November 2023 Whale Sightings
Map © 2004 used with permission by
Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.
November 30
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Nov 30 - Puget Sound (T46s) - A coworker on Victoria Clipper 5 spotted six orcas (one youngster) near Kingston. Later identified one as T46D, Strider. -Alli Montgomery
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Thu, Nov 30 - California Coast - Forwarded by Scott Mercer: Four orca sighted off Point Cabrillo on Thursday November 30. See below. Sounds like one male and three females. The only detail we recorded was that there was one that was much larger than the others - the dorsal fin was exceptionally big. We also were able to see saddle patches on all four. -Tim Bray
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Nov 30 - Haro Strait (BCY1218 Kata) - 11-30-23 BCY1218, Haro Strait, SJI - 12:40 - 12:42, Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank, humpback BCY1218 "Kata" traveling south down-island, 1/3 mile from shore. The humpback surfaced 3 times and then I didn't see her/him again. ID courtesy of Erin Johns Gless. Thanks Erin! Photographed from shore. -photo by Michelline Halliday, November 30, 2023
Thu, Nov 30 - Haro Strait - 12:07 - Another humpback [on Lime Kiln webcam]. -Ambur Lee
08:40 - Looks like the humpback has moved north towards the County Park.
08:25 - Humpback loitering north of Lime Kiln among the raft of sea birds. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
Thu, Nov 30 - Rosario Strait - 09:40 - Five humpbacks at Lopez Pass and Rosario Strait heading south. -Dan Rothstein [WSSJI]
Thu, Nov 30 - Elliot Bay (2022 calf of BCY0995 Smiley)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Amy Fowler
Date of Sighting: November 30, 2023
Time: 10:55 AM
Species seen: humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Elliott Bay, seen from Pier 56
Direction of travel : Unknown
Behaviors observed: Breaching repeatedly
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Passing along report from my dad who has been watching a humpback breaching repeatedly from his office on the Seattle waterfront. He just texted it was up to 25 breaches in a row!
Photos available?: No
[WSF also reported short time later that Soundwatch was out monitoring whale's activities which were said to be very erratic. Whale had been off pier 52 earlier, but had moved over to the West Seattle side. By day's end it appears the whale was behaving normally. - alb]
10:00 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Captain of the MV KALEETAN, reports a humpback in Elliot Bay, just north of the ferry lanes, possibly sleeping or in distress.
November 29
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Wed, Nov 29 - Swanson Channel (J Pod) - 09:44 - Seems they did go north after all! Likely them northbound in Swanson Channel this morning. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Nov 29 - Haro Strait - 08:49 - Baleen whale seen on the Lime Kiln webcam. -Ambur Lee
Wed, Nov 29 - Elliot Bay (presume 2022 calf of BCY0995 Smiley) - 10:15 - Humpback seen about 200 yards off of west entrance at Elliott Bay Marina. Only saw large tail flukes as the animal dove down. -Tammara Dinkins
10:09 - Couple breaches of large unknown species moving west in front of West Seattle viewed from ferry. Looked like two female orcas [no other orcas reported]. But took a dive after a couple breaches. On Bainbridge ferry pulling into Seattle. -Emily Klobuchar
07:40 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:46 to report: 0740hrs: SEA/BREM/BI vessels notified via 800MHz of a single humpback whale traveling in a SE direction, located off Duwamish Head.
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Wed, Nov 29 - Hood Canal - 15:04 - Just went over the Hood Canal Bridge and saw either orcas or porpoises (just quickly saw fins, no breaches) and lots of gulls nearby. On the south side, approximately center span. -Lori Vonderhorst
November 28
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Tue, Nov 28 - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet (J Pod) - I say it a lot, but sometimes one crazy decision makes all the difference. We saw J Pod from the Coupeville ferry right as the light was fading. I was originally just going to leave and call it day. That voice in my head told me to hop on the ferry one last time. Photos aren’t that great but the memory is what matters to me! -photos by Kat Martin, November 28, 2023
J Pod from Bush Point today! -photos by Hongming Zheng, November 28, 2023
November 28 brought 'animated' J pod whales (a trick of the light) into Admiralty Inlet, forming a gradual procession north after their overnight stay in, presumably, Possession Triangle where they spent most of the previous day milling and foraging. At least one whale took advantage of a freighter wake to enjoy some surfing, while a couple of others created wakes of their own as they breached and splashed. Will this be the grand finale for 2023 forays into Puget Sound? Hopefully not. -photos by Sandra Pollard, November 28, 2023 -photos by RJ Snowberger, November 28, 2023
Shaky video from the ferry. The residents had a beautiful spread going as they passed us by! Link to video. -Kat Martin
22:27 - Only heard two calls and haven't heard anything more since.
22:21 - Faint J-Pod calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
17:04 - More intense SRKWs = Southern Resident Killer Whales calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
17:06 - Loud calls just now! - Rebecca Berger
16:56 - A couple very faint calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
16:55 - Just went by them at Point Wilson. They were northbound. -Ryan Johnson
16:45 - Possible calls through vessel noise. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
16:36 - Beautiful pass by the ferry as the last light faded away. They’d be passing Fort Casey by now. -Kat Martin
16:27 - Still a bit south of the ferry lanes, more grouped up but still about five to six into the sunset! Lovely! -Bonnie Gretz
16:20 - Actually some have passed the tip and I believe one or two stragglers. Appears one really tall dorsal straggler.
16:15 - Slowly passing tip of Marrowstone still northbound. Somewhat spread out. About here [approx. 48.092470, -122.671546]. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
16:06 - Yay, the OrcaHello AI got a detection from the newly re-deployed Bush Point hydrophone! Thanks to David Bain for moderating the candidate. -Orcasound - Listen for Whales
16:04 - Seeing dorsals coming toward Fort Casey - mid channel but water super smooth, northbound but not to ferry lane yet. Just one or two so far. -Bonnie Gretz
15:52 - I’m seeing backlit blows passing the large cargo ship still headed north. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
16:13 - They are approaching Fort Casey.
15:51 - Northbound still as viewing from Fort Flagler. Approximately four to five in this group. -April Basham
15:31 - I can see research boat from my house on Smugglers Cove Road, Lagoon Point, but haven't seen any blows or whales. View probably blocked by houses, etc. -Patricia Prochaska
15:26 - Faint S04 calls on Bush Point hydrophone. Then increase in boat noise (maybe Brad on NOAA/NWFSC boat powering up?). -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
15:15 - Managed to see some of J Pod going past Lagoon Point. I also saw a harbor porpoise and a Steller sea lion (before J Pod showed up) but I didn't get any pictures. -photo by Tami Kannenberg, November 28, 2023
15:12 - Seeing blows alongside the research boat. Hard to tell on the ferry here but it appears as though they’re passing Lagoon Point. Still northbound. Will be hopping back on the ferry to see if we can catch them on the way back to Fort Casey. -Kat Martin
15:04 - Five orca off Lagoon Point. Northbound Lagoon Point side of channel. -Bill Setter
14:56 - Captured from Lagoon Point with a long lens and dropped way in. -Bob VonDrachek
14:48 - Faint S04 call after some clear echolocation clicks. -Orcasound - Listen for Whales
14:46 - Still lots of calls from Bush Point, it's awesome. -Kevin Phillips
14:42 - Just heard faint SRKW calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone hosted by the Port Townsend Marine Science Center! -Orcasound - Listen for Whales
14:41 - Beginning to hear faint calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
14:38 - SRKW calls are much less masked now after noise from three (3!) southbound tug boats finally abates. ID them all via AIS, e.g. -Orcasound - Listen for Whales
14:22 - Nice clear calls on Bush Point hydrophone. -Orca Network
14:17 - Trailers straight out from Bush Point. Whidbey side, still pushing north. Research boat is still with them. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
14:09 - Trailing group almost to Bush Point midchannel northbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:09 - Starting to see blows and splashes looking south from Lagoon Point. They seem to be farther away than mid channel. -Brandy Jackson Ritchie
14:03 - I watched a breach happen right near the research boat. The jealousy I felt! -Holly Bailey Aprecio
14:00 - Message from Brad Hanson, NOAA/NWFSC out there conducting research including collecting samples: “Having another productive day as they head out. No foraging but some pooping”. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:49 - Calls getting louder on Bush Point hydrophone. -Orca Network
13:45 - Hearing faint calls behind the boat noise on Bush Point hydrophone. -Kevin Phillips
13:43 - A few leaders passing Bush Point, mid channel, still very spread out. -Katie Davis Watkins, Orca Network
13:43 - Faint SRKW calls audible on Bush Point hydrophone. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
13:43 - Calls on Bush Point. -Breanne Denise Ward
13:29 - Starting to see blow from Bush Point. -Linda Aitkins
13:24 - Leaders near Bush Point near midchannel. Northbound. Still large spread. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:17 - Leaders are about two miles south of Bush Point, very spread and trending north, midchannel. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
13:15 - Two large orcas mid to east channel Admiralty Inlet, south of Bush Point near Marrowstone Island. A few good breaches. Large container ship in the area now. -Renee Gastineau
12:37 - Trailing group nearing Limpet Lane (still south of). Research boat with them. Six plus. Big breaches!
12:15 - They are very spread. Some maybe two to three miles south of Bush Point midchannel, trailers back towards Limpet Lane. Northbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:04 - They are heading north very fast! -Torrey Hall Volk
11:45 - Seeing some west, maybe north-ish of green marker off Limpet Lane/Double Bluff area. Would assume these are leaders. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:40 - There is a bunch more further south of Point No Point trailing the first group. At least seven.
11:38 - A few spotted close to Point No Point. Research boat with them. Slowly heading north out from point. -Torrey Hall Volk
11:25 - Stopped at Sunlight Beach, saw some further north, outer edge Useless Bay, seems like a decent spread, still northbound, midchannel. Couldn't tell you if leaders or trailers.
11:05 - Mirage is awful, but distorted blows here maybe [approx. 47.947317, -122.495549]? Appear to still be northbound, but can't really tell. Next stop has some height so hope I can tell better what they're doing.
10:45 - At least three west of green buoy off Scatchet Head still northbound. A couple further south barely visible in the haze, also northbound. Not sure if more are already north of me, haven't seen many at all. The three included mom and calf pair who appear to forage west of the buoy before continuing north. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:24 - I just saw some surface headed west towards Point No Point to the left of the big cargo ship [approx. 47.919418, -122.483171]. -Brooke Thompson
10:13 - Just saw a few more further west, disappearing into the haze.
10:10 - I'm not seeing the ones I saw anymore, except at 10:07, resighted a mom/calf pair, traveling was more west/northwest. Wonder if the others have drifted more west - they have all been barely in sight of my binos for me. Going to relocate. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:04 - Consistent J pod calls on Sunset Bay, increasing in frequency and volume. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
09:58 - Seven seen from Sunset Ave in this location [approx. 47.890721, -122.410920]. -Brooke Thompson
09:58 - As viewed from west side of Possession Point, they are about two miles south of me. Spread. Some midchannel, others west of. Currently traveling northwest. Not sure if just hanging out or committed, but the roughly seven I see are north/northwest bound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:53 - Another clear J pod call under vessel noise. -Orca Network
09:52 - I still hear faint calls! -Anya Vahlolo/
08:59 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: SPOKANE reports they spotted approximately 25 in the pod.
08:47 - Confirming two S01 calls in this 30-sec clip (link to clip) over some faint ship noise and a little radio interference. (For those curious, sometimes long hydrophone cables and wires used to reduce AC-power noise can pick up radio frequencies, so a random radio station can get mixed into the ocean sound signals!) -Orcasound - Listen for Whales
08:51 - Consistently hearing calls.
08:40 - More J pod calls audible. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Nov 28 - Haro Strait - 13:06 - Crazy bird action too with the lil humpy. -Pat McEvoy [WSSJI]
12:41 - Single humpback milling about between Westside Preserve & Lime Kiln Lighthouse - lots of surfacing, fluking here and there. Definitely doesn't appear to be in a hurry. -Erin Corra [WSSJI]
12:30 - Humpback whale at Lime Kiln for several hours this morning. Still in the area at 12:30. -photo by Coni Jones Carrothers, November 28, 2023
Tue, Nov 28 - Elliot Bay (presume 2022 calf of BCY0995 Smiley) - 15:20 - Elliot Bay. It’s been here for a few hours. -Clifton Goff
13:20 - It’s definitely a humpback, circling mid-bay. -Brittany Noelle
13:06 - My friend working in Pier 54 reported orcas right in front of their office. Waiting on distance from shore and numbers or pictures. She said they see one orca [humpback] and ferry traffic has stopped. -Sara Caplis
12:57 - Seacrest in background.
12:52 - From Colman Dock, water taxi dock in background.
12:50 - Close to Seattle side south of ferry dock. View from Colman Dock. Was moving northbound past West Seattle in background. -photos by Mary Hartmann, November 28, 2023
12:51 - He’s been deep in Elliot Bay for the last half hour. Lots of surface action.
12:15 - Spotted a humpback whale in middle of Elliot Bay [approx. 47.592844, -122.358860]. -Alexander Simenstad
November 27
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Mon, Nov 27 - Strait of Georgia (K Pod) - Found K Pod! -Oceanwise Research -screen grab from Oceanwise Research, taken under permit, November 27, 2023
Mon, Nov 27 - Puget Sound (J Pod) - Caught a breach off Stamm today. Was wonderful to see familiar faces and meet some new ones! Such a lovely day. -photo by Alice Thuy Talbot, November 27, 2023
It was a binoculars day instead of camera but - I took a couple of snaps anyway. This was from Apple Tree Point looking east towards north Edmonds. -photo by Donna Green Van Renselaar, November 27, 2023
20:50 - Possible echolocation, but the tide level is getting pretty low now and will get down to -2.7' at 22:42 (about the depth of the hydrophone!), so listening may be less than optimal for next few hours with much more surface wave and flow noise. -Orcasound - Listen for Whales
20:25 - Still hearing them at Sunset. -Jocelyn Whitfield
18:53 - For the record sill hearing faint J pod calls.
18:29 - Still vocalizing. Calls a bit louder now. S1s and other calls.
18:11 - J pod still audible on Sunset Bay - and another train went choo chooing by.
18:05 - Still some intermittent super faint calls. -Orca Network
17:55 - Louder calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone after the train passed. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
17:52 - First time finally hearing them, want to cry. -Lisa Jung
17:43 - J pod calls still audible on Sunset Bay. Also vessel noise. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
17:15 - They are making lots of noise on the hydrophone. -Brooke Thompson
16:55 - J pod calls still audible under vessel noise. -Orca Network
16:32 - Hearing them on the Sunset Beach hydrophone for the last twenty minutes or so. It’s so incredible! -Jocelyn Whitfield
16:10 - Lovely J pod continues to forage widely spread in the northern basin of Puget Sound proper. -Orca Network
15:57 - Seeing about a half dozen or so here [approx. 47.876098, -122.435844]. Half facing south, half facing north. Tons of little salmon jumping everywhere! -Alice Thuy Talbot
15:30 - They are now directly across from north end of Sunset Ave and seem to be heading south.
15:20 - Watching from Sunset Ave in Edmonds. They are spread out by Eglon and Point No Point area. -Marty Jones
Thanks also to the kind gal who shared her binoculars today! -Alan Gojdics
15:00 - From Stamm Overlook. Was nice to meet some of y’all today - I’m the one who came up all the way from Portland! Thanks for all you do! -photo by Kelly Dawson, November 27, 2023
15:00 - They are generally slow trend southbound while foraging.
14:50 - J pod spread wide in triangle due south of South Whidbey off Edmonds spread in all directions. Lovely to see so much foraging with so many humans here at Stamm Overlook. -Orca Network
14:35 - A few just north of Possession Point Whidbey side. -Joe Dreimiller
14:19 - J pod still milling but most have flipped south. All south of Possession Point and spread to at least one to two miles south. Nice group including male on east side of Sound about one and a half miles off north Edmonds, others spread to mid channel. -Orca Network
14:04 - Some milling here [approx. 47.881025, -122.374739]. Directional changes so unsure of direction at the moment. -Jami Cantrell
14:00 - The weather, the mountain views and the orcas made today especially magical! Picnic Point. -Holly Bailey Aprecio
14:00 - J59, J37, & one other made it just north of Possession Point, then flipped south - others south of us still aiming this way. Lots of directional changes along the way. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:38 - Still fairly spread out but all 20+ that I’ve seen are steady northeast travel. -Whale Scout
13:37 - SRKWs (J pod) spread out from mid Edmonds to just south of Possession Point some close in half to one mile offshore others spread offshore [approx. 47.875037, -122.384001]. Generally northbound with still much foraging behavior and occasional breaches. So lovely! -Alisa Lemire Brooks Orca Network
13:14 - Nice group close in Edmonds side northbound out from Stamm Overlook about half mile offshore. Others spread to north, just south of Possession Point. Per Whale Scout, J38 was in this group. -Orca Network
13:00 - This cute pair have been circling the triangle for quite a while. Still seeing some in the triangle and a few more near the Maxwelton channel marker. Sounds like a huge spread! -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:56 - Northbound travel, north of Edmonds dock, two males. -Clint Jones
12:50 - From Sunset Ave, one very large male north of the ferry lanes more east side of channel. He looks to be traveling west. I also see a few others with a large male across the channel on the Kitsap side approaching Eglon. Also two with the research boats. Lots of whales out there today! -Brooke Thompson
12:50 - Direction change. Now heading northeast. Five plus whales. Looking from Sunset Ave to point of Double Bluff. -Whale Scout
12:50 - As of now they ones on Edmonds side of mid seem to be heading northeast. There’s been a lot of directional changes though so who knows if they’ll keep going that way. -Jami Cantrell
12:47 - Sounds like we have wide spread based on everyone's reports and those we seeing further east north (about one plus miles off Edmonds and one mile south of Possession Point east side of channel to mid in small groups. Includes little ones super cute. Still distant but pleasant viewing. Lots of direction changes/foraging behavior. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:45 - Heading home - another male on his way down north of Edmonds/Kitsap side slow and steady. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
12:40 - Have been watching whales from Apple Tree Point. Very slow, leisurely southbound travel. Lot of foraging. At least a few with a large male west of mid channel. -Sara Frey
12:35 - Seeing at least one with the research boat near Eglon. -Brooke Thompson
12:35 - Seeing two to three about one and a half miles off Edmonds Dive Park heading steady south. Line of sight is sunset Ave to Point No Point. -Whale Scout
12:33 - Viewing from Edmonds pier, heading slowly west. Research boat is with them. -Kathie Eberhart
12:28 - Seeing two big males milling. Line of sight Sunset Ave to Double Bluff. -Whale Scout
12:24 - Research boat with two others viewing from Edmonds pier southbound slowly. South of Point No Point. -Barbara Gamrath
12:09 - Fat dorsal male right by tug closer to Kitsap line of sight Possession gap southbound. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
12:05 - 12:10 - SRKWs (J pod at least) spread by at least one mile north/south and east/west east side of channel out from northern Edmonds due west of Stamm overlook and to south of. Still milling, making directional changes. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:53 - Viewing from Edmonds pier. One just south of Point No Point. Southbound. -Barbara Gamrath
11:40 - So exciting to hear them on the Sunset Bay hydrophone! -Becca Burrington
11:38 - Hearing some nice calls on the Sunset Bay hydrophone. -Orca Network
11:28 - Hearing calls on Sunset Bay Hydrophone. -Linda Aitkins
11:27 - SRKWs spread wide some multi-directional: those closest to mainland are northbound, others mid channel facing southbound. Generally still milling, generally in area due south of Possession Point/Cultus Bay. All seem to be shifting east [approx. 47.877806, -122.440846]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:37 - I see a male now between Picnic Point and Haines Wharf coming southbound out just this side of mid channel.
11:30 - Another male line of sight Apple Tree Point to Double Bluff - Scatchet Head stretch, Kitsap side steady southbound.
11:18 - Second group large male line of sight Apple Tree Point to gap between Possession Point and Mukilteo out on the edge of triangle, vigorous surfacing plus one a little farther west line of sight to Possession Point.
11:09 - Seeing surface activity way up by Rose Point/Eglon. Close in Kitsap side just barely visible from Apple Tree Point but multiple whales, confirm tail lob. There are also harbor porpoises and sea lions about so being careful to differentiate the black shapes. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
11:00 - Very general, seeing quite a few mid channel due south of Possession Point milling, making directional changes. It seems like maybe some from the south came back north [approx. 47.880087, -122.427157]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:00 - Lots of milling and directional changes, viewing from Scatchet Head. Seeing dorsals of two males easily just south of the green buoy [approx. 47.894721, -122.470861]. -Durand Dace
10:55 - Line of sight Apple Tree Point to Mount Baker. West side of shipping lanes southbound. -Sara Frey
10:52 - Seeing another two males in between Stamm and Eglon, southbound.
10:39 - Seeing at least two here-ish [approx. 47.893998, -122.447616]. They’re not very surface active, so are tricky to track today. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
10:39 - Heard some S4s on the Sunset Bay hydro, so likely at least Js. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
1025 - Seeing blows mid channel - line of sight Apple Tree Point to Maxwelton area. -Sara Frey
10:23 - Now seeing at least one male and one female/young one closer to Eglon, southbound. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
10:23 - More calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:07 - More calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
10:06 - SRKW calls on Sunset Bay faint but clear. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
10:06 - I can only see blows from Stamm, but they seem to be milling in this general area. Not seeing much movement in one direction or the other [approx. 47.866634, -122.486604]. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
09:51 - Leaders are heading into Possession triangle southbound on west side [approx. 47.886405, -122.463366]. -Alice Thuy Talbot
09:37 - Hear more faint calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
09:37 - Calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone.
09:00 - From friend, at least some close to Whidbey side passing Limpet Lane area southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:10 - Still coming from the north traveling south.
07:55 - Good morning beautiful whales! Despite tons of fog, I am seeing multiple orca entering my view at Shore Meadows. They are Whidbey side of mid. Traveling south with a purpose! -Cindi Crowder Rausch
06:46 - Astute listeners hear SRKWs = Southern Resident Killer Whales calls on the Bush Point hydrophone! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Nov 27 - San Juans
09:29 - I'm seeing at least one [orca] way over on the Shaw side of the channel.
09:20 - [orca] off Point Caution mid-channel aiming for Yellow Island. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
08:50 - Big beautiful male, all by himself in front of the UW Friday Harbor Labs dock! He came up a couple of times and made three big tails slaps before turning the corner to head north towards Point Caution. It’s so nice to see a whale in silence completely unencumbered by boats! -Pema Kitaeff [WSSJI]
08:50 - At least one male orca heading north off the Friday Harbor Labs in San Juan Channel. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
08:37 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 08:47 to report: 0837hrs: TILLIKUM Vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted two orcas, likely a mother and calf, milling about at the labs in Friday Harbor.
Mon, Nov 27 - New calf in T46Bs! - New calf alert! OBI map wizard and Eagle Wing Whale Watching Tours naturalist Tom Filipovic snapped [a] photo over the weekend of a new calf traveling with the T46Bs in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We look forward to more encounters with this little one (and maybe the chance to see it ourselves!) and the future confirmation of which member of the 46Bs is the mom! For this encounter it was traveling with T46B2. -Orca Behavior Institute
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Nov 27 - Boundary Pass
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Brian Stecker
Date of Sighting: November 27, 2023
Time: 2:06 PM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Patos Island Lighthouse. (48.7904657, -122.9785839)
Direction of travel : Traveling South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Non
Any unusual markings?: None
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Looked like mother and calf
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Mon, Nov 27 - Puget Sound - 14:48 - Seeing what looks to be the humpback. Viewing from Eglon, seeing it around Possession Point. -Tamara Kelley
09:58 - Just spotted a baleen whale from the boat off of Jefferson Head [Kingston] traveling direction west to northwest. I think a humpback. -Logan Baker
November 26
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Nov 26 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (SRKWs) - We got a late afternoon report of possible SRKW inbound off Sooke. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Nov 26 - Ketchikan, AK (T28s & T146s) - T146C Svaha & T146 Oamaru - T28B Lydonia & T146B Chiloe - These pictures are a combination of both T146s and T028s - Ketchikan, AK. -photos by Court Grace, November 26, 2023
Sun, Nov 26 - Port Susan (Likely T109A2s) - It was a busy Port Susan for sure. The orcas were very difficult to track and we only saw them a few times on the mainland side. We did however see seals, sea lions, harbor porpoises and an otter. -Thomas McKane
16:38 - Viewing from Tillicum Beach. Orcas just passed Tillicum on the mainland side. Swam under the moon glow. So pretty. Southbound. -Linda Aitkins
14:19 - At least three. Moving closer to CC1 [Camano Country Club Beach 1] now. Mid-channel closer to Camano.
14:15 - Spotted two to three dorsals - still northbound between CC2 & CC1 midchannel. -Ann M
14:09 - Two orca mid channel between CC1 and CC2 heading north. -Steve H [PSWW chat]
November 25
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Nov 25 - Port Susan (T109A2s) - We’ve really gotten to know the T109A2 pod this fall thanks to their extended stay in Puget Sound. Seekah (T109A2A) has quickly become one of my favorite orcas in this pod because he seems to be so spunky. This 7-year-old boy can have a serious side when it’s time to hunt, but he definitely likes playing around with his siblings, especially with the youngest members of the pod, T109A2C and T109A2D. One of Seekah’s favorite maneuvers seems to be sneaking up behind his little siblings at high speed and then circling right in front of them as if to block their path! They usually tangle up in a cuddle ball after all that. Anyway, this is my favorite photo of him from this week. -photo by Bart Rulon, November 25, 2023
16:30 - 16:40 - I last spotted them here-ish [approx. 47.98950, -122.332727]. Felt like they were heading towards me (at Mukilteo Lighthouse) so southbound but was also really hard to tell with the poor lighting and I wasn’t very high up to get a good view either. -Samiksha Gulrajani
Earlier today with Sarah Sadid. We were out on the boat and cut the motor as soon as we saw blows. Then this happened. A life changing moment. -Emily Marie
16:35 - Last seen heading towards Mukilteo ferry, lots of tail slaps and breaching heading southbound. -The Saged Succulent
15:58 - They are continuing southbound killing between Hat and the ferry lanes. -Sarah Sadid
15:45 - Just northwest of Hat Island. -The Saged Succulent
15:20 - Viewing from north end of Hat, very surface active, appear close to Camano Head from my vantage point [approx. 48.043458, -122.346164]. -Lori Christopher
15:14 - I believe I saw a few splashes here but hard to gauge exact distance [approx. 48.031381, -122.351256]. -Samiksha Gulrajani
15:12 - Got ‘em, very close to Camano head, lots of activity. -Lori Christopher
15:07 - They have! Heading northwest toward Langley now.
14:48 - Midway between Camano Head and the northeast tip of Hat.
14:40 - They are mid channel milling and east of Hat. -Sarah Sadid
14:39 - Brian Allen called to report orcas in southern Port Susan. Viewing from the Tulalip Reservation looking at Camano Head, pod is two thirds way across (on Camano side) traveling south toward Everett. One female with one to two juveniles and possibly one male. We were viewing from quite a distance so couldn’t say for sure male.
14:39 - We saw plenty of breaches from the Camano side. -photos by Susan John, November 25, 2023
14:08 - I can still see them full body breaching from McKees! They’re more south than they were and appear to be “committing” to the east side of Hat Island.
14:00 - Still seeing surface activity at the south end of Port Susan. Splashes and dorsals. They are northeast of Hat Island, and southeast of Camano Head. Clusters of seals are also heading south from McKees - keeping a good distance between themselves and the orcas.
13:40 - Orcas are southbound out of Port Susan. Small boat has been following them out. I was watching from McKees - Swiftsure kept their distance too. There was a lot of breaching and big splashes as the orcas traveled south. The whales themselves were blocked from my view from shore by said small boat, but the splashes were pretty darned big!
13:45 - Lots of surface activity off Sunny Shore, still traveling south. Small boat still behind them. I can’t judge the distance - that’s pretty hard to do accurately from shore. -Linda Raines Tyner
13:10 - My last post for the T109A2 pod still southbound and very playful [approx. 48.138245, -122.383185].
12:53 - Update on the T109A2 pod moving southbound slowly after their meal [approx. 48.153326, -122.389025].
12:28 - T109A2 pod milling on a kill [approx. 48.162530, -122.404393]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
09:45 - Pod of five or six just passed us heading south, about a mile off our place. Southwest end of Camano. Looks like one male and a young one in the group. Looks like they are turning towards Port Susan area. Gull Way on Camano. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Nov 25 - Strait of Juan de Fuca
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Christine Kutac
Date of Sighting: November 25, 2023
Time: 11:15 AM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Strait of Juan de Fuca mid channel seen from Blackball ferry line between Port Angeles and Victoria
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Sat, Nov 25 - Haro Strait - 17:49 - Just watched a spectacular show of at least three humpbacks breaching, pec slapping, diving between west San Juan Island and Vancouver Island. They were closer to Vancouver Island, but with the setting sun it was fantastic! -Elisabeth Handler
15:17 - Humpback traveling south off San Juan county campground far out. The humpbacks hung around the campground and started to breach right after sunset and into the night! -Alison Modafferi
09:47 - Two humpbacks off south end of Lime Kiln Point. Very close to shore then headed south. -Doug Manelski [WSSJI]
09:07 - At least two northbound. Just south of the lighthouse.
08:59 - Looks like another surfacing at 08:59 shows it going back the other way. It's probably milling in the area. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
09:20 - Two humpbacks at Landbank heading south.
08:50 - Humpback at viewing area Lime Kiln, headed northward slowly. -Mary Schmitt [WSSJI]
Sat, Nov 25 - San Juans - 12:00 - Viewed one humpback from Beach Haven Resort on Orcas Island. It is heading southwest between Waldron Island and Orcas Island in President's Channel. Moving fast with about two minute down times. -Casey Bues
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Sat, Nov 25 - Admiralty Inlet
12:55 - Came up empty. There was something here but we lost it.
12:40 - Unknown species outside of Port Townsend. On our way to check it out. -Smith Siromaskul
11:34 - Possible whales spotted 15 minutes ago straight out from Admiralty Bay towards Marrowstone. Saw four or five spouts, couldn’t tell which direction they were heading. -Kendra Beam [PSWS]
November 24
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Nov 24 - Haro Strait
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Annie Preis
Date of Sighting: November 24, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Lime Kiln State Park (San Juan Island)
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Fri, Nov 24 - Possession Sound (Likely T109A2s)
15:50 - At south end of Tillicum mid channel.
15:41 - North into Port Susan moving pretty fast.
15:34 - Sprays northeast of Hat Island and east of south end of Camano. Spotted from Spee Bi Dah. -Jack Callaghan
13:38 - Heading in closer to Tulalip now.
13:34 - Between Everett and Tulalip, about two miles off the Everett marina. Milling and generally heading north. Lots of surface activity and happy, happy breaching! -Sarah Sadid
12:22 - Appear to still be northbound, just off the tip of Hat. Very surface active with breaches and tail slaps. -Durand Dace
12:19 - Was able to see from Harborview Park in the area Kayla Young mentioned. If you can see the white boat in the area, they are splashing around slightly north of the boat. -Samiksha Gulrajani
11:52 - Seen at Brighton Beach mid channel now. They seem to be milling around and not moving too fast north. -Kayla Young
11:24 - Four-ish whales northbound at Clinton ferry terminal. -Theresa Michell
11:20 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: KITSAP Captain reports 3-4 ORCA NB half mile off of CLIN dock.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Nov 24 - Haro Strait (MMY0616 Aerie & other) - 17:17 - Two humpbacks together northbound in Haro Strait, passing Sunset Point about five minutes ago. -Scott Durham [WSSJI]
11-24-23, Two humpbacks traveling together, Haro Strait - 09:47 - 10:54, Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank, 2 humpbacks close together to the south of my viewpoint. I saw them once, with backs raised high for a deep dive. I continued south along shore and just missed them. We took distant fluke pics of both as they continued down island only to flip, change direction and head back up island. Again I tried to catch them and saw both surfacing as they passed out of sight around Edwards Point. We were able to ID MMY0106 "Aerie". Aerie's companion had a solid dark fluke but it was too great of a distance to ID. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - MMY0616 Aerie -photo by Ben Bama, courtesy of Michelline Halliday, November 24, 2023
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Fri, Nov 24 - Admiralty Inlet - As I was riding today’s 14:00 ferry from Port Townsend I spotted an unusual small whale 50 yards from the ferry. I observed it with 8x binoculars. I estimate the length to be 20-25 feet. The color was dark bronze (the sun was behind me) and the dorsal body had several light colored scars. The dorsal fin was short and triangular with a slight hook. The whale surfaced three times and disappeared. The exhalations produced no spout or water vapor. I did not see the head or the flukes. -Dave Parent
November 23
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Nov 23 - Blackfish Sound (T49A2 & T124C) - Lots of folks have been wondering about the whereabouts of T49A2 and T51 since their Barnes Lake adventure! (They spent six weeks in a lake in Alaska before being guided out the narrow channel back to open waters with the assistance of humans playing Bigg’s vocalizations.) Jared Towers of Bay Cetology had T49A2 with T124C in Blackfish Sound off Hanson Island, BC yesterday [11/23]! -Orca Behavior Institute
Thu, Nov 23 - Haro Strait (T49As) - T49A1 Noah & T49A3 Nat next to their younger sibling - T49A5 Nebula & T49A3 Nat - 09:38 - 10:10, Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank, the T49As were milling in a close group 1/3 mile offshore. Up, down and circling but not wide-ranging, they seemed to be socializing among themselves. I counted 5 including a calf but a later observer saw 6. The sea was choppy with some waves so it was hard to keep track. They travelled up-island a few hundreds yards and slowed to continue milling until a sudden quick departure and out of sight. A grand way to spend a thanksgiving day morning! Photographed from shore. -photos & IDs by Michelline Halliday, November 23, 2023
11:01 - Passing County Park fast northbound in big seas.
10:42 - T49As passing lighthouse northbound.
10:25 - Visual from Lime Kiln at the left edge of the sun track. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
November 22
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Nov 22 - San Juans (T34s, T37, T37Bs) - With family visiting for the holiday weekend we headed out on the water with Maya's Legacy Whale Watching today and lucked out by finding the T34s, T37, and T37Bs right in San Juan Channel! It was beautiful (if blustery and chilly!) day and you can't get better backdrops than what the San Juan Islands have to offer. This is T37 Rocky with the Cattle Point Lighthouse in the background. The whales spent some time scoping out Whale Rocks but didn't end up pursuing a Steller sea lion; after moving on the grabbed a quick seal before heading offshore to the SE and into building seas. -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, November 22, 2023
12:55 - Eastbound towards Iceberg Point.
12:30 - Milling near Whale Rocks.
11:50 - Approaching Goose Island southbound.
11:46 - At least T34s and T37/T37Bs.
11:35 - Orcas Griffin Bay aiming south for Cattle Pass. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Wed, Nov 22 - Puget Sound (Likely T109A2s) - 15:32 - Found them again south of Scatchet head. Look to be southbound now. [approx. 47.892227, -122.435494]. -Trevor Tillman
12:45 - After a few minutes off Apple Tree Point Kingston, they seemed to turn east and head out towards mid channel. Lost sight of them in the choppy water. PSE left shortly after that.
12:25 - Milling off Apple Tree Point. West side of shipping lanes. -Sara Frey
11:55 - PSE is heading north and so are the orcas. They are between the ferry terminal and the PSE. West side of mid channel.
11:49 - By white boat with red cover. Between the boat and kingston, looks like northwest travel.
11:24 - Still south of the ferry lines. Just saw some surface action, mid channel. Flock of seagulls over them making dives on the area they are in.
11:12 - Seeing them mid channel from Saltair, heading northbound. South of the ferry lines. I saw three blows initially, definitely south of the ferry lines, they disappeared for a bit and then I definitely saw one dorsal. -Jolena Tagg
09:17 - There are at least three orcas between Jefferson Head and the sand spit by Fay Bainbridge. Milling around no definite direction. -Brian Livingston
Wed, Nov 22 - Puget Sound (Likely T109A2s)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Wed Nov 22 8:40 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.69494,-122.50420 [south of Fay Bainbridge Park]
Number Sighted: 5
Submitter Name: Landon
Whale Alert App
07:00 - Heather called to report pod of four orcas (two adults and two juveniles) in Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge at 07:00. WSF slowed the departure of the 07:05 ferry. Pod exited the harbor around 07:20, not sure which way they went, still looking.
07:23 - Four orca - two juvenile and two adult in Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island. Slowed the departure of the 7:05 ferry. They have exited Eagle Harbor now (07:23) unsure direction of travel. -Heather Paar
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Nov 22 - Haro Strait - 10:40 - Report of two breaching humpbacks mid-Haro between Lime Kiln and Ten Mile Point on Vancouver Island. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
November 21
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Nov 21 - Active Pass (T34s, T37s, T123s) - 16:00 - The T123s, T034s, T037a, and T037s had quite the T party in Active Pass in Georgeson Bay. So many breaches, tail slaps, spy hops, and tail lobs. They then continued eastward through Active Pass. As usual, my photos and the video by Gary Cullen (link to video) were taken from the shore of Galiano Island. -photos by Karoline Cullen, November 21, 2023
Tue, Nov 21 - North Puget Sound - 09:35 - Reported as at least one orca seen from the Useless Bay area of Whidbey. Exact location and direction unknown at this time (working on that). Follow up info: at time of original sighting (09:35) they saw the orca ~ 200 yards off the shore of Double Bluff beach, traveling south out toward the channel. -[Whale Alert App]
02:27 - Human detection of whale sounds on Sunset Bay hydrophone via Orcasound - Listen for Whales. -Orcasound - Listen for Whales
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Nov 21 - Puget Sound
15:22 - It is now slowly meandering south moving further towards the middle of the channel.
14:55 - There is a humpback milling around not that far off shore here at Point Jefferson, Kingston. -Chris Beamer Otterson
November 20
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Mon, Nov 20 - San Juans (L Pod) - 14:00 - A group of Ls were seen heading fast west past Victoria. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
12:42 - Faint calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
12:10 - 12:50 - Our friend Lodie Budwill has been observing exhalations and breaching orcas in eastern Juan de Fuca Strait continuing a trend towards Admiralty Inlet. Lodie has been viewing from south end of San Juan Island with high powered lenses under good viewing conditions, though now that good lighting is diminishing. Still at quite a distance but still trending this way.
11:12 - Milling quite far offshore. Approximately five miles at least. Southeast of Salmon Bank.
10:59 - Group of orcas east of Salmon Banks. Heading south. Several miles from shore. -Jenny Stands Wilson [WSSJI]
Mon, Nov 20 - San Juans (SRKWs)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Nov 20 10:44 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.54144,-122.96973 [outside Friday Harbor]
Number Sighted: 16
Submitter Name: Nate Rooks
Whale Alert App
10:00 - Going through Cattle Pass south. There were six [per Monika Wieland Shields, video shows probable L pod members]. -Janelle Colleran-Owens [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Nov 20 - Puget Sound - 15:32 - I’ve got the T’s with surface activity in this area. I saw some splashing and dorsal fins for maybe a minute and haven’t seen them since [approx. 47.946747, -122.521267]. -Mollie Segall
09:20 - My friend texted me that there were orcas moving north from Point Jefferson (Jefferson Head). -Kyla Bivens
November 19
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Nov 19 - Boundary Pass (K Pod & L Pod, possible J Pod but unconfirmed) - Evening vocals on the SIMRES hydrophone in Boundary Pass started with a full complement of calls from L-Pod's repertoire, giving me confidence it was all of L-Pod coming down. Following the L calls came an abundance of K-Pod calls. There were a few S1s, a classic J-Pod call, but not enough J vocals for me to be confident they came down as well. (Ks and Ls occasionally make S1s, too!). Over two hours later, a few more faint SRKW calls were also heard on the same hydrophone. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
20:52 - Thank you for sharing! It was really neat to listen in. -Jessica Higinbotham
20:26 - Such a calming sound, warms my heart. -Jill M Rotset
20:23 - Not as loud but calls still audible. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
20:37 - Sounds like they've moved away from the hydrophones.
20:21 - I hear J pod too (S1 calls). -Meg McDonald
20:20 - Likely Js towards the end. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
20:12 - Ks and Ls so far per Monika Wieland Shields.
20:03 - Endangered Southern Residents (L pod at least) can be heard on the SIMRES hydrophone right now! Super loud and so beautiful! Located in Boundary Pass; "hydrophones positioned at Cliffside and Monarch Head on Saturna Island". -Orca Network
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Nov 19 - Puget Sound (T109A2s) - T109A2A Seekah - I was finally able to see the majestic orcas for the first time. -photos by Samiksha Gulrajani, November 19, 2023
16:45 - It's getting dark in Possession but some guests coming over caught a glimpse of blows off the ferry bound for Clinton still heading north. -Debbie Stewart
15:58 - Group of orcas just east of Possession Point headed north. At Mukilteo Beach, can only see with binoculars. -Nia Pineiro-Hall
13:53 - About fifteen minutes ago they were slightly more south and closer to me but they were getting further away it seems.
13:51 - I can see two to three heading north/northwest from Haines Wharf Park right now. Closer to Eglon side. Just north of the small boat that’s watching them. -Don McKnight
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jes C
Date of Sighting: November 19, 2023
Time: 1:23 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Brackett’s Landing, Edmonds
Direction of travel : SW
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
12:41 - Off Edmonds ferry terminal. Wasn't close enough for a picture. Heading north along the coast. -Matthew Hlavaty [ONCG]
12:38 - Seen from Brackett's Landing south. Saw three heading north fast! -Samiksha Gulrajani
12:32 - Still moving north fast, now in front of Edmonds pier.
12:28 - Orcas right in front of pith section of Edmonds marina. -Joe Foos
12:27 - Viewing [approx. 47.806706, -122.450237]. -Corah Whipple
12:08 - Just spotted from 11:55 ferry. South of the boat, Edmonds side. -Brian Steinmetz
11:50 - I’m at Richmond Beach and see them now, heading north. -Valerie Unger
10:55 - I can see them from Discovery Park with binoculars. Still northbound, quite fast [approx. 47.727446, -122.476907]. -Martin Svaton
09:24 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: TACOMA Captain reports 4 Orca NB just outside of entrance to EHBR.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Nov 19 - Puget Sound - Humpback near Edmonds/Kingston ferry lanes. -photo by Samiksha Gulrajani, November 19, 2023
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sun, Nov 19 - Puget Sound - 10:20 - Volunteer Jane Rein emailed with an earlier sighting (10:20): I saw surfacing several times, with quite a bit of white water, a very black back, no big dorsal fin and also solo. I kept researching images (and thus not reporting), but I think it was a minke whale. It was just east of mid channel headed in a northeast direction. (There have been humpbacks moving up and down central Puget Sound, one of who was photo confirmed off Edmonds/Kingston area in the afternoon).
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Sun, Nov 19 - Rosario Strait
14:32 - Have to head out, but activity seems to have slowed down!
14:04 - Can't get a good view - but spouts still going just off the northeast tip of Burrows Island. -Everett Abegg
12:26 - Not sure what they are as we haven’t seen fins yet, but we’re seeing spouts and sprays off of Anacortes, south of Washington Park. Heading west-ish. They were right near Burrows Island. -Kaiti Castillo
November 18
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sat, Nov 18 - Swanson Channel/Active Pass/Trincomali Channel (J Pod, K Pod, & L Pod) - I was able to confirm that it was indeed a true superpod (ALL SRKW!) that went north through the Southern Gulf Islands in the morning and into the Strait of Georgia in the afternoon. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
An epic superpod day. J and K pods went eastward through Active Pass around 11:30. L pod went north in Trincomali Channel. Photos and videos taken from the shore of Galiano Island. - Videos by Gary Cullen: J & K Pod in Active Pass - link to video and L Pod in Trincomali Channel - link to video. -photo by Karoline Cullen, November 18, 2023
Sat, Nov 18 - Swanson Channel (SRKWs)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat Nov 18 11:59 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.80470,-123.33538 [North end North Pender Island]
Number Sighted: 40
Submitter Name: Tara
Whale Alert App
Here is a 5 minute clip (link to clip) from the hydrophone earlier for anyone who missed tuning in live. -Orca Behavior Institute
11:10 - The presumed trailers (Ls) have passed Otter Bay northbound. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
08:10 - Incredible vocals. -Jason Bisig
07:51 - Visuals now on webcam. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
07:49 - We’ve been hearing faint vocals [on Swanson Channel hydrophone] for the past half hour or so and are getting loud now. -Orca Network
07:53 - Lovely louder calls from all three pods, visible on webcam now too.
07:31 - Ls now too.
07:19 - At least Js and Ks so far.
07:17 - SRKW audible on the new Swanson Channel hydrophone hosted by Raincoast Conservation Foundation. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Nov 18 - Puget Sound (T109A2s) - My first orca watching was amazing! We joined Puget Sound Express tour from Edmonds. They had to change departure time earlier due to afternoon high wind forecast. But BOY... we spotted Bigg's pod at our first stop, off Bainbridge Island, and we were the only one boat to be with them for a long time. I would like to thank everyone who gave me wonderful advice/info when I asked a question about where to watch orcas. Link to videos and more photos. -photos by Kitako Nonami-Char, November 18, 2023
November 18 we had a beautiful encounter with the T109A2 pod off Bainbridge Island and the Kitsap peninsula. On this particular trip we watched them chase and capture a harbor porpoise! During their stay here in Puget Sound we have had many opportunities to confirm the gender of some of the family members including T109A2A and T109A2B. In early October we got photos revealing that T109A2B, Macoah, is a girl and she also shows it off here during her two breaches in the beginning of this video. Females have two mammary slits on either side of the genital slit that are lacking on a male. T109A2A, Seekah, was previously thought to be a female but is actually a male. Enjoy this video compilation of the T109A2 pod from that day! Link to video. -Bart Rulon, PSE
So glad I got to see them from Edmonds! First time in my life here that I've seen them. -Kelly Jeanne
15:50 - Last I saw they were trending northwest towards Admiralty. I’m assuming they went that way and up the west side of Whidbey otherwise I would still be seeing them somewhere.
15:15 - They must still be hunting something. Tons of splashing and activity here [approx. 47.864011, -122.420478]. -Alice Thuy Talbot
15:05 - Finally now heading north and closer to west side of channel.
14:58 - Still same area, and breaching!
14:48 - They are milling, about twenty minutes or so. No direction.
14:30 - There are orcas straight out from Haines Wharf. The two boats are very near them. -Julie Harris Martin
14:31 - Heading west back toward the channel - watching from Edmonds now [approx. 47.886971, -122.417212]. -Jim Hammerand
14:08 - They were heading this way [approx. 47.883471, -122.370521]. Steady speed.
14:01 - Just seen them heading north. -Jessica Islas
13:45 - Just saw them surface out from Haines/Picnic Point area. -Marty Jones
13:42 - Still headed northbound at a steady pace [approx. 47.874026, -122.372062]. -Brooke Thompson
13:40 - They are heading towards Mukilteo.
13:30 - Seeing orcas from Ocean Ave in Edmonds just passing a black and white boat. Close to Edmonds side. Heading quickly north but staying on Edmonds side of water. -Marty Jones
13:29 - Look to be headed in the direction of Possession Sound. -Kim Schouten Paulsen
13:28 - They are directly off Water Street in Edmonds. Still moving north. -Jason Keith
13:26 - Seeing them from Sunset Ave headed north towards Whidbey, I spotted five fins. -Brooke Thompson
13:11 - Watching from Sunset Ave in Edmonds. Just north of the ferry lanes heading north. Two boats following slightly ahead of them. -Kim Schouten Paulsen
13:02 - Blows visible southwest of Edmonds fishing pier. -Josh Nutter
13:00 - The ferry is going way around the group now. -Jason Keith
12:57 - Watching from the beach just south of the Edmonds ferry terminal and we can see big splashes right behind (south of) the ferry. -Oma McLaughlin
12:51 - They're pretty much in the Edmonds Kingston ferry's normal path closer to the Edmonds side. Still northbound [approx. 47.807352, -122.432997]. -photo by Jon Rosenberg, November 18, 2023
T109A2B Macoah - T109A2B Macoah, T109A2A Seekah, T109A2D -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Gavin Lazarow, November 18, 2023
12:45 - Edmonds Beach. -photo by Valerie Unger, November 18, 2023
12:30 - Passing Kingston closer to east side, breaches slaps and all. -Eric Russell
12:21 - Still heading north slowly [approx. 47.775791, -122.449874].
12:05 - Just south of Edmonds, slowly heading north still. -Jon Rosenberg
12:01 - We are at Richmond Beach and you can see the group jumping off Jefferson Head. -Jason Keith
12:00 - There is a group heading north at a good pace closer to the west side. They just passed Point Jefferson, Kingston. Breaches, tail slaps. I see the Swiftsure following them. -Chris Beamer Otterson
11:47 - North of Fay, closer to mid channel slowly trending north - lots of milling. -Brenda Campbell
11:15 - Spotted them from bluff above Golden Gardens with big binoculars. Still hugging the west side of the sound, now north of Bainbridge and still headed generally north. Whale watching boat is nearby [approx. 47.715101, -122.475053]. -Jennifer Greiner Clark
10:45 - Update northbound [approx. 47.695906, -122.500337].
10:34 - Update on the T109A2 pod still northbound all grouped up [approx. 47.668566, -122.500543].
10:15 - T109A2 pod northbound at my map spot [approx. 47.654950, -122.492572]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
09:30 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Captain reports five Orca East of Tyee.
09:25 - Just spotted between us [at Rockaway Beach] & Discovery Park heading north. Middle of the channel.
09:13 - A pod of three or four orcas off of Blakely Rock [Bainbridge Island] seen from Rockaway Beach. Now they’re off of Elliot Bay. -Renee
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Nov 18 - Swanson Channel - 13:38 - Watching humpback currently [on Swanson Channel webcam]. -Rachael Blaurock [WSSJI]
Sat, Nov 18 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 11:04 - Found a solo humpy [humpback]. Westbound slowly [approx. 48.326928, -123.342245]. -Smith Siromaskul
Sat, Nov 18 - Spieden Channel - 08:08 - [humpback] Feeding past hour east Spieden Channel near Limestone Point. -Edenonthe Salishsea [WSSJI]
Sat, Nov 18 - Haro Strait - 08:40 - Humpback off Westside Preserve, San Juan Island, appears to be heading south. -Nancy Howes [WSSJI]
Sat, Nov 18 - Puget Sound - 15:30 - I did see a slinky humpback whale. Saw it on the 15:15 ferry from Edmonds to Kingston. It was pointed south but I don't feel like it was leaving that area [approx. 47.798098, -122.449396]. -Christopher Lewman
November 17
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Fri, Nov 17 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (J Pod, K Pod, L Pod) - 15:41 - Js, Ks, Ls inbound from east of Race Rocks. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Nov 17 - Puget Sound - 13:05 - We're here at the Coupeville ferry. Seeing some blows and a bit of surface. -Mel Nasby
12:25 - When I had spotted them and was watching them for a while, they seemed to stay in the same general area, but maybe were trending northbound, but appeared they had been on a couple of hunts. They were very close to the Port Townsend side. The last time I had eyes on them they were still south of the ferry, and that was about an hour ago.
1216 - I was at Ebey's Landing scouting and I believe that I had spotted them somewhere close to or just south of the Port Townsend ferry route. -Silver Hubble
08:12 - Saw many spouting way out while standing on Washington Street in Kingston. First they were heading south then turned back north. I counted about seven in secession most times. They seemed to be mostly grouped together. Occasionally three would be away from the group for a short period and then regroup. Was far off and the sun was super bright this morning. -Tami Minert
08:01 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 08:09 to report: SPOKANE Captain reports 4-5 Orcas off Apple Tree Point feeding, North of crossing.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Lucy Falla
Date of Sighting: November 17, 2023
Time: 7:40 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Kingston
Direction of travel : Heading north
Behaviors observed: Appeared to be hunting just north of ferry lane
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Nov 17 - Haro Strait (BCZ0432 Two Spot) - 11-17-23 Humpback BCZ0432, MMZ0013 "Two Spot", Haro Strait - 10:05 - 10:26, Viewed from 1 mile south of Landbank, BCZ0432 (MMZ0013) "Two Spot" traveled down island 250 yards from shore. Surfacing often he rose high for a deep dive showing the underside of his fluke and enabling an easy ID. He stayed submerged for a few minutes, changing direction while under the surface and emerging 1.5 miles from shore heading due south away from shore. Photographed from shore. -photo and ID by Michelline Halliday, November 17, 2023
Fri, Nov 17 - Juan de Fuca Strait - Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri Nov 17 6:46 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.30429,-123.53487 [Race Rocks, BC]
Number Sighted: 2
Photos: Link to photo.
Submitter Name: Tobias
Whale Alert App -photo by Tobias, November 17, 2023
November 16
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Nov 16 - Haro Strait (T49As, T68Cs, & T123s) - 14:30 - 16 Bigg’s in Haro Strait celebrating a sea lion kill. These videos were taken with a zoom lens and all Be Whale Wise rules, recommendations, and laws were followed. Grateful to see the two commercial whale watch boats respecting them as well. Link to video. -Nate Rooks
[Our] Encounter with the T49As, T68Cs, and T123s will go down as one of our most memorable of the year. The photos speak for themselves! These were mostly prey-sharing celebrations following a successful Steller sea lion in Spieden Channel. -Orca Behavior Institute -photos by Monika Wieland Shields, November 16, 2023
What did our group of Bigg's do after finishing their meal yesterday afternoon? They went surfing! Orcas are the largest of the dolphins and like most other dolphins, they like to play in vessel wakes. While we spend a lot of time talking about slowing ships down to mitigate noise impacts, sometimes the whales seek out the biggest ships in the Salish Sea - the freighters and tankers - to bow ride or wake ride! Thanks White Rock Sea Tours for sharing this incredible video! Link to video. -Orca Behavior Institute
10:35 - More blows between Reuben Tarte and Yellow Island heading northwest - not sure if these are the whales from Cayou or not.
10:28 - T49As and friends (maybe 68Cs?) just passed Reuben Tarte northbound.
09:50 - Nice line of backlit blows approaching Mineral Point northbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
08:50 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:07 to report: 0850hrs: Reports a pod of orcas off Pt. George, traveling in an unknown direction.
08:46 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:07 to report: 0846hrs, SAMISH: Vessel reports via 800MHz they've slowed for a pod of 3-4 orcas off the LPZ dock at Humphrey Head; traveling in a NW direction.
08:40 - Second group of orcas seen from ferry between Lopez and Blakely. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
08:20 - Relayed from friend on ferry - seen heading west off Parks Bay, Shaw Island. Spyhopping and active. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Mary WillAllen
Date of Sighting: November 16, 2023
Time: 8:20 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Outside Parks Bay off Shaw Is.
Direction of travel : West
Behaviors observed: Joyful traveling, spy hopping
If orcas, any males?: 1 at least
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Seen from the ferry headed east
Photos available?: No
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Stephanie Peregrin
Date of Sighting: November 16, 2023
Time: 7:15 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: Westbound in Upright Channel between Odin and Shaw county parks
Direction of travel : SW
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photos by Stephanie Peregrin, November 16, 2023
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Thu, Nov 16 - Skagit Bay - 09:18 - Cheri T messaged reporting seeing someone off Seal Rocks in Skagit Bay (approx. one mile south of Hope Island). First saw what looked to be exhalations around the rocks, then there was a big disturbance in the water. Video too distant to see the exhalations. The movement in the water looks like illuminated wave action, but different than usual.
November 15
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Nov 15 - Admiralty Inlet (T109A2s) - T109A2A Seekah - Sometimes things work out in ways you can’t even begin to describe. I saw the report that the T109A2s were off Ebey’s Landing. I made the decision to book it to Bush Point, despite that being an almost two hour drive for me. I finally got there and saw that the whales hadn’t even made it to Lagoon Point yet. So I hightailed out of Bush Point and went to northern Lagoon Point. Halfway between the two points, I saw the whale watch boat and made a huge U-turn. RAN to the shore and saw the whales pass within feet of me! Absolutely insane. Couldn’t get good photos. Once they passed, I dashed over to the other side of Lagoon Point where the whales made yet another very close pass. The babies were bouncy! What a day! Taken from shore. Lagoon Point, Whidbey Island. Link to album. -photos by Kat Martin, November 15, 2023
Finally got to witness these wonderful creatures at Lagoon Point and Bush Point today. Link to album. -photos by Mel Nasby, November 15, 2023
16:29 - They are approaching Bush Point from the north. Still southbound. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
16:28 - Approaching Bush Point.
16:00 - Appear to be moving south again.
15:55 - Appeared stalled on a hunt just south of Lagoon Point.
15:35 - T109A2s slow southbound hugging shore passing Lagoon Point north.
15:25 - Slow approaching Lagoon Point southbound.
15:20 - Maybe a mile north of Lagoon Point close to Whidbey shore.
14:25 - Found them! Approx. location [48.133623, -122.638329]. Too far for exact numbers but saw three including calf. Southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ron Misko
Date of Sighting: November 15, 2023
Time: 2:25 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Between Ebey Park and Battery Park on Whidbey Island.
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Traveling, milling and hunting.
If orcas, any males?: 1 or more.
Any unusual markings?: Sorry no binoculars to identify markings.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: They appeared to be very aggressive, slashing through the water, splashing their tail, much more aggressive that I’m used to seeing.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photo by Ron Misko, November 15, 2023
14:20 - I saw what I assume is them quickly pass (about three of them) Admiral’s Cove area headed south still. Didn’t see any male dorsal fins from what I could tell. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
14:00 - Sighting of five or six orcas passing north to south along Fort Casey. -Bill Wise & Linda Smith
13:30 - Second hand info of approx. eight orcas seen around the Ebey's Landing area. -Taylor Frierson
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ashley Klaszky
Date of Sighting: November 15, 2023
Time: 1:03 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Along Ebey's Landing
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Travelling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Nov 15 - Haro Strait - 10:12 - Thanks to Ambur Lee for messaging today that she spotted a breaching humpback in Haro Strait off Lime Kiln. Viewed via the webcam.
Wed, Nov 15 - Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Robert Wham
Date of Sighting: November 15, 2023
Time: 4:43 PM
Species seen: Guessing humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Between Saltwater State Park and Des Moines, approximately quarter mile offshore
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
November 14
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Nov 14 - San Juans - 13:00 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 13:21 to report: 1300hrs: Vessel KITSAP reports via 800MHz they've spotted 10 orcas headed northbound in Cayou Channel off Point Hudson.
Tue, Nov 14 - San Juans (T36, T36Bs, T38As) - 13:35 - The known ones are along the east side of Cypress right now. -Sam Wallace
Identified by the Pacific Whale Watch Association as the T36/T36Bs with the T38As. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
11:50 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 13:12 to report: 1150hrs: Vessel CHELAN reports via 800MHz they've spotted 5 orcas off Shannon Point, headed East toward Guemes Channel. Vessel has slowed to keep clear.
Tue, Nov 14 - Saratoga Passage/Possession Sound (T137s) - 16:45 - T137A and T137B killed a seal and another animal on Possession Bar and headed west. T137 and T137D were hunting south of the bar by about a mile and they appeared to be successful too. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
16:11 - Still next to the little boat straight in front of Picnic Point. Way out far still. I’m just leaving and they are slightly going north. They look close to Eglon.
15:52 - I can blows from Picnic Point. Way out near the small boat. Visible with binoculars only for me. -Don McKnight
15:40 - Fighting the sun glare but so far appears to continue south towards Edmonds. Still have only seen two. -Alice Thuy Talbot
15:25 - The T137s are spread out between Possession Point and the mainland, exiting Possession Sound. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
15:23 - I’ve only seen two from south Mukilteo. One large male and one normal one that was ahead of him. Continuing south midchannel. -Alice Thuy Talbot
15:10 - Passing Glendale spread, midchannel.
14:59 - Approaching Glendale, they are spread out a bit. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:55 - Just spotted orcas headed southbound towards Glendale/South Whidbey. Link to video. -Jonathan B Shank
14:35 - Going to cross in front of docked ferry at Clinton any moment. May do so underwater.
14:30 - Nearly to ferry lanes. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:32 - And five minutes later at least one trailer so spread a bit now.
14:27 - Approaching north dock of Clinton ferry. Very close to Whidbey. -Debbie Stewart
14:15 - Stalled on a hunt just north of Brighton Beach. Starting to continue southbound, close to Whidbey.
4:00 - They'd grouped up and continued southbound from Sandy Point. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:44 - Orcas are just south of Langley on Whidbey Island. We see three right now! -Josh Mathisen
13:35 - And now T137B is here too. B & D had made it south of Sandy Point and regrouped with the other two, likely on a hunt/eating.
13:32 - T137D here now too.
13:25 - T137 & T137A milling just northwest of Sandy Point. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:37 - They’ve regrouped and are all off Sandy Point together.
13:29 - Two have rounded Sandy Point, two are straight off Sandy Point.
13:24 - They’ve rounded Sandy Point still southbound very close to Whidbey shore.
13:10 - Southbound off Seawall Park in Langley. Whidbey side. -Donna George
12:45 - Friend reports one male and three female/adolescent fins so far, south generally with some directional changes towards Whidbey (west?). Guessing around Bells Beach or perhaps a bit south. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jerry Lewis
Date of Sighting: November 14, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Between Bells Beach and Camano
Direction of travel : SE
Behaviors observed: Milling, traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?: Didn't notice
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: They were spread out about a mile
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
12:16 - East Point Whidbey Island heading south about twenty minutes ago [~11:56]. About 50-100 feet from beach. Two orcas. -Corey Edwards
10:25 - Holmes Harbor, Whidbey Island. Appeared to be at least four orcas. First spotted half way between Baby Island and Greenbank Beach, about one-half mile from Greenbank shoreline, heading northwest. They milled around back and forth between that area, a bit south, and Baby Island for about one hour, then headed east into Saratoga Passage. At certain times, there was a lot of tail-slapping and some spectacular breaches. It was impressive to see the waves coming to shore from their tail slapping over one-half mile away. Beautiful, calm day with Mount Baker in the background. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Nov 14 - Haro Strait
15:27 - Milling around lighthouse.
15:15 - Humpback headed south at Lime Kiln! -Casey Jo Haagenson [WSSJI]
November 13
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Nov 13 - Haro Strait (T18s, T49As minus T49A2, & T68C minus T68C1 kill a minke whale) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #70: “While heading into Snug Harbor, Dave passed the Cogan’s “Morning Star” on their way out. Dave was back at CWR downloading photos when he received a text from Jane Cogan saying that, sure enough, the T49As and the T68Cs had joined the T18s who were in the process of attacking a minke whale near Turn Point. He decided to head out again despite little hope of getting there in time to see the attack, leaving Snug for the second time that day at 1405 and arriving back on scene around 1430. The minke was already dead by then and the whales were feeding on the carcass, which was not visible, about a half mile north of the Turn Point lighthouse…” Read more here at the Center for Whale Research Encounter #70.
Some multi-species drama played out in local waters! Thanks to our friends and colleagues on the water we were able to piece together what happened. The T49As and T68Cs were making their way up Haro Strait in the afternoon when they started porpoising north. Their target was the T18s, who were north of Turn Point on a minke whale hunt. The newly arrived whales joined the effort and successfully took down the minke, reportedly one that was a Salish Sea regular but had been looking in poor health throughout the course of the summer. That was not the end of the story, however: while prey-sharing, humpback whale BCX1377 Nike came over and was surfacing in and among the 14 feeding Bigg's killer whales. Humpbacks are known to try and disrupt orca hunts, even when they aren't going after other humpbacks. This is something that has been documented all around the world, and it's unknown if it is truly altruistic behavior, misplaced altruism, or perhaps a warning to the orcas to not mess with the humpbacks in the future. Whatever the reason, it's incredible to witness and/or hear about these types of interactions occurring within the Salish Sea, including baleen whale hunts that now seem to be becoming more frequent. -Orca Behavior Institute
13:05 - The Bigg’s are now north of Henry still northbound.
10:25 - T49As (at least) north of Discovery Island heading east across Haro Strait. Possibly more northbound. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Mon, Nov 13 - Admiralty Inlet (T109A2s) - 17:15 - They are milling about and slowly drifting south, about one mile south of Bush Point and the Whidbey side of mid-channel. It is very quiet so it's easy to hear their blows and slaps, but it is getting too dark to see. -Mike Meyer
Bush Point close pass. -Nikki Clarke
16:40 - Orca southbound Bush Point close to Whidbey side inside the rip moving slowly four to five? -Jan Bell
16:20 - Slightly north of Bush Point - lots of surface activity - slowly heading south with breaching in between. -Emily Wandres
16:15 - Forgive the “Oh my God.” This pass was at Bush Point. 109A2s ten feet from shore. Link to video.
15:37 - Viewing from Bush Point. Whales are still north of the boat ramp too far for numbers or ID. Whidbey side milling. -Cindi Crowder Rausch, Orca Network
15:10 - Three orcas in Admiralty Inlet heading south seen at Lagoon Point on Whidbey. Very close to shore on the Whidbey side. Likely heading towards Bush Point. And maybe an adult male but I'm not very experienced in identifying. One was definitely much larger than the other two. -Sadie Kass
Mon, Nov 13 - Port Susan (T36, T36Bs, T38As, T137s) - Another day with the T137s and friends T36/36Bs and T38As in Port Susan. Lots of breaches, spy hops and hunting today. Link to album. -photos by Charvet Drucker, November 13, 2023
T36B Tattertip in the lead - T137A Jack, T137D Wright, T137 Loon - T36/36Bs, T38As, and T137s in Port Susan today. These are all from their afternoon pass off Tillicum Beach on their way out of Port Susan. Beautiful calm water today and lots of porpoises as always. They looped around Camano Head into Saratoga Passage as it was getting dark, so it will be interesting to see where they show up tomorrow! Link to album. -photos by Serena Tierra, November 13, 2023
Port Susan orca visit today. Many breaches and tail slapping. Link to album. -photos by Thomas McKane, November 13, 2023
We waited all day on the east side of Camano Island to see these whales. The little buggers stayed far away almost all day. Most of the day was spent playing the “really far away photos” game. Finally, around 14:30 (if I recall correctly), the whales made their way south and passed by Tillicum Beach. The lighting wasn’t the best but the waters were glassy! Taken from shore. Camano Island. Link to album. -photos by Kat Martin, November 13, 2023
16:38 - They split up, some on the Camano side some on the Whidbey side north of Langley northbound. They are chasing something (likely a porpoise) towards the Camano side north of Pebble Beach. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
16:13 - Just about even with Langley Harbor still heading northwest. -Luanne Seymour
16:00 - Pebble Beach Summerland! Eight to ten orcas heading your way. North bound from the southwest end of Camano heading up the Saratoga Passage. Some close to shore. A group of four further out in the passage. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
15:53 - T38As, T137s, T36/36Bs wrapped around Camano Head and now are aimed towards Langley.
15:40 - The T38As, T137s, T36/T36Bs are south-eastbound at Camano Head. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
15:08 - All south of Tillicum now. T137s closer to Camano, second group (at least five, one juvenile) trailing behind slightly, Camano side of midchannel. They went for a long dive just north of Tillicum and didn't surface until they had passed us.
14:57 - Heading straight towards Tillicum all lined up, at least six. Moving fast.
14:53 - Southbound on the Camano side of the channel, probably about a mile north of Tillicum. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
15:12 - They've already passed Tillicum Beach at 15:05. They are moving fast. Looks like about eight. A group of five and a group of three.
14:44 - Viewing from Port Susan Camano side. Looks like they are southbound. -Genevieve Clayton
13:45 - There have been lots of breaches and tail slaps. They appear to be slowly moving south but still with some directional changes.
13:22 - Viewing from Country Club Beach 2 - orcas straight across from us mid channel making directional changes. At least eight including Jack. -Linda Aitkins
12:59 - From PSWW chat: Three between Country Club Beach 1 and Country Club Beach 2 heading south.
11:45 - Orcas in two groups with the 137s leading more on Camano side of mid channel, another group trailing closer to the mainland, thinking T36/36Bs now north of Tillicum. Potentially a third group north of Tillicum saw two to three whales close to the Camano side, only saw them once, could be 137s but possibly others. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
11:36 - Viewing straight out from Tillicum Beach. Hugging the mainland side. Broken into two groups. One group closer to mid channel. Northbound. -Kat Martin
10:58 - Heading into Port Susan north of Tulalip. -Lori Christopher
10:55 - Port Susan Chat reports orcas northbound into Port Susan. In front of Tulalip Shores, big male. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:26 - Saw orcas from our north beach. Heading west/northwest [approx. 48.036840, -122.323834]. -Alice Moyal
09:31 - Saw four orca on the ferry and pics are on my camera. Heading past the jetty towards Hat. -Romy Hoffman [HIWS]
09:15 - Secondhand report from Jacob (thanks for reporting + sharing!) who saw them grouped up and heading southbound from the 10th Street boat launch in Everett. -photo courtesy of Sara Mountour Lewis, November 13, 2023
T137A Jack in the lead - 08:15 - Orcas inside the breakwater at Everett Marina. Group [includes T137s]. Per photos (see comments) we can see they were traveling northbound at that time! Thanks to Lori Christopher for relaying sighting report by Darla Younce, a dreamy one for any of us: “the first mate on the ferry said they continued up the channel past the old yacht club (fuel dock) when they left them.” Screengrabs from video by Darla Younce of the T137s at least off Everett Marina. Courtesy of Lori Christopher. -screen grabs from video by Darla Younce, November 13, 2023
Mon, Nov 13 - Puget Sound (T34s, T37, T37Bs) - Far away with the sun in my face, as good as I got at Southworth. -photo by Jim Pasola, November 13, 2023
Things go better with orcas, not Coca-cola ads. -photo by Noelle Morris, November 13, 2023
T37B3 & T37B Harald -photos by April Basham, November 13, 2023
15:18 - Kim Page called to report this group is now off Pilot Point (midway between Eglon and Point No Point) traveling quickly northbound close in Kitsap side (well west of southbound shipping lanes).
14:55 - See them mid-channel northbound off Apple Tree Point. Steady northbound traffic. -Sara Frey
Mon, Nov 13 - Puget Sound (T34s, T37, T37Bs) - 14:50 - Group of four heading north viewed from the Kingston Edmonds ferry ten minutes ago. -Eric Russell [ONCG]
14:31 - Probably last one from me. Orcas now in Edmonds/Kingston ferry lanes mid channel continuing steady northbound travel [approx. 47.802674, -122.438099]. WSF has been kept apprised all day as have all large commercial shipping/maritime.
14:18 - Orcas are tightly grouped still northbound just north of the last map marker. Transect now north of Kingston terminal from Kayu Kayu still mid channel puts them about due east of Kingston. Waters glassy calm. Several harbor porpoise over here enjoying another day of life as the orcas move north offshore.
14:08 - Orcas have moved to mid channel and continue steady northbound travels between Kayu Kayu Ac Park (Richmond Beach) and south of Kingston terminal, still south of ferry traffic lanes. See map for general location [approx. 47.776128, -122.443826].
13:59 - They circled back and resumed northbound travels now north of the yellow mid channel buoy between Kayu Kayu Ac park (Richmond Beach) and President Point (Kingston).
13:54 - Orcas got to slightly southwest of yellow mid channel buoy and have slowed/stalled and making directional changes. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:50 - Just saw four to six different blows and a couple breaches from Apple Tree Point looking south east. Kitsap side, midchannel. -Jenny Klis
13:43 - Some off Jefferson Point, Kitsap side. Several small boats following. -Joanne Graves
13:40 - At least some of the orcas are now north of Jefferson Head Kitsap side northbound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:10 - They have continued northbound slowly past the entrance to Agate Pass closer to the Kitsap side.
12:54 - They appear to be headed towards Squamish. -April Basham
12:52 - Sprays between Fay & Indianola. -BT Gifford
12:58 - Orcas continue trend northwest appear to along outer edge of Port Madison north of north end of Bainbridge heading in.
12:49 - Orcas off Fay have spread out and some look to be porpoising generally northwesterly toward Port Madison, others trailing. Something’s happening. Maybe hunting. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:44 - Orca group northbound sight line Golden Gardens and Fay Bainbridge. -photo by Sue Surowiec Larkin, November 13, 2023
12:45 - Orcas are west of the southbound shipping lanes [approx. 47.705657, -122.479902].
12:40 - Seeing beautiful illuminated blows of at least six orcas and some shiny fins/backs located generally due east of Fay Bainbridge Park, on the west side of channel moving northbound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:14 - Just south [of] Fay Bainbridge Park closer to the Bainbridge side leisurely at their own pace still northbound. -April Basham
11:18 - Seen 11:10 from Bainbridge Island ferry terminal northbound closer to Bainbridge Island. -Sam Spillane
11:09 - They were moving north fast past Blakey Rocks. -Brian Hollomon
11:13 - They had just passed by the Bainbridge ferry dock as viewed from Alki.
11:09 - They’re now getting closer to Eagle Harbor, closely trailing the little white boat. Very distant as viewed from 64th Ave Alki.
11:00 - Distant spyhop. This is about as good as the view got from Alki, shortly before they passed Blakely Rock.
10:53 - Near the red buoy (north of the yellow buoy) as viewed from Constellation Park. -Steve Rice
10:47 - I'm on a hill south of Manchester from my viewpoint, line of sight the red tanker ship northbound, look to be at least made channel. -Jim Pasola
10:36 - Past the northern tip of Blake, from my perspective.
10:27 - Just past the southern tip of Blake as seen from Constellation Park. Closer to Blake side headed north. -Steve Rice
10:16 - Viewing from Fauntlee Hills, spotted them in the distance close to Blake heading north and nearing the north end of Blake. -Mike Yov
10:08 - Passing between north end of Vashon and Blake Island northeast. -Shelby Middling
10:00 - They blew by on the Vashon side already well north of the north tip of the island in the ferry lane heading north east, travel mode.
09:46 - From the Southworth Beach, seeing blows already on the Vashon side nearing Fern Cove. -Jim Pasola
08:49 - Just past Lisabuela now nearing Ollala, they are far from me but looks to be same group as yesterday, can see tell tale pizza fins of 37/37Bs and a little youngster, approx. seven animals. Still steady northbound, grouped up, mainland side of channel.
08:43 - Approaching Lisabuela, mainland side of channel, slow leisurely northbound travel. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
08:57 - They are due east of Olalla headed north along the west side of Vashon still. At least five.
08:48 - They are moving north very fast. At Lisabeula Park on the west side of Vashon.
08:34 - I just spotted them in the distance from just south of Olalla looking south. They are closer to the Vashon side headed north. Four at least. -Val Cannon
08:15 - April Basham messaged to report seeing the orcas traveling slowly northbound at the mouth of Colvos Passage between Sunrise Beach, South Vashon, Point Defiance.
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Mon, Nov 13 - Haro Strait - 23:34 - Estimating ten orcas in a tight group heading south/down island, one mile south of Landbank. -Michelline Halliday [WSSJI]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Nov 13 - Haro Strait (BCX1377 Nike) - BCX1377 Nike interacting with Ts who had just hunted a minke - read more below. - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #70: “At about 1515, a large humpback whale showed up from the south and charged right into the middle of the feeding Ts. It seemed to be trying to disrupt the feeding event, almost chasing the Ts around and blowing energetically (if not quite full blown trumpeting). At no point did it look like the Bigg’s were harassing the humpback or even overly concerned about its presence… …The humpback disturbing the peace was later identified by Joe Z. and Mark as BCX1377 or “Nike”.” Read more here at the Center for Whale Research Encounter #70.
November 12
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Nov 12 - Saratoga Passage (T109A2s & T137s) - T137A Jack - T137D Wright - T109A2s and T137s in Saratoga Passage today. I spent nearly seven hours over the last three days looking for the T137s with little success . They finally came closer to the Camano side today, joined by the T109A2s. Lots of surface activity made them easy to spot and keep track of, and I was able to get a few pictures of the many breaches. Link to album. -photos by Serena Tierra, November 12, 2023
T137A Jack breaching - What a day! The day started off with spotting the T137s from Camano State Park. Then we noticed another group joined up with them (reportedly T109A2s). A lot of breaches from this location and a potential mating attempt. These two pods continued north and were last seen around Utsalady when the sun was going down. We were also able to catch up with the T38As and T36/36B in Port Susan before it got too dark. Link to album. -photos by Charvet Drucker, November 12, 2023
16:22 - Heading south by Strawberry Point to Mariners Cove on Whidbey Island. -Greg Heiss
15:15 - Reportedly T109A2s & T137s approx. here [48.255748, -122.554690], headed north. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:30 - Steady northbound travel off Onamac Point, Camano side of midchannel. They are in front of the whale watch boat. -Emily Wandres
14:13 - Four off Onomac.
14:09 - Just saw one just south of the boat.
13:53 - Still heading north, Orca Express boat in the area. -Aaron Gill
13:43 - I was on Hidden Beach with a few others. We could just barely see them. But happy to say I could see them breathe as they slowly moved north from Baby Island. -Carla Cenatiempo Adkins
13:37 - At the north end of Cama Beach now. Drifting away from Camano, closer to midchannel, still slowly northbound.
13:30 - Still slowly northbound off the middle of Cama Beach. Think the second group is the T109A2s.
13:20 - Very slow travel northbound off Cama Beach. Grouped up with some logging and tail slaps. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
T137A Jack - 13:28 - Cama Beach getting a show.
13:17 - Seen at least two Camano side between Cama Beach and Camano State Park. -photos by Aaron Gill, November 12, 2023
13:17 - Northbound Camano side of midchannel, off south end of Cama Beach. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network/
13:00 - Continuing northbound, almost past Camano State Park. Just amazing! -Charvet Drucker
12:50 - Committed northbound midchannel with some sporadic surface activity (tail slaps, breaches) off the middle of the entrance to Holmes Harbor.
12:47 - Trending north now, in line with Baby Island from my perspective. At least six in this group including one juvenile.
12:35 - Lots of breaches in a row from Jack! Could hear the splashes echoing across Saratoga. Still in the same spot.
12:30 - Haven't moved since my last update. Currently facing south but just milling. T137A is in this group, too far to ID any others [approx. 48.109370, -122.502490].
12:21 - Think they are working on/made a kill. Directional changes, some surface activity, lots of birds. Just south of Baby Island.
12:11 - One just breached southwest of Lowell Point, Camano side. Trending northwest. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
11:55 - T137 & T137A northbound midchannel near Elger Bay. Only two I've seen so far. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:16 - They just passed Langley about five minutes ago at 11:05. I missed it. But someone else spotted them. -Carla Cenatiempo Adkins
11:07 - Viewing from Whale Bell Park. Orcas are continuing north mid channel. They are spread. T137A is present. More than T137s. Juvenile in the mix. -Cindi Crowder Rausch, Orca Network
11:31 - North towards Pebble Beach mid channel.
11:00 - From south end Camano. -photo by Madi, November 12, 2023
10:55 - There are orca outside Langley marina. -Luke S
10:36 - They are right now just south of Sandy Point headed north Whidbey side [approx. 48.032331, -122.372384].
10:10 - Headed north towards Sandy Point. -Tim Harder
Orcas near Hat Island. -photos by Alice Moyal, November 12, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tabitha Jacobs-Mangiafico
Date of Sighting: November 12, 2023
Time: 8:40 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Possession Point State Park
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 2
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sun, Nov 12 - Possession Sound (T36, T36Bs, T38As) - Today was wild. We got to see two pods of orcas on both sides of Camano Island, WA. The rain was a huge hindrance though. Everything got incredibly wet! Taken from shore, Tillicum Beach, Camano Island. Link to album. -photo by Kat Martin, November 12, 2023
14:05 - She’s seeing four, possibly five orcas. None with obviously tall dorsals, but one is definitely a juvenile. Still northbound, mid-channel in Port Susan, in front of McKees Beach. Last report from Shaina, since the tide came in and she’s currently climbing on logs to get back.
13:58 - My daughter is viewing from the south end of McKees Beach. She’s seen three orcas’ dorsals, but they’re too far away to get good ID pics. There are three boats closer to Camano Island at the entrance to Port Susan, and the orcas are northbound east of the boats, mid-channel. -Linda Raines Tyner
13:38 - Just watched a hunt, looks like they were teaching a juvenile, porpoise appears to be on today's menu [approx. 48.094352, -122.348248]. -Andrea Duffield
13:20 - Have eyes on them at Port Susan. -Shannon Barrios Stander
13:05 - Nearing Tulalip Shores.
13:00 - After stopping for a meal, now northbound into Port Susan, maybe mainland side? -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:53 - They seem to be hanging here, saw a couple of spy hops. -Andrea Duffield
12:45 - At least five in view of Sandy Point. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:33 - Just saw six in between Camano and Hat Island. - Shannon Barrios Stander
12:35 - Still trending north/northeast [approx. 48.046064, -122.314103].
12:22 - Just saw them here. At least four. Heading north [approx. 48.016942, -122.305222]. -Alice Moyal
11:58 - Not sure what group but they are here now [approx. 47.999079, -122.272019]. -Tim Harder
11:35 - Two headed northbound towards Jetty Island, visible from Harborview Park in Everett but a good distance out. -Shelby Krogh
T36B Tattertip - T36B Tattertip & T36B2 Greenfelder -IDs by Rachel Haight & Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:55 - Great pass by Mukilteo Lighthouse. Saw two there and a few others closer to Hat Island. Not sure which group. Heading towards Everett.
10:40 - Unknown group of T's passing Glendale northbound, Whidbey side. -photos by Joe Dreimiller, November 12, 2023
09:34 - Southbound Possession triangle [approx. 47.880768, -122.439350]. -Alice Thuy Talbot
*T38A Dana -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
08:21 - Five to six orca Useless Bay [Whidbey Island] headed south east. -photo by Luke Schwantes, November 12, 2023
Sun, Nov 12 - Puget Sound (T34s, T37, T37Bs) - Part three: Here's where things got even cooler. The sea lion could have easily beached, but instead seems to toy with them, & they didn't ever catch it. The underwater movement here is SO cool. Watching them turn on the speed to hunt was incredible. I think I actually prefer to view from up here vs. right on the beach (beach wasn't even an option today with tide in). You gain so much more perspective being able to follow them underwater. Link to video.
Part two: the beginning of the sea lion hunt. Thrilled at the footage of them teaching the calf to hunt. Link to video.
Part one: From Point Defiance proper at 16:36. So cool to have them all to myself here, in peace & quiet. No screaming people/kids, no barking dogs. Just me & them. I was able to hear EVERYTHING, including some vocalizations at the 4:46 - 4:52 mark that I can only describe as a "Zerbert". The faint voices you can hear are from folks in the boat. Link to video. -Melissa Bird
16:58 - Now passing the south end of Salmon Beach. Leisurely pace southbound.
16:53 - Southbound closer to Tacoma side just north of Salmon Beach in the Narrows. Light fading fast. -Stace Gordon
16:46 - Committed southbound travel now, mid channel-ish in Narrows, still north of Salmon Beach currently.
16:36 - WOW!!! Most epic sea lion hunt just happened right below me Point Defiance proper/the Lighthouse. They are now just south of the lighthouse close to shore. Still hunting. -Melissa Bird
16:32 - Current location [approx. 47.317113, -122.549320]. Getting almost impossible to see with the light going away. -Candy Hull
16:16 - Committed southwest travel now, looks like heading for Narrows. Off Gig Harbor View Point of Five Mile Drive now.
16:12 - This is where they have been milling [approx. 47.326769, -122.538837]. Currently heading right for Point Defiance proper. -Melissa Bird
16:07 - I am just east of the boat "Point Ruston" watching from shore. -CyndyLou Whoo
16:05 - They are still milling off Point Defiance proper. West of Dalco Passage viewpoint. Just moving east & west is all. Have five here. They are in between the two boats here, Colvos Passage in background. -Melissa Bird
16:03 - Still seeing them right off the tip of Point Defiance. Seem very active. A couple boats around them. -Anna Panasiuk Simmons
15:57 - Looks almost like they're headed into Commencement Bay. -Candy Hull
15:49 - Closer to Point Defiance shore now, still some milling going on but drifting southwest. Still east of Point Defiance proper. -Melissa Bird
15:45 - I'm seeing four fins at Tahlequah. -Candy Hull
15:37 - Perspective from Owen is south of the houses at Sunrise and hunting through the bait ball where the birds are [approx. 47.324289, -122.561972]. -Jason Cook
15:36 - Lots of birds between Point Defiance and Vashon. -Courtney Kennel
15:34 - From Five Mile Drive - they are mid Dalco Passage, westbound, just east of Gig Harbor viewpoint/Point Defiance proper. Looks like they have a meal. Lots of bird action, milling. -Melissa Bird
15:34 - They've been milling around on front of Point Defiance for at least thirty minutes. -Candy Hull
15:33 - Viewing from Anthony’s, by all the birds north of Point Defiance on Gig Harbor side. -Kirsten Vacura
15:18 - They appear to be staying in place closer to the Vashon side. They’re putting on a great show for a solo fishing boat just off the south end of Vashon.
15:11 - Crossing from Vashon to Gig Harbor side of Colvos Passage. Heading west. -Erin Morgan Schuster
15:06 - Just west of Point Defiance ferry lane. -Patrick Gould
15:08 - Just saw three blows.
15:03 - Two fins visible with binoculars from Old Ferry landing in Gig Harbor, mid channel between Tahlequah and Point Defiance. -Candy Hull
14:57 - Two spotted from Dash Point State Park with binoculars, left of the ferry at a yellow buoy, possibly in front of Tahlequah. -Kalika CeCe
15:00 - Just east of the Point Defiance ferry lane.
14:56 - Mid channel south of Point Ruston.
14:54 - One tall fin between Tahlequah and Point Defiance. -Patrick Gould
14:53 - Viewing from ferry on the Vashon side, two to three heading across channel to Tacoma side. -Kirsten Vacura
14:47 - Two headed west at Point Defiance ferry dock. Tacoma side and one solo not too far behind. -John Troup
14:45 - Spotting just south of Maury Island from Dune Peninsula. -Caroline Alper-Posso
14:44 - Two visible with binocs from Dune. Traveling westbound as they round southern tip of Maury. On the Vashon side. One dorsal looked like a male, possibly. -Ashley S Whitman
14:45 - Headed in direction of Quartermaster Harbor hugging the island. Not sure if they’re going in yet. -Megan Lynn
14:42 - Blows south end of Maury. West bound towards Vashon [approx. 47.337514, -122.451843]. -Jason Cook
14:19 - Two orcas off of South Maury Point Piner. -Sarah Taylor Eden
14:14 - Looks like these are the T34s & T37/T37Bs [per photos by Marla Smith, Orca Network]. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:04 - Seeing three groups of two spread out. Past Gold Beach south. -Ryan Dicks
13:43 - Might have been in the shipping lane a bit, but we didn’t want to crowd the orcas! Point Robinson for the win! -Jamie Smugeresky
13:37 - At least five, spread, very stealth, have passed Point Robinson in two small groups, slow travel south with some directional changes, some close in to shore. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
13:32 - Just saw three or four orca swing by our house on Vashon Island heading south towards the lighthouse. -Doug Michael Smith [ONCG]
13:22 - There are two to three heading southbound towards Point Robinson. -Joe Koncikowski
13:16 - Approaching Point Robinson now, just north of the beach, have picked up speed and heading south with more purpose now, close in to island side.
13:06 - Still north of Point Robinson, now south of KVI, slowly making their way south it seems from what I can see on horizon line, being very stealthy. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
12:46 - My grandma just called to say that she is seeing four straight out from her house at Klahanie Beach just north of KVI. Southbound still. -Ellen Weir
12:32 - Off KVI. Still southbound. -Karen Boyle
12:29 - Blows spotted north of KVI Beach - viewing with binoculars from the Des Moines Marina. -Marcie Evans
12:14 - Photos thirty to sixty feet from shore at pin [approx. 47.493378, -122.458276]. -photos by Travis Warren, November 12, 2023
12:00 - Pod is currently southbound near Dilworth on Vashon side.
10:30 - 10:45 - Staff member Marla saw a local report and staff member Alisa’s cousin happens to live near Jo and Andy Hollingsworth who shared video of orcas earlier this morning; south of Dolphin Point, Vashon.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Nov 12 - Puget Sound - 16:00 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:22 to report: Whale sighting 1600 Elliott bay – humpback.
12:38 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 12:42 to report: TACOMA Captain reports one grey [probable humpback] whale NE of the traffic lanes [near Elliot Bay].
November 11
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Nov 11 - Saratoga Passage (T137s) - T137B Tempest - T137D Wright - When orcas are in Penn Cove, regardless of the weather, you have to go and find them, right? It was not good viewing and very wet, but fun to see the T137s as they headed east, back out of Penn Cove. Next - off to the Coupeville wharf, then to Long Point, then home, and then on to Hidden Beach. Whales at each stop!!! Sometimes close, sometimes far away and afternoon weather became amazingly beautiful, mirror like sea conditions. What a difference a few hours made. -photos by Jill Hein, November 11, 2023
T137A Jack - T137D Wright - T137s in Saratoga Passage on a trip with Puget Sound Express. Link to album. -photos by Kelly Dawson, November 11, 2023
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Nov 11 - San Juans
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat Nov 11 12:05 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.62616,-123.17829
Number Sighted: 2
Submitted Comments: south bound at Battleship Island.
Submitter Name: Val Veirs
Whale Alert App
November 10
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Fri, Nov 10 - Active Pass (J Pod) - 09:15 - Per Center for Whale Research Encounter #69: "Mark got confirmation from Rachelle Hayden/Salish Sea Orca Squad that at least J pod went northeast through Active Pass the following morning [11/10] at 0915."
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Nov 10 - Saratoga Passage (T137s) - 13:39 - My last report for the T137 pod as we leave the scene. Spread out and aiming towards Baby Island southbound. I did notice in my photos afterward that T137D was mid-channel with her mom earlier before we left the scene. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
13:32 - Two, at least, behind Swiftsure at Hidden Beach moving quickly southbound. -Janet Moody
Fri, Nov 10 - Saratoga Passage (T137s) - November 10 - photo of the day (the only one) - the fabulous T137A (Jack), a regular visitor, ploughing through the choppy waters of Saratoga Passage southbound past Hidden Beach on a breezy afternoon. -Sandy Pollard -photo by RJ Snowberger, November 10, 2023
13:31 - Seeing two from Hidden Beach. Southbound and slow trail by a whale watching boat. -Rubie H Baker
13:26 - T137 is offshore (midchannel) from the other two southbound [approx. 48.144604, -122.553177]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
13:24 - Pair approaching Hidden Beach still Whidbey side. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:15 - Four orcas heading south off Whidbey shore towards Hidden Beach, one and a half miles north of Hidden Beach. -Aaron Gill
13:00 - Update for T137A and B, southbound [approx. 48.170672, -122.578578]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
12:52 - Only saw the pair moving fast hugging Whidbey shore, well south of Race Lagoon now. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:35 - Just caught a glimpse of them - heading south towards Hidden Beach, on the Whidbey side of mid-channel. I saw three surface (including Jack) so probably all four of them together again. Loooong down times. -Jill Hein
12:38 - This is their current location. -Heather Domenico
12:37 - T137A and 137B are Southbound along the Whidbey shoreline. Look at the dark blue mark on my map [approx. 48.181379, -122.576514]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
12:15 - They've split in pairs. T137A & T137B together not far from Whidbey shore, slow southbound. Not exactly sure where other two are, but I presume in the vicinity though. Mile south of Long Point.
11:42 - Appear to be southbound now.- Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:47 - Flipped/headed back south.
11:10 - Seeing fins and blows, from Long Point. They are moving north. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
10:05 - North of Race Lagoon, midchannel, still northbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:20 - Heading north at least three more mid channel couple miles north of Hidden Beach. -Aaron Gill
09:12 - Have continued north and drifted east a bit while doing so. Almost out of view at Hidden Beach. Appears to be just 137s so far.
09:00 - At least three to five orcas, spread out from Hidden Beach [Whidbey] can see T137, T137A and T137D at least. Whidbey side of mid channel making directional changes but trending northbound with more purpose now after milling/probably feeding. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:30 - Holmes Harbor, Whidbey Island. Appeared to be at least two or three orcas. First spotted about half way between Baby Island and Greenbank Beach, heading northwest. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
Fri, Nov 10 - Puget Sound (T37 & T37Bs) - 15:32 - On Kingston ferry. Group of orcas heading north. -back of camera photo by Danielle Lanxon, November 10, 2023
13:07 - We saw three to four whales in a tight group heading north (north-east?) from the Seattle-Bainbridge ferry. They were more or less in the middle of the sound between Bainbridge, Elliott Bay and slightly north of Alki point. -Jane Radstrom
13:05 - We saw four on the Seattle/Bainbridge ferry! Not familiar with who they are but was awesome! -Kate Williams
12:30 - Spoke with people at Constellation Park who had seen some transients come by the lighthouse and head west toward the north end of Blake Island. They seem to be out of view now. -Steve Rice
12:03 - Pretty sure I just saw at least one orca by the Alki lighthouse on the Bremerton-Seattle ferry. Heading more towards the lighthouse so looked like maybe southwest. -Jerome Woodworth
12:00 - Orcas off 64th and Alki. -photos by Robin Sinner, November 10, 2023
10:59 - Stopped for a group of orcas on the Kingston fast ferry. There were five that I saw and were heading towards downtown Seattle from the mouth of Elliot Bay. -Maya Desai
09:12 - Four [possibly orcas] sighted off Bainbridge, Point Monroe, one baby, headed south towards Winslow. -Stephanie Miller [PSWS]
November 9
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Thu, Nov 9 - Constance Bank (J & K Pod) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #69: “Within 15 minutes of departing Victoria Harbor, Gord put them on the lead animals approaching the southern edge of Constance Bank heading east. The first animal they came across was J40, leading the charge with J37 close behind. Mark and George worked as efficiently as possible with the large spread to get as many animals confirmed as possible. The next pair they encountered slightly south and west of the two lead animals was J38 along with K42. Mark was shocked at how big K42 had gotten since the last time he saw him in July near Swiftsure Bank!...” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #69.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Nov 9 - Puget Sound (T37, T37Bs, T109A2s, T137s)
16:45 - I spotted this pair just off the Mukilteo Lighthouse. They were headed to the east of Hat Island.
16:30 - I spotted three blow holes around the Clinton ferry dock. Not sure which way they went. -photos by Matt Byrer, November 9, 2023
16:10 - From a friend again (which meshes with my last sighting of Jack at least facing west and then north): Blows off the tip of Hat Island - seem to be hunting or milling around there [southern end]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:56 - Just seen a pod of eight or so from Mukilteo ferry, they're heading north up toward the Everett area. -Christopher Johnson
16:00 - They surfaced again to the east a bit but facing west. Been down a while. Super sleepy. Last seen facing north/northwest.
15:55 - For sure Jack and at least seven to eight others groups in resting mode slow travel eastbound due north of Edgewater Beach Park. East of Mukilteo ferry terminal [approx. 47.977905, -122.305907].
15:49 - Big group including male off Edgewater Park eastbound Mukilteo side.
15:40 - Have at least two here between Edgewater Beach and southeast Hat eastbound toward Everett. Male present. Seeing blows of others east to the west mid channel north of ferry traffic lanes I think northbound [approx. 47.988897, -122.287739].
15:21 - Group is split/spread. I just saw fins across mid channel to west of off Clinton terminal northbound. Pretty sure male in there.
15:14 - Just caught glimpse of couple fins in westbound ferry lanes heading more northeasterly off Mukilteo Lighthouse, this side. Think ferry had to divert a bit quickly. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:10 - They’re almost to the ferry lane, Whidbey side of midchannel. -Donna George
15:01 - Slowly moving north trailing the little sail boat getting closer to Clinton. From Mukilteo Pioneer Cemetery. -Scott Murchy
14:57 - From friend : Maybe seven to eight, all females I think, passed Glendale - Whidbey to. Whidbey side of midchannel / spread out into three groups northbound steady. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:48 - Near Glendale heading towards Clinton. -Alice Thuy Talbot
14:45 - Northbound passing Possession Beach Park, just west of midchannel. Wind has increased so they're between whitecaps but visible with the unaided eye. -Durand Dace
Sounds like all of yesterday's whale present, 137s, 37/37Bs, & 109A2s. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:25 - They are booking it up into Possession Sound. They are off Possession Point northbound up the straightaway.
14:20 - Orcas still northbound just outside Cultus Bay. They haven’t turned yet as if toward “Possession Strait” [approx. 47.895570, -122.404311].
14:09 - Orcas are making good time. They are now much closer to Cultus Bay still northbound. Looked like some porpoising so maybe hunting? I’m gonna move to higher ground.
14:02 - Male is out there with them. Steady due north toward South Whidbey. No clear commitment one way or another which side.
13:55 - From Sunset Ave, Edmonds found them again in “the triangle” roughly two to three miles south of Cultus Bay steady northbound in white-cappy seas. Too soon to say which direction around Whidbey. Haven’t seen male again. Map is general location [approx. 47.840884, -122.443746].
13:23 - The group continued northbound bu separated up a bit, in two groups. These were all females, little ones and juveniles. At 13:15 they were mid channel transect Kingston terminal and Point Wells. At 13:23 I caught the fin of an adult male (Jack like size and shape) to the northeast ahead of others. He was probably between Point Wells and Edmonds Marina Beach, Edmonds side, steady northbound.
13:05 - Pod of at least seven to nine loosely grouped mid channel between Kayu Kayu Ac Park, Richmond Beach and President Point steady northbound in somewhat choppy seas [approx. 47.773178, -122.434716]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:17 - Pod of orca mid channel northbound. Passing Fay Bainbridge Park. Tightly group. At least six so far. -Candace Gavin
10:34 - Apparently they flipped north again per WSB, so likely somewhere in the South Bainbridge/Alki, West Seattle area by now if they continued. -Orca Network
10:05 - Update from Sound Action: report of orcas headed southbound along the east side of Vashon. These are very likely Biggs/Transient orcas, so please make sure to give seals space on the beach for a natural escape route.
06:58 & 07:28 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:50 to report: [06:58] Vessel KITTITAS reports 2 orcas heading southbound, one female and a juvenile, located West of the traffic lanes off Dolphin Point.
0728hrs: Vessel KITTITAS provides an update via 800MHz: 9 orcas headed northbound in the southbound traffic lanes, located NE of Dolphin Point.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Nov 9 - Puget Sound
14:30 - Heading west now. Just south of Possession Point.
14:09 - Humpback whale just south of Chennault Beach [south of Mukilteo] facing north. -Alice Thuy Talbot
November 8
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Nov 8 - San Juans (T18s) - it’s the T018s! -April Ryan [WSSJI]
17:00 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 17:08 to report: 1700hrs: Vessel SAMISH reports via 800MHz they have slowed departing the terminal at LPZ due to 4 orca just off LPZ, moving east. YAKIMA notified and will slow.
15:56 - Just saw four orcas off Shaw Island heading east towards Canoe Island. There were definitely two large and two smaller. -Lorene Hofland Joosten [WSSJI]
Wed, Nov 8 - Puget Sound (T137s before meeting T37, T37Bs, T109A2s) - Lovely photos of our beloved friend T137A Jack milling around Mukilteo taken by Christopher Lemus (courtesy of Wendy Shapiro). Photos/videos that help confirm IDs provide valuable information. And when several matrilines are around (like yesterday), they provide valuable insight, especially when those matrilines meet/merge as they did later in the day. Thanks to Wendy and to Christopher, awesome Community Science work! Link to more photos. -report and photos courtesy of Wendy Shapiro -photos by Christopher Lemus, November 8, 2023
11:05 - Just found them again transect Apple Tree point and probably Edmonds Marina/or ferry terminal. Northbound mid channel to east off. Haze and distance is making harder to see Zero boats around, though looks like possibly Soundwatch South has arrived in the area (or a boat resembling them) well to the south of orcas.
10:52 - See pod of at least four, with male, grouped, generally east of mid channel northwest of Point Wells. Still facing east. See map [approx. 47.797458, -122.433259]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:42 - Group of orcas south side of Edmonds-Kingston ferry route. Heading east. -Thaddeus Blaise Mianecki
10:41 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:52 to report: 1041hrs: Vessel SPOKANE reports via 800Mhz they've spotted 3 orcas heading North in the SBTL, located abeam of President Point.
10:03 - Saw an orca from the M/V Spokane, about fifteen minutes ago, swimming from Edmonds toward Seattle. South, a ways off the starboard side of the bow coming in to Edmonds. -Andrew Craig Magnuson
08:45 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 08:50 to report: 0845hrs [SPOKANE] Ops received notification of an undetermined number of orcas heading in an undetermined direction near the EDM terminal.
08:25 - I lost the others or my mind was playing tricks on me but I can only see the big male now. Still heading south close to mainland side. Long down time.
08:15 - They’re passing me now in Chennault Beach. Heading south. Close to mainland side: one huge male. I only saw three I think. -Alice Thuy Talbot
08:10 - Just saw one pass Possession Point. -Jody Siderius Crabb
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Christopher Talavera
Date of Sighting: November 08, 2023
Time: 7:45 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Mukilteo lighthouse
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: Hunting
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
07:31 - Report via Whale Alert App of five orcas just south of the Mukilteo/Clinton Ferry run. [follow up] heading south or milling. -Chris Kent [WA app & PSWS]
Wed, Nov 8 - Puget Sound (Presumably T109A2s before meeting T37, T37Bs, T137s) - 08:00 - A birder reporting a rare seabird from Discovery Park reported a pod of killer whales going north. -Debbie Stewart
Wed, Nov 8 - Admiralty Inlet (T37, T37Bs, T109A2s, T137s) - T137A Jack - T137D Wright - T137D Wright - There was a "T-party" of Bigg's transient orcas today just out from Point No Point Lighthouse Park. T37, T37Bs, T137s, and T109A2s met up [in] the afternoon hunting and socializing with lots of tail slaps, rolls, breaches and spy hops. Link to album. -photos by Mike Maddox, November 8, 2023
A few from Point No Point. Link to video. -photos by Donna Green Van Renselaar, November 8, 2023
Pure magic. -Mikail Kiva
Pardon my screech at the end, but OMG! -Cindi Dudley Brown
They came within a couple hundred yards of shore! -photo by Elizabeth D. Hart, November 8, 2023
16:44 - Right off the Point No Point point twenty four feet from shore; I ran down into Point No Point Park from overflow lot, looked back and saw them back there with you, there so I ran back up the shore and then walked literally WITH them all the way back to Point No Point - I am so so happy you got your close whales today before leaving town! Wowowow it was magic! -Donna Green Van Renselaar
So it sounds like Fuser is indeed present, so 109A2s w/ 37/37Bs & 137s, 13 whales total. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jann Clare
Date of Sighting: November 08, 2023
Time: 4:09 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 15
Where seen: Norwegian Point, Hansville
Direction of travel : SE hunting
Behaviors observed: Hunting, breaching, tail slapping, fin slapping, porpoiseing
If orcas, any males?: 2 or more
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
16:08 - Coming closer to Kitsap merged groups with several calves approx. eight to nine whales circling slapping line formations, amazing!
16:00 - Same general area midchannel between Norwegian Point and Maxwelton, so much surface activity! Lots of breaches and tail slapping - not sure which group it is but there are five to six individuals. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
After reviewing photos, T37/T37Bs & T137s were present at least. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:26 - Still visible across the water from Maxwelton with binoculars. Lots of blows and big fins. Southbound. -Jayn Goldsen
15:20 - Eyes on from Norwegian Point far out towards Maxwelton group of approx. five with male surface active/breaching and southbound, and another group just north of them facing northbound a bit farther east. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
15:10 - Very approx. location, have drifted north some but overall milling.
14:55 - Perhaps have drifted slightly east, can see blows easy with tiny fins, and a spyhop. Nice group.
14:50 - Can see the faintest of blows out from Maxwelton. Slow, or milling.
14:35 - Approx. between Maxwelton and Point No Point, maybe a bit north. Midchannel.
14:10 - These whales flipped southeastbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Near Point No Point - T137D Wright in foreground - 13:41 - [approx. 47.92327, -122.536329]. -photo by Smith Siromaskul, November 8, 2023
13:29 - Northwest socializing slowly. -Trevor Tillman
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Laura Rotegard
Date of Sighting: November 08, 2023
Time: 1:20 PM
Species seen: 7 orcas- 2 dominant males , cow/calf pair and others
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: north side beach of Point No Point park
Direction of travel : traveling NW
Behaviors observed: 1 breach, 1 tail flop
If orcas, any males?: 2 that I could tell
Any unusual markings?: couldn't see with unaided eye
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
12:58 - Got them. Half mile southeast of Point No Point. There's a lot more than three.
12:41 - Just saw two way off Point No Point headed south. -Jan Thomas
12:34 - Three orcas just swam past our boat, they are heading south, just north of Point No Point, west side, mid-channel. Whale watching boat way over on the east side of the channel, not close. -Hil Peurano
[Around Point No Point, the inbound T37/T37Bs met up with the T109A2s & T137s.]
11:00 - 11:08 - Lone male charging south just south of Lagoon Point closer to midchannel. He is now traveling east just south of Lagoon Point - only one I've spotted so far. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:52 - Just saw a pod south of Port Townsend ferry heading south. -Evan Boyd
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Nov 8 - Haro Strait - 15:38 - Humpback milling at Land Bank. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network [WSSJI]
Wed, Nov 8 - Puget Sound - 16:00 - Humpback moving northbound off Apple Tree Point, close to the Kitsap side. -Sara Frey
11:52 - They spotted a humpback southbound out from Rose Point (bit south of Eglon) around the southbound shipping lanes. Whale is being sneaky. -Trevor Tillman, PSE
10:52 - Humpback spotted off of Skiff Point, Bainbridge Island - northbound. -Brenda Campbell
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Wed, Nov 8 - Puget Sound (video is inconclusive, no other reports)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Rachel Nelson
Date of Sighting: November 08, 2023
Time: 1:58 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Under Narrows Bridge
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Floating
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
November 7
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Nov 7 - Saratoga Passage (T137s) - 15:49 - Jack T137A and one other are going into Holmes Harbor! -Harriet Boone Vick [WIWS]
15:40 - Blows now across Camano State Park. They are on Whidbey side. -Coni Jones Carrothers
16:08 - Was only able to see two dorsals. Very choppy and windy.
15:39 - Just spotted one male and then relocated.
15:25 - Coming up on northern end of Camano State Park. Southbound. -Charvet Drucker
15:12 - Heather Anson called to report two orcas (male/female or male/maybe sprouter male?), now south of Hidden Beach southbound. Not sure if went Holmes Harbor or continued south in Saratoga Passage. They watched them head down the passage north of Hidden then past Hidden Beach. These two were Whidbey side of the channel (half way between mid and Whidbey).
14:43 - Someone had posted that they watched them exit Penn Cove very close to Long Point and very fast. Seemed to be trending southbound. -Marcy Neal
14:05 - Reports of T137s near Penn Cove looks to be heading east. -Marcy Neal [WIWS]
Tue, Nov 7 - Puget Sound (T109A2s) - T109A2 Fuser - T109A2A Seekah -photos by Marla Smith, November 7, 2023
15:15 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 15:21 to report: 1515 hrs: MV KITTITAS Captain reports via 800MHz broadcast 3 orcas, SB just off Vashon Head.
14:58 - Have cleared the north tip of Vashon now, northbound.
14:46 - Have resumed travel northbound now with more purpose, nearing the north tip of Vashon. - -Marla Smith, Orca Network
Thank you so much Marla & everyone! With your updates I saw them today off Vashon for the first time since thirteen years ago off San Juan islands. Thank y’all for sharing the joy & beauty of orcas! -Maria CP
14:22 - Confirming T109A2s. -Brittany Noelle
14:29 - They are stalled out just south of the tip of north Vashon, island side of channel can confirm T109A2s, can see Seekah and the two littles, directional changes not making much progress travel wise.
14:15 - Approaching north tip of Vashon now, close in to island side northbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
14:02 - They are on Vashon side near Sylvan Beach area, seeing from Southworth dock.
12:40 - Prospect Point northbound slow Vashon side. -Noelle Morris
10:35 - Killer whale group in Dalco Passage now, near Point Defiance. At least five, seeing closed saddle patches so presume transients. Stationary milling. One spyhop. -Charlie Wright
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Nov 7 - Puget Sound (BCX1846 Sergeant & other) - BCX1846 Sergeant -ID by Erin Johns Gless, PWWA - A sunset humpback visit in Tacoma. Link to photos. -photos by Jason Cook, November 7, 2023
16:34 - Northbound.
16:16 - Humpback east bound from Dune in Tacoma. -Jason Cook
16:19 - Humpback at Dune Peninsula! Eastbound from the ferry lanes. Swimming towards Commencement Bay. -April Basham
13:45 - Same area but has moved closer to Blake.
13:34 - Just past the north tip of Blake Island. Moving southwest.
13:30 - Possible minke [photo shows humpback] sighted from Constellation Park. Line of sight just north of Blake Island headed south. East side of Blake. -Steve Rice
13:00 - A humpback passed Olalla Bay Market heading south towards Gig Harbor. Surfaced four times. -Kyle Buffenmyer
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Nov 7 8:00 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.62000,-122.49000 [Wing Point, Bainbridge]
Number Sighted: 2
Submitter Name: Alistair Jackson
Whale Alert App
MINKE WHALES - Tue, Nov 7 - Puget Sound - 12:40 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 12:52 to report: 1240hrs: Vessel TACOMA reports via 800MHz 1 minke, .75 mile west of Duwamish Head, moving south.
November 6
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Mon, Nov 6 - Puget Sound - Exiting Quartermaster Harbor/Colvos Passage/Admiralty Inlet (J Pod) - J38 Cookie - J27 Blackberry - After watching all the incredible videos of J pod down in the city, I caught a brief glimpse of a few as they sped by Lagoon Point and from a distance at Fort Casey. Always lovely! -photos by Bonnie Gretz, November 6, 2023
Glad the ferries were on time today (tip - always keep a camera in the car just in case...) Just made it to Bush Point as J pod streamed past at speed intent on exiting Admiralty Inlet. Apart from seeing a couple of brief stops by individual whales to forage, it seemed time was of the essence in continuance of their northbound travels. Hope you found plenty of food while you were here, J pod - look forward to seeing you again soon. -photos by Sandy Pollard, November 6, 2023
J38 Cookie - photos by RJ Snowberger, November 6, 2023
This weekend has been willlllldddd. From north Vashon. JPod booked it fast and I am flabbergasted at the about of miles they have covered in such a short period of time. 60 miles in 9 hours. Link to album. -photos by Jami Cantrell, November 6, 2023
J27 Blackberry - photo by Ariel Yseth, November 6, 2023 - J37 Hy'shqa & J59 Sxwyeqόlh -photos by Marla Smith, November 6, 2023
First video is taken just before full light at 07:00 as J pod left deep Quartermaster Harbor Jensen Beach Park. The second video is them passing the north tip of Vashon northbound approximately 08:40 up the Colvos! Literally about two to four times faster than the average travel speed for the distance covered. Link to video. -April Basham
Thank you to EVERYONE who kindly tracked J Pod and posted on Orca Network this weekend! It was a thrilling visit. -Stephanie Harlan
16:36 - They just passed the green buoy off Fort Ebey, still headed north. -Bethani White
16:04 - Still barely visible with telescope, but appear to be trending north. Probably a good night for the San Juan folks to be on alert. They’ve made it roughly 60 miles in nine hours.
15:45 - Passing Fort Casey northbound just east of midchannel. Some little ones breaching. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
15:42 - At Fort Casey, about ten whales headed north just passed by. Moving fast. -Isaac Gibson
15:41 - Passing Fort Casey. -Joe Dreimiller
15:40 - Viewing from Admiralty Lighthouse, mid channel/Whidbey side spread out northbound. -Bonnie Gretz
15:25 - At Point Wilson seeing splashing almost to Fort Casey. Whidbey side. -Darci Munson Weis
15:02 - I believe the last of JPod has passed south Lagoon Point. They remain very spread and moving north fast. This is my last update. Fair and following, Jpod! Good luck everyone. -Cindi Crowder Rausch, Orca Network
14:49 - Leaders at Lagoon Point northbound mid channel. -Brandy Jackson Ritchie
14:20 - I saw a few stragglers but they all seem to be at or north of Bush Point by now. -Mike Meyer
J26 Mike - 14:15 - Passing Bush Point, continuing northbound, mid to Whidbey, spread out east/west. Moving at about six knots, travel mode and not as much surface action, with a bit of foraging behavior. -photo by Cindi Crowder Rausch, November 6, 2023
14:18 - Saw a few fins a minute ago. -Lisa Jung
14:17 - Bush Point one breach so far! -Brandy Jackson Ritchie
14:10 - The leaders (I think) are about at Bush Point. Mid channel, northbound. I saw a few trailing behind, also mid-channel. I haven't seen any close to the Whidbey shore.
14:00 - Mid channel about three miles south of Bush Point.
13:45 - I saw some leaps in mid channel about level with Foulweather. -Mike Meyer
13:34 - They are approaching Foulweather. Lots of surface action. Mid channel, spread north/south and east/west.
13:09 - Viewing from Shore Meadows, line of sight Hansville. Seeing some breach splashes. They must still be moving quickly. Mid channel. -Cindi Crowder Rausch, Orca Network
13:01 - They are roughly here [approx. 47.954734, -122.516685]. Northwest. Only saw one male fin. -Kelly Kauffman Wisniewski
12:50 - Just saw one breach north of yellow marker - direction not clear. Point No Point/triangle yellow marker. -Rebecca Berger
12:38 - Another series of breaches slightly south of the yellow buoy in Possession Triangle.
12:26 - Huge breach in the middle of the triangle, in between Maxwelton and Point No Point. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
11:45 - Sightline Apple Tree Point to Haines Wharf - lone male plus breach splash back by Edmonds terminal but by 11:55 no longer visible, possibly crossing into triangle or east? -Donna Green Van Renselaar
11:45 - Lone male at least out from north of Point Wells mid channel to east of northbound. J pod making fast time up the sound! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:46 - Viewing from Sunset in Edmonds. One large male very close to Kitsap side just south of the tug. -Kayla Zabecki
11:45 - They are already passing Apple Tree Point! Big breach splash north of Edmonds terminal midchannel and a male dorsal surfaced a mile to the north of that. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
11:45 - They were spread out. Still leaders were past Apple Tree Point, Kingston and the trailer lone male was north of Point Wells. All were headed northbound fast. Don't know which direction they'll take once they hit that big expanse of water out there. -Sue Ehler
11:41 - More faint S01 calls.
11:37 - Hearing faint J pod calls via hydrophone at Sunset Bay! Thanks to Orca Conservancy and Beach Camp at Sunset Bay for hosting this Orcasound - Listen for Whales location! -Orcasound - Listen for Whales
11:37 - Watching from Sunset Ave in Edmonds. See three to four hugging the Kitsap side just north of the ferry lanes. -Kim Schouten Paulsen
11:27 - Leaders between yellow buoy and Kingston northbound.
11:24 - I’ve just pulled up to Richmond Beach Saltwater Park and am seeing one male east side of channel steady northbound transect south Richmond Beach/south of Jefferson Head. Will look for others. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:25 - Saw like three dorsal fins north of Kingston ferry terminal. -Catherine Alvarado Soto
11:23 - At least one orca hugging Kitsap side northbound approaching Kingston ferry lanes - near two tugs heading southbound. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
11:10 - Seen near Fay Bainbridge from Richmond Beach headed north quickly. -Brooke Thompson
10:55 - Grouping up. Still visible from Rolling Bay. Lots of breaching and directional changes spread out now both east and west of the red channel marker, with movement more westward. -Christine Merritt
10:46 - Kimberly Sylvester called to report J pod leaders have slowed their pace, are grouping up, and possibly foraging. Northern end Bainbridge mid channel to Kitsap side.
10:45 - They have now grouped up and are very surface active from Rolling Bay straight up to the storage tanks south of Edmonds seem to be hunting.
10:31 - Watching from Rolling Bay and there are two groups charging north, one south of the container barge and one group north about mid channel. Maybe Kitsap side. -Kimberly Sylvester
10:30 - Lone male passed. Looks like research boat turned back south for those trailers? Will hang a bit longer.
10:20 - They hauled pass West Point Light northbound. Maybe more trailers coming up? -Whitney Neugebauer, Whale Scout
10:10 - They were close to Manchester fueling depot, Rich Passage but moved central Elliott Bay again. -Elaine Hamilton
We're seeing a number of orcas from the Bainbridge Island ferry this morning. -Barbara Ierulli
09:48 - Watching from Alki, they are still moving fast northbound past Eagle Harbor and north, NOAA boat in their midst. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
09:30 - Message from a friend who sent a visiting family friend to Alki who is watching likely leaders - mid channel with surface activity, breaching, while still traveling northbound. -Orca Network
Using y’all’s sightings and correcting for surface currents via University of Washington’s LiveOcean model, it looks like J pod transited Colvos at more than four times their mean speed (over ground)! They averaged 24.8 km/h (>13kts)!! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
09:28 - Steady northbound between Manchester and Bainbridge view from Emma Schmitz Park in West Seattle mid channel. -Mary Hartmann
09:15 to 09:25 - Watched them move quickly past Blake and then past Lincoln Park, viewing from Fauntlee Hills. Lots of breaches as they motored north. -Mike Yov
09:19 - Breach mid channel just north of Tillicum Village view from Emma Schmitz Park in West Seattle. -Mary Hartmann
Wow. Orcas just left Colvos still at a fast clip though slowed just a bit as they neared Blake. Watched them leave Quartermaster around 7:15 AM and then they porpoised at high speed all the way through Dalco then up Colvos. Hit the southwest corner of Vashon around 7:40 and raced all the way up. -Sound Action
09:15 - One male trailing the others by quite a bit. Just exiting Colvos now. -Ellen Weir
photo by Ryan Dicks, November 6, 2023
09:13 - Lone male passing north end of Vashon. -Kirsten Tucker
09:12 - They just went nb [northbound] up the east side of Blake. Leaders still moving fast, a few were milling for a minutes. Very spread. -Ellen Weir
09:09 - Super distant blows visible from West Seattle/Lowman Beach. -Ann Ventic
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Miracle Medema
Date of Sighting: November 06, 2023
Time: 9:05 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 25
Where seen: Colvos Pass
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: They are moving quick.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
09:03 - Viewing from Vashon ferry dock. Moving east fast on south end of Blake. -Ellen Weir
09:02 - Woah, they are approaching Blake Island! Still cruising FAST north. -Grace McRae
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Matt Armata
Date of Sighting: November 06, 2023
Time: 8:55 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 16
Where seen: 47.50745° N, 122.48118° W
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling fast - popping up in groups
If orcas, any males?: 4
Any unusual markings?: None noticable
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Many in a group - few farther out. Two more groups behind. One big single lagging back a few minutes. Looked like at least two babies
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photos by Matt Armata, November 6, 2023
Wow, that is 90 minutes from the mouth of Quartermaster to the north end of Vashon! -Anna Stuart Olive
Saw them out in front of our house going up Colvos. Very rare sighting for us. -Laurie Taylor
08:57 - Fast northbound at north end Colvos. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
08:57 - Past point Southworth, still trending northbound still porpoising, moving fast!
08:50 - Visible from Point Southworth. Still northbound spread out from mid channel to Vashon side. Moving quickly. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
08:46 - Passing Fern Cove, now. They are active, but moving fast. On Olalla side, the ones I saw. -Karen Fuller
08:45 - From north end Colvos. This was their sustained speed through Colvos. Roughly an hour for them to get from Jensen Park to Lisabuela. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
08:42 - Coming up to Fern Cove. -Pam Orren
08:39 - We barely saw splashes from the Southworth/Vashon run [approx. 48.485222, -122.497706]. Now we hope the Vashon loading takes a while to load so we can see them at the top of Colvos. -Joy McFate Lee
08:38 - From friends at Sound Action, they are continuing the pace and have made it to/past the Cove/Fragaria area. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
08:38 - Amy Carey, Sound Action messaged to report J pod is still hauling it northbound up Colvos Passage, they just raced passed Cove, Vashon area.
08:28 - Passing Robinwood Beach area now. Incredible! -HR Hegnauer
08:16 - Olalla now! -Stephanie Harlan
08:14 - Marla Smith called back to report J pod is porpoising up Colvos Passage. Most on island side, some mid channel. In groups some larger, some smaller, J16s passed by. Leaders nearing maybe close to Olalla, from her vantage. J27 Blackberry is trailing passing Lisabeula now.
08:10 - Marla Smith just called to report J pod is traveling quickly up Colvos, near Lisebuela, spread out on Vashon side.
08:03 - J pod is in southern Colvos Passage (west side Vashon) heading northbound. Appears they are committed.
08:00 - Reports have them toward Colvos Passage. -Orca Network
07:30 - After spending the night in Quartermaster Harbor, J pod has exited this morning. Staff member Marla Smith watched as they exited the harbor YAY! They swung left but we are getting word they flipped and headed west.
07:20 - This was Jpod off Manzanita Beach as they porpoised while exiting Quartermaster Harbor. Link to video. -Brittany Noelle
05:45 - 07:20 - For the record their start point early this morning. Inner most Quartermaster Harbor. Too dark to see but sound up for breathing. I had them from 5:45 to 7:20 or so based on time stamps. Pretty sure I heard them prior to that. I was like a kid at Christmas. Left my window open and kept looking out the screen. When I heard them I literally thought I was gonna hurt myself leaning on the window sill with my nose to the screen listening and trying to see anything. -Caroline Martin Matter
It was awesome to hear them breathing and splashing all night into the morning! Something I’ll never forget. -Jill Ostrom
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Nov 6 - San Juans
11:13 - Approaching Reuben Tarte northbound.
11:22 - Appear to be heading in to Spieden Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
10:35 - Three orcas passing Mineral Point heading north. -Dan Shelley [WSSJI]
Mon, Nov 6 - Port Susan (T137s) - T137B Tempest & T137 Loon - T137A Jack - T137 Loon - We had a nice quick visit in Port Susan today from the T137s. Link to more photos. -photos by Charvet Drucker, November 6, 2023
16:00 - Orcas one and a half miles north of Hidden Beach heading south. -Aaron Gill
13:50 - Orcas are northbound, Camano side just past Pebble Beach. -Sally Isaiou [CWW]
12:27 - Two more orcas passed Tillicum more mid-channel. Appears to be a male in this group. -Linda Aitkins
12:29 - They moved more westward after passing Tyee, away from Tulalip direction.
12:21 - Just passed Tyee moving very fast. -Thomas McKane
12:13 - Two orcas just passed Tillicum Beach southbound on Camano side. -Linda Aitkins
12:02 - They are out from Port Susan Terrace now, mid channel still. Moving fast southbound -Thomas McKane
11:45 - Seeing at least four. They are now southbound in Port Susan - midchanel have passed Country Club Beach 2.
11:08 - At least three orcas milling out from Beach Two Country Club Camano Island - closer to Camano side.
10:38 - Viewing from Country Club Beach Two - at least three orcas northbound - out from beach one - Camano Island.
09:31 - Port Susan Chat reports two orcas north of Kayak Point headed northbound, midchannel. -Linda Aitkins
08:49 - Two orcas in front of Tyee heading north! -Sandy Dishman-Burleson [PSWW]
07:30 - Some orcas (maybe three) heading south from the bottom of Camano Island. Viewed from Langley Harbor. -Kathy Myers
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Nov 6 - Haro Strait - 14:54 - Yet another Lime Kiln Humpback report: seen milling just north of the lighthouse. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
November 5
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Nov 5 - Quartermaster Harbor (J Pod) - Here's a short video of Jpod just before dark last week in Quartermaster Harbor. This is pretty much what they did all night before leaving in the [morning]. Link to video. -Jami Cantrell
Sun, Nov 5 - Puget Sound/Quartermaster Harbor (J Pod) - J38 Cookie - Sunday morning dawned with the news of Jpod pushing southbound near Bainbridge, the best news to wake up to! Geared up and went out to meet them at the north end of Vashon, and didn't get home until well after dark, soaking wet with my mind spinning and a heart full of questions. It was an intense couple of days with them, probably the most awesome, and the most perplexing time spent with them in more than a decade. Their destination, inner Quartermaster Harbor, is not a place known to have cetaceans visit often at all, the waterways are somewhat tight, one way in one way out, and only deep in the middle, shallow towards the sides. When news came they were heading in, I thought it'd be a quick turn around near Dockton, but they passed through the outer harbor, then went deep in towards Burton. I missed the first pass there as I was waiting for them in the outer harbor to find their way out, but they again flipped a second time, and headed back in to the inner harbor. This time I was able to catch them and observe for hours their behavior, which was something I've never seen before. They traveled in a loose group, slowly, methodically in one direction then would flip after a short while, and travel back, and then repeat the process, going almost in tight circles. Sometimes they would split and face each other, and go down slowly, simultaneously, almost like a mini greeting ceremony. Every once in awhile there would be a series of tail slaps, a random breach, like they were breaking to "stretch their fins" then go back to it, for hours and hours into the rainy darkness, going to and fro in the inner harbor between Burton Marina and Portage. I hesitate to make any assumptions or theories, but will share my thoughts/opinions on what was going through my mind. Again, not scientific answers by any means, but just possibilities on what I was seeing, which felt ceremonial, or ritualistic, with solemn undertones. They did not seem in distress, and no foraging behavior, but their movements/gathering/location seemed intentional and had significance, to what, we likely will never know. Their departure early the next morning was just as perplexing, and I barely made their pass to witness them bolting up Colvos Passage at warp speed. Again, a head scratcher. Whatever the case this was, it was wonderful to see Jpod again, like seeing old friends. They fill our hearts with joy, and every pass never ceases to amaze. Hopefully see you again soon, Js. Link to album. -photos by Marla Smith, November 5, 2023
Can you guys handle any more photos from J Pods visit? I have certain superstitions when it comes to the whales. One of them is my lucky sea lion at Point Robinson. So yesterday when I got there and saw that sea lion floating around in the water, I knew it was going to be a good day. As the crowd grew, so did the excitement. Unfortunately the tide also came in and the beach quickly became cramped. This was the most chaotic time I've had on that beach, I know it's been worse but I've been gone for a couple years. I ended up in the water, just so I could have a little space. I had two goals this day, first being just to see J Pod as they passed, and second to finally get my orca in front of the mountain shot. I succeeded at both. It was my favorite kind of morning, the kind spent with old friends (some with legs and some with fins). Link to album. -photos by Jolena Tagg, November 5, 2023
J Pod from Vashon Island at Point Robinson (most breaches) and Quartermaster Harbor (double spyhop). Link to album. -photos by Hongming Zheng, November 5, 2023
Here's a few orca tails from Saturday's pass by Vashon Island. What an epic day for orca lovers! -photos by Karen Fuller, November 5, 2023
J26 Mike - I'm still having a hard time trying to find my words this evening. There are SO MANY emotions I'm feeling right now. I'm still on such a high it will be a long while before I come down. I know there are so many of us whale loving people out there today that got experience this same beautiful moment I'm about to share of our beautiful SRKW JPod. However for those of you who might not have I hope my post helps you feel like you were there too. You were all there in spirit for sure. To all of my friends and you know who you are that didn't get to make it today this one is dedicated to you. I love each of you dearly and I always share in the joy and love you have for them too. Link to album. -photos by April Basham, November 5, 2023
J47 Notch in foreground - Can one eve begin to describe today? I woke up at 06:00 to listen to the hydrophones. After not hearing anything for an hour, I fell back asleep.Thank god my ringer was on. My good friend sent me a text that I needed to catch the Vashon ferry. I ran out the door and caught the ferry with minutes to spare, as I had a two hour drive. Well, the rest is history! Point Robinson was amazing. Met so many people and had the best pass of my entire life. Went to Point Defiance hoping they’d come south that way. The whales ended up going into Quartermaster Harbor for the rest of the day instead. Timing was perfect each time we got a pass. We couldn’t believe our luck. Link to album. - All photos were taken from shore on Vashon Island, WA. -photos by Kat Martin, November 5, 2023
From Point Robinson. Link to album. -photos by Jami Cantrell, November 5, 2023
J27 Blackberry - J31 Tsuchi & J58 Crescent - After continuing south past Point Robinson yesterday morning, J-Pod made a rare visit IN to Quartermaster Harbor where they spent the entire afternoon and overnight. Early this morning, they left the harbor and made their way back north through Colvos Passage into central Puget Sound, but did so porpoising most of the way, covering about 20 miles in two hours!
We've been hearing lots of speculation about what might be behind this unusual behavior: a birth, a death, a ceremony? Were they stuck or disoriented? Did they not want to travel through the turbid water to exit? While these bizarre incidents definitely get the gears turning about what motivates whales to do what they do, the reality is we rarely (if ever) get a definitive answer.
While fascinating, none of what J-Pod got up to was alarming to me personally. J-Pod has been in to Quatermaster Harbor before, as recently as 2015, and 2023 has, after all, been their "Tour of Unusual Places"! We've called it this in jest, but really, it's indicative of one of the only truths we know about orca behavior: the only thing predictable about them is that they're unpredictable. When we think we know what to expect, that's often when they do something completely different, always keeping us guessing. So my underwhelming answer as to what J-Pod was doing is that I have no idea! But I love observing them, and following your observations, for exactly this reason. Sometimes over time we can find patterns or correlations in what they do, and we gain some tiny insight into how their world functions. When anomalies occur, they raise more questions than they answer, but it's fun to hypothesize about what they might mean. Maybe one day some of these snapshot looks into their lives will add up to some deeper insight, but for now, I just love the mystery. It is, essentially, what drew me to them in the first place. -Orca Behavior Institute -photos & IDs by Monika Wieland Shields, November 5, 2023 - From Point Robinson. -video by Jason Shields, November 5, 2023
What an incredible day at Point Robinson today! Link to video. -Mary Lively
These were from the two close passes that J pod. I still can’t believe this happened. It all felt like a dream! Link to videos. -Kat Martin
Sharing this incredible experience we had yesterday on here as well, as some of you are in my video! Link to video. -Fusako Nozaka
Neighbor on the water across from Jensen Point reported loud tail slaps, etc. all evening even over the sound of pouring rain. Described as very loud and sustained. So curious to hear the analysis later. -Anna Stuart Olive
After they left outer Quartermaster and back into inner it didn't look like there were more than eight or so. Actually, while they were in outer, had gone over to the west shore, as they came back east the whole rest of the pod disappeared. -Laurie Hare
We are from Portland and recently have been coming up to watch the whales. We were watching them across the bay from Manzanita. -Renee DeSoto
22:00 - We saw and heard them all the way in the inner harbor. -Rachael Hassell Hetrick
17:59 - They are still here at Jensen Beach going east to west in circles in front of the beach. -Jose Madrigal
17:41 - Was able to just barely see them round the south corner of Jensen Point with my binos! -Madelaine Katz
17:00 - 17:15 - Left Jensen’s Point once it got dark - when I left they were still north of Jensen's Point, towards the waters around Quartermaster Drive. Could hear occasional tail slaps through the rain, but too far to hear their breaths. Last I saw they were still huddled in a loose group while making small directional changes not making much progress travel wise. Did not look to be foraging behavior even though mouth of Judd Creek is near there. Don’t want to make any assumptions yet but behavior was not something I’ve seen before and left most of us with more questions than answers. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
17:15 - As of five minutes ago, still in Quartermaster Harbor. -Lisa Moe
17:00 - From Jensen. -photo by Tabatha Hoesch, November 5, 2023
16:59 - They are slapping tails & breathing heavy & it’s now to dark to see them for the most part.
16:42 - Still here hanging out.
16:34 - They are staying on the other side of the beach.
16:28 - Seem to be staying in this area [approx. 47.397991, -122.448481]. -photos by Jose Madrigal, November 5, 2023
16:24 - They are still deep in Quartermaster Harbor, north of Jensen, with no indication of leaving. -Margaret Nichols
16:16 - They just keep circling and changing direction. -Caroline Martin Matter
16:14 - At Jensen Bay Park still. -Jose Madrigal
16:00 - Almost all the way to marina's inner Quartermaster Harbor. And yacht club. But looks like turning around. They may pass Jensen again just past 16:00. -Caroline Martin Matter
16:00 - Second pass Jensen Park. -April Basham
15:33 - 15:52 - Marla Smith called and we stayed on about 20 minutes as she was describing behaviors and movements which will be written up later, but J pod is deep in the harbor north of Jensen Point. Many surface behaviors, with some breaches so we ended the call. Generally interesting behaviors, doesn’t really appear to foraging behavior, but many direction changes and at times some facing one another, somewhat ceremonial sounding, but we don’t really know. Will be interesting to see if they head out before dark.
15:55 - Still here at Jensen Point Park. -Kat Martin
15:44 - Right now just North of Jensen Point. -Annette Messitt
15:39 - Viewing from Jensen Point! -Kat Martin
15:34 - They are still in by the marina at Burton. Awaiting their turn around to exit. -Shelley Tantau
15:41 - Drove around to Portage and there is a group going back and forth near shore just west of Jensen Point.
15:29 - Happened to be driving past Dockton Park again right now and I am seeing at least some fins near Jensen Point again! -Ellen Weir
15:08 - Marla Smith called to report at least some turned back in and are heading deeper into harbor with purpose.
15:01 - From Dune - FINALLY seeing blows as they come around the corner in Quartermaster, heading for the entrance/exit [approx. 47.376994, -122.476509]. -Melissa Bird
15:00 - From Jensen the first pass. -April Basham
15:00 - This was the first pass at Jensen Point Beach. -Jan Barnes
14:52 - We are at Manzanita. They look like they are across from us just south of Burton along the highway. They’re headed back north. -Annette Messitt
14:48 - For the moment they’re moving south towards the entrance to Quartermaster. However they’ve been circling for the past 40 minutes so we’ll see if they leave. Updated they flipped and are headed back north.
14:47 - They’ve been circling my back and forth. I’ll let you know if they commit. -Jami Cantrell
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Michael Redfield
Date of Sighting: November 05, 2023
Time: 2:35 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 11
Where seen: Quartermaster Harbor off Manzanita Beach
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling and hunting
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Near shore appeared to be hunting. Main group with young led the way. Stragglers followed spread out maybe up to a 1/2 mile behind. Observed by binoculars lots of activity very near shore in outer harbor near Burton. Then went toward inner harbor out of sight. Very rare in my 66 year experience to be seen in the inner harbor especially for so long. Still there at 16:20.
Photos available?: No
14:29 - I lost sight of them from Dockton Park a few minutes ago, headed southbound. -Ellen Weir
14:27 - About an hour ago, my brother in law happened to be working on his boat near Dockton when he had visitors…. I can’t believe this!!! -Grace McRae
14:08 - Across from the south end of Dockton Park, close to Vashon side (vs Maury). Looks like maybe they’re stalled/milling a bit. -Ellen Weir
13:59 - Southbound from Burton parallel to Vashon Highway. -Austin Andrew Forbes
13:52 - Passing Dockton Park southbound. Burton side. -Ellen Weir
13:50 - Stunning. Have been watching the whales from Jensen Point for the past half hour or so. Whales very close to shore and displaying some unusual behaviors. Not appear to be outbound at 13:50 but have been making frequent turns. -Sound Action
13:38 - They are spinning circles of Jensen Point. -Austin Andrew Forbes
13:34 - Still at Jensen Point. -Carrie Ames-Karr
13:33 - They are still foraging in Quartermaster. Two research boats with them but otherwise very quiet and peaceful. -Emily Gause
13:30 - The best 15 minutes of my life? Jensen Point Park today. Reverential. -Lauren Paris
13:30 - Update from Brad Hanson: Seem to be headed out finally! [from Camp Burton area].
13:24 - Just passed Jenson Point. Heading back out. -Carrie Ames-Karr
13:22 - Deep inside Quartermaster Harbor currently. -Austin Andrew Forbes
13:21 - Seeing blows from Dockton Park. Looks like they are just inside inner Quartermaster Harbor! -Ellen Weir
13:20 - Almost went in to inner Quartermaster.
13:11 - Someone hooked a right too soon for Colvos.
13:05 - Brad Hanson just messaged they are heading back into Quartermaster!
12:58 - Brad Hanson, NOAA, NWFSC confirmed members of J pod, looking like everyone, went up into Quartermaster Harbor then flipped, but some are milling. Another one of those nooks many of us don’t recall SRKWs frequenting in current times at least. Thanks to Whitney Neugebauer for finding reference article of previous visit in 2015. I was able to look back on ON reports and find Quartermaster visit by Js (including J2 Granny) early morning November 3, 2015. -Alisa Lemire Brooks. Orca Network
13:00 - Viewing from Dockton. They are headed south. -Pamela Reitsma Knapp
12:58 - Super odd! Never seen them here deep in before, just flipped and look to be heading back out of Quartermaster viewing from Raabs Lagoon towards Burton Waterfront area. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
12:54 - Looks like they have just flipped and are headed out of Quartermaster. -Andrew Harpster
12:53 - Right about here heading back towards the entrance to Quartermaster. -Jami Cantrell
12:32 - Research boat continued into Quartermaster Harbor and is almost out of view from Dune Peninsula. -Brooke Casanova
12:30 - Three dorsals seen off and on, viewing from Tacoma marina, heading into Quartermaster Harbor. Longer down times. -Brie Mogan Payne
12:20 - Started coming thru here where pin drop is [approx. 47.351929, -122.483358] - still more coming through. -Jas Minka
12:16 - Seeing fins near the research boat out from Quartermaster Harbor, multiple directions. -Brooke Casanova
12:14 - Leaders are in the middle of Quartermaster Harbor.
11:55 - As seen from Browns Point: past Gold Beach, reaching the second grouping of houses. Still spread out. -Mollie Segall
12:02 - Leaders are past Sandy Shores approaching Piner Point. Still close to Island side.
11:49 - Large group are off south end of Gold Beach, Southbound & foraging behaviors.
11:45 - Seeing a few fins & research boat just north of Gold Beach, southbound, close to island side, from Browns Point [approx. 47.471265, -122.411246]. -Melissa Bird
11:45 - For anyone viewing from Browns Point/Dash Point: they are spread out between the first group of houses and the orange trees. In front of the three boats trailing behind. Still surface active. -Mollie Segall
11:41 - Seeing lots of surface activity from Browns Point on shore of Maury still trending southbound. -Robyn Riley
11:35 - Southbound from Robinson coming into Browns Point fast. Mid channel, appear to be going toward Browns Point, research boat with red jackets tailing close. -Austin Andrew Forbes
11:18 - Lots of surface activity east of Gold Beach. Still steady traveling. -Mollie Segall
11:10 - Still seeing one, maybe trailer? Just passing Point Robinson, out mid channel, most others have passed, with one large beautiful group that passed very close in, being very surface active, steady southbound with some foraging. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
11:06 - Phenomenal pass at Point Robinson - last one just passed at 11:06. -Sound Action
11:03 - Seeing some splashes at a distance from Dash Point fishing pier! -Samantha Lebens
11:03 - Spotted at Redondo closer to the Vashon side. -Emilee Linares
11:02 - Passed Point Robinson. Southbound island maybe just stopped for a snack. Lots on the surface. -Jeffrey Stander
11:00 - From Point Robinson. -photo by Dallas Braham, November 5, 2023
10:58 - From Point Robinson. -Amelia Showalter
10:50 - At Point Robinson seeing lots of action. -David Bennett
10:47 - Moving fast toward Point Robinson on that side, get ready! -Robyn Riley
10:45 - Approaching Point Robinson, very surface active! Still southbound, ones I’m seeing are island side of channel. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
10:36 - Consistent faint S01 calls on the new MaST Center Aquarium hydrophone! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
10:41 - Having a breach fest over here by Vashon. We are waiting at Point Robinson lighthouse. -Kat Martin
10:35 - From Saltwater State Park in Des Moines looks like northwest, island side. Stalled or slow. -Jeffrey Stander
10:27 - Just saw a huge splash from Des Moines fishing pier on the island side though toward KVI. -Robyn Riley
10:24 - Lots of surface activity, seem to be still southbound can see them without binoculars from Point Robinson, island side of channel still spread out. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
10:23 - Saw large male southbound surface straight out from standard oil dock which is south of KVI Vashon side. Now seeing breaching more mid channel. -Anna Stuart Olive
10:19 - They're south of Des Moines from KVI view period they are moving southbound looks like mid channel. Can see them with our naked eyes from this vantage point.
10:16 - Looks like a fin north of Des Moines about three minutes ago. Looks like a boat is trying to catch up but maintain its distance. -David Bennett
10:14 - Seeing lots from KVI park, looking like they’re east and/or mid channel. Moving fast! -Amelia Showalter
10:12 - From Kvi about mid channel about four minutes ago saw a big fin. Southbound. -David Bennett
10:07 - Seeing blows quite north of KVI, island side of channel. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
10:35 - Calls continued steady until about 10:35 then stopped.
10:14 - They’ve been so vocal. Calls consistent and increasing in volume. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:02 - First human detections via the new web app UI, confirmed to be clear S01 calls in the middle of this annotated clip. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
09:47 - Seeing fins and blows north of KVI on the island side - spotted with binoculars from the Des Moines Marina. -Marcie Evans
09:40 - Hearing calls on the MaST Center hydrophone. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
09:38 - Group of five or so, close to Vashon side, southbound. Research boat following closely. Hard to tell exactly, but just north of Point Beals. -Ron Cage Billiet
09:33 - One male south of eastbound Vashon ferry lane headed south. -Josh Nutter
09:14 - Can confirm residents, seeing J38, spread out, leaders passing Glen Acres, small groups, southbound.
09:00 - Some nearing Glen Acres, west of mid channel, at least two, still headed southbound.
08:52 - Now most fins powering south with purpose, seeing at least one large male, still very spread out.
08:46 - Big spread, some more towards island side, past ferry lanes, some near or look to be near Fauntleroy ferry terminal or just south of. Still cannot confirm numbers or direction, some powering south still with others, fins facing east.
08:32 - Seeing at least three blows with one big dorsal looks to be at or just past Fauntleroy/Vashon ferry lanes a bit east of mid channel. Can’t tell for sure direction yet but seems to be southbound. Seeing at least one more now more west of mid channel near Dolphin Point multi directional foraging, female/juvie. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
08:17 - Alki lighthouse orca passing southbound. -Noelle Morris
08:12 - Just saw a big male, just south of Blake Island, southbound. West of mid channel. -Trileigh Tucker
08:10 - Watching two females, one with a juvenile, and a big male crossing the Vashon Fauntleroy ferry lane, southbound. -Mike Yov
07:50 - Watching from Lowman Beach in West Seattle, they are heading southbound on the west side of the channel in front of Blake. -Kim Sharpe Jones
07:50 - One passing ahead of ferry leaving Seattle now southbound - viewed from Manchester. -Noelle Morris
07:47 - I'm seeing them from Fauntlee Hills looking towards the north end of Blake Island. Mid-channel heading south. -Mike Yov
08:21 - A few just north of Lincoln Park foraging.
07:46 - They are by red buoy mid channel from my place in Manchester right in front of Space Needle at Restoration Point area. Southbound. -Noelle Morris
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Morgan Hughes
Date of Sighting: November 05, 2023
Time: 7:23 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: East of Port Blakey
Direction of travel : South, pace unsure
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?: 1 male
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
07:03 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:08 to report: Vessel KALEETAN reports a large pod of Orca heading SB near Restoration Point.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Nov 5 - San Juans (T46s alone in Rosario, T37As & T99s together a few miles behind) - 16:55 - Transient orca sighting! it’s dark now but for documentation, five orca, I think one male, headed north in Rosario Strait for a while. Passing Clarke Island now in the strait and still headed north. -Rose Caitlin
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Nov 5 - Haro Strait
17:12 - For the record, I last saw our humpback friend in the same spot.
14:42 - It's been staying in the same area, feeding on herring for over an hour now.
14:10 - Humpback feeding north of Lime Kiln. Gulls present feeding on a bait ball also in the area. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
November 4
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sat, Nov 4 - Puget Sound (J Pod) - J37 Hy'Shqa & J59 - Saturday from the Kingston ferry as J pod began their descent south. They were really having a blast in the waves! -photos & IDs by Jami Cantrell, November 4, 2023
21:22 - Possible J pod call on Sunset Bay hydrophone. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
18:15 - Viewing with scope, north end of Fay Bainbridge, I could see at least two males and two others foraging, closer to Port Madison than to Kingston. One breach. Too cold, windy and dark to stay any longer. Hope weather cooperates better tomorrow. And hope they are finding lots of salmon. -Kimberly Sylvester
17:30 - From Fay Bainbridge confirmed northbound. -Jami Cantrell
17:23 - At least eight to ten now northbound from Fay Bainbridge.
17:26 - Viewing from Fay Bainbridge. Seeing several fins and blows were milling for a while but the group we are watching are now trending north. Not sure if it is a confirmed flip. -Candace Gavin
17:09 - Seeing a small group of orcas foraging between Fay Bainbridge and North Beach. Just west of mid channel. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
16:50 - Just spotted a large male swimming south. Mid-channel, slightly north of Golden Gardens. -Hays Clark
16:37 - Out of the glare/sunbeam they are still lighting up the sea with blows and dispersed waters as they continue south. About where and to the south of where map indicates [approx. 47.717288, -122.433371]. Spread in a few groups at least.
16:30 - J pod has continued south last I saw. Seeing some blows in general area south of Richmond Beach transect Fay Bainbridge and south. Getting harder to see them in the glare and haze. When they were off the park here was easy [to see] even without binoculars, their blows and spray from powering through the chop would light up. Incredibly beautiful. I may be done for the day, undecided.
16:01 - Who I believe lead groups now transect Jefferson Head/Richmond Beach Saltwater Park steady southbound still east of mid channel.
15:57 - Found big group again [approx. 47.757038, -122.429837]. There are two larger groups traveling together east side of mid-channel half way between yellow buoy and Jefferson Head/Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. One ahead of the other probably six to eight, trailing is four to six, totalling several males. At least another two to three spread to the west trailing. All steady southbound.
15:45 - At least some mid channel and west of mid, now south of the yellow mid-channel buoy between Richmond Beach and President Point, Kingston. Lost the big group, either spread or drifted west. I’ll be moving south soon.
15:34 - They’ve loosened up a bit, more abreast of one another now just hit south of map last sighting. Someone breached or cartwheeled (just caught landing). There is a male ahead and west of this group, possibly others with that male.
15:23 - 15:28 - Seeing at least ten to twelve east of mid channel due east of Kayu Kayu Ac Park in Shoreline. Whales of all sizes, tightly grouped, at least two or three males with possibly one ahead of them. Powering steady southbound in the chop [approx. 47.781132, -122.436601]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:20 - Saw orcas off President Point moving south. West of the channel marker. -Joanne Graves
15:15 - Single male in view from Arness Park just south of Kingston ferry terminal pretty far out towards mid-channel steady southbound long downs. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
15:03 - Viewing from Kingston ferry dock. Lots of breaching. Looks to be southbound but can’t tell direction for certain. They are almost to Kayu Kayu with leaders passing the oil cans. -Kristin Mackenzie
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Joseph Pedersen
Date of Sighting: November 04, 2023
Time: 2:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: On ferry from Kingston to Edmonds
Direction of travel : S, SW
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I have a video, although it's grainy. They were popping up and down as they were moving.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
14:44 - More and more approaching the ferry lanes. Still southbound. Midchannel. -Candace Gavin
14:40 - From the Edmonds/Kingston ferry. They were southbound. -April Basham
14:40 - I’m on the ferry going to Edmonds from Kingston and a lot of us got a great show for a minute or two! They look like they were heading toward the Kingston ferry terminal area but I could be wrong. They move quickly! -Natalie Rose Fullmer
14:45 - Line of sight Apple Tree Point to oil tanks. Ferry swung south and slowed [approx. 47.791366, -122.459262].
14:30 - Group of six to eight now past the ferry, west side of mid-channel. Tough to see in the chop but steady southbound travel. -Sara Frey
14:27 - Seeing some fins approaching the Edmonds-Kingston ferry lanes. Midchannel. Southbound travels. -Candace Gavin
14:25 - Two large males southbound west side of shipping lanes approaching the Edmonds/Kingston ferry. Now seeing few more grouped up at ferry. -Sara Frey
12:58 - Watching from Edmonds Pier (with three Finnish exchange students!) saw a southbound breach here [approx. 47.883242, -122.491050]. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
12:48 - Male dorsal southbound directly east of Eglon where I am positioned - is west of southbound shipping lane. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
12:12 - From Stamm Overlook see breaching southbound whales on the west side of the channel looking just south of Point No Point from my vantage. I can only see them when they breach [approx. 47.909749, -122.483071]. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
09:15 - Seeing some dorsals and a big breach at the red dot [approx. 47.866931, -122.484530]. Viewing from Apple Tree Point so at least some on the west or mid channel. -Sara Frey
08:44 - Whale popcorn, just saw three total breaches from two individuals. From Sunset Ave looking about one to one and a half miles northwest [approx. 47.844185, -122.419865]. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
08:40 - Jpod spotted in Possession Triangle, mid to east of mid channel (at least the ones I can see), facing south but more likely milling/fishing in the triangle. Choppy conditions out there today. -Brittany Noelle
08:37 - J Pod is at Edmonds. -Christine Kutac
08:26 - Continuous echolocation clicks for the last four minutes. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
06:48 - Staff member Alisa Lemire Brooks began hearing J pod on the Sunset Bay hydrophone which means they are in the Edmonds/Kingston/South Whidbey area. Per Alisa: “I first heard what I thought was a whistle, but wasn't sure it was Js until faint calls started. Those faint calls were followed by some louder calls. It's been quiet since shortly after the initial post.’
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Nov 4 - Possession Sound/Port Susan
15:19 - Looks like there are five of them.
15:00 - “Orcas headed south going by North Tyee” from Port Susan chats. -Sam Wallace
11:58 - I just had a family come into the LWC who saw six plus from the ferry. South of the ferry lanes, moving south. I’m not sure what ferry they were on. -Cindi Crowder Rausch, Orca Network
11:45 - We're watching them head towards Port Susan from the ferry at the Clinton dock. Just one dorsal fin and a blow! -Eric [WIWS]
November 3
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Fri, Nov 3 - Admiralty Inlet (J Pod) - I hopped on the Port Townsend ferry as the Southern Residents made their way south. Best $8 I ever got to spend! Sure, they were far away, but we still got to see them! -photos by Kat Martin, November 3, 2023
17:57 - From Norwegian Park, I have a fin to the right of the channel marker pointed west/southwest way out mid channel [approx. 47.951729, -122.562084]. -Jami Cantrell
17:35 - They are all continuing south - most off or past Skunk Bay by this time, a few stragglers training behind but all headed south and much closer to the Kitsap side, getting too far and too dark to see too well. Thank you J pod for this nice Friday night visit!
17:19 - Thanks to Cindi's post we just looked out from ON Headquarters and found them passing by! Very spread out - leaders already to Skunk Bay, mid channel, trailers still back off entrance to Hood Canal, others off Foulweather Bluff, mid-way between us (about one mile south of Bush Point, Whidbey side) and Kitsap side. The trailers seem to be milling and foraging, lots of direction changes, so they've slowed down a bit. So wonderful to get to see them in the waning daylight! -Susan Berta & Howard Garrett, Orca Network
J57 Phoenix -ID by Ling's Cetacean Photos - J42 Echo - J38 Cookie - J16 Slick - J26 Mike
16:35 - From Bush Point - looks like most have passed us. Mid to Whidbey, with several very close to Whidbey. Very spread north /south and east/west. Continuing south at a good pace. -photos & IDs by Cindi Crowder Rausch, November 3, 2023
15:37 - Hearing faint calls on the hydrophone. -Kat Maloney
15:02 - Currently viewing them on the Port Townsend/Coupeville ferry. They’re still southbound near Fort Worden now. -Kat Martin
14:35 - Slowly southbound about here [approx. 48.129717, -122.727080]. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
14:12 - Very distant watching from Fort Casey - not to Fort Worden yet. Way on Port Townsend side, south bound. -Bonnie Gretz
14:03 - Just west of Port Townsend still southeast bound spread out a bit and moving fast. More on the Port Townsend side of the channel vs. the Whidbey side. -Kevin Phillips
13:49 - Was just going to say I wasn’t hearing anything but some really faint calls are coming in now. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
12:38 - J-pod, and possibly more, are inbound (eastbound) from my map spot [approx. 48.209409, -122.828787]. We are leaving to go look for other whales we can watch. It looks like they are headed for Puget Sound. -Bart Rulon, PSE
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Nov 3 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T137s) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #68: “The animals disappeared for nearly five minutes as Mike 1 slowed, and the guys began the encounter at 1600. When they reappeared, the whales – quickly confirmed to be T137 and her offspring – were travelling northeasterly in a tight group. The four whales continued along the northern edge of Border Bank for another ten minutes before erupting to the surface after a prolonged dive, apparently hunting.” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #68.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Nov 3 - Possession Sound
16:10 - They have trended north and are currently logging just north of the ferry lane.
15:41 - Katie was right! It’s two whales. I’m above the Clinton ferry. They are in the ferry lanes for sure. From my vantage point they are in front of the Mukilteo lighthouse mid channel. -Donna George
14:58 - Think it might be two individuals. Watching from Clinton ferry terminal, seeing two fins right after one another. Mid channel, northbound in the ferry lanes. -Katie Davis Watkins, Orca Network
13:38 - A friend of ON relayed report from their friend Janae who spotted a humpback breaching in Possession Sound and then heading eastbound toward Everett. Viewed from Madrona Supply Co. in Clinton, looking at Clinton ferry/Mukilteo route. It was just slightly northeast of Clinton ferry terminal.
MINKE WHALES - Fri, Nov 3 - Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Minke Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri Nov 3 13:01 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.09579,-122.92042 [Diamond Point, Sequim]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Ray
Whale Alert App
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Fri, Nov 3 - Puget Sound (orca and/or humpback?) - 12:56 - On my way to water in Ballard now so hoping I can confirm with binoculars but humpbacks trick me so maybe not. The one I heard of was near Discovery. -Ashley Johnson
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Anne McGee
Date of Sighting: November 03, 2023
Time: 11:41 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Manchester on ferry route to Seattle
Direction of travel : Toward Seattle
Behaviors observed: ?
If orcas, any males?: ?
Any unusual markings?: Don’t know
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
November 2
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Nov 2 - San Juans (T35As & T38As) - 14:25 - T35As and T38As northbound from Turn Island towards Friday Harbor. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
12:03 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 12:09, to report: SAMISH ferry reports via 800MHz they've spotted 8-10 orcas milling about between Frost Island and Willow Island [in Lopez sound, between Lopez and Blakely Islands].
Thu, Nov 2 - Port Susan - 08:38 - At least four orcas reports off Tulalip Shores mainland side traveling southbound. -[Port Susan group me chat]
November 1
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Nov 1 - Puget Sound (T109A2s) - T109A2D & T109A2 Fuser - Who says November's a dull month? The first day offered a brief but sweet encounter with the T109As as they passed close to the south end of Lagoon Point, having sneaked quietly past Bush Point earlier in typical transient orca fashion. All eyes were on the water trying to guess where they might surface next. They wasted no time gliding north in Admiralty Inlet, before later changing direction and heading back south to their favorite haunts. -photos by Sandy Pollard, November 1, 2023
17:38 - Last seen from Shore Meadows approaching Foulweather Bluff. Long down times, they have stayed grouped up, maybe a bit east of mid. Still southbound. Good luck everyone!
17:05 - Whales passed 50 yards off shore at Bush Point. They have continued south, but have pushed out. -Cindi Crowder Rausch, Orca Network
16:46 - They are off the coast of Bush Point now! Saw them with the naked eye! -Chelsea Gallegos
15:59 - They are still slowly making their way to the south Lagoon Point beach.
15:45 - Friend called to say they are southbound passing Lagoon Point north beach close to Whidbey still. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:41 - Direction change - at Lagoon Point southbound. -Heidi Bruns Shank
14:20 - Well south of Ledgewood but following Whidbey shore still. Maybe on a hunt.
13:50 - A bit offshore but still Whidbey side, aiming north, maybe northeast, passed Lagoon Point.
13:45 - Now in view of Lagoon Beach north still northbound near shore.
13:35 - Approaching Lagoon Point south beach. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:01 - 13:20 - Five killer whales, T109A2s present, Bush Point, northbound slow hugging shore, toward Lagoon Point - R/V WDFW 572 [approx. 48.040178, -122.613564]. -Kwasi Addae
12:55 - Still northbound out of my view. They must be close to or past Bush Point by now. The PSE boat has moved away.
12:45 - Two miles south of Bush Point. Steadily northbound. Close to Whidbey shore (they might pass really close to Bush Point). Being trailed by a PSE boat. -Mike Meyer
12:04 - Northbound from Double Bluff now. -Trevor Tillman
10:33 - Here heading north. Definitely four, possibly five. One large male and one that looks pretty small [approx. 47.906488, -122.429115].
10:24 - We may have a second group. I’m watching my group at Possession Bank. I’ll try to get a count.
09:57 - They’re here. Currently facing south. But I think they’re milling. Tail slaps [approx. 47.881572, -122.467543]. -Alice Thuy Talbot
08:40 - Just passed Apple Tree Point, northbound travel, very close to shore. -Sara Frey
08:05 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 08:15 to report: 0805hrs: Vessel SPOKANE reports via 800MHz they've spotted 4 orcas feeding in the vicinity of Apple Tree Cove.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Nov 1 - Haro Strait - 14:16 - There is a humpback currently foraging around on The Whale Museum's livestream as well. -Jenny Klis
10:30 - During our weekly Orcasound team call, Leslie Nevin Veirs heard three blows and observed a large humpback northbound only 25 meters offshore of the Orcasound Lab location (between Snug Harbor and the Center for Whale Research; about five kilometers south of Roche Harbor). -Scott Veirs, Orcasound [WSSJI]
Wed, Nov 1 - Saratoga Passage - 09:10 - Two whales (humpback) heading north in Saratoga Passage. Just passed us down here on the south end, Gull Way. Maybe a quarter mile off the beach. Pebble, Summerland they should be in sight any time now. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Wed, Nov 1 - Puget Sound - 10:18 - They are at [Edmonds] Marina Beach Park. They are heading south. [follow up] Not sure if any males. There was three to four. But I lost them after my post. [video doesn’t appear to show orcas]. -Jessica Isla