San Juan Channel with all of the T036s…April Ryan, Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
Pod within 60 feet of shore at Fort Worden State Park, 8-15-2020. -Jason Dupea
19:40 - 7:40...viewing from Point Wilson, multiple fins and blows spread out east and southeast of the lighthouse. -Jesse Avery
19:23 - A lot of sprays out there headed towards Fort Casey once again.
18:41 - [orcas] Stalled out west of Pt. Wilson. At 840mm into the sun and heat distortion I could see a confirmed spray. -Chris Brunell
17:35 - Southbound into Admiralty Inlet - 1735, aiming for Admiralty Head. -Tyler McKeen
17:10 - [orcas] Whales are about 2 miles off Whidbey, past Libbey Road, still southbound. -Jill Hein
16:29 - [orcas] Moved on steady southbound. -Rachel Haight
16:00 - The 65A's and 137s are off the west side of Whidbey, Swan Town area, about 1 mile offshore southbound following the shore 4:00. -Christopher Hanke, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Aug 15 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 11:20-11:30 - A gray (presumably 2261) came up from the south feeding fairly close to shore (happy meal mudflats) but then did a sharp turn out into the channel, heading toward Utsalady. Still out there as of 11:30am, and I can't tell if it's going to hang a right or left or just have lunch right where it is. Thanks! -Marianne Parry
Sat, Aug 15 - Possession Sound - Sailing in 6' of water due west of Jetty Island (about 47.99429, -122.24487), we saw a gray whale feeding in water just west of us, still in shallow water. Hope this fluke shot is enough to identify. -Paul Smith
~10:30: Gray whale at SE Gedney swimming circles! Not 2259. -Renee Chamberland

August 14
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Aug 14 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 09:45 - Gray (2261?) did indeed come across to Mariners Cove for a brief visit. After the last sighting out in the channel, it disappeared completely for prob 15 minutes or so - I might have missed a puff in the strip of sunshine on the water, but it was basically radio silence until it popped up a couple of houses up from me (yay!). It moved southward at a pretty good clip, with no friendly waves as it passed. Just to the south of Mariners Cove (traveled only maybe 1000' closer to shore), it turned back out into the channel and headed toward Camano again. Hopefully it's just waiting for the tide to come in a little more so the buffet is open.
08:59 - I got lucky and happened to look in the right place at the right time and saw an enormous spout way in the channel toward the northern half of Utsalady. I can just barely see it in binoculars but not close enough to ID which gray. I'm pretty sure it's a gray though judging by the usual head shape. It appears to be heading a little more in my direction (Mariners cove), so I'll get back to you if I can get any photos or a good enough look to try to ID. The tide is still pretty low so it's a little early for the happy meal mudflats. -Marianne Parry
DOLPHINS - Fri, Aug 14 - South Puget Sound - ~18:00 - [dolphin] Around 6:00 pm Narrows Bridge...he spent 20 minutes with us. -Sarah Ayle Stecher
15:09 - [dolphin] We saw one off Fox Island last Friday [Aug 14]. And we saw both together in front of Zittell's Marina for about a week in Mid-July. They are so playful. -Courtney Grubb

August 13
Thu, Aug 13 - San Juan Islands (T18s; T36 and T36Bs; T36As; T65A2, T137A, and T137B) T36As, San Juan Channel. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
Around noon T18's ended up doing a big circle in Georgia Strait and reportedly joined up with the T36's (T36 and T36B's) and T36A's. T65A2, T137A and T137B also joined the party and they all crossed the US border about 2:30pm and travelled down the west side of Patos and Sucia Island. The orcas we were watching earlier [T65As minus T65A2, and T137s minus T137A and T137B] traveled east in Boundary Pass. At around 5pm they took off at speed to go join the others who were approximately 7 miles away. T65A2 joined back with his family and they continued around the bottom of Sucia and headed north with the T18's nearby. The T36's and T36A's along with T137A and T137B came down the north side of Orcas Island in Presidents Channel, through Spring Passage, and came down San Juan Channel passing Friday Harbor around 8:25pm. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
Thu, Aug 13 - Haro Strait (T65As and T137s minus T65A2, T137A, and T137B). Another report of a different group [from T18s] of orcas found off the southwest side of San Juan Island near False Bay came over the radio. It was reported as the T65A's (minus T65A2) with T137 and youngest offspring T137D (T137's offspring T137A and T137B had dispersed with T65A2 four days earlier - we saw these three orcas yesterday at the border north of Turn Pt.). These two families of orcas had spent the last couple of weeks in Puget Sound and were near Seattle the day before. It's not uncommon for orcas to travel 50-100 miles in a day. …we began seeing the blows as they rounded Kellett Bluff on Henry Island. The orcas were spread out in loose groups traveling north quickly on the flood current. After a long dive of several minutes we noticed 13 yr. old male orca T65A3 swimming at speed back to the south in our direction. Suddenly, all the orcas surfaced off our starboard side in a nice tight group milling with 3 of them logging at the surface. We're not sure what caused them to stop as they had - maybe they found prey or were deciding on which route to take but it wasn't long before they resumed travel to the north again. We paralleled the orcas all the way up to Turn Pt. Lighthouse until they crossed the border continuing north to the Pender Bluffs. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
This group crossed into Canadian waters around 14:25 but there were another group of different Bigg's between Sucia and Orcas heading east as of 16:30. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
12:00 - We found the T65A and T137 pods, minus the three that dispersed, up off the west side of San Juan Island today, northbound. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
11:40-11:55 - Traveling quickly but stopping for tail waves and porpoising, 6-7 orcas northbound 3/4 mile south of Edwards Point and past Edwards Point, including T137 Loon, T137D Wright, T065A Artemis, T065A3 Amera, and T065A4 Ellifrit. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Aug 13 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 09:09 - Gray is off Polnell Pt. Heading East. -Terra Parham
DOLPHINS - Thu, Aug 13 - South Puget Sound - 18:15-20:30 - He spent two hours with us off the mouth of the Nisqually River. -Jon Tornquist

August 12
Wed, Aug 12 - San Juan Islands (T65A2, T137A, and T137B) - 13:20-14:05 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #37: "Orcinus" arrived on scene at 1320 as the whales were traveling northwest along the Stuart Island shoreline under Tiptop Hill. The three whales were T65A2, T137A, and T137B and they were taking 6-7 minute long dives ... [See CWR Encounter #37 for full encounter summary and photos]
Thu, Aug 12 - Active Pass (T65A2, T137A, and T137B) ~17:00 - Just after 5 pm, August 12, 3 transient orcas travelled eastward through Active Pass. -Karoline Cullen
12:40 - Killer whales picked up in Spieden Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
Wed, Aug 12 - Central Puget Sound (T65As and T137 minus T65A2, T137A, and T137B)
18:05 - Steady northbound. At least five: two smaller with adult in front and a couple lagging just behind.
17:52 - [orcas] Just north of Manitou Beach, hugging west (Bainbridge) side. -Susan White
16:36 - Almost to Blakely Rock. West in channel. Water taxi stalling.
16:29 - NB. Just off alpha tango buoy.
16:17 - Maybe heading into Manchester.
16:10 - Logging.... Being pursued by fishing boat.
16:00 - Still stalled out milling same spot.
15:36 - Stalled out on a kill between Blake and Bainbridge.
15:15 - [orcas] A half mile north of Lincoln Park. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
14:57 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: CATHLAMET Master reports a pod of orca North bound about 1/2 mile of Lincoln Park.
13:56 - Just spotted a pod of orcas headed north across Normandy Park, nearing Three Tree Point. Looks like a mother, baby and 2-3 others. Near the Vashon coast. -Laurel Robinson
13:05 - Orcas southbound, east side of Vashon, north of Point Beals. Looks like 5-6. -Ron Cage Billiet
12:55 - [orcas] Cleared Dilworth loosely grouped up near Vashon shoreline, southbound, research boat with them. -Marla Smith
A great day at the beach watching Orcas swim by. Bigg's Transient orcas T65As & T137s (minus T65A2, T137A, T137B) here. (Taken from Dilworth Beach on Vashon Island) -Kelly Burns Keenan
12:51 - [orcas] Now adjacent Arroyos, very close to Vashon E. side. -Jim Nunn
12:41 - [orcas] Been watching them stay along the shore of Vashon, heading south. Watching from North Three Tree Point. -Megan Hansen
12:30 - 12:30 Chilkat Express departing T65As and T137s. southbound 4 knots. -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
12:23 - They are south of Dolphin Point. Headed closer to the Vashon side.
12:03 - [orcas] Passed the Fauntleroy ferry terminal headed south. 12:03 pm. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
11:47 - Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: CATHLAMET Master reports via 800MHz 2 orca near Vashon heading South in the SB traffic lanes.
12:15 - Still southbound.
11:40 - T65As and T137s
still southbound minus the trio that's split off a few days ago. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
11:55 - Committing to east side of Vashon Island.
11:11 - Group has just passed Tillicum Village, SB in travel mode.
10:55 - Probably 3.5 mi out from me on the shore, Me Kwa Mooks, 4-5 including male.
10:51 - [orcas] SB between Blake and Bainbridge, west in channel. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
10:30 - [orcas] Last seen at 10:30 south of Restoration Point heading N by Nw. Not clear if they were heading up toward Bremerton yet. (brief direction change, then they turned and headed south again). -Scott Markowitz
10:13 - Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: WENATCHEE Master reports via 800MHz 4-5 orca near Blakely Rock traveling South toward Restoration Point.
10:10 - 5-6 KW 2km south of Bainbridge. Traveling south. -Michelle Savoie
~08:25 - I saw some orcas are heading north up Colvos Passage at about 8:25am…I live on Olalla side and look across at Vashon mid channel. I tried to get a good picture but they got too far away before I could. Right after that, there were several porpoises that hung around for about an hour. I started second guessing if the first ones were porpoises and not whales, but the fins were very black and pointier unlike the porpoises. I hope I wasn't wrong. -Therese Oberstar-Carlson
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Aug 11 - Strait of Juan de Fuca -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
photo - MMZ0033 (Summit) with Calf [ID's per PP], photo - BCY0745, photo - MMY0063, photo - MMX0122
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Aug 12 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 10:41 - We just saw him [gray] again this morning. Off the eastern tip of Camano. I hope he's getting food as well. It's been feeding East of Mariners Cove for the past three days. -Terra Parham Wed, Aug 12 - Puget Sound
14:28 - There's a common dolphin attending a very small boat just outside of Gig Harbor. -Charlie Wright

August 11
Tue, Aug 11 - Haro Strait (T10s) - 17:16 - Middle of Haro, just north of LK. -Ariel Yseth
14:48-15:24 - Haro Strait, 1/2 mile south of Edwards Point. 2-3 orcas, T10s, northbound, changing direction to the northwest and then west away from the island. At first sight the orcas were between the shore and the line of boats but within a few minutes they dove and finally came up on the far side of the boats. I watched as they moved NW, W and then N again nearing the Canadian border. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
13:45-15:35 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #36: "Orcinus" arrived on scene at 1345 off False Bay. T10 and T10C were foraging way inshore off the entrance to False Bay. They went deep into Kanaka Bay (a place where T13 and T14 were held captive for a period of time in 1976) and looked like they made a kill on a probable harbor seal. The pair came back out of the cove acting like they were feeding... [See CWR Encounter #36 for full encounter summary and photos] -
12:45 - South Beach northbound.
12:25 - T10s
a couple miles offshore of South Beach trending towards San Juan. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute.
Tue, Aug 11 - Admiralty Inlet - (T65A2, T137A, T137B) - 16:42 - Kit Turner just called. She is seeing two big orcas (someone else said 3rd present) off the north end of Lagoon Point heading northbound at a steady clip. The orcas were very close in on Whidbey side, but looks now deviated a bit offshore more in line towards Keystone/Ebey (not into Admiralty Bay).
16:40 - At least one orca headed north past Lagoon Point closer to shore. Moving fast. -Rebecca Mcginnis
16:28 - Lagoon Point. Haven't seen fully, but a couple at least here. -Jana Shinn Quiocho
12:41 - Grouped up headed north, pointed at southern Whidbey.
12:38 - How do I alert WSF? Spokane about to leave and whales in mid channel in ferry lanes. [Alisa, Orca Network, alerted WSF]
12:27 - [orcas] Watching from south end Edmonds fishing pier. Spread out and headed north about 1/4 mile south of me. -Neil Emery
13:00 - Was about the last I laid eyes on this trio. They were approx 3+ miles south of Possession Point heading northbound. I then had tasks/took my eyes off and haven't found them since. Visibility is good but seas choppy so not ideal.
12:40 - These 3 moved off shore but still on Edmonds side, grouped up out from central Edmonds, heading steady northbound in choppy seas.
12:05 - Resumed travel. Can confirm T65A2, 137A, 137B, now northbound, north end Richmond Beach, well on this side. Edmonds next place to be!
11:55. They have stalled and are hunting just inside weather buoy off north end park! Eek. Spyhop!
11:45. Very close to shore, Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, northbound!
---Bigg's Transient killer whales or orcas (mammal-eating type) have been keeping a presence in inland Puget Sound much of spring and nearly every day this summer. The T65As & T137s are two of the most well-known/observed of the Ts this far inland. These two families had been traveling together for over a week before these 3 split off. This was the third day of their split from the families (who were off Whidbey at the time). I arrived at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park in time to see one of the males gliding north close to shore. I hurried down waterside to watch this trio come near, then stall out for about 5 minutes before they then continued on northbound, eventually exiting Puget Sound that evening while their families remained. The boats you see in the latter part were out there idly fishing all morning and in no way positioned themselves in front of the orcas (which would be the wrong thing to do). They just got lucky, and by staying idle the orcas could swim around them.
NOTE: It is important we all educate ourselves on the laws and best practices when out on watercraft around whales and all marine mammals, and to help educate others on the laws and guidelines, as well. It is also important and smart to keep a perspective that not every interaction is intentional and/or harassment as was the case in this video. Be Whale Wise link below. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network - video -
10:02 - 3 KW northbound ~ 3km SSW of Magnolia. Two males one juvenile/female. (3 total)...moderate pace. -Michelle Savoie
Tue, Aug 11 - North Puget Sound/Saratoga Passage (T65As and T137s minus T65A2, T137A, & T137B) - 16:45 - 7 orcas off Baby Island. -Brian Cronin
~16:15 - At approximately 4:15 pm today, I sighted a pod of orca whales just west of Baby Island (viewed from our home in Greenbank, due west of Baby Island). There were at least 5, maybe up to 8. They were initially spread out over an area of a few hundred feet, a lot of activity, tail slapping, rolling, then all came closer together. Hunting a seal, eating salmon? It was quiet for a few minutes and then there was a lot of activity again. This went on for 30 minutes as they slowly traveled into the mouth of Holmes Harbor and I lost sight of them. I participated in your 50th year commemoration - Lolita/Tokitae/Sk'aliChehl-tenaut, and have been thinking about her and having thoughts of welcoming her home soon. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
16:14 - Appears from a distance that the hunt is on just northwest of Baby Island.
16:06 - Moving south quickly. [map indicates location between Greenbank and Baby Island. -gs]
16:05 - [orcas] Watching them make their way south along Whidbey towards Holmes. Not a boat in sight. -Neil Emery
15:40 - Group of 4 to 5 orcas have passed Hidden Beach and turned toward Baby Island and Holmes Harbor. -Sandra Pollard
14:00 - Ts in 2 groups south of Madrona, Camano, heading southbound mid channel. -Tera Carlson McEwan (CWW)
While walking our beach this morning, we saw this passing Gray Whale. Shortly after, we could see an Orca pod cruising along Camano Island! The Orca photos were shot @ significant distance so they are not great. Wow! What a treat to see them both on the same morning. -Greg & Terra Parham, Oak Harbor, WA
13:05-13:20 - We were about 300 yards off; yesterday [8/11], between 1:05 and 1:20 pm; hubs took the images with a Nikon zoom, and we transferred the images to cell! I see that the GPS on the phone identified it as just offshore between Polnell and Strawberry Points just north out of Crescent Harbor between Saratoga Pass and Skagit Bay. There were moments when we saw four Orcas at one time, and at one point we thought we saw five.-Patti McCoy
13:29 - Orca followup - I think there were more than three orcas out there, but they were outnumbered by the paparazzi flotilla (15 boats at one point! lol). Heading south.
12:45 - This is shaping up to be a busy whale day so far! One of the big whale watching boats (Island Explorer plus a couple more arriving now) are watching some whales mid-channel between Mariners Cove and Utsalady. I saw three in binoculars - one smaller than the other two. Pretty sure they are orcas. Still there as of 12:45 slowly heading south....Marianne Parry
11:30 - [orcas] Passing Madrona, appear to be still northbound at 11:30. Hugging the Camano shoreline. ---It was another thrill to see the T65As and T137s in Saratoga Passage on Monday (11th) - both northbound and southbound! They truly hugged the Camano shoreline in both directions. Three of their members were still in Puget Sound so there were 7 whales in Saratoga. All images zoomed and cropped. -Jill Hein
10:24 - Actually there are two groups, one large male in one group with 2 to 3 others, and then meeting up with another group that has a male and a couple of others, still northbound right out from Eagle Crest, Camano side.
10:20 - 3 to 4 orcas north of Eagle Crest, still northbound but they seem to be swirling around a bit, maybe hunting? -Joan Smith
09:30 - They're [orcas] right off Cama Beach (northbound)! -Carrie Elder Hulbert
09:20 - Relaying report of 3 orca northbound by Cama Beach. -Rachel Haight
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Aug 11 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 10:54 - The extended guest gray is feeding at Mariners cove. -Terra Parham
Tue, Aug 11 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 11:32 - I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see gray (locally called Spartacus) feasting in the usual spot outside the southern tip of Mariners Cove. I'm assuming it came up from Polnell, but lingered so long in front of my place (about 20 min) that it wasn't totally clear which direction it was going. It finally decided to continue north, feeding a little bit mostly moving. Before getting to the marina entrance, it swerved out into the channel and headed toward Skagit Bay. -Marianne Parry
10:54 - The extended guest gray is feeding at Mariners Cove. -Terra Parham
--- While walking our beach this morning, we saw this passing Gray Whale, which looked and sounded familiar (when it spouted it made sort of a flubber sound). Shortly after, we could see an Orca pod cruising along Camano Island! The Orca photos were shot @ significant distance so they are not great. Wow! What a treat to see them both on the same morning. -Greg & Terra Parham, Oak Harbor, WA
SPECIES UNCONFIRMED - Tue, Aug 11 - North Puget Sound - ~11:00 - My husband and I live on Oak Bay, just south of the Oak Bay County Park and the Indian Island bridge. We face due east and look straight across at Indian and Marrowstone Islands. This morning (Aug. 11th) at around 11 am, we sighted what appeared to be a very large pod of marine mammals heading south. They had just come through the cut under the Indian Island bridge and were porpoising their way south. We guessed by their dorsal fins that they were possibly common dolphins. There had to be well over a hundred to 2 hundred of them. The line stretched from in front of our house as far south as we can see. They were relatively small and traveling at a pretty fast pace. We have lived here for over 40 years and never seen anything like this. The weather was calm and we had a good view but they were probably about 2000 feet out from us. -Susan and Scott - via Betsy Carlson, Citizen Science Coordinator, PTMSC
10:30 or 11:00: Saw a largish group of whales off Norwegian Point in Hansville, Washington. They were large, dark gray. We only saw the backs and blows. I first spotted them because they were churning up a lot of water as they traveled close to the surface. With our small binoculars, we could not tell what type they were. There did not appear to have any fins, just a smooth back. The group was heading north and slightly west. They came from the south (Puget Sound side) of the Kitsap Peninsula. When we spotted them, they were staying closer to the Kitsap and Olympic Peninsula sides rather than the mainland and Whidbey.
Followup: We live on the first hill above Hansville, but not on the bluff. We have a view between the neighbors' houses. I look at size related to that gap between the houses. We see a lot of boat traffic. The whales were significantly larger than a large pleasure boat. There were a couple that were quite large. I could sometimes see the blows without binoculars if the whales were a bit closer to shore. When I looked at the churning water with the binoculars, I could clearly see separate whales in most of the disturbances. The backbone was clearly evident in each one I saw. The skin did not look mottled, just a shiny black or dark gray, but I couldn't really tell. The shape looks more like the grays in the pictures. In looking at pictures on the internet, they had knuckles on their back. They didn't look like the pictures of the humpbacks. They were too large to be a group of sea lions. As I said before, there was no evidence of a dorsal fin. They did not look like either a minke or an orca. What surprised me was the number. I did not count the number of separate "whitecaps," which is how I could see the individuals. It took the group a while to get past. There were at least 20 and perhaps more. It really surprised me as to how many there were. As I said, most were travelling on the surface when I saw them go by. They did not dive in my view. Usually, when we have had a whale sighting, there has only been one or two. To see such a large group was astounding. -Tonnie Wolfe

August 10
Mon, Aug 10 - North Puget Sound (T65As and T137s minus T65A2, T137A, T137B) 18:56 - [orcas] We just saw them pass on the Whidbey side from Cama Beach! -Carrie Elder Hulbert
18:12 - Patience rewarded. Group of 4 or 5 Orcas have passed Fox Spit steady northbound. Mid channel. -Sandra Pollard
18:02 - Across from Bells on Camano side still heading north as of 10 min ago. -Allie Hudec
18:20 - 7-8 north of Baby Island steady northbound on Whidbey side.
17:10 - [orcas] Seeing blows and dorsals with binoculars looking towards Langley from Camano Island State Park, traveling northbound mid channel. -Shelly Greybeck
16:30 - North of Whale Bell Park, steady northbound, mid channel closer to Camano side. I think they've joined up again. Saw 5 together. -Donna George
15:28 - Orcas are headed North toward Langley. Spotted north of Hat Island and South of Sandy Point. Not sure how many. Looks like 2 or 3. -Michele Venetis
16:00 - Mid channel from Langley, still northbound.
15:27 - [orcas] Rounding Sandy Point. -Dori Dace
15:34 - Just under a 1 mile east of Sandy Point now. Looks like two pods. First one is 2 to 3 orcas followed by another pod of 3 orcas all headed northbound. Didn't get close to get any good pictures.
15:20 - Orcas northbound 1nm SE of Sandy Point (Langley) in Possession Sound. -Chuck Wengenroth
13:33 - [orcas] I have eyes on them at Glendale. Seem to be milling slowly towards the ferry. -Jeanne Hamilton
13:21 - [orcas] I see them. Mid way between Muk ferry and Possession Point, closer to Whidbey side. I saw for sure 2. -Jodi Krause Poissant
12:45 - Renee Chamberland, Puget Sound Express, updates: sounds like Chilkat has KWs at Possession [Point] and COULD be the rest of the fam.
13:17 - [orcas] Northbound in Possession Sound. [Christopher confirmed T65As and T137s minus T65A2, T137A, and T137B]
11:15 - Second hand report of killer whales around Possession Bank within the last hour. -Christopher Lewman, MV Chilkat
Mon, Aug 10 - South Puget Sound (T65A2, T137A, and T137B) 19:30-20:00 - Orcas were in Henderson by Carr Inlet, close to the mouth of Glencove. They were playing, changing directions several times, then headed southeast. I counted three, but mainly saw two, one with a huge dorsal fin. I don't think I have ever seen this one before. -Ingrid Shumway
19:04 - [orcas] East of Cutts Island, I only see the sprays, kind of sun blinded where I'm viewing from. Direction of travel isn't apparent. Boaters are being respectful. -Tally Swanson
14:22 - Definitely committed northbound. Closer to Key Peninsula side.
13:59 - Turned north. Not sure if they committed yet.
13:53 - [orcas] Visible with the naked eye from Bella Bella. Still in Carr Inlet headed south. -Ashley Whitman
13:45 - 3 Orcas just passed me heading southbound, moving fast and traveling together. -Jennifer Swenson
13:32 - Moving slowly, closer to Lakebay side.
13:20 - [orcas] Southbound off Kopachuck. -Heather Jamesson
13:25 - I wanted to share some photos of T65A2 & T137A w/female T137B from today in Carr Inlet about 1:25pm.
13:18 - [orcas] Off Kopachuck moving south. -Mallory Rabinowitz
13:33 - Headed south.
12:24 - [orcas] They appear to be heading back north. [Cora's map indicates location west of Kopachuck State Park. -gs] -Cora Reuter Foster
12:23 - Northbound now [Mid channel just south of Kopachuck].
12:15 - We finally found them! Epic down time. T137A, T65A2 and a female. ID to come later on her, but probably 137B. No direction yet. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga
13:00 - They've turned and heading south now with speed!
12:20 - They're headed further into the inlet now. [currently middish channel just south of Kopachuck -alb]
12:12 - We found 3! Two boys and one of the ladies....Most likely (T65A2, T137A & T137B), but they are on a dive right now. Will update soon. -Renee Chamberland, MV Saratoga
11:28 - Confirmed in Henderson Bay off Raft Island headed south. 3 Orca. [We are with them now. T65A2, T137A and one female. Possibly T137B. -Renee Chamberland, Puget Sound Express]
13:40 - What a day! At about 1:40pm this afternoon they passed by me for the third time today! While I will never complain at seeing these gorgeous creatures, I hope they're just hunting in a narrow zone and not disoriented for some reason as they've gone up & back several times in a relatively short period of time!
09:08 - They just passed back again going northbound now towards Henderson Bay. They're going deep for very long periods so I lose them for quite a while.
~07:30 - Just had 3 Orcas go by southbound in the Carr Inlet, heading towards Fox Island at approx. -Jennifer Swenson
06:34 - Orcas back in Carr Inlet east of Glen Cove. I saw one male headed north and just a couple out in the middle of Carr inlet headed south. I only saw the northbound orca for a minute before trees blocked the view. The southbound pod was moving fast. They were what looked like a half a mile apart. -Bill DeLeo
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 10 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 18:30 - The gray was back again this evening around 6:30pm. It was heading southbound, feeding relatively close to the shore as it passed Mariners' Cove. The situation got a little too exciting/aggravating at one point because a large aluminum boat came zooming across from Camano and stopped right in [the whale's] way (grrrr), and [he/she] appeared to be so busy eating that he didn't pay attention and almost ran into the boat (literally - it was within a few feet). The gray did a very abrupt turn at that point and headed out into the channel, and ended up doing a big detour around the boat and got back to the desired eating area a little further down the beach, and resumed his normal feeding pattern toward Polnell.
16:15 - Today around 4:15pm (8/10/2020), a gray did a quick pass southward toward Polnell. I grabbed a couple of shots before it was out of my view, but it was moving so fast that it was hard to anticipate where its lovely huge head was going to pop up. -Marianne Parry
18:05 - Gray whale at 6:05pm Monday night just east of Mariners Cove, very close to shore. We live on Hunskor Hill Ln., and there is frequently a gray feeding offshore close to high tide but not full high tide. Large fin on display but too brief to get picture and then whale turned in more usual position. Hope this helps, new to this, happy to provide different info if more useful. -Paula Despins
10:04 - East. Moving quickly with the current. [Terra's map indicates location in east Skagit Bay. -gs]
09:54 - Hey there, Gray is feeding between Mariners Cove and Polnell Shores. Monday 9:54am. Moving. -Terra Parham

August 9
Sun, Aug 9 - South Puget Sound (T65As and T137s) - 20:07 - 3 (best count) orcas moving slowly north in Colvos, GH side, 8:07pm. At least one little one. -Charlene Engelland
20:05 - Moving north, Colvos Passage, but hanging out, too, not moving fast. -Christy Armstrong Kanz
20:00 - [orcas] Watching from Owen Beach. They are close to Gig Harbor shore. -Jennifer Barnhart
19:22 - [orcas] Going north about 50 yards north of the bridge. -Andrea Reubel Walker
19:07 - [orcas] Past the Narrows Viewpoint at Point Defiance - moving north fast. 4 of them. -Lisa Borkowski
~19:00 - Zoom video from of deck this evening of T65As and T137s passing by. -Zeno Martin
video -
19:08 - Heading to Point Defiance 7.08.
18:53 - 5 or 6 mid channel still near bridge.
18:47 - [orcas] Past bridge heading to Salmon Beach, 6.47 pm. -Gill Chard
18:40 - Donna Sibbers just called: They are on high bluff overlooking the Narrows and are watching 5-6 orcas heading northbound in the Tacoma Narrows, north of bridge. Pod is just past the electrical tower.
18:20 - 4 surfaced. Just north headed towards Pt. Defiance.
18:15 - Just saw them again. Sheriff boat watching....We saw two orcas right under bridge.
17:56 - [orcas] Just barely south of bridge. -Debbie Lindsay
17:32 - [orcas] Northbound, About to go under Narrows bridge now. -Shannon Maricle-Conroy
SEPARATE NISQUALLY REACH/CASE INLET GROUP (T65A2, T137A, and T137B) that split off earlier in the day: 19:30 - [orcas] On way home from Eagles Island/Anderson Island. We were boating home with our dogs and saw the big ones between us and Harstine. We were just past Joemma. They were really far to the west of us and we thought they were moving North but we stopped between Herron and McMicken Island to eat our dinner and hoping to see them but we lost track. They must have headed back south. Best news is there were NO boats!! -Jennifer Lindsay
18:49 - I was sitting on my porch and saw them so I thought I would post. Too far for my phone to take a pic and was trying to take in the moment. They were playing around across the way with 2 boats at a distance. As more boats approached they moved on.
18:41 - Looked like 1 male and 2 females based on dorsals I was able to see. Out of sight for me now, but definitely heading inland still.
18:37 - Direction of Harstine, towards tip of a Johnson point but across the reach.
18:29 - [orcas] 3 across the channel from Zittel's [Marina] right now. -Michael Planes
17:30 - Heading towards Nisqually through Nisqually Reach on the Anderson side. We are on Johnson Pt., so hard to see how many. Two passed, then about 5 min later two more. Currently watching. I'm guessing 5 total. We have a video of a breach behind the cargo ship that went through. I will load that in a bit. -Katie McMurray
17:46 - They turned away from the bridge some and are hunting, I think. Still occasionally visible from Narrows Park.
17:20 - [orcas] Off of Narrows Park. Slowly slowly headed in bridge direction, mid-channel. -Kirsten Tucker
18:15 - Directly under the Narrows Bridge heading north.
17:38 - They are going back south now. They got close to the bridge but they didn't go under it. The patrol just warned boaters to stay 400 yds away.
17:20 - [orcas] South of Narrows Bridge. Close to Narrows Park. -Ry Guy
17:58 - Milling south of Narrows Park.
16:56 - 2 males, 2 or 3 females,1 juvenile, I believe. -Ashley Whitman
19:45 - Tail slaps. Lots of splashing. Hunting behavior. Right off the tip of Point Defiance.
19:17 - Seeing them with binoculars from Sunrise Park. They are headed north (I think it's hard to tell from this angle so far away.). Just off the tip of Point Defiance.
19:44 - Big splash off Point D. I see them, maybe hunting. Directional changes. Tail slaps. Lots of splashing. Hunting behavior. Right off the tip of Point Defiance.
17:20 - Seeing 6 headed north, just north of Narrows Park.
16:50 - [orcas] Directional changes. They are south of Narrows Park. -Amber Stanfill
16:46 - [orcas] Coming up on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, now counting 6. -Samantha Knight
16:35 - [orcas] At Sunrise Beach headed north toward the bridge. WDFW is out trying to slow oncoming boats down. -Hope Cornetta
18:16 - Just south of Narrows bridge. Should be under bridge in minutes. Headed toward Salmon Beach.
18:03 - Appear to be moving back north. Slowly. But looks like they have decided to start moving. Heading toward Narrows Park.
17:38 - Moving south of Narrows Park. Can't tell if it's the current pulling them back or they changed direction.
17:14 - Just north of Narrows Park. Headed north toward Narrows Bridge. (5:14).
16:59 - Directly in front of Narrows Park. Headed North. Headed towards Narrows Bridge. (4:59).
16:57 - Approaching Narrows Park now (4:57pm).
16:30 - [orcas] At Hidden Beach. They are straight out. Headed toward Narrows Park. -Heath Hollensbe
16:29 - [orcas] On Gig Harbor side of Day Island, 3 passed about 5 minutes ago headed toward Narrows Bridge. Coast guard nearby. -Catherine Woods
16:25 - [orcas] Right off Titlow Park heading north to the Narrows Bridge. -Angela Wood Brewer
19:19 - Looks like they may be committing to Colvos Passage. Just reached the south end of Vashon now, heading north.
18:15 - They're under the Narrows now, moving north a bit faster. Sheriff boat replaced WDFW boat.
17:53 - They've drifted back south to the mouth of Carr Inlet, milling on the Gig Harbor side.
17:37 - They're taking their time coming north to the bridges and drifted south some with the current.
17:20 - Just south of Narrows bridge going slow in strong current, coming from the north. Going very slow.
16:38 - Thank you WDFW boat! Almost to Narrows Park now, 6 in the group.
16:17 - [orcas] Coming north to Narrows Park on the Gig Harbor side, at least 4. -Amy Bliss-Miller
16:15 - [orcas] Headed north toward the Narrows Bridge. 3. -Barbara Ostrander
16:25 - It's just one group, 4-6 moving together, and I'm pretty sure they're feeding now 4:25.
16:14 - [orcas] They're going mid channel right under the Narrows Bridge at 4:14. -Marissa Rinehold
16:12 - [orcas] I'm watching from Salmon Beach and can see their blows, looks like they're heading into Hale Passage 4:12. -Teri Fields Mattsen
16:05 - [orcas] Going under the Narrows, headed north. They are past Fox Island already, almost under the bridge. -Candy Hull
15:59 - [orcas] Right now headed north just past Chambers Bay. -Lisa Sunich
15:58 - Swimming along SE end of Fox Island. Heading north. -Samara Ballard Elledge
15:58 - [orcas] About to pass the Fox Island pier going north. -Martin Hickcox
15:44 - [orcas] Watching them blow just south of Fox Island fishing pier. -Candy Hull
15:30 - [orcas] Saw them from Fox Island travelling north of McNeil…heading north to Narrows bridge, it looked like. -Charlene Welty
15:30 - [orcas] NE of McNeil Island. -Nona Faber
15:12 - Directly in front of McNeil prison dock, midway in channel between McNeil and Steilacoom. Heading north. -Michele Buckley
15:56 - They are still heading north on Fox Island side about 5 miles from fishing pier.
15:13 - In front of McNeil Island prison, watching from Steilacoom ferry dock, looks like 4. (NB)
14:39 - [orcas] Saw I believe 3 blows north end of Ketron from Steilacoom ferry dock. -Cherie StOurs
14:15 - [orcas] We saw them at 2:15 headed South from Taylor Bay due North across from Johnson Point. Boats were keeping good social distance from the two whales. -Jeff Reiner
14:27 - North end of Anderson right before the ferry now.
14:20 - In front of McNeil Island/almost directly in front of prison.
14:14 - In front of Chambers Bay/McNeil Island now.
13:52 - [orcas] Heading north towards Tacoma now, just south of Ketron Island. -Lauren N Brett Ware
13:25 - From Nisqually Reach Nature Center, been watching a group of at least 5 orcas milling back and forth closer to Anderson Island, currently directly to the north of here, but slowly making their way further down Nisqually Reach (SE). Gayle Swigart, Orca Network
13:10 - Orca Sighting - 8/8/20 - Reporting an orca sighting. August 9th at 1:10 PM. Multiple orca headed north along the shoreline from Tolmie towards Johnson Point (Olympia). -Shingo Y
14:23 - Evaded the boats, almost north end of Ketron now, headed north.
14:18 - Southern tip of Ketron, between Ketron and Anderson Island, trending south but have gone dark as boats arrive.
13:07 - Confirmed one male headed south from Tolmie toward Nisqually. There were 2-3 in that leading group from what I could tell. Nearing southern tip of Anderson Island. Gave some kayakers an exciting moment. Belen Bilgic Schneider
[T65A3 T65A ID: ALB]
13:00 - Pod of 6 or 7 orca in [Nisqually Reach]. We stopped engine around 300 yds out and they swam right past us. 8/9/20 1pm. -Derrick Robinson
12:56 - [orcas] Still able to see them from Tolmie. Heading N NW toward Case. -Jami Rouse Ankley
12:57 - A pod of two adults, it looks like a baby are heading north on the eastern side of Johnson Point going towards the marina.
12:35 - There's another pod right in front of our house on Dogfish Bight Bay on Johnson Point. That makes two pods.
12:26 - [orcas] In front of our house on Johnson Point on the Anderson side heading toward Tolmie State Park. -Lorrie Dozier Hall
12:20 - 15 min ago (1220) 9 Aug between Johnson Point and Anderson Island heading towards Nisqually Refuge. Sighted from Walnut Road. -Rosemarie Robinson
12:05 - [orcas] They were last seen toward Devil's Head. -Shawn Bashor
11:30 - [orcas] At Joemma Park, from the pier. -David O'Hagan
12:20 - T652, T137A, and T137B Milling. [pin drop near southern entrance to Drayton Passage]
12:03 - We have honked at many more boats and announced the regulations over the microphone several times. Please spread the word within private boaters!!
11:50 - Near Baird Cove the moms corralled a seal and left it for their youngsters to catch and eat. The moms appear to be on the hunt again further south.
11:20 - T137s and T65As southbound. Others on the east side of the inlet. No 65A2, or 137A with this group. Just the moms and young so far. We have honked at a few boats so far to alert them about the orcas but most boaters have been good thus far. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Amazing orca sighting today near Allyn, WA! -Michele Schneidler video - [T65A2, +] -
10:57 - [orcas] They're here! In Allyn! Briefly saw 3 fins… -Anna Mariano-Morris
10:25 - They are heading south between Harstine and Herron. Smaller whales in the middle of Case Inlet while the larger 2-3 cruising nearer the shore. -Jennifer Lindsay
[orcas] came in to Case Inlet. They weren't far off the North tip of Herron Island moving southeast back towards the opening to Olympia or back around to Tacoma. Amazing!! -Greg Hersey
09:48 - [orcas] They are headed south in between Vaughn and Herron Island! -Kelly Frett
09:47 - [orcas] Heading out of Case Inlet. -Tina Arnold McKail
09:30 - [orcas] East Side of Harstine Island heading south at 9:30 a.m. on 8/9. -Jean Coy
08:48 - Pod of Orcas in Case Inlet, east of north end of Treasure Island. Very unusual to see them here! Exciting! -Karen Jeanne Rutter Weber
09:18 - Some are heading south now, to the south of Vaughn Bay. We think some are still in north Case Inlet. There were three groups earlier when they were heading north and we only see one group and one straggler now. We thought there were 6-8 when we saw them headed north at about 755.
~07:55 - [orcas] Whales in Case Inlet!! -Michelle Barrea Graunke
09:56. Watching from the North end of Harstine again. Orcas are on Key Peninsula side of Case Inlet heading south towards Herron Island.
~07:00-07:30 - 3-4 orcas heading North in Case Inlet this morning. As of 7:30 they are currently east of Stretch Island heading north towards Allyn. I got there too late and I could just barely [see] blows from the North end of Harstine Island, but my mother, Mikel O'Brien saw them better, earlier, at around 7:00 A.M. or so when they were between Harstine and Herron Islands heading north. -Connor O'Brien
HUMPBACKS - Sun, Aug 9 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Humpbacks off Sombrio Point on August 9th. -Mark Malleson
Great to catch a #Fluke Shot of MMZ0015 today off Sooke, B.C. -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Sun, Aug 9 - Puget Sound - 19:37 - Still seeing blows out at Possession Point. Viewing from shore at Edmonds Marina.
18:15 - Watching from shore at Edmonds Marina, trending northwest for a couple surfacings aimed at Possession Pt.
17:40 - Humpback heading north off Edmonds Marina. Long dive times but 8-10 breaths each surfacing. -Alexandra Vanderzee
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Aug 9 - Northern Saratoga Passage - ~19:00 - Our friend Gray came up toward Mariners Cove from the south around 7pm tonight, feeding in its' usual happy place by the rocks just south of Mariners' Cove. Rather than continuing on up close to shore though, it headed out into the channel and made a bee-line for the northern tip of Utsalady on Camano. I lost sight of the spouts before it got there, so it may have veered north into Skagit Bay. I haven't memorized the non-white-line side yet, but the flipper and tail fluke are distinctive. There are some relatively OK shots of the knuckles as it prepares to dive. They're the photos with the boat very close by (and a couple of others) - the boat was just sitting there for quite a while just watching from a good distance, but the whale decided to pass by them pretty darn close when it stopped feeding and headed out into the channel. Must have been a thrill! -Marianne Parry
08:40 - Gray is leaving Polnell shores. -Terra Parham
We had another Gray Whale visitor this morning (8/9/20) @ Polnell Point, but I was unable to get any photos of it. There are still some hanging around! -Greg Parham
Sun, Aug 9 - Possession Sound - 14:22 - 2 grey whales at the SE corner of Gedney Island. -Danielle Pennington
Sun, Aug 9 - Saratoga Passage - 08:47 - Unidentified whale traveling north off Greenbank, 8:47 am. It may have been a minke whale. -Jan Willis
DOLPHIN - Sun, Aug 9 - Puget Sound - ~17:00 - In front of Owen Beach around 5pm. today...Jason Bisig
16:24 - Some kind of dolphin/porpoise jumping in Hales [Hale Passage] across from the east end of Echo Bay. If I had to guess, it was a common dolphin. Lighter grey rather than the dark of a harbor porpoise. -Mignon Marie Whitaker
MINKE WHALES - Sun, Aug 9 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca - We made our way to Iceberg Point and on seeing a distant Minke whale through binoculars headed out to McArthur Bank. After scanning our way across McArthur Bank with no further sightings, we decided to head out to Smith Island. The kelp forests here are in their prime and we found over a dozen tufted puffins some with beaks full of fish. After watching the puffins and cruising looking for the one and only horned puffin, we came across a Minke whale. The minke was really fun to watch as she traveled and surfaced lunge feeding amongst groups of birds. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing

August 8
Sat, Aug 8 - Puget Sound - Unspecified [orcas, Bigg's Transients]
Sighting Time: Sat Aug 8 20:30 PDT
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 47.23869,-122.56302 [off Day Island]
Number Sighted: 8 -Rob - Whale Alert app
20:28 - Orcas off Day Island a pod of 7 to 8. Heading south towards Steilacoom. -Larry A. Capps
~20:15 - At approx. 8:15pm we saw 5-6 orcas heading south between Day Island and Fox Island! Spread across channel, surfacing frequently, traveling. One large male. -Dawn Dewhirst
20:05 - Just saw a video. They are at Pt. Fosdick. -Sharon Myers Andersen
18:58 - Now it looks like they're in the middle between Vashon, Gig Harbor, and Point Defiance. Lots of surface activity.
18:56 - Looks like they're hunting or milling in the middle of the channel off the southwest tip of Vashon. Just saw a gigantic splash.
18:51 - Vashon side, west of the ferry. One male dorsal and two female dorsals at least. Headed west.
18:33 - Seeing at least one male dorsal and several females off the south tip of Maury Island. Approaching that container ship. Hard to tell direction east or west wise from my vantage, but definitely headed south still. -Ashley Whitman
18:33 - Spotted swimming west near entrance to Quartermaster Harbor, close to the ship that is there currently. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
18:29 - I'm at Dash Point and you can barely see them with binos. 18:10 - [orcas] They are approaching Summerhurst. -Ben Pontecorvo
18:05 - Traveling down from X on opposite side from Maury, about 7 (I think) including 2 males, I believe. A few boats passed not knowing whales were there, otherwise only one trailing from a safe distance. -Rebecca Austin
17:22 - On other side of channel now.
17:04 - [orcas] They passed Point Robinson Lighthouse...still southbound. -Kelly Burns Keenan
16:00 - Slowly SB halfway down Maury Island. Still mid channel.
16:32 - Looks like they just reached [Point Robinson].
16:10 - They are now little closer to Maury Island heading slow to Pt. Robinson. Ton of boats behind them. Can't miss them.
15:50 - 3 orcas spotted SB, mid channel. Three Tree Point. -Sandhya Ballal
15:35 - 3 females or adolescents just passed Three Tree Point. Very sneaky. Took a couple breaths and disappeared. Past the mid channel marker. I also saw at least 1 adult male and 1 female right off Seahurst, Burien. Both groups 5ish mins since seen last. I'm in a kayak so they'd be super hard to miss. Southbound group of 3, group of 2+ off Seahurst milling then vanished. -Christina Van Wolbeck Fenerty
15:30 - My family and I just observed a pod of at least 5 orca traveling south near the Fauntleroy ferry dock. They appeared to be foraging, with fairly frequent surfacings but only long enough for breathing, no spyhops or breaches or similar activity. There was at least one, and seemingly two, fairly young whales traveling at the front, often surfacing together and very near one another, and at least one older male bringing up the rear. There was another I believe younger male in the middle, mostly alone. I believe I originally saw an older female up front with one of the young but the longer I watched, the less I detected that individual. One whale watch vessel and three other smaller motorboat/sailboats were following at largely respectful distances and speeds. -Mary Huff
15:07 - [orcas] At the point of Lincoln Park, closer to Vashon side and headed south pretty quickly. -Michelle Welch
15:00 - Saw them Saturday [8/8] heading south at Blake & Vashon Island -3pm -Vicki Pardee
15:12 - One male approaching Brace Point, SB very close to West Seattle shore.
15:05 - 3:05: SB Approaching ferry lanes, near the research boat.
14:59 - Visible from Fauntleroy ferry dock, Southbound in mid channel. And - three groups of porpoises swimming closer to West Seattle side too! -Pia VanHanen
14:56 - [orcas] Approaching the north end of Vashon, heading South, about mid-channel. -Greg Snyder
14:15 - Alki Point, southbound. -Neil Hathi
14:06 - [orcas] Spotted in the middle of the bay - can view thru binoculars from Alki. Southwest of West Point but hard to track where they're headed. -Desy Hope Binner
14:00 - From Duwamish Head in West Seattle at 2pm today as orcas moved quickly south bound. This was just north of Eagle Harbor, research boat following. -Robin Sinner
13:21 - There are 8-10 orcas in the mouth of Elliott Bay, just south of Discovery Park right now. Several juveniles are in the pod. -Will Traylor
13:15 - [orcas] Elliott Bay close to shore! 5-7 Orca! -Sherrie Speller
14:41 - In a resting line straight out from Charles Ritchie Viewpoint, 241 p.m., still very slowly southbound.
14:31 - Much closer to West Seattle side, excellent viewing, passing the south tip of Blake Island.
14:28 - Tightly grouped with males in the rear, past Constellation Lighthouse, and have made a directional change. Whales are still southbound, east side of channel.
13:30 - Possibly on a kill next to Mark Sears. Under NOAA permit.
13:19 - [orcas] In Elliot Bay proper. Between two sailboats. On a line between West Point and Alki. 1:19 Direction is SW. Long long down times. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
12:50 - [orcas] South of West Point -about 5-heading south. East side of channel -close to Magnolia side. I was watching from Sunset Hill and they went south around West Point/Discovery Park, out of my range. -Torrey Hall Volk
11:20 - 4-5 orcas visible from Fay Bainbridge Park. Milling and splashing mostly slowly southbound. -Jim Reitz
11:20 - Orcas passing Shilshoe and Golden Gardens, heading south. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
10:51 - [orcas] They're just outside of Port Madison now on the west side of the shipping channel, heading south (by the whale watching boat). -Kevin Green
08:09 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops emailed: Walla Walla@0809 Master reports 5 orca NB in EDM>KING [Edmonds/Kingston] traffic lanes.
12:00 - Chilkat Express just departing 65as and 137's southeastbound pointed to Elliott Bay.
10:30 - 1 mile NE of point Monroe, Southbound spread out hunting. [confirmed as T65As and T137s by Chris]
08:07 - Orca off Apple Cove Point, in the middle of the shipping lanes, no direction, milling on a kill. -Christopher Hanke.
HUMPBACKS - Sat, Aug 8 - Puget Sound - ?~20:15 - I saw a humpback two nights ago [8/8] from Richmond Beach -- The blow was huge, and was lit up golden in the sunset light. She let out a huge breath and then dove. Glorious. Followup: Evening of Saturday, Aug 8th, closer to the Richmond Beach side of the water, at approximately 8:15pm, headed northbound. Three big blows then a dive with flukes. -Denise Joines
15:10 - Changed direction and spotted south of Point Wells, more east, heading NE.
14:50 - 40ft whale [humpback ID'd from her video by GS] spotted mid-channel between Point Wells and Kingston heading SW. -E Lise Siv
MINKE WHALES - Sat, Aug 8 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca - We circled Long Island before sailing to tack our way out to Salmon Bank in light winds looking for minke whales. We had several close passes as she meandered around us. Moving onwards over McArthur Bank wing on wing sailing brought us to Colville Island. We rounded Castle Island where a pair of bald eagles watched us drift pass from high on the cliff. McCardle Bay was paradise with steep cliffs and emerald waters. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
SPECIS UNCONFIRMED - Sat, Aug 8 - South Puget Sound - John Dean called August 9th at 14:57 to report a sighting from yesterday evening (Aug 8): About 6-7pm he was seeing who he thought was probably medium/small humpback in Gig Harbor at Point Fosdick area (end of) across from Fox Island, between Wollochet Bay and Narrows. He saw one, slaps his fluke down 5-6 times, maybe playing, in shallow water, maybe 10-20 feet of water. Very cool saw him through trees a couple times. I don't think large humpback or gray…kind of mid size or smallish whale…curious if anyone else saw them.

August 7
Fri, Aug 7 - Queen Charlotte Strait - Orca - Sighting Time: Fri Aug 7 17:52:30 PDT - Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 50.85000,-127.43900 - Number Sighted: 25 - Assumed multiple pods transiting Queen Charlotte Strait. Count not exact - whales were transiting past on all sides of the vessel both near and off in the distance. Unfortunately I did not get any photos. I was too excited to see all of them that I did not think to get a picture. The orcas were southbound, and they were clustered in groups - transiting on both the port and starboard side of our (northbound) vessel - almost like they were a super pod. We neutralized our engines after the first sighting and more and more kept coming - we lost count. -Rebekka Esbjornson, Shore Operations Manager, Lighthouse Excursions, Ward Cove, AK (Whale Alert App)
Fri, Aug 7 - Strait of Georgia - On Friday, August 7 we were motor sailing on our way up towards Lund travelling about 8 knots with the current and wind behind us. It had been raining or drizzling most of the day. We had had no sightings of any whales all day. At 4:30 pm we had just passed the sandbar off Harwood Island just north of Powell River (49 deg 53.288 N, 124 deg 38.823 W). Then suddenly, with no warning, this giant black fin shot out of the water right beside the boat on the port side. It was close enough to touch. The top of the fin was above the level of our lifelines and a large part of the black and white body was above the water beside us. As soon as we recovered enough from the shock to realize we had a big male killer whale beside us we shut off the engine. We were still travelling at 6.5 knots with just the wind in the jib. The whale disappeared briefly, then I saw a black fin momentarily at our bow. We looked around for the whale and then saw it under the boat on the port side again. It came up a second time on our port side and this time I managed to grab a few quick photos before he disappeared again. While the whale was beside us we heard him make a squeaking sound very similar to the noise made by dolphins. It seemed as if he was talking to us. The whale appeared to be playing with our boat the same way dolphins sometimes do. I had not heard of killer whales doing this before. This made for an incredibly exciting day. We saw no other whales that day. Do you have any idea what pod this whale belonged to and what he was trying to do? P.S. We never deliberately approach whales, but sometimes they come to us. -Uwe and Anne Borgmann, Nanaimo, BC
Fri, Aug 7 - Puget Sound (T65As and T137s) - And today my 4yr old witnessed this. ""Yay orcas! Wild and free!..." -Deanne Temple
19:00 - T65As & T137s southbound past Fox Spit, at 7pm. -Rachel Haight
20:15 - "mail, pizza, salad" and watching orcas exiting Saratoga Passage from Sandy Point in the rain. They have just rounded the point and committed southbound vs Port Susan. Both groups.
18:07 - Orcas appear to be out from Cama Beach or just a little south at slow pace. Viewing from Baby Island Heights Bluff. Southbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
17:32 - Viewing from Hidden Beach. Group has continued moving South. Still off of Camano side. Tail slaps and a few breaches. T65A2 and T137A have been surfacing together. A few other smaller fins sighted. They are almost in line with Indian Beach. -Amanda Marie Colbert, Orca Network
16:15 - [orcas] Camano Island side now, just south of the entrance to Penn Cove! Two groups - a calm group of two and a playful group of 3-4! -Michelle Welch
16:15 - Flipped - appear to be southbound now, not in any hurry. 4:15 pm.
16:00 - [orcas] Just about at Madrona, still northbound - 4:00 pm. -Jill Hein
17:00 - 6 orcas SB at Onomac now.
16:45 - In front of Onomac now, SB.
16:24 - 6 orcas in front of Eagle Crest now, SB.
16:15 - They're flipping a seal into the air, behind the Chilkat, which is shut down. WOW! .... right in front of my house! WOW!
16:08 - Seem to have gone south after all the breaches.
16:00 - [orcas] They are northbound straight out from Eagle Crest. -Kristina Trowbridge
15:42 - Up by Widow Isle. 4 or 5 smaller ones in one group. 3 big ones in the other group. We are at the very north point of North Bluff Road, when they were coming by heading north.
15:05 - [orcas] North of Greenbank heading north on the Whidbey side. Two separate groups. -Dave Capitano
~13:55 - Saw a solo pass the beach close in, watched a small group, 4?, mid-channel. All heading north.
13:42 - [orcas] Just saw two to three south of Camano Island State Park. Heading north towards us. -Stacey Sullivan Kelly
August 7, 2020: The fabulous T137A and family are back, along with the T65As, thrilling whale watchers waiting on the beach at Fox Spit as the T137s approached, their dorsal fins cutting through the glassy waters on their northbound travels in Saratoga Passage. Once again, T137A sent shock waves through spectators of all ages by his sheer size and presence as he cruised along the shoreline keeping pace with excited children running along the beach. This was yet another incredible encounter with a group of whales that seem to favor making an unbelievably close pass, oblivious to social distancing and almost brushing against admiring spectators standing just a few yards away. photo - "Children on the beach at Fox Spit rush to keep pace with T137A." -Sandra Pollard
~13:30 - Around 1:30 earlier today. Very close pass at Fox Spit. -Donna George
13:30 - Orcas seen from Bells Beach around 1:30 pm today. -Mary Ann Vachher Elbert
13:00 - 3 Orca whales off of Bells Beach today around 1pm. At least one huge male. -Rick Lessley
12:49 - [orcas] Straight out from Langley's Whale Bell Park, Camano side. Moving at a decent clip. -Amanda Marie Colbert, Orca Network
12:26 - The T65As flipped back north off of Camano Head.
12:22 - The groups have split up! T137s continued up Saratoga Passage and the T65As are now southbound toward Hat Island. -Justine Buckmaster
~14:00 - I left them at Baby Island around 14:00. They appeared at that time heading northward and slightly towards Hidden Beach.
13:50 - Just a little north and east of Baby Island milling/foraging and active. Def T137A in the bunch.
13:00 - One of the groups have been milling out from Bells Beach now for 15 min or so. I've been viewing from Fox Spit. I don't know which group?
12:15 - Langley "Hope" whale bell has rung. They've passed Langley heading towards Bells Beach, Whidbey side of mid, northbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
~12:00 - Orcas near Hat Island today. Moving north around noon. -Dave M.
11:08 - [orcas] Small group VERY close to Clinton terminal and Whidbey moving in steady travel mode to the north. -Debbie Stewart
11:03 - [orcas] In ferry lanes, mid channel, 11:03. -Tamara Kelly-Woods
13:00 - Still northwest bound.
12:45 - T65As and T137B have passed Camano Head, 1/2 mile, still heading north along the shoreline, Saratoga Passage.
11:00 - They are very spread out across the Mukilteo/Clinton ferry lanes. Mostly mid channel but T137A was very close to Clinton. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
11:23 - In line with the end of the Clinton ferry dock. Longer down times now. Heading between Gedney and Whidbey islands. Mid channel or slightly closer to Gedney.
11:17 - They are grouped up now and look to be heading in between Whidbey Island and Gedney Island, mid channel.
11:04 - Look to be in 2 groups. One group is mid channel
north of the ferry lanes, and the other group is closer to the Mukilteo side.
10:58 - Just coming up to the Mukilteo lighthouse. Very close to shore heading north. -Danielle Pennington
10:50 - Orcas are just south off south end Mukilteo Lighthouse Beach. Northbound very close to shore!! Edit: Turned out to be one male, at least, trailing close to Muk. Would've been T65A2. He angled NE when passing through ferry lanes. Long down times while reaching Muk. Others spread north and west of him. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:35 - [orcas] Saw them from Picnic Point, long gone going north pretty quickly. There might be a good opportunity to see them in Clinton nowish. -Justin Bales
10:34 - [orcas] Just passed 92nd St. Mukilteo headed north. 2 groups of 2 or 3. -Michelle O'Connor Gunther
10:31 - [orcas] In front of Saratoga going North. -Nataliya Lisitsyna
09:50 - At Haines wharf, heading toward Mukilteo. (mid channel I would say)
08:56 - [orcas] 5 heading north off of Edmonds, mid channel!! -Julie Harris Martin
08:53 - [orcas] Large pod northbound from Pt. Wells towards Edmonds. -John Slomnicki
09:12 - Just passed Edmonds Marina going north.
08:05 - [orcas] I can see them several miles south of Point Wells heading north on the mainland side. -Trevor Tillman
~08:00 - [orcas] Saw them an hour ago [posted at 09:03] while I was fishing in my canoe. They were just north of Meadow Point by 1/2 mile. -Ruaraidh Stenson
06:30 - Good report of killer whales off West Point [Discovery Park] this morning at 6:30, northbound. -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
05:50 - Orcas seen this morning from the Kingston fast ferry at 550am heading Northwest, midchannel, off of Magnolia, just outside of Elliott Bay. At least 4 individuals with one male. -Rob Mohr
HUMPBACKS - Fri, Aug 7 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - A beautifully calm day off Sooke with Humpback Whales, a gray whale, two sea otters, sea lions and seals...WOW! -Paul Pudwell
photos - MMX0084 Scuttle [ID: Alethea Leddy]
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Aug 7 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 11:30 - A beautifully calm day off Sooke with Humpback Whales, a gray whale, two sea otters, sea lions and seals...WOW! (gray whale - 11:30 east of Race Rocks heading ENE.) -Paul Pudwell
[This is CRC30, a PCFG whale. First IDed in 1983 and had a sighting in 2016 in Cattle Pass in the San Juans as well as one in 2017 in the Strait. -Alie Perez, Cascadia Research Collective]
Fri, Aug 7 - Northern Saratoga Passage - ~17:00 - Good ol' Gray returned to feed once the tide came in a little this afternoon. Around 5pm, it was cruising and feeding southbound past Mariners' Cove heading toward Polnell. Lots of splashing and flipper waving. I noticed one thing different - there is something hanging off the left pectoral fin but it's too far away to see it well even with zoom. Hopefully just seaweed, but it occurred to me that it almost looks like fishing lure type stuff. Also, that same fin looks like it possible has damage on the back edge. To me, it looks like the edge has been scraped. Could be just the lighting or whatever, but thought I'd mention it. I took a bunch of photos to try to get a good shot of the fin.
15:38 - Well, the gray realized it was a little early tide-wise for the first seating in this spot, so headed back out into the channel and is almost to the northern end of Camano/Utsalady as of 15:30. It snuck right by a whale-watching boat which was heading south in a hurry. Again, I can't swear to it being …… but through binoculars I saw the tail fluke that looks like it had a bite taken out, as well as some big knuckles, so the signs fit. Enjoy your evening!
15:18 - A gray whale just swam in from the channel just south of Mariners Cove and is feeding out from the big rocks that stick out at low tide… It was heading toward Polnell but just changed its mind and is heading north toward me now. There's a lot of seaweed on the mud flats now, so it must be feeding out deeper today. Thanks! -Marianne Parry
16:43 - [Gray whale] is off Mariner's Cove right now. Just got a cabin on Whidbey on the beach so am new to posting. -Paula Despins
13:30 - Lone [gray] off Maple Grove Beach [north Camano Island]. 13:30, headed north. -Ashly Hale
At 12:10 PM on this Friday afternoon, I see one spout east of Polnell Point about 1 mile off shore. Closer to Whidbey Island than Camano Island. Between Utsalady Point on Camano Island and Polnell Point on Whidbey Island. -Steve Rothboeck
MINKE WHALE - Wed, Aug 5 - Puget Sound - 10:43 - A solitary Minke was spotted just south of the entrance to the channel into Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island at 1043 this morning. It was moving stealthily southward away from the ferry lane, briefly causing the out-of-service Wenatchee to stop briefly. -Scott Markowitz
Fri, Aug 7 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca - Passing Cattle Point Lighthouse, we rode the last of the ebb out to Salmon Bank. After some searching, patience paid off with fine views of a minke whale. The light winds allowed us to sail slowly on main sail alone as he surfaced nearby. From here we raised the headsail again to head back to Whale Rocks. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
DOLPHINS - Fri, Aug 7 - Central Puget Sound - The grey-sided, white bellied dolphin we saw in Commencement Bay was on 08/07/2020. -John Britt

August 6
Thu, Aug 6 - Puget Sound (T65As and T137s) - 20:30 - They were moving very slowly, all grouped up, when we last saw them around 8:30, almost to the tip of Maury.
20:12 - They are moving slowly, still across from Redondo.
19:47 - [orcas] Approaching Point Robinson. Maury side, trailing the barge. -Steve Brown
~20:00 - We saw a number of orcas last night ~8pm on Maury Island. Our family has a beach shack, and these guys swam by about 25meters off shore. Super exciting. -Jon Baars
19:55 - All passed Pt. Robinson, still spread in 3 groups, one group very close to shore, all favoring Vashon side, southbound. Beautiful sunset orcas.
18:54 - [orcas] Cleared Dilworth, close to Vashon shores but some staring to cross to mid channel, traveling in three staggered groups, southbound. ---Here are some pics from the beautiful sunset pass by Vashon last evening. After a particularly rough week, it was truly salve to the soul. The close up pics of the two orcas with sun soaked dorsals are from Point Robinson, and the rest are from Dilworth. I arrived at Dilworth just in time to see T65a and family pass, only to see T65a2 and others off to my right hugging the shore out of camera reach. Missed the first group, darn it. I put my camera away, and started to step off the driftwood when I hear *poooosh!!* directly behind me, and out of the corner of my eye as I whip around, I see T137a surface super close to shore and sink back down as I frantically try to get my camera back out, only to have him reappear 5 minutes later, mid channel. I could not believe I missed him, rookie mistake!! I left without looking back down the channel, I know better than that! *facepalm So, determined to get him, I ran down to Point Robinson and caught him surface right off the Point, his beautiful sunset colored body rising up only once before another long dive. Ahhh. I can rest easy, now, lol! photo - T137D and T65A6 [ID: GS] - photo - T137B [id: GS] -Marla Smith
18:45: Orca
Sighting Time: Thu Aug 6 6:45:11 PDT
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 47.95200,-122.30911 [off Mukilteo]
Number Sighted: 6
Submitted Comments: Headed southbound -Nathan Impson, Whale Alert App
18:35 - SB, east side of Vashon, north of Dillworth, at a slow steady pace. From Seahurst they seemed very close to Vashon shore. I only saw 3-4 and pretty sure I saw the fellow with the large dorsal in April La Delfa Emerson's photo. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
18:20 - [orcas] Still traveling slowly south in a nice tight group of 8 or 9 animals. Close to east shore of Vashon. -Michelle Savoie
17:54 - A little late to post this picture taken at 5:54 from Southworth Ferry dock. First time seeing orcas...ever...while out celebrating my friend's birthday to boot. Wow! Thank you to all who posted location. This group is amazing. -April La Delfa Emerson
17:48 - [orcas] Slowly traveling S SE. With an occasional fluke in the air. Looks like they could be directly north of the north-end Vashon terminal, but it's hard to tell. -Ashley Whitman
18:00 - Still in the same area, ferry traffic pushed them more towards the Seattle side, slowly moving south.
17:52 - Spotted heading SE by the wood sign north of the Vashon Island ferry. Heading towards the east side of Vashon Island.
17:38 - Just passed Blake Island heading south.
17:22 - [orcas] Can see the pod off Southworth ferry area. They are by Blake Island at the moment. Very active. -Ryan Richter
17:20 - [orcas] Just north of Southworth Point. Lots of breaching!! -Lisa Ann Huston
18:09 - Update: we just took last look from Southworth. Just swam out of our sight, north tip Vashon. They're VERY close to shore, headed south, down east pass.
18:01 - The ferry from Vashon, to Southworth just passed them. They're headed east [toward] you, Fauntleroy.
17:52 - They're in middle of Colvos. Between Southworth and North end Vashon. Milling and headed east.
17:38 - Looking at very southern end of Blake. We await their direction. About 6 to 8. We think two males, and baby/juvie...females. One spyhop. Very active swimming, forward and back. We'll hopefully have their direction after they clear large tree grove.
17:28 - They're now on the west side of Blake, south end, swimming south. Huge jump in middle of channel. Others.... close to Blake's shoreline.
17:05 - Whales remain between Manchester, Blake, Bainbridge. I'm on beach. Can't tell proximity.. exactly. Milling or slow swim.
16:56 - We're now on the beach, between Southworth and Harper, looking up north to Rich Passage. About 8 dorsals, quick moves. Seem to be milling. Do not seem to be coming towards the south.. towards Southworth, at this time. -Kathleen Cage
16:41 - Update-not heading reliably south. Lots of slapping and circling. About 1.5 miles north of Point Southworth. 4:41.
16:23 - [orcas] Spotted north of Point Southworth - headed south. Mid channel between Blake and Manchester. 4:23 pm. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
15:55 - At 3:55 they are still milling about in front of the Manchester dock. Lots of surface activity. -Lisa Ann Huston
15:22 - A group has just gone down the passage on the west side of Blake Island, still heading steadily south at good speed. At least 1 male, 2 females, and likely a few more. -Scott Markowitz
~16:00 - Likely the same group (or part of the same group), now off the shore of Port Orchard, west of Blake Island. Close to shore. What looks to be a whale watching boat is nearby. Two have enormous fins. Males? We saw them about 4:00, they are still there [16:27]. We estimate there are six individuals? Slowly working their way southeast.
~15:00 - We saw a large number of Orcas, possibly two pods traveling west past our home on the south end of Bainbridge Island. We are about 1/2 mile west of Restoration Point. The Orcas stopped briefly about a mile west of Restoration Point, near the base of Toe Jam Hill. We saw them just before 3:00 pm today, and were able to watch them for about 12-15 minutes. Today is Thursday August 6th. It was thrilling to see them pass by! -Helen A Andrews
14:45 - Past Tillikum Village [Blake Island] now. Far west in channel, 2:45.
14:05 - [orcas] Approaching Blakely Rock 2:05. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
14:47 - Some have stalled at Restoration Point.
14:44 - It looks like they are spread in a couple groups over about 1km. I'll update with a final count but probably closer to 8 animals total.
14:13 - Leaders just passing Restoration Point (South end of Bainbridge). Close to shore.
14:01 - 2 males, 3 females/juveniles just went south about 2km East of Eagle Harbor.
13:18 - Whales are midchannel, east of Eagle Harbor. Southbound. -Michelle Savoie
11:26 - They are still out in front of our house off of Jefferson Point. Staying in the same area, so between Jefferson Head/Point and Richmond Beach.
11:15 - Orcas are now south of the yellow mid-channel buoy.
10:59 - The orcas are still off President Point heading south, slowly. I see about 8 to 10. Two males. Been feeding here and there. Mid channel. -Corrie Beamer Urquhart
10:24 - Pod of orca between Indianola and Richmond Beach. Good thing MV Saratoga is there, only thing keeping high speed boats from hitting them. Moving slow south - If you can track Saratoga, they are staying a couple hundred yards north. -John Slomnicki
10:02 - [orcas] Off President Point, mid channel, heading south. -Joanne Graves
09:50 - T65As and 137s 1.5 miles east of Presidents Point. Milling. -Trevor Tillman
~06:45 - Greetings all - a pod of approximately 5 whales on the south side of Hat Island heading toward Mukilteo, observed this morning around 0645. I do not have a very good camera but am including what I captured. I was torn between being present and enjoying the experience and trying to capture something for this group to use for identification. Maybe something here will be useful. The marine layer and fog made this a challenge. Have a beautiful day everyone. -Le Schneider
06:40 - Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: 06:40 - WHALES 5 orca off MUK heading South. Master reports via 800MHz six orca one half mile off of the MUK terminal, heading South.
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Aug 6 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 16:30 - Gray, Skagit Bay heading toward Camano, 8/6/20, 16:30 I'm not sure if you want "distant" sighting reports, but here it is anyway. I noticed a whale watching boat (can't read lettering, but it's an aluminum-looking one, medium size) sitting out in the channel just north of Mariners' Cove so of course had to watch for spouts. I think I saw the white line on its head through binoculars, but I can't swear to it. It appears to be heading in the direction of Utsalady. I can't tell if it's feeding because it's not waving fins around like it does in shallow water. Updates to follow if I don't lose sight of it. Thanks! -Marianne Parry
16:19 - No I.D gray traveling East mid channel. Between Mariners Cove and Polnell shores. -Terra Parham
This Gray Whale passed us at a rapid clip as we were walking our beach in Oak Harbor. It was heading toward Deception Pass. -Greg & Terra Parham, Oak Harbor
[Per Alie at Cascadia Research this whale is definitely 2020 newbie 2261. -alb]
Thu, Aug 6 - Possession Sound - 11:18 - Two gray whales still here! SE Gedney. -Renee Chamberland, Puget Sound Express
(Justine Buckmaster has ID'd our spyhopper as #2259!
DOLPHINS - Thu, Aug 6 - Admiralty Inlet - Hey me and my buddy were out fishing in area 9 (by Port Townsend, more specifically Marrowstone) a couple weeks ago (August 6th) and had two dolphins play with us trolling along. -Cody Wilkie
["…never two animals up at once, and the only one clear enough to ID is Cinco." -Dave Anderson, Research Biologist, Cascadia Research Collective]

August 5
Wed, Aug 5 - B.C. Gulf Islands - 19:45 - We are visiting a friend on Mayne Island. We saw three adult orcas and one baby in Horton Bay, Mayne Island, at about 7:45 pm. Our host has been here for 30 years and has never seen them here. -Jack Huberman
Wed, Aug 5 - North Puget Sound (T65As and T137s) - 20:15 - [orcas] They've cruised past Glendale mid-channel. They must be a bit spread out, as I'm not seeing enough to be all of both matrilines. -Debbie Stewart
20:06 - [orcas] They just passed me in Chennault Beach. Mukilteo. Going north. -Alice Thuy Talbot
19:50 - Have them northbound at Possession Beach Park. Water is pretty rough and they're in travel mode. -Durand Dace
19:56 - In travel mode, bucking in the bumpy seas, heading north on the east side of mid channel.
19:38 - They continued north. In parallel with the south tip of Whidbey, heading north.
19:18 - Like dead center, maybe a little east of mid channel in the Possession triangle.
18:59 - Committed north, Possession Sound at this time.
18:43 - Direction change, north now.
18:38 - They are south of us now, continuing mostly south, a little east.
18:07 - We are on our boat about 1 mile south of Possession Point of Whidbey, and the whales are continuing southeast. About 10, with at least 2 males. -Danielle Pennington
~ 17:00 - Kim Page called to report seeing 3-4 orcas, including one male, half way between Eglon and Pilot Point, close to Kitsap side. A lot of breaching, maybe feeding. Kim reports they have been there for quite a while, and currently are right off Pilot Point. No direction.
16:56 - [orcas] Just left them east of Point No Point in the separation zone, hunting. -Trevor Tillman
16:40 - Looks like orcas are exiting Admiralty into Puget Sound proper. Likely Just SE of Point No Point, Kitsap. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:35 - Volunteer Karen Graham called to report seeing the orcas who are now approaching Mutiny Bay. Orcas are still heading southbound, between mid channel and the other side (Jefferson/Kitsap counties). Earlier she saw them from Lagoon Point, Whidbey, could see two were in lead and one slightly trailing.
15:20 - [orcas] South of Bush Point already, mid-channel, still southbound. -Brian McGinn
14:15 - .5 miles east of Marrowstone PT, favoring Marrowstone side southbound 5-6 knots.
13:31 - T65As and T137s SE bound at 7 knots, 1.25 miles East of Point Wilson. -Christopher Hanke, Puget Sound Express
12:50 - Just saw orca from Fort Ebey bluff heading SW towards Port Townsend fast! 4-5, one large male, possibly a baby. -Karen Knight
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Aug 5 - Saratoga Passage - 16:30 - Gray somehow snuck around to the north and came back by again heading south, and then turned around once again. 8/5/20, 16:30, south end of Mariners Cove - I spotted it heading south toward my place, watched it cruise by assuming it was heading for Polnell, and then it turned toward Utsalady and is now doing some deep dives moving northward midchannel. When it passed me, it was pretty close to shore and feeding heavily, splishing and splashing about (compared with earlier today when it was feeding but very calmly). I assume the water was quite shallow because it stuck the fin and tail fluke up really high. Lots of photos taken, but only with iPhone, but I send along any that look tolerable. -Marianne Parry
14:15 - Just heard a spout so ran out to look, and there was the gray whale just barely south of Mariners Cove, feeding and slowly heading toward Polnell. I suspect it flew in from across the channel because no neighbors to my north appear to have seen anything, but can't confirm that. Both blowhole stripe and the [usual] pectoral fin. Just sneaking by today with very little commotion. Such a chill whale… Have a good one! -Marianne Parry
DOLPHIN - Wed, Aug 5 - Puget Sound - At 09:50 today, a Pacific White-sided Dolphin was spotted approaching the outbound Seattle-Bainbridge ferry, accompanying the ferry, breaching in the wake, and later following the outbound Seattle-Bremerton ferry. This observation was made by the state ferries Coleman Dock PSO/MMO. The first contact was directly north of Luna Park about 100 meters north of the Seattle- bound ferry Puyallup. Followup: Yes, 100% [PWD], got good views from the ferry sun deck at 25 meters. No photos yet, but I have the camera here today. This was not one of the Commons, no bottle noise, sharp bicolored crescent dorsal, suspenders...Scott Markowitz

August 4
Tue, Aug 4 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T65As & T137s) - [We found] the T137's porpoising at great speed, eastbound, wondering what the hurry was...and of course they were on the move to meet up with the T065A's coming west...When they finally greeted each other they stopped and mingled for quite some time...Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Aug 4 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 15:30-16:00 - Excited to report that after a few days (3?) absence, Gray 2356 has returned to Mariners Cove. Yay! 3:30pm 8/4/20 - I spotted it heading south from the marina entrance, slowly working his way down, feeding all along. It is quite close to shore, feeding and moving along very slowly and methodically. As of 4pm, it is just south of Mariners Cove, heading toward Polnell. The markings by the blowholes and pectoral fin clearly show that it's 2356. I know it looks like I'm in the water right next to the whale, but I can assure you I was on the beach - it was pretty close in, plus I zoomed. The magnificence never ceases to amaze... Have a great rest of your day! -Marianne Parry
Mon, Aug 4 - Puget Sound - 20:11 - Very large whale (grey?) northbound just north of Richmond Beach buoy. 8:11pm. -Karen Jeanne Rutter Weber

August 3
Mon, Aug 3 - Victoria B.C. to San Juan Islands (T18s) - …with the T18s...Very impressive big boys…T19C. On J1, Maya's Legacy Whale Watching. -James Mead Maya, Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
15:45 - Jill Blakeway called to report orcas: She lives on Henry Island at entrance of Mosquito Pass and faces San Juan Island. The orcas came by their house heading towards Roche Harbor. Looked like 2 males & 2 females.
14:04-14:11 - T18s activity in the area 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point and Edwards Point: In a loose group, close in and breaking the surface often, T19B Galiano, T19C Spouter, T18 Esperanza and T19 Mooyah traveled north. As they approached me, the group slipped down and remained out of sight until rising again next to Edwards Point. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
T019C powers away from a racing canoe south of the entrance to Victoria Harbour on the morning of August 3rd. -Mark Malleson
Mon, Aug 3 - Puget Sound (T65As & T137s)
16:28 - They are still battling north against the strong current, Grouped up, mid channel in line between Fort Flagler on Marrowstone and Lake Hancock on Whidbey.
15:40 - Apparently T137A and T137D were almost to Hein Bank porpoising for a long time, maybe chasing something!! Report from Glacier Spirit.
15:34 - They are aiming towards Fort Flagler about a mile and a half south of the fort. I think this group has been trailing behind the leading two for a while.
15:31 - T137 and T137B are with the T65As.
15:25 - The T65A pod with 2 of the T137 pod traveling with them between Lagoon Point and Marrowstone Island, closer to the Marrowstone side. Northbound slowly. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
13:12 - T137A and T137D nearing Pt. Partridge, well ahead of the others. -Matt Stolmeier
14:35 - We moved to Ft. Casey. 2 or 3 mid channel,, near the Pt. Townsend ferry route. milling around. They don't seem to be in any hurry to go on either direction.
12:52 - Seen from Ebey Beach, closer to Pt. Townsend. At least 2 orcas Still headed North. -Laura Tarasoff
12:45 - Leaving the majority of the two families 2 miles south of Admiralty Head. [Tyler confirmed T65As and T137s still together] T137A and T137D are a few miles ahead of the rest of the family. -Tyler McKeen
~14:00 - About 2 p.m. saw a few from Libby Beach but pretty distant, heading out west probably.
12:30 - One surfaced right below me then disappeared! She was about 10' off the beach!
12:23 - [orcas] Fins just south of point at Ft. Casey. Whidbey side but not super close yet. -Bonnie Gretz
Mon, Aug 3 - Puget Sound - 12:30 - Greg Davis called again. Orcas have stopped, big male, 3 smaller ones, milling right smack in middle of 3 trawlers (30 footers) not quite going anywhere, WW boat moved in closer. Not seeing any fins, maybe sounded, did not see them again, but they have stopped moving north.
12:05 - Greg Davis called, middle of Seacrest Lane, between Admiral Cove and Ledgewood. Sighting off tip of Marrowstone Island, orcas are toward that side. Big male, 2-3 others. Whales moving north, not very fast. One WW boat looks like trying to stay 500 yards away.
11:31 - Kit Turner called to report she is seeing 2-3 orcas very close to Whidbey side at north end Lagoon Point, and at least 2 more on the far side towards Marrowstone, north of the tip of Marrowstone, all heading northbound.
10:30 - Two (one larger, one smaller) past the north end of Mutiny Bay, 10:30 AM today. Heading north. -Cathryn Booth-LaForce
08:03 - Bradley Coombe, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: WHALES 4 orca near EDM>KING heading North - Master reports four orca traveling North in the South bound traffic lanes near route area.
07:00 - [reported at 08:06] Orcas off Jefferson Head pointed at Apple Cove Point. -Christopher Hanke, Puget Sound Express
07:00 - [reported at 08:01] Good second hand report of killer whales northbound off Jefferson Head at 7 this morning. -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
06:15 - Way down here in Seattle, Golden Gardens: Two orcas, one much smaller, perhaps a calf? Terrible photo quality, but magical moment! Headed north towards Edmonds. -Kirsten Anderson
05:30 - [reported at 07:54.] Five KW observed at Alki at 5:30am. Reported By WSF. No other details (such as direction). -Michelle Savoie
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Aug 3 - Possession Sound - 18:20 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine ops, emailed: WALLA WALLA@1820 Master reports 2 gray whales SB [southbound] off the EDM [Edmonds] pier.
At least one of the 4 grays in Puget Sound has already dispersed. CRC2356 was photographed by Chris Bane in Sidney Channel, near James Island, BC, August 3. -Bart Rulon
MINKE WHALE - Mon, Aug 3 - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet - 07:30 - We saw a Minke with a calf from the Coupeville to Port Townsend ferry run. This was on Monday, 8/03, at 7:30am. They were about a 1/3 of the way out from Keystone, apparently headed south. There were Harbor Porpoises nearby as well. -Steve & Martha Ellis

August 2
Sun, Aug 2 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T99s) - Thank you, Mollie Cameron, our Naturalist on today's adventure, capturing the beauty of Transient Killer Whales T099's and Humpbacks around Sooke, B.C. -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Sun, Aug 2 - North Puget Sound/Possession Sound (T65As & T137s) - 20:12 - They are north of Edmonds, on the Edmonds side. Only visible with binoculars for us.
19:53 - [orcas] Looking from Apple Tree Point with binoculars, looks like they are about in the same area as indicated in [Alice's] map. -Laurae Briggs
19:10 - Still hanging out in the open waters. Midchannel. Still trending south. Definitely at least 7 of them.
18:30 - [orcas] Southbound between south Muk and south tip of Whidbey. I want to say 5-6 orcas. -Alice Thuy Talbot
[map from Alice indicates intersect north of Edmonds and West of Picnic Point. -gs]
18:27 - [orcas] Possession Pt. heading south, both families together. -Tyler McKeen
18:02 - [orcas] Heading north at the moment. -Danielle Pennington
17:53 - [orcas] Viewing from Glendale. Very close to mainland side traveling southbound. Moving at a good pace now. -Debbie Stewart
17:40 - [orcas] Just passed the ferry lanes heading sw. -Kathryn Everett
17:30 - [orcas] Just saw them by Harborview Park in Everett!! -Sarah Brown
17:38 - T137A trailing behind, just passed the Mukilteo lighthouse heading south. Seen from the lighthouse.
17:30 - They are heading south, just passed the Mukilteo Lighthouse a quarter mile out with a boat following them. -Bart Rulon
17:31 - Update: 4, possibly 5, looks like 1 male plus 3-4 juvenile or female.
17:23 - [orcas] 3 spotted from Mukilteo ferry dock/Lighthouse Park, heading west. -Rietta Rain
17:22 - An adult and baby orca in Possession Sound 5 min ago, heading towards Mukilteo Ferry from Howarth Park. -Anne Marie Hagel
17:20 - Greetings all - two orcas observed from Boulevard Bluffs neighborhood facing Possession Sound...moving purposefully toward Mukilteo. Fantastic - was not able to get my camera but had good visibility with binoculars. Time observed was 5:20pm today, 2 August. -Le Schneider
17:34 - Two in front of the new ferry terminal, 5:34.
17:14 - [orca] Just saw one from Harborview Park. Heading west. -Greg Heiss
16:54 - [orcas] Sighted by Hat Express, heading towards Port of Everett. -Lori Christopher
16:57 - They are right off shore heading straight for Mukilteo. If you are on land you should have a good view!
16:55 - They are heading right to shore between Everett and Mukilteo, trending south.
16:30 - Heading SE towards Mukilteo, between Gedney and Port of Everett right now.
15:47 - After at least 2 kills they are slowly heading west past Port Susan, 2 have gone North the rest are not committed to a direction, mostly milling and socializing.---T65A's and T137's near Port Susan and gray whale #CRC2356 near Eglon!! The two transient orca families played and played, ate about 3 meals in an hour, played some more and then started travelling South towards Edmonds. We had a few close passes and just thoroughly enjoyed watching their interactions! -Janine Harles
13:00 - [orcas] They were out from Tullip Bay at 1:00 PM still trending south. -Tyler McKeen
12:14 - Orca In front of Spee-Bi-Dah but, all moving right to left, Possession Sound. -Malcolm Lindquist
1210 - T65s and 137's southbound at bottom of Port Susan now. -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
~12:00 - Orcas in Port Susan today about noon. This video taken from the shore at Tulare Beach. -Franklin Reed
11:44 - We have 6 Orcas in Port Susan sound right now. -Terri Smith, S east Camano Island.
12:10 - They are still slowly southbound a couple of miles north of the entrance to Port Susan. Split up into 2 mixed groups.
11:35 - Both pods are together now T137s, T65As.
11:25 - T137 pod and T65A2, at least, southbound from Kayak Point Port Susan. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
HUMPBACKS - Sun, Aug 2 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Thank you, Mollie Cameron, our Naturalist on today's adventure, capturing the beauty of Transient Killer Whales T099's and Humpbacks around Sooke, B.C. - MMX0084 "Scuttle" by Mollie Cameron -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
[ID: GS]
Sun, Aug 2 - BCY0409/Yogi treats these whale watchers to a trip of lifetime. -Mark Malleson
Sun, Aug 2 - North Puget Sound - 08:00 - Two humpbacks off Jefferson Head in shipping lane. Not sure on direction, possibly milling. -Sara Frey
07:50 - Matt McCulloch reports a Humpback at Jefferson Head...appeared to be moving north.
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Aug 2 - Possession Sound - 10:43 - There is another grey whale at the south east corner of Gedney Island. -Danielle Pennington
Sun, Aug 2 - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet - ~11:30 - Saw a gray over by Useless Bay around 11:30 am. We were not sure [on direction], saw huge tail fin as he went under and waited but didn't see him come up again. -Sherrie Speller
10:55 - Grey still EB. Line of site from Apple Tree Point to tip of Whidbey. Well into the shipping lanes.
1030 - Grey off Apple Tree Point. West side of channel. Perhaps eastbound. -Sara Frey
10:37 - Gray heading NE, mid channel.
09:52 - Gray whale is traveling south near the shore at Rose Point.
09:25 - Janine called and confirms a gray whale off Eglon.
09:21 - Now that we are closer it looks like a gray. [
09:20 - Seeing for sure one heading NW at Eglon. -Janine Harles
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Sun, Aug 2 - Possession Sound - Sunday evening, August 2nd, we were enjoying the view from Harborview Park north of Mukilteo when we saw a low bushy blow fairly close to shore. A single whale was surfacing with a succession of blows, followed by dives that lasted approximately 5 to 8 minutes. No dorsal fin visible; the whale did not breach the surface or raise its back end before dives. We did catch one good sighting of the tail, which was dark and smooth, with somewhat pointy tips. We watched him for about 20 minutes as he travelled slowly southwest roughly parallel to the shoreline. I am pretty sure we were looking at a minke, given the bushy blows and the small size. Of course, it's tough to tell size from shore sometimes, but I think we can rule out humpback since humpbacks have that characteristic tall, columnar blow so different from what we were seeing. Ok, thanks! I enjoy following whale sightings on Orca Network -- it's fun to have a surprise sighting to report! -Cheers, Erica Peterson
Sat, Aug 1 - San Juan Islands - 16:30 - I'm not sure what they were, but I'm pretty sure there were at least two whales (maybe three) just northeast of North Peapod Rocks (near Lawrence Pt on Orcas). There appeared to be at least two whale watching boats observing them, but we were on Eagle Cliff on Cypress, so could only see the spouts and the occasional tail. Couldn't tell species from our distance… -Joshua Jabbour
Sun, Aug 2 - Possession Sound - 05:55 - I saw what appears to be a humpback mid-channel just south of Gedney Island at 0555. Appeared to be heading north. The first image is the best look I had at the dorsal fin. Couldn't tell if it was the classic irregular humpback shape, but because I was close enough to see a definite dorsal, I assumed it was a humpback not a gray. But the location is exactly where you'd expect to see grays. -Jordan Talge

August 1
Sat, Aug 1 - North Puget Sound/Saratoga Passage (T65As & T137s) - 20:36 - Orca and her baby bear Bells Beach 30 minutes ago. Theodora Cornelia
19:20 - They are off Camano by the state park. -Melissa Anderson Muller
18:50 - Sunset - I also encountered orcas just north of Holmes Harbor on Saturday at 1850. Appeared to be about eight in total, divided into two groups of 3-4 with one male in each smaller group…And after anchoring offshore of Langley for the night Saturday evening, two of the orcas I had seen earlier at Holmes Harbor cruised past heading south. It was pretty choppy but I was hoping people in Langley spotted them. -Jordan Talge
18:20 - [orcas] Milling/heading south. Out front of Cama Beach @6:20. -Leslie Goodman
18:30 - Looks like southbound still but at the moment kind of milling.
18:15 - [orcas] I headed across street here at Baby Island Heights...they look to me like Camano side of mid channel and in line with Hidden Beach & Cama Beach. -Marilyn Armbruster
17:35 - [orcas] Saratoga Passage, Baby Island Heights, Washington, a little after low tide today. -David Ernst
video -
17:13 - [orcas] Mid channel just south of Onamac. At least 5 hanging out. -Marie Heil
17:40 - Considerable orca activity continues in Saratoga Passage near Whidbey Island just north of Greenbank.
17:12 - On this Saturday afternoon, orcas visible near Whidbey Island (east of Onamac Point on Camano Island) south of Harrington Lagoon, north of Greenbank. -Steve Rothboeck
16:08 - [orcas] Currently by Harrington Lagoon, heading South, towards Camano. -Kira Dickison
15:00-16:00 - These pictures are a few I took from Harrington Lagoon between 3:00 and 4:00pm with Bonnie and Marilyn. -David Haeckel
What a fun time!!! 8/1/20: And they're back, orcas in Penn Cove! T137s and T65As....saw them first from Long Point (Whidbey Island) as they headed west into the cove. This time they got to just east of the Coupeville wharf, and after milling around, headed back out in spread out small groups. From Long Point again, we got some pretty nice close looks and saw a lot of breaching and tail slapping, over and over! They then headed south, so we decamped to Harrington Lagoon. A few came relatively close which was great! -Bonnie Gretz
14:25 - About 4? 5? Orcas in Penn Cove, heading west on the north side of the cove. -Jeanette Gewald
~14:00 - Today we spotted three Orcas in Penn Cove around 2pm. -Mary Brock
13:55 - [orcas] Mid channel of Penn Cove between Coupeville dock and Monroe Landing. Lots of splashing. Seem to have gone down for about 10 min. Seem to be headed back east. -Emily Zenz
12:50 - [orcas] Leaders are approaching the mouth of Oak Harbor. -Tyler McKeen
12:15 - [orcas] They may have changed direction - or are milling. 12:15 pm mid channel between Harrington Lagoon and Onomac, looking slightly south from Harrington Lagoon.---It was a busy boat day on the water yesterday, crab pots all over and the orcas came to visit! They had a brief stop in Penn Cove, then headed back out to Saratoga Passage, southbound. Again it was a treat to see these whales, members of the T65As and T137s. Many breaches, and tons of tail slapping. Zoomed & cropped. photo - "Jack!!! T137A (b.2002) - so glad to see he's totally recovered from his injury in 2019. "T65A and T65A5? - T137D and T137? --Jill Hein
11:56 - Pod still northbound, moving quite quick, probably past Eagle Crest from my vantage point at Indian Beach, midchannel but slightly closer to Camano. Whale watching boat is still with them. At least one large male and several other smaller orcas. Traveling in a few different groups near each other. -Joan Smith
11:10 - Orcas have passed Fox Spit heading toward Greenbank. Still in small groups. Close shoreline encounter with 3 whales at Fox Spit. --- What a great start to the month of August with the arrival of the T137s joining forces with the already-present-in-Puget Sound T65As. The last time we saw T137A in Whidbey waters he was suffering from an injury near the peduncle, inhibiting his movement. Our August 1 encounter with this impressive whale was a far cry indeed from that worrisome sighting as he swept in like a scythe to cruise the Fox Spit shoreline and take gasping onlookers by surprise. Before any of us had chance to draw breath the whales submerged and surfaced further north in the direction of Greenbank and Baby Island, a favored seal haul-out, before continuing their travels in Saratoga Passage. -Sandra Pollard
11:03 - Orcas were off of Bells Beach on Whidbey 15 minutes ago. Headed toward Fox Spit. -Kristin Platt Rose
11:00 - Orcas in Saratoga Passage mid channel off of Fox Spit. Some recreational boats not adhering to distance guidelines. -Jim Lovvorn
16:00 - I left them around 16:00 and they were just north of Shangri La Shores, mid channel. Still looking SB.
15:15 - Out from Snatelum Pt., Whidbey side, moving slow at this time, southbound.
14:45 - They have rounded Longpoint aiming south/easterly, west side of green buoy.
13:53 - They look as though they have made directional change east and heading towards entrance of Cove north side. I'm viewing from Coupeville boat launch. They are west of Monroe Landing in between Coupe boat launch and wharf closer to north side of Cove.
13:20 - Headed into Penn Cove middish channel. West of Longpoint wb.
11:30 - They left Baby Island and headed north. Hidden Beach should be a good area to spot right now.
11:11 - Appearing to be heading towards Baby Island, westbound. T137A with them.
10:45 - [orcas] Still out from Bells Beach milling and active a bit. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:43 - Still in front of Whidbey, close to Fox Spit which is just north of Bells Beach. Saw a breach!
10:40 - Saw them for about 5-10 minutes staying close to surface in 2 or 3 groupings. Then they vanished. No sign of them for about 10 or 15 minutes.
10:22 - [orcas] Found them!! Saratoga Passage in front of Bells Beach, Whidbey. Several groups of 3 or so spread out heading north. -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
Sat, Aug 1 - North Puget Sound - We saw at least three, maybe more, killer whales in Saratoga Passage near Bells Beach on Saturday August 1 at around 10:30AM. There was a large male, a female and a juvenile whale at least. -Jacques White
08:30 - T137A present based on photo from SJI sightings page. -Ariel Yseth
08:20 - Orcas in front of the Clinton ferry terminal @ 8:20 am heading north. About 10 of them. Traveling on the east side heading up towards Langley. -Milo Bear
08:13 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: Master reports the vessel is stopped due to a pod of 8-10 orca around the vessel heading NB [northbound]. Vessel is in the middle of the MUK>CLIN traffic lanes.
08:07 - Headed to San Juan's and saw a small pod off Mukilteo, we are passing Clinton ferry dock. -Michelle Andersen Norsen
Sat, Aug 1 - Hood Canal - 11:19 - 3 orca off Dabob Bay near Seabeck. [secondhand] -Durand Dace
HUMPBACKS - Sat, Aug 1 - Admiralty Inlet - 18:27 - From close neighbor on bluff: "Just saw a whale. Going north, almost around the bend heading to Bush Point." I can confirm this was a humpback headed north on the Marrowstone side between Bush Point and Lagoon Point. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
Sat, Aug 1 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - We had the pleasure to visit at least 10 Humpback Whales west of Sooke - BCX1068's calf 20107 (Valiant) [ID: Paul Pudwell] - MMY0163 "Sandstorm" [ID: Erin Johns Gless] - BCY0584's 2017 calf "Meqe" [ID: Erin Johns Gless]! -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Sat, Aug 1 - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet
19:36 - Blows and the back of likely humpback on Marrowstone side, NB.
19:15 - Seeing 1 or 2 blows off Bush Point. Looking like baleen whale blows. Northbound. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
17:50 - One humpback whale 150 yards off the beach between Lagoon Point and Bush Point (Whidbey Island), southbound. Seen from the beach. -Bart Rulon
07:50 - Humpback at Jeff Head. 7:50 am. Appeared to be moving north. -Matt McCulloch
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Aug 1 - Northern Saratoga Passage - ~11:00-11:45 - I've been watching a gray that was way over more toward Utsalady around 11am-ish…it has been slowly crossing the channel and is now just north of the Mariners Cove, but still pretty far out (11:45am). The ID is uncertain, but I caught a glimpse of the dorsal ridge in my binocs and based on the unevenness, I think it is likely 2356. [ID unconfirmed -alb] -Marianne Parry
DOLPHIN - Sat, Aug 1 - South Puget Sound - August 1, 2020, taken in Narrows/Hale Pass area. -Donna Reed Myhre

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