May Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of May 2004 whale sightings.
May 31, 2004
The best report I have came from my son at 7:30-8am. "WHALES!" at Lime Kiln Lighthouse about 20 animals passing by with NO BOATS escorting! We later found out it was J pod.
Vickie Doyle,
Kent, WA
0830 - There are Orcas in Open Bay, right outside of Snug Harbor Marina, north west side, San Juan Is. right now. Milling. Most likely J Pod.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
...J-Pod passing by (west side San Juan Island). They were spread out, with Ruffles (J-1) about a mile offshore while the rest of the group moved slowly North closer in. They weren't in any hurry and we caught up to them later in the day near Active Pass. We last saw J's heading into Active Pass on their way to Pt. Roberts.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Mr/Ms. Minke whale slowly cruising south with the tide, 9:45 am (~same time as last 3 days) between Pt. Partridge and Ebey's Landing on west side of Whidbey.
Al Lunemann
Mr./Ms. Minke now moving north approaching Pt. Partridge ~ 1/2mile from shore, 2:30 pm.
Al Lunemann
May 30, 2004
Approx. 12 orca whales, four miles west of Sandy Point, heading south toward Lummi Island 7:30pm
Zachary Greer
Lpod off Sombrio Pt. at 0730 today going west J's top end of Rosario, well last I heard.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
A single Minke slowly cruising south on west side of Whidbey Island, between Pt. Partridge and Ebey's Landing 8:45 am.
Al Lunemann
May 29, 2004
What a great whale weekend! We seen L pod come in from atop of Mt. Young at around 3pm4-4:30 or so south of Lime Kiln from the shore with about two dozen plus boats around them.
Vickie Doyle,
Kent, WA
We left L Pod headed west past Victoria this evening at 7ish...J Pod was coming down Rosario past Anacortes at the same time.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
Err, well, at the end of a long day, this is the best summary I can come up with. We had almost all of L pod minus the part of the L12's who were photographed with K's off Tofino a couple of weeks ago. L pod was incredibly spread out for the whole time we were with them, often in rather crappy weather of course.
Dave Ellifrit
Center for Whale Research, San Juan Island
This is to let you know that L pod was last seen heading west across the Victoria waterfront at approximately 7:30 pm.
Kim Stevenson
Peter Hamilton of LifeForce reported J pod off Pt. Roberts in the morning, with L's further out in the Strait; in the afternoon J's were in Rosario Strait, at 3:30 at Alden Bank.
Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales called in to report that L's were at Kellett Bluff at 2:15 pm. At 6 pm he had at least the L25's off Lime Kiln, very spread out.
Our 1000, had contact with L's off Monarch Hd. just before noon, Cedric, Jim Maya and myself were plotting as best we could from Pt. Roberts going to East Pt. about 1100. Sounds like they are on their way to Race Rocks at 2041.
2 Humpbacks reported in the Porlier pass area this afternoon 2.5 miles east going S.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
...between Salmon and Hein Bank...we did get to see the Minke.
L POD finally arrived in the San Juans! Very spread out, with glassy water and cloudy skies, the whales put on quite the show with lots of breaches, cartwheels, tailslaps. Welcome back gang! As we headed in, we heard reports of J-Pod in Rosario Strait heading South, and L-Pod heading east.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Two Minkes off Partridge Point, NW. Whidbey Island, heading N-NW close to the shore at 2:40 pm.
Called in by Sue
Steveston Seabreeze spotted two humpbacks on the east side of Porlier Pass (N. of Galiano Island, Gulf Islands) at 14:30 and whales appeared to be south bound.
Cedric Towers
Vancouver Whale Watch
The latest on L Pod's location as of 12:45pm: John Boyd of San Juan Excursions just called in with L's coming down Plumper Sound, heading toward Stuart Island & Turn Pt. at 12:40 pm.
Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet called with L's spread out in Boundary Pass, headed toward Turn Pt.
One or two Minke whales moving south, Ebey's Landing (W. Whidbey Island) at 11 am mixed in with a flock of gulls & an eagle and a submarine moving in....
Al Lunemann,
May 28, 2004
We received a call from John Cramer, reporting 8 orcas, including some calves, at the entrance of Humboldt Bay, California in the early morning hours.
5:25 pm: Two grays working the shallows headed to Bells Beach right past East Point and below our bluff just now (saratoga passage, N. of Langley).
David Day
Fox Spit Rd.
Whidbey Island
Sunny skies returned as we headed out near Cattle Point (San Juan Island) today. J-Pod was about as spread out as I've seen, in groups of 3-5. Lots of feeding activity, and one of the younger whales appeared as if they wanted to set the record for most breaches in one minute.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales called to report J pod off False Bay, west San Juan Island at 5:30 pm.
Marilyn Joyce of Canada's DFO just called with an update on L pod's travels down the east side of Vancouver Island. John Ford & Graeme Ellis have been out with L pod as they traveled south, & at 4 pm they were between Hornby & Denman Islands (halfway between Campbell River & Nanaimo).
A juvenile humpback was spy-hopping and breaching about 1000 yards off of the Tacoma ferry dock and boathouse at 10:30 AM. Identification was possible as it was completely clear of the water on several jumps.
Dave Stevens
Gig Harbor
(this humpback has been observed in Puget Sound by Cascadia Research staff as well - sb)
May 27, 2004
Met up with J-pod off of Cypress Island. Great look at J-11 and her spunky calf. Sub groups were separating and then rejoining together during the time we observed them. J-22's all cruising together- J2 did a bow pass next to us when we were stopped that was as close as any I had ever seen. Her breath smelled sweet and clean. Half a dozen breaches on the cruise down.
Victoria Kirkland, Naturalist
Island Adventures
The news of the day is that some of L pod showed up in Blackfish Sound late this afternoon; OrcaLab was able to see open saddle patches & at least 4 males. Jim Borrowman took photographs and positively ID'd L41 & L72. They observed about 20 whales. They were heading east in the Strait toward Robson Bight, & will likely show up down south soon. It is not known if any of the K pod whales were present, or if all the L's were present. We'll let you know as we get more news, keep an eye open for any fins out there!
Susan & Howie
We left J Pod today at 6:00 PM headed back toward Eagle Pt.. from about 4 miles off of Lime Kiln Park, west side, San Juan Island. Unusual behavior. They were headed north, as has been their custom for the last couple of weeks, or so, and then they turned south west toward Discovery Island, like they had heard the K/L Pod siren song. They stopped, milled around for a while then headed back toward San Juan Island.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
A very unpleasant morning. We went S.E. towards Hein Bank and over towards Iceberg Pt. We got the call of transients at Race Rocks, a pounding run in the pouring rain to find T20 and T21, missed the seal kill. In the afternoon a toss up to go meet the J's at the bottom of Rosario or west to relocate T20 and T21, the T's won or lost. We left them off shore near Sooke on a angle for Pillar Pt. Race Rocks had 11 El. Seals and 30 Steller and the same # of California's. J's went up the west side. Very cold and wet day.
Ron Bates, MMRG
Victoria, BC
Clouds and rains didn't deter us from going out in hopes of seeing J-Pod. A report of J-Pod in Rosario, so we headed East, and found them very spread out at the bottom of Rosario Strait, heading West towards Iceberg. For the most part, the whales stayed in groups of 2-3 until Iceberg, when about 8-10 bunched together as they passed the boat. Large waves out in the water made Ruffles & Granny practically pop out their chins as they came up for air. As we headed towards Cattle Point, we saw our first sighting of 3 Pomarine Jaegers as they flew past the bow.
Alison Engle & John Boyd (JB)
Naturalists, San Juan Excursions
We received a report of 3 orcas north of Crescent City, CA, heading south at 7:10 am this morning, from David Barrett.
May 26, 2004
Yes, J-pod here on the west side of San Juan Island just south of Lime Kiln Lighthouse this morning, headed north. My guests said they saw them also before 7 AM this morning.
Helen King
Highland Inn, San Juan Island
J-Pod at Andrews Point/Smallpox Bay heading North at 2:30 PM. Ruffles definitely stands out, even from a distance. About 13 members of J-Pod, no sign of the other 9, which are probably hanging back some.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
The one thing J's are doing is spreading over a few miles of area and coming back together almost like a living thing. That is, expanding and contracting. I left them entering Andrews Bay going North just before 1600 this afternoon.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
May 25, 2004
One gray (Trim Tail) at Spee-Bi-Dah, east side of Port Susan, feeding 7:10 am to 7:40 am.
Malcolm & Tarry Lindquist
Jpod this am and pm west side of San Juan Is, with a report of a humpback this am west of Race Rocks but no contact. A minke with J's just S. W. of Hein Bank this afternoon with Jpod.
Ron Bates, MMRG
May 24, 2004
About 7:30 PM 2 gray whales came by Langley, feeding close to shore. One definitely was a mature adult, I'm not sure if the second one was smaller or not.
Veronica von Allworden
Beauty of a day and whales very slowly moving up the West Side of San Juan Island. I spotted J-Pod around 10 AM near Mitchell Point/Low Island, they were still hanging around, tightly grouped, and slowly moving North.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
6:15pm... Looks like a pair of grays sailing by First St in Langley, headed East. They're making haste.
Sharen Heath
Two grays east of Langley feeding on the shrimp beds close to shore at 7:35 PM. Lolligagging their way to Sandy Point (south).
Mark Anderson
I just came in from watching a couple of grays go by Cama Beach heading North. One of my camp hosts heard it blowing and came and informed me around 6:30 am. I for sure saw two grays with a possibility of a third smaller one about the size of a calf.
Cama Beach State Park, Camano Island
May 23, 2004
...J-Pod near Cattle Pass (S. San Juan Island). Most of J-Pod was very spread out, but we were able to see Ruffles, Mike, Oreo, Doublestuff, Cookie (Oreo's newly named youngster) and others.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
While on the Clinton ferry this morning (11:05am) we saw a couple of heart shaped blows as we were leaving Clinton. Possibly two grays headed north towards Possession Point/Clinton area. Too far away for confident ID.
Sandy Dubpernell
Our second visit from the lone Gray today, this time on the Camano side of Saratoga Passage off Mabana. About 5:30 PM, noticed the neighbors looking out over the bank and pointing so went out to join in watching the lone gray make his way north/west fairly close to shore, then stop to feed at Mabana.
Barbara Brock
Camano Island
Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet called at 9:30 am to report one gray whale off Elger Bay, Camano Island. Cascadia Research was on board & ID'd the whale as one of the new ones identified earlier this season - number "New A".
Hi Susan- Lone Gray spouting between Bell's Beach and East Point on Whidbey side of Saratoga Passage this morning at 9:30 AM.
Barbara Brock
from Camano
May 22, 2004
My partner and I saw three to five whales (porpoises?) from the little mini park on First Street in Langley. We were lunching and could only make out the individual breathing sprays coming from a ways off toward Camano. They were headed south by southwest toward Clinton. Couldn't tell what sort of whale, as we were to far away. However, we could see quite a bit of blowing and activity in the water.
Heather Newman-Gardner
Whidbey Island
I noticed the Mosquito Fleet sitting in between Bells Beach and Camano watching one lone gray. Its about 9:35 AM and looks like its heading southward.
Bob Armbruster
May 21, 2004
Between 18:00 and 18:30, I observed a large (40-50 ft.) fin whale [probably a humpback - see May 17 report] (identified by the size, distinctive dorsal fin and white markings on the undersides of the flukes) at approximately 47 deg. 20 min. N and 123 deg. 32.5 min. W. This is about halfway between Dalco Pt. On Vashon Island and the Point Defiance (Tacoma) ferry dock. It was tail splashing about twice a minute. No boats were present. As a tow with two barges approached, the whale stopped surface activity. Observations were made with a 60X telescope from the east side of Colvos Passage at an elevation of 240 feet. No photographs were possible due to the distance.
Dave Stevens
Gig Harbor
Fabulous first day back on San Juan Island after too many months away! In the afternoon, followed J-pod north from Eagle Point. Left the orcas at Lime Kiln about 3:45 pm heading north, with J-1 and J-2 leading. Several small calves outperformed their elders in the multiple breaching category.
As I neared Lime Kiln, orca vocalizations blared loudly and clearly over the radio (FM 89.1). Detoured again. At around 7:20 pm the J-pod trailers were going south off Hannah Heights.
San Juan Island is great!
Sharon Grace
Once again I spy whales (W. side San Juan Island) from the house as I talk with Ken Balcomb on the phone (OK, he spotted them first). Slowly moving North towards Henry Island.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Rick from Mosquito Fleet called to report 2 gray whales 1/2 mile off Mabana, w. Camano Island, heading toward the Whidbey side at 9:30 am.
2 grays at 9:30am in Saratoga Passage traveling S. followed by a tour boat keeping a reasonable distance. They were off of Langley still going S. at 9:30.
Dodie on Camano
May 20, 2004
J Pod heading North 8:00 pm at Turn Point, Stuart Island.
Doug McCutchen
San Juan Island
Jeff Hogan called to say he saw a humpback breach off Cape Johnson, Olympic National Park on Thursday while hiking in the area.
JPod passing by the house (W. San Juan Island) again during the sunset hour.....very spread out, heading slowly North.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Ron Bates called in, at 9:16 pm, with J pod heading up Swanson Channel, mid-N. Pender Island, south of Mouat Pt.
From Camano at 8:30 PM. A neighbor called to alert us that a lone gray whale was passing below our bluff. The tide was in and he was in the shallows quite close to shore, traveling fairly rapidly north, until it reached its' favorite feeding area just south of Mabana where it stopped to feed.
Barbara Brock
from Camano Island
Just got back from a nice visit with J-pod near Colville Island, south end of Lopez island. Left them around 3:00 pm crossing Cattle Pass heading west.
Azuriel Mayo
Deer Harbor Charters
Erik Schorr is watching Orca Whales off of Green Point at this moment (12:50 p.m.)
Tracy from Island Adventure Cruises
Anacortes, WA
May 19, 2004
Transients in Dyes Inlet - 9.00am: Silverdale Waterfront -I consistently counted 7 animals and once had an 8 count. Later in the evening there could possibly have been one or two more.
Judy Dicksion
Part of J Pod at Salmon Bank bouy approximately 1300 hrs, milling, and then turning north. We left them about False Bay around 1430 hrs.
Nan Simpson, Naturalist
San Juan Excursions
J-Pod heading North past the house at around 7 PM (W. San Juan Island). Whales were very spread out, and milled for awhile near Low Island before all turned and followed Ruffles (J-1) and Granny (J-2) North.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Gray Whale (Trim Tail) just left Spee-Bi-Dah (East shore Port Susan Sound) after 2 hr and 40 min 4:40 pm 7:20 pm. He stayed from 75 to 150 yds off shore staying in a 1/2 mile area feeding in about 10 to 15 feet. He was also here feeding this morning around 8:00 am for about 10 min
Malcolm & Tarry Lindquist
May 18, 2004
4- 5 orcas, Swimming, blowing, splashing, Port Washington Narrows, Bremerton WA, Tracyton WA, Silverdale, WA from Bremerton Ferry Terminal to Silverdale. Between ferry terminal & Manette @ 6:30pm, Between Manette bridge and Warren Avenue bridge @ 6:36pm. Between Tracyton & Silverdale @ 7:15 - 8:00pm
Brent Filler
A pod of 5-9 orcas were seen in Dyes Inlet, likely a Transient orca pod, & possibly the same pod that visited Penn Cove on May 8th (there were 8 orcas, including 2 young ones).
Orcas here now on the west side of San Juan Island this morning, from 8 to 9:45 AM about a mile south of San Juan Island.
Helen King
The Highland Inn of San Juan Island
Left J-pod going up Swanson Channel around 3:30 this afternoon.
Azuriel Mayo
Deer Harbor Charters 1800 hrs...J Pod just turned at N, Pender Island, and has started south back toward San Juan Island.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
7:15-7:45ish A lone gray whale leisurely feeding off the West end of First St (Langley), about 300 ft out, headed East toward The Dog House ... Lots of breathing sounds; good visuals of its PECTORAL fin and tail... a lot of mottled "white" all over its back, and the one pectoral fin raised out of the water when feeding had a white BLUNT end at the tip.
Sharen Heath
0800 - Orcas between Eagle Pt. and False Bay, SW side, San Juan Is., headed north. Calm seas, full sun, expected high in upper 60's.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
San Juan Island
May 17, 2004
The animal reported as a fin whale (see May 21 report) in Puget Sound is more likely a humpback whale. Todd Chander and Erin Falcone of Cascadia Research along with two volunteers did a survey of this region in response to reports of a gray whale. They instead found a juvenile humpback whale off the south end of Vashon Island who was very active and doing peduncle slaps (sideways slaps of the tail). This behavior and location is similar to the recent sighting reported which makes me think it is the same humpback whale.
John Calambokidis
Research Biologist
Cascadia Research
From an email from Marilyn Joyce of Canada's DFO today: "We have confirmation that the sighting of killer whales off Tofino, B.C. on Monday May 17th at 1300 hrs was indeed members of K and L pods. There have been no subsequent sightings and their last known direction was SW off Long Beach, on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Dave Ellifrit of the Center for Whale Research reported a pod of 15 Transients off Discovery Island in the evening. Could be some of these whales that are visiting Dyes Inlet - John Calambokidis of Cascadia Research was out to get photos in Dyes Inlet yesterday, so hopefully we'll have some ID's of this pod soon.
Melanie at Cama Beach reported another gray whale sighting from May 17th, this one heading north past Cama Beach, west Camano Island
Brandon of Ferndale called to say his uncle saw a pod of orcas off Cherry Pt, close to the docks.
J pod went by the Center this morning, and now I hear that there are lots of Transients in the Strait of Juan de Fuca off Victoria.
Ken Balcomb, Center for Whale Research
San Juan Island
J-Pod, trying to sneak by (west San Juan Island) around 9:30 AM. Watched them go past Balcomb reef & The Center as they slowly made their way north.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
A gray whale is down by Baby Island as I am sending this to you 12:40. We have tracking it going by Cama since about 12:15.
Melanie, Cama Beach State Park
Camano Island
May 16, 2004
Found J pod extremely spread out foraging just south of Point Roberts in the afternoon. J1 out in front. Within the first 10 minutes we witnessed a large minke whale cruising in among the whales, not more than 20 feet from a half a dozen members of J pod.
10 AM just south of Mabana. Two Grays spouting. One seemed smaller.
Barbara Brock
from Camano
J pod way spread out between Lummi Island and Orcas today making their way relatively slowly south to Rosario Strait, from about 1400 to 1630 - some spectacular completely out of the water breaches by, i believe, a couple of the young fellers in the group! Some milling, chasing - some were as close in as Lummi Rocks, others were way over by Orcas Island, Pt. Lawrence.
Penny Stone
Lummi Island
Jpod to far away this morning so we went to Hein . 2 Minkes on Hein Bank and 1 just west of Salmon Bank also a few Harbor Porpoise entering San Juan Ch.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
Rick of Mosquito Fleet called to report 2 grays off Camano head, S. Camano Island, headed north at 9 am.
May 15, 2004
Today 3 transients including 1 large male and 2 others off Beecher Bay going west this morning about 1100. J's are in the east as I write at 1910.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria
J-Pod passed Kellett Bluff heading North towards Turn Point. Whales very spread out, but the vocalizations were fabulous. They were echolocating and making characteristic J-Pod calls.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet reported 1 gray whale feeding between Hat Island and Camano Head (S. Camano Island) at 9 am.
May 14, 2004
Saw the J Pod Orca's off Point Roberts at Lighthouse Marine Park. There were approx. 20-25 Orcas that swam by, feeding and occasionally jumping. They were headed East. They were seen at 8:00 PM.
CL Flegel
We received a report of 4 orcas between Campbell River & Quadra Island for 2 hours.
One transient sighted travelling north off the coast of 10-mile point (Victoria) - time was approximately 8:30pm.
We had two trips today, and saw J Pod each time. This afternoon, we met them as they came out of Active Pass. As usual, when they leave Active Pass, they explode. We all saw more breaching, tail lobbing, and porpoising in thirty minutes than in ten average trips! We left them at 4:00 PM, headed toward the Fraser River.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
J pod were already heading back north towards Fraser River in the afternoon.
Penny Stone
Lummi Island
5:45 a.m. - It's been about two weeks since we last heard gray whales off our property on the West end of First St in Langley, but there they were this morning - two grays, feeding leisurely about 3-400 ft off shore, and slowly heading East toward downtown Langley.
Sharen Heath & Simon Frazer
Gail Fleming called to report 2 gray whales feeding just north of Sandy Pt, near Langley, at 7 am, heading slowly south.
May 13, 2004
Belated report of J pod travelling from Cherry Pt. area south along west side Lummi Island and on towards Bellingham Channel on Thursday May 13 from about 1230 to 1430. Very spread out and very active - lots of breaching, tail lobs, cartwheels, but moving right along.
Penny Stone
Lummi Island
I live at Sandy Point near Ferndale, WA on Sucia Dr. Many Ocra just passed us (noon) headed South and then turn off towards Matia Island.
Marcia Bakkom
Ferndale, WA
There is a gray whale now off Alki that is about 50 ft. off shore (10:50 am).
Brenda Peterson
May 12, 2004
Looks like the pseudorca is still hanging around the South Sound area. My husband was sailing yesterday and saw him/her out in deep water between Vashon and Tacoma in the late afternoon/early evening.
Amy Carey
Vashon Island
0930 hrs...Just got a call from Jenny. J Pod is off of Eagle Pt, South, West Side, San Juan Island, headed down island.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
May 11, 2004
Bill Atwater reported seeing a gray whale off West Whidbey (Partridge Pt. area).
Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales called with his daily J pod report: J pod came in from Victoria at 10 or 11 am, traveled down the west side of San Juan Island & were at South Beach 2:30 pm. Later in the day they found them back north, swimming south past Lime Kiln Lighthouse, then at 7 pm they were off the County Park foraging, lots of activity.
Brandon of Ferndale, WA called with this report on J pod from San Juan Island: They watched J's off Lime Kiln Pt, where they were split up & heading both north & south. They all then headed south down to South Beach later in the day, then west. They also saw 10 - 20 porpoises from Lime Kiln.
We were fortunate enough to have J-Pod arrive from Victoria to the West Side of San Juan Island. ... As the pod began to move more purposefully towards Hein Bank, they began to breach and become much more active.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
One gray, Trim Tail, feeding at Spee-Bi-Dah (Port Susan ) 8:25 am for about 10 minutes.
Malcolm Lindquist
Grey whale heading south between Whidbey and Hat Island this morning at 8:09.
Betty & Jack Snyder
May 10, 2004
Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales called in this J pod report for today: 8:30 am, J's were southbound off Lummi Island, at 12:30 pm they were in the South Beach/Salmon Bank area (SW San Juan Island); and at 4 pm they were hanging around off Hein Bank. At 5:30 pm the leaders of the pod reached the Lime Kiln Lighthouse (J1, J2 & several others), some stayed near the shore while others headed out to Hein Bank.
Orca pod reported off west side Lummi Island this a.m. - 0800 going south at Village Pt. towards Rosario Strait - about 20 spread out, visibility not good (probly J's?) - some breaching...
Penny Stone
Lummi Island
May 9, 2004
4:30 p.m. - EastPoint, J Pod heading east, north past Tumbo Is
Saturna Island Orca Watch
My son and husband were kayaking off the south end of Vashon Island and saw a lone Orca heading north. They were just north of the Tahlequah ferry on the east side. My husband said what they saw of the whale (it's back and dorsal) was all black.
Nancy Herrington
This sounds to me like it was likely the lone Pseudorca or False Killer Whale that travels Puget Sound & BC waters - sb
I just talked to a man who saw 3 orcas (male, female, juvenile) off Pt. Defiance from 16:15 to 17:30 heading E. More transients I guess.
Rowann Tallmon
The Whale Museum
Js passed Point Roberts later.
Peter Hamilton
Lifeforce Foundation
Great afternoon with J-Pod around Saturna Island. They were slowly working the currents as they made their way towards Eastpoint. Many times most of the pod would come up together, which made for a beautiful view of the family. Granny surrounded by her family on Mother's Day.... :)
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Rick from Mosquito Fleet called to report the pod of transients at 4:50 pm - they were 2 miles south of Rocky Pt (NW Camano Island) headed north.
Leo Pike called from Eugene OR to relay a report from his son David Pike, who is out on an educational cruise in Saratoga Passage today - he saw a pod of orcas 9 miles south of Oak Harbor, headed north at 4 pm.
Jeff Hogan called with a J pod report from San Juan Island - at 6 am they were crossing from Middle Bank to Hannah Heights, 3:30 pm in Pender Bay going East/NE.
Just got my 0700 wakeup call from Jenny Wilson, who lives near Eagle Pt., to tell me that the Orcas, J Pod, are milling/fishing, near False Bay, West Side, San Juan Island.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
J's are very spread out heading north along the west side of San Juan Island at 0730. My guess is they will turn around when the tide begins to ebb more.
Ken Balcomb, Center for Whale Research
San Juan Island
Rick of Mosquito Fleet called to report 2 gray whales half way between Camano Head (S. Camano Island) & Sandy Pt. near Langley, at 9 am. They first appeared to be heading south, but then turned and headed back toward Camano Island.
May 8, 2004
Harrington Lagoon, Coupeville area outside of Penn cove. In our boat. A large pod of orcas 6-8 with a young baby, they were playing with a large seal, for 2 hours before feeding time. It looked as though they were teaching the baby how to hunt.
Dennis and Wanda Craig,
Harrington Lagoon, Coupeville
I also wanted to report orca whales sightings at Penn cove Sat May 8th around 5:10pm. There were around 6 of them with some smaller dolphins (I believe these were probably the two smaller orca calves - sb).
Vicky Block
Great day for the whales at Saratoga Passage just south of Polnell Pt. I was very excited two see two young Orcas, one of them still had a pink tint to its white markings. This all took place about 2:00 pm. We stayed with them till about 4:00-4:30 or so. They took off at full speed toward Snakelum pt. The pod appeared to have 2-3 Males and same in females and then the two young'ins.
Mike Schott
On Board Marine Inc.
Oak Harbor
Same Transients, 12:30 to 3:30 pm Polnell Point. We were treated to a view of the two or three adults and two or three babies, one of which was peach or pink still! It was my best sighting ever! I got to see my first spy hop, first tail flukes, both adults and baby ones, a fin wave, a few breaches, and lots of enjoyable views of white eye patches and tummies. The water was glassy, the air was silent and calm, we drifted silently around the edge of the vicinity with our sails up and heard the whales breathe and splash and swoosh.
Michele Sladko
Oak Harbor
We watched the Transients from the Coupeville Wharf from 6:30 - 7:15 pm, from the NW side of Penn Cove to the entrance of the cove. As they reached the entrance there was some lunging, spy-hopping, and whales going in every direction, so it's likely they made a kill there. They then kept heading out toward Polnell Pt until they were out of sight.
Susan & Howie
Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet called to report one gray whale a mile south of Hat Island at 6:15 pm.
We also observed the Orca pod off Lovejoy Point inside of Penn Cove. I first saw what I thought was a lone 'Minki' whale traveling very fast on the surface into Penn Cove at about 1630 hr. About 300-400 yards behind was a pod of Orcas (4-6) that appeared to be trailing the first whale. As of 1730 hr the whales were still inside Penn Cove in choppy water well off the Coupeville wharf. They came into Penn Cove at 1630 hr and left at 1930hr. A lot of spy hopping, fin waving group tailing. Mostly along the tide/current line just off the shore of Love Joy Point about 200 yds from the beach. They left along the same route/area they came into the cove. They would spend time grouped up and in the same spot with a lot of activity then move off underwater. Although we took some video it is doubtfull any identifcation could be made. They entered the cove with the flood tide and left around slack.
Bill Barnes
Just saw an awesome display by at least four, maybe 5 orcas.......spotted by the mussel rafts then heading east.
Chuck, Windjammer Gallery in Coupeville
My daughter and I saw the penn cove orcas this evening. It was about 6:30 p.m. Everyone in the restaurant quit eating and all gathered at the window to watch the pod. I'm guessing somewhere between 6 or 7.
Kelly Goudeau
We had one gray (Trim Tail) this morning at Spee-Bi-Dah (Port Susan) feeding from 8:20 am to 8:45 am.
Malcolm & Tarry Lindquist
After reading the report on the transients I decided to head over to Penn Cove for a look. As luck would have it, they were still there. I saw two on the south side of Penn Cove heading east. I was parked at Monroe landing. I saw the Transients at 7 pm and they were making a steady course towards Camano island. I counted the amount stated earlier.
Joseph Alicea
Oak Harbor
At 1730 we received a call from Judy Lynn of Coupeville, reporting the orca pod still in Penn Cove, along the north side (San de Fuca area).
Cindy Hansen of Mosquito Fleet called with an update on the Transient orcas at 1 pm - they were in Penn Cove & had made a sea lion kill. She said it was the T46's & others, with approximately 8 whales in the group, including the young calf they had seen with them last year.
Jeff Hogan called with a J pod report from San Juan Island - they were rounding Iceberg Pt. at 9:45 am, heading up to the Eagle Pt./Pile Pt area at noon, then turning around and back south to Cattle Pass - 2 pm heading south.
Hi Susan, had J pod coming up from the South end of San Juan island today. Spotted them heading North off Salmon Bank 0948 this morning.
Jodi Smith
J-Pod decided that Cattle Point was the spot to hang out. J-Pod got very active around Iceberg and were heading East when we left them.
John Boyd(JB) & Alison Engle
Naturalists, San Juan Excursions
Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet called at 10:40 am to report a small pod of orcas between Polnell Pt. & the entrance buoy to Oak Harbor, NE whidbey island. There are 4 adults and a calf, and they have ID'd two of the orcas as T46 & T47, so they are indeed transients, & likely the pod that was in Port Susan yesterday. Mike said they were moving slowly, headed east toward Polnell Pt.
Frank Taylor just called with a report of 3 adults & one juvenile orca north of Harrington Lagoon at the entrance to Penn Cove, headed toward Oak Harbor at 9 am. Hmmm - better go see if I can find them! Folks up north on Whidbey & Camano, keep your eyes open for this small pod of orcas, likely transients....let us know if you see them!
May 7, 2004
A small pod of Orcas was spotted making their way south in Port Susan, about in the middle of the bay, opposite Kayak Pt. We don't often get them in here so it was exciting, even if they were far out in the bay. Estimate 3-5 individuals, just lazying south, doing a rolling shallow dive as they went, sometimes with a big tail slap.
Lawrence on Camano
16:00hr, J pod was sighted at Sandheads at the mouth of the Fraser River headed north bound.
Vancouver Whale Watch
Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales reported J pod off the West side of San Juan Island, going north past the County Park at 5:30 am. At 1:50 pm they were nearly to Tswassen, still heading north.
One gray at Mabana Shores (W. Camano) at drop off as tide is beginning to go out. Feeding and heading South at l0:00am
Dodie on Camano
Rick of Mosquito Fleet called at 9 am to report 2 grays off the S. end of Hat Island, milling.
May 6, 2004
As promised here is a belated report. Rich, Val, Marine Naturalist Training Program volunteer, and I heard very very faint calls over the SeaSound hydrophone array at Limekiln at 2:30pm. Scanning the water we noticed the "fleet" coming around the corner at Discovery Island.
Doug McCutchen
San Juan Island
Ron Bates called with an interesting sighting by some fishermen off Swiftsure bank at the entrance to Juan de Fuca Strait. At around 7 pm they saw a number (~10) of orcas pass by a humpback whale, and the humpback breached, but apparently wasn't under attack.
Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet called in a report of one gray whale between Mabana (SW Camano) & Langley (Whidbey Island) at 9:10 am, sort of heading slowly west. The whale was ID'd as "new A" (it doesn't yet have an assigned number).
Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales called in today's J pod report: 2:30 - 3 pm J's came across from Victoria. 6:30 at the south end of San Juan Island, heading east to Lopez.
Jim Maya called in a report of J pod at Davidson Pt, SE Lopez Island milling, at 8:30 pm
The gray whale we call Trim Tail was feeding in front of Spee-Bi-Dah (Port Susan) from 6:20 pm to 7:55 pm.. It stayed about 100 to 200 yards from the shoreline.
Malcolm & Tarry Lindquist
May 5, 2004
Just talked to Peter Hamilton of Lifeforce - he said the Park Manager at Pt. Roberts saw a pod of 40 - 50 orcas go north past Pt. Roberts at 10 am. J's were down off San Juan Island that day - anyone else hear rumors of a pod up north on Weds?
Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales called to report J pod off the west side of San Juan Island at 6:30 am, heading south; they spent most of the afternoon at the Hein Bank area, at 3:30 they were heading north past the Lime Kiln Lighthouse, to Andrews Bay; then turned around, at 6:30 pm they were southbound working the tide rips.
...this afternoon we had the pleasure of observing J-Pod out near Hein Bank, in resting mode. Very neat to see all the whales so close together! We saw Speiden, Mike & family closer in near American Camp.
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet called to report 1 gray whale a mile south of Possession Point at 11 am. this morning
May 4, 2004
Most likely J Pod, 0730 at False Bay headed N, and at 0800 Lime Kiln Light House.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
T14 seems to have been off Nanaimo about 1100. A Humpback off Victoria going towards Race Rocks at 1630. 3 orca off East PT about 0830.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
Hi- Camano Island, just south of Mabana, 5:00 PM. Stepped out onto our deck and was again greeted with the telltale "whoosh" of a lone gray. The tide is in so the whale is feeding in the shallows close to the shore and moving leisurely northward.
Barbara Brock
Camano Island
May 3, 2004
3:00 p.m. - Cliffside, 1 Minke heading west slowly
Saturna Island Orca Watch
T14 (04) came in from the west this morning. Reported East of Sooke around 1000 and the last report he was North of Oak Bay at 1600 going North towards Sidney in Haro St. I also picked up a anonymous radio message of whales going East from Jordon River about 1440.
Ron Bates
MMRG, Victoria BC
Jeff Hogan called to report transient orca T-14 off Victoria this afternoon, heading east.
This morning (5-3) about 10:00, two greys came past Tulalip Shores, close to shore. They were slowly moving their way north. They seemed to stay on the surface, providing full body views. They appeared to skirt Spee-be-dah and head on around the bend north.
Vicki Mattson
Tulalip Shores
May 2, 2004
Neil of Capt. Jack's charters called at 1:40 pm to report 2 gray whales east of Possession Pt, S. Whidbey Island heading south.
Rick of Mosquito Fleet called in a report of 2 grays 1 miles south of Rocky Pt, NW Camano Island, heading north at 5 pm.
Rick from Mosquito Fleet called at 9:30 am to report 2 gray whales in Saratoga Passage, 2 miles south of Elger Bay, W. Camano Island, heading north. Cascadia Research is on board again today so will get ID's on them.
May 1, 2004
Also, a late report of one grey headed north in front of Tulalip Shores on Saturday evening (5-1) around 5:00.
Vicki Mattson
Tulalip Shores
Jeff Hogan called to report J pod off the west side of San Juan Island (at the County Park) at 9:30 am, spread out and heading north, at 10:30 am they turned and headed south, grouped up to South Beach, then back up north again at 4:30 pm. All of J pod were present and accounted for.
J-Pod was very spread out around Eagle Point/American Camp out to Salmon Bank. As we were leaving, Oreo (J-22), her offspring Doublestuff, and new baby J-39 came right by the boat. Fabulous!
John Boyd (JB)
Naturalist, San Juan Excursions
Saturday morning one of my passengers saw a single transient while coming to Victoria from Port Angeles on the Coho. He thought it was west bound. After seeing J1 he claimed it was definately a male. Maybe T61 is still lurking around out there or perhaps T14?
Mark Malleson
J Pod spent the day on the west and south side of San Juan Island. They were going north and at 6:00 PM turned south again.
Capt. Jim Maya
Maya's Whale Watch Charters
San Juan Island
Got out today to say hello to J-pod and went south through San Juan Channel. Of course, the final treat was seeing J-pod off of Eagle Pt.
Azuriel Mayo
Deer Harbor Charters
Again this morning, 7:30 to 8 AM Sat. the whales were here on the west side of San Juan Island about a mile south of Lime Kiln Lighthouse. They seemed to be heading north.
Helen King
The Highland Inn of San Juan Island
I just talked to Jim Maya and the Orcas are at Henry Island and have turned around and are headed south towards me again. 10:10 AM Sat.
Helen King
0751 - J Pod, milling inbetween Eagle Pt. and False Bay, south east side, San Juan Island. 4th day in a row...Sweet!
Capt. Jim Maya, Maya's Whale Watch Charters
San Juan Island
Sarah Schmidt called in a report of 1 gray whale at 7:45 am near Clinton, S. Whidbey Isl. heading south. She said it had a round white patch behind the dorsal bump - could be Patch.
Mike Bennett of Mosquito Fleet called to report 2 grays just north of Clinton at 9:15 am, milling. Cascadia Research is on board so they should get some ID's of these whales.
Map © 2004 used with permission by
Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.