October 2020 Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of October 2020 whale sightings.
October 31
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sat, Oct 31 - Admiralty Inlet (T36, T36Bs, and T99s) - 17:35 - [orcas] They've passed Fort Ebey, north/northwest, steady travel. -Rachel Haight
17:03 - Bonnie Gretz called, she is standing at Fort Ebey looking at the orcas. Whales are pretty far away, but she can see fins and blows as they continue northbound exiting Admiralty Inlet.
16:11 - Booking now! Out from Admiralty Lighthouse, NB.
16:00 - Orcas now moving again out from Fort Casey the point.
15:32 - Kind of stalled out there right now.
15:23 - Orcas about 1 mile south of Fort Casey, NB. Sealions going crazy here!!! -Marilyn Armbruster
T36, T36B's and T99's..the cute little whale with the tail and by its Mamas side is T36B3 born in 2018! -Janine Harles
15:30 - After a kill and a meal, they are again northbound towards Fort Casey.
15:10 - T99s and T36s northbound about a mile south of a Keystone, some are spread out further to the northwest.
14:58 - T99s and T36s again, very spread out approaching Keystone about a mile south. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
13:40 - At least 5 orca northbound at southern end of Lagoon Point, close to Whidbey. -Margaret Marshall HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Oct 31 - E Strait of Juan de Fuca - 10/31: A beautiful day...the best of a Pacific NW fall...sunshine, crisp white Mt. Baker, glass calm seas, and for me, a FIVE species day by the time I got home! First, we found two humpbacks (MMY0106 Aerie) and a pal with a sort of split fin, no fluke photos to match to. Then three minkes cruising and lunge feeding around the same area (Middle Bank, off San Juan Island); then Dall's porpoise, which is a treat as I haven't seen much of them; of course, harbor porpoise; and the bonus...I made it to Ft. Ebey in the setting sun to catch a very distant look at some Bigg's orcas exiting Admiralty! -Bonnie Gretz
Sat, Oct 31 - Central Puget Sound - 15:37 - I believe we saw a humpback mid-channel, more west side between Fay Bainbridge and Shilshole. -E Lise Siv
2-year-old calf of BCX0870 Scoop. -Janine Harles
13:40 - We've spotted the young humpback whale, Scoop's 2018 calf, mid channel straight out from Shilshole. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
MINKE WHALES - Sat, Oct 31 - E Strait of Juan de Fuca - then three minkes cruising and lunge feeding around the same area (Middle Bank, off San Juan Island). -Bonnie Gretz
UNIDENTIFIED WHALE - Sat, Oct 31 - Possession Sound - 09:15-09:40 - Viewing from Clinton. (Between Hat island and Clinton...North of ferry terminal closer to Clinton.) Water very calm, clear and sunny. Heading north towards Saratoga Passage. Two whales... First spotted 9:15 am going south then turned north. Last seen headed north at 9:40 am. New to Whidbey Island and not sure as to type of whales. We saw what looked to be the backs with larger shadows. We have been looking every day since moving to Clinton two months ago so this was very exciting. They would swim along top for almost one minute then disappear... then resurfacing 50-75 yards away. -John Shackman
October 30
BIGG'S TRANSIENT ORCAS - Fri, Oct 30 - (T36 with T36Bs, and T99s) - 17:20 - We live on Point White on Bainbridge Island. We have been watching 6 orcas since about 4:45 today. (One might be a baby). They swam up Rich Passage from the east and have headed into Bremerton! So beautiful! [sent via email and Whale Alert App] -Victoria Dellinger
Sighting Time: Fri Oct 30 16:45 PDT
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 47.59116,-122.56756 [Rich Passage]
Number Sighted: 6
Submitted Comments: Watched 6 (maybe one was a baby?) swim right off of Point White. They were going east to west. Started out together and they split up into 2 groups. -Victoria Dellinger - Whale Alert App
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Oct 30 - Central Puget Sound - 12:20 - We spotted the 2-year-old humpback, Scoop's calf, north of Shilshole. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Oct 30 - Port Susan/Saratoga Passage - 14:00 - The gray whale swam around to the Saratoga Passage side of Camano Head as we left it.
13:45 - We found a gray whale off Camano Head. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
(Per Bart: ID confirmed as 2261 by Alie from Cascadia Research.)
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Fri, Oct. 30 - South Puget Sound - 16:15 - Possible gray whale in Hammersley Inlet near Cannery Point headed WSW. -Sadie Youngstrom
UNIDENTIFIED WHALE - Fri, Oct 30 - South Puget Sound/Tacoma Narrows - "A friend spotted some orcas from Pt. Defiance on "5 Mile Drive looking south toward the Narrows Bridge. Surface active, approx an hour ago (1236) (exact location unknown, # of animals, directionality, etc.). - Julia Mates" [Christina added: "The more I look at the photo (very far, breaching) I think they were seeing a humpback."] -?Christina Van Wolbeck Fenerty?
October 29
Thu, Oct 29 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 11:42-13:47 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #58: "… With long dives, many direction changes, and big distances between sequences, it was challenging to track him, but Mark was able to locate him on occasion from the sound of his exhalations due to how calm it was. Occasionally he had to differentiate T049C's exhalations from the numerous humpbacks in the area to know which way to look. …" [See CWR Encounter #58 - https://www.whaleresearch.com/2020-58 - or full encounter summary]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Oct 29 - Central Puget Sound - 11:07 - I just saw one humpback on the Seattle-Kingston ferry. Mid channel off of Shilshole. -Julius Raymond
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Oct 29 - Port Susan - 14:41 - Grey whale in Port Susan south of country club 2, heading south. -Wendy Alkire
[possibly 2261 who was off Camano Head Oct 30 - alb]
October 28
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Oct 28 - Central Puget Sound - 16:19 - Whale surfaced to the SE now, surfaced several times then sounded pointed west. Just out there circling another day away...
16:00 - Humpback surfaces few times then sounded pointed southbound out from between Carkeek/Meadow Point area east of mid channel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:18 - Saw a humpback dive 16 minutes ago - seen from west bluff at Discovery Park. -Jeanne Vadnais
12:10 - humpback between Shilshole and Indianola. Just watched it breach! -April Bosely
12:08 - [humpback] Scoop's 2018 calf is circling just north of Shilshole. One breach so far! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
12:00 - On 10/20 I reported to you seeing a Humpback whale at the noon hour mid channel Puget Sound. My house faces west located at Meadows Point in North Beach. Well today 10/28 again at noon, I spotted another single Humpback almost in the same location! The humpback breached out of the water and was quite a sight! I did get one photo that I'm attaching. The single whale was headed south. -Mike Hamm
~10:00 - Just off Golden Gardens. Puget Sound. Approx. 10:00 am Large spout and tail fin dive. Heading north. -Barbara Gamrath
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Oct 28 - Hood Canal - 1540 - Gray whale swimming near surface southbound underneath the Hood Canal Bridge, accompanied by a flock of seagulls. -Tim Marks
October 27
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Oct 27 - Central Puget Sound - 18:00-18:11 - Humpbacks trended N then circled back towards mid channel.
17:35 - 2 baleen whales now on west side of mid channel, west of 17:00 report. Presume includes same individual(s) but cannot confirm. Likely just making wide circles out in middle Sound since been seen over past several days in same areas.
17:05 - A whale was heading southbound just south of pryor report.
17:00 - Just spotted a humpback mid Sound approx. NW of Carkeek Park just east of mid channel. Surfaced few times then sounded in SW direction, fluke visible. From a distance and Richmond Beach Saltwater Park (transect sightline Rolling Bay, BI). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network.
~13:00 - Will Rodman, professional sailboat captain in Puget Sound, called to report they just sighted who appears to be two humpback whales, one juvenile humpback and one large. They were about 1/2 mile west of off Meadow Point, Shilshole Marina. Going slow non-directional, diving. Fairly certain 2 humpbacks due to white coloring underneath. [Orca Network has had reports of humpback in that area both Sunday and Monday-alb]
Tue, Oct 27 - Haro Strait - 10:24 - Humpback southbound 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point. Surfacing quickly multiple times, the humpback took a deep dive and I didn't see it again. It was approximately 400 yards from my position on shore. Using the MERS Catalogue I believe this is BCX1358 (M) Frankenstein. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
(ID confirmed by Sara Hysong-Shimazu)
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Oct 27 - Central Puget Sound - ~15:15 - Possible humpback off Jefferson Beach, Kitsap side. about 3:15pm, heading south, slowly. -Joanne Graves
[Thinking now you likely saw a gray whale. Someone reported gray whale and sent fluke photo which confirms gray (who I'm pretty certain is 2020 newbie 2261) off Point Jefferson at 15:00 on the 27th. So we had gray out there while those humpbacks were swimming around, as well! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
Gray Whale
Sighting Time: Tue Oct 27 15:00 PDT
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 47.74800,-122.47300
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: Observed swimming towards 22' boat off of Point Jefferson, [reported as: Whidbey Island, WA, but is off Kitsap Peninsula -alb] on 10/27/20 at 3pm PST. -Whale Alert App -Ava Izdepski - Whale Alert App
[I am confident this is known gray CRC2261 a 2020 newbie who has spent the past 4+ months feeding around upper Saratoga Passage area between Whidbey and Camano Islands. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
Tue, Oct 27 - Puget Sound/Dash Point - 17:20 - From DJ Mar: Hey Guyz, wanted you to know there's a gray whale feeding between Dash Point & Redondo in south Puget sound . No direction, feeding back & forth. 5:20 PM!
Tue, Oct 27 - South Puget Sound - 14:24 - Tim Taylor called to report a whale while sailing and posted it in South Sound Sailing and was encouraged to report to Orca Network. They had just left West Bay Marina, Budd Inlet, Olympia, and were near marker 5, when they first saw animal roll, then saw tall blow ~10ft. Whale came up again then went on a dive. They kept 500 feet distance so weren't able to get any photos with their phone. The whale headed deeper into the inlet towards Bay Thiftway by Capitol Lake, at the time. First time seeing a whale in the wild!
[reported as small humpback, but likely gray whale -alb]
Gray in Pickering Passage this morning for several hours. -Gretchen Stewart
09:24 - I'm at Latimer's Landing in Pickering Pass and a small humpback whale passed by, moving south under the bridge. Followup: I had to look at Gray whale pics and yes indeed, I agree - Gray! I didn't realize that they also had tiny dorsal fins. This probably isn't helpful but it's all I have. It went right by our dead boat. This is all I got. Unlike the humpbacks I've seen, this whale never showed its fluke on any dives. Thank you for the info. -Nick Wenzel
October 26
Mon, Oct 26 - Boundary Pass (J pod) - 18:37 - Confirmed Js!
17:30 - They were still in the middle of Boundary Pass aiming slowly for Turn Point.
16:30 - Secondhand report of what is likely J-Pod heading southwest down Boundary Pass. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Oct 26 - Haro Strait - 11:10-11:43 - Far out a humpback feeding at Edwards Point. Back and forth with long dives the humpback was escorted by various sea birds. After finishing it surfaced a few times traveling south. Photos heavily cropped. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
Mon, Oct 26 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Great to see so many humpback whales today off Sooke...stopped for a few but must have been almost 20 from Otter Point to Race Rocks Lighthouse! photo - MMZ0028 [ID: GS] -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
Mon, Oct 26 - Central Puget Sound - 14:40 - The daughter of my friend Mike Dougherty is trying to call about a humpback sighting. They have observed 5 surfacings from their Ballard home on Sunset Hill. -Scott Veirs
14:36 - Mike Dougherty called and left message: I am friend of Scott Veirs, we are in our house in Ballard watching a humpback from our house going north to south. -Mike Dougherty
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Oct 26 - South Puget Sound - ~15:20 - I live on Totten Inlet off of SE Lynch Road. Today around 3:20 pm my parents and I saw one gray whale. It surfaced several times. When we first saw it, it was about 100 feet from our shore. We didn't take pictures because we were in such awe. We have never seen a whale where we live. Eva later added: The gray whale was directly in front of us for a good 30-minutes. We believe it was feeding since the tide was in. It would surface to the top and blow water out of its hole then go under for about 3-5 minutes. It swam around mostly in the middle of the bay and appeared to be going to the direction towards Arcadia Point. We could definitely see it was a gray whale when it surfaced the water. Through binoculars we could even see barnacles on its body. My parents have lived on Totten Inlet for about 8 years and this was their first time seeing a whale. It was magnificent!!! I will be watching again today during high tide. If I see the whale I will film it. Thank you for responding. -Eva Kirpes Lorberfeld
~12:00 & 14:30 - I just wanted you to know that while rowing yesterday I spotted what I believe was a Gray Whale on the west side of Totten Inlet. My friend and I first saw it a little after noon yesterday (10/26) just north of Little Skookum Inlet. It stayed in the same area within a couple of 100 yards of shore (around a working dock and an old dock with pilings and a walkway still in place) for the 15 minutes or so we were there. It would surface 1-3 times in the same area and then dive for a few minutes. When it reappeared, it was still within 100 yards of where it went down. We returned to the area on our way home around 2:30 and found it about a half mile north and a little farther off of shore. We only saw it surface a few times and the area covered was significantly larger than when we saw it earlier. Both times we saw it we were the only water craft anywhere around for miles. This is the video I took during our first sighting. We had been sitting in the same spot for 10 minutes or so after someone on shore spotted us rowing and yelled to us to say there was a whale near us. This video was on its third or fourth surfacing. video - https://youtu.be/1H7BPS2iV8A -Rod Sternagel
Mon, Oct 26 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 12:59 - Just walking by the window facing the water and saw a spout. This was all I got after running to get my camera. Race Lagoon heading south. Now all I want to do is look out the windows. (added: I was going to say that the whale must have turned around because as I was watching he/she went under towards the southeast.) -Brenda Kidd
["…could confirm this is 2020 newbie gray whale CRC-2261." -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Mon, Oct 26 - Central Puget Sound - We watched spouts for an hour yesterday [10/27] between Des Moines and Dash Point... Not sure what to make of them... A friend DJ said it was a small whale. -Kimberly Brown
Mon, Oct 26 - Puget Sound/Dyes Inlet - 15:30-16:30 - I believe I saw a Minke whale near Bremerton in Dyes Inlet yesterday [10/26] from 3:30-4:30. I would have posted but couldn't get a picture or identify what it was until I did some research. I thought it might be the gray whale that had been spotted recently near Bremerton, but this one didn't seem as large as I would think (spotted from a distance though) and it surfaced snout first, which seemed unique. I noticed it surface snout first mouth open, then saw the blowhole and dive back into the water. It did this in a pattern: surface/blowhole 4 times, then submerged for around 5+ minutes, then repeat. I also noticed a lump/fin on its head/back, but it was difficult to tell which from my view. Lindsey later added: If I see it again today, I'll provide an update on the Facebook page and try to get a picture. It kept swimming up and down the inlet between Manette Bridge and Warren Bridge, so it may still be in the area. -Lindsey Malkames
October 25
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Oct 25 - Haro Strait - 12:35 - 2 humpbacks. BCX1358 Frankenstein and MMZ0006 Slalom [N. of Eagle Point]. -Jeff Friedman
Sun, Oct 25 - Central Puget Sound - ~12:30 - Sunday, Oct 25, between Shilshole Bay and the West Point traffic separation buoy. Orca Network and others have identified as a humpback! -Carl Middleton
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Oct 25 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 10:00 - Gray 2261 was kind enough to pass by again this morning. It always feels like a huge stroke of luck to see it because you have to be looking at the right place at the right time since it's too cold to have the windows open to be able to listen for it. It was heading southbound, feeding from Mariners Cove to down past the mudflats, and then it appeared to hustle south toward Polnell. -Marianne Parry
October 24
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Oct 24 - Central Puget Sound - 17:54 - Spotting what appeared to be a humpback while sailing, about 1-2 km south of West Point near Elliott Bay. -Jeffrey Pace
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Oct 24 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 18:00 - Gray 2261 seems to have rediscovered this part of the shoreline and was back again this evening right before sunset (6pm). It popped up right in front of us, so we felt lucky to be in the right place at the right time! It was feeding close to shore at Mariners Cove, heading toward the mudflats and presumably on toward Polnell. I can confirm that it was 2261 - both the white line by the blowhole as well as the pec fin. (Later added: I've been here for the past 22 summers, and 2018 is the only other year that we had a gray hanging out near our place all summer, but I didn't take copious notes about the exact dates. The last photo I had was from 9/28/18.) -Marianne Parry
October 23
Unidentified Orcas - Fri, Oct 23 - NE Vancouver Island area - 17:15 - Hi again, they are 100% still here. 5:15pm Oct. 23. They are all spread out and hanging around. They are between Cortez Island and Campbell River, but closer to Cortez. Witnessed fast moving by some and others with a breach or two and feeding. We are trying hard for better photos. So pleased to provide this information to you. -Patti and Mark Perepeluk
Fri, Oct 23
Killer Whale (Orca)
Sighting Time: Fri Oct 23 11:21 PDT
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 49.19027,-123.81225
Number Sighted: 2. -Skippy - Whale Alert App
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Oct 23 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 09:00 - I'm having the best morning thanks to Gray 2261, who came by for an extended breakfast and is feeding its way slowly past my house heading south toward the happy meal mudflats. It picked a stormy day for a visit, so I snuck outside with my iPhone instead of the good camera, but these photos should be enough to ID and see how close to shore it is. It's been in front of my place for a good 20 minutes now. Who needs coffee when you've got a gray to rev you up in the morning - lol! -Marianne Parry
Fri, Oct 23 - Hood Canal - 08:30 - Gray Whale!!!!! Hood Canal, Lilliwaup. 8:30 am, northbound?? Saw spout then a really big tail. …they're sneaky for big animals, disappearing underwater for long distances….Steve Illman
Unidentified BALEEN WHALES - Wed, Oct 21 - Central/South Puget Sound - 10:00 - I only saw one and it looked small. Time was 10AM Wednesday morning. I live near the end of Pt. Fosdick in Gig Harbor. My view looks over Hale Passage, straight out towards Chamber's Bay Golf Course. The whale was heading south. The whale had a blow spout on top and blow caught my eye. Then, I got out my binoculars and saw the tail fluke as the animal was diving. It looked like a Humpback but I only saw dark colored tail fluke, not white and black. -Laura Lewis Frank
07:45 - Just saw a big water spout blow between Vashon Island and Point Defiance. Viewing from Gig Harbor. Haven't seen any dorsal fins. Followup: That was my thought, either gray or humpback. Unfortunately, I never saw it resurface again, but it was located mid channel. -Gaby Kinner
October 22
Unidentified Orcas - Thu, Oct 22 - NE Vancouver Island area - We live on Vancouver Island. We sighted a large group of orca (we counted 11, but we believe there to have been more) on Thursday, Oct. 22. We suspect Southern Residents. Our photos and video (taken from shore) are not good quality, but we are wondering if this may be of interest to you? In any case, we would be very interested to know if there was any report or indication that they were in the area of Campbell River/Cortez Island/Mitlenatch Island on that day. Thank you for your assistance! -Patti and Mark Perepeluk
[Yes, we did get word SRKWs were up in Campbell River yesterday (22nd). -alb]
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Oct 22 - Central Puget Sound - 18:34 - I saw him about an hour ago [~17:34] right by the Annapolis dock. -Barbara Grubbe
17:00 - [Gray whale reported as "Annapolis orca"] - Sighting today the 22nd of October. My residence is 18XX Bay Street Port Orchard and gazing out front I saw long movement underwater, and then she put her head up and blew and I caught just the tail. I saw black and white. -Lucinda Staley Tharpe
16:02 - Just saw him pop up by the Port Orchard ferry dock.
15:24 - He's hanging by Retsil now.
15:18 - Just saw it surface from the parking lot of the Annapolis ferry dock; it was about 500 yds. from shore, midway between us and Manette side.
15:04 - At the Annapolis dock now watching it!!!
14:38 - Standing to the right of the fast ferry in Port Orchard, looking out at Bremerton marina. Just saw the grey whale! Ferry stopped to let pass. Headed east. -Emily Parker/Bernstein
[Cascadia Research unable to confirm ID, but deduce it is most likely 2259. -gs]
13:42 - Just saw a gray whale I think out my window. its right by the (Bremerton) ferry right now. -Jonathan Amkraut
14:00 - Whale just passing the Bremerton marina heading into Port Orchard.
13:10 - A ferry employee friend saw a grey whale by Waterman on the Bremerton side. -Noelle Morris
13:00 - This was at 1:00 PM today, Illahee State Park. The whale was traveling south toward Port Orchard. I first noticed it in the area shown (just northeast of the dock at Illahee State Park) where it remained for about 5 min, mostly under the surface, then first noticed it resurface about 200 yards south, where it blew (term?) about three separate times in 5 min (could not get a clear photo) and seemed to continue southward toward Port Orchard. -Gem Drarig
09:17 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: 0909hrs, 10/22 on board CHIMACUM: Master reports via 800MHz spotting a single gray whale in Rich Passage moving in a northerly direction. Vessel is at reduced speed.
~09:00 - [gray] Rich Passage, heading west or southwest, near Bremerton. Sighting via Bremerton ferry. -Emily Warren
Thu, Oct 22 - South Puget Sound - 17:30 - [Gray] Whale was in Eld heading north. Passed right in front of the house. That was the first surface we saw. Then I watched it still heading north, very close to shore so the surfaces were shallow. Saw it surface three more times as it headed toward Hunter Point. Lost sight due to trees. Jessie [CRC] knows and confirms it's a gray, photo sent to Alie.
15:00 - Secondhand report. Humpback near Johnson Point. Trying to get more details. -Kim Merriman
Thu, Oct 22 - South Puget Sound - 14:34 - Jonathan Farney called to report a whale sighting on east side of Johnson Point today at around 14:30. He believes it was a gray whale. They saw and reported humpback a couple weeks ago, but believes just saw gray whale, this one had mottled appearance with dark and light spots vs. the all dark of the humpback. The whale surfaced directly out from house in about 25 feet of water heading north towards tip of Johnson Point. Did get video, not great, but got the third surface. Last seen moving north in about 50 feet out from shore.
[There was confirmed gray whale in Eld Inlet later, included in our last whale sighting report]
October 21
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Oct 21 - South Puget Sound - 17:00 - Gray whale, 5:00pm, heading north. Just north of DuPont/South of Steilacoom. -Christina Klas
[video posted by Christina confirms gray whale. -gs]
Wed, Oct 21 - Northern Saratoga Passage - ~11:00 - Anya Sika called to report a gray whale in Crescent Harbor near the Naval sea plane base in Oak Harbor. Whale is out front of the commissary, moving back and forth from one side to the other in the harbor, feeding. (added: He shows up on very calm days and with high levels of water. Saw him 3 times in the last few weeks and I don't go to base that often. He is so majestic.)
October 20
Bigg's Transient Orcas - Tue, Oct 20 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46s and T122, T46Bs, T137 and T137A)
13:14-13:55 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #56: "Mark arrived at 1314 ~2.5 nm south of Bechey Head and could see a very animated group working their way southwest in a moderate swell. He confirmed that the T046's along with T122 were present along with all the T046B's and T137 and her son, T137A. The large lead group included most of the T046's along with T137 and T137A ..." [See CWR Encounter #56 (https://www.whaleresearch.com/2020-56) for full encounter summary and more.]
Members of the T046's and T137's south west bound on the afternoon of October 20th in the Juan de Fuca Strait. -Mark Malleson
What a great encounter today with transient killer whales off Sooke! The (T137's & T46B's with Tl'uk) were hunting together as they bucked the strong ebb tide heading east past Race Rocks Lighthouse! -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Oct 20 - Central Puget Sound - 15:45 - Humpback spotted about 3:45pm off of Shilshole heading southbound toward West Point, then turned west and resurfaced far west side of channel near Bainbridge Island. It stayed there for at least 45 min. I have more video of that too but super far away. -E Sivilay
12:00 - Spotted a whale surfacing 3 times mid channel Puget Sound, viewed from Meadow Point moving south at noon today 10/20/2020. Believed to be a single humpback. -Michael Hamm
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Oct 20 - South Puget Sound - 15:00 - There is a large whale (humpback?) milling near Chambers Bay. No particular direction. 3pm. -Carrie Gelegonya
[gray per ALB]
08:30 - [gray] Steilacoom heading north 8:30. -Lisa Wiksten
video - https://www.facebook.com/lisa.rockwell.98/videos/10217005270740178/
08:15 - I have a reliable sighting with video from an islander on the Anderson Island ferry that at 8:15am, a baleen whale about 35 feet long was headed north toward the Narrows, about 100 yards off of the Steilacoom dock. He missed filming a great breech, but caught it surfacing twice. No discernible blow shape to indicate humpback. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
Tue, Oct 20 - Hood Canal - Gray whale #2262 in Hood Canal on Oct 20.
11:50-12:00 - Hello, I wanted to report a whale sighting, could be possible minke or small humpback. We saw the whale today, Tuesday Oct 20 at 11:50 in Seabeck, Washington. It was traveling up towards the Hood Canal Bridge. It was traveling close to the shore by the Olympics and Dabob Bay. It seemed to just be traveling back up north as it was going at a steady pace. We lost sighting of it at 12:00 when we saw its tail as it dove back down. -Savannah Johnson
[The whale in Hood Canal has been positively ID's as a gray whale and specifically a known gray who has the ID of CRC-2262. -alb]
10:45 - Humpback whale @ 10:45 heading north at about 3kts near Pleasant Harbor in Hood Canal. -Sadie Youngstrom
[The whale in that area has been confirmed a gray whale. -alb]
October 19
Mon, Oct 19 - Haro Strait - 21:10 - …further up island at 21:10 a few faint calls were heard by Monika Wieland Shields on the Orcasound Lab hydrophone. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
20:53 - 20:53, Lovely J-Pod calls on LK Hydrophone! -Michelline Halliday, SJI
20:45 - Starting to hear calls on Lime Kiln. -Linda Aitkins
21:43 - Occasional very faint calls on Orcasound with increasing vessel noise from SB tug, Mai H, at 12.3 kn.
21:34 - Hearing faint calls on Orcasound Lab hydrophone.
20:58 - J calls very loud, now. Lots of echolocation.
20:43 - Just turned on Lime Kiln hydrophone and am hearing J pod vocalizing. -Gayle Swigart, Orca Network
Mon, Oct 19 - Puget Sound (J pod) - ~13:20 - Very active. Lost them at Partridge Point about 1:20 pm.
12:55 - Approaching Ebey Reserve heading north. Lots of jumping and plowing.
12:42 - [J pod] Just north of Admiralty Head, close to Whidbey. -Cyrilla Cook
…it was a pleasant surprise to catch up with J Pod, albeit a brief and distant visit. “The only decent photo from today and it just happens to be one of my favorites - J27, Blackberry” -Dori Dace
~12:30 - about 12:30ish....distant large splashes and fins in the wind and waves, spread out, mid-channel
12:10 - Bonnie Gretz called from Fort Casey to report seeing members of J pod just south of the Port Townsend/Keystone ferry lanes, mid channel, heading northbound. Brief and distant looks at J pod streaming by Pt. Townsend from Ft. Casey, after missing them at Lagoon Point. Lots of white caps so hard to see from such a distance. Quite a few breaches! -Bonnie Gretz
12:16 - Very faint J pod calls on Port Townsend hydrophones. -Michelle Savoie
12:09 - Very spread out, leaders passing Fort Casey. Spread from shoreline to the middle of Admiralty. -Sarah Hanke
12:00 - Heading north, mid-channel and spread out. [map provided shows location just south of Fort Casey. -gs] -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
11.30 - Orcas passing Lagoon Point, northbound, mid channel at speed. -Sandra Pollard
11:28 - [J pod] Just saw 2 heading north at Lagoon Point. -Cheryl Connor
11:27 - Kit Turner called to report seeing members of J pod. She’s at N Lagoon Point and is seeing 2 males, both south of her so about out from central Lagoon Point. One is over on the far side towards Marrowstone and one is much closer, about mid channel. She thinks must be more, but she’s not seeing them. Thinks maybe these are leading group. Heading north, slow steady pace.
10:55 - Patrick Scott called to report seeing at least one orca directly out from Bush Point, Whidbey, mid channel to other side of, heading northbound.
11:25 - There is a submarine headed south in Admiralty for anyone interested. Approaching vicinity of orcas now.
10:40-10:55 - Watched spread out whales pass by Bush Pt., steady pace, northbound. Most whales midchannel, J38 & J27 traveling together closer to Whidbey. -Rachel Haight
11:04 - Spread to Lagoon Point, favoring northbound traffic lane.
10:50 - J pod at Bush Point, northbound.
10:30 - Killer whales at Bush Point mid channel northbound, -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Oct 19 - Hood Canal - ~1100 - Whale is heading south about 1.5 miles south of Hazel Point. Long down times, not fluking.
~09:45 - Gray whale still in Hood Canal. Southbound off Kings Point. -Renee Chamberland
October 18
Sun, Oct 18 - Puget Sound (J pod). -Jami Cantrell
18:36 - Huge breach directly out from Owen mid-channel. Looks like they're just hanging out milling.
18:34 - One female or juvenile is still to the east of the ferry lane traveling west.
18:31 - At least three to four following west through Dalco Passage. Just passing the ferry Lane now. Moving very slow and enjoying the calm water and beautiful sunset as they swim. Perfect ending to the day.
18:21 - [J pod] One male headed west through Dalco, approaching ferry lane. -Ashley Whitman
Taken from Dune Peninsula tonight. -Amber Stanfill
What an exciting day for many masked orca lovers yesterday [10/18/20]! …from the Marina, they stayed on the Vashon south side for a good hour! Ferry Tahlequah waiting on the west tip of Vashon while they were here and circled completely around coming past Owen Beach side to get to the Tacoma dock. -Cherie St.Ours
17:39 - [J pod] Spotting 3 milling around the southern tip of Vashon, one adult male and at least 1 female or juvenile, possibly a baby? -Rietta Rain
17:08 - [J pod] Still southbound but mid channel at the end of Maury. -Mollie Segall
18:40 - Just leaving Dune Peninsula Park with several whales still milling about mid-channel. Getting too dark to see. What a special evening and sunset with J-pod! 6:40pm
17:27 - At least 5 quickly approaching the ferry dock, southbound on Vashon side, 5:27.
17:22 - At least three at the mouth of Quartermaster Harbor, 5:22.
16:57 - [J pod] Viewing from Dune Peninsula Park looking towards southern tip of Maury. Several breaches in a row through binoculars. 4:57pm. -Kourtnee Marr Lindgren
17:13 - More whales near Browns Point... still moving southbound.
16:55 - [J pod] At least one whale just moved past Dash Point. -Mary Anderson
16:55 - [J pod] Still heading SW towards southern tip of Maury...some breaching. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
16:54 - [J pod] Just coming into view at Dune Peninsula Park. East of Maury Island. Still a ways away. -Christina Cervantes
17:51 - So peaceful! Several are feeding east of and in ferry lane. Easy to see them from the Dunes [Peninsula Park] without binoculars. Pretty sure at least 1 baby is there.
17:31 - Leaders are past (or passing) ferry dock. Continuing west. There are still females & young passing Quartermaster Harbor.
17:22 - Heading west along bottom of Maury. Big male with them. A bit spread out.
16:53 - [J pod] Seeing spouts & splashes from Dune Peninsula (at Point Defiance). Nearing bottom of Maury. -Heidi Armstrong
We spotted a small group of orcas at Ruston Point in the Tacoma area late this afternoon/early this evening. I heard someone in the crowd say J-pod but cannot confirm. There did look to be at least one calf in the group. They were hanging out in the water between Ruston Point & Vashon Island. They were swimming and looked to be playing? as I saw several tail and pectoral slaps as well as spyhopping and some flips/twists (saw a couple flip onto their back at the surface and back flop into the water. -Ashley J.
16:37 - Orcas heading south past Gold Beach, Vashon. Counted at least 6. -Laurie Lambert
18:52 - Dune Peninsula. can't really see them but can still hear them breathing & breaching.
18:34 - There's a group right off Dune Peninsula splashing around!
17:59 - [J pod] I'm on the ferry at Vashon, may have seen some go into the Narrows, followed by a sailboat. Have some in front of Dune Peninsula trending towards the Port, some by Browns Point. Much foraging activity.
17:41 - On ferry.. stuck.. surrounded by whales! They are foraging between Vashon & Pt. Defiance.
17:12 - Breaching their way towards Pt. Defiance from South tip Maury Island.
16:36 - [J pod] Passing Gold Beach, southbound. -Melissa Bird
16:35 - Southbound at 6mph, half way from Pt. Robinson to the bottom of Maury in the southbound traffic lane. -Andrew Malinak
15:55 - [J pod] Just passed Pt. Robinson at 3:55. -Daniel B Lanske
Here is the Point Robinson pass, we were very fortunate to get a nice close pass! So very sweet to see the babes tucked in with their mamas, and the pod seemed bouncy, cuddly and happy. Hoping they filled their bellies full with loads of south sound salmon! The beach was full with palpable lightheartedness and joy, and everyone was very respectful and mindful of the social distancing rules. The Orcas brought with them a priceless energy of love and connectedness, something we are all craving at the moment, I am grateful. It was a great day, so incredibly happy to see J pod again! -Marla Smith
Photos from their pass at Point Robinson this afternoon! Always a beautiful experience! -Jolena Tagg
A few images from J pod's pass by Point Robinson, Vashon/Maury Island, on Sunday, October 18, 2020. -Karen Fuller
At Point Robinson. -Caroline Martin Matter
J pod photos taken from Point Robinson 10/18/20. -Jim Diers
Sunday 10/18/2020, Pt. Robinson, Vashon Island. The community that gathered on the beach to celebrate J Pod's return was moving. The magic that these incredible creatures ignite is spiritual!! video - https://www.facebook.com/OrcaNetwork/posts/10164640549505601 -Callie Deegan
15:45 - [J pod] Viewing from Des Moines Marina, moving southbound past Maury Island, west side of Channel, lots of activity. -Andrew Nelson
15:41 - [J pod] Viewing from Pt. Robinson, moving from Tramp Harbor southbound. Lots of spouts! -Jennifer Nichols
17:43 - Watching from Owen Beach, and a few are milling about on Vashon side.
15:38 - [J pod] Moving fast. They are in Tramp Harbor. Lots of blows. -Jayce Lemmer
14:48 - Ed Block, who lives on Vashon (between Dilworth & KVI), called to update on J pod: He has seen at least 10-12 orcas, including 4 males/near adult males, and a female/calf pair who were off on the side. All are southbound on the west side of shipping lanes in the channel between him and now south of Three Tree Point. Has seen a lot of surface activity: breaching (6-8), tail slapping, spy hops, porpoising. Researcher Mark Sears (under NOAA permit) is at rear end of the orcas directly out from him.
14:42 - Orcas ENE of Port Madison. -Marcelline Harris
14:34 - Trailers passing west of mid-channel marker. Very steady southbound travel. Very spread. Leaders are at least past Tramp Harbor, Vashon from my perspective. NOAA in tow at the moment. -Christina Van Wolbeck Fenerty
14:33 - Another two (one male for sure) coming past the yellow Three Tree buoy, SB, closer to Vashon. Research boat following and lots of breaching.
14:25 - Just passed yellow buoy off Three Tree Point. still SB and closer to Vashon side.
14:17 - [J pod] SB off Three Tree Point, very close to Vashon side. Spotted 2 fins but hard to count bc they are swimming out of sync. -Sandhya Ballal
After two days of waiting patiently on the beach staring at the blue expanse, finally, on the third day, J pod made an Island pass! (cue the choir of angels) They rose out of the water like black and white jewels, except for little pinky peach squee J58 who was attempting spyhops, breaching, and tail slapping. (Dilworth, Vashon, southbound pass). -Marla Smith
13:59 - [J pod] Just north of Dilworth, SB. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
13:56 - [J pod] Passed Arroyos close to the east side of Vashon a few minutes ago. "I was impressed by how much distance there was from one side of the spread to the other. Note two members of the pod in opposite corners of the photo, taken at 12:24 PM from the shore, about a mile south of Brace Point, using a 600mm lens." -Jim Nunn
14:10 - Most whales now passed Dilworth with a few trailers incoming. Both babies were bouncy as they passed!!
13:52 - [J pod] Leaders nearing Dilworth just east of mid channel. Others slightly behind and spread out across the passage. -Amy Carey
~13:40 - Saw a couple of blows and a glimpse of dorsal fin from the Vashon/Fauntleroy ferry around 1:40. South of Brace Point mid channel and heading south. -Stephanie Madden Zimmerman
13:33 - [J pod] See blows from Colman pool south of Fauntleroy Vashon ferry lane... Still southbound. -Mary Hartmann
13:30 - [J pod] From the 1:20 Fauntleroy-Vashon ferry. Southbound and very spread out. Seem to be mid channel. "Just before 4pm (15:53) at Point Robinson. Absolutely incredible and I was in tears." [J46 ID: MP]-Danielle Carter
13:20 - [J pod] Just saw heading south, near the ferry terminal, Lincoln Park. 1:20pm. -Christina Boling
13:09 - From Lowman Beach in West Seattle, one trailing member of J pod approaching north tip of Vashon at 13:09 today October 18, 2020. -Robin Sinner
~12:20 - Also around 12:20. Lone male orca sighted near Alki Point heading SW. -Katie Lassiter
12:20 - J pod is very spread out slowly southbound between Alki Point and north Vashon Island. Lots of foraging. -Bart Rulon
13:01 - I am seeing action very close to Fauntleroy ferry dock, little boat near them 1:01 viewing from point Southworth.
12:24 - [J pod] Seeing fins close to Seattle shoreline by those big brown condos out over the water 12:24. -Noelle Morris
12:17 - [J pod] Seeing them from W Seattle passing to east of Blake. -Ashley Lindell
12:02 - From West Seattle I can see several Orcas southbound. They're spread out. Still North of Blake Island. -Sarah Sing
13:27 - Continued southbound, quite spread out across the channel. Appears all have passed Vashon-Fauntleroy ferry lanes.
11:42 - Orcas in Seattle-Bremerton ferry lanes off Restoration Point.
11:39 - From Constellation Park, orcas passing Restoration Point, west of mid channel, continuing southbound. -Brittany Philbin
Just wanting to share that we saw 4 orcas from our sailboat yesterday. We were right off Blakely Rock just south of the Seattle - Bainbridge Ferry line. Here's a video clip of one of the orcas with her baby. It was an incredible sight.
(added in subsequent email: Yes, I'm very aware of the Whale Wise instructions to boaters. There are signs at the marinas and we take a serious interest in protecting our beautiful marine species of all kinds including mammals. We cut our engine when we saw the ferry stop expecting that something unusual was happening but not knowing what and we were delighted to see the pod of orcas swim by. There were about 4 boats mostly sailboats but a few motor boats who all cut their engines too.) -Maria Gingerich
Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed w/UPDATE: 1104hrs: WENATCHEE provides an update on the whale count: up to 8 with one juvenile, heading southbound.
11:00 - On the ferry (MV Wenatchee) heading from Seattle to Bainbridge, and we're paused right now due to a pod of orcas! southbound! -Karen Pang
10.40 - Seattle > Bainbridge ferry (WS Wenatchee) stopped for ~5 minutes to allow 5-10 orcas to pass. -Kjade Hom
10:35 - WS Tacoma just slowed down for killer whales. Heard on traffic. [Bainbridge-Seattle run...ferry is currently 5 kns mid channel heading towards Seattle, 10:45. -alb] -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
Sighting Time: Sun Oct 18 10:23 PDT
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 47.57710,-122.41500 [off Alki, West Seattle]
Number Sighted: 4 -Ken
09:08 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Tacoma Master reports vessel is stopped due to 8-10 ORCA in the middle of traffic lanes heading South. [Bainbridge to Seattle run]
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Oct 18 - Central Puget Sound - ~14:00 - These are really the only decent shots I got of the whale at Pt. Robinson on Sunday. It was right about 2pm. I saw it to the north of the point when I first got there, then watched it go out around the point and head south. These shots were looking east, toward Des Moines. I hope this helps! -Molly O'Brien
[Your photos provide important documentation, especially because others reported this whale as a humpback on Sunday (which there were many in at the time so seemed reasonable), so not only did you provide documentation to confirm species but your side dorsal images tell us it's gray whale CRC 2259. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Oct 18 - San Juan Islands - Waiting for the rain to ease up. A low cloud ceiling touching the tree tops. A wet looking bald eagle roosted on the sign on Low Island drying his wings. Harbor seals rested on Flattop and a pair of bald eagles roosted on the sign on Gull Island. We pushed North and met humpback whale MMX0167 'Stitch' at the border. A bulk carrier passed in the shipping lane whereupon the humpback whale announced their presence by repeatedly breaching followed by percussive slaps with both pectoral fins whilst on their back.The whale crossed the border and headed for Monarch Head, still inaccessible to us. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
October 17
Sat, Oct 17 - Puget Sound (J pod) - 18:20 - The 3 or 4 of them we saw from Stamm Overlook. There was possibly a calf out north from us near Possession Point, but seeing another's post - another group of them must have broke off a little while ago and went around the point to northwest side of Whidbey.
18:05 - [J pod] We are viewing some from Stamm Overlook Park about 3 miles north of Edmonds ferry terminal. They are slowly heading north near southeast tip of Whidbey by Possession Point. -Jessica Richter
18:30 - Take that back, more are coming. Laggers...at least a 2 to 3 mile distance in between. There are about 6 right now, 18:30, just nearing boat launch this side of mid channel.
18:28 - It's a little odd; I've only seen 2 from Poss. Boat launch now in line of sight with ferry and big breach! Lighting's not best right now.
18:10 - Now viewing from Possession Beach boat launch park, leaders in line with Haines Wharf, middish channel, NB into Possession Sound.
18:00 - [J pod] Viewing from Sandy Hook (south Whidbey) and now appear to be heading north towards Possession Pt. -Marilyn Armbruster
17:30 - [J pod] Pretty far north of the Edmonds ferry. Steady NB travel. Unclear if committed to Admiralty (at least with viewing from the Kitsap side.) -Sara Frey
17:13 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: Report received 4-8 orca northbound one (1) mile west of the Edmonds dock.
17:12 - [J pod] Crying on the Kingston/Edmonds ferry right now! -Julia Bernard
17:10 - Orcas now north of Edmonds and Haines Wharf heading to Meadowdale in travel mode, pretty far east. A few big breaches- viewing from Apple Tree Point. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
17:00 - [J pod] Saw them while on the Kingston ferry heading north. They just passed the ferry lane and are heading straight for Whidbey. Plenty of breaches and are very active. -Ryan Richter
16:38 - Orcas now in Edmonds! Watching in the distance from dogs off leash park! -Monica Cuevas
16:38 - [J pod] On Sunset Ave. in Edmonds and they are heading north behind the ferry. -Janelle Lynn
16:20 - [J pod] Saw 3, one was male. Just passing the tanker farm. East side of channel heading north. -Carol Johnson DeRusha
16:14 - [J pod] Double breach!!! Heading towards Kingston Edmonds ferry line. This is amazing today!!!! (viewing from Edmonds Marina Park). -Kevin H. Doar
16:30 - 4:30 Close to shore, right by Edmonds Marina.
16:04 - [J pod] I see them still south of Edmonds, but north of the channel marker. -Laurae Briggs
15:39 - [J pod] Next to the yellow buoy, mid channel, heading north toward Kingston. -Troy Benton
14:46 - [J pod] 2 huge males heading east from Fay Bainbridge! Mid Channel now. Dodged the big freighter. -Tyra Erickson
14:40 - [J pod] Sitting in Golden Gardens looking west towards Port Madison seeing breach, splashes. Binoculars required from here. Several sailboats around the area. So cool! (slowly moving north. -Emily Peterson w/Todd)
14:52 - Group of 5+ milling/slow NB just WNW of where the red ONE tanker is.
14:32 - From RB Saltwater Park looking toward Fay Bainbridge, saw one male heading N. Was west of midchannel. -Ariel Yseth
14:28 - At 2:28 pm today, my family and I are motor sailing across from Shilshole Marina to Port Madison today. We stopped our boat and shut off the engine immediately when we spotted 3 juvenile and 1 baby orca. They were halfway between Port Madison and Port Jefferson and heading North. About 20 minutes after the sighting a large tanker was heading southbound. -Kari Pendray
Killer Whale (Orca)
Sighting Time: Sat Oct 17 14:28 PDT
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 47.74760,-122.55784
Number Sighted: 4
Submitted Comments: 3 juvenile and one baby orca crossed our bow at half way between Port Jefferson and Port Madison. Whales are heading Northbound. -Kari Penury, Whale Alert App
14:36 - …straight out from Fay B. Whales are in that area foraging.
14:25 - [J pod] 2 males and some females just north now of Golden Gardens, slowly northbound..midchannel.
"2:05pm Orcas heading northbound, Golden Gardens Park in the distance....mom and calf! Photographed from beach near Fay Bainbridge Park." -Sue Larkin
17:25 - J pod is NW of Edmonds, slowly traveling NW, in no hurry, generally towards Scatchet Head, S Whidbey - sightline from Edmonds (~47.870814, -122.429910). Too soon to say if committed to Admiralty, as they are still east side of channel. At this time, they are showing no sign of heading towards Possession Sound.
17:00 - J pod loosely grouped out from Edmonds Dive Park north of ferry lanes now (~47.823119, -122.421665), slowly northbound on Edmonds side and keeping to it. Water smooth and calm, lighting still silvery bright. Gorgeous pass at Marina Park and now here, as well, from Sunset Ave., north of the ferry dock/Brackett's Landing.
16:25 -16:50 - I arrived at Edmonds Marina Beach just as lead group (including 2 males) was due west still heading northbound (appears to be the earlier trailing group when off Kayu Kayu). This now lead group loosely grouped, with larger resting line group trailing (~47.798974, -122.420973). Js continued steady northbound on the east side of the channel keeping to the Edmonds side, but angling slightly NW. They are in no hurry. So wonderful to run into friends Monika and Jason of Orca Behavior Institute.
16:03 - J pod has grouped up, most members are now in beautiful resting line out from Kayu Kayu Ac Park in Shoreline, slowly northbound east of mid channel (~47.772561, -122.418307) with several trailing, including at least two bulls, this group is loosely spread making directional changes. Looks like lazy foraging while heading northbound. Sublime. From Kayu Kayu Ac Park, Shoreline.
15:30 - J pod traveling slowly northbound mid channel (~47.743480, -122.425597), and spread out on either side of, between Richmond Beach and Point Jefferson, Kitsap. Lighting is very cool and water lit up bright right now and is calm making viewing of, especially the males, much easier through binoculars. So lovely. From Richmond Beach Saltwater Park.
14:00 - J pod is mid channel and west. Who I think are leaders are still just south of Fay Bainbridge Park (~47.696035, -122.478438) with others trailing. Research boat is back with mid/trailing group. Hard to see from mainland side, orcas are visible, but mostly blows, occasional fins, and breaches with binoculars. Conditions today are not in favor with naked eye from this side, not even so brilliant with binocs. All steady northbound. From Shilshole/Golden Gardens.
13:24 - I am seeing orcas spread from just east of mid channel (~47.684650, -122.444701) to across well west of mid channel, steady northbound out from south end Shilshole Marina. Bull with several others is mid to just east of mid channel. From Shilshole/Golden Gardens.
13:15 - J pod: Someone was breaching in tankers wake out from north end of Rolling Bay, Bainbridge (~47.679619, -122.475869) in southbound shipping lanes while heading northbound, along with several other orcas who were surfacing near the research boat. From Sunset Park, Ballard. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:35 - Taken from Pritchard Park on Bainbridge Island, just south of Eagle Harbor. Quite a few orcas traveling NB at this time. -Jim Reitz
12:46 - At least 15 of them, spread, all north of Eagle Harbor.
12:35 - [J pod] Viewing from Discovery Park (south bluff), seeing fins on west side of the channel, northbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
12:45 - Looks like they are now moving slowly north of Bainbridge side, past the entrance of Eagle Harbor. Look for the red research skiff boat with a couple of people on it.
12:17 - [J pod] Looks like they are heading north. Near the entrance of Eagle Harbor. Looks like a research boat near them. -Lisa Corona
11:39 - [J pod] Still seeing them from Alki Point. -Fei Cheng
11:37 - They are still foraging but trending northbound as we slowly depart, off the southeast Point of Bainbridge Island.
10:57 - Lots of foraging.
10:45 - Confirmed J pod milling between Blake Island and Alki Point.
----Here are a few photos of J58 with mom, J41, Eclipse, and brother, J51, Nova, from today near Blake Island. J58 was being pretty spunky when they swam by and J-pod was doing a lot of foraging this morning. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
~10:50 - …milling around between Alki and Blake.
10:19 - [J pod] Can see them from Constellation Park looking toward north end of Blake. SB mid channel. Seen 2 so far. -Ray Shea
10:18 - [J pod] Viewing from Charles Richey, continued southbound travel, spread out, will pass east of Blake Island. Some directional changes. -Brittany Philbin
10:02 - …they are closer to east side of Blake, it appears.
09:50 - [J pod] Watching from Manchester at 9:50 am, lots of fins spread out moving south past Alki and lighthouse. -Noelle Morris
Taken from ferry WB between Seattle and Bainbridge this morning about 9:20am, 5-6 orcas including one baby headed southbound. Several stunning breaches! One very big male. Always such a thrill to see these beautiful creatures. What a gift! -Cathryn Rice
09:08 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Tacoma Master reports vessel is stopped due to 8-10 ORCA in the middle of traffic lanes heading South. [Bainbridge to Seattle run]
October 16
Fri, Oct 16 - Puget Sound (J pod) - ~12:30 - Orcas seen from Bainbridge to Seattle ferry. Friday October 16th, approx. 12.30pm. At least 5 including 2 adult males, I think. -Anne Warner
Fri, Oct 16 - Puget Sound (J pod) - 17:57 - 4-6 Have passed Golden Gardens now, slowly northbound, grouped up.
17:45 - 4-6 orcas northbound off Shilshole, mid channel. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
16:11 - [J pod] Not sure if this is the same pod but there is a pod north of Alki Beach heading towards Discovery Point. The Bremerton fast ferry was stopped for several minutes as they swam by it. -Jim Brady
14:11 - North tip Vashon around 2pm, southbound, very choppy.
13:15 - [J pod] 1:15 3 breaches just north of red marker, Restoration Point. -Mary Hartmann
12:57 - Westbound ferry now stopped. Good to see them well aware.
12:47 - [J pod] Wow just watched them distantly from Magnolia Blvd. Eastbound Bainbridge(?) ferry just got a show! Was stopped for a long while. Couple of breaches. Anyone have a count? From my perspective they are now near Blakely Rock. (I had a sense of many more [than 3], but spread out. Saw at least 2 males. And would guess 5+ others, but suspect more.) -Sophie Mazowita
12:41 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: TACOMA reports 5 Orca East bound near Elliot Bay. Vessel has stopped for Orca currently for a split pod traveling both North and South up to possibly 12 in the area.
12:35 - Looks like they are in ferry lane. Pretty sure I counted just three of them. Two smaller in the front, thinking mama and baby, and then big boy following behind them.
12:27 - [J pod] Watching from country club, Bainbridge. Yacht still traveling with them. Hard to see from here how many. Watching in binos. -Rachael Blaurock
12:26 - Leaders passing Eagle Harbor now. Southbound.
12:12 - ~10 KW loosely spread just south of Yeomalt 1-2km west of shore. Moving south. Large yacht is with them.
11:45 - 4 KW southbound 2km east of Skiff Point, Bainbridge. One more female close to Discovery, she may be milling. -Michelle Savoie
11:10 - [J pod] Still 2-3 whales passing Shilshole.. mid channel. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
14:30 - Orcas active in Vashon-Fauntleroy ferry lanes, breaching, continued southbound travel.
10:52 - [J pod] Viewing from Alki Ave. SW, looking north to Discovery Park, seeing blows south of the park. -Brittany Philbin
10:55 - 2 orcas spotted from Sunset Hill, traveling south, very close to the ship canal.
10:42 - 1 big orca spotted from Sunset Hill, mid-channel, traveling southbound. -Connie Kelleher
10:01 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Puyallup Master reports 1 orca heading SB. Currently on the west side of the E/K traffic lanes. Master states another vessel reported a pod nearby but he can only confirm 1 orca.
10:45 - We are leaving J pod still southbound off Shilshole. Also saw J27 in the mix right at the end.
10:30 - The J22s and J16s, at least, are on the Shilshole side still southbound.
10:19 - Confirmed J pod. We have J26, Mike, southbound trailing the others approaching Shilshole.
10:00 - We see orcas off Shilshole, southbound, spread wide, but we stopped to look at a humpback whale off Point Jefferson first. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
09:50 - East side group has male, female/calf. Baby was breaching over here. Long down times and chop making difficult to see most all of who is out here. I'd say they are Residents, but can't confirm yet. Still steady southbound southern end Richmond Beach and across in groups 1-4s.
09:30. Spread out whales Richmond Beach to Point Jefferson. Male female, plus in East side of channel, Some breaching west side. Of channel. Cold, breezy and very choppy seas.
09:10 - From Kayu Kayu Ac Park in Richmond Beach, seeing at least a dozen, including 3+ Males, females and calf spread from East side of mid channel to across west side of channel southbound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
08:44 - Still breaching a lot. I can't see them now but neighbors still have a view.
08:20 - Orcas off Apple Tree Point, Kingston, heading southbound in shipping lane, west side. Large male, female, lots of breaching, tail slap. Really spread out. At least 2 big males. Thinking 5-8 though unless more coming...rough out there. -Sara Frey
04:50-05:30 - I am hearing orca calls on Bush Point [hydrophone] this morning. They started before 5 a.m., very faint. They are getting louder at 5:20.
Follow-up email: Not sure which type. I starting hearing them around 4:50am but they were very faint. I wanted to be sure it was orca calls and the calls got louder at 5:15am so I sent you an email. The calls stopped around 5:30. Best music to wake up to!!! It was the first time in a few days that I had Bush Point on. I've been listening to Lime Kiln. -Linda Aitkins
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Oct 16 - South Puget Sound - ~18:00 - ...juvenile humpback in Case Inlet, north of Heron Island, traveling south in between Heron Island and Key Peninsula (Lakebay). This was at around 6pm on the 16th. It had the white markings on the tail (I'm not sure if that is a unique trait). There was lots of exhalation/blow, frolicking and tail slapping on the surface of the water. There was a small dorsal hump. -Katie Horkey Currier
16:55 - We saw it just north of Heron Island (Case Inlet), travelling south toward Olympia. It put on quite a show; lots of breaching, tail slaps. I couldn't tell if it was a small humpback or gray whale, but during its final dive it did look like a small humpback. Added: Or, perhaps it was a minke whale now that I look at pictures of them. -Mary Beth Peterson
[…from distant video and from others' reports, it looks and sounds to be a juvenile humpback. -alb]
16:41 - There is something large splashing around in Case Inlet just north of Herron Island. I don't see any tall fin on its back, and it just seems to be one. I don't know my whales very well. But so fun seeing it splash around and breaching. -LO Monaghan
09:05 - Jonathan Farney called to report a whale, not orca, much larger. They live just north of Tolmie SP. The whale sighted was large, traveling on the East side of Johnson Point, Olympia, in about 70-100 feet of water, headed north (toward Johnson Pt.). The whale surfaced twice then dove and showed their fluke. Whale was massive, size of a school bus. [Follow-up call: After doing some reading, they are sure it was humpback and thinks possible there were 2, larger and smaller. Location: They are just up from Dogfish Bight, which is just up from Tolmie SP. There has been tons of bait fish, loons, cormorants, and other sea birds.]
Fri, Oct 16 - North Puget Sound - 10:00 - we stopped to look at a humpback whale off Point Jefferson. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Fri, Oct 16 - Hood Canal - 12:43 - Mn in Hood Canal. Last seen milling NW at 11:35, midstrait, just N of the N boundary of the sub base. Only have my phone! Pretty distinct animal though. -Adam U
10:45 - Got to base, went on a deep dive, then promptly turned around and northbound again! This whale has a fairly erratic travel pattern and long down times.
09:50 - Now southbound off Navy Base.
~08:45 - Heyyy, it's 2020 so why not have a humpback whale in Hood Canal!! Northbound at good clip off Kings Spit ~0845. (Additional info from Renee: I'm sitting here at Kings Point and it's as quiet as can be until two navy ships passed heading south. All morning I've been seeing and hearing seals and sea lions but then... a humpback surfaced right in front of me!! I would have heard it long before but the ships masked the exhalation. It was moving fast. Only surfaced twice before it was out of sight so No ID. Had a weird almost "chopped off" dorsal appearance like it may have had a previous entanglement but hard to say.) -Renee Chamberland
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Oct 16 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 14:17 - It's been quite a while since I've seen my pal Gray 2261, although I've heard of sightings by neighbors here and there. However, I happened to glance out just now and saw it passing by and feeding at the happy meal mudflats just south of Mariners Cove. I got a good look and can confirm the white line below the blowhole, so definitely 2261. Heading toward Polnell. -Marianne Parry
Fri, Oct 16 - Hood Canal - [Correction: This sighting was reported as a humpback and included in our last report (October 17, 2020) as such, but has since been positively ID'd by Alie Perez of Cascadia Research Collective as 2020 newbie gray whale 2262, who has previously been documented for many weeks in Possession Sound with 2020 newbie 2259. CRC 2259 has also departed Possession Sound and was documented off Point Robinson, Vashon/Maury, on Oct. 18th. -gs] 11:35 - Last seen milling NW at 1135 midstrait just N of the N boundary of the sub base. Sorry for the crap photo... Only have my phone! Pretty distinct animal though. -Adam U
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Fri, Oct 16 - Central Puget Sound - ~09:15 - Lucy Sutphen called to report seeing a single whale, not orca, thinking maybe juvenile humpback today at around 09:15 (~45 minutes before low tide). She saw the whale from her home on NW Esplanade in the North Beach, Seattle, neighborhood (around corner from Meadow Point, Golden Gardens). They face NW and saw the whale moving east to west, close in, just a couple hundred yards off shore. She reports seeing the tail, and then head and body. Saw some barnacles. Did not see any markings to indicate orca. Cool experience. lived there 21 years and only 2-3 times seen whales, never any this close to shore.
October 15
MINKE WHALES - Thu, Oct 15 - Haro Strait - ~15:00 - Minke whale in Haro Strait today! Around 3pm... closer to San Juan Island side. -Aaron Berg
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Thu, Oct 15 - Central Puget Sound - Saw a whale matching that description [Julie Schlenger's report below] at Discovery Park in Seattle around sunset. It came up about 50 yards from the north beach and then headed SW toward Bainbridge from there. -Tyler Kretchmer
Thu, Oct 15 - Possession Sound/Port Susan - ~11:55 - Julie Schlenger called to report observing a baleen whale (leans humpback) at around 11:55am. She was at Howarth Park, Everett, where she first spotted the blow and then watched the whale heading SW towards Mukilteo. She watched several intervals of the whale surfacing. The whale presented fluke each time it sounded. The whale had a lot of white on its fluke underside. Looked smaller than most humpbacks she has seen. (She has viewed humpbacks often at Stellwegen Bank.) [I explained Port Susan humpback was a juvenile and she thought that likely was about the right size. -alb].
07:50 - Gray whale in front of Tulare Beach headed south, in close, at the boat buoy line. Sorry no photo. I am not certain at all [if gray vs. humpback]. It very easily could have been a humpback. This morning it was just under the surface swimming south. -Rose Rubatino Goulet, Camano
Thu, Oct 15 - North Puget Sound - 10:24 - Second hand report of a gray whale off Point No Point early this morning (~7:30am). Unfortunately, I do not have any additional details to exclude possibility of it being a humpback. -Michelle Savoie
SPECIES UNIDENTIFIED - Thu, Oct 15 - Central Puget Sound - ~18:00 - A whale that appeared to me to be an orca was moving south along Golden Gardens beach at Shilshole Bay. It spouted and breached several times. Numerous others were there and saw the whale. It was just before sunset around 6pm or a little earlier during high tide. Tide was very very high last night. -Beth Dodrill
October 14
UNIDENTIFIED ORCA - Wed, Oct 14 - Boundary Pass - ~18:00 - Hello! We are near Tilly Point on South Pender Island. We saw 4-5 orcas heading west through Boundary Pass at about 6pm. There were also 2 humpbacks heading southeast-ish at the same time. All in a beautiful purple sunset. No pictures of the actual whales but a really exceptional sighting for us. -Madison Duffin
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Oct 14 - Boundary Pass - ~18:00 - Hello! We are near Tilly Point on South Pender Island. We saw 4-5 orcas heading west through Boundary Pass at about 6pm. There were also 2 humpbacks heading southeast-ish at the same time. All in a beautiful purple sunset. No pictures of the actual whales but a really exceptional sighting for us. -Madison Duffin
Wed, Oct 14 - Port Susan - 14:56 - Humpback again in Port Susan in front of our house [above North Tillicum beach] mid channel, breaching and giving quite a show. Started at 2pm wed afternoon, still on going. [later he added: ""Whale was here for about 2 hours putting on quite a show."] -Paul Belshaw
Wed, Oct 14 - San Juan Islands - ~15:00 - Humpback Stitch was found outside Friday Harbor heading south... around 3pm today (Wednesday)...we headed north past Lummi Island, and finally came upon humpback MMX0167, aka Stitch right outside Friday Harbor. H/she was slowly heading south, and gave us a couple of lovely fluke-up dives so the i.d. could be confirmed. So nice to be out on the water as the season winds down. -Bonnie Gretz
Wed, Oct 14 - North Puget Sound - 11:23 - [Humpbacks] They're still there. I just saw two of them south of Jefferson Point from the Seattle-Kingston ferry. One breach and lots of tails. Good visibility too. -Julius Raymond
Wed, Oct 14 - Central Puget Sound - This may be related to your post today about a baleen whale near Mukilteo and Everett. This whale was seen from aboard Schooner Adventuress yesterday (10/14) morning just north of Shilshole Bay. I'm having trouble deciding if it's a minke or young humpback. The crew member that took the video said the dorsal fin was more of a pointy shape but the tail shape makes me and another marine nerd friend (Patrick Hutchins) second guess a minke ID. What do you think? Thank you! -Jennifer Huntley - video - https://www.facebook.com/OrcaNetwork/posts/10164626199475601 (by Kathryn Hoerauf/no permission)
[Yours in this video is definitely a humpback! May or may not be same whale as today's up north. There have been different humpbacks in central and north Sound at the same time, also grays up near Everett/Mukilteo/Tulalip/Camano, so likely you saw one of the two HBs who've been in central Sound or completely different whale all together. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
11:15 - Humpbacks milling northwest of Golden Gardens. Reliable secondhand report. No other details available. 12:31- Also an elephant seal! -Michelle Savoie
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Oct 14 - Possession Sound - 14:15 - Ok I have to say I'm excited. I just can't stand it. I'm watching a gray feeding. Viewing from Legion Park in Everett in line with southeast end of Hat Island closer to Everett. Trending slowly southbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Wed, Oct 14 - Central Puget Sound - My boyfriend and I saw a whale at Moran Beach on Wednesday evening at sunset. it looked like a humpback, but I thought it was too small so I didn't know what it was, now I'm second guessing myself. Definitely looked like a mini humpback whale. We saw it surface 4 times right in front of us. -Ceara Jade Parks
13:00 - Large whale in Elliott Bay! At 1:00pm, about 200 yards out from the Olympic Sculpture Park. Maybe a humpback? Not an orca. Went under and haven't seen again, yet! (Added: large body! No blow (though I saw a bit of a splash), no dorsal fin unless it was smaller/further back). -Dana Reinert
October 13
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Oct 13 - Port Susan - 13:38 - Yes! They [humpbacks] are both still here [S of Pt. Jefferson]! Scoop's calf is breaching in the surf!
12:11 - …and a humpback whale in Port Susan. We're currently heading toward Kingston to see if those other 2 humpbacks are still around! -Justine Buckmaster
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Oct 13 - Possession Sound - 12:11 - It's been another crazy morning [stormy], but I wanted to let you know we saw gray whale #2259 near the Snohomish River…Justine Buckmaster
October 12
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Oct 12 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - T251 west bound on the afternoon of October 12th south of Race Rocks. -Mark Malleson
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Oct 12 - Port Susan - 16:30 - Humpback feeding in Port Susan 4:30pm 12 Oct 2020. Spent about 2 hours lunge feeding with one spectacular full breech.
Added: We live above North Tillicum beach so that photo is just off our deck showing the very north end of the houses. Yesterday [10/12] afternoon I saw it breach in probably the best breach I've seen in all my years of whale watching tours. Full out of the water and probably a body length high, sun shining just amazing, it's been around for over a week know. I'd say one whale that we've seen on 4 or 5 days and one night in the dark you could hear it. -Paul Belshaw
[This is the same whale that Janine Harles photographed off Point No Point on September 28th. -alb]
["I have not found a match yet and have not designated a new ID at this time." - Elana Dobson, Cascadia Research Collective]
Mon, Oct 12 - North Puget Sound - 17:45 - Still circling in the bay somewhere out in the middle between Point Jefferson and Discovery Park areas. Large fluke at 17:45.
17:15 - [HB] We also saw them from Point Jefferson. 2, possibly 3. Last spouts we saw were at 17:15. They were headed northeast. -Jessica Richter
16:45 - [HB] Still seeing blows out near Jefferson Point of the 2 whales, looking from North Beach side (just north of Shilshole). -Kristen Clark
Found two humpbacks near Point Jefferson, Holey Moley which is the calf of BCX0870 Scoop, and an unidentified whale. -Janine Harles
09:55 - We found the same two humpbacks about a mile south of Point Jefferson. One is the 2-year-old offspring of "Scoop" -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
MINKE WHALES - Mon, Oct 12 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Out in the Strait of Juan de Fuca we found a Minke Whale party at Partridge Bank, Minkes all around us! -Janine Harles
October 11
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Oct 11 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T123s) - Today with T123's near Race Rocks Lighthouse. -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Oct 11 - North Puget Sound - 16:45 - They have been here all day.....have seen the splashes of 3 breaches....sadly only the splashes!!!! -Chris Beamer Otterson
~12:30 - Just spotted humpbacks off of Point Jefferson. Seem to be hanging around. Spotted several spouts, some flukes and a tail. About 12:30 pm. -Melissa Dempsey
11:45 - Two humpbacks feeding just south of Pt. Jefferson. -Christopher Lewman
10:30 - We spotted 2 humpbacks again today a nautical mile south of Point Jefferson. No direction. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Unidentified BALEEN WHALES - Sat, Oct 10 and Sun, Oct 11 - Port Susan - Saturday and Sunday we had what we figure were minke whales in the bay. One in front of our place on South Camano and there were two further north on the main land side. They definitely had the smaller curved dorsal fin. I have never seen them out here before. -Terri Smith
October 10
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sat, Oct 10 - San Juan Islands (T35As, T38As, T137B and T137D)
16:28 - It looked like they headed straight offshore from Cattle Pass rather than up the west side
15:05 - As of 1505 they were pulling offshore but still lots of surface activity.
14:40 - On a sea lion off the Cattle Point Lighthouse.
14:25 - In Cattle Pass.
13:15 - Now in Griffin Bay.
----Yesterday (Oct 10) we saw the T35As, T38As, and two members of the T137 matriline harassing a Steller sea lion off the Cattle Point lighthouse on San Juan Island. Cool enough in its own right, but made even more impressive by the 5' seas they were leaping through as they did it. Photos didn't do it justice, so here's a short video of the encounter. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute - video - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=374134570635982
Just as we got underway a whale sighting was relayed about a pod of orcas coming down Upright Channel in our direction. The orcas were later identified as the T35A's, T38A's accompanied by T137B and T137D. At first winds seemed surprisingly light as we sailed towards Turn Island and across San Juan Channel.
The orcas were moving quickly and we were able to see their blows as they got closer traveling in a tight group. We had a nice pass viewing the orcas as they went by, but we had a hard time keeping up under sail since they were moving so fast. When we spun around, the winds were coming up the channel from the southwest and the seas were a little sloppy as we were pointing into it. Spray was coming over the bow and folks were getting salty. The orcas were heading towards Griffin Bay and further into the slop so we opted to get a couple distant looks before spinning around to head north for an easier, more relaxing family sail. -David and Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing - photo - "T35A's, T38A's with T137B and T137D"
Sighting Time: Sat Oct 10 12:58 PDT
Sighting Location (Lat/Lon): 48.51709,-122.96515
Number Sighted: 6
Submitted Comments: T-38 pod
Whale Alert App
12:19 - Just saw some orcas on the ferry. They were headed west between Shaw and Lopez Island in the direction of Friday Harbor. -Olivia Carpenter
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Oct 10 - Port Susan - 11:00 - One Juvenile humpback is milling in Port Susan on the Camano Island side. Watching from MV Saratoga. Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Sat, Oct 10 - North Puget Sound - 14:21 - I see at least 2 of them now.
14:15 - Just now saw a humpback right out from Pt. Jefferson....a bit out there but closer to Kingston side. Fluked just as it caught my eye so don't know any direction. -Chris Beamer Otterson
10:30 - We spotted 2 humpbacks again today a nautical mile south of Point Jefferson. No direction. (Bart added: One of the humpbacks is the 2-year-old calf of Scoop.) -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sat, Oct 10 - Hood Canal - We were driving westbound across the bridge around 1300, I saw the blow from about a half mile away at around mid-span around 100 yards north of the bridge, so it was definitely big based on the blow. As we drove by mid span saw finning but no tail, definitely bigger than porpoise or an orca. We were driving so didn't get a good look, but color looked light grey, white and or brownish which seemed like an odd color. Didn't see direction of travel. -Chris Endres
My son said he saw a whale from the Hood Canal bridge. It was not a humpback or an orca. He said it had a light colored back and was spouting. We are trying to figure out what other whale it could be. He said it was definitely not one of the porpoise species as it was too big. -JJ
October 9
Bigg's Transient Orcas - Fri, Oct 9 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T123s) - 12:08-16:19 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #55: "Mark left Victoria harbour on Mike 1 at 1140 to attempt to acquire the T059's spotted in the vicinity of the T123's near Sooke. Both groups were last seen slowly eastbound off of East Sooke Park. …" [See CWR Encounter #55 (https://www.whaleresearch.com/2020-55) for full encounter summary and more photos]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Oct 9 - Port Susan - We found 1 humpback in Port Susan...Justine Buckmaster
Fri, Oct 9 - North Puget Sound - 16:35 - Still seeing at least two south of Jefferson Point. -Julius Raymond
~15:00-18:00 - We saw them circling around Point Jefferson and just north of Bainbridge Island on Friday afternoon from about 3-6pm! Looked like 2 adults and possibly one calf. Spouts, flukes, even a few breaches; one large one I just missed on the camera. They were still there when we left. -Jessica Richter
14:47 - Humpbacks keeping presence same place. Milling, sounding, fluke visible.
14:25 - For certain 2 humpbacks (possibly 3rd) still milling back and forth same genera area. Surfacing and diving together SW of Jefferson Head/Point Jefferson in it just west if southbound traffic lanes or just west of. Seas choppy, some whitecaps. Warm breeze day..
13:45 - Up again. I do take my eyes off so possible I'm missing an interval. If not, then about 10 min. down times.
13:35 - Up and then sounded again. They are swimming together, often in tandem, so beautiful.
13:25 - Can confirm I'm seeing at least 2 humpbacks. Same general area as my earlier report. Whales are milling back and forth, up for several blows then sounding. Seeing multiple backs and flukes. Observing from across the Sound at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park.
13:00 - Saw blows of at least 2 baleen whales just south of Jefferson Head in southbound shipping lanes milling (out from about mid Port Madison). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:40 - And then the minute I say they are going south they turn around again!! Just hanging around.
15:37 - They have moved a bit southward now, almost in the middle of the channel. Very busy with their surfacing.
15:30 - They are still there....watching them from Point Jefferson now....VERY busy surfacing in short intervals then fluking.
10:25 - Point Jefferson, Kingston. There are three humpbacks milling around with a gradual trend south. Several surfaces then fluking. Although closer to the Kitsap side too far out for any identification. -Chris Beamer Otterson
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Oct 9 - Possession Sound - We found….the 2 grays on the [Snohomish] delta [2259 & 2262]. -Justine Buckmaster
October 8
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Thu, Oct 8 - Haro Strait - 08:40 - Report of 4 orcas (likely T123s) heading north from Hannah Heights, close to shore - only those 4 seen from reliable shore source. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Oct 8 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 12:09 - 5-7 Humpbacks from Otter Point to Sooke bluffs and can be seen from shore. -Paul Pudwell
October 7
Wed, Oct 7 - Haro Strait (J pod) - 12:43 - The orcas sound close to shore and moving south.
12:30 - Hearing whale blows just north of Eagle Point...too foggy to see. -Chris Wilson
10:32 - Hearing faint J pod vocalizations on the Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Gayle Swigart, Orca Network
08:10 - Turned back heading south.
08:07 - (J pod] Almost to Hannah Heights now. -Monica Bennett
08:01 - There's a crazy interaction happening with a porpoise. Small group of orcas veered towards some Dall's which were moving away very quickly but 1 or 2 of the Dall's stayed with the orcas and surfaced with them. -Pat McEvoy
10:35-13:42 - The fog bank hovering to the south moved in with visibility fluctuating between 150' - 300'. J-Pod blows were heard for 3 hours. Drifting right and left or milling straight ahead. By 13:42 they had moved out of "ear-sight" to the south.
08:25-10:22 - And they turned. Heading south. At 08:30 I saw J35 Tahlequah with her small calf J57. By 08:46 15+ members of J-Pod present, spread out far and wide. Most traveled to the south of out sight but 2 loose groups stayed milling and hunting; one at Edwards Point and one just to the south near Hannah Hts.
07:38 - 08:15 - Spread out 15+ members of J-Pod seen 1/2 mile south of Edwards Pt. traveling northbound out of sight. They streamed past one by one or a few in small groups for 40 minutes with 5 milling at Edwards Pt. There were a few individuals occasionally porpoising and tail lobbing but mostly they were traveling with short hunting breaks. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
~04:50 - Hearing call on LK hydro starting around 4:50 am this morning. -Linda Aitkins
03:30 - J pod calls detected at Orcasound Lab. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Wed, Oct 7 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46Bs) - T046B1B/T'luk swimming alongside his mom, T046B! on the afternoon of October 7th near Sooke, B.C. -Mark Malleson
Wed, Oct 7 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T123s) - Great to sea Transient Killer Whales (T123A's) right out front of Sooke, B.C. -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Oct 7 - Central Puget Sound - 10:40a, Humpback northbound in Colvos Passage, closer to the east side. Seen from Camp Sealth. -Meaghan Baumgartner
Wed, Oct 7 - Haro Strait - 10:26 - The 2 humpbacks are together now, south of county park, heading north now.
10:11 - There are 2 humpbacks. One near shore, one farther out.
10:07 - Heading south now.
10:01 - Humpback at county park. -Isabelle Martin
09:35 - Humpback has passed Land Bank close to shore headed north. -Cassie Barclay
09:04-09:18 - Humpback in the fog, possibly 2. As members of J-Pod were spread wide and milling the humpback(s) traveled through them northbound towards/past Edwards Point. It surfaced 6-7 times with a bellowing hrrrump each exhalation. (The fog was just rolling in so the attached image is rough but may provide an ID. It's dorsal fin was lighter in tone than its body. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Oct 7 - Central Puget Sound - 18:59 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: Master reports a grey whale between Tyee and Blakely Rock. No specific direction of travel noticed.
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Oct 7 - Northern Saratoga/Crescent Harbor - 14:34 - I was surprised to see it inside the breakwater. Two whales in Crescent Harbor. Grays? Humpbacks? Looking at images online, I'm sure it was a gray. It was huge! I was surprised to see it inside the breakwater. The water is pretty shallow there. Thank you! -Marilyn Jordan Brown [gray whale confirmed by ALB upon review of images]
October 6
Tue, Oct 6 - Haro Strait (J pod) - 22:44 - A listener reported J pod calls at 22:44 that night (10/6/2020) on the Orcasound Lab hydrophone (5 km north of Lime Kiln). They were really faint and echoing wonderfully off the underwater canyon walls of Haro Strait, but definitely SRKW calls! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
22:22 - [J pod] Starting to hear calls on Lime Kiln. -Linda Aitkins
22:07-22:58 - Lime Kiln hydrophone. Soft calls and clicks intensified into a concert of varying calls and sounds; clicks, calls, squeaks, raspberries and horn blowing. 50 minutes and then abruptly it was quiet.
21:38-22:15 - In the dark under the stars I listened as J-pod passed so slowly northbound just south of Edwards Point. Beautiful, continuous exhalations. They must have been very spread out because the first calls and clicks were heard on the Lime Kiln hydrophone before the trailing members had passed by my location. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
Tue, Oct 6 - North Puget Sound (J pod) ~17:00 - Just after 5PM - Ken Balcomb called to report J pod heading west out of Admiralty Inlet.
~14:30 - I got a few pics of J pod yesterday [10/6/20] around 230ish…off Whidbey… -Amber Stanfill
14:20 - 2:20 - distant look from Ebey's Landing…---Surprisingly decent breach picture from Bush Point Lighthouse (my first foray to that spot) with Marilyn Armbruster and Sandy Pollard. Marilyn and I then went to the south end of Lagoon Point, but the fog was too thick. Then to Ft. Casey....again, thick fog. Stopped by Ebey's Landing (high bluff) and saw two whale watch boats and distant whales, heading north. Went up to Ft. Ebey but they must off gone back into the fog. Assuming J pod as that was the reporting, so great to see even a few of them! -Bonnie Gretz
13:30 - Glacier Spirit departed whales just southeast of Point Wilson, midchanel. Northbound. -
11:30 - Glacier Spirit with J Pod, northbound at 7 knots. -Christopher Lewman, Puget Sound Express
~13:30 - From Fort Casey, spotted two orcas past mid channel near Port Townsend about 1:30 p.m. Moving fast. Fog made seeing them very difficult. Saw with binoculars. Boat was nearby. -Ron Newberry
12:41 - [J pod] Saw a large tail splash at Lagoon Point but nothing else. Very foggy. -Anya Sika
11:52 - One male seen from Bush Point between Whidbey and Marrowstone. Foggy. -Sandra Pollard
10:40 - We have the trailers at Double Bluff still northbound. Looks like the J16s and J11s. They are spread from the Whidbey side to west of mid channel. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
10:27 - Small group northbound off Useless Bay.
09:30 - Just spotted 2 orcas moving northbound from Point No Point.. near Coast Guard boat. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
07:50 - Fog is lifting. Very spread out, steady northbound and seem committed to Admiralty Inlet. Based on numbers/males etc. think J pod. Have a few pics.
07:40 - Seem to be heading to PNP [Point No Point, Kitsap]. Foggy and can only see a few including a large male. Lots of breaching, spyhop.
07:30 - [North of Apple Tree Point, Kingston] orca shipping lane west side. Northbound. Seeing some, can hear blows and breaching or tail slaps. -Sara Frey
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Oct 6 - North Puget Sound - 16:30 - Getting a report of a humpback north of Edmonds/Kingston ferry. Neighbor is on the ferry and it was announced. -Sara Frey
16:22 - Breaching Humpback just reported by WSF Puyallup just north of the Edmonds ferry - I'm on the wrong side of the ferry and we're off loading - darn! -Tony Bahnick
16:15-16:30 - Tim (Harles) was on board the Kingston/Edmonds ferry when Captain announced a "Humpback whale just flew out of the water next to the boat". Tim missed the breach but did see dorsal and few blows, they were on the Edmonds side. -Janine Harles
Tue, Oct 6 - Port Susan - On October 6th @10AM, my husband sighted a humpback whale at Kayak Point Regional Park, Port Susan. He has been at Kayak Point area over 65 years and has never seen a humpback whale here. He posted the photos on the Orca Network Facebook page. -Chris Lingenfelter
10:00 - My first ever sighting of Humpback Whale just off of Kayak Point Park, Port Susan, on October 6, 2020 @ 10AM. -Gary Lingenfelter
October 5
Mon, Oct 5 - North Puget Sound (J pod) - 18:01 - [J pod] They are moving steady north past the [Edmonds] marina dog park now. -Michelle Marie
17:58 - Viewing south with binocs from Edmonds fishing pier! -Kristin Kreifels
17:45 - 6 + heading north from Richmond Beach, fairly close to shore. -Theresa Holman Williams
17:29 - [J pod] They are at Shoreline now. -Lauren Walley
17:13 - Large orca pod off Blue Ridge Beach heading north. -Michelle St
16:20 - Northbound north of Golden Gardens.
16:12 - [J pod] Cluster of whales close to Meadow Point/Golden Gardens, 1/2 mile from shore. -Kenny Matthews
15:41 - [J pod] Looks like they are heading north now. Viewing across from Golden Gardens Beach with binoculars. -Torrey Hall Volk
15:40 - [J pod] Can see 2 from Secret Beach in Ballard. Mid-channel near Shilshole Marina. -Connie Kelleher
15:35 - [J pod] Able to see at least three from Sunset Hill, mid channel. Binoculars help but can see with naked eye. -Ben Gaskill
15:15 - Orca popcorn, 1/2 dzn or so. Viewing from Rolling Bay. They are straight out, trending southwest. -Susan Marie Andersson
15:46 - They're about half a mile north of Discovery Lighthouse. Due north. Saw about ten breaches. At least 10-15 whales in that spot.
15:06 - [J pod] Large group foraging near sailboat by itself mid channel. Sailboat just went right through them. -Neil Emery
14:52 - [J pod] Viewing from Sunset Hill Park-at least 3 west of the barge, mid-channel, heading south. -Connie Kelleher
14:40 - Several orcas visible in the distance, viewing from Fay Bainbridge looking toward Golden Gardens. Maybe just east of mid channel near cluster of sailboats. Slowly SB. 2:40pm. -Jim Reitz
14:43 - Fins now mid channel N of Golden Gardens/Shilshole, steady SB.
~14:30 - [J pod] Several big splashes east of Fay Bainbridge w/yacht slowly trolling behind them, approaching Shilshole, SB. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
14:22 - Just saw one.. way East, north of Golden Gardens.. moving slowly south.
13:55 - [J pod] Large group spread out midchannel off Jefferson Head, southbound. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
12:44 - [J pod] Still directly across from Kayu Kayu Park, closer to Kingston. -Annissa Chebul Walsh
18:48 - Group of at least 3 Js, including male and little one, still foraging in Edmonds/Kingston ferry lanes. East side of mid channel NW of Point Wells.
18:00-18:30 - Watched Js for past 30 minutes+ continue northward movement as they foraged, spread from Pt. Wells to mid channel. At 18:30 several (female/young) were still foraging in ferry lanes, more east side channel (Added: 47.794089, -122.428448). I believe most have trended north. Not seeing any whales at this time from north Richmond Beach (just south of Pt. Wells). So sweet to watch a little one forage. Night Night J pod.
17:55 - Several have stalled to forage offPt. Wells including male, female, young. Male lunging.
17:50 - So many Js fairly close in to Richmond Beach. Babies! Now spread northbound now from Point Wells to east of mid channel, some look to be in family groups. Others moved offshore as they passed Kayu Kayu Ac Park, Richmond Beach, observing foraging with others moving steady NB. Breaches, pec slaps, little ones porpoising while steady northbound. Mountains, blue sky, illuminated J pod exhalations... sublime. From Kayu Kayu Ac park. (Added notes/gps: closest group, females w/calves, passed Kayu Kayu - 47.774455, -122.398794)
17:20 - From roadside north of Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, I can see J pod spread across from close to this side (maybe 1/2 mile) out to east of mid channel. Coming north.... and foraging along the way. (Added notes/gps: Several of the whales came inside Data buoy anchored off Richmond Beach: Station 46120 - Pt. Wells, WA (U of Wash) 47.761 N 122.397 W (47°45'40" N 122°23'50" W) putting them less than .5 miles offshore, with others spread to one mile offshore.)
17:05 - Quick glimpse from side of road, at least some Js kept close to mainland side and are north of Carkeek (added: 47.723702, -122.388543). Still northbound, quick pace. From just Broadview neighborhood just north of Carkeek.
16:40 - Several members of J pod kept to east side, cutting in eastward decently close when they moved past Meadow Point, north end Golden Gardens (added: 47.701587, -122.410950). Other members steady NB spread out between that group to East of mid channel (added: 47.706154, -122.431641).
16:16 - Beautiful J pod now committed and moving fast northbound off the north end Shilshole Marina to Golden Gardens. Js are not as spread out, have grouped together in groups of 3-5s. East side of channel. Some diversionary movements chasing fish (presume), but all on the move. I met a baby or two.
15:55 - Southbound movement has ceased. Spread out J pod orcas continue to forage out from Shilshole Marina with northbound trend and many directional changes. Two bulls east side of channel currently northbound, but have been making directional changes as well. Smaller groups still spread wide.
15:25 - J pod still out from Shilshole Marina spread out the entire stretch of the marina. In general all members are foraging making many directional changes. I see at least 8 groups of 1-3 (or 4) spread out mostly mid channel with some East of. Approx. one-mile distance separates the most southerly group and most northerly which is also the most eastern group (added: 47.688914, -122.434951).
15:10 - At least 2 leaders are southbound east of mid channel, big cartwheel! Others trailing behind in several groups of 1-4 spread apart by many hundreds of yards, still foraging out from Shilshole Marina some stalled out while others making directional changes trending southbound.
15:00 - Lead group of Js has stalled and is foraging basically in same place. Making directional changes. I see at least 1/2 dozen spread individuals mid channel and east of.
14:45 - Seeing at least 2 J pod females out from Shilshole Marina (north end) East of mid channel. Steady southbound. Haze, mild chop, and spread out whales makes seeing them a little challenging. From Shilshole Marina/Golden Gardens.
12:40 - Who I believe are leaders (led by female) are south of Jefferson Head and out from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park traveling steady southbound with others trailing seen at least 1/2 mile north. And, at least those I'm seeing have moved over towards mid channel but are still slightly west of (added: 47.741068, -122.433950). Richmond Beach still good viewing, and Carkeek on mainland side would be next best public viewing location. They are distant, binoculars needed.
12:05 - Some J pod members still foraging in ferry lanes. WSF has been notified whales still present.
11:56 - I am seeing fins spread S to N from out from Presidents Point, Kingston (47.768066, -122.456942) to out from north of Kingston ferry dock (sightline) (47.795696, -122.467333) in 1-3s spread wide in southbound shipping lanes to more Kitsap side slow southbound. Still some directional changes, foraging. Still viewing from Kayu Kayu Ac Park, Shoreline.
11:40 - J pod. Who looks to be lead/most southerly group (at least 8+) is south of Apple Tree Point pointed southbound, with some making directional changes.
11:30 - I just arrived to Kayu Kayu Ac park in Shoreline, quick scan and pretty quickly caught a breach! Sightline transect my location to S side Apple Tree Point, Kingston about in the southbound traffic lanes. (added: 47.801022, -122.454490). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
At 11:25 Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: Log entry: 10/05/20, 1112hrs: Master reports via 800MHz vessel is at all-stop due to a pod of Orca whales heading northbound in the southbound traffic lanes.
~11:15 - [J pod] Saw them from the Kingston -> Edmonds ferry around 11:15! -Casey Hilgenbrink
11:48 - J pod is still southbound off Kingston spread out. It appears to be all of J-pod.
11:10 - They are still very spread out, mostly on the Kitsap Peninsula side, still southbound and foraging...---Meet J-pod's newest member, J58! Yesterday we found J-pod just 10 minutes into our trip from Edmonds, and one of the first orcas we saw was J58, with mom, J41, grandma, J19, and brother, J51! Mom, J41, Eclipse, made history when she had her first calf, J51, Nova, at the young age of almost 10 years old back in 2015. That's the youngest mom we've ever seen with the resident orcas. Her new calf, J58, was just born on September 24, 2020 and we don't know yet if its a boy or girl. That is the second calf born into J-pod in less than a month, and its exciting news for the resident killer whales!
Yesterday the rest of J-pod was spread out and foraging while we mostly sat motionless in the water watching them in all directions. They were very playful, and we must have seen 20+ breaches. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
11:40 - Believe all are at or south of the Edmonds/Kingston ferry.
11:15 - See more coming from the north of Apple Tree Point. Another mature male plus more.
11:10 - Most past Apple Tree Point, Kingston, with a male in the rear. Continue slow trend SB.
11:05 - Large male, maybe the rear, now just passing....getting closer to Kitsap side. I'm told it is Mike.
10:50 - Been watching J pod heading SB. West side of shipping lane. Seeing quite a few. Some tail slaps. Not in a huge hurry. Approaching the Edmonds/Kingston ferry. -Sara Frey
10:30 - J-pod in North Puget Sound between Eglon on west and Edmonds on east. Foraging. No direction noted. -Burt Miller, WSF, via Michelle Savoie
11:48 - J27, J38 and others in the ferry lanes now. SB.
10:00 - Thanks to Ariel Yseth for alerting us at 10:00 am that J pod was north of Edmonds. -Ariel Yseth photo - "J41 with both of her kiddos, J51 and J58, right by her side around 11:15 this morning."
09:42 - Orcas mid channel off Point No Point heading south. Pretty dispersed. Some tall male fins. -Kristin Pederson
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Oct 5 - Haro Strait - 18:16 - Whales right by Snug Harbor. About 8 Orcas. -Pam Cameron Keffer
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Oct 5 - Possession Sound - 12:20 - Gray whale CRC2262 is on the edge of the Snohomish River delta. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
October 4
Sun, Oct 4 - Haro Strait (J pod) - Getting to see wee baby orcas in the sea where they belong is an honor and a blessing. Through all of the hard times these orcas have been through, they still try to keep family their priority. Tahlequah (J35) finally has her second baby, as does Eclipse (J41). Here's to them and salmon to keep them healthy and strong. -April Ryan, Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
17:00 - 5:00 PM Orcas south of False Bay. Small groups and singles. Spread out. S-l-o--w-l-y moving south. -Chris Wilson
Happy spunky little J57. You have stolen our hearts. Thank you for spending your one-month birthday with us. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
12:35 - Southbound trailers no longer visible from Dead Man's Cove bluff. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
12:20 - Trending south towards Land Bank.
12:15 - Milling around LK and Land Bank. -Fred Horn
11:55 -13:10 - The leaders were sighted southbound at Edwards Pt. 15-17 J-Pod members spread out, a few breaches, mostly milling and traveling slowly in a few groups of 2-3. J39 Mako who was observed with 3 scratches far down on his left saddle patch, J49 T'ilem I'nges, J16 Slick, J42 Echo with J40 Suttles, J47 Notch and then happily I could just make out his mom J35 Tahlequah and her new calf J57. The three traveled tight together with the calf between them. Bringing up the rear, J26 Mike. As is his habit he circled, concentrating on his fishing in a spot he often favors. To watch his movements is like watching a dancer practicing. For 25 minutes he hunted gracefully moving south.
11:40 - Clicking and calls heard on LK hydrophone. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
11:35-14:45 - During Encounter #54, CWR had the opportunity to photograph J41 with her new calf. This was the first time we had seen the calf and officially designated this latest member of J Pod as J58. During our Encounter, both J41 and J51 were chasing fish and J58 was right there in the middle of the action. [See Center for Whale Research Encounter #54 for full encounter summary and more photos] https://www.whaleresearch.com/2020-54
11:25 - Orcas off of San Juan County Park. Different groups; some are farther out than others. Heading south. A group of two leading and a group of 3 trailing behind. -Kate Shikany
Hi there! I saw many members of the J pod on Sunday 10/05/20 [10/4] just west of San Juan Island. -Cara Mckensey
~11:00-11:30 - We spotted a pod of Orcas from our rental house. They went across our view from North to South around 11:00am-11:30am. (seen from Smuggler's Cove Rd.) -Andrea Tuttle
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Oct 4 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Another beautiful day out west of Sooke with 3 different Humpback whales. -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Oct 4 - Northern Saratoga/Crescent Harbor - Crescent Harbor. 10/4/2020 -Cindy Jennings
October 3
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sat, Oct 3 - San Juan Islands (T123s) - T123s! Sidney, Stanley, Lucky, and the newbie. -Ariel Yseth
1:52 - Just left 4 orcas. One male. President's Channel headed North/NE. -Mae Cannon
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Oct. 3 - San Juan Island - 16:19 - The fog lifted just in time to view 3 (possibly 4) humpbacks at the mouth of Eagle Cove. They surfaced through several dozen gulls on a bait ball. One humpback drifted south moving offshore, the other 2 (possibly 3) were hugging the shoreline slowly moving north, around Eagle Point, up island. -Lodie Laurieanne Gilbert Budwill
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Oct 3 - Possession Sound - #2259 and #2262 still holding strong near the delta while they swam in circles (mostly side by side) and waited for the tide to come in. -Renee Chamberland
October 2
BIGGS/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Fri, Oct 2 - Haro Strait (T123s) - 19:40-20:05 - Hearing 4 or more orcas near the shore moving very slowly to the northwest. There was a band of light remaining on the water and I saw a large male but no one else. With long exhalations the group surfaced often as they moved out and away from the island N/NW. The exhalations were so frequent that it could have been more than 4. I did hear 4 in quick succession at one time. (Orca Sighting, 1/4 mile south of Edwards Point, SJI. Heavy tanker noise made this activity difficult to assess.) -Michelline Halliday, SJI
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Oct 2 - Northern Saratoga Passage - Gray (2261?) is racing northward up Saratoga Passage. From my vantage point at Mariners Cove, it has come all the way up from the point south of Maple Grove Beach and has already passed Utsalady Point in the span of 10 minutes. It usually cruises at a much more leisurely pace. -Marianne Parry
Fri, Oct 2 - Possession Sound - 16:45 - Grays in the Snohomish delta. I see them every day from my place in the evening about 5pm. -Jaime McBroom
October 1
HUMPBACKS - Thu, Oct 1 - San Juan Islands - 17:55 - Humpback at Point Caution headed south 5:55. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Oct 1 - Northern Saratoga Passage - 13:35 - I just spotted Gray coming across the channel directly to the happy meal mudflats, where it is now (1:45) happily chowing down. Appears to be heading south but just swirling and waving at the moment...Marianne Parry UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALE - Thu, Oct 1 - San Juan Islands - 17:55 - Humpback or minke at Point Caution headed south 5:55 pm. Didn't get a good look. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
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