
Report Dead or Stranded Marine Mammals

Central Puget Sound Marine Mammal Stranding Network Responds to strandings in the following region: Whidbey & Camano Islands (Island County), Skagit County, and North Snohomish County. To report stranded marine mammals in this region,
please call: 1-866-ORCANET (866-672-2638) or 949-233-2822
or email: strandings@orcanetwork.org.

To report stranded marine mammals in other regions of Washington State or in Oregon,
Go here for NOAA's Marine Mammal Stranding Network Contact Maps for Washington, Puget Sound, and Oregon Stranding Networks.

please call the NOAA Fisheries Hotline: 1-866-767-6114.

To report large whale entanglements,
please call the Large Whale Entanglement Hotline (Pacific US Coast):
1-877-SOS-WHALE (1-877-767-9425).

To report stranded marine mammals in British Columbia, Canada,
please call DFO’s hotline: 1-800-465-4336.

Here’s what to do when you find a marine mammal on the beach.

Identify Marine Mammals of the Salish Sea with this beautiful poster.


Flyers - for distribution:

Signs - for posting near stranded marine mammals:

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