Orca Network Classes
We encourage you to take a look at our classes below or find more at Orca Network’s Webinar Playlist HERE.
Orcas Inspire Us
June 1, 2020
Ken Balcomb from the Center for Whale Research tells the history of Orca Survey from the 1970s to present, the role of males in orca matrilines, the pressing need to restore native salmon habitat, including Snake River dam removal, and who he would most like to talk to about it. Howard Garrett describes the main obstacles to retiring Tokitae and Susan Berta from Orca Network discussed the history and inspiration of Orca Month. The webinar includes questions to the panelists. Watch here.
Our Orcas Live in Toxic Waters
June 8, 2020
Orca Network's second in a series of webinars as part of Orca Action Month 2020 took place June 8 to discuss contaminants in Southern Resident orcas and how we can all do our part to reduce toxic pollution. Participants are Teresa Lawson - NOAA, Alyssa Barton - Puget Soundkeeper, Nancy Uding - Toxic Free Future, and Mindy Roberts - Washington Environmental Council. Watch here.
Our Orcas Live in Noisy Waters
June 16, 2020
Please join us for the third in our series of webinars as part of Orca Action Month 2020, where we discuss shipping traffic and underwater noise disturbance with Scott Veirs from OrcaSound and Rick Huey and Adrienne Stutes from Washington State Ferries. Watch here.