
Free Lolita Updates Header1.gif

Lolita Update Introduction
Welcome to the Free Lolita Updates
March 1, 1999


Opening Message
March 1, 1999

Welcome to the new FreeLolita Update list.

Most of you are on this list because you asked to receive news of the campaign to return the orca called Lolita, also known as Tokitae, to her home waters in Washington State.

Lolita deserves the chance to rejoin her family still living there. The political, economic and social conditions that have kept Lolita in a display tank in Miami for 28 years are now changing in a direction that is favorable to her chances to go home.

Recent scientific knowledge and the example of Keiko tell us that there is no real risk involved in returning Lolita to her home waters, but there is huge risk in keeping her captive. Lolita shows incredible strength and courage and remains in good health and fully capable of making the transition to her native habitat. There is much you can do to help make that trip home a reality for Lolita.

To unsubscribe to this list, please send an email to:
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unsubscribe freelolita

If you encounter any trouble with this list please contact:

Howard Garrett
Tokitae Foundation
Lolita Campaign Coordinator

For more on Lolita, and to hear her family and see a video of Lolita in her tank, check out NEW Free Lolita web site.
and for a campaign overview, see the Lolita Come Home Page.
See A Review of the Releasability of Long Term Captive Orcas


Much is going on to help bring Lolita home and to inform and advocate for her and her family Please consider a tax-deductible contribution to help Orca Network continue this work. Thank you!