Orca Network Video Library

Visit our Orca Network Youtube Channel for a wide range of videos.

Are Killer Whale Males Mama's Boys?!? by Dr Emma Foster, presented by H Garrett
"Adaptive Prolonged Postreproductive Life Span in Killer Whales" (2012) by Emma Foster, et al., describes menopause in orcas and the lifelong bonds between orca mothers and their sons in the So. and No. Resident orca communities. Emma's paper is presented by Howard Garrett at the Ways of Whales Workshop in Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Jan. 26, 2012, sponsored by Orca Network. Videography by Richard Snowberger.

A Day in the Life of Lolita, the Performing Orca. Lolita Documentary produced by Daniel Azarian, featuring Dr. Ingrid Visser. Filmed in Miami, Summer 2013.


The Gray Whales of San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja. Filmmaker John Gussman joined Orca Network on our March 2020 excursion to visit the Gray whales on the southern end of their migration.

Share the Water with Lynne Barre. The first in a series of webinars about responsible boating around whales, and how to Share the Water.

Orca Network Orca Month Webinar Series (1). Our first in a series of webinars celebrating Orca Action Month through the month of June. To kick off the series, we will hear from Ken Balcomb of the Center for Whale Research, and Howard Garrett and Susan Berta of Orca Network. Learn about the history of Orca Survey from the 1970s to the present, and about the history and inspiration of Orca Month.


Orca Network Orca Month Webinar Series: Our Orcas Live in Toxic Waters (2). Please join us for a panel discussion about contaminants in Southern Resident orcas and how we can all do our part to reduce toxic pollution. Speakers include: Teresa Mongillo - NOAA Fisheries, Alyssa Barton - Puget Soundkeeper, Nancy Uding - Toxic Free Future and Mindy Roberts - Washington Environmental Council.

Orca Network Orca Month Video Series: Our Orcas Live in Noisy Waters (3). Please join us for the third in our series of webinars as part of Orca Action Month 2020, where we discuss shipping traffic and underwater noise disturbance with Scott Veirs from OrcaSound and Rick Huey and Adrienne Stutes from Washington State Ferries.

Orca Network Orca Month Webinar: Our Orcas are Hungry (4). Please join us for a discussion about the intertwined fates of Southern Resident orcas and salmon. Speakers include Dr. Deborah Giles from Wild Orca and Conservation Canines, and Monika Wieland Shields from the Orca Behavior Institute.

Orca Network Youth Activity for Orca Month, June 2020. Orca Network's FIRST ZOOM Youth Activity! June 17, 2020: We will learn about Orcas during Orca Action Month. Cindy Hansen, Orca Network Education Director will lead the lesson, and Amanda Colbert will have a simple Activity to share using items found at home. Check this page soon for supplies needed or email wendylsines@gmail.com.

Shifting Trends in Orca Captivity - Ways of Whales 2012. Howard Garrett of Orca Network describes historical events and recent developments in the public's perception of the practice of holding orcas in captivity for entertainment revenue.




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