June 2018 Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of June 2018 whale sightings.
June 30
11:22 a.m - T49A's Active Pass! Now! -Photo by Carol Murray, June 30, 2018
11:36 a.m - T49A end of Active Pass and Strait of Georgia really moving on south. We are on Kestrel out of Friday Harbor. Photo by Carol Murray, June 30, 2018
June 30 - Puget Sound - 1449: The T124As were milling after a kill but never northbound. They're still southbound, south of Point No Point now at Apple Tree Point. We are with them again now. -Renee Beitzel
After hanging N around Foulweather Bluff for quite awhile, accompanied by 1-2 WW boats, Two groups suddenly came S between 12-12:40 pm. All were SB with at least 4 in the lead group that torpedoed around the point well ahead of the WW boats, followed by group of 3 including young one that paused on a kill on N side of Lighthouse before continuing around the point SB. PSE boat was with that group. Both groups passed 75-100 yards off PNP. I'll post a few pics and one shaky video. Blood in the water from trailing group's kill N of Lighthouse. Group included a young one. Did not see what they got, but there were quite a few harbor porpoises right in that zone. Harbor seals were on shore and hugging shore as well. -Donna Van Renselaar
11:58 a.m. - 5-6 Transient Orca Point no Point headed north bound. -Photo by Joel Fletcher, June 30, 2018
1031 - T124As
0957: MV Saratoga has orcas, slowly southbound at Double Bluff! No IDs yet.... 4-5 animals. No males and a calf/juvenile. -Renee Beitzel
June 30 - ...after spending some time with the T065As in Sansum Narrows, we decided to go north a look for a big group of Biggs that had been seen up there earlier. We found them out in the Strait of Georgia and what a good decision it turned out to be!! Awesome watching the T049As, T036As, T099s, T175 and T176s socializing and circling around in the same spot as the sun started to set. -Gary Sutton
June 30 - MV Saratoga left the 124a's still southbound off of West Point just north of Elliott Bay at 1740. -Trevor Tillman
Was out with the Puget Sound Express out of Edmonds (aboard 2:30 departure) and we had a pod of 6-7 transients just north of Kingston. We kept with them for a bit before following a humpback in the same area. We met back up with the same pod just outside of Port Madison where they had just made a kill which appeared to be a harbor seal. Lots of spyhopping, tail lobbing, and a few breaches and backflips by the youngsters. Hunting, feeding, and playing. -Alex Polk
(T124As as covered in our last sighting report - alb)
Humpback whales - June 30 - Juan de Fuca Strait - The Capesterre sighted 2 humpback whales heading west in the middle of the Juan de Fuca Strait at 12:30 at 48 24.051 N 122 29.771 W. -Fred Franks
June 30 - Puget Sound - 6:34 p.m. - just saw humpback blow over Yeomalt Point viewing from Murden Cove park on Bainbridge.
6:08 p.m - just saw a humpback southbound south of Discovery light house viewed from Valley on Bainbridge. Was looking for orca and saw one blow and the back/dorsal before it moved south out of my range. -Connie Bickerton
3:47 p.m. - humpback just off Point Wells mid channel heading south. Whale watching boat is there. -Darlene Moneypenny
1:14 p.m - Just saw the humpback just north of Point No Point! -Sabrina Cywinski-Howell
1130: Humpback in Admiralty Inlet southbound outside Mutiny Bay. It's BCY0160, "Dalmatian" or "Heathcliff". -Renee Beitzel.
Gray whales - June 30 - FYI, pulling out of Oak Harbor and just spotted 2018 Unknown #2 at 12:16 pm near green buoy #5! First day of crabbing season; lots of small boats today, probably zipping back and forth to put out and check their pots! Be careful out there, everyone! Be whale aware! -Patti McCoy
11:11 a.m - Update there is at least 3...3 separate blows back to back...In the channel now. Boats are being whale wise.
9:56 a.m - What appears to be a grey whale off of Maylor Point housing in Oak Harbor. Heading in direction of Navy Exchange. -Jennifer Davis
June 30 - 12:20 p.m - watched a humpback off North Pender island (Gulf Islands). It went from Thieves Bay to Otter Bay and lingered in Otter Bay while the ferry was at dock and 6 whale watching boats lingered at the entrance to the bay. Steady travel with 5 minute feeding dives. whale was closely followed by 6 whale watching boats. -Frank Gee
June 30 - Mutiny Bay, Admiralty Inlet - Gotta show a little humpback love today! First time I have ever seen this whale known as "Dalmation" / "Heathcliff", BCY0160 "Heather"'s calf - Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound. -Photo by Renee Beitzel, June 30, 3018
June 29
So good to see Ks! K21 off west coast of Vancouver Island. -Photo by John Forde, June 29, 2018
Southern Residents - June 29 - K pod was here! We were able to see the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales on all our Whale Watching Tours as they made their way down the coast! With only 18 members, K Pod is the smallest of the three pods in the SR community. It was a perfect day because we had guests on board a tour who really wanted to see Killer Whales! -The Whale Centre, Tofino BC
June 29 - 40+ Residents today off Sooke shores all afternoon...maybe still in area feeding...there are a lot of fish around Sooke right now! -Paul Pudwell
June 29 - Juan de Fuca - WOW! Another amazing day for great weather & Whales around Sooke! Transients were encountered near Race Rocks and our Southern Residents were minutes from our docks! Humpbacks were everywhere...looks like many more are coming in shore...Paul Pudwell
June 29 - Deception Pass - 7:22 p.m. - My mom just called me and said she has spotted 3 orcas at Deception Pass bridge moving west!! -Jessica Richter
6:40 p.m - 4-5 Orcas headed west toward Cornet Bay and Deception Pass from Hoypus Point (Whidbey Island). -Jenessa Bazzett Eelkema
6:27 p.m - Watched Orca pod of 4 late afternoon as described below. Have additional video and photos. Playing and traveling. We sighted them right off our deck! We live on Anglers Haven Drive. The orcas were between Hope Island and Ala Spit-North Oak Harbor. -Report and photo by Cary and Bill Rauscher, June 29, 2018
June 29 - 6:01 p.m. - Just saw 5 orcas between Orcas and Shaw ferry landings headed east. -Gloria Eppig
(Proof of presence)... this was 4:30pm - ish about five minutes from pulling into the Shaw Ferry Terminal. -Photo by Bryn Black, June 29, 2018
1738 - Mike at WS Ferries called to report 5 orcas seen just off the Orcas Island ferry terminal.
1:16 p.m. - WS Ferries reports ~ 6 orcas heading south out of Wasp Passage.
June 29 - Admiralty Inlet - 7:00 p.m. - San Juan Clipper spotted an extremely elusive Humpback Whale at the mouth of Useless Bay. Was heading north past Double Bluff quickly last we saw. Only surfaced once every 6 minutes and did not fluke. -Justine Buckmaster
June 29 - Possession Sound - We had a black whale with small dorsal fin in front of our house in old Clinton about 1:30pm (29th) heading towards the Clinton ferry dock. It was very large and it was on the surface for a short time, and at first we thought it was a log. Then it sounded and then came back up. Then our view of it was obstructed but it was traveling South. -Margaret Norling
June 29 at 10:48 a.m - Possible humpback in front of Mukilteo Ferry headed towards Everett. I only saw the tails sit it dove, but it was huge. (edited with: It seemed more like a humpback but I only saw it for 2 seconds before it dove. I'll keep a lookout and post if I see it again). -Melissa Simmons, WSF
This (we think) Gray Whale was spotted in surprisingly shallow 15-25 foot depths close to the outer green buoy at the mouth of Oak Harbor today at 4:50 pm (June 29). -Patti McCoy
(this is a match to the gray whale we are calling 2018Unknown#2 and who was first photographed April 9th in that area and by all accounts has stayed in since - alb)
June 29 - We saw the dolphin heading south past Edmonds Marina Beach on Friday afternoon around 3:30pm. I didn't have enough cell service to post a sighting, but we were excited! It was too far out but definitely alone not with any friends. It was pretty big as I spotted it from shore and wasn't really looking. -Karen Knight
(in reply to bottlenose post - alb)
June 28
9:03 a.m - Residents just went through Active Pass heading toward The Fraser River. -Rachelle Hayden
Orca sighting from S. shore of Saturna. Background: Initially sited Harbour porpoise about 7pm; unusual since in very close to cottage, Followed, about 5 min later, by single orca; also unusual since orca was solo. Looked like orca (reported as transient, was residents) was pursuing porpoise. Followed much later (in excess of 20 min) with remaining pod members (4-6 in number) with two shown. Interesting since extremely wide gap between first orca and the followers. Perhaps points out the hunting capabilities of the orcas. Outcome of hunt unknown, but there were 2 whale-watching boats located off Monarch Head which could view subsequent activity. I would appreciate any info as to the id of the pod. J16 Slick and her daughter J50 Scarlet off Saturna Island. -Regards, James McLarnon, Vancouver
While we were with the transients in Encounter 41, we heard over the radio that J and L pods had been found farther north off the Fraser river mouth heading south....We got on scene with Js and Ls at 1640 a little over halfway between Pt. Roberts and Patos Island. The whales were very spread out and foraging on their way south towards Boundary Pass. We first saw J35 and J47 to the west of most of the others and the pair was loosely spread and seemed to foraging...-Full encounter summary and photos at Center for Whale Research #42.
June 28 - Killer whales spotted in Burrard Inlet - Researchers with the Vancouver Aquarium's Ocean Wise research team spotted killer whales in Burrard Inlet earlier today. "The last report we received was of the whales near Spanish Banks, so, although we can't predict their path, it sounds like they briefly came into Burrard Inlet and then headed out again," says aquarium spokesperson Deanna Lancaster.
June 28 - ...There was a large group of transients, including T175-a rare visitor to the Salish Sea, found north of East Point heading north...Along with T65A2, this turned out to be T176, plus a large juvenile/subadult that is probably T176A, and a small juvenile of T176's. This recent visit (6/27-6/29) by the T176s is the first time, to our knowledge, that this matriline has been documented in the inside waters around southern Vancouver Island. - See full encounter with photos at Center for Whale Research Encounter 41.
June 28 - Puget Sound - At 3:58 p.m. - I spotted a humpback whale .5 mi WNW away from the Steilacoom fishing dock. It was headed north. -Brandon Simek
8:00 a.m - Large whale heading north past Steilacoom right now. I'm thinking humpback, no tail view. Was cool, was laying in bed and just happened to look outside and there it was. I took video, but so far away. -Lisa Wiksten
(reveiwed distant video, looked like humpback - alb)
June 27
...J26 had been reported to be trailing the leaders but was well ahead of the trailing groups and we found him mid-Haro Strait at 1330. J26 was traveling fast due north toward Land Bank. After a quick look at him, we moved ahead in the direction he was heading to see if we could find the rest of the J16s. We found the J19s and J50 spread out near Edwards Point heading south. J26 appeared several hundred yards down island of the others and was now also heading slowly south....-See full report summary and photos at Center for Whale Research Encounter 40.
16:46 - A friend is seeing some near False Bay.
As of 14:45 all were still south of Lime Kiln... The ones that made it within sight were traveling south, the big group that came across looked like they must have hit at Eagle or around there.
13:45 - seeing whales mid Haro aiming straight at Lime Kiln, no boats with them
13:00 - Leaders approaching Discovery now per AIS. We've heard Js and Ls mentioned so far.
11:33 - Southern Residents inbound from out west - potentially spread from Sooke to Victoria. -Monika Wieland Shields
Transient and Southern Resident Killer Whales around Sooke! With some very early reports of Orca west of Sooke we were excited to get out on the water. After the Transient T063a's we were blessed with J and L pod heading east. They just kept coming and coming. J51 Nova, J19 Shachi, J41 Eclipse , and L86 Surprise traveling eastbound Juan de Fuca. J26 Mike heading east - Juan de Fuca. -Paul Pudwell
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
June 27 - Juan de Fuca - T36A and offspring T36A2. - So many whales so little time....Transient Killer Whales just east of Sooke. Mark Malleson help ID them as T036a's, thanks again. T36A1 with his nicks. He got those nicks last year. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, June 27, 2018
(Individual ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
June 27 - A few faces emerge. T99s, T175, T176s - between Matia and Orcas Islands. -Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, June 27, 2018
June 27 - Rare transients from today near Smith Island! First zig-zagging all over and then bee-lining south. T173, 175 and 176 confirmed but others also present. They were ALL over in terms of movements and hard to get, so didn't get photos of everyone. T175, T176 -Renee Beitzel
(ID by Alisa LB, ON confirmed by Melisa P, CWR)
4:55 p.m. - I'm on the ferry and just heard an announcement that that are orcas in Rosario. (near SW side of Cypress - T175, T176 plus others) -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
June 27 - Spieden Channel - T49As just went west through Spieden Channel 12:45 - we saw them from shore. -Monika Wieland Shields
June 27 - Puget Sound - I just spotted a humpback very close to shore at 8:06 pm, right off the middle of Salmon Beach, in Tacoma. It surfaced twice, but was rapidly moving north west towards Point Defiance. I studied humpbacks in college, so I was able to identify that it surely was a humpback. So exciting! Thanks! -Erin McCoy
5:31 p.m. - Humpback heading south towards Fox island! -Karen Caldwell
June 27 - I forgot to write a note from the field, but there was a Gray Whale (90% sure on the ID) between Jetty Island and Hat Island in the morning. Perhaps the same individual as this report. -Josh Adams
Unidentified cetaceans - June 27 - Puget Sound - We were kayaking on Puget Sound today near Lincoln Park. There was 2-3 of them. Do you think this was orcas? -Report and photo by Addison Altman & Gay Gabrilska, June 27, 2018
(Looks more like a dolphin & we had no orca reports - alb)
Dolphins - 5:18 p.m - This guy was hanging out in front of Point Ruston and heading south. -Photo by Kiana Weindschenk, June 27, 2018
Saw a dolphin again today. Between 12:40 and 12:45, between 3:05 and 3:20 pm, and just now, at 4:50. Photo by Wayne Lattuca, June 27, 2018
(This is "Stump". Condirmed by Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research)
10:49 a.m - I just got a call from Brian Owens about a dolphin he saw 300 yds offshore between Owens Beach and the Pt. Defiance boathouse. Just milling. No photos.
June 26
Admiralty - 8:55 a.m. - Passed the Point Wilson lighthouse trending west.
8:26 a.m - Orcas right off port Townsend near point Hudson marina... currently milling. One adult male, couple females and a young one. -Sarah Hanke
Possibly 5 orcas traveling north past our office at Point Hudson this morning at 0831. -Brian McLaughlin, WDFW
7:30 a.m. - Saw 3 orcas on 6/26/18. They were located in the Port Townsend Bay between Kala Point and Indian Island. -Melody Stewart
June 26 - Juan de Fuca - A beautiful day on the water with a leaping Calf and many humpback whales around Race Rocks Lighthouse. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, June 26, 2018
June 26 - Haro Strait - ~ 6:15 p.m. - Humpback fluking twice, just south of Hannah Heights. -Richard Daly
June 26 - Puget Sound - 4:20 p.m - Humpbacks off the Edmonds marine, about 1/4 mile west, heading north slowly. Looks like two, possibly three. -Steve Marczewski
June 26 - Rosario Strait - 1:15 p.m. - viewing from West Beach, Deception Pass State park, humpback northbound. Barely visible without binos, a few boats following. -Rachel Haight
June 26 - Puget Sound - 8:58 am - Spotted a whale with a small dorsal fin in Elliott Bay directly off of Myrtle Edwards Park. Couldn't ID but would guess about 30 feet long. Heading south. Dove when a tugboat passed by....I have a limited view so I'm guessing it was out of my lateral viewing range by the time it surfaced again. If I had to guess I'd say it was a Minke, but I'm no expert. Seems likely that others in downtown would have seen it, too. -Leo Muller
(Humpbacks have been in that area, and one was seen further north off Edmonds later in the afternoon - alb)
June 26 - Possession Sound - 7:19 a.m . - Just spotted a whale half way between Hat Island and Mukilteo. Spouted a couple of times. -Kim Vest Gleason
June 26 - Puget Sound - 2:42 a.m - Just heard whales spouting of Day Island University Place. -Larry A Capps
June 25
4:30 p.m. - about 4 orcas just south of Fort Flagler. Traveling southbound. Seen from the Victoria Clipper. -Esther du Crocq
June 25 - 2:00 p.m. - At least four orcas heading NW out of Admiralty Inlet past Port Townsend. One male, two females and a juvenile. -Amanda Gardiner.
June 25 - M/V Duke spotted 1 adult and 1 juvenile humpback at Viti Rocks headed north along the west side of Lummi Island at 1305 hrs. -Ryan Danforth Downs
June 25 - Grey whale observed off Maylor Point, Oak Harbor at 1100. -Rick Oppegaard
June 24
12:55 Ts passing Friday Harbor on Shaw shoreline fast north.
12:10 now per AIS, mid Griffin Bay going north fairly quickly
11:27 Transient killer whales aiming at Cattle Pass from near Iceberg Point of Lopez. -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI
(ID'd as T65As and T49As (minus A1, including A2, by Sara Hysong-Shimazu)
June 24 - T137s - 6:19 p.m. - viewing from fort Ebey, their blows are lighting up in the sun. Angling SE into Admiralty inlet. Passing Admiralty head now. -Rachel Haight
4:43 p.m - We can still see them from this West beach lookout (Swan Town). From that lookout point they were directly in front of the small island headed south. -Moises Sanchez
1:40 - They're heading south now along West Beach.... I left, the fog came in pretty thick around 1:45. -John Dooley
6/24 Trip Report: Another spectacular day! First we saw some fat harbor seals, then caught up with the T137 family very quickly, just past Fidalgo Head south of Allen Island. We followed them under the Deception Pass Bridge, and watched as they made a kill on the north side of Strawberry Island. And then they attempted to go back out under the bridge, but against a very strong tide! They were going full power, with lunges and huge exhalations, but at one point were actually being pushed backwards! They finally made it, and headed southwest into the fog. We headed out to find a humpback at Colville Island, and followed him/her through alternating sun and fog east, and lost him/her in the fog at Burrows Island.
12:50 p.m. - Just received word the T137s are in and around Deception Pass. The family had east under the bridge earlier made a kill around Strawberry Island (east of Deception Pass bridge) and then headed back out west under the bridge but were being pushed back by the currents. -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist
Coastal killer whales - June 24 - We received a call today from Corey McCaughlin, reporting a sighting of two orcas Sunday June 24th off Gleneden Beach, OR (south of Lincoln City and Siletz River). They first saw some seals coming on to the beach acting strangely, then saw the orcas offshore.
June 24 - Juan de Fuca - We had the pleasure today to visit 4 different gentle giants from Sooke to Race Rocks. Seems to be more and more humpback whales returning to the Juan De Fuca Strait. -Paul Pudwell (See photo below. Thanks to Alethea Leddy for finding ID on Happy Whale: Name: Galileo; ID: HW-MN0510007; SEX: Unknown; ALSO KNOWN AS: OSUWTG-MnOR069)
June 24 - San Juan Channel - 12:40 p.m. - Humpback right outside Friday Harbor ...Seen from shore. -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI
June 24 - Eastern Juan de Fuca/Rosario Strait - BCY Unknown "Scratchy"...We headed out to find a humpback at Colville Island, and followed him/her through alternating sun and fog east, and lost him/her in the fog at Burrows Island. -Photo by Bonnie Gretz, Mystic Sea, June 24, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
June 24 - Puget Sound - Near Zittles Marina when I left it. It (humpback) surfaced really close to us, maybe because we had the engine off. -Photo by Ryan Sheridan, June 24, 2018
5:46 p.m. - Just saw 2 humpbacks off of Tolmie State Park heading toward Johnson Point. Didn't get a picture we were kayaking and heard the blow holes too far away to get a photo. One boat following slowly at an appropriate distance. -Lori Crumb-Rolley
4:58 p.m. - humpback heading north (Olympia side of Nisqually Reach off Beachcrest). -Ryan Sheridan
3:24 p.m - Humpback whale, solo, off Steilacoom. Southern direction. -Photo by John Hamrick, June 24, 2018
2:30 p.m. - (Humpback) Last sighting was about 230 underneath the Tacoma Narrows bridge, heading south.
1:47 p.m. - (Humpback) Right off of Owens Beach heading west. Did not get a clear view of the tail, but it just dove down. Have only seen one. Last sighting was just outside of gig harbor. -Tanya Esparza
Absolutely a humpback. Saw it twice...Once at about 10:45 in 120 feet of water off Owen Beach. Second time, 3 or 4 breaths, off Ruston (Tacoma waterfront) at 11ish. -Matt K A Brown
7:17 a.m - Big whale, likely humpback, just passed Gig Harbor heading toward Narrows Bridge, closer to Gig Harbor shore than Pt Defiance. -MIchele Riley Campbell
June 24 - Carr Inlet - Hi everyone, just saw this at 6:30 going heading east, Carr Inlet (off Kopachuck State Park) ...Here are the photos I took of the dolphin...I was really hoping to see the Humpback, but it didn't come up the inlet so seeing a Dolphin was a big surprise!!! We only saw it come up few time due to it's speed, so, my photos are not the best. I'm very happy to have seen it. Bottlenose dolphin known as Stump in Carr Inlet, Puget Sound. -Desiree Sauve
(ID confirmed by Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research)
11:15 a.m - she's back (dolphin)...just North of our house before the curve westward. Driftwood Cove, Carr Inlet (north of Raft Island). -Melissa Meyer
June 24 - Hood Canal - We're pretty sure we saw two bottlenose dolphins off the tip of Misery Point in Seabeck today around 10:30 am. They we're heading NE toward the Hood Canal Bridge. They looked far too small to be whales but were jumping and breaching. We couldn't get a pic before they were gone! -Angie Berger
June 23
San Juans - T137s - 18:30 - For anyone keeping track, we left these whales at 18:30 going up President's Channel right on the Orcas Island shoreline
15:30 - From AIS they've looped around Shaw and are heading back west through Harney Channel 15:30
14:05 - we are watching them pass Friday Harbor now from shore, mid Channel still heading south
13:40 - The T137s are southbound in San Juan Channel, still north of Friday Harbor. - Monika Wieland Shields, OBI
June 23 - Boundary Pass - T49As & T65As - After spending some time up north with the T124As in Active Pass we headed back south where the T49As, T65As and T137s were traveling together around the San Juans. By the time we got with them approx. 12:20 the T137s had split off and headed south and the T49As and T65As were heading eastbound in Boundary Pass on the US side, north side of Waldron Island off Sandy Point. These families were beautifully grouped and pretty much were just traveling at a good pace and continued that way for the ~ 25 minutes we were with them. At some point they zig-zagged north and then back east again... we last saw these families heading northeasterly near north side of Skipjack Island about 12:45. -Alisa Lemire Brooks (w/Gayle Swigart)
June 23 - Enterprise Reef through Active Pass - T124As & T124A2s - A friend and I headed north up to the Gulf Islands with Maya's Legacy aboard J1 in hopes of seeing whales in places we have never explored. Approx. 30 minutes off the dock we got word there were orcas at Enterprise Reef off the west side of Mayne Island, BC heading northbound. We arrived shortly after 11:00, watched them pass in front of the Mayne Island ferry and take a right into Active Pass. Once in the pass they zig- zagged, made several directional changes in some of the currents (initially we thought they were on a kill) then moved on traveling the pass grouped up at a steady pace. They cleared the pass about 30 minutes later where we watched this lovely family continue north in front of the Galiano Island ferry dock. We then we turned and headed back west through Active and headed south to Boundary Pass to spend some time with another group of orcas. Thank you to Sara Hysong-Shimazu for IDs: T124As with the T124A2s. -Alisa Lemire Brooks (w/ Gayle Swigart)
Orca sighting in Queen Charlotte Sound. We saw this Orca as we crossed the sound on June 23, 2018. -photo by Brent Alley, SV Pegasus II
June 23 - Sooke - We had the pleasure to visit many Humpbacks today from Sooke to Race Rocks with some being very elusive...but our local sea otter was all smiles! -Paul Pudwell
June 23 - Puget Sound - 8:35 p.m. - Humpback moving slowly south, closer to Kitsap side approaching ferry lane in between Apple Tree PT and Edmonds. Have only seen it surface twice. Best photo we could get, whale wasn't surfacing very often. -Photo by Gina James Vigna, June 23, 2018
June 23 - A dolphin was back at 8:30 p.m Driftwood Cove, Carr Inlet. -Photo by Melissa Meyer, June 23, 2018
(ID unconfirmed per Dave Anderson, CRC)
6:07 p.m. - She is back in the cove again now. This one was hanging out in Driftwood Cove area, inland and just North of Raft Island today. It hung around alone for quite some time! Gray, with a very rounded head, traveling alone. It jumped 10-12 times & stalled my son who was out kayak fishing for a while, then headed North toward Purdy at about 3pm...Photo by Melissa Meyer, June 23, 2018
June 22
Another lovely day! We caught up with the T65A family of Biggs/Transient (meat-eating), along with a few T49As orcas just off Lopez Island, then followed them through Lopez Pass. They became extremely active, hunting a harbor seal, with massive and multiple tail slaps, lunging back and forth, and then some spy hops and breaches. After consuming the prey, they took some power naps. This family matriarch is T65A (born 1986), with her son T65A2 (2004), and 4 other calves (A3-2007, A4-2011, A5-2014, and new baby A6-4/2018). They have been seen many times around the Salish Sea this season. As we left them to their rest, we motored out to Lawrence Reef, south west of Burrows Island, and found a humpack, reported to be BCY Unknown "Scratchy." Fabulous sunny summer day! -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist
At Lopez Island in Lopez Pass/Sound and Humpback southwest of Burrows Island not far from Deception Pass. So awesome seeing the orcas at Lopez Island and going into Lopez Sound. Beautiful background, just gorgeous hanging in there, different scenery. Nice breach by one of the T65As or T49As in Lopez Pass. -Photo by Marilyn Armbruster, June 22, 2018
With some early reports of many Killer Whales passing Sooke this morning we were excited to get out west to find who we had so close to us today! Hooray, Some of J and L Pod of our Southern Resident Killer Whales were slowly heading west in the Juan De Fuca Strait. J37 Hy'Shqa and her six year-old song J49 T'ilem Inges heading westbound off Sooke this morning. Looking all grown up and handsome; 15 year-old J39 Mako. L87 Onyx. Sandwiching this lovely much beloved guy's photo between his adopted pod members (Js) and natal pod member. L86 Surprise (born 1991, mother to L106). -Paul Pudwell, Sooke Coastal Explorations
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
Humpback whales - June 22 - Puget Sound - 6:27 p.m. - (humpback) stopped mid channel. Lots of tail slapping and splashing. Very close to a large sail boat.
6:15 p.m. - Heading south west. Somewhat in the Bainbridge ferry Lane. A ferry is probably right on top of them right now.
6:00 p.m - Breach! Breaching humpback west of Alki Point, West Seattle. Directly West of SW Seattle St. Boats way too close. -Phil Echelman
4:34 p.m. - There's also porpoises in the water! The whales are heading into the bay! (Elliott Bay) -Gergana Mouteva
4:07 p.m. - Just saw them at Alki point! Northbound, They were very close to shore...Couldn't tell if they were heading towards Elliott Bay or further north
2:55 p.m. - we watched two humpbacks, very close to shore at West Beach, head north, rounding Brace Point at about 3:05. Hopefully still visible from shore at Lincoln Park or other areas north. -Ellen Cole
June 22 - Rosario Strait/Eastern Juan de Fuca - 4:55 p.m - At Deception Pass Beach State Park (West Beach) watching a humpback whale offshore a few miles out west and a tad north. S/he has been out there at least since around 2 pm when i had first seen her/him from a whale watching boat (see photos below). Humpback BCYUnknown "Scratchy" off Burrows Island this afternoon. -Marilyn Armbruster (ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
Minke whales - June 22 - 7:55 a.m - 3-4 minke whales off the coast in Freeland, off spy glass road. Swimming and feeding. Traveling south east. One is traveling north west. (I would not say I was 100% certain. Given the looks we had, speed and feeding we took our best guess that they were minke. But it is possible we are wrong.) -Kathleen Massmann
Dolphins - June 22 - We saw what we believe was a bottle-nose dolphin at Point Ruston this morning, between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m., last seen heading towards Point Defiance. We've put the best of our photos If you can ID the dolphin, we'd love to know which one it is. "Stump" the bottlenose dolphin swimming off Tacoma waterfront today. -Wayne and Karen Lattuca
(ID notes Dave Anderson Cascadia Research: "I think Alisa called it right, that looks like Stump to me as well.")
June 22 - Kirk Lee and Lori Christopher shared several video clips and some images (few included below) that show who is probably gray whale PCFG 185. Fluke tip of who looks to be PCFG 185. East side of Hat Island this afternoon. - alb
June 21
(Both Residents or Bigg's were in this area around this time, without photos or positive ID's cannot confirm ecotype - alb) Southern Residents - June 21 - Summer Solstice Orca Encounter no. 3! Sublime is the only way describe the gift of getting to sit in such a place as Cattle Point and witness members of L pod travel through the turbulent waters of Cattle Pass. The first sight of this group (ID'd as the L4s, L47s, L72s, and L90 by Monika Wieland Shields) was their towering blows rising above the rocks at Cape San Juan to the north of the park at 5:31pm. They continued in steady travel mode powering through the pass, back-dropped by lovely Lopez Island, went on the east side of Goose Island and exited the pass moving out of sight as they rounded the point under Cattle Point light house about 5:45 pm. We moved over to the bluffs east of the lighthouse and watched as they launched into series of non stop breaches! They continued to be very surface active while continuing SW for a while and then seemed to split up and stall out. They were offshore South Beach when we left at just before 6PM. This group of Ls came down from the north in the morning and chose San Juan Channel/Cattle Pass while Js & L87 chose the west side. Heart happy first day of summer filled with sunshine, choppy seas, a whole lot of orcas, alongside a good friend. Filmed from Cattle Point, a stunning & powerful beloved place on earth. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Ls (L4s, L47s, L72s, and L90) southbound nearing Cattle Pass; Js northbound nearing Lime Kiln 17:15. Ls were at Green Point on Spieden around 14:30 and exited Cattle Pass at 17:45. -Monika Wieland Shields
Summer Solstice Orca Encounter no. 2! J pod and L87 came down from the north spread out many miles apart, passing Lime Kiln Lighthouse by early afternoon (first visible to the north from the lighthouse ~ 1:15pm). Shortly before a family of Bigg's (see T49As video) swam northbound on course for the residents, they quickly turned around passing us again southbound approx 15 minutes ahead of the lead J pod members. Js & L87 streamed past very spread out, powering south, at times porpoising in choppy seas with occasional breaches, tail lobs, and what was presumed to be salmon chasing (just after 1 minute mark in the video). Last of the Js passed us on the rocks around 2:07 pm. A heartfelt Thursday solstice afternoon bathed in sunshine and howling winds, bare feet to the warm rocks and eyes on the beautiful, but struggling, endangered Southern Residents. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
1140 - Residents between Turn Point and Henry Island southbound heading for the west side of San Juan Island! -Monika Wieland Shields
Bigg's killer whales - Members of L pod traveling through Cattle Pass between San Juan and Lopez Islands. Surface sequence: T49A and her 3 eldest offspring surface in a beautiful tight group as they pass the rocks Lime Kiln lighthouse now southbound... Photo by Gayle Swigart, June 21, 2018
Mammal-eating Bigg's Killer Whales traveled northbound past us at 12:47 p.m., further from shore and more spread out. They turned around when they were out of sight and then came back by us southbound at 1:03, tightly grouped and close to shore. ~ 8-month-old T49A5 surfaces just behind her/his family. -Photo by Gayle Swigart, June 21, 2018
The first fish-eating Southern Residents from J pod went by us southbound at 1:19, very spread out. The last J pod whale traveled past at 2:07 p.m. -Photo by Gayle Swigart, June 21, 2018
Just as we (Gayle Swigart & I) were settling in on the rocks at Lime Kiln light to wait for southbound Southern Resident orcas J pod & L87 (salmon eating type), a family of Bigg's/Transients the T49As (mammal eating type) who were a surprise to everyone showed up a bit offshore heading northbound on course towards lead Js. The T49As passed us northbound at 12:47 pm, and with little choice but to turn back passed us again at 1:03 pm this time southbound breathtakingly close, our bodies shaking & hearts pounding in their wake. J pod leaders were within sight by 1:19pm. No one knew about or had reported this family of Ts so it was a great surprise to us when we pulled up in the parking lot, told a family there were orcas, and they responded with yes, orcas were at the south end of the park; a tad confused we wondered had more residents come in? had some lead Js snuck by? Once down on the rocks, we find Bob and those who conduct research each summer getting settled in as well and were just as surprised as us. A sweet summer solstice bonus gift forever embedded in our beings. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Unidentified killer whales - June 21 - 11:54 a.m - We are out at East Point on Saturna Island and we just saw approximately 5 orcas pass along East Point around to Cliffside. It was the best! Thought I'd let you know. -Jacquie Brown
June 21- Carr Inlet - 3:30 p.m - Humpbacks in Carr Inlet / Henderson Bay. Watched 2 humpbacks from Raft Island on June 21. At one point swam in the narrow channel between Raft Island & Allen Point. I'm not a whale expert but the small dorsal fin was the giveaway. 47.343168, -122.681331. -Steve Broschart
12:30 pm - Two whales swimming up Henderson Bay towards Wauna. They were in middle of bay between Raft Island and mouth of Minter Creek. They were swimming slowly to the north. They seemed large and had lots of body coming out of the water before seeing a small dorsal fin. I think they were humpbacks. Leisurely swimming, no deep diving. their flukes did not come out of the water when they submerged. -Kevin Stroh
June 21- Puget Sound - We spotted another whale sighting tonight of a Humpback fairly close to shore from our house at Meadow Point at 6:35p on Thursday 6/21/2018. The whale was moving fast going south towards Golden Gardens and breached twice. Not enough time to get any photos. -Mike and Ellen Hamm
10:43 a.m - Humpback Now going into Useless Bay. -Christopher Hanke
1000- Humpback southbound at Double Bluff. Close to Whidbey side. -Renee Beitzel
Gray whales - June 21 - We saw the gray whale again last night (21st) on our way home from work. About 5:45 pm by the sawdust barge in Everett. We saw her again this morning on the way to work near the south east end of Hat Island. This time we saw her back. She seemed small. I have decided we should call her Solo! -Kim Vest Gleason
June 21 - 5:20 p.m. - on Thursday - grey whale spotted mid-channel in the Saratoga Passage heading north past Race Lagoon toward Oak Harbor. Moving quickly. -Fran Farley Kendall
2:42 p.m. - (Gray) feeding just in front of her house near the boat ramp at Hidden Beach. -Liz Robbins
2:27 p.m. - Watching a small grey in front of our house feeding. Greenbank, just north of Hidden Beach. Seems a bit late in the season, but happy he was finding food. -Cynthia Cummings
June 20
Southern Residents in summer solstice-eve golden sunset light. Gulf Islands. -Photo by Gary Sutton, June 20, 2018
June 20 - We saw what I think we SKRW whales around Turn Point yesterday, based on their foraging behavoir. Here are two pics that hopefully you can identify (see below). There were 5 of them, I think. Might have been six. Definitely 3 large males and then a female with a younger one. Let me know who you think this is...Thanks! J41 Eclipse - near Turn Point, Saturna Island. L87 Onyx a lovely fellow who travels with J pod. -Mariann Carrasco
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research)
6:00 p.m. - Orcas off Smugglers Cove, West side San Juan Island heading North 5 Orcas: 1 male 4 females. Cruising slowly, but a couple long dives. Too sunny to ID any of them. -Photo by Holly Youngblood Cannon, June 20, 2018
1825 - The bulk of the group went north, but there are a few that have still been trailing way behind - a friend has just reported a group of 5 is approaching Lime Kiln now, and I'm hearing them on the hydrophones. -Monika Wieland Shields
Js and Ls are back and they were in party mode as they headed north off the west side of San Juan Island. Brothers J27 Blackberry and J39 Mako both kelping off San Juan Count Land Bank's Westside Preserve on the afternoon this afternoon! -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, June 20, 2018
3:38 p.m. - orcas starting to vocalize on Lime Kiln. -Althea Leddy 1500 - Slow north on the rocks at Lime Kiln.
1336 - Land Bank whales are southbound now
1302 - Looks like some Ls are here too! -Monika Wieland Shields
1:24 p.m. - Chatty Orcas on Lime Kiln, but appear to be moving away. Were very loud for a bit. Julie Kimberlin
Another special day with J's and some L's of our Southern Resident Killer Whales South East of Victoria. We are always excited to see these iconic Orca! -Paul Pudwell
June 20 - Puget Sound - 3:52 p.m. - My husband (who is currently stranded on a dead boat) just called to tell me he saw a pod of orcas (5 of them) swimming from West Seattle towards Vashon, just a bit south of the ferry lane. -Ronda Barrow Hempler
11:08 a.m. - orcas northbound mid channel off Fay Bainbridge. -Sue Larkin
10:50 am: T65As northbound northwest of West Point, closer to Bainbridge Island though. T65A2 (the 14 year old male) is closer to the mainland side or mid channel. The other 5 are now grouped together on the Bainbridge side. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga.
10:07 a.m - I just spotted maybe 3 orcas heading north off shore of Bainbridge. Moving pretty fast towards Fay Bainbridge Park. -Annie Brady Sheehan
9:45 a.m - Watching from Rockaway Beach on Bainbridge. Seeing several Orca, trending north. Just crossed in front of Bainbridge ferry. Kimbelry Sylvester
7:35 a.m. - We sighted a pod of 5 orca swimming mid channel in Area 10 between Meadow Point and Jeff Head. There were 4 adult orca and one juvenile swimming south at 7:35am on 6/20/2018. -Reported by Mike and Ellen Hamm
Unidentified killer whales - June 20 - 9:20 a.m - Swanson Channel off Fulford Harbour: 5 or 6 orca seen off Fulford Harbour (Saltspring Island) this morning. 1 lg male and 4 or 5 females appeared to be fishing, taking 5 minute dives. A BC Ferry passed close by, they shifted to mid channel then to entrance of Fulford Harbour, then finally headed west towards Saanich Inlet. they seemed to be fishing taking long dives (5-10 minutes). First sighting was between Portland and Piers Islands; about 1 nm off Portland and Brackman. A Gulf Islands BC ferry passed close by then they moved to mid channel and towards the entrance to Fulford Harbour, then continued west. A small number of boats (only 1 or 2 at a time) observed. No ID or photos. -Frank Gee
June 20 - Puget Sound - At about 11 pm I am 99% sure I heard a whale as it went past our house, west shore of Day Island. It was definitely not a sea lion or seal. Couldn't see it but I heard it. Maybe the humpbacks going South? -Karen Caldwell
I was enjoying dinner at Anthony's at Point Defiance in Tacoma, and a spotted a couple whales make their way across Commencement Bay between the ferry Crossing of Point Defiance and Vashon Island and saw them surface a good 20 to 30 times over the course of 30 minutes. -Dale Seitz
3 humpbacks in Commencement Bay, Tacoma this evening. 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Browns Point Light House to Jack Hyde Park, then in toward the port. They swam in and out of the Wednesday night sail boat races out of Tyee. Whales were all but touching each other as they would roll for air. Mellow pace. Long dives. Last sight of them was moving north/ east across mount of port, back toward NE Tacoma side. -Dean Burke
~ 1830 - Sighted two grays (probably the humpbacks) spouting off Ruston Way. Initial direction of travel was eastbound towards Foss Waterway. Second sighting of same whales at 2000 headed westbound out into commencement bay towards Point Defiance...t's entirely possible that they were the humpbacks you're talking about. I'm not exactly great at identifying whales, and tonight's cetacean sensation was no exception to this. It was a total treat to see though, without question. -Kaetlin Breen
June 20 - I saw a whale tonight about 5:45 pm near the south east tip of Hat. It appeared to be just one whale. Saw it blow at least 4 times. Could not tell what kind of whale it was. By the time we got close to where we saw the spouts it was gone. -Kim Vest Gleason
June 19
11:06 a.m - Just got off the water, was out early and found the Southern Residents off Sooke this morning, going east/west/south all spread out, few close to shore, but most foraging out in traffic lanes. J47 Notch off Sooke, BC. J16 Slick. J42 Echo. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, June 19, 2018
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research)
June 19 - 6.19.2018 - 10:40 - 11:30 - 48 39.6 x 123 03.8 at arrival, 41.4 x 05.55 at departure. T137s Hunt off of Flattop Island, 2 kills. -Zoey Greenberg
June 19 - Puget Sound (T65As) - 7:50 p.m. - San Juan Clipper just left them (orcas) southbound just south of West Point, close to northbound shipping lanes, very active. Lots of breaches and cartwheels. -Stephanie Raymond
7:34 p.m. - At least 5 orcas off of Discovery Park right now playing, heading south slowly. -Samuel Hilbert
7:35 p.m. - Moving slightly faster, still southbound. Breaching and tail slaps. Clipper is with them off West Point Lighthouse
6:50 p.m. - Watching them (orcas, presumably T65As) from Sunset Hill Park in Ballard. They are moving slowing south, off Shilshole Bay marina. Lots of tail slaps and splashing at the surface. -Danielle Carter
6:06 p.m - Spotted a small group off Carkeek, might be them. -Cary Kaczowka
4:30 p.m. - So definitely T65As, but also saw one really large male further west in the channel.
4:12 p.m. - Sped up. Motoring south at Kingston/Edmonds ferry mid channel.
4:10 p.m. - finally found them again, West mid channel, SB off Apple Tree Point, Kingston approaching ferry line. -Sara Frey
1:45 p.m. - We just picked them (T65As) up again... out on Possession Bank, currently heading Southwest. -Brian McGinn, MV Saratoga
Members of the T65As seen from Clinton Ferry Terminal south from Possession Beach Park, mostly mid channel, looking over towards Mukilteo/Harbor Point, from around 11 to 1:30 pm. Later while at Glendale Beach they stalled out, looked like they had found food, lots of tail slaps, some breaches, pretty active for about an hour or so. Once they neared Possession Beach Park, they were then moving pretty fast. Got to see the baby T65A6 (born this past spring)...beautiful family. -Marilyn Armbruster
11:15 am - T65As are now right at the Clinton Ferry landing on the Whidbey side still southbound, all grouped up together.
10:55 a.m - T65As still southbound about 2 miles North of the Clinton Ferry landing on Whidbey Island, mid channel between Hat and Whidbey islands.
10:00 a.m - T65As off the NW side of Hat Island southbound slowly. -Bart Rulon, MV Saratoga
June 19 - 8:20 a.m - 4 orcas south of Flat Point, Lopez. 1 large male huge dorsal fin headed toward Spieden Island. Traveling Slowly. We saw the orcas just as we make our turn into Upright Channel south of Flat Point on Lopez island. -Jeff Simmons, WSF
June 19 - 3:50 p.m. - Still here, swimming happily in circles. She/he was totally white from what I could see of it- it got pretty close to shore at one point. (gray whale Crescent Harbor - alb) -Michelle Booker
12:09 p.m. - Gray in Crescent Harbor! -Allie Hudec
June 18
T65A3 and T65A - 2:30 p.m - 4 orcas seen near Secert Harbor, off Cypress Island. They came from the northeast, heading south. We were conducting a multibeam bathymetry survey and think they were attracted to the sonar. They came very close to us. -Photo by Nicole White, June 18, 2018
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
7:55 p.m. - T65A, T65A6, T65A4, and T65A3. Deception Pass/Skagit Bay (T65As) I could be crazy, but i swear one of them has a strange sounding blow! Still lazily southbound along Whidbey shore approaching Strawberry point.
7:22 p.m. - still continuing south about a half mile off Whidbey shore in Skagit Bay. Between Dugualla and strawberry point.
6:29 p.m. - southbound between Ala Spit and Hope Island. T65A2 underwater. Today was pretty special. It was my FOURTH time seeing orca swim under Deception Pass bridge. I saw an eagle attempt to catch an otter. And, after chasing orcas from shore for nearly 5 hours, on my way home, I spotted a barred owl hanging out on a fence. Photo by Rachel Haight, June 18, 2018 -Rachel Haight
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
6:12 p.m. - We just saw a group go through in Dewey Beach, east side of Deception Pass!!! Amazing!Yes, they were headed eastbound and closer to the Fidalgo Island side. -Jenessa Bazzett Eeklema
5:25 p.m. - orcas appear to be going toward the bridge (Deception Pass)
5:15 p.m. - I'm at Rosario Head. Orcas are southbound headed my way very close to shore. -Rachel Haight
Saw 6-8 transients in the Skyline area (Anacortes) in Rosario Strait heading south around 3:15 pm. We were heading back to Bellingham and they popped out of nowhere. -Carol Murray
2:30 p.m. - 4 orcas seen near Secret Harbor, off Cypress Island (Rosario side). -Nicole White
June 18 - Possession Sound & Port Susan (T36, T36Bs, 137s) - 6:10 p.m. - I'm leaving Possession. Orcas are well south and I couldn't give you any indication of continuing south or flipping up Admiralty. Saw one large male which I believe was T137A as I know him pretty well but didn't get photo to compare dorsal nicks. Saw one mature female. Conditions were amazing. Got to Glendale at 5:30 to see large male south. Scrambled to Possession. Am told two have passed. Spread out, long down times and beyond mid-channel. -Debbie Stewart
5:07 p.m - Just spotted orca heading south just off the Mukilteo side about twenty minutes ago. When we were crossing. -Marion Marrujo
4:30 p.m. - Spotted 1 adult Male Orca Whale (1-2 total) while sailing on the Mukilteo-Clinton WA Ferry @ 4:30 on June 18, 2018. The whale was initially swimming toward Whidbey Island, then it turned and swam back toward Mukilteo. Middle of Port Gardner Bay, between Mukilteo & Clinton. -Paul Joseph (Joe) Wolcott
1:20 p.m. - Still in slow resting mode southbound. Mid channel between south side Kayak Pt. and Sunny Shore Acres, Camano. As viewed from Kayak Point. 7-8 orcas total in family groups, believe T137s are trailers by short distance.
12:40 p.m. - Both groups met up mid channel out from Kayak Point heading south. They are still in total resting mode, with some tail slaps when gathering. Some directional changes, rolls by young, and now resumed southbound travel backdropped by Olympic mountains in the distance beyond Camano.
12:10 p.m. - This inshore pod is north of the park and just now has flipped, now southbound this side of mid channel.
12:03 p.m. - Watched several pass off Kayak point from the pier. Many people in awe. These 3-4 anyhow are still heading north in total sleepy resting mode. Long dives at times.
11:30 a.m. - 2-3 others surprised us close inshore off the south end of Kayak Point northbound then disappeared.
11:18 a.m. - Saw a male slowly northbound mid channel between Tulare Beach and Kayak Point, Port Susan, in as glassy calm waters as can be. T36, T36Bs , T137s - Port Susan. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
1120 - We are leaving them now heading north still. T36 ahead of T137A but closing gap and crossing over to others on east side.
1016 - Ts heading north into Port Susan. Looks like 137's again and others. Long down times and really spread out. -Renee Beitzel
Found T137's and T036's near Everett at Gedney Island! We went into Port Susan with them...Photo by Janine Harles, June 18, 2018
9:28 a.m. - (orcas) southeast of Gedney. Still breaching and traveling northbound.
9:02 a.m - orcas off Harborview Park, north of Mukilteo. -Taylor Barkee
8:44 a.m - Donna George, Langley Whale Center volunteer, reports seeing at least 5 orcas heading north from the ferry to Mukilteo.
8:45 a.m - Just saw at least 8 orcas very near Mukilteo shore, right off the new ferry terminal under construction, headed toward Everett. -Margaret Marshall
Just saw the same ones 15 mins ago (8:30) going past the Mukilteo Ferry. Saw what appeared to be a male and a couple young and females. I would say at least 6 maybe 8 in group. -Melissa Simmons, WSF
8:15 a.m - Orca sighting, three or four whales traveling, just north of Possession Point headed towards the ferry. -Anna Magnuson
8:03 a.m - Orcas heading north toward Clinton. They just passed Possession Beach very active with lots of breaching and tail slaps. -Nicole Woltersdorf
7:32 a.m - Lynn reports good sized pod off Tulalip, chasing a seal.
June 18 - BCY Unknown "Scratchy" near Smith Island today. -Photo by Janine Harles, June 18, 2018
June 18 - I'm out too late last night, 2 miles further than I should be in shorts. He's 2 weeks past his departure date to Alaska. 2 derelicts, all alone, that couldn't be happier. Turn up volume for breathe of life and giggles. This is the sixth or seventh time this year I've been lucky enough to do this, beyond lucky and blessed. Halfway between Hat and Jetty Island. (video shared, presumed gray whale -alb) -Jay Irwin
June 18 - ...Then we headed through Deception Pass to Smith Island where we found "Scratchy" and the humpback, a Minke whale (no good pics of the Minke). -Janine Harles
June 17
Two orcas in the Saanich Inlet today, Sun. June 17th. -Karen Gray
June 17 - Admiralty Inlet - Big surprise about 715 this morning. Single Orca right out from at Bush Point headed North toward Lagoon Point. Just the single Orca. Crazy whale days are good whale days. It looked like a lone female. Did not hang around long. -Patrick Scott
Possession Sound and Port Susan (T36, T36Bs, T137s) About 10 pm on Sunday June 17th about 8 orcas were observed between Mission Beach and Hat Island heading East. We haven't seen orcas since the late 40's in these waters. This group was sighted about 2,00 feet out from the "old Bower'piling. At this time of the year we have some Chinook returning to the Tulalip hatchery. -Thomas Hoban
7:33 p.m. - we just left them - they passed right by a small grey and three seals without interest near Camano Head. Is there a confirmation of what group this was? There seem to be about nine of them, but they passed quite close to both a gray whale, and at least two seals, without expressing any interest. -Amitava Michael Kundu
Day report: There were two Orcas in Port Susan Bay 6/17 around 10:00am they hung out close to shore for a while just north of Sunny Shores beach then headed north. Around 5:00pm spotted three from Spee Bi Dah beach and our friend at Mckees Beach to the north saw them in front of Mckees around 6:00pm. Feeding and Traveling. -Jack Callaghan
At least 5 orcas headed north in Port Susan at 5:30pm! Presumed Biggs, per sharp dorsal but too far out for ID. First time our family (who has lived at Tulare Beach, since '54) has seen since the 70s, right around the captures. -Jennifer Smith
We saw this group, it's now traveling along Tulalip side of channel heading north 4:00pm. -Lori Christopher
1507 - they're traveling slowly west. It's the 137's! 36 and 36Bs with them.
1500 - We have a group between Hat and Everett right now. No IDs yet. -Renee Beitzel
We just witnessed 1-2 pods between Everett and Mukilteo off the shore, at 2 pm today, the 17th of June. It looks like they might be hunting. -Jennifer Tschimperle
1:41 p.m. - Orca sightings off the east side of Hat Island. 3 of them. -Michele Sayed
2nd hand report shared at 10:11 a.m: My aunt just text me that there were orcas at Kayak Point. She said 2 for sure and looked like they were headed south? just before 10:00 a.m. At 11:30 she said they were back. -Report and photo by Leanne and Shannon White, June 17, 2018 (Relayed by Liz Davidson)
Saw three orca in Port Susan Bay on the East side of Camano. Headed to North end of Bay, traveling pretty quickly. This was 9:30 AM Sunday. as of 1145, haven't seen them exit. But may have done when we weren't watching. -Sara Avery
7:28 a.m - I've got eyes on them from home and this could be another group. They are currently heading north west between Hat Island and Tulalip. -Danielle Pennington
6:34 a.m - ...seeing two orcas passing the Clinton ferry terminal heading northbound between Hat and Whidbey Islands. Heading towards Saratoga Passage. -Bob Essex
Victoria Harbor, BC (T77s) Orcas (T77s) in Victoria Harbour, Victoria, BC - Sun 6:50pm. -Photo by Jackie Cowan, June 17, 2018
June 17 - 7:00 p.m - Humpback whale 4 miles west of Deception Pass heading south. -Photo by Sean Overman, June 17, 2018
June 17 - Posted 9:00 a.m - When where these actually seen because I swear I just saw the same thing less than an hour ago (~9am) in Hansville just north of the Point (Point No Point)...It looked like two heading north...they where pretty far out also. -Michelle Hardy
9:50 a.m - Likely humpback (confirmed) one mile north of Apple Tree Cove off Kingston near Kitsap side. Couldn't ID. Heading northbound. See Facebook VIDEO. -Jordan Talge
June 17 - Gray whale in Penn Cove at 6:30 this morning while I was out rowing. I have some video from about 200 yds away after I rowed to shore. The water was awesome! I heard it behind me. It was pretty close! -CeCe Celia Aguda
June 17 - 7:34 a.m - I am also seeing a very tall narrow blow by Gedney Island not with the orcas. I'm wondering if there is humpback out there or something. Way too far for me to identify with binoculars. It's in the normal place the greys feed by the Snohomish River Delta. It was heading north and then went behind Gedney/Hat Island out of view. -Danielle Pennington
Unidentified whales - June 17 - 10:56 a.m - Grey just passed by Point No Point, closer to Useless Bay. Lots of porpoises, too! ("It was probably a humpback, then. We were far away", when asked how certain and mentioned humpbacks in area - alb ). -Lexi Magnusson
June 16
Bigg's killer whales - Large group of Bigg's in Puget Sound including: T036, T036Bs, T065As, T077s, and T137s and Possibly T75Bs.
Gray whales - Gray whale feeding at opening to Oak Harbor. Sat at 1215pm. -Photo by Jeff Humphrey, June 16, 2018
T125A and T128 near Guemes Island on Saturday evening. -Photo by James Gresham, June 16, 2018
June 16 - North Puget Sound to Admiralty Inlet (T99+) 9:30 p.m. - Orcas off Snake Rock, Port Ludlow, traveling north toward Oak Bay. -Christopher Hanke
Around 4 or 5 o'clock there were orcas near the Hood Canal bridge off Salsbury. Too far from my vantage point for pics. -Paul Hebert
Just got home after watching 4 Transients pass Point No Point and then 30-50 yards off Norwegian Point - continuing NB at a good clip hugging Kitsap side. One small boat chasing that ran full tilt right over where they had just dove down... orcas sped up to get ahead, boat then cut engine ~100 yards out when they realized they were on top of them just N of Norwegian Pt. Grr. was trying to give big arm motions to slow down - I need that whale flag. (Time update: Was watching from 3pm - 3:25 pm PNP and 3:30 - 4:00 pm Norwegian Pt.) -Donna Green Van Renselaar
(ID notes by Melisa Pinnow, CWR: "The only for sure ID in those four photos is T99...unknown IDs for the others.")
3:15 p.m. - orcas just passed Point No Point. 4 (believe 3 females, 1 sprouter). Steady moderate NB pace. Close to west side. -Sara Frey
1:25 p.m - 3+ Orcas headed north, cruising very fast, seen from Apple Tree Point, close to Kitsap side. -Gina James Vigna
Noon - (orca) Spotted today approx noon, on Puget Sound, during a sailboat race. 1 mile north of Skip Point in the shallows off north end of Bainbridge Island. 1 of them was smaller than the other. Maybe mother and calf? -Bud Smith
June 16 - South and Central Puget Sound (Groups split in South Sound for a time, then again after exiting Colvos Passage...or so it appears)
(Northbound Puget Sound group after morning split). 9:35 p.m. - In waning light, orcas are off south end of Shilshoe Marina. What a beautiful evening to be looking for whales! -Sue Larkin
8:20 p.m. - Watching them in front of Magnolia: Heading North. -Kelly Fowe Forslund
8:17 p.m. - Several orca at the mouth of Elliott Bay headed east, 300 yards north of the Bainbridge Ferry line...Eric Johnson
8:00 p.m. - Looked like a transient group out towards Bainbridge today. We spotted them from an Argosy boat. -Joshua Russell
8:00 p.m. - Orca sighting Elliot Bay/Puget sound I saw 3 or 4 orcas from my house in Magnolia around 8.00 to 8.30pm on the evening of Saturday June 16th. Travelling slowly north close to Magnolia Bluff. There was one male in the group. -Photo by Anne Warner, June 16, 2018
7:54 p.m. - the Sound/Alki group is heading north still. Just past due West of SW Seattle street right now. An Argosy tour boat has been following.
7:24 p.m. - Got eyes now on the other group. Just about to round the corner of Alki Point very close to the lighthouse. -Phil Echelman
My family was canoeing between Bainbridge Island and Blake Island (Rich Passage) and came upon a bunch of Orcas, male included, around 7-7:30 tonight. My daughter took this shaky video from the canoe. They turned around and paddles back to Fort Ward park....My husband said he believed there were 5-7 orcas and they were doing a lot of jumping. My family was headed to Blake Island but had to turn around because they the Orcas were between them and the island and the Port Orchard side of Rich Passage. My daughters said they for sure saw one male. There is no mistaking the dorsal. -Report by Amy Noel (see Facebook VIDEO by Natalie Noel)
7:15 p.m. - ...They are still headed northeast slowly west and a little south of Me-Kwa-Mooks in the northbound lanes now. 6:57 p.m. - They are in the southbound shipping lane now west of Me-kwa-mooks (West Seattle) heading northeast Lindsay Walker
(Rich Passage/Bremerton group) 10:00 p.m - Sitting on the rooftop at the Spyglass apartments and just saw a pod of Orcas go by and underneath the Manette bridge. They were heading towards Dyes. I first saw them about 300 yards from the Boat Shed restaurant and heading towards the Warren Ave bridge. -Photo by Randy A. Chavera, June 16, 2018
9:58 p.m. - Currently there is possibly two adults, and two babies, an adolescent, Orca whales leaving Dyes Inlet between Bremerton and Port Orchard, headed toward Silverdale. -Gordie Johnstone
9:23 p.m. - orcas in Sinclair Inlet outside PSNS right now heading east....just outside the carrier Nimitz! -Bryan McKinnon
We were at the Waterman dock in Port Orchard and about 4 orca whales(at least) were across the way next to Bremerton going towards the shipyard. They seemed to go along the shipyard towards Gorst and the last time we saw them (with binoculars) was right next to the shipyard kind of by the large crane. We stayed until dark hoping they would go back by but they didn't so I assume they are still down that way. No pictures because I only had my phone and they were hugging the Bremerton shoreline. Had at least one younger one in the group. Just swimming along, occasionally coming up like they do. Other people said they were feeding in Gorst. -Dawn Banks
7:38 p.m. - Looks like 5-7 orca in one group. Possibly second group. passing Waterman Pier in Port Orchard Bay right now. Two boats following them. Steadily moving south west. -Brittany Gordon
Two pods off Bremerton Ferry terminal On Saturday, our late 6:45pm sailing from Seattle-Bremerton (departed at 7:00pm), was close to it's arrival location at the Bremerton Ferry terminal. The captain announced that there as an orca pod off our starboard bow. There was, and it seemed to have a calf among them. There were perhaps 4-5 individuals in that pod. Then, we saw another group directly in front of the boat. That group had about 4-5 individuals as well. Just NE of Bremerton Ferry terminal (Sinclair Inlet). -Shari Tallarico
Shawn Vu shared two videos to our Facebook page (not shareable) of a big group he said was "heading up Rich Passage going in to Port Orchard Bay going towards Bremerton".
Melisa Pinnow, CWR reviewed those videos, here are her ID notes: "I see at least the T77s and T137s in the videos."
7:15 p.m. - They did! (go Rich Passsage) The group must have split up. Got reports from another friend that they see a group near NE Blake right now. -Phil Echelman
WA State Ferries reported four orcas in Rich Passage at 7:11 pm.
7:00 p.m. - Look like they are entering Rich Passage.
6:42 p.m. - Just spotted between Blake island and Fort Ward. Moving North coming out of the passage. Good chance (heading towards Rich Passage). They are staying super close to the West side of the sound. -Phil Echelman
(NOTE: A SPLIT HAPPENED AFTER EXITING COLVOS (one group headed into Rich Passage/Bremerton, 2nd group continued NB up Puget Sound - alb)
6:10 pm. - Orca pod, We counted 7 orcas. One had a very large dorsal fin, spotted from the Southworth Ferry dock. They were traveling north toward Blake Island. It was so cool to see them! -Kit White
6:00 pm. - Approaching Southworth now northbound probably 5-7 of them maybe 3 males? I did see a small group split off to the east of Blake after they passed Southworth. -Photo by Ryan Sheridan, June 16, 2018
6:00 p.m. - Northbound pod north end Colvos. At least a dozen. Tim Ferris
5:46 p.m - This group is now northbound between Peter Point and the Southworth ferry dock. -Rob Mosley
Large pod (2 groups) in Colvos heading north at 5:10 PM. -Clif Alferness
5:05 p.m. - orcas passing Oglala Market (Colvos Passage). -Kari Hartkorn
4:50 p.m. - Excited to report 8 or more Orca, one was a calf for sure, moving steadily north up Colvos passage yesterday 6/16 4:50 PM. They passed us at the dead end of Cross Landing on Vashon. Close enough for us to hear them breathing. Two groups 2 with calf in front, 4-5 in second group. The baby breached at one point! Yay!!! -Maria Winkler
4:45 p.m - Saw 3-4 orcas traveling northbound ~10-15 kts Colvos Passage, west of Vashon and just north of Point Richmond. -Chris Friedmann
4:39 p.m. - Just watched them (At least 4-5 but probably more. I kept losing track when I tried to count. Some pretty small ones and at least 1 with a big dorsal) from Sunrise Beach. They're out of sight now - passed Point Richmond (I think is the name of the point). Still heading North. They may have been hunting just before they got to the Point - saw a lot of huge splashes but that was well past Sunrise, so we couldn't make out much more. -Heidi Armstrong
4:20 p.m. - Looks like they're heading up the Colvos I see two boats near them mid channel rounding the point.
4:00 p.m. - Around here headed west I'm seeing at 4pm on the dot. (Point Dalco) -Ryan Sheridan
4:15 p.m. - this group is 4-5, closer to Vashon shore, moving fast, have already rounded to Colvos Passage.
4:13 p.m. - Looks like a new set of 3 (including 1 male) moving fast , mid channel at Dalco Point moving towards Gig Harbor.
3:45 p.m. - They appear on the move towards Colvos now, close to Vashon shore
3:31 p.m. - I male 2 female (or youth). Near Point Dalco (SE Vashon) feeding in front of my house, also 4 freaked out seals about 6 feet from Vashon shore. -Sarah Bradford Honeywell
~3:30 p.m. - Stunning close inshore pass off south side Brown's Point, Tacoma. See this VIDEO by Patricia Peachy Reynolds we've posted to our Facebook page.
(Melisa Pinnow, CWR reviewed the video and ID'd T137A as present)
We parked our boat and turned off the motor over 500 yards and waited. They surfaced in front of our boat. This is the Pod that crosses Browns point. Big male. -Photo by Duncan McAlpine, June 16, 2018
(T137A - ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
1500 hours - Orca (6) sighting: Commencement Bay, Off Hylebos water way. Feeding, possibly playing. 47.17.441N , 122.25.197W. -Photo by Jeffrey Moisture, June 16, 2018
2:55 p.m - They are at Puyallup river mouth and there's a boat way too close to it.
~2:35 p.m - Along Ruston way heading into Foss water way. -Vivian Peng
~ 2:30 Old Town Dock Commencement Bay. -Photo by Rafael Loza, June 16, 2018
Today (6-16-2018 we spotted 8 Orcas just yards off the Dock at Northern Fish in Tacoma WA. at 2:30pm. -Photo by Jerry Huges, June 16, 2018
(ID'd as T36B1 by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
~2:25 p.m - There were 7 right off of Dash Point...heading south. -Amanda Clements
I took this picture on the 16 of June about 2:00p.m. off of Dash Point, heading was S.W. -Photo by Scott Delgadillo, June 16, 2018
2:00 p.m. - I saw three orcas swimming south in Commencement Bay - saw them from Point Ruston apartment. No picture available. I don't know if they were resident or transient. -Maya Kocian
12:35 p.m. - Point Robinson pass by, closer to mid channel, still southbound mid channel, going for looooong dives. -Marla Smith
12:20 p.m. - They're passing Point Robinson on Vashon still southbound - we see them across the channel from Saltwater State Park, Des Moines. -Monika Wieland Shields
Noon - Our son was jogging along Ruston Way waterfront in Tacoma, WA when he saw 4 Orcas, one male and three females, but people on the beach told him there may have been as many a 7-8 Orcas. Our son said they seemed to be traveling. Two were zig-zagging with each other. -Photo by Cameron Arneson, June 16, 2018. (Report relayed by dad Dennis Arneson)
...Before we left (around 1300), they had definitely split. The 65As and 77's crossed to the east side while the others stayed closer to Vashon side but continued south.
11:42 a.m - T137s confirmed too, and still more! (Thinking 77's and possibly 75Bs. Not confirmed. 36 & 36Bs there too)
11:20 a.m. - it is T65As and others, they are still southbound
11:11 a.m - We found them! Northwest of Three Tree Point This little one is growing so fast! Little T65A6 and his/her mama T65A... Certainly a spirit lifter in light of today's news. (Burien). -Renee Beitzel, MV Saratoga
(ID's confirmed later: T36, 36Bs, 77s, 65As and 137s)
10:18 a.m. - south of Fauntleroy Vashon ferry lane. 10:02 a.m. - southbound Vashon ferry dock, close to Vashon side. -Mary Hartmann
9:48 a.m. - still heading south slowly. North east of Blake island. Lots of breaches
9:25 a.m. - Look to be slightly southeast of South Beach, Bainbridge (at least from my angle). Some commotion on the surface. Possible a chase. Spending long time under though so views are infrequent. -Krista Larson Billinghurst
9:15 a.m - I see a group south of the Bremerton ferry, on east side of Blake Island heading south. -Amand Gilbert
WA State Ferries reported 4-5 orcas southbound mid channel of traffic lanes, reported by ferry Spokane on Seattle-Bainbridge run at 8:15 am.
8:30 a.m - I see them in line with Alki Point heading south mid channel.
7:50 a.m - VCV reports to us a pod of orcas at West Point, Discovery Park, off Magnolia. No IDs and no direction yet. Will update when underway. -Justine Buckmaster, Victoria Clipper
June 16 - thanks for all of your work. Love reading the sightings reports. We were lucky enough to see orcas off of the east coast of Haida Gwaii last week while on vacation. My partner got a pretty good video of one - think it was a juvenile as it checked out the boat. Do you know anyone who would want the sighting report? Think we were too far north for your organization, right?... Great. Here you go: Sat, 6/16, mid-afternoon, east coast of Louise Island or the vicinity. - We were observing a group of 5-6 orcas; split to the far right and left sides of our zodiak (guided trip); right group was a larger juvenile or female and younger juvenile(s) and the left group was an adult male and another large female. - the left group moved slowly south tail slapping repeatedly - the right group of youngsters was all over the place w one good breach. - Our guide kept us 300-400 meters away. He/we def knew not to approach or chase. - The group of 2-3 on our right starting getting a bit closer; the guide had stopped moving the boat just left the motor on. - then all of a sudden tone whale from the right group gave our boat a close up before continuing south and eventually both groups joined up again and continued slowly heading south. First video is the close encounter. Second video is really far, but you can just make out a tail slap and the bull's fin. -Sarah Chesson
(ID notes by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research: "It is a transient (photo below)...I just watched them (videos). No IDs for them I am afraid." )
June 16 - We saw a humpback 6/16/18..Sinclair Inlet, near Retsil...11:30am traveling East. -David Luxton
June 16 - Lone Humpback south of Pt Robinson light (Vashon). Went past my house on Luana Beach. Traveling south toward Federal Way. Several breaches. -Matt Hahn
June 16 - Hello, we took our boat out yesterday and some whales found us. We were taken by surprise videos are very good. However we can't figure out what kind of whales we saw. I was hoping you could help us with your knowledge? We were between Hat Island and Jetty Island Saturday night at around 6:30. Thank you for any help you can give! (confirmed gray per video) Thank you so much! This was only our second time heading out that way and we're so surprised. It was a great first day of summer for our 10 year old! -Erin J Tredway
June 15
Three orcas, one male, 2 females, heading South past Lime Kiln Park Friday at 8:00 PM. They were foraging, then slowly heading South. -Photo by Holly Cannon, June 15, 2018
A few pics from Lime Kiln State Park ...It was around 4:00 p.m. when the orcas came by the lighthouse. A beautiful look at J16 Slick off Lime Kiln park. J16's grown son J26 Mike passing by the park.. When I took the pic of the humpback at 3:45 I was at one of the pull outs coming into the park. That coincided with the J's working their way up to the lighthouse. He/she came surfaced close to shore and the J's where just a few hundred yards further out. Incredible day for sure. -Brian Nygren
(Id by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
Southern Residents - (J pod on hydrophone)
8:30 p.m. - They are still there.
7:29 p.m - They're back, faint right now. Echolocation, squeaks, clicks - and each time a boat goes by they get more vocal.
6:17 p.m. - Orcas on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Donna Green VanRenselaar
4:26 p.m. - Js now southbound off Hannah Heights.
4:00 p.m. - Js were milling at Land Bank close to shore. Southbound now. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
15:45 - nice pass at Lime Kiln - lead Js came up to the lighthouse and flipped back south. -Monika Wieland Shields
J-Pod has been around all week! It's enough just that they are here, but then to have moments like this....wow. This is J16 Slick right off the kelp at Lime Kiln Lighthouse this afternoon. J16 Slick spent a solid five minutes going back and forth in the kelp off the Lime Kiln Lighthouse this afternoon! A good old fashioned west side shuffle kinda day - J-Pod passed Lime Kiln six times today! We got to see the morning (top), noon (middle), and night (bottom)! -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, June 15, 2018
(Js continued south and made it to Eagle Cove where they spent some time; they milled & shuffled all morning/afternoon - alb)
8:25 a.m - hearing faint calls and echolocation. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON
8:50 a.m - J14s, 19s, and 16s have passed Landbank.
8:18 a.m - Js spread from Land Bank to Kellett. Southbound off Land Bank....It's really weird it's flat calm but I'm hearing way more than I'm seeing - the blows are really carrying far
8:05 a.m - Just heard a blow at Land Bank.
7:45 a.m. - 2 orcas north of LK heading north at 6:40 - and possible echolocation on the Lime Kiln hydrophones now. -Monika Wieland Shields
5:45 a.m - Calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Jack Collins
June 15 - We never know what we are going to see when we head out into our beautiful backyard...but happily again today we had the pleasure of visiting Transient Killer Whales (T137 & T036) all spread out near Race Rocks Lighthouse. -Paul Pudwell
Coastal Killer whales - May 15 - We received email from Scott Mercer on June 8th relaying report of Orcas off Point Arena Lighthouse circa 5/15/18 by Sara Bogard. Sara adds: "They were attacking a pinniped."
(ID notes by Alisa Schulman-Janiger of the California Killer Whale Project: " The one whale does match to a whale that we have rarely seen, no CA ID number yet; not confirmed for over 2 years. Very cool!")
T077B south of Trial Island on the afternoon of June 15th. - Photo by Mark Malleson
Humpback whales - Puget Sound - Just sailed past a humpback cruising up Agate Pass northbound (6:50 pm, Friday, June 15). Was unable to get a picture. -Sheila Guard
June 15 - When I took the pic of the humpback (3:45pm) I was at one of the pull outs coming into the park (Lime Kiln). That coincided with the J's working their way up to the lighthouse. He/she came surfaced close to shore and the J's where just a few hundred yards further out....Photo by Brian Nygren, June 15, 2018
June 14
Islands were joined together in this morning's extreme low tide. We navigated inside Turn Island watched by three raccoons in a tree and caught the tail end of the ebb out through Cattle Pass. We'd been listening to spectacular calls and echolocation of Southern Resident orcas on Lime Kiln hydrophone. We are very concerned they may not be finding enough to eat so we're hopeful, hearing the echolocation, that they're finding Chinook salmon. We arrived to find them milling and then traveling with some social cuddle puddles, breaches and spy hops. The J16's turned towards us and vocalized into our hydrophone. We continued on the flood to circumnavigate San Juan Island taking a course north of Spieden and Flattop Islands. We spotted many eagles nests one with eaglets noticeably larger than last week and now stretching their wings. -Barbara & David Howitt, All Aboard Sailing (see encounter and photos on their blog post HERE)
10:35 a.m - echolocation and calls...and now ship noise (Star Zulu (BS) 15.8 knots/173' southbound off County)
10:26 a.m. - seeing more dorsals on webcam heading southbound and hearing more distant calls.
10:22 a.m. - just saw large male dorsal on webcam.
10:12 a.m - hearing distant call S1 & S4, then burst of loud calls and echo.
9:42 a.m - J pod off the west side of San Juan Island heading southbound. Nice echolocation and calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
9:15 a.m - 6 Orcas spotted at Smugglers Cove heading south towards Lime Kiln Park. -Back of camera photo by Holly Cannon, June 14, 2018
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR: J31)
June 14 - J37 belly flopping - west of Cattle Point Lighthouse J51 kelping - west of Cattle Point Lighthouse
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
June 13 - 8:00 p.m. - Quarantine Cove, William Head Institution, Metchosin, BC. Lone orca probably looking for harbour seal pups. -Photo by John Costello, June 13, 2018
(T49C - ID confirmation by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
June 14 - T49A1 was confirmed lone male in San Juan Channel who then went through Spieden Channel -alb
June 14 - Received at 7:22 PM - Encountered a juvenile Grey Whale at the southern approaches to Oak Harbor from Penn Cove, feeding. Eric Tremblay
June 13
At sunset orcas Ls were offshore of False Bay going SW. -Monika Wieland Shields
6:45 p.m. - Some still approaching Edwards Point after some directional changes while fighting the tide and currents. Some individuals were fairly close in (including sprouter/older open saddle male) while others remained further out. Several have rounded the point out of view and would be off Hannah Heights. The currents really picked up in the past many minutes off off the point, massive turbulence, so stunning.
6:05 p.m - After looking like they might be heading offshore, while passing Landbank pullouts we could see many have stayed in. From southern pullout we can see at least 1/2 dozen directly out from us right now. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
It looked to me like just the remaining Ls came down (L4s, L26s, L47s, L72s) and not the Js. They were all past Lime Kiln by ~17:45 still southbound.
17:00 - Leaders at Lime Kiln. -Monika Wieland Shields
~ 5:00 p.m - 5:45 p.m. - Relocated to Lime Kiln Lighthouse, see orcas still to the north, off Bellevue Point. For nearly an hour watched them stream past Lighthouse still spread widely (primarily in 1-3s) from inshore to offshore, steady pace southbound in rough seas and beautiful sunshine.
By 4:30 p.m.- a few who were closest in and leading were porpoising off the north end of County Park.
4:10 p.m - Seeing bodies now...orcas appear in a line spread form fairly close inshore to ~ 1 mile offshore coming down island, leaders currently at the southend of Open Bay. Choppy seas.
3:44 p.m. - We just arrived at County Park, have visual on WW boats off Henry Island with more boats showing up around the bluff. Begin seeing blows minutes later...hard to see in the chop but periodically blows stand out spread from inshore to ways off. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:30 - leaders nearing Henry Island southbound. It is Residents!
14:30 - Possible SRKWs at Turn Point southbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
June 13 - Active Pass - Amazingly, today is the 3rd day in a row orcas have gone through Active Pass. Between 2 and 4 pm, a large group of transients approached from the west, showing some breaches, tail slaps, and cartwheels. They went through the pass east bound, almost exited, then turned around. Went into Miner's Bay, moved slowly along the shore of Mayne Island, then turned again and went eastward. One small group made one more tour around the pass before they left. At one point, the downpour almost obscured them. T37B2 and T77B in Active Pass.
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
June 13 - Swanson Channel - Today on the Chilkat Express we saw harbor porpoise galore, a humpback whale near Cattle Pass, and a big group of playful transient killer whales in Swanson Channel! The transient group included the T34s, T37s (all of them!), and the T77s. -Justine Buckmaster
June 13 - San Juans - 1:15 -1:45 p.m - Still watching the Cattle Pass whale continue south, currently SE of Green Can at Salmon Bank now heading SW. Tentative ID CS513 Anvil. No luck sighting any other whales.
12:45 p.m. - Humpback cleared Cattle Pass a bit ago and has continued southbound. We heard there was another Humpback (would make 3rd) off Eagle Point heading down Island about an hour ago, we are moving over to South Beach to see if we can locate that one while keeping an eye on this one.
12:15 p.m. - Whale is traveling steady surface intervals, sounding and presenting fluke. In Cattle Pass just north of Whale Rocks. (see Marilyn's photos below)
12:05 p.m. - Humpback heading southbound just north of Goose Island on San Juan Island side of San Juan Channel. Viewing from Cattle Point, San Juan Island. (Keeping and eye out too for 2nd whale reported south of Lopez heading this way). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Saw a whale on the ferry almost when we were pulling into Friday harbor...wasn't sure what it was but this might've been the whale that was spotted! (re; above sighting) we were about 10 minutes or so away from pulling into the ferry dock at San Juan from Anacortes. It was roughly around 11:30am on the left side of the boat. It definitely wasn't an orca that's for sure... the dorsal fin was super small. Couldn't tell how big the whale was...the ferry made an announcement about a whale on the port side but I guess they couldn't tell what kind of whale it was as they made no mention except for whale port side. -Gianna Cioffi
June 13 - Puget Sound - 6:15 p.m. - Two humpbacks off Three Tree Point (Burien), mid channel, heading north. Looks to be a mama and a calf possibly? I tried to get pictures but they had some really long down times and I was just so happy to see them that I stayed in the moment. -Kim Baumgartner
(in reply to above report) We saw them (humpbacks) last evening (13th) about the same time off Seahurst. Unfortunately no, the sighting was very brief but exciting! We saw a larger whale and a smaller one beside it heading south close to mid-channel. The larger whale blew and they both dove. Gone from our sight in an instant. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
June 12
J pod and part of L pod - 15-20 Residents between Pender and Salt Spring, through Active Pass and out into the Gulf! We saw every behavior! Breaches, cartwheels, pec slaps, tail slaps, porpoising- saw about 13 breaches in total (have pictures of about 8-10 of them). -Sydney Gass
Again today J pod traveled NW up Swanson Channel then east in Active Pass into Georgia Strait, today at 2:30, beneath the bluff where Karoline Cullen was ready with camera. J41, J19, and J51 - Active Pass, J50, J36 and J22, with perhaps J26 and J16. -Photo by Karoline Cullen, Galiano Island, June 12, 2018
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
Members of L pod after exiting Spieden Channel heading towards Turn Point, Saturna Island. -Photo by Justine Buckmaster, June 12, 2018
11:10 a.m - relocated to friends to see the Ls spread out in Spieden Channel heading west at good clip. Mid channel and Spieden Island side primarily. Some moved over and looked to be heading SW as if to head south in Haro but then all stalled. Unclear at this time which direction they were committed as the whales were pretty spread out with those visible going in different directions.
(Per Monika Wieland Shields: L4s, L26s, L47s, L72s went Spieden that day. They did not split Spieden - there was a humpback in New Channel. They went north to where Js were but Js went Swanson and Ls went Boundary.)
10:45 a.m. - arrived at Reuben Tarte Park to see fins across south end Presidents Channel, seemingly headng south. Short time later seemed to stall and then aim west looking like towards Spieden Channel. Those of us gathered on the rocks watched as they picked up speed making good time. Was some confusion, looked like pod may have split Spieden as some WW boats were splitting Spieden. Whatever was happening, we eventually could see many orcas heading towards Spieden Channel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
9:52 a.m - Residents just picked up heading down President's Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields
June 12 - Juan de Fuca - L12s - A very special day! As we were leaving the docks we got a report from one of our local fisherman that there were Orca coming our way and within a few minutes Cpt. Dan spotted our beloved Southern Killer Whales (L12's) right out front of Sooke! After visiting them we also had the pleasure to head a couple miles south to a family of Transient Killer Whales. L89 Solstice off Sooke heading west. L41 Mega off Sooke heading west. -Paul Pudwell
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
June 12 - Juan de Fuca Strait - T75B and T75B3 a couple of miles south of Sooke. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, June 12, 2018
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
Minke whales - June 12 - Minke whale Partridge Bank. -Photo by Justine Buckmaster, June 12, 2018
June 11
L92 - Missing Southern Resident killer whale is presumed dead. L90 Ballena in Active Pass alongside someone breaking the surface. This was the chosen Photo of the Day before we knew of the sad news that L92 Crewser (L90's presumed nephew) was declared missing by the Center for Whale Research. -Photo by Karoline Cullen, Galiano Island, June 11, 2018
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
June 11 - (Js and 19 Ls went thru Active; L12s turned at Henry Island & headed back down Island.) - J27 Blackberry - Karoline had the great fortune of seeing J pod and some of L pod heading NE up Active Pass this afternoon, and sent these sweet images she took from the shores above as the whales passed by. J40, J37, and J49 Active Pass off Galiano. -Photo by Karoline Cullen, Galiano Island, June 11, 2018 (IDs by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research)
Today we awoke to some fantastic sounds - the Southern Resident Killer Whales were vocalizing on Lime Kiln Point State Park hydrophone. First time they've been back since end of March. We could identify calls of J and L Pods. As the tide switched to flood, the orcas headed north and so did we in "Peniel". We met up with the orcas just north of Turn Point Lighthouse. The whales were spread in many loose groups. We found the trailers, the J17's and L87. Together we travelled along N. Pender Island up towards Active Pass. As we bumped up we encountered several other groups along the way, including J22, J38 with J37 and son, J49 and a larger group up ahead, the L47's with L90. We were surprised not to see L92 "Crewser" in the group. Upon entering Active Pass, the orcas picked up speed and began porpoising - what a sight to see as the spray from the orcas' wake revealed a rainbow from the sun. We obtained some distant orca photos and also photographed L72 with son L105. We watched them continue on towards the direction of Vancouver before taking Georgeson Pass to start our journey for home. Our hearts felt so happy seeing our beloved SRKW's. L47's in a tight group. -Barbara & David Howitt, All Aboard Sailing, June 11, 2018
8:10 p.m. - L12s have grouped tight, now just seeing blows off in the distance. Still drifting south out from South Beach. Currently still one WW boat with hardy peeps out there.
7:40 p.m. - We have moved south, see L12s south streaming down island still, currently out from about Eagle Cove. We are at South Beach and see them well offshore. From American Camp/South Beach
~5:30 - 6:15 p.m. - Arrived to Land Bank/West Side Preserve north pullout just in time to spot a lovely member of L pod right out in front of us. Over the next 45 minutes or so we watched many stream southbound super spread out, a few inshore, several others offshore, including 2 males. Much breaching happening to the south and way offshore, ~ 2 miles or so. Was invigorating. Gorgeous sunny day in a beautiful place. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network (with Marilyn Armbruster)
Member of L Pod heading southbound for the evening...we just got there in time to see them. West Side Preserve. -Photo by Marilyn Armbruster, June 11, 2018
6:25 p.m. - Hannah Heights southbound now
5:08 p.m - Leaders at north Land Bank now some still passing Lime Kiln. They don't seem to be in a rush.
4:42 p.m. - Approaching Westside Preserve now, they were just passing the wall at LK southbound. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
1:45 p.m. - Three male Orcas reported at Smugglers Cove south of Roche Harbor headed north. -Holly Cannon
A picture perfect morning on the west side of San Juan Island today: flat, glassy blue waters and - finally - the return of the Southern Residents. All of J-Pod and most of L-Pod were here, including L55 Nugget, seen here. -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, June 11, 2018
L122 Magic and L91 Muncher this morning in Haro Strait. -Photo by Monika Wieland Shields, June 11, 2018
As moments like these become fewer and farther between, this morning was a solid reminder to never take any second with these animals for granted. Hi J Pod and L Pod, you dear creatures...so good to see you...Photo by Katie Jones, June 11, 2018
These two reporting parties (one written, one video) wish to remain anonymous: They looked incredible and were breaching, tail slapping, pec waves and underside showing. I was at Westside Preserve and it was a long 3.5 hours but loved every minute of it. I got there just as the leaders passed by, no ID of the 2 females and youngster but they turned around just past Lime Kiln and joined the others NB.I felt like they were foraging and checked out the scene ahead of the group and came and said" it looks good let's go North. Apparently the L12's are passing by Land Bank SB because they turned around at Henry. The rest continued NB. -Anonymous
Lime Kiln hydrophone:
10:20 a.m - more echolocation and faint calls
9:30 a.m. - intense echolocation
9:19 a.m. - more echolocation, faint.
8:56 a.m. - Variety of calls, some close some distant and rapid click trains in the past several minutes.
8:49 a.m. - saw at least one orca on Lime Kiln webcam.
8:45 .a.m - Lots of chatter about Rs in Haro. I tuned into Lime Kiln, hearing loud echolocation. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
June 11 - San Juans - Trip Report: Another beautiful, sunshiny day as we left Anacortes with reports of orcas, including the Residents! After we checked out some harbor seals on Colville Island, Capt. Eric spotted a humpback by Iceberg Point on Lopez Island. We got a few good looks, including a nice fluke-up tail dive. We then headed to the north side of Orcas Island to visit with some lovely transients, including some T49s and T75s. With minimal boat traffic with this group, we were able to enjoy watching them travel around the Pea Pod Islands, toward Barnes and Clark Island. T75B and T75B2. -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist.
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
June 11 - Admiralty Inlet - 8:14 a.m. - At least 3-4 orcas in Admiralty, Lagoon Point, Whidbey, heading northbound on Marrowstone Island side. -call from Kit Turner
June 11 - Capt. Eric spotted a humpback by Iceberg Point on Lopez Island. We got a few good looks, including a nice fluke-up tail dive...Photo by Bonnie Gretz, June 11, 2018
June 10
Juan de Fuca - MIND BLOWN! 5 minutes from our docks in Sooke. Cpt. Dan spotted some beautiful blows a mile out and we were surprised to find 3 or more Transient Killer Whale Pods heading towards shore very fast on the hunt for Pinnipeds...they continued to zig zag all around slowly heading east. Will take some time to identify these amazing Orca tonight. Great to sea this T PARTY TODAY! T100 and T100F, T100C, T100E, T102 off Sooke. T101B, T101, and T86A off Sooke.. T75A. -Paul Pudwell
June 10 - T49A's, T75B's and T75C's by Patos. We set sail in beautiful conditions heading north through the islands into Presidents Channel. We saw many harbor seals hauled out on Bare Island as we crossed towards Patos Island to meet up with the socializing orcas, T49A's (minus T49A1) and sisters, T75B's and T75C's. Blue skies became bordered by heavy black clouds and localized rain storms. Reefing the sails as conditions changed as the whales were milling in circles. Eventually the whales split up and headed south and we set course to visit Skipjack, White Rock and Flattop Islands. Gently sailing in the lee of Flattop while enjoying our BBQ supper. Spectacular skies and a rainbow as we headed for home. -David Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
June 10 - Puget Sound - 8:20 p.m. - 2-3 orcas seen heading northbound, just south of Fay Bainbridge Park. -Sue Larkin
7:38 p.m. - heading north very slowly and not coming up too much. Looks to be slightly West of mid channel near murden cove. Last update from me, heading home.
7:12 p.m. - proceeding North again. Still mid channel about to enter the ferry Lane into eagle harbor.
7:05 p.m. - They paused about half way to Eagle Harbor (Bainbridge).
6:58 p.m. - just NW of Blakley rock, Mid channel heading north. -Phil Echelman
5:47 p.m. - Saw a few blows after my post, looked like they may have found something, then I haven't seen anything for 5 minutes.
5:40 p.m - Milling right now at the NW tip of Blake, on the west side, watching from South Colby, no direction atm. -Angelique Sheris
5:12 p.m - Just passed in front of Southworth ferry dock, heading north! -Vanessa Alexia Makarewicz
5:00 p.m - A pod of orcas off Southworth Ferry dock. -Kelsey Gallo
4:10 p.m - We saw three (orcas) coming out of the passage north of Vashon. -Judy Krebs
Colvos Passage at Anderson Park. 5 fins at 4:00 6/10/18. -Nancy Sutton
3:58 p.m. - Orcas just passed through Olalla, headed towards Manchester. -Ashley Jacobson
1:10 p.m. - 6 or more Orca about a 1/4 south of Alki Point. Watched as the circled for 10 minutes. Looked like they had found something to eat. Headed South by Southwest towards the channel between Vashon and Blake island. Saw several jump completely out of the water. -Douglas Greenswag
1:10 p.m. - Orcas, probably 6 seen jumping just off of Emma Schmitz overlook off West Seattle - now heading towards Manchester/Blake Island. -M. c. Murphy- Rose
June 10 - 5:14 p.m. - Gray whale NE of Foulweather Bluff (Hansville, Kitsap Peninsula) moving north. Possibly more than one but not clear. -Eric Johnson
June 9
Eastern Juan de Fuca - 6:15 p.m. - Single male orca north bound 3 miles northwest of Point Wilson. Didn't get an ID, but definitely a Transient. -Justine Buckmaster
June 9 - There were transient orcas everywhere today - including outside of Friday Harbor. Barbara Howitt and Erin Corra took the skiff out to get a look at the orcas at a different perspective before meeting up with David Howitt on Peniel. The T75B's and T75C's were with the T49A's minus T49A1 traveling up San Juan Channel. He split off with the others (T65A's & T37A's) who decided to take Upright Channel instead. Interesting lighting conditions as a distant rain cloud headed our direction. The T49A's hugged the Orcas coastline while the T75B's and C's were on the opposite side of Presidents Channel near Waldron. Rains came and went and we headed for home under blue skies. -Barbara & David, All Aboard Sailing
2:45 p.m - Just got a few glimpses then lost them, but boats northbound. At Point Caution. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
1:17 p.m - Looks like at least 10 in just the group going north along the Shaw shoreline.
1:01 p.m. - Wow seeing a third group now, this one might come north.
12:51 p.m. - I'm at the Labs and looks like they're going Upright Channel.
12:28 p.m. - They're cruising, I just got to Jackson Beach and the boats are already north of Griffin Bay. -Monika Wieland Shields
June 9 2:30pm - Rosario Strait then along the east side of Lummi Island - Saw a pod of maybe 7-10 individuals comprised of females and at least one calf. Our guide thought they were transient and estimated the calf at 9 months. We followed them in Rosario Straight as they headed north. Later, we came across two males, also heading north past Lummi Island! Traveling mostly. They would do several shallow dives and comes up for air over and over and then dive under for a few minutes at a time before resurfacing. We saw 2 males and altogether around 10 individuals! -Celeste Hufford
(ID Notes: several photos reviewed by Dave Ellifrit, Center for Whale Research: " That's the T37As and T65As. T49A1 and T65A2 were hanging out together well away from their groups for most the afternoon.")
June 9 - Trip Report: Another fabulous day aboard Mystic Sea! Sunny, calm seas, and orcas in Rosario Strait, within 30 minutes of leaving the marina! Many Transient/Bigg's orcas spread out across the Strait, generally heading southwest. We joined up with the T37s and T102 (male, born 1984) and watched them travel and play. We then took a break to see seals and head into Deception Pass, always a treat! We then found the T100 matriline, mother T100 (born 1978) and her family, plus two big males. They made a kill and celebrated with a big spy hop. -Bonnie Gretz, volunteer naturalist.
June 9 - Puget Sound - 3:45 p.m. - 2-3 orcas were seen several times from the Southworth to Vashon ferry, near the north Vashon terminal, heading northeast toward Seattle, reported by Casey Irving.
June 9 - Photo by Paul Pudwell, June 9, 2018
(Believe this is match to BCY0523 - ALB)
June 9 - 5-10 porpoises were NW from the Mukilteo ferry terminal at the 4:40 sailing along with a younger looking grey whale that was traveling towards the Clinton terminal when we took off from Whidbey....Milling about 50 yards from shore in a northern direction...It had a lot of barnacles on its back and looked much smaller than a humpback. I wish I would have had enough time to get photos. I've never seen porpoises before yesterday and the whale was so close! -Shelsea Eney
June 8
Residents - 8:15 a.m - 10-12 (possible) SRKW'S 10 NM west of Wickaninnish Bay, Tofino North bound. Definitely Residents, 1 bull in the mix. -Scott MacLeod
(Without individual ID's at time of publishing, leaving open possibility these could be NRKWs)
June 8 - T102 Pec fin. Always amazed by his size....HUGE!! -Photo by Gary Sutton, June 8, 2018
T034s, T037, T037Bs, T100s, T101s and T086As Strait of Georgia, off Galiano, moving south slowly (< per Gary Sutton). Left in the evening southbound outside Active Pass. -Monika Wieland Shields
June 7
Bigg's killer whales - June 7 - Vancouver Harbor - Mid afternoon the T49As ventured into downtown Vancouver, BC.
See ChekNews piece: Rare orca sighting at Victoria's Inner Harbour
June 7 - 1150 - T65As. we are with them now in Discovery Bay but they're currently heading out. -Renee Beitzel, MV Saratoga
11:03 a.m - 4 orcas sighted between Cape George (Port Townsend) and Protection Island. Pod heading west towards Diamond Point. Traveling. -Terri Stafford
0600 - Spotted 2 or 3 juveniles and 1 adult Orca 2 miles northeast of Green Point, just East of Port Angeles this morning. Appeared to be feeding off a seal. -David Crawford
Humpback whales - June 7 - Puget Sound - 19:41 - Two Humpbacks southbound half mile east of Blakely Rock Bainbridge Island. 5 breaths and both whales gave fluke shots...One of the whales seemed on the juvenile side in terms of size. -Joey Lamarche - S/VNeptune's Car.
This juvenile humpback is BCX1068 Split Fluke's 2017 calf and BCY0160 Heather's grandbaby. This yearling was traveling with a 2nd unidentified humpback in Puget Sound, seen off Bainbridge Island. -Photo by Joey LaMarche, June 7, 2018
(ID match by Sam Murphy)
June 6
Strait of Georgia - Female with calf out in 1 knot MI. Off Westview, Powell River. 09:00 June 6. Traveling. -William Mcbride
Great hanging out on the boat tonight just around the corner from Cowichan Bay with good friends and beautiful west coast scenery. T077, T077B and T077C. -Photo by Gary Sutton, June 6, 2018
3:40 p.m - I work for Parks Canada (Gulf Islands). At the end of my day we saw 4 whale watchers following 4 or 5 orca between Piers Island and Portland Island (off Swartz Bay)...steadily cruising along: slow regular surfacing. (we may have seen this same group a week ago off the south end of Pender Island AND at that time it appeared they may have had a calf of the year with them) weren't close enough to get a good look today....steady travel; 4 whale watching boats, 2 on each side, somewhat controlling their direction, but adequate distance from the whales. -Frank Gee
June 6 - Juan de Fuca - T124A3 born 2006. T124A2A born 2013. Great day with a couple a humpback whales out west and Transient Killer Whales the T124A's right out front of Sooke! -Photo by Paul Pudwell, June 6, 2018
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research)
This afternoon I got to spend some time with the T124A's in front of Sooke. They were heading Westbound when they turned South by Secretary Island and Possession Point. -Deanna Brett
Another great day on Saratoga! We met up with the T124As with T124A2s just outside Victoria today. Some tail action by T124A2A; notice the unique notch. The youngsters in the group were super active and we were even treated to a surprise close pass while the engines were shut down. The conditions were wonderful, too! -Justine Buckmaster
(ID by Gary Sutton)
Thought I would pass this along...my friend Janet Ulin spied Orcas in the middle if the Straits of Juan Dr Fuca, so she put the binoculars on them and managed to get this breaching shot, just crazy. She said she counted about 6 or 7 of them. I know that is close to Victoria...and that it was about 1130. There ended up being a whale sight seeing boat right with them too, so hopefully someone comes up with more info on them. And she said she watched them for about a half hour and they were heading east and up towards the San Juan islands. -Sandy Thompson Watne
June 6 - Puget Sound - 3:12 p.m - There is definitely 6! One of which is a calf!
2:53 p.m - I can count a total 5 or 6, with one large male about 1/2 mile east of the main group. Now they are less than 100 yards off of Point Robinson Park on the East side of Vashon.
2:46 p.m - I'm with them now across from Des Moines, they are closer to the Vashon side. Headed north bound. -Matt Graham
1:00 p.m. - Not really traveling in any specific direction. They're hanging in the middle (basically on the ferry path), close to some boats. Still mid channel between Pt D and Vashon.
12:46 p.m - 3 orcas spotted mid channel between Vashon Island and Point Defiance. Seen from Gig Harbor side. -Gaby Kinner
12:16 p.m. - at least 2 confirmed.
12:06 p.m. - Orcas Tacoma side under Narrows headed north...Idk how many I'm waiting for a resurface for a good confirmation but the blow spout and splash was too big for a porpoise. -Jami Cantrell
12:04 p.m. - Just saw them splashing quite a bit north of the Narrows Bridge again, on the Tacoma side.
11:52 p.m. - Saw two Orcas heading south just north of the Narrows Bridge. -Allison Stewart Bishins
June 6 - Juan de Fuca - BCYUnknown "Scratchy" - ...a couple of humpbacks out west...they were together few miles off shore almost at Jordan River. -Photo by Paul Pudwell, June 6, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
...and BCY0523 "Graze". -Photo by Paul Pudwell, June 6, 2018
(ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON)
June 6 - Admiralty Inlet - 1715: 2 humpbacks (no IDs) milling just off Pt Wilson at entrance to Puget Sound. -Renee Beitzel
June 5
San Juans - T77s - Amazing pass by Cattle Point Lighthouse. T77s....Thank you! These are all new whales to me! My mom and I were on shore at the Cattle Point LH when the 77s turned around in Cattle Pass and came right below us. -Photo by Ariel Yseth, June 5, 2018
The water int the straits was flat calm. The lighting with sun breaking through the clouds illuminated Minke whales at Partridge Bank, Steller Sea Lions and Bald Eagles at Whale Rocks, and the T77 group of Transient Killer Whales along Lopez Island to top it all off (not to mention a bold little Rhinoceros Auklet who swam right alongside the boat while the orcas were on a dive). Justine Buckmaster
Email received 2:14 p.m. - T77 pod (6 whales) off Lopez island. Close to shore. Via Puget Sound express tour. Followed and viewed for close to half an hour. Traveling and a rest period towards the end on the surface. -Lauren Bauer
June 5 - Puget Sound - T65As - Hale Passage/Arletta; @ 9 PM; just west of Fox Island bridge, pod heading west towards Key Peninsula. At least 6 individuals, including 2 large adult males (big dorsal) & a couple juveniles. -Thomas Curran
At 8:10 p.m. T65As came in to view from around Green Point, Gig Harbor still in steady travel mode heading south offshore, but very much on the peninsula side. Long dive, 10 minute down time where they basically surfaced in the near same location after coming into view. They then continued now more SE bound heading towards Fox Island and surfaced in front of us out from the bluff just east of Green Point. They stalled out in this general area made some directional changes. Video below is from about 8:20, I left around 8:30 with them a little to the east outside the entrance to Hale Passage.
7:44 p.m. - Can see the pod all grouped in steady southbound travel just south of Kopachuck State Park. Viewing from neighborhood above. DFW boat just got on scene a few minutes ago. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON
Saw them just off Kopachuck Park (6:30PM). -Sydney Everson Haglund
5:30 p.m. - Seeing blows, breaches and other surface active behaviors south of Allen Point, Gig Harbor. From Wauna boat launch neary Purdy.
3:50-4:10 p.m. - Watched the T65As in Carr Inlet moving offshore from Fox Island more towards mid channel as they made their way north. Mom and offspring together in the lead with male following several hundred yards. Lost them around the point. Watching from town of Home on west side of Inlet. -Alisa Lemire Brooks.
4:10 p.m. - I live on Carr Inlet on the west side of Fox Island directly across from the Bridge. T65A6 & family just swam North towards the N. end of Fox Island a block or two from the shore. Estimate the Pod is about 6 or 7 in number have pics can email. -Dave McHugh
3:44 p.m. - orcas traveling NW on the western side of Fox Island right now. looks like they might go into Henderson Bay, right now they're milling around kinda the middle of Carr Inlet. -Juliana Morris
2:33 p.m. - 4 orcas swimming near south coastline of Fox Island!! Traveling Northwest towards Key Peninsula along the Fox Island coastline. Beautiful!! Might be a baby with them! -Charlene Welty
Rare treat on the way into Tacoma today! A pod of orcas passed in front of the ferry as it departed Vashon (7:10am). I will try to post images later....I saw them from the bow of the Chetzemoka, 7:10 sailing to Tacoma. They were moving east to west along the rip current. The male was trailing a small group of 4-6 who went deep as the ferry departed. The came up again closer to Vashon, west of the ferry terminal. The fishing boats noticed and motored over for a look. I tried to catch them on my phone, but they were too far away. - Mitch Kent
Gray whales - June 5 - One gray was spotted near Tulalip and Jetty island around 6pm. -Lori Christopher
Minke whales - June 5 - A minke whale was circling Salmon Bank...Photo by Barbar Howitt, June 5, 2018
June 5 - the lighting with sun breaking through the clouds illuminated Minke whales at Partridge Bank...Photo by Justine Buckmaster, June 5, 2018
June 4
Powering along just yards from shore to catch up to the others who killed some small marine mammal. -Photo by Bonnie Gretz, June 4, 2018 (T34s, T37, & T37Bs made a kill feet from shore off Fort Casey, Whidbey before they exited Admiralty Inlet)
June 4 - Admiralty Inlet - 7:45 p.m. - Naturalist Stephanie Raymond just reported a group of orcas looking a lot like the T65As heading south in Puget Sound, mid-channel between Edmonds and Kingston.
Betsy Carlson of the Pt. Townsend Marine Science Center reported two orcs feeding off Ft. Flagler/Marrowstone Island. Too far away to see markings. 3:10 pm June 4. (could be the same outgoing group flipped or incoming T65As who were found in Puget Sound later)
We watched 5 or 6 Orcas southbound off Point Wilson - around 2:50PM today. Added: We watched them go down the sound - seemed to be headed south and rounding Marrowstone Island. -Photo by William H Wise, June 4, 2018
(could be the same outgoing group as below who flipped or possibly incoming T65As who were encountered later in the day in Puget Sound)
June 4 - Admiralty Inlet - Another report from Ebey's Landing area, from Al Lunemann at 2:27 pm: small group ~7-8 orcas ust north of Ebey's Landing ~ one mile out seeming to slowly head NW.
Awesome sighting at Ft. Casey today of Ts....at one point they were about 200-300 yards from the beach! Porpoising, hunting, grouping up....just beautiful! Never seen them this close to Whidbey side! I followed them to Ebey's Landing, and they were more mid-channel by then. What a treat!
2:02 p.m. - just passing Ebey's Landing more mid channel, one boat with them
1:41 p.m. - OMG. Orcas having lunch at Ft Casey....just passing the lighthouse now. Very close to Whidbey side...toward Ebey' s Landing. -Bonnie Gretz
...we had T37, 37Bs and 34's heading out of Puget Sound...They had just roughed up a Steller but then aborted mission and started doing this off Fort Casey, Whidbey. -Photo by Renee Beitzel, June 4, 2018
12:04 p.m. - Michael Waitt called from Lagoon Point to say the orcas were about 300 yards off shore just south of the point and headed north.
1155 - flipped and heading north now still close to shore just south of Lagoon. All grouped up again.
1150 - stalled out/changed direction close to shore just north of Bush Point. Confirmed the 34's and 37Bs with T37
1120 - Definitely got T37 here. Several others.
1108 - Some close to Whidbey between Lagoon and Bush Points. Approaching Bush Point.
1055 - They're really spread out and hard to get IDs. Not seeing any males.
1044 - We got em! Still southbound directly across from Lagoon Point closer to Marrowstone.
1025 - possible orcas in Admiralty Inlet. Passenger alerted us to seeing a dorsal fin while we were northbound abeam of Marrowstone. We saw more than one barely noticeable blow in distance to the south. Been traveling slowly south ever since but lost them. - Renee Beitzel, MV Saratoga
11:33a.m - Just spotted orcas south of Marrowstone across from Lagoon Point South. Saw at least 2 porpoises (?) close to Whidbey, and was hoping orcas would head over, but they seem to be headed south quickly. -Becky Livingston
June 4 - Howe Sound - 1:45 p.m. - Orca sighting up Howe Sound. Traveling - T101A was tailing a female with a calf around a year and half to two years old. Whytecliff Park. -Photo by Sydney Gass, June 4, 2018
Coastal killer whales - June 4 - Charleston, OR - Hello! My friend Ellie and I spotted a single Orca last night around 9pm just west of the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (Charleston OR) jetty, near the red buoy. The dorsal fin was rather long, so we're thinking it's a male. It wasn't close enough to see markings or the saddle patch. It surfaced a total of three times, and was heading out of the bay. I have attached a photo of the Orca to this email! -Date and time of sighting: 6/4/18 8:57 pm - Location: 43.3510N -124.3311W. -Thank you, Morgan Janes & Ellie Jones
June 4 - Otter Rock, OR - Call just came in from Bob Weeber reporting a single orca at 6:30pm, passing Otter Rock OR, south of Depoe Bay, heading north.
June 4 - Newport, OR - 1400 - Newport Oregon: Pod of at least 6 orcas crossed Yaquina Bay entrance headed up river. Working at the entrance on a USACE vessel spotted 6 or more cross the bar and head in at about 1400 Pdt 4 June. -Jane Favors
Coastal killer whales - June 4 - Orca sighting on June 4, 2018 at Depoe Bay, Oregon. Also called in by Ann Nickerson, 5-6 orcas heading north.
Orca sighting on June 4, 2018 Depoe Bay, Oregon. -Sent in by Mike Miller.
This afternoon about 1:30 pm one gray whale surprised me with a blow while traveling by Pebble Beach on Camano. He/she moved out into Saratoga Passage as it moved south toward Sandy Point. Lost sight of it around 2:00 pm. Nice to see it so late in the season for grays. -Peg Boley
June 4 - Saratoga Passage - 5:11 p.m. - Still at least one gray around. Traveling north from Elger Bay towards the state park. In June! -Tami Fifield
There were whale blows in front of Langley this afternoon (about 2:15-2:45 pm) and then it headed across the passage over to Camano. We were out on a kayak tour with Whidbey Island Kayaking when we noticed the blows. Just wondering if anyone else saw it and could confirm what kind of whale. -Aubrey Waldron
June 3
Saratoga Passage - 11:00 am - Fred Lundahl reports from the air: Saw 3 unidentified orcas about midchannel between Langley and Camano Island.
Well I can definitely say I never expected to get a shot of a sea otter in front of the Cattle Point lighthouse when we left the dock for our all-day tour today. Not a great shot, but hey, I got to see the sea otter in Cattle Pass! -Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, June 3, 2018
June 2
Distant shots of transient orcas taken from south side of Saturna. Orcas traveling in easterly direction from Monarch Head to East Point. -Photo by James McLarnon, Vancouver, June 2, 2018
June 2 - Saratoga Passage, Oak Harbor Area - Patty Cheek reported seeing a Gray whale near the entrance to the Oak Harbor Marina, off Blower's Bluff at 3:10 pm, 1/4 mile south of the buoy. Unable to get any photos, but said it was definitely a gray whale, with a lot of spots. (possibly the Unknown 2018 #2 that has been hanging out and feeding in that area the past month or so).
June 2 - Juan de Fuca - 11:33 a.m - Eastbound Gray Whale in Juan de Fuca just off Port Angeles. Doesn't appear to be a Sounder. From Island Explorer 3. (PCFG 185) -James Gresham
11:05 a.m - Shawn Bashor sent photos (below) & VIDEO of a gray whale just off Port Angeles, tentatively ID'd as PCFG CRC-185 by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON. -(ID later confirmed by James Gresham aboard IE3 - see James' photos above).
June 2 - Just before we arrived at East Point we heard there was a group of orcas that appeared to be harassing two humpback whales, "Split Fin" and "Zig Zag" but the scuffle had just ended when we got there. The HB's appeared to be ok. -Barbara & David, All Aboard Sailing
Dolphins - June 2 - Colvos Passage - 5:25 p.m. - Small pod of dolphins off of Sunrise Beach in Gig Harbor. It was hard to tell direction. They were going back and forth and then after about 30 min I couldn't see them any more. They looked like common dolphins. But I could be wrong they were pretty far away. But they were not surfacing like porpoises. I am a dolphin nerd and I have seen many in the wild and my best guess would be common dolphins. Such an incredible experience. I wasn't even looking for them this time lol we just went there to hang out and cool off and bam! DOLPHINS. -Jessica Hill
9:27 a.m. - They've passed Alki Light, either headed north or into Elliott Bay. There's two between the eastbound Bremerton Ferry and Alki Beach heading NE.
8:58 a.m - They were bigger than and not as rounded as [dolpins]. Travelling in smaller groups of 1-4 stretched out over a hundred yards or so, frequent breathing made them easy to follow (unlike harbor porpoise). We've driven down to Alki, they're spread out between the Light and northbound lanes, much less organized but still easy to spot from shore.
8:15 a.m - A pod of ~7 just passed Lincoln Park northbound, looked bigger than harbor porpoise. (More from Andrew: We think common, and watched a lot of videos just now of the two. The ones we saw lacked the head-out posture and two-part movements of the bottlenose, and seem to have the more upright dorsal of the common.) -Andrew Malinak
June 2 - Carr Inlet - We spotted several groups on Saturday. Lakebay area shortly after 11:00am...This was a group of four. And they came up for air often....I recall seeing some white (per Dave Anderson asking if seeing white or yellow on their sides). -Chalcy Blake
ID notes per Dave Anderson, Cascadia Research after reviewing cell videos by both Michelle Larsen and Chalcy Blake and some discussion: "Given the location, the shape of their dorsal fins and their group size, it is most likely the group of long-beaked common dolphins that really like Carr Inlet. If they had white on their sides, that would make me almost certain."
June 1
There were several groups of orcas in the area today. While we were en route to see the T65A's near Lopez, another group, the T49A's, were found closer over by Long Island. The whales were engaged in hunting as we arrived but soon we moved on to circumnavigate Lopez Island. It was incredible watching this orca family weave in and out of the islands on the rugged southern Lopez coastline. The orcas stopped to hunt at least two more times while we sailed with them, and at one point we heard some vocals over our hydrophone. Some play time after dinner and then it was time to move on. They departed out through Thatcher Pass while we continued around to Upright Head. -Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing
T11A surfacing with T100B1 as the T11s & T100Bs traveled just outside Sidney BC. -Photo by Ariel Yseth, June 1, 2018
Spyhop city today! Especially T086A with her damaged jaw. They spent about an hour socializing around Prevost Island today after a couple kills. T101- Photo by Gary Sutton, June 1, 2018
June 1 - 9:56 a.m - Still a lingering Gray Whale at this moment between Jetty Island and Hat Island in Everett. -Josh Adams
Bottlenose dolphin in Vaughn Bay, Case Inlet, Puget Sound. Dolphin was there in the evening, I believe, swimming in circles. -Photo by Anna DeMoss, June 1, 2018
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Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.