June 2019 Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of June 2019 whale sightings.
June 30
Sun Jun 30 - Juan de Fuca Strait - Meet the newest member of the T37A pod! Presumably this is T37A5 as he/she has been swimming right next to T37A most of the time. We saw this family near Victoria, BC. This calf was first spotted off Eureka, CA on May 30 and it still had fetal folds at that time, so that means its really young. The transient killer whales are doing very well right now with lots of new calves born and plenty of marine mammals to eat in the Salish Sea. -Naturalist/Photographer, Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
It was a very interesting day here today in the Salish Sea on my full day trip and a real representation of what is happening here. On a day where the southern residents set a record for their absence from this area, we encountered 3 different groups of Bigg's killer whales with each group having a very young calf with them. This population of mammal eating killer whales continues to thrive here due to an abundance of food unlike their fish eating cousins. Today, I was able to meet this little one for the first time. T037A5 popping up beside presumed mother T037A. -Gary Sutton
Sun Jun 30 - Saratoga Passage - 20:10 - Humpback in between Fox Spit and Southend of Elger Bay southbound.
8:35 viewing from Fox Spit humpback Elger Bay 1/4 mid channel Camano Side. Southbound...I was pretty far away but when he surfaced looked like HB. And when he surfaces not showing much of his body. -Marilyn Armbruster
Carol Kus, Langely Whale Center docent reports: Woman came in and said she saw a humpback sroaunf 8:30 this morning at Elger Bay.
08:15 - Humpback is just north of Camano Island State park right now actually, heading southbound. -Ann Brockenbrough
Sun Jun 30 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - Call to office: 2:53 PM: Gray whale off the restrooms at West Beach/Deception Pass (Whidbey Island). -Erin Johns Gless, Island Adventures
Sun Jun 30 - Saratoga Passage - 19:00 - Connie Barrett reports a gray whale in Saratoga Passage near Greenbank.
MINKE WHALES - Sun Jun 30 - 14:12 - Trotsky II @ Partridge bank now! With buddies and loads of birds
Sun Jun 30 - 19:10 - Baleen whale off Hidden Beach in Saratoga Passage, long deep dives, southbound. -Joan Smith
17:50 - Gray or humpback northbound in Saratoga Passage. Viewed from high bluff, Woodland Beach, Camano. Saw blows and some back, but not enough to ID. -Krista Paulino
June 29
Sat Jun 29 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 19:30 - 21:00 - Watched a beautiful gray whale feeding off Deception Pass Beach 7:30-9 pm. Thanks Deanna for the alert. -Marilyn Armbruster
Gray whale off West Beach in Deception Pass State Park. -Photos by Marilyn Armbruster, Jun 29, 2019
Sat Jun 29 - 12:53 - I went to Washington Park in Anacortes, WA. And almost immediately after my arrival heard the telltale exhalation of a whale and to my surprise a Minke Whale surfaced just 10-20ft off shore. I had to scrambled to get my camera out, but luckily I was able to snap a single photo. Happy whale sightings, -Britt (Brittan Noelle Philbin)
19:41 - Correction to my post of gray whale at 5:45 in Deceptions Pass. It was actually a humpback whale. Ran back to get binoculars and confirmed. He went from naval base to infront of Deception pass and back towards naval base.......many people said it was a humpback as well last night. We did see a dorsal fin down his back with our binoculars. We were wondering if there were two out there as well.
17:45 - Watching two gray whales from Deception Pass Beach looking towards naval base! -Deanna Hunter
(Confirmed gray whale per Marilyn's photos above. No images of humpback being reported - alb)
Sat Jun 29 - Saratoga Passage - 20:45 - 21:00 - And now the whale just headed south...The whale is milling about. Now 9 pm and whole bunch people at deception pass watching the humpback. We've seen him since 5:30! Positive it was a humpback. Had my binoculars this time.
20:10 - Saw a humpback in Saratoga passage at 8:10 pm between Fox Spit (Whidbey Island) and Camano Island State Park headed north...Ann Brockenbrough
Sat Jun 29 - Saratoga Passage - 21:00 - he's back at the tip of Fox Spit on Whidbey. Heading south along the coast. Still taking long dives. 2018 - heading back mid channel in Saratoga passage. Heading east. update: 1 possibly 2 grays just north of Fox Spit Point on Whidbey near Baby Island. Close to land.
19:20 - Gray whale about 15 minutes ago, Saratoga heading north, north of Camano Island State Park. Mid channel. Jennfier Feldman Spanton
16:56 - Appears to be one or two orcas headed north, mid-channel Saratoga Passage. Just north of Cama Beach. Not 100% (on species) It, or they, didn't show a lot of surface, but we thought we saw a white patch. Just bare-eyed it. -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
(we had not other reports of orcas but we did have humpback and gray reports -alb)
We have seen multiple whales today, baleen, off Hidden Beach, I do not think it was orcas (other report). First baleen heading south around 1300-1400, next two milling off Hidden Beach around 1730, we didn't see any dorsal fins, which makes us believe it was a baleen pair, although we did not have binoculars, still love our whales. -Joan Smith
Sat Jun 29 - 19:11 - Mike w/WS Ferries Ops just called to report a whale species unidentified (not orca) off the Rief Point Junction Bouy which is south of Cypress Island on the ferry route to Anacortes. No direction of travel noted.
Sat Jun 29 - Saratoga Passage - 4:56 - Appears to be one or two orcas headed north, mid-channel Saratoga Passage. Just north of Cama Beach. (re species: not 100%. It, or they, didn't show a lot of surface but we thought we saw a white patch. Just bare-eyed it.) -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
(We had no other orca reports. Included in our last report confirmed humpback, but we leave open possibility orcas snuck through -alb)
June 28
Fri June 28 - Juan de Fuca Strait - Another KILLER day around Sooke with Transient / Biggs Killer Whales and humpback whales almost everywhere on our morning and afternoon tours! We Love what we do! -Paul Pudwell
Fri June 28 - Strait of Georgia - 21:23 - Group of at least 10 orcas travelling north past Point Roberts - breaching tail lobbing playing - could these be our missing Southern Residents? At least one large male. Travelling quickly. Spending quite a bit of time under water - hopefully feeding - quite calm evening with no boat traffic at all! -Sandra Scott
(per Monika - Probably 36, 36Bs, 99s)
~15:15 - Ts w/baby...heading north Rosario Strait (Lat/Long 48.7195 -122.7495 off NW Lummi Island ). We on whale watch cruise from Friday harbor, San Juan Excursions. Best photo w iPhone (below). At one point, whales went down for quite a bit (6-10min??) baby came up twice. Someone thought saw seal in water- possible hunting? No flurry of activity. About 4-5 other boats watching too. Sea Lion there as well- just happen to remember it's name. I'm curious, do the naturalists on these whale watch boats pass along the data/photos they take? -Thanks for all you do! Julie Schlenger
Fri Jun 28 - Boundary Pass to Strait of Georgia - First spotted transient orcas around 1pm Friday June 28th in Boundary Pass near Monarch Head Saturna Island heading East. Numbered about a dozen including a few mature males and a number of calfs travelling loosely in two groups. They followed the coastline in towards Narvaez Bay, then back out into Boundary Pass, followed by 5 or 6 whale boats and what probably was a SoundWatch boat flying the whale flag. We headed out to the lighthouse at East Point, where the orcas passed by around 1:30 PM. A mature male and female came up close to shore and appeared to be mating. They all passed Boiling Reef and headed out into the Strait of Georgia, where they lingered, heading slowly towards the mouth of the Frasier River. We could still see them about an hour later, whale boats in tow. The encounter very much resembled the encounters we typically have with the Southern Residents. No hunting behavior was observed. -Miles Ritter
(Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research reviewed many photos: "The T65As and T65Bs are in these photos though there may have been other matrilines present.")
Fri Jun 28 - Rosario Strait - IDs 99B, T36, possibly 124A A3 & A4, and maybe a few others...we left them awhile heading NW of eastern orcas shoreline -Ariel Yseth.
12:02 - Seeing orcas from the ferry in Rosario....Actually Bellingham channel almost to Anacortes. It is a wonderful treat! (maybe 99s +). -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Thu Jun 28 - Hello! My name is Jessica, and I was at the lighthouse at Cape Meares OR today, June 28th, and spotted four orcas in the water below. The lovely woman at the lighthouse gift shop phoned the number on the wall for you guys, but also asked me to send you some of the pictures I managed to take....I looked into the metadata on my camera, and it looks like it's incorrect, so the best I can give you is a rough estimate for time. It was before noon; I'd give my best estimate as between 10:30 and noon on the 28th. They were headed north, along the coast, and didn't stop. No one in the large group of people that spotted them noticed them breach the surface until they were fairly close to the cliff the lighthouse is on. My camera lens isn't particularly powerful - they were fairly close to the cliff there. Like I said, they didn't stop at all, however, not all of them came up all at once until after we'd been observing them for a short while; one of the larger ones surfaced first, and we all thought it was only one or two, until we clearly could see at least four of them. I can't say if there were any more than that, as they all swam fairly close together. -Hope these help! Thanks! Jessica Buswill
(ID notes Melisa Pinnow, CWR: "These are the T49As for sure. The T49Bs could be there too though it is not clear in the photos." We will forward other images and update if more are confirmed -alb)
Fri Jun 28 - Juan de Fuca Strait - Another KILLER day around Sooke with Transient / Biggs Killer Whales and humpback whales, incl. MMX0120 Ocean almost everywhere on our morning and afternoon tours! We Love what we do! -Paul Pudwell
Fri Jun 28 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 16:39 - Two grey whales just north of Fort Nugent and West Beach (West Whidbey Island) the last hour or so. -Deborah Bias
Fri Jun 28 - Possession Sound - 18:45 - Humpback whale swimming north, north of the ferry lanes closer to Whidbey. -Danielle Pennington
18:20 - Whale spotted off of Mukilteo, north of the ferry dock. Thinking grey or minke (was a humpback -alb). Breached the surface then did a tail flip. Small fin....Seen from the ferry headed to Clinton, towards the start of the sailing perhaps 400' away. -Kristen Wagner-Patterson
12:34 - Humpback whale off of Madrona Ave in Everett. I can't tell which direction he's going, he dove & I haven't seen him since....Definitely a humpback though. -Connie Mitchell
Fri Jun 28 - We had 9 or 10 minkes on Friday, from Hein Bank to Eastern Bank to Partridge Bank. Didn't get photos of them all, sadly, but will post what might be ID'able! Interestingly 2 seemed to be traveling together, even surfacing together - hadn't seen them travel closely with buddies before. -Jill Hein
Minkes on Hein Bank - no birds present. These 2 were actually traveling 'together'. -Photo by Jill Hein, Jun 28, 2019
June 27
BIGG'S TRANSIENTS - Thu Jun 27 - Leaving Rich Passage - 16:57 - Orca. Spotted at Manchester Beach, went far off across the water towards Seattle. Take from off the Kitsap Peninsula, Port Orchard, they don't come through here all the time, but sometimes we get lucky... Photo by Carolyn Tara Soria, Jun 27, 2019
(T36, T36Bs, & T99s leaving Rich Passage after two days spent in Dyes Inlet)
21:33 - Orca. they're past Marina Beach now still mid channel and heading north
21:05 - Orca. At least 3 or 4, steady northbound. Almost to the yellow buoy mid channel
20:47 - I see one (orca) headed northbound in the middle between Richmond Beach and President's Point. -Michelle Goll
19:52- Orcas across from Shilshole Marina. Around mid channel...Yes (northbound). Only saw the one so I'm guessing the rest are on the way. -Brian Nygren
19:00-19:15 - Hello, Viewing from pocket beach off Perkin's Lane in Magnolia, saw 3-4? orcas just off Alki point and traveling north. About 7-7:15pm. Lost sight at about Discovery Park area. So exciting!! My first time ever seeing them! -All the best, Susan Rolfe
~19:00 - 3 orcas seen off the Magnolia bluff near West Point. It was Thursday evening, about 7PM and they were definitely Orcas heading north. - Terence Mitchell
19:11 - Orcas about mid channel off West point headed NW. (see photos below)
18:34 - 5 or 6 orcas middle of Elliott Bay trending north...we were lining up for a sailboat race in Elliott Bay when they came right up to us and mingled then headed NW towards West Point. Out of sight now so back to racing. -Gary Peterson
Marie Waterman, WSF Ops called to relay report orcas in Elliott Bay 18:30-19:00 making directional changes. Last seen north end.
18:23 - Orca. Pod of 4-6 seen from ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge. -Carol Hendry
18:27 - Just saw a pod of orcas moving from west to east along the Bainbridge ferry route. Ferry stopped as they passed by. Counted 7 or 8. -C Montemayer/West Side Kids
18:32 - Orcas have arrived in Elliott Bay! Still headed east into the bay!
18:16 - Orcas headed into Elliott Bay. T36, 36Bs, 99s heading into Elliott Bay past Anchor Pier, Alki, West Seattle.. -Brittany Noelle
18:00 -18:15 - Orca. Mid channel. They were heading north but turned back south. Right into the Bainbridge Ferry line! The ferry just came to a halt and everyone onboard is getting quite a show...still! At almost 6:15. -Amy Martino
17:52 - Orca. Steady NB, tightly grouped, 4-6 orcas, appear to be in travel mode. Approaching Bainbridge Island ferry lane. -Brittany Noelle
17:50. 4-5 orcas headed north of Alki Point. Closer to the point than to Bainbridge. Viewing from 60th SW and Spokane Street. -Douglas B Greenswag
17:44 - Orca. Northbound to Blakely rocks viewing from Constellation Park in West Seattle. Spy hops, tail slaps. -Mary Hartmann
17:40 - Orca. From north end of Alki Beach Park, still steady northbound, nearing Blakely Rock.
17:30 - Orca. From Charles Richey Park on Alki, headed northbound along Bainbridge Island. (yes, the group that headed NB. Sounds like another group is still headed SB.) -Brittany Noelle
17:22 - Orcas out of Rich Passage, heading south. I am viewing from South Beach (Bainbridge Isl.). Boat leap frogged right in front of them. Passing red buoy. -Becca Tiger Musser
17:12 - Orca. West of Alki heading south, mid channel. May be heading toward Blake Island. We are watching by binoculars off Manchester Pomeroy Park. -Elaine Hamilton
16:45 - Ts heading eastbound Rich Passage towards Manchester State Park. -Photo by Kathe Bradley, Jun 27, 2019
Orcas in Rich Passage between Point Glover & Middle Point. Seen from the 4:15 Bremerton to Seattle ferry. -William Westrem
Hello, I was onboard the Walla Walla ferry from Bremerton to Seattle yesterday and saw the transient orcas that were reported. I wanted to share a video of them with you and thank you for providing a network so that we may stay informed and view them in the wild! -Brittany Ceresini (Video shows orcas still traveling at good clip - alb)
16:22 - After porpoising their way through the Washington Narrows and then Sinclair Inlet. Gayle Swigart spotted the orcas heading eastbound into Rich Passage. Slow/medium pace grouped up.
~16:10 - Orca. Seen just north of Bachman Park. Heading north. Saw four blow spouts at once. Swimming normal pace tightly together. Best picture I could get. -Denise Fairchild
15:45 - 16:05 - As Gayle and I drove along the shore we caught glimpses of the pod porpoising at high speed on approach to Manette Bridge. We stoppped at East 9th Street Mini park where we had a great view as they porpoised under the Manette bridge surfacing on the east side ~ 15:54. The Ts continued porpoising east bound with one member turning back going opposite direction momentarily...for a minute looked like maybe they were after a meal, but not so as they continued on directionally ENE. We made it over to Bachman Park in time to watch them surface to the west of us, off Point Herron. Next dive was a bit long, they surface a bit NE of us all at Bachman. Once around Point Herron they slowed their pace, grouped very tight, cuddle puddle like, with some rolling and tail lobs (some inverted) and continued to the north in Sinclair Inlet. We left around 16:05-10, headed over to Ilahee State Park to see which passage they would take, Rich or Port Orchard... Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
After spending two days in Dyes Inlet the pods committed to exiting Washington Narrows. Here they are between the Warren Ave and Manette bridges eastbound. Taken by Ashley from Evergreen Rotary Park on the west side of the Narrrows. -Photos by Ashley Whitman, Jun 27, 2019
15:47 - Orca. Just pasted the Warren Bridge heading east.
15:40 - West Shore across from Lions Park slowly moving SE toward Warren. Just a family group picture. No jumping on the way out this time...heading east about 50 yards before the Warren Bridge. I took a number of shots from the shoreline... -Don Turriaga
15:35 - Gayle and I made it to the Pat Carey Vista (N of Lions Park) in time to see the pod still to the north. They went on a very long dive passing us up completely surfacing to the south across from Lions Park.
15:15 - 15:20 - Orcas have returned and due west from Tracyton boat launch loosely grouped up mid channel heading southbound at much faster pace than earlier travels. By 15:20 they have reached the head of the Narrows again. Long dives. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:32 - Orca. By old town Silverdale. Far west side of Dyes....waterfront park. Saw them briefly then lost eyes on them. No known direction. -Ashley whitman
14:10 - After catching glimpses of them heading south, and missing their turn around at Tracyton, watched the pod west of the boat launch head west (did not go yet towards Silverdale as some thought/presumed). They are due west of Tracyton boat launch toward west shore. Chico area. Now northbound directionally toward Silverdale. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:50 - Turned around heading north again, they are currently at Tracyton boat launch again. Possibly heading towards Silverdale. -Liz Madison
13:49 - Back at Tracyton Boat Launch!! -Rebecca Smalley
13:48 - Taken from Tracyton Beach Road look out. Pretty good day with my boys and my mom, orcas in Dyes Inlet. -Photo by Melinda Barajas, Jun 27, 2019. (Orcas flipped back NB)
13:33 - Gayle Swigart and I arrived at the Tracyton Boat Launch ~ 13:30 just in time to see the orcas traveling southbound at the north end of Washington Narrows, south of Tracyton Boat launch. So incredibly close and beautiful since such a narrow passage. Watched the whales grouped, traveling steady southbound for a few minutes before they disappeared around the bend. We then were off with a carvan of others south to try and see them from Lions Park (knowing very well they may flip back as they've been doing while in Dyes since yesterday). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON
13:17 - Orca directly across Tracyton Boat Launch on West Shore. -Samantha Gragg
12:22 - Orca. Heading south along shore from Silverdale dock. -Ann Armstrong
11:46 - Orca. Visible from Tracyton still. They were heading south, but turned around at Rocky Point and are heading north again. (NB) -Cheryse Skiles
11:35 - Saratoga leaving T99s, T36Bs, and T36 sleeping, slowly southbound at Rocky Point -Bart Rulon
10:29 - Orca. Visible from Tracyton, with binoculars. They are near the far shore by Chico. -Rachae Probst Winger
09:47 - Orca. Heading south again lol...they're going back south at a steady pace I'd wait at the Tracyton boat launch for a minute! viewing from J.A. & Anna F. Smith Children's Park. (SB) -Jami Cantrell
09:29 - Orca. No longer able to see them from Tracyton. Heading towards Silverdale. (NB -Taylor Wright
09:10 - Orcas are milling around, almost looks like they're heading toward Silverdale again. So nice to see so many folks watching from the Tracyton boat ramp! Viewing from land is awesome! -Alysa S Schnep
08:52 - Orca. Spotted from Tracyton boat launch starting...seems like they are heading South. It also appears like they are circling/hanging here so I'm unsure about direction but probably south! -Maggie Oldfield Rich
07:35 - Orca. By the Tracyton boat ramp moving back towards Silverdale slowly. -Marea Nelson Bass
07:22 - Orca. 4 breaches mid channel by the boats by Tracyton! (Viewed thru binocs from Silverdale waterfront) they are trending south!
07:16 - Orca. Trending south toward Tracyton, Dyes Inlet.
06:48 - Orca. Appears there are 5-6 of them! Lots of tail lobs again!
06:30 - Orcas stayed overnight! Dyes inlet viewing thru binocs from Silverdale waterfront looking south mid channel! -Becky Newell Woodworth
BIGG'S TRANSIENT KILLER WHALES - Thu Jun 27 - Active Pass - Hi, Alisa, Around 7:30 pm, a group of transients (believe they are the T065A's) quietly swam west through Active Pass on a calm and serene sunny evening. Photos taken from the shore of Galiano Island. -Cheers, Karoline Cullen
Lovely day on 6/27, catching up with my favorite family of Ts, the T65As..."Artemis" and her five kids. We came on scene at Sucia Island. While they weren't super active, it was lovely to spend time with them! -Bonnie Gretz
09:30 - Three orcas off West Beach Resort, Orcas Island, heading north. We observed from a distance at land, looked like one orca had a very large fin and one appeared to be a juvenile. Since they were observed from such a distance, it's difficult to be accurate. There was a boat following them from a respectable distance. -Xtina Georges
(T65As - alb)
Thu Jun 27 - Juan de Fuca Strait - T46D - Another great day with Transient / Biggs Killer Whales the T046's family right in our back yard...minutes from our docks...Sooke BC. Great to sea! -Photo by Paul Pudwell
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Thu Jun 27 - Depoe Bay, OR - (Same group in Tillmook Bay on 28th per Carrie Newell's page - Whale Research Eco Excursions) Orca in Whales Cove near Depoe Bay 6/27. We gave a local mariner a tip last night (6/27/19) about Orca spotted in Whales Cove near Depoe Bay. Carrie Newell from Eco Excursions Whale Watch in Depoe Bay went out and sent us these pictures. Thanks Carrie!
Via Alisa Schulman-Janiger: Melisa Pinnow (Center for Whale Research) has confirmed the IDs on these whales as Bigg's transients: the T49As and the T49Bs. That large male with the small nick in his fin is 18-year-old T49A1 (not yet full-grown!) The T49As were in the Juan de Fuca Strait on 10 June!
Thu Jun 27 - Yaquina Bay, Newport, OR - (Report forwarded to ON by Candice Emmons, NOAA WC Fisheries who received the report via Waldo: You probably know OSU's Cooperative Institute Director at Hatfield, Michael Banks. He shared this note today about his son's observation of Orcas in Yaquina Bay. Regards, Waldo Wakefiled, OSU)
My Son Elah was fishing lingcod off the south jetty this morning. No fish but he saw a pod of about 4 Orcas checking into our bay! -Sincerely, Michael Banks
Mid June - Tichenor Cove, OR - Email received June 28 - About two weeks ago at least four orcas were seen not too far from shore in Tichenor Cove, Port Orford OR. They seemed to be moving north/northwest. We very seldom see orcas in our waters. If we have another sighting, I will report immediately. I only just learned about your website. I regret that I don't have a specific date. It was thrilling to see them...Betty Olson
Thu Jun 27 - Strait of Georgia - We had an amazing night in the Strait of Georgia with the T065As's, T065B's and T036A's socializing. The two cousins, T065A6 and T065B2 were full of energy! Lots of little breaches, spyhops and vocalizing. This is the sisters, T065A4 and T065A6 leaping together. They spent a lot of the evening playing with each other. It's not quite in focus but had to share! -Gary Sutton
Thu Jun 27 - Plumper Sound - Two different trips, two different groups of whales but both made kills at the same spot in Plumper Sound. Awesome day with the T124A's, T086A1 in the afternoon and the T036A's, T065A's, T065B's and T077A in the evening. -Gary Sutton
HUMPBACK WHALES - Jun 27 - Possession Sound - 19:55 - Marie Waterman, WSF Ops called to report as of few minutes ago a humpback was just north of the Clinton Ferry terminal meandering, while maybe trending northbound.
7:52 - humpback heading north past the Clinton ferry dock. -Danielle Pennington Thur Jun 27
16:51 - Marie Waterman at WS Ferries Ops got a call from ferry Tokiate 1/4 mile NW of Clinton dock, one whale, possibly gray whale northbound.
June 26
BIGG'S TRANSIENTS - JUNE 26 - PUGET SOUND - Wed Jun 26 - Puget Sound - T36, 36Bs, & T99s. -Kitsap Sun Photo Gallery images reviewed by Melisa Pinnow who ID'd T36Bs & T99s.
21:49 - Still breaching & flapping & rolling around near Silverdale...headed NE. -Karen Guyt
21:02 - Orcas are heading north to Silverdale Waterfront Park - I just lost my viewpoint because they rounded the shore to the park. Still very active when I last observed them! -Diane Russell
20:57 - Orca. Watching them from the Children's Park Tracyton!! -Chanda Axton Powell
20:48 - Orca. No longer visible from Tracyton boat launch. Now they are heading to Silverdale waterfront. (NB).
20:28 - Orca. Still at Tracyton, very, very active. Barrel rolls, spy hops, breaching, tail slap, swimming upside down. -Rachae Probst Winger
19:31 - Orca. Lots of direction changes and lots of delightful, playful activity - off Windy Point (north of Tracyton boat ramp) and heading north to Silverdale, but then changing directions. From Old Town Silverdale - with binoculars. -Diane Russell
~19:30 - From Tracyton Boat Launch -Photos by Rain Malzahn, Jun 26, 2019
19:25 - Orca. Visible from Tracyton. Looks like they're hunting: a flurry of activity and splashing. -Rachae Probst Winger
19:04 - Orca. Just observed them from the shore in Silverdale right next to Barker Creek. They appear to be off of Erlands Point. Looks like maybe they changed direction again because I saw all the boats headed south again. -Michele Nusz
18:49 - Barker Creek is in Silverdale. They are now headed NW toward Silverdale
18:32 - Near Barker Creek middle of Inlet. Keep your distance peeps! -Karen Guyt
18:25 - Orcas are heading back to Silverdale! (NB) -Omar Machado
18:14 - Orca. Seems as if they turned back North towards Tracyton. Boats all chasing north. East side of Dyes inlet north of marina. -Judy Ann Fetterly
18:09 - Orca. Looks like they are heading back to Silverdale! (NB) -Catherine Alvarado Soto
17:54 - Orca. They are heading to Lions Park now! (SB). -Omar Machado
17:49 - Orca. going past Tracyton boat launch heading towards Lions Park. (SB). -Kristen Fairchild
17:52 - Orcas headed to Lion's Park and Manette area. (SB)
17:34 - Orcas can be seen from Tracyton Beach. -Heidi Linde
17:35 - Orca. spotted at Windy Point-headed towards Lions Park (SB). -Kelsey Barnett
16:00-17:30 Thanks...there was so much tail slapping going on...training the young ones maybe? It was around 4-5:30 in the evening. The whales were doing what Transients do so well...diving and coming up where ever they wanted...the kayaks were along the edge of the boats but trying to stay out of their way too..I did speak to the kid in the kayak..the sheriff did give him a warning and he had no idea about the amount to stay away..He loves orca's and have seen kayaks with them alot on you tube..so he knew they would not harm him...he didn't paddle into them that I saw..they whales were in two groups and kept meeting up together so it was gonna happen sooner or later. Really hard to move kayaks fast to get out of the way....Noelle Morris
17:16 - Orca. Watching from Silverdale pier, with binoculars. They're by Erlands Point, milling around. -Desha Wood
17:24 - Orcas observed heading south - off Windy Point - still lots of activity, and then lost sight of them. (Windy Point is onthe Tracyton side of Dyes Inlet, north of Tracyton boat ramp, south of Silverdale proper - it's a point jutting out)
17:19 - Orca. LOTS of activity! Lots of breaches! Many directional changes. In the middle of the bay heading towards Tracyton area and away from Chico side. But again, lots of directional changes! You should be able to see them (with binoculars) now at the Silverdale Waterfront Park.
17:12 - Orca. a substantial number of dorsal fins observed - really, really far away, but heading northeast - towards old town Silverdale, but still really far away. Binoculars required. Near Chico Bay pilings..(?)
17:04 - Orcas at Chico Bay continuing north on the Chico side of Dyes Inlet - observed with binoculars from Old Town Silverdale. A white boat with a lime green canopy (?) is traveling with them (assume they are following the rules). Again, a substantial distance away. -Diane Russell
This is a video from the Orca visit in Dyes Inlet on Wednesday 6/26/19. We were in our boat and kept our distance. I zoomed in and that is partly why it is such a shaky video. The Kitsap County Sheriff were out making sure boaters and kayakers were following the rules. What an amazing experience. I wanted to share with those who didn't get to experience this! -Orca Video by Kimberly Marzano Very active T36, T36Bs, T99s - Dyes Inlet, Bremerton.
16:59 - Orcas look to be at Erlands Point headed into Chico Bay.
16:57 - Orcas are across Dyes Inlet from Tracyton. Can't quite see them from the boat launch anymore. -Brittany McConahay
16:30 - Orca. Crossed in front of Phinney Bay. Heading towards Silverdale. (NB). -Shavauni Adkins
16:26 - Orca. Leaving Lions park heading northeast. -Shavauni Adkins
16:18 - Heading towards Tracyton again now. (NB)
16:12 - Orca. Passing Lent Landing heading towards Warren Ave Bridge (SB), kind of milling in front of the marina at Lent Landing. Viewable from Lions Park. -Desha Wood
16:02 - Orcas are in Tracyton headed towards Lions Park. -Lian Rogayan
15:30 - Orcas seen from Tracyton, in front of Chico Creek. -Samuel Rasmussen
~ 14:15 - Orcas passed under the Warren Ave Bridge. -Patricia Zupamcich-Parsons
14:11 - Five whales at the Boat Shed, Bremerton. Going under Manette Bridge, Photo and Report by Deborah Mann, June 26, 2019. -Submitted by Kimberly Sylvester Malzahn
13:57 - Orca. Heading straight for Manette bridge. I was viewing from Port-Orchard. I don't see the research boat anymore from the Manette bridge so I'm assuming yes. I'm headed over to try and locate them now. -Jami Cantrell
~13:50 - Marie WSF Ops called to say about an hour ago (~1:50) orcas headed back eastbound towards Rich Passage. (brief directional change).
13:45 - Orcas are in front of shipyard right now. Bremerton. -Robby Johnston
12:46 - Mike WSF Ops called orcas are in Rich Passage heading towards Bremerton.
12:08 - Orca. Looking out with binoculars from Belltown, they are still in between Bainbridge and Blake, quite far out but there's a lot of splashing. Seeing some breaches, and they are now north of where I originally saw them, though still in the same general area. -Mara Patton
11:30 - Orca. Relaying a VHF call from the ferry Hyak they are between Bainbridge and Blake Island. -Joey LaMarche
11:09 - Mike w/WS Ferries Ops called w/ update on southern pod: orcas are off Tyee Shoal (Seattle/ Bainbridge run) transiting Southbound. Vessel slowed to give plenty of room and let orcas pass.
09:12 - Orca. I'm up on the hill above the north end of Golden Gardens with some big binocs. I caught a glimpse of them but then a tree got in the way. I did see the Victoria Clipper slow and turn around to view them. Far as I can tell they're NW off Golden Gardens, but out closer to mid channel. Likely still southbound. -Jennifer Greiner Clark
09:04 - The San Juan Clipper left the T36s off Pt. Jefferson still SB, angling toward Shilshole. -James Greenway
08:27 - Three orcas southbound of the WS Ferry Edmonds to Kingston. Mid channel but angling toward the Seattle side. -Debbie Harrington
Wed June 26 - 11:00 - Sam Weirbach called in a report this evening of 4 - 5 orcas off Jefferson Head southbound at 11 am. He and two friends had been fishing, and out of nowhere the orcas surfaced right in front of their boat, giving them quite a start!
(Time & location would mean separation of groups before entering Rich Passage and group joined up later, or different unknown group all together, or time was incorrect -alb)
Wed Jun 26 - Admiralty Inlet Group - 20:10 - Orcas passed Maxwelton, Whidbey steady northbound mid channel. -Sandra Pollard (Justine Buckmaster relayed the early morning report by Glacier Spirit was they had the T46s.)
18:07 - Just saw them at 6:07 off Edmonds Beach by the ferry terminal. they were pretty far out. I watched along the shore for them to pop up again but no luck. It seemed they were still northbound but I couldn't say if they were making their way away from shore.
17:00 - Saw a dorsal fin twice just north of Shilshole on sounder train to Edmonds. -Jenny Klis
18:07 - Orcas in Edmonds: one male and one female keeping to east side of channel maybe 1.5 mile offshore, out from Ferry terminal while at least 2 further NW and 1 fell back and was now trailing SW. All steady northbound.
17:55 - Pod of 5 orcas are off Edmonds Marina Beach Park, 3 in lead, 2 trailing including male. Steady northbound east side of channel. Orcas look to be moving more northwesterly toward mid channel.
17:10 - Pod of orcas has passed Carkeek, heading steady northbound grouped loosely. Currently approximately between Carkeek and Richmond Beach.
16:30 - Seeing at least 3 orcas including 1 adult male Shilshole/Golden Gardens east side of channel heading Northbound with some directional changes. Viewing From Carkeek and they just now visible around Meadow Point, south of the green can. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:50 - Two Orcas off of Magnolia in Seattle. Moving slowly north. Will pass Discovery Park in a minute or two. Close to shore. -Terri Daniel
14:50 - Tom Hubbard called from Shilshole reporting at least 5 orcas including one adult male, heading south mid-channel.
13:00 - We're on the ferry from Kingston. Just saw a group headed south towards Jefferson Head. -Jt Cannon-Kyte
13:00 - Mike WSF Ops called pod of 5 orcas 1 mile off Edmonds milling.
11:00 - Glacier Spirit has killer whales southbound Mutiny Bay mid Channel. -Christopher Lewman
08:15 - Mike at WS Ferries Ops just called to relay report from MV Kennewick crew on their run to Coupeville: 5-6 orcas observed in the southbound shipping lanes heading inbound (southbound).
Wed Jun 26 - What a fun day yesterday as we managed to catch up with the T046B family somewhere near Kelp Reef. My first time to see T046B1B - the "light" member of this family (possibly Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome?). He sure has a lot of 'interesting' markings. Definitely a treat to see this family of Biggs whales. -Jill Hein
12:00 - Group of Ts southbound mid Haro off Lime Kiln. -Monika Wieland Shields
Wed June 26 - 18:21 - Viewing from Sandy Point appears to be humpback. Whidbey side midchannel out from Langley northbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
17:17 - Whale, thinking it's a humpback not gray, heading NW towards Langley from Hat Island. 5:10. -Lori Christopher
DOLPHINS - Wed Jun 26 - 19:50 - We once again spotted ~6 Common Dolphins from the San Juan Clipper. They were quickly northbound just north of Shilshole. I was able to get a positive species ID but no photos as they disappeared soon after we slowed to view them. Many Harbor Porpoises in the same area. -Justine Buckmaster
Wed Jun 26 - Possession Sound - A small gray whale was feeding Steamboat Flats (The shallows of the Snohomish River delta) at high tide today. We have had a solo small whale intermittently since the Sounders left. I assume it is the same individual each time. I was unable to get a good picture, but I attached one that shows some markings on the left dorsal..I live on the Tulalip reservation overlooking the shallows of the Snohomish River just beyond Jetty Island, I just recently consulted the Coast Guard Light List to find the official name of the navigational marker at the outer edge of the delta. It is called "Steamboat Flats Light". For years, we just referred to it as :the dolphin. That is the region we have been seeing the whale. Curt Johnson
Wed Jun 26 - 2 whales across from Mabanna headed towards Irenella closer to Whidbey than us. -Linda Brezak
June 25
Tue June 25 - San Juan Channel - John Miller WS ferries Ops called to relay report of group of orcas north of Friday Harbor heading northbound at 19:10.
Tue June 25 - T101s - At 6 PM on Tuesday June 25th, a group of 3-4 (transient?) orcas swam along the south side of the Scott Point peninsula. They were very close to shore - the photos were taken with an iPhone with no magnification. -Peter Reiner, Salt Spring Island, BC
13:31 - We heard these were the T101s, and they've now made their way up towards Stuart Island. -Monika Wieland Shields
10:15 - Orcas sighted off Lopez ferry dock heading up Harney Channel... between Lopez and Orcas this morning. -Mari Blakeslee Hauser
Tue Jun 25 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 18:16 - Orca. See blows still north of Ebeys Landing. Viewing from high Bluff Ebeys Landing Beach.
17:16 - Orcas are now due west from the Libbey Beach about mile or 2 out still committed south.
16:55 - Viewing orcas north out a few miles from shore from Libbey Beach, near WW boat. Thank you Rachel. -Marilyn Armbruster
Today there was a pod of orcas. Looked to be about 5 of them leaping out of the water. Heading fairly quickly from north to south around Fort nugent and west beach. -Deborah Bias
16:15 - I'm viewing from Joseph Whidbey. A group is closer to shore and south of here. Larger group further offshore. Seems like they were on a kill. Been milling in this area for awhile...they were breaching and spyhopping earlier! I'm headed to fort Ebey next
15:35 - Orca, some are southbound passing Rocky Point, Whidbey.
14:35 - Orcas southbound at Deception Pass. Looks like they'll be continuing south along Whidbey shore. -Rachel Haight
13:50 - large group of Bigg's killer whales reported over near Allan and Burrows Islands in Rosario Strait: 15-20+ animals. Southbound. Sounds like included T46s, T99s, & T124As...Monika Wieland Shields
11:30 - Orcas off Carter Point, Lummi Island - heading south. One of the males had a distinct hook shape to his dorsal, but I couldn't get a good picture. -Photos by Adelia Mae Boyer, Jun 25, 2019
Tue Jun 25 - Port Susan - Alisa LB reviewed John C Storbeck video of humpback breaching and pec slapping in Port Susan! "that is a humpback in Port Susan! In the beginning of your video looks like a couple of breaches, then s/he is pec slapping, you can see long pec fins, which is what confirmed humpback. Watching again, might just be all pec slapping. Also noticed underside of her/his fluke is all white so is POSSIBLE this is the humpback known as CS631 or CRC16017 "Two Spot". "
GRAY WHALES - Tue Jun 25 - 20:40 - Now we have a report from Leslie Whaley of the Port Susan Whale Watchers off Tulalip of a Gray Whale heading north into Port Susan. -John C Storbeck
08:08 - Mike from WS Ferries Ops called to report a gray whale ~3/4 mile off Clinton ferry dock heading northbound. Tue Jun 25 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 15:30 - Orca sighting Joseph Whidbey National park. 4 orca, 2 younger, 2 larger orca swimming in front of Joseph Whidbey National Park last week Tuesday between 3-4pm. -Kellie Dougherty
June 24
Mon Jun 24 - 16:30 - T65As nearing Iceberg Point, Lopez.
13:50 T65As southbound in Rosario off Thatcher Pass. -Monika Wieland Shields
11:42 - Orcas southbound Strait of Georgia off Clark. -Sail the San Juans
Mon Jun 24 - We had the pleasure to get out for a refreshing marine adventure today with a couple humpback whales, MMX0079 Pantera, and BCY0324 Big Mama, dall porpoise, seals, a sea lion, elephant seals and "Ollie" the sea otter...Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal
(IDs by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
Mon Jun 24 - 14:16 - Definite humpback just went by, same location (Possession Point), 3 minutes ago (didn't get a picture unfortunately, it was moving quickly) heading south. -Stephanie J Deckard Henty
~16:00 - There was both a gray whale and a humpback. We even got a good glimpse of the fluke when the gray whale did a tale slap at Possession Point around 4:00pm. -Brian Henry
Mon Jun 24 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - Gray whale heading south off of Cliffside Beach NAS at ~0900. -Kris Holley
Mon Jun 24 - Possession Sound PM - 16:51 - Gray whale just passed us going northbound! Possession Point (we're on vacation here and will be watching all week!). -Stephanie J Deckard Henry
~16:00 - There was both a gray whale and a humpback. We even got a good glimpse of the fluke when the gray whale did a tale slap at Possession Point. -Brian Henry
Mon Jun 24 - Possession Sound AM - Kiro 7 chopper VIDEO - ID notes from Cascadia Research: "Alie (Perez) just looked at the video, she confirmed that it is the same whale that was seen in Liberty Bay a few weeks ago. The ID number for that one is 2256." -Jessie Huggins
10:11 - There's a gray whale off Madrona Ave in Everett near where the one recently died. Really close to shore. I hope he/she stays healthy. It had a gash on its tail possibly from a prop...The gash was a straight line, maybe a foot long & 2 inches wide approximately...It seemed quite active & was heading north east along the shoreline (towards Everett). It has a lot of barnacles on it...Connie Mitchell
09:32 - Donna w/WS Ferries Ops called to report a whale, possibly gray, heading northbound off Mukilteo.
Single whale seen off Possession Point (south Whidbey) this morning about 30 minutes ago, heading south. Unsure if humpback or grey. Didn't get a good shot unfortunately...Unfortunately my family didn't wake me so I didn't get to see it myself. Looks like a grey head to me. -Stephanie J Deckard
SPECIES UNCONFIRMED - Mon Jun 24 - Rosario Strait - 08:08 - Donna with WS Ferries Ops called, reporting one whale, possibly gray, heading northbound. Sighting was from MV Elwha departing Anacortes as they were heading into Thatcher Pass towards the San Juan Islands.
Mon Jun 24 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 18:08 - Couldn't tell which type but just saw a whale off of NAS Whidbey. Two just swimming and surfacing every few minutes. Seeing the spout more but occasionally the back of one of the whales. Could not see which type of whale. (good chance gray - alb) -Kathy Newberry
June 23
Sun Jun 23 - Sechlet Inlet - Noon - Hi there, 3 orca, two adults and a baby sighted in Egmont yesterday (23rd) at around noon heading into Sechelt Inlet. -Thanks, Liz
Sun Jun 23 - Active Pass - It sounds like these were the T124As. (Rachel Hayden confirmed) -Monika Wieland Shields
14:14 - Just went through Active Pass northbound. -Rachelle Hayden
12:59 - At least 4 orcas off Otter Bay (Pender Island)...Hard to say (direction). They were feeding A couple boats way too close. -George Smith
Sun Jun 23 - 18:12 - I was on the MV Samish and we just saw a lone Orca off the SE Tip if Blakely Island. It was heading NW. -Charles Schrag
Sun Jun 23 - Haro Strait - Conditions were especially challenging today, but that didn't stop us or the whales! We encountered Transient Killer Whales near Eagle Point in some turbulent waters. We were able to identify the T46Bs and T77A and I got to meet the little gray calf who's been the talk of the town for the first time! I didn't get great photos, but I got photos. Overall, today's trip on the Saratoga was quite the adventure. T46B1B (pale calf middle) with family in Haro Strait. -Justine Buckmaster
13:00 - We saw them (orcas) off Eagle Point around 1:00 PM. Lots of tail slaps and breaches. T77A and T46Bs (including white calf) moving slowly southbound. - Justine Buckmaster
13:00 - Orcas are now offshore of Eagle Point.
11:39 - Orcas were mostly far off but then we got an unexpected close pass from T77A at Hannah Heights.
10:56 - Orcas on a kill at south Land Bank. -Monika Wieland Shields
10:44 - hearing calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON
10:20 - definitely orcas. Hearing distant calls on the hydrophone. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
10:16 - Whales off Lime Kiln...Tail smacks! Heading south. -Lisa Lopez Flores Reese
Sun Jun 23 - 12:10 - 1 Humpback, 3 miles SW Possession Point. -Christopher Hanke
Sun Jun 23 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 15:18 - Grey whale at Deception Pass West Beach!! I think it was a grey whale,could have been a humpback There was no breaching other than fins and blow hole clouds so it was hard to tell what it actually was it seemed like there was only 1 though. -Katherine Hicks
Sat Jun 22 - Port Susan - 20:39 - Watching a large grey whale at Port Susan Terrace heading south. -Bobbie Meyer
(video shows one feeding gray whale. Looks to be 21 Shackelton - alb)
20:36 - Large gray whale just passed Port Susan Terrace beach inside buoy line. Now headed SE towards Tyee mid channel. -Melanie Serroels
18:44 - Gray whale close to shore at Camano Country Club Beach 3 headed south. -Marcy Mathis
June 22
Sat Jun 22 - Active Pass - 13:30 - Lone male traveling west through Active Pass towards Salt Spring. (possibly T124C). -Brook Speed
Sat Jun 22 - 12:45 - Two Spot (ID thanks to Marilyns image) has rounded a Possession Point, last two downs times approx 5-1/2 minutes each. He's heading WSW off south end of the point.
12:30 - seeing blows from Haines Wharf, Humpback is approaching Possession Point, Whidbey. Steady southbound travels past 45 minutes. 4-5 exhalations then long dives. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Humpback CS631/CRC16017 "Two Spot" southbound Possession Sound seen from Brighton Beach, Glendale Beach and Possession Beach Boat Launch 6/22/2019. First reported by Justine to Orca Network, from The Saratoga Whale Watching boat (Puget Sound Express) seen at Sandy Point (Langley) around 10:30 am. ID'd and confirmed by Alisa - Orca Network.
I headed to Brighton Beach and he was not far out from shore, mid Brighton ...no boats around at that time. He went down for at least 5+ minutes and popped back up just at about the ferry lanes, closer to Whidbey side. I headed to Glendale Beach and he came back up just north of there and went under for about another 1/2-3/4 mile or so before coming back up again south of Glendale. this is when another whale watching boat showed up. I then headed to Possession Beach Park Boat Launch and again, he didn't come back up until he was a tad south of the launch. You could tell the WW boat was losing track of him, at that point Two Spot popped up not far from the boat. He continued south nearing Possession Point State Park which is the most southeastern tip of Whidbey Island. It was a treat for me to see Two Spot, whale blessed. -Marilyn Armbruster
12:30 - Humpback is nearing Possession Beach State Park southeast end of Whidbey Island. Long downtimes still southbound...
11:51 - Humpback north of Glendale Beach southbound Whidbey side...Marilyn Armbruster
11:24 - Humpback just passed the Clinton dock heading south. -Danielle Penningston
11:20 - Humpback at ferry lanes closer to Whidbey southbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:25 - MV Saratoga has encountered Humpback Two Spot at Sandy Point milling close to Whidbey shore, then at 10:30 was headed southbound abeam Gedney Island, still closer to Whidbey side. -Justine Buckmaster
Sat Jun 22 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - baleen whale kind of day on Saratoga. We spent some time with the big whales including Humpback Whale "Two Spot" in Possession Sound and Gray Whale #2252 near NAS Whidbey right outside Deception Pass! -Justine Buckmaster
12 noon - MV Saratoga found gray whale CRC2252 off NAS Whidbey slowly southbound. -Bart Rulon
June 22 & 23 - Phone call this morning w/ Brooke Finley who left message regarding whale sightings including unusual behaviors off their home this past weekend. She is uncertain if humpback or gray. They live between Blaine and Birch Bay, between Semiahmoo Spit and Birch Point.
Saturday 22nd they observed large whale close in going south very slowly, exhalations noted.
Sunday 23rd similar looking whale just off their home in shallow water, wasn't moving and just hung out for long time in same area, was not traveling (or feeding, which I descried to her). Amount of exhalation way less than Saturday. They have not seen the whale since Sunday.
June 21
Fri Jun 21 - Strait of Georgia - Had a great group of whales up in the Strait of Georgia this afternoon. The T036A's, T065A's, T124A's and T077A were all milling around and doing long dives. We had a moment where they popped up after a long dive and I snapped this shot of T036A2 peeking above the waves. -Gary Sutton
Fri Jun 21- Haro Strait - T124C in Haro Strait this afternoon with the Olympic Mountains in the background. -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, Jun 21, 2019
15:50 - Land Bank northbound, no boats with him
15:15 - Male orca T124C was reported off the south end of San Juan Island earlier this morning. Based on AIS, it looks like he may be heading north along the west side of San Juan Island now (15:15) near False Bay. Does anyone have eyes on him? -Monika Wieland Shields
Fri Jun 21- Haro Strait - 14:04 - Now nearing San Juan County park still heading north.
13:34 - Whales on the Westside heading north about to pass lime kiln. -Jessica Huerta
Here are some pics from that event today (Haro Strait)....there were many boats viewing the whales and I should have mentioned they all maintained their distance. Soundwatch was also there. -Monika Bennett
12:30 - Orcas off False Bay slowly northbound, Ts. Confirmed T75Bs and T75Cs.
11:30 - Killer whales near Cattle Point, looks like heading west or northwest, potentially up the west side of San Juan. -Monika Wieland Shields
Fri Jun 21 - 10:15- One or two orcas headed east-to-west off Flint Beach, south Lopez Island. -Tom Reeve
Fri Jun 21 - Puget Sound - (The T99s were reported off Eureka, California on June 12th, and today they are in Puget Sound! That's a distance of nearly 700 miles traveled in 9 days! - Monika Wieland Shields)
20:58 - Orcas are heading south at Pirates Cove south of Bretland (Port Susan).
20:15 - We have reports of 4 Orca in Port Susan of country club heading south. -John C Storbeck
~18:00 - Lori Christopher passed along a report of orcas in Possession Sound around Tulalip.
~15:30 - ...Then on the way home from Clinton to Mukilteo around 3:30 we saw 3 orcas together in the same area, south of the ferry path. It was incredible. I've never seen them from the ferry until today and can't believe we saw whales twice. -Mollie Segall
13:09 - Brad Hanson, NOAA Fishers called to report they are with the Ts who have flipped and are now northbound in the triangle Edmonds/Kitsap/S Whidbey.
12:28 - Small pod of Orcas just seen off the Kingston-Edmonds ferry frolicking in Puget Sound. -Gig Vergin Bryant
12:23 - Hip hip hooray! I see orcas from Edmonds, north of the ferry in the middle. Continuing northbound. With an orange boat (NOAA). -Michelle Goll
12:12 - Donna from WSF Ops called to relay MV Walla Walla called to report 4 adult orcas transiting in separation zone between Edmonds and Kingston.
11:45 - MV Saratoga left the T99s, T36 and T36Bs northbound near the Kingston ferry terminal after eating a meal.
11:05 - T36 and the T36Bs are here too
10:09 - This is theT99 pod...Plus another pod on the mainland side. -Bart Rulon
On Saratoga was a nice day spent in Puget Sound. Not far from our port of Edmonds, we encountered two Transient Killer Whale families, the T36s and the T99s. They were difficult to keep up with but it was hard to miss the celebration after they successfully made and shared a kill! Later, we stumbled upon a Humpback Whale in Possession Sound which happened to be none other than "Two Spot"! -Justine Buckmaster
The Orca appeared to be heading back to the north from Jefferson Head around 11 am. These Orca swam through and around 50 or more boats fishing the area. We were done fishing when we noticed and pulled up the gear to watch. The observation I have is that fishing fleets aren't actively following or looking to see them, but always welcome. -Matt McCulloch
11:09 - Orcas seem to be hunting now and holding steady at the tip of Jefferson's point.
10:35 - Orcas off Jefferson Point heading south. -Jess Whitsett
09:10 - 6+ orca SB off Apple Tree Point, very close to shore. Slow, steady SB travel, approaching the Ed/King ferry at this time. I did not see any males. Females and some young ones. Didn't get good pics. -Sara Frey
Fri Jun 21 - Juan de Fuca Strait - Great to visit a lone Humpback Whales east of Sooke, "BCY0324 "Big Mama"! The legend herself." all by ourselves today. Than a quick stop at Race Rocks Lighthouse with Elephant Seals and "Ollie" our local sea otter. -Paul Pudwell
(ID by Tasli Shaw)
Fri Jun 21 - 17:15 - It was the humpback. Heading north.
16:53 - Orca Network, seeing some activity from the Mukilteo sailing to Clinton @ 4:45. I do not have my binoculars so it's very hard to tell if whales but seem to be by Glendale. I'm going to go check it out after I get off the ferry. Again I do not have my binoculars so I am not sure. (Humpback) -Danielle Pennington
Humpback whale CS631/CRC16017 Two Spot! at Possession Point! We happened to be cruising home from Sand Juans! There was a whale watch out there from Edmonds!! -Noelle Morris
12:22 - Actually southbound and it's Two Spot!
12:10 PM Saratoga has encountered a humpback whale at Possession Beach close to Whidbey shore. Apparently northbound. -Justine Buckmaster
Fri Jun 21- Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 6:00 PM - Becky called to report a gray whale heading SW a few hundred yards off Joseph Whidbey State Park.
Fri Jun 21 - Saratoga Passage - 3:30 - Grey right off shore Camano Island State Park going south. -Shelley Greybeck
10:35 - San Juan Clipper just saw 1 whale headed NE in Skagit Bay near Strawberry Pt. We didn't get an ID on it. It was definitely a gray whale. I got a good view of its dorsal ridge. It seemed to be swimming normally. -Lauren Ryan Booth
Gray's were feeding out front just before daybreak yesterday. Warm enough to have the windows open and the sound of the "spouts" woke me up. We're about 700-800 feet north of Hidden Beach. I had to leave before low tide to take pictures of the feeding holes and didn't get home until dark but I'll try today. An encouraging sound though. -Diane Billingsley
Fri Jun 21- Possession Sound - Received a call from Sean Kiaer who was out in Possession Sound between Hat Is and Port of Everett ~12:20, he observed a gray whale (very light, w/very barnacled head) who looks to be having very hard time, who is acting very lethargic, slow swimming and erratically. Sean is familiar with grays and feeding, was not that. No entanglement. Whale ran into channel piling/ marker off SE Hat Island, piling shook.
Fri Jun 21 - Possession Sound - Hello, This is a whale sighting report. I was on the ferry which departed Mukilteo at 11 am on Friday June 21, 2019. As we approached Columbia Beach (Clinton) at about 11:15, an announcement came over the PA system that whales were nearby. I saw a black whale surface about one quarter mile south of the Clinton ferry dock. It did not have a prominent dorsal fin thus I do not think it was an orca. Therefore I think it was a minke whale. It was too dark to be a gray whale. The whale appeared to be traveling south. Although the PA announcement used the plural ("whales") I saw only one....I mentioned minke only because I ruled out orca or gray. At the time it did not occur to me a humpback was an option. It could have been a humpback. -Regards, Peter Oakley, Langley WA
Thu Jun 20 - Eld Inlet, Puget Sound - 08:08 - Small whale sighting in Eld Inlet. Black in color, did not see a dorsal fin...it was hard to tell about length but I would say 15 feet. We live at 2xxx Madrona Beach Rd, which is at the southern part of Eld Inlet. He was swimming very slowly. ... at first I thought it was a seal it had its nose out of the water. I told my husband that looks like a big seal, but as it was moving it slowly came to the top of the water and never came up far enough to see if it had a dorsel, but you could see the length of it...It might have been a Hugh sea lion. I thought it could be a baby whale with all the death with the big whales. Thought I should be telling someone. Thanks for your response, -Brenda Chase
June 20
BIGG'S TRANSIENT KILLER WHALES - Thu Jun 20 - T124As - Those were Bigg's killer whales. The T124As. -Pet Ancich
13:44 - On the webcam just to the north of and aimed back at Lime Kiln Light...saw the pod surface a couple of times grouped up...northbound. Been listening to the LK hydrophone for at least 45 minutes, have not heard any vocalizations. (T124As) -Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON
13:12 - Orcas now off Pile Point. SJI
12:29 - Whales! Orcas. some very close to shore. travel has slowed a bit. going north from Eagle Point towards False Bay SJI Estimate about 10. -Chris Wilson
12:20 - More transients offshore of Cattle Point. -Monika Wieland Shields
Thu Jun 20 - T65As - 12:20 - T65As went west through Spieden Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields
~10:50 - Orca. Saw what I am pretty sure is a small pod just north of the Friday Harbor ferry terminal around 10:50 AM. Arriving on ferry from Anacortes, ferry operators spotted the whales and announced it. Lots of boats near the whales. No idea who this pod is but they were very close to shore! Anyone else see where they're headed? -Katie Sieverman
10:38 - Mike at WS Ferries Ops called to relay they had report of 4 orcas off Friday Harbor, 2 adults, 2 juveniles.
10:30 - Ts still right by Friday Harbor.
09:45 - Transients heading north outside Friday Harbor. Reported as possibly the T65As. -Monika Wieland Shields
GRAY WHALES - Thu Jun 20 - Possession Sound - 15:00 - Somebody is still hanging around. Gray whale SE of Hat Island ...sadly no (photos) saw it from about 200 yds while heading ashore. Will keep eyes peeled on return trip. -Lor Christopher
Thu Jun 20 - Swanson Channel - T46s and 46Bs were in Swanson Channel. This evening we got to meet a very special little whale - T46B1B, nicknamed Tl'uk (meaning "moon" in the Bella Coola Coast Salish language). He's been in the headlines throughout the region due to his unique light coloration. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institue
Thu Jun 20 - Haro Strait - On the San Juan Clipper we saw perhaps the most wildlife in just our 2.5 hour excursion from Friday Harbor that I've ever seen! We encountered the T124A pod of Transient Killer Whales near Eagle Point, then a couple of Minke Whales at Salmon Bank, and topped it all off with Steller Sea Lions and Harbor Seals at Whale Rocks! This doesn't include all the Harbor Porpoise and Bald Eagles we saw on our northbound and southbound journey to and from Seattle! -Justine Buckmaster
Thu June 20 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - Barb Bland called to report whale sightings off West Beach Whidbey off Oak Harbor: Been seeing whales from my house offshore Fort Nuget Road, west of Oak harbor since the 5th of May from my house and a bit further south. House guest May 5th reported there was a whale...teenage gray (presume). Thursday June 20th, saw two whales, possibly 3rd.
MINKE WHALES - Thu Jun 20...then a couple of Minke Whales at Salmon Bank...Photo by Justine Buckmaster, Jun 20, 2019
Thu Jun 20 19:45 - Pod of ~6 dolphins southbound at Point Wells at 7:45 PM. Could not get a positive ID on species but was either Pacific white-sided dolphins or common dolphins. They played in our wake all of about 30 seconds then disappeared. -Justine Buckmaster
June 19
June 18
Tues Jun 18 - Rosario Strait - Left the T65As in the evening aiming down Rosario south of Alden but not going anywhere against the flood. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu, Maya's Legacy WW
ALASKA REPORT - Tue Jun 18 - Seward, Alaska-AK & AD resident pods in amongst 8-9 feeding humpbacks on a calm sunny day. (Out of area, but cool report from Whidbey friend - sb) -Al Lunemann
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue Jun 18 - Haro Strait - 17:56 - One Humpback sited going north past Stuart Is. West side. Location: 370 Southside Dr. Right along the shore. -Diana Friend
15:26 - Volunteering at Westside Preserve with San Juan Island Naturalist program. Seeing a humpback mid channel NB off of Lime Kiln. -Ariel Yseth
Tue Jun 18 - Possession Sound - 17:12 - John Miller w/ WS Ferries Ops called, MV Suquamish reports a single gray whale approx 1/2 mile WSW of Mukilteo ferry terminal w/general northbound direction.
June 17
BIGG'S TRANSIENTS - T137s - JUNE 17 - Mon Jun 17 - Puget Sound - T137s - 20:15 - Leaving Point No Point (PNP) with T's last seen heading NB toward Mutiny Bay mid-channel after passing within 500 yards of PNP. 19:40 - One of the T137s passing Point No Point heading out... -Donna Green Van Renselaar
19:50 - Point No Point. Orca pod diving / long down times. Pod that came over from Eglon! 4 to 5 (1 big male) Harbour porpoises all close up towards shore. Donna here taking pictures!!
19:17 - Eglon - 4 to 5 (1 male) Orcas + harbor porpoises in front of them! On the hunt!!!! -Andrew Muehling
19:17 - Orca. I can still see them up by Eglon. They are milling about. They are very close to the west side so I doubt you could see them from Edmonds unless you had a pretty good scope.
19:15 - Orca. Appear to be milling around very close to the west shore/Kitsap side in the Eglon area.
18: 50 - Orcas flipped again, NB past Apple Tree Point and heading to Eglon. Three of the four family members off Apple Tree Point, Kingston. Close to Kitsap shore.
18:25 - Orcas have paused. Kitsap side of shipping lane....They have flipped and are SW bound .
18:20 - Orcas approaching the Edmonds/Kingston ferry line. Mid channel, NB. -Sara Frey
18:25 - Now they look like they turned around and are moving south. Right in the ferry lane.
18:18 - Just now seeing two or three moving northbound mid channel between Edmonds and Apple Tree Point. -Andrew Dempsey
18:28 - Maija with WS Ferries Ops just called to report 2-3 orca headed northbound off Apple Tree Cove. Reported by the MV Walla Walla.
17:34 - Three orcas off President Point, south of Kingston, Kitsap side. Close in, trending north. -Joanne Graves
17:08 - Orca. Watching from Fay Bainbridge Park, they are steadily trending north, mid channel. Norh of Fay now...Kimberly Sylvester Malzahn
16:41 - Approaching Fay Bainbridge park between cruise ship Amsterdam and Bainbridge shore.
16:20 - Orca. just passed Skiff Point on Bainbridge. Maybe 3 orcas at least one male. Mid channel closer to Kitsap side moving steadily north. Heading toward Fay Bainbridge park next. T137A and downtown Seattle skyline. -Jim Reitz
14:45 - Orca. northbound off of Blakely rock. -Joe LaMarche
15:18 - From North Alki Park, orcas north of Bainbridge ferry lane, still on Kitsap side, seem to be stalled out milling around. Three back to back full breaches!
14:55 - Orca. Still steady NB, approaching Bainbridge ferry lane.
14:40 - Orca. Last spotted from North End of Alki Park, 3-4 including a large male, close to Kitsap side, north of restoration Point, approaching Blakely Rock steady NB, long dives. -Brittany Noelle
13:05 - Orca. Two whales just passed us about a mile south of the Southworth ferry dock. (Kitsap side) Large boat followed them quite close and is now near ferry dock. I have photo of boat if you would like to see it. -Virginia Anderson
12:45 -13:00 - Orca. Confirmed sighting, viewing from Corbin Beach, Vashon, 3 to 4 whales, more on the Kitsap side, heading north, lost sight just south of Southworth. Watched them travel all the way from Colvos Passage, to south of Southworth. WW boat and a lucky kayaker got some close views. No pics, but nice view with binoculars and scope from the Vashon side! -Norm Enger
We got word that the T137's were still down South of Seattle...we headed down, looked and looked, and could not find them. We had everybody on the boat looking on all sides, finally, we found them in Colvos Passage!! They went on a hunt, we think a seal, not the one pictured. After that, they started to celebrate the feast, right when I had technical difficulties with my camera, T137A Jack breached a number of times!! It turned out to be an epic day on the water!! -Janine Harles *
12:48 - Orca. Now heading north in Colvos.
12:38 - Orca. Found them in Colvos Passage (north end) heading South. -Janine Harles *
11:00 - Donna at WS Ferries Ops called to report 1/2 dozen orcas off head of Vashon (north end)...captain has slowed. Orcas heading northbound. *
07:57 - Saw a small pod of orcas over at Point Defiance Park. -Gregory Leak *
~ 06:00 - This morning around 6 AM I saw four orcas swimming near Fox Island. I was staying at a house on Fosdick Point in Gig Harbor whey I heard them so got out the binoculars to confirm. -Darlene Terry *
Mon Jun 17 - Boundary Pass - 14:19 - 9 transients in Boundary Pass off Stuart....They were going back and forth at the time, so no definitive direction. (ID'd as T46s and T46Bs - alb) -Sail the San Juans
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Mon Jun 17 - Strait of Georgia - Orca Sighting Monday June 17th 2019 ~0845 in Strait of Georgia. Today we encountered a pod of Orcas heading southbound in the Strait of Georgia at approximately 0845. We spotted 5-6 Orcas in what appeared to be circling/hunting prey....West/Northwest of Nanaimo and closer to the Vancouver side is where we spotted the pod. Our coordinates were approximately 49*12.576'N 123*37.692'W Please see the VIDEO attached. Hope this helps. (Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research reviewed the video: "Not sure who that is but they look well fed and happy.") -Michele and Bong Almeda, M/V Mabuhay
Hello, 8:41am this morning. We were southeast of Halibut Bank BC (49*11.75N 123*36.72W off Howe Sound in Georgia St.), believe there were at least 5-6 in the pod. They were traveling south/southeast. They put on an amazing show. Photo cred to our friends in boat behind us. -Andrea Gavalas-Pierantozzi
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Mon Jun 17 - CA - Saw these guys just north of Monterey CA . The locals said they were a transient pod and couldn't identify them...Phillip Patzer
(see VIDEO T34s, T37, T37Bs)
Very rare exotics! We encountered 8 Bigg's transients from Pacific NW today: T34s, T37, and T37Bs - including a very young calf! They hunted a probable harbor porpoise, then celebrated for 20 minutes: 20+ breaches, plus spyhops! T37 was previously seen off Crescent City, in 2011. (Thanks for ID assist, Jeanne Hyde!). Photos by Marine Biologist Colleen Talty. The three moms: T34 (background), T37 (tallest fin), and T37B (foreground). Monterey Bay, California. -Monterey Bay Whale Watch
Mon Jun 17 - WA - I received a sighting of killer whales from our Assistant District Biologist (Warren Michaelis) from Willapa Bay today. Here is the text from his observation: "We observed a small pod of Orcas at the entrance of Willapa Bay this morning. There was a large male, cow with calf, and two other animals I thought were sub-adults." The observation was at 0930 today. -Thanks, Joe Evenson, Waterfowl Survey and Sea Duck Specialist, WDFW
Mon Jun 17 - Eastern Juan de Fuca - 15:19 - There is still one grey whale off of West Beach Road, just north of Fort Nugent. Have seen him the last few days. -Deborah Bias
Mon Jun 17 - Saratoga Passage - 20:17 - Gray. At Irenella Point now.
19:08 - So excited to have a grey back, between Mabana and Irenella, close to shore, heading towards Irenella. -Lucinda Brezak
Mon Jun 17 - Port Susan - We have had multiple reports of at least one Gray Whale in Port Susan in the last couple of hours the most recent at 1:30PM of a gray mid channel heading north into Port Susan from the Camano Head area. Earlier Report about 10:30 had a Gray heading south from Tulare Beach. No photo ID at this point. -John C Storbeck
June 16
BIGG'S TRANSIENTS - 18:37 - Orca. T137s - JUNE 16 - Sun Jun 16 - Puget Sound - They just turned around heading north towards Cutts island. -Mac Sawicki
18:33 - Orca. Still traveling south closer to Kitsap side towards McNeil.
18:00 - Orca. mid channel more towards Kitsap side, southbound towards Fox Island. Many boats with them. (dropped pin coord. 47.279027. -122.733156). -Melissa Bird
17:41 - We can see them from our deck near Kopachuck, headed south with a cluster of boats far behind. -Cora Reuter Foster
17:38 - Orca. Now heading mid channel towards fox island.
17:23 - Orca. They are currently traveling south, toward Fox Island, still opposite side of Cutts, south of Kopachuck, we are in boat so hard to tell if you can see from Kopachuck. (map screen grab approx coord. 47.317292, -122.728193). -Kimberly Wenner
Sunday June 16 2019. For the second day in a row we have seen orcas in Henderson Bay, South Puget Sound. There were 3 heading north toward Purdy at 2:45. They were heading back south by 4:00 and were heading past Raft and Cutts Island by 4:15. Yesterday we saw two in the same area. Don't know if they were the same as yesterday. Today there was one male with a tall dorsal fin and two smaller whales. -Kevin Stroh
Orca (T137A) today in Carr Inlet. -Photo by Carl Albrecht, Jun 16, 2019
15:00 - Orca sighting today Henderson Bay. First picture was taken today around 3:00 pm Henderson Bay in shallow water below my neighbors house by the time I got to my camera. They were heading toward Purdy Spit. I saw only two at the time. A bit later the four were seen out in the middle of Henderson Bay and seemed to be hunting. Can you tell me if they are the same ones? These are the best picture I could take and zoomed in. I think the four were hunting and got something. I have a fuzzy picture of a smaller one spy hopping. -Terry Shovlowsky
16:30 - Orcas in Henderson Bay, east by raft island, heading south. Taken by Ingrid from our deck on the west side of Raft Island. -Photos by Ingrid Shumway, Jun 16, 2019
16:16 - Yes, they are still there. They are moving south toward the Inlet. But they are still north of Cutts Island
15:34 - Orca pod in Henderson Bay right now near Gig Harbor. -Chris Reed
11:20 - Orca. They just turned and headed back north-ish toward the east end of McNeil, after an epic feeding just offshore of the prison....We left the area at 11:30 - they changed direction a dozen times while we were there for about an hour...And yes, definitely eating seals. Threw one in the air a couple of times.
10:35 - Orca. Found them! On the move and on the hunt. The arrow is their general direction of travel. -Mia Bosetti (indicates angling SWerly between McNeil and Anderson Islands - alb)
~08:35 - Father's Day Morning, Carr Inlet - just outside of Home. Pretty sure boat in picture startled them. Pod was in 2 groups around us, we had no idea they were there. Headed out of sight around Fox Island towards Tacoma. -Kaitlyn Hermsen
Sat Jun 16 - ...south side of Moresby Island and we joined up with T77A. When we got on scene it seemed as though he was playing with a prawn pot or at least the small buoy to mark the pots location. The buoy would disappear almost every time the whale dove and for a while concerns came out that he might be entangled. A call had been made long before we arrived and a trained team was on scene to assess the situation. As they moved in to investigate T77A did a huge tail throw and it became clear he was definitely free of the prawn pot. He the celebrated a bit with a breach and a lot of tail slaps. It was clear that he was a very happy whale and very proud of himself. We waved goodbye to T77A "Saulitis" (named for researcher Eva Saulitis)...Island Adventures (Jun 16 day report link in humpback section)
Sun Jun 16 - OR - Update: ID confirmation! These are some of the T49Bs! We had Transient Orcas in Depoe Bay again. A pod of 2 females and one male were hunting a harbor seal. It was unclear if they were successful. -Whale Research Eco Excursions Facebook Post (forwarded by Alisa Schulman-Janiger)
Sun Jun 16 - Boundary Pass - 13:15 - Looks like 2 humpbacks off S Pender Island just east of Bedwell Harbor. -Mari Blakeslee Hauser
Sun Jun 16 - Juan de Fuca Strait...After the wildlife bonanza of Race Rocks, we made our turn back to the south and came across an active but elusive humpback whale, known as MMZ0041, a little closer to Port Angeles. This whale "cartwheeled" more than once and raised his/her flukes a few times too, which gave us a chance to identify it! After getting a few great looks at MMZ0041, we headed back to the dock and it was just in time as the wind began to pick up...Island Adventures
Sun Jun 16 - Port Susan - 19:20 - We have reports of a spout spotted in North Port Susan of Camano Island / near Iverson Beach, aka Long Beach, north of Barnum Point heading south. -John C Storbeck
15:12 - Gray. One is heading towards Kayak Point right now! -Sarah Kortekaas
10:05 - 2 grays spotted off of sunny shores in port Susan just now. Video shot from Tillicum Beach on Camano. (reviewed; shows distant heart-shaped blows -alb) -Ingrid Robaidek Degginger
We had an unidentified gray reported in Port Susan this morning about 10 am near McKees Beach heading south toward Tulare then lost mid channel. Maybe the gray seen near Everett in the Snohomish delta area yesterday. Didn't seem like he was finding feeding spots maybe looking for a way out to head north. -John C Storbeck
Sun June 16 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - ...we found 2 Gray Whales feeding in the shallows off the western side of Whidbey Island. -Photo by Justine Buckmaster, Jun 16, 2019
MINKE WHALES - Sun Jun 16 - Today on Saratoga we encountered around 4 Minke Whales actively feeding along with several birds near Partridge Bank and after hanging out with Steller Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and a Bald Eagle (not pictured) at Whale Rocks we found 2 Gray Whales feeding in the shallows off the western side of Whidbey Island. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
June 15
BIGG'S TRANSIENTS - T137s - Sat Jun 15 - Puget Sound - T137s - 19:00 - Orca. West end of McNeil. They're on the move again. Heading east, towards the Narrows. I'm on the boat and they're still far behind us...we're just getting to the tip of Fox Island that has the pier....yes big boat, I'm on our family boat...Amber Stanfill
Sat Jun 15 - ~10:50 - Orca. Just off the tip of Point Defiance. -Photo by Philip Denman, Jun 15, 2019
(Super close pass...here's T137A - alb)
19:00 - Orca. Dinner's over, they are moving on, heading toward Penrose State Park.
18:07 - Orca. Moving very slowly, seem to be feeding.
17:35 - Orca. Spotted in Carr Inlet just south of Kopachuck Park....On the west side of Carr Inlet, not moving very fast. -Sarah Richey Guenther
17:40 - Orca. Just west of Cutts Island. Headed back towards the Narrows. -Joy Donogh
~ 17:40 - This evening about 5:40 I was able to capture a few images of the orcas I reported to you earlier. They were east by Cutts Island, heading south. Enclosed are some of my images, taken from our deck on the west side of Henderson Bay, and a few miles out. -Ingrid Shumway
17:15 - Henderson Bay, South Puget sound sighting. Two orcas, one male and one smaller whale cruising south on Henderson Bay passing Raft Island. 5:15 PM on June 15, 2019. -Kevin Stroh
17:05 - T137s heading back out of Purdy Spit, Henderson Bay. -Photo by Alexis Woerdehoff, Jun 15, 2019
16:38 - Orcas turned and are heading back out. Looks like a young male with the big boy. Viewing from Purdy Spit still. Almost straight across from us.
16:20 - Orca. we see at least 4, three females/immature males and one large bull. Two boats following. Heading straight into the Spit.
16:17 - Orcas are heading toward Purdy. Can see a huge male mid channel, viewing from Purdy Spit. -Amy Bliss-Miller
15:20 - Had a friend post on their Instagram stories. About 3:20 orcas near Fox Island heading north. (Carr Inlet) Toward Purdy. -Jordan Faker
We watched the orcas from about 1400 - 1600 up Carr inlet and close to Purdy, off and on. Here are a few photos I got that may help with identification (previously ID'd as T137s - alb.) The youngest offspring T137D. As mentioned above, it was a group of 4 with a large bull. They stuck to the west side of the bay and appears to be hunting (with some eagles flying around them as they milled around). -Jolena Tagg
12:56 - These 3 are (orcas) moving West pretty quickly...looks like they are headed that way toward Henderson Bay. We are mid Fox Island facing Carr Inlet so can't see Henderson Bay from here-but they were definitely heading that way!
12:44 - Orcas at southeast Carr Inlet mid channel between Fox Island and McNeil Island! -Charlene Welty
12:30 - My sister Sara Best on Fox Island just saw the transients between there and McNeil closer to the Fox Island side! Heading west I believe. -Kelly Lauricella
~ Noon - Orca. We saw them around 12PM headed south. They were off the top of Fox Island, typically lots of porpoises and dolphins around and i'm pretty sure they were hunting one because they would circle back around. -Matt Carr
11:59 - Orca. Just north of fox island very close to fox island at very tip of Henderson bay. Appear to be hunting. -Justin Foster
11:31 - Seeing orcas in the distance from Titlow Beach. They are heading south in the Narrows at a good pace and they are closer to the west side of the Narrows. -Connor O'Brien
T137s in the Narrows - across from Titlow Beach. -Photo by Ashley Whitman, Jun 15, 2019
~11:30 - Taken from the Narrows Beach this morning (super zoomed in camera). -Photo by Heidi Armstrong, Jun 15, 2019
11:28 - Orca. 4-5 Heading south under the Narrows bridge. -Andrea Reubel Walker
11:00 - Right now T137s are close to Point Evans moving quickly towards the Narrows bridge.
10:47 - The T137s have rounded Point Defiance headed toward the Tacoma Narrows bridge. -Justine Buckmaster
10:21 - Orca. Watching three from ferry. They are headed towards point Ruston close to shore. -Meghan Davis
09:05 - Good morning - we have reports of orcas off Gold Beach on Maury at 9:05 headed south. -Amy Carey
~ 08:30 - Orcas sighted this morning around 8:30AM off the Vashon Lighthouse. -Alex Gilman
Sat Jun 15 - Juan de Fuca Strait...bait ball with lots of bird activity right out of the harbor when the captain spotted a blow not far out of Port Angeles. Unfortunately a large cargo ship was dropping off a pilot and the humpback whale did a disappearing act on us never to be seen again. We continued on northeast towards the rockpile, an area know for abundant life and sure enough we encountered another humpback whale or perhaps the same one. She turned put to be none other than BCY0324 Big Mama and we watched her for quite awhile as she feed making huge circles all around us. Island Adventures, June 15 reports and images HERE.
We had a fun nautical adventure today! After visiting Race Rocks with seals, sea lions and Ollie the sea otter we found a lunge feeding humpack whale in shallow waters close to shore feeding on bait fish....Sweet! This is MMY0077 "Trifecta" thank you Tasli Shaw & Erin Johns Gless for the quick identification within a minute of each other...Paul Pudwell
Sat Jun 15 - Puget Sound - 18:06 - Humpback. Heading east now close to mid channel.
17:55 - Humpback right in front of Point No Point headed south hugging Kitsap side close to shore. -Melinda Barajas
Sat Jun 15 - Snohomish River - 16:32 - Currently a whale, likely a gray in Snohomish River around Dagmars. Quite large. Coming up every minute or so. -Dar Crisp
14:29 - Whale spotted in Snohomish River-before Everett Marina-14 ft water at sighting. Not orca possible gray. -Jennifer Parkhurst
June 14
Fri Jun 14 - Admiralty Inlet/Puget Sound - T137s - 15:45 - Orcas in Possession Sound 3/4 mile south of Hat Island halfway between Whidbey and Everett. Very close to small motor boat that is not moving. Three, including one male; too far away for further ID; very active, possibly feeding? Lucky boaters....They moved slowly from Whidbey side, and then stayed where I reported for at least 20 minutes being very active. We had to leave home to head for the event in Coupeville. They were still there when we left. -Sue Ellen White.
15:00 - 4 orcas off Mukilteo Beach. -Photo by Cathy, June 14, 2019
10:40 - Saratoga is on scene with the T137s. They made a quick kill of a harbor seal at Mutiny Bay and are now quickly southbound at the mouth of Usesless Bay. Sorry we left them shortly after that and never reacquired them. -Justine Buckmaster
10:38 - Look who we have now in Admiralty, out from Mutiny Bay currently predating. 47.966995, -122.560947
09:42 - The offspring of T137 southbound Admiralty Inlet south of Bush Point. They're approaching Mutiny Bay. Steady SB travel. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
Fri Jun 14 - Admiralty Inlet - T123s & T65Bs. 19:05 - 4 to 5 orcas between Pt Townsend and the point. No direction of travel. Maybe on a kill. -Bill Pippine
~13:50 - We found the T123s and T65Bs just south of Marrowstone Island going north about 40 minutes ago. -Photo by Justine Buckmaster, Jun 14, 2019
09:25 - Report of 4 orcas heading south in Admiralty Inlet, south of Bush Point lighthouse, I male, 3 others, closer to Whidbey side. -From Tip Gordon and Anna Singh Deo.
Fri Jun 14 - Juan de Fuca Strait - T065A's east bound through Race Passage on the morning. -Photo by Mark Malleson, 2019
With an early report of orca off Sooke this morning we were excited to get out on the water and it was a great encounter with Transient Killer Whales T077a, T038a's, T065a's & T035a's first found just west of Race Rocks heading eastbound. -Paul Pudwell
(ID's by Mark Malleson)
Fri Jun 14 - San Juans - T49As - all SJWW
(T49As per Sarah McCullagh)
14:01 - Orca. now it seems like they're heading south
13:40 - Transients at Lime Kiln Lighthouse...they're heading out, neither north or south. -Jessica Huerta
12:30 - Ts Eagle Point northbound, possibly T49As.
~ 08:15 - Orcas seen near Eagle Point this morning, possibly northbound. -Monika Wieland Shields
Fri Jun 14 - Haro Strait - Orcas seen near Eagle Point this morning, possibly northbound, around 8:15. Keep your eyes peeled and let us know if you see anything! -Monika Wieland Shields
Fri Jun 14 - Juan de Fuca Strait - We started our journey heading north and not long into the trip a passenger spotted our first whale, a humpback whale. It turned out to be one of our favorite whales BCY0324 Big Mama just arriving from Hawaii to our waters. Welcome home Big Mama!!!... Island Adventures, June 14 reports and images HERE.
Fri Jun 14 - San Juan Channel - 13:00 - Three humpbacks in San Juan Channel between Pear Point and Fisherman Bay...They appear to be slowly southbound. -Monika Wieland Shields
WSF called at 12:05 - MV Tillicum out of Friday Harbor reports 2 humpback whales southbound at Reid Rocks.
...So we raised sails to head South. However out of the blue came Humpback whales BCY0160 'Heather' and BCY0458 'Raptor' passing Friday Harbor.. We sailed from Reid Rock to Turn Island and it was beautiful to hear the blows of these huge majestic mammals as they slowly paralleled us...Barbara & David Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
Fri Jun 14 - Puget Sound - 12:15 - Humpback. We found that whale again, about a mile off of Edmonds, headed Southwest long down times. -Brian McGinn
09:18 - Humpback. Correction, it looks more eastbound on second viewing.
09:08 - Humpback. The San Juan Clipper has spotted this whale in Browns Bay. Looks to be NB, towards Possession Point. -James Greenway
We saw a humpback whale on theKingston/Edmonds ferry today around 5:50 am, ten minutes from docking in Edmonds. He was headed opposite direction. Kristen Moon
05:46 - John Miller with WS Ferries called to report a humpback in the vicinity of their Edmonds/Kingston run. Observed by the MV Walla Walla on the eastern side of the northbound shipping lanes. Not known if milling or direction.
June 13
Thu Jun 13 - Juan de Fuca Strait - This was posted at 1:09 On Thursday June 13 - my mother spotted them off Bullman Beach at Neah Bay. Let me know if you would like any further details. I'm not sure if anyone reported this so wanted to send. Thanks for all you do! (orcas, 7+ heading westbound. See Bullman Beach Inn report below - alb) Jennifer Blume, Seattle, Wa
Chris - our Chief of Horizon Scanning in Room #5, yells: "Orca!!" just beyond the kelp line, a BIG pod, at least seven, possibly more, cruisin.' Magic. I still hold my breath when they dive, exhale when they do ...What the poet Jim Harrison said of porpoises rings true for Orca: (they) "dance for as long as they live. You can do nothing for them. They alter the universe." -Scott Hartman, Bullman Bay Inn at Neah Bay
Thu Jun 13 - Hood Canal - 19:15 - My in-laws saw what was likely a gray whale or a humpback from their property on Hood Canal this evening at 7:15pm 1.5 miles north of Hoodsport. They said it "was breaching then rolling and spouting. Very large (compared to orcas) and grey color. Awesome!" I believe it was headed north when they saw it. -Kelly Lauricella
I saw a humpback in Hood Canal this morning, traveling northerly near the eastern shore off Rendsland Creek and Musqueti Point. There were several distinct Lobtailing slaps and large blows, before the whale disappeared to the north....I did not have a camera to get a photo of the sighting, but I do have a corroborating witness, we were on the beach doing crab survey for Washington Sea Grant at that time. There were also several tribal shrimp boats (Skokomish) in the area, too....The sighting was uncommon to say the least!! The lobtailing was pretty incredible-in fact it was a loud tail slap that first alerted me. We then saw several blows and more lobtailing over about a five minute span. -Kevin Stoops
08:07 - Neighbors on the North Shore by Rendsland's Creek called me at 8:07 to report the whale(s) breaching at Potlatch. They thought it was more than one whale. Pretty cool! -Karla Oman
Thu Jun 13 - Puget Sound - MMX0049 - Notes by Tasli Shaw re: MMX0049: "Nice identification, this whale has not been documented in the Salish Sea since 2016. Nice new markings on the fluke as well."
20:30 - a humpback is circling mid channel off of Shilshole. We did not get a close look but assume it's the same individual. -Justine Buckmaster
Posted 15:30 - While watching the fire, I saw a fluke in front of Shilshole about 15 minutes ago (~15:30). -Susie Cunningham Bravo
12:14 - Humpback. We have made a circle pointing back towards Port Madison, 2 miles SSE of Jefferson head
11:37 - Humpback. 3 miles or so due north of Shilshole. -Trevor Tillman
10:28 - Humpback off President Point, toward the north, toward mid channel, Kitsap side. Saratoga is with it. Trending south. -Joanne Graves
Nice day with Humpback "Shell" MMX0049 off Pt. Jefferson/Kitsap. Saw 3 breaches, then pec slaps, moving in big circles around the boat. On the way back to Pt. Townsend, two harbor seals doing x-rated activities! Not much wind to the south, compared to big winds to the north! -Bonnie Gretz
Humpback seen South of Kingston 6/13, identified as MMX0049 Shell.. taken aboard Saratoga. -Janine Harles
Humpback "Shell" - photo taken around 10:20am this morning, aboard Saratoga. Was southbound at this point, between Edmonds and Kingston. 600mm telephoto lens. -Jim Reitz
Orca Network alerted WSF Ops of the humpback's presence. Mike from WSF Ops just called back at 09:58 to relay report from MV Walla Walla who had wildlife sighting of unknown species in Apple Tree Cove, now presumed to be the humpback.
SJC left this animal at 0920, in traffic lanes headed SW, towards Apple Tree Cove. Identified as Shell, MMX0049. -James Greenway
9:03 Humpback off of north Edmonds. Clipper on site. Seems to be trending south. -Michelle Goll
June 12
Wed Jun 12 - Orca sighting Port Angeles, in Port Angeles Harbor. Taken from Facebook report: "This is what was reported off a Radio Konp 1450 NEWS report. Debi Millet sent us a couple of photos she took of the orca pod during their visit to Port Angeles Harbor on Wednesday. Note the calf in the first picture. Thank you Debi!" -Larry Bennett, WDFW, Port Angeles
(ID'd as the T77s - alb)
San Juan Channel - A sweet pass from T123A Stanley this afternoon - taken from shore right near Friday Harbor. -Photos by Monika Wieland Shields, Jun 12, 2019
12:59 - T123s Just passed Point Caution, They were mid-channel (southbound). -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
BIGG'S TRANSIENT KILLER WHALES - Wed Jun 12 - 12:30 - T123s heading south in San Juan Channel along San Juan shoreline, currently a couple miles north of Friday Harbor. -Monika Wieland Shields
Wed Jun 12 - Another day, another chubby baby transient killer whale - this one ~9 month old T123D. San Juan Channel. -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields.
Wed Jun 12 - CA - More "Exotic" Bigg's transients: the T99s were off Eureka CA! Fishermen Gary Friedrichsen and Bob Lockett encountered 4+ orcas between 9:45-10:20: photos confirm T99, T99B, and T99C! The T99s are typically seen in the Pacific NW: I last saw them off San Juan Island on 21 July 2018 - with CA40 and CA137! Photo: T99B, by Bob Lockett. Wow! -Alisa Schulman-Janiger
June 11
Tue Jun 11 - T49As - These were the T49As and they ended up going west through Harney Channel and then north up San Juan Channel....They went through Pole Pass - cool to see! -Monika Wieland Shields
18:13 - Maija with WS Ferries Ops called to relay report of 4 orcas hanging out off the Orcas Island ferry dock.
16:15 - Two orcas coming out of Eastsound. Waiting for id's. -April Ryan
14:20 - Hi, Standing at water's edge today about 2:20 p.m., we had four Orca whales near shore in front of my house. This shoreland in East Sound is about 1 or 2 miles just before the Village of Eastsound. This was very surprising as they never come here. After they left, a seal popped up...guess he escaped a fate today. Four photos attached. -All the best, Ann DeKay, Bronson Way, Eastsound, WA
Tue Jun 11 - 14:35 - Orcas traveling northbound up President channel on the Orcas side. Approaching Doughty. (T124As, incl. 124A1) -Roaxane Jackson Johnson
12:00 - One group is now heading north towards Boundary Pass from Green Point and the other is northbound off Henry Island.
10:15 -Multiple groups of orcas on the west side northbound - one report of 4-5 north of County Park, and another at Land Bank now. Sounds like it's Ts. -Monika Wieland Shields
Hannah Heights orcas: 10:15 am today large male and 4 smaller heading west towards Lime Kiln. Could have been passing thru. They surfaced 3 times in the 2 mile view we have. -Happy day, Tom Sheehan
Tue Jun 11 - OR - Jim Wangelin called to report seeing 3 orcas including one large, the morning of June 11th in Spanish Head, just S of Lincoln City, OR.
GRAY WHALES - Tue Jun 11 - Port Susan - 18:53 - Port Susan Whale Watchers Gary Lingenfelter, Nicole VIenneau, and Connie Kuhn are tracking Shackleton the Gray moving between Country Club and Warm Beach. Earlier Reports had him at Kayak at 2:45PM. Last report about 5 minutes ago had Shackleton turning back from Pirates Cove and heading toward Kayak Point. Latest Report from Gary Lingenfelter is that Shackleton has passed by Kayak Point and is heading towards Warm Beach! It appears he is swimming laps around the north end of Port Susan....John C Storbeck
11:42 - ...He's (21) now further out in deeper water heading south.
11:30 - (Gray 21) The Shackster is back. Having lunch at Mountain View Beach. About 200 yards out. Not heading in any particular direction. -Patrick Early
Tue Jun 11 - Possession Sound - 18:27 - Possible grey off Jetty Island near the naval station, Tuesday 6/11 at 6:27pm. Heart shaped blows. Looks like just one. -Jana Hyde
June 10
Mon Jun 10 - Around 6:30 pm today, a group of 4 orca went slowly westward through Active Pass. Photos taken from the shore of Galiano Island. I have been told they are the T123s. Please confirm. -Karoline Cullen
(T123s confirmed by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research)
Mon Jun 10 - What another great day with Transient Killer Whales south of Sooke! The T073a's & T075's (Id Mark Malleson) were traveling inbound in the Juan De Fuca Strait. -Paul Pudwell
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Mon Jun 10 - Oregon - Hello ... reporting an Orca sighting today, 06-10-19, approximately 8:30 a.m., a couple hundred yards offshore of "Devil's Punchbowl" at Otter Rock, Oregon. Photos attached (I shot some pretty good video, too, but will need to edit and upload that before it's possible to share it). It was difficult to get a definitive count because they were so active (and I had my eyeball embedded in camera viewfinder), but there were at least 4 animals in the pod; the largest male breached completely out of the water at one point. They had caught a harbor seal in open water and were batting it around (I couldn't tell if they ultimately killed it, but a dozen of so gulls were swooping in close as if to scoop up pieces of something?). After 10 minutes or so with the seal, they resumed moving north again, headed toward Depoe Bay. -Howard Shippey, South Beach, OR
(ID notes: "Looks like T068Cs.", Jared Towers, DFO)
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon Jun 10 - Central Puget Sound - 17:00 Confirm humpback (juvenile). Now half mile north of Alki, southbound. 5 breaths and dive.
16:35 - baleen whale (looked like humpback, but was in glare) 1 mile north of Alki point, eastbound toward Elliot Bay. seen from the sailing vessel Obsession. - Joey LaMarche
GRAY WHALES - Mon Jun 10 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 10:20 the whale headed back out to open waters! -Jayme Walker
~ 09:30 - At least 2 Gray whales off Cliffside beach at NAS Whidbey. Looks like now heading NE. They stopped for a while to feed. Saw several pectoral fin displays. -Kris Holley
Mon Jun 10 - Port Susan - Shackleton is still here. The first shot was taken last week, the second, today at about 8:45AM. Almost always moves north past Kayak Point, then into the intertidal zone to feed, moving towards Warm Beach. Today he seems to be moving more slowly and not feeding as aggressively as normal. Is he the only sounder still around? Hope he's OK. -Gary Lingenfelter
Mon Jun 10 - Puget Sound - 2 grays heading north thru Colvos Pass, Gig Harbor side. Can't confirm the second (as gray) as it was to far away, but it was weird because they were acting funny coming right up to the boat while we where fishing and it literally went all the way into the beach as in it was almost all the way up to the shore line under 10 ft of water. But as they both headed north up thru Colvos they where both tracking north together only maybe 20 yards or so apart. -Janssen Olson
(video confirms at least one of the whales was a gray - see frame grab below - alb)
Mon Jun 10 - Possession Sound - 10:40 - My husband, Don Fernandez, caught this video at 10:40a southeast of Hat heading east. Sadly he hit stop recording just before tail fluke and a dive! Looks like a gray. -Lori Christopher
(yes did look like a gray, barnacled head etc -alb)
MINKE WHALES - Mon Jun 10 - There were two minkes south of Cattle Point. -Pete Ancich
14:45 - From what I can see through binoculars from Cattle Point Lighthouse it looks like there's at least one minke a mile or two south from the lighthouse with whale watching boats around. -Alex McIntire
June 9
While I was kayaking at Kluxewe resort (9 km north of Port McNeil, BC on the northern end of Vancouver Island) I saw a pod of 8 orca killer whales on June 9, 2019 at 4:00pm. I think they were transient meat eating whales as the salmon were not in this area yet. -Photos by Rick Rosatte, Ennismore, ON
(Female is T109. Male could be T69C. IDs by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research)
Sun Jun 9 - We were excited to share the beauty of our backyard today with a group of all Sookies! These Transient / Biggs Killer Whales T49A's were heading west past Race Rocks Light House...great to sea the Olympic Mountains in the background. -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal
T49A pod moving west, north of Port Angeles. -Mike Beasely
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Sun Jun 9 - Strait of Georgia - ~18:00 - One mother and one calf spotted in the Sechelt inlet by Sandy Hook at approximately 6 pm. -Cara Ueland
Sun Jun 9 - Haro Strait - 09:06 - Hearing some big breaths near Landbank, sounds like a humpback. -Pat McEvoy
Sun Jun 9 - North Puget Sound - 10:00 - Humpback south of Scatchet head, south Whidbey island. Circling and feeding. -Brian McGinn
Sun Jun 9 - South Puget Sound - 12:29 - Humpback at Owen Beach (Tacoma). Saw twice, traveling east towards pt. Defiance ferry terminal. -Michelle Penick
Sun Jun 9 - Port Susan - 09:36 - Good morning! Gray between Cavalero and Warm Beach. -Katrina Caceres
Sun Jun 9 - Northern Puget Sound - 12:34 - Grey whale off Possession Point headed north towards Glendale... 100% a grey. -Toby Black
Sun Jun 9 - Puget Sound - 21:30 - 22:00 - Whale we watched for about a half hour off the West shore of Day Island Sunday June 9 between 9:30 and 10:00 pm or so. No apparent direction. Surfaced about 15 times in our area within earshot. This is a screenshot from the video I posted here (below). -Karen Caldwell
(Frances Robertson, Northeast Pacific Minke Whale Project, reviewed Karen's video: "This is certainly a minke! Nice video (not clear enough to help with an ID I'm afraid.")
Yesterday (9th) at around 3:50 P.M. I saw what I now believe to be a minke whale in Dalco Passage off Owen Beach. I only saw it surface twice and the second time it surfaced I managed to catch this picture before it disappeared. It was headed northwest just 100 yards off shore. I wasn't sure what it was at first as it was too large to be a porpoise and the dorsal fin didn't seem to fit with anything I had seen before. While this picture does make it seem small, I think that's just because most of the whale was underwater at the time I took this picture. -Connor O'Brien
WHALES - SPECIES UNCONFIRMED - Sun Jun 9 - Haro Strait - 09:06 - Hearing some big breaths near Landbank, sounds like a humpback...looked for it to no avail, but definitely heard breaths. -Pat McEvoy
June 8
Sat Jun 8 - 19:50 - Just saw three orca mid channel between Blakely and Decatur from the ferry! -Sara Vogan Geiger
June 8, 2019 - At Jones Island we met the T49As, Transient/Biggs Orca family, who'd come inter-island and through Pole Pass...Barbara & David Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
15:00 - Sounds like they are southbound in Haro near Halibut Island.
13:20 - It's the T49As and they are just exiting Spieden Channel heading west.
10:15 - orcas westbound off the Orcas Island ferry landing. -Monika Wieland Shields
Sat Jun 8 - Strait of Georgia - Mom/baby orca 1355 06/08 - Georgia Strait: Got a call from Eric Young re: a mom and baby orca, with a hint of pink on its belly, swimming south in Georgia Strait, within 50' of their sailboat, between Bull Island and Lasqueti Island, near the south end of Texada Island. No photos. No other whales seen.
Sat Jun 8 - South Puget Sound - 09:47- I believe it was a humpback moving nice and smooth under the Narrows Bridge heading south. -Andrea Reubel Walker
Sat Jun 8 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - ~14:00 - As I was heading to the Samish Indian Nation Cultural Days at Deception Pass Park (Bowman Beach) I accidentally went into Deception Pass Park, West beach and there were 2 grays not far off shore heading south quickly. took a few photos from my vehicle. guy working concession stand said he had been watching 3. both PSE and another WW boat were with them. this was around 2 pm? or so. I do have a few photos, not the best tho for ID. will post soon...Marilyn Armbruster
Sat Jun 8 - Puget Sound - 16:16 - Gray whale just passed the Edmonds fishing pier, heading quickly south. I am certain it was a gray, someone caught a video of it from the pier. -Krystal Lynn
Sat Jun 8 - Puget Sound - 8:26 - Mike from WSF Ops called to report a whale sighting about 1.5 N of Alki Point unknown type or direction. Saw the whale breach out of the water, vessel could see it.
Sat Jun 8 - Pod feeding in Strait of Georgia between English Bay and Bowen Island. -Photo by Ralph Herten, Jun 8, 2019
June 7
Fri Jun 7 - Sounds like this was the one individual T124C (off San Juan Isl). -Traci Walter
15:00 - Ts off Land Bank west side now (San Juan Island). -Bethany Ryals
Fri Jun 7 - 15:10 - T49As. Now heading north up Rosario. -Monika Wieland Shields
13:20 - Small group of orcas in MacKaye Harbor an hour ago. -Joyce Lyster
13:00 - Traveling from MacKaye Harbor towards Iceberg Point. -Sally Reeve
12:14 - They are near McKay Harbor. T049As. -Pete Ancich
11:00 Small group of killer whales in Cattle Pass, unsure of direction of travel. -Monika Wieland Shields
Fri Jun 7 - North Puget Sound - 19:31 - Humpback whale moving south at a quick pace past Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. Up for a few breaths, down for about 5 minutes, then up again for a few breaths, and haven't see him since. Nice fluke dive. -Anastasia Nicolov
Just wanted to report a humpback whale sighting today just off of Richmond Beach in Shoreline Washington. Watched the whale from about 10:30 AM until noon on Friday, June 7, 2019. Looks like a pretty small humpback whale. I have attached 2 videos of it. Flukes at the end. -Thanks, Laura Decker
12:08 - Humpback. (reported as Grey whale) just north of Richmond Beach and (thankfully) way south of the Edmonds-Kingston ferry route. Swimming south again, back towards the research buoy, where it's been hanging out for awhile this AM, according to our neighbor. -Karen Jeanne Rutter
June 6
Thu Jun 6 - We wanted to share photos of the T65B's and T137's after hunting and sharing a meal as they were passing Friday Harbor northbound approx 6:30pm. Pretty cool! -Cheers, Barbara and David Howitt, All Aboard Sailing.
Hello, 12:35 - Watching orca T137s and others, about 5...supposedly T65Bs too! These pictures were taken today off of Burrows Island/Washington Park today around 12:40pm while out with Capt. Drew on Outer Island Excursions. I believe it's T137A and family. We also saw them off the South Western tip of Lopez Island about 3pm. Have a great evening. (T137s and T65Bs -alb) -David Haeckel
12:09 - Found em again, as did a whale watching tour, in front of Burrows still slowly headed towards Anacortes.
11:44 - Still hanging around in between Allen Island and south Lopez. Closer to Allen.
11:25 - (direction of travel eastbound) towards Anacortes, they're near Allen Island right now, moving slowly against the current. And there's a baby!!!
11:09 - Orcas moving across the south end of Lopez Island right now!! At least one male, several females, and looks to be a juvenile or two!! -Morgan Chasson
Th Jun 6 - Western Juan de Fuca Strait - I took these photos of a single whale on 6-6-29 afternoon between Bullman Beach/Creek and Snow Creek, near Neah Bay, WA. Selected these photos for id purpose, I hope. -Maureen
(This gray is a match to the whale in Sooke Harbor on May 17th who was included in our May 25th Whale Sighting Report)
ID notes by Alie Perez, Cascadia Research: "Yep definitely the same individual, thanks for the photos! I hadn't given it an ID yet but now that I have a repeat sighting and know it has been hanging around the area for a length of time I just made this one CRC2257."
Thu Jun 6 - On Thursday's full-day cruise to San Juan Island, we found some very shy minke whales around Partridge Bank. We then took a look at tufted puffins off Smith Island, and a few more minkes feeding among a huge bait ball off Hein Bank...Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist, Puget Sound Express
June 5
Wed Jun 5 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 12:47 - Blow spout directly west of Whidbey Island on the Naval Base now about 50 yards off shore. Hard to tell whether grey or (other) baleen whale (I'm relatively new at this). -Kes Andrius
(presumably gray whale - alb)
June 4
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - June 4 - Florence, OR - Today, this just past noon. Orcas on the Siuslaw River in Florence again! 4th year in a row I was able to videotape them here. Not sure if there was 3 or 4. (I see 4 - alb) -Deborah Heldt Cordone
(ID notes Melisa Pinnow, CWR: "Ts, but it is not clear who.")
Tue Jun 4 - Siuslaw River, Florence, OR - Supplemental photos to the report & video shared by Deborah Heldt Cordone of the pod in Siuslaw River, Florence Oregon included in our last Whale Report.
(Members of the T050s in the Siuslaw River, OR. -IDs by Jared Towers, DFO)
GRAY WHALES - Tue Jun 4 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 10:52 - It's still here feeding. I can't get a good photo though. -Lacie Anne
10:23 - 2019 newbie gray whale CRC2256 off West Whidbey Island. Gray whale still in same general area. Feeding just beyond the surf on this blustery day.
09:52 - Gray whale feeding off Joseph Whidbey State Park. -Rachel Haight
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks via ID images provided by Cascadia Research)
Tue June 4 - Port Susan - 14:10 -14:20 - Gray whale spotted at Pirates Cove first heading south around 4:10, then changed course and traveled NW towards the Country Club. -Josh Mitchell, Camano WW page
June 3
Mon Jun 3 - Eastern Juan de Fuca Strait - 20:00 - Unidentified whale (probably a gray?) off of West Beach, Oak Harbor, 8:00 on, trending very slowly southward...a lot of good blows! All the waves out there made it hard to identify, but good strong blows abounded. pretty close in! -Teri Bozeman
15:50 - Maija at WS Ferries Ops just call to report a gray whale in Admiralty Inlet off Port Townsend heading northbound.
Mon Jun 3 - Port Susan - 16:45 - 17:30 - Linda Thompson lives on the bluff between Kayak Point and Warm Beach, she reports first hearing a whale below the bluff between 16:15-16:45. They then walked down part way and could see a gray whale swimming and engaged in what appeared to be typical feeding behavior (moving along with pec and fluke fins exposed). The whale moved on.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon Jun 3 - Anacortes: We started off the dock with a slight breeze and reports of some possible whales way up North! As we made our way through Guemes Channel we decided to turn North and go up through Bellingham Channel. It turns out we made the right call because not too long after we turned a humpback whale was found off of Saturna Island!...Clare. Excerpted from Island Adventures June 3 Blog Report
Mon Jun 3 - Puget Sound - Small whale sighted. Yesterday afternoon (3rd) , maybe 3 to 4 pm. Dumas Bay area in Federal Way. It wasn't huge, as best as I could tell (seen from a distance and height) perhaps the length of a car or van. Swimming beneath the surface, back surfaced briefly, and appeared to be alone, and fairly close to shore which is why I'm worried about her. Or him. Did not look like an orca, and we got a clear look at the tail for a moment, and Yep, by god, that is definitely a whale. I don't know what else to report, as I am not an experienced judge of distance or size. -Thanks, Amy Tucker
Mon Jun 3 - Puget Sound - 3 to 4 pm. Dumas Bay area in Federal Way. It wasn't huge, as best as I could tell (seen from a distance and height) perhaps the length of a car or van. Swimming beneath the surface, back surfaced briefly, and appeared to be alone, and fairly close to shore which is why I'm worried about her. Or him. Did not look like an orca, and we got a clear look at the tail for a moment, and Yep, by god, that is definitely a whale. I don't know what else to report, as I am not an experienced judge of distance or size. -Thanks, Amy Tucker
June 2
BIGG'S TRANSIENT KILLER WHALES - Sun June 2 - The little cute little kid, T46B1B. It will be interesting to see how the coloration changes (or if it does) as the whale gets older. Taken north of Nanaimo on our all-day trip. -Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, Maya's Legacy WW, Jun 2, 2019
June 2 - Tillamook Bay, OR - 19:00 - VIDEO - A pod of Orcas taken from the CG 47252 at 7PM today. Mouth of Tillamook Bay Oregon. (ID notes Melisa Pinnow, CWR: "They are Ts but I can't tell who they are.") -U.S. Coast Guard Station, Tillamook Bay
Sun Jun 2 - Port Susan - 15:38 - Whale north towards beach 2 center of bay.
15:23 - Grey whale south of Country Club. Beach 3. -Daphne Ketchum Blom, Camano WW page
Sun Jun 2 - ...Constance Bank, we were in the company of at least 2, maybe 3 humpback whales. First, we witnessed a rambunctious calf who seemed to be more interested in playtime than anything else and even took to the air in a breach, more than once! Shortly after, mom went on a few dives, and thanks to a quick glimpse of the fluke, and the help of Tasli, another naturalist in the area, we were able to confirm this whale as MMZ0004 Zephyr. We could see a lot of white from the pectoral flippers underwater as they slowly swam past the boat. A quick look through a few photos showed that there was, in fact, another whale with this cow/calf pair, only, who was it? After mom and calf went on a bit of a deeper dive, so did whale number 3 and we then had ID confirmation. It was a well known and beloved whale named "Two Spot (CS631aka CRC16017)"!!...Renee
Anacortes: Our search took us up to Boundary Pass where we found two humpback whales! It was double trouble with Stitch (MMX0167) and Divot (BCX1057). They were showing off their powerful flukes with each deep dive...Sam, Port Angeles & Anacortes excerpted from Island Adventures June 2 Blog Reports
June 1
Sat Jun 1 - This is our exciting encounter with the little white whale, little pale-white whale T46B1B and family on our Outer Islands Excursions trip last Saturday....We were off the east side of Vancouver Island sometime between 5:00 and 5:30 pm on Saturday June 1. The pod was headed north and we had followed them for a while. A BC ferry going at a fast clip passed over where we expected the pod to surface next, but the pod evidently moved west of the ferry's position and surfaced right in our path, coming straight at us. -Joy Kane
Sat Jun 1 - The T046B's spent almost hardly moved for 24 hours and hung out around the mouth of Saanich Inlet. Tas and I went out this morning and hung out with the very energetic matriline. Lots of surface active behaviours, playing with prawn trap floats and surface vocals! Here is T046B3 taking to the sky. T46B3 Photo by Gary Sutton, Jun 1, 2019
3 Transient Orcas in Satellite Channel/Sannich Inlet. Have been here for the past week, witnessed them and a poor seal. Also, many (at least 20 different whale watching boats at different times) coming to see the whales just on Sat. -Karen Gray
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Sat Jun 1 - Hello, I live on Gabriola Island at the northwest end of Pylades Channel, just before False Narrows (a narrow channel between Gabriola and Mudge Island). Last night (June 1st) between 7:00 and 7:30 I saw at least three orcas, possibly four, heading west through False Narrows towards Nanaimo. One had a large dorsal fin so was probably a male.This is the second time I have seen orcas transiting False Narrows at high tide, although they have been seen by others going through on numerous occasions. For the whales! -Margaret Davison
Sat Jun 1 - Depoe Bay, OR - 21:22 - Any way of knowing what pods are near Depoe Bay Oregon? We just saw 4 or 5 northbound from Depoe Bay. I have video but no way to edit or upload it. -Jim Clark
Sat Jun 1 - Port Susan - More pics from 4:00 north of Kayak Point in Port Susan. Big counterclockwise Loop and about 20 minutes feeding in the shallows. We were at least 100 yards and in 15-20 feet so it was in very shallow water. -Steve DeKoekkoek
Sat Jun 1 - Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge - 20:42 - Gray whale half mile north of Alki, southbound with fluke dive. -Joey LaMarche
~19:40 - Around 7:40 this evening Eilene & I were just south of Salty's when we were startled by a loud sound and looked up to see a whale surfacing close to shore. We believe this was a gray whale. It moved off to the north along the Harbor Ave shoreline. We drove to Duwamish Head, where along with others, we watched it surface a number of times before the whale headed southwest toward Alki Point about 8:00 PM. -David & Eilene Hutchinson
2019 newbie gray whale CRC2256 swimming in Elliott Bay off West Seattle. -Photos by Eilene Hutchinson, Jun 1, 2019
(ID by Alie Perez, Cascadia Research)
~ 14:45 - 15:15 - Reporting a whale (not an orca) very close to shore at Magnolia. South of Discovery Park heading toward Palisades. Moving slowly. About 2:45 to 3:15 PM from my vantage point. Sorry no video Lots of people saw it; surprised no one has yet reported. -Deborah B Cushing
(possibly gray whale 2256 - alb)
11:34 - gray is hangin off Rockaway beach heading south. Looks to be a young one, smallish.
11:21 - gray has exited the harbor. No direction noted (it did go way west into the harbor, slowly exited east and stayed for probably 15-20 minutes off Pritchard beach, very close to beach. People on the beach took photos. Then went north to middle of entrance to harbor, then out.)
11:14 - gray is now more north in ferry path...ferry coming in super slow.
11:04 - gray is in the little beach area by Cresosote.
11:02 - gray just passed the end of our dock, appears healthy, is heading out of harbor going east.
10:37 - We just had call, gray whale in way in Eagle Harbor low tide, highly unusual and weird. John jumping in dinghy to check it out....nothing ever comes in this harbor. -Lorrain Doer
Sat Jun 1 - Elliott Bay - (Sightings included in our last Whale Report confirmed Gray 2256 in that area at this time) ~18:30 - when we saw what looked like a juvenile gray whale...feeding about 200 yards east of the Jack Block Park Overlook in Seattle - near the mouth of the Duwamish River. Did multiple loops of the same basic area...Don't remember the exact time, mid to late afternoon...No images, we stayed for about 45 minutes. Seemed like the whale was doing a feeding loop on what might be that last section of a muddy, mostly undisturbed, bottom near the mouth of the Duwamish. It was still doing loops when we left. -Steve Colony & Dreana Eden
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