All About Orcas


List of births and deaths since 1998 with pictures. Southern Resident Orca Population Chart showing J, K and L Pod Census results.

Births and Deaths

Southern Resident Orca Community Demographics, Composition of Pods, Births and Deaths since 1998

Whale Tales

Stories of resident orcas including Granny, Keiko, Luna, Springer, Morgan, Lummi, Tilikum and Victoria.


Orca Month

Orca Month in June is a chance to celebrate one of our region’s most iconic wildlife species, and also an opportunity to reflect on the plight of these fragile creatures.

Natural History

Scientific papers, books and links about orcas and other cetaceans.

Orcas of the Salish Sea

The Natural History of Orcas. “The black dorsal fin slices up slowly with barely a ripple…”


Snake River Dam Removal

Orca scientists call for Lower Snake Dam removal to help endangered Orcas.

Habitat and Salmon

If the orcas could say only one thing to us, it would probably be: "Bring back the fish."

Whale Watching Tips

Proper boat handling near whales requires both knowledge of whale behavior and a respectful attitude.

