May 2023 Whale Sightings
Map © 2004 used with permission by
Advanced Satellite Productions, Inc.
May 31
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -Wed, May 31 - Boundary Pass & Haro Strait (J Pod) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #23: “We headed north past Skipjack Island and then west towards Monarch Head when an adult male surfaced about a quarter mile to the southwest of us about mid-Boundary Pass. This was J26 and he was cruising southwest towards Turn Point. He was the only whale that was in sight. After getting some shots of J26 we headed back up Boundary Pass towards Monarch Head…” -Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #23.
The J16s at sunset on the evening of May 31st. - Breach courtesy of J40 Suttles this afternoon off Lime Kiln. - It was ten years ago when it really became apparent the presence of the Southern Residents in the Salish Sea was dramatically changing in the spring and summer, but things still feel off-kilter during their prolonged absences this time of year. Thankfully, for the second year in a row, J-Pod returned at the end of May, and today did their regular circuit up towards the mouth of the Fraser River, down Boundary Pass, and south down Haro Strait. They were "only" gone for 30 days this time, but things feel more balanced again now that they're back. -Orca Behavior Institute -photos by Monika Wieland Shields, May 31, 2023
05-31-23 J-Pod, Haro Strait SJI
15:34, 3 - 4 members of J-Pod coming into view as they passed Point Edwards, just south of Landbank, spread out 3/4 - 1 mile from shore and 1/2 mile up-island of my viewing point. Except for two left milling separately, I lost sight of them and assume they doubled back up island.
16:20 - 17:20, two orcas milling one and one half mile from shore, adjacent to Point Edwards which is just down-island of Landbank's Westside Preserve.
17:25 - 17:48, the two milling orcas are southbound, 1 mile from shore, followed by 7 orcas (hard to accurately count), spread out continuing until out of sight down island, one mile south of Landbank. I saw J19 and J26 but couldn't see them well enough to identify other individuals.
19:15 - 19:29, a large male, J27 Blackberry, traveling up-island, northbound followed by very spread out members of J-Pod except for a group of three which included J26 Mike. -Michelline Halliday, SJI
20:32 - Presumed trailers, the J16s, now north of County Park northbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
20:12 - Just saw them on the live cam, so great to see them! -Shelly Greybeck
19:56 - Orcas on the live webcam via the link above. -Jill M Rotset
19:00 - Sounds like they are northbound again! -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network [WSSJI]
17:19 - Hearing clicks and whistles. On Lime Kiln. -Linda Aitkins
17:02 - Two whales passing Lime Kiln southbound.
16:45 - Two to three visible well offshore and to the south of Lime Kiln, facing south. No eyes on the northbound whales anymore.
15:58 - About a dozen whales have passed Lime Kiln southbound including members of the J14s, J17s, and J19s. Looking like there may be a gap between this group and the others. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
15:36 - Super loud click trains, and beautiful views.
15:33 - J pod visible and audible on Lime Kiln on Webcam Link comment above. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:17 - From Fred Horn - Js on LK camera looking to the north, whales traveling south.
14:40 - Leaders visible south of Kellett as viewed from County Park very spread, pretty far offshore, fast travel southbound.
12:45 - Orca Network reported they were still hearing echolocation clicks on the SIMRES hydrophone. Observers reported the spread out whales were aiming towards Turn Point - the leaders could be near or past Turn by now. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
12:45 - Still hearing loud echolocation!
12:40 - And still good sounds of echolocation, loud click trains, let's hope they are onto some salmon!
12:19 - Few distant calls, maybe some S2s?
12:10 - Echolocation has continued, and just now few more calls. Nice to hear them for so long. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:30 - J-Pod southbound from East Point. Lots of lovely J-Pod calls.
11:21 - Just heard an S4 and the beginning of some echolocation clicks on the SIMRES hydrophone at -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
11:48 - Lots of clicks! -Brooke Casanova
11:46 - Thank you - I got to hear for a few minutes! I get chills whenever I hear their calls. -Grace McRae
12:01 - 12:05 - Echolocation clicks still audible.
11:48 - Percussive sound, followed by more calls and louder click trains. So awesome.
11:47 - Nice loud S4 calls and click trains!
11:45 - Echolocation still easily audible.
11:32 - Some nice loud S4 calls and echolocation. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:15 - A large group of killer whales (likely the SRKW) were detected this morning heading north out of Active Pass into the Strait of Georgia at approx 5:15, via the Thermal Imaging system operated by DFO and Uni Erlangen. -Lucy Quayle [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, May 31 - (T100s, T101s, T124As, T124A1, & T124A4s) - An interesting tidbit to the T100s being down in Puget Sound this morning is that we saw them on a photo tour I’m leading on Sunday, May 28 off Maurel Island B.C. [approx. 50.328462, -125.107353] at 19:00. They’ve traveled a long way! -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
20:25 - There is another group ahead of the 101s. I’m at West Point and there is a pod of at least four including little one mile south of the point east side of channel southbound. Female/calf leading, second female/juvie trailing and another adult trailing and to the west a bit. -Haven’t seen 101s yet from here but just got here.
19:54 - T101s continuing southbound travels east of mid channel now out from Shilshole Bay Marina.
19:34 - T101s have resume slow southbound travels in northbound shipping lane west of Meadow Point.
19:28 - T101s have stalled just south of map [approx. 47.692967, -122.419442], and due west if green buoy off Meadow Point, making directional changes.
19:18 - T101s are just north of Meadow Point, Golden Gardens steady southbound still east of mid channel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
18:47 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 18:56 to report: 1847hrs: Tokitae vessel reports they have slowed due to 3 orca, NB, midway between MUK and CLIN. Animals moving in a northerly direction. [Pods split - likely T100s but unconfirmed]
Can confirm 100s were with 101s today. -Brian McGinn
18:36 - This threesome female and two males, surfaced close in again just south of Point Wells at about 18:20 for few surface intervals then dove again. Next surface still on same track then one of the males turned offshore and others followed. They headed about half way to mid channel and stall, circled as if hunting but then just now surfaced to the south and have resumed southbound travel approaching between Richmond Beach Saltwater Park and Jefferson Head. East of mid channel now.
18:15 - Two males with female in middle just surfaced right off north side Point Wells. Southbound. Was beautiful. Keep wondering if it’s the 101s but have not way to confirm. Earlier male dorsal reminded me of one of the brothers. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
18:14 - Three seen just off Point Wells heading south. -Will Wheat
17:51 - Just saw two at Edmonds ferry station. -Jeannette Marie
18:00 - Two adult males. Just passed the Edmonds ferry terminal. Still southbound.
17:47 - Orca swimming southbound just approaching Sunset Ave in Edmonds very close to Edmonds side. At least three. -Michelle Goll
17:03 - So far just seeing the lone male. Narrow skinny tall dorsal no notches that I could see. He is still northbound with purpose now just north of Point Wells (tank farm) close in. Should be good pass off Edmonds if he stays the course.
16:54 - Surprise! Looking north then swing south to scan and in my binoculars a large male traveling northbound off north end Richmond Beach boundary nearing Point Wells. Close to this side! Might be a second. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:17 - Received a text from another source that cited them off Point No Point, southbound. -Jill Denkmann
12:59 - San Juan Clipper is leaving them pointed toward Double Bluff, midchannel. T100s followed by a pair of bulls. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
12:20 - Spotted moving south from Bush Point, the Clipper is following behind at a slow pace. I only made out two to three fins. -Jen Wuest
12:10 - Southbound passing Bush Point. Group of about four midchannel, two bulls in another group way far away. They've been distant. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:00 - Two more bulls a couple miles west of the others, also southbound. -Brian McGinn
11:48 - Moving slow. Several orca southbound off Lagoon Point. -Bill Setter
11:30 - Off of Lagoon Point County Park. T100C is here, haven’t had a good look at the others. I was able to get IDs on: T100, T100C, T101, T101A and T101B. And there was a younger one with T100 that looks to be T100F. -Kyla Bivens
11:00 - Ts inbound in Admiralty Bay! Seven knots, [traveling] southeast, big spread. Four so far [approx. 48.122093, -122.657589]. -Brian McGinn
GRAY WHALES - Wed, May 31 - Possession Sound (CRC53 Little Patch) - 13:42 - With him here [Possession Sound - approx. 47.986994, -122.334254]. -Kyla Bivens
13:22 - One gray whale, half a mile east of Clinton ferry dock. Currently northwest bound slowly. Looks like 53, LP! -Brian McGinn
May 30
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Tue, May 30 - Haro Strait (J Pod) - 23:10 - Calls as early as 23:10 [on TWM livestream], probably earlier as well. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
22:59 - Sweet! Reviewing, heard some calls as early as 22:59:26, and maybe faint prior. Night viewing is one mesmerizing cool abstract etch-a-sketch film. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network [WSSJI]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, May 30 - San Juans (BCX1068 Split Fluke & BCX1480 Spotlight) - The two humpbacks were Split Fluke and Spotlight! -Pete Ancich [WSSJI]
13:38 - They’re in Cattle Pass closer to the Lopez side, still southbound.
10:15 - Approaching Point Caution southbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
09:20 - Christina Deierling, Outdoor Sea Kayaking called to report seeing two baleen whales southbound between Jones Island and Reuben Tarte, San Juan. Whales were first northbound at 08:20 then headed west between McConnell and Jones Islands and have since flipped southbound. Really smooth and blows are visible so sounds likely they are humpbacks. Currently on the south side of Jones Island.
Tue, May 30 - San Juans (BCX1068 Split Fluke & BCX1480 Spotlight) -photo by All Aboard Sailing, Humpbacks BCX1068 “Split Fluke” and BCX1480 “Spotlight” outside Friday Harbor – May 30, 2023 - Just after casting off from Friday Harbor we encountered a pair of humpback whales southbound in San Juan Channel outside of our harbor. The whales were identified as BCX1068 “Split Fluke” and BCX1480 “Spotlight”. It was amazing sailing parallel to these majestic humpback whales. Shortly after the whales reached Turn Rock we broke off to take advantage of the flood current and sail north... The Howitts, All Aboard Sailing - Read more and see more photos here.
May 29
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, May 29 - Puget Sound - 13:29 - San Juan Clipper is with a southbound humpback close to Mukilteo side of channel, aligned with Possession Point. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
09:42 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:03 to report: 0942hrs: Vessel SPOKANE reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single humpback whale just off the dock at EDM, heading northbound.
07:10 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:46 to report: 0710hrs: Vessel SPOKANE reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single humpback whale just outside of Apple Tree Cove in KING. No definitive direction of travel.
May 28
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, May 28 - San Juans (T123s) - 19:10 - Northbound abeam Spieden Channel in Haro. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu [WSSJI]
18:10 - T123s southbound off the west side of Henry Island. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
T71Bs & T124Ds - Family Notes - We have certainly had a great chance to get to know the T71B and T124D pods with their long stay in Puget Sound this spring. Recently on some of our Puget Sound Express trips we realized that T71B2 (Tasli) is somehow missing a pectoral fin and has unusually upturned tail flukes. We also figured out the gender reveal for some of the pod members that were previously unknown. On May 2, naturalists, Justine Buckmaster and Kyla Bivens, got some photos showing the missing pec fin, and we’ve been able to get even more photos showing it since then including those I have here. We are not sure exactly what caused the abnormalities for T71B2 but we have been affectionately using the nickname “Nemo” for this little four and a half year old orca. Earlier this week, on May 22, when the T124D pod and T71B pod were hunting a rhinoceros auklet we got great looks at the undersides of some of the pod members whose gender wasn’t known. It was fun to reveal the gender of those two whales on the spot with our passengers and share the exciting moment with them too. We also send the photos to killer whale researchers so that they can update their ID catalogues with that information too. This week I was able to figure out that both T71B1 (Zengo) and T124D3 are girls! Check out the notes in my photos to see for yourself. T124D3 was circling around the auklet (shown in the picture) with her mom when she came out of the water at the perfect angle and T71B1 did the same thing later in the encounter. More photos here. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express -photos by Bart Rulon, May 22, 2023
Sun, May 28 - San Juans (T123s) -photo by All Aboard Sailing, May 28, 2023 - Biggs/Transient Orcas T123’s by Henry Island – May 28, 2023 - We had some repeat passengers sail with us the last two days who were interested in seeing whales. With news of Biggs/Transient orcas T123's southbound in Boundary Pass towards Johns Island we contacted them to see if they wanted to head out on an impromptu sail. Off we went on our sailing adventure. The orcas were heading in the perfect direction towards us until they made a turn and took New Channel. We hoped they'd come... -The Howitts, All Aboard Sailing - Read more and see more photos here.
Sun, May 28 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T71Bs & T124Ds) - Bigg’s/transient killer whales (T71Bs & T124Ds) on the hunt from Race Rocks to south of Sooke, B.C. -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, May 28, 2023
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, May 28 - Strait of Georgia
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun May 28 10:35 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 49.42170,-123.65135 [Roberts Creek, BC]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Carley McCarra
May 27
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, May 27 - Sooke Basin (T11A) - I've been wanting to see him since I moved to Victoria and it finally worked out today. The photos aren't as clear as I would have liked due to the heat distortion and it seems like I missed most of the close passes, but he was still incredible to watch. Definitely worth the trip out to Sooke! -photos by Serena Tierra, May 27, 2023
Followed T11A Rainy today from shore. Spotted him from seven locations between Sooke and Shirley. Shaky video from Shirley Lighthouse. -photos by Seth Thomas, May 27, 2023
One of if not the biggest orca on the West Coast, "Rainy" T011A was in Sooke Harbour again today, minutes from our docks at Sooke Coastal Explorations hunting the many seals for a quick lunch! -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, May 27, 2023
13:43 - He passed Whiffin Spit heading out. I last saw him westbound south of the spit at 13:55. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
12:58 - Doing circles hunting seals right now, in Sooke Basin. -Paul Pudwell
Whale Sighting Network team member Serena got to spend time this morning with a very lovely whale. With reports of a lone orca in the Sooke, BC area Serena made her way to Billings Spit around 11:35 to watch T11A Rainy who was swimming around a place he knows well and has spent many days. Serena reports Rainy was last traveling eastbound.
Sat, May 27 - Admiralty Inlet (T71Bs & T124Ds)
20:15 - At least three but lots of blows so probably more.
20:06 - Spotted at Lagoon Point south now. -Christina Wheat
19:50 - Three to four orcas headed north from South Whidbey State Park towards Lagoon Point right now. -photo by Fran Reeves, May 27, 2023
18:00 - I was with PSE and we were able to see a pod of six orcas. They zigzagged for about 15 minutes and eventually committed to northbound travel with long down times. -photos by Bre Oakley, May 27, 2023
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Sat, May 27 - Washington Coast
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Justin Stoddard
Date of Sighting: May 27, 2023
Time: 7:45 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: 1 mile north of Paradise Point [Willapa Bay, WA]
Direction of travel : facing south but not moving. Surfaced for air several times but seemed to stay in
same area
Behaviors observed: surfacing slowly in channel
If orcas, any males?: 1 for sure. Wavy dorsal fin. With 2 females
Any unusual markings?: None seen. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: As above they surfaced slowly 5 times over 20 minutes but did seem to progress.
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, May 27 - San Juans (BCY0324 Big Mama & BCX173 Valiant) -photo by All Aboard Sailing - Humpbacks BCY0324 “Big Mama” and BCX173 “Valiant” pass Friday Harbor – A gorgeous day with moderately strong winds for sailing. With reefed sails we worked our way up the channel. We met up with a pair of humpback whales who were now southbound from the NE side of San Juan Island at Limestone Point. The humpbacks were identified at BCY0324 “Big Mama” and BCX173 “Valiant”. They had come down from East Point, Saturna Island. Backlit blows and spray made them easy to...The Howitts, All Aboard Sailing - Read more and see more photos here.
Valiant and Big Mama! -Pete Ancich [WSSJI]
19:20 - Aiming for Cattle Pass. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
17:30 - Passing Point Caution. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
16:40 - Now heading down San Juan Channel near Mineral Point on the San Juan side. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Sat, May 27 - Admiralty Inlet (Iota) - 17:37 - Good afternoon. There was an unidentified humpback off of Point Wilson. East traveling in the separation zone. Per Shannon Heuvel, this whale was identified as Iota, the 2022 calf of Phi! -Shannon Heuvel
16:33 - We saw a humpback spout several times this afternoon off Fort Worden. It came through Admiralty Inlet and headed towards Victoria. Time of original sighting was approximately 15:00. -Dick Schulte
May 26
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, May 26 - Gulf Islands, BC
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri May 26 17:00 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.86713,-123.59646 [Westside Saltspring Island]
Number Sighted: 8
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Vanessa
Whale Alert App
Fri, May 26 - Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds) - From [a] magical day with these beautiful and interesting whale families. -photos by April Basham, May 26, 2023
Fri, May 26 - Possession Sound
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri May 26 14:22 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.95770,-122.25214
Number Sighted: 2
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitted Comments: Spotted two orcas off Harborview Park.
Submitter Name: ZGreen
Whale Alert App
Orca pods T71Bs and T124Ds playfully travel north up Colvos Passage, WA. -T M Maddox Photography -video by Mike Maddox, May 26, 2023
We waited for hours for orcas to approach the beach area just below Olalla Bay Market late afternoon on Friday. It was fun hanging out with everyone and eventually sharing some amazing views of breaching! -photos by Robyn Riley, May 26, 2023
21:38 - They have officially reached the Southworth ferry dock still northeast/northbound slowly. -April Basham
21:31 - Just passing Point Southworth. Still northbound. Hard to see in the light. Very close to the Kitsap side.
21:19 - They appear to be on the move, headed north about halfway between Driftwood Cove and Point Southworth. Moved closer to the Kitsap side. We’ve lost sight of them because of trees.
21:04 - Still basically at Driftwood Cove, have stalled out, no direction. Maybe hunting.
20:24 - Passing Driftwood Cove, still northbound. We’re viewing from Point Southworth and can see them with binos. Mid-channel still, but closer to Kitsap side. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger/
19:35 - Just passed Fragaria heading north, looks like six total. -Matt Apone
18:08 - Off of Anderson Point Park. -Brian Livingston
18:13 - They are hanging out just south of Anderson Point having a very fun time.
18:00 - Northbound slowly passing Olalla, heading to Anderson Point, hugging Olalla shoreline. -Amanda Herberger
17:55 - So much surface activity in front of Ollala! How incredible. No longer visible from Ollala, still traveling north mid channel. -back of camera photo by Bre Oakley, May 26, 2023
17:51 - Out of sight from the market, northbound.
17:29 - Viewing from beach next to Olalla Market, they are milling. -Robyn Riley
17:22 - Looks like they are headed northbound again. Viewing from Lisabeula, still solidly mainland side. -Ellen Weir
17:16 - They are almost to Al’s, we can see them. From the deck. -Kelly Townsend
16:55 - Appear to be hunting just south of Al's, lots of breaching. -Robyn Riley
16:54 - Viewing from Lisabeula, lots of surface activity closer to mainland side, straight out. Stalled, with cartwheels and tail slaps galore! -Ellen Weir
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Seana Wohlfeil
Date of Sighting: May 26, 2023
Time: 4:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: Olalla Bay in Colvos passage heading north
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Breaching, feeding, playing
If orcas, any males?: Too far away to tell
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Baby orca was spotted as well
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
16:42 - They are in Colvos passage headed north. Slowly. They are almost to the Ollala Point (Al’s). -Katrina Flowers-Piercy
16:38 - Heading north toward Ollala. -Billy Watson
16:30 - Left the scene, they were still killing in that same cove then.
16:00 - In a cove just north of Point Richmond. Very close to shore. A number of vocalizations I’ve never heard before. Just milling in the cove with no direction. -Stace Gordon
15:47 - Stalled a bit south of Lisabuela, way over on the mainland side, drifting very slowly northbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
15:35 - They are passing Point Richmond still northbound hugging the mainland side! -Candace Gavin
15:15 - Pod of Orcas going north in Colvos passage heading towards Olalla. -Krissy Ecklund Mettlach [PSWS]
15:11 - After a hunt they are slowly trending north still. Spread a little bit but still mid channel to mainland side. Just north of Sunrise. -Candace Gavin
15:06 - Still milling and hunting in the same spot. A little north of Sunrise. Still viewing them from here.
14:46 - Currently hunting. Some breaching. One boat went right in the middle of them breaching. Seeing them from Sunrise. Mid channel traveling north in Colvos. -Bre Oakley
14:26 - Mainland side currently.
14:12 - They flipped! Now northbound towards Colvos. -Candace Gavin
14:03 - Seemed to be committed to the Narrows. -April Basham
13:48 - They look to be trending towards the Narrows. -Mollie Segall
14:00 - Right in the middle of Dalco at this time. Could go any direction now really. A couple of them close to Point Defiance now, seem to be committing to the Narrows. -Stace Gordon
13:48 - Fast paced southbound towards Point Defiance! -Candace Gavin
13:48 - Now heading south into the Narrows.
13:36 - Now in front of ferry dock on Vashon. Trending towards Point Defiance. -Stace Gordon
13:35 - Approaching the Tahlequah ferry dock, Vashon side. -April Basham
13:34 - Passing Quartermaster, continuing southwest at a quicker pace. Three white boats with them. -Mollie Segall
13:25 - Headed west across Quartermaster Harbor approaching the southeast tip of Vashon. -Candace Gavin
13:13 - Picked up their pace. Headed towards Dune Peninsula.
13:00 - Now crossing in front of entrance to Quartermaster.
12:45 - Leisurely pace headed towards Quartermaster - not in a hurry. -Stace Gordon
12:28 - San Juan Clipper leaving T71B's and T124D's right off Piner Point, still trending southbound [approx. 47.350062, -122.440992]. -Allison Montgomery
12:08 - Orca headed south at Gold Beach on Maury Island. -Burt Miller
11:41 - They’ve hit the Gold Beach area. -Laurie Lambert
11:41 - Generally headed south with lots of directional changes and surface activity, plus two whale watching boats on the scene. -Janna Ignatow
11:23 - Just off Maury Island Marine State Park. Mid channel to island side. Still southbound at a leisurely pace. -Candace Gavin
11:14 - They are moving south. I stopped south of Robinson and they swam right past [approx. 47.383029, -122.378367]. -Billy Watson
10:44 - Pod is now south of Point Robinson. Still continuing southbound mid channel. -Candace Gavin
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Joy Goffena
Date of Sighting: May 26, 2023
Time: 7:10 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Seen from the Southworth to Fauntleroy ferry between West Seattle and Vashon
Direction of travel : SW
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: No
Photos available?: No
06:30 - This is a second hand report, orcas a mile south of Tango buoy headed south. -Sarah Sing
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, May 26 - Strait of Juan de Fuca
13:03 - Second humpy two miles north of the other one. Also eastbound.
12:38 - Humpback eastbound slowly [Strait of Juan de Fuca - approx. 48.196256, -123.350763]. -Smith Siromaskul
GRAY WHALES - Fri, May 26 - Port Susan - 10:18 - Some greys in Port Susan this morning, posts in Camano whale watching. Currently one moving south near Mountain View Beach. -Thomas McKane
Fri, May 26 - Saratoga Passage - 17:49 - Seeing a single blow north of Mabana at entrance to Elger Bay. Hanging out at the sand bar at the point. -Gary Leonard [CWW]
13:47 - The whale stopped mid Saratoga Passage about ten minutes ago and hasn't moved. Out from Summerland.
13:26 - One gray approaching Pebble Beach from south. -Peg Boley [CWW]
13:30 - This guy/girl rounded the corner at Pebble Beach. Shot with my cell into the sun, but I'm hoping we can get an ID. It stopped mid Saratoga Passage and seemed to be resting. Blew some bubbles. Then I lost track. -photos by Peg Boley, May 26, 2023
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Fri, May 26 - Puget Sound - 22:00 - We saw a couple blows and caught the tail end of a dive. Assuming it was a baleen whale because there wasn’t a huge dorsal fin when it surfaced. But the sun was going down and was hard to see. He was *so* close to the [Narrows] marina. -Lauren Setten
21:48 - Baleen heading south, just passed across from Fox Island, very close to shore on mainland side. Heading toward Chambers. -Sarah Scharmen Bratsch
May 25
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, May 25 - Haro Strait (T123s & T124As, T124A1, T124A4s)
05-25-23 Biggs Transients including T123A, T123C and T124A4
07:53, 6-7+ transient orcas traveling down island/southbound, 1/3 mile from shore. They were in a tight group including T123A trailing kelp, T123C and T124A4. They didn't surface often on the flat baby blue early morning water. T123C and T124A4 ID courtesy of Brittany Noelle- thanks Brittany! Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank.
10:53 - 12:40, a tight group of 6-7+ Biggs Transients orcas traveling up island, 4 miles from shore. Because they were so far out I had sight of them for a long period. They slowly came closer in to shore as they traveled to the north. Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank. Brittany Noelle kindly ID'd T123C and T124A4. -Michelline Halliday, SJI - T123C Lucky & T123A Stanley -photo by Michelline Halliday, May 25, 2023
Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #22: -““Orcinus” left Snug Harbor at 0745 and headed down the west side of San Juan Island. The whales were spotted inshore towards the south end of Hannah Heights and the encounter began at 0805 between Hannah Heights and Pile Point. The whales were in a single tight group moving slowly down island. The matrilines were the T123s and T124As (minus the T124A2s) and they appeared to be resting…” Read more here at the Center for Whale Research Encounter #22.
19:40 - Seen from Suquamish ferry at Turn Island. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network [WSSJI]
17:40 - Southbound mid-channel off Reuben Tarte heading towards Friday Harbor.
15:10 - North of County Park still northbound.
13:15 - Paul Rudd reports they are approaching Lime Kiln.
09:15 - Visual well offshore of Eagle Point as viewed from American Camp heading southeast (not down Island); CWR on scene. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
07:10 - About ten orca southbound from County Park. -Barbara Howitt, All Aboard Sailing [WSSJI]
Thu, May 25 - Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds) - 20:55 - Three orcas southbound at Maxwelton close to buoys at sunset! Now they moved to mid channel southbound. -Jayn Goldsen
14:20 - Heading more south then west. As of now heading towards Edmonds.
14:10 - Leaving Possession Sound into the triangle. At least two small groups spread about quarter mile apart. I think about seven or so I saw?
13:45 - They’re passing Chennault Beach, Whidbey side of midchannel heading south. -Alice Thuy Talbot
13:50 - San Juan Clipper leaving them still trending south towards Possession Point. -Allison Montgomery
13:20 - Approaching Glendale southbound Whidbey side. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:17 - I have binoculars on them south of the Clinton ferry dock and north of the whale watching boat. Surface activity. Viewing from Mukilteo Lighthouse Park. -Linda Raines Tyner
13:15 - The Clipper is closer to Clinton but facing Mukilteo, and there are people on the front deck. I just saw them. Directly in front of the Clipper. -Jodi Krause Poissant
13:03 - Viewing from Edgewater Mukilteo. From this viewpoint, they are now south of the Clinton ferry dock southbound. -Tamara Kelley
12:50 - Approaching Clinton dock close to Whidbey southbound.
12:45 - Off Brighton close to Whidbey side.
12:30 - Approaching Brighton Beach area Whidbey side of channel. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:10 - Rounded Sandy Point southbound. Fairly close in and near Whidbey.
12:00 - Orcas just north of Sandy Point, heading southeast bound [approx. 48.048710, -122.382853]. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:34 - [orcas] moving fast - near Bells Beach.
10:30 - Viewing from Camano Island State Park. [Orcas] [southbound] moving quickly passing Fox Spit, Camano side of channel. -Linda Aitkins
09:42 - Off Camano Island State Park mid channel.
09:34 - [orcas] Still heading south just passed Cama Beach.
09:25 - Group of orcas heading south, mid channel Saratoga Passage, one and half mile north of Hidden Beach [Whidbey]. -Aaron Gill
GRAY WHALES - Thu, May 25 - Saratoga Passage - 12:40 - San Juan Clipper just left him still trending northwards just shy of Elger Bay. -Allison Montgomery
11:06 - Still slowly making his way north. -Sara Baldwin
10:40 - Grey whale feeding back and forth. Camano side of mid channel and south of Summerland [approx. 48.078193, -122.399655]. -Marilyn Armbruster
07:05 - Good morning! Two grays coming in to feed south of Summerland. -Diana Guild [CWW]
Thu, May 25 - Puget Sound - 14:37 - San Juan Clipper just spotted a second gray whale northbound in southbound traffic lane by South Madison [approx. 47.694249, -122.472036]. -Allison Montgomery
May 24
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, May 24 - Possession Sound/Saratoga Passage/Penn Cove (T71Bs & T124Ds) - Nice to see the T071Bs and T124Ds back yet again in Penn Cove, several times they’ve visited in the past week. They were on the ‘other’ side, but still a treat to see them from a distance! -photos by Jill Hein, May 24, 2023
Beautiful backlit blows from Long Point. -photos by Kat Martin, May 24, 2023
Today was spent almost entirely with the T71Bs and T124Ds. This was a day well spent. I could not believe some of these shots I captured too. To see them in Everett and then go all the way to Penn Cove made for quite the day. I needed this today. -photos by Kat Martin, May 24, 2023
A few shots of T71Bs and T124Ds in Penn Cove late this afternoon. Shot from the wharf in Coupeville. -photos by Jeff Cook, May 24, 2023
19:23 - They disappeared behind trees for me, but I think they’ll go south in the passage. Seemed to go from Long Point to Snakelum. -Mary Hand
18:45 - They are out from Long Point right now. -Kat Martin
18:30 - Eastbound past wharf now. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
18:04 - Eastbound now. Almost across from wharf, mid channel. -Tiffany Jo Cheyann Waldner
17:35 - Leaders almost to eastern most mussel raft, still westbound. Others trailing.
17:28 - Some further west and closer to south side.
17:25 - Westbound past Monroe Landing midchannel. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
17:00 - Westbound into Penn Cove, mid channel. -Jill Hein
17:00 - Florian Graner called back to update T71Bs and T124Ds are officially entering Penn Cove, heading westbound from the entrance, really spread out at the moment. They had been resting the past half hour. Witnessed a kill earlier off Camano Island.
16:40 - Florian Graner called to report T71Bs and T124Ds are trending toward Penn Cove, currently between Madrona Beach and Long point off Penn Cove, by green channel marker trending toward Penn Cove.
16:00 - Spread out - passing Rockaway Beach, heading north towards Madrona. Very close to Camano side.
15:40 - Just caught a glimpse of them - it looks like they've just passed Onomac northbound, Spirit of Orca is with them. I'm viewing from Whidbey, they appear to be very close to Camano. -Jill Hein
15:16 - Still northbound slowly. Less than a mile south of the Inn.
15:04 - Camano side near Cove Beach. -Smith Siromaskul
14:49 - Drifted back toward Camano side, same general area.
14:35 - Bigg's T71Bs and T124Ds are now between Hidden Beach and Cama State Park Camano side, but maybe drifting more mid channel heading north/northwest.
13:20 - Sneaky Ts in Saratoga Passage, per AIS sure looks like current location is between Bells Beach, Whidbey and Mabana, Camano heading northbound. -Orca Network
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Wed May 24 10:06 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.94527,-122.31375 [Mukilteo Lighthouse Park]
Number Sighted: 5
Submitted Comments: moving north by lighthouse park
Submitter Name: Kim
Whale Alert App
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Luanne Kunz
Date of Sighting: May 24, 2023
Time: 10:03 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: off beach of Mukilteo
Direction of travel : north
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: not sure, though very visible fins from shore
Any unusual markings?: not noted
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: They appeared to have two much smaller orcas with them
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, May 24 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (BCY1276 Kelpie & other) - It was a great day with two humpbacks near Race Rocks Lighthouse. One was identified as Kelpie (BCY1276) by Tasli Shaw. One was very active but didn't get a picture of the four to five breaches. -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, May 24, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Maeve McAlea
Date of Sighting: May 24, 2023
Time: 1:30 PM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Seen from Cabin Point, East Sooke Regional Park between here and the Olympic mountains
48.3127, -123.74644
Direction of travel : SW
Behaviors observed: Milling
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We spotted it because it was being
tailed by the Prince of Whales ship, they were pretty far out with the whale in the deep water off the coast, the humpback was breathing at the surface and diving, showing its tail. Its hard to tell from so far away but the Prince of Whales seemed to be following the animal more aggressively than I'd of liked and getting too close.
Photos available?: No
GRAY WHALES - Wed, May 24 & Thu May 25 - (CRC21 Shackleton & CRC53 Little Patch) - Notes from John Calambokidis, Cascadia Research “Just for a quick report back. We did end up finding Shackleton both days (Wed and Thurs) in both Port Susan and Saratoga Passage and Little Patch on Thursday in Port Susan. Did not find or confirm anyone else but our search was not of the entire region. See Cascadia’s website for more information on the North Puget Sound grays.
Wed, May 24 - Central Puget Sound (CRC2356 Stalwart) - 17:00 - 18:30 - Stalwart the gray whale was back in the Narrows. -photos by Ryan Dicks, May 24, 2023
17:15 - There was a gray milling around at the south end of Colvos Passage. -Ethan Allen
May 23
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, May 23 - North of Powell River, BC
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue May 23 14:39 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 49.89076,-124.62804
Number Sighted: 6
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Infinity
Whale Alert App
Tue, May 23 - Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds) - This whale came under my SUP last night, looked up at me, made eye contact, and then headed south. Photos taken by Stephen Benzon from his SUP near The Cove in Normandy Park. There were two large ones and one small one. -Matt Parker -photos by Stephen Benzon, May 23, 2023
20:31 - Southeast Blake Island way west in channel view from Lincoln Park, northbound. -Mary Hartmann
20:29 - I saw a group swim right under the Fauntleroy ferry headed to Vashon. They’re still northbound but haven’t seen them in about 15 minutes. Much closer to Vashon side of the eastern passage. -Amy K. Webb
The ferry had almost arrived in Vashon and I thought I missed them when they suddenly surfaced very close. I hope this helps with IDing. -back of camera photo by Hongming Zheng, May 23, 2023
20:21 - Northbound west in channel by Southworth dock view from Lincoln Park. -Mary Hartmann
20:08 - Whales passing through Fauntleroy-Vashon ferry lanes, northbound. -Brittany Noelle
20:03 - Northbound way on Vashon side, south of Dolphin Point, view from Lincoln Park in West Seattle. -Mary Hartmann
19:57 - Viewing from Vashon ferry, still south of the ferry lanes. Mid channel, short surface times but appear to be headed east, away from the island. -Meaghan Baumgartner
19:31 - Traveling loosely in two groups, straight out from Glen Acres now, five to six including one to two littles, did not see any adult males with these groups, all mid channel, northbound. Heat haze distorting fins quite a bit, but can hear their breaths above the soft evening waves. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
19:16 - Seeing them from north side of Three Tree Point! Traveling north near Vashon side. -Amy K. Webb
19:09 - Seeing them north of the mid channel buoy, (just north of KVi and north of Three Tree) moving towards mid channel, still traveling northbound.
19:15 - Look to be hunting, lots of surface activity and directional changes. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
18:20 - Seeing them just north of the power lines up close to Vashon. Heading north slowly. -Scott Hieronymus
18:13 - Seeing them due south of KVI/Point Heyer traveling at a good pace, northbound, very much on the mainland side of channel. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
17:51 - They are now at Point Robinson heading north.
17:24 - I am seeing orcas, they've been in front of Gold Beach (Vashon) for quite a bit. Now they went from Point Robinson slowly moving south, but must be feeding and playing quite a bit. One really big one, two smaller ones, and now they're meandering further south, they were kind of mid channel now closer to Maury. -Mitzi Gligorea
17:24 - Seeing five orcas off Point Robinson! We are excited! Traveling south on the mainland side from us. Can see large pectoral fins with naked eye! Definitely one was larger than other four. -Jennifer Bull
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, May 23 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (BCX1795 Scuttle) - Found humpback whale BCX1795 "Scuttle" between Dungeness and Port Angeles on Tuesday and Tufted Puffins near Smith Island! -photos by Janine Harles, May 23, 2023
GRAY WHALES - Tue, May 23 - South Puget Sound - 09:30 - It looked like a grey, milling about near Evergreen, moving back and forth. -Todd Haywood
08:02 - We saw a whale spout four times at Rocky Point in southern Eld Inlet. Not an orca. Maybe a young gray whale. -Tony Leung [PSWS]
MINKE WHALES - Tue, May 23 - Guemes Channel - 08:36 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:07 to report; 0836hrs: Vessel CHELAN reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single humpback whale located 1/4-mile NW of the ANAC terminal, heading eastbound toward Guemes Channel. NOTE: Per Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI], another secondhand source reports this was likely a minke whale.
May 22
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, May 22 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46Bs) - T46B2 Akela - What an exciting adventure off Sooke, B.C. A very special pod, T46Bs with a newborn calf this year! Today was wild and free. -Sooke Coastal Explorations -photos by Paul Pudwell, May 22, 2023
Mon, May 22 - San Juans (T124As, T124A1, T124A4s)
14:00 - Approaching Friday Harbor northbound.
11:35 - A friend on the water relays that these are the T124As (presumably with T124A1 and T124A4s as they were the last couple of days). They haven't made much progress - they are off Cape San Juan now - but are still northbound.
10:55 - Bigg's killer whales off Cattle Point aiming north into the Pass. -Orca Behavior Institute
Mon, May 22 - Boundary Pass - 12:33 - Per report to Whale Alert App a pod of five orcas were rounding East Point, Saturna heading southbound.
Mon May 22 - East Point, Saturna Island, BC
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon May 22 12:33 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.78524,-123.04505
Number Sighted: 5
Submitted Comments: Rounding east point headed south
Submitter Name: Adam Errett
Whale Alert App
Mon, May 22 - Haro Strait - 14:14 - Killer [whales] just spotted by the Lime Kiln State Park lighthouse. Approx. four, maybe more. -Paul Rudd [WSSJI]
Mon, May 22 - North Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds)
13:06 - Orcas continue northbound. A little north of my pin [48.035578, -122.639082]. Small white boat following behind them.
12:30 - Orca are still northbound, mid channel. Can only see with binos because of the haze [approx. 47.983664, -122.625117]. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:24 - San Juan Clipper just left them heading north, west side of the channel, off Double Bluff. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
11:53 - At Point No Point. Five or six orcas. Midway between Whidbey and Hansville. Heading west.
11:32 - At Eglon. Saw five breaches. They seem to be heading northwest now. -Jan Pierce
11:00 - We have left the scene but MV Saratoga is watching them now. Here is an updated map [approx. 47.894631, -122.466420], but they have just been playing like crazy after their meal in the same spot the whole time! -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
10:57 - Same spot and behavior. -Kyla Bivens
T71B1 Zengo -ID by Marla Smith, Orca Network - 10:30 - Just off Whidbey. We were with PSE. -photos by Aaron Berg, May 22, 2023
10:20 - T71Bs/T124Ds are milling on a kill. No direction [approx. 47.882414, -122.462120]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
08:30 - Got eyes on them a few miles northwest of Edmonds, really active. No direction. -Brian McGinn
07:00 - Monday orcas at East side of Possession Point. They were in Possession Sound headed eastward just south of Possession Point. We could see more closer to the Point. They crossed in front of us as we were headed south. They were traversing heading eastward. -Jill Merriman
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, May 22 - San Juans - 13:10 - I think humpback spotted from the ferry to Friday Harbor [approx. 48.530046, -122.950840]. -Shannon Moore
13:04 - Laura Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 13:45 to report: Log entry 1304hrs: Vessel CHELAN reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single minke whale [video confirmed humpback] at Turn Island and have come to all-stop. Whale is headed southwest.
GRAY WHALES - Mon, May 22 - Port Susan (CRC21 Shackleton & CRC53 Little Patch) - 12:18 - CRC 21 and CRC 53 are at the north end of Port Susan right now, southbound [approx. 48.180277, -122.419677]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express.
Mon, May 22 (CRC2356 Stalwart) - CRC2356 Stalwart -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
18:30 - Under Tacoma Narrows. -photos by Ryan Dicks, May 22, 2023
18:16 - Going south with tide movement under bridge.
18:12 - Whale just north or under Narrows bridge. Moving fast center to Tacoma side. -Susan White
16:30 - Just barely caught this passing south from Point Robinson. Could only see the breathing from the blowhole. No tail, fin or fluke to help identify. Only one. -photo by Jennifer Bull, May 22, 2023
16:27 - Humpback [gray was later confirmed in the Narrows] heading north, mid channel by Salmon Beach, Narrows, Tacoma, WA. Is still here, splashing around.
16:42 - It's too close to the Gig Harbor side for me to know 100%, they're still lingering in the same spot. No movement north or south. -Sophia E
May 21
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, May 21 - Haro Strait (T124As, T124A1, T124A4s) - A little video short from Jason with some highlights from our encounter with the T124As, T124A1, and T124A4s on May 21st in Haro Strait: Link to FB video. -Orca Behavior Institute
A picture perfect post-hunt tail slap from T124A4 Sabio this morning in Haro Strait. - It was lovely to see the T124A Kittiwake (who recently has been traveling at times with just her two youngest, T124A6 Kasuun and T124A7), rejoined by two of her three adult daughters. T124A1 Bonapartes, who has no known offspring and often roams on her own, was present, as was T124A4 and T124A4A, making for a total of six whales. -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, May 21, 2023
Sun, May 21 - Penn Cove (T71Bs & T124Ds) - Saw some whales that I didn’t think I’d catch in time. But man what a show I witnessed! This was off the Coupeville wharf. T71Bs and T124Ds. -photos by Kat Martin, May 21, 2023
I finally saw orcas in Penn Cove today! The T71Bs and T124Ds were an active bunch although not real close. Heavily zoomed and cropped. -photos by Donna George, May 21, 2023
Good morning in Penn Cove. -photos by David Holbrook, May 21, 2023
They were eating and eating and eating! Lots of celebrating after each meal! -Linda Raines Tyner
17:21 - Viewing from Camano Island State Park - at least two fins in front of the houses at Fox Spit. Southbound. -Linda Aitkins
16:45 - Appeared to have resumed travel southbound.
16:10 - Orcas midchannel or east of. Big splashes, maybe another hunt? Viewing from just north of Hidden Beach parking lot. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:05 - Southbound four miles per hour. Four minutes between surfacing [approx. 48.211305, -122.582030]. -Smith Siromaskul
14:55 - Continuing southbound grouped up Whidbey side long downtimes. Nearing Race Lagoon area.
14:25 - Starting to head south. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:30 - Penn Cove. -photo by Smith Siromaskul, May 21, 2023
14:05 - They are still here at Long Point. -Olive Alcazar
13:55 - They are milling just east of Long Point now. Still surface active. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:40 - They are approximately in this circle [approx. 48.232697, -122.639511]. -Emily Lawren
13:35 - On the move east passing Long Point now. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:25 - We departed and then came back for a brief last look and they are still very playful and milling in place [approx. 48.240542, -122.659924]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
13:00 - Continuing to mill in same spot northwest of Long Point. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:40 - Saw a couple breaches from Camano Island Yacht Club Way over on Whidbey side north of whale boat. -Shelly Greybeck
11:55 - 12:30 - Continuing to mill in same spot northwest of Long Point. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:28 - Orcas are just circling around the whale watching boat visible on Long Point for about 30 minutes now. -Olive Alcazar
12:28 - Still here, so exciting to watch! -Patricia Phillips
12:00 - IE5 is with them. They’ve kind of stalled, last I saw [approx. 48.229119, -122.657940]. -Kat Martin
11:40 - Continuing to trend east, some surface activity. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:30 - T124Ds and T71Bs are still milling on a meal! They got distracted for about 20 minutes chasing a rhinoceros auklet which finally met its demise. Now they are back to their meal again. A bald eagle even swooped in to try and grab the auklet but missed. That poor bird had a bad day! -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Charles Niedzialkowski
Date of Sighting: May 21, 2023
Time: 11:20 AM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Penn Cove right off Coupeville
Direction of travel : Heading east when we saw them, out of the Cove
Behaviors observed: Breaching, feeding off large fish
If orcas, any males?: No large dorsals seen. All smallish.
Any unusual markings?: Unknown
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Two commercial whale boats were seen, one larger hydrofoil type boat with red stripes and one smaller Odessey inflatable type craft.
11:06 - This was my favorite photo of the day at in Penn Cove. -photo by Emily Lawren, May 21, 2023
11:25 - Still milling, drifted east with current.
11:05 - Same spot, very surface active, lots of tail lobs.
10:45 - Out from Coupeville wharf, a little to east, on a kill, probably midchannel. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:44 - Milling with directional changes straight out from the Coupeville boat ramp, more on the north side. -Bonnie Gretz
10:39 - Visible from the Coupeville wharf. -Jessica Hutchings
10:15 - Westbound passing Monroe Landing. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:14 - Spread out and long downtimes but definitely heading into Penn Cove.
10:05 - Visible from the Coupeville pier with binoculars. At the mouth of Penn Cove with no real direction at the moment. -Melanie Holbrook
08:00 - Group of six orcas heading up Saratoga Passage mid channel couple miles north of Hidden Beach heading north. -Aaron Gill
May 20
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, May 20 - Rosario Strait/Thatcher Pass (T125A & T128) - T128 Flotsam was sporting a nasty looking gash this afternoon on the left side of his dorsal fin that wasn’t there the last time we encountered him. While wounds like this can look bad, they aren’t altogether uncommon (especially on Bigg’s killer whales) and their ability to heal is remarkable. I won’t be surprised if there’s no obvious scar in just a few weeks! This one looks like teeth marks, possibly from a Steller sea lion or maybe even another killer whale. This definitely goes beyond the typical “rake mark” though into more of a deeper bite! We only saw T128 as his brother was on the other side of Blakely Island. Read more here on our blog. -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Jason Shields, May 20, 2023
T125A Jetsam - T128 Flotsam - T128 Flotsam - I was on the 15:30 tour on the IE5. We arrived on scene with T125A at approx. 16:30. He was continuing to travel north, when about ten minutes after following him, he flipped south. We stayed with him for about another 20 minutes, and left the scene at approx. 17:00. During this, I had been keeping eyes on the report of T128. I knew he had gone west through Thatcher and was on the other side of Blakely Island. I don’t know what time he flipped back eastward, but T128 was traveling eastbound when we first arrived on scene. At around 17:15, we slowed down as we approached Thatcher Pass, with him in the distance. At that point in time, he was eastbound. He hit the the eastern edge of Thatcher Pass, about to enter Rosario, and suddenly flipped back west. We stayed him with him for only a few surfacings, then headed north to go through Peavine Pass to look at T125A again. We arrived back on scene with him around 18:05, and he hadn’t made much progress but was still pushing southbound against the strong current. They got within five to six miles apart before T128 flipped back west in Thatcher Pass. -photos by Rachel Haight, May 20, 2023
21:07 - Just saw T128 at the Lopez ferry terminal, he was heading west - he turned southwest through Upright Channel -Faith Owens
18:15 - T128 was westbound nearing the Lopez ferry terminal.
17:10 - T128 now going back east through Thatcher Pass - sorry do not have an update on T125A!
16:40 - T128 west of Thatcher Pass heading slowly north. His brother is in Rosario. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
15:30 - Saw at least one male orca from the ferry [approx. 48.528451, -122.796508]. -Lisbeth Odén
13:03 - Very distant views as they head northbound past Deception Pass. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:30 - We left T125A still northbound [Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca - approx. 48.370426, -122.707093].11:54 - T128 and T125A are northwest-bound from my blue spot on the map. T125A is a mile or two to the east of T128. The mark notes where T128 is currently [Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca - approx. 48.342224, -122.810177]. -Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
*Sat, May 20 - Puget Sound (Likely T71Bs & T124Ds) - 19:45 - The orcas were about half mile south of the Clinton ferry terminal headed northbound. - Melissa Simmons
20:22 - Just took the Clinton to Mukilteo Ferry and saw three orcas headed towards Clinton - the ferry going into Clinton would have had a much better view. -Debra Hughes
Wed, May 17 - Saratoga Passage (T71Bs and T124Ds)
20:08 - Florian Graner called again to report on the T71Bs and T124Ds who have been spread milling around between Baby Island and Onamac Point to Greenbank to Hidden Beach all mid channel the last half hour (7:30-8:05pm) and currently are still doing so - milling in wider areas, very surface active, socializing, etc.
17:33 - Florian Graner called to update on the Port Susan orcas. T71Bs and T124Ds rounded Camano Head at 17:05, briefly dipping into Saratoga then turned toward Sandy Point, mid channel with the option of still turning up into Saratoga Passage.
16:15 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 16:20 to report: orca 5/20 @ 1615 PUYALLUP Master reports small pod of orca (2-3) mid channel ferry lanes between EDM/KING headed North.
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Sat, May 20 - Oregon Coast
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Cammille Regennitter
Date of Sighting: May 20, 2023
Time: 5:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Off coast of Yachats Oregon
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes 1
Any unusual markings?: No
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, May 20 - Haro Strait (Zephyr BCZ0414) - Zephyr the humpback. -Andrew David [WSSJI]
16:35 - I can't see anything for sure, but WW boats at north end of Landbank, moving up island. -Carol Kinkelaar Skully [WSSJI]
Sat, May 20 - Puget Sound - 14:52 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 14:58 to report: 1452 hrs: MV SALISH Captain reports one (1) humpback moving west to east in Commencement Bay.
GRAY WHALES - Sat, May 20 - Puget Sound (CRC2356 Stalwart) - I saw this [whale] yesterday [May 20] also! It was so exciting! -Erynn Bosch
15:32 - [Gray] Just now in Commencement Bay, right by Lobster Shop. -James Hartline [PSWS]
15:14 - Saw from Ruston Way going east. -Morgan Straus
15:12 - The gray in Commencement Bay is like mid channel. I'm looking towards Browns Point and the lighthouse from Dune Peninsula. Trending east. -David Bennett [PSWS]
15:01 - Gray whale at Point Defiance on the ferry just a few minutes ago. -Becca Weldon [PSWS]
14:42 - Small gray whale off Owen Beach, surfaced three times now. -Stacie Saenz
MINKE WHALES - Sat, May 20 - Rosario Strait - 05:45 - Jordan Light, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 06:55 to report: 0545hrs 1 Minke whale heading east bound near the CHELAN [approx. 48.520094, -122.732940 - mid-Rosario Strait].
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sat, May 20 - Puget Sound - 13:30 - We saw a lone whale heading north in the Colvos, towards Sunrise Beach. Maybe a humpback? -Claudia Tolar [PSWS]
13:52 - Now it’s going south.
13:49 - Unidentified whale going north in Colvos passage just south of Richmond Point. -Krissy Ecklund Mettlach [PSWS]
11:30 - Saw a baleen whale - think it was a humpback, off of Point Robinson. -Jennifer Bull
May 19
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, May 19 - Active Pass
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Cody Brentzen
Date of Sighting: May 19, 2023
Time: 6:52 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Active Pass southern entrance heading towards the strait
Direction of travel : N/E
Behaviors observed: Travelling
If orcas, any males?: 1 Male with very large dorsal fin
Any unusual markings?: Not sure
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Looks like a baby was with two adults
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Fri, May 19 - Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds)
19:23 - In front of Blake Island Marina, lots of surface activity, direction changes, maybe hunting.
19:15 - Viewing from Emma Schmitz, whales between north end of Blake Island and Blake Island marina, west of shipping lanes. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
19:18 - I spotted them from my deck on California Ave east of the park thanks to this sighting! That boat was a great marker. -Mae Zing
19:00 - Just coming up on Lincoln Park soon mid channel southbound, viewed from Manchester, small black silver aluminum boat following. -Noelle Morris
13:58 - We just ran into passengers as we were departing in Edmonds who said that saw four orcas going southbound from Kingston. I did not see them so I cannot confirm but several people stated they saw them. -Kristin Mackenzie
13:57 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine OPs, emailed to report: MV SPOKANE Captain reports via 800MHz broadcast, a pod of about 8 orca SB in the traffic lanes between KING & EDM.
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri May 19 13:54 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.79505,-122.49396 [Kingston]
Number Sighted: 4
Submitter Name: Liam Antrim
Whale Alert App
12:00 - They flipped to the north going through a bait ball on Possession Bar with some gulls feeding. They are milling and likely eating a meal [approx. 47.883859, -122.434238].
11:43 - Update southwest direction [approx. 47.882043, -122.418179].
11:23 - Update. Now they are trending south again very slowly from my map earlier.
11:15 - Now they are trending more in a westerly direction from my map spot. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
11:11 - Out in front of Picnic Point Beach closer to Edmonds side than the Peninsula. -Mark Gronau
11:06 - Good morning! Swiftsure on scene we have Ts here off Possession Bar. We have the T124Ds and the T71Bs. They appear to be traveling slowly southbound. -Shannon Huevel
11:06 - The T124D pod and T71B pod are milling at my map spot. A slow southbound trend [approx. 47.871597, -122.379686]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
10:45 - Orcas spotted in Possession triangle. Five to six females, didn't notice any males. No direction of travel, maybe trending south. Mid channel, not much activity, Swiftsure on site. -Mark Gronau
GRAY WHALES - Fri, May 19 - Port Susan - 16:15 - Grays are spotted between CC3 and Tillicum, heading to Tillicum. Three whales seen. -Sherry Ji [PSWW]
MINKE WHALES - Fri, May 19 - Haro Strait - 09:50 - Minke whale(s?) spotted right out in front of the lighthouse at Lime Kiln. We spoke to the folks in the lighthouse, one of whom thought I may have seen a harbor porpoise but since looking at photos of the dorsal fin (example below) and surfacing presentation, I have not a single doubt that it was indeed a minke! I believe there were at least two and they were only about 50 feet or so from shore. -Hanne Brolander [WSSJI]
21:45 - Same whale passing Spring Beach again now heading south (southwest Colvos near Dalco).
21:05 - Sound Action just had a community report of baleen whale headed north at Spring Beach, southwest Colvos Passage. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
20:00 - Tacoma side now.
19:43 - Whale north of Narrows Bridge moving north center. -Susan White
18:27 - Whale passed Fox Island about 15 minutes ago heading north. Surfaced twice but only got a quick glimpse. -Sarah Scharmen Bratsch
13:12 - Whale just surfaced in front of my house just north of old Navy pier on Fox Island. It looks small, took a deep dive while I was trying to identify. Humpback? Or? Heading towards Hale Passage. -Blake-Linda Worland Little
12:35 - My friend is just north of Sunnyside Park in Steilacoom and about 15 min ago saw/hear spouts and saw whale tail, but she couldn’t ID anything and no photos. She said it was moving north. -Sherry Mezger
PORPOISE - Fri, May 19 - South Puget Sound (unconfirmed Dall's porpoise)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Dall's Porpoise Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri May 19 14:18 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.11862,-122.66534 [E Nisqually Reach area off Dupont]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Kat
Whale Report App
May 18
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, May 18 - San Juans (T65A5) - If I could interview one Bigg's killer whale, it might very well be T65A5 Indy: What made you disperse from your family at the age of 5? How have you navigated social relationships without your mother, getting yourself accepted into so many unrelated family groups? Why do you only briefly reunite with your matriline? What do you think about when you're all on your own? I definitely have a soft spot for those whales who raise a lot more questions than they answer, and T65A5 is undoubtedly one of those whales. This photo was taken as he passed Reuben Tarte County Park in San Juan Channel this afternoon, traveling today by himself and now 9 years old. -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, May 18, 2023
-photo by All Aboard Sailing, May 18, 2023 - Yellow Island and Biggs/Transient Orca T65A5 – May 18, 2023 - “What a beautiful day for a sail. Today we had a plan to visit Yellow Island Nature Preserve. It was absolutely gorgeous with the wildflowers in full bloom. On our way back to Friday Harbor we got to see young orca, T65A5, southbound along San Juan Island as he went by Friday Harbor. As we were waiting for the orca to clear Shipyard Cove, a bald eagle grabbed a Pacific Rockcod and flew right by us. The fish was still wriggling! A…” -The Howitts, All Aboard Sailing - Read more and see more photos here.
Beautiful day out on Island Explorer 5. On the way back to Anacortes, we caught up with T65A5, Indy (b. 2014) all by himself again, near Neck Point, also very distant [looks]! -photo by Bonnie Gretz, May 18, 2023
15:30 - Halfway down Griffin Bay heading for Cattle Pass. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
14:15 - Past Point Caution still close to shore. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network [WSSJI]
13:05 - T65A5 southbound from Reuben Tarte on San Juan side. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
*Thu, May 18 - Penn Cove (T71Bs & T124Ds) - T71B1 Zengo - After getting home from a lovely day on the water on Island Explorer, my wish came true and the T71Bs and T124Ds circled back from Oak Harbor and came into Penn Cove after they had traveled north up Saratoga Passage! T71Bs are Hood, the mom, b. 2000, 71B1 Zengo, b. 2013, and 71B2 Tasli, b. 2018. T124Ds are Field, the mom, b. 1996, 124D1 Salish II, b. 2014, and 124D3, b. 2021. First caught up with them about mid-cove by the mussel docks, and they started to move east, so we all re-located to the Coupeville wharf. As they were still fairly far away, we wished they were closer, and with very little warning, suddenly they were right at the wharf, maybe 50' or less away, had to really back off the zoom lens! They were very active right in front of us, including a lovely spy hop! They then moved further east, so we headed off to the boat ramp. They were still fairly close there, but after we went to Long Point, they had moved over to the north side, but their blows in the sunset light were beautiful!/ -photos by Bonnie Gretz, May 18, 2023
T71B1 Zengo - Started my day pouty as I missed them at Sandy Point area. I was being a whiny poo poo butt. Truly. I left and headed to the Goose, picked up a little bit of groceries, including a pint of Talenti ice cream. Well, whale, saw the update, thanks to Cindi, of the orcas out a bit from Penn Cove and Oak Harbor. So what did I do, yep, got up to Long Point around 15:30. We watched them for sometime. A few of us started giving up as they had not been seen heading into Penn Cove. Transients are transients, Sneaky Ts. they eluded us with super long downtimes. Rachel caught them west into the Cove mid channel out from the Pottery Place. And that is about how far they headed west before turning back east. We all decided to go hit up the Coupeville Wharf. Again they were between the west side of the wharf and north side of the cove. So still a bit away. Then boom, whoah, they came straight towards us, right to the wharf. My telephoto lens had been all the way in, I’m fumbling trying to move it out as fast as I can as they were smack dab right at our feet, practically. I was shaking. It was so flippin' cool. -photos by Marilyn Armbruster, May 18, 2023
Some days, patience pays off. Today was one of those days. I watched the T71Bs and T124Ds cruise up Saratoga Passage just out of the range of my camera for hours. It was getting cold, and I was ready to call it a day, but something told me to keep going just a little longer. Glad I listened to my gut. We were rewarded with an EPIC pass at Coupeville Wharf! Met so many people on the beach today, and I was honored to share my binos with someone who had been coming from Illinois to volunteer at the Penn Cove Water Festival for nine years and saw his first orcas this evening! -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, May 18, 2023
I’m new to the island and I saw the orcas tonight from the Coupeville Wharf area. Just beautiful. -Shay Wende
19:50 - Moved out towards the north side as they exited Penn Cove, beautiful back-lit blows! -Bonnie Gretz
19:40 - Approaching Long Point eastbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
19:07 - They are headed towards Long Point. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
18:56 - Alllena Arcisvewski called to report seeing two orcas off Coupeville, off Main Street across from the wharf.
19:00 - Coupeville boat launch.
18:50 - Came right up to the Coupeville wharf, so incredible.
18:20 - Approaching Coupeville wharf eastbound midchannel. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
18:00 - Somewhat trending east. About mid channel [approx. 48.226183, -122.707603]. -Marilyn Armbruster
17:35 - Appear to be hunting [approx here 48.226884, -122.715149].17:25 - Orca in Penn Cove. Near pottery store, east of, breach! -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:37 - Appears to be aimed towards Oak Harbor/Penn Cove [approx. 48.244235, -122.620180]. Quite choppy out. -Marilyn Armbruster
16:00 - Watching from Oak Harbor hill, I can see the hunting. Two whales just breached at same time! So cool. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:47 - Looks like hunting behavior still. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
15:27 - From Long Point line of sight is Polnell Point. They look to be stopped for a snack.15:00 - Orcas are traveling west [approx. 48.245129, -122.627403]. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
14:00 - Off Onomac heading north. -photo by Aaron Gill, May 18, 2023
13:42 - Passing Cove Beach now, Onomac next. -Thomas McKane
13:16 - SJC leaving T71B's and T124D's mid-channel between Lowell Point and Baby Island. -Allison Montgomery
13:15 - Viewing from Hidden Beach. They are mid to Camano side. Passing Camano State Park, continuing northbound at a steady pace. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:40 - Viewing from Camano Island State [Park] at least two fins, line of sight Elger Bay to east Point. Mid channel. Was to the left of the sailboat. -Linda Aitkins
12:36 - Northbound spread out and hunting with lots of stealth [approx. 48.098767, -122.468887]. T124D pod at least Plus T71Bs. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
12:11 - Mabana now, mid channel. -Thomas McKane
11:15 - Reported small pod of orcas heading northwest toward Saratoga Passage nearing Sandy Point at that time. Unless they changed course would be up into Saratoga Passage. -Mike Moberly [PSWS]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, May 18 - San Juans (BCX1275 & BCY0324 Big Mama) - I thought it would be all over the net; Big Mama returned. -Tracey Arms
BCY0324 Big Mama - BCX1275 - Beautiful day out on Island Explorer 5. Found a humpback up near Patos Island, with distant but lovely looks. Thanks to HappyWhale, it was identified as BCX1275. We then found Big Mama, BCY0324, one of most loyal and prolific Salish Sea favorites! Also distant looks at her. On the way back to Anacortes, we caught up with T65A5, Indy (b. 2014) all by himself again, near Neck Point, also very distant! -photos by Bonnie Gretz, May 18, 2023
GRAY WHALES - Thu, May 18 - Possession Sound - 06:15 - There were spouts just outside the jetty about 06:15 this morning. Single [spout] like gray. -Paula Jean Bafaro [HIWS]
Thu, May 18 - Puget Sound - 15:20 - Sound Action just had a community member report the whale traveling west at Point Dalco. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
14:30 - Grey whale between Vashon and Maury. We are in a small boat at the tip of Maury island. We think he went between Vashon and Maury. We heard a few tail slaps and I got a few long distance pics with my iPhone. -photos by Kris Johnson-Collison, May 18, 2023
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Thu, May 18 - Puget Sound - 16:43 - A single whale passed by Salmon Beach just now on the Gig Harbor side headed towards the bridge. -Leah Falk
May 17
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, May 17 - Haro Strait (T137s) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #21: “Just a few minutes out into Mitchell Bay, the whales were spotted at the south end of Kellett Bluff and the encounter began at 0917. All four members of the T137s were heading north in a tight group along the rocks at the bluff. Once they had passed Kellett Bluff, the T137s loosened up into two groups of two with T137A and T137D being around 150 yards to the southwest of T137 and T137B…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #21.
The T137s have been getting around! On May 14 they returned to the Salish Sea and were seen near Race Rocks in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. On May 15 they were in southern Puget Sound, and May16 in northern Puget Sound. Then today, we caught up with them in the southern Gulf Islands! This is T137B Tempest, who if you ask me often gets overshadowed by her three family members. She was lunging after a small sea lion in this photo, a brief but very active hunt that took place right as a BC Ferry was transiting through at full speed few hundred meters away. Some wonder if the noise of the large vessel traffic in the area might actually help Bigg's killer whales sneak up on prey. I don't know if it aids them, but it certainly doesn't hinder them, as we regularly see successful hunts in close proximity to ferries, freighters, cruise ships, and the like. -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, May 17, 2023
08:36 - Orcas traveling north. Passing San Juan Island County park. -Kathy Holmes [WSSJI]
Wed, May 17 - San Juans (T124As) -photo by All Aboard Sailing, May 17, 2023 - Orcas T124A’s by Waldron and Prolific Wildlife – May 17, 2023 - Today we had glassy calm seas just about everywhere we went except for some winds just outside of Friday Harbor upon our return. It was a gorgeous day with wildlife all around. On White Rock there looked like more harbor seals than we’ve ever seen. We met up with a family of Biggs/Transient orcas known as the T124A’s hunting a harbor seal north of Waldron Island. After they moved on to the north we checked out another... -The Howitts, All Aboard Sailing - Read more and see more photos here.
Wed, May 17 - Port Susan (T71Bs & T124Ds) - Super super far away but I was happy to have snagged any photos of these guys! I did a lot of bouncing back and forth trying to catch up but I think they were just too sneaky. Check out the photo of T71B2’s flukes I caught! -photos by Kat Martin, May 17, 2023
T124Ds and presumed T71Bs in Port Susan today with harbor porpoises and loons. I spent three hours at Tillicum watching them and they were too far away for pictures for most of that time. But the water was calm enough that we could still hear their blows from miles away in between the loon calls! -photos by Serena Tierra, May 17, 2023
20:30 - Right around here [Baby Island area - approx. 48.100182, -122.520821]./ -Kat Martin
19:05 - Past Fox Spit now, grouped in pairs of twos - directional changes (east & west) mid channel.
18:55 - Passing Fox Spit, Whidbey side - fighting the current. -Emily Wandres
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Wed May 17 18:07 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.04908,-122.43728 [btwn Langley & Bells Beach]
Number Sighted: 6
Submitted Comments: heading northwest
Submitter Name: Dennis Headley
Whale Alert App
17:14 - Perhaps have stalled, perhaps directional changes or on a kill? Just can't tell right now. Pretty much same area as above post/map.
17:00 - North of Tulalip southbound [approx. 48.053125, -122.325607]. -Marilyn Armbruster
15:51 - Very sneaky with long downtimes. Still east of midchannel last seen north of Tulare.
15:37 - Orcas are committed southbound straight out from Tillicum in line with McKees, east of midchannel.
15:02 - Milling with lots of surface activity, may be hunting again [approx. 48.176876, -122.394814].
14:50 - They are split into two groups, lead group flipped northbound and is now north of Warm Beach, may be going back to meet up with the other group. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
14:45 - Moving south near Warm Beach on the mainland side. -Thomas McKane
14:47 - They either flipped or split up. There is a group milling with lots of surface activity north of Warm Beach.
14:45 - Orcas southbound passing Warm Beach, east of midchannel.
14:40 - Orcas committed southbound, look to be trending east as well.
14:20 - Lots of breaches now, still in the same spot.
14:11 - Orcas still milling in the same area [approx. 48.163295, -122.412869].
13:46 - Viewing from Tillicum, orcas are north of here midchannel, line of sight to Juniper Beach. Some surface activity, may be trending south. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
13:19 - San Juan Clipper is leaving them trending south, closer to Camano side, off Kayak Point. Confirmed T124Ds and others. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
13:18 - Viewing from Kayak Point. They’re way on the other side near Camano Island. Saw about three surface. Unsure of direction. Clipper is with them. -Kat Martin
12:22 - Northbound northwest of Kayak Point closer to Camano [approx. 48.182863, -122.419992]. -Melanie Knudson
11:59 - Looks like last update per chat, northbound Tillicum Beach.
11:37 - Orcas reportedly in Port Susan, northbound, area of Sunny Shores, per PSWW Chat. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:00 - Volunteer Cindi Rausch just called to relay sighting from a friend who sent her a message reporting they were on the 09:00 ferry from Mukilteo to Clinton this morning when the ferry had to stop for a small pod of orcas who were heading northbound on the east side of the island (Whidbey).
GRAY WHALES - Wed, May 17 - South Puget Sound (CRC2356 Stalwart)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Emma Kaija
Date of Sighting: May 17, 2023
Time: 8:12 PM
Species seen: Gray and possibly an orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Mid point between Carr Inlet and the Narrows
Direction of travel : N stopped to do surface behavior then continued north
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Maybe 1
Photos available?: No
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Colleen Moe
Date of Sighting: May 17, 2023
Time: 5:45 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Nisqually Reach to Nisqually delta area to Ketron Island
Direction of travel : East
Behaviors observed: Traveling
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
CRC2356 Stalwart - 16:45 - Nisqually Reach to Ketron Island eastbound. -photos by Colleen Moe, May 17, 2023
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Wed, May 17 - South Puget Sound - 15:00 - Saw a non orca at the south end of Harstine Island. I was in a kayak along the opposite side of the channel so not sure if it was a young humpback or gray. Heading east towards Anderson Island. -Laura L Ware [PSWS]
12:15 - Baleen whale (think humpback) just headed south into Budd Inlet right near Cooper Point and western shore. Heard one blow, saw a back and then the fluke. No photo. Slow rolling surface. Only saw that one and now out of sight. -Kim Merriman
08:56 - I’m currently kayaking near Jarrell’s cove, Harstine Island. A bit ago I heard and saw big spouting. I saw a large tail fin go beneath the surface. It was headed north toward Grapeview. -Cynthia Hockman-Chupp
07:30 - It swam under Harstine Island Bridge. Southbound. -Gretchen Stewart
May 16
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, May 16 - Neah Bay (T99s) - Neah Bay [in the] afternoon. -Eric Johnson
Tue, May 16 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T11A) - Good to see "Rainy" today! -photos by Paul Pudwell, May 16, 2023
Tue, May 16 - Puget Sound (T124A2s & T137s) - T124A2B Litton, T137A Jack, T124A2A Agafia, T124A2 Elkugu about to surface, T137 Loon, T137B Tempest, T137D Wright - Mother and son duo T137 Loon & T137A Jack - T137A Jack, T137B Tempest, T137 Loon -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Out on Chilkat out of Edmonds today. We caught up to the T137s and the T124A2s near Vashon Island! We also found California and Steller sea lions and seals! Thank you Captain Tony! -photos by Janine Harles, May 16, 2023
T137A Jack - T137A and T137B just 20 feet offshore at Bush Point this evening. -photo by Cindi Crowder Rausch, May 16, 2023
20:05 - They passed Lagoon Point northbound. Never saw the rest. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
19:45 - T137A Jack heading out Admiralty northbound at Sunset from Bush Point. Just a beautiful way to the end the night. Whales and great friends. -photo by April Basham, May 16, 2023
My view of Rachel Haight and the whales. -photo by Emily Wandres, May 16, 2023
19:15 - Jack and Tempest are only two we've seen since I've been spotting. They hunted south of Bush Point and then proceeded to swim by us just feet offshore. After I cut the video, I ran alongside Jack as he surfaced three more times.
18:35 - Northbound Whidbey side south end Mutiny Bay. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
17:45 - Got to see them. They went past Point No Point on a mission. Northbound still. They were closer to Point No Point then went out mid channel. -Kelly Kauffman Wisniewski
17:12 - Eglon. Visibility low but I'm seeing one male committed to Admiralty. Steady northbound. -Jenny Klis
16:45 - T124A2s and T137s now more mid channel by way of channel widening. Sightline from Sunset Ave approaching Eglon [approx. 47.847331, -122.450731] steady north/northwest. Too soon to know if committed toward Admiralty but seems more that way than Possession at this time. I’ll likely loose them soon in the very superior superior mirage. It’s amazing. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kara Kanaby
Date of Sighting: May 16, 2023
Time: 4:10 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Off north side of Kingston Edmonds 4pm ferry going to Edmonds
Direction of travel : Westerly-
Behaviors observed: Breaching and possibility hunting as you could see fish jumping out of the water
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Any unusual markings?: To far to see details
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Tried to get photos but failed to zoom in
Photos available?: No
16:08 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:17 to report: 1608hrs: Captain reports the vessel PUYALLUP has slowed due to 2 orca moving in a northbound direction, in the SB traffic lanes, due east of the Kingston terminal. SPOKANE is aware and has also slowed.
16:05 - Ts appear to have moved over east a bit, now west of mid channel (or to about southbound shipping lanes) in about the ferry lanes. Photo is general location (they are west of that). Steady northbound grouped [approx. 47.799711, -122.445709]. From Sunset Ave, Edmonds. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:04 - They are in the ferry lanes. Lucky ferry goers!
16:00 - Apple Tree Cove - all seven are just south of the Edmonds ferry lanes. Cruising steadily northbound. Long down times. -Jenny Klis
15:36 - They were going north close to shore by President Point about 15 minutes ago. They were on a mission. Six of them. -Corrie Beamer Urquhart
15:35 - They just past President Point! -Trish Moylan Davis
15:04 - Approaching President Point now. -Brian Livingston
14:26 - Watching from Faye still moving northbound. -Tanner Ibarra
14:10 - One and a half miles north of Skiff Point. Northbound at three to four knots. Jack is separate by 700 - 800 yards He is closest to Bainbridge. -David Scott
13:50 - Kristin spotted them further north almost to Kingston terminal sightline from Kayu Kayu. Large group. I can see who looks good for all seven including male (Jack)
13:40 - Seeing blows and fins on far side of the Sound north of President Point, Kingston. Steady northbound. Thanks Trish. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:41 - Passing Murden Cove still northbound. Staying closer to Bainbridge side.
13:12 - Approaching the Bainbridge ferry dock. Still northbound. Closer to Bainbridge side. -Candace Gavin
13:12 - Past Eagle Harbor now.
13:02 - Passing Blakley Rock, looking from 64th Alki. -Steve Rice
12:51 - Viewing close to Akli Lighthouse Staying to the eastside of Bainbridge. Trending north.
12:30 - Viewing from Beach Drive. Currently between Blake and Bainbridge. Long down times. Trending north. -Patti Waterfall
12:33 - Headed west around the north end of Blake Island. -Candace Gavin
12:15 - Viewing from Emma Schmitz Viewpoint, looks like first group may be heading toward the west side of Blake Island, still northbound. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
12:00 - Heading through Vashon ferry lanes now, heading north toward Alki. -Lis Moe
12:11 - Midway between Lincoln Park and Blake Island.
12:00 - Past Southworth as seen from Lincoln Park. Need binoculars. -Steve Rice
11:50 - Looks like there are multiple groups! I am with the T137s and T124A2s (edited w/corrected IDs by Kyla) [approx. 47.499369, -122.439539]. -Kyla Bivens
11:34 - Northbound, getting close to Vashon Ferry Terminal. Chilkat, Saratoga, and Clipper all on scene. Viewing from Shorewood on the Sound. -Shari Tarantino
11:29 - Janine Harles messaged the T124A2s (edit w/corrected IDs) and T137s are out from Glen Acres, Vashon (north of Dilworth Point) on Vashon side heading northbound.
10:45 - Saw at least two just north of KVI, northbound close to shore on Vashon side. -Ellen Weir
09:00 - A pod of four orcas (including a male) passed by close inshore off Point Robinson, Maury/Vashon Island heading slowly northbound. -John Robinson
Tue, May 16 - Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds) - 15:35 - Near research boat view from 64th and Alki, Murden Cove in background. -Mary Hartmann
15:20 - Group passed Alki Lighthouse headed north between buoy and West Seattle shore. -Patti Waterfall
15:12 - Orca off Constellation Park in West Seattle. -photo by Robin Sinner, May 16, 2023
15:05 - Reached southern tip of Bainbridge from my perspective.
14:59 - Approaching Manchester viewed from Emma Schmitz. By research boat. Northbound. Still closer to mainland side. -Steve Rice
14:37 - Viewing from far away in Southworth, big splash activity right in front of Lincoln Park pool house. -Kathleen Cage
14:35 - From Lowman, two orcas northbound, just reaching south end of Blake Island. -Trileigh Tucker
14:28 - I can just see splash activity. Almost to north end. Lincoln Park. Northbound. -Kathleen Cage
14:23 - Close to shore! Can see without binoculars!
14:16 - Passing by Lincoln Park! -photo by Rachel Williamson, May 16, 2023
14:00 - Spotted from Brace Point. Heading toward north end of Vashon. -Steve Rice
13:49 - Also, they are pretty spread out and moving slowly north.
13:45 - All six just passed Shorewood on the Sound, heading north. Eastside of shipping channel. -Shari Tarantino
12:50 - Two females just passed Three Tree Point. Northbound fast and spread out. -Rachel Bernal
Thank you to the person who posted about 08:30 that they saw the Tacoma group split and head toward Marine View Drive! was able to see them from Dick Gilmour scenic turnout, Cliff House parking lot, and again Browns Point lighthouse and the Dash Point fishing pier beach as they headed around Point Robinson. It was amazing to see this group of five! -Nancy KF
12:03 - There are four orcas in front of Marine View Park in Normandy Park. -Kyle Moffitt
12:00 - Viewing from the Des Moines marina. We’ve seen several porpoises and seals hugging the shoreline on this side. Generally heading northward, but they’re going slow. They’re close enough I can see them without binoculars, and I could hear their blows. -Marcie Evans
11:06 - Group passing straight out from Point Robinson, grouped up very much on the mainland side headed northbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
11:05 - Three mid-channel between Woodmont Beach and Point Robinson heading northbound. -Dan Hyde
11:00 - Four to five moving north slowly [approx. 47.353919, -122.332802]. -David Michael
10:55 - Almost to Point Robinson, watching from Des Moines. -Tony Juarez
10:30 - Marla Smith reports from Point Robinson that this group is just south of and approaching Point Robinson northbound.
09:53 - Looks like the cut over from Browns Point heading by Gold Beach and possibly heading north lost them. -Cherie StOurs
09:49 - They seem to be heading more towards Maury.
09:44 - They've passed. Heading north midchannel. Milled momentarily. -David Bennett
T124D Field - 09:45 - Taken from Browns Point. -back of camera photo by Ashley S Whitman, May 16, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Susan Ramos
Date of Sighting: May 16, 2023
Time: 9:45 AM
Species seen: Orca pod
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: North of Browns Point Lighthouse going North east of Maury island
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Traveling
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Took video but too far to get details
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
09:37 - Passed lighthouse and continuing up shoreline viewing from Ruston Way. -Cherie StOurs
09:33 - Moving away from Browns Point, apparently heading towards East Passage. I am guessing they are heading north towards Point Robinson.
09:24 - Heading north from the scrap barges, heading towards Browns Point. -Blake Kremer
09:24 - Lots of surface activity! They were milling and now approaching houses along the beach towards Browns Point. -Brooke Casanova
09:20 - Spotted from Theas Park west of the scrap barges. -Justin Smith
09:23 - Stalled at Cliff House.
09:10 - Right in front of Cliff House. -Chrystal Lampman
09:10 - Watching from Browns Point by tug boats. -Tony Juarez
09:09 - Seeing blows out near the scrap car barges from old town dock. -Brooke Casanova
09:00- In Commencement Bay. Looks like three to four to me. -Krista Baker
08:53 - Seeing them west bound leaving port area and going towards Browns Point. I’m seeing multiple blows but no tell tale dorsal fins. Viewing from binoculars from the south. -James Rempt
08:50 - Still in the same area, though gradually drifting west.
08:23 - Pretty far into the port. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue May 16 8:06 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.27681,-122.46512 [Northern Fish pier, Commencement Bay, Tacoma]
Number Sighted: 4
Submitter Name: Tim
Whale Alert App
07:40 - Spotted two to three off Ruston Way moving east, but they did a deep dive and we lost them. -Kala Escobar
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Mark Bennett
Date of Sighting: May 16, 2023
Time: 7:09 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Owen Beach heading towards Dune Park
Direction of travel : E
Behaviors observed: Probably hunting
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Any unusual markings?: Too far away
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Cool!!!
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
07:00 - They were near shore at Point Defiance marina. Then they went east towards Dune Peninsula. -Melissa Malott
Tue, May 16 - South Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Dee Freeman
Date of Sighting: May 16, 2023
Time: 5:12 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Between Dickinson and Johnson point around the mouth of Henderson inlet.
Behaviors observed: Appeared to be hunting
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, May 16 - San Juans (BCX1602 Lorax) -photo by All Aboard Sailing, May 16, 2023 - Humpback whale BCX1602 “Lorax” and the outer islands – May 16, 2023 - “Today we picked up our passengers from Orcas Island and thought it would be fun to circumnavigate Orcas Island. As we were near the top of Spring Pass a humpback whale was spotted near Flattop Island heading North. It was identified as BCX1602 "Lorax". We had some great views of the whale and then continued our journey to sail around the outer islands: Patos, Sucia, Matia, Puffin, Barnes and Clark. Winds really…” -The Howitts, All Aboard Sailing - Read more and see more photos here.
Tue, May 16 - South Tacoma Narrows (NOTE: there’s been a confirmed gray whale in area)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue May 16 17:34 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.22825,-122.56283 [S of Day Island]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Stone
Whale Alert App
GRAY WHALES - Tue, May 16 - Samish Bay - 13:31 - Baleen whale (likely gray) at Larrabee State Park. Second graders at Birchwood Elementary spotted the whale foraging back and forth! -Casey C
Tue, May 16 - Holmes Harbor - 07:20 - Looked out the window across from the golf course and saw a gray whale surface in Holmes Harbor. It was heading towards Freeland Park but hasn't resurfaced. -Cindi B
Tue, May 16 - Port Susan - 16:15 - 17:45 - I am attaching some frame grabs from the three feeding gray whales working the shallow north end of the inlet in the mid channel area. Two of them also met up twice rubbing bodies then continued to feed. I don’t recognize either of these whales but I am sure you do. Taken under NMFS Permit 26599 -photos by Florian Graner, May 16, 2023 All taken under NMFS Permit 26599
Tue, May 16 - Port Susan
06:50 - [Grays] moving south, closer to Camano side.
06:38 - Two grays mid channel in Port Susan at Beach 2 Country Club [across and south from Warm Beach on mainland side]. -Thomas McKane [CWW]
Tue, May 16 - Puget Sound (CRC2356 Stalwart) - From Day Island when you were at the Fox Island pier. So cool! -photo by Karen Caldwell, May 16, 2023
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Gray Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Tue May 16 19:30 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.26200,-122.67200 [NW Fox Island]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Katie Ohtake
Whale Alert App
17:37 - Just surfaced again. Heading southbound.
17:32 - Spotted single whale across from Fox Island fishing pier. -Pattie LaRue Warr
17:28 - We received a call (no name given) reporting a single gray whale in Southern Puget Sound across from Tacoma Narrows Marina heading southbound.
08:00 - Well past Fox Island. Still southbound headed toward Anderson Island area. -Ashley S Whitman
07:18 - report via Whale Alert App from Sylvia of gray whale off Point Fosdick southern Tacoma Narrows.
07:24 - [Gray whale 2356] It’s still around Point Fosdick now. I thought it was northbound.
06:55 - Possibly a humpback [confirmed gray whale 2356] northbound north of Point Fosdick but not to the Narrows Bridge yet. [Gig Harbor]. I’m viewing from Day Island. I heard him blow on our side then he crossed. -Karen Caldwell
CRC2356 Stalwart -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network - Beautiful golden hour encounter with CRC2356/Stalwart in the South Sound on May 16th, 2023. - These past few years, my heart has held the desire to see our greys in north Puget Sound. I thought that door closed again this year, as they're now continuing their journey. It was a surprise when this beautiful individual showed up in the south Sound. CRC2356 Stalwart, thank you for gracing me with your presence for my first true encounter with your species. It was a privilege to see you gracefully glide through glassy water in first morning light while listening to your blows echo across the channel. Wishing you safe travels wherever you go. -photos by Ashley S Whitman, May 16, 2023
May 15
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, May 15 - San Juans (T99s) - T99B Holly -photo & ID by All Aboard Sailing, May 15, 2023 - Biggs/Transient Orcas T99’s near Moresby Island – Gorgeous day in the San Juan Islands with temperatures reaching a whopping 84 degrees! Today we visited some of our favorite places including a sail along the Orcas coastline, Flattop Island, New Channel, and Stuart Island. There were bald eagles scattered all over in the tree tops and harbor seals were busy resting on the rocks. We met up with a family of Biggs/Transient orcas known as the T99’s as they were southbound in..." -The Howitts, All Aboard Sailing - Read more and see more photos here.
Mon, May 15 - Puget Sound (T137s & others) - Sunset orcas as they passed Titlow Beach, Tacoma. -photo by Cherie StOurs, May 15, 2023
T137A Jack - T137 Loon - From [the] pass at Fox Island fishing pier between 20:30-21:00. It was so dark by the time they got to us and they did a deep dive as they passed the pier. -photos by Jolena Tagg, May 15, 2023
Cuddle puddle in the Narrows. Watch for a flip & reversal, & then swimming backwards at 33 seconds in. One of my favorite behaviors & the third time I've filmed it happening. Link to video. -Melissa Bird
Kept asking the universe for a pass through the sunset & I got it! They had been doing a lot of long deep dives & I thought for sure they wouldn't get to this spot on time or they'd be underwater when they did, but they gave me this amazing gift. Yesterday was a pretty hard day for me, & here the orcas are again, visiting me at low points, to raise me up. Link to video. -Melissa Bird
21:00 - Pod has passed Fox Island pier still headed southbound. -Candace Gavin
20:50 - Just watched from east side of Fox Island. Heading south mid channel. -Barb Pritchard Hulbert
20:33 - Passing north end of Day Island now, more mid channel, leisurely southbound.
20:29 - Just passed Point Fosdick southbound Gig Harbor side. -Melissa Bird
20:28 - Steady southbound with long down times, at the mouth of Hales Passage. -Brooke Casanova
20:19 - Have passed Narrows Beach closer to Gig Harbor side. -Melissa Bird
20:12 - Southbound they passed the bridge I say mid channel. Closer to Gig Harbor. -David Bennett
20:07 - Under Narrows Bridge now. -Gary Karen Rudd
19:59 - Steady southbound, seeing multiple fins approaching the Narrows from Hidden Beach, seem to be heading more towards Gig Harbor, midchannel. -Brooke Casanova
19:42 - If you're at the Narrows Bridge. They should be in view. Long down times. Frisky swimming when they surface. Lots of spray in these winds. They're southbound. -Kathleen Cage
19:45 - Got eyes on them. Southbound. They've slowed coming towards this current [approx. 47.287779, -122.535395]. -David Bennett
19:42 - We're now in boat. Hugging Gig Harbor shoreline. Group is steadily southbound swimming towards Narrows. They're midchannel/Tacoma shoreline. -Kathleen Cage
19:34 - Still Gig Harbor side. Moving south. Almost to Point Evans. -Jack Sasser
19:30 - Milling near Salmon Beach. Looks like eight or nine. Two groups close together. Viewing from Parkside development. -Kathy Wilson
19:27 - Now midway past Salmon Beach. Southbound still. -Stace Gordon
19:27 - On Gig Harbor side now approaching Point Evans, steady southbound. -Melissa Bird
19:21 - Reversed again! Southbound headed to Salmon Beach. Mid channel.
19:16 - Now back near Point Defiance - reversed direction. -Stace Gordon
Male is T137A Jack
19:15 - All grouped up again. They drifted back north a bit, but are southbound again. Still off Narrows Viewpoint.
19:09 - Still milling off Narrows Viewpoint cuddling & socializing. Some may have split off & continued south, haven't seen the bull in a few minutes. -photo by Melissa Bird, May 15, 2023
19:05 - Stalling before Salmon Beach now. -Stace Gordon
19:01 - Rolling & cuddling & a flip reversal! Right off Narrows Viewpoint, approaching Salmon Beach. Just beautiful. Still southbound. -Melissa Bird
18:55 - Now southbound in the Narrows approaching Salmon Beach. Closer to Tacoma side. -Stace Gordon
18:53 - From Narrows Viewpoint on Five Mile Drive, they are just north of the Viewpoint, Tacoma side but not up close, slowly southbound. Maybe napping. -Melissa Bird
Beautiful view of them passing Owen Beach. -photo by Xian Shell, May 15, 2023
18:48 - About five, including one male. Southbound. Close to Tacoma shore. Approaching Salmon Beach very soon. Lots of surfacing.
18:44 - One male. Close to Point Defiance Park shoreline. Halfway between point and Salmon Beach. -back of camera photos by Kathleen Cage, May 15, 2023
18:42 - Heading to Narrows Beach. Titlow be on the look out! Boats are trailing them. -David Bennett
18:41 - I've got one juvenile/female, just rounding Point Defiance. Close to shore. Southbound down Narrows. -Kathleen Cage
18:40 - Southbound Narrows from tip of Point Defiance eight plus during their crossing of Dalco towards Narrows. Repositioned now. We’ll see if they make the bridge before the big thunderstorm moves across. -Jason Cook
18:35 - Just lost sight of them rounding Point Defiance from Owen Beach. -Jolena Tagg
18:36 - One male, just surfaced. Mid Dalco, headed south right for Point Defiance. Four juveniles/females, behind male referenced above. I'm viewing from mouth of Gig Harbor. -Kathleen Cage
18:30 - They're past Vashon look to be angling towards Narrows so far. -David Bennett
18:29 - Appear to be directed towards the Narrows off the west end of Vashon. Thinking the adult male is Jack.
18:25 - Have passed ferry terminal on Vashon side still westbound. Moving with purpose. -Melissa Bird
18:19 - They're moving at a pretty good pace. Past where I marked [approx. 47.324003, -122.496011]. -David Bennett
18:17 - Have crossed Quartermaster & are off the east tip of Vashon, westbound towards ferry terminal. At least six with at least two adult male. -Melissa Bird
18:17 - Starting to round Vashon from Quartermaster. Southbound and westbound groups [approx. 47.332343, -122.471821]. -Jason Cook
17:58 - Same group is crossing Quartermaster Harbor entrance halfway to Vashon. -Reid Wilkes
17:58 - Counting at least four about to. Ross Quartermaster Harbor, put a little further than they had been. Still seeing one male with them.
17:54 - About here and active [approx. 47.338966, -122.458902].
17:50 - Have a small group, at least three with adult male, who just rounded the southeast end of Maury Island, westbound, towards Quartermaster Harbor, close to Island side. -Melissa Bird
17:50 - Quartermaster Harbor entrance closer to Maury side. -Reid Wilkes
17:20 - More active. Breaches and tail slaps. Southern trend mid channel. -Stace Gordon
17:13 - Marla Smith called back to report the orcas still out from, but now passing, Gold Beach, Vashon. They are surface active, not sure if on a hunt or drifting with their meal? Still moving southbound very very slowly. Two groups: larger group is offshore, island side of mid channel. At least eight in larger group, thought she saw one group go south, and then this larger group, so possibly others circled back. Still lots of surface activity as they continue on very slowly. Heat haze is real, photos super pixelated making ID difficult, but could see super pointy fins. Also of note, a couple of bolts of lightning around Mount Rainier in the background.
17:20 - Spotted what appears to be midchannel a little west of Gold Beach. Several individuals with breaches. I really think I saw at least five. One really big dorsal. And probably not midchannel; a lot closer to Maury. -Reid Wilkes
16:48 - Marla Smith called to report she is seeing orca fins off Maury Marine Park heading southbound slowly, Vashon Island side. Does see one male, thinking group is split? She is relocating to try for another vantage point.
16:45 - Orca in East Channel between Gold Beach on Maury Island and Dumas Bay on mainland.
1645 on 5/15. Closer to Maury Island but still mid-channel. At least 7 with 1 male. Circling with some tail slapping and pectoral fin slapping. Maybe feeding. Trending north. -Burt Miller, WSF
16:49 - Continue to meander in two groups; very slow drift southward.
16:39 - Confirming the group is split. One group a bit south of the other.
16:29 - Just west of Saltwater Park. Closer to Maury. Still not much direction and long down times. -Stace Gordon
16:15 - Across from Dash Point. Way out close to Vashon. Heading south. Too far out to guess how many are in the pod. -Eric Elgar
15:45 - We are seeing two off Robinson Point lighthouse with binoculars. South of the lighthouse. -Brook Bowman
15:58 - Near southern end of Marine Park. Not moving in any direction. Hunting this area still.
15:34 - Seeing them just off southeast Maury Island. No clear direction. One obvious male. About six females. Lingering. -Stace Gordon
13:00 - Michael Dougherty reports seeing maybe five to six blows from the Vashon-Fauntleroy ferry, just south of ferry closer to Vashon side. Too far to ID or get direction but almost certainly killer whales - saw numerous surfacing & behavior/blow pattern, etc. all consistent w/killer whales. Blows way too big & behavior not right for porpoises, and too grouped & synchronous etc, to be minke/gray/humpback. I'd say we saw maybe four to five surfacing.
GRAY WHALES - Mon, May 15 - Skagit Bay - 16:31 - Single baleen whale one mile south of southern entrance to Swinomish Channel going south. -Xavier Von Herdringen
Mon, May 15 - Port Susan
16:32 - It’s still there, same general area.
15:30 - Warm Beach area, not going any direction.
14:46 - Grey straight across from Country Club Beach 1 on the mainland side [South Warm Beach]. Single spout, not sure of direction yet. -Thomas McKane [CWW]
Mon, May 15 - Central Puget Sound (CRC2356 Stalwart) - 17:32 - The gray whale is back and forth in front of the cranes in Commencement Bay. -Candace Gavin
16:58 - Just saw a baleen fluke near port of Tacoma viewing from Ruston Way. -Cherie StOurs
16:48 - Update on gray location [approx. 47.295104, -122.424196].
16:26 - Gray whale is eastbound into Commencement Bay.
16:08 - Gray surfaced about 150 feet offshore of Dune Park. Just outside of Vashon ferry lanes. Northbound. -Candace Gavin
16:09 - Grey just off the shore at Dune, Point Ruston. -Corey Bartlett
Mon, May 15 - Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet (CRC22 Earhart & CRC543) - 17:00 - 17:30 - Saw what I thought was a gray whale (but someone closer thought it was a humpback) right off Point Wilson. Saw the flip of the tale as it went by the Point. Exciting day on a paddle board! No pictures. -Carolyn Berglund
16:42 - Two gray whales were headed north about two miles north of Marrowstone Point well over on the west side of Admiralty Inlet. Seen from the ferry five minutes before docking at Port Townsend. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
13:30 - 14:00 - Yay! Finally saw my first grays of the season, as they are leaving, bittersweet. After missing Gretchen pass through yesterday, both Howard Garrett and I were able to see Earhart and 543 (thanks Alisa and Bart for IDs!) out off Foulweather Bluff and Hood Canal entrance, as they head out Admiralty. -Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network
13:53 - Crc22 and crc543 are northbound from my mark on the map [approx. 47.964086, -122.609576]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
12:05 - Two gray whales spotted on northwest side of Point No Point! Milling offshore Point No Point boat launch and just did a deep dive. Looks like they are heading northbound now. North closer to the Hansville shoreline. -Carly Vester
11:53 - We just saw two [Gray] whales close to the shore at Point No Point by Hansville!
12:19 - Two about the same size right next to each other. Definitely heading north up the sound towards Hood Canal. -Rubie Baker
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Elaine Armantrout
Date of Sighting: May 15, 2023
Time: 8:10 AM
Species seen: Gray whales
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: A mile north of Possession Point east side of Whidbey Island near shore
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Blowing and diving. Saw flukes, no dorsal fins
Photos available?: No
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Mon, May 15 - Saratoga Passage - 10:05 - Baleen whale heading north at a good clip only popping up once in a while. Mid channel Saratoga Passage, closer to Camano off Onamac. -photo by Aaron Gill, May 15, 2023
Mon, May 15 - Possession Sound
07:51 - Two blows seen south of ferry heading toward Glendale. Suspect mom and calf humpback but no binoculars alas.
07:20 - Possible humpback seen by fellow passenger at Clinton ferry dock heading south into ferry lanes. He said the whale breached. Will try to see more from the ferry when they load shortly and will let crew know. -Sandy Pollard
07:09 - Large fluke just off Brighton. Too far away as I'm on the ferry, but it looked like it was traveling southwest toward the ferry. WSF had chatter about it now among the crew. I didn't see it, but the crew radio was talking about a whale "between us and Tokitae" as we pulled dock in Mukilteo, so there could be a whale there, too. -Durand Dace
May 14
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, May 14 - Haro Strait
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun May 14 14:25 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.42110,-123.22628 [Discovery Islands]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Jeff Emmett
Whale Alert App
Sun, May 14 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (BCZ0414 Zephyr) - BCZ0414 Zephyr - Went on a whale watching tour and was able to see a gray whale and humpback whale! The humpback was up in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the grey was around Admiralty Bay yesterday [was on PSE, so where Bart reported]. The guide said the humpback was Zephyr and the gray was Gretchen. First time ever seeing a gray whale and humpback; have found a new obsession. We saw a minke in the Strait, too, but was shy and very fast. -photo by Kristi Binau, May 14, 2023
11:20 - Humpback heading away from shore, three plus miles from shore.
11:11 - Humpback is moving away from shore, three quarter mile from shore now.
11:05 - Humpback half mile from shore heading down island/south. Viewing from one mile south of landbank. -Michelline Halliday [WSSJI]
Sun, May 14 - Hood Canal
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun May 14 17:14 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.86199,-122.61177 [off Salisbury Pt. County Park]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Leah S
Whale Alert App
Sun, May 14 - Port Susan/Possession Sound (CRC19827 with another individual, possible calf) - At around sunset tonight we saw the humpback mom and calf pass by the Clinton Ferry landing southbound very close to shore. The mom/adult is CRC-19827. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
21:07 - Alie Hudec called to report seeing a baleen whale beaching off Mukilteo ferry, to south of the ferry. Definitely breaching, wondering if its a humpback!
18:00 - At Tillicum now.
17:00 - These were south of Beach 3. -photos by Thomas McKane, May 14, 2023
18:00 - Humpback mom and calf Tillicum Beach, heading south. -photos by David Symonds, May 14, 2023
GRAY WHALES - Sun, May 14 - Admiralty Inlet (CRC531 Gretchen) - 14:25 - She was moving very, very fast heading north. -Angie Gallagher Freeland
14:20 - It looks like CRC 531 might be leaving Puget Sound today [Admiralty Inlet - approx. 47.989823, -122.588371]. After a week of watching her do a lot of resting and logging we just spotted her today swimming at a fast pace northward from my map spot. If this is truly it, have a great summer Gretchen! -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
Sun, May 14 - Port Susan - 18:40 - Several grays off Tulare Beach headed south. -Rose Rubatino Goulet [CWW]
17:04 - Can’t tell if it’s one or two. Definitely headings slowly northbound [Port Susan - approx. 48.098998, -122.350435].
16:53 - One gray whale. Closer to the east side of the channel. South of Kayak Point. -Steve Blum
16:35 - Two grays hanging off of Camano Hermitage. -Alan Myette
16:30 - We were on the beach at Kayak Point [and] saw one. -Carmin Wahl
15:50 - Gray whale headed north from Tulare Beach. Maybe looking for the one that went north earlier this afternoon. -Rose Rubatino Goulet [CWW]
14:55 - [Grays] up around Warm Beach. -Michael T Langan [CWW]
14:00 - Gray whales headed north out from Tulare Beach. -Rose Rubatino Goulet [CWW]
Here are two videos I got at Kayak Point [video shows gray whale]. -Robbie Schrader
Sun, May 14 - Saratoga Passage - 16:59 - Single spout off Mabana appears to be heading north. There was another one earlier farther out. -Gary Leonard [CWW]
Sun, May 14 - Possession Sound - 08:47 - Spotted a grey whale on the 08:30 crossing. It was south of Clinton about a mile, headed south on Whidbey Island side. -Erik Anderson
Sun, May 14 - South Puget Sound (CRC2356 Stalwart) - 17:25 - Whale spotted east of Anderson Island [approx. 47.135023, -122.665307]! -Chad Johnson
17:04 - Gray 2356 was heading southeast, last seen between south Anderson Island and Nisqually, mainland side of channel. - Matt Krom [PSWS]
Name: colleen Moe
Date of Sighting: May 14, 2023
Time: 4:45 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Nisqually Reach to Nisqually delta area
Direction of travel : East
Behaviors observed: Traveling
Photos available?: No
16:29 - Report of a gray whale on southwest side of Anderson Island, island side of the channel, no direction given. -Matt Krom [PSWS]
14:46 - Just saw either a gray or humpback just south of Anderson Island. Headed towards Budd Inlet [approx. 47.162768, -122.780391] [post had photo of CRC 2356]. -Laura Hamilton [PSWS]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Colleen Moe
Date of Sighting: May 14, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Nisqually reach to Devils Head
Direction of travel : W
Behaviors observed: Traveling
Photos available?: No/
13:26 - Just south of Anderson Island [approx. 47.135095, -122.668575]. -Alayna Oury Vuylsteke
11:07 - Just swam south between the southern tip of Fox Island and Tacoma. -Annie Hilen
11:00 - [Likely gray CRC2356] Humpback whale off the south end of Fox Island between Fox Island and Day Island [approx. 47.237622, -122.579654], mid-channel. Heading south. It did a deep dive after seeing two blows, then we saw two more a few minutes later before it went around the corner for us. -Annie Hilen
CRC2356 Stalwart -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:00 - 11:15 - Seen from Fox Island fishing pier, moving fast southbound. Saw three to four blows at a time before diving. -photos by Jolena Tagg, May 14, 2023
10:15 - He is on his way to Narrows Bridge. -Ali Pankop [PSWS]
CRC2356 Stalwart - ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
09:34 - This was the beauty wishing Point Richmond Beach a Happy Mother’s Day! -Dana Flaskerud -photo by Steve Rees, May 14, 2023
09:10 - It’s now going southwest toward Gig Harbor or Narrows.
08:57 - I think it’s a gray going south on west side of Vashon, Colvos. North of Sunrise Beach. -Krissy Ecklund Mettlach
08:00 - While out watering lavenders, I heard a loud whoosh from offshore and turned to see the back of a grey whale who had just come up for air. It was heading south in Colvos Passage less than a mile south of the Olalla Landing. I dropped the hose and grabbed my phone camera but was too late. Stood there poised for at least 20 minutes but didn’t see it come up for air again. I was so excited! Cheers! -David
MINKE WHALES - Sun, May 14 - North Haro Strait
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Minke Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun May 14 20:19 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.63366,-123.28585 [Bare Island 9, Haro Strait]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Ebba Hooft Toomey
Whale Alert App
Sun, May 14 - Hein Bank - 11:59 - Minke whale, Hein Bank. -Angie Gallagher Freeland
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Sun, May 14 - Possession Sound
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Unspecified Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun May 14 12:13 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.97374,-122.34378 [Clinton]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Scherger
Whale Alert App
11:30 - Big splashes right off of the 11:30 Whidbey ferry about two thirds of the way between Mukilteo and Clinton, on the Clinton side. Ferry passengers were thrilled. -Nicole Schleich Abbott
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, May 14 - South Puget Sound - 16:30 - Saw a blow and a humpback dorsal fin and then a tail three times near Dupont from the shore. -Jaron Banks
BELUGA WHALE - Sun, May 14 - Telegraph Cove - I’m not sure where to report what I’m pretty sure I saw what looked like a beluga whale right near Telegraph Cove (in Victoria, BC) at around 12:00 - 12:30. I know it’s likely impossible that it was a beluga but it looked exactly like one and I got a good look cause I was kayaking close by it. It had the same exact head like one and was bigger than a porpoise. It was the head shape that made me realize it couldn’t have been a porpoise. Just wanted to share in case there have been other sightings too. Thanks! -Sara
In 2021, a beluga whale made its way into Puget Sound. It's always possible another has wandered south, so if you happen to see anything that resembles a beluga in the Salish Sea, we’d LOVE to hear about it!
May 13
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, May 13 - May has been off the hook for Bigg’s killer whales in the Salish Sea with more than 75 unique sightings in the first twelve days of the month - that’s an average of six different groups a day! Esmeralda and I have been busy in the field with behavioral data collection but Jason has also been able to join us on a couple of evening and weekend encounters and put together this short highlight reel to share some of the recent beauty with all of you! -Orca Behavior Institute -video by Jason Shields, May 13, 2023
Sat, May 13 - Strait of Georgia - 09:58 - John Gardiner, Voyager called to report they came upon at least half dozen orcas, including two males, north of Vancouver, 10-11 nautical mile northwest of Bowen Island, traveling northbound close to the eastern shore. Reports seeing some breaches. Prince of Whales boat on scene. Lat/Long per AIS position: 49.40719, -123.70537. -photo by John Gardiner, May 13, 2023
Sat, May 13 - Northern Haro Strait (T36As) -12:57 - Orca. Hunting and surrounded by birds [approx. 48.682429, -123.231757]. At least one calf here, looks like five. They are on a kill. -Smith Siromaskul
Aboard the IE5 near Moresby Island. Fred the pinniped escaped the attempted predation; however, one of his cousins or finned friends became lunch. Of particular interest, during this encounter, Zephyr the humpback was drawn into the post predation fray and made her presence known. Perhaps she was coming to the aid of the California [sea lion] who was frantically seeking refuge on the drift wood. No trumpeting, but it was still very interesting to see. There are two pictures where you can see Zephyr and one of the orcas. They were pretty close at certain points during the encounter. At least one of the T36A babies is a boy. -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, May 13, 2023
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, May 13 - San Juans
12:46 - One more humpy. One mile west of the western tip of Stuart Island.
11:45 - One humpy southbound between San Juan and Lopez, south of Friday Harbor. -Smith Siromaskul
05:45 - Two humpbacks traveling to east. Close to shore at south end of Lopez by Iceberg Point then further out from shore around Swirl Rock. -Sally Reeve
GRAY WHALES - Sat, May 13 - Admiralty Inlet - 20:35 - Friend saw gray whale, heading south. Very close to Whidbey. Could hear it breathing. Surfaced three times. -Janet Moody
Sat, May 13 - Port Susan - 17:49 - Gray whale cruising southbound past Kayak Point. -Rachel Gruenwald
08:34 - Port Susan this morning. -Thomas McKane
07:00 - Looked to be three total [gray whales] in Port Susan, near Beach 2 Country Club. They’ve moved to the mainland shore and are slowly heading south as they do every morning. -Thomas McKane [CWW]
Sat, May 13 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen) - 11:33 - Straight off Sandy Point right now and rounding the bend, close in Whidbey side. -Christy Grant
11:30 - Ready to fluke making right hand turn just out from Sandy Point southbound along shore. It was so pretty to watch her. Per Serena Tierra, Orca Network, shape of the trailing edge looks like CRC531 Gretchen. -Marilyn Armbruster
11:28 - Grey whale heading south pretty close to Sandy Point! -Christy Grant
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Grey Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat May 13 10:10 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.04903,-122.43740
Number Sighted: 1
Submitter Name: Dennis Headley
Whale Alert App
07:20 - Gray heading north towards Summerland Mabana, half mile off the beach. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
Sat, May 13 - Possession Sound - 13:50 - West of Tulalip, east of Hat Island [Snohomish delta - 48.043087, -122.275355]. -back of camera photo by Idah Mahmah, May 13, 2023
Sat, May 13 - Puget Sound (CRC2356 Stalwart) - 18:14 - Baleen whale southbound Colvos Passage. Kitsap - side near Driftwood Cove. Looks like a gray [photo shows gray]. -Kristi King
17:50 - Grey [photo confirmed as gray short time later] or humpback southbound, center channel, north end of Colvos Passage. -Tim Ferris
CRC2356 Salwart -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:40 - Sara Frey called to report a whale thought humpback, but turned out to be gray whale CRC2356 "Stalwart" off Apple Tree Point, Kingston very close inshore, 100 feet (or maybe yards?) heading southbound. -photo by Sara Frey, May 13, 2023
May 12
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, May 12 - Discovery Bay (T65As minus T65A5)
14:46 - Video posted by John Trubiano in Sequim Outdoors FB group confirms T65As. They looked to be heading west close to shore at that time.
14:43 - Second hand report of orcas deep in Discovery Bay. May have exited heading north towards Diamond Point or Protection Island. -Orca Network
17:32 - They split up. Two southwest bound. Five northbound.
17:19 - Found them. They're not heading in any real direction. They've moved about two miles southwest in the last hour.
17:08 - They appear to be heading towards Discovery Bay.
17:06 - Looks like they're turning west [near Smith Island - approx. 48.288038, -122.863012].
16:51 - Two groups are coming together. There were a group southeast of Smith Rock that we just ran into.
16:32 - Turning north three miles south of Smith Rock. Looks like they're heading toward Rosario Strait.
15:32 - Northwest [approx. 48.215482, -122.805772]. -Smith Siromaskul
15:06 - Viewing from Hill Road. Still northbound in front of whale watching boats. Getting harder to see them. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
14:34 - Nearly to ferry lanes, ferry going slow. Whales just surfaced right behind ferry.
14:30 - Approaching Fort Casey easily visible. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:05 - Still northbound, steady 2100 yards southeast of Marrowstone Point. -Desiree Sauvé
14:02 - We have Chainsaw in sight. Just east of north end of Marrowstone. Still heading north. -Smith Siromaskul
Fri, May 12 - Puget Sound - Hubby saw an orca this morning near the Jack Hyde park on the waterfront. It was headed towards Point Defiance. -Margaret Caple Demick
05:15 - I saw one in the north end of the Narrows this morning. One hundred percent sure it was an orca. It looked like it was headed up the Gig Harbor shoreline towards Colvos. -Gabe Miller
Fri, May 12 - Puget Sound (T36As, T63, T65, T71Bs, T87, T124As, T124A1, T124A2s, T124A4s, T124C)
18:37- T124As and T36As have now split. T36As are on the northeast side of Smith. T124As still eastbound but somewhat stalling on south side killing seals.
18:11 - T36As and T124As (with A1 and A4s, no A2s) moving east just south of Smith Island.
17:52 - T36As and T124As together heading east/northeast still southwest of Smith. But lots of direction changes. The others are way in the distance to the southwest.
17:33 - T124As and 71Bs here too.
17:09 - They are southwest of Smith pretty spread generally heading southwest. I have confirmed T63, T65, T36As, and T124C in here so far but more in the distance and will update with more when I know. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu, Maya’s Legacy
14:00 - More grouped up, passing Lagoon Point northbound Kitsap side and a fast pace - J1 with them. -Emily Wandres
14:20 - Just passed Marrowstone Point on the Whidbey side. Lots of whale boats present. -Rebecca Berger
13:52 - Per IE5, Chainsaw et al. have caught up with lead group. Whales continue northbound west of mid channel past Bush Point. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:28 - They are heading north fast. Nearly ten knots [Admiralty Inlet - approx. 48.021005, -122.645812]. -photos by Smith Siromaskul, May 12, 2023
13:25 - Approaching Bush Point. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
We were out with Puget Sound Express today and got this shot of T63 Chainsaw just north of Kingston earlier. Thanks everyone on PSE! -photo by Orca Conservancy, May 12, 2023
13:00 - When we left Shore Meadows at 12:45 the whales were north of Foulweather Bluff closer to the Kitsap side. Faint blows and distant dorsals among the heat/sunshine distortion. -Sandy Pollard
12:44 - The trailing group had T65, T63, T124C, and T124A4s in there at least. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
12:14 - Viewing from Shore Meadows. IE5 has a group off their bow. Too far to tell ID or numbers. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Fri May 12 11:53 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.78042,-122.48328 [S of Kingston terminal]
Number Sighted: 5
Submitter Name: Steve
11:43 - A group just passed Point No Point, Blue Kingdom is mid channel behind group with a male. -Janine Harles
11:35 - Leading group Whidbey side of yellow buoy/channel marker - exhibiting hunting behavior. -Emily Wandres
11:34 - Group headed quickly north toward Point No Point. Hugging Kitsap side. Swiftsure with them. -Elizabeth Sheldon
11:29 - Spotted, possibly three about mid channel headed north from Eglon. I thought I saw Chainsaw off Kingston ferry terminal before leaving to Eglon but not sure. Two males? -Christy Stepper-Coulter
10:49 - First part of group is passed the ferry now. Big male trailing. Mid channel. -Brandi Marie
10:48 - T87 broke off to the east of my spot on the map. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
10:45 - Trailing group with the two bulls here northbound.
10:40 - Trailing group is still south of Kingston and moved even closer to Kitsap side (I needed to move to even slightest elevation to see them). Still south of, but on course northbound toward Kingston ferry terminal. Will add, there is a ton of full activity where I saw who I think was split off group from lead/north group earlier so think someone split from lead group, hunted and is feeding and trailing/south groups is in their vicinity. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:40 - We have the T124A2 pod, T71B pod, and T87 at least northbound at my map spot [north Puget Sound - approx. 47.894132, -122.464906]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
10:39 - Group is headed north. Leaders are breaking away a little bit. Seem to be mid channel. -Brandi Marie
10:25 - From Sunset Ave looking to north of Eglon. Saw group heading northwest for last five minutes or so. On a dive now. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
10:17 - Definitely looked like hunting activity. -Joe Olson
10:39 - This southern group surfaced just south of the mid channel buoy off Kayu Kayu way over on west side. Then went stealthy. I’ve not see them since.
10:15 - Who presume is southern group is now off Jefferson Head, northbound quick pace west is mid channel. Includes two bulls and several others. Prior I had seen orcas from lead group stall and facing south but haven’t relocated them so will be interesting to see if all merge, mix it up, split more. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:08 - Very close to Kitsap side now.
10:06 - They look like they are hunting potentially. -Brandi Marie
10:00 - At least some of the original large lead group stalled and/or flipped before reaching Kingston ferry terminal area. Trying to discern if all or just some. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:11 - They’re well north, almost to Point No Point.
10:00 - Viewing a group from the Edmonds Fishing pier, mid channel and northbound. -Michelle Goll
10:12 - I counted seven just now.
10:00 - Could be. There’s at least five orca I would guess. Viewing through binoculars. Very active.
09:55 - Viewing second group. Mid channel. A lot of breaching. -Brandi Marie
09:43 - This large lead group is hauling. They are approaching Kingston and continue to move more west in the channel as they travel northbound, swift, steady pace. Likely decent pass off Kingston locations. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
09:42 - Looks like T87 in this group. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
09:33 - Viewing from Kingston. -Brandi Marie
09:28 - Lead group is now approaching yellow mid channel buoy between Kayu Kayu and President Point now on west side of channel. Still grouped and still steady northbound quick pace. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
09:35 - They’re headed north very quick towards Carkeek.
09:20 - A group is still off Golden Gardens mid channel circling about, seem to be hunting and having a good time! -Brooke Thompson
09:18 - But it looks like the transient pod off Shilshole, Golden Gardens. The photo is from up top, Sunset Hill park. -photo by Don Lonam, May 12, 2023
09:10 - Group off Shilshole still active. -Sarah Sing
09:06 - I think three west of Shilshole marina still, I am here watching now. -Tim Everson
09:05 - Lead group is large, 12-15 including a bull tightly grouped. Now outside the weather buoy off Richmond Beach Saltwater Park traveling northbound a good clip. Kayu Kayu Ac park next (soon), then Edmonds if you are on this side. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Adrienne Thomas
Date of Sighting: May 12, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Sightline between Golden Gardens and Monroe Point
Direction of travel : N to S, very slow
Behaviors observed: Playing, surfacing, diving, splashing. One of them appeared much smaller— a
young one having fun ?
If orcas, any males?: Too far to tell
Any unusual markings?: Too far
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: There were at least four, as we saw four fins above the water at one point. We watched them at least 45 minutes. AWESOME
Photos available?: No
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sam Wilson
Date of Sighting: May 12, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: off Golden Gardens park in Seattle
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: milling
If orcas, any males?: 2
Photos available?: No
08:54 - Just left Sunset Park. Was watching the more southern group of three that seemed to be hunting/playing with prey. Seemed seal size. Was getting great views with their tails slapping about. -Samuel Paul
08:45 - There are two distinct groups but in same general area: one group still actively hunting off Shilshole Marina; second group was northeast out from Carkeek. A male was in between heading for the more northerly group who is northbound between Carkeek and Richmond Beach well in this side of the channel. Viewing from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
08:23 - Viewing from Carkeek. There is a pilot boat close to them now, moving slowly. They seemed to moving northward - had to leave for work, but they hadn't changed their location significantly in the 15 - 30 minutes I watched. At the time it seemed like there might be a couple trailing a group of about three. -Larry Benesh
08:25 - There is wide spread. Another round of surface activity off Shilshole by one group, includes at least one male, while smaller group is further north of them but nearby.
08:20 - Now seeing second male further southwest of group, the other northeast of group. Same general area see map. Wider spread. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
08:22 - Seeing the splashes from Fay Bainbridge with binoculars, but too far. -Jennifer Borba Von Stauffenberg
08:12 - Seeing the same group from Sunset Park above Golden Gardens! -Samuel Paul
08:21 - Same group closer in to Golden Gardens shore about half nautical mile out. Definitely spotted a male just now with the group!
08:11 - Watched a big group of eight to nine on a seal off Golden Gardens (viewing from up on the bluff) about 07:30-45. Now seeing the same group milling around the same area. Many females and a couple little ones. Don’t see any males. -Jennifer Greiner Clark
08:18 - Roughly and generally [approx. 47.694321, -122.416298].
08:11 - They’ve drifted south and back inland somewhat. Likely between Carkeek and Meadow Point. Possibly upwards of eight or more, but does not appear to be numbers of yesterday's group.
08:05 - Still in same general area roughly out from Carkeek have drifted but more offshore. Still circling, feeding behavior. Looks to be at least one male.
07:44 - Definitely hunting/feeding behavior, no forward movement at this time. At least half dozen. Viewing from Richmond Beach so too far to get accurate count or any IDs.
07:35 - Seeing a lot of surface activity and fins roughly out from Carkeek east side of the Sound. Northbound movement but may be hunting. Going to move for better angle. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
07:30 - 08:30 - Eight plus orcas spotted half a mile off Golden Gardens Park this morning. Early on there was a lot of surface activity and it appears that the pod killed an adult seal. The pod appeared to be almost all female and eventually we spotted a male with a notch on the trailing edge of his dorsal fin. After the kill the pod milled around the area. The smallest orcas and their guardians could often be seen doing tail slaps just before diving. Pod was easy to spot in the still morning waters. -Hays Clark
05:30 - Jordan Light, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 06:42 to report: 0530hrs – 5-6 orca heading north mid sound near Bainbridge island - spotted from SPOKANE.
GRAY WHALES - Fri, May 12 - Saratoga Passage - 08:10 - Whale seen off shore from Camano Island State Park, fairly close to shore and headed north. Looked like a grey. -Kourtnee Marr Lindgren
Fri, May 12 - Port Susan - 19:04 - [Gray] headed west from Warm Beach right now. -Regis Swanson [PSWW]
18:29 - [Gray] In front of Kayak now [Port Susan]. -Carrie Gross [PSWW]
09:00 - Two in Port Susan this morning. -photo by Thomas McKane, May 12, 2023
May 11
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, May 11 - Puget Sound (T63 & T65 split off from group)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Thu May 11 18:36 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.29658,-122.50058 {East of Dune Peninsula]
Number Sighted: 2
Submitted Comments: Chainsaw with young orca
Submitter Name: Keith Larson
18:13 - From friend Kelly K, seeing one male off of the stern of the ferry (Point Defiance/Tahlequah run). -Marla Smith, Orca Network
18:15 - Secondhand report: two orcas heading west through Dalco, ferry stopped for them.
17:55 - Secondhand report of orcas still in Commencement Bay, closer to Vashon. Viewer is seeing them from Ruston. -Brooke Casanova
Thu, May 11 - Puget Sound (T36As, T63, T65, T71Bs, T87, T124As, T124A1, T124A2s, T124A4s, T124C, T124Ds) - This past Thursday May 11th, we had in incredible visit from a large T party who swam through Island waters in the warm PNW sunshine. They moved south down the Sound, spread in groups, mixing and mingling, with three grown bulls, Cooper/T124C, Harbeson/T87, and Chainsaw/T63 intermixed within the groups. As with many folks, T63 has been one of my bucket list whales, and having missed his pass last year by 20 minutes, seeing him was something sweet indeed! As they moved down East Passage and approached the Point, my eyes zeroed in on Chainsaw and followed his flow as he was still with the group, but off by himself during the pass. My heart was racing! What a hearthrob he is. The larger group passed us out from shore a bit, but still so breathtaking to see so many fins together, and lots of littles bopping up for a breath interspersed deep within the group. Everyone looked like they had passed us except for two who hung back and abruptly flipped back north, with splashes and lunges. The hunt was on! In the water straight out in front of us along the south end of the beach, the water started bubbling, and we could see the flippers of a very panicked sea lion contemplating his next move, staying in one spot. Soon thereafter, many other whales also flipped back north, and chaos began. For a half hour, our eyes didn't know where to look, there was so much going on, and as most hunts go, the action is wildly fast and unpredictable. And to make matters more confusing where to direct my lens, Chainsaw was flanking the back of the hunt the whole time, lurking and rising, protecting the periphery in case the seal fled, or possibly, just waiting for the dinner bell. Many of the littles also joined in the hunt, slapping their little flukes, clearly excited to be included. After a bit, more whales came back, but stayed to the far south side, watching, logging, and waiting maybe to see if they were needed, or maybe waiting to swap in as relief. Eventually they all moved south, and we never did see evidence of a kill, or, maybe the chase went on too far south for us to see, we'll never know I suppose. Regardless, that sea lion was not going to go down easily, even surrounded by a bunch of hungry orcas. It was a pass I won't soon forget! I haven't had a chance yet to sit down and suss out all of the fins yet to ID (so many!), but matrilines present during this Puget Sound visit so far have been ID'd as: T36As, T65 and T63, T71Bs, T87, T124C, T124As, T124A2s and T124A4s, All photos taken from shore. -Marla Smith, Orca Network -photos by Marla Smith, May 11, 2023
T124C Cooper - Here are some images from Transient Thursday from the deck of the Ferry MV Salish, followed by shoreline shots from Titlow & Chambers Bay. -photos by Jason Cook, May 11, 2023
T63 Chainsaw - My take on the orcas adventure to Seattle. -photos by Alec Sills-Trausch, May 11, 2023
T63 Chainsaw - Transient orcas incredible visit to the south sound. -photos by Robyn Riley, May 11, 2023
So many beautiful orcas [this] afternoon! Watching from the Tacoma/Vashon ferry as they passed by and headed south. Incredible, didn’t know where to look there were so many! -photos by Cherie StOurs, May 11, 2023
Photo of Chainsaw. I finally had my moment with him! -photo by Amber Stanfill, May 11, 2023
Sometimes it takes some time documenting everyone who is present, and sometimes you find someone you didn’t know where there. T124A1 Bonapartes was also present. -photo & ID by Brittany Noelle, May 11, 2023
Highlight today was the Tacoma fire boat getting all the boats away from the whales at Point Defiance! -Ryan Dicks
23:30 - Passing east/southeast through Carr Inlet between Fox & McNeill Islands. -Jon
20:30 - Northwest bound toward Carr. -Jason Bryan
20:24 - Still headed north. Past McNeill. -Pat Maricle
19:58 - They are between McNeil and Saltar's Point, closer to McNeil and north of the prison, northbound. -Gayle Swigart
19:51 - Moving away from me but I can’t tell more about direction [approx. 47.180725, -122.644757]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
19:35 - Just saw them up against McNeil Island by the barge dock! -Toni Hi
19:40 - Still east bounds hugging McNeill [approx. 47.187864, -122.670480].
19:21 - East bound again between McNeill and Eagle Island. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
19:07 - Changed direction and appear to be hunting off McNeil Island. West of Eagle Island. No direction. -Lane Sample
19:03 - I have whiplash. They are headed back east through Balch Passage [approx. 47.191023, -122.723520]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
T36A2 was also in the mix. -back of camera photo & ID by Brittany Noelle, May 11, 2023
18:57 - I’ve chased them down the whole Anderson Island north side beach and I can’t breathe. They headed down Drayton Passage likely toward Case Inlet. -photos by Belen Bilgic Schneider, May 11, 2023
16:45 - John called to report 12-19 orcas in Balch passage (between Anderson and McNeil) westbound quickly. Females and young grouped with one male 50 feet off from them and two bulls trailing short distance. Traveling eight knots.
Been following Orca Network for a number of years, but today was the day the we finally got to see the pods pass through the Narrows with our kids. Thank you, that was special! -Gary Murdoch
18:31 - Small group headed toward McNeill [approx. 47.196580, -122.621024].
18:27 - From Anderson Island ferry dock, they are now all moving with some speed north, big group with frolicking juveniles ahead of the two males. Leaders at marker, trailers at south end of the golf course [approx. 47.215103, -122.586479]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
18:36 - See several blows near Anderson Island ferry dock viewing from Chambers Bay walk bridges. -Cherie StOurs
18:40 - The group that I was watching appeared to head west between McNeil and Anderson. They appeared closer to McNeil from here.
18:27 - Trending southerly.
18:20 - Seeing blows in front of McNeil Island prison, from Saltar's Point. -Gayle Swigart
18:10 - From Anderson Island ferry dock, two males southbound, likely headed between Ketron and Anderson [approx. 47.194718, -122.628957].
18:07 - From Anderson Island ferry dock, at least seven in Chambers Bay milling. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
18:06 - They are swimming past Sunnyside Beach but out mid channel. -Ry Guy
18:04 - Viewing from ferry, heading south by McNeil in front of the prison. -Lane Sample
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Evan West
Date of Sighting: May 11, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: 47°18'54"N 122°28'29"W
Direction of travel : First observed at the coordinates above heading NW but then traveled maybe 50
yards south towards Ruston way then I assumed they continued moving north west towards Point
Ruston Narrows Bridge area or around the west side of Vashon.
Behaviors observed: Hunting. I first saw small fish jumping near 47°16'34"N 122°27'24"W I didn’t know if they came from this area first then traveled northwest.
If orcas, any males?: One of them could have been male. There were two, one of them did have a significantly larger dorsal that could have been 4-5 feet but it was about 1000+ yards off shore so it was hard to tell
Any unusual markings?: Too far to see N/A
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: My wife and I first saw small fish jumping near 47°16'34"N 122°27'24"W just off shore from the Tacoma Chinese Reconciliation Park I didn’t know if they came from this area first then traveled northwest towards Vashon. When I stated they moved 50 yards south there was a large barge that was moving directly where they were hunting and I was thinking that’s why they moved slightly south. They then disappeared after that and moved on
Photos available?: No
17:52 - Viewing from Chambers walk bridge. Looks like females on a hunt in the middle of Chambers Bay and saw two males in front of McNeil prison. -Cherie StOurs
17:47 - Passing in front of Pioneer Park in Steilacoom. -Andrea Stacey
17:36 - Heading south from Fox Island, viewing from Chambers Bay walk bridge. -Cherie StOurs
17:28 - [video] Titlow by the old Steamer’s. Sorry, the video and update loaded too slow to stay in succession with the feed. -Brandie Hassing
17:23 - Heading by Chambers Bay. -Barb Pritchard Hulbert
17:13 - At least two groups still heading south towards Fox Island Pier, mid channel already past Titlow. -Jennifer Swenson
17:10 - Spotted from Narrows Brewery headed south about three minutes ago, at least ten, cheers! -Lauren Bentson
17:06 - Just passed Titlow, heading south! -Michelle Carbone Dahl
17:05 - Almost at Fox Island fishing pier. -Keenan Miller
17:04 - Just passing Titlow - one group mid channel a second closer to Gig Harbor side, heading southbound. -Jennifer Swenson
17:03 - Group of about five to seven just south of old TOA at Titlow, traveling. Four more trailing, mid-channel. -Jill Clogston
16:59 - Three groups four to six per group. Just passed under Narrows Bridge. -Raylee McKinley
16:58 - Two groups have passed under the bridge, southbound, favoring Tacoma side. Viewing from Narrows Park. -Jenelle Walter
16:58 - Mid channel, south of bridge now. Moving fast! -Linda Podiak
16:57 - I’m seeing one large group somewhat spread out, all south of the bridge continuing south. Mid channel - viewing from Titlow. -Brooke Casanova
16:55 - Approximately eight orcas traveling south under the middle of Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Haven't seen so many traveling together. Beautiful sight! -Betty Foster
16:53 - Narrows Bridge. Two groups just passed under the bridge. Heading south. -Anne Lynde
16:50 - Closer to Tacoma side of channel. -Keenan Miller
16:48 - Just passed under the bridge. -Emelie Kaye Peine
16:47 - About to go under bridge now. -Keenan Miller
16:43 - One group off Point Evans approaching Narrows Bridge Gig Harbor side. Second group out mid channel of them. -Melissa Bird
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Pauline Proszowski
Date of Sighting: May 11, 2023
Time: 4:30 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 9
Where seen: Puget Sound - across from Salmon Beach heading towards Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Direction of travel : South, close to Gig Harbor west shore, slowly swimming
Behaviors observed: Traveling, spouting
If orcas, any males?: One to two
Any unusual markings?: Too far away to tell
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Looked like one large pod that split into two groups as they were swimming along
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to - T87 Harbeson -photos by Pauline Proszowski, May 11, 2023
16:36 - Viewing from Gig Harbor, it looks more mid channel. One bull now with group. They're slowly moving southbound Narrows.
16:31 - Stalled in front of Salmon Beach, Tacoma
16:29 - Seven to nine headed down Narrows. We lost the bull. We think he swam ahead. Very stealth today. The seven to nine females/juvies stalled. -Kathleen Cage
16:25 - Pod spotted in front of Owen Beach. -Rory Macomber
16:24 - At Gig Harbor Viewpoint on 5 Mile Drive. With people & fireboat yelling at the boater who never shut their engine off, tough conditions to film in, sun was in my eyes & couldn't really see my screen. [Link to video] -Melissa Bird
16:24 - Two groups, one of three maybe, and one of five maybe, southbound in the Narrows off Gig Harbor viewpoint. -Melissa Bird
16:16 - Trending south in Dalco viewing from the Vashon ferry. -Cherie StOurs
16:13 - One big male in front of Point Ruston now. -Rory Macomber
16:09 - Traveling, angling towards the Narrows, one group in front, another group following. Unsure if committed. -Jill Clogston
16:09 - Looks as if the first group is heading into the Narrows. -Robyn Dally
16:08 - Just passed by Owen Beach heading west. -Katie Stanek
16:04 - About six orcas. Just passed the ferry on Vashon side. Traveling west. -Robert Pollock
15:58 - Viewing from the Point Defiance Marina seeing four to five crossing in front of the ferry on Vashon. -Robyn Dally
15:58 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:05 to report 1558hrs: Vessel SALISH reports 6 orca WB, 1/2 mile south of the Tahlequah dock.
15:57 - Looks like five to eight spread along the south end of Vashon, westbound in Dalco crossing the ferry. -Brooke Casanova
15:57 - There’s a group approaching the ferry now (near Vashon). -Kirsten Vacura
15:49 - Multiple groups crossing along the south end of Maury Island approaching Quartermaster Harbor. At least two bulls present. -Melissa Bird
15:40 - From Gig Harbor, seeing splashes in front of channel buoy. Swimming towards Tacoma/south. -Kathleen Cage
15:40 - One group has cleared south tip of Maury and is westbound towards Quartermaster, some still active out by channel marker.
15:30 - Lots of activity just north of the southern channel marker off Maury Island. Breaching and tail slaps [approx. 47.342984, -122.429873].
15:24 - From my vantage high up in the north end, seeing a large group approaching the southern buoy at the end of East Passage. In line with the buoy, southbound with purpose. At least 13 individuals in two groups. -Melissa Bird
15:20 - Three groups southbound along Maury, lead group approaching Quartermaster Harbor. -David Michael
15:02 - Roughly like this. Males may be flanking. Don’t see any males in lead group.
14:57 - Who was the mid channel group that continued south and stayed out of the hunt is now well ahead of the other two groups. So looks like at this time three distinct groups with the now trailing two groups (those involved in the hunt) are close to one another south of Point Robinson all southbound [approx. 47.361669, -122.409651].
14:50 - Groups have moved south. Lead large group is super active lunging/porpoising while tight trailing large group is at slower pace. Maybe still pursuing prey. All southbound Vashon side. Very dynamic event with so many whales. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:55 - They have moved offshore and are headed south. -Jim Pasola
14:51 - Amazing hunt off of Point Robinson! Now all have moved in a southerly direction with more purpose, but still at the southern edge of the point, island side close in to shore, some directional changes still. Lots of whales in the groups 12+ includes big boys Chainsaw, Harbeson and Cooper. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
14:49 - I've only seen Chainsaw recently on this hunt. I think the other bulls may have continued south.
14:45 - From Point Robinson an incredible episode. They've been chasing what I believe are multiple harbor seals for the last 30 minutes. Half the whales had already passed but when the hunt began returned. Are still hunting farther offshore. Undetermined which way they'll head after. -photo by Jim Pasola, May 11, 2023
14:20 - They are visible from less than five minutes from [Three Tree Point dive site] southbound. -Christina Fenerty
14:30 - Amazing to watch even from across (Des Moines) a lot of surface activity and coordinated efforts off south end Point Robinson Park, meanwhile the mid channel group continues southbound travels whereas all the others turned back and converged to partake in what has every appearance of a hunt off the park.
14:25 - Most seem to be surface active and now others to the south are facing north. Looks like maybe they are now hunting off south end Point Robinson Park.
14:20 - One lead group has been lunging/porpoising off south end Point Robinson Park. Others including two males ahead of them a bit more offshore. Group is widely spread out south of and southend Point Robinson to mid channel off Des Moines. All southbound.
14:16 - Lead group south of Point Robinson Vashon side; next group of approx. six (females/young, one to two calves) is mid channel off Des Moines pier; third group of four to five west of mid channel slightly trailing with male trailing them.
14:10 - I just got to Des Moines and see one group just now passing by Point Robinson close in. Others still to the north southbound as well but offshore. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:03 - Groups on the move, approaching Point Robinson, southbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
14:00 - From Point Robinson there's a group between Point Robinson and KVI that's been there for some time on a hunt at least one bull in that group, and the other group is more mid channel heading this way at least two bulls in that group. -Jim Pasola
13:55 - Seeing some fins looking north from Point Robinson, some mid channel, some on mainland side. -Ellen Weir
13:40 - Correction they are spread. At least one male ahead of the large tight group, and smaller groups trailing as well as another male.
13:35 - Tight group now well around south side of Three Tree Point mid channel to Burien side of. Steady southbound travel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:30 - From Three Tree Point earlier. -Shelly Sh
13:25 - Group out front at Klahanie Beach, just north of KVI. Southbound close to shore on Vashon side. -Ellen Weir
13:02 - Group of around four close in to Island shores, now past Glen Acres, group includes a little one and Cooper, headed southbound fast pace.
12:50 - Group out in mid channel, southbound, another group closer in to island side just passing Glen Acres southbound, good pace. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
13:00 - Looks like groups have caught up with one another. Two groups now in close proximity to each other steady southbound north of Dilworth. Mid channel to east of.
12:45 - Trailing group is now south of Fauntleroy/Vashon ferry lanes southbound still swift pace. Mid channel to west of. Gorgeous day in gorgeous place we live! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:45 - Passing Vashon ferry dock as viewed from Brace Point. Moving quickly. -Steve Rice
12:35 - Chainsaw coming up behind the others just passing the ferry headed south. Farther out in the channel than the others.
12:32 - Headed southeast just passed the Fauntleroy ferry near Brace Point. Harberson and three others closer to Seattle side. -Jami Cantrell
12:25 - Group two at least six to eight.
12:28 - This trailing group has 10-12 they are southbound quickly. Imagine trying to catch up to others [approx. 47.522023, -122.454264].
12:18 - Two large groups: lead group is going on long dives and now well to the south of my map and moved southwest maybe in ferry lanes. Trailing group is off Blake Island mid channel southbound quick pace, some porpoising! -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:18 - Roughly here [approx. 47.493789, -122.440116], still southbound. Viewing from Emma Schmitz. -Steve Rice
12:08 - Slow southbound travel still north of ferry lanes. Maybe stall but just saw awesome spyhop!
11:57 - One male leading still north of ferry traffic lanes (Vashon/Fauntleroy) followed by two larger groups followed by another male [approx. 47.537549, -122.453346]. Some lunges and surface activity and directional changes while southbound angling maybe southwest. Possibly on hunt? -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:55 - Viewing from the Southworth ferry dock I've seen at least three bulls and several others; all that I've seen are still north of Fauntleroy ferry dock from my point of view. -Jim Pasola
11:52 - Definitely saw Chainsaw this morning. -Alec Sills-Trausch
11:50 - Spread from north tip Vashon to Dolphin Point, six or seven orcas many boats following. View from Constellation Park in West Seattle.
11:38 - Harbeson and friends off Constellation. -photos by Mary Hartmann, May 11, 2023
11:47 - Passing Manchester now viewing from Emma Schmitz. Still steady southbound, maybe six whales? -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
11:45 - Just arrived south side Alki Point and see group southbound east side of channel and at least one male trailing short distance behind. Slow steady southbound travels. Nice pod of harbor porpoise between the Ts and shore. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:44 - South of Alki lighthouse now.
11:36 - Directly in front of Puget Sound Express right off the point [approx. 47.583336, -122.422958]. -Alexander Simenstad
T87 Harbeson - 11:34 - Taken from Alki lighthouse. -back of camera photo by Zach Ward, May 11, 2023
11:05 - Just to the right of the cargo ship as viewed from 64th Alki. They were moving generally south in the bay. -Steve Rice
10:59 - ID three more, we have 124A2 and her two kids as well.
10:46 - With seven whales here. Confirmed four so far; T63, T87, T124A4 and T124A4A. We did leave another male and few more in the distance on the Bainbridge side. So there are easily nine plus whales but spread out across from Elliot Bay to Bainbridge [approx. 47.637189, -122.425886]. -Kyla Bivens
10:40 - Spotted from 64th Alki. Just west of the lighthouse moving slowly eastward.
10:43 - Now seen just east of the lighthouse. May be slightly spread out. -Steve Rice
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Rodney Hearne
Date of Sighting: 05/11/2023
Time: 10:21 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 15
Where seen: N47°38.72, W122°28.62
Direction of travel : South, slowly 2nm/hour
Behaviors observed: Milling, perhaps hunting, broadly spaced over a half nm square
If orcas, any males?: Yes, at least one.
Any unusual markings?: Not close enough to notice
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: The big male stayed further offshore from the smaller ones.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photos by Rodney Hearne, May 11, 2023
10:11 - Between Golden Gardens and Discovery Lighthouse. Multiple orcas. Current on the PSE. -Alec Sills-Trausch
09:32 - Heading south, looking straight across towards Bainbridge Island.
09:02 - Viewing them from Blue Ridge neighborhood. Over by Kingston. -Kacie Barrett
T63 Chainsaw - 08:54 - We passed three groups of about a dozen orcas in total, including both juniors and at least two adult males, heading south past Kingston in the shipping lanes when the ferry called this in [Jefferson Head - approx. 47.771126, -122.453335]. -photo by Voyager Superyacht, May 11, 2023
08:26 - John Gardiner, Voyager called to report they are spotting two groups of orcas off Kingston one to three quarter miles away from ferry dock heading southbound in southbound lanes. Four to five in one group. Possible group is in three subgroups. Several adult males. Look to be transiting at this time, no other behaviors to report.
08:04 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 08:09 to report: 0804hrs: Vessel PUYALLUP reports via 800MHz they've spotted 8-10 orcas heading in a northbound direction on the western edge of the southbound traffic lanes.
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Thu, May 11 - Oregon Coast
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Russell Hess
Date of Sighting: May 11, 2023
Time: 4:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Cannon Beach
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Photos available?: No
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, May 11 - San Juans (BCX1057 Divot)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Thu May 11 13:30 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.65754,-123.06359 [SW of Waldron]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: the name [Divot]
Submitter Name: sam
Whale Alert App
15:50 - Humpback whale coming down San Juan Channel towards Friday Harbor. Almost to Point Caution. Per John Boyd, it’s Divot. -Barbara Howitt [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Thu, May 11 - Port Susan - 07:50 - Two grays across from Beach 2 Country Club. Far shore moving south. -Thomas McKane
Thu, May 11 - Possession Sound - 16:46 - Two grays between Hat Island & Jetty. -Alice Moyal
13:20 - Just passed another grey on the west side of Hat Island heading north/northwest.
13:00 - Saw three greys east of Hat Island about 35 minutes ago. -photo by Alec Sills-Trausch, May 11, 2023
07:21 - Two whales now down in the cove below me quickly heading south [generally mid Hat Island, north side].
06:47 - One gray down in the cove below me [generally mid Hat Island, north side] and one spout near Jetty.
06:15 - I see a spout between southeast Hat & Priest Point. Heading north/northwest. -photos by Alice Moyal, May 11, 2023
May 10
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, May 10 - San Juans (T36As, T63, T65, T87, T124As, T124A1, T124A2s, T124A4s, T124C) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #20: “We arrived on scene from the south and the encounter began at 1645 on the Lopez Island side of the channel off Fisherman Bay. T87 was in the lead by himself as he traveled south parallel to the Lopez shoreline. About a hundred yards behind him was a large tight group that included all of the T36As and T124As. T63 and T65 were loosely spread out and following the T36As and T124As by about fifty yards. T87 moved over to the Lopez shoreline and T65 joined him a little later…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #20.
T124C Cooper and T63 Chainsaw - Spent today with fantastic people watching some pretty spectacular whales. It was yet another T-Party! This time we went to Canada to see them. T36As, T63, T65, T87, T124As, T124A2s, T124A4s, and T124C (19 whales) were the party guests. Yes, Chainsaw and his mom, Whidbey II, were there! I tried so hard to get T87, T124C and T63 all in one picture, but alas, the most I could get was two. The water was glass, the sun warm, and the skies bright blue! It was a good day! -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, May 10, 2023
16:30 - South of Turn Island cruising at five knots for Cattle Pass.
15:15 - Leaders Yellow Island southbound.
14:20 - Now at the bottom of President’s Channel.
13:25 - T Party aiming south towards President’s Channel from Patos, group includes Chainsaw and mom, T36As, many of the T124s, T87. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
12:30 - Magical day in the Strait of Georgia with large group of Ts who include 65, 63, 87, 124C and other matrilines, including some super adorable little ones having a lovely time socializing and engaging in tactile behavior, all in glassy calm seas under warm beautiful sly. Southbound slowly easy going pace. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Wed, May 10 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46s minus T46) - 12:06 - We left them about here! Appeared to be milling with some directional changes [approx. 48.300993, -122.134437]. -Brooke Casanova
11:30 - Brooke Casanova for sending message the T46s are out in the Strait of Juan de Fuca south of San Juan Island.
Wed, May 10 - Admiralty Inlet (T71Bs & T124Ds) - Orcas and eagles, what a feast for the eyes. Adults and immatures were spread across the shoreline of Hidden Beach at low tide with the juveniles practicing their social skills under the watchful eyes of their peers, while on the west side of Whidbey the T71Bs and T124Ds cruised past Lagoon Point northbound in Admiralty Inlet. Nature's colors and wonders were well and truly complimented on such a glorious day. -photo by Sandy Pollard, May 10, 2023 -photo by RJ Snowberger, May 10, 2023
17:57 - I’m guessing they’re about here now - steadily northbound still [North Admiralty Inlet - approx. 48.125104, -12.728880]. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
17:53 - Still northbound mid channel.
17:26 - Still going north [approaching] Port Townsend [approx. 48.114684, -122.674404]. -Kanoi Ivory
15:40 - Northbound passing Lagoon Point.
15:25 - All six grouped up approaching Lagoon Point very much Whidbey side.
15:00 - Guessing T71Bs leading by quarter mile or less, Whidbey side of midchannel. T124Ds closer to Whidbey, northbound, past Bush Point lighthouse. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:55 - Six killer whales, heading north quickly, six to seven knots. Three are the T124Ds so I’m assuming the other three in the distance are the T71Bs. Was also able to ID T71B in the group. [approx. 47.945661, -122.538949]. -Kyla Bivens
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, May 10 - Haro Strait (CRC19820 Malachite) - Malachite was in Haro Strait moving northbound up west side San Juan this morning. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
08:55 - Humpback traveling north/up island quarter mile from shore, one mile south of landbank. -Michelline Halliday [WSSJI]
Wed, May 10 - Boundary Pass - 13:25 - Two humpbacks traveling together closely in Boundary Pass eastbound approaching East Point, Saturna. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Wed, May 10 - South Puget Sound
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Wed May 10 13:49 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.19978,-122.58303 [Chambers Bay]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Erin Chapman-Smith
Whale Alert App
GRAY WHALES - 07:00 - 10:30 - Some frame grabs [taken under NMFS Permit 26599] from the two feeding gray whales working the wider Snohomish estuary. I recognize one whale being our old friend from last winter CRC 2440 but which is the other? [CRC22 Earhart is the second whale]. Best to you all. -photo by Florian Graner, PhD, May 10, 2023 - Sealife Productions - Marine Biologist - Taken under NMFS Permit 26599
Wed, May 10 - Saratoga Passage
15:34 - Two!
15:33 - Gray whale straight out from our bank, just south of Summerland. Moving south. -Peg Boley [CWW]
May 9
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, May 9 - Admiralty Inlet - 20:45 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 20:56 to report: 2045hrs: Vessel KENNEWICK reports via 800MHz 2 orca moving north, in the separation zone.
Tue, May 9 - Port Susan/Saratoga Passage (T71Bs & T124Ds) - The T71Bs and T124Ds eventually reached Hidden Beach late afternoon after exiting Port Susan earlier in the day. Once past Fox Spit and Baby Island the leaders spent a bit of time milling before suddenly accelerating toward Camano Island and continuing north mid-channel, with the second group bringing up the rear closer to Camano Island. Perhaps with Penn Cove in mind they were soon out of sight, much to the relief of the three seals bobbing up and down anxiously together near the beach. -photo by Sandy Pollard, May 9, 2023 -photos by RJ Snowberger, May 10, 2023
20:53 - They may be broken up, was just watching three by pottery store, but seeing lots of splashes out from Monroe Landing. -Jamie Ewen
20:40 - Back to Monroe Landing!
20:28 - Down by Captain Whidbey!
19:44 - Just saw them passing Monroe Landing, westbound. -Betsie Jo Lawler
19:40 - They are there [Penn Cove] now. -Susan Wheeler Vogt
18:15 - Near Race Lagoon northbound close to Whidbey. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
17:49 - They’re still on Whidbey side almost off Shangri-La heading north at a good pace. Northbound one and half miles north of Hidden Beach. -Aaron Gill
17:44 - Heather Anson, North Bluff Road, called to report seeing three orcas, looked to be two females and young one (no males) heading northbound, one and half miles north of Hidden Beach on Whidbey side. Not fast, but are traveling.
17:30 - Traveling fast, well north of Hidden Beach now. Whidbey side. Other group straight out from Hidden Beach. Look like trying to catch up now.
17:24 - Believe our group is T124Ds, very small one with this group. Northbound passing Hidden Beach, Whidbey side of midchannel. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
17:17 - My group is slowly northbound, might be trending east slightly. North of Baby Island now. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
17:00 - Taken under NMFS Permit 26599, of the three orcas we found mid-channel between Baby Island and Camano Island State Park. We did not see the other three. -photos by Florian Graner, PhD, May 9, 2023 - Marine Biologist - Sealife Productions -Photos taken under NMFS Permit 26599
17:05 - Our group of three are milling, slow trend northbound, can see barely without binos here. At Hidden Beach.
16:55 - Matrilines may be split? Were seeing three south of Hidden Beach more [Whidbey] our side. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:57 - Definitely hunting, lots of directional changes in the same area. Still only seeing three in this group.
16:50 - Finally found them milling in the same area as Rachel's map. Pointed south but not moving much - may be hunting. I only saw two to three so they might be spread out again. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
16:48 - Found them, they are in front of Baby Island milling around. -Charvet Drucker
16:32 - Whales last approx. here [Baby Island area - 48.106887, -122.509538].
16:15 - Northbound past Fox Spit. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:40 - Orcas are spread out in three groups heading up Saratoga past Sandy Point - going really slow. Some closer to the Whidbey side and others on Camano side.
15:00 - Reported to have entered Saratoga Passage. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:14 - Now south tip of Camano head going west.
14:07 - Confirmed orcas north of Hat Island. -Alice Moyal
13:38 - Southeast bound now looking like they are aimed towards Everett [approx. 48.032442, -122.297634]. -Marilyn Armbruster
13:15 - Viewing from Sandy Point, they are slowly southbound past Camano Head. Maybe Whidbey side of mid-channel? -Emily Wandres
13:27 - Middish channel equally distanced from Camano Head and Sandy Point southbound. I swear I saw two baleen whales quarter mile behind just milling [approx. 48.050235, -122.324853].
13:18 - Have passed Camano Head southbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Dougie B
Date of Sighting: 05/09/2023
Time: 12:41 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Port Susan
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Two whale boats tracking them
Photos available?: No
12:40 - They have all grouped up and we are going to depart in a few minutes. Still southbound [Port Susan - approx. 48.092710, -122.355976].
12:23 - Update for T71Bs and T124Ds southbound [Port Susan - approx. 48.109909, -122.359784]. T71B, T71B2, and T124D1 were on the east side of my mark and T124D, T71B2, and T124D3 are on the west side of Port Susan.
12:19 - We have all members of the T71B pod and T124D pod now. Six orcas still southbound. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
12:19 - They’re further towards midchannel now around Tillicum Beach/Tyee Beach area. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:11 - Here is an update and we have spotted more killer whales to the west of my mark. So we have at least five now southbound [approx. 48.120341, -122.365964].
12:06 - It is definitely T71B, and T71B2, plus one more that might be T124D1.
11:50 - Southbound. It Looks like the T71Bs so far but they haven’t come up high enough to see much of the saddle patches or eye patches yet. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
11:53 - Three more passing now, a female, male, and calf. Haven’t had a sec to check IDs yet.
11:40 - Seeing three killer whales surface straight out from Kayak Point, east side, southbound. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
09:00 - Found three orca, small dorsals, milling around 1000 yds southeast of McKees. Lost them when I went to check out a reported humpback off Sunny Shore, saw a shore based video and it did look like a humpback swimming by quickly south. Didn't see it myself. Also grays up north in Port Susan, early arrivals about 06:00 spotted off Sunny Shores then tracked to north of Kayak. 09:53 - just got another report of a small humpback swimming by at Tulalip Shores, had one last evening as well. -John C Storbeck
08:18 - Orcas (five) heading rather quickly north from southeast end. -Kim Ewing [CWW]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Dougie B
Date of Sighting: 05/09/2023
Time: 8:00 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Port Susan
Direction of travel : W
Behaviors observed: Milling
Photos available?: No
Tue, May 9 - South Puget Sound (T46s minus T46) - T46E Thor - T46s as they were exiting, viewing from the point of Owen Beach. -photos by Cherie StOurs, May 9, 2023
Another magical visit with T46s. As seen from the tip of Point Defiance Park. -photos by Jason Cook, May 9, 2023
From Point Defiance. T46D Strider. -photo by Amber Stanfill, May 9, 2023
Leaving Colvos last night a little snack and spyhop with Needle taken from Southworth Point. -photo by Noelle Morris, May 9, 2023
20:24 - Between Blake and Manchester as viewed from Weather Watch Park, Alki. Headed north, very far out.
20:26 - Also just saw one to the right of Manchester, before Bainbridge.
20:35 - Male just passed the southern tip of Bainbridge as viewed from my location. -Steve Rice
20:10 - Last looks from us at the north end Vashon ferry dock. Pod is northbound now from my view headed towards Blakely Rock area.
19:53 - Now moving east along the southern tip of Blake Island. -Candace Gavin
19:51 - Just passed Southworth ferry docks. Heading north. Close to Kitsap side. Viewing from Beach Drive. -Patti Waterfall
19:48 - From the north end Vashon ferry terminal looking towards Blake Island they look to still be traveling northeast.
19:28 - Can see steady blows closer to Kitsap side. Headed towards Southworth ferry terminal. -Candace Gavin
19:20 - On Kitsap side approaching Southworth ferry area soon. -Karen Davis
19:17 - North end Colvos Passage near Driftwood Cove Vashon side. Traveling north quickly. -Kristi King
19:11 - Passing near across from Peter Point on Kitsap side in front of small boat. -Karen Davis
19:00 - Orca mist! In north Colvos. -photo by Ryan Dicks, May 9, 2023
18:54 - Just passed Anderson Point Park about five minutes ago. Going fast, heading north and barely making themselves visible. Saw three fins. -Adriana Bueno
18:32 - Just left them to head back in. They're headed by Anderson Point Park. -photo by Brittany Erwin, May 9, 2023
T46E Thor - 18:17 - At Lisabuela now, mainland side of mid channel, grouped up with the two boys swimming together, beautiful backlit blows. Northbound with very long downtimes. -photos by Marla Smith, May 9, 2023
18:07 - Northbound Dalco passage. -Rory Macomber
18:05 - Seeing blows south of Lisabuela, northbound, mainland side of channel. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
18:22 - Headed towards Ollala market.
18:01 - There are four of them. One large, one medium, two small. They just crossed over to Vashon. -Brittany Erwin
17:25 - Off the southernmost house at Sunrise Beach, still fighting against the current, northbound, fairly close to Gig Harbor side.
17:21 - Back to northbound approaching Sunrise Beach. -Melissa Bird
17:20 - Feeding time. -Jason Cook
17:15 - Currently westbound towards Gig Harbor shoreline, north of the Gig Harbor entrance. Potentially on a hunt. -Melissa Bird
17:10 - Mid channel west tip of Point Defiance slowing their pace. -Jason Cook
17:05 - Epic close pass at Point Defiance Lighthouse. They are currently stalled by current out towards mid channel still trying to go north towards Colvos. -Melissa Bird
17:05 - Pass at Point Defiance. Just a heads up, heavy breathing, me hollering to give the seals some space and one “profanity" at the end. Also, you can hear Robyn Riley trying to speak orca [Link to video]. -Melissa Bird
17:04 - Just passed by Bridges Lookout in Point Defiance Park. Four swimming together northbound close to shore. -Kellie Daw
17:03 - Coming up on us quickly at Point Defiance Lighthouse. Moving with purpose northbound.
17:00 - One of the cooler moments I've captured on film to date. Fighting the flood tide off Point Defiance [Link to video]. -Melissa Bird
16:56 - Just passing north of Salmon Beach. Close to Tacoma side. Northbound. -Stace Gordon
16:49 - 20 trees south of Salmon Beach close to Tacoma side. -Jason Cook
16:41 - Off Salmon Beach, heading north towards Point Defiance. -Rory Macomber
16:41 - They are taking awhile heading north against south current in the Narrows! Beautiful unison swimming!
16:36 - About at Evans Point? Four heading north. -Susan White
16:30 - Watching from the point at Owen Beach as they headed north. The blows were amazing! -Cherie StOurs
16:24 - Airplane circling above too. Single engine at about 1000 feet. -Stace Gordon
16:26 - North of bridge, still mid-channel.
16:11 - Passed under Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Mid channel, northbound. -Amanda Van Meter
16:05 - Approaching the Narrows now. Mid channel still. Steady pace! -Candace Gavin
16:00 - Doc Weathers Beach (under Narrows Bridge) Pod was heading north to Salmon Beach. -photo by Kathleen Cage, May 9, 2023
15:48 - Heading north towards the bridge still! -Jessie Keating
15:45 - Looking from Hidden Beach towards Hales Passage. Pod is still moving east towards the Narrows. Steady pace. -Candace Gavin
15:36 - [orcas] At Titlow Park traveling north. -Bill Clogston
15:35 - Northbound, Narrows straight off Day Island. -Rory Macomber
15:34 - Viewing from the Narrows Bridge. They seem to be heading north still mid channel somewhere around here. -Jami Cantrell
15:00 - They have all grouped up and appear now to have flipped and are headed east towards the Narrows. As viewed from Chambers Bay.
14:41 - Currently seeing what appears to be the whole pod grouped back up again headed west/southwest along the south tip of McNeil Island as viewing from Chambers Bay.
14:31 - From Chambers Bay, I can see one male (believed to be Strider) mid channel southwest bound headed towards McNeil. Only see him currently. -April Basham
14:22 - Two with Strider east side, one west, harbor porpoise in-between. Slowly moving south near McNeil island in Carr Inlet. -Rory Macomber
T46D Strider - 13:33 - Mid channel between Fox and McNeil still heading south. I followed the whole way out of Carr Inlet from when he rounded the corner from Kopachuck and never saw or heard the others.
13:29 - Quickly through Carr. Visible from beach at end of Horsehead Bay heading towards McNeil.
13:15 - Passed Kopachuck heading southbound out of Carr. In front of me now.
13:07 - Single orca visible heading towards Horsehead Bay, southbound approx. mid channel. -photo by Jennifer Swenson, May 9, 2023
12:12 - They appear to have moved a little further into Carr Inlet, as they are now moving very slowly back south, between Minter Creek and Glen Cove. They seem to be in no hurry. -Tim Hoffnagle
12:10 - Started heading south mid-channel. Currently between Cutts Island and Glen Cove. And can confirm at least three orca.
12:00 - Still milling near Allen Point and Raft Island.
11:48 - Closer to the Allen Point shoreline now.
11:40 - Finally popped up again. Just south of a line between Minter Creek and Allen Point. Milling again.
11:30 - Headed north. Now mid-channel in front of Raft Island. Two for sure.
11:15 - They are right back where they were yesterday. In Carr Inlet and in front of Glen Cove. Definitely two, one large male and a second smaller orca. No defined direction, milling. -Randy Witter
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Tue, May 9 - Oregon Coast
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kenny Merritt
Date of Sighting: May 09, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 8
Where seen: Bandon Oregon Beach side of face rock
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Two
Any unusual markings?: Hard to tell
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: All sizes possible babies or younger whales
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
HUMPBACK WHALES - 16:18 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:24 to report: 1618hrs: Captain [of WALLA WALLA] reports 1 grey [photo confirmed humpback] whale moving in a southbound direction, 6/10th of a mile west of EDM.
16:20 - Tim is on the ferry, they are stopped, humpback by the Edmonds ferry dock. -Janine Harles
09:30 - Supposedly there’s also a humpback around Sunny Shores [Port Susan]. -Sam Wallace
GRAY WHALES - Tue, May 9 - Possession Sound - 16:10 - Two gray whales between Hat Island and south end of Everett. Mostly at surface, no visible direction. -Cindy Holmes
Tue, May 9 - Port Susan (CRC21 Shackleton & CRC356 Carson) - 11:00 - Crc 21 and crc 356 are southbound in Port Susan [approx. 48.137017, -122.397916]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
09:03 - Across from Tillicum now north of Kayak Point.
08:21 - [Grays] Moving south pretty fast, already across from Beach 2.
08:14 - At least two grays straight across Beach 1 at Country Club. Near Warm Beach on the mainland. -Thomas McKane
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Tue, May 9 - Saratoga Passage - 15:00 - Whale going going down Camano side past Cama, no positive ID only saw blows and heard them. -Aaron Gill
Tue, May 9 - Possession Sound - 13:32 - I saw that [two baleen whales] too! Glad to know it wasn’t just me. -Emily Wandres
13:41 - Marilyn Armbruster I’m so glad you said that! I was at Hibulb and also saw something weird, but couldn’t really figure it out in the haze. There were a ton of birds around, though, and it seemed very baleen-like. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
13:27 - Middish channel equally distanced from Camano Head and Sandy Point southbound. I swear I saw two baleen whales quarter mile behind [the orcas] just milling. -Marilyn Armbruster
13:20 - Viewing from Sandy Point, saw a baleen whale southbound off of Camano Head. Only surfaced once so couldn’t tell if it was a grey or humpback. -Emily Wandres
May 8
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, May 8 - Haro Strait - 18:26 - Linda and Michael Abegg messaged to report they watched this pod of orcas from Lime Kiln lighthouse traveling northbound. -photo by Linda and Michael Abegg couple, May 8, 2023
Mon, May 8 - Haro Strait (T18s) - 16:54 - Edenonthe Salishsea has the T18s eastbound at Green Point, Spieden. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
15:14 - Saw some on the Lime Kiln webcam about 20 minutes ago - any idea who we're looking at? -Ashley Johnson
14:00 - Four transients including two large males northbound heading up island just across from Point Edwards, 2+ miles from shore. Looks like T19B Galiano. Viewing from one mile south of landbank. -Michelline Halliday [WSSJI]
Mon, May 8 - Spieden Channel/Haro Strait (T65As minus T65A5) - It was not a good day to be a harbor porpoise in northern Haro Strait. This one, taken down quickly by T65A4 Ellifrit, was one of two that the T65As took down in less than six minutes. The T65As, still sans T65A5 Indy, were just generally wreaking havoc yesterday throughout the northern San Juan Islands. Shortly before this successful porpoise hunt, they engaged two different groups of Steller sea lions in Spieden Channel. They moved on pretty quickly both times, but not before causing some of the sea lions to scramble out of the water in unusual places, where some of them reportedly stayed for hours after the fact! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, May 8, 2023
T65A2 Ooxjaa and family wowed some lucky shore-based viewers in Spieden Channel this afternoon during an unsuccessful pursuit of a Steller sea lion. If anyone knows who these folks are, I would love to share this photo with them! -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, May 8, 2023
12:15 - T65As exiting Spieden westbound.
10:10 - T65As westbound in Wasp Passage. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
07:28 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emalied at 07:50 to report: Log entry 0728hrs: Vessel CHELAN reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single orca heading west at the convergence of Upright and Cayou Channel.
Mon, May 8 - Rosario Strait (T123s) - 07:51 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:57 to report: Log entry 0751hrs: Vessel YAKIMA reports via 800MHz they've spotted 3 orcas between Shannon Pt. and Rosario Strait, heading South.
Mon, May 8 - Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds) - 16:38 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops emailed: orca whale off Kingston - Master reports orca pod of 6 with juvenile 1 or 2 in the southbound lanes headed north off Kingston.
16:38 - Just spotted three orcas off Kingston/Edmonds ferry. Heading northbound, Kingston side. -Jaymi Davison Garvett
We got some incredible shots from these orcas while we were on the Bremerton ferry! So cool! -back of camera photo by Ann Cornelius, May 8, 2023
11:30 - As we left the scene the sea lion was hiding right under the bow of the ferry Spokane and the Bigg's killer whales were trying to figure out how to get to him. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
11:28 - Orcas next to Bainbridge ferry right now! -Sandy Adams Schaber
[video of] orcas from SPOKANE ferry. -Amy Kruse
11:12 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 11:13 to report: SPOKANE@1112 Captain reports 4-5 ORCA near Blakely Rocks. They hung out there for quite a bit waiting to be able to enter EHBR. [see Bart Rulon post for reason why]
11:20 - Northbound. The sea lion appears to be hiding under the ferry Spokane (floating engines off). We were able to call the ferry captain ahead of time to let them know about the killer whales, but the sea lion bolted right for the Spokane.
10:26 - T124Ds and T71Bs are hunting a sea lion [near Bainbridge Island - approx. - 47.580422, -122.455537]. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography -back of cameraphoto by Bart Rulon, May 8, 2023
10:23 - The ferry is now stopped. They are between the ww boat and the ferry, closer to Bainbridge Island now. -Lisa Claydon
10:20 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:34 to report: 1020hrs: Vessel WALLA WALLA reports via 800MHz they've spotted 2-3 orcas at Tango buoy, swimming in no definitive direction.
10:21 - Off Constellation Park.
10:02 - All small orcas four or five slow northbound off Restoration Point, view from Constellation Point. -photo by Mary Hartmann, May 8, 2023
09:40 - They are just a little south of the yellow buoy. -Lisa Claydon
09:44 - They are hanging out at the yellow channel marker between Alki and Blake Island. About four to five with a baby.
09:24 - I have seen several splashes just off Alki Beach. -Donnell Baker
09:10 - Seem to be playing around south of Bainbridge, seen some jumping, viewing from Constellation Park. -Jason Naify
09:40 - Drifting north. Near the yellow buoy now.
09:05 - Seen heading south between Weather Watch Park in West Seattle and the southern tip of Bainbridge.
09:11 - Moving north now after a bunch of splashing about. Maybe five or six. -Steve Rice
08:25 - Orcas! Off the southern tip of Bainbridge headed east towards Seattle. Spotted from the Southworth Fast Ferry! We were far away, but looks like one male with at least two females. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
Mon, May 8 - South Puget Sound (Likely T46s) - 14:30 - 15:30 - We saw possibly four of them south of Glen Cove in the middle of Carr Inlet this afternoon. They were heading south and then disappeared from sight. -Lynn McCormick Radcliffe
14:54 - I have two for sure now. Second was also a large dorsal, but not as big as the first. Juvenile male would make sense.
14:40 - At least one male orca in Carr Inlet just outside of Glen Cove [across from Raft Island]. Loitering with no clear direction. -Randy Witter
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Mon, May 8 - Oregon Coast (T50s)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Mon May 8 19:19 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 44.75993,-124.06960
Number Sighted: 10
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitted Comments: Killer whale predation on a Gray whale Calf at Cape Foulweather
Submitter Name: Charlie Pingree
Whale Alert App
Off Cape Foulweather on the Oregon Coast, where orcas took down a gray whale calf. Thanks to Jared Towers of Bay Cetology who identified the T50s as participants in this hunt. -Orca Behavior Institute
GRAY WHALES - Mon, May 8 - Port Susan
14:00 - There were two gray whales! Last I saw they were headed south.
13:12 - Whales spotted at Kayak Point. Appeared to be orcas, waiting now for photos when they resurface. -Megan Stuart Chapin
08:38 - Grays in Port Susan again this morning. Halfway between Camano and Kayak Point, slowly heading south. -Kevin McCalmon [CWW]
Mon, May 8 - Possession Sound (CRC22 Earhart & CRC531 Gretchen) - 13:00 - Crc 531 and 22 are milling at the southeast corner of Hat Island. -Bart Rulon Art & Photography
08:25 - Gray whale off of Tulalip this morning. -Jamie McBroom
Mon, May 8 - Saratoga Passage - 11:00 - Mabana, Summerland, at least one if not two grays heading your way, northbound from down here off Gull Way. Quarter mile out. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
May 7
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, May 7 - San Juans - 15:55 - Apparently we're sitting on at least 3 Bigg’s. Northbound along southwest coast of Stuart Island [approx. 48.644269, -123.184519]. -photo by Smith Siromaskul, May 7, 2023
Sun, May 7 - Admiralty Inlet (T99s) - 19:12 - They just went under the [Hood Canal] bridge. -photo by Denise Hull, May 7, 2023
18:30 - Orcas sighting in Hood Canal. Heading south towards the bridge, a group of about five including young. -Natalie Artemyeff
17:57 - Paul Rogner called again, at least two large males maybe more now hanging around shore since we called now heading to entry to Hood Canal Bridge.
17:49 - Paul Rogner out about 300 yards from south of Tala Point, seeing lots of orcas, four to eight, one with giant dorsal fin, 200 yards from shore east off Tala Shore Drive. They are moving around quite a bit. No breaching but watching them blow, a beautiful thing.
16:23 - Last I saw them they were headed towards Foulweather Bluff - 15 minutes ago or so. -Rebecca Berger
15:15 - Continued southbound, midchannel or west of, Lagoon Point area.
14:54 - Looks like they may have flipped south. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:50 - I wonder if they are napping. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
14:46 - Seem to be off of Fort Flagler [Admiralty Inlet - approx. 48.115253, -122.671733]. But not much travel in a while. Viewing from Ledgewood Beach. -Nicholas Grose
14:33 - Saw them from Driftwood. May be heading to Marrowstone or Fort Casey past mid-channel. -Janet Moody
14:17 - Still headed north/northwest at a leisurely pace about here [approx. 48.127514, -122.637403]. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
14:15 - Approaching Fort Casey, northwest bound, slow. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:50 - Hanging around [approx. 48.122171, -122.620891]. -Heather Berry
13:25 - T99s are continuing north but have suddenly cut east, pushing closer to Whidbey. Next spot for viewing is Ledgewood Beach, Driftwood Beach, or Fort Casey. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
T99C Barakat -ID by Serena Tierra, Orca Network
12:54 - Four orcas off Lagoon Point. Northbound fast. 350 yards from our shore. Picture of T99C. -photo by Bill Setter, May 7, 2023
12:55 - Beautiful close pass south end of Lagoon Point - picking up speed as they head north/north west. I think five total including a calf.
12:35 - Between Bush and Lagoon Point - close to Lagoon Point south public access. -photo by Emily Wandres, May 7, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Julia Hart
Date of Sighting: 05/07/2023
Time: 11:55 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: South of Lagoon Point, Whidbey Island
Direction of travel : North, NW
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?: Unknown
Photos available?: No
Sun, May 7 - Puget Sound (T46s minus T46) - T46E Thor & T46F Loki - from Bella Bella Beach on Fox Island. -photo by Craig Craker, May 7, 2023
T46D Strider, T122 Centeki, T46E Thor, T46F Loki - From Narrows Park. -photo by Mollie Segall, May 7, 2023
T46D Strider, T122 Centeki, T46E Thor, T46F Loki -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - T46E Thor
What a few days! After watching the orcas pass by Fox Island Pier last week, I got to see another group passing under the Fox Island Bridge on Sunday evening and briefly caught them as they passed through the Carr Inlet heading north about an hour later that same day! Here are a few of my favourite pictures that I believe include Thor and Strider! -photo by Jennifer Swenson, May 7, 2023
T46D Strider, T122 Centeki, T46E Thor, T46F Loki -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - 18:00 - Last looks headed north towards Purdy. -photo by April Basham, May 7, 2023
T46E Thor -photo by Noelle Morris, May 7, 2023
19:29 - I saw one huge dorsal from Purdy sand spit! About five minute ago. Nothing since. -Amy K. Webb
19:07 - Northbound near Minter. Looks like Purdy will get to see them.
18:35 - Same area as before across the water from Kopachuck State Park. So calm you can hear every blow.
18:22 - Opposite side of Kopachuck hunting.
17:55 - Northbound regrouping and appear to be near the town of Home. -Jason Cook
17:47 - Continuing north along shoreline. Eight to ten minute downtimes. -Kayla Zabecki
17:37 - Between some houses & a green belt [Carr Inlet - approx. 47.260068, -122.721750]. -Jason Cook
16:53 - Went under Fox Island Bridge about ten minutes ago, dove deep, appeared to be heading toward the sandspit. -Carly Vester
16:43 - Fox Island Bridge. My heart hurts and is full at the same time. -April Basham
16:43 - [video of bridge pass]. -Angela Walle
16:18 - Four whales headed south almost to Fox Island bridge. -Andrew Welch [PSWS]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Laura Lind
Date of Sighting: 05/07/2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: between Fox Island and Gig Harbor near Wollochet point. ~ 47.251948, -122.591291
Direction of travel : Seemed to be traveling northwest while surfacing
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: at least 4, maybe 5 or more
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
15:22 - The other group of orcas passed Vashon and just turned south towards the Narrows Bridge! -Valerie Aspée
17:00 - They are passed the sandspit. Longer down times and playing the disappearing act so I’m not sure what direction they headed from here. -Whitney Demers Donahue
16:00 - Westbound super fast between Gig Harbor side & north side of Fox [Island]. -Jason Cook
15:58 - Looking like heading towards Hale Passage - viewing from Titlow. -Mary Dafin
15:57 - They absolutely flew through the Narrows, still southbound but have been in a long dive after passing the Narrows Park. Going up the passage east side of Fox Island. -Mollie Segall
15:57 - At Titlow picnic area now. -Robyn Riley
15:53 - Moving fast headed south already past the Narrows Bridge. -Susan White
15:43 - Southbound just about to go under Narrows. Closer to Titlow side. -Mollie Segall
15:29 - Southbound from tip of Point Defiance viewing from beach. -Cherie StOurs
15:26 - Just moved out of sight from Dune towards Narrows. -Keenan Miller
15:15 - Middle of Dalco, west of ferry lane.
15:20 - Two fins. Heading south toward Point Defiance. -Charlene Engelland
15:20 - They flew through Dune viewing. Heading southwest, towards Narrows. -Mollie Segall
15:19 - Four orcas trending towards the Narrows. -Jill Clogston
15:00 - From Dune. -Mollie Segall
15:02 - End of Maury, right of the ferry lane.
14:58 - We can see them from Owen. -Shelley Bateman Mooth
14:54 - Hunting south end Maury [approx. 47.334848, -122.471859]. -Jason Cook
14:49 - I believe they are at the south end of Vashon, close to Vashon side. -Emily Peterson
14:42 - Approximately here [approx. 47.33568, -122.458748], viewing from Dune. -Mollie Segall/
14:41 - Southeast side of Maury near the fishing boats. -Jason Cook
14:30 - Southern end of Quartermaster. -Steve Brown
14:23 - Thor is just entering the darker colored water still southbound.
14:16 - Southbound hugging Maury Island. Viewing from Dune. -Jason Cook
13:42 - Last surfaced by Maury Marine Park. -Sa Rah
13:18 - From Des Moines perspective they had nice surface sequence approaching Point Robinson and in front of then dove. Thor’s dorsal is massive from here. Slow steady southbound travel.
13:05 - Pod is still north of Point Robinson, but they are heading that way. Slow southbound travel Vashon side of channel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:55 - Viewing from point Robinson. Directly in front of the KVI towards, seem to be headed in southeast in Tramp Harbor. Close to Vashon side. -Jami Cantrell
12:48 - Pretty far west, closer to the island side heading south toward Point Robinson. -Shelly Sh
12:24 - T46s went on long dive then surfaced to the south and had moved back more west side of mid-channel. Currently sightline between KVI set of towers. Loosely spread still southbound [approx. 47.420950, -122.395347].
12:09 - T46s are now south of Three Tree Point yellow mid channel buoy, they cut in on the east side of it. Steady southbound loosely grouped. Super pretty in the sunshine!
12:00 - Beautiful Sound experience aboard the Schooner Adventuress, is getting a sweet view as they sail north and T46s swim south passing south of Dilworth [approx. 47.453085, -122.406207]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:50 - Two southbound, mid channel clearing Dilworth Tower area. -Cindy Eckes Waddington
11:50 - From Three Tree Point (north side) seeing the family southbound between here and Dilworth. One of the brothers is further west and leading, family middle channel together. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:03 - They’re past the Dilworth radio towers still steadily heading southbound. I could see at least four, two males and a small orca. Mid channel but a little closer the west side.
11:41 - Seeing one male from the north side of Three Tree Point just south of the Vashon ferry terminal. -Shelly Sh
11:22 - Still southbound, westside of shipping lane about quarter down from the tip of Vashon Island. Crazy long down times! -Shari Tarantino
11:20 - Orcas southbound by Dillworth towers seen from Emma Schmitz Park in West Seattle. -Mary Hartmann
11:07 - They are spreading out and heading south along the east side of Vashon Island very slowly. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
11:07 - Directly in front of Vashon ferry terminal. Southbound. -Shari Tarantino
11:02 - Sighted off port side of 10:45 AM run from Vashon to Fauntleroy on the M/V Issaquah, at least three spotted way out (closer to Blake/Alki). -Cheryl Richmond
11:00 - Just saw a fin across from Seahurst neighborhood - not Park. -Susan Plecko
10:58 - Just popped up at the southern tip of Blake Island, southbound. Viewing from Shorewood on the Sound for reference. Looks like they will stay on the east side of Vashon Island. T46D is actually a bit further south than the rest.
10:51 - Back on the move, south. Now at the middle point of Blake Island. -Shari Tarantino
10:45 - Just spotted at least three from Fauntlee Hills heading south, approaching the Fauntleroy-Vashon ferry lane. -Mike Yov
10:44 - Viewing from Shorewood on the Sound. At northern tip of Blake Island. Trending south. -Shari Tarantino
10:44 - We have all of the T46s except for T46 here on a kill, circling in the same spot as they feed.
10:25 - MV Swiftsure is with T46D southbound just east of Blake Island. Just sighted two more in the distance too! -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
10:22 - Male orca dorsal south of Tillicum Village.
10:18 - North Blake Island southbound, view from Emma Schmitz. -Mary Hartmann
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Susan Mello
Date of Sighting: 05/07/2023
Time: 9:20 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Puget Sound near Elliott Bay
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Unsure
Any unusual markings?: Too far to see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I was sailing to bainbridge on the ferry.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photo by Susan Mello, May 7, 2023
09:15 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:33 to report: Captain [of SPOKANE] reports two Orca SB heading East toward Tyee.
Sun, May 7 - South Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds) - 18:42 - Just passed east under the south tip of Squaxin Island. -Kati Karpathia
18:00 - By Squaxin Island heading east. -Michele Neary
17:45 - From the Steamboat Island Bridge, viewing the orcas in Totten Inlet. -photos by Michele Neary, May 7, 2023
17:55 - Exited Totten Shores. -photo by Becky Harrington Adams, May 7, 2023
17:45 - Just left Totten Inlet around the point of Steamboat Island. -Scott Miller
17:22 - I found them! Right in front of me! I live on Windy Point so I was having a hard time finding them but you helped. Thank you! Headed back out of now! I may or may not have gotten eaten by the mud. -Christie Shane Zakem
16:54 - It looks like they are right across from Windy Point on the south shore - seagulls above them.
16:37 - We see them too! They’re hanging right in front of someone’s house, what a view that must be. -Michele Neary
16:29 - In Totten Inlet off of Windy Point. Just staying in that area as of now. -Scott Miller
16:04 - Four to five orcas spotted moving deeper into Totten Inlet passing by Windy Point. -Chay Norbom
15:00 - When I first spotted them. These animals were heading north/northwest out of Budd Inlet (north of Boston Harbor Marina but on that shore) toward Squaxin/Hope/Steamboat islands. Long dives. They ended up going around Steamboat Island and into Totten - as mentioned above. -photo by Kim Merriman, May 7, 2023
14:22 - They passed Joemma Beach, heading southeast. -Shannon Barnum
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sydney Meade
Date of Sighting: 05/07/2023
Time: 1:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Case Inlet! (47.2250155, -122.8440826)
Direction of travel : S fast
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: none
Photos available?: No
13:30 - Five orcas, no males, traveling south fast in Case Inlet [approx. 47.223959, -122.844682]. -Sydney Meade
13:09 - Pair of orcas. Case Inlet. West side Herron Island. Mid channel. Southbound. -Tim Gerhard [PSWS]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, May 7 - Haro Strait (BCX1068 Split Fluke) - 13:55 - Humpback northbound across from Land Bank. Heading up island, two plus miles from shore. Viewing from one mile south of Land Bank. -Michelline Halliday [WSSJI] -Reported as BCX1068 "Split Fluke". -Erin Johns Gless, PWWA
Sun, May 7 - Rosario Strait - 18:15 - Kevin Chambers called to report an unknown lone baleen whale in front , kind of moving back and forth, maybe trending northbound. Probably a gray, possibly a humpback (definitely not a minke). We’ve seen it blow 3 times last five minutes and hasn’t moved too much.
Sun, May 7 - Puget Sound
17:10 - Humpback whale between Narrows Marina and Narrows Bridge. Breached once.
17:17 - [viewing from] Narrows Marina but humpback is about to go under Narrows Bridge. -Tiffany Skipper
17:15 - Last seen headed towards Hidden Beach, very active.
17:05 - There's a humpback breaching off of Titlow Beach halfway between Titlow and Gig Harbor, he just went for a dive. -Johnny Collard
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Humpback Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sun May 7 16:49 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.22831,-122.56277 [between University Place and Fox
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: Breaching
Submitter Name: Stone
Whale Alert App
16:48 - Humpback just passed Fox Island towards Narrows, close to mainland side. -Sarah Scharmen Bratsch
Sun, May 7 - BC waters
13:15 - Solo humpback. Been here for an hour [north of Moresby Island, BC - approx. 48.736950, -123.312126]. Slowly drifting north.
11:54 - Humpback. Alone. Not moving much [southern Haro Strait - approx. 48.423145, -123.146112]. -Smith Siromaskul
Sun, May 7 - South Puget Sound - Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Dee Freeman
Date of Sighting: May 07, 2023
Time: 7:15 AM
Species seen: Maybe humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: East of Dickenson Point
Behaviors observed: Close to shore, back and forth, hunting?
Photos available?: No
GRAY WHALES - Sun, May 7 - Admiralty Inlet - 14:09 - Gray whale mid channel between Lagoon
Point and Marrowstone, northbound. -Bill Setter
Sun, May 7 - Saratoga Passage - 08:00 - 08:15 - Marilyn Armbruster messaged to report she watched a gray whale north of Mabana Shores feeding [approx. 48.098561, -122.425649].
Sun, May 7 - Port Susan - 18:21 - Couple of grays hanging out in the north end of Port Susan just north of Warm Beach. -Kevin McCalmon [CWW]
18:17 - One large gray feeding on ghost shrimp just off Port Susan Terrace Beach. Arrived at about 18:07. Headed towards Tyee Beach. -Melanie Serroels [CWW]
09:35 - Two, perhaps three, gray whales passing Tulalip Shores heading north towards Speebidah. -Jim Mattson [PSWW]
08:39 - Blow three quarters [of way] out at Country Club Beach 2. Gray. No direction yet. -Thomas McKane [CWW]
MINKE WHALES - Sun, May 7 - Admiralty Inlet
14:35 - Minke is heading south and more mid channel, near PT/Coupeville ferry lanes.
14:25 - Minke right off Fort Casey. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Sun, May 7 - Strait of Juan de Fuca - 10:54 - We have a minke [Strait of Juan de Fuca - approx. 48.336317, -122.064817]. -Heather Berry
May 6
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, May 6 - Strait of Georgia (T36As & T90s)
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Killer Whale (Orca) Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat May 6 11:20 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 49.21570,-123.88238
Number Sighted: 10
Submitted Comments: T90s T36As
Submitter Name: Aly
Whale Alert App
Sat, May 6 - Oak Bay (T101s) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #19: “As Mark approached Oak Bay from the east after leaving the group of 18 Bigg's at Middle Bank (see Encounter 18), he heard that the three inbound whales near Trial Island had been confirmed as the T101s; two brothers T101A and T101B along with their mother, T101. Moments later, he saw the two large fins on the horizon passing through Mayor Channel abeam the Oak Bay Beach Hotel and his apartment…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #19.
Sat, May 6 - San Juans (T23, T23Ds, T63, T65As, T65Bs, T125A, T128 - Grouped at one point, then split) - I was onboard with The Salish Sea School helping to run our Adult STaRS program and we had an amazing encounter: T65 & T63, T65As (no A5), and T65Bs including the newest little fin, T65B3. We encountered this group trending N, NW in Haro Strait just north of Snug Harbor, SJI around 16:50. These individuals were in three groups within roughly 400 yards of each other; T65, T63, and most of the T65Bs at the rear, in what seemed to be heavy resting mode; T65A2 and T65B1 who were rolling around with each other, quite rambunctious at the surface, tail slapping, and porpoising/zig zagging around in the middle group; then the rest of the T65As in the lead, also in what appeared to be slow, resting mode. We were most delighted when rest mode ceased and the loose groups came back together, directional and picking up speed. We thought we might witness a predation, but somehow the T65Bs, T65 and T63 ducked us in the following 10-15 minutes as the rest of the group was heading north, and we spent about 5 more minutes with the T65As before departing. There were distant blows and a tall fin about a mile, mile and a half to our NW as we moved off scene and away from the T65As, which may have been the rest of the original group. Our encounter ended at roughly 17:40. -Amanda Colbert, Our Salish Sea School - T65B Chunk & T65B3 - T65A Artemis, T65A2 Ooxjaa, T65A6 Callisto, T65A4 Ellifrit, T65A3 Amira - T63 Chainsaw - photos & IDs by Amanda Colbert, May 6, 2023
15:05 - Orca breaching in Haro Strait. Two total, I think. About two thirds the distance to Victoria, so quite far off from about the Lime Kiln latitude on San Juan Island. They were headed southeast across the strait and got a bit corralled, so then headed west again and now northwest probably too far off shore for San Juan visibility. Per Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute, these are brothers T125A and T128. -Jenna Darcie [WSSJI]
15:20 - All the T65s heading up the west side offshore of Pile Point. T23 and T23Ds in Cattle Pass, possibly northbound.
13:45 - Southern Haro aiming for Eagle Point. Second group of Bigg’s killer whales reported as T23, T63, T65, T65As, T65Bs, T125A, T128. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #18: “At 1053 Mark had left the T002Cs along with T065A5 and the T023Cs to document a group of 18 Bigg’s that were milling around Middle Bank. The south wind against the ebb current made for slow going but Mike 1 arrived with the spread grouping at 1148. He saw T063, T065, T065A2, T125A, and T128 milling about a quarter mile to the west of the others, who were also milling about with lots of direction changes…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #18.
Sat, May 6 - Kelp Reef (T2Cs, T23Cs, T65A5) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #17: “He caught up to the group at 0925, 1.5 nm southwest of Kelp Reef. He immediately recognized T002C1 and could see the other three members of the family were present, along with what appeared to be at least another matriline of 5 or 6 whales with a fairly young calf.
The group was fairly close together, heading towards the Kelp Reef marker, and with consultation from Joe, was able to confirm that dispersee T065A5 was with them along with the T023Cs. Mark could see T023C had a fairly new calf and got confirmation that she had indeed been seen in the Broughton Archipelago with a new one on April 24th…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #17.
Sat, May 6 - Port Susan/Possession Sound (T99s) - T99B Holly -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - My first time with a super close pass. The T99s in Port Susan during their second pass. The females were hunting with the baby about 4000 feet out and north of Kayak Point pier. The 2 males went right along the shoreline and were reported at Warm Beach. The females and the baby slowly made their way south towards Kayak Pier. A crowd had assembled and we all ran to the other side of the pier to continue watching this glorious pass. Out of "nowhere" the two males pop up, placing themselves between kayakers and the three. -screengrab from video by Vanessa McNeill, May 6, 2023 - T99B Holly left and T99E in middle - T99B Holly - Popping up next to the kayak. -photos by Jessica Hudak, May 6, 2023
20:07 - Found them! Viewing from Sandy Point - very tiny fins! -Emily Wandres
20:38 - After a beautiful sunset and double rainbow I leave the T99s off Mission Beach, Tulalip heading southeast directionally toward Snohomish River, Everett as rain moves in. This lovely family of five is still tightly grouped in resting mode.
20:09 - Pod is tightly grouped and in total resting mode as they continue southbound. Down for four plus minutes then up for four plus. Incredibly peaceful and beautiful to witness.
20:00 - T99s north end Tulalip Bay slow steady southbound travel grouped up. Close to Tulalip side.
19:34 - They may have stalled somewhere to eat some more, have not seen them exit Port Susan yet.
18:07 - Pod finished their meal, then traveled southbound close in off Kayak Point all together. Two dove then surface so close to shore just south of the pier surprised us all, and the kayakers sitting watching them! They circled out and resumed travel. Was stunning and powerful. Lovely evening in the outer with many lovely people. 99s continued southbound on east side of the port.
17:23 - T99 family have been circling on a hunt/feeding. Many tail slaps and occasional tail lob. Pod is drifting south back this way toward Kayak Point park, but are still to the north.
16:48 - T99s came offshore a little bit and are now on a hunt north of the park. Lots of surface activity, forward lunges.
16:42 - T99s passed by out from Kayak Point pier and went north, now north of north end of the park. Several have turned toward shore (facing east). Will be interesting to see what they do!
16:22 - T99s off south end Kayak Point County Park. Sleepy slow northbound travel still on east side mid channel. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:19 - Seem to be trending northeast slowly with long downtimes.
16:12 - Straight out from Tillicum Beach, slowly northbound midchannel. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
16:05 - Have eyes on T99s in Port Susan roughly between Tulare and McKees slow northbound east of mid channel. At least those I’m seeing. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:07 - Second hand report of them a mile off Tyee now. No visual from Tillicum Beach yet.
16:02 - Second hand report of orcas northbound of south Tyee a few minutes ago. Not sure of exact time. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
15:00 - They are going northbound into Port Susan. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:58 - I saw them from Hat Island heading north. -Alice Moyal
14:25 - In view from Sandy Point. Distant. Could go either Port Susan or Saratoga, too hard to tell now. Long down times. Still northbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:16 - Three orcas heading toward Port Susan from Hat. -Casey Bouton
13:55 - Guessing this approx location [Possession Sound - approx. 48.016250, -122.340718]. Northbound. T99C trailing family.
13:50 - Spotted them northbound between Brighton Beach and Hat Island. Maybe midchannel, slightly closer to Hat? -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:13 - They are southeast of Hat Island. -Travis Crouch
11:35 - With the T99s [Possession Sound - approx. 48.046159, -122.0347492]. -Kyla Bivens
11:35 - Spotting them about right here now [Possession Sound - approx. 48.052935, -122.323557]. Heading south. -Corah Whipple
11:27 - Now trending southeast towards Hat.
11:21 - Exiting Port Susan, trending southwest. -Janine Harles
11:16 - I watched them for thirty minutes at Tyee. -photos by Thomas McKane, May 6, 2023
10:40 - Five orca mid channel between Tulare and south Tyee. Generally heading southeast. -John C Storbeck
T99B Holly - T99E & T99D Puck - 10:42 - Janine Harles messaged reporting the pod is still traveling in a more southeasterly direction in southern Port Susan. -photos by Janine Harles, May 6, 2023
Male is T99C Barakat & to the right of him is T99B Holly
10:24 - Still southbound midchannel, probably out from Tyee now. Lots of little breaches and spyhops. May be trending east slightly. Last update from me.
10:15 - Still slowly southbound midchannel out from Tillicum Beach, in line with Tulare Way on mainland side. Visibility is getting worse.
10:00 - Trending southeast with some surface activity. Looks like five whales.
9:50 - Three orcas heading south midchannel just north of Tillicum Beach. -photos by Serena Tierra, May 6, 2023
08:49 - Thomas McKane reports seeing about three orcas in Port Susan off Beach 1 (northern end across from Warm Beach) heading southbound at relatively slow pace. [CWW]
07:30 - We had reports of orca moving along the eastern shore of Port Susan. Then they cut west at Kayak and headed toward Camano. Then off Tillicum Beach we tracked a gray whale heading south in a hurry and are just finishing up on a 30 minute procession of seals and harbor porpoise heading south close in. Probably 50-70 harbor porpoise. -John C Storbeck
Sat, May 6 - Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds) - From Titlow. -photo by Mollie Segall, May 6, 2023
Great Saturday watching the T71Bs & T124Ds from Dune Peninsula to Hidden Beach. -photos by Cherie StOurs, May 6, 2023
13:30 - The orcas as they passed by Fox Island Bridge. They were split up into two groups, one I believe had two and were mid channel, the other I believe had three and were closer to Tacoma side. All heading southbound until we lost sight. -photos by Jennifer Swenson, May 6, 2023
19:41 - About five headed south Case Inlet between Johnson Point and Harstine Island about an hour ago. -Pieter Booth
Sat, May 6 - South Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Dee Freeman
Date of Sighting: May 06, 2023
Time: 7:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Mouth of Henderson Inlet between Dickinson and Johnson Points
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Milling
If orcas, any males?: Not certain
Any unusual markings?: Not noted
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kristin Hearn
Date of Sighting: 05/06/2023
Time: 7:40 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Henderson Inlet between Fish Trap and Johnson Point
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Milling, maybe feeding and hunting, many directional changes, breaches, tail
slapping, swimming
If orcas, any males?: Not certain. There were large and small orcas mixed.
Any unusual markings?: Could not tell.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We watched them from our deck about 100 feet above them for 45 minutes. They were still there when we came back in.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photo by Kristin Hearn, May 6, 2023
17:12 - From Jacob’s Point Park. -photo by Bamey Mako, May 6, 2023
16:01 - Just passing the southern tip of Anderson Island, moving purposefully around the point. Watching from DuPont Wharf. -Desiree Sauvé
3:35 - They are now southbound past Ketron and heading to the south end of Anderson Island and Nisqually. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
15:14 - Heading south between Ketron and Anderson Islands. -photo by Jennie Herrmann, May 6, 2023
15:12 - They committed to southbound between Ketron and Anderson Island.
15:05 - They continue to be mid water between Ketron and Anderson Island with no purpose other than splashing around.
14:47 - I’m struggling with depth of field, but I think they have slowly drifted a bit north and mid channel, in line with the Steilacoom ferry dock. Still very surface active - milling, spy hops, tail lobs [Chambers Bay - approx. 47.177257, -122.634674]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
13:46 - Caught them from Lemons Beach. As they pass by the Fox Island side of the channel. -photo by Glen Germann, May 6, 2023
14:45 - Two to four orcas in vicinity of Anderson Island ferry dock. -Jason Bryan
14:35 - They have been stalled about here and surface active for about 10 minutes [Chambers Bay - approx. 47.174467, -122.620337].
14:24 - Now south of the Steilacoom ferry dock and very surface active. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
14:15 - Two orcas, southwest bound in front of McNeil Island prison. -Jason Bryan
14:18 - From Anderson Island, they are southbound almost to the Chambers Creek railroad bridge, definitely two groups, three in one and three in the other.
14:12 - Moving south, not sure which side of Ketron they will choose. Two to four individuals, possible two pairs separated a little [Chambers Bay - approx. 47.200771, -122.616783]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
13:49 - [Chambers Bay - approx. 47.210813, -122.608225]. -Jason Bryan
13:32 - They are headed southbound by Fox Island Pier. -Kimberly Wenner
From Titlow. -photos by Jason Cook, May 6, 2023
13:00 - They are moving south in front of Titlow Beach now. -Kayla Trygstad
12:59 - Far side from Titlow, southbound, south of bridge now. -Tom Harris
12:53 - Just cleared bridge southbound Gig Harbor side. -Jason Cook
12:52 - At Narrows Park, there are three swimming southbound under Narrows Bridge, more by Tacoma side. -Ruthie James
12:51 - They are just about right under Narrows Bridge. -Tom Harris
12:46 - Hunting north of the bridge and west southwest of Salmon Beach. Two groups [Tacoma Narrows - approx. 47.274909, -122.542604]. -Jason Cook
12:38 - Viewing from Hidden Beach, Titlow Park, they are mid channel north of Narrows still southbound. -Catherine Lee
12:35 - Still southbound and Narrows, north of the bridge, long down times. -Ashley S Whitman
12:10 - Southbound in Narrows just north of Salmon Beach, midchannel. -David Michael
11:49 - Southbound from Sunrise.
11:27 - Westbound just passed the ferry lane. -Jason Cook
11:09 - Jason Cook, Tacoma called to report seeing orca fins, at least three to four located where East Passage meets Dalco Passage, SE Maury Island. Pod is mid channel milling, making directional changes (two facing one direction one the other direction. Unsure if any males at this time due to distance. Viewing from Dune Peninsula, Tacoma.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, May 6 - Haro Strait (BCZ0410 Anvil) - 14:00 - One humpback whale headed up island from Eagle Point, half mile from shore - BCZ0410 Anvil. -Barbara Howitt [WSSJI]
Sat, May 6 - South Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Chelsey Anderson
Date of Sighting: 05/06/2023
Time: 1:23 PM
Species seen: Humpback or minke (hoping you can tell us) [photo shows humpback]
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Case Inlet on the west side of the southern end of Stretch Island
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: It came in close to Stretch Islands west shore near Vineyard Cove. The tide was almost at low water. The whale then appeared to be making a bubble net in the center of the bay and then the whale broke the surface vertically with its head only and open mouth similar to humpback techniques. The whale then swam extremely close to the beach near the waterfront community of "Pirates Cove" and appeared to be herding schools of bait fish into the shallows and again lunged with open mouth. After that the whale took its time maneuvering south out of Stretch Island Bay and headed in the southerly direction down Pickering Passage.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We know that minkes have been spotted lately in the south sound by Harstine. We have a debate going in the family so if you could let us know what type of whale it is, we would greatly appreciate it.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photo by Chelsey Anderson, May 6, 2023
11:45 - [video shows humpback] - Right off shore at the spit on Harstine Island headed south in Case Inlet. -screengrab from video by Maggie Stang, May 6, 2023
GRAY WHALES - Sat, May 6 - Saratoga Passage (CRC21 Shackleton)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kayla Russell
Date of Sighting: 05/06/2023
Time: 7:15 PM
Species seen: Unsure. Looked like a gray whale? Definitely saw several surfacings and breathing
(blowing water up)
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: (48.0965105, -122.4900779)
Direction of travel : Traveling southeast along the coast
Behaviors observed: Unsure.
If orcas, any males?: No
Any unusual markings?: Unsure
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Very close to our shore.
Photos available?: No
18:33 - One gray Mabana, heading north. [ID’d as CRC21 by Serena Tierra, Orca Network] -Terri McLaughlin Mueller
17:16 - One gray leisurely heading north from Summerland about 150 feet off shore. -Roberta Goodrich [CWW]
17:00 - While watching the orcas in Port Susan, I spied a gray whale north end middle channel. Milling around! So fun. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Sat, May 6 - Saratoga Passage - 15:38 - Grey whale spotted at Mabana Beach. Looks to be heading south. -Connor Doran
12:13 - One visible from Camano Island State Park heading close to shoreline of Camano just south of the park, but north of Hat Island -Silver Hubble
07:35 - Gray whale was feeding in Elger Bay then headed northbound toward Camano Island State Park. -Kevin Fox [CWW]
Sat, May 6 - Possession Sound (CRC356 Carson & CRC2356 Stalwart) - CRC356 Carson -ID by Janine Harles
CRC2356 Stalwart -ID by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Got some nice looks at various birds and at the end of the trip we caught up to two gray whales (CRC356 and CRC2356) at the southeast end of Hat Island. -photos by Janine Harles, May 6, 2023
15:45 - One gray friend between southeast Hat and Tulalip heading north/northwest. -Alice Moyal [HIWS]
15:15 - Two grays northbound west side of Hat Island. -Lori Christopher
15:15 - Two grays, possibly three, due south of last report and marker on map heading southbound. Believe same as my initial report (I was looking for the orcas and not watching them).
15:05 - Seeing at least one gray whale milling in north end Possession Sound approx south of and between Priest Point and Mission Beach [approx. 48.045338, -122.283098]. Research boat (likely Cascadia) to the south of the whale motoring away. From Hibulb, Everett. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
13:12 - Gray headed northwest towards Brighton Beach from just outside the ferry lane, as seen outbound from Clinton. -Durand Dace
12:47 - Spotting one now looks to be about here [Snohomish delta - approx. 48.027240, -122.262848]. -Corah Whipple
11:06 - Approaching Glendale Beach.
11:00 - Grey whale blow north of Glendale Beach along the Whidbey shores southbound. Viewing from Clinton bound ferry. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:38 - Spotted a grey from Mukilteo ferry near beach on Whidbey Island side. -Corah Whipple
10:35 - My neighbor reports a baleen whale (likely gray) heading south past Clinton ferry terminal. -Debbie Stewart
08:24 - 08:34 - Three grays off north side Hat Island, heading southeast. By 08:34 they were off south end. -Alice Moyal and Michelle Sayed [HIWS]
Sat, May 6 - Holmes Harbor - Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Grey Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat May 6 13:55 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.01941,-122.39459 [south end Holmes Harbor]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: Laying about on the surface, interspersed with dives of several minutes, all in shallow water near Freeland Park
Submitter Name: Harold Drews
Whale Alert App
12:48 - Catherine Drews called to report a gray whale in Holmes Harbor the south end, see Harold Drews report.
12:07 - Seems to be doing a lot of floating, blowing occasionally.
11:50 - Gray whale heading south in Holmes Harbor just south of the golf course, mid harbor. -Cindi Bowen
MINKE WHALES - Sat, May 6 - South Puget Sound - 10:44 - Our minke friend is back. Very close to shore of Harstine Island on the Pickering Passage side, heading south. Barely surfacing, long down times. -Cammy Malm LaRiviere
May 5
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, May 5 - San Juans (T49As) - T49As. -Ellie Sawyer
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Erik Weis
Date of Sighting: 05/05/2023
Time: 3:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Roche Harbor
Direction of travel : NE
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
T49As in Roche Harbor! -screengrab from video by Erik Weis, May 5, 2023
Fri, May 5 - Discovery Bay (T65As minus T65A5) - T65A3 Amira - T65A2 Ooxjaa & T65A Artemis -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:45 - I first saw them deep in Discovery Bay. Then they headed toward Protection Island and Cape George and I lost sight of them. They seemed to be all business, moving fast, disappearing for long stretches between breaths. -photos by Stephen Grace, May 5, 2023
16:59 - I think they turned around. I’ve lost track of them. I saw two but my neighbor counted five, one male.
16:39 - Orcas in Discovery Bay in front of Cape George. -Sue Dunning [PSWS]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Mike Lapointe
Date of Sighting: 05/05/2023
Time: 4:26 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: In between Cape George & Protection Island in Discovery Bay
Direction of travel : West
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: look like big fins
Photos available?: No
Fri, May 5 - Central Puget Sound - 20:51 - They are staying near Sunrise. Right in front of Spring Beach Park south end of Vashon, hunting and eating. -Mary Moreno
20:35 - They're starting to head north but still in the entrance of Colvos Passage.
20:22 - They are staying between Sunrise Beach and Vashon right now eating, north in Colvos Passage maybe a mile from Vashon and Gig Harbor.
20:05 - They’re here at Sunrise Beach! -Joshua Benson
19:17 - And now northbound with milling nearing sunrise in Colvos Passage.
18:59 - Amy Carey relayed a report from a community member who says they are seeing about four orcas milling outside entrance to Gig Harbor. Observer says seems like one male and maybe two smaller and definitely a little guy, a baby!
Fri, May 5 - Puget Sound (T99s) - 18:54 - Saw splashes and a few jumps in distance from Bainbridge ferry. North of Vashon Island about 45 minutes ago. - Megan Cera
18:44 - We did receive a report from WSF of ~ 6 orcas northbound off Vashon Head, so thinking T99s may have gone south on west side Blake then flipped north again, but that is speculation. If not them then would be completely different pod!
T99B Holly, T99 Bella, T99E - T99E & T99C Barakat -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:50 - Caught a little spy hop. They were heading south around the south end of Bainbridge, either going east toward Seattle or maybe Southworth. Hard to tell.
16:35 - Came back through Rich Passage on Bainbridge side, heading south around end of Bainbridge, now heading eastbound. -photos by Jan Fuller, May 5, 2023
16:35 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 18:13 to report: 1635hrs: Vessel WALLA WALLA reports via 800MHz 4 orca SB just east of Point Glover.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Dave Cuomo
Date of Sighting: 05/05/2023
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Rich Passage 47° 35' 18.798" N 122° 32' 49.272" W
Direction of travel : E
Behaviors observed: Traveling breaching
If orcas, any males?: ?
Any unusual markings?: No
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: At least two orcas traveling East in Rich Passage. I was on the Seattle bound 4:25pm Kitsap Fast Ferry. We stopped for about 10 minutes as they traveled by. Not sure if this has been previously reported. Got a fairly decent picture given the circumstances.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
16:05 - Right by the red channel marker, Point White.
16:02 - Sighted across from Ilahee State Park, headed south. -Kimmie Lesher
15:30 - Viewing from Illahee State Park. -photo by Benjamin Sy, May 5, 2023
15:00 - I watched as they passed the Bachman Park. -Troy Wood
14:34 - Just passed Bachman Park.
14:35 - Headed toward Illahee last I saw them.
14:31 - Right in front of the Mannette Bridge now! -JM Sue
14:02 - Heading east hugging the naval shipyard.
13:53 - Directly by the shipyard. -Crystal Thompson
T99C Barakat & T99B Holly - T99E
13:51 - After not seeing them for 15 minutes or so I see them fairly deep in the harbor probably inside the shipyard, mid channel.
13:15 - Nearing Retsil/Port Orchard on the Port Orchard side still heading west. -photos by Jim Pasola, May 5, 2023
13:08 - Passing Waterman Pier. Viewing at Bachman Park now! -Kimmie Lesher
12:49 - They just rounded Lighthouse Point heading towards Bremerton. -Jim Pasola
T99 Bella, T99E, T99D Puck -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:00 - Headed towards the Manette Bridge, closer to Bremerton. Three of them.
12:49 - Got eyes on them! They are coming right towards port in Waterman. -photo by Crystal Thompson, May 5, 2023
12:31 - Just went directly past my house on Watauga Beach headed north toward Waterman on Port Orchard side. -Jan Fuller
12:16 - Headed back through Rich Passage towards Manchester. -Crystal Thompson
11:45 - They were tracking north/northeast.
11:40 - Current location [West side of Blake Island - approx. 47.535534, -122.508112]. -Kyla Bivens
11:19 - Orcas in Colvos, flipped, now exiting Colvos northbound. -Tim Ferris
11:17 - One big male, at least two females and one calf with lots of antics!
11:12 - Passing Point Southworth headed north. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
11:10 - MV Swiftsure is with the T99s, now flipped northbound back out of Colvos Passage. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
10:45 - Just saw a pod traveling south in Colvos Passage south of the Southworth ferry dock on the Vashon side. -Alex Maikov
10:29 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: MV KITTITAS C/M reports a pod of orca SB entering Colvos Pass, 1 male, 2 female and 2 juveniles.
09:07 - About 45 minutes ago, the Reliance spotted them heading into Rich Passage. -Mike Poole
08:13 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: MV WALLA WALLA reports, via 800MHz broadcast, 3-4 orca in the vicinity of Buoy 4 WB entering Rich Passage.
Fri, May 5 - Central Puget Sound (T125A & T128) - 17:35 - Close pass from the boys, hugging island shores, northbound with very long downtimes and were past Glen Acres. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Date of Sighting: 05/05/2023
Time: 5:33 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: just south of Dilworth Point on Vashon Island, 100+ ft offshore
Direction of travel : Headed north, casual pace
Behaviors observed: traveling, one slightly behind and adjacent to the other
If orcas, any males?: seemed like two males (large dorsal fins)
Any unusual markings?: None visable
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: My first orcas in my new house!
Photos available?: No
16:50 - Just passed Klahanie Beach north of KVI, close to shore still northbound. -Ellen Weir
16:38 - Approaching KVI/Point Heyer close to island side still, being a little pokey, but steady northbound, very long downtimes. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
16:00 - Marla Smith messaged with update: The brothers (T125A Jetsam & T128 Flotsam) have passed Point Robinson now and continue northbound travels hugging Vashon Island shores.
15:45 - Staff member Marla Smith has been planted at Point Robinson, Vashon awaiting arrival of the "Alaskan brothers" T125A and T128 who are now approaching the point from the south, heading northbound.
T125A Jetsam - T128 Flotsam -photos by Marla Smith, May 5, 2023
T128 Flotsam - T125A Jetsam - 14:30 - Viewing from Dune, saw them to the right of Gold Beach milling. -photos by Cherie StOurs, May 5, 2023
14:28 - By the yellow buoy now at the end of Maury as seen from Browns Point Lighthouse. Still heading north close to the shore of Maury. -Chris Gan
14:10 - Passing the entrance to Quartermaster Harbor, heading east/northeast.
13:40 - Milling and slowly heading east [Dalco Passage - approx. 47.329885, -122.521614]. -David Michael
13:24 - We received a call from Dave who reports two large males, T125A and T128, in Dalco Passage (between South Vashon and Point Defiance/Tacoma) milling around and generally heading east northeast mid channel just offshore and bit west of Owen Beach (sightline).
MINKE WHALES - Fri, May 5 - South Puget Sound - 17:17 - Northbound in front of our house in Grapeview right now. Looks like a minke whale. Back fin is curved more than a humpback. Just slowly surfacing and cruising along, no blows. -Cammy LaRiviere
May 4
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, May 4 - San Juans (T65As) - 11:50 - Transient orcas (I believe T65As, likely five to six individuals) and one humpback whale (unnamed, 2021 calf, child of Glacier) spotted southwest of Flattop Island heading south. -Xin Cen
Thu, May 4 - Puget Sound (T46s minus T46, T46Bs, T99s, T125A, T128) - 19:40 - Viewing from Kayu Kayu AC. Several orcas moving northbound just approaching the Kingston ferry terminal. Westside of the channel. -Kristin Mackenzie
19:32 - Beautiful close to shore pass from the Alaskan Boys (T125A and T128). Now south of Glen Acres hugging the island steady but leisurely southbound. Such heartthrobs! -Marla Smith, Orca Network
19:22 - Apple Tree Cove - still milling south of Kingston. Closer to Kitsap side. I have loved watching them lunge lunge lunge the past hour but I can no longer feel my hands even with gloves. Good luck all!
18:44 - They haven't moved. About right by the marker from my point of view. At least three.
18:13 - Apple Tree Point. There is milling/hunting behavior midchannel by Indianola. South of ferry lanes. Can't tell how many are there. -Jenny Klis
18:35 - Large male in line with Dolphin Point, island side of channel, still southbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
18:03 - Passing on east side of Vashon.
17:54 - Now passing directly in front of Southworth, generally southbound.
17:49 - Can barely spot them (the boys) in binoculars looking just north of Southworth from Emma Schmitz Overlook in West Seattle. -Steve Rice
15:53 - At Sunset Hill. Looks like a lions den of orcas! [video] -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
17:49 - They look like they are heading towards Lincoln Park, mid channel. I last saw the large male closer to Seattle side.
17:45 - They looked like they were heading southeast, not towards Colvos.
17:19 - Large male seen heading down southwest side of Blake Island, closer to Blake. -Kristin Wilder-Hunter
16:25 - Boys southbound [approx. 47.560679, -122.510264]. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Janel Ostrem
Date of Sighting: 05/04/2023
Time: 4:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: Off of Golden Gardens Park in Seattle
Photos available?:
17:47 - We just saw them traveling slowly northbound from Carkeek Park. -Fusako Nozaka
16:07 - They are now heading north towards Blue Ridge/North Beach.
16:00 - Five to ten are in the current line off of north Shilshole marina. -Anea Pavlosky
16:00 - A group is possibly at the north end of Golden Gardens marina (difficult to see from where I am for sure) and headed northbound. -Emily Peterson
15:48 - Claire Irvin called to report they are witnessing, directly west of Shilshole Marina near Shilshole Bay, a small pod of orcas moving south, a little bit of circling, but mainly traveling southbound slowly. Look to be one male with a large dorsal and some smaller fins. Pod is far off and doesn't have great binocs. Large group of people watching.
15:40 - Boys are approaching Restoration Point southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:36 - We are at Discovery Park Lighthouse looking north. We can see them in distance. -Tomoko Boerman
15:13 - Seeing them from Sunset Hill. -Boston Nyer
14:37 - The orcas are right off Carkeek Park right now. -Cathy Salvatore
14:38 - Straight out from Golden Gardens, maybe slightly north. I’m viewing from Daybreak Cultural Center in Discovery Park. -Aja Petee
14:34 - Large adults, moving south, east side of Bainbridge Island near Wing Point. Two orcas, one with notched dorsal. -Jane Rein
14:22 - Group out from green buoy at north Golden Gardens southbound. -Emily Peterson
14:15 - Main group of 15+ southbound midchannel south of Richmond Beach. A few singles including a male in shore on east side heading south. T46E & D visible through scope in big group. -Whale Scout
14:10 - T125A & T128 south of Rolling Bay/Skiff Point southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
T125A Jetsam & T128 Flotsam - T128 Flotsam -photos by Jim Pasola, May 4, 2023
14:01 - Southbound and choppy water [approx. 47.730470, -122.436444]. -Emily Peterson
13:34 - Big group 10+ coming into view at Richmond Beach. Approaching midchannel marker. -Whale Scout
13:30 - Looks like T125A & T128 close to shore southbound south of Faye Bainbridge. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
T46E Thor & company - T128 Flotsam - 11:30 - 12:30 - From the pass by Apple Tree Point. -photo by Sara Frey, May 4, 2023
13:29 - Large male off Fay Park Bainbridge Island. -Christy Stepper-Coulter
13:24 - Saw one or two from the Kingston ferry headed south about ten minutes ago. Didn’t see again though, and it sounds like others lost them as well. -Emily Peterson
12:55 - The leaders were south of Edmonds Marina, my line of sight southbound.
12:40 - First group just came into view from the hill atop the Kingston ferry. -Jim Pasola
12:35 - Out from Apple Tree Point mid to west channel. Majority grouped up with slow southbound travel, long down times. One male further west.
12:05 - South of Eglon now. Appear to be feeding and slow southbound. Close to Kitsap side [approx. 47.860113, -122.502082]. -Sara Frey
12:20 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 13:02 - 1220hrs: a group of 22 orca on the western edge of the SB shipping lanes, moving south. CATHLAMET and PUYALLUP notified via 800MHz.
11:34 - They’re spread apart because I still see some near Eglon still heading south. Maybe seven to ten? Hard to say definitely at least one really big guy. -Alice Thuy Talbot
11:30 - Two whales (128 and 125?) just passed close in, Apple Tree Point, Kingston. Southbound. -Sara Frey
11:10 - Southbound at Eglon. -Alice Thuy Talbot
10:21 - Good afternoon! MVV SWFT out near Point No Point. We have the T46Bs and T99s, we think there are 17 here but unsure. A passenger was able to identify the T46Bs, T99s and T46s! A tea party! -Shannon Heuvel
10:09 - There’s a pod headed south along Whidbey that we are seeing headed out of Mutiny Bay. -Sam Wallace [PSWS]
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Thu May 4 8:18 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 47.94218,-122.58875 [Admiralty Inlet off Foulweather Bluff]
Number Sighted: 1
Submitted Comments: Large male
Submitter Name: Mike Curry
GRAY WHALES - Thu, May 4 - Saratoga Passage
11:40 - Two grays heading north towards Pebble Beach, Summerland. Quarter mile off the beach. Down at Gull way now.
09:09 - Just watched a whale heading south, closer to Camano side in Saratoga Passage. We are on the very southwest end of the island. Could not identify, but no blow spray! And it was low when on the surface. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
Thu, May 4 - Possession Sound - 16:35 - Viewing from Harborview Park, between the park and Camano Head. Seeing repeated blows from two, possibly three grays. Possible feeding behavior, as there is surface activity and black body parts showing above the water. Too far for me to get any ID pics. Slowly heading east, closer to Camano near the green channel marker. -Linda Raines Tyner
MINKE WHALES - Thu, May 4 - Admiralty Inlet - 15:37 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 15:58 to report: 1537hrs: Vessel KENNEWICK (PT/Coupeville) reports a single minke whale, heading North, mid-channel in Admiralty Inlet. Crew reports seeing one blow and a dive.
Thu, May 4 - South Puget Sound - 16:00 - We were on the west side of Harstine Island headed into Jarrell's Cove. We saw, what looked like a dolphin on steroids! After research, we feel it was a minke whale. -Richard Renner
06:45 - Cammy LaRiviere relayed sightings report from her husband Mark who saw a whale this morning in Pickering Passage; he thinks it is a minke whale. He heard blows, then saw the body. He did see part of the fluke which isn’t common with minke, but after reviewing images of minke he feels sure it was a minke.
May 3
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, May 3 - BC
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Trinity Goodsell
Date of Sighting: 05/03/2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: 49.3857798, -123.5149305
Direction of travel : West, quickly
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?: Looked like 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: There seemed to be a young one. Much smaller.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photos by Trinity Goodsell, May 3, 2023
Wed, May 3 - San Juans (T65As minus T65A5)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tom Reeve
Date of Sighting: 05/03/2023
Time: 6:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: About a mile south of Flint Beach, at the south end of Lopez Island.
Direction of travel : Headed east
Behaviors observed: Porpoising/hunting
Photos available?: No
18:40 - T65As headed to Cattle Pass in San Juan Channel abeam of Big Rock. -Barbara Howitt [WSSJI]
14:45 - T65As milling south of Flattop.
14:00 - T65As still milling near Green Point.
11:05 - T65As milling near Green Point.
10:30 - T65As near Flattop. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Wed, May 3 - Spieden/San Juan channel
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Wed May 3 12:45 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.62120,-123.10710 [NE San Juan Island]
Number Sighted: 4
Submitter Name: Graves
Whale Alert App
Wed, May 3 - San Juans (T99s) - 15:30 - T99s moving south again in San Juan Channel slowly - abeam of Big Rock (Fisherman’s Harbor). -Barbara Howitt [WSSJI]
14:45 - T99s deep in Griffin Bay near Jackson Beach.
14:00 - T99s halfway down Griffin Bay heading south towards Cattle Pass.
11:05 - T99s aiming to go east through Cayou Channel.
10:10 - T99s southbound near Jones. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Wed, May 3 - San Juans (T75Bs)
14:45 - T75Bs southbound Salmon Bank.
14:00 - T75Bs unknown status - believed to have exited Cattle Pass but don’t know which direction they went from there.
11:05 - T75Bs southbound near Point Caution. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Wed, May 3 - Admiralty Inlet
20:15 - We met up with a big male Bigg's northbound on the Port Townsend Bay/Admiralty Inlet line midway between Marrowstone Point and Point Wilson, and spotted another further north also northbound. I was unable to tell the sex on the second individual, we were a ways out. -Sam Kaviar
18:56 - John Miller emailed at 19:09 to report: 1856hrs: Vessel KENNEWICK reports via 800MHz they have slowed due to 2 orca SB, on the west edge of the SB shipping lanes.
Wed, May 3 - Discovery Bay/Admiralty Inlet (T46s & T46Bs) - Heavily distorted but appears to be T46D Strider - T46E Thor -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Christine Krause Manzo, May 3, 2023
20:36 - They’re close to exiting Possession triangle and heading up the west side of Whidbey closer to Kitsap side.
20:16 - Looks like they’re picking up speed northbound.
20:13 - Just milling around a bit south of where they were.
20:10 - Unsure if they flipped but some heading north.
20:00 - Continuing southbound along Kitsap side. -Alice Thuy Talbot
19:50 - Kim called back to say this pod stalled in same place as 19:44 update, possibly hunting, some were facing northbound.
19:52 - Looks like they might have made a kill. Splashing and milling around Eglon. -Alice Thuy Talbot
19:44 - Kim Page called to report this group of orcas (group one) are now in between Pilot Point and Eglon heading southbound closer to Kitsap side, west of mid channel. Includes one big male, younger male, quite a few females.
19:08 - 'Appear' to be closer to Kitsap side.
19:00 - Distorted dorsals in slight haze trending toward Kitsap side as seen from Double Bluff. Still southbound.
18:40 - Now passing Double Bluff closer to Whidbey. Victoria Clipper has slowed down.
18:20 - Orcas are past green marker continuing south.
18:05 - At least six orcas, including adult male, have passed yellow marker, mid-channel approaching Foulweather Bluff, southbound at a pretty quick lick. Viewing from Limpet Lane. -Sandy Pollard
17:44 - They are southbound at the north end of Mutiny Bay, mid channel, grouped up with one male wingman flanking on the Whidbey side near the main group. -Serena, Alisa, Marla, Rachel, Katie K., Katie W., & Stephanie, Orca Network
17:15 - Pod of at least eight to ten orcas, two bulls and little one, southbound off Bush Point mid channel. Grouped up. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network - Members of T46s & T46Bs
08:40 - 09:45 - This is all pretty exciting for us as well. We get orcas in Discovery Bay fairly often, but this was the first time I was able to get some decent photos. I did a sighting notice on your website, including the approximate coordinates (48.0887028, -122.9197232). We are about a quarter mile in from the point on the west side (Diamond Point). -photos by Dave Cody, May 3, 2023
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, May 3 - South Puget Sound - 16:26 - Humpback, Case Inlet between mainland and Herron Island. Headed south. It was close, just a bit outside our buoys! -Jeannie St.Amour [PSWS]
Wed, May 3 - Central Puget Sound - 14:08 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:06 to report: 1408hrs: Vessel KITTITAS reports 1 humpback, NB in the shipping lanes, just west of FAU.
GRAY WHALES - Wed, May 3 - Port Susan - 14:30 - Gray feeding north of Kayak Point Park. I think it was going north. -Vanessa Stedman
Wed, May 3 - Possession Sound - ~12:30 - Three [grays] off the south east of Hat Island. Been in the same area for the last half hour. -R Michael Stout
MINKE WHALES - Wed, May 3 - Puget Sound - 09:45 - MV Swiftsure just found a minke whale slowly northwest bound off of Edmonds. It was 2.5 miles northwest of Edmonds and as we watched it circled around and zigzagged in typical minke fashion but yes, it was initially pointed toward Admiralty Inlet. I suspect it may be feeding in the area and not directional. -Justine Buckmaster, Puget Sound Express
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Wed, May 3 - Puget Sound - 18:00 - From the Kingston ferry, it looked like there were about three whales. I assume they were whales since I saw blows. -Suzanna Joor
May 2
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, May 2 - Rosario Strait (T36As, T65As minus T65A5, T75Bs, T99s, T123s, T124A1, T124A4s, T125A, & T128) - Today we met up with a group of 32 Bigg's killer whales in Rosario Strait: the largest group we have ever encountered in the field. It was quite the group for our intern Esmeralda to see as her first-ever orcas; I'm not sure how many times I uttered, "It's not always like this!" The whales were in several active social groups, complete with breaching babies and at least one "sea snake" from one of the adult males. The full roll call of who was present: T36As, T65As (no A5), T75Bs, T99s, T123s, T124As, T124A1, T124A4s, T125A, and T128. The conditions couldn't have been more picture perfect, with blue seas and skies and Mt. Baker in the background. We generally consider a "T Party" to be 15 or more whales from 3+ family groups; what do you think, should we have a different term for a group of 30 or more whales from 6+ families? -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, May 2, 2023
Final (or at least current, ha) roll call for today's Rosario Strait T Party: T36As, T65As (no A5), T75Bs, T99s, T123s, T124As, T124A1, T124A4s, T125A, T128 = 32 whales. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute
So last night, I watched four matrilines of Bigg's orcas cruise up Admiralty leaving the Puget Sound behind. Now, where they were off to was anyone's guess; however, I knew there was a chance that a few of the whales might hang around up in the San Juans, so, I booked a seat on the IE5 this morning, and boy am I glad I did. If you ever doubt the existence of God, simply step out into the glory of nature. You will never doubt again. Today was perfection. We found 32 Bigg's orcas together in one MASSIVE T-Party. It was orca soup! We were a cracker bobbing in a massive bowl of orca! Normally, I give you a rundown of the lovelies on scene. That, would take a fortnight. There was a nice hunt by the T65As of a large Steller Sea Lion. In this battle, team pinniped WON! It escaped. We found it in the shallows of a nearby island looking a little beat up, but alive. I hope they make you believe in a higher power, because they are truly, miracles. -Cindi Crowder Rausch - T123A Stanley -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, May 2, 2023
Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #16: "T125A and T128 were near the rear and were taking long dives. When he did appear, T128 appeared to be following T123 around. After an extremely long dive, T125A popped up nearby and began to drift a small ways away from the others. As the front main part of the group continued to roll its was up Rosario Strait, some of the trailers began to spread out slightly. T128 joined T125A and the two of them continued to slowly mill in the general vicinity to the southwest of the main group. Some of the T123s and maybe a couple others also moved a little west of the main group..." Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #16
12:37 - General area they were headed as of 15-20 minutes ago [Rosario Strait - approx. 48.562051, -122.749127]. -Kat Martin - T128 Flotsam & T125A Jetsam -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Really far away orcas from the late 11:05 Friday Harbor to Anacortes ferry. I got super excited when I started seeing the blows directly in front of the ferry. I was hoping they’d stick closer so I could snag better photos, but I was happy to see even this! There was a very bouncy baby in the mix. I brought my binoculars with me and shared them with a family next me. They were so overjoyed to have seen orcas. I was able to help others and point out the whales to people. Sharing the joy made the experience that much more special. This is what viewing whales should be. We should all be experiencing the joy and magic the whales bring. -photos by Kat Martin, May 2, 2023
11:50 - The large group of transients are still in same general area but have drifted north. They include 36As, 65As, 99s, 123s, 125A, and T128! Per Cindi Crowder Rausch.
11:00 - Orcas, appears to be two pods, Bell Rocke (south of James Island). South or southwest. -Creston Wood
10:45 - T Party in Rosario Strait, heading north towards the Anacortes ferry lanes. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
10:21 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: The Captain on the MV SUQUAMISH reports 3 orca SB in the east side of Thatcher Pass.
South Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds) - Tuesday whales, celebrating after a delicious meal! Today's tour took us down to the South Sound in Case Inlet to see the T71Bs and the T124Ds! They were just finishing up a meal when we arrived and then the celebration began! So fun to see the kids so happy and active! We also found a bunch of seals in the Edmonds marina on the way out to tour. Beautiful day -photos by Janine Harles, May 2, 2023
19:40 - From Joemma, it appears they have finished their snack and headed west/northwest towards Pickering Passage. This will be my last look for the night. Seems like another whale of a day tomorrow. -photos by April Basham, May 2, 2023
19:10 - Still hanging out in the same spot. No commitment on direction. Midchannel to Harstine side. Viewing from Joemma.
18:13 - Pod is out mid channel to Harstine side. Lots of surface activity. No commitment on direction. Viewing from Joemma. -Candace Gavin
18:08 - They apparently made a kill. Tons of seagulls and an eagle flying around.
17:26 - Viewing the pod from Joemma. Moving slowly east. Two big breaches. Too far for photos. -Rich Kuras
16:30 - Jacquline Plattner called to report orcas. They are currently moored at McMicken Island in Case Inlet and see what appears to be three Bigg’s headed east in Case Inlet just past McMicken Island. Seemed to be in travel mode.
15:02 - Vaughn. They are on Vaughn side a little passed Pickering Passage.
14:51 - On their way into Pickering Passage from Case Inlet. Deep dives and long down times. -Donna DeBree-Moore
14:00 - From my vantage point, they have disappeared from my sight, look to be rounding the corner headed towards Pickering Passage.
13:27 - From Victor they are southbound hugging the Grapeview side. -April Basham
11:55 - The T124Ds and T71Bs are now all grouped up after a kill and heading south into Pickering Passage. And right as I posted that there was a breach and a direction change. [Headed back towards Case Inlet]. -Justine Buckmaster
11:17 - Bigg's killer whales off of Haley State Park north of Herron Island in Case Inlet. -Kyla Bivens
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, May 2 - Haro Strait - 18:54 - Humpback passing San Juan County Park northbound. Close to shore, just other side of Low Island. -Dusty DeLange [WSSJI]
12:32 - Humpback in Haro Strait. Up island off Smuggler’s Cove. Heading up island half mile offshore. -Peter Van Deventer [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Tue, May 2 - Possession Sound - 20:51 - Pretty sure we saw the same ones this evening off of Jetty Island. -Christina Steward
12:30 - Three off the southeast [end] of Hat Island. Been in the same area for the last half hour. -R Michael Stout
09:11 - Alice Moyal, Hat Island, had a few grays earlier this morning in the cove below on northeast side roughly mid way down. Last she heard, they were coasting along the south side of Hat Island.
May 1
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, May 1 - Admiralty Inlet (T65As before they met up with T75Bs, T99s, & T123s) - 13:45 - Group one and two have converged and are northbound. -David Michael
10:13 - Viewing from Stamm Overlook. They’re south of Point No Point, Kitsap side, heading southwest towards Eglon. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
09:10 - Maybe in this area approx. [Mutiny Bay], too far to really tell. Still southbound.
09:00 - They're continuing south aiming towards Hansville. Getting smaller, further away from Whidbey. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:10 - Saw two fins, spread out, mid channel to Whidbey side, one male. Southbound slowly. They have passed Bush Point Lighthouse. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
07:58 - Per Cindi, past Bush Point boat launch. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
07:30 - We received a call from the Marrowstones who are watching incoming orcas. Rob first spotted orcas who are between Marrowstone Island and Lagoon Point, Marrowstone side of mid channel, traveling southbound. At least two orcas, one looked to be male with possible jagged dorsal fin but viewing at a distance so cannot confirm that.
Mon, May 1 - Puget Sound (T75Bs, T99s, & T123s in the morning - T65As joined in the afternoon) - T65A4 Ellifrit - It was cold and wet and worth it! -photos by Donna George, May 1, 2023
T123A Stanley - Out with Puget Sound Express today on Chilkat out of Edmonds. Tour started a few minutes off the dock with the T65As transient orcas. They were very spread out so we headed down to Seattle where we caught up to a huge group of orcas (T75Bs, T99s and T123s). The whales had just finished a meal and started heading north. We left them and went over to Everett where we found gray whales CRC22 Earhart and CRC531 Gretchen! There were two to three other grays in the area as we could see the blows but they were quite a ways off from us. We encountered Steller sea lions, harbor porpoise and seals in Everett as well. Thanks for a great trip! -photos by Janine Harles, May 1, 2023
T65A2 Ooxjaa & T123A Stanley -photo and IDs by Orca Conservancy, May 1, 2023
19:38 - Passing Marrowstone Point now. Spread out mid channel steady northbound. Leaders passing Coupeville now. -Rebecca Berger
19:00 - Spread in groups from Marrowstone side, group passed very close to Bush Point, believe that group was 65As & others northbound [T65A2, T65A4, T75Bs].
18:15 - Past Limpet Lane northbound.
17:50 - Spread in at least three groups, steady northbound, maybe two miles south of Double Bluff area.
17:25 - Northbound past Maxwelton Whidbey side midchannel. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:55 - They are still traveling in two groups, fairly synchronized in downtime and surface time. Heading north exiting Possession triangle towards west side of Whidbey. Looks closer to Whidbey side of channel. -Alice Thuy Talbot
16:42 - It looks like they’re heading towards Admiralty. Good luck Kitsap and Whidbey friends! -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
16:27 - From pier in Edmonds, line of sight is Eglon. Trending northwest in the direction of Admiralty Inlet. -Orca Conservancy
16:10 - I have eyes on them from the Edmonds pier! Headed north approaching Eglon. -Brooke Thompson
16:04 - Watching from Edmonds fishing pier. I see around five orca midway between Kingston and Eglon right now. -Marty Jones
15:37 - Passing Kingston terminal with a cute little baby spyhop.
15:30 - Approaching the Kingston ferry terminal. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
15:35 - Three orcas off Kingston. They were traveling slow and then simply disappeared in very surprising fashion. I was looking everywhere with a long telephoto and they must have turned on their cloaking devices. -Paul Mooselips Dudley
15:22 - Viewing from Kayu Kayu AC, from this vantage point, they are now north of the Kingston ferry terminal. Grouped up, quickly tracking northbound. East of mid channel. -Orca Conservancy
15:13 - Seeing them from Edmonds Marina Beach Park. Line of sight is here to Jefferson Head. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
15:09 - Steady northbound just passing midchannel marker off Richmond Beach. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
14:58 - Spotted group from Kayu Kayu, steady northbound, east side to mid channel. -Kristin Mackenzie
14:39 - At least ten individuals. One or two big males in lead group. Two big males in trailing group. Groups about quarter to half mile apart. Steady northbound east of midchannel off Richmond Beach.
14:35 - Continuing steady northbound again.
14:33 - Ten or so porpoising west/northwest midchannel. Line of sight is Richmond Beach to just south of Fay Bainbridge. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
T123A Stanley -photos by April Basham, May 1, 2023
14:21 - Last looks for us. Pods are mid channel, northbound and spread out. Out from Carkeek. -Candace Gavin
14:00 - Candace sent photos of T65A3 so indeed the groups have joined and all reportedly northbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:55 - Can see two or so large males steady northbound. Midchannel, probably off Carkeek. Viewing from Richmond Beach upper lot. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
13:45 - Group one and two have converged and are all northbound [Outer Elliot Bay - approx. 47.599663, -122.448990]. -David Michael
13:34 - Pod has continued northbound but have moved mid channel. Grouped up and steady pace. -Candace Gavin
13:29 - Northbound mid-channel again off mid-Sunset Hill!
13:14 - Mid-channel off of north Sunset Hill. Were northbound but now possibly southbound. -photo by Anea Pavlosky, May 1, 2023
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Carl Gronquist
Date of Sighting: 05/01/2023
Time: 1:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Seattle, Discovery Park. From bluff and the south and north beaches of West Point
Direction of travel : N, loitering, then moving north
Behaviors observed: We couldn't tell the number of animals. They were far away, but with binoculars we
could see tall black dorsal fins. They were loitering on the south side of West Point. We could see some
splashing .
If orcas, any males?: yes
Any unusual markings?: too far away to see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: The orcas were being followed by a small boat, and then an Argosy tour boat stopped to observe on its way from downtown Seattle to the Ballard locks.
Photos available?: No
12:50 - Viewing from Sunset Hill Park as they cross Discovery Park Lighthouse, northbound, west of the green buoy. -Elise Snoey
12:40 - Eyes on whales from West Point Discovery Lighthouse. Still south of the point, slow but steady northbound travel. East of mid-channel. Visible without binoculars. -Brittany Noelle
12:19 - Northbound towards West Point lighthouse. Long down times. Traveling fast. East side of channel. -Candace Gavin
11:25 - Northbound Murden Cove, view from 64th and Alki. -Mary Hartmann
11:10 - North of the Bainbridge Island ferry. Seem to be milling about. -Greg Snyder
11:13 - Confirmed northbound. Past the ferry lanes now. Just went back under.
11:00 - Viewing from west side of Alki Beach, they’re pretty far out by Bainbridge Island now though. Staying down pretty long, eight minutes or so. Traveling northbound. Getting closer to ferry lanes. -Kendall Spiek
10:15 - Southbound in the shipping lanes. A little north of the harbor on Bainbridge Island. Seen from Alki Beach.
10:05 - Seem to be heading towards Bainbridge. Also saw a couple of porpoises close to shore. -Greg Snyder
10:01 - Still north of ferry lane.
09:58 - Westbound towards West Point, from Magnolia, six orcas, view with naked eye at 64th and Alki. -Mary Hartmann
09:59 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:00 - Captain reports vessel WENATCHEE has slowed for 7 Orca SB of Duwamish and Alki.
09:50 - From Alki, viewing some on the south east of West Point. -Greg Snyder
09:48 - Spotted due north from Alki Beach. Mid-Channel southbound. -Troy Dobbertin
09:35 - I think orcas right outside the Space Needle by ferry! -Jeanne Meyers
09:25 - Eyes on whales from Anchor Park in West Seattle. Southbound travel, grouped up. -Brittany Noelle
08:55 - Friend of mine alerted that eight to ten whales traveling southbound at Discovery Park/West Point lighthouse. -Pia VanHanen
08:10 - Orcas off the fast ferry between Seattle and Kingston! Wooohooo! It finally happened! Dream come true! -Jeanne Meyers
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kerri Seger
Date of Sighting: 05/01/2023
Time: 7:51 AM
Species seen: Likely orca - one large black dorsal, two other smaller dorsals.
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Halfway between Golden Gardens and Bainbridge Island. Vantage point from Sunset Hills
Park. Didn't have reticled binos on me - sorry
Direction of travel : No real direction, more milling/hunting in circular area
Behaviors observed: Likely hunting, maybe play. Final movement visible before going for a longer dive
was a coletaza (I think that translates into tail swing? One day I'll do ethograms in English!)
If orcas, any males?: Maybe one
Any unusual markings?: Too far to see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Video available - grainy on phone.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Mon, May 1 - South Puget Sound (T71Bs & T124Ds)- 19:51 - A friend has them between halfway and the tip of Stretch Island headed south. -Jami Cantrell
19:20 - Trending south from Allyn pier. -Barbara Millward
19:00 - Just wanted to let you know that there are at least two orcas in North Bay by Allyn. -photo by Kenny Murphey, May 1, 2023
18:52 - Visible from Allyn boat lunch headed north. Hugging opposite bank. -Barbara Millward
18:49 - They seem to be heading north towards Allyn but they’ve been going back and forth all day.
17:39 - Right here milling [Victor area - 47.363346, -122.812201].
17:30 - They’re still around the Victor area, direction unknown for now. -Jami Cantrell
17:05 - Victor curve you guys have eyes on them too? I see them heading west... well maybe not. Looks like they turned back east. May've been some breaching. Per someone else close by. Well they went south then came back north again. Looks like it's another indecisive orca day. Last seen about four minutes ago. -David Bennett
15:59 - Viewing from Victor, we count seven orca fins. Milling in the area [approx. 47.360106, -122.817096]. -Maura Lewis
16:00 - They're milling heading back east on my side. Sea lions are heading north south of me. Saw them pass the sealions & they turned back towards them. Sea lions still playing.
14:44 - Looks like they're heading this way [Victor area - approx. 47.353207, -122.819825]. -David Bennett
13:21 - Just at Jarrell's Cove west side of Pickering Passage heading north. Long down times. -Teresa Saunders Westcoat
13:06 - Just passed Walkers Landing headed north to Jarrell’s Cove. -Jacob Virnig
12:29 - Seen them. Now headed to the bridge. -Karen SKoog
11:50 - Five orcas came out of Totten Inlet past Steamboat Island heading north - lost sight of them as they headed to Squaxin Island. -photos by Michele Neary, May 1, 2023
11:50 - Saw two passing the tip of Steamboat heading southish between Steamboat and Hope Island. -Christina Davis
09:02 - Spotted three orcas from Carlyon Beach Olympia. Now (09:27) in Totten Inlet and we're waiting for them to come back. -Michele Neary
09:40 - Orcas are in Totten Inlet after passing Steamboat, second hand info, my wife's aunt just texted to say she saw them pass. -John Paul Fitzgerald
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, May 1 - Haro Strait (BCX1416 Phi & BCY0994 Dalmatian) - Identified as BCX1416 Phi and BCY0994 Dalmatian. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Sounds like two humpbacks! -John Boyd [WSSJI]
14:37 - Saw a spout. Same location. I believe this is a baleen whale. -Kat Martin [WSSJI]
13:00 - Long distant spotting of orcas [confirmed humpbacks] near Lime Kiln. -Paul Rudd [WSSJI]
12:30 - Two humpbacks, southbound, just passing Land Bank, close to shore. -Carol Kinkelaar Skully [WSSJI]
05-01-23 Two Humpbacks, Haro Strait SJI - 12:55 - 13:02, Two humpbacks traveling south/down-island, 1/3 mile from shore. I observed the humpbacks as they came round the bluff at Point Edwards. They were together but not surfacing in unison or traveling side by side. They changed direction turning left towards the shore and came within less than a 1/4 mile of my location. They dove deep and I didn't see them again. Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank's Westside Preserve. Photographed from shore. -Michelline Halliday, SJI -photos by Michelline Halliday, May 1, 2023
GRAY WHALES - Mon, May 1 - Rosario Strait
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Gray Whale Sighting:
Sighting Time: Thu Apr 27 9:00 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.62107,-122.80740 [south of Doe Bay, Orcas Island]
Number Sighted: 1
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitter Name: Spencer Bezaire
Whale Alert App
Mon, May 1 - Saratoga Passage - CRC21 Shackleton -ID by Serena Tierra, Orca Network - 17:17 - Watched this one from Summerland to Mabana, eating for about an hour right off shore. -photos by Thomas McKane, May 1, 2023
Mon, May 1 - Holmes Harbor - 13:30 - West side of Holmes Harbor off of Bercot Road in Freeland. -Alex Post
Mon, May 1 - Possession Sound (CRC22 Earhart & CRC531 Gretchen) - CRC22 Earhart - CRC531 Gretchen - [We] went over to Everett where we found gray whales CRC22 Earhart and CRC531 Gretchen! There were two to three other grays in the area as we could see the blows but they were quite a ways off from us. -photos and IDs by Janine Harles, May 1, 2023
12:50 - Viewed from park off Marine View Drive in Everett, park above the marina. Grey seen at location marked on map, appeared to be milling [Possession Sound - approx. 48.026782, -122.284733].
11:39 - I see a gray in approx. location that I marked on map. I couldn't tell direction or if just milling about? I should be able to see better from the Providence area [Possession Sound - approx. 47.989609, -122.249457]. -Marilyn Armbruster
06:35 - Seeing blows (presumably gray whale) in the Snohomish River mouth just north of Everett Marina, while on WSF to Mukilteo at 6:35 AM. -Steve Smith