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Lolita Update #38
Keiko stays with wild whales
August 20, 2001


Dear Friends of Lolita~

Whale may soon live a wild life
Keiko consistently stays with pods for extended periods of time and travels with them.
August 18, 2001 (Seattle Times) - (Note: Dead Link)
Keiko's keepers are not ready to shelve the Hollywood ending.
The orca star of the 1993 movie "Free Willy" frolicked for several hours amid wild killer whales in the North Atlantic this week, as he has often in the past 30 days. The spurts of adventurous, independent behavior have given Keiko's human crew hope that he could be on the verge of joining his own species for good.
"It's possible he will leave with them this year," Charles Vinick said in a telephone interview from Iceland. Vinick is executive vice president of Ocean Futures, the nonprofit organization attempting to reintroduce the long-captive show whale to the wild.


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