February 2023 Whale Sightings
Map © 2004 used with permission by
Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.
February 28
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Feb 28 - San Juan Channel (T60D & T60E) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #6: “Mark and Joe were surveying the recent hot-spot of Haro Strait and Boundary Pass when at 1418 they received a report of killer whales exiting Friday Harbor, northbound. They turned south from the north shore of Stuart Island and met two young male killer whales travelling north in San Juan Channel, just north of Point Caution at 1443…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #6.
February 27
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Mon, Feb 27 - Possession Sound - 16:30 - Again, two whales in same area off Jetty Island. The only change has been now the two are separated by about 1/4 mile. But still in same general area between Jetty Island, Hat Island, and Everett marina. -John Shackman
February 26
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Feb 26 - Haro Strait
14:40 - Now trending north further offshore. Lots of whales.
14:20 - Got many blows offshore of County Park - maybe milling, maybe trending south. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
Thanks everyone for tagging the Orcasound - Listen for Whales live stream. It looks like humans detected from 12:43-13:31 and OrcaHello AI missed it. Here's a blog post with recordings you can download, along with a few other thoughts: Link to Orcasound post. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
13:05 - Several loud calls.
13:00 - Can hear quite a few calls. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:48 - Just heard transient vocals on Orcasound Lab hydrophone. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:50 - Report of large group of orcas southbound in Haro near Kelp Reef. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Sun, Feb 26 - San Juans - 16:45 - Ferry from Friday Harbor to Anacortes, lone bull between Lopez and Shaw, heading southwest down the channel. Ferry slowed for safe distance passing. -Sarah Sadid
[The] 2:10 ferry [from] Orcas to Anacortes paused outside Shaw terminal for what I suspect were a couple Ts. It was too far to ID, but I saw 2 males and thought maybe the dorsals were Ts. They were milling then dove and we didn't see them again. -Dave Bergmann
14:30 - My sister Hannah Buckmaster saw them from the ferry as it was pulling into the Lopez Island landing. She saw two males and they were still circling and apparently feeding. From the distant photos she sent I suspect the T90s but I’m not positive. -Justine Buckmaster
12:00 - Orcas are now between Shaw and Lopez feeding with lots of gulls around them.
11:53 - Pod of orcas 200 feet northwest of the Lopez ferry terminal sighted via the ferry right now. -Ben Ellis [PSWS]
11:58 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Captain reports 3-4 orca just off LPZ WB towards Upright Channel.
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sun, Feb 26 - Possession Sound - 11:45 - The two are back again for past 1/2 hour. Between Hat and Jetty Island. The two today are about 1/2 mile from each other as yesterday they were close together. -John Shackman
February 25
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sat, Feb 25 - Boundary Pass (J Pod)
16:56 - Still hearing some audible S4 calls.
16:45 - J pod can still be heard on SIMRES hydrophone in Boundary Pass. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Sat, Feb 25 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 08:30 - They [orcas] were in Port Angeles this morning, out by the Coast Guard base, but inside the bay. -Connie Albaugh [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Feb 25 - Saratoga Passage - 07:00 - Visitor report at Langley Whale Center, gray whale just off Langley Marina. -Katie Davis Watkins, Orca Network
Sat, Feb 25 - Possession Sound - 08:40 - Grey whale spotted other side of Jetty Island, from Everett marina. -Jaime Shields
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sat, Feb 25 - Possession Sound - 12:00 - For the past hour, 12pm, there’s been two whales close to Everett marina. These two are slowly cruising along in circles, not much spouting compared to the one the other day. -John Shackman
February 24
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Feb 24 - Central Puget Sound (CRC19816) - ID note per Erin Johns Gless on the humpback, based on photo by Jason Cook: "The photo quality isn’t ideal for a photo ID, BUT, Happywhale yielded this as a 38% possibility, and it’s a whale that was seen off Victoria in December so circumstantial evidence is good." Link to Happywhale ID CRC19816. -Photo of CRC19816 used for Happywhale to find ID. -photo by Jason Cook, February 24, 2023
CRC19816 - photo by Robyn Riley, February 24, 2023
CRC19816 - From Ruston Way area. -photos by Cherie StOurs, February 24, 2023
17:45 - We saw three blows west of Owen Beach. -Paul Davis
17:11 - [humpback approx. 47.326655, -122.459579]. -Jason Cook*
17:53 - Losing light fast. Last sighting was passing Owen Beach moving what appeared to be south towards Point Defiance.
17:31 - Humpback approaching south Vashon/Point Defiance ferry lanes now. Still headed west mid channel.
17:12 - Big breach at the entrance of Quartermaster Harbor still trending west toward Vashon.
16:57 - Passing the Browns Point lighthouse still trending west.
16:51 - Headed west towards Browns Point lighthouse (closer to that side) viewing from Chinese Reconciliation Park.
16:09 - Seems to be doing larger circles around the Commencement Bay area from navy ships back to Silver Cloud.
15:47 - Eastbound towards the navy boats.
15:20 - See map for location [approx. 47.288807, -122.438284]. -Candace Gavin
16:00 - Eastbound past Northern Fish Pier right now. -Robyn Riley
15:44 - Seeing humpback from Dune in Commencement Bay.
15:19 - Seeing blows from Dune. -Cherie StOurs
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tom Slezak
Date of Sighting: 2/24/2023
Time: 3:30 PM
Species seen: Uncertain, possibly gray [confirmed humpback]
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: About 300 yards off of the old Point Ruston ferry (Tacoma WA) which is tied up at the eastern end of Point Ruston.
Direction of travel : Observed going back and forth along Point Ruston about 300 yards offshore
Behaviors observed: Appeared to be doing feeding behavior; under water 3-5 minutes then 3 spouts and a deep dive with tail. Observed 4 such cycles back and forth and then it vanished from sight.
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I will email a tail photo that I took. I also have a video and will attempt to email that as well.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
CRC19816 -photo by Tom Slezak, February 24, 2023
15:05 - Still heading south, nearing channel marker between Maury Island and Browns Point, as seen from above the RAM on Ruston Way. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
15:10 - Past Dash Point cruising right along. Just seeing spray.
14:45 - He just passed Dash Point dock southbound still. -Jim Schmaltz
14:45 - Just past Dash Point dock southbound fast. -Desiree Sauvé
14:39 - Just gave a great show of tail slaps and breaches. It’s still heading south. -Rus Higley
13:40 - A whale was heading southbound along Redondo Beach. Lost sight of him but breached several times with lots of tail flapping as well. -Jim Schmaltz
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Feb 24 - Possession Sound (CRC53 Little Patch & CRC2440)
18:00 - Furthest northeast whale is now southeast of the channel marker heading eastbound. Haven’t seen further west whale for about 15 minutes.
17:30 - 53 and 2440 (cannot say which is who) in general these locations [approx. 48.012957, -122.281517] & [approx. 48.008334, -122.285353]. Trend north. Furthest northeast whale is right at channel marker edge of the delta more milling.
17:10 - I am seeing blows and body parts of who would be those two grays Bart reported. Kind of look to be milling in general area and are spread apart a bit [approx. 47.996400, -122.285365] & [approx. 47.988017, -122.286134]. Trend seems to be slightly northeast at the moment. From Harborview Park, Everett. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:29 - Gray whales CRC2440 and CRC53 between Hat Island and the delta. Southeast direction [approx. 48.002318, -122.275256]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
February 23
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Feb 23 - Possession Sound - 17:15 - Possible humpback whale between Everett Navy base and Hat Island, north of the green marker. First started watching at 16:20, current time 17:15. Tall blow, pretty sure long pec, multiple directions (likely feeding). -Amy Willoughby - Appears to be pectoral flipper of humpback -photos by Amy Willoughby, February 23, 2023
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Feb 23 - Port Susan (CRC22 Earhart) - 11:03 - We had a report of a gray heading north off Tulalip Shores in Port Susan. Last seen between Tulare and Port Susan Terrace at about noon still heading north. ID as Earhart CRC22. -John C Storbeck
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Thu, Feb 23 - Possession Sound - 10:00 - Not sure what type but I can see spouting approx. every 23-30 seconds. Seeing one, in Possession Sound just off of Jetty Island. Looks to be feeding in one area, as I've been watching for about a half hour now. -John Shackman
February 22
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Feb 22 - Possession Sound - 10:30 - I’m observing one gray whale between Howarth Park in Everett and the ship moored off of Everett. One mile offshore. Slow eastbound direction of travel. -Ryley Fee
February 21
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Tue, Feb 21 - Boundary Pass (J Pod) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #5: “Somewhere off Johns Pass, Dave-on a hunch, turned northeast up Boundary Pass. Several minutes later, Dave saw a male killer whale’s dorsal fin mid-channel off Blunden Island and the encounter began at 1208. The bull was J26 and he soon went down on a long dive. No other whales were immediately in sight…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #5.
J-Pod has been in the Salish Sea consistently since February 9th. Their last confirmed location was heading north up Trincomali Channel on the evening of February 21st. -Orca Behavior Institute
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Feb 21 - Puget Sound - 13:05 - Looks like a humpback north of the Narrows Bridge, east side of the passage heading northbound. 2 blows & a dive. Seen as I was crossing the bridge. -Jason Cook
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Feb 21 - Saratoga Passage - 07:28 - Gray feeding off of Hidden Beach [Whidbey Island]. -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
Tue, Feb 21 - Puget Sound - 12:53 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 13:22 to report: 1253hrs: ISSAQUAH reports they have come to all stop at the Fauntleroy terminal after spotting a single grey whale located in front of the terminal. Whale is headed South.
February 20
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Feb 20 - Possession Sound (CRC53 Little Patch) - 08:45 - Gray whale off north end Hat Island, heading northwest towards Whidbey Island. -screen grab from video by Mark David Hanson, February 20, 2023
February 19
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Feb 19 - San Juans (J Pod) - J26 Mike - photos by Kat Martin, February 19, 2023
Sun, Feb 19 - San Juan Channel (J Pod) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #4: - “After receiving a text from Jane Cogan relaying a report of probable residents heading up San Juan Channel, Dave headed down to Snug Harbor and left in the boat at 1345. “Orcinus” arrived on scene at 1415, mid-San Juan Channel north of Rocky Bay. J pod was spread out across the channel in singles, pairs, and the odd loose three or foursome as they traveled slowly up San Juan Channel…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #4.
Look who showed up outside Friday Harbor this afternoon, on World Whale Day no less? J-Pod! They ended up heading back north towards the southern Gulf Islands, but it was sure nice of them to finally pay us a visit during daylight hours after many nighttime passes. It's typical this time of year for J-Pod to spend a lot of time in the Salish Sea, much of it in the Strait of Georgia where they can (rather amazingly for a group of 25 whales) go undetected/unreported for days at a time. After a brief foray out west at the end of January and beginning of February, we believe J-Pod has been in the Salish Sea consistently since February 9th. Their last confirmed location was heading north up Trincomali Channel on the evening of February 21st. -Orca Behavior Institute
J26 Mike - photos by Monika Wieland Shields, February 19, 2023
In case anyone is wondering where Js ended up last night, thanks to another community sightings page like this one [WSSJI] in the Gulf Islands, we can confirm that Js went north in Swanson Channel yesterday evening! -Orca Behavior Institute
13:23 - Confirmed J-Pod. Looks like all 25 of them. -Sam Wallace
13:41 - Moving up north along Yellow Island.
12:58 - Exhales visible through binoculars at Reuben Tarte. Still along Shaw. -Tamara Kelley [WSSJI]
13:00 - Slow trend north from Js, mostly on Shaw side in a large group with a few individuals including J27 on the San Juan side.
12:41 - It’s J Pod, mostly milling on the Shaw side. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
11:25 - Spotted a foraging orca from the ferry, just west of the Friday Harbor ferry dock. Too distant for photo or ID. Looked like a tall dorsal fin, I only saw one. No direction, diving and surfacing. -Rebecca Berg
11:19 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 11:20 to report: Captain reports 6 Orca heading North in San Juan Channel - SAMISH@1119.
February 18
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Feb 18 - Possession Sound (CRC22 Earhart)
17:13 - The gray whale is just circling around in same general area as 17:00 update.
17:00 - Gray is circling back, now northbound, closer to Jetty than image.
16:55 - I moved to Hibulb Lookout at mouth of Snohomish River but the whale (or another) is now to the south off southeast Hat moving slowly southbound [approx. 47.999771, -122.273065].
16:00 - Gray (possibly CRC22 per earlier report) still feeding in the Snohomish Delta off Priest Point [approx. 48.022887, -122.230299]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
At 13:44, Cindi reports a gray [CRC22 Earhart] near Priest Point. - CRC22 Earhart -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, February 18, 2023
10:15 - Gray whale 50 yards off the marina entrance [NE Hat Island]. Just emerged further out heading a bit south. -Kelly Brown Dukes [HIWS]
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Sat, Feb 18 - North Puget Sound - 06:53 - Just saw a small whale breaching right next to my boat. It was really cool. It showed up out of no where. White under belly, light gray top. About 10 feet long. Super active little guy. Between President Point and Point Jefferson. [Direction of travel] South I think. But before it came up to the boat I believe it was traveling north. Kind of all over. Really cool to see. -Ryan Johnson
February 17
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Fri, Feb 17 - Puget Sound - 14:00 - Just letting you know that somebody claimed to see a group of 3 orcas just south of Edmonds fishing pier about 30 minutes ago. He was waiting for them to come by but they didn’t turn up. Could be going any direction. -Michael Anthony Casanova
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Feb 17 - Possession Sound - 11:20 - Tom Nowak called to report seeing two whales, he says are humpbacks (dark in color little dorsal) in Possession Sound between Mission Point mid Hat Island. Traveling then milling around SE end of Hat, 4 miles from Mission Beach/2 miles from Hat. Now traveling NW at the moment. We mentioned the presence of grays there but he said these were not grays.
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Feb 17 - Possession Sound - 07:50 - Report of a gray whale earlier this morning mid way northeast side of Hat Island heading southbound. -Kelly Brown Dukes [HIWS]
MINKE WHALES - Fri, Feb 17 - Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Elysha Ryan
Date of Sighting: 2/17/2023
Time: 3:20 PM
Species seen: Minke
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Ruston, close to shore near the Point Ruston boat
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: I only just caught it coming up for a breath about 15-20 minutes ago. But the fin looked like a minke.
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Andrew Gordon
Date of Sighting: 2/17/2023
Time: 3:15 PM
Species seen: Minke Whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Ruston Point, Washington State.
Direction of travel : North/Northwest
Behaviors observed: Breached surface for a second. Possibly hunting.
If orcas, any males?: N/a
Any unusual markings?: No
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I honestly, did not think any large whales could enter the Puget sound like that.
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Fri, Feb 17 - Possession Sound - 13:40 - Found whales! Not sure what kind but 2 or 3 spouting and breaching in Possession Sound. Watching from Mission Beach, closer to Everett marina. -Anna Poetzl [CWW]
Fri, Feb 17 - Central Puget Sound - 11:55 - Humpback surfaced 100 yards south of Dash Point Pier. FOLLOW UP: Looking back at pic on your site could definitely be a minke - definitely had a prominent enough fin as my first glance thought ‘orca’ in my head. Only surfaced once, no pic. Traveling south towards Tacoma. -Laura Clementson-Elgar
February 16
February 15
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Feb 15 - Rosario Strait
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Suzette Lamb
Date of Sighting: 2/15/2023
Time: 3:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Near the Pea Pod Islands between Doe Bay and Sea Acres
Direction of travel : NE at moderate pace
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: at least 1 large male
Any unusual markings?: none seen
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It appeared to be one large male and at least one other smaller orca
Photos available?: No
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Feb 15 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch) - 13:40 - He's still here at [Langley] Seawall, closer to Camano now. I think traveling north [approx. 48.059510, -122.394747]. -Kayla Wallace
12:47 - Marilyn Armbruster had to leave, but she messaged with one last report, that gray whale is CRC53 Little Patch and he's feeding back and forth along Langley Seawall Park. She hasn't seen a 2nd whale.
12:20 - Board member Fred called to report on the gray whale(s) hanging out just off Whale Bell Park, Langley. He thought there were two?
CRC53 Little Patch
12:12 - Out from Pizzeria and Doghouse.
12:00 - Skirting, feeding along shore and nearing Dog House, looks like Little Patch.
11:40 - Gray is feeding just west of Langley Seawall. -back of camera photos by Marilyn Armbruster, February 15, 2023
11:20 - I think this may be the same whale. We are watching a whale from the shores of Langley right now. Beautiful! Approx. 100 yards off shore just to the west of town, now headed further out towards Camano. -photos by Simone Shook Bower, February 15, 2023
08:10 - Looks like it might have just been passing through but got to see a few tail waves.
07:53 - Saw a whale between Baby Island and Fox Spit [all private], heading east. Just saw it spout, and tail again. -Erin McCloskey Flynn
MINKE WHALES - Wed, Feb 15 - Puget Sound - 16:52 - Minke whale right off Browns Point headed south into Commencement Bay. -Kevin Porter [PSWS]
February 14
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Tue, Feb 14 - Dodd Narrows - J-Pod wowed lucky viewers near Nanaimo when they went north through Dodd Narrows! A big thank you to Ana Theresa for sharing this special video [Link to FB video]. Dodd Narrows is only a few hundred feet wide and 70 feet deep, resulting in powerful currents running up to 9 kts. It's not a place we've typically documented Southern Residents, but they did go north through Dodd last year as well, in the month of March. Perhaps this will become a new late winter pattern for them? -Orca Behavior Institute
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Feb 14 - Rosario Strait - 14:46 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: SAMISH Whale Report, 2/14/2023 Vessel reports via 800MHz three unidentified whales in Rosario Strait, 2 NM south of the ANAC>SJI route path, approx. 1 NM east of James Island.
15:30 - I have to leave now, a few other people made it there to watch, last seen trending north.
14:27 - I do believe after staring for a while and checking the map multiple times they are just hunting near Boulder Island [corrected to Bird Rocks].
14:19 - Still no confirmed direction of travel, still hunting in the same area. They do appear to be somewhat drifting still south, and towards Washington Park.
14:08 - I found a spot where I can view them and have service. I am at the point, and I can see them still in the general area visible with the naked eye if you know where to look; still in the same area, but drifting a little farther south. I am almost positive that there are four with one very large male. -Silver Hubble
13:40 - Silver Hubble called and is at Washington Park [Anacortes] and saw a group of transient orcas hunting, trending north to the direction of the Islands [approx. 48.503175, -122.766178]. -Tamara Kelley
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Tue, Feb 14 - Sea of Cortez, Isla Coronado - near Loreto, Mexico in the Gulf of CA - Location: 26.1968568, -111.3264625, . -Dale Jellison & Bernie Shoemaker -photos by Dale Jellison & Bernie Shoemaker, February 14, 2023
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Feb 14 - Crescent Harbor - 12:00 - Grey whale in Crescent Harbor going back and forth feeding. -Anya Sika
Tue, Feb 14 - Saratoga Passage - 15:40 - Just saw a blow out a few miles from Whidbey shoreline, mid Baby Island Heights. Cannot tell if direction yet. He was pretty far away and looked like he was heading north and away from us. -Marilyn Armbruster
February 13
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Feb 13 - San Juans - 11:40 - I could see blows from Jackson Beach towards Cattle Point. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
09:54 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:35 to report: Log entry 0954hrs: Captain, ANAC/SJI B watch, reports a pod of 8 orca, including 2 juveniles, heading in an easterly direction at Turn Island - seen from YAKIMA.
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Feb 13 - Saratoga Passage - 15:45 - We had a gray whale zoom through our area today! It was heading from Mariner’s Cove, past Polnell Point, and toward Coupeville. Sorry, we didn’t get any ID photos. -Greg & Terra Parham, Oak Harbor, WA
Mon, Feb 13 - Port Susan (CRC22 Earhart - 13:35 - She [CRC22] was last seen heading along the Stilly [Stillaguamish] Delta drop-off towards Country Club in high winds and a rainbow. Usually takes an hour before we spot her on the Camano side.
12:58 - Earhart is in Port Susan swimming a counterclockwise loop first spotted at Tulalip Shores now north of Kayak Point. Near shore heading north. -John Storbeck
DALL'S PORPOISE - Mon, Feb 13 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 10:12 - I’m Seattle bound on a tug and saw a decent sized pod of Dall’s Porpoise in the Strait of Juan De Fuca, I don’t know how useful the info is to you, but thought I’d share. There were probably 15-20 individuals, and they appeared to be feeding. In the vicinity of Clallam Bay (48°18N 124°15W). We saw them at 1012 this morning. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get any photos. -James Greenway
February 12
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Feb 12 - San Juans (T46s) - Pod is heading southbound. They are reported as Bigg's transients T46s by Tyler McKeen. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
13:30 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: YAKIMA@1329: Captain reports 4 Orca near Shannon Point. 1-Adult and 3-juvenile.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ted Goshulak
Date of Sighting: 2/12/2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: 48.885701, -123.283099 (north of Active Pass)
Direction of travel : SW
Behaviors observed: Travelling
If orcas, any males?: No
Any unusual markings?: No
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: On BC Ferries' Coastal Celebration ... seen very briefly
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org -photos by Ted Goshulak, February 12, 2023
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Feb 12 - Admiralty Inlet - 09:45 - Single whale, humpback, 150 feet from our bulkhead [Lagoon Point] slowly heading southbound. -Bill Setter
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Feb 12 9:36 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.07336,-122.61358 [Lagoon Point]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Bayley
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Feb 12 - Saratoga Passage (Two Grays) - 14:41 - Both grays flipped southbound Camano side.
14:05 - Slowly northbound along Camano. -photos by Jason Cook, February 12, 2023
14:00 - 2 grays still on Camano side off Langley, moving slowly north. -Tammy Ash
13:50 - Two whales currently across from Langley on the Camano side swimming toward Camano. -Mere Crafton
13:44 - Come down to the beach at Langley, Dina has a bag of binocs for viewing. Couple of grays mid channel, milling. -Dina Blackstone
13:18 - Allie Hudec called to report a gray in Saratoga Passage off downtown Langley traveling southbound mid-channel.
13:17 - Two whales moving southeast towards Camano north of Langley.
13:02 - Just saw a couple blows just north of Langley, Langley side. -Tammy Ash
11:00 - This morning saw 1 or 2 gray whales close to shore at Bells Beach heading south. Saw one go by close to shore, then 5-10 minutes later saw another go by in the same direction. Not sure if the same whale doubled back or if there were two. -Mary Ann Vachher Elbert
08:43 - He came back again [gray whale] same location [East Point on Whidbey] and direction [headed east towards Camano]. -Shannon Moore Kavanaugh
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sun, Feb 12 - Possession Sound 17:53 - I was outside taking photos of the sunset and heard something below me! I’m on Marine View Dr in Mukilteo and a single baleen (not sure if gray or humpback) blew and I saw ripples. He’s close to Mukilteo shoreline heading north towards the Lighthouse Park. -Jodi Krause Poissant
February 11
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sat, Feb 11 - Strait of Georgia (J Pod) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #3: - "After about 10-15 minutes we got a call on the radio from “Helen” saying they had found whales heading northerly about midway up Galiano Island. We headed that direction and got on scene at 1035. It was J pod and they were very spread out from closer to the Galiano shoreline to mid-Georgia Strait...." Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #3
Sat, Feb 11 - Haro Strait/Active Pass (J Pod) - 07:45 - J-Pod just went north through Active Pass per Salish Sea Orca Squad. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
03:10 - Hearing calls on Orcasound Lab Haro. -T.L. Stokes
01:40 - Nice clear slow clicks. Interesting that there have been no calls, only clicks, in the past 10-20 minutes!
01:24 - Orcasound Lab: high SNR clicks, faint S04 calls. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Feb 11 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (Possible CRC2440 but too distant to confirm)
16:00 - Still feeding near NAS Whidbey.
15:15 - Another gray southbound passing Naval Air Station Whidbey, viewing from West Beach. -photos by Jason Cook, February 11, 2023
14:49 - Jason Cook called/left message to report another gray whale north of Deception Pass heading southbound. Viewing from West Beach, Whidbey.
Sat, Feb 11 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch) - 15:57 - Gray heading mid-channel in the direction of Langley Harbor. Long down times and moving slowly.
15:39 - There’s a gray heading northwest toward mid-channel from Sandy Point area. Moving slowly away from Whidbey bluff. -Luanne Seymour
12:52 - Gray whale just north of Hat Island. -photo by Mark Severson, February 11, 2023
11:58 - Between Camano and Hat islands now. -Jon Rosenberg
Gray whale CRC53 Little Patch, Langley. -photos by Erin Kester, February 11, 2023
11:36 - Moving across towards Camano now.
11:19 - Moved south from Langley now. Feeding off shore. -Forrest Wendt
11:14 - Slowly feeding and heading southeast toward Sandy Point.
11:08 - Just spotted a gray near the bluff just a bit north of Sandy Point. -Luanne Seymour
CRC53 Little Patch - 10:58 - Southbound just past seawall.
09:46 - Still munching. -photos by Jason Cook, February 11, 2023
08:46 - Whale is trending southbound towards Seawall Park while continuing to feed.
08:30 - Alisa's niece and nephew Leah and Billy McNabb are watching a gray whale feeding just north of Langley Seawall park.
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sat, Feb 11 - Rosario Strait - 14:00 - We spotted a frequently surfacing gray or humpback off Sares Head (Sharpe Point Park). Although we are fairly certain it’s a humpback but not sure. -Chuck Howell & Charlene Day
DALL’S PORPOISE - Sat, Feb 11 - Holmes Harbor/Saratoga Passage - 11:00 - 2 Dall’s porpoise just south of the entrance to Oak Harbor, close to the shoreline. Almost positive they were Dall’s, saw the white tip on the dorsal. -Mark Severson
09:44 - Long-time volunteer Sandra Pollard phoned to report who she is certain were two Dall’s porpoise mid way up Holmes Harbor on the Greenbank side heading northbound. She saw their white tip dorsal fins. Sandra thought they'd likely be near north end of the harbor by the time she called if they continued north.
February 10
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Fri, Feb 10 - Haro Strait (SRKWs) - 23:59 - Nice job reporting hearing orcas at Orcasound Lab! Confirming these are J pod calls. They seem to be northbound, based on hearing them currently and earlier at the Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - 23:53 - Lime Kiln. -Fusako Nozaka
23:35 - Hearing them at Lime Kiln. -Haley Angel Frachiseur
23:02 - Calls started again.
21:37 - Hearing calls on Lime Kiln. -Linda Aitkins
21:39 - I can hear them on Lime Kiln’s feed. -Shannon Day
18:00 - ~50 orcas, almost certainly residents inbound from Race Rocks this evening. -Orca Behavior Institute
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Feb 10 - Vancouver Harbour (T87 & T90s) - T87 Harbeson - T90B Piglet - 09:25 - Pair of orcas westbound in Vancouver, BC harbour approaching Lion's Gate Bridge. -photos by Perry Edwards, February 10, 2023
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Feb 10 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - 16:48 - Just saw two blows of one presumed gray just south of Mabana, mid channel. -Linda Raines Tyner
15:05 - The gray between Mabana and Pebble Beach is Earhart CRC22. She has been logging waiting for high tide. Up for three breaths then down for a few minutes. -John C Storbeck
13:35 - One gray reported in Saratoga Passage heading southbound off Summerland, Camano Island which is between Mabana and Pebble Beach. -LJ Ringstad [CWW]
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Fri, Feb 10 - Admiralty Inlet - 15:22 - Silver Hubble found another one! This one is out in front of Fort Worden. Can’t tell species or direction of travel. Suspect a baleen whale as there was a large, single exhale. Wind picks up the exhalations to make out shape [approx. 48.155875, -122.738717]. -Tamara Kelley
15:07 - Silver Hubble just spotted exhales in Admiralty Inlet. Possible a baleen whale? We both saw a big splash. Not sure on the species or direction of travel. We are viewing from Fort Casey seeing activity south of Fort Flagler [approx. 48.105781, -122.647772]. -Tamara Kelley
February 9
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Peter Meidal
Date of Sighting: 2/9/2023
Time: 2:10 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 8
Where seen: Between Grey Rocks and Belcarra up Indian Arm.
Direction of travel : East
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?: Not close enough
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We were in the water doing our cold water plunge, so close to shore and not able to get a good assessment of numbers but we noticed a definite variety of dorsal sizes.
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Feb 9 - Possession Sound - 14:35 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 14:40 to report: KITSAP Humpback Report 2/9/2023 1435hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz 1 humpback, SB, just east of the CLIN terminal.
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Feb 9 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart & CRC53 Little Patch) - CRC53 Little Patch -photos by Thomas McKane, February 9, 2023
17:38 - Viewing from Camano Island State Park. Seeing two blows on Whidbey side just north of Fox Spit going southbound slowly. -Linda Aitkins
16:00 - Two grays reported feeding about 1/8 miles offshore south of boat launch at Camano State Park. -Chris Haas [CWW]
CRC22 Earhart - 11:20 - Gray whale heading south 1.5 miles [north] from Hidden Beach, Whidbey side, moving fairly quickly. -photo by Aaron Gill, February 9, 2023
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Thu, Feb 9 - Puget Sound - 16:37 - I saw the spouts first Southern tip of Whidbey heading south towards Edmonds. Can’t tell what kind. -Jodi Krause Poissant
MINKE WHALES - Thu, Feb 9 - Puget Sound - 08:30 - Bob Rosenbladt sent a report and images of a whale in Nesika Bay off of Keyport, Poulsbo. By the time he got his camera and ran outside the whale had moved pretty far away. Follow up: “We didn't ever see the whole length of the animal but it was fairly wide, perhaps 4 to 5 feet. We did not see any visible exhalation. The first sighting [approx. Lat/Lon: 47.70423,-122.60613] was close to the eastern side of the bay, rather close to our place. I saw it break the surface twice, surfacing and submerging quietly. Between the two surfacings, I could see the water being disturbed by its motion underwater. The length of time between these two was probably 30 to 60 seconds. I never saw any tail slabs or porpoising. I grabbed my camera and ran outside. When it surfaced again, several minutes later it was in the position of the second star [approx. Lat/Lon: 47.69430,-122.61308] [see map]. It was heading south and now on the west side of the bay. It was moving in the direction of Brownsville. I did not see it again. This occurred at about 8:30 am on Thursday February 9.” -Bob Rosenbladt - photos by Bob Rosenbladt, February 9, 2023
February 8
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Feb 8 - Puget Sound (T49A1 & T124A2s) - T124A2 Elkugu, T124A2B Litton, T49A1 Noah - T124A2 Elkugu & T124A2B Litton - [From] Ollala. -photos by Rachel Bernal, February 8, 2023
17:55 - Viewing from Harper's Pier, northbound, hugging Blake Island. -April Basham
17:38 - Appear to be headed up the west side of Blake Island.
17:35 - Just passed Point Southworth, still northbound. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
T49A1 Noah - T124A2B Litton - T124A2 Elkugu - T124A2A Agafia - 17:05 - From Southworth, finally seeing blows again in distance heading north. I saw blows 30 minutes ago not too far away from where they are now and then they disappeared. -photos by Jim Pasola, February 8, 2023
16:10 - Passing Olalla. -April Basham
T49A1 Noah - 16:07 - Passing Olalla (just south of Anderson Point), heading more to mid-channel, northbound. Looks like 4 of them: one is a big male! -photos by Amanda Herberger, February 8, 2023
15:57 - Seeing them from Ollala now. Mid channel traveling north. -Bre Oakley
15:42 - Hugging mainland side, looks to be pretty close to shoreline, looking directly across the channel from southern edge of Lisabuela (Vashon) over to the mainland. Steady, stealthy northbound travels. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
15:41 - Sea View Terrace, south of Olalla Bay Market. -photo by Pat Regan, February 8, 2023
14:22 - Turned north at Gig Harbor toward Colvos Passage. -Stephen Curran
14:14 - Started south in Narrows, stopped for a seal and are now trending northwest toward the Gig Harbor shoreline. Very short stealth hunt, one splash, one semi-breach, and then back to normal surfacing with long down times as they slowly travel. -photos by Ashley Whitman, February 8, 2023
14:10 - Now milling mid channel between Gig Harbor and Point Defiance. Diving and possibly hunting?
14:05 - Headed toward Narrows. (Looking from Gig Harbor). Closer to Point Defiance side of channel.
13:52 - They had cleared Sunrise Beach southbound as of a few minutes ago. Long down times in travel mode. Appear to have committed to Narrows.
13:42 - Mid Dalco Passage, southbound towards Narrows, approaching Sunrise Beach. -Melissa Bird
13:10 - Just passed south edge of Quartermaster Harbor. Southwest travel along Vashon shoreline. -Brittany Noelle
13:15 - Moving west. -Ed Rickert
13:08 - Same place! Still hunting or feeding. Still active.
12:33 - Still hunting, a little more north & east of where they have been. I think they are on a second hunt. I'd put them west of mid channel, maybe off Dash Point-ish, from Dune. -Melissa Bird
12:28 - Still milling west of buoy.
12:08 - Large male traveled significantly west of yellow buoy, now appears to be milling/moving eastward again at least for the moment.
12:01 - Visible with binoculars from Tacoma (old town area), just west of yellow buoy of south end of Maury Island, much closer to island than mainland. -James Rempt
11:56 - Still hunting same general area east of Piner Point! Very active.
11:38 - Look to be hunting in the same general area east of Piner Point [approx. 47.332543, -122.447422].
11:30 - Off southeast tip of Maury (Piner Point) eastbound towards Browns Point. They are still west of the buoy, but headed that direction. -Melissa Bird
11:26 - Milling near the yellow buoy as seen from Browns Point. -Mollie Segall
11:15 - Viewing from Dune Peninsula, eyes on orcas, west of mid-channel, still well north of Commencement Bay. Appear to be milling. -Brittany Noelle
10:25 - Three orcas off Gold Beach. -Tami Thomas Brockschmidt [PSWS]
T49A1 Noah - T124A2B Litton - T49A1 Noah, T124A2A Agafia, T124A2 Elkugu - 09:46 - Have cleared Point Robinson still headed southbound, verrry long downtimes, transiting now from mid channel closer to island side of channel.
09:26 - Orcas are passing southbound in front of Des Moines Marina, mid channel to closer to mainland side. -photos by Marla Smith, February 8, 2023
08:45 - Orcas south of Three Tree Point, Burien heading southbound. Not confirmed yet, but video posted by Soderlind Guy's on PSWS looks to be female, couple smaller, and a large male which fits make up of T124A2s and T49A1.
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Feb 8 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - CRC22 Earhart
16:45 - Back again Whidbey side, heading south a mile north of Hidden Beach
5:40 - By Hidden Beach.
15:05 - Heading south, not far from bay next to Hidden Beach.
14:46 - Feeding right off the shore.
14:25 - One and a half miles north of Hidden Beach, Whidbey side currently heading north.
12:39 - Seeing blows off Camano Island State Park. -photos by Aaron Gill, February 8, 2023
09:31 - Thanks to Shannon Moore Kavanaugh who sent message with report and lovely videos of a gray whale in Saratoga Passage feeding off East Point, Whidbey. The whale has now headed east toward Camano Island.
MINKE WHALES - Wed, Feb 8 - Puget Sound - 11:00 - Minke continued west past Owens Beach towards Point Defiance & the Narrows. Looked like a close pass for those on the beach! -Brooke Casanova
10:46 - Minke whale, [by] Dune, heading west. -Cherie StOurs
February 7
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Feb 7 - Admiralty Inlet - 14:04 - I have eyes on this group. I am viewing from Bush Point. They are Marrowstone side of mid channel. Viewing with binos. Too far for ID. Traveling south [approx. 48.019749, -122.658457]. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Robert Clouthier
Date of Sighting: 2/7/2023
Time: 2:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Just off Fort Flagler
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Multiple breaches
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
11:50 - Four Bigg’s transient orcas announced and seen from the slowing ferry underway to Port Townsend. One large adult male, two probable females, and one juvenile, heading south mid channel. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
Tue, Feb 7 - Puget Sound (T46s) - 17:25 - Pretty certain saw exhalations in general at marker in map [approx. 47.604781, -122.420071]. Hopefully enough light for others to see from ferry or West Seattle.
17:00 - General location of the group [approx. 47.655621, -122.442736]. At least one of the brothers, if not both, traveling more east others who are basically in line but just a bit west of. All southbound quickly. Still looking if any others.
16:50 - One of the big boys at least has cleared West Point, now south of the green channel marker off the point. Traveling quickly east side of the Sound. Steady southbound, still powering through the chop. Will look for others now.
17:29 - Definitely spread as noted in my previous update. Pod is powering through the chop steady southbound toward West Point, Discovery Park in North Seattle. Mid channel and just either side of. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:47 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Log entry 1436hrs: Vessel KALEETAN reports via 800MHz spotting a pod of 6-7 orca heading in a south bound direction located mid-channel.
16:20 - I think pod is split up, there are distinct blows west of those on map. Maybe couple, mid channel or slightly westbound with others east side [approx. 47.686749, -122.437659].
16:10 - Pod is directly off north end of jetty at Shilshole east side of mid channel loosely grouped. Steady southbound in beautiful but choppy seas. For a bit was just tracking poofs, but seeing clear male dorsal believe leading. Gorgeous PNW day.
Seeing blows bit further south of map marker [approx. 47.746141, -122.443439], either same or maybe split a little? Exhalations are dissipating quickly in Breezy conditions. Choppy seas make for not optimal viewing as well. Southbound travel east of mid channel.
15:16 - From Kayu Kayu Ac park just saw blows approximately between Richmond Beach Saltwater Park and Jefferson Head. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:30 - Large male and female southbound fast from Apple Tree Point. Female close in. Male west shipping lanes. -Sara Frey
11:45 - Continued south nearing Double Bluff, Whidbey side. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:25 - At least three dorsals, including large and small, steady southbound toward Foulweather Bluff across from Robinson Beach, on Whidbey side. -Sandy Pollard
10:50 - Just in view at Shore Meadows, Whidbey side, slow southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
T46E Thor - T46E Thor - 10:35 - Cindi Crowder Rausch called back to report that she has seen at least 4, including one male and female or juvenile who have now passed by Bush Point southbound close in. She is moving down island now. -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, February 7, 2023
10:27 - Ana Sing Deo and Pip Gordon called to report seeing the orcas in Admiralty Inlet. They have seen at least three bull orcas and three additional adult orcas off Bush Point Lighthouse heading southbound, moving pretty quickly. The first orcas they saw were two bulls leading.
T46D Strider - 10:25 - Just rounding Bush Point southbound. One about 75 yards out. At least two others about 200 yards from shore. -photo by Gregory Roeben, February 7, 2023
10:23 - Cindi Crowder Rausch just called. She found the orcas, at least 5 including one bull, north side of Bush Point traveling southbound along Whidbey shoreline.
09:46 - Just saw 2-3 orcas (includes one male) heading south. Right off the south beach Lagoon Point [Whidbey Island]. -Cheryl Connor
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Feb 7 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - 17:05 - Freesia Krogstad called to report a gray whale who is milling around feeding off Lowell Point, Camano Island State Park. In front of the boat launch, south end of the park.
CRC22 Earhart - 13:45 - Last saw heading south by Hidden Beach but further out, not in the bay.
13:20 - Gray whale, one and a half miles from Hidden Beach, Whidbey side, currently headed south. -photos by Aaron Gill, February 7, 2023
February 6
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Feb 6 - Puget Sound (T49A1 & T124A2s) - T49A1 Noah -photos by Jami Cantrell, February 6, 2023 - Link to video taken by Jami Cantrell from Fox Island fishing pier.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Swamp X
Date of Sighting: 2/6/2023
Time: 5:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Between Steilacoom and McNeil, biased toward the Steilacoom side
Direction of travel : Southerly toward Anderson Island at a leisurely pace, crossing the ferry lane
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Good day to be on the 5pm ferry to Anderson.
Photos available?: No
T49A1 Noah - 17:00 - Southbound headed toward the passage between Ketron and Anderson Island. -back of camera photo by Ashley Whitman, February 6, 2023
17:05 - Southbound east side of Anderson Island.
16:35 - Circling near the channel marker east side of McNeil.
16:23 - Continuing southbound approaching McNeil [approx. 47.206053, -122.624367]. -Jason Cook
16:03 - Southbound approaching Chambers. -Robyn Riley
15:54 - Looks like they’re hunting below Fox Island Pier.
15:49 - See blows near a white building on Fox. Viewing from Chambers Bay Bridge of Locks [approx. 47.224443, -122.590378]. -Jason Cook
15:17 - Just saw them pass by the Narrows. -Scout Scout
15:15 - Heading south from Titlow. -Cherie StOurs
14:22 - Just saw 2 or 3 individuals heading south near Sunrise Beach. -Margaret Nichols
T49A1 Noah - 11:30 - Near Ollala Market. -photos by husband of Carlee Sutherland, February 6, 2023
12:15 - Just starting to see from Owens Beach, no direction, but still in Colvos. -Cherie StOurs
12:00 - Just viewed off of Preston Lane [south Ollala]. Close to Vashon side. -Tammy Woolley
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ian Beswick
Date of Sighting: 2/6/2023
Time: 11:55 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Ollala/Colvos
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
11:42 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Log entry 0857hrs: C/M, F/V/SW A watch, reports three orca, 1 male and two female, heading south in Colvos Pass - spotted from ISSAQUAH.
11:43 - Southbound, mid channel.
11:26 - Just passing Ollala now. -Sherry Petersen
T49A1 Noah - 09:45 - Southbound! Into Colvos Passage.
09:33 - First spot was mid channel, now very close to Kitsap side, just off the tip of Point Southworth. Still no defined direction of travel.
09:25 - Off Point Southworth, on a kill likely. Lots of slapping and breaching. No direction of travel at the moment. -photo by Hunter Sasser Oetinger, February 6, 2023
08:58 - Big straight tall fin. Wife saw it also. It was about a few hundred yards off south end of Blake Island and about 300 yards north of the ferry lane from Southworth. It was heading in a southeast direction and only saw once. -Brian Winking
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Feb 6 - (CRC22 Earhart & CRC2440)
19:26 - Hearing blows again.
18:15 - Heading south, will have to listen, too dark to see.
17:45 - Back again, making its way north feeding.
16:50 - Still heading south towards Hidden Beach. I’ve run out of room on the beach to walk.
16:35 - Heading south now towards Hidden Beach.
16:15 - Gray whale heading north, Whidbey side right off the shore, 1.5 miles north of Hidden Beach.
14:25 - Fully in the little bay by Hidden Beach now.
14:15 - One mile north of Hidden Beach right off the shore, doing a little feeding.
14:05 - One and a half miles from Hidden Beach, Whidbey side headed south. -Aaron Gill
13:30 - I spotted a solo gray whale heading west, on the Whidbey Island side right out front of Bells Beach feeding then diving and heading towards Fox Spit. -Kristin Carlson
CRC2440 - CRC22 Earhart - 10:15 - Cama side gray.
10:10 - [Gray whale] headed up Saratoga, north of Cama Beach, headed north. 2nd gray right off the shore, Whidbey side, 1.5 miles north of Hidden Beach no direction. -photos by Aaron Gill, February 6, 2023
February 5
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Feb 5 - Central Puget Sound (T49A1 & T124A2s) - So many thanks to all on this thread. I headed out to Magnolia Bluff when I saw the post that they were at the lighthouse. It was my first time seeing them from shore (and I have lived here off and on for 51 years!). -Sarah Higgins Terry
T49A1 Noah - Loved that you could see his saddle patch and the blows of the other orca. -photos by Shelly Sh, February 5, 2023
As a tourist from the prairies with exactly one day to spend in the Seattle area, my dream was to see whales, and I did, thanks to this thread. I saw them from the Bremerton ferry (at Elliot Marina), 32 Ave West Beach, Alki Beach and then Lincoln Park. Very grateful to everyone who posted and shared info at the various locations! -photo by Diane Farish Kotelko, February 5, 2023
T49A1 Noah on left - From Three Tree Point earlier. -photo by Jeffrey Stander, February 5, 2023
T49A1 Noah - photo by Robyn Riley, February 5, 2023
17:32 - Just spotted off Saltwater State Park. -Eric R. Gjersee
17:31 - Headed towards Dash Point.
17:10 - Just went under again in front of the pier. Still heading south.
17:06 - Milling right next to the pier!
16:55 - Seeing them from Des Moines marina pier! -back of camera photo by Bre Oakley, February 5, 2023
Sun, Feb 5 - Puget Sound (T49A1 & T124A2s)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun Feb 5 17:10 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.39272,-122.32487 [Des Moines]
Number Sighted: 4
Submitter Name: not provided
Whale Alert App
16:22 - Just saw them [approx. 47.435721, -122.399395]. -Tomoko Boerman
15:52 - Just spotted closer to Vashon across from Seahurst. Heading south. -Susan Plecko
15:46 - Good viewing straight off from Seahurst Park heading southbound at a good pace, mid to west side of channel. -Jaymi Davison Garvett
15:26 - Passing Seahurst Beach now, still southbound. Staying under for longer periods now. Closer to Vashon Island shores. -Bre Oakley
15:20 - They’re close to mainland shores in front of a row of houses, I’m looking straight across the channel from just south of Glen Acres (Vashon) at them, they’ve slowed down a bit, but still southbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
14:59 - Seeing from Arroyos! -Anjanette Nelson-Wally
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Skyla Gundlach
Date of Sighting: 2/5/2023
Time: 2:36 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: 47.5160864, -122.4261200 between Fauntleroy ferry terminal and Vashon island
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Uncertain
Any unusual markings?: Too far to tell
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
14:32 - Just passed Lowman. Headed south very quickly. -Larissa Benedek
14:30 - Great pass at the tip of Lincoln park (featuring yours truly). Are well south now. -photo of Steve Rice, February 5, 2023
14:28 - Should be about due east of Lowman. Just passed yellow buoy more mid-channel, as viewed southwest angle from Emma Schmitz Park. -Russ Mann
14:27 - Just passed Vashon Island ferry. Moving fast southbound. -Bre Oakley
14:18 - They are around Blake Island, heading south. Have been visible from Lowman Beach Park. -Margaret Nichols
T49A1 Noah - 14:02 - From Emma Schmitz Memorial Park. Still heading south.
13:51 - Passed Alki lighthouse fast and heading south. -back of camera photo by Bre Oakley, February 5, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Emily Hartl
Date of Sighting: 2/5/2023
Time: 1:50 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: West Seattle
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Traveling and/or hunting
If orcas, any males?: No
Any unusual markings?: No
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: They were quite close to shore!!
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
13:50 - Heading south from Constellation Park. -Kara Lucca
13:55 - They have passed Constellation Park now, still headed southwest.
13:34 - Watching from Alki Beach at 55th street. Staying under for long periods. Still close to shore. -Izzy Edwards
13:11 - They look to be mid channel heading towards Alki Beach. -Amy Martino
12:57 - Last I saw was west in the last 15 mins, also north of ferry line and exiting bay but I've lost them now. -Ashley Johnson
12:45 - Saw 3-4 orcas from the Bainbridge ferry, heading to Seattle. Orcas heading out of the bay on the north side of the ferry. -Robin Warshaw
12:45 - Heading south, almost in the Bainbridge ferry lanes now. Very slowly heading south. Still breaching and tail slapping/milling as they go. -Amy Martino
12:44 - View from Magnolia Park. -Stephanie Day
Awesome! I got a photo of that same breach! -back of camera photo by Steve Rice, February 5, 2023
T49A1 Noah - T124A2s
12:30 - Still keeping a presence. Pod is bit more east of where they’ve been. Either took someone large or taking multiple. Been here 2.5 hours now.
12:02 - Family of 4 Bigg’s/Transients are still out here feeding, making directional changes while they feast off the northwest side of Elliott Bay Marina. A very nice & lovely human family has given me respite from the rain on their deck perch at the marina. -screen grabs from video by Alisa Lemire Brooks, February 5, 2023
11:52 - Watching from Magnolia Park, looking south. Whales are still milling. -Lauren Ryan Booth
11:48 - They’re still here! We saw breaching and tail slaps. JOYS! -Nicole Schleich Abbott
11:30 - Video from the north end of the marina. So fun to see. -Izzy Edwards
11:30 - They are still off the marina, They are drifting (but not traveling) south with their meal.
11:18 - Bigg’s transient orca family of 4 is still here (off northwest corner of Elliot Bay marina) still actively feeding on their meal. Large oil slick visible. A few minutes ago bald eagles joined the many gulls and other birds to feed as well.
10:57 - Still off Elliot Bay marina! -Alisa Lemire Brooks Orca Network
10:58 - Another angle of the tail-slap/breach-fest, seen from the 32nd Ave W Beach Access. I'm mad I didn't have my real camera with me; I was just on a bike ride to CVS; thanks so much to the guy walking his dog up from the beach who said "there are orcas in the bay right now..." -Neil Gregie
10:57 - They are at the Magnolia Marina BREACHING out of the water, tail splashing, and HUGE HUGE HUGE LEAPS! -Amy Martino
10:40 - Vigorous active hunt right off northwest corner of the marina. Incredible. Their power. Sorry little cetacean whoever you are.
10:30 - Bigg’s are hunting right off north side Elliott Bay Marina!!! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:23 - They are currently near the north side of Magnolia close to the marina. Appear to be heading towards Seattle. -Greg Snyder
10:08 - Looks like 4, milling south of [West] Point. -Amy Douglas Ramos
09:40 - Pod is off West Point, Discovery Park traveling southbound. -Orca Network
09:11 - Seems to be pretty steady south.
09:07 - In Shilshole Bay. -photo by April Bosley, February 5, 2023
08:52 - Orcas near Golden Gardens [North Seattle]. Headed south. -Emily Lawren
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sam Wilson
Date of Sighting: 2/5/2023
Time: 8:50 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Off Golden Gardens Park in Seattle
Direction of travel : S, can't tell pace
Behaviors observed: some milling, then moving south
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Feb 5 - Saratoga Passage - 08:00 - A gray whale was feeding in Elger Bay, Camano Island (south of Camano Island State Park) for a long while this morning. Not sure if whale has moved on. -Per reports by Lauren Bricker & Tami Fifield [CWW]
Sun, Feb 5 - Saratoga Passage (Two whales, one close to Whidbey and one close to Camano) - 10:41- Paul Belanger called from Camano Island State Park to report a gray whale, possibly the one from Elger Bay earlier, now heading northbound from the Island County boat ramp at the park, about 100 yards off shore.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kathy Daberko
Date of Sighting: 2/5/2023
Time: 10:40 AM
Species seen: Killer whales [confirmed gray]
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Saratoga Passage off of Hidden Beach
Direction of travel : N . Hunting group was circling around a flock of birds on the water. The birds kept losing & disappearing
Behaviors observed: Hunting.
If orcas, any males?: No
Any unusual markings?: Not that I could see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
February 4
February 3
February 2
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Feb 2 - Saratoga Passage - 13:45 - Spotted one gray well heading south towards Langley Seawall, saw from Bells Beach. -Tabitha Jacobs-Mangiafico
Thu, Feb 2 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - 07:50 - Whale of a morning! 1.5 miles north of Hidden Beach heading north Whidbey side. -photos by Aaron Gill, February 2, 2023
February 1
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Feb 1 - Rosario Strait - 10:00 - 7+ orcas (Bigg's) northbound in Rosario Strait, south of the Anacortes ferry lanes. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Feb 1 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart)
16:15 - Still heading north Whidbey side getting away from me.
15:50 - Gray whale headed north a couple miles north of Hidden Beach, Whidbey side. -photos by Aaron Gill, February 1, 2023