November 2019 Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of November 2019 whale sightings.
November 30
Sat Nov 30 - Green Point, Spieden Island Ts were T37, T37Bs, T34s, and T36Bs. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
12:30 - Ts eastbound Green Point. -Monika Wieland Shields
November 29
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri Nov 29 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - A group of hearty adventurers braved the brisk late November temperatures aboard J2 and headed west in search of cetaceans (Friday, Nov 29). Constance Bank did not disappoint with humpbacks as far as the eye could see. Only time will tell as to when warmer waters will beckon these gentle leviathans of the sea to leave their summer feeding grounds to breed and give birth. MMY0080 Hemlock was foraging in a zigzag pattern lunge feeding and showing us baleen at every twist and turn. Some whales used their giant pectoral fins to scoop up large amounts of forage fish feeding in close proximity to large numbers of seabirds and Steller's sea lions. It is heartwarming to see the 'humpback comeback' continue and most certainly these whales will depart the Salish Sea when the time is right with full bellies. -Debbie Stewart
14:54 - Last hr and a half or so 1:30 to 3 pm been with 3 humpbacks. One I'd so far as Hemlock. General area south and east of Race Rocks. -Marilyn Armbruster
November 28
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Thu Nov 28 - J pod - (exit Puget Sound day and on LK hydrophone) - 14:41 11-28-19 got whales in the distance on the Lime Kiln HPs - right now.. J Pod. (Hearing them from afar was a good thing for today. Not seen here, only heard.) -Jeanne Hyde
10:25 - Been watching 3+ orcas swim along Whidbey shoreline going north. Lost them at Pt. Partridge. -Cyrilla Cook
Happy Thanksgiving... Ever hopeful of seeing whales on Thanksgiving Day, we were not disappointed. With Facebook down we didn't get the initial 7.20 am alert of whales south of Bush Point until late, but a quick scramble (amazing how the power of the whales can get us from slow to overdrive in seconds) had us arriving at Fort Casey at 10:20 am in time to see a dozen or so whales in two or three groups northbound on the Whidbey side as they passed Ebey's Landing. The orcas were in steady travel mode with one or two breaches, eventually disappearing from sight into choppier seas. Such a special gift on this beautiful clear day. Photos, zoomed and cropped by wildlife photographer Miles Away, simply do not do them justice (thanks Richard Snowberger). -Sandra Pollard
Find the wee fin of the large J pod member...10:20 - Whales north of Fort Casey. About a dozen whales northbound off Ebeys landing in at least two groups Whidbey side. Steady travel. -Report by Sandra Pollard. Photo by Richard Snowberger from miles away, Nov 28, 2019
09:51 - Whale spout just north of Admiralty Lighthouse shoreline at 9:51 am. -Cyrilla Cook
9:48 - Hearing calls on Port Townsend hydrophones. They were faint through a lot of ship noise but I heard some familiar J calls. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
07:30 - Kate Sheppard reported orcas 1 mile south of Bush Pt. headed NW out Admiralty Inlet at 7:30 am. At least 3 heading north close to Whidbey side, then a few others ahead of them, and many more in shipping lane.
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Thu Nov 28 - 10:30 - Small? group of orcas spread out moving NW just south of Pt. Partridge. -Al Lunemann
Thu Nov 28 - Mark received a call at 1512 from Gord Rowles who spotted a group of killer whales south west of Victoria harbour from his 23rd floor apartment building. At 1553 with the help of Gord who was tracking them from shore they located what looked like 6 or 7 individuals surrounded by gulls 5 nm southwest of the entrance to Victoria harbour. They immediately recognized T099B and could see that the rest of the T099's were with the T036A's.
November 27
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS Puget Sound - Wed Nov 27 - J pod - Puget Sound - 16:43 - Orcas. Group just passed the end of Sunset Rd (Vashon, across from N Olalla). Still Northbound. -Stephanie Harlan
Today J pod exiting at dusk through Colvos passage. Happy Thanksgiving! -Photos by Marla Smith, Nov 27, 2019
16:26 - The whole pod has passed Lisabeula, steady NB up Colvos Passage.
16:05 - Orcas. Viewing from Lisabeula. Blows to the south, NB. Grouped up....passing Lisabeula in the westside of Vashon, heading up Colvos Passage. Oh what a day! -Brittany Noelle Philbin
16:10 - Orcas. Passing Reddings Beach now N bound.
16:01 - Orcas. They are mid channel, south of Redding's Beach. Northbound. -Callie Deegan
16:00 - Orcas. I saw 2 blows, two fins, with bird activity. A boat went by (possibly) a little close I don't know if he saw them. They dove and I haven't seen them since.
15:37 - Orcas approaching Lisabuela still heading north. -Jami Cantrell
15:23 - Orcas commited to Colvos Northbound, Vashon Side, approaching Paradise Cove. -Melissa Bird
15:17 - Orcas off of Vashon, Spring Beach, mid channel heading north. -James Rempt
15:16 - Orcas. Headed north into Colvos Passage from south end of Vashon. Very active with several beaches. -Burt Miller, WSF
15:16 - Orcas. Now watching from Dalco Passage Viewpoint. Looks like they are heading north into Colvos Passage.
15:00 - Orcas. Watching from the Vashon Island Viewpoint on Point Defiance. They are between Point Defiance and the south end of Vashon heading west. They are closer to Vashon side. -Connor O'Brien
15:07 - Orcas. Super active. Breaching. Splashing. And I sadly think they may be committed northbound up Colvos. Tons of breaching. Viewed from Dalco Viewpoint, Point Defiance Park.
15:01- Orcas. Headed fast to the west, maybe northwest up Colvos. Not sure. -Amber Stanfill
15:07 - The whole pod has clear the ferry lanes, committed heading up Colvos at a quick pace. Although now there's a pleasure boat trailing them pretty closely. Any chances of enforcement being around?
14:42 - Orcas in ferry lane between Tahlequah and Poont Defiance west bound.
14:34 - Orcas. Leaders approaching Tahlequah-Point Defiance ferry lane. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
14:30 - Saratoga is leaving J-pod spread out between Commencement Bay and South Vashon Island milling and doing a lot of fishing in different directions! -Bart Rulon
14:35 - Orcas. I'm not sure (how close to Ruston Way)... I'm trying to head in and can't see them.
14:29 - Orcas. There's a group in front of coastline law our CI Shenanigans on Ruston Way.
14:25 - Orcas. There are a lot of whales out here, and very spread out. One of the groups is doing circling/splashing activity thatI've seen transients so before. Do we know if there's possibly a transient pod following the residents? (I'm in the little gray boat and have seen this activity between us and the white whale watching boat.)
14:11 - Orcas. They are just south of that white whale watching boat. Visible from south end of Vashon, should be visible from Tahlequah shortly. Still heading south, slowly. -Shelby Middling
13:54 - Able to see blows now from Ruston both close to Saratoga and then closer to Vashon. -Kourtnee Marr Lindgren
13:15 - 5 orca off Gold Beach on Maury Island. 4 females and one male. Spread out southbound. -Burt Miller, WSF
12:46 - Orcas. Trailers still heading south past Maury island lookout tail slapping right in front of a tanker ship. Mid Channel. -Jami Cantrell
12:19 - Definitely residents, just passed point Robinson southbound, leisurely but good pace, grouped up, about 10 or so of them so far. -Marla Smith
12:40 - There are more orcas passing Point Robinson, they are further out from the beach.
12:15 - Kelly Keenan sent image of J41 off Point Robinson and that she was not seeing a lot of males at the time. -Kelly Keenan
12:04 - Orcas. I'm just leaving Three Tree Point. Looks like they've made it to Point Robinson, but the glare from the sun on the water makes it too hard to see them from here. -Thorly James
12:24 - Confirmed residents passing Point Robinson, continuing southbound. At least 10, large males present.
12:05 - Got eyes on them at Point Robinson. Still SB, west side of channel. J37 Hy'Shqa - Taken from shore at Point Robinson during their southbound pass.-Brittany Noelle Philbin
One member of J pod rolling while on approach to Point Robinson (third morning in a row). -Photo by Marla Smith, Nov 27, 2019
11:12 - Orcas. Three are right around the bouy between Vashon and Three Tree Point. -Lindsey Clark
10:48 - A friend is seeing at least 2-3 orcas off Dilworth, Vashon heading southbound. -Kelly Keenan
~10:05 - Shawn Millard posted in another thread seeing a group from the departing ferry from Fauntleroy at around 10:05. Shawn's video included at least one adult male. This group may be the same one reported by WSF or spread out whales...
10:15 - The Master of the ferry KITTITAS reports via 800MHz they have come to a stop in the SB lanes for a pod of orca (4-6) SB about one (1) mile east of Vashon Head. -Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Operations
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Wed Nov 27 - At 07:26 Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops sent report: Ferry SPOKANE reports 4 orca spread out across the traffic lane travelling NB in the SB lane off Apple Tree Cove (Kingston).
(Possible this was J pod before a direction change and unreported until hours later further south in Central Puget Sound, or a stealthy pod of Bigg's who went unreported - alb)
November 26
Tue Nov 26 - Ks & Ls - Strait of Juan de Fuca...They left Victoria harbour at ~1430 and worked their way out to the east of the last known location (48 20/123 18). It was tough slogging with the strong north east winds and 2-3 foot chop but at ~1500 they spotted north east bound killer whales in a tight resting group with help from Gord Rowles who had a lock on them through Big Eye binoculars from his 23rd floor apartment. They started the encounter at 1506 (48 21.2/123 15.3) and quickly were able to identify members of K's along with most of the L's including L87. The presence of L87 explained how Rod and crew assumed J pod was present. The whales were traveling between 3 and 4 knots on a line for Middle Bank in a tight resting formation... Full report and images at Center for Whale Research Encounter 95.
K's and L's north east bound south of Discovery Island on the evening of November 26th. -Photo by Mark Malleson, 2019
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS Puget Sound - Tue Nov 26 - J pod - Puget Sound - 15:27 - 16:10 - J pod is still south of Point Robinson, but visible and coming north. Bundle up, is bone chilling frigid out here.
Added later: They were spread in three groups from mid channel to west side of channel then grouped up in a beautiful resting line. A tanker came through and disrupted their line, they all continued northbound, moving slightly more west towards us at the point. As they approached the point, they grouped up in tight with one another, was so beautiful to see all those bodies close together rising above the chop of the seas and tanker's wake. The pod continued steady northbound in pretty rough seas chins pushing above waters surface, they loosened up a bit while passing then point and by 16:10 they were north of the point, still loosely group as they continued on to the north. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
J pod return pass at Point Robinson at dusk in freezing cold! Worth it though, I love it when they are grouped up...Photos by Marla Smith, Nov 26, 2019
~16:00 - J-Pod return trip Point Robinson. -Photos by Ashley Whitman, Nov 26, 2019
15:37 - Orcas. Approaching Pt Robinson on the Vashon side. -Janna Ignatow
15:13 - Orcas. Now seem to be moving north at pretty fast clip towards point Robinson.
14:58 - Orcas. Still within view of Maury overlook, mid channel directly south of viewpoint headed north.
14:35 - Orcas. At Maury overlook seeing them mid channel, probably directly south of Gold Beach headed north. -Jane Richardson Gill
14:34 - Orcas. Watching from Dumas Bay. Looks like a group of 4-5, at least 2 large males. A few spyhops and one breach! Traveling northbound. -Hanna Ory
14:30 - Orcas. North of the tug. Saw a group of 4-5. Saw one breach!
14:19 - Orcas. Headed North mid channel. Just a little N of Dash Point. Watching from Dash Point (above pier). -Janet Staats Hominda
14:00-14:10 - J pod is still south of Gold Beach spread out but grouping up as they come from various reaches of the channel. All first moving at steady pace northbound, first a bit leisurely, but by 14:10 had picked up the pace while heading toward Point Robinson. 2 males further mid channel, other members more inshore Vashon. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:30 - Orcas. The group we were watching from Tahlequah has turned back toward Maury, heading north.
13:16 - Orcas. From Tahlequah ferry dock there's an active group in front of the Navy ships and another couple approaching the oil tanker.
12:55 - Orcas. Seeing a male and female in Commencement Bay. From the Vashon Ferry dock they appear to be in front of the pulp mill. -Lucas Dambergs
13:14 - Orcas. From Dune Park: some still deep in Commencement, exiting towards Vashon, some crossing Maury towards Quartermaster.
12:49 - Orcas. See's some deep in Commecment Bay on Brown's Point side, close to the 3 barges.
12:43 - Orcas. Some entering Commencement Bay on Browns Point side, and some closer to Maury Island/Quatermaster Harbor direction unknown. From Dune Park. -Melissa Burks
12:17 - Orcas. I can see them breaching from Dash Point looking toward south end of Vashon! -Ann Judge Domeck
13:33 - Orcas. Most seem to be committing to northbound now. Between Browns Point and Vashon now. Grouping up.
12:41 - Orcas. Second group with three males approaching Commencement Bay now, SB still.
12:10 - Orcas. I can see them from the southern end of Vashon as they cross outside of Quartermaster Harbor. Spread out but heading south still. -Amy Bliss-Miller
12:03 - Orcas. Out in Commencement Bay, maybe quarter mile east of buoy that is between Dash Point and Maury. -Ed Rickert
11:55 - Watching several members of J pod passing by Gold Beach, Maury with others further east (more mid channel) including calf, presumably J56, sight-line across to Dash Point. All steady southbound in groups 1-3s spread wide in glittery gold light streaming across the Sound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:21 Orcas - Third group now approaching Pt Robinson.
11:16 - Orcas. Still visible from Pt Robinson, mid-channel directly in front of Mt Rainier.
11:13 - Orcas passed Pt Robinson around 11:05 in two main groups with some stragglers. Still heading slowly southbound. -Lucas Dambergs
11:23 - J16s again today were the trailing group. They were traveling at quick pace on approach from the north and dove just to the north of the Point and a minuter later surfaced to the south of the point, bypassing it and us completely arising in the sun beam to the south...
11:00 - First group approached the point ~11:00 including series of tail slaps. Others following in groups of 1-4s and as they passed the point, they moved offshore towards the sunbeam and Mount Rainer. Most whales remain west side of channel with others including J27 more mid channel - all traveling steady southbound. Some spyhops, breaches, tail lobs, rolls, but mostly in travel mode. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
We were lucky enough to get to spend some time on the beach watching J pod whales as they passed. Extra bonus was that our poop sniffing and whale loving @ConservationcCanines dog friend Eba was there. -Amy Carey, Sound Action, Nov 26, 2019
J51 Nova & J56 Tofino off Point Robinson. -Photo sequence by Marla Smith, Nov 26, 2019
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research)
Second day in a row at Point Robinson with Jpod. Look at baby J56-Tofino popping up in this sequence, along with J51-Nova, J46-Star and J40-Suttles! They are so cute. J37-Hy'Shqa (her name means "blessing" or "thank you" in Coast Salish language) under Mount Rainier at Point Robinson beach today (see photo below). Thank you Jpod for visiting our little island today...thank you Melisa for your ID help. -Kelly Keenan
Some breaches and spyhops as they pass Point Robinson. -Photos by Jolena Tagg, Nov 26, 2019
10:55 - After watching them to the north of Point Robinson for about an hour milling and making directional changes, at least some of the orcas have resumed southbound travel spread out across the channel.
10:33 - Orcas have stalled and are making directional changes north of Point Robinson. #ebatheorcadog waiting patiently!
So wonderful to spend time with Eba the Orca Dog and her person Deborah Giles (both heart-melters) while waiting patiently for J pod to come south and watching them pass Point Robinson. After Js cleared the point Eba responded in work mode as if she smelled some whale poop, and she probably did! Eba now has the job, previously held by Tucker, of sniffing out whale poop for research for Conservation Canines. -Photo collage by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network, Nov 26, 2019
11:02 - Orcas. They are about a quarter mile north of point Robinson, with A steady southbound track. I believe they will go close by point Robinson.
10:59 - Orcas. They are just north of point Robinson, at least the leaders are. They're coming up on the cable Crossing. From where I am it looks like they are still mid channel but closer to the Vashon side And maybe they are trending closer westward, but still southbound.
10:55 - Orcas. We are definitely heading southbound now there's a group of two that are in the lead. Then I see the male which looks to be alone behind them. A quarter-mile back are about five whales grouped up
10:46 - Orcas - What I think are the leaders just north of the cable Crossing. Saw a few tail slaps and what looked like a spy hop.
10:20 - Orcas. They are still mid channel slowly moving south...They are about a mile north of the point, slowly heading south. -Tanya Jackson Esparza
10:00 - Jeff Hogan has whales approaching point Robinson SB.
10:06 - Several in front of Dilworth now mid channel east passage. They are circling and feeding. -Heidi Skrzypek
10:00 - Orcas. It's 10 o'clock. I see them mid channel southbound about half a mile north of the Des Moines Marina. -Tanya Jackson Esparza
09:23 - Orcas. Leaders (I'm assuming) almost to mid-channel marker off Three Tree Point. Steady southbound. -Christina Van Wolbeck Fenerty
09:10 - Orcas. Passing Dilworth SB mid channel. -Rey Hansen
08:39 - Orcas. One big male and two others on the south side of the Vashon ferry pier slowly heading sb. -Margery Spears
08:43 - Orcas. Several spread out between West Beach and Vashon including a youngster on Seattle side of channel.
08:32 - Orca. Seeing single in front of West Beach/south of Brace Pt & ferry lanes. SB close to east side of channel. -Ellen Cole
08:28 - Orcas. I literally could just copy my post from yesterday morning this time!! See one male, one female in mid channel milling, slight directional changes but seem to be heading south, south of the ferry lines and around Brace Point. -Pia VanHanen
8:26 - Orcas. They're now south of the ferry lane, still southbound, spread out in mid-channel between Fauntleroy and Vashon, but saw at least 3 that were much closer to the Fauntleroy side. -Mike Yov
08:18 - Orcas. They are right in front of my ferry at Fauntleroy dock. Directional changes.
07:59 - Orcas. They are passing the Vashon ferry terminal west in channel, but I can hear them breathing it's so quiet here. Visible with the naked eye from West Seattle. -Kersti Muul
07:55 - Orcas. Spotted them thru binocs from Fauntlee Hills. Still southbound mid-channel between Fauntleroy and Blake Island, approaching the Fauntleroy-Vashon ferry lane. -Mike Yov
07:32 - Orcas again on my commute! 7:23 AM off the PO boat (Vashon to Seattle). Heading South East between Blake and Alki Pt., looks like a research boat is following at the rear. Females, 4-5 animals, spread out, slow moving/porpoising. This is your heads up Vashonites & Seattleites! -Cheryl Richmond
07:30 - Same as yesterday...Tuesday 0720. Several orca (I saw 5) traveling south mid-channel east of Blake Island. From passenger only ferry. Burt Miller, WSF
07:28 - The Master on the ferry CHIMACUM reports 6 orca SB in the SB lanes just off Tango Buoy. -Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Operations
07:29 - My husband texted Orcas heading south between Alki Point and Blake Island on Blake side. Kelly Keenan
07:11 - At least one orca reported by boat crew off port side of Kitsap Fast Ferry from Bremerton to Seattle about 7:05 am, maybe a mile northwest of Alki Point. Boat slowed down for several minutes. -Megan Moore
November 25
Mon Nov 25 - Sister and brother, J42 Echo and J26 Mike, surface side by side on their afternoon northbound pass at Point Robinson. -Photo by Kelly Keenan, Nov 25, 2019
(ID by Melsa Pinnow, CWR)
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS Puget Sound - Mon Nov 25 - J pod - Puget Sound - 16:40 - ALKI LIGHTHOUSE: Two or more orca breaching repeatedly northbound midway between buoy and lighthouse. Followed by boat at 1/3 mile to south. (was police boat). -Jim McDermott
16:32 - Orcas. Passing Blakely Rock now, dark. -Kersti Muul
~ 16:15 - Orcas. From Constellation Park in West Seattle. -Photo by Robin Sinner, Nov 25, 2019
16:08 - Orcas. Yeah, the trail group appears to be between Vashon and Blake based on the police boat following.
15:44 - Orcas. It appears they headed W towards Vashon just about along the ferry route. Seeing spouts on the west side of the channel. Research boat followed along with them. Still working their way north. -Tim Peters
16:15 - Orcas. Several spy hops just now.
16:04 - Orcas. The ones I'm seeing are being followed by the police boat and passed the north end of Blake Island in the last few minutes. -Sarah May Sing
16:08 - Orca. From Mee Kwa Mooks: about 4, heading north, just north and south of Tillikum Village. -Trileigh Tucker
16:07 - Orcas. Appear to be almost due west of Me Kwa Mooks. Many large dorsals. Spy hopping and breaching. Escorted by official boat with blue flashing light. A bit east of mid channel. -Douglas B Greenswag
15:50 - Orcas. Leaders well to the northern tip of Blake island trailers still near vashon ferry. West of Mid channel.
15:16 - Orcas. They are across from 98th Street/Salmon Creek in Seattle, west in channel, not mid channel. Beautiful blows visible from West Seattle shores. Long way from Alki still but traveling at good pace. Encroaching Vashon ferry dock and moving NNE. -Kersti Muul
15:41 - MV ISSAQUAH Master reports 6 orca NB just off Fauntleroy. WRAS & Orca Network notified. -Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Operations
15:30 - Orcas. Small group seen from Vason ferry around 3:30 as we were approaching West Seattle. -Danielle Carter
15:28 - Orcas. Large group heading north along Vashon, seen from Lowman. Maybe 10. -Trileigh Tucker
15:29 - Orcas. Appear to be in the ferry lane mid channel between Vashon and Fauntleroy. Maybe they found something tasty to eat as the do not seem much further north than 15 minutes ago.
15:10 - Orcas. Looking south from above 60th and Spokane (W Seattle). Several blows and fins just south of Ferry lane. Near the research boat. The ferry stopped to avoid them. Seem to be headed north. Looks like at least 6. -Douglas B Greenswag
15:12 - Orcas heading north mid channel (between West Seattle and Vashon) almost to Fauntleroy ferry line. Should be going past Alki Beach pretty soon. Research boat is following behind. -Lindsey Clark
15:23 - Orcas just about reaching Fauntleroy ferry lanes NB.
15:04 - Orcas mid channel about a 1/2 mile south of Fauntleroy ferry. Still NB. -Amy Carey
14:54 - Orcas. Still mid channel. Research boat still trailing. Heading toward Blake Island. Traveling slowly. Just a beautiful sight.
14:32 - Orcas mid channel visible from Burien just south of Seahurst Park. Traveling slowly north. One male and about 7-8 total. -Margery Spears
14:26 - Orcas. Watching from Dilworth, they are mid channel heading north. Grouped up and research boat is behind them. -Danielle Carter
13:41 - Orcas. Stalled or slowed quite bit, still heading North, more clumped together, West side of channel, Luana Beach Rd area per my gps.
13:25 - Orcas. Leaders well ahead, rounded Point Robinson, steady Northound, West of mid-channel. -Christina Van Wolbeck Fenerty
14:03 - Orcas. They are with the research vessel - mid channel, south of the channel marker near Three Tree, looks like still heading north.
13:22 - Orcas passed Point Robinson, still heading north. J27 Blackberry off Point Robinson. -Kelly Keenan
13:09 - Orcas. Directly across from Des Moines, Vashon side so close it's going to be a super close pass at the point (Robinson)! -Janna Ignatow
12:31 - Orcas. Still a few miles away, but the blows are now visible via binos from Point Robinson. NB. -Pia VanHanen
11:57 - Orcas. Still milling around Dalco just east of the ferry lane.
11:51- Orcas. They're spread out but generally heading north back towards the south end of Vashon. -Michaela Kelly Wuelfing
11:48 - Orcas. Viewing from Dune Peninsula by Point Ruston ferry and they turned back north. Lots of tail slaps and breaching. -Joelle Dixon
11:46 - Orcas. Viewing from Browns Point they seem to have stalled off of Tahlequah from here, resting with dorsals above water. -Jim Pasola
11:35 - Orcas. Just watched them from the Tahlequah ferry to Tacoma. Spread out throughout the channel, spyhops seen. Appear to be heading west but hard to tell. -Jolena Tagg
11:32 - Orcas. Visible now from Tahlequah dock. East of the dock, lots of activity, still a ways east. -Christopher Dawson
11:33 - Orcas. Just saw a tail slap mid channel also, viewing from Owen beach with binoculars.
11:26 - Orcas. Just spotted some blows and a tail slap from Owen Beach with binoculars, they are still hugging the tip of Maury. -Sally Milligan-Smith
11:18 - Orcas. Whales all over between yellow buoy and Browns Point. Large male with 2 females getting close to Vashon/north of Tahlequah ferry. All looking to head towards Vashon side. Southbound. -Pia VanHanen
11:07 - Orcas. Saw a huge breach to NE from Anthony's lot at Point Defiance, out from Quartermaster Harbor. Can't tell direction yet. -Gayle Swigart
11:18 - Orcas. I have a group nearer to the buoy, & a group right off the tip of Maury. Group off tip of Maury is very active. Spy shops & breaches. Males in Mid channel group. All Southbound.
11:07 - From Dune Peninsula Park, orcas are closer to Maury Island, still southbound, off southern tip of Maury Island. Numbers unknown. Just saw a HUGE breach. -Melissa Burke (Bird)
11:13 - Orcas. Two stragglers are closer to Vashon heading south.
11:09 - Orcas. First part of the group between Dash and Browns Point. Many more approaching yellow buoy. All heading south still mid channel.
10:42 - Orcas. Approaching south end of Vashon, right outside of Quartermaster Harbor. Pretty spread out. -Amy Bliss -Miller
10:50 - Orcas. They were (hugging the shoreline) but then went a little further out while traveling south pretty fast. They've been under for the last several minutes.
10:39 - Orcas heading south past Gold Beach right now. -Barbara Weber
10:30 - Orcas. Watched for the first time from my house sitting high on the bluff in Adelaide, Federal Way at least 6 with male and baby following behind females. -Joy Donogh
10:05 - Orcas when they passed Point Robinson heading south. -Photos by Jolena Tagg, Nov 25, 2019
(Others we sent to Melisa Pinnow, CWR in real time she confirmed seeing J40 & J44, confirming J pod presence at the time.)
10:05 - Orcas. Just passed Point Robinson still heading south. -Kelly Keenan
10:02 - Orcas. SB passed Point Robinson.
09:57 - Orcas. Leaders SB. Approaching Point Robinson. -Steve Fogard
J38 Cookie off the Point. -Photos by Marla Smith, Nov 25, 2019
09:55 - Orcas. They are heading fast to Point Robinson. -Jake Conroy
9:42 - Orcas. They seem to be holding up. None seen at Pt. Robinson yet.
08:51 - Orcas. The leaders are already to Three Tree Point. They seem to be slowing up. Breaching. -Kelly Keenan
09:25 - Orcas. Leaders far ahead mid-Maury Island, trailer(s?) Passing Three Tree Point buoy now
09:07 - Orcas. Rapidly Southbound, just West of mid-channel passing mid-channel marker off Three Tree Point now. -Christina Van Wolbeck Fenerty
09:00 - Orcas. Just south of Three Tree Point now
08:49 - Orcas. Heading south near Three Tree Point side.
08:45 - Orca. Seeing them approach Three Tree Point from Dilworth Point. -Rey Hansen
08:30 - 3 orcas spotted near Fauntleroy ferry dock. 1 male, 1 female with baby? Heading south when I saw them. Orientation odd because they passed between docked ferry & ferry pulling in which I was on. -Karen Davis
08:10 - Viewing from Fauntleroy, eight whales spread around Brace Point mid channel to west, including one male. They are far but I think I saw a wee one also - J56? Traveling SB. -Pia VanHanen
07:20 - Monday November 25 at 0720. Several orca (I counted 5) off Blake Island. Milling around back and forth but primarily headed south. Breaching and tail slapping. At least one male and 3 females with one youngster with female. Low light prevented identification but saddle patches looked like residents. -Burt Miller
07:20 - Orcas again on my commute to Seattle from Vashon! Slow moving, foraging, tail slaps, breaching. Very close to the boat this time. 4-5, females and a little guy, possibly one male (much larger dorsal than the others. (KC Water Taxi, Vashon to Seattle, between Blake Island and Alki Pt, heading SW toward Colvos; 7:20 AM, 11/25/19). -Cheryl Richmond
07:29 - My husband just texted-saw orcas heading south on the Vashon Passenger Only boat. He said they were heading south towards the Vashon ferry dock. -Kelly Keenan
Good morning! Orcas reported southbound near Blake at about 7:20. -Amy Carey
November 24
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Sun Nov 24 - J pod - Puget Sound - Sea lions can rest peacefully on the mid channel buoy off Point No Point, Kitsap knowing as they do the orcas passing by are the fish eating type. Today J pod. -Photo by Jim Pasola, Nov 24, 2019
Sun Nov 24 - Puget Sound
16:40 - Orcas. Leaders past the Edmonds Kingston ferry. Hearing all their blows on this beautiful calm evening. Slow but steady SB travel.
16:25 - Orcas. Leaders approaching ferry. Seeing J 56 and mom.
16:10 - Orcas, J pod. Sill north of Kingston between Apple Tree Point and Eglon. One group foraging quite a bit. More further south of that group traveling SB. Kitsap side of shipping lanes.
15:40 - J pod. Starting to see them from Apple tree Point, Kingston - coming from the north. Probably about straight out from Eglon. Southbound. -Sara Frey
15:09 - Pod heading southbound back past Point No Point, grouping closer together on the Kitsap side. -Kris Clark
15:03 - Orcas. I can see them through telescope from Mukilteo just north of Eglon going southbound. Pretty active. -Alice Thuy Talbot
14:50 - Orcas. Line of sight about a mile south of Point no Point yellow channel marker.
14:45 - Orcas definitely heading southbound, possibly mid-ish channel. Hard to tell because of high tide. Lots of beautiful blows. Viewing from Dave Mackie County Park last 15 min. -Marilyn Armbruster
14:35 - Just received update from Brad Hanson, NOAA, NWFSC J pod has FLIPPED to now southbound. In general S end Admiralty/N end Puget Sound proper.
14:30 - They definitely have flipped southbound now - breach in front of research boat and they have turned on their jet packs - nice porpoise game steady soutbound approaching Scatchet Head from Point No Point.
14:27 - Orcas are stalled out from PNP foraging and directional changes 1 Male trending sb slowly now back towards maxwelton/scatchet head Kitsap side of mid channel
13:58 - Orcas. Northbound steady now approaching Cultus Bay Kitsap side
13:53 - J pod. 3-4 individuals foraging in front of Maxwelton. I don't know if they might flip, they are stalled with research boat.
13:45 - Research boat is trailing the male now heading slowly toward maxwelton.
13:40 - Just saw a male dorsal between Pt no Pt and Scatchet Head northbound Kitsap side. Someone else reported a dorsal 40 feet off shore here (PNP) 25 minutes ago close to a sea lion so I'm not 100 percent sure they didn't see a sea lion flipper, but they were sure. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
See the male dorsal in the dark chop - this was looking towards SW Whidbey from Point No Point, somewhere in the 2 pm'ish range as they were getting ready to flip from northbound to southobound. This has been a pattern lately and its fun to watch (have seen it 3 times now). They travel north to Maxwelton and flip just about where Puget Sound becomes Admiralty Inlet! When they do, they mill around a bit and then suddenly turn on their jets and become more surface-active as they change directions and re-enter N Puget Sound.
J pod did it again... Whidbey Islanders were caught off-guard with the first report from M/V Salish (Port Townsend/Coupeville ferry) of the orcas traversing Admiralty Inlet southbound from around 8:15 am on the morning of November 23. With heightened awareness of their presence, November 24 brought forth fruit - heeding Orca Network's call we spotted whales north of the Kingston ferry heading north along the Kitsap side as seen from Possession Head, Whidbey Island (a distance of approximately 3 1/2 miles across the water). Mesmerized by a succession of fountain like blows against the hazy background of Point No Point, we hedged our bets as to whether they would maintain their current travel path or repeat their recent behavior and change direction at that point. Seems a consensus was reached before they had gone too far beyond Point No Point; the whales turned, continuing steadily southbound along the peninsula once more in their never-ending quest for food. -Sandra Pollard
13:35 - With Js, Northbound, West side of shipping channel. Still south of Pt No Pt. -Brad Hanson, NOAA/NWFSC
13:26 - Orcas. They're right between Point No Point and Whidbey. -Delaney Marie
13:25 - Orcas still off south Whidbey probably between Point No Point and Double Bluff, more on Whidbey side, very spread out. No clear travel direction. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
12.58 - Orcas. Seeing blows northbound on Kitsap side heading toward PNP. Viewing from Possession Head on Whidbey. -Sandra Pollard
13:14 - Orcas. From here (PNP) they look like they're on the Whidbey side.
12:51 - Orcas. Now slowly heading Northwest? towards Point No Point.
12:27 - At least 2 (orcas) they seem to just be working the area. (sightline Sandy Hook, Possession Point)
12:24 - Orcas. Viewing from Eglon: a big male looks like between here and what I think is Possession Point. J26 Mike (J pod: Taken from shore at Eglon and Point No Point, Kitsap Peninsula) -Jim Pasola
12:11- Orcas. Milled around mid-channel south of Whidbey for about an hour (11-noon). They're headed north right now, to the west of the southern point of Whidbey as of about 5 minutes ago (~12:05). -Sandra Leigh
12:00 - 3 or 4 distant blows seen north of Kingston ferry on Kitsap side in hazy conditions. Impossible to discern direction of travel from here on Whidbey. Seen through big camera lens. -Sandra Pollard
11:17 - I see at least one orca heading back south. Spotted from Stamm Overlook in North Edmonds and line of sight to Point No Point. Out in the middle but close to eastern side. -Michelle Goll
10:43 - Orcas. They are just south of Eglon, mid channel, Northeast bound. -Melissa Peterson
1010 - Orcas. I see at least one of the big boys, Kitsap side of the shipping lanes, NB towards Point No Point, well north of the ferry. Approaching Eglon area. -Sara Frey
09:33 - Marie with WS Ferries sent report: The Captain on the ferry PUYALLUP, reports 10-15 orca, possibly J Pod, NB mid-channel between Edmonds & Kingston.
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Sun Nov 24 - Puget Sound - 15:55 - Orcas in Penn Cove, Oak Harbor, Washington. They were definitely orcas. We saw at least 3, maybe up to 5. One of them had a very large dorsal fin. My daughter sails and she said it looked as big as a sail on the optis. There were a couple of smaller fins as well. We live off Scenic Heights and Park. and we initially saw them from our kitchen window. We watched them head out of Penn Cove from the beach. FACEBOOK VIDEO. -Noelle Bollek
(Video shows 2 males, one with fat dorsal strong possibility is T18s who have been inland this month. - alb)
~11:30 - Four orcas (1 male?) spotted in Penn Cove around 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, 11/24. Took this photo when we pulled over on Penn Cove Road to get a look. We watched them for about 20 minutes from Penn Cove Park as they headed east out of the cove. -Mary Gable
MINKE WHALES - Sun Nov 24 - Follow up: The photos help. Definitely a minke. New one for me. I saw what I'm guessing was a porpoise traveling south past Possession Beach Park about a hundred yards off shore, shallow surfacing every few hundred yards at about 9am Sunday morning, November 24, 2019, alone. It was much smaller than any whales I've seen, definitely larger than a harbor seal, and didn't seem to be pausing to feed. It seemed healthy. It was traveling fast and surfacing shallowly enough that I wasn't able to take a photo of it. No distinctive markings. Small curved dorsal tail, all one color. -Tom Trimbath
DALL'S PORPOISE - Sun Nov 24 - Marie with WS Operations called; 4-5 Dalls porpoise pop up in front of ferry Sealth San Juan channel, porpoise traveling NW. Deck officer said they popped in front of the bow (sounds like they were bow riding - alb)
November 23
Sat Nov 23 - Puget Sound - 16:33 - J Pod activity from the Bainbridge ferry. Heading south. (was supposed to be 3:50 ferry, but was running late, this is a screen shot from my video at 4:33pm). -Lisa Lundy
~16:25 - Watching them (J pod) from the Bainbridge Island to Seattle run. There is a group moving south swiftly, porpoising at times. Closer to West side. -Michelle Goll
16:18 - Seeing one (orca) just north of the space needle and one directly in front of the space needle from the Bainbridge side. Heading south in a foraging pattern, closer to the east side of the channel. -Shannan Van Houten
15:41 - SRKWs passing West Point Lighthouse, Discovery Park, mid channel, SB. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
14:30 - I saw distant orcas spread out moving south from Kingston (viewed from Blue Ridge Beach park). -Steve Smith
14:35 - Just after last update several J pod members slowed way down, with a few foraging. Since they were making directional changes I walked down to beach to get closer look, but once here no orcas near and could only see few fins in the far distance in wide expanse out from Fay Bainbridge and Carkeek still southbound, but at slower pace than past hour.
14:15 - Js in general, have been difficult to see, but suddenly at least 8-10 surfaced in tandem in large spread out V-ish formation on east side of channel out from south end Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, looks like many have moved over to this east side of the Sound. One breach more mid channel. And a frog croaks to my right. Love nature.
14:10 - Who looks to be a trailers (group of 3-4 orcas) just passing Jefferson Head with lone male, on east side passing Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. Steady southbound; seas calming a bit.
13:44 - Orcas still coming with more just now passing Kingston. They are spread great distance N/S (at least 30 minutes spread so far) in groups 1-5s with some mid channel more to west side towards Kitsap. Al still steady brisk pace southbound in semi-rough seas. Males are spaced across channel.
13:18 - I have seen just a few orcas so far, south of Kingston dock nearing Presidents Point, west of mid channel and more further west. Moving at brisk pace still southbound, in general surface once then down long....13:23 - more trailing just passing Kingston. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network.
13:11 - Orcas. Seeing several south of the Edmonds terminal. We are watching from the Kitsap side of things. -Andrew Dempsey Me and Richard Tenbeers
13:11 - Orcas. The 2 males that I saw should be south of the Kingston ferry terminal now. Traveling mode.
12:52 - Seeing orcas in shipping lane north from Kingston bound ferry. -Michelle Goll
12:45 - Saratoga is leaving J-pod still southbound very spread out in groups of 2-5. I think we left the trailers mid channel off Edmonds. Saw J16s, J22s, and J11s. -Bart Rulon,
13:05 - Orcas. Maybe flip just at ferry line...Maybe foraging. 4-5 were NB but then disappeared. Still seeing others going SB. Some still north of ferry. Baby was with the foraging group
12:50 - Orcas. Seeing several Kitsap side approaching ferry. Longer down times and steady SB travel.
12:37 - Dorsals mid channel with one male close to Kitsap side approaching Apple Tree Point, Kingston. Waters are really choppy. -Sara Frey
11:55 - This is J pod southbound 4 knots off Pilot Point (Kitsap Peninsula). -Christopher Hanke
11:49 - Watching a few orcas surface off of Pilot Point (south of Point No Point, Kitsap). West side of shipping lane. Heading slowly south. Near the Saratoga. -Austin Iles
~11:15 - Saw something breach out of the water by Point No Point. Couldn't see direction. Possibly orca. -Amber Harrison
10:40 - Sounds like the ferry Salish, Port Townsend/Keystone run, saw 2 orcas southbound at 815, captain announced on the PA. -Christopher Hanke
Sat Nov 23 - Puget Sound - This is second hand but I just heard from someone on the ferry that there were a pod of orcas off the Vashon ferry route about 12:05pm. It sounds like they were headed past Manchester toward Bainbridge on the back side of Blake island. There were about 4 of them according to my very excited mom. -Frolicking Farms
November 22
Fri Nov 22 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - A quick few shots of our Southern Resident Killer Whales near Race Rocks this late afternoon J Pod, after sunset and long foraging dives and keeping respectful distance this is the best I could do with finicky camera. Always great to sea! J27 Blackberry (born 1991. Siblings: sister J31 & brother J39), J39 Mako (born 2003), J47 Notch (born 2010, son of J35 Tahlequah). -Paul Pudwell
(ID help by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri Nov 22 - 18:18 - there has been a humpback on the Lime Kiln hydrophones for about 20 minutes. Hope it's still there...Listen in...yeah, it is! -Jeanne Hyde
November 21
Thu Nov 21 - Strait of Georgia - 14:59 - Js east side of Galiano heading SE. -Monika Wieland Shields
November 20
Wed Nov 20 - T123s - Strait of Juan de Fuca - T123A south of Race Rocks. -Photo by Mark Malleson, 2019
Wed Nov 20 - 09:41 - Marie at WS Ferries Ops called: Ops just got a report of 1 or 2 gray whales (they were humpbacks per Traci Walter and Simon Pidcock) just west of Reed Rock by Friday Harbor.
SPECIES UNCONFIRMED - Wed Nov 20 - 19:00 - Think I saw him (gray) tonight around the same time off Picnic Point... it's definitely a guess! Now that I'm looking at more photos, it could've been a humpback too. I saw a sliver of its back surface twice, heading north along Picnic Point maybe 50 feet out from shore. Fairly slow-moving. Had a nubby dorsal fin and was the only one in the area I could find. Color was tricky as the sun was setting but looked dark grey. -Sarah Elizabeth
November 19
November 18
Mon Nov 18 - Haro Strait - 10:30 pm...the hydrophones have been noisy with many ships tonight...but in the middle of it all I heard a couple extremely faint sounds and then one very clear, what sounded like a J Pod call...thought I would post this rather vague bit, just in case the whales show up somewhere south or west tomorrow. It could be the J16s off from the rest of J Pod...maybe tomorrow we'll get to find out more. -Jeanne Hyde
November 17
Sun Nov 17...left them (T18s) last night heading eastbound along Saturna shoreline headed for East Pt. -Eric Eisenhardt
~15:30 - Confirmed these were the T18s - they continued up San Juan Channel and were left near Waldron. The T18s seem to be our whales of autumn. They're the Ts we've seen on 3 of our last 4 encounters, all of them on Sundays! It was great today to get back out on OBI Juan and have them right in San Juan Channel. This photo is of T19B Galiano. The whales were all spread when he started a pinniped hunt, causing all four family members to converge. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
11:23 - Donna from WSF Operations called: Ferry Sealth reports a lone male orca westbound in San Juan channel.
11:15 - 4 BWs including 2 bulls milling slow northbound in front of Friday Harbor, probable T18s, seen from WSF Sealth. -Eric Eisenhardt
Sun Nov 17 - 14:38 - Humpback is coming south from Limestone point close to shore. Long dives. Might be viewable feel Ruben tarte soon. -Traci Walter
November 16
Sat Nov 16 - Haro Strait & Active Pass - Hi! 7:30 this morning SRKW's went north bound in Active Pass. Here is J42. -Photo by Rachelle Hayden, Nov 16, 2019
11-16 at apx 00:45...faint SRKWs calls heard over several minutes over the Lime Kiln hydrophones! -Jeanne Hyde
November 15
Fri Nov 15 - ~15:00 - T123s moving though Cattle Pass. -Photo by Dante Aubert, Nov 15, 2019
13:30 - BWs right outside FH milling on a kill. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
Probable T123s southbound in Cattle Pass, SW 8" chop, 1500 -Eric Eisenhardt
13:04 - Orcas in San Juan Channel, east of Friday Harbor. They were headed North at 1:15 when I stoped watching then I heard that pointed back south and east towards Shaw ten minutes later. -Kyla Bivens
11:35 - 2 orcas, mother and calf south of orcas island outside of Grindstone harbor, Orcas Island. Headed North. From what I can tell (into the harbor). Saw them from Washington State Ferries. -Nathaniel Cornille
November 14
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS Puget Sound Nov 14 - 15:34 - Watching from Point Wilson Lighthouse, I can see 5-10 orca whales headed NNW along Whidbey Island from Ebey's Landing north towards Fort Ebey. -Mary Bond
15:50 - Orcas. They are on the east side of Protection Island, continuing north!
15:38 - Orcas. Just saw a breach near Protection Island, west end.
15:15 - Orcas. Looks like they are headed to Protection Island area
15:03 - Orcas. Watching from Hill Road, Whidbey. Just passed Fort Worden! On Whidbey! Looking across. They are headed up the Strait of Juan De Fuca. -David Haeckel
Last of the Pod passing McCurdy Point on their way North. Picture from Hill Road on Whidbey. Thank you Orca Network Folks for all the updates allowing me to be able to see them before they head out! We think. -Photo by David Haeckel, Nov 14, 2019
Stealth whales... They arrived (November 8) unobserved into central/southern Puget Sound...they left (we think) today, November 14, with a long gap between a report of them in Possession Sound in the morning until a sighting of them passing Lagoon Point, Whidbey Island, early afternoon. A quick dash to Fort Casey was rewarded by seeing members of J pod and Onyx (L87) travelling individually, in pairs and at least one group of three, steadily northbound against an incoming tide in the soft silver light of early winter, portrayed against the backdrop of the Olympic mountains and the sheen of a glassy sea. Passengers on the Port Townsend/Coupeville ferry packed the front and stern of the boat to catch a glimpse of this iconic species as they traversed Admiralty Inlet with occasional tail-slaps and breaches, hopefully finding much needed food and nutrition to sustain them on their travels as the days grow shorter. Members of J pod/L87 exiting Admiralty Inlet. -Sandra Pollard
14:18 - Orcas. Ferry slowed for trailing groups. Still spread out. Seem to be midchannel, leaders pushing NW and approaching Fort Worden area
13:55 - Orcas starting to group up Whidbey side. Couple of groups spread north to south and east to west. Northbound edit: some on Port Townsend side too. Long downtimes still. -Rachel Haight
14:05 - I'm at Port Townsend Marine Science Center. Can hear faint calls via hydrophone. Ferry is passing now. Not sure which direction to look, haven't seen anything yet. -Shannon Mary Paul
13:55 - Lots of repeated S1 calls in low background noise via the Port Townsend Marine Science Center hydrophones. -Scott Veirs, Orca Sound
13:55 - Sounds like faint K-pod calls on PT hydrophone. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
I managed to see the Orca whales from Edmonds Wednesday 11/13/19 and believed them to be heading generally North. Thew were constantly shadowed by a small red boat that seemed to be too close to them to be legal (was NOAA under permit -alb)...The following day, 11/14/19, I spotted Orca whales from Fort Ebey on Whidbey Island heading North consistently. They seemed to be bunched closely together and often surfaced simultaneously with no breaching behavior observed. There was no boat traffic and the water was very calm. -Robert Gray
13:41 - Clear calls on PT hydrophone while the ferry is in the dock. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
13:44 - Orcas. Steady travel northbound spread out long down times approaching ferry lanes; no boats in sight in either direction so definitely listen to the calls!
13:22 - Orcas mid channel still south of ferry lanes. Viewing from Fort Casey. -Rachel Haight
13:44 - Over the past half hour have heard S1s and what sounds like S6s, S10s, first part of S9 (as is in Veirs catalog)
13:12 - Port Townsend hydrophone: J pod S1 call. Also at 13:01 thought I also heard K like call as well, but could be Js acting all K like as they do sometimes. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:00 - Faint calls on PT (hydrophone) in some whiney boat noise. (Follow up from Scott re calls on both PT and Bush Point: In low background noise, typical detection range for SRKW calls is 5-10 km. The distance from the PT hydrophones to Admiralty Head or Marrowstone Point is about 6.5 km.) -Scott Veirs, Orca Sound
12:57 - I just heard a call on the Bush Point (hydrophone). -Susan Berta, Orca Network
12:30 - I spotted a single orca swimming north past Lagoon Point at 12:30 PM. -Earl Overstreet
12:28 - Orcas. Lagoon Point, north bound, mid channel, large group, blows and breaching. At least 5. They were spread out with a very large one following behind. -Benjamin Potter
12:20 - Orcas. Rec'd a call from Debra Hegg about 2-3 whales including 1 or 2 males, seen south of Lagoon Pt., briefly, trending north.
08:57 - Definitely more like 15+ animals, just a very wide spread....Also a single Minke Whale just north of buoy SE, in the middle of the spread of killer whales.
08:50 - Good morning, I am unsure of the exact number but there 7+ Killer Whales in the Separation Zone between the traffic lanes off of Possession Pt. They appear to be headed Southbound. It looks like the group is fairly spread out between buoy SE and SF. The Victoria Clipper V is with them now (0850). -James Greenway
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Thu Nov 14 - Rosario Strait - 10:01- Two orcas. Souhbound in Rosario Strait. West side of channel. 1 mi South of Tide Point. (Cypress Island). -Chuck Tidrington
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu Nov 14 - San Juan Channel - 09:43 - Brad with WS Ops called to report humpback near Friday Harbor in the harbor slow moving, spy- hopping.
MINKE WHALES - Thu Nov 14 - 12:53 - A single minke off Point No Point, it was headed Northwest toward the Orcas. Only rose a few times then disappeared. -Jim Pasola
08:57 - Also a single Minke whale just north of buoy SE, in the middle of the spread of killer whales (who were in Separation Zone between the traffic lanes off of Possession Pt.) -James Greenway
November 13
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Wed Nov 13 - 15:30 - J16s are crossing Haro Strait heading towards San Juan Island. -Pet Ancich
Wed Nov 13 - 15:51 - pod has continued northbound currently due west of N Edmonds mid channel more spread out but still in close proximity to each other. Reminder to watercraft to stay the federally required distances: 300 yards parallel and 400 yards when in front or behind, and do not stop in their path or follow. From Sunset Ave, Edmonds. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:25 - Watching from Apple Tree Pt with Sara - leaders are well north of Edmonds ferry, one Male drifting more westerly but all still mid channel. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
15:15 - Orcas, definitely trending east as they head north. Were fairly close to the west side south of Kingston, now mid channel or east side. -Sara Frey
15:30 - Big J pod breach fest going on out there mid channel north of Apple Tree Point and out from N of Edmonds ferry dock!
15:13 - J pod loosely grouped heading northbound at quick pace just west of mid channel between Edmonds Marina Beach and slightly south of Apple Tree Point, Kingston in rough seas. Beautiful fins rising in the chop, blows illuminated when sun peeks thru cracks in the cloud cover. NOAA just now leaving. From Edmonds Marina Beach. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:16 - Orcas. Charging north now fast speed west side channel approaching Kingston.
13:51 - Orcas off Jefferson Beach. The orcas have turned back north for the moment
13:42 - Orcas. Found em off Jefferson Beach southbound mid channel. -Alexander Simenstad
13:35 - J pod south of Kingston approaching yellow mid channel buoy mid way to Jefferson Head still Kitsap side, about midway between mid channel and Kitsap. Loosely grouped steady brisk pace southbound. At least one male in lead and two trailing, as is NOAA (Red inflatable). -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:10 - Orcas well south of the ferry now. Tightly grouped with a spy hop and few small breaches. Large males, think L87 and J27 but will check photos. Baby. Research/NOAA with them now. Really moving fast today.
~13:00 - From Apple Tree Point.
12:55 - Orcas approaching ferry. Tightly grouped. Steady SB . Few breaches. -Sara Frey
12:55 - We (Gayle and Alisa) saw the breaching as well north of Apple Tree Point and just now the exhalations of at least 8 orcas rising in unison. Breathtaking even from afar! All still steady southbound. Viewing from Edmonds Marina Beach. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:55 - Orcas. Right off Apple Tree Point at the moment. I'm on the Kingston bound ferry. Very close we might cross paths. -Alexander Simenstad
12:50 - Orcas. Seeing a group between across from north Edmonds (south of Eglon but well north of ferry). In shipping lanes. -Michelle Goll
12:15 - Chilkat has the J-pod trailers half way between Point no Pointand Kingston southbound.
12:00 - Chilkat has J-pod and L87 southbound a few miles south of Point no Point on the Kitsap Peninsula side. -Bart Rulon
12:05 - Kim Page reports a group of about 4 orcas moving, north, then flipping southward, between Eglon and Pile Point.
11:56 - I see a few (orcas) north of Eglon southbound down Kitsap side. With a telescope from Mukilteo. -Alice Thuy Talbot
11:30 - 8-10 orcas off Point No Point headed towards Possession bar. -Courtney Adkins
07:50 - Brad with WS Ferris Ops called at 10:38 to report 6-10 orcas northbound at 07:50 in the south traffic lanes of the Edmonds/Kingston ferry route.
Wed Nov 13 - San Juan Channel - 11:09 - Humpback breaching in Friday Harbor...Looks like it's pointed at labs. Got the ferry's all screwed up. -Andy Derksema
11:50 - WSF said there is a pilot whale (was humpback) in Friday Harbor.
Wed Nov 13 - Puget Sound - 10:10 - Humpback NB in Colvos Passage 10:10AM just south of Southworth Ferry Lane. Close to shore on Kitsap side. -Noreen Ferris
November 12
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Tue Nov 12 - Two beautiful guys - J27 Blackberry and L87 Onyx traveling Puget Sound together. Here they are on the late afternoon northbound return pass off Point Robinson, Maury/Vashon Island. -Photo by Jami Cantrell, Nov 12, 2019
Puget Sound Nov 12 - (J pod & L87- probably minus J16s. Thinking possible the undidentified pod seen exiting Admiralty Inlet was J16s split off who do not show up in anyone's photos on the 12th and who showed up off Race Rocks on the 13th)
Tue Nov 12 - 16:58 - Orcas. From north side of Three Tree Point: lost them in the fading light, tightly grouped up, beautiful for see them porpoising northbound along Vashon. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
Hi Alisa! Hope this finds you doing well, thank you for all of your awesome updating! I was heartsick to miss their Island pass by earlier this morning, but was able to catch up to them at dusk as they passed Point Robinson for their evening exit! It was such a beautiful pass, love hearing their breathing and watching the small groups cuddle puddle together, especially Onyx and Blackberry, as they moved North. Such heart bliss to see them again! J47 Notch, J35 Tahlequah, J31Tsuchi & J56 Tofino, J35 Tahlequah, J31Tsuchi, and J49 T'ilem I'nges, J27 Blackberry and L87 Onyx, J44 Moby - Point Robinson.-Cheers, Marla Smith
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
16:30 - Close pass by Point Robinson, small tight groups, travel mode headed north. -Marla Smith
16:17 - Orcas. Right now viewing from Pt Robinson and they are just passing still headed north. -Janna Ignatow
J45 breaching next to J44 and little fin is maybe J53 off Point Robinson. J41 Eclipse and her son J51 Nova on their northbound Point Robinson pass. -Photos by Jami Cantrell, Nov 12, 2019
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
16:17 - Orcas. Right by lighthouse now. (Point Robinson).
16:08 - Orcas. Seeing some mid channel between Des Moines Marina & Maury now. I'm looking w/binoculars from Overlook Park. They are heading north, but not a lot of surface time that I'm seeing. Still just south of Point Robinson. -Tanya Kuhr Marshall
15:35 - Orcas. Leaders close to Vashon Shore nearing the park, lots of whales still pretty far back. All moving north. Research boat left them about 10 minutes ago. Watching from Maury Island Marine Park. -Danielle Carter
15:10 - Orcas. Visible from Dash Point shoreline looking straight across towards Maury Island. Currently positioned between research vessel and jet skis. -Cheri Rae
15:42 - Orcas. Trailers (w/adult Male) passing the last of Gold Beach housing (for real this time!)Northbound leaders mid way up Maury Island Marine Park.
15:14 - Orcas. Leaders past Sandy Shores, trailers still off Sandy Shores, Northbound, closer to Vashon Shore.
15:03 - Orcas. They are traveling North, along Sandy Shores, closer to Vashon shore, NOAA still with them. Unknown numbers, one adult male breaching. Viewing from Dash Point. -Melissa Bird
15:03 - Still watching with binoculars from point Ruston looks like they are pretty close to Des Moines...Or between Des Moines and Redondo. -Ed Rickert
14:38 - Orcas are approaching the north tug. (off Brown's Point Light) They were heading north. -Shelby Middling
14:31 - Orcas. Looks like all of them are heading north closer to Brown's Point side. -Amy Bliss-Miller
14:16 - Orcas. Large group off Browns Point, lots of breaching. They look northbound. Viewing from Ruston. -Melissa Bird
14:02 - Orcas have turned back north heading towards Browns Point. -Jim Pasola
The pod came into far off view at about 12:45. They went along Vashon island, down to Point Defiance (I almost went home at that point) I could barely see them as they traveled past ... They had a research boat w/them. I noticed that the boat and pod got to Point Defiance stopped and changed course back my way, cutting over to Ruston then into Commencement Bay being very active and playful. It felt like they took forever moving down one side of Commencement Bay over to my side at the Browns Point Lighthouse. J22, J41, J19, and J37 northbound, J47 and J56 passing Brown's Point, Tacoma-Desiree Sauve
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
13:45 - Orcas. Viewing from Point Ruston, 1 male leading, and maybe 5 others trailing behind him. They seem to be heading back north now. Maybe 2 or 3 males?? I can't tell. -JuJu Julie
~ 13:30 - Orcas. Looks like they're closer to the east side of the channel now? Browns Point spread out..approx 130pm. -Alexander Simenstad
13:32 - It appears 2 (orcas) behind the red research boat and 3 in front of it, headed towards Commencement Bay. Viewing from a Dune Peninsula near Point Ruston. -Anika Blake
13:56 - Have at least one orca deep in Commencement, off the Port, Husky Terminal, with the Blue Cranes.
13:52 - Orcas. They are off the Flag Pole on Browns Point, heading into Commencement.
13:49 - Just counted at least 7 orcas, including calf & adult male with research boat. Still have males deep in the Bay.
13:43 - Orcas. At least 2 adult males deep in Commencement Bay, Dash Point side, passing marinas & barges, others spread out behind them all the way to Dash Point & research vessel, heading into Bay. Unsure of numbers, at least 6 I think.
13:30 - Orcas. Theres a group mid channel trending towards Commencement Bay.
13:25 - Orcas. From Dune Peninsula Park, seeing them spread out between Commencement Bay & Vashon Island, in all direction, small research boat with them. -Melissa Bird
13:22 - Orcas. Rounding the south tip of Vashon traveling west. At least one male looked like he was heading toward Commencement Bay. Research boat following group that's closer to Vashon. -Amy Bliss-Miller
13:08 - Orcas on the south end of Maury Island close to shore headed south/southwest toward Vashon, can't tell how many. Viewing from Ruston Way Tacoma. -Dana Andrew
13:06 - Orcas. Watching from Owen Beach, very far away still. Caught a breach by the tugboat. -Jolena Tagg, Nov 12, 2019
L87 and tug passing between Dash Point and Vashon. J38 Cookie.
12:53 - Orcas. Off Dash Point pier closer to the other side. Several spread out heading south towards Point Defiance. -Photos by Jim Pasola, Nov 12, 2019
13:04 - Orcas. Good sized group near tugboat mid channel approaching area between Brown's Point and where we're watching from southeast tip of Vashon. Lots of milling, feeding, breaching. Research boat following.
12:48 - Orcas. Watching from southeast tip of Vashon and see them traveling south still, very spread out, approaching Browns Point. -Amy Bliss-Miller
13:00 - Now hugging shoreline of Maury Island, about half way between Pt Robinson Lighthouse and Brown's Point Lighthouse.
12:33 - several orcas mid channel heading southbound, viewing from my home by the Brown's Point lighthouse. -Emily Scannell Mruk
12:29 - Orcas. Southbound watching from Gold Beach on Maury spread out mid channel approaching Dash Point. -Anna Stuart Olive
11:51 Orcas. All now past Point Robinson and moving steady southbound. -Amy Carey
~11:45 - J38 Cookie morning pass at Point Robinson, Maury/Vashon Island. -Photos by Danielle Carter, Nov 12, 2019
11:34 - Orcas. They'll be right in front of Point Robinson very soon. Close to shore southbound. Viewing all the way from Normandy park, Marine view park. Not ideal They're pretty far.
~ Noon - From Marine View park in Normandy Park. Facing point Robinson. Orca spying on the folks on shore! -Photo by Alexander Simenstad, Nov 12, 2019
11:26 - Orcas. Still committed southbound, aiming for Point Robinson. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
11:29 - Orcas flipped back south. Yay!
11:15 - Orcas appear to have flipped northbound. Now with research boat off Three Tree Point channel marker. -Amy Carey
10:50 - Orcas. Spotted from Marine View Park (Normandy Park). Close to tugboat Vashon side. I imagine Point Robinson will have quite the show in a while. They are really close to shore. -Alexander Simenstad
10:48 - Orcas. It's a quite a show! Lots of full breaches - they seem 100 yards off shore west side of Three Tree Point - all south of yellow channel marker.
10:31 - Big breaches right in front of tanker barge (named Double Hull)
10:21 - Orcas. Moving at good clip south and spread out Three Tree Point - leader just south of yellow Channel marker
10:20 - Orca now at Three Tree Point coming from north - just north of yellow channel marker, hugging west side. Visible w/Binoculars only from east side. -Jennifer Summers
09:56 - From north side of Three Tree Point, group of at least 6+ still spread out, continuing southbound. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
10:05 - Orcas. Leaders nearing Three Tree and trailers just passing Dilworth.
09:49 - Orcas. Now have a few closer to us at Dilworth.
09:46 - Watching from Dilworth on Vashon. Leaders near Seahurst (Burien). -Amy Carey
09:05 - Orcas passing through Fauntleroy ferry lanes now.
08:57 - Orcas. Sighted from north end of Lincoln Park. At least 4 with large male present, headed southbound. Very spread out...with more coming from the north. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
08:46 - Donna with WS Ferries Ops called to relay earlier report: MV Kaleetan (Bremerton/Seattle) saw a pod 5-10 south of traffic lanes heading southbound.
08:34 - Just saw a half dozen or so orcas heading south between Blake Island and Alki. I'm on the Vashon route of the KC water taxi heading to work in Seattle. They were really spread out, and far out from our boat, so too far for iPhone pics. I hope someone on Vashon or nearby areas gets some good shots! -Cheryl Richmond
Tue Nov 12 - Admiralty Inlet - 09:02 - 2 orcas (1 male, 1 female), likely Biggs, seen from the Coupeville/Port Townsend ferry headed northeast towards Fort Casey! The male is clearly an adult as he has a very impressive dorsal fin! ...Unfortunately I was traveling alone and this was the best photo my phone could get by the time I got up on deck, I do remember a funny shape of the males dorsal fin though so I can do some looking in my books and verify if it's similar to one of the J16s. The ferry announced them when they passed us so I'm sure someone else got a photo, maybe ask their ferry folks? -Jennifer Huntley
(possible this is J16s exiting Admiralty split from rest of J pod/L87 who remained in Puget Sound. J16s were picked up next day off Race Rocks - alb)
SPECIES UNCONFIRMED - Tue Nov 12 - 11:10 - Pod of whales spotted in Strait of Juan de Fuca, 100 yards at least west of the BlackBall Coho at 11:10am, maybe traveling west or maybe feeding. No sight of orca dorsals but maybe 5 or 6. Spotted heading south from Victoria to Port Angeles. -Anita Peeples
November 11
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS Puget Sound - 13:45 - 16:30 - Hi, Making an orca sighting report today (November 11, 2019) between 1:45pm and 4:30pm starting from 1 mile South of Point No Point to South of Kingston. Estimated 8 separate whales (large and small) an maybe more. There were dozens of encounters as we were motoring south in a sailboat. J41 Eclipse northern Puget Sound. -Jeff Blyth
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
17:16 - Last I viewed, the orcas continued to the south, but for anyone interested the aircraft carrier Nimitz is off Richmond Beach/Kingston heading northbound.
16:20 - I've been watching the orcas continue southbound spread out all now south of Jefferson Head, mostly in southbound shipping lanes with at least one male and smaller group mid channel. Some have stalled out on Kitsap side out from Port Madison to forage under the blaze of orange cradled in the Olympic Mountain range. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
15:55 - Orcas. Saw from Kingston fast ferry 3:55pm, spread out from President Point south towards Jefferson point. At least 3 different groupings. -Rob Mohr
15:32 - I can see fins and bodies now : at least 4 orcas out from Presidents Point, Kitsap, another 2-4 north of them, another 2+ north of group 2 breaching south of Kingston dock, an additional adult male east of that latter 3rd group and yet another male East of that male (more mid channel). A 3rd male NE of that 2nd male. All steady southbound with lead group making some directional changes. So far have not seen any south of yellow mid channel buoy. Viewing from Kayu Kayu Ac Park, Richmond Beach neighborhood in Shoreline. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
15:16 - Orcas. Four dorsals up just south of ferry lane southbound mid channel and more in the ferry lane straight east of us. Direction changes. Viewing from Kingston bluff. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
15:09 - Orcas. Seen from the Kingston ferry dock 1 breached completely mid channel or so. ...I I can't tell how many far off. Appear to be hunting lots of splashing. Slowly moving south. -Jim Pasola
14:50 - Ferry stopped for them (orcas), southbound mid channel. I'm going to just south of Edmonds ferry terminal. -Allison Stewart Bishins
14:50 - Orcas. Some past ferry now. Still males well north. Very spread out. Viewing from Apple Tree Point Kingston. West side of channel, SB, spunky youngster among them. -Sara Frey
14:43 - Today on the Kingston/Edmonds Ferry. 3 orcas (one baby) spotted heading south passing Apple Tree Cove. Short Facebook video HERE. -Rachael Wilson Cates
14:35 - So far have spotted at least half dozen orcas spread in 1-2s at least mile apart in southbound shipping lanes (west of mid channel) north of Apple Tree Point to Eglon trend southbound with directional changes as if foraging. From high bluff Stamm Overlook Park, Edmonds. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:22 - UPDATE- ITS A FLIP! From Sara Frey - she just saw a male + smaller one from Apple Tree Point with more coming! Southbound. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
14:20 - Orcas mid channel just north of Apple Tree Cove. I could see them from Eglon. There are 3 that look like they're milling around. -Melissa Peterson
12:30 - Yes, orcas committed to Admiralty Inlet. I just left them NB at Maxwelton at 12:30 but who knows, they might flip back south. They have a mind of their own! -Donna Green Van Renselaar
11:59 - More than 4 orcas north of yellow channel marker by Maxwellton. Whidbey side heading north. -Carol Derusha
11:50 - Looking NW from Maxwelton and the orcas are visible with binoculars as they are seemingly pushing toward Useless Bay. Can't figure out exact numbers yet, but water is glassy and calm. Male is very visible and pushing quickly across the water. -Durand Dace
11:31 - From Bush Pt. orcas seem to be mostly foraging non-directionally but trending NE toward Maxwelton or Useless Bay. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
11:21 - Orcas. 2 males northbound approaching Maxwelton Kitsap side of mid channel committed to Admiralty 11:16 edit : lost count multiple whales.
11:10 - Orcas. Foraging south of cultus bay directional changes surface activity with others spread south still to picnic point
~10:45 - Orcas. Visible with naked eye Kitsap side of mid channel straight east of Point No Point approaching south whidbey/cultus bay spread south to picnic point
10:15 - Orcas. 2 big breaches! Just visible w binocs in marine layer South of Point No Point. J39 - Heavily zoomed and cropped, from Point No Point. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
(ID confirmed by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)
09:57 - Orcas. Viewing from Sunset Ave. Whales way across mid channel to Kingston to side. NB toward Point No Point. -Ariel Yseth
09:00 - Donna from WS Ferries Ops called relaying report from the MV Spokane: two orca in north ferry lanes on the eastern edge of Edmonds Kingston route. Heading northbound.
09:10 - Orcas seem committed to Admiralty Inlet.
08:55 - Orcas. Fairly spread out and definitely in travel mode. More coming. Male is closer to shore coming now.
08:45 - Orca off Apple Tree Point (Kingston) west side of channel. -Sara Frey
08:45 - Orcas north bound in shipping lanes. Clipper with them. Viewed from North a Edmonds. -Michelle Goll
08:44 - My friend Dave and I were fortunate to encounter about a dozen orcas heading slowly northbound off Apple Cove Point spread out mid-channel at 8:44 am on Veteran's Day. Initially in the distance they were breaching, but some males came close by our boat as we sat adrift, so amazing seeing their large dorsal fins break the surface. Wonder what his name is? J27 off Apple Cove Point. -Bill Batts
Mon Nov 11 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Middle of November and our marine adventure today still had the pleasure to visit 3 humpback whales right out front of Sooke...This is the young calfs sweet! -Paul Pudwell
GRAY WHALES - Mon Nov 11 - 09:17 - Donna with WSF Ops called. They received another report from the MV Spokane who reports on approaching Edmonds they had to slow down for a gray whale heading north into Edmonds dive park area.
Mon Nov 11 - 13:35 - I should also ad that the day starting with what we think was a Minke whale heading North approximately 1 mile South of Point No Point @1:35pm. -Kind regards, Jeff Blyth
November 10
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS Puget Sound Nov 10 - Hello All, Meliss and I had a great day watching the J's and L87 from Langley. One of the pictures might be J56 with J31. I think it may be J42 rounding Sandy Point. This was Meliss's first experience to see these beauties from the shore. Hope you all are well, -David Haeckel
16:00 - They are now headed back south past Langley, at 4 pm.
15:00 - For about an hour, starting about 3:00, we have been watching a pod of 5 or 6 orcas travel north mid Saratoga Passage to Langley, then north a couple miles where they spent about half hour circling and tail slapping. -Peg Boley, Pebble Beach
16:25 - Around 12-15 whales (orcas) have passed Sandy Point heading south in fairly leisurely fashion.
15:51 - Large group of orcas changed direction and now heading slowly south mid channel as seen from Langley up above the Pizzeria. Two more whales logging as if waiting for bigger group to catch up. Beautiful sight.
14:25 - viewing whales heading toward Saratoga Passage from above Sandy Point. -Sandra Pollard
November 10 day report: A whale of a day on Whidbey Island starting off mid-morning at Glendale beach. It wasn't long before we spotted telltale dorsal fins and blows heading our way from Possession Sound threatening to hold up the Clinton/Mukilteo ferries - which they did with a splash! Despite their having picked up the pace, we arrived in good time at Brighton Beach to welcome the whales again as they traversed the waters between Whidbey and Hat Island on their continued northbound journey toward Saratoga Passage. The whales passed Sandy Point exhibiting some foraging behavior, breaches and spy-hops, before grouping up off Langley and (to our surprise) then slowing down and turning back south. Our last sighting of them was as they laconically passed Sandy Point, a little more split up than we had seen them from Langley, but not too far apart from each other either. Their imposing presence, especially when they were so closely grouped as a closely bonded family unit, acted as a sharp reminder of how important it is to enable this fragile and unique population to survive. (photos by Richard Snowberger) -Sandra Pollard
15:45 - Orcas. Back out mid channel off Langley.
15:32 - Orcas off Langley! Milling by marina
14:57 - Orcas. At least 3 including one male off Camano head by green marker heading north. Unknown boat following closely. -Allie Hudec
14:45 - 15:30 - Orca sighting. While we were out boating today (Sunday 11/10/19) we came across a pod of orcas. We were near Camano Head, Pebble Beach area. -Amanda McBride
14:31 - Orcas off Sandy Pt. Seeing about 3-4 orcas just off water edge, a few network folks here! I thought I saw a baby - not sure yet!
14:46 - About 6 - 8 now, spread out, breaching. Heading north mid channel hanging out between tip of Camano and Sandy Point. -Meliss Haeckel
14:29 - Orcas. Definitely approaching the Langley Marina northbound
14:25 - Can see them from Langley Marina now. At least 3. Possibly heading this way. -Donna George
14:21 - Orcas. Approaching Sandy Point, Whidbey.
14:17 - Orcas hugging the shore at Hat Island. Still trending toward Saratoga. A boat is with them. -Dori Dace
14:00 - All orcas have passed Brighton Beach/Whidbey and Gedney/Hat Island moving FAST northbound, with one more orca just out from mid Brighton Beach, Whidbey side. -Marilyn Armbruster
J38 Cookie and companion passing Brighton Beach, Whidbey. -Photo by Richard Snowberger, Nov 10, 2019
14:00 - This was from Mukilteo about 45 min ago. I'm almost sure I saw a couple babies with them! -Photo by Mario Munoz, Nov 10, 2019
13:51 - On ferry now, saw them (orcas) the whole way across! 2 males for sure, several others spread around between Clinton and Mukilteo. -Natalee Bozzi
13:39 - Orcas off south end of Gedney Island (still northbound). -LeAnn Larsen
13:38 - Watching from my porch above Clinton ferry. Orcas spread out in travel mode but saw lovely group of three including calf blow/surface at same time. An eagle is soaring and I can hear the rattle of a kingfisher. What is the emoji for so much joy?! -Debbie Stewart
13:28 - Just seeing orcas from the ferry! -Photo by Melissa Anderson Muller, Nov 10, 2019
13:24 - Just saw small pod of orcas headed towards Whidbey and Hat Island - lucky spot! (on Mulkiteo ferry). -Anne Cushing
13:29 - Orcas. Just north of the Clinton ferry terminal to pass on the west side of Gedney Island.
13:19 - Looks like they are turning to pass between Whidbey and Gedney.
13:09 - Both ferries stopped due to orca activity. Closer to the Mukilteo side heading north with surface activity. -Danielle Doll
13:40 - Orcas. Presumably the leaders are now north between Hat Island and Brighton Beach. Viewing from Brighton.
13:17 - Orcas appear to have pushed north toward Everett as Michelle said. If anyone can see the white paraglider, they're under them right now.
13:10 - Clinton ferry appears stopped now, orca off their starboard side. -Durand Dace
13:07 - Orcas in the ferry lanes. May be rounding the corner toward Everett. -Michelle Goll
13:05 - Donna with WS Ferries Ops, called to report possible dozen orcas moving in NB direction near Mukilteo/Clinton traffic lanes in Possession Sound.
12:30 - 3-5 orcas off Mukilteo headed north. -Michelle O'Connor Gunther
12:25 - Orcas. Whales streaming steadily toward Clinton/Mukilteo ferry lanes some closer to mid channel. Expect a ferry delay! Breach as seen from Glendale Beach, Whidey. Mukilteo across the Sound. -Sandra Pollard
12:45 - Orca. Pretty sure last one male just passing Glendale mid channel NB.
12:10 - Orcas across and a little south from Glendale Beach on Mukilteo side of channel. At least 1 mile south of Mukilteo Lighthouse Park. Northbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
11:37 - I can see 1 orca from the bridge at Picnic Point. Was breaching! -Mario Munoz
12:34 - The last of the pod just passed me, S Mukilteo.
12:20 - Orcas. Spread all over, can still see the ones following from south Mukilteo.
11:35 - Just saw a few orcas south of Whidbey from Mukilteo, NB, heading into Possession. -Alice Thuy Talbot
11:37 - At least 4 orcas spread out near Possession Point.
11:31 - Orcas. One large and one small dorsal fin surfaced a few times just south of Whidbey island between Mukilteo and Edmonds. Killed the engine and hangin out, didn't get a chance to grab a pic!! -Kristina Neff
11:30 - J pod. Seeing blows and dorsals from Glendale as whales head our way. Still some way off but making steady progress. Appear to be fairly spread out. -Sandra Pollard
09:40 - J27 and the little group with him have been foraging and seeming to veer east at times.
09:30 - Looks like J38 out there.
10:09 - J pod. Forage/slow travel towards admiralty. Viewing from sunset ave
10:39 - J pod. Lost sight of main group about 20 min ago as they continued ENE, presumably in Saratoga. Onyx and little friend foraging way behind everyone else. He's finally moving toward Saratoga now. -Ariel Yseth
09:45 - Several orcas traveling north much closer to Edmonds side. At least 8 spread out including 1 large male. I think there were a lot more but was hard to count. Saw a 2nd male too. -Michelle Goll
09:35 - Orcas. 2 large males just past the Edmonds/Kingston ferry line. Are steady NB mid channel. Seeing others north as well. -Sara Frey
09:32 - Orcas. Still at fishing pier- look spread out. Couple mid channel east of here. See spouting further west.
09:18 - I'm at Edmonds fishing pier - just saw one (orca) off Marina Beach west, dorsal looks headed north - I see it mid channel now. -JoAnn Wuitschick
09:10 - Orcas. At least two males, quite spread out south of Edmonds ferry terminal (Edmonds side, seen from Kingston). Looks like they are hunting with success! -Kate Stovel
08:59 - Orcas just passing Point Wells mid channel heading north bound. -Darlene Moneypenny
08:53 - Watching them (orcas) from the Kingston side. Maybe six including one male. -Lucy Falla
08:53 - I work on the Victoria Clipper and we saw some orcas around the Kingston/Edmonds ferry line. I caught one breaching. -Seth Mcfeeters
08:51 - Donna at WSF called reporting 4-5 orcas on the Edmonds/Kingston crossing, one mile south of traffic lanes heading northbound.
08:40 - Seeing Orcas NB between Kingston and Edmonds on the Clipper V. -Jason Mihok
BIGG'S TRANSIENT KILLER WHALES - Sun Nov 10 - Early in the morning a report came in of the T18s near Orcas Island, and luckily they didn't travel too far too fast. We caught up with them at the west end of Spieden Channel, where they were first split into pairs with T18 Esperanza and T19 Spouter together, and T19 Mooyah and T19B Galiano about a mile further to the west. -Monika Wieland Shields
07:10 - 2 males 1 female in Harney Channel west bound (between Orcas and Shaw Island). (T18s) -Jeff Simmons, WSF
Sun Nov 10 - N of San Juan Channel - 14:00 - Humpback whale "Heather" circling between Green Point (Spieden Island) and Flattop Island. -Monika Wieland Shields
Sun Nov 10 - Haro Strait - 16:00 - One Humpback whale, 2 miles off from Lime Kiln going north. -Jeanne Hyde
09:00 - Yes, there were three! One is a youngster swimming close to the two adults! Currently moving off shore of Granny's, slow southbound. -Lodie Gilbert Budwill
08:14 - Eagle Point: 3 (I think.... maybe 2) humpbacks heading south, one more heading north, also small group of porpoise. all close to shore.
Sun Nov 10 - ~10:15 - Minke whale foraging right off Eglon as I look for SRKWs approx 10:15 it surfaced and then showed a nice fluke Caveat: I realize that minke's rarely show their flukes but this whale clearly had a curved dolphin-shaped dorsal, and a very wide fluke that was crystal clear as it went down. I would think it was a humpback based on the way it fluked but the shape was flatter and wider. Was very close to a fishing boat. It surfaced a few times, then the fluke, then done, presuming it went south towards Rose Point. -Donna Green van Renselaar
November 9
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS Puget Sound Nov 9 - 16:13 - Just saw at least 7-8 orcas from Discovery Park Lighthouse in Magnolia/Seattle! They're headed north. A couple of young ones in the group. -Mikayla Monroe
15:04 - At least 4 orcas traveling steady NB mid channel between Eagle Harbor & Magnolia. Saratoga boat is nearby. -Jim Reitz
14:55 - The Master on the ferry Tacoma just reported 4 orcas northbound off Tyee Shoal.
14:40 - Just received a report of 6 orca just off Tango buoy coming out of Rich Passage. -Marie Waterman, WSF Operations
14:44 - J27 (trailer) just passed Blakely Rock NB.
14:16 - Actually another male, or could be L87 directional changes at Tillicum Village. J27 was the trailer. -Kersti Muul
14:19 - We are underway again. Counted 8 orcas, sorry not close enough for photo or ID.
14:12 - On Chimacum Ferry now, mid channel, stopping for the orcas. Pod has split into 3 groups. -Kera Colson Halmman
14:11 - L87 trailing at North end of Blake further south and west than rest who are already at ferry lanes between Bremerton and Seattle. *Ferry has stopped* -Kersti Muul
13:55 - Orcas. Right off Blake Island, seen from West Seattle w/ binoculars. -Aaron J Dickinson
13:50 - Orcas. Spread out between research vessel and Saratoga WW boat between Vashon ferry and mid point Blake. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
13:45 - Orcas. Northbound from Lowman Beach. Mid-channel. -Hanna Ory
13:34 - I received a report of 6 killer whales meandering in a northerly direction in the "separation zone" off Dolphin Pt. on Vashon Island. -Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Operations
13:22 - Orcas. Between Vashon ferry terminal and Blake. Spread out. -Anu Hastings
13:18 - J-pod trailers and L87 still slowly northbound in Vashon ferry lanes. Very spread out. Others to the north. Seen from MV Saratoga. -Bart Rulon
13:06 - Pamela Wickard reports seeing a group of orcas heading south between Vashon and Burien from the Vashon ferry.
13:04 - Orcas. Just now between Fauntleroy and Dolphin Point. LOTS OF THEM showing off for a tour(?) boat. Moving north/northeast toward Lincoln, not yet crossing ferry route. -Heidi Skrzypek
13:04 - Orcas. Viewing from Lowman Beach, appear to be NB still with some directional changes/milling, west of shipping lane. Large males present, maybe 8+. -Brittany Noelle Philbin
13:39 - Orcas. Leaders already 1/3 up Blake on the east side, northbound. Still very spread out.
13:03 - Orcas. Northbound just south of Fauntleroy ferry dock and lanes. Very spread out south to north between research boat and the WW vessel, mid channel. -Pia VanHanen
12:45 - Orcas. Almost to Vashon ferry dock now, moving slowly north....they are on the west side of the shipping channel and need binoculars to see them in this fog.
12:36 - Orcas. Pod of eight in front of Salmon Creek. Heading north. Breaching and tail-lobbing. -Shari Tarantino
12:30 - Orcas. One large male, others female. NB mid channel, S of the West Seattle ferry dock.
12:09 - Orcas, 4 or 5 NB, north of Three Tree Point. -Steve Fogard
11:50 - Orcas. Just rounded at Three Tree Point, NB. Saw some tail slapping and a spyhop. It looks like they are pretty close to the point. -Tanya Jackson Esparza
11:25 - Orcas. Northbound toward Three Tree Point..still mid channel
11:15 - Orcas mid channel between KVI beach and Normandy park. -Steve Fogard
11:23 - I can no longer see them (orcas). They are definitely moving north and they have picked up their pace a little bit. I am now heading to Normandy Park Cove.
11:14 - Orcas seem to be heading north now. The boat is definitely traveling north
11:00 - Orcas. I see them mid channel just north of the Des Moines Marina. They seem to be heading south still. They are spending some time under water. There is still a small boat with them. -Tanya Jackson Esparza
10:50 - Watching from Luana Beach. They (orcas) may have turned west and maybe north now. Near KVI I assume. Look for the small outboard boat with two people on board (researchers). They've been following the pod for a while now.
10:27 - Orcas. Visible from Luana Beach. Appear to be heading south from mid-channel, west of Three Tree. Small boat following them. -Matt Hahn
10:14 - Orcas. All spread out, watching from Three Tree Point. Many clustered with Mark and Maya. Directional changes, surface activity. Leaders well ahead of group chugging SB quickly. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
10:03 - Whales (orcas) southbound mid channel just about a mile north of three point from our viewpoint on Dilworth. -Amy Carey
09:13 - L87 southbound at Arroyos, fishing and directional changes as he chases trailing group closer to west Seattle side. Group is very spread out. All were visible from shore with naked eye. Js with L87. -Kersti Elisabeth Muul
9:00 - Marie WSF report of 6-7 orcas southbound right in front of our Fauntleroy ferry terminal in West Seattle.
08:50 - Orcas. Pod sighted off the Fauntleroy ferry terminal heading south. -Mark Lemon
Sat Nov 9 - 12:12 - Minke Whale spotted just north of the Edmonds-Kingston ferry lanes. Seems to be foraging no direction. -Justine Buckmaster
09:45 - Minke SB at Apple Tree Point. Very close to Kitsap side. Now seems to be stalling before ferry line. -Sara Frey
November 8
Fri Nov 8 - J27 off Fauntleroy/Southworth Ferry -Cheryl Tomblinson
17:55 - Large group of orcas (J pod) flipped and turned NORTH, between Fauntleroy and Vashon Island. -Brad - WSF Ops
17:01 - From Southworth Ferry Dock. watched them surf the wake of the Ferry heading to dock at Vashon. Traveling south between Vashon and West Seattle. Unknown numbers. -Melissa Bird
16:52 - Very close to the 4:10 Fauntleroy/Southworth/ Vashon ferry, we were going east and they were on all sides of us! -Cheryl Tomblinson
16:21 - Can see some just near the Fauntleroy to west Seattle ferry. -Amy Carey
16:20 - Watching from the Wild Mermaid on the Vashon ferry dock, cruising mid channel headed southbound down the east side of the island now past the ferry lanes, counted at least six in steady travel mode in small groups. -Marla Smith
16:15 - Group southbound right next to the ferry headed for Southworth mid channel.
15:51 - Still heading south, can see some East of Southworth ferry. -Amanda Gilbert
15:47 - There's a few stragglers still visible a little more than halfway between Blake and Vashon @3:47.
1554 - Still heading south, at least one or two seem to be on the eastern side of the north tip of Vashon right now, a few approaching the Vashon Ferry. -Brian-Nicole Jenkins
15:36 - Viewing from near Spokane and 60th. Several seem to the Southwest from vantage point. Fairly well past mid channel off of Blake Island. No clear direction for the group. -Douglas B. Greenswag
14:58 - Watching from Constellation Park in West Seattle. Large male just passing Tilikum village right now, very spread out, still headed south. -Brian-Nicole Jenkins
14:05 - Still heading south just passing Vashon Ferry dock on North East side of Vashon, a long spread out line of them, not at Vashon yet, north of Blake.
1533 and there's an orca leaping around just at the south end of Blake Island. -Amanda Gilbert
13:54 - Large group of Orcas crossed in front of the Bainbridge ferry. At least 6 headed south and 2-3 headed north. Mid-channel. -Lauren Coates
13:37 - Orca off Eagle Harbor, South bound. -Neal McCulloch
13:30 - Saw them around 1:30ish heading south, however there was a massive freighter that roll right by them, which I was not ok with. It was about 15-20 individuals. First time I have seen them on the ferry, and I have taken the ferry at least 10000 times! Super blessed! -Jordan Baxter Hadden
08:52 - Good Morning, I just caught a glimpse of the tip of a dorsal through the fog. Looked like an Orca, not sure. About a mile or so North of the Edmonds/Kingston Ferry crossing on the eastern edge of the NB traffic lane. We only saw the one, and it really was just a glimpse in the distance through the fog. I would guess it was SB based on the direction it was pointed. -James Greenway
Nov 8 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - Sharing the love of humpback whales still around Sooke today! Many more out east but we were on a recon adventure! Humpback MMX0157. -Paul Pudwell
(ID by Alethea Leddy)
November 7
Thu Nov 7 - 17:28 - Hearing some occasional faint vocals on the Lime Kiln hydrophone - J-Pod was inbound from the Strait of Juan de Fuca earlier this afternoon, though the first calls we're hearing sound more like Ls! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
Thu Nov 7 - 10:27 - Gray whale northbound in Bellingham Channel just west of Anacortes. -Report from Washington State Ferries
November 6
BIGG'S TRANSIENT KILLER WHALES - Wed Nov 6 - T049C south of Discovery Island. -Mark Malleson
November 5
Tue Nov 5 - A special day with our beloved Southern Resident Killer Whales J & K Pod were feeding, socializing and active! -Paul Pudwell
12:35 - About a dozen Southern Residents - likely Ls - offshore of Deadman Bay (just south of Lime Kiln) facing south but not really going anywhere. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
09:53 - 10:02 - calls still being heard on Lime Kiln hydrophone
08:30 - Some great calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophone. (L pod) -Katie Davis Watkins
November 4
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS - Mon Nov 4 - From Maya's Legacy: J37 "Hy'shqa" breaching with a humpback whale in the background! -Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu
Mon Nov 4 - We love our Southern Residents for their special wild and free antics! What a very special day east of Sooke, BC with J and K pods. -Paul Pudwell
Mon Nov 4 - K36, K26, and K14 and K13 north bound off of William Head on the morning of November 4th. -Mark Malleson
11:30 - Js and Ks inbound from south of Victoria. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Mon Nov 4 - 13:30 - on the west side of Harwood Island (off of Powell River BC) at least 6 Orcas. Looked like one large one a ways out front on its own then two smaller ones following several hundred yards behind, then another smaller and looked like two calves another couple hundred yards behind them. Headed north. Cheers and keep up the phenomenal work you do to protect these amazing creatures. -Rob Chalmers, Powell River BC
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon Nov 4 - From Maya's Legacy: J37 "Hy'shqa" breaching with a humpback whale in the background! We had members of all three pods foraging and socializing among dozens of humpback whales. This was reported to be in the Strait of Juan de Fuca south of Victoria this afternoon. No direction of travel was apparent.
11:30 - 12:30 Humpbacks southbound in San Juan Channel and a Humpback near Green Point on Spieden Island. -Orca Behavior Institute
GRAY WHALES - Mon Nov 4 - 15:40 - Single gray whale off picnic point, meandering west, lots of birds and bait in area of whale. -Riley Fee
November 3
Sun Nov 3 - Sunset off Victoria's waterfront with humpback on November 3rd. -Mark Malleson
14:20 - 2 humpbacks headed for cattle pass, "Strike" and "Double Drop". -Alan Niles
November 2
Sat Nov 2 - 15:30 - Had a short visit with Humpback BCY0160 "Heather" in Boundary Pass near Monarch Head on Saturday afternoon. -Debbie Stewart
Humpback feeding at the western entrance to the Juan de Fuca Strait on the afternoon of November 2nd. -Mark Malleson
November 1
Fri Nov 1 - J19 Strait of Juan de Fuca. - Photo by Mark Malleson, CWR, Nov 1, 2019 (Center for Whale Research posted encounters 90-92 from early November with Southern Residents. Begin with Encounter 90.
Nov 1 - visit with Southern Resident killer whales in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. J56 "Tofino" was looking exceptionally spunky as she bounced around between her mom, J31 "Tsuchi", J19 "Shachi", and J41 "Eclipse". She was incredibly spunky and it was heartwarming to see. -Jeff Friedman, Maya's Legacy
Fri Nov 1 - Southern Residents were in the Strait of Juan de Fuca yesterday off of Race Rocks, J-pod kind of spread out all over the place foraging, intermittent calls heard when we put the hydrophone into the water. -Claudia Loren
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