July 2018 Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of July 2018 whale sightings.
July 31
Yesterday (July 31), J-Pod was joined by a large portion of L-Pod in the Salish Sea. We saw them as they headed north past Lime Kiln in the late afternoon. J47 Notch, pictured here, has, when we have seen him, been going back and forth between his grieving mother J35 Tahlequah and hanging out with some other young males in J-Pod. Yesterday he was in with J38 Cookie and L105 Fluke, among others. J50 Scarlet was present also. (The August 1 update is J35 Tahlequah is still carrying her deceased daughter, for nine days now. It's difficult to imagine what she has been going through or the effort required to carry her baby hundreds of miles. We hope she finds the right time to let go, and that the body of her newborn returns peacefully to the sea. We are all struggling alongside her as we watch from afar, with a renewed fire to do whatever we can on behalf of the Southern Residents.) -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI
21:30 - Per my friend Ariel Yseth at Land Bank, L Pod is at San Juan County Park, id'd as Mega, Spirit, Solstice and 7-8 others. Moving Slowly- fishing. I've been listening to them on Lime Kiln Hydrophone for about 10-15 minutes. General direction southbound....They came in very close to shore at Land Bank,. kelped, and departed SB at 22:00 per Ariel. -Donna Van Renselaar
17:50 - And tight knit group of 6 very close to shore just passed Eagle Cove, northbound. -Lodie Gilbert Budwill
~17:30 - Members of J-Pod (plus some others - at least the L72s were present!) passed Lime Kiln going north. J35 and J50 were both there, as was we believe all of J-Pod. -Monika Wieland Shields
16:30 - They (residents) are now just north of Eagle Point. Going north. I can see a few at Pile Point as well. -Chris Wilson
15:15 - There are whales offshore of South Beach heading north towards San Juan Island - reportedly J-Pod and the L12 sub-group. -Monika Wieland Shields
July 31st trip report - on a very foggy morning we headed towards and navigated through the San Juan Islands to Cattle Pass, checking on harbor seals and Steller sea lions on the way. The fog lifted and we continued south, where whales had been found near Hein Bank, and we were able to view members of JPod (J16s) as they foraged, and a little further south - LPOD! The L12 grouping was identified, we could see a lot of whales in the distance. Our closest viewing was of L85 Mystery and L22 Spirit, what a great surprise to find LPod today. Thanks Capt. Eric for a great day, returning to port in beautiful sunshine! -Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist.
Tue Jul 31 - Sighting near Secret Cove, BC (north of Sechelt). We were staying at a place called Sunset cove and we watched these Orcas play or feed for over two hours at 8.30 in the morning on the 31st July. There were possibly 4 or 5 in the pod, possibly transients as they seemed to be following the seals into the cove.. After 2 hours they moved off in a southerly direction. Would love to ID these guys? -Louise Carter
(ID'd T46s & T137s, T137A and T46, T46E and T137D. - alb)
July 30
Mon Jul 30 - Trip Report: We motored out into Rosario Strait in choppy seas, and headed south with a report of some Bigg's (Transient, - meat-eating) Orcas off Victoria. First stop was at Colville Island to view the harbor seals and an eagle, then onward to meet up with the family group of T18 (female born est. 1974), T19 (female, born est. 1969), T19B (male born 1995) and T19C (male born 2001). They were right in Oak Bay, playing among the kelp beds. They then headed north toward the Chatham Islands and Discovery Bay. After watching them cruise these lovely small islands, we made our way back to Lopez Island through calmer seas, and saw more harbor seals and eagles. Another beautiful summer day on the Salish Sea. -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist
Great to sea more Transient killer whales are on the hunt around southern Vancover Island, Sooke, Victoria. T019 & T109B were finding some food today! -Paul Pudwell
Mon Jul 30 - Howe Sound - ~20:00 - Orcas Watts Point (across from the mining museum for periods and then moved closer to Squamish at times)...we were out there for prob 45 mins viewing them along with about 1-4 other boats at different times. At first we spotted them heading South, for about 20 mins I'd say, with one very large whale on the far left (East) of us and the rest of the pod on the far right (West) of us. It was so interesting!! Why do they do that? After about 20 more mins of slow travel they switched directions and started heading North/back toward Squamish again. Right before we left to head into Squamish they started heading South again. T46 in Howe Sound. T46s and possibly the T137s. (See article The Squamish Chief w/video). -Vanessa Doak
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
Mon Jul 30 - A humpback whale shows its grandeur off Victoria's waterfront on the afternoon of July 30th. Photo by Mark Malleson
Mon Jul 30 - About half hour before sunset this evening there was a young humpback whale in Drayton Harbor (Blaine, WA). It did swim out past Semiahmoo towards White Rock. -Claire Lewis
July 29
J50 Scarlet, born December 2014, here swimming in Haro Strait, off the west side of San Juan Island, along with her family and all of J pod & L87. J50's prognosis is not good, she is emaciated and shows no sign of improving. All of us are holding this little girl in our hearts with hope. An unusual photo of the day call to action in these unusually difficult times. Along with others, Monika encourages us all to take action and let our voices be heard on behalf of J50, J35 and her deceased baby girl, and all of the Endangered Southern Residents: -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, July 29, 2018
July 29th update from San Juan Island: it has been an emotional week up here. As of this morning, we heard J35 Tahlequah is still carrying her deceased daughter for now going on 6 days. Some other J-Pod whales did come in last night as well and we saw the J16s (from shore) off Land Bank this morning, including J50 Scarlet who is pictured here. We refuse to let J35's vigil be in vain, so please join us in participating in the governor's task force process in whatever way you can, starting by attending the meetings August 7 in Wenatchee and August 28 in Anacortes. The public must be engaged in this process to ensure serious action is taken, and not just a few token feel-good efforts that will not substantially help the Southern Residents. It was a day full of many magical moments. Here's one of them. (Lime Kiln Point State Park, July 29th, with all of J-Pod). -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, July 29, 2018
2:25 p.m - Listening to the Limekiln hydrophone on my computer, hearing orca (S1?) calls. I open up a live webcam (Desticam) showing Lime Kiln live. I caught a glimpse of an orca surfacing at the top of the view, maybe 150-200 yards offshore. Less than a minute later, a fishing vessel charges by just off the rocks, maybe less than 50 yards out. Very very loud. Poor orcas. No more calls heard. If Desticam records, you can catch it at about 2:25pm or so, 7/29/18. -Deb Frost
What a heartwarming day, seeing some normalcy amongst J-pod members, and L87 Onyx, who were mixed in with the J17s...So thankful (and yes, J35 is still pushing/carrying her deceased calf, day 6 now. L87 Onyx (left) and J38 Cookie (middle), and perhaps J22 Oreo? J38 Cookie alongside others. -Jill Hein
1:15 p.m. - we just watched the whales from South Beach! ...Thank you for the update! I've been trying to ID them with my not so great pictures but not having any luck! We followed them (from shore) from South Beach all the way to Lime Kiln! Thank you for sharing your info and love of whales with us. Kim Brock Brown
945 - saw one orca leisurely pop out at the east side of False Bay heading up the shoreline. Only surfaced twice. -Ariel Yseth
8:58 a.m - Fog has cleared. Can see one large male orca at Pile Point. One orca north of Eagle Point. One more near False bay.
7:29 a.m - whale blows, going north from False Bay. Foggy, could not see who or how many. -Chris Wilson
Bigg's killer whales - July 28 & 29 (News on T073B) - July 29th - Visiting Orca Takes Anchored Sailboat for a Joyride.
Humpback whales - July 29 - Bellingham Bay - 4:54 p.m - We are watching what appears to be a juvenile humpback in Bellingham bay! Headed west towards Lummi island. Breaching and cartwheeling nearly continuously...Last saw it headed towards Lummi about 6 pm. -Andrea Vance
10:50 a.m - Whale in Bellingham Bay 1/4 mile straight out from Chuckanut island. Looks like a humpback, Small like a juvenile. -Margaret Pommert
July 29 - Juan de Fuca Strait - The sun was shining and the seas were pleasant with many humpback whales around Race Rocks Lighthouse today! -Paul Pudwell
(A review of some of Pauls photos show at least: MMZ0004, BCYUnk Scratchy, BCZ0298 Split Fin - alb)
Sun Jul 29 - Jervis Inlet/Strait of Georgia - 09:30-09:45 - Hi there, Orca sighting Jervis Inlet. Reporting 4 orcas seen swimming within ~100m of the shoreline of the west side of Hardy Island. They were swimming from north to south. They would make circles occasionally, either playing or feeding, though no bait/prey was observed. Last time I saw orcas in the area was over 5 years ago, although I don't frequent this area often myself! Please see pics for whale markings. I have more photos, not sure what exactly is needed for ID. Would like to know if you are able to identify them, and any info. -Thank you, Laura Bekar
Dolphins - July 29 - ~3:00p.m. - Can you identify this dolphin we saw today in Budd Inlet? (Confirmed Common dolphin, see photo - alb) Maybe a little SW of Gull Harbor in Budd Inlet. A few hundred yards off eastern shore...They were super friendly and wanted to play. My husband was swimming in the water before they showed up and they almost came right up to him. There were 3 of them and they stayed in the same area for almost an hour just circling the boat. One of the Common dolphins who remain in Puget Sound, primarily in the southern portion, seen here in Budd Inler. A large number of Common dolpins in 2 groups arrived in 2016, most left, but a small number remain. -Shelia Faker
July 28
J17s were reported to be up north by Pender in the early afternoon. - alb
July 28th - Lone orca lingering near Vancouver Island marina has DFO concerned
July 28 - 5:24 p.m - Just saw 3 what I'm assuming transient orcas off Spring Beach on Gabriola island...about 5 whale watching boats then 5 motor boats following them. We thought they would for sure turn around cause it's so narrow but we saw all the boats speed back past us so they must have made it through (between Mudge and Gabriola heading Northbound). -Emily Green
Bigg's T46s, T122, T137s - Puget Sound - July 28 - 8:28 p.m - Orcas still heading north. Closer to the center of the channel, at Fort Casey! -Brittney Herndon
Not quite Saturday night sunset whales, but not too far off. The T137 and T46 transient orca pods passing Lagoon Point as they exit Admiralty Inlet on a stunning summer evening. We are fortunate to have these whales in our midst at a time of seemingly insurmountable odds facing the future of the iconic Southern Residents. Many of us are having to compartmentalize our reactions to the pleasure of watching whales in the wild, mentally separating the two eco-types to deal with conflicting emotions; it has become almost too overwhelming to see the beleaguered Southern Residents at all, knowing of their precarious struggle to survive and the ineptitude displayed by agencies and government in taking the necessary steps to save them. -Sandra Pollard
Members of the T46s and T137s exiting Puget Sound the way they came in nearly a week ago. Farewell families, until next time....Photo by Richard Snowberger, July 28, 2018
7:00 p.m. - Durand and Dori Dace and I see the T46s & T137s heading north still moving fast under bright afternoon sun past Bush Point. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
6:50 p.m. - Pat Scott called from Bush Point seeing orcas heading north.
5:42 p.m - Just now at the south end of Mutiny bay. -Danielle Pennington
4:55p.m. - T46s and T137s at Indian Pt. 47*54 and 122*27 steadily moving up the east side of Admiralty Inlet. -Bradley Nelson
3:40 p.m. - still see them off the south tip of Whidbey Northbound. Can't determine if they will be heading up the east or west side at this point. -Sara Frey
3:15 p.m - I spotted several orcas northwest of Edmonds ferry terminal, halfway across the Sound, heading north and being followed by many boats. At least one male fin spotted. Traveling. 47.8107 N., 122.3774 W. -Cindy Goodman
3:00 p.m. - the Transients are northbound off Edmonds right now. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga
2:49 p.m - Just saw them going past Richmond Beach heading towards Edmonds, they looked to be a bit East of the middle. Spread out a bit. -Theresa Holman Williams
1:00 p.m - orcas east of mid channel passing Discovery Point heading north. -Sue Larkin
12:39 p.m. - Seeing at least 2 from Magnolia headed north close to the Bainbridge side around Murden Cove. -Brian-Nicole Jenkins
Orcas seen from the Bremerton ferry about 11:50 off of Bainbridge island. There were also native canoes in the water not far from where these guys were seen. It was truly a wonderful sight. -Tad Standing Bear
10:50 a.m. - 6 orcas reported by WA State Ferries heading north off the Southworth ferry terminal.
10:30 a.m. - T137pod, T46pod, and T122 northbound one mile south of the northern entrance of Colvos Passage. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga
9:45 a.m - About 8 orcas heading north in Colvos Passage, right now near Olalla. -Kelly Burns Keenan
8:52 a.m - Three orcas just passed Salmon beach, heading north through the Narrows probably around Point Defiance now. Do you know which they might be? One seemed large with two small ones in tow. -Christina Finn
~8:45 a.m. - Orcas headed north past Salmon Beach (Tacoma Narrows). -Beth Blankenship
7:30 a.m. - 5 orcas, including one male, heading north across the Anderson Island/Steilacoom ferry lane. -Don
6:45 a.m. - Husband is out fishing this morning and saw at least 3 orcas around Anderson Island (no direction given). -Jackie Maciel
July 27
Trip report - it was another beautiful sunny day as we headed towards San Juan Island, with reports of Resident whales again; the J17s, the family of 6 whales who recently lost a newborn calf, were meandering southward along the west side. We gave them a LOT of space, so photos are very distant. Several research boats were checking on them, let's hope they're finding plenty of salmon. After a short visit with those Endangered whales, we headed towards Deception Pass to see a juvenile humpback whale, appearing to find food in the very strong incoming tidal currents just east of the Deception Pass Bridge, quite a sight! -Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist
11:02 a.m - small group of orcas between Eagle Cove and False Bay, floating north. Two of the babies playing with sprouter male, jumping on his head, wrestling. Very cute. Close to shore. -Chris Wilson 9:02 p.m. - Milling around between Johnson Point and the SE end of Harstine Island. -Tina Davis
8:44 p.m. - They are just getting to the Nisqually reach, almost even with Johnson Point, heading southeast. -Shawn Bashor
8:16 p.m. - Heading south into Dana passage toward Johnson Point. -Katie McMurray
6:02 p.m. - a group of 6+ heading south towards Herron, on the Peninsula side of Case Inlet. -Jerilyn Evans
3:27 p.m. - Orcas are heading north again.
At 3:20 they are still between south Stretch Island and Key Penninsula, closer to Key Penninsula, with about 10 boats in the vicinity.
At 1:50 p.m. - they are approaching south end of Stretch Island, over on the Key Penninsula side, heading south. -Jim Bierman
At 10:50 they were off the south tip of Stretch Island. One pod was closer in to the island and two were mid channel, heading north toward Allyn. -Jim Bierman
10:25 a.m - hanging out for the last hour off the North of Fudge Point. -DeeAnna Nordeen
10:38 a.m - They have continued north in one group, they are now north of Harstine Island and still northbound towards Victor.
10:17 a.m. - I see 2-3 orcas northbound north of Herron Island. Long dives. I think they are in their resting state. I see the rest of them further south. T46E in Case Inlet around 10:25 a.m -Connor O'Brien
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
~ 10:20-10:40 a.m - I saw 4 orcas in Case Inlet heading north off the northeast side of Harstine Island. 1 large dorsal fin with 2 smaller fins all together and 1 large dorsal fin a couple of minutes later. Traveling. -Mary Beth Peterson
9:44 a.m - ...Yes perhaps a kill. They moved north. I can see two groups- one on south end of Herron, and the other mid island on the west
9:15 a.m. - they're just north of Wilson Point, breaching one after another! Nick Wenzel
8:30 a.m. - At least seven orcas (same group as yesterday?) on the east side of Hartstine near Herron Island! -Stephanie Church
7:24 a.m - They're heading back up (north) the Case Inlet, just at the intersection of Dana Passage/Johnson Point, on the Key Peninsula side. -Shawn Bashor
5:35 a.m - 2 or 3 orcas visible headed south Nisqually Reach west of Devils Head. -Robin Richardson
July 27 - 4:00 p.m - Very young humpback inside of Deception Pass Bridge - east side. Right in boat traffic. -Cathy Miller Scott
3:45 p.m - Juvenile humpback just east of Deception Pass Bridge, between bridge and Cornet Bay. Same one that was seen by Guemes/Cypress a few days ago. No fluke shots either day. -Photo by Jill Hein, July 27
July 26
7:49 p.m - Some of the K's were there foraging. K-21 was definitely there and several others. -William Radcliffe
20:47 - echolocation clicks.
20:42 - Just heard a couple of little sounds on Lime Kiln hydrophone... two whistley squeaks preceded by a short vocal kind of a groany "maa" I can barely stand to think of them out there grieving right now. -Donna Van Renselaar
4:34 p.m - Residents, closing in toward Eagle Point, almost outside cove... Erin Corra
15:50 - Southern Residents south of Cattle Pass, reportedly widely spread. -Monika Wieland Shields
Bigg's Transients - 8:50 p.m. - watching from Joemma Beach second group is passing us now. 3 orca 1 large male with them. They are more mid channel headed south east. 3 small boats with this group.
8:37 p.m. - watching from Joemma Beach state park. They just passed us still headed south east. Watched 2 pass us close to shore and saw a few more across closer to Hartstene Island. Moving fairly quick with long dives. No boats with them. -Brittany Gordon
8:00 p.m. - they were between Herron Island and McMicken Island. Now heading due south mid channel. -Karen Dorans
1630- T46's and 137As in Case Inlet. Mostly milling. T137A and T46E hanging together away from others. -Renee Beitzel
4:19 p.m - ...and whales are still milling around. Watching from Victor with binoculars. Meanwhile we have three adult and one baby harbor seal on our float. Wishing them safety. -Beverly Lynch
2:14 p.m. - Southbound on east side of Case Inlet now
1:58 p.m - I found them! I am looking from the north end of Harstine Island. They are a ways out, east of Stretch Island I believe. It's hard to determine direction from my vantage point, they could be milling. -Connor O'Brien
1:35 p.m - They are headed north from Harstine Island towards Stretch Island. -Tanya Johnson
~ Noon - Case Inlet, McMicken Island vicinity, mid Harstine Island. One larger & one smaller orcas spotted before noon just north of the island traveling south on east side of McMicken Isl. reappeared just south of Penelope Rock then submerged and moved on. -D Miller
10:48 a.m - 5 heading south, Just spotted on Treasure Island. -Brian
9:55 a.m - Orcas off Stretch Island. I saw 2, but we were in Victor looking across the inlet- so there was some distance between us. -Sarah Feagin Anderson
9:15 a.m - They (orcas) just left Spencer Cove headed north to Harstine Point (Dougall). 7 or 8 orcas. -Nick Wenzel
8:30 a.m - spotted them (orcas) just south of Herron Island heading north. Thru the binocs about a mile away from me, looked like 3 with one the size of a small sail boat with black sail. -Charlotte Smothers.
7:27 a.m - T46D (born 2000) Closer to Harstine last I saw, headed north into Case Inlet.
7:03 a.m. - Just saw Orcas (At least 8 if not more.) pass Johnson Point heading toward Harstine Island. -Photo by Tina Davis, July 26, 2018
(Id by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
6:54 a.m - At least 2 orcas on south end of Key Peninsula heading North towards Case Inlet. -Photo by Shawn Bashor, July 26, 2018
July 26 - Juan de Fuca - Another great adventure on the water with Transient Killer Whales and humpback whales around Sooke today! We were fortunate to witness some predation with what appears to be a harbour porpoise...Always great to sea! Matriarch & grandmother T37 off Sooke...her daughter, matriarch T37B...T37B's son, T37B1, with a harbor porpoise. T34A. -Paul Pudwell
(ID notes by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research: "It was just the T34s and T37Bs out there I believe".)
July 26 - Admiralty Inlet - 2:54 p.m. - 3 Orcas west side of Whidbey Island north of Double Bluff. -Photo by Tammy Felker
(This pod is undidentified and volunteers could not relocate. If anyone has any information or media on this group please forward, thanks!)
July 26 - BCZ0298 Split Fin. Another great adventure on the water with Transient Killer Whales and humpback whales around Sooke today! -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 26, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
Gray whales - July 26 - Saratoga Passage - 7:22 p.m. - Watching two Greys? (It may be one just blowing a lot and moving a little). Playing and eating on the mud flats of Utsalady Bay, north Camano. They've been coming in for several days now. Almost the exact same spot as in April. -Dean Kayler
July 26 - Port Susan - 11:36 a.m. - Richard Arnett called to report a gray whale was in 15-20' deep water on the Camano side of Port Susan.
Unidentified whales - July 26 - Humpback or gray this morning just north off the Mukilteo Ferry dock! It appeared to be traveling towards Everett. It was just breaching out of the water and crashing down for about 10 minutes. (sounds like humpback - alb) was driving away from it so I couldn't get more details. But I could see it bring its body out and crash back down. -Melissa Simmons
Thu Jul 26 - 10:28 - maybe four or more hanging out just west of Deception Pass. -Asked to remain anonymous
July 25
...finding the whales off San Juan County Park at 1300. They found the same group of whales that they encountered the previous day, with the addition J31, in roughly the same sub-groupings. The J14s, J22s, J31, and L87 were in the lead, followed by the K16s, K21, and the J17s. As in the previous encounter, J44 and J47 were socializing with K35, while J35 followed a bit behind the rest of the J17s. The team confirmed that J35 was still carrying her neonate,...See full summary and photos at Center for Whale Research Encounter 53.
18:46 - Sounds like residents flipped south again before reaching Lime Kiln. -Monika Wieland Shields
17:30 - Orcas are now at Hannah Heights. -Chris Wilson
Just watched them (residents) pass Eagle Cove 16:30. Headed north. -Susan Kapteyn Matthews
15:30 - One group of Residents north of Kellett Bluffs, another group offshore of Cattle Pass.
13:15 - orcas past County Park still northbound
12:45 - Looks like trailers just passing Lime Kiln northbound now. -Monika Wieland Shields
10:45 - some orcas are out in the bigger current out from False Bay area.
09:46 - Orcas. Between Eagle Point and False Bay. Hangin out. Close-ish to shore, small group, meandering north. -Chris Wilson
Bigg's T46s, T122, T137s - Puget Sound - July 25 - A beautiful evening with the orcas off Lakebay, Carr Inlet. See Facebook video (warning; some salty language) by Jordan Henderson
They are still out by Kopachuck at 9:30pm! We were out on the water between 2-4:00 today and all the boats were super respectful, so there are some good people out there! We cut our engine and raised it out of the water and just floated. They came right for us. Magic. -Cora Reuter Foster
7:45 p.m - West side of Fox Island heading east. Closer to the peninsula...they we're headed as though they'd go between Fox and MacNeil. -Sarah Richardson
5pm-7pm - Orca pod sighting in Henderson Bay. 6 in pod, 1 solo. Feeding, playing, traveling. -Joyce Murray
6:46 pod is by Raft Island again. Mid channel. We were watching 4 of them about 400 yards out when this one (T46D) showed up! -Photo by Deanna Sparks Kjorlien, July 25, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
6:20 p.m - Just saw 2 pass south of Purdy spit 5 minutes ago! Heading Southwest. -Dawn Dew
Dear friends at Orca Network, There was another sighting today, July 25, around 5:25 when another pod of orcas came through the bay...here are my images from today's sighting in Henderson Bay! Hope they can be of help in your great work! -Ingrid Shumway
5:40 p.m. - There are 7 Orcas that have just passed Minter Creek and are headed towards the Purdy Spit. They haven't surfaced for 10 minutes. -Cyndi Wikstrom
4:55 p.m. - In front of my house. South of Glencove. Key Peninsula side of Carr Inlet. Heading north. -Lynn McCormick Radcliffe
3:15 p.m. - 4 or 5 orcas in Henderson Bay off of Raft Island and Cutts Island, South Puget Sound heading south. I do not know if these were the same orcas who were here yesterday evening. This group had at least one large fin and 3 or 4 smaller fins observed. Yesterdays group had two large fins and 3 smaller ones. -Kevin Stroh
I don't know how we got so lucky! This morning between teaching violin lessons, our neighbor Joe texted me and said, "whales are still there!" (Carr Inlet) I had a 3 hour teaching break so replied, "let's hop in my car and head to the boat!" After a near boat/gas disaster (long story), we were heading home pretty glum. And then we spotted them! We stayed 200 yards away (photos taken with 15-300mm lens), as is the law. Although one time, one went RIGHT under our boat, making waves on the surface, and you could FEEL its heft under there. The neighbor boys kept exclaiming how they were all SO unbelievably lucky. I concur. And in front of Mt Rainier to boot! The last time I saw whales, I was their age on MY neighbor's boat, and now they can grow up saying the same. -Cora Reuter Foster
1:15 p.m - I am directly across from Raft Island at the mouth of Glen Cove. About 1:15 a pod of maybe 5 came through, they were split up and diving deep and long, headed towards Henderson Bay. -Barb Horn Hartman
12:45 p.m. - A mile and a half north of Penrose point, west shoreline of Carr Inlet, T137pod just killed a porpoise so most of them are grouped up again slowly northbound. But T137A was still on the other side of the inlet (east side) by himself. We are leaving the scene.
12:00 noon - T137pod and T46 pod northbound from McNeil island aiming towards Carr Inlet, very spread out. -Bart Rulon, Saratoga
11:45 a.m - There are 8 out here right now, headed back West towards Lakebay. The group has predated now. 1145, whale watching boat has been here for about ten minutes now
11:16 a.m - Actually, I just found them on a kill. North side of McNeil. Eating something of size. -Matt Graham
I have 3 reports and multiple photos from the Anderson Island FB page today with reports of the orcas (presumably still the T137s and T46s) at 7:30am tracking west past the ferry dock, toward Eagle Island and west past Eagle. I don't know yet which direction they went from there. I'll update if I hear more! -Belen Bilgic Schneider
July 25 - Rosario Strait - At about noon today my wife spotted Orcas in Rosario Strait (from the house we are renting on Peapod Lane on the east side of Orcas Island). We watched them for 30 minutes or so as they transited north to south through the main channel, between the Peapod rocks and Cypress Island; we first spotted them looking to the northeast toward Lummi Island from our vantage point and watched through the time we lost them to view to the south, still in the main channel. There were three for sure, most likely four. Because of their distance from our view point and us viewing via 10x42 binoculars, we cannot report any identifying information - we didn't have good enough looks. One may have been a male, but hard to say, although one did have a larger dorsal fin. -Bryan and Kathy Slinker
July 25 - Puget Sound - I encountered a small humpback in Elliott Bay tonight around 8:30 PM. Amazing to see and hear the powerful blows from my kayak. -Steve Smith
Observered a Humpback Whale several times near shore at Chambers Bay golf course, beach access. It was heading north towards the Narrows bridge. One was reported in the Olympia area yesterday. Could be same individual. I am a very experienced bird and whale observer. I first saw it blow down by the Steilcoom ferry dock around 8:50 a.m. It continued heading towards the beach I was birding on with multiple sightings till 9:30. I did see it tail flap several times but mostly located it when it blew. -Bruce LaBar
July 25 - Port Susan - Gray whale is back in front of Port Susan Terrace, east side of Camano. She/he came by twice in the evening of the 23rd, at 7a.m. the next morning, and 6 p.m. tonight, July 25, feeding as she goes. We are thrilled! -Mary Pelland
July 25 - Saratoga Passage - 3:38 p.m. - Reporting 2 gray whales in Utsalady bay, spouting and feeding, staying in same general location. 258 degrees west of 45 15'41"N and 122 28'3"W, approximately 3/4 mi. -Photo by Phi Kazele
Wed Jul 25 - 09:54 - out of sight of Rosario Beach, heading south
09:46 - still in view. Too far away for a good picture
09:37 - male orca going south past Rosario Beach. -Asked to remain anonymous
July 24
We received reports of residents on the westside of San Juan Island and inbound from the Strait of Juan de Fuca in the morning. Mark Malleson reported that the inbound whales were the J17s, and that they may have a new calf traveling with them. ...We found J35 and J47 traveling several hundred yards behind the rest of the group, with J35 surfacing in an unorthodox manner. After a few surfacings, it became clear that she was carrying something on her rostrum. After several more surfacings, we confirmed that it was a deceased neonate,..-See full summary and photos at Center for Whale Research Encounter 52.
An amazing day on the water yesterday (24th) with both Biggs and resident killer whales. On our way back from a couple of humpbacks, we saw J's and K's coming up from Turn Point. We shut down and just waited until everyone cleared and at one point, J41 and J51 broke off from the group and swam over towards the boat and swam along side us before spyhopping in front of us. One of those magical resident moments that was overshadowed by the loss of J35's newborn. This population just can't catch a break. J27 Blackberry. J41 Eclipse. -Gary Sutton
3:39 p.m - two males and around 5-7 females. Unfortunately they were slightly past when I got there, so I didn't get a lot of viewing time, but I definitely did not see K21. However I absolutely can NOT get an ID on one of the males I saw, small finger in the saddle, dorsal is mostly grown but still very very slightly back. Can't find him in my guide or app. However the photos are not the best since I've only got a little 300mm. -Cassie Barclasy
2:57 p.m. - It looked like the rest continued north - ...it was about half a dozen that went south? Looked like K21 and the K16s and then maybe another trio with a youngster. -Monika
2:29 p.m. - Has anyone seen any more heading south past Lime Kiln? I'm with that group that passed south at about 13:15 right now. They're officially south of Land Bank as of 2:29pm. Just wondering if more are coming! -Cassie Barclay
1:45 0.m. - K calls.
1:28 p.m. - echolocation and J calls (S4) now on OrcaSound hydrophone. Few J calls first, followed by lots of K calls (same as earlier on LK).
1:20 p.m. - audible K calls
1:04 p.m. - echolocation on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:06 p.m. - Off of South Beach and it looks like more spread out north. Doesn't look like they're going anywhere. -Cassie Barclay
11:59 a.m - They are south and north of Eagle Cove. Were offshore, heading in a bit, really spread out. -Alisa Schulman-Janiger
A nice tight second group of 6 just passed eagle Cove at 9:30am, heading north. -Lodie Gilbert Budwill
9:30 a.m - 15-20 orca-seemed to have stalled a bit now between Eagle Point and Pile Point - close to shore. -Chris Wilson
9:15 a.m - Black n whites heading passed Eagle Cove up island... now! 2 or 3 initially, then 6 in second grouping. -Erin Corra
July 24 - Juan de Fuca - L54s - What an extra special day! Within 10 minutes from our docks we found Southern Resident Killer Whales and humpback whales right out front of Sooke! The Orca were actively feeding against a strong flood tide and they seemed to be finding plenty of salmon. Matriarch L54 Ino...her son L117 Keta (born 2010). L84 Nyssa, L84 again. -Paul Pudwell
(The blended L54s; L84 and L88 were both present - alb)
A beautiful evening brings to a close and extraordinary day spent viewing the T46s, T122, & T137s from her home on the west side of Henderson Bay, Key Peninsula. -Photo taken by Ingrid Shumway July 24, 2018
This evening a pod of orcas swam into Henderson Bay almost all the way up to the Purdy Spit and back. They were there from around 6:30 p.m. to sundown. -Photo by Malissa Hutchings, July 24, 2018
We were out for a boat cruise this evening trying to beat the heat when we saw the Orcas. We never expected to see whales in Henderson Bay, especially as far north in the bay as we were (almost to Purdy). We cut our engine and sat and watched them go by. They were so beautiful! What made me sad were all the boats getting too close and going too fast. Some boats were actually chasing them and doing what I think is referred to as leap frogging. How do we educate people to follow the rules for whale watching and to be more careful? Many likely do not follow this page but it still seems that they should know better. It makes me fearful that they won't return if they feel "harassed" though I guess this must happen in other locations as well? Please spread the word to boaters to be more careful and respectful of these beautiful creatures. Sunset hour with T137 in Henderson Bay, Key Peninsula. -Lisa Turnure
Orcas, at least 4 or more in Henderson Bay. Off of Horsehead bay by buoy mid channel now at 8:40pm. -Char and Don Berger
7:30 p.m. - 5 orca on Henderson Bay between Raft Island and Minter Creek in middle of bay. Heading North. About a half hour later they returned heading south out of the bay. Quite a few boats were following their progress. The boats were pretty close to the whales. Please remember to give them plenty of room. -Kevin Stroh
Dear friends at Orca Network, I am happy to share my images from July 24, 2018 when a pod of orcas visited Henderson Bay, Key Peninsula. They came through the bay, heading north towards Purdy about 6:30 pm, and later returned south, heading out to open waters. I live on the westside of Henderson Bay and was able to capture the images from my terrace. Happy to share them with you, and hope they might be valuable to your exciting research. ...I would enjoy hearing from you. -Best regards, Ingrid Shumway
Observed a pod of four Orcas in Henderson Bay. They traveled North to the head of the bay then turned around and headed South towards Carr Inlet. -Daniel Arnold
Final post of the evening for me... after heading south past mouth of Horsehead Bay (directly across from our house), they stopped southern movement and seem to have stalled and travelled northward again, probably finding some good feeding (?). Look forward to checking in tomorrow. -Sarah Richey Guenther
They were pummeling a seal there. Made quite a mess. Carr Inlet. -Photo by Paul Allen, July 24, 2018
Celebration during a meal caught right off the north end of McNeil Island on July 24, with the T46 and T137 pods, and T122. -Photo by Bart Rulon, July 24, 2018
At 1736, they are west bound in about to pass Penrose State Park. -Matt Graham
4:25 p.m - They stalled out as they got past Eagle, then hung out near Longbranch for a while. We lost them, but all the boats went north around McNeil.
3:44-3:50 p.m. - heading west past Eagle island...confirmed south in to Drayton Passage.
3:12 p.m. - Between Anderson island and McNeil, still on east side of Eagle Island-style likely headed between Mcneil and Eagle islands
3:08 p.m. - we just passed them (T137s, T46 & son T46E on the ferry from Anderson Island. They were headed toward the island, south. They went dark after a close pass, no sighting in 5 min. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
2:34 p.m - Found them! Orcas Mid channel between Fox and Anderson Island (off McNeil Island) still southbound. They are closer to McNeil side. -Angie Edgmom
1:35 p.m. - steadily southbound in the Narrows approaching Salmon Beach mid channel riding the flood tide.
12:44 p.m. - looks like they are hunting off Pt. Richmond. Stalled out, still closer to Gig Harbor side.
12:26 p.m - I can see them coming south, closer to the Gig Harbor side approaching Pt. Richmond. Sunrise Beach in Gig Harbor might be good viewing soon... with binoculars, from the Colvos Viewpoint at Pt. Defiance. -Melissa Bird
12:12 - Transients just passed Olalla, southern part of Colvos Passage. West side of the passage.
11:40 - T137s and T46s southbound half way down Colvos Passage all grouped together. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga
10:50 a.m - At least 6 orcas traveling southbound at the North end of Colvos Passage. -Shannon Kachel
7:20 a.m - A pod of 6 orca were spotted just north of 3 Tree Point at 7:20 am Tuesday 7/24/2018 the pod appeared to be 2 younger orca and 4 adults. The pod was feeding along the north shore of 3 Tree and moving towards the south towards Des Moines/Tacoma area. Moving slowly, calves out front. -Sincerely, Wade A. Pennington
7:15 a.m - 3 Orcas (one young) sighted heading south at 7:15 am on 7/24 near Three Tree Point in Burien WA. -Erica Hammer
0658 - Now watching orcas feed in the distance, just north of Three Tree Point.
0638 - 5 orca passing southbound at West Beach (just south of Fauntleroy and Brace Pt). -Ellen Cole
July 23 & 24 - T073B has been between Comox Marina and Royston for the last 2 days. Still there as at 5:30 pm tonight. Resting, traveling. (see links in summary on T73B) -Nicky Smiley, Comox Valley Wildlife Sightings
July 24 - Juan de Fuca Strait - As of yet unidentified humpback. Within 10 minutes from our docks we found Southern Resident Killer Whales and humpback whales right out front of Sooke!...Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 24, 2018
(The humpback is CRC-15969 (AKA BCX1193 AKA Zig Zag) Elana Dobson, Cascadia Research Collective)
July 24 - Puget Sound - 8:00 tonight. Heading south into Budd Inlet - mid channel - and I lost sight of it (humpback) after it cleared the Cooper Point shoreline. This animal had some white on its fluke, as seen by my husband through binoculars. No photo of that. If that's true, this is a different animal than the one here a week ago. -Photo by Kim Merriman
3:00 p.m. - spotted him (humpback) from the shore at Harstine Pointe headed north. 4:30 saw it again heading south on Case Inlet side of Harstine towards Herron island. -Cindy Faker
1:58 p.m. - Thank you. We saw it (humpback), but far in distance. We've watched it in the reach off Devils Point for the last hour. Lost where it went though. -Robin Matthews
12:10 p.m. - One small humpback (is that an oxymoron?) passed right by my boat. It is in Nisqually Reach now headed north towards Johnson Point. 50 feet off shore. Never showed its fluke. -Nick Wenzel
July 24 - I took these last nite (24th) and I believe there is more than one? Can you tell from these? Of course, I tried not to get too close so I had to crop all of these... I did only see one at a time, but my husband and friend both believe there are 2-3 bottlenose deep into Henderson Bay - just traveling back and forth - feeding?
(ID notes by Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research: all photos were of Stump). -Molly McCutcheon
July 23
1:45 p.m. - Appears all of the J16s are at Land bank and don't seem to be going any where. -Connie Bickerton
... They're still here 1:45. Slick J-16 is going very very slowly south with J-50 scarlet while the rest go back and fourth around them. (By very slowly I mean that I've been here for an hour and 45 minutes and they haven't even gotten halfway past land bank.) ... Echo has been coming close to shore every now and then!
12:01p.m. - Land Bank large male milling ("that would be J26" - Monika Wieland Shields) -Cassie Barclay
11:30 - Relay from shore: J16s southbound off County Park. -Monika Wieland Shields
0856 - animals heading for False Bay. NB at bottom of Haro. Almost out of view from here.
0829 - very slowly west bound offshore of South Beach. Sea state looks like glass. No fog.
0600 - Orcas seen south of Lopez heading west at 6am. Seen from Colville heading toward Iceberg Pt. -Ariel Yseth
I just saw six orca off the point of Point Defiance, on the way to Colvos passage. There was a cluster of four, and behind them were two larger. It's 8:58 pm, and we are still on the water. Porpoises too! Just two, but it really made our night! Porpoise and orca at sunset!! -Robert Brown
9:04 p.m. - heading North up Colvos closer to Gig Harbor side. Goodnight!
8:48 p.m. - They are mid channel at Colvos, milling but trending towards Gig Harbor. PS phones gonna die. -Melissa Bird
Email received 8:56 p.m - Six Orcas near Brown's Point traveling headed south to Tacoma then east to Point Defiance then north up Dalco Passage. -Edward Freutel 8:45 p.m - Orcas Heading west Gig Harbor. Entering Colvos Passage by 8:53 pm. -Steve Fogard
8:30 p.m. - I was in kayak off Pt.Ruston, saw them heading west off south end of Vashon...couple boats getting to close....later drove to view on 5mile drive, others said they headed north in Colvos. -Larry Phill
8:06 p.m - Orcas Heading toward Pt. Defiance, watching from Browns Point. -Photo by Chrystal Lampam, July 23, 2018
7:39 p.m. - A friend says they are currently at the tip of Brown's Point just splashing around. -Brit Birdhouse
7:14 p.m. - Just saw them pass Gold Beach, still heading south. The caught another glimpse, looks like they're getting closer to Brown's Point. -Marlene Davids
5:30 p.m - Orcas passing by Dilworth/Bealls Point. 3-4 Group. And 2 large following? -Bill Rumberg
4:15 p.m. - MV Saratoga is leaving the orcas off the TA buoy, straight out from Alki. They just made a kill of harbor porpoise. -Justine Buckmaster
2:45 p.m - (orcas) Currently south of Point Monroe headed south closer to Monroe side. They were headed south down Bainbridge however half to one mile offshore. -Toby Black
2:15 p.m. - Pods are exactly mid channel shipping lanes south of Richmond Beach/Jefferson Head by approx 1 mile, steady pace southbound. Some lazy tail lobs along the way.
1:45 p.m. - pods are mostly tightly grouped steady pace southbound out from Kayu Kayu Ac Park, Richmond Beach. Still north of the yellow mid channel buoy. Really beautiful. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
1:45 p.m - Several orcas, at least four, and one big Male, off Apple Tree Cove Kingston... They were heading south, but just after Kingston they dived so we lost them. -Julie Aldcroft
1:17 p.m. - Hi there. Just saw a pod of orcas from the Edmonds/Kingston ferry run. They were headed east toward Edmonds. Looks like one of the whale watching boats was close by. It was a perfect experience for our guests from the east coast! -Niki Darby Elston
12:50 p.m. - Orcas are mid channel between Edmonds Marina Beach and Apple Tree Point, Kingston. Some surface activity: breached, tail lobs...still southbound while doing so. Maybe on kill? (confirmed by Renee Beitzel)
12:35 p.m. - Orcas Currently west of Edmonds ferry terminal mid channel steady southbound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:23 - orcas changed direction now heading east toward Edmonds.
11:49 - orcas still southbound between Point No Point and Possession Point. -Renee Beitzel
10:52 a.m - in case you haven't heard yet we have T137 pod and T46pod down here southbound off Doublebluff. T46 and T137 pods, and T122 swam into Admiralty Inlet. -Bart Rulon, Redhead
10:16 a.m. - Orcas south of Bush Point, traveling south Whidbey side, a little closer than mid channel. -Lisa Kois
1000 - Transients southbound at Bush Point...we have T137's and 46's too! -Renee Beitzel, MV Saratoga
July 23 - Hood Canal - 2:55 p.m - I'm pretty sure I just saw an Orca on the south side of the Hood Canal Bridge. I thought it was a porpoise at first but the dorsal fIn was way too tall. -Nick Sue
July 23 - Port Susan - 5:30 pm to 12:30 am - Large Gray on Port Susan Terrace Beach last evening for several hours feeding on Ghost shrimp. Hungry critter. Seems late in the year to see this. -Melanie Serroels
Had a single gray whale feeding off Tillicum Beach, Camano Island (Port Susan) heading north... Pretty rare summer sighting! (possible PCFG per video shared - alb) -John Storbeck, Tillicum Beach DR
Hi, We are at Port Susan Terrace, east side of Camano on Port Susan Bay. Just now, at 5:30 p.m. a gray whale is feeding in front of our place. She/he is on the beach side of the boat line....As always, the whole neighborhood ran out to greet this new welcome guest! -Cheers, Mary Pelland
July 23 - Possession Sound - 1:16 p.m. - Grey whale sighting from ferry in Clinton, just now. It was west of the ferry near Clinton headed west. -Liz Howes
July 22
July 22 - Georgia Strait - Gorgeous setting with the T046's and T137's in the Strait of Georgia. -Photo by Gary Sutton, July 22, 2018
(This group showed up in Puget Sound the next morning where they spent the next 6 days. See our July 30th Whale Sighting Report Part Two for those reports)
July 22 - San Juans - Bigg's killer whales - The T34s, T37, and T37Bs just went west through Spieden Channel, and when they did so it was a breach fest unlike we have ever seen among transients! They were just in travel mode until erupting into breach after breach, plus cartwheels and tail slaps, for a period of a few minutes. Super fun to see! A full-out belly flop by T37B this afternoon in Spieden Channel. -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, July 22, 2018
15:15 - northbound off Reuben Tarte.
13:45 - Transients coming down President's Channel on the Orcas Island shoreline. -Monika Wieland Shields
7/22 Trip Report: Another glorious day on the Salish Sea! We left Cap Sante marina with reports of orcas by Sucia Island, well within our range. We took the route on the north side of Guemes Island, passing by steep forested cliffs and beautiful rocky islands. The first stop was at Puffin Island to see some harbor seals and their pups and some sea birds, then continued north. We first caught up with magnificent big Transient (meat-eating) male T73B, with his unique dorsal fin. He was doing big circles around us, so kept us on our toes guessing where he would surface next! We then went a bit south to Jones Island to see a group of five Ts (T34s, T37, and T37Bs - alb) As they moved towards San Juan Island, we waited for them to resurface, which they did, behind us! They zig zagged around through the calm water. T73B off Puffin Island, now separated from the families (T34s, T37, and T37Bs) he had been traveling with much of the month who were to the south and moving west. -Photo by Bonnie Gretz, July 22
Unidentified killer whales - July 26 - Rosario Strait - Seeing Orcas between Biz Point and Bowman Bay, several spread out, 9:43 am. Looked to be 5-6, spread out heading south towards Deception Pass. One adult male for sure. -Gail Greenwald
July 23 - Juan de Fuca Strait - Humpback off Sooke. - Great day to have some nautical fun! Our mostly British adventures today from 4 different groups never had a chance to have tea & biscuit...Despite Fog and seas we are always excited to share the beauty of our local waters for all the beauty! -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 23, 2018
July 23 - Puget Sound - 8:25 p.m. - just got in from kayaking off Alki, there is definitely a whale...on the north of Blake Island. watched it from about halfway between Blake Island and rich passage (at about 7:45pm) to about halfway south on the east side of Blake... was heading back north and just back into the area north of Blake towards Manchester when i came in at 8:25. - Dori Costa
8:16 p.m. - Humpback at Tango Alpha buoy, off Seattle. Heading towards Restoration Point (Bainbridge). Breaching. -Ryan Johnson
19:15 - On Bremerton ferry route, one whale (humpback?) breaching like crazy in Elliott Bay just N of ferry lane. -Lexi Rhodes
July 22 - Haro Strait - An unidentified humpback whale cartwheels in Haro Strait. -Photo by Bart Rulon, MV Redhead, July 22, 2018
July 22 - Port Susan - Gray whale feeding. Just off beach, 25 to 75 yards off beach. Around 2:00 to 3:00 pm. Working towards the north. .... A lot of white on head and body. Spee-Bi-Dah on Tulalip Reservation. Video posted on Spee-Bi-Dah Facebook page. -Malcom Lindquist
July 22 - (sounds like humpback - alb) - Saw a single whale...tail fluke only...off of Browns Point Lighthouse going southbound. Only saw once & then it dove. Unknown if a gray or humpback. Was seen at approximately 1:45 pm. Appeared to be traveling and by itself. Saw no other whales. Stayed in area for about 30 minutes...Appeared to be a lone traveler. Saw wake from surfacing and then a few yards away from that spot it's tail fluke. After that I'd didn't resurface anywhere in the immediate area that we could see. Waited around for about 30 minutes but no other sightings. LeeAnn Cummins
3:23 p.m. - We can see it from Ruston right now. We couldn't really tell a direction of travel. It breached about 4 times then disappeared. We were by Les Davis Pier. Whale was off the southern tip of Vashon. -JJ Dav
11:29 a.m. - just saw 2 big water spouts at Pt Defiance from Gig Harbor. Shape looked like a potential humpback but it happened quickly and hasn't resurfaced. -Gaby Kinner
July 22 - Sighted today at 4:30 pm Henderson Bay heading out of the Bay. All by itself. Bottlenose dolphin. -Photo by Molly McCutcheon, July 22, 2018
(ID notes from Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research: "This one is not quite clear enough to say for certain that it is Stump, but we know that she was around there, both before and after.")
July 21
Southern Residents - We were first to find some of our Southern Resident Killer Whales westbound off Sooke waters and then had the pleasure of multiple humpback whales around Race Rocks Lighthouse. Weather and seas have been perfect. High flying vibrant little J53 Kiki! J17s were off Sooke...they were foraging off Otter Point to Muir Creek, finding salmon. Beloved lovely young 9-year-old J46 Star. -Photos - Paul Pudwell
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, confirmed by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
July 21 - Haro Strait - 16:35 - J16s going south at Land Bank, group of Ts offshore going north
15:55 - J16s milling at Land Bank. -Monika Wieland Shields
July 21 (CA40, CA137 and T99s; split up in the afternoon) CA Transients: San Juan Island today, with local Ts!! I identified "exotic" male CA137 in the distance with Bigg's transients T99s, and his associate, female CA40: I often see them off California. Capt. Alan Niles (Maya's Legacy Whale Watching) and I were JUST talking about how cool it would be to see CA Ts - and it happened: fantastic! (CA Killer Whale Project). -Alisa Schulman Janiger
A visit from some Cali's CA040 and CA137. -Photo by Gary Sutton, July 21, 2018
It was an interesting day here in the Salish Sea with multiple small groups of orcas around. One of them was the J16s, the only Southern Residents currently remaining in inland waters. Another was a pair of California transient killer whales, rare visitors to this area. And a third, pictured here, was the T99s (see photo below). We were lucky enough to encounter all three of those groups today! -Monika Wieland Shields
T99 and fam inside Friday Harbor 5:15pm. Proceed with caution boaters! And enjoy the view Crabhousers!! -Casey Graham
3:05 - Transients heading north through Cattle Pass. -Monika
2:23 p.m - orcas with boats out at Salmon Banks. milling. no direction. several large males. too far away to see how many others. -Chris Wilson
(ID notes by Alisa Schulman-Janinger: CA137 and CA40, so cool! CA Bigg's transients, have often seen them from Monterey Bay to LA!)
Sat. July 21st - what a day! We left Anacortes hoping to see a Humpback whale not too far from port, and found a small juvenile traveling alone by the shore of Cypress Island. He surfaced often, but no tail fluke. He surprised us and came fairly close to the boat. His skin appeared to be somewhat shriveled, hope he's ok. Then we received word of transient orca out by Hein Bank - wow - these whales were ID'd as California whales, CA137, CA40, and our "own local" Transient/Biggs included T99B. First time for me to see any of these whales, what an amazing treat. Lots of shrieks from passengers as several of these whales "mugged" us. Amazing sight, exciting day. Oh we had seals, a few harbor porpoise and Bald Eagles also!!! -Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist.
Humpback whales - July 21- Juan de Fuca Strait - BCY0160 Heather ...and then had the pleasure of multiple humpback whales around Race Rocks Lighthouse. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 21, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
Spyhopping humpback - Juan de Fuca Strait. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 21, 2018
July 21 - Rosario Strait - from ~ 7:15pm to 8:15pm last evening at the southern tip of Rosario Strait; approximately 10 minutes from the Anacortes Marina. We saw the same pair of humpbacks earlier in the afternoon a lot further out, almost near Lummi. At that time they were just cruising. On our way back to Anacortes, the captain got a call from his friend on a smaller boat about the pair closer to the marina so we sped there and were able to witness them do this for almost an hour before they finally left and continued their swim south. Other sightings included 2 transient Orca Pods (the male and female from the California pod) and the 4 female tran-residents near Lopez. Will share pictures soon for those guys as well. -Rohan Kamath
...We left Anacortes hoping to see a Humpback whale not too far from port, and found a small juvenile traveling alone by the shore of Cypress Island. He surfaced often, but no tail fluke. He surprised us and came fairly close to the boat. His skin appeared to be somewhat shriveled, hope he's ok. ...Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist. (Images zoomed and cropped)
July 21 - Haro Strait - 3:08 p.m. - Two beautiful humpbacks side-by-side just passed close to shore at Eagle Cove, currently off of Grandmas Cove with killer whales at salmon bank! Their exhales are SO powerful! Heading south close to shore! Very north end of South Beach now 3:12. -Lodie Gilbert Budwill
July 21 -Admiralty Inlet - 3:26 p.m. - One humpback whale northbound midchannel, 3 miles south of Bush Point and the south end of Marrowstone Island. -Bart Rulon, Saratoga
July 21 - Puget Sound - Humpback? spotted midchannel heading south at sunset from Bainbridge ferry. Only saw the tail flukes at a distance of approx 150 meters as it drove and did not see it again...Maybe saw white, don't remember clearly. I was talking to someone and suddenly saw it out of the corner of my eye just as the tale flukes came up and then dove. Then it was maybe 30 seconds until the ferry passed the spot where there was a smooth spot and expanding ripple from the displaced water. It was obviously a large volume of water displaced, clearly a whale. It was right in the middle of the ferry lanes - between south and north lanes, just as the two ferries were passing in opposite directions. -Jordan Van Voast
July 21 - Samish Bay - There was a humpback in Samish Bay this morning from 6:50 to at least 9:00AM. It rolled & breached, and was swimming between the crab pots! Bob McGary was the first person on North Beach (Samish Island) to spot it. We watched it play near the North side of the point and swim out near the oil tankers. -Laura Wieger Kraig
Gray whales - July 21 - While at the beach with my daughter yesterday (5:05 pm) , I looked up to see this wonderful surprise! (Gray whale) ...it was at the beach on the seaplane base (Oak Harbor). (see beautiful Facebook VIDEO) -Jamie Gort
12:14 p.m. - Single gray whale CRC ID #2234 has been seen again today at the mouth of Penn Cove. -Called in by Patty Cheek
July 21 - This is really a bizarre situation, we live in Skagit Co, on Samish 'Island' which is surrounded by three bays, Alice, Padilla and Samish Bay. This posting (Janet Cater's below) of a whale is very unusual, it looks like a gray whale (is a humpback -alb), have you had any other sightings of this whale in the vicinity of Vendovi, Lummi, Cypress Islands at this time? Our bay is very very shallow and not sure what brought this whale into our area, but very exciting for the person who posted it, noted below. Thanks for your advice! -Charlene Day
July 20
6:24 p.m. - Small group of orca hanging out at Eagle Point for about 2 hours. About 6 whales. one larger male. small baby. playful behaviors - tail lobs, one breach, floating on back etc. they are just starting to slowly move out a bit. rest of the gang is over by Salmon Bank. -Chris Wilson
Later we encountered some of J Pod that had moved further out, foraging - and most boats shut down; great to see!...They appeared to be foraging in this area, zig-zagging and criss-cross in the area; they were not moving up or down the coast. -Alisa Schulman-Janiger
J Pod was close in to shore (not all present) and two matrilines of Bigg's KWs were further off shore. -John Boyd
17:20 - Just saw lots orca at South Beach, spread over an estimated 10 miles. I only stayed for a short while but didn't see any direction...None were close enough for me to ID, but some groups were close enough to see little dorsals and blows with the naked eye! -Cassie Barclay
15:30 - Whales on West Side Land Bank. Southbound. Spread out. -James Krall
12:50 - J Pod Turn Point southbound. -Monika Wieland Shields
The beautiful face of the newcomer gray whale who stayed the summer through. CRC ID #2234 off Polnell Shores, Oak Harbor, Whidey Island. -Photo by Greg Parham, July 20, 2018
July 20 - Juan de Fuca Strait - Great to sea so many humpback whales around Sooke today! Tried to get as many Identification Fluke shots I could...Weather was great and looks the same all week! (including: CS596 Mercury, BCYUnk Calamity, BCYUnk Lupin, CRC-15309 Ghost. -Paul Pudwell
(ID's by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON - see photos below)
July 20 - Puget Sound - Maia at WS Ferries relayed a report of whale that looked gray near the Coleman dock, heading north at 1:10 pm today.
(Reported both as humpback and gray; confirmed humpback - alb)
Saw what I think is this whale off pier 59, in front of the aquarium, around 1pm headed south. Juvenile, looked like a grey to me. -Jennifer Hunt
1:16 p.m - ...Last I saw, it had turned north.
12:54 p.m - There's a whale right off the pier at the Seattle Aquarium (pier 59). It looks like a humpback. Heading south. -Kate Campbell
12:52 p.m. - Humpback whale NB off Pier 69 Seattle. Appeared to be a Juvenile. -Jason Mihok
12:40 p.m. - 100 yards off pier 70 large whale (grey??) (confirmed humpback by Jason Meehok, Victoria Clipper -alb) Heading south. Breached then went down. -Theresa Rivkin
July 20 - Gray whale CRC ID #2234. 8:45 p.m. - Gray is still hanging around Polnell Shores Friday evening. -Report by Terra Parham, Photo by Greg Parham, July 20, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON - from several photos)
8:19 p.m. - Our grey whale friend just swam by 819 pm headed towards Polnell Shores/Point, so crazy to still be seeing him/her!!!! -Marcie Barney Goldberg
Dolphins - July 20 - 12:30 p.m - The bottle nose dolphin is out at Raft Island in Gig Harbor. It was just hanging out right between Raft and Cutts Island I lost track of it. But I'm keeping my eye out. It was as HUGE! Came right next to my kayak! I tried to spot him from shore but lost track of him, he was going back and forth in the inlet. -Jami Cantrell
(ID notes Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research: "We found the bottlenose that Jami reported between Cutts Island and the shore, going back and forth feeding in shallow water. It was Stump.")
July 19
Haro Strait (Most of J pod) - A friend said they passed Lime Kiln heading north about 20 minutes ago, so around 8:20. J-Pod zipped past Lime Kiln in big seas afternoon, and this little youngster seemed to be enjoying the waves (pretty sure this is J53 Kiki). -Monika Wieland Shields
4:57 p.m - Most of Js were in lead group, J16s trailing - all south of Lime Kiln now. J51 was little whale in lead group I believe, but I did see J50 too. -Monika Wieland Shields
4:50 p.m. - First small group is passed.. wondering if J50 was in that group? So many behaviors and questions. Hope what looked like fishing behavior, was prosperous.
4:34 p.m - I have a leader female here now... far for me to get photo. Porpoising almost through chop. Male wayout. (from Land Bank). -Cher Renke
4:27 p.m. - start hearing echolocation and few minutes later few calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone. Turned off soon after. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:20 - J Pod leaders approaching Lime Kiln southbound. -Monika Wieland Shields
What a Fintastic day with Some members of J Pod & L87 of our beloved Southern Resident Killer Whales and multiple humpback whales from Sooke to Race Rocks Lighthouse! The guy is getting so big and handsome....J38 Cookie (born 2003). -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 18, 2018
July 19 - Puget Sound - That video was taken at ~ 8:45 p.m. - from Day Island, he was just North of Fox Island heading towards the Narrows. Passed under the bridge at 9pm. -Karen Caldwell
The humpback started on the northeast shore of Fox Island by Hope Bay and Zee's, at about 8:45pm. It's now swimming north towards the Narrows Bridge, half ways out from the north part of Day Island. Moving pretty fast too. Should be at Narrows Bridge by 9pm. -Phil Caldwell
7:39 p.m. - Lone whale just passed west to east through Hales Passage. -Cari Black
7:20 p.m. - Just saw a whale off of Northern Fox Island heading from South to North. Not sure what kind but I think it went around the northern tip of Fox Island around the spit because I did not see it continue up Carr Inlet. -Lance Loyd
(Confirmed humpback from photos below - alb)
5:48 p.m. - I don't know if this is something you track, but I was just walking along the little Salters Point Beach in Steilacoom when a lone whale went by! I'm not sure if it was grey or humpback, but it was cool! Seemed maybe a little smaller compared to others I've seen. -Emily Di
July 19 - Oak Harbor area - (Gray whale) tonight at Polnell Shores. At the 24sec mark you can see his/her eye when it turns to the left. See Facebook video. -Terra Parham
July 19 - 12:15 p.m - Saw group of orcas headed south off SE edge of Guemes Island, traveling south. There was about 6 or so, big and small. We were crabbing north of Saddle Bag Island. They were too far away to photograph. -Patrick McCutcheon
July 18
10:34 p.m - Lots of calls now over Lime Kiln...I began to wonder if more whales...but I am hearing Onyx's distinct call!
10:16 p.m. - Some J Pod whales and L87 were on Lime Kiln hydrophones and Orca Sound hydrophones about 10 minutes ago. The calls sounded as if they were overlapping calls, meaning the same calls being picked up by the two different HP locations, as there are a couple places where that will occur. A ship drowned out their sounds. These are the SRKWs who have been down island all day today. Not sure if they will be heard again tonight. -Jeanne Hyde
Southern Residents on the Lime Kiln hydrophones now, 22:38. It sounds like a few members of J-Pod stayed south today and were seen near Lime Kiln at sunset! -Monika Wieland Shields
7/18 Trip Report: A lovely, cool summer day....and we headed up toward San Juan Island with reports of Resident (fish-eating) orcas off the west side. We caught a good look at some harbor seals at Dead Man's Island, and a juvenile bald eagle, then joined big males J27 Blackberry and L87 Onyx leisurely fishing a few miles into Haro Strait, off False Bay. They were circling, zig zagging, sometimes just hanging right below the surface. It was a beautiful time with these two magnificent guys. We left them as the wind came up, and checked out a wounded Steller sea lion on Whale Rocks. After a nice look at a mature bald eagle in his/her huge nest, we headed home. J27 Blackberry. -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist
Posted 1:38 - Sounds like J-Pod continued north, but per AIS there are boats near Eagle Point at 13:30. We're wondering if K-Pod stayed in too!
Posted 10:45 - some J Pod whales just passed Lime Kiln heading north a short time ago. -Monika Wieland Shields
July 18 - We had our 20th transient killer whale encounter of the season tonight when we met up with the T46s east of Patos Island while out with Maya's Legacy Whale Watching. This is 15 year old male T46E under Mt. Baker - he's already got a very impressive dorsal fin! -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, July 18, 2018
July 18 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - Transient orca pod sighting. N48 07'30" ; W122 55'12" (southeast Protection Island) In addition to the attached photo, I have more images of the same adult male, including one in which the male has a harbor seal in its mouth. We observed 6 animals, although there may have been 1-2 additional orcas not visible because of early morning fog. We saw at least 2-3 adult females and a juvenile in addition to the adult male. -Peter Hodum
(presumably T73B was still w/ T34s, T37, & T37Bs who he has been traveling with -alb).
July 18 - Juan de Fuca Strait - A humpback playing around in the wind and waves south of Victoria on the afternoon of July 18th. -Photo by Mark Malleson, 2018
Seas have been a little nautical the last couple days but that does not stop the fun! Many humpback whales are still actively feeding in our area (mostly around Race Rocks to Constance Bank last few days) and the weather looks great for the up coming weeks ahead! (including CRC-15970/MMZ0004 and BCXUnk Tulip/HW-MN0510009). -Paul Pudwell
July 18 - Admiralty Head - Greetings from North Beach in Port Townsend. Last night (18th) at 8:45 p.m. Annette and I spotted a blow in the middle of the channel between us and Whidbey Island just north of Paregos Lake. There were a series of splashes and some laconic slow rotations with the long fin exposed in the air, almost like a sailboard in the wind. Annette saw the tail for a moment but was unable to tell if it was at the end of a breach or a tail slap. The distance was way too great for the camera but I made an image anyway; make of it what you please. We believe it may have been a humpback, given the length of the pectoral fins. An approaching tugboat and tow disturbed the event, but after the traffic passed, it took up again and moved slowly north out of sight in the dwindling twilight. It is striking how long the fin is in comparison the the tug even though the tug is further away. Thanks for all your good work. Proof of presence: pec fin of humpback in Admiralty Inlet. -Sebastian Eggert and Annette Huenke
July 18 - San Juans - 18:35 - two humpbacks heading west along Waldron's north shore, near Skipjack at the moment. -Monika Wieland Shields
July 18 - Puget Sound - 2:45 p.m. - (humpback) heading north from Budd Inlet, passing in front of Boston Harbor Marina, angling west to the western shore of Eld Inlet toward Hunter Point. Last seen at southern end of Squaxin Island heading south east. -Kim Merriman
1:08 p.m. - humpback was videoed from the Riv marina a bit ago, posted on the Anderson island community group. -Belen Schneider
~10:15 a.m. - We saw it (humpback) just off Herron Point in Lakebay (Case Inlet). -Bambi Lunn Fegley
Just now (0900) whale heading north past Grapeview towards Allyn in Pickering Passage...possibly gray whale or Minke (confirmed humpback - alb) ...just saw a bit of the back and the tail as it dove 3 times....My neighbor said it was hanging around all day. I was not fast enough this morning to get a photograph, but I did get a good look at its tail..there is either a deep gash or a big white scar on its right fluke and a couple of smaller ones alongside the big one. My drawing is not to scale, but the scars or cuts were quite visible. -Cammy Malm LaRiviere
8:55 a.m - Humpback in Pickering Pass, trending north. Right by McLane Cove now at 855. -Nick Wenzel Photo back of camera- ON visitors
July 18 - Oak Harbor area - Gray whale CRC ID #2234 was back off Polnell Shores tonight from 7:00-9:00p.m. -Report by Terra Parham, Photo by Greg Parham, July 18, 2018
9:07 a.m - Single gray whale feeding at Polnell Point on east side close to beach on Whidbey Island. -Jeff Humphrey
8:00 -10:00 a.m. - Gray whale CRC ID #2234 feeding in Polnell Shores. We believe that it's not the same whale we saw Tuesday evening heading to Mariners cove. -Report by Terra Parham, Photo by Greg Parham, July 18, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
July 17
When we heard there were whales on the west side tonight and headed out to see them, we assumed we would find the J16s and J17s who had been doing the westside shuffle all day. When we got to Land Bank, however, we were surprised instead to see the K12s and K13s, with many more blows offshore! There were some big seas out there today and apparently some more of our residents snuck back in! Here's K37 Rainshadow. -Monika Wieland Shields
7:57 p.m. - Very spread but a lot of whales here - at least 4 males...Def K12s and K13s.
7:39 p.m. - Pretty sure some Ks here
7:28 p.m. - Not sure, but male I have here doesn't look like J26 - did others maybe sneak back in?
7:16 p.m. - Some off Land Bank going north now. -Monika Wieland Shields
Saw a group of 4-5 orcas this morning going South around 10:30 AM off of the West Side Preserve on SJI. 1 male, 2-3 females/sub-adults and 1 juvenile. We caught up with them again at American Camp by Granny's Cove around 11:30 AM until they left us to go back North around 1:15 PM....I just looked through my photos and they appear to be the J-16s! All 5 were present! -Mellanie Rullman
It looks like the J16s were seen going north at Lime Kiln this morning around 9:30ish but then turned back south. They were spotted at Land Bank after 10 am and presumably are still going south. This was relayed by a friend who was there. -Julie Woodruff
July 17 - Spotted orcas, not sure residents or transient, on the Victoria clipper. Towards Victoria they we're a spread out pod around 9:45am. Northbound. Only came up like 2 at a time possible baby with Mama! -Nikky Benn
(ID notes Sara Hysong-Shimazu: "Ts that went west ...were the whales Clipper reported: T34s, T37, T37Bs, and T73B")
July 17 - Puget Sound - 7:47 p.m. - whale now in the middle of Case Inlet.
7:43 p.m - Just spotted solo Whale slapping it's tail and spouting east side of Harstine Island heading into case inlet. Possibly humpback. -Tina Davis
It was 3:50pm when they were near the Fox Island fishing Pier. Tuesday, July 17th...late afternoon we saw 2 whales heading south past the east side of Fox island. The neighbors thought they were humpbacks. They didn't surface much (like the orcas we saw a last month) but we did see a tale flip when one surfaced the last time we saw it. So cool! We were surprised how close they were to a larger boat going by. -Pattie LaRue Warr
July 17 - Haro Strait - 20:10 - humpback heading north to Lime Kiln from Land Bank. -Monika Wieland Shields
(BCY0409 Yogi per Jeanne)
July 17 - Oak Harbor area - 6:25 p.m - Gray whale continues to feed between Mariners Cove and Polnell Point.
1:10 p.m - Gray whale is feeding off Mariners Cove. -Terra Parham June 17 - 12:35 p.m - Gray whale (I believe) feeding just north of Narrows Bridge. -Katrina Larsen
July 16
Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - At 6:58pm, today 7/16, I was on the Kenmore flight from Friday Harbor to Seattle when we spotted and circled above 4-5 orcas actively moving in SE direction just west of Oak Harbor, towards Admiralty Inlet. Orcas were semi circled by 3-4 whale watch/private boats -Chris Joyce, Sea Shepherd Seattle chapter Coordinator
They (T34s T37, T37Bs, T73B) are in Strait of Juan de Fuca currently near Hein Bank. Left them around 1:30pm. -Janine Harles
July 16 - Juan de Fuca Strait - The great weather and whales continues...today with a couple humpback whales off Victoria waterfront. -Paul Pudwell
(Includes whale in photo below and MMZ0004/CRC-15970 ID'd by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON from Paul's photos)
July 16 - Oak Harbor area - 2:50 p.m. - a gray whale was reported off Polnell Point in Saratoga Passage near Oak Harbor. -Maryann Wallanski.
July 16 - Possession Sound - The little gray that wants to stay, was spotted this afternoon at the south east corner of Hat Island. -Kim Vest Gleason
July 15
Southern Residents - Juan de Fuca (K pod and part of J pod) - J31, K35 Sonata - WOW! A very special day with our Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales off Sooke and a mugging Humpback! - K and J Pod were present. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 15, 2018
(Id by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
July 15 - Haro Strait (J16s and J17s) - Confirmed other Js went west. J46 was here on this visit but not with her family the J17s and the J16s on the west side on the morning of July 15 as they went north. She has been spending a lot of time with J31 and J40, so it seems she may have gone west with the rest of J and K Pods today! It kind of warms and breaks my heart at the same time that these young females without their moms have banded together. And, Onyx went west presumably - at least not with the J16s/J17s. He seems to be with the J19s lately. J44 Moby, J53 Kiki, and J17 Princess Angeline off Lime Kiln this morning. J16s and J17s north of Lime Kiln heading slowly north. 8:25 - J16s at Lime Kiln slow north. -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI
8:52 - J16s spread out north and south of lighthouse...have been changing directions. -Julie Woodruff
8:55 a.m. - tuned back in hearing calls and echolocation.
7:56 a.m - tuned in to Lime Kiln hearing echolocation...folllowed by few calls...and ship noise. 8:19 ship noise too loud. tuned out. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Bigg's killer whales - July 15 - T34s, T37, T37Bs, and T73B - Here are some pictures from two of our encounters with the group of 8 transients, including the T34s, T37, T37Bs, and T73B on July 15 from MV Saratoga. There are a few pictures from the morning, due south of Smith Island, with T34 and T34B surfacing together, and T34 surfacing with part of a harbor seal in her mouth. The rest of the pictures are from later in the day (around 6:30) just south of Possession Point when this group caught something with very little effort - One minute they appeared to be cruising along slowly and possibly going to sleep then before you new it they were eating on something. There are a few pictures of T34 and T34B coming up in opposite directions while eating their meal, and a photograph of T73B and T37B1 swimming together. T37B1 (a young 6 year old boy) has been hanging out very close to big T73B on all four encounters we had with this transient pod on July 14 and 15. Its pretty common to see a young male hanging close to an adult male like this. Maybe he's just trying to learn the ropes. -Bart Rulon, Naturalist, Puget Sound Express.
8:01p.m. - 6 blows seen east of mid channel, south bound, just north of Kayu Kayu Park. -Kayli Ann Breitweiser
~ 7:53 p.m. - I saw 6 blows too at Kayu Kayu Ac Park in Richmond Beach tonight! -Lien Titus, Shoreline, Washington!
~ 6:45 p.m. - Left them milling on a kill, no direction.
6:25 p.m. - The Transients are southwest of Possession Point still heading southeast towards Edmonds but zigzagging a bit. They are grouped up tightly together right now, mid channel.
5:53 p.m. - These are the same orcas as before. T34s, T37, T37Bs, and T73B. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga
Posted 6:00 p.m. - Just saw a group of 6-8 orcas from our boat near Mutiny Bay. One very large male with giant wavy dorsal. First saw them near Bush Point on Whidbey side of shipping channel. We left them just south of Double bluff. The Amsterdam cruise ship came by and the orcas got really close. There were a couple of tail slaps. Seemed like they were still heading south but quite a bit of milling. This is my second time ever seeing them. I still have chills! -Logan Goheen
5:25 p.m. - 5 or 6 orcas, including 2 males, off Double Bluff, SW Whidbey Island, heading SE toward Pt. No Point. -Danielle Pennington
We had the Puget Sound Ts (from yesterday: T34s, T37, T37Bs, and T73B) at McArthur Bank this afternoon, but they were trending toward Partridge Bank when we left. -Renee Beitzel
T37B and presumably her now 1-year-old calf T37B2. We were on the Red Head this am and saw 5 Orcas off of Lopez with a calf. -Photo by Lorrie Price, July 15, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
11:16 a.m - Approximately 6 orcas, 1-2 miles west of Smith Island, milling. -John Gardiner
July 15 - (probably the same group as above but we've no IDs - alb) Near Cypress on the Anacortes Ferry about 20 minutes ago (~7:35 a.m.) unknown pod with baby. There were several, maybe 6-8? They seemed to be headed north. What a magical birthday surprise for me this morning! Melissa Randazzo
6:17 a.m. - WSF called to report a half dozen orcas in Guemes Channel.
July 15 - Juan de Fuca Strait - The humpback whale "Divot" (BCX1057) with her 2018 calf. Sunday in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. -Photo by James Gresham, July 15, 2018
Gray whales - July 15 - 12:03 p.m. - One gray whale hanging out in Crescent Harbor just west of Polnell Point. -Alice Johnson
Sea otter - July 15 - You never know what you'll come across on the water. While out with Island Adventures from Port Angeles today we came across this apparent female sea otter riding the incoming tide in the Strait of Juan de Fuca a mile or 2 off the mouth of the Elwha. -Photo by James Gresham, July 15, 2018
July 14
This is my friend Pia Parrish sighting from Lime Kiln Point in San Juan Island on Saturday, July 14 at 5:19 pm. Pia was with her soccer team (60 and over category and mostly from San Diego) at Soccerfest 2018 held in Bellingham this year. This was the first time most of them had seen orcas and they had taken the islands bus to Lime Kiln, so it was great timing! They were thrilled to see the orcas! (Members of J & K pods went by. See Pia Parrish Facebook VIDEO). -Susie Nelson
It was a beautiful evening on the west side of San Juan Island tonight with Js and Ks - the kind of night we spend all year dreaming about. -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institue, July 14, 2018
July 14 - 20:01 - Southbound for now...headed to Lime Kiln.
19:45 - Few whales south of county park milling. And K pod calls on Lime Kiln. -Traci Walter
21:05 - J16s southbound off Land Bank.
19:00 - whales milling off Land Bank.
16:57 - Vocals on Lime Kiln hydrophone.
14:20 - Js and Ks spread from Eagle Point offshore to the southwest.
13:20 - Seven whales came up north as far as Land Bank then flipped back south. Everyone south of Land Bank now.
11:15 - Southern Residents coming across Haro Strait towards San Juan from Discovery. -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI
Sat. July 14 - What a day - to view TWO Humpback whales (ID'd as Split Fin and Zig Zag), some distant breaches were noted, and great viewing as they traveled in tandem SW towards Hein Bank. We turned to the north, and found members of our Endangered Southern Resident Orcas - WOW - they were very spread out and a mile or two west of San Juan Island. J27 Blackberry, and L87 Onyx were quite visible, with many more pod members in the distance. The 3rd day in a row the Residents have been here, let's hope they're finding a LOT of food. -Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist.
July 14 - Puget Sound - T34s, T37, T37Bs, & T73B - 9:11 p.m - three orcas, including one with a larger dorsal, heading north in Admiralty Inlet, mid-way between Bush Pt. and Lagoon Pt. -Claudia Mitchell
9:00 p.m. - (orcas) just passed Bush Point on Whidbey, Heading north. -Camille Hartley
8:39 p.m - Orcas, at least 5, off Bush Point, slightly south of the point, seem to be feeding. Gradually heading north. -Lisa Kois
8:30 p.m. - (Orcas) Bush point heading north. -Bill Pippine
5:45 p.m. - Just spotted them headed north toward Hansville! -Ellen Stewart
4:51 p.m. - (orcas) off Cultus Bay pointed at Pt No Pt. -Christopher Hanke
4:10 pm - orcas are zig zagging and have shifted further NW and are now approx 1 mile south of east side of Possession Point.
4:00 p.m. - been watching the pods meander while drifting a bit further west offshore from north Edmonds. Still many directional changes at slow pace. Few boats behaving quite well with some just out fishing and lucked out. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
3:53 p.m. - Watching a pod of Orca from my deck in Mukilteo...they are between Possesion Point and Edmonds surrounded by tour boat and others. -George Stark
3:30 p.m. - Orcas (ID'd by Bart Rulon as: T34s, T37s (T37 & T37Bs), and big male T73B) are approximately one mile offshore west of between Picnic Point, Lynnwood and Haines Wharf, Edmonds. Many directional changes, drifting west. Thanks to Bart Rulon for the IDs. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
2:45 p.m - they may be on a kill, just out from Picnic Point.
2:17 p.m. - All groups mid channel north of Shipwreck (Shipwreck is north of Picnic Point, Lynnwood -alb) -Janine Harles
2:07 p.m. - hugging Mukilteo shore directly across from Glendale. Have only caught fleeting glimpses through binoc from Glendale (Whidbey). -Debbie Stewart
1:48 p.m. - T73B and companions heading south Mukilteo side of channel, mama and baby heading south towards Mukilteo ferry/beach, group 3 still north of Mukilteo ferry dock.
1:37 p.m. - grouping up mid channel ferry lanes Mukilteo side. -Janine Harles
1:04 p.m. - There are at least six possibly seven. Seem to be broken into three groups. We just broke off from them north of the Clinton ferry dock. -Brian Berry
1:08 p.m. - Another group with a large male approaching the North ferry dock.
1:00 p.m. - pod approaching the Clinton ferry dock heading south. They look to be in resting mode. -Danielle Pennington
12:25 p.m. - Pod has passed Sandy Point heading towards Hat/Gedney Island. For sure taking route south between Hat and Whidbey. -Marilyn Armbruster.
11:45 a.m - T34pod, T37pod transients plus more, southbound a mile north of Camano head....Also T73B (the big male) is in there too. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga.
11:30 a.m - Orcas are close to Camano side, at Mabana shores. People lined up along their shore. They are heading south towards Pebble Beach...Watched from Fox Spit. -Marilyn Armbruster
Humpback whales - July 14 - Then onward to view TWO Humpback whales (ID'd as Split Fin and Zig Zag (BCX1193), some distant breaches were noted, and great viewing as they traveled in tandem SW towards Hein Bank...Photo by Jill Hein, July 14, 2018
July 14 - At 9:45 a.m. today - One Grey whale and two porpoise seen in Saratoga Passage at Oak Harbor area 8.2. -Denise Rafnson
July 14 - Juan de Fuca Strait - WOW! Can the Whales and Weather Get any better? 7 maybe 9 humpback whales within a couple nautical mile or two around Race Rocks Lighthouse today! Good to see beloved BCY0409 Yogi! Our Southern Residents have returned (J & K Pod) and may be in our local waters soon. Great to sea they are finding some food and seem to be foraging in the Salish Sea. -Paul Pudwell
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
July 13
7:24 p.m. - J Pod of our Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales are west of Victoria heading our way fast...if you get a chance you may see them pass Sooke in an hour or two...Sunset? -Paul Pudwell
7:17 p.m. - K14s still off south end of Lime Kiln slow south. -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI
5:08 p.m. - Hanging with "Residents" off San Juan Island tonight. Life is good! -Debby Giard
Hi ON, We had the opportunity to see members from K pod off the west side of San Juan Island 7/13/18. At first it was difficult finding orcas - the J's seemed to have headed westbound and the K's were spread far and wide. At around 3:30pm the orcas came closer together and began to breach all around - especially K25 and K34. (see photos below) What an amazing sight to see two male orcas leaping out of the water multiple times! We also saw a minke whale near Salmon Bank. -Cheers, Barbara and David Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
2:18 p.m - I only saw 5-6 from LK. More were presumably offshore. It was the K13s that just passed Lime Kiln (southbound)
1:43 p.m. - Some orcas approaching much closer to shore and no boats with them. From Lime Kiln.
12:50 p.m - Pretty sure I have the K12s off south beach. Other than that only firm IDs of first group I've heard is J16s and J19s (and L87). K27! Off Lime Kiln Lighthouse this afternoon. -Monika Wieland Shields
11:49 a.m. - I think trailers just passed Lime Kiln, still down island but some mid channel. We probably saw about a dozen but there were certainly more mid channel that I didn't see.
11:17 a.m - Residents Just passing Lime Kiln now, porpoising. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
11:42 a.m - listened for several minutes, calls and echolocation continued.
11:32 a.m - tuned back in to Lime Kiln hydrophone...Js vocalizing including S4s and a lot of echolocation. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON
I believe we just had some of the J's go by - heading west through Boundary Pass. Probably 12 whales total but hard to say as they were all spread out. Lots of breeches, tail slaps, and other surface behaviours. Pretty special way to spend my last morning out here. We are at the southern tip of South Pender near Tilly Point. We saw them at about 8:30 a.m. They did look like they were heading towards Turn Point on Stuart Island. -Madison Duffin
July 13 - They headed North past Possession Point around 5-6 pm. Looked to be headed towards Mukilteo mid channel but closer to Whidbey. -Photo by Toby Black, July 13, 2018
3:58 p.m. - At least four at Rose Pt., 1.5 miles south of Pt No Pt. Kitsap side, heading N. Sent by Fred Felleman aboard the Clipper.
3:41 p.m. - seen from 3:10 ferry as well: East of Apple Tree Point, mid shipping channel heading north, one male, at least 3 other individuals and 1 juvenile. -Melinda Barajas for Rick Harris (her dad)
Alissa Flynn Walters reports seeing pod of orcas (at least 4) while aboard the 3:10 Kingston to Edmonds ferry crossing. She shared a short video which showed pointing forward of the bow and then a couple surfaced just off the starboard side.
2:24 p.m. - Big pod of orcas off the Kingston ferry dock, 6 at least, one with a huge dorsal fin. -Jess Whitsitt
12:40 p.m. - Four orcas (1 male, 1 juve, 2 females) ~ 2 nautical miles NW of Shilshole. One was eating a seal, sounds like a Transient pod. No direction given. ...he said they were with them for 30 minutes, they stayed in the same spot hunting. He said some folks on the boat got good photos they will send in later. -Phoned in by John Gardiner
July 13 - How lucky are we to have such an amazing backdrop for the chance to photograph these special cetaceans! Another great day to be on the salt water pond near Sooke! -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 13, 2018 (ID notes: BCYUknown "Scratchy" was present in Pauls photos for this day, not necessarily in this photo - Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
July 13 - 11:30 a.m - Looks like a gray whale just south of Hood canal bridge northbound. Tall spouts and no dorsal fin. -Christopher Lewman
Minke whales - July 13 - ...We also saw a minke whale near Salmon Bank. -Photo by Barbara Howitt, July 13, 2018
July 12
They're back! After another nearly two week absence, some of the Southern Residents returned to inland waters this morning. J-Pod brought K-Pod with them, the first visit for Ks since March. This photo (see below) is of J16 Slick and J42 Echo off the west side of San Juan Island this morning. J50 Scarlet WAS there too, but sadly she still did not look very good....At sunset J16s, J17s, K12s, K16s, and K21 were spread on the west side from Hannah Heights to Salmon Bank. Rest of Js and K13s and K14s were northbound into the Strait of Georgia. -Monika Wieland Shields
We got to see the J11's, J14's, J19's, J22's, K13's, K14's and L87 race through Cattle Pass on the strong flood current all the way up San Juan Channel passing Friday Harbor. We heard they were at Patos Island heading NNW late in the evening. We included some of our photos. It was a beautiful experience watching these orcas. -Cheers, Barbara and David, All Aboard Sailing
Look who we got to hang out with today: These are Southern Residents, L87 Onyx and K16 Opus with her son K35 Sonata. "Resident" is a misnomer these days as they really are no longer here for the majority of the year feasting on salmon. Why? It's simple (well not really). Their main prey source is chinook/king salmon which has been in decline for quite some time and showing no signs of stopping. These are PNW icons and what whale watching is based on here. Only....that base is disappearing due to lack of food. So, when we make a big deal about seeing them it really is a BIG DEAL because they are starving and they have been spending a lot of time elsewhere. When they ARE here, there is no telling how long they will stay. Worse yet, where are they when they are not here, in their historic summer hangout? Its anyone's guess, most of the time. -Renee Beitzel
Encountered Cappuccino (pictured) and Opus on evening of slowly searching for fish Mt Baker in background. -Photo by Alethea Leddy, July 12, 2018
July 12 - Great weather and calm seas with many humpback whales - Humpback MMX0006 - oday just east of Sooke! -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 12, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
Dolphins - July 12 - "Stump" the bottlenose dolphin has been in Budd and Eld inlets the last three days - yesterday morning having been deep into the southern end of Budd near the port. These two images are of her yesterday 7/11/18 right off my bank. The first one is when she was heading south into Eld (2:15) and the other one when she had turned around and headed north (2:45) toward Hunter Point. She was very near shore, super fast, and with robust blows. Dave Anderson and Cascadia Research Collective have confirmed her I.D. -Kim Merriman
July 11
2018 Unknown #2 - Gray Whale feeding this evening at Polnell Point, Oak Harbor, WA. -Photo by Greg Parham, July 11,2 018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network)
July 11 - 8:50 a.m - Mike at WS Ferries called to report a gray whale just south of the Clinton/Mukilteo ferry lane, heading south. (or possibly the confirmed humpback who was 3 miles south at 9:30 - alb)
July 11 - MMX0006 launching this evening in the Juan de Fuca Strait. This was part of a double breach. The other one is out of the frame on the right. Check out, what appears to be, killer whale rake marks on the pectoral fin. -Photo by Gary Sutton, July 11, 2018
We sure do treasure the opportunity to bring this pleasure and awe to so many people from around the globe! Today with 12+ humpback whales around Race Rocks Light House - some tail lobbing, peck slapping and multiple breaches that I seemed to miss the shot each time...Got a splash though, also many harbour pourpise, seals, a sea lion, a sea otter, many bald eagles and of course a couple beautiful Elephant seals. (images of Pauls included MMX0006) -Paul Pudwell
July 11 - ...we found a Humpback whale (Scratchy) and many Minke whales (4 or 5)!! But that's not all, lots of harbor seals (some with newborn pups), Steller sea lions, Tufted Puffins, Bald eagles, a harbor porpoise or two - all in the vicinity of Smith and Minor Islands, and Partridge Bank...Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist.
Weds July 11 trip report - on another picture perfect day, we found a Humpback whale (Scratchy) and many Minke whales (4 or 5)!! But that's not all, lots of harbor seals (some with newborn pups), Steller sea lions, Tufted Puffins, Bald eagles, a harbor porpoise or two - all in the vicinity of Smith and Minor Islands, and Partridge Bank. The Salish Sea is rich in wildlife, we cannot predict what will show up next. No orca reports today, but they'll be back! A super windless day for viewing wildlife. -Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist.
Bottlnose dolphin "Stump" southbound into Eld Inlet. -Photo by Kim Merriman, July 11, 2018
From Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research: "Stump, and a possible second bottlenose, have been seen in Dana Passage regularly since Monday. With the help of Kim and others onshore we were able to find her on Tuesday. It was our first two dolphin species day in the South Sound, with the long-beaked common dolphins in Case Inlet. If anyone comes across the dolphins when out on the water, make sure to give them plenty of space to do their thing. The common dolphins will probably come over to investigate you if they aren't busy feeding. And remember to send in your reports, they are really helpful!"
July 10
T124A3 was pretty stoked after a feeding session...She's looking pretty plump! Near Active Pass. -Photo by Gary Sutton, July 10, 2018
7/10 Trip Report: On a beautiful, sunshiny day, we quickly headed up through the San Juan Islands, and caught up with the T124A and T36A families of Transient (Biggs) Killer Whales at the north end of San Juan Island. We followed them up to the SE side of Sydney Island, as they were traveling a lovely tight family groups. On the way back, we saw saw fat harbor seals, some with new pups, and a group of eagles surveying their domain, at Cactus Island. -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist
5:45 p.m - humpback west of Pt. Partridge slowly heading west perhaps same one in general area early this pm. -Al Lunemann
5:50 p.m. - The unidentified Bush Point humpback is now northbound mid channel between Ft. Casey and Port Townsend. "Scratchy", the earlier humpbacks that was circling between Marrowstone and Partridge has disappeared. -Justine Buckmaster
5:30 p.m. - Humpbacks, at least 3, just off Ebey's Bluff heading north. -Susan Moore
3:44 p.m - we left it (humpback) just south of Bush Point a few minutes ago. Red Head will be with it shortly and we're heading for the northern more one on Saratoga!
3:30 p.m. - There's another humpback south of this one heading north off of Bush Point! -Justine Buckmaster
1:26 p.m. - humpback between Point Partridge and Ebey's Landing ~ 2 miles out....one whale watch boat. -Al Luneman
9:30 a.m. - humpback whale just north of Possession Point, south tip of Whidbey Island, heading south. -Stephanie Raymond, Victoria Clipper
July 10 - 9:23 p.m - I just saw a humpback off The Mayne Island lighthouse at the entrance to Active Pass! - Stephanie Showers Bikic
July 10 - Here are a few pictures from our encounter with Scratchy, the humpback whale that has been hanging out near Whidbey Island for a few weeks now. We spotted Scratchy from the Saratoga just north of the Dungeness Spit on the afternoon of July 10 and saw a couple of breaches and some tail slaps!! -Bart Rulon, Naturalist Puget Sound Express
July 10 - 4:12 p.m - Humpbacks between Captain Whidbey and Coupeville in Penn Cove right now. One large certain. Dove several times to see tail. For several surfacings we thought there were two, but couldn't be certain. Definitely humpbacks. We were in the deck at the Captain Whidbey- he was FAR in Penn Cove. (see photo below) -Nancy Arend
July 10 - 7:07 p.m. - Spotted Humpback spouting and surfacing off Edmonds dock heading south. Heading towards food where gulls have congregated.
1525 - Just spotted Humpback surfacing next to our boat at 47*54 N and 122*30W (just SE of Point No Point, Kitsap). Heading south, spotted another port side traveling south then appeared to dive. -Amy Price
July 9
The waters from Sooke to Race Rocks Lighthouse are alive with wildlife...5 humpback whales on our morning tour today! -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 9, 2018
(this whale looks like BCX1210 Slate. Paul also had image of MMX0006 - Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
July 9 - 1940: We have this humpback northbound right now, very close to shore just north of Edmonds. -Renee Beitzel
11:12 a.m - gray or some type of whale (humpback -alb) heading south at Bush Point Bush Point. -Text from Dana Lyons
1057: (humpback) approaching Bush point. Very erratic movements and occasional trumpeting. Have seen flukes but unable to ID. Doesn't appear to be on HSS page.
1035 - Right off Lagoon Point now.
1023 - Saratoga with southbound humpback just north of/at Lagoon Point. -Renee Beitzel
July 9 - 1330: PCFG #185 still feeding delta (Snohomish). -Renee Beitzel, Puget Sound Express
July 8
Humpback whales - July 8 - The Salish Sea is coming alive with Wild Life! At least a dozen humpback whales and one mom with a new calf from Sooke to the Rock Pile, Elephant Seals, Dalls Porpoise, Eagles, & seals today! -Paul Pudwell
Gray whales - July 8 - 6:00 a.m - Good morning, had an opportunity to see the gray whale just now. Moving very slowly towards the shallows north of Jetty Island from mid channel. -Photo by Lori Christopher, July 8, 2018
July 8 - It was a long trip north to the Coal Docks (BC coast), but well worth it as Mystic Sea encountered two, possibly 3 groups of Transient/Biggs orca in the area. They appeared to be mixed together in a couple of groups (T124As and T36As for sure, possibly T49As also), with many directional changes. What a thrill to see these mammal eaters, wild and free, and on such a beautiful day. A few harbor porpoise were spotted, harbor seals, and eagles, with Mt. Baker looming in the background as we returned to port. -Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist.
Alaska residents - July 8 - 4:15 p.m - We were treated to encounters with two resident pods, AP pod and AS30 pod near Seldovia in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. They were fairly active with spyhops and cartwheels. -Emma Luck
July 8 - (Photos below w/IDs to supplement Pauls report of humpbacks off Sooke and Race Rocks which was included in our July 8th Whale Sighting Report Humpback CS513 Anvil. BCX1057 Divot. - alb)
July 8 - ~ 8:30 p.m. - I live in a magical place. We saw this whale, I think a humpback (confirmed humpback - alb), breaching in the Strait of Juan de Fuca aka the Puget Sound aka the Salish Sea, on the ferry ride back to the USA, from Victoria BC, on Sunday evening. How majestic is Mt Baker in the background?! Mid channel but closer to Port Angeles than Victoria. See Facebook Video. -Desha Wood
July 7
July 7 - Trip Report: We left the marina with a report of Transient orcas up to Canada by N.Pender Island, and caught up with them after a beautiful trip through Pole Pass and Spieden Island. This was the T124A family, a matriarch born in in 1984, and three of her calves. They were close in-shore, heading south. At Bedwell Harbor, they attempted to catch a seal, but the seal hauled out on some rocks and escaped! They then continued their travels south and we also headed southeast home. We saw a few bald eagles and some fat harbor seals with pups on Ripple Island. With quite a few international passengers on board, it was a great trip on the beautiful Salish Sea. -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist
Coastal killer whales - July 7 - 7:00 p.m. - Killer Whales off Coos Bay, Oregon. Tucker and I were walking the beach last night and saw killer whales! I was so excited to see them! I was able to see 6 whales, including one male. Unfortunately they were too far offshore for me to be able to get any kind of identification photos. However, they were spread out and exhibiting foraging behavior. One breach. I know there were reports of salmon in the area yesterday. Watched them forage for almost two hours. -Elizabeth Seely
July 7 - 11:20 a.m. - single humpback travelling south (west?) between North Pender and Prevost islands (south Gulf Islands). steady travel at the surface for 3 or 4 breathes then a long dive (10 minutes +). it was being closely tracked (all at 200M) by about 6 whale watching boats. -Frank Gee
July 7 - There was a humpback in Haro Strait near Henry island heading south about an hour ago (~4:30). Doing long 8 minute dives. -Chelsea Lope
July 7 - 5:00 p.m. - Gray feeding at Polnell shores. Heading across to Camano Island. -Photo by Terra Parham, July 7, 2018
July 7 - Oak Harbor area - 5:00 p.m. - Gray whale CRC ID #2234 - Polnell, Shores, Oak Harbor. -Photo by Greg Parham, July 7, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
July 6
Southern Residents - We've gone another week without Southern Residents in inland waters, but we've heard reports over the last three days that all three pods (or at least members of Js, Ks, and Ls) have been actively foraging in the western end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Here's hoping they're finding a lot to eat, and that some of those fish start making their way to the Fraser with the whales behind them! -Monika Wieland Shields
Bigg's killer whales - July 6 - Around 8:45 this morning we saw a small pod of Orca (at least one adult and two calves/juveniles, no adult males) on the North side of Navy Channel by Henderson Hill (in Mayne Island), Traveling east. Playing, traveling. No photos, have not seen whales in this area before. Yay! Rare to see in Navy Channel! -Katherine Littlefield
(The T124As were picked up in Plumper Sound at 10:45 so that was likely them - cool! - Monka Wieland Shields)
July 6 - 12:25 p.m. - just northwest of Montague Harbor, mid channel in Trincomali Channel, we saw 4-5 blows and a fluke. It was too far to tell if it was one or two, or what kind. (2 humpbacks were in Trincomali -alb) Lori Patch
July 6 - 4:00 p.m. - Gray Whale Sightings / Utsalady Bay, Camano Island (48.269428, -122.477549 +/-) : 2 Gray whales, traveling: NW, W, however they stayed in this vicinity for quite some time feeding. I assume they were feeding on the bottom; crab/shrimp, repeatedly coming to the surface and spouting. This is the first time I have seen Gray's in July. -Phil Kezele
Unidentified whales - July 6 - 12:25 p.m. - just northwest of Montague Harbor, mid channel in Trincomali Channel, we saw 4-5 blows and a fluke. It was too far to tell if it was one or two, or what kind. -Lori Patch
July 6 - Saw the blow multiple times last evening (6th) in Holmes Harbor north of Beverly Beach then off of Dines Point - never close enough to confirm a Humpback but that was my assumption - so amazing to see in Holmes Harbor. (Another strong possibility is one of the gray whales who are still residing in north Puget Sound -alb). -Anne Cushing
Unidentified cetaceans - July 6 - 8:00 p.m. - Orca sighting Tacoma Narrows...It's possible that they were dolphins, unfortunately I was not able to get any pictures. They were circling not traveling in any one direction. -Robert Wormley
July 5
Another special day with humpack whales off Sooke and Race Rocks. BCX1068 Split Fluke by Secratary Island...just out front of Sooke.. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 5, 2018
July 5 - 9:30 a.m - Humpback spotted feeding in the northbound shipping lane of Rosario Strait just now. West of Deception Pass about a mile or so. -Jennifer Greiner Clark
July 5 - Possession Sound - 1845: Saratoga leaving PCFG #185 northbound on southeast Gedney. Looks like he's heading over to the delta again. -Renee Beitzel
9:26 a.m - Still a Gray Whale near Everett, off of Jetty Island currently. Looks like the same very pale individual photographed recently. -Josh Adams
July 5 - she (BCX1068) was feeding with BCY0523 Graze. (comment on Paul Pudwell photo included in our last report -alb) -Alethea Leddy
July 5 - Coastal - We were camping at Kalaloch on the peninsula over the weekend and saw one or two greys along the coast, not far from shore. So glad a park ranger tipped us off! A half dozen or so spouts spotted (many likely from the same whale), but not seen again all weekend. It was a thrill! -Rebecca Frestedt
July 4
We spent July 4th with the T37As as they traveled north from Lopez Sound to San Juan Channel. They continued north along the shoreline of San Juan Island. We left them around 9pm to sail back for the fireworks. Photos enclosed of the orcas passing Friday Harbor. (Note - these orcas along with T51 were in Eastsound on Orcas Island last year). -Cheers, Barbara and David Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
Happy 4th! We caught up with our humpback friend, "Scratchy" just west of Deception Pass, and followed him/her heading north. After a trip around Smith and Minor Islands to see puffins, California Sea lions, harbor seals (including a nursing pup!) and eagles, we spent a bit more time with the humpback, then headed back towards the marina. But wow! we got a call that there were orcas in Lopez Sound, so were able to see the lovely T37A family! Her three calves are growing up! They were in traveling mode, changing direction within the Sound. What a great way to celebrate Independence Day! -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist.
The hot streak continues. We have had an awesome stretch of encounters lately including tonight when we had the T065A's, T175, T176s and the T124A's right in Cowichan Bay!! At one point, T065A2 breached right in front of the boat and I managed to snap this one. -Photo by Gary Sutton, July 4, 2018
Here is our sighting today, July 4, 2018 - 2pm. Seen off E. Vancouver Island, Canada, travelling north up the Saanich Inlet, through the Satellite Channel, continuing north towards Cowichan Bay. 5 adults, including 1 male (I believe) plus 1 youth. -Marg Woolley
(Dave Ellifrit, Center for Whale Research reviewed many of Marg's photos: "That's T175 and T65A2 in the first four frames plus others. Looks like the group included at least the T49As, T65As, T176s, and T175.")
July 4 -...We caught up with our humpback friend, BCYUnk "Scratchy" just west of Deception Pass, and followed him/her heading north. After a trip around Smith and Minor Islands to see puffins, California Sea lions, harbor seals (including a nursing pup!) and eagles, we spent a bit more time with the humpback, then headed back towards the marina...-Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist.
July 4 - Oak Harbor area - Grey just passed my place 245 pm here on Whidbey and is headed towards Polnell Shores/Point area! Happy 4th everyone! -Marcie Barney Goldberg
July 4 - Possession Sound - 1:40 p.m. - We found a sleepy gray whale SE of Gedney Island. Kept a low surface profile and didn't fluke but surfaced regularly every minute or so. I'm guessing it's #185 again. -Justine Buckmaster
July 4 - 9:28 a.m - 2 dolphins heading north from the Edmonds beach, about 150 yards from shore. -Shelsea Eney
July 3
T036A1 breached 4 times in a row after the T036As and T099s had temporarily split up into two groups and each made a kill. This was right after the T099s and T036A1 had finished off a harbour seal. Strait of Georgia. -Photo by Gary Sutton, July 3, 2018
Thanks a lot for your message. meanwhile, a new passage today, very beautiful in Active Pass. They went slowly with lots of turning around and splitting in 2 groups. The pod was either 5 or 6 strong. I assume they are also transients. Photos show the T36As and T99s. -Cheers, Yves Tiberghien, Mayne island
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Tue July 3 ...single male transient orca I saw on July 3, 2018 (at approx. 3 pm) in the Siuslaw River from the South Jetty crabbing pier. He was heading west, back to the ocean...sorry for the delayed submittal but we just heard about your organization from Colleen Weiler at her presentation at Cape Perpetua, OR on Saturday 12/15/18. Location = Lat: 44.00832 Lon: -124.13049. Thanks for all of the great work you do. -Glenn Singley, Florence, OR
July 3 - Humpback MMZ0004 off Sooke, BC. Our morning tour had the pleasure of visiting a couple humpback whales today..the first a few minutes from our docks! -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 3, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
July 3 - 11:00 a.m - 2 humpback whales just south of Partridge Point, Whidbey Island milling, mid channel. One is Heathcliff/Dalmatian the three year old calf of BCY0160. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga
July 3 - Oak Harbor area - 2:01 p.m. - The white gray (pale in color -alb) whale has returned to feed between Polnell Shores and Mariners Cove (NW of Oak Harbor, Whidbey Isl). -Terra Parham
Photos around 2:30 pm Polnell Shores. Gray head and fluke tip! Gray whale 2018Unknown#2 fluke tip. -Photo by Greg Parham, July 3, 2018.
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
12:38 p.m. - Grey whale in Polnell Shores area moving quickly going east. -Marcie Barney Goldberg
July 3 - Possession Sound - Howarth Park around 2:30-3:30pm ...a whale first heading north along the shore towards Everett, then headed back towards Mukilteo. I have lots of video! Facebook video at Howarth Park when whale was traveling southbound at 3:13pm. -Kirstin Mueller
1:49 p.m. - Watched PCFG 185 come very close to shore, circle back around and head right for the Everett Pier where he surface about a third of the way in. He next surfaced minutes later on the east side of the pier and may have gone through the pilings. PCFG 185 is now heading steady eastbound back toward Harborview park area! 1:20 p.m. - I am out of cell battery but gray is right off shore east of Mukilteo Ferry dock (towards Port of Everett Pier) and right off the beach at Edgewater Beach. (This surprise gift after long walk east from the Everett pier and back with no luck relocating the gray and just as I was getting back to my car). Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Pacific Coast Feeding Group gray whale CRC-185 in Possession Sound off Edgewater Beach and Harborview Park, Everett. July 3, 2018.
10:45 a.m. - after making a directional change from EB to NW bound, the gray whale is now traveling consistently NW bound with some deep dives, off the west end of Harborview Park. I am going to relocate, leaving Howarth Park now.
10:20 a.m. - Gray whale appears to be done feeding now, is now on the move. Heading NE still out from Harborview Park, Everett.
9:55 a.m. - gray has been feeding & has now moved east and offshore still below Harborview Park, trending eastbound.
9:11 a.m - I found the whale to the west under stil off Harborview park as viewed from Howarth park....Is a gray whale feeding, or trying to. Seeing from distance but whale is moving around just fine engaged in typical feeding behavior inshore. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
8:45 am. Still there. Maybe seeing 2 animals? Frequent sighting but too far away to ID.
8:34 a.m - I'm seeing the blows near pilings just off Harborview park in Everett. Not usually in that area. -Mary Dunlan
7:27 a.m - [confirmed as gray whale PCFG 185) Way to close to shore/sea wall/ old wooden pilings for my comfort. Viewed for a brief moment on the Sounder Train between Everett and Seattle. Viewed between Pigeon Creek Beach and Howarth Park. Feeding and or in distress...Thanks for the quick phone call. To confirm it was definitely side-tail thrashing before a shallow dive, then the hump, then the spout. It was fairly light gray in color, though it was in the shade still and again only got a quick glimpse for a few seconds while on the train. Please let me know. I guess it's best if you don't find anything, in this case. But in the rare case that it did need help I needed to let someone know. -Ryan Ottaway Martin
July 3 - At 8:55am, a [humpback] headed east off of North Beach, Port Townsend, toward Admiralty Inlet. It surfaced multiple times, displaying pec fin, frolicking a bit. I was on a phone call so could not grab a photo. - Annette Huenke, Port Townsend
July 2
A few members of Southern Residents way out west heading for the Pacific. Members of all three pods were present. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, July 2, 2018
July 2 - With some reports of K pod off Tofino a couple days ago heading our way we expected to sea them soon....Well We did TODAY! Sightings were as far in as Beachy Head at 6:30 am traveling west and we caught up to them off Point No Point travelling fast with J Pod past Jordan River heading back to the open sea! Very little foraging was witnessed in the Fin Fish Closed area so hopefully they are finding the early chinook runs coming down Island. Mid teens guy J38 Cookie (born 2003). Another mid teens guy K37 Rainshadow (born 2003). Adult guy K26 Lobo (born 1993). Handsome young sprouter guy L106 (born 2005). -Paul Pudwell
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON and by Jeanne Hyde and by Monika Wieland Shields, OBI. Members of L pod were present too. - alb)
July 2 - Had a trifecta day on the Saratoga! Found 2 minke whales near Partridge Bank in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Then Cormorants and Steller Sea Lions on the buoy there, and then on to Smith Island where we found Tufted Puffins!! Then near Deception Island we found the T124A's, a family of appx. 8 whales. Took a trip through Deception Pass and then hit the trifecta with a gray whale! Awesome whalewatching out of Edmonds! -Janine Harles
We're camping in Bowman Bay, and we had fun watching them hang out in front of our campsite this morning! -Doug Vavrick
1130 - pod went north, now off Sares head (Sharpe Park, Rosario Rd, Anacortes)
1113 - pod is milling in same area just outside the west side Deception Pass.
1051 - pod is starting to drift back south close to shore. Not sure if they plan on heading into the pass or not.
1047 - orcas are outside Bowman Bay.
1030 - Pod went west under bridge. -Rachel Haight
10:15 a.m. - just saw a pod heading west past Hoypus Point toward the Deception Pass Bridge. -Jenessa Bazzett Eelkema
9:54 a.m - Heard reports of Transients heading North through Saratoga towards Deception Pass. Boats estimate they should be at Deception within 30 minutes or so...-Janine Harles
July 2 - Oak Harbor area - Top side fluke of Gray Whale 2018Unknown#2. -Photo by Janine Harles, July 2, 2018
Pec fin of Gray Whale 2018Unknown#2. -Photo by Janine Harles, July 2, 2018
(Pec ID match by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
July 2 - Saratoga Passage - At Pebble Beach (Camano Island) last night (July 2), a neighbor reported a single gray whale heading south about 8:30. -Peg Boley
July 2 - Possession Sound - 9:20 a.m. - I saw a single robust blow just north of Everett way in the Snohomish river delta. I think that gray whale might still be around. I'm on San Juan Clipper today, and we couldn't go over to confirm, but I'm confident it was a gray. -Justine Buckmaster
Minke whales - July 2 - Found 2 minke whales near Partridge Bank in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Then Cormorants and Steller Sea Lions on the buoy there, and then on to Smith Island where we found Tufted Puffins!...-Janine Harles, MV Saratoga
July 1
We had a good passage of a pod of 5 orcas, I believe (one photo of batch 2 shows all 5) yesterday July 1, at 115 to 145pm. A few hundred meters off Edith Point on Mayne island in the Strait of Georgia. They were very active, with much jumping, splashing and other activities. T49A, T49A5, T49A2, T49A3, T49A4, T36A1 on the right.. -Thank you, Yves Tiberghien, Mayne Island
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
T37As around 12:00 at Pender Island. Photo by Danielle Pennington, July 1, 2018
(IDs by Michael Colahan)
We covered one hundred nautical miles of open water today on Pelagic with Deer Harbor Charters. Two tours that lasted four hours each. We saw three pods of Transient orcas today, small family groups of four or five that consist of a mother and her offspring. We saw one humpback whale that dove deep as we watched it from afar and several minutes later as we looked all around, it surfaced right next to the boat and surprised us all. The ships log has the bullet points of when and where. We went north and all the way around North Pender Island and saw the (reported as: T-137's but was the 37As - *see Colahan IDs below) We went out to Boiling Reef off East Point of Saturna Island and saw the T-36a's and T-49a's doing some porpoising as well as backwards resurfacing around prey. As we returned we went past Sucia Island and saw the humpback whale that decided to surface and exhale right next to us and startle everybody. Sometimes it seems they are as curious about us as we are of them. It was a clear day with some clouds that progressed from low and puffy to high and wispy around the islands, but the Olympics and the Cascades on the horizons were shrouded in clouds. The currents and the wind cast a predictable spray and it made it even more of an adventure for the guests. Both trips went very well and I think all of the guests gained a deeper understanding of nature that they are taking home with them. Mission accomplished this day. -Alex Callen
July 1 - Puget Sound - 5:32 p.m. - Directly across from Whale Bell Park in Langley. Watching through the telescope. Close to Camano side. Trending north, but most appear to be milling. -Dori Dace
5:10 p.m. - orcas now across near Pebble Beach stalled out for now.
5:00 p.m. - the 3 orcas that I saw closer to Sandy Pt have now headed out mid channel directly north of Langley Seawall Park; looking as though they are heading towards Camano where there are 2 whale watching boats with the others.
4:40 p.m - I see the orcas are near Sandy Point, Whidbey Island... coming north up Saratoga Passage. Spread out, some veering towards Camano, some near Sandy Point, at least close to Whidbey side. -Marilyn Armbruster
~4:30-5:00 at Pebble Beach (Camano Isl), three orcas were feeding together, circling close together, breaching and slapping. We think they were feeding on small prey, and are wondering if they were residents? Otherwise, there has been young seals in the area. -Peg Boley
From our house south of Sandy Point just after 4pm. 3 of them, looked like 2 adults and a baby...-Photo by Lara Nolan, July 1, 2018
2:35 pm. - (orcas) close to Whidbey side approaching the Clinton ferry dock heading north! Seeing at least 3 blows.
1319 - 3-4 northbound off Glendale. -Chris Boucher
Glendale Beach, Whidbey Island T124A's...and in some cases so close to shore...I did not expect this at all, had no idea if I would even see them as it was misty rainy and last update/report they were near Possession Point. I thought I would just take Kai and go to Glendale beach and hang out just in case...-Marilyn Armburster
So this morning was kind of crazy. Like crazy-crazy. Long story short, Dori and I ran down to Glendale Beach this morning and met up with our good friend, Marilyn, who had arrived just minutes before us. Literally seconds from getting out of the car, we had the experience of a lifetime when the T124A's came in about 10 feet from shore. The pictures speak for themselves. -Durand Dace
Today, I was in a small boat, with my friend, Tara, and we witnessed the orcas dang near become land mammals in Clinton! Durand Dace is in this image. -Photo by Cara Hefflinger, July 1, 2018
1306: leaving split group still heading north close to Whidbey shoreline at Possession.
1240: they've split and one group (3-4) heading up into possession sound while 2-3 others are eastbound at poessesion point.
1223 - It is the 124As again we are with them now pointed toward Possession point. -Renee Beitzel
10:56 a.m - trying to get some photos. They are having a really good time! ...they are definitely moving north, but not with any intention. Going in all different directions milling about as they slowly travel north.
10:38 a.m - 5+ ? Orcas just north of Apple Tree Pt, Kingston. Milling about, lots of splashing, twirling, rolling, tail slapping. Moving very slowly north. Closer to Kingston side. 2 boats WAY too close to them. -Gina James Vigna
5:34 a.m - Pod of orcas heading south of Bremerton Ferry route, appeared to be on East side of Blake Island. -Daniel Lipinski
July 1 - Call from Marcia Bordngaray at 12:15 p.m.,, reporting one orca, probably an adult male orca, among 3 gray whales off the Cape Foulweather gift shop, near Depoe Bay, Oregon.
July 1 - Oak Harbor area - 12:22 p.m. - Seeing the grey off Maylor's Point again today and has been hanging out in the channel on the way into Oak Harbor. The channel is busy today so please warn boaters to be on the lookout! -Beth Bunnell Hunter
July 1 - Possession Sound - 10:55 a.m - Gray whale feeding on delta today was PCFG #185! Photo sent to Cascadia. -Renee Beitzel
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Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.