January 2023 Whale Sightings
Map © 2004 used with permission by
Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.
January 31
January 30
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 30 - North Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch) - Little Patch was in our area, Polnell Point, Oak Harbor WA, just after 08:00. He fed in the cove here for about an hour (you could see him rolling in the mud in various places) and then headed [east] toward Camano Island. -photo by Greg Parham, January 30, 2023
Mon, Jan 30 - Central Saratoga Passage (CRC2440) - CRC2440 - 14:14 - Still in same area feeding.
13:49 - Still feeding, has been in the same area for an hour going back-and-forth; currently heading north about a mile and a half north of Hidden Beach.
13:15 - Heading back north now, still feeding. Zeppo [the dog] would like you all to know that there’s really cool sticks down here too.
12:40 - Feeding right off the shore, would be island side, making its way south towards Hidden Beach. -photos by Aaron Gill, January 30, 2023
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Mon, Jan 30 - Puget Sound - This could be the whale we saw. We were heading north to the locks past West Point Lighthouse and it surfaced twice heading right toward us, so we veered to the right at the green buoy. -Andrée Hurley
16:20 - A baleen (humpback?) blowing off Shilshole Bay marina. Saw the blows about 8 times. Watching from Sunset Park. -Kate Hopper
January 29
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 29 - San Juans (T46s) - 13:08 - Fast south in Cattle Pass. Heading offshore from here to the southeast. T46s. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Looking toward Shaw from the ferry! I have been following along for over a year since my last visit to SJI. Heading back to MN tomorrow and this was such a gift. I burst into tears! -photo by Kate Hopper, January 29, 2023
12:12 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine OPs, emailed to report: 6 Orca, 1 juvenile headed South in San Juan channel south of Flat Point [Lopez Island] - spotted by SAMISH.
Sun, Jan 29 - Admiralty Inlet - 11:02 - Way off Sunlight Beach out in the channel. -Dan Gulden
09:45 - Cindi found them. They are approaching the north side of Double Bluff hugging Whidbey shore. Still southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:50 - Great start to a beautiful day, at least three orcas south of Bush Point, southbound, very close to shore. -Kate Sheppard
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 29 - Rosario Strait - 16:00 - Got a gray whale report off Washington Park in Anacortes. -Sam Wallace
Sun, Jan 29 - Admiralty Inlet/Possession Sound (CRC2440) - 16:29 - Spotted at Lighthouse Park in Mukilteo. It's heading north. -photo by Darcy Elizabeth McCusker, January 29, 2023
14:54 - A whale headed north around Possession Point. -Beth Quigley
14:19 - Just came up again. Almost right off Possession Point.
14:11 - Watching it spout now. From land, in Cultus Bay. -Travis Miller
CRC2440 - 13:49 - Confirmed gray whale right at the green buoy west edge of Cultus Bay.
13:43 - Single whale. Probably gray. North of green navigational buoy south of Indian Point.
13:40 - Humpback maybe? Indian Point [Whidbey Island]. -back of camera photo by Smith Siromaskul, January 29, 2023
13:23 - I have some type of whale that is not an orca to the south of Maxwelton. -Thé Hsin
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sun, Jan 29 - Possession Sound - 12:00 - At about noon there was a gray or humpback right outside the opening to Port of Everett Marina heading north/northwest. We just caught barely a glimpse before it went back down. I assumed gray because of the area, but looked more like humpback. -Shannon Mullan Smith [PSWS]
Sun, Jan 29 - Puget Sound - 16:30 - Austin Hicks called to report they are sitting at West Point, Discovery Park and just saw who looked like a fin whale heading south on the east side of the channel. The whale then made hard right off West Point towards Bainbridge. Whale came up a couple of times for air, could see their back and small dorsal, pretty massive not sure what else it would be. Looked happy. (NOTE: Distant video of whale off Shilshole shows robust tall exhalation of presumably a humpback or gray whale. Austin's report of a dorsal suggests humpback - Alisa Lemire Brooks)
January 28
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 28 - BC (CRC766) - 12:00 - Gray whale close to shore in Baynes Channel. So lucky to get exactly one head shot of this stunner! -photos by Jenna Darcie, January 28, 2023
Video collage of Grey Whale CRC 766 in Baynes Channel off of Cadboro Point, at the confluence of Haro Strait and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, filmed at around noon on Saturday, January 28, 2023. -Gerald Graham
Sat, Jan 28 - Holmes Harbor - Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Graham Tilley
Date of Sighting: 1/28/2023
Time: 15:15 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: 48.056398,-122.538242 [Honeymoon Bay, Holmes Harbor]
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Milling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Slow moving
Photos available?: No
Sat, Jan 28 - Saratoga Passage - 16:30 - Gray traveling north in front of Summerland. -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
15:24 - Pebble Beach, Summerland, Mabana, gray heading your way now [northbound]. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
Sat, Jan 28 - Juan de Fuca Strait
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Gray Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat Jan 28 15:57 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.39899,-123.98609 [between Sheringham Light and Jordan River]
Number Sighted: 3
Submitter Name: Al Gill
Whale Alert App
January 27
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 27 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart & CRC2440) - 15:00 - 16:00 - From Seawall Park we watched two sets of blows approach Langley slowly from Bells Beach into the inlet in between. Then it seemed only one headed east towards Mabana Beach on Camano, or maybe back north. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
15:20 - Viewing from below Langley Pizzeria. Seeing 2 blows between Langley and Bells Beach. Appearing to be milling and chilling. -Marilyn Armbruster
From back of camera images Marilyn sent, can confirm IDs on the two whales traveling together southbound in Saratoga Passage are CRC22 Earhart and CRC2440. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
CRC22 Earhart - CRC22 Earhart - CRC2440 - CRC2440 - 14:00 - Out from Bells Beach traveling southbound towards Langley. Whidbey side.
13:19 - There are 2 grays traveling together, they are traveling southeast in Saratoga Passage, now just southeast of Baby Island, closer to Baby Island Heights high bank.
13:04 - Spout just north of Baby Island & green channel marker. -photos by Marilyn Armbruster, January 27, 2023
12:10 - Gray whale headed south right at the entrance to Hidden Beach feeding. -Aaron Gill
11:55 - Heather Anson called to report a large baleen whale 1.5 miles north of Hidden Beach, Whidbey, about 200 feet offshore traveling southbound quickly.
January 26
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 26 - Saratoga Passage - 14:55 - Currently visible from downtown Langley (with binoculars), much closer to Camano side. Seemed to pass southern tip of Camano, still southbound. -Rachel Rodell
12:20 - Gray headed towards Pebble Beach from Mabana [southbound] center of channel. -Lucinda Brezak [CWW]
January 25
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Jan 25 - Haro Strait (Possible T60s) - 10:47 - Saw them heading east-southeast from Westside Preserve ten minutes ago. Looked like possibly T60s. -Ellie Sawyer [WSSJI]
10:00 - Small orca pod off Smugglers Cove - headed south towards Lime Kiln. -Enos Farnsworth [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Jan 25 - Saratoga Passage - We had a gray whale in the neighborhood today! They seem to be early. It was staying pretty close to Camano Island. -Greg & Terra Parham
Wed, Jan 25 - Holmes Harbor (CRC22 Earhart & CRC2440) - 10:40 - 11:20 - Two Gray whales including 2440 for sure were first sighted north of Beverly Beach at 10:40. We picked them up briefly feeding on ghost shrimp in Millionaires Cove then traveling close together directly north passing west of Baby Island at 11:15, last seen 11:20 still headed straight north into mid channel of Saratoga Passage. - IDs CRC2440 and CRC22 Earhart - Taken under NMFS Permit # 26599 -photos by Florian Graner, January 25, 2023
January 24
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 24 - BC (CRC766) - Here is a link to my video collage of Grey Whale CRC 766 on the west side of Haro Strait earlier today, off of Finnerty Cove in the Cadboro Bay neighbourhood of Saanich, on southern Vancouver Island. -Gerald Graham
Tue, Jan 24 - Holmes Harbor - 14:15 - Meerkerk Bay (Dines Point) - Solitary grey whale swimming east through the bay then south down Holmes Harbor. -Andrea Linton
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Brad Koehler
Date of Sighting: 1/24/2023
Time: 3:40 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: 48.08440, -122.51971. Holmes Harbor
Direction of travel : NE, towards Rocky Point
Behaviors observed: Swimming just below surface
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Tue, Jan 24 - Saratoga Passage - 12:24 - A neighbor just texted me that a gray whale is headed north from Pebble Beach, about 15 minutes ago. Might be at Summerland by now. -Peg Boley [CWW]
MINKE WHALES - Tue, Jan 24 - Admiralty Inlet - 09:32-09:37 - Sasha Ertl, MMO at Fort Flagler called to report a minke whale off Marrowstone Point at 09:32 headed outbound (northwest travel), but looked like the whale might be curling around towards Port Townsend Bay. Minke was swimming this side of mid channel/Marrowstone side of the shipping lanes, approximately 1-1.5 km offshore. Sasha watched it surface 3-4 times, first at 09:32 and most recent while dialing in this report (09:37).
January 23
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 23 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - 17:24 - Now leaving Earhart, who is still feeding in the cove just north of Mabana. Listening to her blows as it’s getting dark is magical. -Linda Raines Tyner
16:20 - Still off Mabana. Just going back and forth. Very hungry lady. I can confirm the gray whale off Mabana beach is Earhart. 15:15 - Still off Mabana feeding in one spot.photo by Sam Wallace, January 23, 2023
14:45 - [gray] is still there. [bit south & offshore Mabana access].
13:55 - [gray] Just seen coming up for air a fair bit out off of Mabana Beach. -Marna Little [CWW]
13:05 - [gray] Got sight here, above Summerland. Making its way north, slowly. -Diana Guild [CWW]
12:55 - [gray] Just saw a tail dive, may be down for a while.
12:45 - Gray feeding off our bank, just south of Summerland. About quarter mile out. Moving slowly north. -Peg Boley [CWW]
Mon, Jan 23 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch & CRC2440 - Apart in the morning, together in afternoon)
15:22 - Two grays are feeding near Sandy Point still going back and forth.
14:51 - We’ve got 2 grays leaving the Sandy Point area slowly heading toward Langley near the Whidbey bluff. -Luanne Seymour
14:24 - Blew again and back roll off the right side of the camera screen. Watching it from Salem, OR.
13:35 - Had whale pass the Langley live camera [southbound]. -Era Horton
11:30 - Baleen whale near Sandy Point deep diving and then many minutes later showed up mid-channel in Saratoga Passage. Long down times. Traveling west at this time.
CRC53 Little Patch - 08:00 -10:00 - I witnessed a gray whale feeding close to shore at Hidden Beach on Whidbey Island today from about 0800 -1000. The feeding was occurring in front of the houses located just south of the parking lot. The whale quit feeding at about 1000 and headed due east at traveling speed. -photos by Bob VonDrachek, January 23, 2023
MINKE WHALES - Mon, Jan 23 - South Puget Sound - 15:21 - This was in Pickering Passage northbound. It came back southbound right at dark. -photo by Megan Gene Carlson, January 23, 2023
15:00 - We saw it twice in Pickering Passage. Was heading north towards Allyn. Spouted twice. Had a large fin but was unable to get a picture. We thought it was a gray whale, we've seen them before, but could be incorrect. -Gretchen Stewart
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tim Dubie
Date of Sighting: 1/23/2023
Time: 2:10 PM
Species seen: Orca [Minke]
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: 47 15' N -122 53' W
Direction of travel : Southbound in Pickering Passage and under Harstine Is Bridge
Behaviors observed: Traveling quite fast, only surfaced for air
If orcas, any males?: Very large orca, likely an adult male
Any unusual markings?: Brownish hue to his body in sunlight and not much white
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Within minutes after sighting observed four flat-bottom commercial shellfish boats approach Latimer's Landing boat launch at full speed. This is a common, daily shellfish boat practice and there are no whale warning signs at boat launch.
Photos available?: No
11:31 - Single orca [photo shows minke] spotted, in Pickering Passage going north toward Stretch/Treasure Island/Allyn, Case Inlet. [Both Frances Robertson, San Juan County Marine Project Manager (and minke ID project lead) and John Calambokidis, Cascadia Research agree looks to be a minke.] -Megan Gene Carlson [PSWS]
January 22
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 22 - Haro Strait (Possible T137s) - 16:48 - Mitchell Point. Northbound. -James Mead Maya
Sun, Jan 22 - BC
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: K Craig
Date of Sighting: 1/22/2023
Time: 9:55 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Egmont, BC
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: (49.7602008, -123.9426433)
If orcas, any males?: 1 I think
Any unusual markings?: Very long dorsal fin
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 22 - BC (CRC766) - I filmed this Grey Whale video at 2:57 PM on Sunday, January 22, 2023 from Finnerty Cove on the west side of Haro Strait. I believe there are two Greys in this video - one being CRC 766. One whale researcher who has reviewed the video concurs that there are two Greys, based on the blows. -Gerald Graham
Sun, Jan 22 - Saratoga Passage - 11:43 - Board member Fred Lundahl called to report there was a gray off Langley at 11:00, which is presumably the gray whale who headed down toward Sandy Point and is currently trending north toward Camano Head.
11:36 - It is mid channel now heading a bit north toward Camano Head.
11:27 - Just saw one gray at Sandy Point. Two deep dives. Looks to be heading southeast. -Luanne Seymour
Sun, Jan 22 - Saratoga Passage - 14:50 - Saw one momentarily north of Mabana. -Forrest Wendt
13:43 - One feeding at Mabana right now. -Smith Siromaskul
10:20 - Gray whale in front of Mabana. Large spouts, can’t tell if it’s going in a certain direction or just feeding in one area. -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
Sun, Jan 22 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - CRC22 Earhart - 17:07 - This was just north of Seawall Park and it was just so beautiful. -photo by Donna George, January 22, 2023
CRC22 Earhart - 16:30 - Saw her close to Seawall Park. -photos by Jeanne Hamilton, January 22, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Shanti Loustaunou
Date of Sighting: 1/22/2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Species seen: Gray whale
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Langley
Direction of travel : one went north west and the other went north east
Behaviors observed: eating ghost shrimp?
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?: mottled fin
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: so awesome
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
14:15 - Seeing fins at Langley. -photo by Deb Cronheim, January 22, 2023
11:45 - 12:05 - Tentatively IDed Earhart/CRC22 from a good top of fluke shot and a contrast adjusted left side body view. Near East Point off Whidbey. -photos by J.J. Newman, January 22, 2023
11:52 - Mid channel heading towards Fox Spit, 6 days in a row for me. He's not feeding right now, just traveling east. -Erin McCloskey Flynn
11:35 - It’s headed just south of Baby Island [in Saratoga Passage]. -Andrea Michelle Young
11:14 - Gray whale now, Holmes Harbor, Greenbank. -Michelle Mavoides
10:29 - We just saw it move through Hidden Beach going south. Soooo cool! -Heather McVey
09:26 - Still here at Hidden Beach. About 40 yard off the shore. -Joseph Bird
08:44 - Still just north of Hidden Beach. Just saw some spouts! -Katie McKenna
08:00 - Gray feeding just north of Hidden Beach [Whidbey Island]. Can hear a bunch of sea lions nearby also. -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
MINKE WHALES - Sun, Jan 22 - South Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Alison Halpern
Date of Sighting: 1/22/2023
Time: 10:30 AM
Species seen: Minke
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Thurston County -> Totten Inlet -> Oyster Bay -> by Burns Cove
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: Appeared to be feeding by abandoned pier
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sun Jan 22 - Possession Sound - 13:25 - Tom N called to report a large whale swimming by their place off Mission Beach, Tulalip heading east/southeast. Reported as humpback. [ON leaves open possibility it’s one of the gray whales.]
January 21
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 21 - South Saratoga Passage (Two Grays) - 16:45 - The one from Langley just left heading eastbound. -photo by Missy Main, January 21, 2023
16:31 - It’s resurfaced. Magical! -Joseph Bird
16:15 - It’s still just north of the seawall.
15:43 - There are two grays! One spouting just south of Summerland and another just north of the Langley sea wall.
15:28 - Yay! I just saw 2 spouts! -Katie McKenna
Sat, Jan 21 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch) - RC53 Little Patch - 15:00 - This sighting was near the whale center in Langley [approx. 48.041529, -122.410181]. -photos by Whittney Speed, January 21, 2023
14:50 - Solo gray feeding about one mile south of Summerland, very close to the Camano shore. Lots of birds! -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
13:52 - Gray whale feeding north of Langley seawall right now. -Katie Davis Watkins, Orca Network
13:47 - I just saw it blow twice from my window at Prima Bistro right off Langley waterfront. -Mary Freiburger
13:25 - Gray whale just north of Langley feeding. -photo by Jessica Cote, January 21, 2023
Sat, Jan 21 - Central Saratoga Passage (CRC53)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network CRC53
Name: Laurent Mechain
Date of Sighting: 1/21/2023
Time: 9:00 AM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: 100 yards off Whidbey Shores community.
Direction of travel : Stayed in area for about an hour then moved north on Saratoga Passage.
Behaviors observed: Hunting
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: They stayed in the area for about an hour, hunting.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org -photo by Laurent Mechain, January 21, 2023
08:45 - They are back feeding between Baby Island and Fox Spit (right now more towards Fox Spit) this is SO AMAZING. -Erin McCloskey Flynn
January 20
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 20 - BC (CRC766) - 14:30 - Phyllis Point. North Ten Mile. -photos by Jenna Darcie, January 20, 2023
Fri, Jan 20 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22) - CRC22 Earhart - 17:20 - This must have been the gray that was at Baby Island because the other one is still feeding just south of Summerland.
11:30 - It went south towards Pebble Beach.
11:00 - Saratoga Passage gray was feeding off Camano just south of Summerland/Mabana. -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks. -photos by Jennifer Feldman Spanton, January 20, 2023
Fri, Jan 20 - Saratoga Passage (Two grays) - 17:00 - The gray whale traveled south in Saratoga Passage down towards Langley. -Jessica Cote
16:22 - There's a gray feeding off of Baby Island. -Erin McCloskey Flynn
15:19 - Second gray midchannel just south of Bells Beach. -Jennifer Feldman Spanton [CWW]
14:57 - Gray heading north towards Summerland. -Peg Boley [CWW]
10:14 - He just passed the little lighthouse and going towards Bells Beach.
09:53 - Just hanging out in one spot. Still here.
08:09 - Grey feeding AGAIN between Baby Island and Fox Spit, 4th day in a row (spent 4 hours here yesterday). -Erin McCloskey Flynn
MINKE WHALES - Fri, Jan 20 - South Puget Sound - 14:30 - Ron Klaassen called on Saturday to report minke whale seen in Budd Inlet yesterday (Friday, 20th) first sighting was Butler Cove, direction of travel was heading northeast then headed south. Last sighting was at old logbook north of tug boat Annie, west bay marina. No hump, back very smooth before and after dorsal. Fin was curved back. No visible exhalations.
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Fri, Jan 20 - South Puget Sound -
19:00 - It [baleen whale] headed north surface once (that we could hear) just passed us [north end Eld Inlet]. Tried to hear for it again and didn’t after 5 minutes. Came inside, but not before listening to a family of otters fishing and dining on our float. It was super calm. Like glass. No wind. Just cold, clear, glassy water and lots of stars. So calm that I could actually hear the river otter family ‘swim’ out front and the dive. Little ‘plop’ sounds.
17:40 - Some baleen whale is currently heading south into Eld Inlet. Stepped onto the deck. Right then, in the new darkness and felt calm, came the very robust blow. Then it dove. Yelled to Scott, and we both stood watch. It blew again as it headed 750+ feet further south. VERY robust blow. Blew the third time further south. I am waiting again, just me and some Great Horned owl! Jessie [Cascadia Research] knows. -Kim Merriman
January 19
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Jan 19 - Admiralty Inlet (T124C & T137s, probable T124A2s) - 13:36 - Sasha Ertl called while doing MMO work from Marrowstone Point at Fort Flagler. Just watched pod of orcas come through, some who were splashing around a lot. Traveling outbound so northwest direction. About 7-8 whales, thinks transients about 1km offshore from her on Fort Flagler side. Big male in group came by closer in, More surface active group (at least 6) more offshore, in ferry lane midchannel. She first saw them at 13:20 and was still watching them during the call.
T137A Jack - 13:15 - Seeing at least two adult male orcas headed northwest at Marrowstone Point, doing some breaching and porpoising. They just moved out of sight moving northwest offshore. -photos by Sam Kaviar, January 19, 2023
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Jan 19 - Haro Strait
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Thu Jan 19 11:50 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.55844,-123.17338
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: south bound 200 m off shore
Submitter Name: Val Veirs
Whale Alert App
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 19 - BC (CRC766) - 12:53 - Grey Whale CRC 766 off of Ten Mile Point on the west side of Haro Strait. - Video collage of Grey Whale CRC 766 this afternoon on the west side of Haro Strait, where it was first sighted on September 30, 2000. -Gerald Graham
Thu, Jan 19 - Port Susan - Port Susan Whale Watchers have been tracking a single gray swimming the loop from Tulalip Shores at 9:55 heading north, seen again a McKees Beach at 11:07, Kayak [Point] at 11:18, then spotted again at Tillicum Beach heading south at 13:40 and off Tyee still heading south mid Tyee Beach. -John C Storbeck
Thu, Jan 19 - Saratoga Passage - 15:00 - Gray off Elger Bay is now traveling east toward mid-channel.
13:50 - Gray feeding in Saratoga Passage by Elger Bay. -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
Thu, Jan 19 - Saratoga Passage - 15:46 - Our gray headed towards Elger about 20 minutes ago, but lost it in the distance.
13:57 - We’re still watching the same whale over here (over by East Point)!
11:23 - Our friend is back over here at Fox Spit! Solo whale heading in the direction of Baby Island. It's right in front of our cabin, and just starting to eat! -photo by Janine Morrell, January 19, 2023
January 18
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Jan 18 - Saratoga Passage - 17:00 - I believe I saw them again between Cama Beach and Indian Beach off Camano. -Julie Smith
14:28 - Single big whale looks like it’s heading from Elger Bay to Mabana. -Kasey Shepard [CWW]
12:23 - We haven’t seen it since the state park. It turned towards Elger/Langley and disappeared.
10:22 - Looks like it’s out in front of Camano State Park now. -Janine Morrell
09:58 - We're watching [a gray] feed right now. Janine (my cousin) and I watched this magical whale feed for 2 hours. We are still in awe. -Erin McCloskey Flynn
08:25 - We’ve got another gray sighting in the same spot! Closer to Fox Spit today! [between Baby Island & Fox Spit]. -Janine Morrell
OTHER SPECIES - Wed, Jan 18 - Saratoga Passage - 16:11 - Heather Anson called to ask if we took sighting reports of this type, we don’t generally but a lively and lovely sounding ecosystem report: Out from North Bluff Road (2 miles) north of Hidden Beach, Heather reports a lot of sea lions thrashing about eating in a big bait ball which has also attracted a thousand gulls and tons of eagles.
January 17
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Jan 17 - San Juans (T137s) - These whales ended up in Westsound and thanks to photos posted on the Whale Sightings in the San Juan Islands page we were able to ID them as the T137s. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
15:28 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 15:34 to report: SALISH - Orca Report 1/17/2023 1528hrs: Vessel reports 2 orca WB just north of the SHAW terminal, in Cayou Channel.
14:25 - David Geist called at 14:45 to report seeing 4 orcas (3 F, 1 M) off Lopez Head/ferry terminal in Upright Channel. Pod was westbound last they saw, they dove and lost sighting of them. Closed saddle, so presume Ts.
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 17 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22)
11:00 - Looks like s/he is angling towards Camano and is pretty far off shore from Whidbey side (south end Bells Beach) southbound.
10:50 - Gray stopped to feed, about mid way down Bells Beach (private community).
10:40 - Gray is traveling southbound off north end of Bells Beach. -Marilyn Armbruster
- CRC22 Earhart -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks
10:30 - Marilyn Armbruster texted she can see gray whale is now off Bells Beach (private community). Cannot tell if whale has stopped to feed or is continuing southbound. -photo by Marilyn Armbruster, January 17, 2023
09:51 - Heading towards Fox Spit!
09:18 - Gray whale feeding between Baby Island and Fox Spit! -photo by Janine Morrell, January 17, 2023
January 16
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Jan 16 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T60D & T60E) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #2: “...were nearing home when a single killer whale appeared on the horizon, just south of Saxe Point! They started the encounter within a half nautical mile of Victoria's harbour entrance at 1540. The solitary whale was fairly non-descript, but appeared to be a sub-adult Bigg’s male. After a few breaths he dove, revealing a sliver of saddle patch giving him away as T060D…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #2.
Mon, Jan 16 - South Puget Sound (Presumably T124A2s & T124C) - 16:53 - Received second hand report the Ts turned up into Carr Inlet. -Orca Network
15:23 - We saw them about 10 minutes ago in front of Fox Island, haven’t seen since [viewing from Sunnyside]. -Debbie Dittmann Blunk
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Karin Van Vlack
Date of Sighting: 1/16/2023
Time: 12:50 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Off Anderson Island (Yoman Point), observed from Pierce County ferry
Direction of travel : Initially east then dove. When they reappeared, they were headed south
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes, one at rear
Any unusual markings?: Not observable
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 16 - BC - 09:30 - Saw a grey this morning at Glencoe Cove. Watched for over an hour. The water was choppy so it was hard to tell for sure. The first few dives were approximately 10 minutes apart and then 3-5 mins subsequently. -Sarah Board
Mon, Jan 16 - Possession Sound - We had a gray off the southwest side of Hat right at sunset. -Lori Christopher
Mon, Jan 16 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22, CRC53 & Other)
16:30 - Now just milling/circling around the same area. Mid channel Baby Island, Whidbey and Camano State Park & Cama Beach.
15:40 - Little Patch CRC53 mid channel north of Camano State Park and Baby Island, northwest bound. -Marilyn Armbruster
14:42 - This gray traveling northbound is CRC53 Little Patch. Slow moving, shallow surfaces as he continues northbound Whidbey side of channel across from south end Camano Island State Park. -back of camera photo by Marilyn Armbruster, January 16, 2023
14:40 - It is actually going back north! And going closer to mid-channel. Still south of Summerland though.
14:30 - Solo gray has left the Mabana/Summerland area and is now mid channel heading south. Deep dives. Currently about mile south of Mabana. -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
14:20 - Been watching a gray moving northbound mid channel out from south of Elger Bay. -Orca Network
13:45 - 2 grays north of Summerland and south of Mabana Shores but closer to Mabana. Appears to be trending slowly north but feeding. -Marilyn Armbruster
12:32 - Earhart moved further south from Mabana. It’s hard to see her now since the tide is still so high and the beach isn’t accessible. I couldn’t see if she stopped to chow down some more or if she kept traveling south. -Our Wild Puget Sound
12:30 - Seeing two grays feeding between Mabana and Summerland. We think the Mabana whale moved south over the past 30 minutes and is near, but distinctly separate from the other gray who’s been feeding down there. Sara Montour Lewis sent back of cam image earlier of Mabana whale who was 22 Earhart. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network and Marilyn Armbruster
11:36 - Seeing them clearly from Langley! -Sthuthi Sahgal
11:00 - Saw one blow just a little south of Mabana. Viewing from Lowell Point. -Linda Aitkins
CRC22 Earhart -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks - 11:00 - This morning by Mabana Beach. -photo by Jaime Shields, January 16, 2023
10:58 - Two grays for sure still feeding off Camano: one off south end Mabana, the other midway between Mabana and Summerland. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:20 - I see one feeding from Mabana.
10:30 - Viewing from Lowell Point, seeing two blows closer to Mabana. Can’t tell direction or if feeding. -Linda Aitkins
10:28 - I’ve been watching for about 30 minutes. Only spotting the 2. -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
10:10 - At least two of the three grays still out there feeding: one just south of Mabana, another north of midway between Summerland and Mabana. Trying to confirm if third is still in the mix. Eagles soaring over our heads, merganser and cormorant flybys, and sun peeking through. Amazing home we all share. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
09:43 - Thank you! Saw them! Enjoying breakfast. -Diana Guild
09:35 - There are three grays out here in between Mabana and Summerland feeding and circling around. One keeps to middle of in between the communities, another closer to Mabana and third is moving back and forth between the two.
09:15 - Seeing blows of two baleen whales in between the communities of Summerland and Mabana, Camano Island. They are going northbound, viewing from Whidbey Island. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
January 15
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 15 - Admiralty Inlet (J, K, & L Pod) - From Norwegian Point this afternoon! -photo by Amy Fowler, January 15, 2023
L87 Onyx -photo by Yanwei Cai, January 15, 2023
16:39 - Watched from Point Wilson for the past hour - lots of tail slaps and surface activity! -Erin Merklein
16:28 - From beautiful Ebey’s Landing we watched the Resident pods continue west/northwest just west of Point Wilson as they exited Admiralty Inlet [approx. 48.194335, -122.788639]. - Beautiful day spent with a lot of lovely people watching a lot of lovely orcas we all hold dear to our beings (We must because it was super wet and cold). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Spyhopping the rainbow at Marrowstone Point. -photo by Rebecca Berger, January 15, 2023
15:34 - Passing red buoy to Port Townsend side; spread out; tail lobs [approx. 48.126827, -122.743274].
15:32 - Orcas in ferry lane, northbound between Whidbey and Port Townsend. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
15:12-15:32 - One of the awesome Orcasound - Listen for Whales listeners reported SRKW whistles via the "I hear something interesting button.” -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
15:18 - Just watched them go past Marrowstone Point - playing in the rainbow, northbound. -Rebecca Berger
15:49 - Leading group near Lighthouse at [Fort] Worden.
15:38 - Some have crossed the ferry lane and are near the smokestacks.
15:11 - Visible from Fort Casey. Slowly northbound [approx. 48.148721, -122.728135]. -Jason Cook
14:41 - Kit Turner called she is seeing large group orca opposite north side Lagoon Point, more on Marrowstone side. She wasn’t sure direction due to pod viewing conditions but they seemed to be active.
14:25 - They are back going northbound at a slow pace.
14:22 - Viewing from Lagoon Point they are still south of us between Lagoon and Bush Point. They appear to have changed directions and are pointed southbound. Not sure if they have flipped or if they are foraging. -Tamara Kelley, Orca Conservancy
14:20 - SRKWs mid channel directly out from Lagoon Point steady northbound travels spread in loose groups. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:15 - We can see a large group, mid-channel, off Lagoon Point trending north with some milling along the way. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
14:16 - Viewing from Lagoon Point but still distant from Whidbey side. Northbound. -Bonnie Gretz
14:06 - Just watched them all playing around a boat north of Bush Point. Foraging! -Rebecca Berger
Sun, Jan 15 - Admiralty Inlet (J, K, & L Pod)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Jan 15 13:49 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.03453,-122.64480
Number Sighted: 20
Reported Animal Status:
Submitted Comments: Not sure exactly how many. moving slowly north. approximately 1mi east of
Nodule Point, Admiralty Inlet
Submitter Name: Kit Moffitt
Whale Alert App
13:48 - Large trailing groups too! Even at distance and in frigid conditions so wonderful. Mid channel streaming by Bush Point, some north and south of mid channel buoy and some at. So many big boys!
13:35 - A lovely sight in the wind, rain and bitter cold. Dozens of ressies out from Bush Point, just south of yellow mid channel buoy traveling mid channel grouped heading northbound, some in tight groups with others trailing spread. Super beautiful!
13:20 - With Susan, saw fins northbound Whidbey side mid channel approaching Bush Point. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:12 - Just re-spotted them, about 1 mile south of Bush Point, slow travel north.
12:33 - Howard just saw a group of ~ 10 with our "big eyes" 1 mile south of Bush Point, about mid-channel. Hope all our hard working Ways of Whales crew get to see them today! -Susan Berta, Orca Network
12:22 - Viewing them right now, mid channel, off Skunk Bay, (Hansville) heading north. They continued heading north, lost them in the cloud mist. They were more on the Kitsap side of the center buoy, heading towards Marrowstone Island. -Martha Carlstead
12:18 - Viewing from Whidbey, they are on the other side approaching Foulweather Bluff. -Cari Brumfield
11:10 - I think I count about 20 with at least 2 big guys. Leaving Possession triangle up the west side of Whidbey towards Admiralty. -Alice Thuy Talbot
11:05 - Just passed Eglon heading to Norwegian Point now.
10:58 - Eglon sighting. -Dianna Cowden Root
10:50 - They’re really hugging the Kitsap side while still going north through Possession triangle. -Alice Thuy Talbot
K16 Opus & K45 Prosper - L105 Fluke -ID by Ariel Yseth
K14 Lea & K42 Kelp -ID by Ariel Yseth
10:35 - From Apple Tree Point. They were spread midchannel to 30-50 yards offshore. -photos by Donna Green Van Renselaar, January 15, 2023
L105 Fluke - L72 Racer - 10:30 - Large group just passed close to Kitsap side Apple Tree Point. Mixed surface activity and slow northbound. At least a dozen. 3-4 males. Now foraging. Approaching Eglon.
10:15 - Continued northbound at a steady pace. Leaders appear to be committed to Admiralty. Big male at Apple Tree Kitsap side. -photos by Sara Frey, January 15, 2023
10:15 - Kitsap side. Heading to Eglon.
10:10 - Watching from hilltop north of ferry. Second group past us now. Approx. 15+ orcas, couple of males and it looks like a youngster in the group. Tightly swimming together, tail slaps & spyhopping. Seem to be enjoying this glorious morning. -Kimberly Sylvester
09:58 - Spread out midchannel south to north with some north of ferry terminal Edmonds and some south of it northbound at least 2 big males. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
09:57 - Kimberly Sylvester called back (from perched above Kingston) to report on the trailing group who are about 1-2 miles south of leaders (see 09:45). This group of ~ 20 orcas is sightline south of Tank Farm (Point Wells, Woodway) mid channel to maybe Kitsap side of traveling northbound.
09:54 - From Sunset Ave in Edmonds it looks like there’s a large group on your side near Apple Tree Point. So maybe mid channel? -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
09:45 - Kimberly Sylvester called to report a lot of whales (dozens) spread north and south of Edmonds/Kingston ferry traffic lanes. Ferry mid route to Edmonds slowed mid channel for the whales who are slow moving but still trending northbound.
09:43 - Seeing leading group of 7+ northbound north of tank farm Edmonds - very far across channel from us at Apple Tree Point. Neighbor says large group a couple miles behind. Eastbound ferry is stopped. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
09:44 - Cali can see them with binos heading north. Kingston. -Jeffrey Stander
09:15 - Orcas near Kingston/the marker buoy [approx. 47.785125, -122.460764]. -photos by Jessica Stevens, January 15, 2023
09:08 - Moved to Kayu Kayu, leaders approaching ferry lanes, mid channel.
08:46 - Moved over to Richmond Beach and they’re northbound for the most part spread from President Point to north of the yellow buoy. -Michelle Goll
08:56 - And then they headed to the east, still traveling north.
08:46 - A large group headed north at President Point. Orcas, closer to the Kitsap side. -Trish Moylan Davis
08:45 - They were just at Point Jefferson going north! -Corrie Beamer Urquhart
08:19 - Long-time volunteer Michelle Goll called to report seeing at least solid dozen orcas between Richmond Beach and south of Kingston terminal, out near the yellow mid channel buoy and south of, all traveling southbound.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 15 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124C) - Just another day in the life of a Bigg's killer whale! T124C Cooper casually checks out the SS Cape Intrepid, a ready reserve ship, moored deep in Commencement Bay near Tacoma. He and the T124A2s had just snagged a seal right off those pilings! -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, January 15, 2023
T124A2B - T124C Cooper - T124A2A & T124A2 - T124C Cooper - Here are some photos of Cooper and fam today! -IDs by Rachel Haight -photos by Mollie Segall, January 15, 2023
These are the T124A2s with T124C. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
T124C Cooper - T124A2B in foreground - T124A2A - T124C Cooper & Other - T124A2B in background - T124A2A - T124A2A - All these were taken along Ruston Way and Owen Beach. -IDs by Rachel Haight -photos by Ashley Whitman, January 15, 2023
17:12 - We saw them! -Kerri Hogan
17:00 - Just outside of Tyee marina. -Joon Young Yi*
16:59 - Just passed below the Cliff House Restaurant, heading northwest. Close to shore. -Blake Kremer
16:29 - From Theas looks like they're not too far off Marine View Drive, westbound, approaching the marina area.
16:22 - Still milling off the port about here [approx. 47.278328, -122.420169].
16:15 - Really deep in Commencement [Bay], right off shipping terminals. Direction unknown. From Theas. -Melissa Bird
Sorry in advance the the blissful sobbing in the background [video]. -Mollie Segall
16:07 - Deep in Commencement, middle of the bay near the buoy, off Puyallup River, currently traveling towards the port. Long down times & frequent direction changes. -Melissa Bird
16:03 - Looped around in Commencement and flipped west. Mid channel to Brown's Point side. -Ashley Whitman
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Alicia Valentino
Date of Sighting: 1/15/2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Port of Tacoma, 47.27 N, -122.45 W
Direction of travel : E
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Mother and calf spotted
Photos available?: No
15:58 - From Theas Park, deep in Commencement Bay, off the Grainery, have turned to parallel the port, towards Marine View Drive. -Melissa Bird
15:45 - Viewing from Jack Hyde Park. Continuing eastbound into Commencement Bay. -Jessica Huie
15:35 - Off Chinese Reconciliation Park. I JUST missed filming them INSIDE of the pilings! -video by Melissa Bird, January 15, 2023
15:29 - Awesome pass at Northern Fish, on their way to the hunt off Chinese Reconciliation Park. -video by Melissa Bird, January 15, 2023
15:43 - Continued eastbound travel now.
15:40 - Milling right off the back of the army ships at the moment.
15:35 - Just saw an amazing hunt RIGHT off Chinese Reconciliation Park. They came within feet of shore, chasing prey.
15:29 - Have passed Northern Fish Company eastbound with purpose. Heading deep into Commencement Bay.
15:17 - Passing Les Davis pier leisurely eastbound. -Melissa Bird
15:35 - Transient orcas hunting seals Chinese Reconciliation Park. -Stephany Zuckerman
15:15 - Just about in front of Ruston Way Park, still moving east. Can see them with a naked eye. -Bre Oakley
15:15 - There are 4 out there. -Ryan Campbell
15:12 - Committed to eastbound travel again, just east of Lobster Shop now. -Melissa Bird
15:09 - Between Lobster Shop and the yellow buoy, two adults and a baby? -Chanel Studebaker
15:03 - Out a little deeper but still close in, great viewing, Eastbound [trend]/milling off Lobster Shop. Shook seals & sea lions sheltering close to shore.
14:55 - Still off Lobster Shop, out a little deeper, milling. For those of you trying to view, plenty of parking here. Other turnouts are full.
14:49 - Right off Lobster Shop now. They began to travel east again, but started milling once more. -Melissa Bird
T124C Cooper - T124C Cooper - T124A2A - 14:50 - A couple of my favorites from when they were hunting near the Lobster Shop area. -IDs by Rachel Haight -photos by Jami Cantrell, January 15, 2023
14:47 - Can see them from Ruston Way Park. -Bre Oakley
14:46 - Hunting just west of Lobster Shop on Ruston Way. -video by Melissa Bird, January 15, 2023
14:40 - Milling just west of Lobster Shop.
14:28 - Continuing their leisurely tour of Ruston, passing the first turnout past Point Ruston now, eastbound towards port.
14:20 - Have passed Dune, eastbound, moving along Point Ruston now. -Melissa Bird
14:05 - Just passed Owen Beach. -Tiffany Curtiss
14:01 - Heading towards Dune peninsula.
13:59 - Just headed passed Owen Beach. -Sophia Fuchs Petro
13:55 - Eastbound, passing Owen Beach now headed toward Dune. -Ashley Whitman
13:35 - Right off the point at Point Defiance right now close to shore. -Ed Rickert
13:25 - [video of T124A2s & T124C]. -Corena Martinson
T124A2B & T124A2A - T124A2 - T124C Cooper -photos by Ryan Dicks, January 15, 2023
13:19 - They are confirmed northbound in the Narrows now, passing Salmon Beach.
13:08 - Confirmed still north of the bridge, possible direction change. They seem closer to Salmon Beach again.
12:57 - Seem to be favoring Tacoma side, still north of the bridge.
12:45 - Blows visible from Narrows Beach, look to be mid channel with Salmon Beach in the background. -Brooke Casanova
12:25 - Surfaced and went down. Still slow and southbound. Mid channel in front of Salmon Beach.
12:12 - I see 4 southbound in Tacoma Narrows from Salmon Beach. Slow travel. -Zeno Martin
11:55 - Look to be heading south now, last seen heading towards Point Defiance. They were surfacing frequently and then had a long down time. -Brooke Casanova
11:52 - Still milling about here. The birds have joined in after brief surface activity. Think they got their targeted meal [approx. 47.337077, -122.552260].
11:26 - Still milling in the same general area, gently, not very active, just surfacing in circles.
11:13 - Milling behavior off the south end of Sunrise Beach, mid Dalco Passage. Looks like there's a calf in this group too. Viewing from Dune.
11:07 - Mid Dalco Passage off northern tip of Sunrise Beach, southbound towards Narrows.
11:01 - Off the southwest tip of Vashon/entrance to Colvos, close to shore, westbound. Adult male has a HUGE Dorsal. These look like transients to me. -Melissa Bird
10:22 - Spotted with binoculars from the Des Moines marina. Blows off the southern tip of Vashon. -Marcie Evans
10:18 - They’re milling around the entrance to Quartermaster Harbor.
09:55 - Southbound on the south end of Maury Island. I think there might be 4. -Jasmine Morton
09:33 - Alisa Rose and Angie Heyn Stone (friends of staff member Alisa and novice whale watchers) called to report seeing who they are certain were at least 3 orcas, including who believe to be a male off Gold Beach, Vashon Island. They could see them with naked eye, orcas were about 300 yards offshore, surfaced then went down for long time. Traveling southbound.
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 15 - BC (CRC766) - The Grey Whale in Haro Strait seen in this video from Sunday, January 15, 2023 has been identified by Cascadia Research as CRC 766. -Gerald Graham
HUMPBACK WHALE - Sun, Jan 15 - Admiralty Inlet
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Jan 15 13:09 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.05136,-122.64515 [between Marrowstone and South
Whidbey State Park]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: Northbound
Submitter Name: Kit Moffitt
Whale Alert App
Sun, Jan 15 - Saratoga Passage (Two grays)
12:33 - Both feeding [approx. 48.104792, -122.443688] & [approx. -48.103460, -122.429353].
12:19 - Gray number one still in the same spot. Second inbound from the northwest. -Smith Siromaskul
11:00 - Grey in same spot. Presume feeding. Camp Diana area [approx. 48.101131, -122.432392].
10:30 - Saw blows, grey north of Mabana Shores in the Camp Diana area. Cant tell if feeding or traveling. -Marilyn Armbruster
08:30 - Monika Wieland Shields messaged to report she and Jason are seeing who they think are two gray whales south of Pebble Beach, Camano. She couldn’t see bodies but two sets of blows against the bluff.
January 14
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sat, Jan 14 - Port Susan/Possession Sound (J, K, & L Pod) - For the record: From Possession Point. Ls passed by first, then Ks, then Js. L and K pod appeared to continue south after they passed. J pod cut in close and followed the Whidbey shore west. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
We had more than 22 orcas in Port Susan. Between 11:00 - 13:00. They followed the tide line in a large arc from Tyee Beach across to Picnic Point Park and then round towards Country Club and then they turned around and reversed their path. On the northbound trip they were very spread out; on the return, they formed into two groups. Each of these groups had about 11 orcas. We were on shore and I’m guessing they were southern residents, the transients don’t seem to follow the tide line. There was plenty of out of the water spy hops and full breaches. -photos by Paul Belshaw, January 14, 2023
Backlit blows in Port Susan. - Members of J Pod rounding Possession Point. - Waving goodbye! - K20 Spock & K45 Prosper - Beautiful day! Thank you to all who shared updates and made it possible! -photos by Dori Dace, January 14, 2023
J27 Blackberry, J47 Notch, & other - J27 Blackberry on right - J26 Mike - From Tillicum Beach. -photos by Yanwei Cai, January 14, 2023
We were heading north between Hat Island and Whidbey when we spotted them. We killed the engines and were surrounded for 30 minutes or so. Really cool experience [video]. -Mitch Boyer
17:15 - Last light orca heading southbound, watching from Eglon. Hope we see them in the morning.
17:06 - Several orcas trending toward Admiralty, others southbound. Viewing from Eglon. -photo by Sue Surowiec Larkin, January 14, 2023
16:59 - They all turned west and heading toward Kitsap. So far still trending south. -Alice Thuy Talbot
16:51 - The last group passed by even closer and sound of blows filled the air. Pretty sure we had J pod here too. -Dori Dace
J16 Slick in foreground - From Possession Point State Park. -photos by Ashley Whitman, January 14, 2023
16:50 - Final third group has passed Possession State Park. Look to be headed west-ish. -photo by Amber Stanfill, January 14, 2023
Breach! - L87 Onyx, L105 Fluke, & L72 Racer -IDs by Ariel Yseth
K34 Cali, K45 Prosper, & K20 Spock -photos and IDs by Rachel Haight, January 14, 2023
16:43 - Third group has left Possession Sound and heading south into triangle. -Alice Thuy Talbot
16:39 - Seeing lots of water spouts by Possession Point from downtown Edmonds but too far for my binoculars to see much else. -Heidi Winters
16:30 - Eyes on single male orca waaaaaay out there west/southwest bound Cultus Bay line of sight from Apple Tree Point. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Bruce Didier
Date of Sighting: 1/14/2023
Time: 4:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: 1/2 mile north of Glendale, Whidbey island
Direction of travel : South, 6-8 knots
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: One
Any unusual markings?: 300 yds offshore no details
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
16:11 - Third group is approaching Glendale. I haven’t been able to look closely at photos yet, but this feels like too many to be just K & L. Has anybody peeped a J patch? -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
16:13 - Definitely coming south, leaders in the middle of the triangle with line of sight almost Eglon.
15:55 - From North Edmonds I see orcas swimming west, line of sight is the green buoy off of Scatchet Head/Useless Bay. I think they’re coming south. -Michelle Goll
16:03 - Another big group. Multiple big males. Passing south end of Clinton now.
15:53 - Seeing 3rd big group southbound midchannel. Line of sight is Mukilteo to just north of ferry terminal. Counted 16 dorsals. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
15:48 - Another group about to pass the ferry lane on Clinton side. -David Haeckel
15:48 - Second group of about 10+ exiting Possession Sound and heading south into triangle. -Alice Thuy Talbot
15:44 - Can see at least one from Sunset in Edmonds - by the channel marker as mentioned above. -Heidi Winters
15:28 - Seeing several passing Possession Point by the green channel marker. -Candace Gavin
15:27 - Seeing 5 fins looking from Mukilteo lighthouse to Camano head. Aiming southwest. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
15:28 - Another 5+ still north in between Mukilteo and Camano Head on the west side of Hat Island. Pointed west towards Sandy Point, but look to be milling.
15:26 - The second big group of 20 is near Glendale now, southbound. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jana Duffee-Braun
Date of Sighting: 1/14/2023
Time: 3:23PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 20
Where seen: Clinton, Possession Point State Park
Direction of travel : South I think, towards Seattle, deeper into the Puget Sound, a fairly steady pace.
Behaviors observed: Traveling, heading somewhere at a steady pace. Saw pectoral slap, tail lob, burp (saw and heard it letting out air of it’s blowhole).
If orcas, any males?: Unsure
Any unusual markings?: Couldn’t see that closely.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We saw at least two pods of Orcas. The first pod had 6 or more in it, very hard to judge. Then there was another pod and a group of 4 female photographers told us that this pod had about 21 in it. Apparently they were somehow tracking them.
I have some videos that I took with my iPhone 14, however it’s not the best quality. I am happy to share them if you would like. My husband also had his Sony A7RT camera with him, but they were moving at a steady pace so it was hard to get a good capture of them. In this same area we also saw a Bald Eagle and he was able to capture a great shot of it. Please let me know if you are interested in seeing that photo and any other videos and photos from this encounter. Incredible afternoon! So magnificent to see these beautiful animals!
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
15:23 - Lead group just left Possession Sound heading south into triangle. -Alice Thuy Talbot
15:15 - About 8-10 passed mid Hat Island southbound, close to Hat! -Lori Christopher
15:12 - Possession Point State Park. -Jason Cook
15:05 - Probably 20ish have passed Mukilteo/Clinton and are approaching Possession Beach. Another 15 - 20 are in between Clinton and Glendale now. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
15:09 - Down near Possession Point State Park now! Going south!
14:42 - Lead pack of about 4-5 south of the Clinton ferry. Some breaches and slaps! -David Haeckel
14:40 - Seeing several fins still southbound. Closer to Whidbey side [approx. 47.957436, -122.339199]. -Candace Gavin
14:39 - A few breaches every 10 minutes or so, quite the show! -Mark Osikowicz
14:35 - A lot more just came into view, south of Sandy Point. At least 20 grouped up there. A couple are south of Clinton, straight across from Lighthouse Park. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
From the ferry docked at Clinton. -photo by Amber Stanfill, January 14, 2023
14:36 - The lead just passed the ferry on the Clinton side going south!
14:28 - Just north of the Clinton Ferry near the houses! Still going south! -photos by David Haeckel, January 14, 2023
14:29 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine OPs, emailed to report: The MV SUQUAMISH reports, via 800MHz, 5-10 orca SB just off Clinton.
14:29 - Heading south near the ferry now! -Helen Price Johnson
14:21 - I’m only seeing maybe 5-10 blows from Mukilteo, unless all of the others are in the shadows/not visible yet. Does anyone on Whidbey have eyes on them to tell if some went up Saratoga or if there are multiple groups?
14:08 - Seeing spouts from Mukilteo now. North of Clinton, southbound. -back of camera photo by Sara Montour Lewis, January 14, 2023
14:08 - I am at lighthouse in Mukilteo and can see them between small white boat and Clinton ferry! -David Haeckel
14:04 - I can see spouts in between Sandy Point and Clinton ferry terminal heading south. Quite a few so I assume it is one of the groups. I’m on the Mukilteo side so it is hard to tell. -Carolyn Burch
14:00 - Southbound towards Clinton.
13:36 - Westbound heading towards Whidbey [approx. 48.049065, -122.376932]. -Mark Osikowicz
13:40 - Dozen or so heading towards west side Hat Island closer to Whidbey but out a bit. With the 2nd group of 12 or more a mile or so behind. And a third group just south of Camano Head by 1/4 mile. -Marilyn Armbruster
13:28 - They just headed back out of Port Susan, just head straight past Camano Head, looks like they aren't turning. -Sean Wells
13:25 - About 6 (assuming leaders) have exited Port Susan on east side of Camano Head about 1/2 mile into Possession Sound southbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
13:14 - I’m a bit north of them and there’s a group right by the tip of Camano and a group a bit further back. -Lauren Koulias
13:07 - Line of sight from Kayak Point now has them past the Camano Head line, so somewhere around here. Still in two big groups [approx. 48.064471, -122.346558].
12:59 - Still southbound. Aiming towards Camano Head. Probably 30ish in the southern most group and another 15-20 a mile or so north of them.
12:52 - Seeing a lot from Kayak Point. Two big groups of at least 15ish each. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:51 - Port Susan, Camano side, seems like near Tillicum. -Kim Williams
12:35 - Southbound south of Kayak Point midchannel. So many backlit blows all together. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:34 - So awesome seeing so many! -Lisa Oakes-Dearborn
12:00 - Viewing from Tillicum Beach in Port Susan, northbound several males, spread out. More on Stanwood side. -Linda Aitkins
12:00 - The orcas are heading toward Kayak Point. There are a lot of them! -Alexandra Muhlestein
11:32 - In Port Susan and there are several all around now.
11:21 - Coming up south of Tyee Beach heading north. Port Susan. -John C Storbeck
This morning before the Ways of Whales workshop we got a distant look of many Southern Residents (members of all three pods if not a true superpod) under snow-capped peaks in Puget Sound. They surprised us all by going at least halfway into Port Susan, a place I don't recall them ever going before! -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, January 14, 2023
11:00 - Watched about 10 or so head into Port Susan. Northbound viewing from Sandy Point area. -back of camera photo by Marilyn Armbruster, January 14, 2023
10:38 - Super far still but pretty sure I’m still seeing Ks and Ls in this group. K12 and K20 for sure, L105 and L87 maybe. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
10:20 - After much milling, appears they are finally traveling north/northwest again. Many spread out whales. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:00 - Viewing from the southside of Sandy Point and seeing a small group in line with Snohomish Delta mid channel. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:07 - Group of 7-8 with two males, near the delta has flipped and heading north past Tulalip bay, possibly into Port Susan. Foraging and hanging around the same area, hopefully finding lots of fish!
09:50 - Southbound passing the river delta [approx. 48.015847, -122.246101]. -Lori Christopher
09:45 - Judy and Tom Nowak called, they can see at least 2 females and one female over by the Mukilteo ferry heading north. They are viewing from Mission Beach.
09:30 - Seeing them foraging between Tulalip and Priest Point. Viewing from near Harborview Park, Everett. Several breaches, maybe the young one. -Greg Heiss
09:38 - Still in view. Lots of breaches. Milling & gradually trending north [approx. 48.034026, -122.285052].
09:15 - Viewing from above the marina in Langley. So many blows appear to be north/northeast. -Jason Cook
09:00 - Southeast of Sandy Point aiming towards Saratoga. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:01 - A ton just passed between Whidbey and Hat, closer to Hat side headed north, look to have turned east towards mainland. At least 7 spread way out! -Sean Nolan
08:10 - On the Mukilteo ferry and we have SRKWs crossing the ferry lanes northbound. -Justine Buckmaster
08:15 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine OPs, emailed at 08:25 - Captain reports ten orca heading north near Clinton - spotted by SUQUAMISH.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Jan 14 - Haro Strait (T75Bs & T75Cs)
A friend on the water identified these as the T75Bs and T75Cs. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
09:33 - Rounding Kellett Bluff headed north. Traversing quickly.
09:17 - At least 4 orcas on northwest side of San Juan Island heading north toward Open Bay. -M Elise Cannon [WSSJI]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Jan 14 - Haro Strait (BCY1218 Kata) - 15:50 - Humpback at Landbank. Trending north, very close to shore. -Karma Montelobo [WSSJI]
01-14-23 Humpback, Haro Strait - 15:34 - 15:45, A humpback traveling up island, northbound about 1/4 mile from shore, 1 mile south of Landbank's Westside Preserve. The humpback paused at Pt. Edwards for a minute or 2 of milling then continued up island. Even with the help of a distinctive notch in the leading edge of the dorsal I was still not able to ID. Photographed from shore, cropped and enlarged.
17:56, A humpback calling, singing, heard on the Lime Kiln Hydrophone, possibly the individual seen south of Landbank at 15:45? -Michelline Halliday, SJI -BCY1218 Kata -ID by Erin Johns Gless -photo by Michelline Halliday, January 14, 2023
Sat, Jan 14 - Puget Sound - 16:09 - Humpback is heading westbound by McNeil Island prison. Been observing about the last 15 minutes. Whale is slowly heading west and towards the Anderson Island side. -Samuel Hilbert
14:15 - Saw this one from the Narrows Bridge. Lost it after the tail slap! -Gracie Oakley
14:07 - Baleen whale heading south, south side of Narrows Bridge viewing from Hidden Beach. -photo by Cherie StOurs, January 14, 2023
13:25 - Humpback still north of Narrows Bridge mid channel.
13:04 - Heading south slow with a breach!
13:00 - Mid channel 1/2 mile north of Narrows Bridge, three blows and dive in same place. Humpback. -Susan White
10:53 - Heading west/south, possibly rounded the point toward Narrows Bridge by now. Finally had one quick view of the flukes.
10:35 - Baleen whale, looks like a humpback, close to the tip of Point Defiance. -Charlie Wright
Humpback whale (and Gray whale), Glencoe Cove, Haro Strait, BC - Below is a link to a compilation of videos of the unidentified Humpback and a Grey Whale in Haro Strait, filmed Saturday afternoon, January 14, 2023 - one year to the day after I shot the first known video of CRC 2440, who remains in the Salish Sea.
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 14 - Gray whale (and Humpback whale), Glencoe Cove, Haro Strait, BC - - (CRC766) - NOTE: CRC766 showed up March 2022 around same location, prior to that, 766 was IDed just once on 9/30/2000 off Gordon Head, Haro Strait! - CRC766 From Glencoe Cove -photos by Jenna Darcie, January 14, 2023
Below is a link to a compilation of videos of the unidentified Grey Whale in Haro Strait, filmed Saturday afternoon, January 14, 2023 - one year to the day after I shot the first known video of CRC 2440, who remains in the Salish Sea.
11:30 - 13:00 - Gray whale in Haro Strait, seen from Glencoe Cove, BC. Appeared to be feeding, repeatedly surfacing 2-3 times before diving for about 5 minutes. I only got left side and partial fluke photos. Body condition doesn't look great to me, there's a big dip behind the skull and the top of the scapula is visible. -photos by Serena Tierra, January 14, 2023
Sat, Jan 14 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - 13:38 - A few minutes ago along the sea wall in Langley.
13:27 - [video of Earhart].
13:19 - Gray closing in on Langley. Southbound. -photo by Jason Cook, January 14, 2023
12:00 - Grey whale at Bells Beach heading south towards Langley. -Josh Stephens
January 13
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Fri, Jan 13 - Puget Sound (J, K, & L Pod)
17:12 - Another group of 4 orcas slowly moving close to beach just south of Fay Bainbridge. Beautiful in the waning light.
17:00 - Many more orcas southbound midchannel in ones and twos. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
16:55 - Saw a breach directly west of Shilshole. Southbound. -Sarah Sing
16:30 - 6-8 orcas midchannel. Southbound approaching Golden Gardens in a couple groups. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
16:33 - They’re more midchannel now, still south.
16:22 - Seeing 6 heading south, looking from Fay Bainbridge. -Kirsten Martel
16:19 - Just saw them go past President Point headed south. -Corrie Beamer Urquhart
15:29 - Viewing from Kayu Kayu Ac. All appear to be south of the ferry. Leaders are approaching Indianola, others directly out in front of us. Kitsap side, southbound. -Tamara Kelley, Orca Conservancy
15:14 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 15:23 to report: KALEETAN Orca Report 1/13/2023 1514hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz they have slowed due to 15-20 orca, SB, due east of KING. Pod is moving slowly to the south.
15:09 - Couple dozen out in front of Kingston ferry. Ferry can’t go. -Dianna Cowden Root
L115 Mystic - J26 Mike - L110 Midnight - L91 Muncher -IDs by Monika Wieland Shields
15:00 - All seem to have passed Apple Tree Point southbound we had an incredible close pass. As two small groups foraged briefly in front of the house 20 yards offshore then continued south towards Kingston! -photos by Donna Green Van Renselaar, January 13, 2023
L110 Midnight -ID by Melisa Pinnow
14:50 - Pass off Apple Tree. Whales EVERYWHERE! -photos by Sara Frey, January 13, 2023
14:55 - Just had the most wonderful call from Sara Frey and Donna Van Renselaar reporting and sharing pure bliss of observing a lot of southbound SRKWs, some 20 yards from shore off Apple Tree Point. Others spread mid-channel to Kitsap side and to south of ferry traffic lanes. They have seen them stream by for 30 minutes and believe more than juts Ks present. They think trailers just passed them. So much heart happy joy in their voices, intoxicating.
14:52 - Kingston North Beach. They were southbound and at least 15. -Dianna Cowden Root
14:29 - So many whales in groups of 6-8 spread all the way approaching north Edmonds back to Maxwelton line of sight, southbound travel and lots of surface activity with breaches. Kitsap side of midchannel - ferry lanes aren’t far off. From Apple Tree Point. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
14:20 - Quite spread out. Still to the north of Apple Tree Point Kingston. Lots of surface activity. Could definitely be more than just K pod. West side of shipping lanes. One of those days where they are everywhere. Lots, too many to count.
14:05 - Appear to mostly be stalled. Seems to be straight out from Eglon.
14:00 - At least one group coming into view from Apple Tree Point traveling from Eglon. Kitsap side. -Sara Frey
13:30 - Seeing 6-8 orcas from Eglon southbound quickly. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
13:15 - From Sunset in Edmonds, all of the orcas that I see are headed south out in the Triangle line of sight is Eglon or slightly south. -Michelle Goll
13:12 - They’re heading south.
13:08 - They’re all hanging around here, at least for the last 10+ minutes. Big group but they surface and disappear so quickly hard to get a count [approx. 47.868384, -122.465115]. -Alice Thuy Talbot
12:30 - Looking south from Scatchet Head - I see several blows and a couple fins in the middle of the triangle. Appear to be foraging from my distant view. -Dori Dace
12:20 - Saw a couple fins as we went by, heading into Kingston! Northbound. Midchannel. -Eileen Smoke
11:50 - Eyes on them. South of Point No Point. Heading north slowly. -Barbara Gamrath
11:00 - Moving northeast at a slow pace. They are past Apple Tree Point Kingston and possibly headed into the triangle versus Admiralty. Lots of surface activity, breaching, tail lobs, spy hops, etc.
10:50 - Steady but slow northbound with some foraging activity. Group of 5+ but was another group behind at one point that I lost track of. -Sara Frey
10:22 - Sara Frey called back (she also posted here). Sharing call to add details: she said large group still present, looked to have flipped as they are coming back her way facing northbound, but also making directional changes. Big male, another breach. Lots of tail lobs. Floating along in the water not quite surfacing enough to get good saddle images. Around the ferry lanes transect Apple Tree Point and Tank Farm (Point Wells, Woodway).
10:20 - Northbound now. Kitsap side near ferry.
10:00 - Past the Edmonds/Kingston ferry line now. Mid/west channel, slow southbound. Lots of tail lobs.
-Sara Frey
09:46 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine OPs, emailed at 09:48 to report: Captain reports 4 Orca near Apple Tree Cove possibly heading South - spotted by PUYALLUP.
09:45 - Eastbound Kingston ferry slowed for orcas to both north and south. Whales are southbound. -Mary Bond
09:35 - Sara Frey called to report initially that she was seeing one male orca slowly heading southbound off Apple Tree Point, Kingston. While on the phone more and more started appearing. First a few and then many more. She estimates at least 10 whales, 2 males, and others mid channel foraging while trending southbound. Someone spy hopped, the initial male (who she though could be Mike) was moving slowly south on west side of channel. They are just north of the Edmonds/Kingston ferry traffic lanes. She cannot say with certainty, and they may be too far to show get saddle photos, but she thinks they are residents.
09:00 - Volunteer Sarah Sing called to relay report she received of orcas off Point Jefferson.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Jan 13 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T75Bs & T75Cs) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #1: “Mark and Joe departed Victoria on Mike 1 just before 1400 after Gord, from his "Crow's Nest", reported several eastbound killer whales nearing Constance Bank. They acquired the whales drifting slowly east off the eastern edge of the Bank and started the encounter at 1420. The first whales to surface were a mob of juveniles and calves, apparently Bigg’s, whose identity remained hidden until matriarch T075C appeared 100m north of them. She and another animal, later identified as T075B, paced the youngsters as the entire group worked their way east against a moderate ebb current…” Read more at Center for Whale Research Encounter #1.
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 13 - Haro Strait (CRC766 & humpback) - Humpback and gray together in Haro Strait. -photos by Jenna Darcie, January 13, 2023
18:39 - Update [via Gerald Graham]: Friend who took photo thinks it is a small humpback. [confirmed]. @BrynARedding tweet -Bryn A Redding
16:02 - Second whale. Different ecotype. Video to follow for help with ID. Filmed both in same sequence. Please confirm ID, if possible. I will send you stills taken by a friend, who gave me permission to forward them for ID purposes. 14:49 - Grey whale off of Glencoe Cove in Haro Strait. Video to follow. -Gerald Graham
There is also a Grey Whale off of Glencoe Cove in Haro Strait this morning. Here is a link to my video clip of it, along with a humpback, from yesterday - Friday, January 13, 2023, at 3:23 PM: -Gerald Graham
January 12
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 12 - North Saratoga Passage (CRC2440) - We've got our first gray friend sighting of the year today! This big fella was feeding right outside our house, and eventually ducked under for a few minutes and then popped up south of here and out further in the channel. -photos by Marianne Parry, January 12, 2023
Thu, Jan 12 - South Saratoga Passage - 11:51 - Gray whale to the left of the whale bell in Langley. Was feeding, and has now moved on pointed southeast. -back of camera photo by Tiffany Jo, January 12, 2023
January 11
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Wed, Jan 11 - Saratoga Passage (J Pod)
So cool to get to see them today! -photos by Charvet Drucker, January 11, 2023
Little nugget. -photos by Tamara Kelley, January 11, 2023
18:25 - Nighttime picnic with Tamara Kelley at Langley Seawall Park. Pretty sure we did hear them pass a little while ago! -Silver Hubble
16:27 - They have passed Hidden Beach. Mid channel, still spread out. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
16:17 - Passed Cama Beach heading south still good pace. Still visible from Hidden Beach. Spread out. -Silver Hubble
16:01 - Just saw those myself, was hoping they would come down Whidbey side. Far away from me. -photo by Aaron Gill, January 11, 2023
16:00 - We are seeing them just north of Camano State Park now. Hugging Whidbey side. -Charvet Drucker
J22 Oreo -ID by Brendon Bissonnette
J16 Slick - 15:20 - Just south of Race Lagoon most if not all of J pod passed by southbound in one large loose group fairly close to Whidbey, with some at the buoy line. You could hear their blows, so so lovely.
15:01 - Midchannel steady southbound, still grouping up more, approaching area of Race Lagoon.
14:51 - All passed Harrington Lagoon southbound, more grouped but still spread and faster than they've been all day. -photos by Rachel Haight, January 11, 2023
14:31 - They are headed back south.
14:06 - Viewing from Long Point looking toward tip of Camano. Seeing distant blows. Looks like a direction change. They may be headed back south. Foraging at green buoy.
14:16 - No committed direction. 10-15 near green channel marker.
13:27 - I’ve seen a few still heading north from nearing Demock. I’m watching from Whidbey side. Last I saw, still northbound. Very spread. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:47 - 15 orcas scattered for about a half miles south of Onamac, Camano side. Appear to be feeding.
12:35 - Pod still tracking north mid channel but taking their time. Spent the last 30 minutes still out in front of our house. Have not made it to Onamac yet. Gray passed traveling south close to Camano side. Lucky me. -Patricia Phillips
11:56 - Still heading north mid channel and spread out. Just south of Onamac Point. -Marie Heil
11:41 - I see distant blows looking from the road near Camano Inn. -Terese DeBoer Drummond
11:31 - Viewing from Cama. See J pod straight across, Hidden Beach northbound. Midchannel. Spread out. -Linda Aitkins
11:16 - Cindi Rausch called to report from Hidden Beach, Whidbey: looking back towards Baby Island Heights she can see J pod coming into view as they continue northbound travels. Pod is still super spread out, she is seeing blows and fins here and there, but they are still approaching
11:09 - Viewed mid channel off North Bluff. -Bob Kruger
11:03 - Viewing from Camano Island State Park. J pod northbound spread out mid channel passing Baby Island. -Linda Aitkins
J40 Suttles - J26 Mike - 11:00 - Rachel Haight messaged to report J pod continues northbound travels spread across Saratoga Passage from Whidbey to Camano Island State Park and a bit north/south. -photos by Rachel Haight, January 11, 2023
J26 Mike - 10:50 - Spread out and appeared that all have passed Camano State Park, northbound.
10:30 - North of Mabana Shores. -back of camera photo by Marilyn Armbruster, January 11, 2023
10:07 - Just passing Summerland headed towards Mabana. We count 6 with a baby. -Diana Guild
10:00 - Spread out group including J26 approaching Bells Beach area. Slow travel, very spread, long down times. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:48 - Rachel Haight messaged again to say J27 Blackberry is present! He is passing by off Langley now mid-channel. He often is trailing so looks like most of pod is north of Langley now.
09:41 - 09:43 - Rachel Haight arrived on scene and is seeing spread out whales off Langley traveling northbound. At least 7 including two males off. Big breach off Langley.
09:36 - I’m revising my earlier post. There are several - at least 7 and they are well spread across the channel. Slowly heading north approaching Langley Harbor.
09:28 - Now they are mid-channel moving slowly north.
09:20 - They are heading into Saratoga Passage now and not in a hurry. Heading northwest towards Langley closer to Whidbey side. At least 4, possibly more.
09:16 - [orca] Now we see 4 with one male. They are heading more north toward Camano Head and are about mid-channel.
09:09 - We’ve got orcas right at Sandy Point [Whidbey] at the entrance to Saratoga Passage. They are a bit far from us but there are at least 2 and there is a lot of splashing and jumping. Possibly on a kill? -Luanne Seymour
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Jan 11 - San Juans - 09:09 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine OPs, emailed to report: MV SEALTH W/H reports, via 800MHz, small pod of orca (6) moving WB in Cayou Channel north of the SHAW Terminal.
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Jan 11 - North Saratoga Passage - 12:35 - Gray passed traveling south close to Camano side [south of Onamac Point]. -Marie Heil
Wed, Jan 11 - South Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch)
16:10 - Gray whale Little Patch is out from Baby Island and entrance to Holmes Harbor appears to be now angling southwest toward Holmes Harbor [approx. 48.101886, -122.523947].
16:00 - Have passed Camano State Park northbound, actually heading northwesterly-bound? Whidbey side of mid channel.
15:45 - Little Patch passing Camano State Park. Little bit of sunlight on him. Not too far away J Pod and possibly another gray all within a few miles of each other. So awesome.
15:30 - Marilyn Armbruster messaged with report of gray whale (including back of camera image of CRC53 Little Patch) between south end Elger Bay, Camano and Whidbey heading northbound Whidbey side of mid channel.
14:50 - Mid channel between Mabana Shores and Fox Spit traveling northbound. -Marilyn Armbruster -back of camera photo by Marilyn Armbruster, January 11, 2023
13:07 - It's a day for whales on the Passage! Single gray whale mid Saratoga Passage, between Langley and Summerland, headed north. Enjoy whale day! -Diana Guild [CWW]
11:45 - Saw gray mid channel between Langley Marina and Pebble Beach appearing northbound. Assuming same gray? -Marilyn Armbruster
10:54 - Definitely a gray. It’s just a tad northwest of Sandy Point feeding. Not close enough for an ID.
10:46 - [Gray] It changed direction. I think it’s going into Sandy Point area to feed now.
10:43 - It [gray] is right at Sandy Point now and looks to be heading around the southeast end of Whidbey.
10:32 - Baleen whale milling near Sandy Point. Heading southeast. -Luanne Seymour
January 10
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Tue, Jan 10 - Puget Sound (J Pod) - 17:07 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 17:25 to report: TACOMA Orca Report 1/10/2023 1706hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz they have slowed due to 4 orca moving east bound into Elliott Bay, north of Duwamish Head. Other route vessels acknowledge the traffic.
16:40 - Blows and dorsal fins spotted off the 4:40 ferry to Bainbridge heading into Elliott bay! -Josie Meier
16:36 - Appears majority are now past Discovery, now west of Elliot Bay. -Tamara Kelley, Orca Conservancy
16:33 - Just saw small fins from north of Magnolia view point. -Fusako Nozaka
15:53 - They're passing right by [Discovery Park lighthouse]! -Boston Nyer
15:17 - At least 1 large male dorsal came up mid channel to Bainbridge side. Already south of me at Fay Bainbridge Park. Still southbound. -Candace Gavin
15:15 - Passing Fay Bainbridge Park southbound. At least 4 whales west of midchannel quickly passed Golden Gardens southbound. 3 males. 1 female, longish downtimes. -photos by Sue Surowiec Larkin, January 10, 2023
15:20 - Saw some fins in the distance milling from Rolling Bay to Fay Bainbridge.
14:53 - Very spread and foraging.
14:33 - Still very slow southbound.
14:29 - Looks like they’ve stalled to forage midchannel off Richmond Beach.
14:16 - All southbound just west of midchannel from Richmond Beach to Jefferson Head. -Whale Scout
13:52 - Leaders of this spread out group of 12-15 is approaching the yellow mid channel buoy between President Point, Kingston and Richmond Beach. Steady southbound travel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:47 - Leader just coming into view from Richmond Beach, midchannel and southbound. -Whale Scout
13:37 - The orcas are just south of the ferry lines, mid-channel. -Kristel Dillon
13:40 - Who believe are leaders are south of Kingston due west of Kayu Kayu Ac, Shoreline steady southbound mid channel to slightly west of with others trailing back to Kingston/Point Wells at least.
13:22 - This group now due west of Point Wells, Woodway, and seeing blows of others trailing.
13:18 - Nice group, including at least one male, about in the ferry lanes, mid channel or just west of. Steady southbound travel. Choppy seas do not make for optimal viewing but wow what a gorgeous day. Map is general location [approx. 47.801012, -122.445282]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:19 - Watching from Eglon. Lots of surface activity, spy hops and breaches. Spread out from north of ferry, mid channel to towards Kitsap side. Milling but looks like they’re trending southbound. -Jaymi Davison Garvett
13:19 - The orcas are still heading south nearly to the Kingston ferry area. -Kristel Dillon
J26 Mike - 13:15 - Group passed off Apple Tree Point. Couple of large males, females too. Open saddle on one male. At or past the Edmonds/Kingston ferry lane now. Steady southbound. -photos by Sara Frey, January 10, 2023
13:17 - What I believe is the leaders approaching the ferry lanes now. Southbound midchannel. Viewing from Kingston with line of sight Edmonds ferry dock.
13:05 - Can see blows coming into view from Kingston ferry. Still north of ferry lines. Looks to be midchannel. Southbound travel. -Candace Gavin
12:50 - They are just north of the ferry now departing Kingston. -Whale Scout
12:43 - Majority of group about here [approx. 47.824596, -122.462208] now still steady southbound. -Alice Thuy Talbot
Saw a few dorsals and a couple of blows! They were on the Kingston side. Still got the special feeling inside. -David Haeckel
11:55 - Found a few others who are just coming into view past the south tip of Whidbey about here. Heading south [approx. 47.864385, -122.468896].
11:38 - I see one still near Eglon heading south [approx. 47.875626, -122.473279]. -Alice Thuy Talbot
10:55 - Some still grouped, others a little more spread as they continue south. If I had to guess location, probably approaching Eglon area. You should spot their blows easily as they are LIGHTING up in the sunshine. Good luck!
10:50 - Perspective is so far, I don't think they were quite to Point No Point earlier like I thought but are definitely past it now. Still southbound Kitsap side, very very far from me but seeing all those backlit blows come up at once just takes your breath away.
10:40 - Continuing southbound. Appears they will favor Kitsap side as they head in. At least one male leading 1/2 mile further south.
10:35 - 12+ in 2 nice groups, beautiful backlit blows southbound probably just south of Point No Point.
10:32 - Earlier saw at least 4-5. Have relocated to Double Bluff seeing at least 2 southbound ~ mid channel to Kitsap side of mid-channel. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:18 - Rachel called back after moving locations. She cannot say with 100% certainty but is fairly certain the orcas are heading southbound.
10:00 - Rachel called to say she found orcas south end Mutiny Bay near the green channel marker near Double Bluff. Orcas are non-directional at this time, she has seen whales facing both directions.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Jan 10 - Haro Strait - 15:43 - It’s a humpback, so far I’ve only seen one, currently milling couple hundred yards off Sunset Point. Observing from County Park. -S.J. Islander [WSSJI]
15:15 - Whales just off Smuggler’s Cove. -Raquel Rocky Lackey [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 10 - Saratoga Passage (CRC2440) - 19:30 - Gray is back this evening, Hidden Beach. -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
16:24 - Gray just passed very close to shore at Camano State Park traveling northbound at a fast pace. -Krista Paulino
12:30 - By Hidden Beach. -photos by Aaron Gill, January 10, 2023
12:35 - Now done foraging and slowly traveling southbound, now just south of Hidden Beach.
12:18 - Still here.
11:54 - Still here feeding just north of Hidden Beach. So pretty in the beautiful sunshine. -photos by Rachel Haight, January 10, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Bob VonDrachek
Date of Sighting: 1/10/2023
Time: 11:30 AM
Species seen: gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Hidden Beach, Greenbank, Whidbey Island
Direction of travel : not travelling
Behaviors observed: feeding near shore
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org -photos by Bob VonDrachek, January 10, 2023
11:22 - Gray whale still feeding at Hidden Beach, further out with the tide receding. -Katie Davis Watkins, Orca Network
10:00 - Gray whale in Saratoga Passage feeding off Hidden Beach, Whidbey. -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
January 9
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Mon, Jan 9 - Puget Sound (J Pod)
16:21 - Between Bainbridge and Manchester southbound west of mid channel.
16:10 - Distant dorsals off south tip of Bainbridge Island southbound west of mid channel view from Constellation Park. -Mary Hartmann
15:52 - Additional 4 more whales spotted – total of 9.
15:22 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Opes emailed to report: orca whales 1/9 @ 1522hrs Tacoma Master reports a pod of orca (4-5) southbound near the Tyee buoy.
15:40 - Last sighting near Restoration Point, Bainbridge.
15:32 - Commuters getting quite a show, off Eagle Harbor. -photo by Matt McCulloch, January 9, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Meredith Everett
Date of Sighting: 1/9/2023
Time: 3:30 PM
Species seen: Orca, probably Biggs
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Just off Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, seen from ferry
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Spy hopping, breaching, diving, possibly hunting
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
The wind and chop did not get in the way of this adorable play puddle taken from West Point Lighthouse at Discovery park [video]. They were too far to get a positive ID. -Orca Conservancy
15:00 - Saw an orca breach from the ferry today (Seattle -> Bainbridge 3pm) @orcanetwork -Tweet by Tim Freeman @peakscale Link
15:15 - Just left West Point, mucky rain/winds. J pod was more west side of the channel steady southbound. Longish downtimes.
14:23 - More than 3 passing West Point Lighthouse including a baby southbound midchannel. -T.L. Stokes
13:45 - J pod still slow southbound, spread from Skiff Point to Fay Bainbridge, still favoring the west side of the Sound. Viewing from Sunset Park with clear view but more rain coming. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
13:45 - I just saw several engaged in surface activity (breaches or cartwheels) in this general area. Southbound travel [approx. 47.664372, -122.480975].
13:10 - Large groups continuing southbound travels. Can see clumps of illuminated exhalations with occasional shine of backs of sun hits them. Weather is so moody making visibility wonky; sometimes decent and sometimes very difficult. Pod is sightline transect Richmond Beach Saltwater Park and south of Fay Bainbridge. Approximately 1.5 miles south of 12:30 update. Wonder still if leaders earlier well ahead or if grouped in here. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
From: Andrew Wilson
Date and Time Sighting Observed: 2023-01-09 01:20 PM
Marine Mammal Type: Orca (Killer Whale) SRKW
If SRKW, select pod/s: Pod Unknown
If other:
Number of Marine Mammals Observed:
Country: Within US International Boundary
General Location: Other
If other: NE of Port Madison in Port Madison Bay.
Describe what you saw: Multiple Orcas (3 or 4) swimming aggressively. 1 broached. Pod was heading south. Video on Instagram:
12:42 - General location [approx. 47.727240, -122.453604]. Large groups, easily 20 between them. Wondering if whales from my earlier report stalled and some circled back or just the rest of the pod closed gap? Numbers look like could be whole pod. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:35 - Viewing from Fay Bainbridge Park. Large, tight group trending south. Mid channel. Watching with my scope. Tough viewing with capping waves and tons of timber-whales! -Kimberly Sylvester
12:30 - J pod southbound off north end Port Madison. Multiple groups spread mid-channel to Kitsap side. Watching from Sunset Park in Ballard where visibility Is improved after rain squall. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
12:30 - Seeing very large groups south of Jefferson Head grouped, looked in at least two groups powering southbound in the chop. Beautiful illuminated blows and sun bathing their backs.
11:48 - Just pulled into Richmond Beach. Seeing many J pod members off here transect south of Jefferson Head mid channel to west of so far. Younger one is breaching west of mid channel southeast of Jefferson Head. There is as male northwest of them, many others to the south. All southbound. Windy and rain passing over now and squall coming from the west, visibility waning [approx. 47.739443, -122.443730]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:45 - Southbound 3/4 mile off President Point and Jefferson Head (3 miles south of Kingston). In and just west of the southbound vessel traffic lane. Viewed from my sailing vessel. No photos due to stormy conditions. Approx. 9-10? Three here, four there, another few a bit behind. Fins, tails, backs. -Raleigh Watts
11:30 - A few whales now south of Indianola, southbound.
11:08 - One visible from Richmond beach. Southbound. South of Kingston and north of Indianola.
11:03 - I had seen a female from Kayu Kayu ac. My service was being fussy so I couldn’t update sooner. I moved to Richmond Saltwater Beach, haven’t seen anything here yet -Tamara Kelley, Orca Conservancy
J16 Slick trying to catch the ferry - J16 Slick - J27 Blackberry
10:40 - Male was trailing behind mom and baby but all have passed now.
10:34 - Mom and baby approaching westbound ferry which had been stopped but then started across again.
10:30 - Rounding Apple Tree Point, heading towards westbound Edmonds-Kingston ferry. They were barely surfacing as they traveled, mostly saw the upper 1/3-1/4 of dorsal tips and little tail splashes, and long down times. Occasionally came up a little higher in the chop and wind. Traveling with purpose! Did see at least 5 unique individuals on the Kitsap side.
-photos by Donna Green Van Renselaar, January 9, 2023
J16 Slick - 10:30 - Pass by, large male, several females, juvenile. We have open saddles.
10:17 - At least two females southbound Kitsap side. -photos by Sara Frey, January 9, 2023
10:15 - Male north of Apple Tree Point southbound. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
09:45 - One big guy following behind.
09:35 - They may have flipped south. I just saw 2-3 heading south now [approx. 47.863613, -122.447802].
08:36 - Most seem to have their dorsal pointed towards Mukilteo.
08:32 - My unqualified uneducated guess is it’s the residents they’re spread out everywhere in Possession triangle.
08:15 - I just saw a breach more south of where they were so likely trending south now. Unless it was one of a larger group. And just as I write this I saw another breach in the same spot as original.
07:56 - Look to be milling around now. Long down times.
07:47 - Orcas swimming northeast in Possession Triangle, they’re just southeast of the Possession Point [South Whidbey Island]. I’ve seen maybe 3-4. -Alice Thuy Talbot
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Jan 9 - Haro Strait (BCY1218 Kata)
13:17 - Still hanging around. Now very close to shore and headed south toward Smuggler’s cove.
11:08 - Small humpback (same as yesterday) is back. Heading north close to shore northwest side San Juan Island very close to the mouth of Mitchell Bay. -M Elise Cannon [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 9 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - 11:15 - Gray whale Saratoga Passage mid-channel across from Summerland. No direction. Headed towards Summerland beach (private beach, no access). About 1/2 mile S of Mabana. Thanks to photos from Jennifer Feldman Spanton, Alisa Lemire Brooks was able to ID CRC22 Earhart, her first documented day of her return to the area! So glad to see her back, and big thanks to Jennifer for sharing photos with us and a good reminder of why photo documentation is so important! -photos by Jennifer Feldman Spanton, January 9, 2023
Mon, Jan 9 - Saratoga Passage
15:45 - Still feeding at Hidden Beach.
13:41 - Gray at Hidden Beach. Feeding. -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
12:24 - Finally heading south about a mile north of Hidden Beach, still close to the shore. Full steam ahead.
11:28 - Going in circles feeding right now.
11:24 - Gray whale close to shore Whidbey side 2 miles north of Hidden Beach. -photos by Aaron Gill, January 9, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Mieke Lee
Date of Sighting: 1/8/2023
Time: 8:15 AM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Headed north right off the shore of Woodland Beach and Rockaway/Madrone on Camano W side
Direction of travel : N fast pace
Behaviors observed: Traveling breathing
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
January 8
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 8 - Puget Sound (J Pod) - Video [FB comment] from Point Robinson pass! Watch until the end for extra baby cuteness. This was the first pass my 2.5 year old daughter really understood, and she was so excited! -Grace McRae
Viewing at Dune. - photo by Cherie StOurs, January 8, 2023
Off Dune this evening. - Here’s the baby breach. -photos by Amber Stanfill, January 8, 2023
16:53 - Here's the closer pass off Dune with baby breaching/pec slapping. Looks like I'm seeing two mom/calf pairs here! -video by Melissa Bird, January 8, 2023
17:00 - Spread out all over the West side of Dalco Passage, from just north of Sunrise Beach, to the tip of Vashon, foraging behavior, some breaching.
16:53 - Was watching what looked like a mom & calf frolic their way across the passage, close to Vashon side when I heard blows close in to me. Just had 4 pass us westbound, with what looked like another calf, who did a beautiful breach!
16:44 - Several passing Dune spread all across the channel, westbound. -Melissa Bird
16:32 - Some heading west into Dalco passage, still spread out. -Brooke Casanova
16:22 - Still southbound passing Quartermaster Harbor as seen from above The Ram on Ruston. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
16:20 - Approaching Dune Peninsula! Possibly heading towards Dalco Passage, a little early to tell. Spread across the mouth of East Passage. -Brooke Casanova
16:15 - 2 at least are foraging off Commencement Bay. Viewing from Brown’s Point. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
16:12 - Heads up to Point Defiance/Dune. They are split up but headed your way. -Mollie Segall
16:11 - Still southbound approaching channel marker. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
15:26 - Three breaches viewed from Brown’s Point. Closer to Vashon near Gold Beach. -Mollie Segall
16:29 - 4 adults and 1 baby. -Betsy Sproger
15:26 - Point Robinson earlier today [video]. -Jake Conroy
15:18 - Seeing fins southbound. Looking from Dash Point Pier to Gold Beach Vashon. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
J38 Cookie - 14:39 - Very spread out, some close in to shore, past Point Robinson now, southbound fast, some porpoising, such a beautiful pass! -photos by Marla Smith, January 8, 2023
Calf is J58 - J38 Cookie - 14:39 - From Point Robinson. -photos by Jami Cantrell, January 8, 2023
14:32 - Seeing from Marine View Park. Southbound midchannel. -Liza Deras
14:29 - Spotted from the Des Moines marina. -Marcie Evans
14:29 - Seeing one from Des Moines marina. Midchannel or closer to Vashon side. -Bridget Gallagher
14:25 - Approaching Point Robinson still southbound.
14:13 - Seeing leaders from Point Robinson foraging, mid channel to island side, in line with just south of Three Tree [Point]. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
13:11 - Staff member Marla Smith called in to report they have seen at least one male and several others spread out, totaling at least 6 at beginning of our conversation, several more were showing while on the call, so up to at least 8-10 orcas. They are spread wide out from and south of Glen Acres, Vashon mostly mid channel to mainland and appear to be foraging. Thanks to Marla for sending back of camera image by volunteer Kelly Keenan of J38 Cookie! And thanks Kelly! -back of camera photo by Kelly Burns Keenan, January 8, 2023
13:04 - Seeing at least four heading southbound approaching Dilworth. They seem fairly spread out. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
13:00 - They are through the ferry lanes, in line with Dolphin Point, mid channel favoring mainland side, spread out, in travel mode southbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
12:53 - Just saw orcas from the Vashon/Fauntleroy ferry - they are heading south and closer to the Vashon side. My first time seeing them - so amazing! -Emily Hendrickson [PSWS]
11:38 - Multiple orcas near Bainbridge. Ferry had to stop! -Kristin Cesca
11:04 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 12:25 to report: C/M reports 7 orca moving in the southbound direction, just off of the SB traffic lanes - spotted by WENATCHEE. KITTITAS just confirmed they are near FAU now.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Jan 8 - Haro Strait (BCY1218 Kata)
15:45 - Assuming it’s the same whale. Headed north toward Kellett Bluff.
10:50 - Humpback turned around at Open Bay. Headed back toward shore and heading south Westside SJI.
09:52 - Small humpback close to shore northwest side SJI heading north toward Mitchell Bay and Mosquito Pass. -M Elise Cannon [WSSJI]
January 7
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Jan 7 - Saratoga Passage (T36 & T36Bs) - T36B3 Chip, T36B1 Bhotia on left -photos by Dori Dace, January 7, 2023
Sat, Jan 7 - Saratoga Passage (T36/36Bs) - Orcas off Baby Island. They had just killed a California sea lion. Florian Graner, Marine Biologist sent us (Orca Network) images obtained via drone taken under Federal Permit earlier of who we could ID as who we suspected the T36/36Bs. Florian confirms family made a meal of a California sea lion.
From Sandy Point, [video] we were losing light fast. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
16:40 - Passing Sandy Point, southbound back closer to Whidbey.
16:20 - Can see them from Whale Bell, still southbound more on the Camano side. Lots of surface activity and breaching. -Durand Dace
15:13 - They have moved on actively and slowly but picking up pace towards or out from Bells Beach area. Whidbey side and somewhat close to Whidbey, southbound.
14:35 - South of Baby Island, somewhat in the middle of the Baby Island/Camano State Park and Fox Spit but Whidbey side of channel. On a kill, milling. Quite active.
13:59 - I see at least three milling around Baby Island.
13:30 - [My] neighbor David says they are still out there milling. [Likely on meal].
12:55 - Received text from my friend/neighbor orcas about mid Baby Island Heights heading southeast towards Langley. -Marilyn Armbruster
Images taken under NOAA-NMFS Permit 26599, January 7, 2023
11:30 - Heading south toward Hidden Beach 1.5 miles north. I think I saw three or four, there were two medium size and a small one. -photos by Aaron Gill, January 7, 2023
12:28 - Looked like 2. I could hear them better than I could see them.
12:18 - They are across from Camano State Park closer to Whidbey side. Moving south quickly. -photo by Charvet Drucker, January 7, 2023
09:53 - Bonnie Gretz called to replay report from her friend who spotted at least 2 orcas off Long Point, Whidbey heading towards Snakelum Point (or Snatelum on maps). That would mean south/southeast direction.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Jan 7 - San Juan Channel - 14:46 - Two humpbacks right outside Friday Harbor. -Dorothy Hornbeck [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 7 - Saratoga Passage - 15:45 - Between Whidbey and Hat [Island] closer to Whidbey side, came south and now headed back north towards Sandy Point. -Sean Nolan
15:10 - Just resurfaced and they are now heading south towards Clinton.
15:06 - Almost to Sandy Point. Both swimming side by side heading southeast. -Luanne Seymour
14:55 - Both are still southbound just past the [Langley] harbor, but north of Sandy Point. -Durand Dace
14:43 - We just saw them at Seawall Park in Langley. They are heading south. -Fusako Nozaka
13:36 - I can confirm they are southbound! -Charvet Drucker
13:20 - What appears to be 2 gray whales just passed in front of Bells Beach. Southbound. -Kristin Platt Rose
January 6
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Jan 6 - San Juan Channel - 14:59 - Humpback in San Juan Channel headed toward Friday Harbor. -Michelle Seidelman [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 6 - Holmes Harbor (CRC2440) - 14:20 - 17:00 - Florian Graner sent a report and images gray whale CRC2440 feeding in Holmes Harbor taken under NMFS Permit # 26599: “…appeared in front of Beverly Beach. The old boy appeared big and round and still hungry for more. From 2:20pm to 5pm (darkness) he was slowly working his way from the Beverly Beach Spit in Holmes Harbor northbound making feeding loops into the intertidal area feeding on Ghost Shrimp. He only covered a few hundred yards during this time.”
January 5
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Jan 5 - Port Susan (T36 & T36Bs)
11:15 - The orca pod passed by Pirates Cove, Tillicum and last seen about 2000 feet off Tyee Beach heading south.
10:17 - Last report was from Country Club Beach 2 - Midchannel heading south. -John C Storbeck
T36 Flapjack on right - T36B3 Chip - T36B1 Bhotia -IDs by Rachel Haight
09:16 - At least three that went north of Kayak Point, mid-channel.
08:53 - Seeing at least two orcas just off McKees Beach in Port Susan. I’m at Kayak Point, spotting with binoculars. -back of camera photos by Linda Raines Tyner, January 5, 2023
09:10 - At least 3 off McKees. Update - After reviewing video there were 5 at McKees not 3.
07:43 - I have a report from Tulalip Shores of 5 orca heading north. The report [from original reporting party] They were very close to our buoy line, loitered a bit then appeared to head towards middle and north. -John C Storbeck
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 5 - Saratoga Passage - 15:45 - I spotted a gray whale feeding off of Edgecliff Drive this afternoon. It stayed there for about 15-20 minutes and then it looked like it was heading towards Camano Island. -Allyson
January 4
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Wed, Jan 4 - Boundary Pass (J Pod)
11:25 - A few calls again on SIMRES.
10:58 - S4 calls (J-Pod).
10:50 - Echolocation on SIMRES hydrophone. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Jan 4 - Haro Strait - 14:38 - Humpback once again very close to shore. Sunset Point. -Dave Czaja [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Jan 4 - South Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch) - Little Patch, Sandy Point area. I love this boy, he is one of a kind. -photos by Marilyn Armbruster, January 4, 2023
14:45 - There is a gray near the Whidbey bluff just a bit northwest of Sandy Point feeding near the shore. -Luanne Seymour
14:45 - He’s still here, almost 2 hours in the same spot just north of Sandy Point.
13:02 - Having a long snack between Sandy Point and the Langley marina, closer to Sandy Point! -photo by Christy Grant, January 4, 2023
Wed, Jan 4 - North Saratoga Passage (CRC2440) - A few more from gray whale birthday encounter. -photos by April Basham, January 4, 2023
15:30 - Viewing from Hidden Beach. -photos by Cherie StOurs, January 4, 2023
14:08 - South of Surfside, making its way to my beach spot, close to Whidbey shore. LOVE listening to blows!
13:30 - The gray in northern section of Saratoga Passage appears to be snacking between Surfside & Shangri-La, closer to Whidbey side. I’ve been observing with binocs from the Hidden Beach area for 20 minutes. -Kristi Etzell
13:36 - Still heading south, munching on the way, going slow.
13:22 - Still in the area still heading south about a mile north of Hidden Beach.
12:48 - Gray Whale 2 miles north of Hidden Beach right off the shore heading south. -photos by Aaron Gill, January 4, 2023
09:40 - Single gray heading north Madrona, close to shore. -Lisa Madigan [CWW]
January 3
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Tue, Jan 3 - Admiralty Inlet (J, K, & L Pod) - 14:30 - Perhaps a dozen individuals heading west between North Beach, Port Townsend, and the west end of Whidbey Island, much closer to Whidbey Island. Looked to be staying to the west of Vancouver Island. Having a great time with all the usual acrobatics. Happy orcas! -Annette Huenke
L25 Ocean Sun - ID by Jami Cantrell & Monika Wieland Shields - L54 Ino, L72 Racer, L87 Onyx in background - IDs by Monika Wieland Shields and Rachel Haight
14:41 - Beautiful close pass by Point Wilson Lighthouse. It’s really hard to tell which way they’re headed because they’re so spread.
14:14 - More approaching Point Wilson this side of channel.
14:11 - More passing Point Wilson Lighthouse mid channel. -photos by Jami Cantrell, January 3, 2023
14:11 - Still seeing a few blows south of Fort Worden. Still northbound [approx. 48.130976, -122.739502]. -Candace Gavin
14:10 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 15:03 to report SALISH Orca Report 1/3/2023 1410hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz they have slowed due to 30-50 orca in the SB shipping lanes, 2 miles north of the vessel's current position. No particular direction of travel.
14:08 - Trailing group still a bit south of Fort Worden. Still mid channel, leading group pretty far out but steady northbound. -Bonnie Gretz
14:03 - Another group trailing slowly northbound also in ferry lanes. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
14:00 - Just watched them pass Fort Worden! -Jann Pulfer Ledbetter
J36 Alki -ID by Monika Wieland Shields - J46 Star -ID by Monika Wieland Shields - K26 Lobo -ID by Marla Smith & Monika Wieland Shields - J53 Kiki -ID by Monika Wieland Shields - J27 Blackberry - From Coupeville/Port Townsend ferry. -photos by Rachel Haight, January 3, 2023
13:51 - Faint whistles and calls on the Port Townsend hydrophone right now. -Orca Network
13:48 - Heading out of my view northbound slowly; lots of bird activity above them; in ferry lanes/mid channel [approx. 48.129828, -122.716391]. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
13:51 - Definitely just heard something on the hydrophone but very faint. -Rebecca Berger
13:45 - Some passing Point Wilson heading north this side of the channel. -Jami Cantrell
13:45 - Several between Admiralty inlet and Port Townsend just a few minutes ago. -Terri Case
13:42 - More fins together but in small groups passing Port Townsend. Mid channel pretty good looks with binocs. Viewing from the Admiralty lighthouse. -Bonnie Gretz
13:38 - A third group just passed by me just west of Marrowstone Point at Fort Flagler being surface active. Breaching and tail slapping. Could hear them coming before I saw them! More than 10 animals. -Sasha Ertl
13:33 - Saw a few fins mid channel and a bit closer to Fort Casey side coming up to the ferry lane! -Bonnie Gretz
13:21 - Mid channel transiting the expanse between Marrowstone and Port Townsend. Still northbound, grouped up at least one male. -Ashley Whitman
K35 Sonata -ID by Maegan Hage - K34 Cali -ID by Maegan Hage
13:22 - There were at least 7-8 in the trailing group, too.
13:12 - I'm off the north point of Fort Flagler and they just came by in two groups. About 7 in the front group with 2 males and several females about 1000 meters off, and a second group that I'm still trying to get details on because I didn't notice them in time. They're a little further out. -photos by Sasha Ertl, January 3, 2023
12:56 - Hearing something on Port Townsend hydrophone. Sounds a little like chirping sound, though. -Patricia Prochaska
12:42 - Orcas close to Marrowstone. Just south of the lighthouse! 2 groups of about 15 whales passed by, 10 feet off shore! -photos by Sue Surowiec Larkin, January 3, 2023
12:42 - Jill Hein just messaged that all she saw was blows on the far side (viewing from Lagoon Point, Whidbey). They seemed to be passing Fort Flagler way over on the west side.
12:23 - Kit Turner called to report seeing one group of orcas across from Lagoon Point approaching the north end of Marrowstone traveling northbound and very surface active. Difficult to see numbers due to choppy seas.
11:52 - Viewing from above Bush Point, about 20+ orcas northbound midchannel. A nice group, others spread. Saw at least 20-30 orcas, hard to gauge numbers though since so spread. There were two big groups with others spread in between, mid channel and when I left they were trending further away from Whidbey Island side as they passed by out from Bush Point. -Rachel Haight
11:39 - Susan (Berta) may add more here, but she reports a whole lot of orcas passed by Orca Network headquarters (just south of Bush Point) close in heading northbound. Orcas were just going around the corner out of view, then she caught the last dozen. First saw three, then bunch more came, slow group travel.
11:03 - Orcas are maybe 1-2 miles south of Bush Point, mid-channel, northbound.
10:24 - LOTS (20-30) of whales passing by spread. They keep on coming. Viewed from south end Mutiny Bay.
09:48 - At least 6 including 2 males continuing northbound [approx 47.944652, -122.498234]. Spread out, fairly long down times. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:37 - Can see at least one male, northbound. Line of sight is Stamm Overlook to Eglon. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
09:14 - Spread orcas. At least one northbound off Maxwelton midchannel. Another off yellow channel marker. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:13 - Kim Page called to report there are orcas (at least 3 females, a baby and male) halfway between Eglon Beach and Pilot Point very close to shore Kitsap Peninsula side milling around feeding. Thinks possibly some came by earlier they didn’t see.
09:00 - My friend Sara Frey messaged that there were orcas inside the crab pot line again at Apple Tree Point, but she was only was able to look briefly. Possibly J16 again, two large males and some youngsters. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
L88 Wavewalker -ID by Sara Frey & Alisa Lemire Brooks - L85 Mystery -ID by Monika Wieland Shields & Maegan Hage - L25 Ocean Sun -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks
09:00 - Pass by Apple Tree Point Kingston - slow northbound travel 100 yards off the Kitsap side. -photos by Sara Frey, January 3, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Karen Jeyes
Date of Sighting: 1/3/2023
Time: 8:50 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen:
Direction of travel : N medium pace
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Traveling on Kingston to Edmonds Washington state ferry. Boat stopped mid sound to allow them to pass was a wonderful way to start the day!
Photos available?:
08:35 - Large group of orcas heading north past Kingston [ferry terminal area] mid-channel. At least 7, moving fast. -Trish Moylan Davis
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Jan 3 - Haro Strait - 15:58 - Val sees a southbound humpback 100m offshore as he's fixing the Orcasound - Listen for Whales Orcasound Lab hydrophone! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
12:38 - Moving north just past little island [Low Island]. Traveling slowly. The humpback appeared to be feeding (bait ball and circular traveling movement, but too far off to confirm) around Sunset Point. -Sarah Richard [WSSJI]
10:30 - Our westside humpback friend is back close to shore near San Juan County Park. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 3 - Possession Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Talya Freudmann
Date of Sighting: 1/3/2023
Time: 4:40 PM
Species seen: gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Possession Point Preserve
Direction of travel : North toward Clinton ferry, then south toward Glendale
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
16:40 - Sighting at Possession Point Preserve Whidbey Island. -photo by Kiki Freudmann, January 3, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Lynae Slinden
Date of Sighting: 1/3/2023
Time: 2:30 PM
Species seen: Gray Whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Possession Sound, Clinton, WA approximately 1-2 miles south of WA State Ferry terminal
Direction of travel : South (1 mile in about 5 minutes)
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Possession Sound (CRC2440) - NOTE: Original report included in January 8 Whale Report did not have ID - ID confirmed by Alisa Lemire Brooks as CRC2440. - 16:40 - Sighting at Possession Point Preserve Whidbey Island. -Kiki Freudman
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Tue, Jan 3 - E Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Unspecified Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue Jan 3 16:06 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.14202,-123.42980 [Ediz Hook]
Submitted Comments: ? young humpback
Submitter Name: Donna
Whale Alert App
January 2
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Mon, Jan 2 - Puget Sound (J & K Pod) - 17:01 - Still seeing a huge male from Lowman, southbound on Vashon side. -Robyn Riley
16:49 - Two fins north point of Blake Island, southbound. From Lowman. -Kevin Lemme
16:36 - Spread from mid Blake Island to Manchester southbound east of mid channel view from Constellation Park. -photos by Mary Hartmann, January 2, 2023
16:34 - 3-4 southbound off [approx. 47.556983, -122.402246]. -M.c. Murphy-Rose
16:30 - Group of 10 plus heading south past Constellation Park east side of channel. -Patti Waterfall
16:26 - Saw one between Southworth and Vashon heading south. -Denise Brooks
16:25 - As the last grouping was rounding Alki. -photos by Rachel Bernal, January 2, 2023
16:24 - From Lowman, see a couple of fins south of the yellow buoy, far on west side, southbound, approaching Restoration Point. -Trileigh Tucker
16:10 - Glorious sunset with orcas passing through. What a treat of a day all around! From Alki Beach in West Seattle. -Michelle Goll
16:20 - Multiples at Weather Watch Park Beach. Still toward Lincoln Park direction. -Robyn Riley
16:11 - Viewing from Alki still spread far and wide. Still southbound at a steady pace. Several already past the yellow channel marker. -Candace Gavin
16:11 - Spread across the channel some milling just to the south of the Bainbridge ferry lane. Still trending south.
16:06 - There’s a couple milling around [approx. 47.576988, -122.437027]. Viewing from the Bainbridge ferry. And a few closer to Alki Lighthouse. -Jami Cantrell
16:02 - From Emma Schmitz viewpoint looks like leaders are at Blakely Harbor. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
16:00 - Viewing from Alki Beach, they are headed toward Lincoln Park on Bainbridge side. -Robyn Riley
15:47 - From above Beach Drive in West Seattle, see splashes/breaching just east of Creosote Point, south end of Eagle Harbor. Close to Bainbridge side. -Trileigh Tucker
15:40 - We saw 8 orcas total mid channel Eagle Harbor during our float for about 30 minutes. -photo by Lisa Corona, January 2, 2023
15:36 - Several just past the Magnolia Marina. Many dotted across the Sound on their way towards Alki. -Amy Martino
15:33 - 3 orca mid channel Eagle Harbor. -Lisa Corona
15:31 - Now 4 more. Closer together and mid channel.
15:22 - 3 to 4 more, All seem to be moving rather slowly; water very calm; at least one adult with very small juvenile. These sightings from just north of Wing Point on Bainbridge.
15:14 - Sighted 4-6 so far, spread way out but west of mid channel, heading southwest. -Jane Rein
15:21 - Mostly past South Bluff. -Christy Avery
15:19 - Male spotted near Eagle Harbor entrance. -Lisa Corona
15:18 - Multiple blows visible from West Seattle, southwest of West Point southbound. -Mary Hartmann
15:17 - Seeing sprays and fins from Alki looking just off Discovery with a scope. -Cara Sorensen
15:10 - I wanted to report seeing a pod of orcas swimming along the coast from Golden Gardens, down to Discovery Park and then eventually south to Alki Beach. They seemed to be swimming along and jumping together in groups of at least 2-5 sometimes. They looked like they were in clusters but there were many clusters and kind of spread out. I would estimate there were maybe 10-15 orcas in total. I’d love to know which pod this was, very cool to see! -Carolyn Perri
15:08 - Orcas passing Rolling Bay - spread out across the channel heading south. Can’t tell how many. -Robin Warshaw
15:07 - Passing West Point, close to shore. -Elise Snoey
15:00 - Visible from Ray’s boathouse. -EmmaLeigh Cox
15:00 - I got to see them go past West Point lighthouse. -Steve Smith
15:00 - Seen traveling south from Discovery Park. There were at least 7 individuals (3 swimming together, 2 together, 2 together), but there may have been more. Two were small and appeared to be calves. One adult was swimming only about 100 yards offshore and fully breached twice! There were probably ~70 people on the beach watching as the orcas passed by. -David Brinkley
14:54 - Seeing from Discovery Park South Bluff. Pleasure boat in the middle, motor off. Midchannel. -Christy Avery
14:50 - Second hand report of several orcas close to shore south of Fay Bainbridge Park! Southbound. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
14:46 - My wife swears she counted 18 so far. -Aaron Berg
14:43 - Orcas off of Golden Gardens! They’re everywhere! Mid channel? About 13-15? Heading south towards Discovery! Grab some binocs and go take a gander! -Dana Reinert
14:42 - 2 passing Discovery Park West Point on the Kitsap side. -Timothy Garland
14:40 - Four groups of about 10 total, including 2 males, southbound steady travel, approaching turning buoy off West Point, spread mid-channel to Bainbridge side. Viewing from Sunset Park. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
14:30 - Watching from Fay Bainbridge. Spread out but still coming south. Mid channel? -Kirsten Martel
14:30 - A second group is heading past Golden Gardens now mid channel. -Tyan Schreck
14:25 - Seeing most of them to the south from Richmond Beach south of Carkeek, spread across entire Sound, east, west, and miles apart north/south. There is also at least one between Richmond Beach and north end Bainbridge foraging. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
J42 Echo on right -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks & Sara Frey - J26 Mike - J26 Mike - J26 Mike - J16 Slick - From the pass by Apple Tree Point, Kingston. -photos by Sara Frey, January 2, 2023
14:07 - At Carkeek Park, we’re seeing two or three maybe four small groups surfacing on the far west side of the channel. -Betsey Thoennes
14:05 - Leading fins now passing between Sunset Hill Park and Point Monroe (on Bainbridge)! Closer to Bainbridge. -Grace Haaland
14:05 - The visibility today is great! We could see them nearly to the other side from Sunset in Edmonds. -Julie Harris Martin
14:12 - Same area, one male one female.
14:03 - One or two males spotted [approx. 47.705668, -122.483305]. -Tyan Schreck
14:00 - One of the most incredibly beautiful passes. Residents spread out across the Sound east/west and miles north/south slow steady southbound off Richmond Beach. Exhalations illuminated, dorsal and bodies glimmering in the warm winter sun. Blows as far as eye and binoculars could see. Steady southbound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:49 - Viewing one male from Golden Gardens. Close to Kitsap side. -Aaron Berg
13:48 - Starting to spot fins at Golden Gardens looking at Kingston ferry line, looked to be slowly heading south. -Tyan Schreck
J26 Mike - J37 Hy'Shqa & J59 -ID by Ariel Yseth
13:45 - Off Point Jefferson Kingston heading south. Keep your eyes peeled in the Bainbridge area! -photos by Chris Beamer Otterson, January 2, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Carilyn Fukura
Date of Sighting: 1/2/2023
Time: 1:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 12
Where seen: Viewed from President Point, south of Kingston, WA. (47.749848, -122.458307)
Direction of travel : S then E across the water
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: At least one really big fin
Any unusual markings?: too far to see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
13:40 - From videos at Richmond Beach, I got at least 3 little ones. A single babe with likely K34, so probably K45. And a duo looking like J57 & J58.
13:39 - Possible K34 and K45 from Richmond Beach with telescope. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
13:14 - From Apple Tree Point, J26 Mike. -photo by Donna Green Van Renselaar, January 2, 2023
K22 Sekiu -ID by Jami Cantrell - K33 Tika - 13:00 - From the Kingston ferry. -photos by Jami Cantrell, January 2, 2023
13:30 - Correction, at least 6 Kitsap side several mid channel and several east side including two males, one who is foraging.
13:27 - At least half dozen spread from Kayu Kayu to Kingston mid channel to each side of traveling in singles. So pretty!
13:20 - Spread from south of mid channel buoy out from Richmond Beach (west side channel) to back to north of Kingston terminal mid channel. Steady southbound very spread in singles to pairs. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
J38 Cookie - 13:00 - Just passed Apple Tree Point, multiple whales, this girl [J16] came inside of crab pot line. She came up 25 yards out - Slick! Mike and Blackberry for sure came by as well. -photos by Donna Green Van Renselaar, January 2, 2023
13:15 - Another large group approaching the Kingston/Edmonds ferry. Believe J26 and J16 were present. Close to the Kitsap side - 50 yards. -Sara Frey
13:13 - Breach in ferry lane Kingston to Edmonds southbound, 2 female. -Gnar McKnee
13:05 - Leaders of this group are south of President Point spread, slow travel southbound on Kitsap side in glassy seas. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:04 - Trailers of lead group passed Kingston ferry. Beautiful pass. Can confirm southern residents, beautiful open saddles. -Jami Cantrell
12:45 - It wasn’t much but I did see 3 whales via binoculars from Marina Park around 12:45-1. Birthday present accomplished. -Laura Beth Gorcester
12:40 - On the Kingston ferry about to depart. Sighting mid channel just north of line. -Kelcie Sirois
12:36 - Seeing this group from Kayu Kayu. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
12:30 - Sara Frey called to report a lot of orcas in general out from Apple Tree Point, Kingston, nearing ferry traffic lanes. Pod includes at least 3 males. Some females are close inshore with others spread to mid channel, all southbound.
12:15 - Two seems to be milling. Others seem to be already way passed the ferry lanes.
12:07 - Leaders approaching Kingston/Edmonds ferry lanes mid channel, viewing from Eglon. -Jami Cantrell
11:39 - Kim Page just called to report seeing at least 7 (includes 2 males) between Pilot Point and Eglon heading southbound close to Kitsap side. Orcas are spread out, more coming.
10:47 - Cindi Rausch called to report orcas in Admiralty Inlet, she's viewing from south of Bush Point (Shore Meadows) looking towards Hansville and seeing whales spread out all over, mid channel to Kitsap side. She believes at least 10 and up to 20 or more, very surface active. Cannot confirm, but believe they are residents. Definitely moving southbound.
Mon, Jan 2 - Puget Sound (likely L Pod trailing J & K Pod) - 17:05 - 5+ including a male southbound off Faye Bainbridge State Park in last glorious light. About 20 surfacings, all southbound slow & within west 1/3 of Sound. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
16:31 - 3-5 southbound off Indianola. Very far but can see with binoculars at Sunset Hill Park (Ballard). -Lance King
16:20 - Due south of Jefferson Head about 1/3 way down outside Port Madison, slow southbound all grouped up in slow resting mode. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:10 - Wave number two passing Point Jefferson, Kingston right now meandering south at a leisurely pace. First group of about 3, about a half mile ahead of 6? Been an awesome orca day in front of our house! -Chris Beamer Otterson
15:45 - At least 8-10 orca, including at least one male and little one, spread in three groups approx. off of and south of President Point, Kingston approaching in line with yellow buoy. Slow steady southbound travel west of mid channel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:20 - Saw them from the ferry between Kingston and Edmonds. -photos by Stacee Cain, January 2, 2023
15:15 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: Whales 1/2 1515Master reports 4 orca southbound off Appletree Cove and Kingston dock.
15:15 - @orcanetwork had the absolute best orca encounter on Jan 2nd, 3:15 ferry from Kingston to Edmonds. Between 12-16 orcas heading south, including a calf! Some were rolling and playing. Swimming fast. Here’s the last of them. Link to video posted on Twitter. -Sheila V @Shei_laVie
13:03 - Orca just north of Double Bluff, close to Hansville. -Mark Severson
12:40 - Saw 2 males, 2 females southbound in Admiralty, near buoy northwest of Skunk Bay and Hansville. -Susan Berta, Orca Network
12:18 - Cindi Rausch called to report on group two (trailing group) of ~ 10 who are now at about Foulweather Bluff mid channel steady southbound in travel mode. The 2-3 males are still together, the others loosely spread out more than earlier.
12:10 - Out from Mutiny Bay southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:30 - Rachel and Cindi have seen a total on 3 males now off of Bush Point.
11:22 - Rachel is watching at least 8 in trailing groups from Bush Point. Seeing spread out whales in two close groups, young one in one of them, seeing one adult male as well. Mid channel approaching the middle channel marker going southbound. -photo by Rachel Haight, January 2, 2023
10:40 - Several orca breaching 1-2 miles south of Fort Flagler. They seem to be milling about there. -Bill Setter
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Jan 2 14:22 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 49.33626,-123.33992 [SW Bowen Island, BC]
Number Sighted: 2
Submitter Name: Alex Komarov
Whale Alert App
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon Jan 2 10:20 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.91800,-123.12100 [SW of Pt Roberts]
Number Sighted: 2
Submitter Name: Rob Krummen
Whale Alert App
Mon, Jan 2 - Haro Strait (BCY1218 Kata) - We (Eagle Wing tours) saw Kata there [near San Juan County Park]. -Selena Donker [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 2 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53)
13:40 - One just off Langley Marina (may be the same gray whale).
12:50 - Watched one feeding in inter-tidal zone just off Seawall Park, Langley. -photos by Steve Smith, January 2, 2023
Gray Whale CRC53 "Little Patch" feeding in the inter-tidal zone near Seawall Park in downtown Langley, WA (Whidbey Island) -video by Steve Smith, January 2, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jacqueline Walisser
Date of Sighting: 1/2/2023
Time: 12:00 PM
Species seen: Grey
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Langley Seawall
Direction of travel : Not really traveling. One headed out into Saratoga passage and the other was still feeling at 11:45 am.
Behaviors observed: Feeding, milling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: 2 grey whales feeding and traveling together
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
Grey whale sighting at Langley Seawall. -photo by Jacqueline Walisser, January 2, 2023
11:30 - Two gray whales behind Whale Bell Park, Langley. -Rob Harris
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Rachel Keely
Date of Sighting: 1/2/2023
Time: 10:31 AM
Species seen: Grey
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Just off of the lookout by the bell
Direction of travel : Stayed in the same general area for over an hour
Behaviors observed: Rolling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I will never forget this amazing experience! My husband and I were in Washington for our honeymoon from Pennsylvania. To see these beautiful animals was simply magical!
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
January 1
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 1 - Active Pass (T60s) - An orca sighting New Year’s Day to start the year off right. The T060s (thanks to R. Hayden for the ID) went eastward through Active Pass. Spent some time hunting around Mary Anne Point. Photos taken from the shore of Galiano Island. -photos by Karoline Cullen, January 1, 2023
Sun, Jan 1 - BC
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Amalis Riera
Date of Sighting: 1/1/2023
Time: 3:40 PM
Species seen: killer whales
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: In Saanich Inlet (approx lat/long 48.512771, -123.541905)
Direction of travel : S, towards Sawluctus Island, and the end of the Inlet. Moderate speed of travel.
Behaviors observed: Traveling. Diving for about 5-10 minutes, then resurfacing a fair distance further South.
If orcas, any males?: unknown.
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We were hiking along the Holmes Peak trail in Gowlland Tod Provincial Park and had stopped at a viewpoint near Jocelyn Hill. It was too far to count individuals accurately and see any distinguishable markings, but they were definitely killer whales.
Photos available?: No
Sun, Jan 1 - Puget Sound (T71B, T71B1, T124As, T124Ds)
16:32 - One more peek has them shrinking in size, which means they are traveling north -northwest direction, and still way too early to say if committed one way or another.
16:26 - Ts grouped steady travel north/northwest, but still well east of mid channel. Be interesting to see which way they choose. Glassy seas and clear day made for beautiful viewing. General location [approx. 47.818831, -122.402993]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:26 - They straightened out a bit and are angled towards Maxwelton.
16:16 - Passing Edmonds pier. Look to be heading towards Admiralty. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
16:05 - Orcas have passed Edmonds Marina Beach steady northbound. They moved offshore from earlier but are still east side of channel. So sweet to share with so many people on shore, some following along today, others right place, right time! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:21 - There are some that are more northeast and some more west. Past the ferry lanes.
16:05 - Several passing Edmonds Marina Beach Park in ferry lanes northbound. -Michelle Goll
15:46 - Large group, including calf, are super close in nearing Point Wells, Woodway northbound.
15:40 - Finishing up their meal moving northbound.
15:30 - Stalled out right at the weather buoy off Richmond Beach Saltwater Park! Making directional changes. Gulls opportunistically feeding. An eagle showed up too. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:30 - Several at the weather buoy at Richmond Beach. Lots of direction changes and bird activity, so probably on a meal. -Michelle Goll
15:22 - Further north now just south of Richmond Beach. Super close to this side. So incredibly beautiful. Steady northbound travel.
15:15 - Group of transients look to be back together, at least 10 of them. Surfaced in a line abreast between Carkeek and Richmond Beach Saltwater Park close to mainland looked steady northbound [approx. 47.735280, -122.384569]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:17 - Spotted 8? Orcas diving and spouting north of Carkeek. Heading north. -Erika Nedderman
15:10 - Just saw a few in front of Carkeek south of a sailboat but lost them after a few seconds. -Jayce Lemmer
15:08 - Briefly spotted from Richmond Beach Park, slightly south of Richmond Beach Park moving north. -Mary Neifert
14:44 - About 3/4 mile west of Carkeek Park. 4-5, too far to count. -Brian Hortelius
14:41 - Passing Golden Gardens now. Viewing from Sunset Point. -Bart Weitering
14:40 - Spotted another group north of Golden Gardens northbound, east of mid channel.
14:35 - Orcas off Shilshole northbound. Far east side, viewing from S Fay Bainbridge Park. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Rebecca Keith
Date of Sighting: 1/1/2023
Time: 2:35 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Puget Sound viewed from Discovery Park south beach
Direction of travel : North, pretty quick pace
Behaviors observed: Spouting, traveling,
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Other people confirmed observation and I saw them through binoculars, so I am sure they were orcas.
Photos available?: No
14:20 - They just passed the lighthouse. -Brian Hortelius
14:18 - Viewing from West Point Lighthouse. They are passing the green buoy still northbound. Research skiff is still out. Mid channel. -Candace Gavin
14:15 - Ts are loosely grouped right off at West Point lighthouse, Discovery Park passing inside green buoy. Easily visible from shore. Told the crowd who were able to see them moving northbound. Also seeing a bunch of harbor porpoise acting like no predators within yards!
13:56 - Group of at least 4, who may be trailers and includes calf. Well east of mid channel. Steady northbound [approx. 47.630504, -122.429548].
13:45 - Ts are approx mid way up but outside Elliott Bay in the Seattle/Bainbridge ferry traffic lanes mid channel to east of. Seeing blows and activity. Northbound movement. From Magnolia. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Sun, Jan 1 - Puget Sound (T71B, T71B1, T124As, T124Ds) - 13:39 - We were coming from Bainbridge to Seattle (about halfway I believe) when these 2 [orca] were spotted! Very magical. -Holly Tanner
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Natalia Elston
Date of Sighting: 1/1/2023
Time: 1:50 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Elliot Bay
Direction of travel : East
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Couldn’t tell
Any unusual markings?: Couldn’t see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I was on the Bainbridge Ferry & saw at least 3 orcas swimming past the Seattle skyline! It was a wonderful way to bring in the new year & a magical moment. I love Orca Network & I'm so excited to report my first sighting!
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Maggie Hargus
Date of Sighting: 1/1/2023
Time: 1:40 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Midway between Bainbridge Island and Seattle, along the ferry route
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
13:37 - North of Wing Point northbound Bainbridge side view from 64th and Alki.
13:17 - South tip of Bainbridge northbound quickly viewed from Constellation Park. -Mary Hartmann
13:15 - North of Blake Island. Watching from Constellation Park, steady northbound. Saw a breach. -Izzy Edwards
12:55 - Headed north past Blake Island about 5 mins ago. -Jd Staley
12:56 - North. Almost past Blake [Island]. -Becky Thien
12:52 - East side of Blake Island west of mid channel northbound south of Tillicum Village, view from Lowman Beach.
12:36 - Off Dolphin Point, view from Lowman Beach, Vashon side, northbound. -Mary Hartmann
12:27 - Passing Lincoln Park on Vashon side. -Brandi Marie
12:22 - Can see them with binoculars from north end Vashon ferry dock looking south towards the mainland. Still trending north. -Candace Gavin
12:23 - Still northbound. Close to Vashon side [approx. 47.490100, -122.433003]. -Rachel Bernal
12:10 - First group mainland side of channel as viewed from just south of Glen Acres, looking straight across to the mainland headed northbound, still another group trailing, both groups loosely grouped up with very long downtimes.
11:58 - Just spotted the Ts north of Three Tree Point, closer to mainland side heading northbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
12:03 - Passing northbound at Dilworth mid channel. Viewing from Seahurst. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
11:50 - Spotted multiple orcas from north side of Three Tree Point. Spread out and northbound midchannel. -Connor O'Brien
11:47 - Both groups just passed Three Tree Point. -Rachel Bernal
T124A1 - T124A & T124A7
11:13 - Two groups, trailing group just passed us at Point Robinson, closer to Island side now, all northbound with long down times, loosely grouped.
10:51 - Approaching Point Robinson mid channel to mainland side, still northbound. -photos by Marla Smith, January 1, 2023
11:21 - They’re passing in front of KVI beach now.
10:57 - Spotted from the Des Moines marina. -Marcie Evans
10:51 - Passing lighthouse now.
10:31 - Spotted mid to east channel slightly north Gold Beach - Vashon. -Laurie Lambert
09:22 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops (in response to our earlier alert) reports 09:22 CHETZEMOKA confirmed possibly 10 Orca eastbound near Point Defiance.
As they passed Dune peninsula. -back of camera photo by Ashley Whitman, January 1, 2023
09:41 - Mid channel northbound up East Passage.
09:28 - Out of Dalco still trending more eastwardly now. Split into two groups with a small group in the lead and about six traveling behind.
09:22 - Passed the Point Defiance ferry still northeast bound.
09:15 - Just entered Dalco passage traveling east.
09:11 - Looks like they're committing to Dalco. Mid channel or closer to Vashon side.
09:05 - Spyhop. Still in the Gig, Vashon, Tacoma triangle. Still northbound.
08:30 - Grouped up exiting Narrows still northbound. -Ashley Whitman
07:31 - Orcas northbound just south of the Narrows Bridge on the Gig Harbor side as viewed from from Day Island. I had been listening to them for about 20 minutes but couldn’t see them yet as it was too dark. They were by Fox Island. Also some sea lion has been barking by Fox Island a lot for about an hour. That’s what got my attention. -Karen Caldwell
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Jan 1 - San Juan Channel
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Claire Powers
Date of Sighting: 1/1/2023
Time: 9:00 AM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Just north of Pear Point very close to shore near Danger Reef/Rocks off SJI.
Direction of travel : West
Behaviors observed: Slow travel
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Surprised to see in winter
Photos available?: No
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 1 - Saratoga Passage
14:29 - They are drifting very, very slowly south. They've been circling here for well over an hour but it does appear that they might be moving on. Maybe 400 years offshore now. They've been feeding side by side.
13:15 - Two here now. 300 yards north of Mabana boat launch. 200 yards offshore.
13:04 - Second gray inbound from the north. First is still here 200 yards offshore.
12:35 - Gray at Mabana. He's been here for 30 minutes. -Smith Siromaskul
12:08 - Feeding close to Camano shore halfway between Pebble and Summerland. Viewing from our house in Langley. -Steve Smith
10:45 - 10:55 - Gray whale in Saratoga Passage off Pebble Beach feeding then appeared to meander northbound. -Teena Robinett [CWW]
08:42 - Chelsea Maier called to report a single large whale, likely a gray whale, just now making its way in front of Clinton ferry terminal heading north.