July 2015 Whale Sightings
Click here for Map of July 2015 whale sightings.
July 31
8:20pm to 8:30pm - From Lime Kiln Lighthouse we got quite a treat. At first two orcas were transiting toward the south many many yards out in Haro Strait. Then coincident with a whale watching boat passing buy, more orcas appeared right in front of the lighthouse. We were treated with about seven orcas passing by toward the south. These ~ 7 orcas were only a "stone's throw" from the shore as they passed by! It looked like at least 2 males with their tall dorsal fins. -Greg Salo
7:15-8:15 PM - We had the K13s, K14s, J2s, and J19s heading south from Battleship to SJ County Park. A beautiful evening on the water with members of J and K Pods. When we met up with them they were porpoising down Haro Strait - always an impressive sight!
6:06 pm - Whales near Turn Point southbound. I think there are still others off the south end. -Monika Wieland
Breaching resident orca with Mt. Baker. 10 miles south of East Point, Saturna Island in the San Juan Islands. -Aaron Baggenstos
2:12 pm - Some clicking and squeals on OrcaSound! -Danielle Vance
11:45 am - Point Roberts Lighthouse Park. Orcas traveling from North to South, including one younger one traveling in between two bigger ones, 8-10 or so in total. One bull orca, huge fin, traveling farther out from the shore. A couple there said this is the third day in a row that they've seen them traveling south around noon and traveling back north around 7-9 PM. Very exciting morning! -Jenna Hastings
10:53 am - Some residents inbound from Trial Is, others southbound from Sand heads by the Fraser River. -Monika Wieland
July 30
10:00 PM - whale blows, several different whales going from False Bay to Eagle Point. Full moon. Doesn't get much better! -Jenny Stands Wilson
6:00 pm - One group was spread from False Bay to Eagle a while ago - definitely shuffling. J2's group with some Ks was coming down Rosario. -Monika Wieland
11:30 am - 10-12 orcas (including 2 adult males) sighted off Lummi and Sinclair Islands...whales observed while sailing over at least a half hour. -Gregg Godsey
9:05 am - Good morning! Two humpbacks spotted heading west past Point Wilson this a.m. -Chrissy McLean, Port Townsend Marine Science Center
4:40 pm - Large whale in front of my house, surfaced once. Heading north out of Eld Inlet, Olympia. Shallow, faint blow and shallow surface. VERY fast moving. One surface and a deep, long dive. I say humpback. -Kim Merriman
July 29
K20 Spock and her 11 year-old son K38 Comet this morning off the Lime Kiln Lighthouse as the K13 matriline went north. -Monika Wieland
7:35 pm - on the Lime Kiln webcam right now.
7:16 pm - Loud echolocation on the Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Brendon Bissonnette
6:00 pm - Saw some Orcas breaching well out in the sound while at Jordan Beach, Vancouver Island around 6pm tonight! -Cass Hepburn
5:18 pm - hear a few faint J calls and a lot of echolocation. -Alisa LB, ON
4:40 pm - Orcas on Lime Kiln Hydrophone! -Connie Bickerton
4:05 pm - Just heard spread Lime Kiln to South Beach northbound.
1:53 pm - Residents are spread from Iceberg to Pile Point now- could have been down there earlier? (regarding 8:45 am lone orca off Lopez) Sounds like the K13s did continue north but others are off San Juan. -Monika Wieland
Noon-3:00pm - J and K pods off the south end of Lopez Island. Stayed with these resident orcas as they swam towards Salmon Bank, J17 Princess Angeline left (and possibly J44). -Sarah Cameron
(ID confirmation by Melisa Pinnow, naturalist and Center for Whale Research volunteer)
Noon to 12:30 - approximately a dozen dispersed orcas headed east-to-west past Flint Beach, south Lopez Island. A few breeches and tail slaps, but mainly just traveling. -Tom Reeve
9:50 am - Echolocation on OrcaSound. -Connie Bickerton
9:15 am - K13s passed LK northbound. -Monika Wieland
8:45am - one lone male spotted heading west-to-east off Flint Beach at the south end of Lopez Island. -Tom Reeve
2:00 pm - Six Orcas seen at Doe Bay heading northeast. Probably transients! (As of publishing of this report we've had no IDs for these sightings, these could be SRKWs-ALB) -Missy Miller Townsend
10:00 am - 3 Orcas close to shore traveling north. At one point they were only about 100 meters off of shore; 48.4397; -122.6782. (Fidalgo Island just north of Deception Pass-HG) -Cheryl Buchanan
11:00 am - Pod of 7, including a younger one, moving through kelp fields purposefully but not in a hurry. Off of Point Colville, Lopez Island. -Josh Burker
July 28
10:15 pm - Whales on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Barbara Bender
Some orcas were here all day, back and forth. I didn't count numbers as I was doing yardwork etc., but every time I looked out some whales were in view. I just saw a couple breaches at 8:38 PM. What a beautiful day! -Jenny Stands Wilson
7:06 pm - 3 orca (2 female, 1 male) traveling slowly along the shore south of Lime Kiln off of Edwards Point! -Emma Foose
Se-Yi-Chn (J45) spyhopping with T'ilem I'nges (J49) and Kelp (K42) tonight with members of J and K pod near Hein Bank. It was so beautiful out there even as the swell picked up a bit. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
J51 popped up right in frame. I would not have gotten this shot if he hadn't seemed to know exactly where to be. One of those lucky, lucky shots. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
Our evening trip was very peaceful. We spent the majority of it shut down, drifting, and listening to the orcas. We were watching a small bunch of the J17 matriline. I kept joking, saying, "Come on Notch (the five year old orca here), come say hi to me, it's my birthday after all". And he would do another long dive, foraging and pop up somewhere nowhere near where I expected...This went on for about an hour until finally, he did just what I was hoping he'd do. He went out of his way to come up to us and make the connection. He came up on the stern of the boat while we were shut down (where I watched from the roof), and swarm around, rolling on his side to look up at me. I've never had this connection from J47 Notch before. -Heather MacIntyre
6:20 pm - People are reporting some clicks and calls on the LK hyrdo too - my neighbor said some got just up to the lighthouse and flipped. -Monika Wieland
6:15 pm - Whales all headed towards Port Townsend in big groups - J14s J16 K13s K14s J19s. -Barbara Bender
Wonderful day with members of J and K pods feeding and Socializing through out the day in Haro and into the evening over at Hein Bank. -Sara McCullagh
Great evening spent on Hein Bank with Js and Ks (L87 too!) L87 surfacing with Mt. Baker in the background. -Sara McCullagh
Watched orcas pass Land Bank heading south about 1:30 now watching them off Hannah Heights where they seem to be milling and foraging at 2:15 pm. Watched WDFW stop a large yacht that got too close - Soundwatch and the Center for Whale Research are out today too. -Susan B, ON
12:52 pm - I'm seeing them again on the web cam very close to shore - lucky onlookers! -Shelby Hight Fifield
We headed out of town with reports of Southern Resident killer whales heading south along the west side of San Juan Island, and were fortunate to find many members of both J and K pods hugging the shoreline, hopefully finding lots of salmon to eat. We recognized K-25 Scoter and other members of the K13s, and then found J-27 Blackberry slightly offshore - he gave us some wonderful views as he foraged (and caught) salmon. Homeward bound we found harbor seals hauled out (some with new pups), and harbor porpoise. A beautiful day again - what an amazing summer we're having!! -Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist
10:00 am - We met up with Js and most of Ks (didn't see the K16s or K21) near False Bay on the am trip. Everyone kind of moseyed in from the north and south and all grouped up right before we left. I think I got at least 17 dorsals in one shot which is a new record for me. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
10:00 am - we left Js and Ks northbound Kellet Bluff. The old girl's still got it - a big breach by J2 Granny this morning off Henry Island. -Monika Wieland
9:25 am - echo on OS and LK too.
9:00 am - Loud SRKW calls in very quiet seas on Lime Kiln Hydrophone. Ks and Js. -Alisa, ON
9:14 am - Amazing vocals!
8:41 am - Whales on LK -Barbara Bender
8:42 am - Hearing calls on hydrophone and seeing them on the webcam. -Shelby Hight Fifield
7:00 am - about 30 whales came slowly around Eagle Point. Most very spread out and quietly swimming and kelping. Close to shore. Group of about 10 still here at 8:30. Some others are just going around Pile Point. I can hear blows of a few more coming on the other side of Eagle Point. -Jenny Stands Wilson
July 27
7:50 pm - Orcas milling off Eagle Cove San Juan Island, others somewhere spread out in Haro Strait. -Susan, ON
3:29 pm - Residents inbound from Race Rocks. -Monika Wieland
This evening near Lummi Island, T37A with two of her kiddos: T37A2 (behind her) and T37A3 (in front of her). -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
1:05 pm - 2 groups of Ts on each side of Sidney, slowly moving north. -Barbara Bender
"Two groups of transient killer whales made a rare appearance in the Guemes Channel Monday..." Link to Go Anacortes article.
July 26
J, K, and almost all of L pod exited the area through the Strait of Juan De Fuca. Wow! It's been crazy, but super amazing!! -Melisa Pinnow
K38 just coming up in the front, K20, K27 just going down and J19, offshore of Lopez Island. That lighting was pretty intense and the whales were so incredible. Tons of socializing on the surface, big mixed groups....worth the three and half hour trip just to get there! -Gary Sutton
4:32 pm - T037As at the northwest tip of Hat island. Slowly headed north with milling behavior interspersed. -Anna Lieding
3:46 pm - Just found them, they're north of Clinton ferry. I saw about 4 fins In between me on Whidbey and Hat island headed north...and they're gone, long down times, pure luck I came into view at that moment. -Rachel Haight
1:31pm - pod east side of Scatchet Head northerly paralleling Driftwood Drive. -Stu Davidson
1:04 pm - we followed them south. They ran through that gauntlet of fishing boats, seemed to make it just fine. They're splitting up now though off Possession Point. -Renee Beitzel
Bigg's, including T037As, T037A3 and T037A, in tight family group in Puget Sound. -Janine Harles
(ID by Josh McInnes)
12:35 pm - They appear to have split in two groups earlier...the southbound group turned around and started northbound as the other group was coming around southbound. Meetup is northwest of my location at Stamm. They are east side of mid channel, south of Scatchet Head and appear to be heading northeasterly.
12:10 pm - from Stamm Overlook Park in Edmonds I have eyes on pod, they are mid channel moving steady southbound just getting past the bulk of recreational fishing boats, few miles south of Scatchet Head/Cultus Bay. They are navigating through over a hundred (counted) fishing vessels. -Alisa, ON
Noon - No idea of numbers but from Point No Point looks like they are moving south getting close to Edmonds. Too Far East for any details. -Dianne Dee Iverson
11:15am - Near yellow channel marker south of Point No Point, we are at Maxwelton park (Whidbey). Pod is going south. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:33am - Just confirmed Ts. There's a calf. Several females and one or two males. Really spread out. Close to shore and in traffic lanes. -Renee Beitzel
7:15 am - My mom saw orcas off of port Townsend ferry this morning. -Kelli Christine
A rare-to-us sighting of humpbacks in Active Pass today, leisurely heading east in the late afternoon. From the shore of Galiano Island. -Karoline Cullen
Two encounters today with BCY0160 "Heather" the Humpback whale and her calf! In Active pass between Galiano and Mayne island, BC. -Traci Walter
July 25
6:15 am - Woke up to beautiful sight of a pod of about 6 Orcas with K27, K44 , K33 and K12, travelling northbound up Trincomali channel past North Galiano. lat 49.99407, long -123.58867. -Karen Steve Smith
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow and Sara Hysong-Shimazu)
6:00-7:00 pm - Lots of happy whales. 6:00pm traveling, fishing, breaching, goofing around. Moving from False Bay to Eagle Point. Can count about 15 but rougher water makes it hard to see them all. Group of about 8 were in close to shore and continued past Eagle Point - at least two large males along with little ones and females. About 6-10 orcas are out further and are still hanging around at 7:00 PM. -Jenny Stands Wilson
5:59 pm - Calls can be heard on the Lime Kiln hydrophone. Most are faint intermittent vocalizations. -Brendon Bissonnette
5:10 pm - Hello! My daughters and I visited Lime Kiln and a large group orcas passed by. They were moving quickly and were spread out. It was our first experience seeing orcas and it was incredible. We were able to get only one decent picture and was hoping you could confirm the identity. We downloaded the ID survey and believe this is Kasatka L82. (confirmed) -Christina Massimino
(ID confirmation by Melisa Pinnow, naturalist and Center for Whale Research volunteer)
J, K, and L pod (minus the L12s and L54s) came back down from the North. Out on the Odyssey of San Juan Excursions, we caught up with the orcas as they headed towards San Juan Island from Stuart Island. They were all very spread out. We saw the K13s first and Skagit K13 caught a salmon right off our bow! She could have called to her adult son, Scoter K25, who was nearby because he then rushed over to her and they both dove. I am inclined to think that they shared the salmon underwater. I think Comet K38 (Skagit K13's grandson) also caught a salmon a few minutes later. He then played with some kelp afterwords. Next, we saw the J19s and the K14s (and may more orcas in the distance) who were inshore of us, and then the K16s, including Cappuccino K21, passed by. We saw the K12s, L4s and L47s last. -Melisa Pinnow
Another epic day on the water! We've had wonderful encounters with members of J, K, and L pods the past few days. They have been spending much of their time swimming together in massive social groups and today was no different. We had huge groups of whales swimming tightly together in the Strait Georgia spending much of their time socializing. As they neared East Point on Saturna Island, the whales spread out all the way across the strait in such a way that we couldn't have gone back to the dock if we wanted to. They were everywhere in a proverbial whale soup breaching, spyhopping, and cartwheeling in every direction we looked! What a happy problem to have! -Katie Jones
Members of J Pod headed southwest from the Fraser River Saturday morning. J2 Granny is center front with little J51's eye patch visible just ahead of her dorsal. It was wonderful watching members of all 3 pods heading southwest from the Fraser River Saturday morning. They were in large groups and heavily involved in social behaviors, spyhopping and breaching. -James Gresham
J2 Granny cartwheeling during a visit with a superpod in Georgia Strait. -Bart Rulon
Bigg's Killer Whales, the T030s, in Haro Strait. -Jill Hein
No ID known yet. We found a humpback in Juan de Fuca Strait feeding. 12 whales in total over a 20km radius. Dives lasted from 2-5 mins on average. Shot from at 200Ft (60m) height. -Josh McInnes
July 24
9:43 pm - Loud Calls on Orca Sound. -Megan Henson
8:23 pm - Super fabulous calls on Orca Sound right now. No other distractions. -Kim Merriman
8:12 pm - S4 calls now on Lime Kiln. Calls on Orca Sound too. Calls, whistles and clicks continued on through the night. I turned off at 9:30, they were still loud on both hydrophones then went quiet when a boat went through.
7:52 pm - Super fantastic loud L pod calls, clicks and whistles on Lime Kiln right now, they've been loud the past 10 minutes. -Alisa, ON
7:50 pm - Very loud vocals on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Kristy Todd
8:10 pm - Calls on OrcaSound.
7:17 pm - Hearing faint intermittent calls on Lime Kiln. -Connie Bickerton
6:48 pm - Hearing some calls on the hydrophone! -Shelby Hight Fifield
Near Hannah Heights with all of J pod heading South at a pretty good clip! 39 Mako and older brother of J27 Blackberry. -Janine Harles
12:45 pm - They were moving southbound past Lime Kiln State Park. -Brandon Censon-Stillwagon
12:05 pm - Lots of SRKW activity on the west side of San Juan. Northbound whales, southbound whales, currently vocalizing now on Lime Kiln with others spread out. Good time to be on the rocks. -Alisa, ON
Noon- J2 Granny was the whale leading the large group and also the closest to shore, giving me my closest looks of her yet. Beautiful matriarch! -Rachel Haight
11:24am - Loud vocalizations being heard on OrcaSound Hydrophone (southbound pods). -Brendon Bissonnette
11:37 am - Calls of Ls then Ks southbound on OrcaSound.
11:13 am - Calls of Lime Kiln Js and Ks.
6:41 am - calls and echolocation on Lime Kiln hydrophone. Wake up Superpodders, there's Southern Residents at Lime Kiln. -AlisaLB, ON
6:18 am - First orca of the day in the same EXACT spot I left them last night. Three stopped to mill off the rocks for several minutes and I was all alone to enjoy it, totally worth being up this early! I caught up to them at LK. J17s for sure. Missed getting an ID on the big male. I completely lost them as they headed south and pushed off shore. -Rachel Haight
Leigh Novak reports seeing a small Gray whale at dusk on the 22nd heading north towards Dyes Inlet and was awaken at 4:45 am on the morning of the 23rd by it's blows. She has been hearing and seeing a whale over the past few weeks between Manette Bridge and Wheaton Ave/Warren Bridge, Bremerton. Primarily she has been hearing blows at night and what sounds like breaching or pec slapping. Last week was the first she could ID as a gray.
(We have received and included several gray whale sightings in the Bremerton area dating back to June 9th-ALB)
July 23
11:30am - 1:00pm - Some of J, K and L pods this morning. They were at Kellett Bluff, heading towards Waldron when we left them, around 1 pm. Magic! Superpod for SP4 folks, what a wonderful privilege! -Jill Hein
8:58 pm - This pair of orcas, including who I'm almost positive is J27 Blackberry, have been in the same exact spot off Land Bank for at least 3 hours now....I was wondering who the other whale might be... He came in a little closer off and on and we could hear him breathing a few times, I got quite a few looks of both saddles over those hours. -Rachel Haight
Day report: we got to Lime Kiln State Park at 8:15am and spent all day there until 7 pm we then went to Land Bank/West Side Preserve. Groups of J, K and L per Jeanne Hyde and James Taylor. 9:30 am, 10:30 am and 11:30 am with that last group leaving around noonish, including K44 Ripple and his mom K27 Deadhead northbound. Then Jeanne said the small group of J22's Oreo, Cookie and Doublestuf and someone else further out came back south at 2:30. Then another group back north at 6 pm. At 7PM met up with Rachel Haight at Land Bank and watched a couple of others (see Rachel's report above)...I watched a lot of orca's and that is all that matters, my heart was filled-nothing better than just sitting on those rocks and just being in the pure moment(s)! -Marilyn Armbruster
A few highlights from today. We had group A of J pod, J37, J14, J45, J40, J41, J19 heading up Swanson Channel but then back tracked to see K's and L's in Boundary. Spectacular day! Whales everywhere! -Gary Sutton
Lots of whales including all J's except for J27 J31 and J39 I think. Only K13's and then K21 and K16 and K35 and as far as Ls we had L72 L105 L95 L92 and L55's. Not sure if I saw L47. I don't recall seeing L47s but there were a lot of whales and I took a lot of pics....Looks like they may have split- J's up Swanson and rest up Boundary - 2nd group def went Boundary Pass. -Barbara Bender
We were fortunate to be out with members of all 3 pods today off Henry Island and NW San Juan Island between 11:30 am and 1 pm. Breaches and tail lobs and tight groups of porpoising orcas - first heading north then south and then turning north again. There were reports of more orcas off SW San Juan Island as well. It was great to see several large, tight groups rather than the spread out behavior we've been seeing so much of. -Susan Berta, ON
Noon - Very loud calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone right now. -Kim Merriman
We had J36 Alki and her calf J52 this morning off Open Bay, and the J16s, K12s, and K13s milling off Open Bay/Kellett Bluff from 10:30-11:30am. -Monika Wieland
11:30 am - Nice day with the Locals. Caught them about 11:30am off Roche Harbor and followed them North 2 plus hours to North Pender Island. 11 or 12 including at least one baby. -Scott Jenkins
10:41 am - Lots of action on the Lime Kiln Hydrophone. Not sure what it is exactly, I'm new to this! -CodyAllison Lingbloom
10:35 am - Orcas at Lime Kiln Lighthouse as seen on web cam. -Kim Merriman
9:38 am - We have whales approaching the Lighthouse (Lime Kiln) from the south, headed north! -James Taylor
9:15 am - Unidentified orcas traveling north on the west side towards Pile Point (San Juan Island). -Megan Lewis
Js and Ks northbound Haro Strait near north end of San Juan Island. -Susan Berta
July 22
9:09 pm - We just watched them go by Lime Kiln. -Kristen Bogren
9:08 pm - Orca heading south! -Richard Daly
8:23 pm - Southern Resident vocals and echolocation on Lime Kiln again.
7:49 pm - Nice! just heard a couple of calls, sounded like s2iii. On Lime Kiln. -Alisa LB, ON
It was mostly distance viewing this evening off the west side of San Juan Island as Js, Ks, and Ls hung out in tight, highly social groups. But patience paid off and one small group suddenly surfaced close off Land Bank. Here's J26 Mike flying his kelp flags. -Monika Wieland
5:18 pm - sounds like Ks on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Alisa, ON
We were with J's first around False Bay and Eagle Point. 3 males present, J-27 Blackberry, J34 Doublestuff, and L-87 Onyx. Some intense fishing very close to the (shut down) boat, and lovely females, Princess Angeline J-17, one mom and young calf, too far to get a photo or i.d. Then moved out to Salmon Bank to see transients, T-060 group, who were very purposely moving toward Long Island for a possible harbor seal snack. Lovely!!! -Bonnie Gretz
11:46 am - Echolocation can be heard live on Lime Kiln hydrophone...and now calls 11:48am. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON
I was on the Peregrine, just off of the Center for Whale Research! Got good looks at the J16s (including both calves), and J26; the rest of J Pod was spread out, mostly very close to shore. -Alisa Schulman-Janiger
We watched J pod head north past the Center for Whale Research heading north at about 10:30 am. Then within an hour they came back by heading south down the west side of San Juan Island. Got to see the babies! -Susan Berta, ON
9:15 am - Orcas at Lime Kiln heading north. Calls on hydrophone! -Vickie Doyle
8:22 am - starting to hear orca on Lime Kiln. -Connie Bickerton
Good evening! We had a nice little visit with the T60s right outside Friday Harbor this evening. I love it when whales show up on our back doorstep. What a treat! This is the first transient orca encounter we've had in ages and apparently they were traveling up San Juan Channel nailing everything they could catch this afternoon. We should start to see more transient orcas as we get closer to autumn. All those baby seals are being weaned from their mothers and some of them become important food for the orcas. I know it's hard to think about the whales munching on those cute little seals, but everyone has to eat. It's the raw power of nature and it keeps our planet in balance. -Katie Jones
Had a wonderful encounter just outside Friday Harbor tonight with transients tonight! -Traci Walter
5:30 pm - The whales were on the east side of San Juan Island moving towards Friday Harbor but traveled on NW further towards Shaw Island. It was a magical encounter with the T060s, a group of 5 whales, 3 building the head (1 male, 1 female, 1 juvenile) and 2 more whales following at a bit of a distance. 3-4 harbor seal-kills were witnessed by other people! I need to check my photos if I can find some of the two adults bringing up the rear. -Astrid Heinisch
...we then moved out to Salmon Bank to see transients, T-060 group, who were very purposely moving toward Long Island for a possible harbor seal snack. -Bonnie Gretz
July 21
7:16 pm - Hearing them on the hydrophone. -Shelby Hight Fifield
6:26 pm - Was just at South Beach and saw a couple Orca headed north. -Janet Helton
3:45 pm - Was just there during that time...they were the K13s. -Vickie Doyle
3:45 pm - Faint and sporadic calls on Lime Kiln hydro! -Kim Merriman
11:13 am - Orca pod RIGHT NOW at Partridge Point (west Whidbey Island).... Slowly moving offshore NW. -Cameron Chandler
11:13 am - Definitely L87 and J2. Possibly the K14's.
10:54 am - About 12 orcas heading north out of Admiralty Inlet at Partridge, with two males and one calf. Looks like Lobo and Onyx. But everything about this location saysTs. We are trying to get IDs. -Renee Beitzel
8:00 am - 4 orcas, including large male and possibly calf, north of Bush Point, Whidbey heading north in Admiralty Inlet. (Residents including J2 & L87-see July 25 Sightings Report). -Mike Waitt
July 20
Despite some rough conditions we had a nice visit with the K13s near Kellett Bluffs. Here is Scoter (K25) just breaking through the surface. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
We found the K13's north of Lime Kiln, traveling and foraging. K20 Spock (b 1986) and her son K38 Comet (b 2004) cruising along the shoreline of Henry Island in Haro Strait. -Connie Bickerton
J14s and K14s and L87 passed the Center for Whale Research heading south at 11 am in windy choppy seas. A breach or two and several big spy hops. -Susan, ON
Pod heading west around 6:30 am, from cliffside on Saturna Island (close to East Point). -James McLarnon
July 19
Active night for the SRKW! Calls heard nonstop on Lime Kiln hydrophone from 5:00pm to 10:55pm, and nonstop on OrcaSound hydrophone from 7:45pm to around 10:45pm (PDT). Incredible! -Cydnie Simons
8:21 pm - Calls and echolocation on OrcaSound hydrophone right now! Lots of activity! -Jay Schilling
I saw Onyx go through Active Pass with J's today, into Georgia Strait. Love that big guy! -Ali Barratt
4:00 pm - Tight group of 5 orcas heading east from cliffside on Saturna Island (close to East Point). -James James McLarnon
J2 Granny came back down south to forage with the group off Kellet Bluff, Henry Island. Who's traveling with who these days? We had the J14's, the K14's, K27 and K44 traveling north up Haro Strait yesterday. Here they stopped to socialize. As the K13's came back down south, they took K27 and K44 with them as you might expect.-Heather MacIntyre
7:30 pm - We started the morning listening to them and once again we have the privilege of eavesdropping on the SRKWs on the Lime Kiln hydrophone (located on the west side of San Juan Island, WA) as we finalize this report this evening. Some lucky folks sitting on the rocks on the west side of San Juan Island are going to have a memorable experience. -Alisa, ON
Still on up until 6:50 pm. -Lore Borras
Still hearing them at 5:55pm! -Shelby Hight Fifield
5:00 pm - Orcas heard and being at Lime Kiln webcam
3:26 pm - Calls/echolocation on Orcasound hydrophone now.
2:50 pm - echolocation on Lime Kiln hydrophone now
11:49 am - Orca activity at Lime Kiln web cam. Was quick, didn't hear them and only saw a couple that were a ways out and heading south. -Cydnie Simons
11:20 am - calls on OS again. Some of north group turned? Sounds like Ks. -Alisa, ON
10:15 am - J2s (includes J14s), K13s, K14s still northbound off Spieden Channel. It's been a while since the conditions have been right for us to get on the water for an early morning with whales - but today the stars aligned! We had our 31st (!!) research encounter with the Southern Residents as we met up with some Js and Ks a little before 7:30 AM this morning. While we got some of our best hydrophone recordings of the season, I think the moment that astounded us the most was actually hearing whale vocalizations through the hull of our boat! We had heard this was possible, but none of us had experienced it until today - it was pretty unreal! -Monika Wieland, Orca Behavior Institute
8:24 am - vocals faint, echolocation near.
8:08 am - K pod calls-OS
8:02 am - S4 calls-OS
7:48 am - S2iii calls on OS
7:35 am -Echolocation on OrcaSound now. -Alisa, ON
7:30 am - leaders approaching Open Bay. Monika Wieland
7:00 am - Echolocation and sounds like K calls still on Lime Kiln
6:29 am - Sounds like J pod on Lime Kiln -Alisa, ON
1:00 pm - at least 5, possibly as many as 8 animals. Approximately 37.671ºN, 123.119ºW ... that's a very inaccurate estimate - I'll try to get GPS coordinates from the boat captain. Traveling vaguely west, but a number of changes in direction were observed. They moved in line abreast for about 5 minutes, then changed direction and milled around for several more minutes. One large male had a notch cut into the trailing edge of his dorsal fin about 3/4 of the way down. -Steve Wood
(Orcas sighted in the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Alisa Schulman-Janiger and Dave Ellifrit have gone over these and could not identify them.)
Here is some information about an Orca sighting today at The Farallones. The sightings were from an Oceanic Society Expeditions boat. We would really love to know the identity of these whales. Please let us know once you have figured it out. Oceanic Society would be thrilled to share this information with its subscribers. Start of Encounter: 11 am 37 38. 680 N -123 06.285 W. End of Encounter: 1230 pm 37 43.070 N -123 12.596 W. There were 6 individuals -two large males with large dorsal fins, then two smaller animals with curved fins (possibly females or young males), then two small orcas, not tiny new born, but definitely calves. -Peter Winch
July 18
9:30 pm - We watched the evening run off the West coast of San Juan Island, this evening. 3-5 orcas (including one of the baby's) traveling and playing. -Josh Fuller
We had a whale-filled afternoon and evening, collecting data from J- and K-Pod whales on shore at Lime Kiln as they passed by four different times. It's not often you get to watch whales after sunset, but tonight was one of those nights! -Monika Wieland
9:15 pm - faint calls/clicks starting to be heard on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Cydnie Simons
8:51 pm - and here they come again! Good ol' Lime Kiln! -James Taylor
8:45 pm - the J16s just came back south. J26 Mike did a beauteous breach. Others now coming by.
7:20 pm - Black and whites headed north past Center for Whale Research right now. -Howard, ON
(July 17th) We watched L87 Onyx travel south, and when the rest of this companions turned around and headed north, he missed the switch...The J2's, J19's, and K14's headed all the way north, through Active Pass, and L87 Onyx was left by himself off the west side of San Juan Island. Since I've been watching these whales for the last three years, I've never seen him alone like that. At sunset he was seen traveling up the west side alone, and on the hydrophones you could hear his calls. Orcas have specific dialects, and vocalistic traditions unique to their pod and matriline. He called out off the west side of San Juan Island into the early morning. J2 Granny had lead her pod all the way back down south of the west side of San Juan Island by the morning (the 18th). Then she turned around and porpoised north at a fast pace. Finally L87 Onyx was spotted heading to San Juan Island from the west with a small group of K Pod whales. J2 Granny had also turned back around and was heading south. Orcas can hear extremely well, and probably heard one another once they entered into the same acoustical corridor. J2 Granny was there to meet L87 Onyx... We saw the J2's, J16's, J19's, J22's, K13's, and K14's today. Found the J16's and J22's foraging right outside of our harbor around 7:30 right before we headed in for the night. -Heather MacIntyre
J34 Doublestuf outside of Snug Harbor. His rake marks are healing, but it looks like he's still has some tissue showing. Orcas have very thin skin ... 3/4 inch thick. -Heather MacIntyre
6:40 pm - Vocals again on Lime Kiln hydrophone on the west side of San Juan Island. Hearing S1 calls and echolocation. Looking forward to learning who has come in from the west and/or back south. Beautiful evening listening to Southern Residents. -Alisa, ON
Around 2 PM J2s, J19s, and K14s went north. At 4:30 that same group went back south. At 5:30 we could see some whales coming across Haro (Jeanne confirmed she saw Onyx with the K13s in this inbound group - he was not with the J2s as usual). At 6:30 the J16s and J22s went north and we could see many boats to the south with more whales that never came up. At 9:15 the J16s and J22s went back south. -Monika Wieland
3:00-5:00 pm - We were at Lime Kiln today from about 3 until 5pm. We were lucky enough to catch a few of the orcas swimming southbound at a fast pace. We walked on the ferry and used San Juan Transit just for a day trip from Seattle with hopes our visiting niece would get to see them. I've tried for over ten years to see them from Lime Kiln. Today was the day! -Kathleen Love
3:21 pm - We were just there (Lime Kiln) capturing lots of pictures of around 9 orcas including a youngster! -Kathy Stevens Hitzemann
Watched the orcas for quite a while south of Lime Kiln- the baby was jumping and everyone was feeding. A minke came by about 3:30, so it was a great day! -Denise Jones
2:43 pm - hearing echolocation and few squeaks on OrcaSound now. -Alisa, ON
2:01 pm - Hearing calls on Lime Kiln now. -Anne Hazen
Beautiful day with Js, Eagle Pt to Hannah Heights. J-41 Eclipse and J51. J-19 Shachi - at Eagle Point, San Juan Islands-Bonnie Gretz
1:15 pm - About 10 whales just went past Eagle Point to False Bay moving quickly, some lunging close to shore. One large male and one tiny dude. 69 boats! mix of fishing boats and whale watch boats. -Jenny Stands Wilson
We received reports of two groups of orcasthis morning, one southbound in Rosario Strait and large pod inbound Straight of Juan de Fuca.
Midnight - Hearing him (L87 Onyx ) on Orca Sound. -Connie Bickerton
Watched [orcas] for quite a while south of Lime Kiln- the baby was jumping and everyone was feeding. A minke came by about 3:30, so it was a great day! -Denise Joines Minke in Haro Strait, somewhere between Eagle Point and Hannah Heights, San Juan Island. -Bonnie Gretz
We headed out towards Salmon Bank and found "Nick Jagger", the Minke whale who is easy to identify! -Jill Hein
July 17
11:57 pm - Sounds like he's back down to Lime Kiln. Back 'n forth, back 'n forth. Strange. -Cydnie Simons
10:15 pm - Has anyone heard any various vocals, or just the one call? The call I'm hearing now the OS hydrophones is S2iii, the L12 sub-group call, so I'm thinking it's likely we're hearing L87...I'm assuming it's L87 by himself. -Monika Wieland
9:30 pm - just starting to hear calls on the Orca Sound hydrophone. -Susan, ON
9:07 pm - Evening orca activity now at Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Cydnie Simons
We are vacationing at a wonderful cottage atop the cliffs at Eagle Point with a great view. We saw 4-5 Orcas around dinnertime not too far from shore. -Kathy Hitzemann
5:40 pm - Orca activity at Lime Kiln again 2:00 pm - They seem to be hanging around the area today. Still hearing and seeing them at Lime Kiln. (via hydrophone and webcam) -Cydnie Simons
Today, we first came across a pair of synchronized minkes not far from the south end of San Juan Island (SJI). We continued north following the K13s heading north along the west side of SJI. Near Hannah Heights, they suddenly turned south swimming hard against the current. There were several breaches from K44 Ripple as he swam alongside his mom K27 Deadhead. Then, K20 Spock followed by son K38 Comet turned and made a close pass by the boat. As we were getting ready to head home, L87 Onyx suddenly appeared not far from the boat quickly moving south. It was a lovely afternoon spent with whale friends followed by a stunning sunset... -Rachel Haight
He, L87, was with Granny headed north (in Haro Strait). They came up on J19s + K26 + others headed south in resting mode. The large group did a long dive and came up headed north. Onyx and Granny continued together for a while, but at the south end of Land Bank Onyx came out close to the boat. He almost passed under the bow and headed out alone towards the middle of Haro. -Connie Bickerton
J2s (includes J14s), J19s, K13s, and K14s went north past Lime Kiln from 1245-1345, then flipped and went back south by 1415. -Monika Wieland
It was very neat to see a tribal canoe out there with the whales today, drumming and singing as some Js and Ks went by.-Monika Wieland
1:09 pm - Calls on Lime Kiln. -Kim Merriman
Evening cruise, we first came across a pair of synchronized Minke whales not far from the south end of San Juan Island, near Salmon bank -Rachel Haight,
July 16
We traveled via Thatcher Pass, through the islands, and thanks to first mate Eric's "eagle eyes", found a humpback whale fairly close to the Lopez ferry dock! We were the first on scene and enjoyed watching him foraging for quite some time before other boats arrived. We then headed out towards Salmon Bank and found "Nick Jagger", the Minke whale who is easy to identify!! We also had the opportunity to see harbor seal pups at one of the popular haul-out areas, bald eagles, and a few harbor porpoise. Although the orcas were "far" up north today, we still had a great day viewing our local marine mammals! -Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist
July 15
9:20 pm - small orca pod headed north off Lime Kiln-coming past just at sunset! BEAUTIFUL! -Jasmyn De Sousa Jensen
From shore, SRKWs porpoising in crazy seas off the westside of San Juan Island this evening. -Monika Wieland
Many whales heading north and then south at Lime Kiln from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Don't know enough to tell you which pods they were but there were several calves. -Frank Cardinale
3:41 pm - Lime Kiln - now. -Jill Hein
3:32 pm - calls/echolocation on Lime Kiln hydrophone now.
2:58 pm - Orcas visible on Lime Kiln webcam, but being quiet so far. -Cydnie Simons
1:41 pm - K14s, K13s, some J19s, and good ol' Granny, J2! -James Taylor
1:04 pm - LOTS of chatter on Orcasound. -Kim Merriman
It was the K13s that came down past Lime Kiln. -Monika Wieland
We found the J14s J19's K14's and J2! They came up porpoising by us from the south! And they met up with K13's when turning south at the light. I only saw K20 because we had to keep moving... Too bad for that because the whales were in two big fun playful groups! J51 was breaching like crazy! Even K20 did two bellyflops! -Barbara Bender
11:57 am - Now hearing vocalizing on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Alisa, ON
11:28 am - Southern Residents on OrcaSound hydrophone. -Gayle Swigart
9:45 am - A few orcas, probably transients ???? (SRKWs were reported in the vicinity-ALB) but hauled out seals and pups aren't concerned, going past east to west, Flint Beach, Lopez Island. -Sally Reeve
L54 and L84 were off Sooke. -Paul Pudwell
July 14
Pretty sweet day! My first trip driving for Seabreeze and they were right on our doorstep! (Richmond, BC) It was pretty cool to see little J51 spending a lot of time away from mom and hanging out and playing with J47! J47 "Notch" breached beside J35 while an eagle hovers in the near distance-Gary Sutton
The Resident orcas sure have been going the distance lately...members of J and K Pod went north again, through Active Pass. Active Pass has got to me one of my most favorite spots to watch orcas. L87 Onyx and J2 Granny. I love the bond these two have. For those of you that don't know, J2 adopted L87 after he was orphaned, and after the members of K Pod that he traveled with died. L87 has seen a lot of loss in his short life, but hopefully with J2 by his side he feels a sense of security. -Heather MacIntyre
2:04 pm - Some Js and Ks did go north, other whales still south of Lime Kiln. -Monika Wieland
12:43 pm - loud calls and echo again on Lime Kiln, sounded like Ks at 12:50.
11:35 am - SRKW vocals on Lime Kiln. -Alisa, ON
11:45 am - Orcas slowly going past, east to west, spread out. Flint Beach, Lopez Island. -Sally Reeve
We left at 9am and were on scene with orcas by 9:45 west of Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island (Rosario Strait). The orcas were very spread out (by the time we left for home, the orcas were separated by 18 miles), and the groups we caught up with were slowly meandering west. It was an incredibly relaxing trip where we were able to sit and let the orcas parade by. We also spotted a pair of tufted puffins and later found a bait ball with a harbor seal and spiny dogfish actively feeding. The last groups of whales to pass us were J16 & J50 followed by J36 & J52, a treat to see both babies! J52 was breaching, spyhopping, and porpoising as he passed by. Beautiful morning on the water. -Rachel Haight
8:30 am - This morning at Rosario Park (Deception Pass) I watched 7 or 8 Orcas pass and head south -SW on Whidbey. One male and at least one calf...possibly two. -Laura Love Wymore
7:00 AM - at least 20 orcas in four groups near Shannon Point, just off the Anacortes ferry terminal, in Rosario Strait. -Graham Dewitt, chief mate on the ferry Yakima.
6:50 pm - Checked with fishermen at Keystone - confirmed gray whale seen in the area.- Sandra Pollard
5:45 - report of a probable Gray whale east of the Keystone ferry terminal, (Coupeville) close to shore, like feeding.
July 13
This is a pretty cool sequence from our trip near the south arm of the Fraser River. Little J50 playing with Mom's leftover salmon! Can't see it completely but you can see her carrying it around in her mouth....pretty incredible! -Gary Sutton
J34, DoubleStuf breaching near Pt. Roberts! -James Maya
It was just one of those days ... We watched as J, K, and members of L Pod went north and through Active Pass again! I can't tell you how much I love watching 40+ fins enter into a respiratory synchronicity. It's magical. Have a great night everyone! -Heather MacIntyre
Loud calls by 8:42 S4s and S19s? 8:29 am -begin hearing faint calls and loud echolocation on OrcaSound. Ks?
7:36 am - start hearing SRKW calls including S1 and echolocation clicks. loud by 8:00am with a burst of calls including S4s...quiet by 8:15am. -Alisa, ON
I was awakened by loud blows at 5:12am at Eagle Cove, looked out and there were 15 +/- whales frolicking in the bay! Several large males, females and youngsters, all close together, very tactile behavior, rolling around, floating on their backs, tail slapping, pec slapping (looked like he was waving good morning) and several graceful spy hops. The littlest one did two partial breaches! So cute! They just swam around Eagle Point slowly heading north in a tight and playful family group! What a great way to start the day! I have a feeling its going to be an amazing whale day! -Lodie Budwill
Puget Sound 4:50 pm - There's one (humpback) out there right now. I'm looking at it. It's right in the middle of Commencement Bay, Tacoma, straight out from Sperry Landing or Jack Hyde park. -Corey Long
Puget Sound 8:55 am - Just spotted one (humpback) (in the last 15 minutes) off Old Town dock, heading west out of Commencement Bay. Too far out for photos. -Melora Haas Shelton
3:51 pm - Gray whale going west in front of Chito Beach Resort (Sekiu). Now feeding just east of Shipwreck Point. -Amy Harmon Cramer 7:20 pm - Saw what I think was a Humpback in Commencement Bay. (Confirmed -ALB) -Eric Elgar
July 12
From shores of North Pender Island: K33 Tika (top) next his mom K22 Seiku, then L86 Surprise, L27 Ophelia, and K12 Sequim (bottom) (K22's mom) 11:24 am - Had an unusual close visit. Orca, easing north from Mouat Point on North Pender Island. There was adult male and appeared to be youngsters in the group. There was some evidence of feeding but mostly they were traveling and some spyhopping. -Irma Eichler
(ID's by Alisa Lemire Brooks and Melisa Pinnow)
At Lime Kiln Point State Park, we were witnesses to a rare moment, as 31 whales were 'porpoising' south in the early afternoon! -Maryann Lovell
7:05 pm Orcas now visible on Lime Kiln webcam 6:55 pm - Evening calls & clicks starting up on Lime Kiln hydrophone -Cydnie Simons
We are finally getting a sprinkle of rain here in the Pacific Northwest. I love how cool and fresh the air is and I adore the cloud formations and the lighting that develops due to oncoming showers. We had members of all three resident pods off the south end of San Juan Island this afternoon in jaw-dropping light. -Katie Jones
1:30 pm - Lots of orcas from Eagle Point to Pile Point. Some close in and some further out, all passed by our rock and then angled over to Cattle Pass area then over closer to Hein Bank. One group in slow sleeping mode, tight together. All came back to our rock beginning at 6:00 until around 7:00, going towards Pile Point. Not too scientific but maybe gives you an idea of their movements, very fun to watch!! -Jenny Stands Wilson
This group of whales (J2s, J19s, and K14s see July 11th) made their way back down from the Fraser River and met up with other Js, Ks, and Ls in Haro Strait. Around noon we picked up the J2s, J19s, and K14s heading south with the K12s and K13s at Open Bay. Near Lime Kiln they also met up with the L4s and L47s, and off False Bay the J16s. I believe the rest of J-Pod was also back "in". We left them heading southwest from False Bay at 2 PM. -Monika Wieland, Orca Behavior Institute
1:00 pm - Loud calls on Lime Kiln. -Connie Bickerton
12:53 pm - they are back on Lime Kiln a few quiet squeals & whistles & clicks. They are being vewy vewy quiet. -Melissa Bird
12:28 pm - Ks and friends on OrcaSound
11:42 am - Calls and echolocation on OrcaSound
11:00 am - hearing SRKW vocals including S1 and S19? calls on Orca Sound hydrophone. While others are visible on Lime Kiln webcam. -Alisa, ON
11:32am - hearing calls on Orcasound hydrophone Cydnie SImons
11:01 am- Calls on Lime Kiln! -Jill Clogston
Report of a pod of orcas at Point Defiance in Dalco passage. (south Puget Sound)
Puget Sound ...we saw the (humpback) whale (who was circling around Brown's Point for hours) early evening. -Linda Bourlet
A humpback in Puget Sound between Vashon Island and Point Defiance -Levi Waggoner
4:10 pm - Minke milling just off the kelp line at Point Colville, Lopez Island. -Tom Reeve
6:45 am - Minke, close to shore between Eagle Point and False Bay. (San Juan Island) -Jenny Stands Wilson
4:30 pm - Minke swimming right beyond the kelp at Point Colville, Lopez Island. -Sally Reeve
July 11
K14 "Lea" Spyhop. Finally some RAIN!! Beautiful west coast day with Group A of J Pod and the K14's going through Active Pass. -Gary Sutton
J2 "Granny" in the back, K14 "Lea" leading the way, J14 "Samish" in the middle, J37 "Hy'Shqa" and J49 "T'ilem I'nges" in the front. -Gary Sutton
3:00 pm - We saw the orcas way north in the Swanson Channel near N. Pender and Prevost Islands. There were several orcas and they were headed north. We went through the pass between Mayne and Galiano (Active Pass). We saw a lot of jumping salmon which leads me to believe they were feeding, but I am not sure. We saw a few tail splashes and a couple of spy hops! Absolutely wonderful! -Shari Harris
Awesome day. We saw a male (orca) heading north at Lime Kiln park at 9.15 am. Spend the day on the water. Cross a few porpoises path. And the highlight of the day: paddle along a young minke at 4 pm, it stayed south of the lighthouse for the about 45 minutes swimming back an forth. -Patrick Vegas
On the morning of July 11th we had the J2s, J19s, and K14s heading north from Open Bay to Stuart Island between 10 and 11:30 AM. -Monika Wieland
A big spyhop during a fun morning on the water with some members of J- and K-Pods. -Monika Wieland
9:17 am - begin hearing S4 calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Monika Wieland
8:00 am - Good morning! Approx. 10 whales close to shore, going from Eagle Point to Pile Point, spread out in small groups. Playful young one. One large male -Jenny Stands Wilson
Puget Sound 11:00-11:30am watched humpback between Point Defiance and Vashon Island. When I first saw it, it was about 100 feet off of Point Defiance. Last sighting it was closer to SW end of Vashon. It was always "facing" east when it came up, but was generally traveling north. I'm guessing it ended up heading up the west side of Vashon, but don't know for sure. -Levi Waggoner
Juan de Fuca Strait About Noon time- Less than an hour out of Port Angeles we found at least 6 humpbacks including Split Fin (BCZ0298), Split Fluke (BCX1068), BCX1057, Heather (BCY0160) and her calf and possibly MM20004 (no photo's of this one.) Split fin spent as much time on his back or side as he did swimming right side up. He also breached multiple times. After all that activity the three finally settled down, just swimming along, but one of them trumpeted, a sound I had never heard in the wild. We left the first three, passed MM20004, and then spent a bit of time with Heather and her calf as they cruised east at a steady pace. -Connie Bickerton
4:00 pm - Minke milling off Flint Beach, Lopez Island -Tom Reeve
And the highlight of the day: paddle along a young minke at 4 pm, it stayed south of the lighthouse for the about 45 minutes swimming back an forth. -Patrick Vegas
10:22am - just saw a Minke whale headed for the light house! (Lime Kiln State Park). -Casey Fitzgerald
July 10
Little J51 was breaching like crazy, near Eagle Cove, San Juan Island. I love watching the babies, especially when they're playful! -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
Yoda (K36) breaching tonight. The J14s and K14s were hanging out and the kids were in full-on social mode. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
L087 breaching off of freighter wake in the Oak Bay Flats -Mark Malleson
It's been blustery out there for day's now! I can't wait for when the water is like glass again. ...here are some shots with the J2's, J19's, and K14's off False Bay. I have to say, J51 was in a particularly rambunctious mood (if such a thing happens to orcas)! -Heather MacIntyre
16:37 Hearing calls on Lime Kiln. -Jill Clogston
July 9
K26 porpoising in Boundary Pass -Michael Colahan
Well, today was one of coolest encounters I've had in a while. Went way up north near Point Roberts to catch up with some of the whales that were having a bit of a party on the west side of San Juan last night until about midnight. Was worth the run though! Lots of wonderful activity with spyhops and breaches galore! Here's a couple of J19, Shachi. Thank you to my buddy Katie Spyhopper Travels Photography for the id!-Taci Walter
K26 porpoising in Boundary Pass -Michael Colahan
Did anyone else happen to see a pod of orcas off of the Discovery Park beach (West Point Seattle) area around 10:30 this morning? My friend and I didn't have binoculars but we both saw what looked like 4-5 whales...is this possible? -Jennifer Lausen
Puget Sound - Report from Emily Crandall and Benjamin Doerr who spotted what most likely was a small humpback off the SE coast of Bainbridge Island, just outside the mouth of Blakely Harbor. It moved very swiftly to the south and they parted ways at the red buoy off Restoration Point.
July 8
2:20 pm - Beautiful sighting! Otter Point (Sooke, BC) on the Juan de Fuca. So large a pod (40-50) that we were able to watch them for at least 15 min. All sizes. Traveling but there was a bit of play. Filled my heart! -Martine Skillen
San Juan Island between Eagle Point and Pile Point. Whales all day from 6:00 AM until after dark, very spread out, nice. Slowly moved back and forth between Pile Point and off Eagle Point. -Jenny Stands Wilson
10:40 pm. Both hydros for the past hr. I've heard all 3 pods. Echoing J calls and echolocation on OS now. -James Gresham
9:56 pm - I got off for a while during boat noise and then couldn't get back on, but just re-established connection and calls still going strong and beautiful. Can hear on both Lime Kiln and Orcasound, but Orcasound seems to be a little more frequent. -Debbie Stewart
9:45 pm - Meow on LK and Orcasound hydrophones. -Else Jean Jensen
7:25 pm - calls started up again on Lime Kiln, sounded like some Ks and Ls. Webcam showed northbound orcas. With ship noise on Lime Kiln I tuned into Orca Sound at approx. 8:06 pm and heard distant calls. Calls from what sounded to be members of all pods continued simultaneoulsy on both Lime Kiln and OrcaSound. I've at least 8 recordings and many notes to sift through but definite loud S4 calls at LK around 10:30. A beautiful summer evening filled with SRKWs in stereo throughout Haro Strait. Calls, whistles and echolocation continued late into the night. At 10:50pm I turned off as the communication played on. -Alisa, ON
4:22 pm - Orcas are on Lime Kiln again! Kinda sounds like L pod. They've been chattering away for quite a while. -Amanda Fitzgerald
3:57pm - Hearing calls on lime kiln hydrophone! -Nikki Culbertson
3:54 pm - start hearing calls again, continues for 25 minutes. -Alisa, ON
11:21 am -Orcas on the Lime Kiln webcam! -Theresa Rivkin
11:07 am - Calls again on Lime Kiln hydrophone, sounds like K pod. Visual of at least 4 orcas (including bull) on the webcam, southbound. -Alisa, ON
10:16 am - YAY! Calls on Lime Kiln hydros right now, too. -Kim Merriman
10:59 a.m. More calls on Lime Kiln.
10:03 a.m. Faint calls on Lime Kiln. -Jill Clogston
9:15 am - Clicks just started on Lime Kiln! -Monika Wieland
At about 8:00 am one of our passengers reported a whale behaving much like the Humpback we saw yesterday, east of the traffic lanes near Meadow Point (Golden Gardens, north Seattle) moving South. I didn't see it myself since they reported it 10 minutes after we had passed but it sounds like the same animal, with a hunched back. -Justine Buckmaster
Heard reports of a gray whale in Dyes Inlet about 8:30 tonight. -Karen Guyt
A Gray whale was reported in this general area of Bremerton a month ago: Sinclair Inlet on June 9th, Dyes on June 10th and back in Sinclair Inlet on June 11th. -ALB
We were headed out on our way down towards the West side of San Juan Island when we got a report of a group of orca up towards Entrance Island. We altered course to see if we could find them and were rewarded with a visit with T125, T127 (not sure where T128 or T125A were), and the T46Cs (T46C, T46C1, T46C2 and T46C3). Great group who had a seal snack during our visit with them! Have a great evening! -Ashley Keegan
July 7
Surprise! Coming home this evening...The J16s, off of the SJ County Park, going north. -James Maya
L89, Solstice. Taken tonight near American Camp National Park. I just love the water stream on the dorsal fin. -Traci Walter
5:10pm (PDT) calls and echolocation clicks on Lime Kiln hydrophone.
4:35pm (PDT) vocalizations starting to be heard now on Orcasound hydrophone. -Cydnie Simons
Lovely day again on the west side of San Juan Island (plus a bit less smokey.) Watched 6-7 whales from both West Side preserve and Lime Kiln. -Cindy Jackson
3:54 pm - Yes S4 calls. They've moved north of the Lighthouse, out of view. 3:30 pm - J 16's (at Lime Kiln)...more on the way! -James Taylor
3:28 pm - nice S4 calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone...J pod. -Alisa, ON
2:59 pm - Hearing some honks and squeaks on Lime Kiln Hydrophone! -Denise Stubbs
2:28pm (PDT) Orcas on Lime Kiln Webcam. -Cydnie Simons
With overcast skies and hazy air, we headed to the west side of San Juan Island, hearing that J-pod was in the area. But first checked out all the beautiful harbor seals, some with new pups on Colville Island. Continuing north, we found - not J-pod (who were further north) - but members of K-pod AND L-pod!! We spent time with the K-12s and L-22 and her son L89, what a treat! They traveled north, then south, between Hannah Heights and Cattle Point. So beautiful to see them in the mirror-like conditions of the Salish Sea - what an amazing day for us all, with lots of sea-birds, harbor porpoise, and bald eagles. -Jill Hein
A trio of three male orcas gave us quite a unique and intimate show of behavior in the afternoonfrom the Island Explorer 3. L89, K33, and K37 followed each other around in circles, rolling around, splashing, lunging, and taillobbing. The behavior kept going on for quite a while before K37 peeled off and the other two just continued with the play. We could only take wild guesses at what it meant to all of them, but it sure looked like some big time bonding with the dudes! -Bart Rulon
K44 spyhop, and K13, this afternoon off of Point Roberts. -Gary Sutton
We spent time with the K13's out in the middle of the Strait of Georgia as they headed towards East Point. This was my first opportunity this season to see this family. While the waves weren't very big, the current was fairly strong so we saw them splashing through the water. -Ashley Keegan
We spotted a humpback whale in Puget Sound! Just south of Point Wells moving south, keeping a low profile at 8:35ish. The poor guy is VERY hunched over, only showing his dorsal fin on deep dives. May have entangled flukes or spinal deformity. Will post photos soon...He's very hard to spot, only lifting himself just high enough to breathe and taking 3-4 minute dives between each dive sequence. -Justine Buckmaster
8:30 am - This is the little Humpback Juvenile with the hunched backoff Point Wells, Woodway. He was very shy and could only get the very top of his dorsal area. Came to surface a number of times but then rolled under the water only showing a small portion of his back. -Wayne McFarland
July 6
Members of J, K, and L Pods went back and forth off the west side of San Juan Island all day. I heard that the L22s were hanging out off False Bay (while the rest of the L12 sub-group had gone west). The others came down Haro in the morning, went north in the afternoon, and then came south again in the evening. I saw this third pass as they headed south past Lime Kiln around 6:30 PM. Not quite everyone was present - the J16s and perhaps a few more were continuing north, but the rest of J-Pod, most or all of K-Pod, and most or all of the Ls (minus the L22s) were there. There are 4 L-Pod whales (L72, L105, L90, and L92) that usually travel with the Greater L4s that haven't been with them in inland waters so far this summer, but they were back with the pack. That means I got to see them for the first time this year! Distinct male L92 Crewser is shown here in the orange waters off Lime Kiln. The abundance of local wildfires has made for the surreal lighting these last couple of days. -Monika Wieland
K21 Cappuccino surfacing just north of Henry Island this evening. No filter on this, it's all that hazy, smoky lighting. It was, despite the smokiness, really nice to see this big guy. -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
6:34 pm - intermittent echo clicks and some squeaks on the hydrophones at Lime Kiln right now...sound distant and getting closer... -Wayne McFarland
4:38 pm - I took a whale watching tour out of Friday Harbor on Monday. We saw 35-40 orcas, and the guide said it was one of the best tours she'd ever done as far as the number of whales we saw. We were on the west side of San Juan Island, and went up past the Lime Kiln Lighthouse. -Barb White
4:10 pm - Orca sighting: two groups of orcas (including 3 males) about 5 minutes apart by County Park (west side San Juan Island). -Ruth Malick
4:00 pm - Beautiful talking, singing, clicking on Lime Kiln Hydrophone. -Michelle Booker
I hear " voices" @ 3:56 Lime Kiln. -Lore Borras
12:06 pm - They are milling off American camp now.
11:00-11:28 am - Parade of whales by Lime Kiln...Although we missed front of pod, we estimate about 30 just since we arrived. Appears last one passed by about 11:28. Whale soup at Lime Kiln Lighthouse this afternoon. A whale photographer standing next to us said J, K and L were the groups we saw today. She said the babies in front of us were J50 and J52, J51 had gone by earlier. We watched from American camp until about 1:30. We thought pod had headed out but some turned and came back to the camp where they appeared to be milling and feeding. Saw some lunge behavior like they were chasing fish. They appeared to be slowly working their way north again maybe back to Lime Kiln. One whale further out in channel breached and lobbed so may times (more than 20), that I stopped counting. Numerous whale boats in area, so imagine pics will start streaming in. What a lucky, wonderful day! -Krista Paulino
J-16 (Slick ) and her calf J50 cruising along south of Lime Kiln. -Wayne McFarland
12:45 pm - Just followed a group of orcas down the west side of the island, past Eagles cove and South Beach. 11:00 - still can hear them. -Cynthia Smith Jackson
It was a breach-fest this morning. Even Spirit (L22) got in on the action! -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
11:56am - hearing some vocalizations again on Lime Kiln hydrophone.
10:58am - vocalizations now on both Lime Kiln and Orcasound hydrophones. -Cydnie Simons
10:25 am - Calls and echolocation on Orca Sound hydrophones! -Pam Ren
Humpback spotted at Bush Point at 19:00. Close to Whidbey then headed towards Hood Canal. -Marlene Naughton
July 5
J2 Granny in the back, J22 Oreo in front just after they had exited Active Pass, BC. -Heather MacIntyre
Well it was a bumpy ride getting there yesterday but we had a WHOLE LOT OF RESIDENTS! All of J's, All of K's and most of L's in Swanson Channel heading into Active Pass. It's been so long since I've seen so many of them together....incredible day....even with a boat breakdown on my way home. -Gary Sutton
We had some rather eerie lighting effects and cloud cover due to the wildfires as we neared Vancouver Island, B.C. With reports of L pod whales in the area, we were delighted to see Crewser (L92) and Ballena (L90) as these whales had not been seen in the San Juans this year. Racer (L72) and Fluke (L105) were also spotted and confirmed by the Center for Whale Research, which carries out an annual census of the endangered Southern Resident orcas. The whales were actively hunting for their favorite food, the Omega rich Chinook (King) salmon, with some fast porpoising and tail-slaps. -Sandra Pollard
Beautiful breach scene with one of the Southern Residents off the west side of Pender Island this morning on their northbound travels through the smokey haze enveloping BC. -Cathy Miller Scott
This family (including K pod) passed by Mouat Point, Pender Island, at about 12:45 pm today. Lots of tail flaps and some breaching. Link to Facebook video which includes members of K pod. -Barb Floyd
12:30 pm - two orcas milling off Eagle Point, amongst the leaping salmon. -Tom Reeve
This was in Canada on the west side of Pender Islands. K Pod (K25, 26, 20, 21, and 33, Cappucino, Spock, Comet, etc.) around 10:30 - 11 a.m. -Cathy Miller Scott
L12s went back south offshore, all others continued north. Monika Wieland
8:55 am - hearing calls again on Lime Kiln
7:04 am - start hearing vocals on OrcaSound. -Alisa, ON
6:45 am (PDT) vocalizations at Lime Kiln. -Cydnie Simons
I was listening to them on the hydrophone & watching them on the Line Kiln webcam this morning from the 6:30am to 7am. Sounded like J Pod. They were VERY active & vocal. -Jacqueline Slaughter
Awesome night in Howe Sound with the T46's (Bigg's/Transient orcas). I can't remember seeing this group before so it was pretty special. It was our first sunset eco tour of the season and we had killer whales and an epic sunset! -Gary Sutton
July 4
Just checked in on the Lime Kiln hydrophone at approximately 8:43pm. Heard very faint calls that sounded like S1's... Likely J pod. However a vessel of some sort arrived at around 8:50 making it too loud to hear SRKW, and the calls seem to have disappeared since the boat has been gone. -Grace Guiney
6:30 pm - Calls on Orcasound hydrophone -Stacy Boddy
6:15 pm - Intermittent, faint SRKW vocals still going on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Alisa, ON
5:49 pm - Calls on Lime Kiln (behind the boat noise!) -Ali Barratt
5:30 pm - We saw the tail end of group (j pod?) from the pull outs above Lime Kiln, they were southbound. -Nadine Smith Cook
Went out on the afternoon tour on the Chilkat out of Edmonds, Wa. We travelled up north of Lime Kiln and spent some precious time with the J16's in particular. Mike (J26) was present as well as his family, breaches, spyhops, cartwheels and cute behaviors by baby J50! -Janine Harles
2:30 pm - Saw whales at South Beach on San Juan Island . -Megan Taylor
7:18 am - S4 calls 7:13 am - S1 calls 7:03 am - Through the whir of the fans, hearing echolocation on Lime Kiln hydrophone. Faint calls shortly after. Southbound via visual on webcam. -Alisa, ON
7:30 am - A minke was hanging about and apparently feeding near shore just east of Flint Beach, south Lopez. -Tom Reeve
July 3
Mako (J39) was doing some serious foraging today but he interrupted his salmon-chasing to do a cartwheel and breach in the wake of a boat that zoomed by completely oblivious to his presence. You tell him, buddy! -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
J34 Doublestuf fishing in a strong current. Evening near Eagle Point, San Juan Island. -James Gresham
J35 Tahlequah and her son J47 Notch were full of all kinds of energy as they passed Lime Kiln. -Monika Wieland
11:24 am - J pod were active today off Pender Island! They were heading towards Boundary Pass. We left them approaching Saturna Island at 12:10 pm. -Ali Barratt
8:24 am - Serious jumpers out there off Eagle Point... and a tight shoreline pass by my favorite black n whites! Hope they are enjoying a feast of salmon breakfast!! -Erin Corra
6:02 am - Beautiful morning...SRKWs on Lime Kiln, including S4 calls and echolocation. Southbound via visual on webcam. -Alisa, ON
6:01 am - Calls and echolocation on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Jill Clogston
July 2
Sunset whales...The same whales that have been around for the past week or so (J-pod, Group A and the K14s) were off the west side and heading south in a hurry. On our way out we stopped for a quick but excellent look at a couple of minke whales that were foraging off of Salmon Bank. We continued north but we didn't have to go far before the evening light began illuminating the blows of our orca friends. The first whales we saw were Hy'shqa (J37) and her young son, T'ilem I'nges (J49). This young male was the last baby to be born and survive before we welcomed our four new babies. He'll be three years old this year! He's growing up so quickly. I've noticed it a little recently but tonight especially so that his dorsal is starting to look a lot like his mother's... -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
5:34 pm (PDT) - Orca's vocal and visual at Lime Kiln -Cydnie Simons
Loud vocals 5:30-5:35pm
5:08 pm - calls being heard on Lime Kiln hydro. -Brendon Bissonnette
It's been incredibly hot here in the Salish Sea, but we've had some amazing encounters...J's and K's made their way down to Lopez Island, then turned around and went right back up the west side of San Juan Island. -Heather MacIntyre
J19 on the outside, little J51 popping up in the middle, with his mom J41 on the inside off Long Island, south Lopez. -Heather MacIntyre
And at 2:15 they came back the other way (east to west). At least a dozen orcas. From 12:15 to 12:45 today we had a wonderful parade of orcas headed west to east off of Flint Beach on the south end of Lopez Island. Lots of whale boats out and lots of happy sunburned clients. -Tom Reeve
8:24 am - start hearing echolocation on Lime Kiln hydrophone, faint couple of calls shortly after. -Alisa, ON
8:05 am - hearing a few faint calls behind the ship noise on Orca Sound, echolocation now also. -Pam Ren
6:24 am - Pod of orcas. They're heading north, on the west side of Pender Island. -Chris Troutner
Sunset whales...The same whales that have been around for the past week or so (J-pod, Group A and the K14s) were off the west side and heading south in a hurry. On our way out we stopped for a quick but excellent look at a couple of minke whales that were foraging off of Salmon Bank -Sara Hysong-Shimazu
Minke Whale was hanging out with the Js & Ks today near Sand Juan Island. -Janine Harles
July 1
I had whales this evening from 7:30PM to 8:50PM. My rock lookout is between Eagle Point and False Bay. Closer to Eagle Point. 8 whales. No large males. Couple of little dudes. A bit spread out. One group of 3 then a group of two then a group of three. Slowly, leisurely going from False Bay to Eagle Point. Went around Eagle Point by 8:50. Quiet and peaceful, no boats after the first 5 minutes. -Jenny Stands Wilson
We caught up to members of J pod foraging and moving south along the west side of San Juan Island. On the way home, we also found two minkes, and in Rosario Strait, two more humpbacks! Breaching youngster south of Lime Kiln in the afternoon. Melisa Pinnow, volunteer Center for Whale Research, believes it to be L110. -Rachel Haight
4:57 pm - hearing them on Lime Kiln -Gayle Swigart
5:45 pm - loud S4 calls on LK.
5:15 pm - Southern Residents now on the Lime Kiln hydrophone.
4:22pm- sounds like Ks and/or Js on OrcaSound. -Alisa, ON
9:00 am - Jenny Wilson called with a sighting of a minke mom and baby she watched for about an hour off San Juan Island, between Eagle Point and Pile Point.
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