January 2022 Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of January 2022 whale sightings.
January 31
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Jan 31 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s, T124Ds) Taken from Lowman Beach. -Zach Ward
photo - looks good for T124D, T124A2 & T124A2A but leave open possibility could be others. -ALB
photo - T124D ID: ALB
16:53 - Closer to West Seattle side.
16:46 - [orcas] From Lowman, 6-8 off Restoration Pt., sb.
----Well, that was a terrific encounter yesterday at sunset! Here are a few photos, mostly in hopes you can use them for ID. I believe I observed at least one baby, and possibly two, along with about 4 adults. -Trileigh Tucker
[fins look like good match for T124A2s and T124Ds (T124As may have been present as well). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
16:16 - [orcas] Just saw them from Constellation Park looking west. -Carolynn Howsley
16:13 - [orcas] Passed Alki Point about 5 minutes ago heading south closer to the West Seattle side. -Karen Hendrickson
14:48 - [orcas] Still milling I'm same vicinity. Watching from Magnolia Park. -Lauren Ryan Booth
16:00 - [orcas] Just north of Blakely Rocks, east of mid channel, sb, view from Alki. -Mary Hartmann
~14:00 - [orcas] This general vicinity [mid channel, north of West Point, Magnolia/Seattle] for the past while, maybe a little west. Milling, slowly drifting southwest, is my best guess. -James Tilley
15:33 - They've continued south. Now seeing a few blows WAY in close to shore south of ferry terminal. Edit: maybe not as close to shore as first appeared.
~15:15 - They stalled at Wing Point (just north of terminal) to hunt, very close to shore. I saw splashing then lots of birds shortly after. But nothing since about 1515.
14:41 - Trending south. Seeing blows now just north of Bainbridge ferry terminal.
1358 - From Seattle waterfront (using binos)- seeing blows across the channel, closer to Bainbridge side. Lots of birds flying above. Possibly made a kill. -Renee Chamberland
13:48 - [orcas] Spotted them while on the Argosy Harbor tour crossing Elliott Bay. They are way out about half a mile off Bainbridge Island near the north end of the island. -John Patrick Darmody II
11:56 - They've been N of every ferry so far.
11:45 - North of the Bremerton ferry line. Moved a bit N in the last hour but slowly.
11:40 - Been milling in same spot, lots n lots of surface action. Still viewing from Discovery South Beach. Without binos would only be able to see blows.
11:20 - Definitely south of Bainbridge/Alki, been in the same area, lots of tail slapping and a couple breaches
10:58 - Orcas. Viewing off Discovery Park, very very far. Better to view off Bainbridge. Actually far enough I think they're off Vashon. Trying to count dorsals. 4. -Ellie Mondoch
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 31 - SW Haro Strait - Latest sighting of Grey Whale CRC 2440, filmed at 12:18 PM PST on Monday, January 31, 2022 off the southeastern shore of [Vancouver Island], Haro Strait, in the Ten Mile Point area of Cadboro Bay, Saanich, British Columbia, Canada. [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbwGo6K4a1g -Gerald Graham photo - "Here's a photo of the Grey's fluke, for ID purposes."
Addendum to Gerald Graham's Jan 31 report: PS - That same afternoon there were in fact two Greys just off of Ten Mile Point at the same time. They were observed simultaneously by a whale watching skipper from a point on land. Thus, there was the Grey in my video, plus what was probably a juvenile, entering Baynes Channel from Haro Strait. Original report: Latest sighting of Grey Whale CRC 2440, filmed at 12:18 PM PST on Monday, January 31, 2022 off the southeastern shore of [Vancouver Island], Haro Strait, in the Ten Mile Point area of Cadboro Bay, Saanich, British Columbia, Canada. [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbwGo6K4a1g -Gerald Graham
Mon, Jan 31 - Saratoga Passage - 14:00 - My whale drought has ended, thanks to at least one gray whale in its usual spot near Camano, immediately in front of the homes at Mabana Beach. Traveling south slowly at 2 PM on 1/31. Viewing from above Langley Marina. Can't tell from here which whale(s) I'm seeing. Lovely, heart-shaped blows! -Steve Smith
11:00 - I watched 2 Gray Whales feeding off the drop-off at Mabana Rd. for approx. an hour. (There was a possible 3rd? gray feeding a little north and more to the middle of Saratoga Passage.) Too far away for any photos/ID. -Barbara Brock
PORPOISES - Mon, Jan 31 - Port Orchard Passage - 12:55 - Bainbridge Island, just south of Point White Dock right in front of Illahee State Park: A couple of porpoises (possibly 3 of them) were headed southeast toward Bremerton. -Bianka Mariles
January 30
January 29
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sat, Jan 29 - Admiralty Inlet - 15:22 - Now very slowly southbound. Follow-up: They were almost staying in one place, then disappeared! Watched for at least another 40 minutes, then gave up...very cold!
15:12 - [orcas] Spotted on Pt. Townsend side past Pt. Townsend, northbound, ...3? My first whales of 2022!!! -Bonnie Gretz
15:00 - From Driftwood Beach, they appear to be near ferry lane or heading that way and middish channel. Northbound. Fort Casey a good viewing spot. -Marilyn Armbruster
14:00 - Kit Turner called back to report now 4 orcas (including baby) in line with Fort Casey. They moved over to the Whidbey side and care still continuing northbound.
13:50 - Kit Turner, Lagoon Point, called to report 3 orcas traveling steadily north, mid channel in shipping lanes. Went on dive, haven't seen them since. -Kit Turner
RISSO'S DOLPHINS - Sat, Jan 29 - SE Vancouver Island - There have been some unusual visitors in these waters lately-Risso's dolphins. These unique cetaceans are typically found offshore where they can dive up to 1,000 feet and hold their breath for almost 30 minutes. A small group of them have been seen from Campbell River down to the Canadian Gulf Islands in recent weeks. -Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
Check out this beautiful video by Jason [Shields] of the ~20 Risso's in Saanich Inlet yesterday [1/29/22]. Despite being unusual visitors here, the dolphins looked healthy and were very active, perhaps finding an unexpected source of squid to keep them hanging around the Salish Sea! https://www.facebook.com/orcabehavior/posts/2804497803187528 -Orca Behavior Institute video - Jason Shields
~20 Risso's dolphins in Saanich Inlet. -Monika Wieland Shields
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Jan 29 - South Puget Sound - ~15:00 - Humpback still present in Case Inlet, same general area, a little further north between north ends of Harstine and Herron, closer to Herron. Follow-up from Dave: This is second hand, but I did just see a report on the Harstine Island FB page from a boater who observed 2 humpbacks near Herron Island on the 29th. No pics. -Dave Berliner
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 29 - Saratoga Passage - 14:20 - I've headed to Langley and have pulled over from high bank, they are still there feeding there.
13:55 - Marilyn Armbruster messaged she is viewing two grays in the Camp Diana area, a few miles north of Mabana Shores. She first started viewing them at 13:30, Baby Island Heights area, then headed to Langley for closer look and can see them still there feeding. -Marilyn Armbruster
January 28
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Fri, Jan 28 - Haro Strait (Js) - 15:05-15:07 - Still hearing calls (J-Pod) [Lime Kiln hydrophone]. what I heard transcended from low to high in a single call: 'looowUP', (repeated at least 4 -5 times). Then silence. Shari Tarantino
[Going back and listening to the audio stream from the LK webcam, it sounds like S2s around then. So, despite hearing a few L-like calls earlier, I'm still not sure based on acoustics that there were Ls present. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute]
15:01 - Incredible call just now, up and down repeatedly very fast.
14:49 - [orcas] Couple calls much closer [Lime Kiln hydrophone]. More calls in the background. -Cassie Barclay
14:37 - Really loud, bizarre sound. -Susan Marie Andersson
["Scrubbed back to it in YouTube and made a recording with Audacity. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound/Beam Reach]
14:10 - A single orca sighted traveling quickly northbound 1 mile south of Landbank/Westside Preserve. It was 1/4+ mile out and I only saw it surface 3 times. At the time, J-Pod was heard on the LK hydrophone. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
14:04 - [orcas] Def closer and clearer now [Lime Kiln hydrophone] -Letitia F Lewis
14:16 - Hearing more calls.
14:03 - [orcas] Just heard them at 2:03 p.m [Lime Kiln hydrophone]. -Stephanie Mclaughlin
14:37 - No visuals in 15 min or so from Land Bank.
14:09 - Edwards Point NB one whale close to shore.
13:44 - Current trajectory of the ones I can see is towards Eagle Point.
13:35 - I see blows several miles offshore to the SW, I believe heading east towards San Juan. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
~13:30 - today, while kayaking around Pile Pt. (west side of SJI), I spotted 2-3 orcas far out. To my eye it looked like they were heading toward Victoria. (Forgive the photo quality. They were from a bobbing kayak, and at a great distance.) photos - J22 confirmed by MP (after report published) -Michael Noonan
14:18 - I'm now hearing possible L Pod calls (S2iii). ["possible L12s then! -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI]
13:58 - Just heard a very clear call and percussive.
13:55 - Now hearing fewer calls but occasional echolocation still.
13:53 - The level has been consistent and still somewhat faint.
13:18 - I'm hearing distant J Pod calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophone! -Justine Buckmaster
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Fri, Jan 28 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s, T124Ds) -Craig Craker
17:10 - [orcas] At least two, just north of Gold Beach no clear direction of travel. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
5 in photo. One more popped up after for 6 total. -Ryan Dicks
1640 - Eastbound IVO small motor yacht. [mid channel between Dash Point and Piner Point (SE Maury Island) per Alfred's map]
16:25 - [orcas] Southern tip of Maury about 100 yards east of the small yacht. -Alfred Tirpitz
16:35 - See blows now heading east past Maury, 4:35, viewing from Dunes.
16:08 - [orcas] Viewing from Dunes, 4 dorsal south end of Maury, looks like they're milling, no direction at this time. -Cherie StOurs
16:00 - [orcas] Seeing blows in Ruston. 3 blows, 4 00. -Julie Davis
15:53 - Crossing Quartermaster Harbor entrance, eastbound.
15:48 - More surface time now, steadily eastbound, almost to SE tip of Vashon.
15:46 - Just off Ferry terminal, still eastbound.
15:39 - Off southwest tip of Vashon, eastbound towards the ferry terminal, close to Vashon shore.
15:32 - They are in Dalco Passage closer to Gig Harbor side, Sunrise Beach area, near a sailboat. Looks like southbound still. From Dune. -Melissa Bird
Beautiful to see them from Sunrise beach today! https://youtu.be/HTZ9ax8Y8LI -Noelle Morris
15:16 - [orcas] Off Sunrise Beach headed south. -Keith Fischer
15:13 - [orcas] Sunrise Beach heading SW towards Vashon. -Charlene Engelland
14:42 - [orcas] They are headed south from Point Richmond. 5 of them. -Dixie Mo
14:35 - [orcas] Beautiful sighting of them at Point Richmond Beach!! -Dana Flaskerud
14:20 - [orcas] They're in front of Point Richmond right now. 2:20 pm. Gig Harbor side. Heading south. -Melissa Tolman
14:04 - [orcas] Just a tiny glimpse from Cross Landing (Vashon), about a mile south of Lisabuela. Still Southbound. -Erika Starrs
13:43 - [orcas] Just passed me viewing from just south of Lisabuela, mid channel but favoring Vashon side, 4-5 female/juveniles a youngster, and a wee little calf. Grouped up, steady southbound with verrrry long downtimes. There was a peachy pink little nugget in there (couldn't get a saddle or eye patch) was also in there with babe sandwiched between the two most of the time. Not the greatest pics, they were pretty far away and kept a low profile, but that bouncy babe was super cute! -Marla Smith
["T124A2s and T124Ds with calf T124D3. First photographed on January 24th heading north in Haro Strait" - Brendon Bissonnette]
[T124D3 (officially confirmed by Jared Towers, Fisheries and Oceans Canada). -alb/ON]
13:02 - [orcas] Viewing from Al's Market, now, 1:02, southbound. -Annie Metzger
12:55 - 5 Orcas heading southbound in Colvos, middle of the channel. -Yvonne Welty
12:55 - [orca] Spotted one fin by Al's Market - Olalla. -Laura RC
12:45 - 3-4 orcas at 12:45am at Anderson County Park. Mid channel. Southbound. -Kyle Buffenmyer
11:30 - We just got this message south of Southworth in Colvos: Two adults, one juvenile headed towards fern cove.
09:30 - Sound Action received a report of orcas southbound near Winghaven at 9:30 am --- which is in the same Dolphin Point area as the original report. -Amy Carey
07:50 - 4 adults and a baby this morning, out front, on our side of the channel. They hung around for at least a half hour, thrashing about; I assume they were feeding. Not a 100% but we believe they were headed south; the fog rolled in and we lost sight. -Jaime Kennedy
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Mon, Jan 28 - NW Strait of Georgia - 15:53 - I can see one male orca heading south between Savary Island and VI [Vancouver Island]. Update: I could not confirm how many others there were. -Patti Perepeluk
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Jan 28 - South Puget Sound - 15:00-16:00 - Humpback in Case Inlet, mid-channel, between NW Herron and NE Harstine Islands, about a mile north of McMicken Island. Humpback again seen feeding, along with many very active sea lions. -Dave Berliner
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 28 - S Rosario Strait/Fidalgo Island - ~12:10 - There's a gray whale in Burrows Bay. Started watching around 12:10pm, but I've got to run to WA Park to teach class [Salish Sea School], so I can't stay. I caught a couple heart-shaped blows, about 3 minutes apart and bird activity on the water. Dark back, no dorsal, but ridge instead. Light is too contrasty to make out much else and I was too far for photos. It looks to be headed S, SE, but mostly just milling in that one spot. -Amanda Colbert
11:47 - Same gray whale currently in Burrows Bay in Anacortes. Was also off Rosario Head last night at 5:00. -Trevor Derie
Fri, Jan 28 - Saratoga Passage - ~14:30 - Yesterday (January 28) two grays feeding off Summerland, then cruising south past Pebble Beach towards Hat Island. Blurry photos, shooting into direct sunlight. I cropped the pics hoping we could ID them. Perhaps Earhart? photos - 22 Earhart and 53 Little Patch per ALB -Peg Boley, South End Camano
14:30 - Donned knee-high neoprene boots and waded along shore to south end of Mabana. Found them twirling in the sand, feeding. They've moved south and out towards mid channel. [Krista also shared a back-of-camera image of CRC53, ID'd by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network] photo - CRC22 Earhart's pec fin. [ID: ALB] -Krista Paulino
11:15 - Both are over there. They are feeding.
11:00 - Seeing for sure one gray just north of Summerland and south of Mabana Shores, Camano Island. Way over on Camano side. Could be feeding, as high tide is coming soon. Viewing from Fox Spit area. -Marilyn Armbruster
January 27
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Thu, Jan 27 - Gulf Islands/Saltspring (T002B, T60s) - 15:05-15:30 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #10: "The encounter began with the T060s and their constant companion, T002B, finishing a pinniped predation." [See CWR Encounter #10 for full summary more photos, and a video] https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-10
Thu, Jan 27 - Admiralty Inlet - 15:45-16:20 - Milling around this same area I have marked on the map [between Shore Meadows, Whidbey, and south end of Marrowstone Island]. Viewing from Shore Meadows. Fins are aimed south. -Marilyn Armbruster
15:35 - Group of 7 or 8 whales now south of Bush Point. Couple of tail slaps. Pretty back-lit blows.
15:25 - [orcas] Viewing from above Bush Point, at least four blows close together steady southbound Whidbey side.
----January 27, 2022: First sighting of the year! With Whidbey fog-free at last, the breath-taking spectacle of this group of orcas southbound in Admiralty Inlet, the sun enhancing their backlit blows, was more than welcome. Not sure who they were, just enjoyed the moment and the mystery (photos R J Snowberger). -Sandra Pollard
15:15 - Lots of interference noise on the Bush Point hydro but pretty sure I'm hearing some echolocation. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
17:30 - A lucky glimpse of three orca dorsals about 5 miles out from a mile south of Bush Pt., looking toward Hood Canal. One dorsal was more of a triangle than curved, which looked more like a Bigg's than a Resident. I didn't see any others. -Howard
16:59 - Just saw 3 or maybe 4, including a calf, swimming VERY SLOWLY southward, 1 mi. south of Bush Point. Watched them continue south VERY VERY slowly, may have caught a glimpse on video, these must have been the trailers as it looks like others saw them further south. -Susan
15:10 - Our neighbors Kate and Sim Sheppard, are watching 8 or 9 orcas headed south from a beach at Bush Pt. - sounds like they were north of the Wharf bldg. at that time, but 10 mins. later were south of the wharf, still headed south. -Susan Berta & Howard Garrett, Orca Network
15:07 - Listening to the hydro [Bush Point] and there are some faint orca calls and echolocation, but it's being drowned out by heavy ?boat? noise. -Ariel Yseth
14:55 - Anna SinghDeo & Pip Gordon called to report seeing at least 10 orcas (1 bull, 7 other adults, and 2 little ones) in the cove just south of the Bush Point Lighthouse. Whales are heading southbound on the Whidbey side in no hurry. They were viewing from the Bush Pt. launch, whales directly out. Backlighting made impossible to see details such as saddle patches...
11:00 - A trusted friend reported by private text, 11 a.m.: ~6, southbound Ft Casey... Be on lookout. Sorry, no further details. -Paul Belanger
RISSO'S DOLPHINS - Thu, Jan 27 - Saanich Inlet/Vancouver Island - Center for Whale Research post-Encounter #10: "The whales were moving south-southwest within a few minutes of the encounter start, and were making good way for Beaver Point when Mark and Joe received word that the Risso's had been spotted again in Saanich Inlet." [See CWR Encounter #10 for more photos] https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-10
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Jan 27 - South Puget Sound - 14:15 - Humpback mid-channel of Case Inlet near Herron ferry dock. Swimming in circles. -Liz Wolk
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 27 - Haro Strait - For the seventeenth day in a row, Grey Whale CRC 2440 has made an appearance on the west side of Haro Strait. Here is my latest video clip of this solitary animal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVm-OR4u5bI -Gerald Graham
Thu, Jan 27 - S Rosario Strait/Fidalgo Island - 17:00 - gray whale. Was also off Rosario Head last night [1/27] at 5:00. -Trevor Derie
Thu, Jan 27 - Possession Sound - Gray Whale(s) heading north from Port Gardner, ENE of Hat Island Marina. -Greg Bonn
UNCONFIRMED SPECIES - Thu, Jan 27 - 17:38 - We saw a whale off of Pebble Beach on Camano on January 27th at 5:38 pm. -Robert Viggers
January 26
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Wed, Jan 26 - S OR Coast/Port Orford (Ks) - Yesterday a friend of a friend of a friend forwarded me a text of an Oo [Orcinus orca] sighting from a small boat off of Port Orford that stated "about 10 orcas playing with a spider man baloon (sic)", included this photo of two males swimming north. No time mentioned, nor in photo metadata. The best I can do with IDs is to presume they were K-pod, and that those two were K26 and K42. Is there enough there to ID them? I'm trying to track down the Spiderman component, while wondering how a salmon in the mouth could appear like a silvery mylar balloon with red graphics... Jeff K. Jacobsen
photo - K26 and K42 confirmed by Melisa Pinnow
Wed, Jan 26 - San Juan Islands (J pod) - 16:44 - At 16:51 John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed report: YAKIMA Orca Sighting 1/26/2022. 1644hrs: Master reports they are delayed departing ORC due to a group of 18 orca in front of the ORC terminal. Direction of travel is East.
15:05 - At 15:13 Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed report: More Whales! Log entry 1505hrs: TILLIKUM: Vessel reports via 800MHz they have slowed for a pod of 12-15 orcas milling about in front of the ORC [Orcas Island] terminal.
14:05-15:50 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #9: "Most of J pod was in one large resting group closer to the Orcas Island shoreline while J38, J44, and J45 were rolling around and socializing together a few hundred yards to the southeast. Around 1445, just before coming around the point to the east of the Orcas Island ferry landing, the large group began waking up and spreading out" "All members of J pod were present and photographed." [See CWR Encounter #9 https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-9 for full summary and
At 13:58 John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed report: ISSAQUAH Orca Sighting, 1/26/2022, Vessel reports via 800MHz vessel has slowed due to a large group 6 to 24 orca in Upright Channel. Direction of travel is north.
13:30 - At 14:16 TILLIKUM Orca Report, 1/26/2022. 1330hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz vessel has slowed due to a large group, 6 to 24 orca, in the northernmost area of Upright Channel.
12:25 - Sounds like Js are eastbound in Upright Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
11:07 - At 11:38 Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed report: WHALES GALORE! 1/26. Log entry 1107hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz they have spotted a large pod of orca whales, ranging from 12-24 in total, spanning San Juan Channel from SHAW to San Juan Island. Pod is headed in a southerly direction and vessel has slowed to bare steerage.
COASTAL ORCAS - Wed, Jan 26 - S OR Coast/Port Orford (Ks) - Yesterday a friend of a friend of a friend forwarded me a text of an Oo sighting from a small boat off of Port Orford that stated "about 10 orcas playing with a spider man baloon (sic)", included this photo of two males swimming north. No time mentioned, nor in photo metadata. The best I can do with IDs is to presume they were K-pod, and that those two were K26 and K42. Is there enough there to ID them? I'm trying to track down the Spiderman component, while wondering how a salmon in the mouth could appear like a silvery mylar balloon with red graphics... -Jeff K. Jacobsen
photo - K26 and K42 confirmed by Melisa Pinnow
FIN WHALE - Wed, Jan 26 - S Rosario Strait - 18:00 - We saw a (the?) fin whale in Burrows Bay briefly @ 6pm on Wednesday 1/26/22. Based on the animal's size, dorsal fin shape and the very large vertical spout, we are 99% confident this was the fin whale that has been spotted in Puget Sound recently. -Rachel Bergman
January 25
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Tue, Jan 25 - Burrard Inlet/Indian Arm (T86As, T124As, T124A2s, T124Ds, +) Addendum to original report: Jared Towers, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), notes from Haley Crozier video of January 25 regarding new calf T124D3 (and IDs) -alb/ON: "Yes, it looks like who Sara has IDed plus the T086As and others too. I can confirm that T124D has a new one named T124D3."
Original ID notes by Sara Hysong-Shimazu for Haley Crozier's video: Looks like the first mom and calf to surface is T124D and a new one. Not 100%, but nearly sure. T124A and her new one appear to be the second mom and calf to surface. T124A2s are the last three to surface. 13 (if I'm counting right with the 124As, 124A2s, and 124Ds). Can't tell if 124A1 is there, but she travels separate a lot. There are others because no grown males in that family, but I can't get a good enough look at the male to say who�.Actually BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - looks Like the T86As might be in there, too.
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Tue, Jan 25. - Burrard Inlet/Indian Arm (T86As, T124As, T124A2s, T124Ds, +) - I've attached a google drive link to a video file taken yesterday on Indian arm, BC of a pod of approximately 20 orcas heading north. They appeared to be feeding on herring. There was one, possibly two very young babies in the group. They still had the red/brown staining on their white patches. We're pretty certain they're a resident pod (broken saddle patches, vocalizations heard), potentially j-pod since I saw there were 2 pregnant females in the fall. If you could confirm my suspicions as well that would be super exciting! [Bigg's killer whales confirmed by Sara Hysong-Shimazu from Haley Crozier's video] -Haley Crozier, Natural Resource Field Technician, Treaty, Lands & Resources Department, Tsleil-Waututh Nation / s?lilw?ta?
ID notes by Sara Hysong-Shimazu for Haley Crozier's video: Looks like the first mom and calf to surface is T124D and a new one. Not 100%, but nearly sure. T124A and her new one appear to be the second mom and calf to surface. T124A2s are the last three to surface. 13 (if I'm counting right with the 124As, 124A2s, and 124Ds). Can't tell if 124A1 is there, but she travels separate a lot. There are others because no grown males in that family, but I can't get a good enough look at the male to say who. Actually looks Like the T86As might be in there, too.
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 25 - Haro Strait - Update: The Haro Strait Grey Whale, aka CRC 2440, is still foraging off of Glencoe Cove/Kwatsech Park in Saanich, on the west side of southern Haro Strait, two weeks after being first spotted there by a local inhabitant. Here's my latest video clip of this solitary animal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rrDOD19_do - Gerald Graham
Tue, Jan 25 - Possession Sound - 08:00 - Judy and Tom Knowak called to report a large full-size gray whale feeding ~10 feet from shore off Mission Beach, Tulalip. Blasting in the sand, feeding then circling out and back for more.
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Tue, Jan 25 - Central Puget Sound - ~17:00-17:30 - Possible fin whale sighting. We are pretty sure we just saw a whale from Sunset Hill Park...light wasn't great & it was far away, but there was a very long, linear object that couldn't really have been anything else. It would appear, stay visible for 30 secs to 1 min, then disappear (without fluking) for about 1:30-1:45. Was about 1,000 meters west of the N end of Shilshole. Was staying more or less in the same place. I would say we observed a total of 8-10 surfacings. It was clearly very big, so likely the fin whale that was seen off Shilshole recently? Wasn't humpback-like behavior, and seemed too big. Only weird thing is we couldn't see a blow, but it was far & light was weird. Sighting time was around 1700-1730. Passing along in case 1) you can shed any light, and 2) you want to pass along to Orca Network folks. -Michael Dougherty, E via Scott Veirs
January 24
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Jan 24 - SW Haro Strait (T71s, T86As, T117A, T124Ds, T124A1) - 10:12-10:48 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #8: "Joe quickly recognized the trailing animal as T117A, a wandering bull last seen by CWR staff in late 2019 in the western reaches of the Juan de Fuca Strait (see Encounter #99, 2019). The others remained a momentary mystery, though by the time the whales next dove the trio had identified members of the T086A and T124D matrilines, along with T124A1. A quick reference to the DFO Bigg's catalogue then confirmed their suspicion that the remaining animals were the entirety of the T071 matriline, a rarely encountered group in the Salish Sea! T124D was also travelling with a young calf" [See CWR Encounter #8 for full summary, photos, and a video] https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-8
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 24 - Deception Pass/S Rosario Strait - 11:45 - One gray still in same spot [Sares Head/Fidalgo Island] today. -Trevor Derie
11:35 - Erin Merklein, PTMSC, messaged Orca Network to report a gray whale at Deception Pass: whale headed through the pass then went southwest.
January 23
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Jan 23 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T69s) - 13:31-14:47 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #7: "At ~1330 Mark located multiple blows on the horizon offshore of Sheringham Lighthouse, which turned out to be the T069 matriline. The 4 whales were traveling east in a spread out but parallel line formation, with T069F (the youngest whale of the group at age 12) quite far out from the rest." [See CWR Encounter #7 for full summary, photos, and a video] https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-7
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Sun, Jan 23 - SE Vancouver Island - 13:00-14:00 - We observed a pod of at least 13 orca in the Saanich Inlet yesterday (Sunday, January 23) near Mill Bay. We watched them for at least an hour. They were in the middle of the inlet but closer to the Mill Bay side and heading out of the inlet towards the western side, meaning they were heading generally in a northerly direction. There were at least 3 calves, and 2 large bulls. One of the bulls had very distinctive notches near the top of his dorsal.
Follow-up: We only took one terrible photo as we only had our iPhones with us. I have excellent binos., though. Sounds like with 3 calves it's unlikely they were residents. Sighting from 1-2pm. -Mari Wood
COASTAL ORCAS - Sun, Jan 23 - N CA Coast/N of Trinidad - And... at 0900 today, 23 Jan 22, I got a text from a local birder who saw a pod milling off of Wedding Rock, Patrick's Point, part of what is now called Sue-Meg State Park, a few miles north of where we saw them yesterday. And... at 0900 I was aboard a friend's boat to go 25 nmi offshore to retrieve a DASBR buoy that had been floating out there since Monday, didn't see his text until I got back ashore. It is possible that there could be Oo [Orcinus orca] calls on that recording, I'll ask Shannon Rankin to look/listen for them. -Jeff K. Jacobsen
FIN WHALE - Sun, Jan 23 - Deception Pass - Saw this beauty today at Deception Pass. Identified as a fin whale. [video] https://www.facebook.com/jessica.cunningham.737/videos/259714772952271
[fin whale confirmed by Jared Towers, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, from Jess's video] -Jess Cunningham
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Jan 23 - South Puget Sound - 16:00 - I was able to see the Case Inlet humpbacks, 4:00pm, Sunday, 1/23. North of Herron Island. -Stacey Crofoot
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 23 - S Rosario Strait - There have been two gray whales in Burrows Bay (Anacortes) for the last couple of days. I actually got to see them from my kayak yesterday [1/23] but didn't have a real camera. The attached photos come from Tyler McKeen (shared with permission) who saw them yesterday afternoon. The other whale has a darker fluke. -Erin Johns Gless
13:17 - 2 Gray whales still off Sares Head in Anacortes today. Follow-up: just milling, same exact spot as the last two days. I'm not there, video from Elizabeth Drozda showing them both there. -Trevor Derie
Sun, Jan 23 - Saratoga Passage - 17:19 - 2 grays passing Mabana, slowly heading south. [back-of camera image shows #53 present] -Krista Paulino
11:10 - Moving on in a quick fashion. Southbound toward Langley. I can barely see the blows in the fog.
10:57 - Still feeding off south end of Bells Beach. Slowly trending south. -Dori Dace
10:26 - [NPS grays 22 & 53] They are heading south now after a good feeding session [Bells Beach]. -Kristin Platt Rose
photos - #53 fluke tip ID: ALB - "Bells Beach in the 9 am hour today."
09:05 - [grays] 2 whales off of Bells Beach right now. -Rick Lessley
10:00 - Feeding near north end of Bells Beach, trending southbound.
08:55 - Feeding more on the north end of Bells Beach.
08:30 - Both grays were feeding at the north end of Bells Beach and now off shore a bit, but could be coming back in. Trending southbound.
07:55 - On this foggy morning, Marilyn Armbruster found two gray whales feeding between Fox Spit and Bells Beach, Whidbey Island. This is north of downtown Langley. [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhju0kQxQvE -Marilyn Armbruster
[North Puget Sound gray whale CRC22 "Earhart" confirmed by Alie Perez, Cascadia Research Collective, from Marilyn's photos]
[Marilyn was able on sight to confirm CRC53 "Little Patch" as the 2nd whale feeding alongside her. -alb/ON]
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALE - Sun, Jan 23 - S Rosario Strait - 1/23 just north of the [Deception Pass] bridge about 11 am. The next day we saw a whale in the same area with tail showing. Maybe it was a Humpback? -Greg Clark
January 22
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Sat, Jan 22 - Haro Strait (L pod minus L54s & L88, and L89)
16:00 - Everyone moved south.
15:20 - Eastbound, 5 miles off South Beach.
14:50 - [orcas] Passing Eagle Cove southbound. Not close in. -Fred Horn
14:43 - Well one appeared. Haven't seen the rest of the pod yet.
14:27 - [orcas] They just appeared at the west end of South Beach. -Dave Williams
13:09 - Echolocation on the Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
13:05-13:40 - I first saw a single orca traveling quickly southbound/down island, 1 mile south of Westside Preserve/Landbank. Soon I counted 7+ more. They were spread out and staying down with long dives. At 13:22 a mom with calf traveled quickly past. They were dark and beautiful against a sparkling sea. Photographed from shore, enlarged and cropped. photos - L91 ID: ALB -Michelline Halliday, SJI
11:06-16:10 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #6: "The encounter ended at 1610 about halfway between Middle Bank and the northern part of Hein Bank with the whales still heading southwest. The L54s and L88 were not present during this encounter. Everybody else in L pod was photographed by the end of the day with the exception of L89. Our friend and colleague Jared Towers had had the L12s up off northern Vancouver Island in front of Alert Bay on January 13th and L89 had not been present then either." [See CWR Encounter #6 photos] https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-6 photo - "L105 spyhop"for full summary and more.
COASTAL ORCAS - Sat, Jan 22 - N CA Coast/Trinidad - Today, 22 Jan 22, from elevated shore position (41.099541, -124.158298), we saw a splash offshore around 1345, observed at least 6 scattered subgroups traveling north into a lite chop, with some breaching by a big male. Spotting scope and binoculars revealed resident dorsal fin shapes, no saddle detail, didn't attempt digiscoping. About 15 individuals, more depending on how many were in the way offshore groups. There were 3 large males, maybe 4; 2-3 medium males, moms and kids. We lost sight of them around 1515. Seemed just like how the SRKWs spread out when foraging or traveling through this area. There were two brief moments observed of milling by single individuals. -Jeff K. Jacobsen
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Jan 22 - South Puget Sound/Case Inlet - 15:35 - Saturday 1/22/22 - Humpbacks off west/northwest tip of Herron Island. -Danielle Sayebroo
Follow-up: at least two traveling southbound slowly... Unfortunately, no photos. Our kitchen window looks out from Key Peninsula across the bow of Herron Island so can't see activity south of there.
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 22 - S Rosario Strait - 16:19 - There are currently two gray whales a mile or so off of Sares Head... They're not together, separated by at least half a mile. -Trevor Derie
14:00 - Saw 2 Gray whales (I think) yesterday [1/22] in Burrows Bay. We turned off power and watched them for about 45 minutes. We saw 2 tales at the same time, at one point, so definitely more than one. -Heather Sievers
Sat, Jan 22 - Saratoga Passage - 16:41 - [gray] There is one very distant to north of Mabana Beach (possibly Camano Island State Park). -Patrick Palines
~15:30 - My friend and I spent all day at Camano Island State Park yesterday (Saturday) to try and see the whales, and right when we were getting ready to leave, around 330pm, I got out of the car to take a sunset picture, and we saw spouts! We ran back down to the beach to see the grays for a few minutes swimming by. It was an amazing experience! -Shelly Rosenberg
~14:00 - Another gray whale in Saratoga Passage just off of Bells Beach around 2 PM today! -Kristin Platt Rose
Sat, Jan 22 - Possession Sound - 14:30-15:10 - My sighting from house in Mission Beach. 3:10pm yesterday, 1/22. 1st sighting was on the north side of Hat Island around 2:30 and looked close to shore. It headed east to where this video was taken. It was still headed east after stopping at this location for a while. -Amy J. Morrison
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Sat, Jan 22 - NW Strait of Georgia - 14:06 - Multiple blows visible. Group travelling north toward Quadra Island. Unable to confirm number just yet. -Patti Perepeluk
January 21
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Jan 21 - NW Strait of Georgia - 14:38 - I can see blows from one Humpback Whale that is near the southeast side of Quadra. -Patti Perepeluk
Fri, Jan 21 - South Puget Sound - 16:00 - Case Inlet, between Harstine and Herron Islands. Humpback spotted north of McMicken Island, closer to Harstine side. Feeding, along with many sea lions.
----I've attached some pics I took of the Humpback in Case Inlet which I reported on Jan. 19th and 21st. These were taken from over 2 miles away with a 600mm telephoto lens, and heavily cropped. I doubt there is enough detail to ID, but I'm sending them along anyway since I haven't heard that you were able to positively ID this whale yet. -Dave Berliner
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 21 - Saratoga Passage - 13:17 - [Grays] We can see 2 separate blows. Heading south. Mid-channel about even with Langley Harbor. -Luanne Seymour
~13:00 - Two Gray Whales in front of the house just south of Mabana, feeding out off the drop off, around 1 PM. At least one whale stayed around for nearly an hour. Too far out to ID. Had first noticed flock of Scoter in the area. -Barbara Bock
13:54 - I've been hanging out in the channel for an hour watching grays in Mabana area. One is heading west towards Whidbey now. Other has been down long time. Not sure where he is now.
11:45 - I see blows of 2 grays off Mabana, trending south. Appear to be moving towards center channel. I'm in a kayak in Elger Bay, so too far away for pic. -Krista Paulino
photo - #53 ID: ALB
14:50 - I see now that the one started heading west a bit once he or she was out in front or in line with Mabana Shores. The other is still continuing north past Mabana on Cam side. Viewing from high bank Fox Spit.
14:10 - Both are together just south of Mabana, I'm viewing straight across from mid Bells Beach. Both northbound slow paced, 14:10, favoring Camano side.
13:00-13:45 - Watched both grays slowly pass Summerland, southbound, and around 13:30 they turned back north. Favoring Camano side.
08:30 - Volunteer Marilyn Armbruster is seeing a gray whale feeding between Mabana Shores and Summerland. Viewing from Bell's Beach area on Whidbey. "Blows so pretty."
----2 Gray Whales seen today 1/21/2022. First seen around 8:00 am: feeding across near Mabana Shores and Summerland/Camano Island. High tide was at 7:30 am a 12+. Beautiful sunrise... Afternoon: saw both grays again, both were heading southbound passing Summerland/Camano Island, then a little after 1 pm they changed directions again northbound. Just milling and messing around out there. -Marilyn Armbruster
January 20
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Thu, Jan 20 - Gulf Islands, BC/Active Pass (J pod, Ls) - J-Pod and "the 19 Ls" made their way through Active Pass this afternoon. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
Thu, Jan 20 - Haro Strait (J pod, Ls) - 11:09-12:43 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #4: "We then moved up ahead and to the west a little and found two loosely spread mom/calf pairs. This was J35 with J57 and L86 with L125. These whales then spread out a little and headed northwest with J57 and L125 charging around together. L87 suddenly appeared on our port side and J45 was also nearby. J27 showed up two hundred yards or so to our east at the same time and water streamed behind his dorsal as he surfed a wave for a moment. We were somewhere around mid-Haro Strait by this point-between Gooch Island and Tiptop Hill on Stuart Island." photo - "L109 and J22 disappearing through swells" [See CWR Encounter #4 https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-4 for full summary and more photos]
10:56 - [orcas] Heading north toward Henry Island. -April Van Deventer
10:18 - Hearing faint calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Rachelle Hayden
10:00 - I am listening to the Lime Kiln hydrophone over top of a Zoom webinar, and think I hear echolocation clicks? -Matty Leaman
15:57 - They did go through Active Pass, and hearing also that more than Js were present!
14:10 - They did continue north, as they are now in Swanson Channel heading for Active Pass.
10:50 - Visual on four whales about one mile north of County Park heading north.
10:22 - Sounds like Js, no visual yet from Lime Kiln.
09:55 - Sounds like SRs!
09:54 - Hearing echolocation! [Orcasound Lab] -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
10:01 - I can hear calls now [Lime Kiln]. 09:51 - [SRKW] I can hear sounds - calls - Orcasound Lab (Haro Strait) - it's distant. -Letitia F Lewis
10:52 - Found another candidate with a slow S7 call.
10:36 - Weirdly, the OrcaHello AI only got one true positive this morning, right at the end of the human detections. This 60-sec candidate has an odd combination of calls and whistles, but here it is. https://aifororcas.azurewebsites.net/detections/detection/294b0e97-fb76-4d66-8c24-6a0aa7a8eeb1?fbclid=IwAR2op2bdhtZNP7J2P9vm8k3yxmlcXw3jPe09eNpG57-eLW3GYTB5FtJsPAE
09:47-10:33 - Confirming SRKW calls, likely J pod (S1s, S4s) in the human detections on Orcasound - Listen for Whales Orcasound Lab hydrophone from this morning. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound/Beam Reach
~08:45 - For the record, I found I could hear EL clicks starting at around 8:45AM today [Lime Kiln webcam]. -Fred Horn
RISSO'S DOLPHINS - Thu, Jan 20 - Strait of Georgia - The Risso's dolphins were first seen Thursday morning in the waters off Campbell River and again later in the afternoon near Nanoose. Almost a dozen of the dolphins were observed to be travelling south in Strait of Georgia near Nanaimo Friday morning. "This is quite unusual to see them and this time of year and to see them in the Strait of Georgia," said Ford. "They're not a very common species for British Columbia generally because they're found mostly further off shore and rarely come to inside-waters." -John K.B. Ford, research scientist emeritus at Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo. Ford says the dolphins he saw near Nanaimo Friday appeared to be healthy animals and were behaving normally. How they came to be in the strait is unclear. "It's the first time I've seen them in the Strait of Georgia (and) it's just a real treat to be able to watch them," said Ford. "They looked in great shape, healthy, so for such a rare event it's just a fascinating thing to witness." Rare marine mammals sighted in Salish Sea by CTV News Vancouver Island (Scott Weston)
12:45 - What are we looking at?! I think it's possibly a pod of Risso's Dolphins, spotted off Campbell River Pier at 12:45! -Michael Hack (shared with Comox Valley Wildlife Sightings)
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 20 - Saratoga Passage - 13:37 - Still viewing both grays from above Sandy Point. They're slightly south of Sandy Point now, seemingly straight out from Camano Head - might be milling around or trending SB very slowly. -Donna George
13:13 - Both are out there. Right now at Camano Head. SE-bound.
13:00 - Viewing from up above Sandy Point. I'm seeing one blow now, the other may have split off. The one for sure is about 1/2 mile north of Camano Head southbound.
12:30 - 2 grays north of Pebble Beach and south of Summerland/Camano. Out from shore, appearing to be traveling southbound. Viewing from Langley Pizzeria. -Marilyn Armbruster
January 19
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Wed, Jan 19 - Gulf Islands, BC - 15:46 - Wednesday, January 19th at 3:46, a group of 6 orcas was seen heading south out of Ganges Harbour [Saltspring Island]. A few minutes later two more passed by. A video is attached. https://www.facebook.com/OrcaNetwork/videos/4717218161703592/ -Francis Bread
15:19 - Trending NW of there, slowly, last we saw them.
14:35 - Just southeast Point Wilson Lighthouse. Looked like they were just on a hunt.
14:28 - We've found them again. Slowly lingering northbound. No images unfortunately.
14:20 - They've stopped and are now north of Pt. Townsend on that same side.
14:05 - Group of Orcas spotted mid channel between Fort Casey and Pt. Townsend. Small boat trailing. Southbound. 2:05
Follow-up: Couldn't tell [how many] for sure. Very far out for our binoculars. At least 5, I'd guess. They've gone under so searching again for them. Closer to Pt. Townsend than Fort Casey. -Jered Phipps
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Jan 19 - South Puget Sound - 16:20 - Still playing in the channel Just north of McMicken Island. The whale and the raft of sea lions that has been hanging around for the last week are playing cat and mouse. Guessing that herring or anchovies are running through there right now. -Eric Bergson
14:00 - Humpback closer to NW end of Herron.
13:00 - Humpback still present today in Case Inlet, between Harstine Island and NW Herron Island. Feeding mid-channel, along with large numbers of sea lions. Too far to get a good shot of its flukes. -Dave Berliner
January 18
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Tue, Jan 18 - Saratoga Passage (Js) - Beautiful evening listening to J Pod as they travelled south past Glendale Beach, fairly close to shore. Hearing them in the calm water under the dark sky was a first for me - totally magical. [video] https://www.facebook.com/OrcaNetwork/posts/10166340405225601 -Dori Dace
20:10-20:25 - Passing Glendale. Their blows are the best sound, brief glimpses of them as well.
18:40 - Sounds like another group passing by a little further offshore. Guessing these are the trailers.
18:30 - A much larger group just passed by now still headed southbound, still seem to be favoring Whidbey side.
18:20 - Southbound past Sandy Point. You can see them under the moon and city light, hear the blows and tail slaps.
17:00 - [orcas] There's so many! Very spread out. Nonstop blows filling the air. Trending south.
----When the call came in, whales northbound at Hidden Beach at 4pm, I immediately headed out. They were at least headed my way, so I might have a chance to see them before dark. The next update had them southbound near Baby Island, which meant committing to Fox Spit, an additional 25-minute drive. That also meant rushing to get there before the whales passed, as well, before dark fell. Disappointed, I arrived after the first group had passed by. I had a feeling there were more, when all of a sudden, whales popped up like popcorn everywhere off Fox Spit! An unexpected surprise from J pod (seriously, where did they come from and where did they go?!) It was nearly dark, at this point, so not many photos. The viewing conditions were perfect, no wind, calm water, and the sound of their blows carried far over the water. I was loving the way they were sounding, so I decided to follow them as long as I could. I parked off Sandy Point and waited for an hour before the sound of blows filled the air. The bright nearly full moon peeked above the clouds at this moment, and you could see them swimming under the moonlight, pretty incredible. You could hear them for nearly 30 minutes. I was just too enthralled by the sound of their breaths that I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I messaged Dori and told her to head to Glendale because hearing them was just TOO cool. I grabbed some dinner then headed to Glendale. We sat for 45 minutes before hearing the sound of blows. You could see some of them somewhat close to shore surfacing in the bright lights reflecting off the water's surface. We listened to their blows for nearly 20 minutes before the world got quiet again. It's a night I won't be forgetting any time soon. photo - J38 -Rachel Haight
16:30 - [orcas] I can see and hear them from CSP [Camano State Park]. Still too far for a pic or video. 4:30. Trending south. -Krista Paulino
17:05 - Leaving them at 5:05, they're still heading south and seems like they're in between East Point & Bell's Beach now.
16:56 - I'm way over at Camano Island SP, so it's hard to get a great ID photo from here, but it's seeming like open saddle patches & resident eye patches.
16:46 - They're milling right now, right in front of the houses along Saratoga Rd. (4:46)
16:40 - Still just south of Rocky Point, although I think a couple are down by East Point by now. (4:40).
16:32 - There are 5-6 more now. I think there are still 2 a little south of Rocky Point and ~6 in between RP and Baby Island now, including a big male and a little one. Heading south.
16:20 - Right now they seem to be milling in between Baby Island and Rocky Point. I'm hearing more blows than I'm seeing, though, so I'm wondering if there are more on the other side of the point.
16:11 - [orcas] Just spotted them. Heading south, just passing Baby Island. I think 2, and it looks like one male. -Sara Montour Lewis
b.o.c. photos - J39 & J19 ID: Yifan Ling - photos - J27 ID: ALB
15:40 - we just saw 2, maybe 3, orcas heading north in Saratoga Passage just north of Hidden Beach, Whidbey side. 3:40pm, 1/18/22. -Patricia Phillips
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Jan 18 - South Puget Sound - The day got away from me but I saw the humpbacks in Case Inlet. Between 11 and 1 off the south end of Herron Island viewing from Harstine State Park. I feel like there are two. -Stacey Crofoot
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 18 - Haro Strait - Here are a few clips from this morning of the Grey Whale that has been foraging on the west side of Haro Strait for over a week now. It is currently off of Ten Mile Point in Cadboro Bay, Saanich, at the southeastern tip of Vancouver Island. Last week it was spotted off of Glencoe Cove in the neighbouring Gordon Head district. -Gerald Graham
[This gray whale has been newly designated as CRC 2240 by Alie Perez, Cascadia Research Collective. -gs/ON]
11:54 - Gray whale blows far out on the Canada side of Haro Strait, moving down island to the S/SE. Large blows, straight up, easily seen against the shore of Vancouver Island, on a dark gray day. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
UNCONFIRMED SPECIES - Tue, Jan 18 - Saratoga Passage - I saw this one too [Steven Nantz's sighting below]. Blow was very diffuse - quite different from what I've seen in other whales. Body was long with small curved dorsal fin. Swim behavior did not resemble Orca or porpoise. Regardless of exact type, so awesome to see! -Kristi Ingram
Single, small (15 ft or so) dark-skinned whale - not sure of species - with spouts, seen off Indian/Blomquist Beach just now. Roughly 100 yards out. Heading south towards state parks. Dorsal fin curved, tapering to point. Pilot whale perhaps?
Edit: I'm not positive but reasonably certain that is what I saw [response to minke photo example]. Wasn't that far out. I don't think it was an orca, but since I am fairly new to the art and science of whale watching I could be mistaken. The exhalation- the spout- was faint but visible. The dorsal looked like that of a minke. -Steven Buckley Nantz
January 17
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Jan 17 - South Puget Sound/Case Inlet - 14:25 - Humpback still south of Herron [Island] but is heading north. 2:25pm. -Charlotte Smothers
09:03 - [HB] Young whale off Herron Island, west side headed south. -Tim Gerhard
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 17 - Saratoga Passage - 16:30-17:00 - As I was almost home, I pulled over and watched Little Patch CRC53 feed from 16:30 until 17:00. Between Fox Spit and Baby Island Heights. -Marilyn Armbruster
January 16
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Jan 16 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T30s, T41s) - 11:52-14:05 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #3: "The animals were quickly identified as members of the T030 and T041 matrilines, not an uncommon association. The T030s are not as common as they once were in the inside waters of the Salish Sea, and have not been seen in the Juan de Fuca Strait for quite some time, though the T041s are relatively common in the western and central portions of the Strait in late summer each year." [See CWR Encounter #3 https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-3 for the full summary, more photos, and a video]
Sun, Jan 16 - Haro Strait - 08:15 - Bigg's calls on Orcasound Lab hydrophone. Just noticed and verified as Bigg's ecotype, a human detection of very faint orca calls via the Orcasound - Listen for Whales web app. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound/Beam Reach
FIN WHALE - Fin whale confirmed in Puget Sound: "I think based on the range of photographs we have seen, we are pretty comfortable confirming this whale is a fin whale." -John Calambokidis, Cascadia Research Collective
"Thanks so much for passing these along! I really appreciate it and agree with the diagnosis. I suppose it's the first fin whale documented in the Salish Sea in January and only the third individual ever in Puget Sound. The minke/fin debate got me thinking as to how rare it may also be to see a minke in the Salish Sea in January." --Jared Towers, Fisheries and Ocean Canada
Sun, Jan 16 - Central Puget Sound - Saw this maybe [confirmed] fin whale off Shilshole and a porpoise (to the left) yesterday [1/16]. Lots of activity out there with porpoises, seals, birds, and the whale. Great to see! -Allan Hicks
16:53 - White right jaw and white marks on the back, very long distance between blow hole and dorsal fin, tall and obvious blow, 100% fin whale. -Yifan Ling
15:25 - [Fin whale] Just spotted moving toward the north end of the beach. -Michelle Holshue
13:51 - [Fin whale] Still out there. Seems to be coming up every 5 - 10 minutes. Lots of sea lions and birds nearby too. -Larry Benesh
~13:30-16:00 - [Fin whale] My husband and friend bobbed in our sailboat at a proper distance and observed the whale "mowing the lawn" north of the navigation channel coming out of the locks and Golden Gardens from about 1:30 to 4:00. Remained in a tight location and transited leisurely amongst feeding seabirds and active pinnipeds. -Erin Moore
11:05 - Minke [Fin whale] is back at Golden Gardens. Just spotted, 11:05. -Matty Leaman
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Jan 16 - South Puget Sound/Case Inlet - 15:40 - Spotted a humpback whale with hundreds of Sea Lions, north end of Herron Island. Whale was heading north. -Kat Donald
14:54 - Just saw him again. Still near Herron Island.
a.m. - Humpback west of Herron Island for a couple of hours this morning. -Tom Johnson
~13:45 - We saw the Humpback at approximately 1:45 pm between south end of Herron Island and Fudge Point heading south. (viewing from Harstine Island just north of Fudge Point straight across from the southern tip of Herron. The whale was straight out from us. Several days ago, I saw two.) -Cara P. Martin
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 16 - Haro Strait - Grey Whale off of Ten Mile Point in Saanich, at the southeastern tip of Vancouver Island. This whale has been in the area for almost a week now. [video] https://youtu.be/2aGjMSUfwfg -Gerald Graham
Sun, Jan 16 - Saratoga Passage - 13:15 - Slowly heading north about 100 yds off coastline. Will check the telephoto pics for ID.
12:50 - Gray whale feeding in Saratoga Passage on Camano side about 1 mile south of Mabana. [video] https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.spanton/videos/494693838938569/ -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
photo - CRC53 "Little Patch" ID by ALB
FIN WHALE - Sun, Jan 16 - Central Puget Sound - Fin Whale - Beautiful whale! I parked my paddle board off Golden Gardens last Sunday 1/16 at 2 pm-ish and she surfaced two times off my board, 23 seconds in between. Here is the best video. Parked, no approach. A very awesome and jaw dropping experience. Beautiful creature. -Rachel Olsen
January 15
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sat, Jan 15 - San Juan Islands (T28As, pos. T75Bs, and T86As) - 15:00 - 8+ orcas south though Cattle Pass. -Fred Horn
["T86As were right; Sara Hysong-Shimazu identified the T28As in your photos with possibly the T75Bs as well." -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute]
12:05 - Sighting Small Pod. 4 cows with a small fin alongside a cow. Then a much larger bull. I have pictures but a long way away shot with a Nikon D500 with a 200-500 lens in the fog. Traveling west to east at 1205 p.m. Spieden Channel between Green Point, Spieden Island & Limestone Point, San Juan. -Don Haaland
FIN WHALE - Sat, Jan 15 - Central Puget Sound - 12:25 - Just spotted from Golden Gardens heading south a ways from buoy. Think it was minke [Fin whale]. Seemed to be headed sw towards midchannel. -Jill Irwin
~11:30 - [Fin whale] Video from Golden Gardens around 11:30 today. -Esa Leach Carlson
~09:36 - [Fin whale] We found it, I think! (close to shore by the green buoy. [off Golden Gardens] -Tobias Piering
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Jan 15 - Central Puget Sound - 08:45 - Came for the minke [Fin whale] but only spotted a humpback off Golden Gardens this morning at [~]9am. WSW from the beach. The last sighting of humpback was at 08:45. Humpback was definitely there but much further out. Minke [Fin whale] was close to shore by the green buoy. [Tobias stated that they had found the Fin whale and posted a photo at 9:36] -Tobias Piering
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 15 - Saratoga Passage - 17:25 - It's too foggy to see the gray whale feeding presently south of Summerland, but it is easy to identify the blows and intake breathing! He seems to be moving very slowly northward. -Peg Boley
January 14
FIN WHALE - Fri, Jan 14 - Central Puget Sound - 16:53 - [Fin whale] Just saw the whale a mile off north end to Shilshole Marina - heading north. -Torrey Hall Volk
16:22 - Never mind. It's back southbound going past the green buoy now out past the buoy but not by much.
16:19 - [Fin whale] I think the whales has moved north. Haven't seen for maybe 30 minutes and it was northbound off the north end of Golden Gardens. We also have some porpoises swimming around. -Matty Leaman
14:57 - It's really doing loops. Right now, it's further south and pretty far out, but 20 min ago it popped up 50 yards off of the beach.
14:04 - Just came up closer to Golden Gardens and a little further south this time (straight out from the beach volleyball courts). If someone could tell it to pause for a photo that would be great.
13:45 - [Fin whale] Just spotted again, pointing south, but looks like it's just milling still straight out from Golden Gardens. -Sara Montour Lewis
12:38 - [Fin whale] It is midway between Golden Gardens and the Kitsap side now. -Larry Benesh
10:30 - [Fin whale] Saw first at 10:30 and last at maybe 11:10? -Matty Leaman
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 14 - Haro Strait - I filmed a Grey on the west side of Haro Strait yesterday afternoon [1/14], off of Cadboro Bay. -Gerald Graham
Fri, Jan 14 - Saratoga Passage - 15:51 - Hearing spouts 5-10 seconds apart...maybe 2?
15:43 - Gray whale spouts directly south of Elger Bay. Mid-way to Whidbey. General direction of travel is east. One whale. -Dave Davenport
UNCONFIRMED BALEEN WHALES - Fri, Jan 14 - South Puget Sound - ~11:00 - There was a gray whale [unconfirmed], small, seemingly alone near Titlow at about 11am, working their way to Steilacoom [SB]. -Rhema Neas
January 13
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Thu, Jan 13 - Gulf Islands, BC (Js) - 11:45 - 13:38 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #2: "Another whale was seen briefly further to the northwest but it too was being hard to re-find. We finally saw a male to the northwest of us and headed toward him while our cryptic whale surfaced a distance behind us after an extremely long dive. The male came up off the southeast corner of Moresby Island not far from where the original report was and it was J26." [See CWR Encounter #2 https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-2 for full summary and more photos]
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 13 - Possession Sound - 13:03 - Whale spotted of the coast of I division. [Hat Island] -Brenda DeVarney
UNCONFIRMED BALEEN WHALES - Thu, Jan 13. - WA Coast - At 13:05 Nina Cooper called to report seeing a whale in Grays Harbor off Damon Point, Ocean Shores, on the protected [east] side of Damon Point. Whale was traveling. She presumed it was a gray, but then saw stubby dorsal fin of a humpback. Whale was pretty close in, did not see the fluke. Was inside the bay inside two red buoys, first time she saw the whale it was between buoys close to shore. Second time it came up, she heard the spout; it was closer to commerce side, then as it moved away was hard to see due to haze.
HARBOR PORPOISES - Thu, Jan 13 - Central Puget Sound - Porpoises active in Tramp Harbor/Vashon this morning. At least five. I don't get the impression people care much about porpoises, but I see them often and don't know if you like to track their activities. Definitely not orcas. -Scott Hill
January 12
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Wed, Jan 12 - San Juan Islands (Js) - 16:45 - J-Pod was sighted circling the south side of Shaw. Probably the same whales spotted by Tillikum in the previous post ["10-12 orca whales heading east toward SHAW, off Point Caution" -WSF/Tillikum]. -Ellie Sawyer
16:40 - [orcas] Seem to be heading NE slowly [from Lopez ferry terminal]. -Roberta Kent
16:36 - [orcas] Just off of Lopez ferry terminal. Slow travel and spread out. Some surface behavior. -Sadie Youngstrom
16:05 - At 16:07 Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: YAKIMA@1605 Master reports near Upright Head at a stop for 6 or more killer whales milling about towards the east.
15:15 - [orcas] Samish slowed for a group of whales on the southside of Shaw at 3:15. ["heading NE up Upright" -Monika Wieland Shields, OBI] -Nancy DeVaux
14:15 - At 14:34 Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: TILLIKUM: pod of 10-12 orca, 1/12 Log entry 1415hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz spotting and slowing for a pod of 10-12 orca whales heading east toward SHAWs, off Point Caution.
HARBOR PORPOISES - Wed, Jan 12 - Central Puget Sound - 13:30 - Pam Marbett called on January 13th to report a Harbor Porpoise close inshore off West Seattle, yesterday (1/12). Small pod approximately 50 feet from shore off Lincoln Park, traveling in southbound direction.
January 11
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Tue, Jan 11 - Rosario Strait - ~11:30 - Jan Hersey reported 2 orcas heading northbound in Burrows Bay.
Tue, Jan 11 - Skagit Bay - ~11:00 - Today, January 11, we saw 2 orcas in Skagit Bay, heading west towards the Deception Pass Bridge They were taking their sweet time hunting in our back yard. Follow-up: The two orcas had very large dorsal fins, and one's fin was larger than the other. I suspect they are the two brothers spotted in Saratoga Passage. We live just west of Yokeko Point and NE of Cornet Bay. The orcas came quite close to our shoreline, pretty much skimming right across our little cove (we call it Kingfisher Cove). -Diane Christman
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Jan 11 - Central Puget Sound - 13:15 - I spotted two spouts and the unmistakable surfacing of a full-grown humpback on 1/11/2022 at 1:15 pm from Golden Gardens Park in Ballard. The spouts were spotted about an hour earlier. When it surfaced, it was on the move and headed northbound along the east side of the sound. But with the spouting spotted earlier, I'm not sure if it was really headed anywhere or just loitering. It appeared to me moving at a cruising speed when it surfaced briefly. The surfacing was probably just to breath but I hadn't turned around quick enough to see that, just the characteristic hump. I know it's not an orca, but a humpback in the Sound near Seattle seems worth mentioning. -Scott Bickers
January 10
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Jan 10 - NPS/Saratoga Passage (T49A1 & T49A2) - 13:40 - They had been milling out between Baby Island and Greenbank but look like they are heading towards Baby Island now.
~13:00 - (1:00 pm), they were just south of Hidden Beach Community homes and in between there and the Baby Island green buoy marker.
12:30 - Viewing from Baby Island Heights, looks like the orcas are nearing Hidden Beach, southbound quickly. -Marilyn Armbruster
12:25 - Looks like they are crossing over to the Camano side now. Still southbound past Onomac. I will lose sight of them now.
12:22 - They just passed across from Onomac Point, southbound, very looooong downtimes. -Kristina Trowbridge
12:17 - T49A1 and A2 confirmed by expert Melisa (thanks Melisa) - Saratoga Passage at 11:45 am - southbound whales. I have lost sight of them; conditions are really tough.
11:45 - WOW just saw 2 orca heading south - very blustery conditions - passing Race Lagoon - near mid channel but closer to Whidbey - 11:45 am. There may have been more but can only confirm 2. Will send a distant photo.
----After an Orca Network alert this morning, we were REALLY lucky to spot 2 Orcas traveling southbound in front of our house - in really blustery conditions. Images are zoomed and very heavily cropped, but good enough for ID guru Melisa to confirm these are T049A1 Noah (b.2001), and T049A2 Judy/Jude (b.2007). Wow what talent! We only saw them for a few minutes, long down times, and whitecaps all over. First orcas for me in 2022 - YAY! -Jill Hein
08:10 - I just happened to glance up from my laptop and saw two orcas cruising by (near Crescent Harbor, Whidbey Island) - thought I was dreaming for a moment. One enormous orca with a huge straight fin, and one a bit smaller. I only saw them very briefly, and my stupid camera wouldn't focus through the rainy window, so no photos unfortunately. They slowly surfaced and went back under the water, no showing off or anything. Then they disappeared for what felt like a few minutes (prob much less), and then I saw them again south of here just out from the old Happy Meal Mudflats [gray whale feeding grounds]. It's rainy and windy with some whitecaps, so really hard to see much out there, unfortunately. I'm still looking to see if there are any more, but so far it was just the pair. Fun (and unexpected) way to start the day! -Marianne Parry
January 9
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Sun, Jan 9 - Gulf Islands, BC (Js) - 13:31-15:21 - Center for Whale Research Encounter #1: "Sure enough, when they got alongside that first bull, Mark instantly recognized a rapidly sprouting J39. Always on the small side for his age, it seems that in his 18th year J39 is finally growing into his years. J38 was seen closer to the Galliano shoreline chasing a salmon and appeared successful in his efforts as several gulls followed behind him to pick up a few remaining scraps. Over the next hour, Mark, Joe and George were able to confirm all of J pod but J19, though she was likely present in the large spread." [See CWR Encounter #1 https://www.whaleresearch.com/2022-1 for full summary and more photos] photo - "J31 with salmon"
12:00 - Shortly after that we saw, in the distance, a very spread out SRKW J pod heading north in Trincomali Channel. -Karoline Cullen
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Sun, Jan 9 - Gulf Islands, BC (T002B, T060C +) - ~12:00 - Upon arrival for our first visit to Galiano for 2022, we were lucky enough to see a group of 5 Bigg's in Active Pass heading east around noon. Rachelle Hayden and Gary Sutton identified two of them as T060C and T002B. Shortly after that we saw in the distance a very spread out SRKW J pod heading north in Trincolmali Channel. All photos and the video (by Gary Cullen) taken from the shore of Galiano Island. https://youtu.be/JwjC95mCY48?list=PL8_gw3K3Eg1RjAelhVzUF3QiOSAehPBGT -Karoline Cullen
Sun, Jan 9 - Rosario Strait (T49A1 & T49A2) - 16:00 - I took these tonight from Rosario Beach right before sunset (4PM). It was amazing! I've never gotten to see them in the wild! There were 4 individuals that I saw, and I'm not sure where they headed. They surfaced in that general area for about 15 minutes and then we lost sight of them. -Ashley Czebotar
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun, Jan 9 @15:08:53 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.45426,-122.65319 [Burrows Bay]
Number Sighted: 2
Submitter Name: Annelyse Gunderson
Whale Alert App
14:24 - Three orcas viewed from the viewpoint on the south side of Washington Park. Traveling south. -Dianne Riter
~13:30 - These two were off Biz Point (near Anacortes) 1/9/22 around 1:30. Looking NW over Rosario Straight. [video] https://www.facebook.com/OrcaNetwork/posts/10166315659875601 -Wayne L Weideman
[These two are actually brothers, adults T49A1 and younger bro T49A2 (sub-adult male). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Jan 9 - NW Strait of Georgia - 12:10-~14:10 - Two Humpback whales off Harwood Island. Trying for photos for ID. At lunchtime there were two Humpback Whales heading north to Harwood Island from Texada Island (the same whales [as morning sighting], who knows?). These whales kept going back and forth along Harwood to the north end of Texada. From there the whales moved on to Savary Island. We left them around 2:10 P.M. at Hernando Island. -Patti and Mark Perepeluk
09:04 - Two Humpback Whales travelling north toward Comox from Denman Island. We are still seeing Humpback Whales here regularly. Viewing from my house this morning, I saw two Humpback Whales travelling north from Denman Island toward Comox. Mark and I jumped in our vehicle shortly after 9:00 A.M. to see if we could get a closer look. We did not see them from a closer vantage point in Comox, so we made our way further in hopes of spotting them. -Patti and Mark Perepeluk
Sun, Jan 9 - South Puget Sound - [HB/Mn] At approximately 15:30 on January 9th, 2022 at 47.2948477, -122.8392925 (Just off Dougall Point in Case inlet), I observed what I believe to be a Minke Whale while under sail in a small boat. The whale was in the vicinity of large groups of California sea lions, and breached only for a few moments each time heading south. It was a small whale with a pronounced dorsal fin. Too small to be a humpback or gray. Behind the dorsal was smooth. The whale moved quickly and hugged the edge of a fog bank but I managed to get video with my 600mm lens when it first breached near one of the Cali sea lion, harbor seal, harbor porpoise groups. The second breach was much closer and I got a great look at its broad side and back despite the thick thick fog. After that I saw one more breach farther south heading deeper into the fog along Harstine as the sun set. Follow-up: Looks much more like a humpback now that I see it on the big screen. (I've only ever seen large slow humpbacks in the Antarctic so it's still very exciting.) -Kevin Lester
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 9 - San Juan Islands
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Gray Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun, Jan 9 @ 16:00:07 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.57606,-122.63375 [NE Guemes Island]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Jan Smiley
14:35 - Grey whale surfaced unexpectedly near our sailboat. NE side of Guemes [Island]. -Erica Sutehall
Sun, Jan 9 - Saratoga Passage - 16:00-16:45 - Viewed from Fox Spit and Baby Island Heights. First seeing Little Patch out from Bells Beach, Whidbey side; he traveled north and came pretty close to Fox Spit as he rounded the point angling out a little bit. He then was heading for Baby Island where I last saw him from around 16:45. I have no idea where his mysteryess went. they split up sometime from 14:30 or so until I saw him again at 16:00.
13:30-14:30 - I watched the 2 grays across Saratoga Passage from Fox Spit. they were feeding back and forth, Summerland to the south end Mabana Shores. -Marilyn Armbruster
12:00 - Two greys feeding just north of Summerland (Camano side) [between Mabana and Pebble Beach]. -Marjorie Zander
~11:00 - Today, Jan 9, 2022, saw 2 Gray Whales in front of my house just south of Mabana. They were out a ways, past the drop off, traveling slowly south. Beautiful calm, sunny day so the blows lingered in the sunshine. Follow-up: Sorry, but the whales were too far away for any photos. I know that Little Patch has been around, and I was hoping you would know the ID of the second whale! Earlier in the morning, I had seen disturbance in the water surface clear across by Saratoga Woods. I had been sort of keeping an eye out, so I wasn't totally surprised to see a Gray, but I was surprised when I saw the second Gray at the same time. Hope someone has a photo for ID. -Barbara Brock
~10:00 - We saw the grey today! It was way over by Priest Point. Normally when we leave the Port, we head south down river but decided since the tide was so high to go north. So glad we did or we wouldn't have been able to see show! We had a spy-hop as well but wasn't quick enough with my camera. A little after 10am. -Michele Sayed, Hat Isl. FB group
09:24 - Whale spout far south end of Tulalip. -Alice Moyal, Hat Isl. FB group
UNCONFIRMED BALEEN WHALES - Sun, Jan 9 - Central Puget Sound. - Whale from Golden Gardens tonight! -Hilary Sparrow
16:00-18:00 - I have attached a few photos of a Minke whale I saw yesterday evening. It was feeding in Shilshole Bay off of Golden Gardens and the marina. My husband and I watched it from our sail boat from 4pm till about 6pm. It surfaced 2-3 times every 10ish minutes. First time over ever been able to get photos of a Minke! -Hannah Swanson
[Suspicions have been raised that this whale could actually be a Fin whale, and Orca Network is awaiting confirmation of species from experts/researchers. -gs/ON]
16:00 - Spotted a single Minke whale on 1/9/2022 at 4 pm off Meadow Point headed towards Golden Gardens. On 11/22/2021 I also spotted a Minke whale swimming in the same direction. -Mike Hamm - NW Esplanade, Seattle
[Suspicions have been raised that this whale could actually be a Fin whale, and Orca Network is awaiting confirmation of species from experts/researchers. -gs/ON]
HARBOR PORPOISES - Sun, Jan 9 - North Puget Sound/Holmes Harbor - I am quite certain the sightings this morning in Holmes Harbor are those of Harbor Porpoise as opposed to Orcas. I photographed them all morning because they had beautiful sprays every time they would surface. I will include some verifying photos. Follow-up: It was fascinating to watch these harbor porpoises and their strategies for "fishing". They were right off our dock, many of them, and I could see they would circle the, what I assume to be fish, then do body rolls and slaps to stun them then they would all submerge and have their feast until the resurfaced to start again. It was fascinating to witness! I spent the entire day photographing and just watching. Needless to say I didn't get much else accomplished on Sunday. Had there been Orcas that day I know I would not have missed them. I never stop looking!!! We are new to the area and very recently purchased the Holly Farm and 4 times have seen Orcas in the harbor by our dock. To me, there are few things more exciting than watching and photographing these amazing creatures! We happened to be in Langley a week or so ago and to our surprise saw our first Grey Whale here! I nearly jumped in I was so excited!!!!! -Jan Willis
09:45 - Approx. 4 orcas now headed north.
08:45 - ON staff members & volunteers are seeing report on local group of orcas spotted, 08:45, and still there after 09:00, south of Holly Farm [almost to end of Holmes Harbor on west side]. -Trace Prael
FIN WHALE - Sun, Jan 9 - [Fin whale] We saw it from Carkeek, January 9, and also thought it was a minke. How cool! -Stacey Peterson Glyde
13:00 - I took these pics from the top of the Carkeek Park train overpass. Anyone have an ID? Had quite a long back and the fin was pretty far towards the rear. -Jack Riley
["Looking at your photos, I personally think this is actually a rare Fin Whale" -Justine Buckmaster, marine naturalist] [confirmed by John Calambokidis of Cascadia Research Collective and Jared Towers of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. -ON]
photos - "This photo is especially convincing to me. You almost never see a Minke exposing neither the blowhole nor the dorsal fin like this! Their backs just aren't long enough. I have however seen this from a Fin Whale!" -Justine Buckmaster
January 8
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Sat, Jan 8 - Haro Strait - 17:02 - [orcas] Just had 6 or so pass by Madrona. Northbound very close to shore. -Peter Van Deventer
16:30 - [orcas] Headed up island past Bellevue Pt. (between Lime Kiln and San Juan County Park). Very close to shore. -Laurie O'Donnell
16:12 - At least 3 orcas (2 large bulls) right in front of Lime Kiln, close to shore now! -Laurie Recchio
16:05 - About 5-6 Orcas off Landbank. Heading up island. -Carol Kinkelaar Skully
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Jan 8 - Central Puget Sound - 16:15 - [HB] Seeing illuminated blows of the whales making their way steady north, now approximately out from Carkeek Park still east of mid channel. Losing the sun behind the clouds, which sadly means less illumination as they progress north. Viewing from high bluff at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:48 - [HB] Seeing spouts off Golden Gardens (east channel). -Barbara Gamrath
16:02 - [HB] Just saw two blows and humpback surfacing, viewed from Indianola sandspit telescope-whale located off northeast tip of Bainbridge Island! -Deanna Deery-Schmitt
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat, Jan 8 @ 14:27:36 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.66348,-122.50174 [Skiff Pt., Bainbridge]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Dennis Johnson
Whale Alert App
14:27 - [HB] From waterfront, seeing blows across the channel near Bainbridge. Look to be northbound. -Renee Chamberland
13:30 - [HB] Two blows just south of Alki, about 1:30. -Stacey Crofoot
["I am quite confident that the unmarked individual is Malachite, the 2021 calf of Slate." -Tasli Shaw, Humpback Whales of the Salish Sea]
~12:45 - [HB] Spotted him around 12:45 at southern tip of Blake. I "think" he committed to east side of Blake (darn it!!). -Stacy Hammrich
12:38 - Passed Point Southworth, being followed (at the appropriate distance) by a maroon thunder jet hardtop boat. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
12:32 - [HB] Passing Southworth now, NB. -Terri Sue Samuels
12:23 - [HB] Just saw 2 breach south of the Southworth ferry. -Susan HB
11:22 - Olalla at 11:22, and across from Anderson Point- one humpback already had a tail fluke/dive. -Kyle Buffenmyer
11:22 - [HB] Yes! Confirmed 2 (or 3?) in Colvos Passage heading northbound. Each dove right across from Anderson Point (mid-channel) at 11:22am. -Amanda Herberger
11:17 - 2 humpbacks spotted passing Colvos traveling northbound. Passed Olalla Bay 11:17am. -Yvonne Welty
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Unspecified Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat, Jan 8 @ 9:47:04 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.30983,-122.53914 [N Tacoma Narrows]
Number Sighted: 3
Submitter Name: Hope Nelson
Whale Alert App
In follow-up call w/reporting party: Hope Nelson, by description, can confirm humpbacks (large whales, small irregular dorsals, tall blows). They were heading northbound just south of Pt. Defiance. She did not see if they rounded toward Owen Beach, but thought maybe, since they were hugging PT D shoreline. As reported possible there were 3, just as possible she saw one surface twice in quick succession. -Hope Nelson
We have alerted WS Ferries and will update WSF and commercial shipping with any current updates. -alb/ON
08:45 - Currently watching what I believe to be 2 humpbacks - possibly a mom and calf - repeatedly surfacing and blowing about 1/3 mile north of Tacoma Narrows Bridge near the power line crossing! -Lorel McChesney
Sat, Jan 8 - South Puget Sound - 16:00 - [HB] Still seeing blows, north end of Herron Island, at 4. -Stacey Crofoot
14:49 - At least two, possibly three. Changed directions, so they might just be milling about or feeding. There are a lot of sea lions and birds, so possible bait ball.
14:35 - Spotted one Humpback off the northwest of Herron Island in Case Inlet. Pointing south, but moving pretty slowly. -Sara Montour Lewis
12:50 - Two humpbacks in Case Inlet between north end of Herron Island and Harstine. One larger on smaller. Heading south-ish, slowly. -Jerilyn Evans
January 7
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Fri, Jan 7 - Haro Strait - 21:39 - Some Transients vocals on LK right now. -Jeanne Hyde
21:35 - Hearing calls and clicks on Haro Strait hydrophone. -Manda Bair
21:30-23:00 - Bigg's killer whale calls, whistles, clicks, and buzzes detected by humans and machines 1/7/2022 ~21:30-23:00 at the Orcasound Lab hydrophone. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound/Beam Reach
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 7 - Possession Sound - ~16:00 - Visitor to N. beach this afternoon around 4:00., not sure if Little Patch or our second Gray! WNW corner of Hat island, feeding! -Lori Christopher
15:21 - Whale watching: This grey whale suddenly appeared as I was walking on the beach at N Division, Everett. -Steve Jefferies
UNIDENTIFIED WHALE - Fri, Jan 7 - E Strait of Juan de Fuca
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Unspecified Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri, Jan 7 @ 8:18:51 PST
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.27667,-122.73435 [NW Whidbey]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitted Comments: We can't tell what kind but there is definitely a whale out in the inlet in front of our house on West Beach
Submitter Name: Sue Englert
Whale Alert App
Emailed w/follow-up
January 6
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Thu, Jan 6 - San Juan Islands - 14:57 - At 15:10 Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Whales. Entry Time 14:57 MV TILLIKIM Master reports via 800MHz 2 orca milling about in the entrance to Wasp Pass.
10:30 - Two orcas westbound in Harney Channel. *Pretty sure this is day three of them circumnavigating Shaw Island but still no definitive ID. The big male could be T49A1 who was in the Friday Harbor marina the other day, or I've heard T49C as a possibility too. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 6 - Saratoga Passage (northern)
11:55 - Appears to be heading east now towards Camano.
11:49 - Has passed Fox Spit coming close into shore, buoy line heading south.
11:26 - Just northwest of Fox Spit, out about 1/4 channel heading southeast.
11:12 - Cargo ship just leaving Baby Island area.
11:00 - Gray in the Baby Island/Hidden Beach/Camano triangle appearing to be southeast bound. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:29 - Katie Watkins, ON/LWC updates: she is just leaving the gray whale she is watching off Hidden Beach now as he heads southeast towards Camano.
09:28 - I'm looking at a gray whale right now at Hidden Beach, presumably Little Patch. Feeding near shore, but waves and tide are high today, so can't get right to the beach. -Katie Watkins, Langley Whale Center/Orca Network
[Hidden Beach whale is confirmed CRC 53 Little Patch thanks to images by Katie Watkins and Marilyn Armbruster. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network]
Thu, Jan 6 - Saratoga Passage (southern) - 10:08 - So fabulous. Heading north now, just past the north end of our bulkhead. What an exciting morning!
10:03 - WHALE!! very close in to Summerland. We are on Timothy Way just above and the whale has been here about an hour. Having a lovely feed. -Diana Guild
January 5
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Jan 5 - Possession Sound - 15:39 - Kathy Fritts just texted: sighting a gray whale off the Mukilteo/Clinton ferry, right side of ferry. CORRECTED/further clarification: Gray was off the north/right side of the ferry as the ferry was loading at Mukilteo, headed south.
Wed, Jan 5 - Saratoga Passage - 10:26 - Jill Hein messaged with update: Little Patch has moved south. Seemed to be closer to Camano, line of sight from Hidden Beach heading SW. Fun to see #53 Little Patch feeding along the shoreline again today at Hidden Beach. He passed close to shore a couple of times before heading southbound. Hope some of your friends arrive soon, #53! -Jill Hein
10:30 - He's moving south now, but such a treat to see him this morning!
09:45 - Arrived at Hidden Beach at 9:45 and Little Patch is RIGHT THERE! 100 feet or less from shore! Circling, feeding, doing his thing! -Donna George
08:20 - He seems to be heading north. We had a LOT of run off with the snow and heavy rain, and I wonder if it affects the feeding area. The water was very 'dirty' looking the day after the torrential rain.
07:30 - 1 gray feeding north of Hidden Beach. -Nancy Culp Zaretzke
Wed, Jan 5 - Possession Sound - 12:12 - [gray] See him, out from the [Hat Island] marina about 200 yds, northbound. Can't tell if he's heading to Saratoga or Port Susan. -Lori Christopher
12:04 - Gorgeous Gray heading north. Close to the island [Hat/Gedney]. -Alice Moyal
January 4
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Tue, Jan 4 - San Juan Islands - 14:26 - At 14:34 Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Tillikum Master reports via 800MHz radio vessel is delayed due to 2 orca whales blocking the entrance to Wasp Pass at 14:26.
11:40 - 2 orcas: one male, one female heading eastbound along Harney Channel (soon to be Cayou Channel) towards Upright Channel. -Mariann Carrasco
10:51 - At 11:47 Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: 2 orca headed toward Orcas Island, 1/4. Log entry 1051hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz spotting two orca whales in Wasp Passage, heading east toward ORC.
10:30 - Possibly went eastbound into Wasp Passage per shore report.
09:50 - Update: off Point George, Shaw Island, northbound.
09:00 - Orcas westbound in Upright Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
UNIDENTIFIED ORCAS - Tue, Jan 4 - NPS/Admiralty Inlet - 15:55 - Just checked and see no human or machine detections at Bush Point or Port Townsend hydrophones in last 24 hrs! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound/Beam Reach
At 09:58 volunteers Meliss & David Haeckel called to report seeing orcas. They were on a drive and stopped at Fort Casey and looked across and are seeing at least 4-5 orcas heading northbound at good pace. Group is closer to Port Townsend side, directly across from the cannons at Fort Casey. While on the phone, they seemed to be moving toward mid channel. Pretty active and breaching!
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Jan 4 - Central Puget Sound - 13:35 - At 14:23 Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: KITTITAS at VASH: 3 humpbacks, 1/4 1335hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz sighting three humpback whales in the vicinity of the VASH dock, heading in a westerly direction. [north Vashon]
Tue, Jan 4 - South Puget Sound - 11:15 - Humpback whale at Chambers Bay near shore heading south towards Steilacoom. -Carrie Gelegonya
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 4 - Saratoga Passage - 16:45 - Too dark, but leaving [CRC53] Little Patch feeding at Hidden Beach. He spent quite a bit of time milling and messing around out a bit but finally came in to shore around 4.
15:17 - Looks like s/he is heading towards Hidden Beach. Still out a bit. Maybe half mile now.
15:11 - Appears to be heading northwest.
14:50 - Seeing gray blows in the Camano/Baby Island/Hidden Beach triangle. I can't tell direction. I am viewing from Hidden Beach.
----Close to 3 pm, about 5 min after getting there, I see blows way way out. it looked like a few miles out and in the Baby Island/Hidden Beach/Camano Island triangle. I could not tell which way he was moving, but after 10 min or so, it looked like he was heading my way. At around 3:30 to 4 he was milling and messing around way out from shore. Then lo and behold, he skirted on towards me at shore at the parking lot. At times he was out about 50 ft, and maybe not even that. -Marilyn Armbruster
08:39 - [gray] Eric Axel Anderson shared in another group seeing a whale off Madrona Beach, Camano. Direction not certain, but probably southbound. -via Jill Hein
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Tue, Jan 4 - South Puget Sound - (12:18) 12:28 - Ten minutes ago, saw a single whale northbound from Titlow Beach -should be past the bridge by now. Not an orca. -Gina Summers
Tue, Jan 4 - South Puget Sound - ~08:30 - A friend of mine told me they saw orcas in Carr Inlet this morning around 8:30am. Not sure how many or direction though. [no other reports to confirm] -via Brooke Casanova
January 3
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Mon, Jan 3 - Central Puget Sound (Js) - ~17:15 - At dusk I ran down to a beach that is just a tiny bit south of Lisabuela in hopes to check one more time to see if I could find him, but by the time they passed me it was just a bit too dark to make out dorsal shapes with full confidence, but, around 5:15pm they did pass me in Colvos, mostly on the mainland side of mid channel, headed northbound at a good clip. -Marla Smith
16:19 - Looks like they have committed north up Colvos.
16:17 - Spotted the orcas near the SW corner of Vashon. They were starting to head up Colvos but are now milling about. Viewing from Old Ferry Landing in Gig Harbor. -Heidi Armstrong
16:05 - [orcas] I'm seeing blows from the Promenade facing west toward Gig, but they're too far to see a direction. -Morgan Dale
16:29 - Heading north, north of Sunrise Beach, Gig Harbor side of mid channel, not in Colvos yet but look to be heading that way.
16:23 - Still milling in the same general area.. to us at Dune, looks like direction changes and generally drifting westbound.
16:08 - All grouped up, mid channel in Dalco. Direction unknown.
16:01 - From Dune they are in line with Sunrise Beach & the entrance to Colvos, seemingly westbound towards Gig Harbor.
15:38 - Group off Dune is back behind the orange ship, second group closer to Colvos Passage, everyone westbound.
15:23 - [orcas] There's a group off Dune just behind the orange ship, eastbound. -Melissa Bird
15:20 - Lots of folks watching them in the ferry lanes. Dune Park is a great vantage point. -Nathalie op de Beeck
14:50 - [orcas] Spread out on either side of the entrance to Quartermaster Harbor, heading west as seen from Dune Peninsula. -Lucas Dambergs
14:47-15:16 - My wife, Sandy, and I were out at Dune Peninsula for a walk today. Glad to see the snow was gone. Anyway, we saw some people with cameras and binoculars and found out they had seen humpbacks in Commencement Bay and said
orcas were on their way from the north
. We went ahead and walked over to Owen Beach, and when we got back there were more people gathered at Dune Peninsula. We lucked out and saw some orcas. They were much further out than the humpbacks we saw the other day. -Kaz Griffin
14:47 - [orcas] Finally spotted some. Heading towards the red ship that's close to Point Ruston. -Lisa Long Betz
14:45 - [orcas] Saw a spout right in front of Evergreen ship. Heading west. -Amber Stanfill
14:18 - Almost to the Evergreen ship now, they're moving fast.
14:14 - [orcas] They are approaching the southern tip of Maury Island, still mid channel a ways in front of the NYK line ship. -Kristine Duncan
13:56 - [orcas] I'm seeing them a ways out from the Bluffs trails on Maury, just south of Gold Beach, swimming mid-channel, still traveling steadily south-bound, a good distance in front of the "NYK Line" container ship. -Hail Howell Quackenbush
13:21 - [orcas] Looks like 5 heading south, just approaching Gold Beach. Quite a few breaches. -Dan Hyde
14:46 - Now viewing from Dune Peninsula, they are still off southern tip of Maury.
13:19 - [orcas] Also spotted south of Pt. Robinson. Nice breach! -Julie Martin
13:12 - J pod passed Point Robinson, grouped up, travel mode southbound, island side of channel, powering through the sunshine and Salish chop. Silent pass, though, on the hydro.
----Monday's pass, though, we got pretty lucky, as there was a hot minute of glorious sunshine to watch them in between squalls, but also meant bone chilling wind. The sea was extremely choppy, hiding saddle patches in the folds of the waves while the wind stole away their spouts. Hard conditions to track them in, but luckily, they made a bee line to the point and came in for a close-ish pass. photos - J37 ID: GS -Marla Smith
13:11 - Amy Carey, Sound Action, just messaged to let us know the orcas just passed Point Robinson southbound, quietly. Kelly Keenan confirms J pod present.
~13:09 - I believe I was hearing echolocation on Sound Action webcam/hydrophone. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:54 - Ok, my son says he saw four at once. Approaching Point Robinson.
12:47 - At least two, probably three, passing Des Moines Marina, fairly tight spread.
12:26 - [orcas] Seeing them across from Normandy Park going south. -Scott Hill
10:15 - Mary Robinson first saw 2 fins, thought maybe dolphins until she saw more body. She then saw 4-5 orcas that were more mid channel heading southbound. -via Amy Carey
BIGG'S/TRANSIENT ORCAS - Mon, Jan 3 - San Juan Islands (T49A1 & prob. T49A2) - ~13:30 - Port of Friday Harbor: [video] https://www.facebook.com/groups/414081292044387/posts/4580332195419255/ - [T49A1 confirmed and T49A2 probable per Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute] -Crystal Trask
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Jan 3 - NW Strait of Georgia - 15:10 - Blows visible from a Humpback Whale (location - mid channel between Harwood Island and Comox). -Patti Perepeluk
Mon, Jan 3 - Central Puget Sound - 14:45 - [HB] At Silver Cloud dock. He popped up right next to the dock! -Cherie StOurs
~14:45 - [HB] We lost sight of it from Dune Peninsula around 2:45 after seeing it fluke. Was headed west through Dalco Passage. -Brooke Casanova
14:26 - [HB] North of red tanker. -Charlene Engelland
14:00 - [HB] I'm in Tacoma off of Ruston Way and just saw a whale right by Harbor Lights. -Megan Martindill
14:19 - Near big red ship at Quartermaster Harbor mouth, heading west, 2:19 PM.
13:56 - [HB] Omgggh. Right off Silver Cloud. My life is complete. Heading west, 1:56pm.
[ID: Per Erin Johns Gless, PWWA, and confirmed by Jackie Hildering, MERS, this is BCY0523 Graze's 2019 calf.] -Amber Stanfill
13:55 - [HB] One just passed about 15' off the Silver Cloud dock in Old Town. -Lucas Dambergs
13:59 - Now heading west almost to Harbor Lights on Ruston, 1:59.
13:55 - [HB] Right off Silver Cloud [Ruston Way]. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
13:52 - [HB] Very close pass at Jack Hyde Park heading west. Almost to Old Town Dock and Silver Cloud. -Angela Batie Carlin
13:31 - Humpback visible from Cliff House restaurant. Middle of the bay and straight in line with the American flag at Thea's Park. -Lucy Clack, Orca Network
13:18 - From the Port west past Old Town but haven't seen it since 1:05.
13:00 - Could see without binoculars, 1 humpback heading from Port off Old Town. -Polly Middleton Brown
14:10 - West towards Pt. Ruston from Lobster shop.
13:25 - Blows visible under the 3rd set of blue cranes near the stacks of containers along the Port of Tacoma. Between blue & white cargo ship & black-over-red ship. Close to shore.
12:49 - Humpback now towards Port of Tacoma. -Jason Cook
~12:50 - Seen swimming midway between Tacoma & Dash Point towards Port of Tacoma. Seems to be alone so maybe humpback? Was here aprox. 12:50pm. -Mollie H.
12:38 - We were at Owen Beach and saw again going into Commencement now at 12:38.
12:16 - [HB] Headed towards Point Ruston, moving quick. -John Ward
11:26 - I am down at Sunrise Beach [Gig Harbor] and I think I just saw a whale. Looking towards Vashon and Point Defiance...Not positive if hanging out or moving as I lost sight of her/him...If headed in any direction, it was south [Thanks to message from Zachary Sokolik, w/report and videos, we could confirm as humpback. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network] -Zachary Sokolik
Mon, Jan 3 - South Puget Sound - ~15:45 - Saw this humpback whale yesterday about 3:45pm outside our house on Fox Island. We are south of Tacoma Narrows Bridge on Fox Island. We face the Narrows Bridge. 1st saw spouts by Point Fosdick and bridge. Then jumped out of water. Went down and about 5 min later min later surface 4-5 times in front of our house. Was heading southeast past our house when we lost sight of him. Pictures are not great quality - took them with my Canon camera thru our windows. He was about 300 yds or less from shore. -Arleen Schmidt Woodley
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 3 - Possession Sound - Gray Whale hanging out in Mermaid Cove! [Hat Island] -Aimee Caccavale Chambers
12:15 - From Hat Island: southbound gray about 50yards offshore, mid island, east side. -Lori Christopher
Mon, Jan 3 - Saratoga Passage - 12:17 - Update: I'm at Hidden Beach. Gray is not here. - ~10:15 - Per message from Marilyn Armbruster: she happened to look out her window and across the way could see a gray whale! She went across the street and was still viewing the gray at 10:30 heading westbound off Baby Island Heights toward Greenbank, about 1/4 of the way out in Saratoga on the Whidbey side. She says it's pretty windy and seas are choppy. -Marilyn Armbruster
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Mon, Jan 3 - South Puget Sound - 09:45 - I saw a whale for the first time in Henderson Inlet out my back window. Been trying to figure out what type it was for the past two hours. It was gray but only saw the back end before tail went up. Watched for ten more minutes, it didn't come back up. Follow-up: It was 9:45 am when I saw it while on a work call. I am about a 1/4th of the way in on Henderson Inlet, and it was heading south based on the back and tail direction. I didn't see any blow....just looked out and saw a large gray back arch and then the tail go up before it dove. It was big!
January 2
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Sun, Jan 2 - Central Puget Sound (Js) - 20:08 - Amy Carey texted that Js were starting up on Sound Action hydrophone.
20:05 - Hearing whistles on the Sound Action hydro tonight. [Point Robinson] -Marla Smith
17:30 - Photo from Point Defiance Marina, 5:30 pm. -Cherie StOurs
16:35 - Group of 6 or 7 traveling due east past the [Tacoma] yacht club. One baby, one male... Possibly two males. Several females. -Ashley Whitman
~16:20 - Saw orcas with binoculars from Starr St. in Old Town around 4:20; they appeared to be hanging out in front of Ruston way slowly heading east. -Kim Disney
16:30 - [orcas] Just watched them from Ruston Way for the last 30 minutes as they headed southeast into Commencement Bay, very spread out. -Connor O'Brien
16:19 - One orca milling amongst Vashon ferry lane. Not far off Pt. Defiance dock/yacht club side. Ferry just docked - hope they are aware before next departure to Vashon. -Blake Koehn
16:43 - We are directly under the storm front as it reaches Tacoma currently, lost them in the fading light & rapidly increasing rain, eastbound into Commencement Bay.
16:38 - Approaching Pt. Ruston, eastbound.
16:33 - Having a spectacular close eastbound pass at Dune right now.
16:23 - Large group still milling off Dune, fairly close, generally and lazily westbound.
16:16 - Adult male right off Dune & ferry Lane, eastbound.
16:14 - Large group foraging just off Dune Peninsula. -Melissa Bird
16:06 - Some orcas headed towards Dalco, some headed towards the port, some between Point Ruston and Dash. Where are the humpbacks? -Ed Rickert
16:06 - Still in the same place swimming back and forth. Not far off from the buoy that's by Dune Park.
16:00 - [orca] I just spotted one out in the middle of the bay in between Point Ruston and Vashon. It was heading back east. -Lisa Long Betz
~16:00 - Commencement Bay around 4 pm, epic J pod. -Julie Davis
15:59 - [orcas] heading back to Browns Point just now. -Lynda Clark
15:47 - [orcas] Near Owen Beach. -Joy Ballentine
15:46 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed: Whales 1/2 @1546 Master reports about 4 orca crossing the ferry route, they have slowed down. [TAH/Pt. Defiance run]
15:43 - Seeing 2 orca from Ruston near Browns Lighthouse, 3:43. Heading into Commencement. -Roxanna Katz
15:43 - [orcas] Seeing a couple of them meandering about. [map indicates out from Quartermaster Harbor, viewing from Owen Beach area] -Jim Schmaltz
15:18 - Orcas headed to Point Ruston. Baleen headed north. -Patricia Peachy Reynolds
15:20 - Coming closer to Ruston Way from yellow marker.
15:17 - [orcas] By the yellow marker. Lots of splashing. -Polly Middleton Brown
16:48 - Viewing from above Lobster Shop on Ruston at least one still heading east towards the port.
15:12 - [orcas] In front of Evergreen ship by Quartermaster [Harbor] 3:12 -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
15:12 - Orcas in front of Browns Point. -Patricia Peachy Reynolds
14:58 - [orcas] Seeing them spread out between southern tip of Maury and channel marker from above Point Ruston. -Ed Rickert
14:32 - [SRKW] Little squeaks, 2:32. -Stephanie Harlan
14:59 - I am seeing some much closer to Dash Point Pier now.
14:50 - The leaders are approaching the southern tip of Maury; they are still pretty spread out. Still SB.
14:27 - [orcas] I can see them over by Maury Island using a spotting scope from Dash Point. Moving SB still. -Kristine Duncan
14:21 - [orcas] Watched them all quite a while as they went all along Maury down to about past the Gold Beach area now. -Mitzi Gligorea
14:02 - [orcas] Still hearing faint calls, getting closer! 2:02. -Stephanie Harlan
14:01 - Whoa, more, or did they circle back to forage? Seeing 3-4 hanging out mid channel between Pt. Robinson and the Marine Reserve.
13:58 - Just viewed at least 12 orcas SB just past Pt. Robinson. Very spread out. -Jennifer Nichols
13:55 - J pod, trailers cleared Point Robinson, spread out across the channel, some close in to shore in singles and small groups, southbound at a quick pace.
----Sunday's pass was slow going navigating the roads, but barely made it to the beach in time to watch them sprint around the Point against the snowy backdrop, so incredibly beautiful to see. They made the fastest time I've ever seen them go between Dilworth and Point Robinson, making it down there in less than an hour, pretty wild! -Marla Smith
J Pod, Point Robinson, January 2, 2022. photos - J22 ID: Melisa Pinnow (per ALB) -Jeff Twersky
13:53 - [orca] Breach off Pt. Robinson. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
13:50 - Quite a few orca calls a few minutes ago... [Pt. Robinson Sound Action hydrophone] -Lisa Lamoreaux
14:29 - A few very faint calls (at max volume on laptop), so thinking bout is ending...
14:18 - More S1 calls (at two different receive levels).
14:15 - Some more intense calls, then camera cleaning motor noise.
14:14 - Still hearing many J pod calls, but at increasingly lower receive levels.
14:10 - Many S1 calls, some overlapping. (Wondering if more groups passing southbound, or a direction change?)
14:08 - More intense calls, including multiple S10s.
14:07 - Repeated S1 calls with a few S4s, an S10, possible S19s.
14:03 - After first (13:40) call bout fading, now more calls at higher receive level. (2nd southbound group, or direction changes to south?) ["we are trying to figure that out, don't see fins as of right now, after seeing them pass" -Marla Smith/ON Volunteer, at Pt. Robinson]
13:48 - Repeated S1 and S4 calls but at rapidly dropping receive level. (Vocal group passing hydrophone southbound?)
13:46 - S10 call (excitement).
13:45 - S4 and S1 calls at much higher rate.
13:40 - Just heard an S1 call on PR [Point Robinson] hydrophone! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound/Beam Reach
13:40 - J pod call!! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:37 - Correction: heading back south, nearing Des Moines Marina.
13:31 - Turned around at Normandy Park, headed back north now. -Scott Hill
13:23 - Now SB. Circled a bit but now headed toward Pt. Robinson.
13:12 - [orcas] NB very close to east shore viewing from south side of Three Tree. -Sandhya Ballal
13:00 - [orcas] 3 just passed 3 Tree Point in Burien. East side, but moving toward Pt. Robinson, -Alan Carey
12:57 - Spotted one w/large dorsal SB from Seahurst. Closer to Burien side off 152nd St. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
12:36 - CORRECTION-leaders are actually in front of tug. Not sure how we missed them. Very spread out. Still SB.
12:32 - [orcas] SB, Seeing the leaders reaching the northern tip of Vashon Island. Viewing from Shorewood on the Sound. Eastern side of shipping channel and tug. -Shari Tarantino (OC)
12:09 - Some stragglers still north of ferry on West Seattle side.
11:54 - [orcas] Still SB passing Vashon ferry route. Mid channel. -David Waterworth
11:03 - Viewing from Downtown Seattle with binoculars and watched the ferry stop and appear to kill engines as they passed. Saw a whale surface near the ferry. Thank you for alerting them Orca Network. -Lucy Larkin
11:00 - [orca] Viewing from Manchester, one just passed below space needle headed south, more east side. -Noelle Morris
~10:50 - 10:54 reply back from Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops: 800Mhz announced and PUYALLUP just reported the first 5 near BI [Bainbridge] about 1050.
10:45 - 3 orcas off Restoration Point, 10:45, hunting buoy heading towards Alki. One larger orca, one smaller. Seals, sea lions hugging the shore. -Kayla Black
10:39 - Leader is heading past West Seattle now. Bainbridge ferry just passed it. Viewing from Bainbridge. [We've been updating WSF & commercial shipping. -alb/ON] -Jeffrey Martel
10:28 - At least 4 orcas (one male) visible from Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge, looking toward Alki. Steady movement southbound, approaching BI-SEA ferry lanes. EDIT: looks like they're spread out from midchannel to just west of it. -Jim Reitz
13:49 - Beautiful calls on the Point Robinson hydrophone! >09:40 - 2 orcas southbound, west of mid channel from Shilshole..
09:25 - One single male leader (?), west of midchannel Shilshole, southbound, viewing from Bainbridge. -Sue Larkin
13:40 - JUST HEARD AN ORCA CALL! on the Point Robinson cam/hydrophone.
09:56 - Seeing one male mid channel of Discovery Park Lighthouse, plus many more north of there.
09:37 - Seeing more in same area. Spread out. (Conditions are getting worse. Visibility is decreasing, with more rain and wind on mainland side.)
09:34 - [orca] See one southbound. Viewing from Sunset Hill Park. In line with Skiff Point area. 9:34. West side of channel. -Matty Leaman
09:10 - Dana Hammer called to report seeing one orca, semi tall dorsal, maybe teenage age. Location between Pt. Monroe (N. Bainbridge) and Shilshole. Heading southbound west of shipping lanes.
08:58 - At 09:00 Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: SALISH@0858 Master reports 8-10 Orca milling around in the traffic lanes north of Seattle, near Shoreline.
Sun, Jan 2 - CA Coast - 11:00 - On Sunday there were three orcas that had seal for brunch here off The Sea Ranch. These are the only photos so far. 11am on Sunday. One large male. [Sea Ranch is 42 miles north of Bodega Bay. -HG] -Scott Mercer (original reporting party: Jan de Vries)
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Jan 2 - Central Puget Sound/Tacoma - 16:56 - Turned the sound back on and at 4:56 humpback singing! [Point Robinson hydrophone] -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:18 - Orcas headed to Point Ruston. Baleen headed north.
15:16 - [HB & J pod] They're literally in the same area. I just saw A baleen blow.
15:05 - They are in front of Browns Point Lighthouse.
15:00 - I just saw a breach by the yellow weather buoy. 3pm. -Patricia Peachy Reynolds
14:50 - Saw 2 blows and a fluke off S. end of Maury, viewing from old Silver Cloud, 2:50pm. -Cherie StOurs
14:29 - 1 now near the Evergreen container ship anchored between south end of Vashon and Maury Island.
14:24 - 1 east to west coming up every 4-5 min. The other has moved closer to the Port.
14:17 - The pair of Humpbacks are in Commencement Bay, Tacoma, 2:17. Viewing from the dock behind the original Silver Cloud near old Town. [video] https://www.facebook.com/OrcaNetwork/videos/300826375390270/ -Jason Cook
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 2 - Possession Sound - 12:45 - Gray whale traveling between Hat Island Marina and Tulalip, no direction apparent. -Lori Christopher
January 1
SOUTHERN RESIDENT ORCAS - Sat, Jan 1 - Boundary Pass to San Juan Channel (Js) - 16:13 - [Js] Passing the labs now. Leaders past Friday Harbor. [video] https://www.facebook.com/OrcaNetwork/videos/665287401150090/ -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
16:11 - [orcas] Southbound in the channel! About 7 just passed the (Friday) harbor over the last ten minutes. -Alex McIntire
15:28 - [orcas] Spectacular - San Juan Channel - just passed Yellow Is. Mostly mid channel and closer to Jones/Yellow. Spanned the channel with lots of playful behavior. (traveling pretty quickly) -Selena Lee
13:05 - Confirmed J-Pod!!
11:45 - Large group of orcas heading down Boundary. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 1 - Possession Sound - 12:47 - [gray] It was heading north from the southern tip of the island, initially. It was as close as 2-3 hundred yards off Hat F Div., initially, but an unknowing boater got close and think our whale decided to head further east. Looks like it is heading towards the shallow tide flats over by Tulalip/north Everett now. -Kelly Brown Dukes (Hat Island)
Sat, Jan 1 - Saratoga Passage - 15:25 - Chilkat Express is leaving 53 Little Patch still feeding just west of Fox Spit/East Point! -Justine Buckmaster, Naturalist, Puget Sound Express
12:51 - Gray whale feeding 100 yards west of Fox Spit. -Michelle Sterett Bernson
11:25 - Marilyn Armbruster relayed report from a nearby neighbor that a gray whale was northbound from Fox Spit, Whidbey area, around 11:25 but then veered towards Camano Island. She never caught sight of the whale but will brave the snow and cold to take a peek, periodically. -via Marilyn Armbruster
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